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Grimm SoCal Wrestling: Keep their heads ringnin'

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Brother Grimm put his phone down, satisfied with the number of likes and retweets he saw on such short notice. Anything WrestleWorld was trending and he had the business acumen to make good use of that exposure to announce GSW’s upcoming TV show. Every indy promotion in the States was jumping onboard with the new platform in hopes of exposure they’d never had for years when TV executives and Pay Per View carriers would simply tell them to “get bigger”, on those rare few occasions they bothered to answer their phones, that is. His company would be no exception, but he was the only one making that extra step of adding a weekly show, tailor-made for the new broadcaster. He was the only one taking that chance. The only one who could. Everyone else played it safe. That just wasn’t Grimm’s way. If he’d played it safe, he’d probably be behind bars right now, or shot down in some back alley. Dem white boys and corporate execs had no idea what it’s like for a man like him. It’s why it could never work with Nemesis, Gil and himself.



Speaking of white boys…


“Damn G, you’ve pulled gun triggers faster than this!” CJ Weston’s voice cut straight to the chase. That was one of the things Grimm appreciated about him. Man of few words, none of them wasted. “You know I can handle the extra work on creative,” Weston continued, “so I assume you can handle the financial aspect of putting on a weekly show on top.” This was the other thing Grimm liked about this guy. He knew his limits. He’d provide his input as a veteran of the business, but he never questioned Grimm’s tweaks to make things street or how he did business on his end. John always thought he knew better ‘cause he’d been a wrestler and Grimm hadn’t. As for Gil, he was the standard post-War capitalist: bunch of factories, three piece suits and ties, the whole lot. Kind of guy who got rich off Reaganomics and could only stand having a ghetto kid as his janitor at best, but never as an equal business partner. Piece o’ crap.'


“I didn’t get this far by making business decisions on impulse” Brother Grimm responded. “Even if sometimes I struggled to hold back from plugging new holes on faces” he added, his background making it hard to tell whether that was meant as a joke or actual fact. Weston was silent. Not intimidated, he’d seen enough at the Warehouse by now, more likely thinking. After a while, he spoke. “How long till the pilot?”


Grimm smiled to himself. This was his kind o’ guy. “Two shows. Deal starts in March. And keep it gangsta.” This time, Weston didn’t take his time to respond.


“And why should I change that?”




Author’s note: It’s no secret GSW is my favourite CVerse promotion, but I wanted to get familiar with the new game before doing a diary, then 2020 threw the George Floyd killing, BLM protests and all subsequent events in the mix. After my BCG save mess and the forced end of its associated diary, I feel the time now is right to pull the trigger on this project. Much thanks to GSW diary writers like Voeltzwagon and Poet Justice for the inspiration, as well as willr0ck, King Bison and the rest of the re-render community for the images.
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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:50%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">GSW American



Current champion: Fro Sure [x4]

(Since November 2020)

Cali Slick [x2] (June 2020 - November 2020)

Deaf Touch (October 2019 - June 2020)

Boneyard [x2] (December 2018 - October 2019)

Fro Sure [x3] (July 2018 - December 2018)

Busta Capp [x4] (November 2017 - July 2018)

BB Colossus (July 2017 - November 2017)

Busta Capp [x3] (November 2016 - July 2017)

Fro Sure [x2] (May 2016 - November 2016)

Cali Slick (November 2015 - May 2016)

Busta Capp [x2] (April 2015 - November 2015)

Mexico's Finest (December 2014 - April 2014)

Boneyard (June 2014 - December 2014)

Busta Capp (August 2013 - June 2014)

Fro Sure (October 2012 - August 2013)




GSW West Coast



Current champion: Raheem Stash

(Since March 2021)

Frantic Ali (February 2021 - March 2021)

Hustle Muvva (November 2020 - February 2021)

Raheem Stash (September 2020 - November 2020)

Foxxy LaRue (June 2020 - September 2020)

