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[RELEASE] The YES! Mod - May 2013 BETA

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Been playing this mod for the first time over the past few days. Just wanted to say thanks as I'm really enjoying it. The amount of workers and companies is great, probably the best I've found in a RW mod for 2020 thus far. As someone who likes using local workers a lot, it's really helpful to have the indie scene so fleshed out. I'm also finding that most young and promising workers are finding regular gigs and getting matches/experience in at a healthy rate which is cool.


I'm still only early in my playthrough so I can't give many notes regarding long-term play but I wanted to thank you for your work on this mod as I can see myself enjoying playing as NJPW, TNA, Stardom and many other feds here. So cheers!

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Corey" data-cite="Corey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52428" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Been playing this mod for the first time over the past few days. Just wanted to say thanks as I'm really enjoying it. The amount of workers and companies is great, probably the best I've found in a RW mod for 2020 thus far. As someone who likes using local workers a lot, it's really helpful to have the indie scene so fleshed out. I'm also finding that most young and promising workers are finding regular gigs and getting matches/experience in at a healthy rate which is cool.<p> </p><p> I'm still only early in my playthrough so I can't give many notes regarding long-term play but I wanted to thank you for your work on this mod as I can see myself enjoying playing as NJPW, TNA, Stardom and many other feds here. So cheers!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Great to hear. </p><p> </p><p> There is still more talent going in. I'm mostly adding more future workers but a few active talents are going in, so the available local workers will grow a bit more. Open to suggestions as well!</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="seminoledozer" data-cite="seminoledozer" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52428" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Running nxt and the minimum required should be lowered. The broadcast deal has higher standards(mjnimum rating 39) then if you were able to negotiate the timeslot (minimum rating 22) which you can't because on demand is the only option.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Adjusted. And I'm pretty sure on demand is the only option because hulu is a streaming broadcaster. </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lukkearthur" data-cite="Lukkearthur" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52428" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>One thing I have noticed is The Hurricane is missing from the mod. He could probably just be added as a occasional wrestler.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> He is missing. He was missing. He is no longer missing. </p><p> </p><p> Someone else pointed him out recently so he's already been added. </p><p> </p><p> He isn't going to be the only veteran missing, although I definitely should have had him in there. On some of the then-current RW mods from the 2009-2014 period, I often felt like there were too many leftover vets from the 80s and 90s while a lot of indy workers were left off. It could've been due to the base mod, the mod-makers knowledge, or the mod-makers preference. I think what I found annoying about having those workers in there wasn't just that they were there - it was that they would often be more appealing hires for indy companies. You would end up with ROH having a bunch of late 90s WCW guys headlining and if regions weren't restricted, a company in the UK or Europe would look like late days ECW in terms of its roster. So I kinda added the veterans who aren't still overtly active (so on a starting roster) a bit sparingly. But as Genadi likes to point out, those kind of workers are great for world building. And not just the ones who who are in a Hall of Fame of a company or two. Plus people also like to find their favorites, so I've been adding more. I don't want to en masse add everyone who would be in a late 90s mod but I'm keeping my eye on who could be useful. Especially veterans - still semi active or not - who would reasonably be useful as road agents or or even bookers. </p><p> </p><p> TL / DR - very open to suggestions on veterans that could be added to the mod.</p>
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  • 3 weeks later...

<p>Small update. Still plugging away. Up to somewhere around 2630 workers now, but a lot of focus has been on other outstanding aspects. Did up the Mexican national title linages, so that leaves the NWA tag team titles and possible one small company that still need to be done - leaving aside the historical belts that I will be adding at some point. </p><p> </p><p>

Lukkearthur was kind enough to share some year-correct cuts for WWE that I've been adding. I've been adding additional agers for some of those workers, and also adding HoI and HoF entries. There will still be lots of those entries to do, but progress is progress. </p><p> </p><p>

When I released the beta, i was thinking a February or March full release was doable, but I'm starting to doubt that a bit. I mean, it is feasible, but doing a "full" release which still has a whole bunch of stuff left undone, it would feel like a "beta plus" instead of a proper finished release. So that will delay things a bit. My daily modding time has decreased a bit lately, partly due avoid burnout. But I'm still making progress.</p>

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Small update. Still plugging away. Up to somewhere around 2630 workers now, but a lot of focus has been on other outstanding aspects. Did up the Mexican national title linages, so that leaves the NWA tag team titles and possible one small company that still need to be done - leaving aside the historical belts that I will be adding at some point.


Lukkearthur was kind enough to share some year-correct cuts for WWE that I've been adding. I've been adding additional agers for some of those workers, and also adding HoI and HoF entries. There will still be lots of those entries to do, but progress is progress.


When I released the beta, i was thinking a February or March full release was doable, but I'm starting to doubt that a bit. I mean, it is feasible, but doing a "full" release which still has a whole bunch of stuff left undone, it would feel like a "beta plus" instead of a proper finished release. So that will delay things a bit. My daily modding time has decreased a bit lately, partly due avoid burnout. But I'm still making progress.


