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[RELEASE] The YES! Mod - May 2013 BETA

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Added the tag teams. Weird ones to overlook but it happens. Thanks.


And as for Elgin and Star... Yes. But...


I probably should have put something in the ReadMe, as I knew this would come up. And likely will again. Heck, it would have been a point of consideration for a number of workers even without the Speaking Out movement. I don't want to start a conversation on that - there are places for it and this isn't it - but will say that it was a very necessary reckoning because those kind of behaviors have no place in any business. The depth of the issues was heart-rending to so many fans, myself included, but the real focus needs to be on the victims and on enacting real changes. All that said, I'm not sure I've ever felt scummier myself than taking some of these situations (not just Speaking Out but any accusations) into consideration for the mod and having to weigh how valid the accusation seemed and how BAD is really was.... Just awful way to have to look at things.


The "issue" with the Scumbag attribute is the impact that it has in TEW terms. It essentially makes the worker unemployable, or very close to it. Which isn't the case with a lot of these workers. They will have constant issues rather than occasional ones. Hence, I've tried to be cautious with how many workers get that attribute, and I'm mulling it on several who do. Quite a few of the Scumbags in the mod are promoters and its meant more to replicate dodgy-as-hell practices some of them have than personal transgressions. But it seems to have the same effect - I had one promoter as a Scumbag and it eventually led to the company not being able to run shows because there weren't enough workers in that region (its been corrected in several ways).


I don't imagine its the kind of thing we will find general consensus on, but if everyone wants, they can be switched to Scumbag. It will just make them all but impossible to keep on a roster. Troublemaker or something similar will ensure incidents but not constant ones.


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that by saying they shouldn't be unemployable, you mean in 2013, because they absolutely should be as of now, with that said I will acknowledge that there's a key difference in that in TEW when Awful people do awful things, it immediately becomes public knowledge unlike real life where awful people can hide it, sometimes for years, sometimes for lifetimes, and I can see how that's a difficult thing to work around for mods set in the past when it's known that they kept their scummy behavior hidden for years, or in Elgin's case, somehow manages to git it brushed under the rug twice before the third one got him.

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I could not find Famous B is he not in the game? I couldn't seem to find Maxine AKA Catrina or Karlee Perez under any of those names. I couldn't find Shaul Guerrero under that name or her Raquel Diaz name.


All were missing. All are now added. I had Famous B and Shaul on my to-add list. Legit thought I had Karlee Perez in there but nope. Weird.


Shaul is a bit of a weird one because she left the WWE but apparently remained under contract for a time. So I have her under contract but on a starting absence.


And for everyone, please continue to point out anyone who seems to be missing. There absolutely will be some workers who are and I would much rather have someone ask so I can make sure.


I feel quite guilty getting credit as I spent most of my time enjoying the actual game than giving feedback.


Great stuff Bigpapa42, hope to see a diary or pop up


Nothing wrong with that. But you did definitely help and it is appreciated.


Just a few things I noticed well starting as WWE:

Big E debuted in December 2012 (aligned with Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee)

Speaking of AJ, she was managing Dolph at this time

Summer Rae was managing Fandango but it's missing

The Shield is listed as debuting in November 2013, but actually debuted in 2012

NXT Women's title is missing a cut, it debuted in June 2013


Big E is a difficult one. He was with Dolph and AJ on TV but he was also still in NXT. I would leave him on the main roster but he was NXT Champion at this point and that's not really workable. So I left him in NXT as a compromise as that keeps the title lineage accurate. and someone wanting to book him in the WWE can either call him up or just "borrow him".


Added Summer Rae and adding AJ.


Added the NXT Women's belt as well. Was overlooking belts that were introduced after but it looks like it was technically introduced in April 2013. Regardless, the AI will likely just create one so its in there now.