Tavon Blake Jr (April 2020 - June 2020)

E-Soteric [x2] (October 2019 - April 2020)

Hard-1 [x3] (May 2019 - October 2019)

Top Dolla (November 2018 - May 2019)

Hard-1 [x2] (April 2018 - November 2018)

E-Soteric (August 2017 - April 2018)

Deaf Touch [x2] (January 2017 - August 2017)

Raheem Stash (July 2016 - January 2017)

Aces High (December 2015 - July 2016)

Mobstar (August 2015 - December 2015)

Deaf Touch (November 2014 - August 2015)

Hard-1 (April 2014 - November 2014)

Cali Slick (October 2013 - April 2014)

Mexico's Finest (April 2013 - October 2013)

Sanchez Villano (October 2012 - April 2013)




GSW Tag Team



Current champions: Mexican Hardcore Killers [x2]

(Since December 2020)

Brown Pride [x4] (October 2020 - December 2020)

State of Destruction [x2] (June 2020 - October 2020)

Long Beach Crew [x3] (April 2020 - June 2020)

Dead Men Walking [x5] (March 2020 - April 2020)

Long Beach Crew [x2] (September 2019 - March 2020)

Dead Men Walking [x4] (January 2019 - September 2019)

Brown Pride [x3] (March 2018 - January 2019)

Long Beach Crew (August 2017 - March 2018)

Dead Men Walking [x3] (December 2016 - August 2017)

State of Destruction (September 2015 - December 2016)

Brown Pride [x2] (January 2015 - September 2015)

Dead Men Walking [x2] (June 2014 - January 2015)

Mexican Hardcore Killers (September 2013 - June 2014)

Brown Pride (March 2013 - September 2013)

Dead Men Walking (October 2012 - March 2013)




GSW Hottest Crew



Current champions: State of Destruction

(Since February 2021)

Los Guerilleros (September 2020 - February 2021)




GSW King of California



2020 Winner: Fro Sure

Deaf Touch (2019)

Cali Slick [x2] (2018)

Boneyard (2017)

Busta Capp (2016)

Fro Sure (2015)

Cali Slick (2014)</div>

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The owner of GSW and the Warehouse, Brother Grimm is one of the most influential west coast rappers of all-time. Perched in his office above the Warehouse, the Compton-born Grimm oversees all of GSW, ensuring the fight club is living up to his ever-important brand. Behind all the glitz and the glamour, Grimm is a notorious crime lord, his criminal empire expanding throughout Watts, Compton, Bellflower, Lynwood, South Gate, Lakewood, Artesia and North Long Beach.


In the 90's, Grimm was known as one of the most fearsome MC's in the game. Profound and intense lyrically, Grimm's projects often exuded an authority over California gang life and inner-city struggles. Despite the deaths of many of his west coast rap contemporary, Grimm remains an enduring figure...and a living legend.







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GSW's imposing arbiter, Big Magic stands 6'6", weighing in at 260 pounds. Given the title of "Commissioner of Violence", Big Magic is employed by Brother Grimm to keep the peace.


Prior to working for GSW, Big Magic gained internet fame for his brutal street fights, where he tossed around his opponents like rag-dolls. Looking for more competition, Magic tried out for ALPHA-1, Japan's premiere MMA organization. He flopped spectacularly, and a few years later, Magic had blown most of his money on a high-profile lifestyle that he couldn't sustain. With a pocket full of lint, Magic signed onto GSW, using his scary rep to hold the GSW roster honest.







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The two men calling the action live during every GSW show, their voices are not there just for the DVD releases but also blasted live through the speakers of the Warehouse. Between Clifford Caves’ signature baritone voice and MC Motormouth’s constant rambling, the outcome is an odd yet captivating mix of spots-like gravitas mashed with street realness.




