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Grimm SoCal Wrestling: Keep their heads ringnin'

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:55%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


Airing Friday, Week 3 of March 2021




Brother Grimm is in his office when Deaf Touch, Frantic Ali, E-Soteric and Tavon Blake Jr walk in. From everyone's mannerisms, it seems as though they were expected, summoned even.


E-Soteric: "So, we been brought to the headmaster's office for being naughty lil' n**as, huh?"


Grimm: "Shut yo mouth, E. Been wondering if it was a mistake to let yo asses work for Pro Wrestling Max. That what this is all about?"


Ali: "You a smart man, Grimm. This ain't about company loyalty or invasions tho. We ain't GS-dub and we ain't P-dub-Max either, hell, I ain't IPW even! We our own crew."


Grimm: "Oh so now you like what, mark your turf by ganging up on Fro?"


TBJ: "Take a good look around, G. We the real wrestlers on this roster of chair swingers and table crashers. We legit. And if you want GSW to be anything more than some gangbangers slicing each other up in the hood... you need us."

(Rating: 48)






GSW's new interviewer is backstage and waiting to get some comments from Sayeed Ali, who still bears the signs of last week's attack.


Ali: "I ain't here to talk about those punks that jumped me last week. I've been in this business for 17 years, from Canada to Pittsburgh, Harlem and now Los Angeles, I don't work hardcore, I am hardcore. I don't care how many people get in my face or hit me from behind, I don't care if I gotta take chairs to the head, fall off a ladder, go through a table, get slammed onto thumbtacks, at Beneath the City, I'm winning that title and when I do, I'm taking it hostage. I'm gonna head back to the East Coast with the GSW American title and everyone is gonna be begging me to come back!"

(Rating: 38)






Muvva finds himself in a triple threat against the rising Harlem Haynes and the returning Top Dolla as the opening match rolls around. The two smaller guys naturally work together to take Haynes down first and once he's out of the ring, Muvva is the first to jump Dolla. The hardcore daredevil takes a beating and tries to counter with desperate high flying moves, both of which endear him to the crowd until he eventually hits his signature balcony dive. Instead of Muvva though, he crashes onto the returning Harlem Haynes and this all too conveniently creates the chance for Muvva to fall over the big man and score the pin.

(Rating: 43)






Snap to backstage, where Black Diamond and Jo Baker are in the middle of a verbal altercation with Bizarro. It's hard to tell what they're even saying in all the noise, but it seems like things are about to get physical when La Estrella rushes into the scene and separates the two parties. This leads to BPLM directing their shouting at the masked luchador instead and although Bizarro is practically saved, she too doesn't seem too happy with Estrella's interference.

(Rating: 28)






A video montage is shown next, with commentary from Aces High and Cali Slick over the imagery of their singles and tag highlights.


Aces: "Me an' Slick, we always been tight. I mean, we've won the tag straps three times, four if you also count that time in IPW before the split that gave GS-dub to the world. This kind o' shit don't happen by accident. You gotta be close. And we were close, even after CJ left and through that series of betrayals involving Dead Men Walking."


Slick: "Aces just can't handle the fact I'm better than him. We can argue about who's been carrying who as a tag team, but our individual accomplishments speak for themselves. I've won the King of California tournament twice and I'm a two time GSW American champion. He's got what, a single reign as GSW West Coast champion?"


Aces: "When Slick won the big one for the first time, I was happy for him. I was excited. Second time though, not so much. Yeah I didn't have a big title win to my name yet by that point, but that ain't the point. Thing is, Slick was different now. Thought he was better than me. Expected me to run behind him like a f**king dog. So I snapped."


Slick: "Of course you expect your friends to have your back. Maybe mess up sometimes, as long as they still had good intentions. But Aces messed it up way too many times and ultimately, he cost me my title. We settled it in the ring at Game of Death, but he just couldn't take the loss and move on."


Aces: "I know I can beat Slick. I did it, not too long ago. This has to end. And at Beneath the City, we're squashing that beef in a Long Beach Street Fight!"