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that by saying they shouldn't be unemployable, you mean in 2013, because they absolutely should be as of now, with that said I will acknowledge that there's a key difference in that in TEW when Awful people do awful things, it immediately becomes public knowledge unlike real life where awful people can hide it, sometimes for years, sometimes for lifetimes, and I can see how that's a difficult thing to work around for mods set in the past when it's known that they kept their scummy behavior hidden for years, or in Elgin's case, somehow manages to git it brushed under the rug twice before the third one got him.


And yeah, exactly. They were employed in 2013 and beyond. They probably shouldn't have been - its not like the behaviors only started later, but the reality is that those who could have taken such actions and may have been aware of the issues didn't care enough to take action, which is a bit horrifying. But they were. With a negative personality like Troublemaker, they will still be difficult to manage on a roster and have a decent chance of having the kind of incident that gets them fired. As a Scumbag, those incidents will absolutely happen and they tend not to stay on AI rosters either, which is where it gets messy. I think I'm a bit more concerned with how the AI emulates with them than for a user, because I figure someone who plays a company with them who doesn't want them will fire them, and someone who wants to use them may just edit the personality regardless of what it starts as.


I am 1000% okay with people not being employed or employable because they are awful people and have done awful things. If this mod was starting current day, a lot of those guys who definitely be Scumbag personalities and some with scandals to keep them out for awhile.

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Meant to ask this in my previous post... Regarding the WWE PPV schedule. Currently have WM to take place in late March, but there is no April PPV so the AI creates one. I could push WM back but then the same thing would happen in march. Anyone have suggestions on PPVs to drop into March or April so the AI won't?


I never really tested it, but can you hide a "Personality" attribute?


You can hide any Attribute. A few are but most are visible.

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Ok, so going back to the 70 rating shows on WWE.


I am now just a month in, getting 75-82 A show ratings, pending what storyline I’m working that night. So it’s feeling better.


Put on 85 rating at Extreme Rules, with CM punk losing to Cena in the main event.


So it’s feeling real good right now. I’m not sure in 2013 there would’ve been many 90+ shows or events from WWE.

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Hey, for my first comment on the forums I just wanna say this mod seems great for the small time I've played it! Quick small fix however: Maybach Taniguchi Jr. (an alter ego for SUWA) was GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag champ with Genba instead of Maybach Taniguchi (as is the case in the mod). Then around March 2013, he lost the mask and gimmick, returning to being SUWA. That's all I've got for now after reading through things already mentioned, if I find more I'll be sure to follow up.
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All were missing. All are now added. I had Famous B and Shaul on my to-add list. Legit thought I had Karlee Perez in there but nope. Weird.


Shaul is a bit of a weird one because she left the WWE but apparently remained under contract for a time. So I have her under contract but on a starting absence.


And for everyone, please continue to point out anyone who seems to be missing. There absolutely will be some workers who are and I would much rather have someone ask so I can make sure.


Thank you I appreciate you. I thought for sure I was just looking for them wrong before I ask I try just about every known name for someone before I give up and ask haha. I know Shaul is a weird one since she's kinda been in and out of the business and mostly operated on the fringe.

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You could always set WWE to a fixed schedule to keep the longer build for Mania.


Beyond that maybe adding Fastlane a couple years early?


Fastlane is a good shout. Thought about just setting the schedule to Fixed but kinda feels like something should be there.


Ok, so going back to the 70 rating shows on WWE.


I am now just a month in, getting 75-82 A show ratings, pending what storyline I’m working that night. So it’s feeling better.


Put on 85 rating at Extreme Rules, with CM punk losing to Cena in the main event.


So it’s feeling real good right now. I’m not sure in 2013 there would’ve been many 90+ shows or events from WWE.


That sounds fantastic. And pretty much right where I hoped, grade-wise.


Typos: Jim Smallman's bio says announcers, when it should just say announcer mark Andrews' says talen instead of talent, and, Kevin Steen's bio says Lookedd with an extra d


I noticed Okada didn't have NJPW loyaty set, not sure if this is deliberate, same for naito


Ahh the endless typos. Good eye. And nope, didn't intentionally leave loyalty off for those two.


