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SWF: Steering The Ship

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Joey Morgan [vs] 'The Radioactive Wrecking Machine' Atom Smasher - Let him finish it off! Don't know if you watch The Boys, but he's giving off big Homelander vibes.


Masked Patriot & Matty Faith [vs] Sammy Smoke and ???


#1 Contenders Match:

'The Show Stealer' ZWB [vs] 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez


Hawaiian Crush [vs] James Prudence & Robbie Wright


'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown [vs] Primus Allen


#1 Contenders Match:

'Every Woman's Dream' Valiant [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson - Let's go with Scythe and/or Rogue screwing everything up here.


Who is announced as the NEW General Manager of Supreme TV? I assume it won't be Eric Eisen and think it will be someone off the board, but I'm not sure who. I'll piggyback on Emma Chase.

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January 2020, Week 4…


On Commentary:




Duane Fry, Ana Garcia and Franklin Fumier



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Rock And Roll General Manager!


We kicked off the show in the same way as we did last week... With SWF Owner Jerry Eisen, his Brother Eric Eisen, and Eric's fiancée Emma Chase all stood in the ring... Jerry had a microphone, while Eric and Emma stood behind him, holding hands... Looking like they knew what Jerry was about to say...




Jerry Eisen:
“Ladies and Gentlemen... As I said last week, the time has come for Supreme TV shows, and Pay-Per-Views, to be managed by a 'General Manager'... I wanted someone who knows this company very, very, well... I wanted someone I could trust... And I wanted someone with charisma, and that kind of 'wrestling mind'... to make this show the best it can possibly be each week... but also to APPEAR on the show from time to time!!”


Every time Jerry mentioned a skill or attribute he was looking for, Eric seemed to grow in stature... Emma patted him on the back each time, as if they expected Eric to be the man named as the new General Manager...!!


Jerry Eisen:
“So... Ladies and Gentlemen... it gives me great pleasure to announce... That with the backing of the Board of Directors... a former SWF World Heavyweight Champion will take over the running of the shows... So please... give a warm welcome... to a man who retired from in-ring competition a little while ago... JACK... BRUCE!!”




The former 7-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion came through the curtain to a huge ovation... the likes of which this company hasn't seen for over six months (when Bruce retired)... Bruce shook Jerry's hand, but Eric and Emma didn't stick around for the formalities... looking extremely upset by Jack's appointment... But the 'Rock Star' didn't care... After six months out of the spotlight, this was his moment... He was quick to say that he's not returning to wrestle though...


Jack Bruce:
“My career was... It was the perfect journey, for me... I will respect the fact that Rocky Golden beat me, and my in-ring career is over... Tonight's not about me... I'm here to help... I'm here to make the shows amazing, with all the amazing talent this company has at its disposal... Starting with, Nothing To Lose... A very important Pay-Per-View... particularly with the Number One Contender for the SWF World Heavyweight Title: The Crippler, out injured...!!”


Bruce booked two matches for tonight: Valiant versus Remo Richardson for the NEW Number One Contender for the SWF World Heavyweight Title... and ZWB versus Jimmy Hernandez for a shot at the SWF North American Title...


He then made mention of a Six-Way Ladder Match scheduled for Nothing To Lose... called 'Everything To Gain'... and said he'd be periodically naming the six competitors over the next couple of weeks!! (more on that later)...






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Joey Morgan [vs] 'The Radioactive Wrecking Machine' Atom Smasher


Two excellent in-ring performers here, but the match turned into more of a fight than anything. Atom Smasher has so far taken out Steven Parker and Angry Gilmore (two of Joey Morgan's stable-mates), and American Machine this year, and Morgan was determined to make sure he didn't become Smasher's fourth victim of his 2020 path of destruction. Morgan started on the front foot, going after Smasher in the corner, but the referee intervened and it allowed Smasher to gain an unfair advantage with a low looking kick! The match was a short but furious one, with Smasher winning it in the end with his 'Mushroom Cloud'.



'The Radioactive Wrecking Machine' Atom Smasher

'Mushroom Cloud' (Piledriver)



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Back And Angry


After the match was done, it quickly became clear that Arom Smasher wasn't... He slid out of the ring, and began stripping the announce table... Ready to send Joey Morgan THROUGH the table!!




Morgan tried to fight Smasher off of him, but having just wrestled a fast-paced match, not to mention the 'Mushroom Cloud' he just took courtesy of Smasher, meant that he had nothing left to give... It quickly became clear that he was going to go through the table if nobody helped him... Luckily for Morgan... Angry Gilmore was BACK tonight...!!