(Rating: 43)






Back to the ring, Raheem Stash has made his entrance but instead of his opponent, Fro Sure's music hits and the GSW American champion comes out. Despite having taken a beating last week and bearing the scars to show for it, Fro looks to be in a (perpetual) good mood, despite Stash staring daggers at him while the broadcast team reminds viewers that Stash was sidelined with an injury caused by Fro. The discussion quickly ends when Fro heads to the broadcast table, joining Dwight Kumas, MC Motormouth and Moses Makesh to provide commentary for this next match.

(Rating: 67)




The match is a tangled up mess of storylines playing out simultaneously: Estrella has to use his speed, wits and lucha high flying to eliminate his opponent's size and power advantage; Stash's condition is under question as this is his first match returning from injury, then there's the distraction of Fro at ringside and perhaps the looming threat of interference from one of the ladies that Estrella got involved with earlier, as he doesn't have the best track record with GSW females thus far. The execution is pretty clean however and the two men wrestle a solid match, with Stash having the distinct advantage. The finish sees Estrella make a desperate run for the corner to hit a step up twisting crossbody but Stash catches him and slams him down, staying on top for the three count, eyes fixed on Fro at the broadcast booth all along.

(Rating: 47)






Brown Pride and Hector Galindo are hanging out at the parking lot of the Warehouse, around their signature lowrider.


Galindo: "You homies still ain't heard from Finest, have ya?"


MexiCain: "If he ain't gotten him self back in the pen, he's left the state. Either way, we're better without him. See how we beat the Killers and Dolla last week?"


Galindo: "Yeah, I was just wonderin..."


LatiNoFear: "You worry too much, esse. Tranquilo..."

(Rating: 33)






The titles may be on the line but both teams are anything but cautious in the main event, throwing caution to the wind as they fly around with flashy, high impact moves that excite the crowd. Villano and Pierrot occasionally ground things with some brawling that slows down the pace, but they too seem to have a lot of urgency to the way they move.


Things eventually fall apart though, when Bizarro and Magwitch show up to attack the champions, while State of Destruction quickly join to assault them and the challengers. It's a chaotic free for all, but somehow E-Z manages to hit Hellech with a Curb Stomp and pin him while everyone else is brawling on the outside, ensuring his team retains as the episode fades to black with the brawl still going.

(Rating: 44)



Prediction results

smw88: 3/3 (100% Accuracy)

Bigelow Cartwheel: 3/3 (100% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. smw88: 30/39 (77% Accuracy)

2. Theheel: 20/29 (68% Accuracy)

3. christmas_ape: 14/20 (70% Accuracy)

4. Blodyxe: 6/10 (60% Accuracy)

5. CageRage: 5/9 (56% Accuracy)

6. Bigelow Cartwheel: 5/11 (45% Accuracy)

7. kanegan: 4/7 (57% Accuracy)

8. Mitch: 3/7 (42% Accuracy)


Quick Predictions for Episode #51

1. Cali Slick & Sayeed Ali vs Fro Sure & Aces High

2. Hector Galindo vs Hustle Muvva

3. Deaf Touch, Frantic Ali, E-Soteric and Tavon Blake Jr vs Magwitch, Hellech, Pierrot and Bizarro

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<p>I really like the Fight Club atmosphere you have with this. I know there's a wrestling ring but you can imagine these guys quite happily fighting without one. That said, from the opening segment, it looks like you've got yourself a little ELITE cliq going on. I like it.</p><p> </p><p>

Disappointed my clowns didn't win but feel it was the right decision. They'll be back.</p><p> </p><p>

1. <strong>Cali Slick & Sayeed Ali</strong> vs Fro Sure & Aces High</p><p>

2. Hector Galindo vs <strong>Hustle Muvva</strong></p><p>

3. <strong>Deaf Touch, Frantic Ali, E-Soteric and Tavon Blake Jr</strong> vs Magwitch, Hellech, Pierrot and Bizarro</p>

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Been a bit busy so I've focused on my less extensive BCG diary, but haven't forgotten this one, just struggling to find the time to sit down and write in a more extensive format. Hopefully I can find some time and peace of mind during the holidays. Thanks for your patience.