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Decked with gang tattoos from top to bottom, Moore Vincent looks more like a wrestler than a referee, but he’s been the man making the counts since GSW’s inception. Not afraid to get in the wrestlers’ faces for serious rules violations or take a sick bump when needed, Vincent is a man who looks like he might have a chance in attempting to maintain a sense of order in the chaotic matches of the promotion, though in reality it’s his own life he’s probably trying to get under control, as it is no secret Brother Grimm brought him on board in an attempt to give him an escape from the crime ridden, drug fuelled life in the hood.


Dwight Kumas is known as the long time referee for the now defunct AAA and since that promotion’s closure, he’s resurfaced in various other companies or indy shows. GSW seems to be the one in need of his services more often, when he’s called in to fill in for Moore Vincent.

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Born & reared in Detroit, Michigan, Deaf Touch moved to Los Angeles in his teens due to the lack of job opportunities. With a progressive hearing-loss disorder, and Detroit's near non-existent job market in the late 2000's, "DT" settled in Baldwin Hills, or the neighborhood better known as "Crenshaw". While Deaf Touch fell into some seedy work, he did learn ASL (American Sign Language), which helped him transition to his audiological condition.


Since coming to GSW, DT has been one of the most popular babyfaces on the roster, a fact emphasized by his 2019 run that saw him become the King of California and soon after, defeat the dreaded Boneyard for the GSW American title. Usually siding with Busta Capp, Deaf Touch has fully embraced South Los Angeles as his "set". Despite his acceptance in the GSW community, he is still fully aware of the silence that surrounds him. Formerly an avid hip-hop fan, DT is coming to grips that he will never, ever be able to enjoy another bar sonically.







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An energetic brawler and former amateur boxing star from Venice Beach, E-Soteric brings these skills and a ton of swagger to the GSW ring, whether portraying the babyface that managed to get out of the gutter or the heel golden gloves boxer full of himself. Despite initially considered somewhat overenthusiastic and thus unsafe, E-Soteric has evolved into a consistent worker and that has also been reflected in his success as a singles act, winning the GSW West Coast title on two occasions.







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Inspired by the likes of Scarface and Pablo Escobar, the Long Beach Crew is a ruthless, gritty drug-trafficking syndicate that has a firm grasp over the cocaine trade in South Los Angeles. The California vice-lords exploit the glamorous Hollywood regency imagery in-order to construct the real, rugged drug empire.


The smooth-talking, deep voiced bad-ass Cali Slick is GSW’s only grand slam champion, having won every singles and tag title at least once. Suave, but brutal, Slick is the figurehead of the Long Beach Crew, never shook, rattled or uneasy. It's this calm demeanor that makes him so menacing...never seen without his shades, and always calm, Slick is a true soldier of the streets. Using his success, Slick is trying to push the Long Beach Crew operations off the streets of "Northtown" Long Beach and into the lofty penthouses of Malibu.


At first glance, Aces High might be a better fit for the Dead Men Walking. His frenzied, wild in-ring style is nearly psychopathic, and his proclivity for wanton violence seems to depart from the calm, suave swag of the Long Beach Crew. However, he serves a purpose for Weston, going to lengths that the more edified Cali Slick is not willing to go.


"The Gangster Consultant", CJ Weston is the ultimate puppet-master of GSW. Brother Grimm's most skilled adviser, Weston has the talent to help Grimm rule his criminal empire with an iron fist...even if Grimm doesn't fully trust Weston. Using his position in GSW, Weston has finessed his way into many opportunities for his affiliates, the Long Beach Crew. While his motives are unclear, Weston is always seen next to Grimm, despite their uneasy partnership.




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This diary gets extra points for the use of Gang Starr. Guru was the shit!

Thanks, it amazes me how Guru and DJ Premier as a duo are so underrated. Personal tastes aside though, I'm extremely wary about using an East Coast song in this diary. Unless there's a specific reason (like DT being deaf, the song being a perfect fit etc) or the song is old enough to be considered a classic that's transcended localization, I try to stick with West Coast tunes.