Gilmore sprinted to the ring, and Atom Smasher got out of there as quickly as he could...!! Morgan was saved from going through the announce table, this time...






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Slap Stick Comedy


The Rat Pack were sitting in their usual drinking spot – a cocktail bar... Monty Trescarde, Paul Huntingdon and Justin Sensitive were laughing at a story Hollywood Bret Starr was in the midst of telling...




Hollywood Bret Starr
“And then I said... You think that's impressive... Hold my Vodka Cranberry...!!”


Trescarde and Huntingdon were smart enough to laugh at their leader's joke... But Justin Sensitive didn't... A fact that Bret took personal offence to...!! So much so, that he SLAPPED his stable-mate around the back of his head, causing him to spit out the small sip of drink he'd just taken...






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Masked Patriot & Matty Faith [vs] Sammy Smoke and Makutsi


Last week, Sammy Smoke slapped Matty Faith, and he beat Masked Patriot two weeks ago too. He refused to reveal his partner for this match until he made his way to the ring. The Vicious Makutsi came out, and he dominated the fan favourites. In the end, 'The African Assassin' hit the 'Out Of Africa' cutter on Faith.



Sammy Smoke and Makutsi

'Out Of Africa' Cutter





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Dragon Dollars


We cut to the Men's Locker room next, where Mikey Lau and Brandon James were talking... There was a large amount of mutual respect between the two fan favourites...




Mikey asked 'Big Money' about his continuing feud with Randy Unleashed and co... and Brandon responded by saying he's going to teach all three of those little punks some valuable lessons... But as they were talking, in walked Jack Bruce!!




Jack Bruce:
“Boys... I saw what you did at When Hell Freezes Over, and I gotta say... you make a great team... But I see you both as potential SWF World Heavyweight Champions... 'Big Cat'... You've been a loyal servant to the Supreme Wrestling Federation, and have only had one reign in 13 years... 'Dragon'... 5 years here, and you're reaching your prime... To take the 'next step', I'm entering you BOTH into the Six-Man, Everything To Gain, Ladder Match for the Nothing To Lose Pay-Per-View... Good luck!!”


We're going to have a full explanation of the rules for the Ladder Match next week...!!






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#1 Contenders Match:



'The Show Stealer' ZWB [vs] 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez


SWF North American Champion Des Davids joined the announce team for this one, hoping to scout his future opponent from the best seat in the house. He was lucky enough to witness a superb bout, featuring two future megastars of the Supreme Wrestling Federation. ZWB and Hernandez fought hard, both wanting to go on to Nothing To Lose and fight Davids, but in the end, things broke down on the outside of the ring. Right in front of Davids, ZWB hit a beautiful springboard moonsault from the apron to the floor, and Davids was in awe. Unfortunately for ZWB though, the referee's count was already at 8 as he landed the move, and he couldn't get in to the ring in time to break the count, meaning both men were counted out!! Davids smirked as he walked off with his Title Belt over his shoulder.




'Double Count-Out'





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Supreme Conversation


Backstage, Squeaky McClean was standing by for an interview with both Spencer Spade and Dulce Moreno...




Squeaky McClean:
“Spencer... You're 'The Supreme Star'... but last week, we saw you speaking with another 'Supremacist' in Eric Eisen... Tell me... what was said between you and Eisen...?! He's here tonight... Have you spoken with him again...!?”


Spencer Spade:
“Weeeell... Yu see Squeak... It's not really my place to say... Tell you what... Why don't you ask Eric that...?! I'm sure he hasn't got greater things on his mind...!!”


have far more pressing matters on his mind,,, Namely the fact that his own brother Jerry Eisen overlooked him for the role of Supreme TV General Manager, and gave the role to Jack Bruce of all people...!!






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The Rogue One


We cut to a pre-taped video next, with some highlight clips very well edited together... Rogue provided the voiceover, and the scene cut to him as a talking head... He was facing and looking just past the camera...




Clip: Rogue beating and injuring The Crippler last week on Supreme TV...


“I... Crippled... The Crippler...”


Clip: Hannah leaving Valiant in the trainer's room last week... telling him she's moving on from managing him...


“I made sure the man who calls himself 'Every Woman's Dream' is all alone... No Hannah backing him up any more...”


Clip: Rogue winning the SWF World Heavyweight Championship three times (once from Valiant, and twice from Jack Bruce)...


“Nobody has ever beaten Jack Bruce for TWO World Championships... except for ME... Call me a 'Scoundrel'... Call me 'Player'... Call me a 'Rat'... Call me whatever you want... I have PEDIGREE... and I... Should instantly replace The Crippler and get a 1 on 1 Title shot against Rocky Golden...!!”


