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Getting there. Slowly but surely :D.


Thanks so much for all the interest!


Quote The Raven



Styles: "I think this is it ... Burchill has Raven down. He crawls into the cover ..."


Crowd: "One ... twoooo ...."


[The screen fades to static. After a long moment of white fuzz, and an annoying crackling sound, a blonde haired woman can be seen spinning on a mountaintop.]


Julie Andrews: "The hills are alive ... "


[in lieu of this snafu on behalf of the cable companies all across the world, hundreds of thousands of people descend on Philadelpha, brandishing barbed wire bats, and foam hands, in a scene of chaotic lunacy, the likes that haven't been seen since Paris Hilton went to New York for Fleet Week.] :p

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Styles: "I think this is it ... Burchill has Raven down. He crawls into the cover ..."


Crowd: "One ... twoooo ...."


[The screen fades to static. After a long moment of white fuzz, and an annoying crackling sound, a blonde haired woman can be seen spinning on a mountaintop.]


Julie Andrews: "The hills are alive ... "


[in lieu of this snafu on behalf of the cable companies all across the world, hundreds of thousands of people descend on Philadelpha, brandishing barbed wire bats, and foam hands, in a scene of chaotic lunacy, the likes that haven't been seen since Paris Hilton went to New York for Fleet Week.] :p


Actually Prophet, it's 2007, so Julie Andrews can't sing anymore.


Unless it was a rerun, then I feel stupid.




Coulda had a V8

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Actually Prophet, it's 2007, so Julie Andrews can't sing anymore.


Unless it was a rerun, then I feel stupid.




Coulda had a V8


Julie Andrews can't sing anymore? I wasn't aware of that. Now I'm piqued. lol


But that was a parody of the `68 game between the Jets and the Raiders, when the game cut off just before the end to play the movie Heidi. That, and it allowed me the option to go with a Paris Hilton joke ... considered going with "since Spencer Pratt got his own daytime television show" as having to see him everyday would surely cause a worldwide riot, but opted for the easier target. (No pun intended. :p)

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Julie Andrews can't sing anymore? I wasn't aware of that. Now I'm piqued. lol


But that was a parody of the `68 game between the Jets and the Raiders, when the game cut off just before the end to play the movie Heidi. That, and it allowed me the option to go with a Paris Hilton joke ... considered going with "since Spencer Pratt got his own daytime television show" as having to see him everyday would surely cause a worldwide riot, but opted for the easier target. (No pun intended. :p)


That's what my friend told me. Something about the way she sang. Dunno if it's 100% true, never fact checked now that I think about it.


I got the reference, but one was a good movie and one was Heidi.


And I thought you were British. You have a British (read bad) sense of humor. :p

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That's what my friend told me. Something about the way she sang. Dunno if it's 100% true, never fact checked now that I think about it.


I got the reference, but one was a good movie and one was Heidi.


And I thought you were British. You have a British (read bad) sense of humor. :p


I checked, really did pique me. She had a throat operation in `97, but sang in 2004 for the Princess Diaries, apparently.


I've never seen Heidi all the way through, so I can't judge.


And I may be forced to spout Monty Python lines at you now. :p

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I checked, really did pique me. She had a throat operation in `97, but sang in 2004 for the Princess Diaries, apparently.


I've never seen Heidi all the way through, so I can't judge.


And I may be forced to spout Monty Python lines at you now. :p


That would make me sad, Sir Knight.

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Damn you, I was just watching the first ECW Barely Legal and it came up to the 6 Man Tag match featuring The Great Sasuki Vs. The International Blue World Order and all I could think of during the match was coming online to check your diary.


Great match 'n' all!


We're nearly there folks, plan on getting the rest of the show written up today.


Quote The Raven


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Friday, week 4, November

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The "ECW" chants are deafening as the camera pans around the ECW Arena, eventually focusing on the three announcers.


Joey: Hello, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to ECW's biggest ever pay per view and what is, truly, the dawning of a new era. In an industry where mediocrity all too often reigns, this will surely be a November To Remember! Alongside me are two men who have a large part in the history which we partially commemorate this evening. Firstly, Don Callis, the second longest-standing ECW announcer and, arguably, the best commentator in the bussines.

Callis: Ha, thanks, Joe. You're too kind.

Joey: ...and, secondly, how could we call any show without him let alone this one? He's a former World Heavyweight Champion and Master of Pain; one of only four men to achieve the coveted ECW Triple Crown... the one and only TAZ!