Busy time of the year, you got this ;)

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:55%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


Airing Friday, Week 4 of March 2021




Brother Grimm is in the ring as the episode begins, with fans chanting his name before he's even said a word.


Grimm: "We got a show to put on and I got some business to take care of, so I'm gonna keep this tight. Raheem Stash, get yo black ass in this ring!"


Buju Banton's "Champion" hits the speakers, the song's vibrant reggae style a stark contrast to the menacing Jamaican and his apparent mood. Stash steps over the top rope and joins Grimm inside the ring, GSW's owner gesturing he wants none.


Grimm: "Yo Stash, listen... I know you got beef with Fro, but Beneath the City's coming up and I need him ready to defend the American title in the main event, so much as I hate to say it, he can't be touched. Until that match happens, he's under my protection."


Stash doesn't seem all to excited with the news, but Grimm tells him to hold on, there's more.


Grimm: "However, you're back and cleared to wrestle and I happen to have a little problem you could help me with. See, Deaf Touch's supposed to wrestle Frantic Ali for the West Coast title, but it seems the two of them got a new crew they rollin' with. Can I trust 'em to put on a proper match after what happened these last few weeks? Hell naw! So, if you're down with it, you gonna be my insurance policy in that match: a triple threat for the West Coast title!"


Fans cheer at the suggestion and a wide, nasty smile splits Stash's face as he nods in acceptance, liking what he's hearing.

(Rating: 58)






Backstage, Deaf Touch, E-Soteric, Frantic Ali and Tavon Blake Jr seem like they're preparing for a fight: E-Soteric is taping his fists, Deaf Touch is doing push ups while the other two men address the camera.


Ali: "Ya know, people wonder why the four of us hooked up together. They can't imagine what the hell we all have in common to join forces, when it's so goddamn obvious!"


Blake: "We the real wrestlers in this company and we've f**king had enough! We're tired of being overlooked in favor of some hoodlums bashing each other with chairs and calling what they do wrestling. We here to show everyone what real wrestling looks like and we gonna do that by kicking everyone's asses!"


E-Soteric: "It starts tonight and it starts with us beating those f**king clowns who dare to step foot inside a wrestling ring!"

(Rating: 47)






The match is built around the differences between the two teams, with Psycho Circus trying to turn it into a chaotic all-out hardcore fight and their opponents using clean wrestling as they attempt to keep things in order and between the ropes. Most of the few available minutes for it are spent teasing whether referee Dwight Kumas will lose control of the bout or not and when it finally happens, Blake is quick to rush in and hit Bizarro with a Black Plex for the pin, ending the contest in favor of his team which retreats fast as fans boo them for essentially depriving them of the bloody brawl they wanted to see.

(Rating: 41)





The boos quickly turn to cheers as State of Destruction rush out from backstage to intercept the clown stable, fans finally getting the dose of over the top violence they were craving. It takes a while (and a ton of personnel) to get things under control and break up the fight, but once that happens, the broadcast team announce that it's been confirmed, at Beneath the City, State of Destruction and Lil' Henry will be having a match against Magwitch and Coulrophobia.

(Rating: 37)






A short video airs next, shot in some gloomy hallway. Hector Galindo is shadowboxing when Mexican Hardcore Killers step into the frame.


Galindo: "Step the f**k up, punks! I ain't 'fraid o' ya!"


With a smile, Sanchez Villano produces an envelope from inside his jacket and tosses it over. The envelope lands on the ground between Galindo's feet.


Villano: "Perhaps it ain't us you should be afraid of, chico..."

(Rating: 32)




Galindo runs down to the ring all fire and brimstone, then jumps out of it just as fast to hit a senton on Muvva as he's making his own entrance. The match is off to an early start at a frantic pace and Galindo hits spot after spot of crazy high flying moves, before Cindy provides the distraction that allows Muvva to gain control of the match and make up for lost ground with a mix of brawling and weapons shots. It's an absolute car crash that feels a lot like an impromptu match, but Galindo's enthusiasm backfires when he lands on the hard floor of the Warehouse and Cindy rolls him back into the ring for Muvva to deliver the Hustler's Headbutt and make the pin.