Back live, and the announce team had something to say about Rogue's comments...


Duane Fry:
“It's hard to disagree with him guys... Everything he said there was true... You gotta ask, why wasn't he in tonight's Main Event...?!”

Ana Garcia:
“For me, outside of Rocky (Golden)... Crippler... Valiant and Remo... Rogue is the biggest name on the SWF Roster... He's just one win away from that kind of a spot... Maybe he fights whoever
win tonight, and gets to a Title shot that way...?!”

Franklin Fumier:
“All I know is, Valiant, and Crippler when he's back, will be gunning for Rogue... He is playing a dangerous game, and making a LOT of enemies...”

Duane Fry:
“We don't know for sure how long Crippler is gonna be out for guys... At least two months we're being told... But we DO know, that next week, Hannah will reveal her NEW clients...!!”






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Hawaiian Crush [vs] James Prudence & Robbie Wright


Really solid match here, and surprisingly good chemistry between Prudence and Wright. They controlled the pace of the match, but they were up against a well-oiled machine in Hawaiian Crush. High Flyin' Hawaiian absorbed a lot of the punishment, and then made the hot tag to Ekuma. The big man came in and cleaned up, hitting his 'Hawaiian Crush' finisher on Prudence to score the win!



Hawaiian Crush

'Hawaiian Crush' (Dominator)





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RV Unleashed


We were in a parking lot next, but clearly not live as it was daylight... It was also not at the arena... Randy Unleashed was being helped out of his car by Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust after being attacked by Brandon James last week...




Randy Unleashed:
“Guys... My morale is in the toilet... I can't go on like this...”


Huey Cannonball:
“Randy... Randy... Come on... We told you already... We got us a truly BRILLIANT present... check THIS out!!”


The three members of Unleashed Awesomeness turned a corner, and found an absolutely incredible RV!! It was like a house on wheels, and the three of them could live in there very, very comfortably...!!


Jefferson Stardust:
“We have spent the money we'll save on rental cars, hotels... and everything... We can travel to the arenas together in this...!!”


The licence plate read: 'RU RV'... and Randy tried to pronounce the word 'Rurv'... but Jefferson Stardust explained that it stood for 'Randy Unleashed Recreational Vehicle'... which he LOVED...!!






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'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown [vs] Primus Allen


Brown needed a win here, but Primus Allen has been on a mission lately, and the big 315lber looks unstoppable. He put Brown away with his Running Powerslam finisher, leaving the 'Bad Bad' fan favourite looking glum after a rough start to 2020.



Primus Allen

Running Powerslam





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Player, Scoundrel, Rat


In the back, the camera man was positioned outside a closed door marked: 'Remo Richardson'... as Rogue walked up...




Rogue knocked, and walked in... Remo couldn't be seen, but it was clear he was in there... Rogue spoke to him... His voice getting quieter and quieter until the door closed behind him, with the camera man still outside...


“Big man! Please... Hear me out... I know Valiant's weaknesses...”






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Sexy and Suave


Veteran SWF lifer Joe Sexy was backstage next, alongside his client: Dominic DeSousa!!




Joe Sexy:
“DOOOMMM!! Ya did it, pal...!! Ohhh baby...!! A HUGE win in your first match with me in yo corner!! First match of 2020!! First match of a SEXY new era for you, baby!! If this was a year ago, I'd get in there with you, and we'd be the best tag team on the PLANET!! But since my career is done... I'll just watch from the sidelines... and live vicariously THROUGH you, man... Gahh...”




Bubbly fan favourite Oliver Kobb stepped up next... holding his trusty catchers mitt and chewing on some gum...


Oliver Kobb:
“EY...!! I don't think you're sexy...!! Matter o' fact... I think you CHEATED to beat old Brett Biggins las' week... Bu' next week... Ya'll a' got ME in your SECOND match, with Joe in your corner...”


Sexy told Kobb to go away, before he finds himself on the end of a Dominic DeSousa beatdown!!






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#1 Contenders Match:



'Every Woman's Dream' Valiant [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson


Valiant and Remo are no strangers to one another, having shared the ring multiple times over the last few years. Something was different tonight though, as Valiant came to the ring alone. No Hannah in his corner, for the first time for over ten years!! He looked to her for support a couple of times, but she wasn't there. She was shown watching the action backstage on a monitor though, looking like she wished she was still out there. Val was dominated for most of the match, by big Remo, who was determined to destroy his rival, and go on to face Rocky Golden at Nothing To Lose. He did just that, hitting the aptly named 'Destroyer' to finish Val off!! But he only managed it, when Valiant was looking for Hannah again, and Remo capitalised.