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Tough, brash, and authoritative, Busta Capp has been the central figurehead of GSW since its inception. Representing the legendary neighborhood of Compton, Capp is real as they come. A career scrapper, Busta is more of a brawler than a fighter, striking his opponents with rattling strikes and punishing slams.


Despite his loose affiliation with Brother Grimm, the two have often come at odds. Capp's myopic approach to life, centered around repping the set and making cash, often clashes with the increasingly more complex enterprises that Grimm has involved himself in.







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The charismatic Fro Sure is a wrestler as well as an amateur hip-hop artist who was discovered by Brother Grimm. A scrappy brawler with a knack for getting the fans involved, Fro Sure never goes by unnoticed, from the moment he comes out rapping to his own theme to the final bell of each match he’s in.


His natural skill on the mic shines through in promos that are often sprinkled with some freestyle raps or impromptu diss rhymes, but what really took him to the next level was drawing inspiration from classic blaxploitation kung fu movies for his character. Taking cues from the likes of the late great Jim Kelly, Fro has added an entertaining aspect to his gimmick and some martial arts style spots to his moveset, further fanning the flames of him being destined to get signed by a major promotion sooner rather than later.







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A prominent descendant of the Jamaican diaspora, Raheem Stash is a riveting prospect for GSW. Highly touted by Brother Grimm, Stash looks and feels like a genuine star. Never missing a day at the gym, the heavyweight hits harder than a Mack truck, and is more durable than a Nokia phone.


Stash quickly managed to blaze through the riff raff of GSW’s undercard, even holding the West Coast title for the second half of 2016 and acquiring the managerial services of Kandii, chief hostess of the Warehouse and one who has a way into Grimm's ear to broker deals for her clients. Now facing the challenge of breaking into the company’s upper echelons, Stash has a group of skilled wrestlers, charismatic performers and equally big powerful men to go through in hopes of proving he’s got what it takes to hang with them and hopefully even capture the American championship.




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Thanks, it amazes me how Guru and DJ Premier as a duo are so underrated. Personal tastes aside though, I'm extremely wary about using an East Coast song in this diary. Unless there's a specific reason (like DT being deaf, the song being a perfect fit etc) or the song is old enough to be considered a classic that's transcended localization, I try to stick with West Coast tunes.


True, west coast rap fits the promotion style way better, though I'm an east coast guy at heart. Probably since I live on the east coast.

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<div style="color:darkred;border-style:solid;border-width:2px";">



The most dominant force in GSW history, State of Destruction has steamrolled through the company's tag-team division, a fact emphasized by them holding the tag belts for over a year from September 2015 to December 2016. At a combined weight of nearly 1000 pounds, the two behemoths are individually two of the most imposing forces, and collectively unstoppable.


Boneyard was brought into GSW as Brother Grimm's bodyguard, but soon outgrew his role as a lackey. Seeing his potential as a competitor, Boneyard crushed smaller members of the GSW roster, bullying his way up the ranks until he ran into Mexico's Finest. Unable to unseat the massive Brown Pride enforcer, Boneyard enlisted the help of the even larger BB Colossus and after he took care of business, he re-captured the American title for another dominant long reign, until Deaf Touch managed to unseat him from his throne.


BB Colossus is one of the largest men in professional wrestling. Compelled by domination and annihilation, BB defected to GSW after he realized he and Boneyard could steamroll their way to the top of Grimm's criminal empire if they collaborated. This led to a bloody feud between him and Busta Capp that saw them trade the American title, but right now BB seems focused on defending his spot as GSW’s biggest, baddest MF against the rising Raheem Stash.




(BB Colossus)





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The frenetic, morally-devoid knuckleheads known as Dead Men Walking are some of the most dangerous men in GSW. Employing a combination of graphic violence, anarchistic promos, and disturbing shock tactics, Dead Men Walking are on nobody's list of preferred opponent.