Hey, for my first comment on the forums I just wanna say this mod seems great for the small time I've played it! Quick small fix however: Maybach Taniguchi Jr. (an alter ego for SUWA) was GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag champ with Genba instead of Maybach Taniguchi (as is the case in the mod). Then around March 2013, he lost the mask and gimmick, returning to being SUWA. That's all I've got for now after reading through things already mentioned, if I find more I'll be sure to follow up.


Good catch. Thanks! And welcome to the forum!!!!


@BigPapa where should we post suggestions for new workers? I've been looking through graduates for WWE PC and noticed a couple missing that could be added to the data.


Got a few options, depending on what you prefer. Posting in here works fine as I tend to keep an eye on it. I have also set up a Google Sheets set where you can add specific feedback, as there are different sheets for different areas of the data. And also a specific email account. The email is probably easier if its a large volume. Otherwise, take your pick


Email - TheYesMod2020@gmail.com

Google Sheets – Google Sheets


Thank you I appreciate you. I thought for sure I was just looking for them wrong before I ask I try just about every known name for someone before I give up and ask haha. I know Shaul is a weird one since she's kinda been in and out of the business and mostly operated on the fringe.


I'm the same. I will check every possible name I can think of for the person, just kinda assuming there are there and I'm just missing it. It doesn't help when every modder is a bit different in what they go with for names. I'm not 100% consistent on that either. I tend to go with their "standard" wrestling name or their real name if they are a WWE-only worker. So Seth Rollins is in there as Tyler Black but Roman Reigns is Joe A'noia.


I am hoping the community do point out more missing workers. I know there are quite a few. One technique I've used heavily is looking at the rosters of companies in the data in 2013 and later years to see who they used. But I'm sure I'll still miss plenty. Non-wrestlers is an area where that technique doesn't help much. At some point, nearer to this being done, I will spend some time trolling through other RW mods looking for workers to add.


Someone like Shaul might not be a regular wrestler but she still brings something interesting to the mod. The family legacy alone means some folks are going to want to try to see if they can do something with. Legacy talents are great for world-builing IMO.

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Man wrestling was kind of bad in 2013. John Cena vs. Ryback is the big program in the WWE, other notable feuds are Mark Henry and Sheamus and Show and Orton. Aces and Eights has already been dragging for a while, Brooke Hogan's marriage angle, the X Division seemingly in shambles. There are some great futures ahead for both companies with some good talent in both OVW and NXT but at the start of the game, whew you got your work cut out for you :)
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A judgement call but I would consider removing Young Bucks from ROH. They didnt work there from August 2012 until August 2013, the AI will use them over a lot of the regulars since they are so over. On the other hand they won't be hired by them since they already have so many employers.


- Katsuyori Shibata and Hirooki Goto are best friends.


- Hailey Hatred could use a looking at, she's more over than 90% of the PWG and ROH rosters in the US and 95% of the active Joshi scene in Japan.


Some product suggestions:


AIW: Product might be better off as "Three Ring Circus"? They are/were one of the indies consistent with booking a lot of locals and running long term stories as opposed to dream match indie, as well as the not infrequent big nostalgia name. Closer to 50/50 on the in ring vs pop scale most likely, but they also had very bloody feuds as well. From being to multiple AIW shows, this feels right (mostly because dangerous matches are penalized by seemingly everything else).



EVOLVE: Perhaps the product should be even more slanted to the in-ring side than it currently is, the respectful wrestling from AIW might fit better. Should be main event focused (were still doing UFC style event names).



WWE might be better off as Classic SE or at least something that wont have long matches be penalized as much, since this was the middle of the Shield era and 2-3 segment TV matches were regular. SummerSlam 2013 had two classic matches over 25 minutes, both get penalized based on the current product.


Dragon Gate: Stables should be integral


K-Dojo I don't recall being too much wacky at this time to warrant avantgarde product. 30 min matches weren't infrequent either but the problem is it doesn't seem like anything else would fit.