'The Beast' Remo Richardson (84)

'The Destroyer' (Batista Bomb)



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All Of The Lights


A chaotic end to the show saw SWF World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Golden walk to the ring... But interestingly not to confront Remo Richardson, who he will now face at Nothing To Lose in two weeks... Valiant remained at ringside, looking saddened, but also furious...




Rocky Golden:
“Alright... Remo... I know you've been anticipating this as much as I have... to find out who keeps messing with the lights during my matches... I've given whoever it was a week to come out and face me...!! So... Whoever you are... Get out here... NOW!!”


Remo stood up behind Rocky, eager to hear from the person or people responsible... But nobody showed up... Rocky turned to Remo, and they shrugged... Valiant had waited long enough at this point, and began to walk to the back... and that's when Remo struck!! He shoved Rocky into the ropes, and hit his 'Destroyer' finisher as he came back!! The crowd booed, and urged Valiant to turn around and head back, but he was through the curtain and gone... Remo had his way with Rocky, stomping on every body part, and hitting him with his own Championship Belt...!! Rocky was knocked out, as the boos got louder and louder... Remo grabbed a microphone...


Remo Richardson:
“YOU... Should NOT... Underestimate... ME!! No more tricks, Rocky... No interferences... No lights turning off and on... Just me and you... 1 on 1... for THIS (holds up Championship)... At Nothing To Lose... You... Have EVERYTHING to lose...!!”








Overall Show Rating: 85









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Great show, FYI the hall of champions link is going to Raw belts.


NICE! Good pick up :D you can see where I copied my links from, thought I'd added the SWF Champs in. Darn. Going to have to go through all the shows I've written and change it now! Thanks though :D And thanks for the feedback!

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Thank you so much for all the predictions this first month of the diary. 19 different people is a cracking start, and I appreciate you all :)


It also means a lot that I've been nominated for the Diary Of The Month already, so early into this project. As ever, I like to write ahead of where I'm posting, just so you guys know I have plenty of shows in the bank, fully written and fully formatted. I could post them all right now if I wanted to. I've written all of February (including four TV shows and a PPV) and I've started writing March Week One.


And now... to the Prediction Prizes:


Historian and smw88 came in joint first for the month, and I've come up with one cool (ish) prize so far. Just need to come up with a second :D keep an eye on your inboxes... and my thanks again :)

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #0050B3; margin:10px;background: #F1F1F1; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


Quick Picks for Supreme TV, February 2020, Week 1



The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson




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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson

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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust

But seriously, I'll go Lenny Brown


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson

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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


Battle Royal- Lenny Brown


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson

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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson

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Quick Picks for Supreme TV, February 2020, Week 1 [/b][/size]



The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


Faith & Old Glory


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy


Dominic DeSousa


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


Ekuma My heart want to pick Primus but i think ekuma is being built up for something awesome


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust


Makutsi alot of good choices But giving Makutsi the edge based of recent matches


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


Big Money Brandon James This stable storyline seems ready to kick up a notch and I think it starts here.


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson


Remo Remo Remo Remo .. alot of questions that still need to be answered.. cant wait to find out..



Incredible start to the diary lloyd. Initial storylines are interesting and make for good tv. Jack Bruce as the GM makes a good choice and added star power to the show. Refreshing to see how a "face" GM books the show instead of the usual heel gm.


Will you be giving us a look into the competition and how the race to be #1 is going in the future? Again great work on this diary





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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson

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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson

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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)

-Established team for the win!


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy

-Klob! (Said loudly, and shortly, in a faux German accent)


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen

-Ekuma in singles action? Not for me!


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust

-Plenty of options here so... it's a wild guess.


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive

-He's still (just about) got it.


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson

-Beast time

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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson

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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson

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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot) - Hate the real Dallas Cowboys but these guys...I want them to progress past the horses and start quick draw duels against other teams. Truly Last Man Standing.


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy - I have no idea who the other guy is.


Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen - Went against Primus last week, but not again.


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust - Not really sure, so let's go with Lenny.


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson

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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy

Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:

Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins | Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence

Sammy Smoke | Makutsi | Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust


'Big Money' Brandon James [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson

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February 2020, Week 1…


On Commentary:




Duane Fry, Ana Garcia and Franklin Fumier



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Defeated But Not Dead


We kicked off the first February edition of Supreme TV with a pre-taped video from Valiant... looking a little less confident than usual...