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Joey. Man, I am more psyched for this one than any event I've ever been at and that includes when I was competing. Just listen to these fans!

Callis: It sure is loud!

Taz: ...and that's an understatement if ever I heard one.

Joey: Well, I could literally spend hours just explaining the card but I think it's better to let the matches speak for themselves.

Taz: No doubt. Let's just say thatb pride, titles, women and careers are all on the line!

Callis: ...and y'know what? For once, I might even be able to tolerate the opening segment.


Joel Gertner is already standing in the ring when the camera cuts.



The crowd is louder than any heard on an ECW broadcast for years.


Gertner: Well... well... well...


Huge pop!


Gertner: It sure is good for the "Quintessential Studmuffin" to be back home!




Gertner: It is I... the bacon for her eggs, the man for whom she begs and the face... between her legs.


Taz is laughing his ass off.

Joey: Even I gotta say... by his standards that was pretty witty.


Gertner: I've been all around the United States: East, West, up and down but the girls right here in Pittsburgh are the hottest chicks around.


Deafening screams.


Callis: Cheap pop.


Gertner: For I am the lyrical miracle, the sexual intellectual and "The Quintessential Studmuffin"... Joel "I bang on her timpani like ten drummers drumming... nine maids a-milkin'... and they all milked at once. You should have seen the vertical smiles on their happy set of c...


Joey: Woah!


Gertner: ...ompanions.



Joel smiles.


Gertner: I made them so wet. Hell, I doubt they have been wetter and I screwed them so good that I know they ain't had better... and I left so much hair between their teeth they could have knitted sweaters"... Gertner.


Taz: This guy gets better and better!

Callis: All a matter of opinion, I suppose.


Gertner: So, this pay-per-view sounds awesome; I'm shaking with excitement!

I won't make a pun from that 'cos it'd be a bad indictment.

But if you're half as hyped as I am about November To Remember.

Come back to my place after... you'll still be shaking in December!


Gertner hands the mic back to Bob Artese and walks to the back to huge applause.


Joey: Well, without further ado, it looks like we are ready for Chris Hero versus Chris Jericho.

Taz: Oh, yeah, man... I know this is only the opener but I think I'm as hyped for this one as any match on the card.



There is no tense stare-down in this one.

Hero marches right up and pushes Jericho.

Jericho pushes him right back.

Hero slaps Jericho across the face.


Taz: Uh-oh.


Jericho puts his hand to his face, whinces for a second and then smiles.

He boots Hero in the gut...

...and whips him to the ropes.

Shoulder Block.


Callis: ...and Hero goes down.


Jericho rebounds off the ropes.

Hero rolls over onto his front as Jericho steps over him.

The Canadian rebounds again.

Hero springs up... Hip Toss.

Jericho rises and charges...

....another Hip Toss.

Once more, Jericho rises... and a third Hip Toss.

Hero shrugs his shoulders in disbelief at Jericho's predictability.

Irritated, Jericho climbs back to his feet and shakes his head to releive his anger.


"F**k you Hero! F**k you Hero!"


Hero looks at the crowd, pissed at their response.

Jericho walks to the ropes and puts his hand to his ear, inciting the crowd.




Annoyed, Hero now charges at Jericho.

The Canadian lifts his opponent high over his shoulder, over the top rope and to the concrete floor.

As Hero shakes off the cobwebs Jericho shrugs his shoulders at his opponent's own predictability.


Taz: Ha, we're only a few minutes into the first match and the mindgames have started.


The match continues as a great even match-up.

In the fifteenth minute, Hero applies the Cravate to Jericho.


Aware of his indy background, the crowd start up a fresh chant.

"Same old sh*t! Same old sh*t!


Hero brings Jericho to the corner and climbs backwards up the turnbuckle so that he sits on the top rope.


Joey: It looks like Chris Hero is looking for his Cravate Cutter.


However, Jericho hooks his arms through Hero's legs and lifts him off the turnbuckle in a Fireman's Carry...

...Samoan Drop.

Jericho is quick to grab Hero by the legs.


Taz: Oh, here we go!


Jericho picks up Hero's legs... and turns him over.


Callis: He's got it. The Liontamer is locked in.


Hero writhes in pain.

However, he manages to grab the bottom rope.

Jericho releases as Hero turns over and kicks his opponent away.

Jericho stumbles into referee, John Finnegan.

Hero gets up as Jericho makes sure Finnegan is okay.

