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well that was a great show, with one of the funniest segments ever in this diary. al snow dont want to give head to sasuke and gets tortured by watching cena matches^^. also nice ending with owen being champ, also he is going to retire in 3 weeks. once again gold, gosh i would love to see a show like that on tv.
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oh yea...ur really are the f'n man....i mark for anyone who finds a way to lay that world title around owen's waist cause its a crying shame he never really got that chance in real life...u and ur twists man..they're great...now we can expect jericho to try and wiggle his way into making the submission match for the title so he can walk away champ...awesome


quick question...unless im completely spacing and maybe i am...but what happened to Benoit and Guerrero...are they hurt? or just training the young guys in apw

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F' The Mainstream Recap




Don Callis and Bam Bam Bigelow were on announcing duties.






Jushin Lyger defeated Teddy Hart in a fantastic match at 7:22


Rating: B-






The Second Generation of Dudleyz came to the ring and laid into both the Whole F**kin' Show and The Hardcore Innovators, saying their uncles would claim both tag team championships in the Three Way Dance at Guilty As Charged.


Rating: C-






Th Second Generation of Dudleyz defeated London & Kendrick with a Second Gen 3D at 6:04


Rating: D






Becky Bayless interviewed Chris Hero for a fantastic promo. Hero was his usual conceited self and claimed he would "destroy" Bret Hart this Saturday.


Rating: B







Alexis retained her title with an Alexis Effect against Mika Akino.


Rating: D






Monsters Inc. defeated The Briscoe boys in 5:17 with a Double Chokeslam on Mark.


Rating: D+






Chris Hero defeatedSteven Regal by getting his feet on the ropes during a roll-up in.


Rating: B-


Show Rating: D+

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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:


Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk



ECW Commissioner and former (yes, you heard right... former) Champion, Raven, seemingly wants "The Lionheart" to pay for his actions on Monday which ultimately led to Owen Hart capturing his first ever World Title. However, in classic Raven style, he's not manning up himself; he's sending in his protege.




War of the World Orders

The bWo vs. The sWo



With BW Snow apparently still on the missing list, it is the turn of Da Blue Guy and Hollywood Nova to step up to face the Sasuke World Order. Snow was unenviably forced to watch a recorded version of Kevin Nash and John Cena's most recent "wrestling match" by the diminuitive mastermind; could Nova and Meanie's fate be worse?




Chris Hero vs. Bret Hart



As part of his apparent endeavour to piss off everyone on the roster, Chris Hero cost Bret Hart his match with Nate Hatred last week. In an unfathomable display of arrogance, he didn't even wait for Hart's response before throwing down a challenge to "The Hitman".





Traci vs. Alexis Laree©



Since claiming The Lioness Title at Anarchy Rulz, Alexis has seemingly gone from strength to strength. Can Traci be the one to end her reign?




Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. AJ Styles



After losing the World Television Title to Ultimo Dragon, AJ Styles threw down a challenge for a rematch at Guilty As Charged. While he waits for a response, he aims to to topple ECW's favourite luchadore, Rey Mysterio Jr.




Mark Calaway vs. Raven



In one of the most iconic main events in Blood, Sweat and Beers' history "The Soul Taker" and "The Master of Mind Games" go head to head in a rematch from Heatwave. Calaway still wants vengeance for not gaining the title he sees as rightfully his while the former champion seeks retribution for the Chokeslam he suffered after his titanic brawl with Rhino at Anarchy Rulz. Whilst you may be thinking Raven has lost his senses, let us not forget the Nest's ability to worm its way out of the woodwork.






Owen Hart makes his first appearance as World Heavyweight Champion!




ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

Now on FX


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Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk


The bWo vs. The sWo

See CM Punk's reason for winning

Chris Hero vs. Bret Hart

A Hart lovefest, perchance, before they retire?

Traci vs. Alexis Laree©


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. AJ Styles

Haven't heard much from Rey in this Dynasty

Mark Calaway vs. Raven

Can't lose twice in a row. He just ... can't

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I gotta admit ... I squealed with delight a little. Not enough to totally lose my man card, but enough to put me on the outskirts of the party. lol


Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk

Jericho rides the wave of good feeling over the up and coming Punk.


The bWo vs. The sWo

If I recall correctly, there's still an unknown traitor in the sWo's midsts. I think this match adds validity to that claim.