“A lot can happen in a month, huh...?? In January... I lost a four-way match for the SWF World Heavyweight Title... My old friend Rogue convinced me to confront Remo Richardson a couple of days before the match, and he beat the tar out of me... Then, Hannah... My ever-present manager of over ten years decided she didn't want to manage me any more, since I listened, to my
old friend...


Valiant was saying 'old friend Rogue' through gritted teeth now... The saddened former 2-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion was getting angrier...


“Then just last week... Me versus Remo... Number One Contendership Match... My OLD FRIEND, ROGUE... goes to see Remo before the match, lets him know how much I care about Hannah leaving me... and how, that's my biggest weakness... and... Yu know what Rogue... You've ruined my LIFE, man... In one month... You have taken it all from me... I have nothing left to give... I have... Nothing left to lose... But Rogue... Buddy... My 'old friend'... At Nothing To Lose... I am going to take EVERYTHING, from YOU!!”






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A New Hannah


Valiant mentioned her briefly just then, but his manager of over ten years: Hannah, was on the ramp as we came back live...




“I still love ya Val... You go easy my friend... BUT NOW... The moment you've aaaalll been waitin' for... Ladies and Gentlemen... All the way from the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office... To fight the good fight... I give you... THE DALLAAAAASSS... COWWW BOYYYSSS!!!”




Marshall Dillon and Ranger made their way to the ring on horseback, to a great ovation... The crowd love their entrance music, and their overall presentation – they're just a fun team who do something a little differently, and let the crowd be a part of their gimmick...


“Dillon and Ranger... My NEW clients... I've been working hard lobbying for you guys already, and... if you win this match... You'll get a shot at the SWF World Tag Team Champions at Nothing, To, Lose!!”




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The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) w/ Hannah [vs] Faith & Old Glory (Matty Faith & Masked Patriot)


Simple task for the Dallas Cowboys: win this match, earn a Title shot. However, as great as they are, they're matched fairly evenly by the team of Matty Faith and Masked Patriot! It was a very fun opener, with both young teams getting cheered. In the end, Faith showed too much respect for his former 'Mission' tag team partner and didn't see that Marshall Dillon had tagged in to lock Faith in the 'Crackdown'!



The Dallas Cowboys (Ranger & Marshall Dillon) w/ Hannah

'Crackdown' (Tazmission)



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Time To Do Some Burying


Backstage, Spencer Spade and Dulce Moreno were on a mission... They walked past Sammy Smoke, who was seen watching Matty Faith and Masked Patriot lose on a TV monitor... Once they'd turned a corner away from Smoke, they knocked on the office of new SWF General Manager: Jack Bruce...




Jack Bruce:
“Spencer... Dulce... Come and take a seat...”


Spencer Spade:
“No thanks, I'd rather stand... Is uhhh... this gonna take long, coz I got things to do...”


Jack Bruce:
“Suit yourself, kid... Listen... I wanted to call you guys in here, and tell you that Spencer Spade better grab his shovel... coz at Nothing To Lose... he is IN the Everything To Gain Ladder Match!!”


Spencer Spade:
“Well, it's about damn TIME!! I knew Jerry signing you was a great idea!!”


Spade will now join Mikey Lau and Brandon James as confirmed participants... Three more spots are available... Tonight we'll learn the identity of all three... Jack Bruce will name one... We'll also see a 15-man Over The Top Rope Battle Royale for one spot... and the sixth spot will be given to the winner of Ekuma versus Primus Allen, which is coming up shortly...






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The Heroes Guild


We cut to a pre-taped video segment now, with Atom Smasher standing on the roof of a building...!! The wind was blowing in his face from up there... but he looked like he was enjoying the breeze and the fresh air... Not to mention the view of the city he was in...




Atom Smasher:
“For weeks now, the gang of Fighters known as The Sharp Shooters have challenged your hero, Atom Smasher... But Fear Not Citizens... For I have a plan to deal with the constant outnumbering I've been facing... Your hero has called upon The Heroes Guild for their support... and right now, I'd like to introduce you to TWO MEN.. who will be helping me save the Supreme Wrestling Federation from the gangs and evil villains that threaten our very existence...”




Avalanche and Chill, the former RIPW pairing known as The Domination rose up behind Smasher... looking mean and menacing!! Avalanche is a 450lb behemoth, while Chill is a lot smaller at 236lbs, but he's also thick and muscular...


Atom Smasher:
“At Nothing To Lose... Angry Gilmore and Joey Morgan... Meet your fate... The Heroes Guild... Avalanche and Chill... are going to put a stop to this, GANG... once and for all... You're Welcome!!”