The manic Gravedigga is somewhere in between a homeless crackhead and an in-ring tactician. Tatted head-to-toe, with a mouth full of gold and a heart filled with hate, Gravedigga has only one mission: bring as much pain and strife to the world as humanly possible. On Crip, this raspy-voiced, wild-eyed iconoclast likes nothing more than to hit the streets and cause hell.


Gravedigga's cohort is the more refined, but equally as dangerous Mobstar. Having walked the mainline time after time, he is no stranger to a crooked lifestyle. Once a promising independent wrestler named Lil' Curtis, Mobstar is now relegated to hanging out with scumbags like Gravedigga due to his criminal record. Mobstar's worldview is bleak, one that replaces the glamorous fictions of rap with the realities of gang-life.







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Los Guerilleros are a Mexican street gang hoping to gain notoriety in Brother Grimm's criminal empire. Led by the monstrous Mexico's Finest, the crew uses 3-on-1 beatdowns to impose its will and only cuts promos in Spanish.


On a roster of unsavory characters, Mexico's Finest may be the most intimidating. With a rap sheet longer than a 60-hour work week, "MF" has served years in both American and Mexican prisons, for multiple violent crimes. A street enforcer, "MF" is the one Los Guerilleros rely on to split the wigs on both sides of the border. Violent, unpredictable and ruthless, Mexico's Finest might be Grimm SoCal's finest.


The mouthpiece of the crew, MexiCain is a brash, loud-mouthed talker that is always down for a scrap. An authentic product of East Los Angeles, MexiCain cuts scathing promos about LG's opponents. He often comes off as a blowhard, but he isn't afraid at all to get his hands dirty.


LatiNoFear is the hot-headed high-flier of the group. His often pugnacious temperament has gotten LG into many-a-feud, but he's always willing to give it his all for his crew.



(Mexico’s Finest)

(MexiCain & LatiNoFear)




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The Lone Star Crew is an alliance born out of necessity when GSW’s tough veteran, Hard-1, had one encounter too many with Los Guerilleros. Reaching all the way to his native state of Texas, Hard-1 recruited the young prospect known only as Public Enemy #1 and together they attempted to take the fight to the Chikano crew. However, it was only after they were joined by the big Papa Swoll, another victim of Los Guerilleros, that the trio had enough firepower to push back in equal terms.


Hard-1 is an experienced brawler, originally from Austin, Texas but now living on the west coast. A GSW original, he is now established as one of the cornerstones of the roster thanks to his legitimate toughness and no-nonesense brawling, being a regular GSW West Coast champion. He is noted for using a lot of headbutt-based attacks during his matches and is never afraid to do a bladejob, resulting in a battle scarred forehead that only adds to his aura of menace.


Public Enemy #1 is a big brawler from Texas. After wrestling on the Dallas local scene for a few years, the heavyweight competitor responded to Hard-1’s call for help and headed to the west coast to join GSW. Ever since, he has adopted a split personality gimmick of sorts, going from a placid bystander during Hard-1’s promos or while waiting on the apron to an all-out, over the top, ultraviolent fighter once triggered, something he’s gone on record to describe as “following the Path of Rage”.




(Public Enemy #1)

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Pre-show: Devyn Retribution and Max Mayhem defeated G Force and Tavon Blake Jr. [Rating: 30]

Perhaps on the lookout for more talent to add to its roster in light of its upcoming TV show, GSW gave a chance to local backyard wrestler G Force in a dark match, where he teamed with rookie Tavon Blake Jr against the more experienced pairing of Devyn Retribution and Max Mayhem, who also got the win.