Chris Hero vs. Bret Hart

Hero puts up a good fight, but Hart is just too much. Expecting Hatred to make a cameo as well.


Traci vs. Alexis Laree©

I don't see the Flock losing this gold just yet.


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. AJ Styles

AJ gets the win, to boost his case for a rematch for the WTV Title.


Mark Calaway vs. Raven

To quote Astil: "Can't lose twice in a row. He just ... can't "

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Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk

Looks like the Lionheart is gonna get a push. Loved the swerve for him to screw Raven last show and he is a great guy to have main eventing for you


The bWo vs. The sWo

No idea here, could be either really


Chris Hero vs. Bret Hart

Bret can't have much longer to go so I say he gets screwed in to giving Hero a huge win


Traci vs. Alexis Laree©

I think Alexis is gonna be a champion for a very long time. Losing it here would have no affect, she needs longer with the belt


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. AJ Styles

Rey Rey doesn't seem to feature too heavily in your plans whereas AJ is getting a real good push


Mark Calaway vs. Raven

Title or not, Raven is still the franchise player. Calaway just isn't


Good show and nice to see this back buddy, hope it means things are calming down for you.

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Saturday, week 1, October

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




Callis: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Don Callis and alongside me is former World Heavyweight Champion, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Callis. It feels like ages since we've done this.

Callis: It's only been a week, Taz.

Taz: Well, it feels more like two months.

Callis: Actually, I know that feeling but, one way or another, things are as chaotic in ECW as last time you guys saw us except, this time, The Black Hart is the World Heavyweight Champion.

Taz: Man, I can't wait for his appearance.

Callis: Me neither and let's not forget that the man who played a somewhat instrumental part in that title change is in action in our first match tonight.

Taz: Oh, man, let's get to it.



The two men combine for a fantastic match.

Although Punk shows why he has been fast rising up the card, Jericho maintains the upper-had.

As Monsters Inc. appear from the back, he hits a Snap Suplex on Punk and a lightning fast Lionsault for the three count.

Match Rating: A


"The Lionheart" makes a quick exit through the crowd.


The Dudley Boy Family approach Paul Heyman backstage.



Daizy: We're happy with the Three Way Dance, Paul.


Dick Jr: Completely happy.


D-Von: But, you see, my brother, we have posession of all four tag title belts.


Dick Jr: All four of 'em... yes we do... yes we do.


Bubba: So, we think we should have some say in how this thing goes down.


Dick Jr: Yes we should.


Heyman looks at Big Dick Jr. quizically.


Heyman: Is he retarded or something?


Dick Jr: No, sir. My mumma says I'm in top percentile of Dudley intolerance.


Daizy: Intelligence, Dick.


Dick Jr: I'm not intelligent, Daizy. My cousin's a slitty eye, for crying out loud.


Ultimo Dudley realises he has been mentioned.


Ultimo Dudley: I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese, I rearry think so.


He finishes his interjection with jazz hands.

His relatives give him a strange look.


Ultimo Dudley: Wha? I no speak Ingrish.


Daizy: Dick, honey, intolerance means being a nasty ol' racist. You have your words mixed up.


Heyman: He has more than that mixed up.


D-Von steps up to Heyman.


D-Von: What did you just say, my brother?


Heyman: Nothing... you were saying.


D-Von: We were saying... we want it to be a Flaming Tables Match.


Dick: A Flaming Tables...


Bubba: God damn it, Dick. Daizy...


Daizy takes the cue and plants a kiss on her half-brother-half-lover to shut him up.


Heyman: I'll give it some thought. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a certain urge to get a vassectamy.


Heyman walks off, leaving the Dudley clan baffled by so many syllables.



Both teams come looking they want to make a point.

Espiritu and Meanie start as the legal men and the sWo member gains the upper-hand.

After a few minutes both men tag in their partners.

As Sasuke enters he trips...

...and staggers straight into a Novacaine.


Match Rating: D


Taz: Well, that's one way to get a victory, I guess.


The bWo head to the back as, in the ring, Sasuke looks pissed with himself.


Perhaps the most despised entrance music in industry history blares out of the arena speakers.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Hero: Yes, it is I, the only man capable of bringing light to your squalid lives of dark degradation... The Saviour of ECW... Chris Hero.


Callis: Oh, for crying out loud.