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'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] Dominic DeSousa w/ Joe Sexy


Kobb's baseball-like offence is fun to watch, but DeSousa soon took control of the match thanks to the advice and support of Joe Sexy at ringside. DeSousa got cocky late on though, an took his eyes off the prize. Kobb was able to hit two Forearm Smashes (one on each side of DeSousa's face) in a move he calls the 'Strike Out', and then pin the arrogant youngster in the upset of the night!!



'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb

'Strike Out' (Double Forearm Smash)





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Double Trouble Couples


In a corridor in the back, Eric Eisen and Emma Chase were seen talking to Spencer Spade and Dulce Moreno again... This time, the camera could pick up what they were saying...




Eric Eisen:
“It's about, damn, time Spade... The Everything To Gain Ladder Match sounds like a GREAT opportunity for you... and I think from the field announced so far, you're the favourite... With my he... HEY!! Get the hell outta here!!”


Eisen noticed the camera, and told its operator to scram before he fired him...!! Unfortunately, we didn't get anything juicy from the interaction... But they seem to be on very good terms, with Eisen backing Spade to WIN the Everything To Gain Ladder Match!!






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Win And You're In


Speaking of the Everything To Gain Ladder Match, this next singles contest was FOR a spot in the match at Nothing To Lose...




Two big, powerful, 300+lb men, with Ekuma outweighing Allen by 20-30lbs... Primus doesn't normally face men bigger than he is...




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Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] Primus Allen


These two big men bounced off each other a number of times during their hard-hitting battle. Both tried to overpower the other, but they were so evenly matched. The turning point came when Allen went to the outside for a breather, and High Flyin' Hawaiian wasn't watching him. The former American Football standout slammed into the smaller Hawaiian, sending him careening into the ring steps. The finish came not long after that, because Ekuma took a few moments to check on his friend, and Allen pounced. He finished 'The Hawaiian Strong Man' off with a Flying Lariat to earn a spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match!!



Primus Allen

'Flying Lariat'





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The Man Who Has Everything


We cut to the parking lot next, to find Randy Unleashed, and his Unleashed Awesomeness friends: Huey Cannonball and Jefferson Stardust, showing a few of the guys their new 'RURV'... The Randy Unleashed Recreational Vehicle...




Randy Unleashed:
“So you see boys, we don't need a rental vehicle... like, ever again... We don't need hotel rooms... Can you imagine, how AWESOME it is... to not have to deal, with rental vehicle employees... hotel staff... Oh my god... We can get a CHEF, to make our meals...!!”


Sammy Smoke:
“Hey, guy... I know someone, who knows someone, who knows a guy... who is a CHEF!!”


Before Sammy could finish, Supreme TV General Manager Jack Bruce walked up...




Jack Bruce:
“What the HELL are you all doing out here...!? I've been looking everywhere for you...!! Sammy, Huey, Jeff, Smacker, Kurt, Robbie... get to the ring... The Everything To Gain Ladder Match Qualifier Battle Royale starts in like, 2 minutes!! Randy... Not you... You stay right here...”


Randy gulped... He's fought alongside and against Jack Bruce in the past, so he knows how serious the rock star can be when he wants to be...


Jack Bruce:
“You're getting a big opportunity at Nothing To Lose... and it could be HUGE for you... You're going straight into the Everything To Gain Ladder Match!! And after tonight, Huey and Jefferson could also join you... Giving you a huge advantage... I'm giving you an opportunity, and you need to take it seriously...!!”






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The Champ, Is Here!!


Elsewhere backstage, Squeaky McClean caught up with Remo Richardson, who was stomping through the corridor...




Squeaky McClean:
“Remo, Remo... Listen, man... I just got word... Rocky Golden... is HERE... in the building!!”


Remo Richardson:
“He's here...?! I don't care... If he wants to have a little fun like we did last week, I ain't that hard to find... In fact... I'll be in the ring in the Main Event... against Mikey Lau...”


Last week, Rocky came to the ring to try to find out who keeps messing with the lights during his matches... But Remo, who also wants to know who is responsible, as it's caused him to lose one Title opportunity already... decided to take the opportunity to attack Rocky from behind, trying to gain an advantage over his opponent for Nothing To Lose... Thoughts are, Rocky will look to get revenge tonight...!!