Brother Grimm announced the official start of GSW's first show for 2020, welcoming fans and hyping up the night's matches as well as his promotion's upcoming TV show, to be shown on WrestleWorld on top of the monthly special events. Fro sure interrupted to voice his displeasure at not being booked to wrestle for the night and after some entertaining back and forth with the boss, Fro was assured that he would be getting booked to wrestle next month against "a very special opponent"

(Rating: 57)




The masked high flyer Shooting Star Perez got literally fed to BB Colossus here, getting squashed in just under four minutes. It would have been shorted and he would have landed a lot less moves were it not for his plodding opponent, but even those he landed had absolutely no effect on the big 430pounder who flattened his opponent with a Colossus Avalance for the pin. (Rating: 20)




With CJ Weston by their side, GSW Tag Team champions the Long Beach Crew made an entrance and cut a promo about how, unlike Fro Sure, were not booked to wrestle tonight because they've ran out of opponents. They have no challengers. They've beaten everyone there is to beat. No one dares stand up to them, 'cause Long Beach Crew ain't nothin' to f**k wit! (Rating: 42)




Despite not being a regular tag team like their opponents, Nadir and Dolla have common ground in their blatant disregard for their own well being, which made for an excellent hardcore match against Dead Men Walking. Nadir found himself in the same spot his teammate used to be in the past, with fans crapping on him for his wrestling skill (or lack thereof) so he ended up taking most of the beating for his team in hopes of getting over with his selling and toughness. Dead Men Walking went wild in this one and Top Dolla could do little to turn things around once he got the hot tag. Nadir ended up taking a powerbomb from Gravedigga, onto a corner where Mobstar had removed the pads and then the duo hit him with The Execution to score the pin.

(Rating: 36)




As soon as the tag match was over,

began playing on the speakers and GSW's psycho clown Magwitch made an appearance. For a moment, it seemed like he was about to cut off the winners' retreat, but the clown turned his attention to the ring and slid a table in, setting it against the padless corner. With Noah Nadir still reeling in the center, fans cheered for the attack they could see coming, but instead Magwitch charged and put himself through the table and onto the steel buckles, cackling madly into Nadir's face afterwards while everyone else in the Warehouse stood flabbergasted at this maniac's antics.

(Rating: 22)




E-Soteric had his work cut out for him against hardened veteran and three time West Coast champion Hard-1, whom he'd taken the belt from back in October in the first place. As hard hitting as every GSW match, this one was the night's first truly competitive match that wasn't all about blood, stunts and weapons. Sadly, Los Guerilleros just had to mess it up by coming out to circle the ring like sharks. Hard-1 had just too much to deal with after that point and with his attention spread all over the place as Mexico's Finest called the shots and Brown Pride took them, he got caught with a Double Arm DDT for the pin, thus keeping the gold around E-Soteric's waist

(Rating: 35)





After the match, Mexico's Finest directed LatiNoFear and MexiCain to beat down the defeated Hard-1. Public Enemy #1 ran in for the save and got into a brawl with the ex con, ramming his ribs to the barricade as he charged down the entrance way with a spear. Still, that wasn't enough to turn the tide and it took the appearance of big Papa Swoll to level the playing field and force Los Guerilleros to a hasty retreat once they no longer had the advantage of surprise or superior numbers.

(Rating: 30)




Three of GSW's biggest, baddest bruisers battled it out in this match and fans loved every bit of it. Raheem Stash really shone as the better in-ring performer of the three, though the action was not contained to the ring, while Mexico's Finest really sold the lingering effects of his ribs being driven into the barricade right before the match. BB Colossus also made an appearance to glare at Stash from the entrance, drawing the big Jamaican to rush towards him and trade blows, all the while leaving an injured Mexico's Finest to get chokeslammed as Boneyard scored the pin to win the match.

(Rating: 35)




Long time friendly rivals and at times occasional teammates, Deaf Touch and Busta Capp met in the main event as the American champion offered the GSW original a shot at gold out of sheer respect. Despite that, the fight was wild, frantic and swept up every part of the Warehouse as the two brawled all over, including a spot where Deaf Touch hit the Crooked Moonsault off the bar and onto the floor. There's no denying the chemistry between these two warriors and despite DT retaining after a crazy ten minutes, an aching Capp still gave props to the champ and raised his hand after the match was over.