Hero: Now, in case your feeble powers of concentration prevented you from inheriting the wisdom I have offered in my recent articulations, tonight, as a special present from your friendly neighbourhood Hero, I am here to recite to you... from memory... 'cos I'm just that briliant... not one but two essays.


Taz: He has to be joking.


Hero: The first is entitled "An objective analysis into the precipitating factors of Chris Hero's Awesomeness". The second, perhaps even more culturally defining than the first, I have dubbed "A case of conclusive evidentiary arguments proving the inferiority of Bret Hart". Now, unlike recent weeks, I will, at least finish one of these.


Predictably, Hart bursts through the curtain.



Hart: You ain't finishing sh*t! See, you started something on Monday night, Hero, but it's gonna be me who finishes it!


As Hart strides his way to the ring, Jim Molineaux enters the ring and the bell sounds.



Hero immediately lays into Hart with the microphone, gaining an early advantage.

However, Hart soon comes back with a quick takedown and proceeds to take the rookie to school.

Hero sees little offence and is put away with a Sharpshooter in the tenth minute.

Match Rating: B+


Kurt Angle is backstage for a shoot promo.



Angle: As you may have guessed from tonight's card, I have had to remove myself from the line-up. It appears my neck has not healed as well as I had hoped and, therefore, my presence in an ECW ring could lead to an even worse injury and I know none of you would want that. However, I do hope to be back very soon. Until then, I'm afraid you will just have to suffice with the less technically proficient members of the roster.


The sWo stand in a locker room in front of BW Snow, who, once again, is tied to a chair.




Sasuke: Ret him go.


The sWo look at their leader bemused.


Sasuke: I said ret him go! It is absorutery crear he knows nothing!


Chessman unties Snow who, upon getting out of the chair, immediately grabs Head from the floor.


Sasuke: Tie his arms.


Sasuke seizes Head and Espiritu ties Snow's arms behind his back.


Snow: Head!


Sasuke: No, Mr Snow, I will not give you head! I will escort you to your fellow bWo members in hop of some form of lansome.


Sasuke pushes Snow out of the door and Chessman follows.


Sasuke: No, little chess piece, you stay here.


Sasuke leads Snow into the corridoor as the camera sollows behind.

As soon as they round, the corner, Sasuke unties Snow's hands and high fives him.


Snow: Now will you give me head?


Taz: What the hell?

Callis: Do you... do you think Sasuke's the mole?




Alexis dominates this one.

Traci never looks like making a stand and falls prey to the Alexis Effect in the sixth minute.

Match Rating: B-


After the match, Daizy Dudley comes running out, closely followed by Beulah McGillicutty.



Daizy seizes the opportunity to lay into a prone Traci.

However, Beulah soon takes it to Traci so that a three-way clothes-ripping session ensues.


The camera cuts to the back.


Sasuke and Snow walk into the bWo locker room.



Meanie and Nova immediatley head over and slap hands with both Snow and Sasuke.


As the camera pans out, a second Sasuke can be seen, sitting tied to a chair just as Snow was before.


Nova: Well, played, brother.


Meanie: An oscar worthy performance!


The first Sasuke removes his mask.



Stevie: Thank you ferras.


Snow shoots Stevie an odd look.


Stevie: Oh, whatever...


Sasuke: Ret me go! I will ray waste to you all!


Stevie: I don't think so. You made Snow endure Nash-Cena. So, we have a fate worse than death in store for you! Meanie...


Stevie clicks his fingers.

Da Blue Guy produces a copy of "The Best of Monday Night Raw" from behind his back.


Sasuke: Nooooooooooooooo!



The match is an even contest from the very start as both men display their natural athleticism.

In the tenth minute, Styles starts to get the upperhand.


However, Ultimo Dragon and Francine emerge from the back.



The distraction means AJ heads to the ropes to confront them.

Mysterio capitalises, turning him round for a Huricanrana...

...and flips him into a pinning predicamnet.


Match Ratikng: B+


As the bell rings, Dragon slides into the ring and lays the boots in.

Mysterio decides he wants no part in this one as Francine picks up.


Francine: Your first mistake, AJ, was calling me a whore but, worse than that, you disrespected one of the pioneers of the style you depend upon... Ultimo Dragon. So, your challenge for Guilty As Charged is accepted. This crowd has been waiting for someone to shut your mouth and Ultimo Dragon will do what Juventud Guerrera couldn't!