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Battle Royale for a Spot in the Everything To Gain Ladder Match:





Bear Bekowski | Jungle Lord | Lenny Brown | Robbie Retro | Brett Biggins

Charger Siaki | Robbie Wright | James Prudence | Sammy Smoke | Makutsi

Justin Sensiitive | Big Smack Scott | Kurt Laramee | Huey Cannonball | Jefferson Stardust


A chaotic 15-man Battle Royale with high stakes here, and all 15 men wanted to win it at any cost. The veterans Brett Biggins and Jungle Lord were the first two eliminated, standing on the apron after going over the top rope, they were both superkicked by The Awesomeness and fell to the floor. Justin Sensitive went next, courtesy of Big Smack Scott, who soon saw his partner Kurt Laramee taken out by Lenny Brown! Brown got rid of Charger Siaki and Bear Bekowski next but was then
eliminated by Makutsi. 'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke tried to recruit Makutsi to help him, but 'The African Assassin' turned him down and threw him out, before doing the same to James Prudence and then Robbie Wright. Speaking of Robbies, 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro avoided being eliminated no fewer than four times in the space of a minute by Cannonball and Stardust, before eventually eliminating them both in a great comedy spot where he ducked a double clothesline by doing the splits and then clotheslined them both over! While he gyrated and taunted them though, Big Smack Scott tipped him up and over.


Just three men remained now: 'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown, a youngster who has impressed in his short time with the company and is a former North American Champion. 'The African Assassin' Makutsi is in bad form right now, but he's also a vicious psycho, who it would be easy to imagine winning a match like this, and then going on and winning the 'Everything To Gain' Ladder Match too. At 44 years old, a win like this for Big Smack Scott would be huge for him, but how would he get on in a six-man Ladder Match at his age?! We didn't have to worry about Smacker for long, because despite working with Makutsi to double-team Brown early on, he was soon 'dealt with' by the crazed African. Makutsi then turned his attention to Brown, beating him to within an inch of his life. Somehow though, Brown held on to the top rope as Makutsi charged him, and pulled it down right at the opportune moment. Makutsi spilled out to the apron, leaving Brown to come off the ropes and deliver a brutal looking European Uppercut that sent his rival spiralling into the guard rail and out of the match!



'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown

Over The Top Rope Elimination





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Seventh Spot?


In his new office, General Manager of Supreme TV: Jack Bruce was sat doing some paperwork, when there was a knock at the door... North American Champion Des Davids strolled in with his Championship Belt over his shoulder...




Des Davids:
“I know why you asked me here, Jack... You're going to put me in that Everything To Gain Ladder Match as the seventh entrant, aren't ya!? Ha!! Well... I'm IN... and I like your style...”


Davids turned away and began to leave the office, but Bruce implored him to stop, come back in, and shut the door...


Jack Bruce:
“Actually Des... I do have something big for you to do at Nothing To Lose... Last week, since there was no definitive outcome in the ZWB/Jimmy Hernandez match, where the winner
going to face you for the North American Title at Nothing To Lose... I've decided to choose which one of them gets the shot... and... you'll be pleased to know... I have made my decision... It's going to be 'The All-American' Des Davids... defending against 'The Show Stealer' ZWB... AND... 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez... In a Triple Threat Match!! Good day to you sir...”


Davids rolled his eyes, and was disappointed at what he was hearing... but he could do very little about it... After the next match, we're going to find out exactly what the winner of the Everything To Gain Ladder Match gets...






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'Big Money' Brandon James w/ Krissy Angelle [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ Justin Sensitive


James and Starr are both excellent in-ring performers, and despite never facing off 1 on1 before, they showed excellent chemistry out there tonight. Krissy Angelle and Justin Sensitive both did some great work at ringside for their respective 'clients', but in the end Starr will feel like Sensitive caused him to lose. While Sensitive was up on the apron, and Starr told him to get down, Brandon James hit the 'Big Money Move' and sent Starr flying into his fellow Rat Pack member. They collided heads and both were knocked out, allowing James to pin with a hook of the leg!



'Big Money' Brandon James w/ Krissy Angelle

'Big Money Move' (Pounce)





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Everything To Gain


Supreme TV General Manager Jack Bruce was in his office again, this time alone... He was there to explain the Everything To Gain Ladder Match, scheduled for the Nothing To Lose Pay-Per-View next Thursday...




Jack Bruce:
“First, let's confirm our six competitors... 'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown... 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau... 'The Supreme Star' Spencer Spade... Randy Unleashed... Primus Allen... and the man we just saw pick up a big win: 'Big Money' Brandon James... All they know so far, is that next Thursday, we're going to hang a briefcase above the ring, and have them compete in a Six-Way Ladder Match!! But what is in that briefcase...??”


[OOC Note: A unique but complicated concept, created by ME. Hope you like it... My thanks to Historian for being the sounding board for the idea, and improving it


The briefcase contains a contract, entitling the winner to an SWF World Tag Team Title shot at the next Pay-Per-View: Awesome Impact... The winner of the match can choose to either, cash in that Tag Title shot... OR... defend the briefcase like a Championship and 'Upgrade' the Title shot if he wins...