Random Attributes for Consideration:

Cesaro: Tag Team specialist (and imo is a top 5 tag worker ever at worst)

Chris Jericho: Giving Performer

Dean Ambrose: Shuns Social Media

Kane: Outside interests (politics)

Sheamus: A least a neutral personality?

Ryback: Explosive In Ring Style

Matt Bloom: Future Road Agent

Tyson Kidd: Future Road Agent

Jason Jordan: Future Road Agent

Roderick Strong: Fitness Fanatic

RD Evans: Very Creative

Jimmy Jacobs: Creative Dynamo

Christopher Daniels: Future Road Agent

Meiko Satomura: Giving Performer

Shinsuke Nakamura: Canny Operator

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Big E is a difficult one. He was with Dolph and AJ on TV but he was also still in NXT. I would leave him on the main roster but he was NXT Champion at this point and that's not really workable. So I left him in NXT as a compromise as that keeps the title lineage accurate. and someone wanting to book him in the WWE can either call him up or just "borrow him".


Thank you for this explanation, I thought this might've been the case.


Two more things I took note of while looking the game over.


I think Kurt Angle should have addiction attributes added to him. He checked into rehab in August(?) of 2013 following a DUI. IMO I think he should have heavy pain killer (reportedly he was taking 67 Vicodin a day), (heavy?) drinker, former steroid user (claims it was for his neck and had a failed test), (former?) hard drug (depends on what you classify Xanax as).


Also noticed there is Rose Garden Arena (Portland, Oklahoma) and Rose Garden (Portland, Oregon). The Rose Garden (now known as Moda Center) is in Portland, Oregon. I see this in multiple mods and the arena being listed in Oklahoma is a personal pet peeve haha

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they might be on your list already, but Danhausen and Effy, would be good future workers to add, also if you haven't already thought about it maybe Andy Williams (The Butcher) should start with some pop, not necessarily a lot, but he's in a popular enough band that his name would already have been recognizable to some, ( remember I lost my debit card at a Smash Wrestling show and when I mentioned it on the phone call with the bank, the woman, said "oh yeah, Andy Williams wrestles for them" or something to that effect, she was not a wrestling fan, but had heard of Smash Wrestling because of Andy Williams.
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Thank you for this explanation, I thought this might've been the case.


Two more things I took note of while looking the game over.


I think Kurt Angle should have addiction attributes added to him. He checked into rehab in August(?) of 2013 following a DUI. IMO I think he should have heavy pain killer (reportedly he was taking 67 Vicodin a day), (heavy?) drinker, former steroid user (claims it was for his neck and had a failed test), (former?) hard drug (depends on what you classify Xanax as).


Also noticed there is Rose Garden Arena (Portland, Oklahoma) and Rose Garden (Portland, Oregon). The Rose Garden (now known as Moda Center) is in Portland, Oregon. I see this in multiple mods and the arena being listed in Oklahoma is a personal pet peeve haha


Angle said on his episode of Broken Skull Sessions that by the time he had joined TNA he had stopped with the pills and that he was just drinking heavily. His problems never affected his in ring work. The problem with the addiction attributes in TEW is that it makes people indulge in their vices before the show, which Angle claims he never did. That's the only reason I would be hesitant to give most people addiction attributes.

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Okay, so touched base with Adam on the issue some folks are seeing with brands doubling. Its something that was patched out awhile ago and the editor should be checked for it, which is why going into the full (pre-game) editor removes it. He checked the master copy of the database that I've been edited and adding to and the issue is not present. So later today or possible tomorrow, I will upload the updated data and picture pack. I would just like to get through most of the suggestions and corrections provided before I do that since I could do any yesterday.


If the issue is appearing for anyone who isn't using an updated version of the game or isn't running in admin mode, those could also be a factor.


Second issue - and I will add this both to the ReadMe file and the first page of this thread.... anyone looking to book the WWE may want to strongly consider changing the product. While the current product isn't inaccurate, its meant more for the AI rather than for the user. You may see better results in switching to another variant of Sports Entertainment.