(Rating: 51)



Muvva continues the beatdown even after the match has ended, which in turn brings out Brown Pride to make the save. The trio stand tall inside the ring and throw up the Los Guerilleros hand sign, only for Muvva to respond with a gesture of his own. What could that mean?!






Black Diamond and Jo Baker are being interviewed backstage.


Diamond: "La Estrella... you keep shoving your nose into our business where it don't belong."


Baker: "Yeah, no one likes you Estrella, not even that clown girl you think you 'saved' last week, You fancy yourself some knight in shining armor somehow, when in reality you're just a sleazeball!"


La Estrella walks into the interview just as that last line is delivered.


Estrella: "Whoa, that's no way for a seniorita to speak, especially one as caliente as yourself."


Diamond: "Don't you f**king patronize us, cabron. And since you're here, I might as well let you know along with the rest of the world... at Beneath the City, it'll be me and Jo here against you and yo clown girlfriend!"

(Rating: 30)





A short video montage is shown next, recapping the friendship and successes of the Long Beach Crew. The narration then moves to Slick winning the GSW American championship last year, the tensions that caused with Aces High and the series of matches they had since, leading up to the Long Beach Street Fight they're bound to have at Beneath the City.

(Rating: 25)




Much like a couple of weeks ago, the main event sees Fro and Ali team up with two individuals set to face each other at Beneath the City. What's unusual though is the pacing of the match, which starts off slow and with a lot of testing each others' defences. Some of the audience seem turned off at the lack of flashy action or openly boo, but others seem to be more and more drawn in, especially after how the previous tag match ended with the revelation of Deaf Touch and Frantic Ali being on the same team alongside TBJ and E-Soteric; there's a sense of mistrust in the air, even between teammates. Aces High attempts to pick up the pace and sway fans in his support with a few riskier moves, but the wager doesn't pay off and he soon finds himself on the wrong side of town, Ali and Slick using classic tag tactics to isolate him on their corner and wear him down. Fans come to life in support of Aces as the match builds up to the hot tag and when Fro finally gets it, he storms the ring to deliver kung fu chops and roundhouse kicks to both his opponents to a huge pop. His offensive flurry is a sudden rush as the pace hits a climax and minutes later, with the clock well past the 18th minute, he manages to piledrive Sayeed Ali with a Sure Thing to get the three count.

(Rating: 48)



Prediction results

Blodyxe: 3/3 (100% Accuracy)

smw88: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)

Bigelow Cartwheel: 2/3 (67% Accuracy)

christmas_ape: 1/3 (33% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. smw88: 32/42 (76% Accuracy)

2. Theheel: 20/29 (68% Accuracy)

3. christmas_ape: 15/23 (65% Accuracy)

4. Blodyxe: 9/13 (69% Accuracy)

5. Bigelow Cartwheel: 7/14 (50% Accuracy)

6. CageRage: 5/9 (56% Accuracy)

7. kanegan: 4/7 (57% Accuracy)

8. Mitch: 3/7 (42% Accuracy)


Quick Predictions for Beneath the City

1. GSW American title: Fro Sure © vs Sayeed Ali

2. Long Beach Street Fight: Aces High vs Cali Slick

3. GSW West Coast title: Hustle Muvva © vs Deaf Touch vs Raheem Stash

4. Los Guerilleros vs E-Soteric, Hustle Muvva &Tavon Blake Jr

5. Black Diamond & Jo Baker vs Bizarro & La Estrella

6. GSW Hottest Crew titles: State of Destruction & Lil' Henry © vs Psycho Circus (Magwitch & Coulrophobia)

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Quick Predictions for Beneath the City

1. GSW American title: Fro Sure © vs Sayeed Ali

2. Long Beach Street Fight: Aces High vs Cali Slick

3. GSW West Coast title: Hustle Muvva © vs Deaf Touch vs Raheem Stash

4. Los Guerilleros vs E-Soteric, Hustle Muvva &Tavon Blake Jr

5. Black Diamond & Jo Baker vs Bizarro & La Estrella

6. GSW Hottest Crew titles: State of Destruction & Lil' Henry © vs Psycho Circus (Magwitch & Coulrophobia)

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1. GSW American title: Fro Sure © vs Sayeed Ali