(Rating: 49)




With Deaf Touch still reeling from his wild match, Boneyard made an appearance with bad intentions in mind. Before he could act upon them though, the voice of GSW's Commissioner of Violence on the speakers announced that this was enough. Sure enough, Big Magic appeared shortly after and ordered Boneyard to step down or suffer the consequences. After a second of thinking the situation through, Boneyard gave both Magic and Touch an angry stare and retreated to end the show.

(Rating: 44)


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Pre-show: Busta Capp defeated Shooting Star Perez. (Rating: 41)

Shooting Star Perez had a better chance to showcase his moves and warm up the crowd in a dark match against Busta Capp. Thanks to the GSW original’s popularity, experience and their pretty good chemistry back and forth, this was a surprisingly entertaining, albeit predictable bout.


Pre-show:Papa Swoll and The Lone Star Crew defeated Deaf Touch, Mexico's Finest and Noah Nadir. (Rating: 32)

The recently formed alliance of Hard-1, Swoll and Public Enemy #1 got a chance to work as a trio against a ragtag crew of opponents, from which of course they chose to focus on Mexico’s Finest. Noah Nadir was only there to get beat and take the pin, with the youngster still struggling to break through the boos.




Big Magic came out with Deaf Touch, to whom he handed a sheet of paper while he addressed the crowd. GSW’s “Commissioner of Violence” triumphantly announced he’d booked a showdown to headline the first ever episode of the company’s TV show and also found a way to secure it. Deaf Touch versus Boneyard for the American title, the rematch. If Boneyard attacks or in any way messes with the champion before the match, he’s out of it. If Deaf Touch does the same, he’ll be stripped of the title. Fans cheered, the champion nodded in agreement and that’s that. (Rating: 40)




Ace Youngblood flew in from the East Coast to reunite with his old partner Max Mayhem for one night only, reforming The Aces of Mayhem. That was just about it, because few fans in the audience were aware of Youngblood and his past with Mayhem. That was also just about in terms of action, because for all their attempts and wild, chaotic action, The Aces of Mayhem essentially got squashed by State of Destruction, their only saving grace being the fact they managed to push this match a single second short of the six minute mark, which is much longer than many have held up against BB and Boneyard. (Rating: 31)




Evil clowns are naught a novelty in hardcore wrestling, or wrestling in general, but a man the size of Magwitch coming to the ring in smeared makeup with a cigarette hanging from his lips is a sight that sure catches the attention of the audience every time he makes an entrance. On the flipside, GSW loyalists seem to hate the blue collar bricklayer that is Devyn Retribution and frankly, using

as his entrance music doesn’t seem to help. That said, both men were out for blood and the audience ate up their hardcore match. Magwitch was mostly in control until an appearance from Noah Nadir distracted him for a bit, but Devyn’s comeback was short lived and he got wrecked with a Stump Piledriver in the end. (Rating: 26)




on the speakers announced the return of formerly injured Omar, though fans weren’t that thrilled to see him. His high flying and Blake’s solid technical wrestling made for a welcome palette cleanser though, the first properly competitive match of the night and one that featured actual wrestling to boot. Unsurprisingly, Omar won with a High Velocity Headbutt to start building up some momentum again. (Rating: 37)




Fro Sure hit the ring for his next match and out came Brother Grimm to introduce his opponent. After some hot back and forth on the mic, Grimm warned Fro that he brought this upon himself when he interrupted him last month and he should know better than to disrespect Grimm. For his transgressions, his opponent tonight would be deathmatch legend, Gareth Wayne. (Rating: 57)