Thanks for the update and the work you're putting in. I've been playing and loving this mod, to the point my planned games in other mods or the CV have become distant memories. Even in Beta it already feels very complete. Glad you're avoiding burnout. Take as much time as you need and thanks again!

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really looking forward to the next update on this man. you've done a killer job.


Thank you, kind sir. Much appreciated.


Thanks for the update and the work you're putting in. I've been playing and loving this mod, to the point my planned games in other mods or the CV have become distant memories. Even in Beta it already feels very complete. Glad you're avoiding burnout. Take as much time as you need and thanks again!


And thank you as well!


I'm thrilled that people are enjoying it, even in an incomplete state.


So mostly working on Hall of Fame and Hall of Immortal entries. Have a couple hundred sepia cuts done - thanks Atticus! - and will probably get another batch done for workers who are or are likely to be in a Hall of Fame. Don't know how many of you pay attention to the HoI and HoF entries, but... I like the feature, so....


Doing the entries takes some time and are not always going to be accurate. Things like headlining major events can be hard to figure out, especially since company size is a factor and many companies don't run a "normal" schedule. But the Hall of Fame requirements aren't exactly that heavy. Hall of Immortal ones are and it creates a bit of an issue. If i stick completely to the game criteria, some of the biggest legends of the early years of pro wrestling wouldn't make the cut. But they obviously need to go in. Japan and Mexico are particularly tough due to the way they treated titles. As we get to more modern wrestlers, I'm sticking closer to the actual criteria, although not necessarily absolutely.

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Forgot to mention a small issue I've run into. Begun working on the End of Year awards and going by the Wrestling Obesrver Newsletter awards where possible. But they don't converge with the TEW awards perfectly. WON doesn't have a Women's Wrestler of the Year, Rookie of the Year, and others. WON also gave the UFC some awards in the early 00s. I looked at using the PWI awards but they are too kayfabe and WWE-centric to be of real value. Open to ideas.
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Might not be an ideal 1-for-1 trade, but could just use 2nd or 3rd place instead. Like 2010, UFC won for best event, so you could go with second place, which was ROH's Death Before Dishonor.


Women's Wrestler of the Year will be a pain though. I'd say go from Wrestler of the Year voting to Most Outstanding Wrestler of the Year and if there's no woman wrestler placed anywhere in the top 10 or honorable mentions, maybe use Most Improved as a last resort?

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Might not be an ideal 1-for-1 trade, but could just use 2nd or 3rd place instead. Like 2010, UFC won for best event, so you could go with second place, which was ROH's Death Before Dishonor.


Women's Wrestler of the Year will be a pain though. I'd say go from Wrestler of the Year voting to Most Outstanding Wrestler of the Year and if there's no woman wrestler placed anywhere in the top 10 or honorable mentions, maybe use Most Improved as a last resort?


Nice suggestion, Atticus. Might be the direction I end up going.


Ran into something not too major today while modding and figured I'd ask what people think... Was adding King Mo and realized he never actually wrestled for TNA, at least as far as I can tell. He was with them for awhile, made some appearances but more as an enforcer role. I've held off on adding him for now, but I'm thinking its more accurate to have him set as a non-wrestler, and anyone can edit him to be a wrestler if they so choose...

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Nice suggestion, Atticus. Might be the direction I end up going.


Ran into something not too major today while modding and figured I'd ask what people think... Was adding King Mo and realized he never actually wrestled for TNA, at least as far as I can tell. He was with them for awhile, made some appearances but more as an enforcer role. I've held off on adding him for now, but I'm thinking its more accurate to have him set as a non-wrestler, and anyone can edit him to be a wrestler if they so choose...


I'd personally make him a non-wrestler. He's apparently done the enforcer thing in multiple companies. So I would think it's fair game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Did a few cuts for my New Japan Game so i thought i'd upload them if anyone wants 'em.






Ohh…. ohh… any concern if I include some (or all) of these in the mod?


Small update… still plugging away. closing in 2700 workers in the data, and the list of "need to add" male workers is dwindling. Something like 100 women on that list. We aren't far away now, but still a bit to go.

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hey man great mod, alot of title history is missing (like wwe european hardcore tag team)


Yes indeed. I think most of the active title belts have lineages. Its mostly retired belts that don't have them and they will get added in at some point, but I haven't prioritized them as they are not going to be used by the majority of users.


nah man feel free, add away.


thank you kindly, sir.

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  • 3 weeks later...