Similarly if you intend to book TNA, you may want to consider editing Dixie Carter's personality. The scumbag personality was meant to try to have TNA emulate some of the shady practices they have done under her leadership rather than truly represent her.


Manny Garcia has 100% heel, say what you will about No Way Jose, but he was definitely a capable face, peppers parks should be pepper parks, travis banks has stalwart, regardless of opinion on the scumbag thing he really shouldn't be a positive influence


Yeah, not sure if Manny was a finger split or residual data. But that will be changed.


Was sure I had already changed Banks but I guess not. BTW I have adjusted a number of those named as abusers in the Speaking Out movement but not systematically everyone. So you may notice others. Please point them out. Thanks!


Man wrestling was kind of bad in 2013. John Cena vs. Ryback is the big program in the WWE, other notable feuds are Mark Henry and Sheamus and Show and Orton. Aces and Eights has already been dragging for a while, Brooke Hogan's marriage angle, the X Division seemingly in shambles. There are some great futures ahead for both companies with some good talent in both OVW and NXT but at the start of the game, whew you got your work cut out for you :)


I like to think that both the WWE and TNA are both more about the potential the companies have at this point in time. Its honestly very easy to forget how much absolute dross a company has a given point in time unless you go back and really look at individual shows and storylines. I've run into that a few times when looking at different points in the 2008-2018 time period at the WWE or TNA either for a mod or for a possible fantasy booking project. I'm always struck by how much absolute crap was happening at any given point. Often a few good things to offset, but quite often not enough.


Thanks for reminding me I have to add Brooke Hogan yet.


A judgement call but I would consider removing Young Bucks from ROH. They didnt work there from August 2012 until August 2013, the AI will use them over a lot of the regulars since they are so over. On the other hand they won't be hired by them since they already have so many employers.


- Katsuyori Shibata and Hirooki Goto are best friends.


- Hailey Hatred could use a looking at, she's more over than 90% of the PWG and ROH rosters in the US and 95% of the active Joshi scene in Japan.


Some product suggestions:


AIW: Product might be better off as "Three Ring Circus"? They are/were one of the indies consistent with booking a lot of locals and running long term stories as opposed to dream match indie, as well as the not infrequent big nostalgia name. Closer to 50/50 on the in ring vs pop scale most likely, but they also had very bloody feuds as well. From being to multiple AIW shows, this feels right (mostly because dangerous matches are penalized by seemingly everything else).



EVOLVE: Perhaps the product should be even more slanted to the in-ring side than it currently is, the respectful wrestling from AIW might fit better. Should be main event focused (were still doing UFC style event names).



WWE might be better off as Classic SE or at least something that wont have long matches be penalized as much, since this was the middle of the Shield era and 2-3 segment TV matches were regular. SummerSlam 2013 had two classic matches over 25 minutes, both get penalized based on the current product.


Dragon Gate: Stables should be integral


K-Dojo I don't recall being too much wacky at this time to warrant avantgarde product. 30 min matches weren't infrequent either but the problem is it doesn't seem like anything else would fit.


Random Attributes for Consideration:

Cesaro: Tag Team specialist (and imo is a top 5 tag worker ever at worst)

Chris Jericho: Giving Performer

Dean Ambrose: Shuns Social Media

Kane: Outside interests (politics)

Sheamus: A least a neutral personality?

Ryback: Explosive In Ring Style

Matt Bloom: Future Road Agent

Tyson Kidd: Future Road Agent

Jason Jordan: Future Road Agent

Roderick Strong: Fitness Fanatic

RD Evans: Very Creative

Jimmy Jacobs: Creative Dynamo

Christopher Daniels: Future Road Agent

Meiko Satomura: Giving Performer

Shinsuke Nakamura: Canny Operator


Awesome, thanks. Great suggestions. And it reminded me to make a note about the WWE product. Its definitely not the idea variant of SE for a human user, but it works pretty well for the AI. As weird as it sounds, its not really ideal for the WWE-run AI to book as efficiently and effectively as it possibly could. Which is not an easy thing to make happen. But with a roster as talented as the WWE, if the AI has things maximized, the grades will be overwhelming strong, which isn't realistic and things have to be nerfed or limited in other ways.