2. Long Beach Street Fight: Aces High vs Cali Slick

3. GSW West Coast title: Hustle Muvva © vs Deaf Touch vs Raheem Stash

4. Los Guerilleros vs E-Soteric, Hustle Muvva &Tavon Blake Jr

5. Black Diamond & Jo Baker vs Bizarro & La Estrella

6. GSW Hottest Crew titles: State of Destruction & Lil' Henry © vs Psycho Circus (Magwitch & Coulrophobia)

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GSW American title: Fro Sure © vs Sayeed Ali

2. Long Beach Street Fight: Aces High vs Cali Slick

3. GSW West Coast title: Hustle Muvva © vs Deaf Touch vs Raheem Stash

4. Los Guerilleros vs E-Soteric, Hustle Muvva &Tavon Blake Jr

5. Black Diamond & Jo Baker vs Bizarro & La Estrella

6. GSW Hottest Crew titles: State of Destruction & Lil' Henry © vs Psycho Circus (Magwitch & Coulrophobia)

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<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:60%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


Beneath the City


A night to remember


Brother Grimm made an entrance to kick off the show and welcomed the sold out crowd of 800 fans, before hyping some of the night's big matches. Grimm talked about his decision to only hold a major show once per season (so four each year) instead of a monthly one since GSW now has a weekly television show. According to Grimm, this would allow these shows to feel even bigger and tonight, GSW was primed to deliver just that. (Rating: 71)



Track 1: State of Destruction & Lil' Henry © vs Psycho Circus (Magwitch & Coulrophobia) for the GSW Hottest Crew titles




True to Grimm's promise, bloody chaos was what the opening match delivered as the defending champions faced off against the clown crew that's been haunting them. Psycho Circus weren't here to wrestle, they'd come to fight and they'd brought weapons to swing against their much larger opponents. Tags went straight out the window in this mess and it turned into a de facto tornado tag, with all six men fighting simultaneously. State of Destruction and Lil' Henry weren't frugal when it came to violence either, literally turning the tables once Boneyard chokeslammed Magwitch through a table. This pushed Coulrophobia to overcompensate for being one man short and Hellech pulled out all the stops when he climbed up all the way to the DJ booth to hit a sick moonsault, taking out State of Destruction just as they were about to hit their tag finisher on Pierrot. A recovered Magwitch tried to rush in and capitalize on the chaos, but Henry escaped the attempted Stump Piledriver and hit his own Double-Handed Choke Bomb on the psycho clown, driving him on top of the pile of fallen bodies before rolling him aside for the pin. (Rating: 44)


The champ is here


A backstage promo from Fro Sure aired next, the champion recapping his rivalry with Sayeed Ali and playing up the East-West aspect of their upcoming title clash. (Rating: 73)


Track 2: Black Diamond & Jo Baker vs Bizarro & La Estrella


If not for the storytelling and hard hitting action, this bout would have probably played out as a comedy match built around Estrella's tense relationship with all three females. Instead, Diamond and Baker turned it into a brawl to get things started off a serious foot, before their opponents picked up the pace with some flashy high flying that popped the audience. Surprisingly enough, the two Mexican stars seemed to work unnaturally well as a team, which made the finish even more impactful as Bizarro refused the tag, leaving a winded Estrella to take a Belly To Belly Suplex and the pin, courtesy of Black Diamond, (Rating: 36)




Mexican Hardcore Killers were shown next, driving their fancy lowrider to the parking lot of the Warehouse, Tag Team titles prominently displayed resting on the back seat. The champions drove around in search of a parking spot and finally found one, right next to another lowrider, this one painted bright yellow and displaying a large crown on the hood cover. Seeing this apparently shocked E-Z and Villano, who dropped their cool demeanor and quickly parked the car, hopping out to rush into the building. (Rating: 40)


Track 3: Los Guerilleros vs E-Soteric, Hustle Muvva & Tavon Blake Jr




Hot off their recent formation and all about legit wrestling, E-Soteric, Muvva and TBJ took control early in the match and delivered some high impact action, though it earned them little cheer from the fans who seemed to be more behind the Hispanic trio of Los Guerilleros. This led to more than one potential comebacks but Galindo's latest one was shut down hard once E-Soteric whipped him head first onto a chair stuck in the corner, then topped it with a Double Arm DDT for the pin. (Rating: 48)




Even after the match was over, the winners weren't done and ganged up to put the boots on Galindo. MexiCain and LatiNoFear were nowhere to be seen and it all looked lost until...