<p>Small update.... i was hoping to have a full version out by the end of February, and then the end of March and then.... well, its still being worked on. I'm not sure if there was more work left than I really realized or if I've slowed down a bit... or both. After the last batch of testing feedback from HWRP, there really aren`t major changes or additions going in. Its mostly "small stuff", but its still stuff that needs to get done. </p><p> </p><p>

A few notes...</p><p>

-at around 2720 workers. Working through the list of remaining workers, which is mostly female yet-to-debut talent. Trying to focus on the more the "notable" workers on the list and the ones who debut sooner. Have added a few "legends" as well. I will still need to some "who is missing" lists at some point as I'm sure there will be plenty more missing that need to go in. </p><p>

-got thru the list of period-correct cuts for WWE and NXT workers</p><p>

-working on adding the custom End of Year Awards covering 1980-2012 that Oyaji did for me. Really happy with how his list turned out. Thinks its a great little addition and the work he put in is massively appreciated. </p><p>

-lots of "small" stuff still to do - Hall of Fame, agers, cleaning up the locations file. Nothing major or game-breaking.</p>

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Guest michael20001
You'll get there when you get there man, just appreciative of the work you're doing :) Looking forward to starting a game in this
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glad to hear this is still being worked on but it is already by far the mod I've most enjoyed using on this tew :D


Only thing I had to do is import was the more notable missing yet to debut female talent, but that's the only noticeable issue I've had with the mod in it's current form.

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I actually hit Submit before i quite finished my last post lol


Among the "yet to finish" stuff is a lot of lineages for retired belts and dead companies. I like having that depth but those lineages are.... not appealing. I might skip doing the title defenses on those as that adds significant time. Just adding in the champions and dates speeds it up significantly.


I am very cognizant that this it the kind of project where you can drop into an endless cycle of "adding more polish". I don't want this to be the Chinese Democracy of TEW mods. You can add more workers forever. At the same time, leaving stuff "for later" carries risks as I am also aware that some of that "for later" stuff may never get completed. So its trying to find that point where I'm comfortable that if not much gets done for a further release, it feels okay to me.


I have a 5 day weekend coming up without much planned and we are in semi-lockdown here, so I imagine I should make some progress on getting at least some of what's left done.


You'll get there when you get there man, just appreciative of the work you're doing :) Looking forward to starting a game in this


Thank you. That is much appreciated.


glad to hear this is still being worked on but it is already by far the mod I've most enjoyed using on this tew :D


Only thing I had to do is import was the more notable missing yet to debut female talent, but that's the only noticeable issue I've had with the mod in it's current form.


That's awesome to hear and progress has never stopped lol.


Joshi has already gotten a LOT of future workers and quite a few of the ones on my list are joshi talent as well. I've tried targeting the ones I know have become stars or pargticularly notable talents. Its hard to know who is "worthwhile" among the lesser names. Joshi has a lot of "debut, work for 2 years, retire" talents. I'm sur all of pro wrestling does but they seem to stand out in joshi because almost everyone comes through a company dojo. Related, I also have a slight concern that too many yet-to-debut workers in all areas are a bit too... samey - in all game-world areas. But given the growth of young workers, they end up way overpowered too quickly if they debut as strong workers.


Whether before or after a "full" release, I'll hopefully get some feedback from you and/or some other joshi experts and help fine tune the scene even more :-)

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<p>So post-Easter update. Poured some good hours into modding (my FMing time suffered in response) and made some solid progress. Some more workers went in, but I didn't focus on the list of yet-to-debut workers like I have been. I did tackle a few title lineages for retired belts. But I put a ton of time into working on Hall of Fame and Hall of Immortal entries. Didn't quite finish tem out but not too far away now. There are over 400 Hall of Fame entries at this point. I've also found some workers who need HoI/HoF cuts that I will get done and then they be added as well.</p><p> </p><p>

I've also been working my way through Oyaji's annual awards and adding them. Its a bit slower than one would expect, simply because I'm working my way backwards year by year, and now that I'm in the mid-90s, there are more workers who are not in the data. Especially managers, commentators and refs if they are retired or sadly passed away. I'm not sure if the awards are something most will pay attention to, but legit one of my favorite aspects of the mod. </p><p> </p><p>

So what's left and where does that leave a full release? Glad you asked!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Yet to Do</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Add Workers</strong> - this won't be completed before a full release as even finishing off the list I have won't "complete" the mod in this regard. There will always be more who can go in</p><p>

<strong>Missing Workers Check</strong> - holding off on this as it could really inflate the list of workers that still need to get added, but most will be future workers rather than active ones</p><p>

<strong>Finish the End of Year Awards</strong> - definitely want to get these done</p><p>

<strong>Finish Adding Hall of Fame & Hall of Immortal entries</strong> - would like to complete this before doing a full release</p><p>

<strong>Title Lineages</strong> - the belts remaining are mostly inactive ones so not a priority to get the lineages in</p><p>

<strong>Agers </strong>- again, not a priority</p><p>

<strong>Matches</strong>: again, just cleaning up and adding a few</p><p>

<strong>Locations</strong> - cleaning up the list</p><p>

<strong>Testing </strong>- this is probably going to be an going process </p><p> </p><p>

So if I'm not determined to have all of the missing future workers in before a full release (I am definitely not), we are getting quite close.</p>

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