A figure dressed all in black watches on a backstages monitor.



He shakes his head in disgust and walks off.



Right from the start, the match is an all out slugfest.

However, Taker somewhat predictably gets the advantage due to his sheer power.

As such, Raven tries to escape.

It is no good, though. Calaway stalks him around ringside and, when caught, Raven is thrown throat-first into the guard rail.

After nearly ten minutes of a full-on beatdown, Raven is bloodied and bruised.


However, The Nest appear at the entrance-way.



They walk there way down to ringside.


But Rhino appears behind them.



The Man Beast goes on a rampage.

He throws Alexis into the guard rail.

He then whips both Monsters on top of her in a great show of strength.

...and hits a Death Valley Driver on Punk.


Callis: Rhino Just laid out The Nest!


He then slides into the ring and charges at Calaway who begins to turn around to face him.


Taz: Look out!


Taker steps aside.

The Gore hits Raven!

Calaway covers for the three.

Match Rating: A


Taz: Wow, Raven's been dominating ECW for months and, right now, he couldn't buy a win.


As soon as the bell rings, a wild brawl breaks out between Rhino and Taker.


Callis: And the carnage isn't over yet, Taz.


The two behemoths trade hard right hands in a titanic struggle.

Both men become uneasy on their feet and go into a boxing style clinch to continue the fight.

Meanwhile, a clearly sore Raven slides out to ringside and grabs a chair.

He rolls back in and blasts Rhino in the back.


Taz: Oh, did you hear that shot?

Callis: How could you not?


But the feel of cold steel seems only to enrage the Man Beast who, turns, seemingly unaffected.

Raven darts out of the ring and through the crowd as Rhino sprints aftrer him.

Calaway strides his way over the top rope and follows them both through the crowd.


Taz: Man, this could last all night!


But, attention is diverted as the new champion makes his way to the ring to a standing ovation.



"Thank you, Owen!"

*Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


Callis: He's here! It's the new champ!

Taz: And would you listen to the noise in this place!


Hart: No, thank you! I've had one hell of a career thanks to you guys and, Monday night, I finally earned a World Championship!


The cheers become even louder.


Hart: So, I'm just out here...


Hart is interrupted by Chris Jericho's entrance.



The Lionheart steps through the ropes to meet Owen in the ring.


Jericho: Woah... hold on a second! You may have earned that title, Owen, but I'm at least fifty percent of the reason that Raven is no longer the champ.


Hart: You reckon, hotshot?


Jericho: I know!


Hart: ...and I guess you're here to spout some sh*t about being the rightful champion.


Jericho: No, Owen. I'm here to challenge you for it!


The crowd erupts.


Jericho: I beat you. You beat me. It seems only right that, on your apparent retirement night, we settle it once and for all... for the gold!


Hart thinks for a second.


Hart: Do you know what I think of that idea, Jericho?


He pauses.


Hart: I think it's fantastic!


Jericho nods in appreciation.


Hart: But... the last two have been submission matches. I say, this time, we don't just find out who has the better submission hold; I say we find out who the better man is and who is a true champion... in an Ultimate Submission match!


Again, the live audience explodes.


However, before Jericho can respond, he is blasted in the back by a chairshot from Raven.



Raven lays the boots in as Owen goes to help Jericho.


Rhino re-enters the ring, closely followed by "The Soul Taker"



In a matter of seconds, a wild 5-way brawl has begun.


Taz: Oh, man. Five of ECW's finest are going at it!


Paul Heyman appears at the entrance-way.



Heyman: Woah... woah... woah! I've only got about a minute before we go off-air but this has got to be sorted out! So, I'm making a match for this time next week. Jericho, you clearly want the title just as much Raven wants to get his hands on you. So, I'm making a Number One Contender's Match between the two of you.


Raven and Jericho look satisfied. The others do not.


Heyman: But it's not that simple. If Jericho wins, it will indeed be "The Lionheart" versus "The Black Hart" in an Ultimate Submission Match for the World Title at Guilty As Charged. However, Raven, since you wormed your way out of defences against both Rhino and Taker, if you win next week, the title will be defended... in a Four Way Elimination Match... Owen Hart versus Raven versus Rhino versus Mark Calaway!


As the crowd pops for a third time and Raven shoots daggers at Heyman, the show goes off air.


Show Rating: B+

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