Rudy Velasquez and Jesus Chavez ran down to the ring to make the save! The reaction was probably more about the save and less because fans recognized Galindo's allies from FCW, but the fact remains: months after Galindo walked out of FCW, the Latino Kings have been reunited in GSW! (Rating: 41)


Talking Tactics


Frantic Ali and Deaf Touch were interviewed next in regards to their upcoming three way match for the GSW West Coast title. The story here has been that the two men proved to be allies after the match was arranged, which was the reason for Stash getting added to it, but this also provided a believable reason for Ali to speak for Touch (who, as GSW will know, is legitimately deaf). Ali had some hard words for both Stash and Grimm messing with this match and making it even harder for him to retain his title, but he added that he and Touch would work together to remove Stash from the equation so they could wrestle the original one on one match between them. (Rating: 41)



Track 4: Frantic Ali © vs Deaf Touch vs Raheem Stash for the GSW West Coast title


Just as promised, Ali and Touch immediately teamed up to take down Stash but that's easier said than done and the big Jamaican put up a hard fight, setting the tone for a (no pun intended) frantic, fast paced match. Even after he took enough damage to get knocked out of the ring, Stash decided to forego catching his breath and quickly got back into the match, denying his two opponents their wish of wrestling each other. If nothing else, this proved that Stash can be more than a lumbering big man and after a surprisingly solid performance, he was able to stack Deaf Touch on top of Frantic Ali with a Standing Powerslam for a dominant win, becoming the new GSW West Coast champion. (Rating: 48)


Track 5: Aces High vs Cali Slick in a Long Beach Street Fight


With plenty of history behind them and documented chemistry between them, it was practically impossible for Aces and Slick to not knock it out of the park in this one. As was pointed out before both men made their entrances, the stipulation of the match meant not only no DQs or countounts (which is the standard in all GSW matches anyway) but also that falls would count anywhere and there was going to be a ten instead of a three count. The foundation was there for absolute brutality and that's what the two men delivered, fighting in and out of the ring, all around the Warehouse, on top of the bar, up the stands, even in the restrooms for a brief moment. Aces had to throw everything and (quite literally) the restroom sink at Slick but his relentless offence paid off and in the end he was able to hit the Dead Man's Hand on the stage where rappers usually perform to score the ten count pinfall and the decisive victory over Slick in the rubber match between them. (Rating: 52)




Aces High celebrated his victory like a madman, but once the initial rush of adrenaline wore off, he turned his attention to Slick who was being attended to by the doctor on standby. Aces decided to be the bigger man and helped Slick back to his feet, with Slick maintaining the grip afterwards and turning it into a handshake in a show of respect. The two men ended hugging it out in an emotional moment that had fans cheering for both of them, two warriors leaving it all out in the ring but through the process going from hatred to mutual respect. Whoever said GSW only promotes violence without a good message? (Rating: 37)



Track 6: Fro Sure © vs Sayeed Ali for the GSW American title


The main event lacked any flashy stipulations but that didn't stop the two participants from turning it into a crazy brawl in and out of the ring. Ali took full advantage of his size and power advantage to bully the champion around, with Fro selling the offence to garner sympathy from the fans. The occasional karate chop or eye poke allowed Fro to get some of his own offence in but Ali would power his way through to regain control of the fight, until Fro was able to dodge an incoming spear and send Ali head first onto an exposed turnbuckle. Bleeding from the point of impact, Ali continued the fight but the blood in his eyes made him miss more often than not, thus allowing Fro to make his proper comeback and drive him to the mat with a Sure Thing piledriver for the pin, marking his second successful defence of the GSW American title. (Rating: 61)


Apologies for the format, fontmeme changed their embedding system so I can no longer add that slick looking graffiti font. Also, when posting the show card for predictions, I accidentally had Hustle Muvva in there as champion, when that was actually Frantic Ali, so I'm not counting that match in the prediction scores.