Win the match at Awesome Impact, and he will 'Upgrade' the Title shot to a North American Title shot at the next Pay-Per-View: The World Is Watching... Lose, and his opponent takes the North American Title shot from him!! This then repeats, as they can 'Upgrade' again to an SWF World Heavyweight Title shot, or cash in against the North American Champion...


The final 'Upgrade' turns the World Heavyweight Title shot (at Master Of Puppets) into more of an 'Any Time, Any Place' (Money in the Bank style) World Heavyweight Title shot if they win their match at Master Of Puppets... They will then have two months to 'cash in', ahead of The Supreme Challenge...


If they haven't cashed in before The Supreme Challenge, they'll be added to the SWF World Heavyweight Title Match Main Event at the biggest show of the year!!


[OOC Note: Hope that explains it
Any questions, feel free to ask...]






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'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'The Beast' Remo Richardson


Mikey Lau made his epic entrance first, to an edited version of Queen's 'Dragon Attack'. The crowd clapped along with the entrance, creating an amazing, electric, atmosphere. When the line: “Got a Dragon on my back, it's a Dragon Attack” was sung, the music died down, leaving the crowd to chant this over and over again, even through Remo Richardson's entrance. 'The Beast' did not like this, seeing it as disrespectful, and completely blaming Lau for it. He took his frustration out on the young fan favourite, beating him to a pulp in the middle of the ring. Lau had a nice comeback at the end, complete with various kicks to the side of Remo's ribcage, and even a Shooting Star Press from the top rope. But it wasn't enough. Remo kicked out of the resulting pin, and it wasn't long after that that Lau had the mat on his back, following a 'Beast' attack, and 'The Destroyer'!



'The Beast' Remo Richardson

'The Destroyer' (Batista Bomb)



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The Road Ahead Is A Rocky One


Once the match was done, Remo decided to put the boots to Mikey... and further make up for the disrespect he felt during his entrance... However, after two or three kicks to the gut, he kicked Lau out under the bottom rope... But just as he did that, all of the lights went out in the arena...!!




When they came back on, Remo soon realised he wasn't alone in the ring...




He didn't know who was behind him... But we did... SWF World Heavyweight Champion: Rocky Golden!! As Remo spun around, Rocky tackled him at the knees, and took him over!! The Champ had his Nothing To Lose opponent in a headlock, and began reigning down punches, in bunches to the man who attacked him last week... Remo somehow burst free of Rocky's grip, and delivered a backhand slap that sounded like it broke Rocky's jaw, and then slithered out of the ring... Rocky regained his composure to grab a microphone...


Rocky Golden:
“See... I can mess with the lights too!! This is a warning to you, Remo... At Nothing To Lose... Facing me, will be like facing nothing you've ever faced before... and you WILL lose... And to whoever keeps messing with the lights during my matches... Let this be a warning to you too... If it happens again on Thursday... at Nothing To Lose... I won't go easy on you... I'll come down on you like a ton of bricks!!”








Overall Show Rating: 82








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Yeah it's a fun idea. Lots of ways it could go too, with six completely different competitors in the match, and then the potential options the winner has. Historian was a great idea sounding board to tweak the original idea, and come up with ways to make it better after the winner is crowned too. Just hope you all like where it's heading :)




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Quick Picks for Supreme TV, February 2020, Week 2



'The Show Stealer' ZWB [vs] 'The Supreme Star' Spencer Spade w/ Dulce Moreno


Hawaiian Crush (Ekuma & High Flyin' Hawaiian) [vs] The Pain Alliance (Scott & Laramee)


Angry Gilmore, Joey Morgan & Robbie Retro [vs] The Awesomeness & Justin Sensitive


Bear Bekowski [vs] Primus Allen


'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown [vs] 'Platinum' James Prudence


Champion versus Champion Showcase:

SWF World Heavyweight Champion: Rocky Golden [vs] SWF North American Champion: Des Davids




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'The Show Stealer' ZWB [vs] 'The Supreme Star' Spencer Spade w/ Dulce Moreno


Hawaiian Crush (Ekuma & High Flyin' Hawaiian) [vs] The Pain Alliance (Scott & Laramee)


Angry Gilmore, Joey Morgan & Robbie Retro [vs] The Awesomeness & Justin Sensitive


Bear Bekowski [vs] Primus Allen


'Bad Bad' Lenny Brown [vs] 'Platinum' James Prudence


Champion versus Champion Showcase:

SWF World Heavyweight Champion: Rocky Golden [vs] SWF North American Champion: Des Davids

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