Wrestling was bad in WWE and TNA but pretty great everywhere else.


That's my thought. There are a number of companies doing some awesome things and quite a few who have a lot of potential. I keep coming back to the huge volume of talent available in Australia and think how fun it could be to run one of those two companies.


Thank you for this explanation, I thought this might've been the case.


Two more things I took note of while looking the game over.


I think Kurt Angle should have addiction attributes added to him. He checked into rehab in August(?) of 2013 following a DUI. IMO I think he should have heavy pain killer (reportedly he was taking 67 Vicodin a day), (heavy?) drinker, former steroid user (claims it was for his neck and had a failed test), (former?) hard drug (depends on what you classify Xanax as).


Also noticed there is Rose Garden Arena (Portland, Oklahoma) and Rose Garden (Portland, Oregon). The Rose Garden (now known as Moda Center) is in Portland, Oregon. I see this in multiple mods and the arena being listed in Oklahoma is a personal pet peeve haha


As bulldog mentioned below, the problem with substance abuse issues is that it can make the worker all but unusable. Similar to the negative personality dynamic. It can have a huge influence on their match ratings. I will adjust but its something we may have to watch when someone tries out TNA.


Good catch on the arena. I still have to go over those but its lower on the list.


they might be on your list already, but Danhausen and Effy, would be good future workers to add, also if you haven't already thought about it maybe Andy Williams (The Butcher) should start with some pop, not necessarily a lot, but he's in a popular enough band that his name would already have been recognizable to some, ( remember I lost my debit card at a Smash Wrestling show and when I mentioned it on the phone call with the bank, the woman, said "oh yeah, Andy Williams wrestles for them" or something to that effect, she was not a wrestling fan, but had heard of Smash Wrestling because of Andy Williams.


Interesting on Williams. Will a low level starting popularity, which will help him get booked faster than the zero he has now.


Danhausen and Effy are indeed both on the to-add list.


Angle said on his episode of Broken Skull Sessions that by the time he had joined TNA he had stopped with the pills and that he was just drinking heavily. His problems never affected his in ring work. The problem with the addiction attributes in TEW is that it makes people indulge in their vices before the show, which Angle claims he never did. That's the only reason I would be hesitant to give most people addiction attributes.


That's exactly what makes me hesitate on some of the personal issue stuff.


angel ortiz has can't play offbeat/unstable, he seems capable of being pretty out there when he wants to be


Adjusted! Thanks!


Will you be releasing an update any time soon with everything from this thread and the google sheets? I was trying to do it manually, but there's just so much.


Well, I wasn't going to, but since you asked.... YES!


I actually need to because of the brands doubling issue but will try to get some of these updates in first. I've also added a few workers so a bit of a bonus. I don't know how often I'll do updates as we move forward. You are certain welcome to use the info in the Google Sheets to update yourself but please be aware I'm also adding to the data from my own list of things that are missing or incomplete.

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This mod is absolutely fantastic. The best real life mod out on 2020, I have been having a blast with this. Half of a year in TNA game, been so screwed with backstage problems and hulksters, now everything looks brighter except for my money. This mod is pure joy and very well balanced.


I rarely play a WWE game in TEW but this seems like one I could have a joyful WWE run. Can't wait for update. Been writing up few fixes but I see those have been told already lol (like missing tag teams, double brands etc)

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A couple of months into my first save with the mod and have to say I'm very impressed BP. Can clearly see a ton of work has gone into everything including the bios that have been fun to read.


After the earlier changes, it's cool to see the joshi scene feeling alive and accurate to 2013. Io Shirai and Threedom are putting on quality matches on every show for the AI, which is very much what was starting to happen around this period. I'm booking Sendai Girls and Meiko is pulling good ratings against everybody, again realistic for the time.


Will try to keep a list of any other potential things to look at, but thus far very very impressed!

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