Prediction results

smw88: 4/5 (80% Accuracy)

Sco xY2Jx: 3/5 (60% Accuracy)

Historian: 2/5 (40% Accuracy)


Overall results

1. smw88: 35/46 (76% Accuracy)

2. CageRage: 18/27 (67% Accuracy)

3. kanegan: 15/22 (68% Accuracy)

4. Blodyxe: 10/18 (55% Accuracy)

5. Theheel: 5/8 (63% Accuracy)

6. Historian: 5/9 (56% Accuracy)

7. Sco xY2Jx: 3/5 (60% Accuracy)


smw88 wins this round of predictions, back to back wins perhaps signalling the start of an Undertaker-esque streak? Congratulations to the winner, you will be contacted soon in regards to your prize. Big thank you to everyone else who read, commented or predicted!

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  • 3 weeks later...

<div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #6e1812; max-width:55%;box-shadow: 0 6px 12px ";">


Airing Friday, Week 1 of April 2021




Brother Grimm is in his office, smile on his face as he addresses the camera.


Grimm: "Beneath the City's been an absolute banger but anyone watchin' this program knows I ain't the kind to take a break and rest on my accomplishments. That's why I'm excited to announce that GSW will be from now on also holding monthly shows in the great state of Texas! We're expanding all the way inland to the opposite coast..."


Grimm's speech is interrupted by Aces High, who bursts into his office.


Aces: "Yo Grimm! When's my title match goin' down, blood?"


Grim freezes for a split second, then recollects himself and turns around to face the intruder.


Grimm: "The hell you want comin' into my office like that, interruptin' me while I'm talking?"


Unphased, Aces smiles and nods.


Aces: "Yo, you know what's up, boss man. Ya boy Sayeed Ali couldn't get the job done, East Coast my Ass-assin, so he rode off into the sunset to do comedy skits on Reverie. Meanwhile, I'm still here and I just wiped the mat with the previous champ, Cali Slick. So drop that gangsta act on me and tell me when I'm getting a shot at Fro's title, man!"


Grimm: "I gotta make arrangements man. Promote this sh*t. But tell you what, I can give you a warm up match in tonight's main event, against another former champion..."

(Rating: 51)






For all her good looks and flashy aerial offence, there's no doubt Maivia is still exceptionally green in the ring and not yet respected by the fans. Regardless though, she gets enough offence in for the match to not be considered a squash, even if Diamond predictably takes her out in the end with a Belly to Belly Suplex. (Rating: 26)






Raheem Stash is shown chillin' behind the wheel of a huge Hummer truck, speakers blasting some ragga hip hop. The GSW West Coast championship title belt is placed on the nearby seat, riding shotgun, while the camera zooms in as if jumping in through the driver's window.


Stash: "Fro Sure... this ain't over between you and me. Now I got a title and you got a title, so it's not very likely for the powers that be to have us face each other, but that don't mean your black ass is safe from me. So here's what I'm thinking... Just for one night, let's put all the championship gold aside. Me and you, one on one. I'll see you in the ring next week... if you got the balls."

(Rating: 54)






A short video airs next, showing a fast moving man dressed in green and yellow beating opponents inside a ring with some impressive high flying moves. The montage ends with him doing a flip and landing into a ninja-like three point stance before he looks up, to reveal himself as covering his face with the Brazilian flag. (Rating: 22)






The match is off to a fast start thanks to Hellech setting the pace but quick tags from his opponents ensure he's never able to isolate either and get a quick victory. The two hard hitters slowly turn the tide and big Pierrot comes in to even the odds, turning the match into a more grounded street fight. With the clowns back in control, Hellech returns to pick up the pace but once again, E-Soteric and Ali are able to cut him off and put the boots on him. This builds up to a hot tag and Pierrot using his signature high altitude dropkick to clear the ring. His follow up attempt at a cover gets broken up though and his opponents get to work on him, forcing Hellech to fly in and break up a pin attempt. Both legal men are down and must make a tag, which they do; Ali and Hellech charge to meet in the center for a few back and forth strikes before the clown attempts a DDT, only for Ali to reverse it into a Death Valley Driver for the pin. (Rating: 48)






The winners celebrate as they are joined in the ring by their allies. Cindy grabs a mic and passes it to her husband.