Wayne used the element of surprise to put the heat on Fro and things quickly spilled outside the ring. There was a lot of fighting in the audience and for all his willingness to inflict violence, Wayne seemed to be slipping. Whether due to an off night, jet lag, ring rust or old age creeping up on him, the former WEXXV star started to fall behind and mistime his spots, leading to Fro’s comeback and a push of the pace to wear off Wayne and finish him off, which he did with his signature Tombstone Piledriver, the Sure Thing. (Rating: 43)




Los Guerilleros’ chance at tag team gold and having Mexico’s Finest at ringside made all the difference, whether as an extra pair of eyes, a general shouting tactics or for the sheer intimidation factor of his presence. What was already a wild and crazy match got even hotter as the Latino trio tried to use their numbers to their advantage. Papa Swoll and Public Enemy #1 saw a chance to even the odds and get back at their rivals so they tried to interfere, but MF managed to hold them away from the ring. It took Hard-1 to really turn the tides and take the big ex con down, giving Los Guerilleros a taste of their own medicine with a 3 on 1 attack. The distraction was enough to mess with the challengers’ focus and the LBC hit the High and Low on LatiNoFear as Aces High made the pin for the champs to retain. (Rating: 47)


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Brother Grimm was anything but subtle here. He named GSW's weekly TV "The Next Episode", got the rights to use Dr. Dre's

as its theme and opened the first ever episode with his own face, welcoming fans and viewers alike while acknowledging himself as the founder and owner of GSW. He then proceeded to introduce the company's "Commissioner of Violence" Big Magic and the two of them hyped up the show and company, before they were interrupted by the Long Beach Crew. Tag Team titles around their waists, the champions cut a rude promo to also acknowledge that both Grimm and Magic got minimum prior knowledge of this business; Aces and Slick run things in the ring and the locker room, while CJ Weston books the matches and tells people what to think on commentary. Aces High wrapped it up best, saying "Goodbye kayfabe, we're keepin' it real, yo!" (Rating: 44)




If the opening segment established GSW will not be upholding kayfabe but actively break it instead, the opening match established that intergender wrestling will apparently be a thing from now on. Top Dolla went up against Miss Jones, though wrestling nerds might know the pink clad veteran better as Candy Floss, only now boasting a sharper look. The booking here was real simple, get in there, throw everything on the wall and get the hell out before people have a chance to wonder what's going on. Four minutes all in all with a basic storyline, Dolla underestimating his opponent, getting hit with moves and weapons because of it while she showcased herself and won by holding on to his trunks for the pin. (Rating: 16)





What was supposed to be a standard three way tag match got spiced up before the opening bell as Big Magic flexed his authority to up the ante on the spot and turn it into a Ladder match, promising to give the winning team a shot at the tag team titles. As if the participants needed any extra motivation. Brown Pride and The Lone Star Crew were all to happy to lay it onto each other, while Dead Men Walking reveled in the chaos without discrimination. In the end, this proved to be their ace in the hole, as the other two teams got too caught up fighting each other outside the ring and Gravedigga climbed the ladder to claim victory. (Rating: 37)




Breaking up the crazy action, Busta Capp cut a promo from the VIP area of the Warehouse to introduce himself to new viewers. Fro Sure showed up and paid his respects, saying the veteran may have been there since day one and help build GSW, but right now's a new time and there's a need for fresh faces: Fro Sure is the man who'll be the face of hardcore television in this new era. In response, Capp clogged him square in the jaw and talked some trash over the fallen Fro, before leaving the scene. (Rating: 51)




As promised, GSW's first ever weekly television episode was headlined by Deaf Touch defending his American title against Boneyard. Well aware of what he was in for, DT tried to keep the pace quick and exhaust the challenger. What he wasn't able to do was keep this a straight wrestling match, the action quickly spilling out of the ring as the two men brawled at ringside and in the audience. Slightly less than eight minutes long, the match was jam packed with action and in the end, Deaf Touch was able to outwit Grimm's bodyguard and hit him with a Crooked Moonsault to retain. (Rating: 44)


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