Muvva: "What you're seeing here is the toughest, baddest collection of real, professional wrestlers up in this b*tch! We're here to dominate and we'll do just that!"


E-Soteric: "You better shut yo mouths and start showing us some proper respect! And speaking of respect, that goes for our matches as well, cause we're the hottest crew in GS-dub, we ain't here to be wrestling no clowns!"


Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E.'s "Another body murdered" interrupts E-Soteric as BB Colossus, Boneyard and Lil Henry come out of the entrance way. State of Destruction raise their GSW Hottest Crew titles up in the air as Henry motions for and is handed another microphone.


Henry: "Only clowns I'm seeing is you lot in that ring. And only way you get to call yo'selves the hottest crew around is if you own these title belts. So if you think you got the balls to do what it takes, you know where to find us!"

(Rating: 42)






Brown Pride are chilling in a hallway of The Warehouse sharing a blunt when the reformed Latino Kings step up to them.


MexiCain: "Ain't you vatos supposed to back in San Juan?"


Chavez cracks his knuckles, but Galindo holds him back and Velasquez steps forward.


Velasquez: "Weren't you cabrones supposed to have Hector's back at Beneath the City? Yeah, but you didn't, that's why we had to show up. We his real family, so we stickin' around to take care of him. You ain't heard the last of us, chico."


The Latino Kings walk away as MexiCain looks at LatiNoFear with a look that suggests some kind of question. LNF takes a hit from the blunt, blows out the smoke slowly and shrugs for an answer (Rating: 45)






Boneyard turns out to be the "other former champion" that Brother Grimm mentioned at the start of the episode and the shock is evident on Aces' face when the music hits and his scheduled opponent is revealed. As if toying with his prey, Boneyard invites Aces to hit him and no-sells the offence before launching his own devastating attacks. Aces has to roll out of the ring to regroup and returns with a steel chair, using weapons to eliminate his opponent's massive advantage. Boneyard takes a few shots but is no stranger to hardcore fights himself and is able to fight back, the match spilling out of the ring as tables, trashcans and even a fan's drink are introduced into the bout, the latter when Aces spits it into Boneyard's eyes to get out of a chokeslam attempt. A blinded Boneyard seeks refuge between the ropes but Aces presses his advantage with a springboard crossbody to set up the Dead Man's Hand for the pin and a big victory. (Rating: 38)






Before the episode ends, we get a quick promo from the GSW American champion, title around his waist as he's kicking back in the VIP area of The Warehouse.


Fro: "Yo Stash... You talk a pretty big game for someone who had his arm almost broken by yours truly. So now you're back and you got yourself a shiny big belt too. Congratulations, mon. Thing is, it ain't the GSW American title and let's face it, you're not cut out for the upper echelons of this company. Next week, I'm gonna prove just that. You want another match with me, you got it, big man!"

(Rating: 79)



Quick Predictions for Episode #54

1. Fro Sure vs Raheem Stash

2. Cali Slick vs La Estrella

3. The Latino Kings vs 2 Legit 2 Quit (Deaf Touch, Hustle Muvva & Tavon Blake Jr)

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Quick heads up, I have been busy since Christmas and although I've tried more than once to advance with writing the next episode, it's been a real slog so I'm not pushing it. This isn't the end or a hiatus, just me admitting I'm struggling a bit with achieving the proper tone and atmosphere I want, so it'll take a while and I'm dropping by to let you know. Thank you for your patience.
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Quick heads up, I have been busy since Christmas and although I've tried more than once to advance with writing the next episode, it's been a real slog so I'm not pushing it. This isn't the end or a hiatus, just me admitting I'm struggling a bit with achieving the proper tone and atmosphere I want, so it'll take a while and I'm dropping by to let you know. Thank you for your patience.


Take your time, enjoy it. And good luck.

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