The Canadian turns into a Clothesline.

No! He ducks it... but it connects with the referee who goes down.


Joey: John Finnegan is down.

Callis: Great. That's like inviting Hero to cheat.


Hero now turns to face Jericho.


Again Jericho pounces on Hero's legs.


Joey: The Liontamer... it's locked in again!


Hero starts crawling for the bottom rope again.

However, the pain is too much and he taps.


Taz: That's it.

Callis: But Finnegan's still out.

Joey: Exactly, Don and, while Hero may be spared a loss in this match, he might lose a limb at this rate.


Indeed, Jericho does not release the hold and Hero continues to thrash around in agony.

With no choice, the rookie crawls forward further.

He gets his hand on the bottom turnbuckle.


Taz: ...and that'd be a break but still no ref.


He now places his other hand on the second turnbuckle and, showing great strength, gradually walks his hands to the top rope so that the leverage forces Jericho to release the hold.

As Jericho does Hero, inevitably starts to fall, but uses the force of gravity to his advantage, grabbing Jericho by the head and performing a makeshift Neckbreaker.


Taz: Wow... now that was impressive!


As both men lie practically out cold, John Finnegan scrabbles to his feet.

Both competitors now rise.

A right hand from Jericho.

...and from Hero...

...blows are traded back and forth...

...until Hero is rocked by a haymaker...

....another and Hero starts to wobble.

A final punch...

...but Hero ducks underneath and grabs Jericho in an inverted headlock.



Match Rating: A


Callis: That's it... Hero got the fall!

Taz: ...and you gotta hand it to him, Callis, that was nothing but legit.


In a drakened corner of the arena, the world champion sits alone.



Raven: Men far greater than I have been known to say that, if you fear God, your enemies will fear you. Well, as far as ECW is concerned, I am God and, Paul Burchill, you have chosen to be on the wrong side of morality. You see, discipline is the bridge between dreams and accomplishment and your discipline waivered and, finally, betrayed you, in turn, when you betrayed me. For every era, there is a talisman; for every age, an icon and, for the past eleven years, I have been that icon. This talk of a new era may be a good sell for a pay-per-view but anyone of intellect knows that this talisman is far from stepping aside. This promotion needs me; this industry needs a man of my brilliance and, in all honesty, I need this promotion as a source of achievement. Just as genius has its limitations while stupidity has no such handicap, those who dream of greatness face their obstacles while those who have already achieve greatness never cease to pioneer. You can dream all you wish, Burchill... dream of being as great a talent as I am one day, dream of earning a world title but, so long as it is me who stands in your way, your dreams will forever be in vain. You lost the faith, old friend, and, thus, fate shall show you no compassion.


So it is written; so it shall come to pass.


Quote The Raven



Taz: Man, I just can't get over how much animosity there is in wrapped up in that main event. It's gonna be off the damn hook!



The two men stare at each other intently as referee, Jim Molineaux, checks them both for concealed weapons.

As soon as the bell rings, Lynn charges at Angle.

Angle sidesteps and throws Lynn over the ropes.

However, Lynn lands on the apron.

Angle turns around only to be cracked in the face.

Lynn hooks him up for a Vertical Suplex.


Callis: Oh, man...


Lynn suplexes Angle clean over the rope and onto the concrete floor.

Taking a second to rub his back, Lynn gets up and climbs back onto the apron.

He waits for Angle to rise and performs a Sommersault Dive onto the olympic champion.


Jory: Just look at Jerry Lynn.

Taz: Yeah, man. He sure looks fired up for this one!


Lynn rolls Angle back in and drags him into the corner.

Lynn heads up top with Angle in a front facelock.


Callis: He's looking for the Tornado DDT early.


Sure enough, Lynn jumps off, spinning Angle around in the Tornado DDT.

However, Angle manages to limit his opponent's momentum, forcing him to land on his feet...

...and reverses the facelock into a Northern Lights suplex.

He rolls through, lifting up Lynn in a Vertical suplex.

He leaves him hanging.


Joey: ...and just look at the strength from Kurt Angle!


He slams him down... and goes straight for Lynn's ankle...

...but Lynn kicks him away.

As Lynn gets up, groggily, Angle sets him up for a German Suplex.

However, Lynn elbows him in the head, performs a go-behind and pulls of a German Suplex of his own.

Not waiting for Angle to recover, Lynn slides out and grabs a chair.


Taz: Oh... I think Lynn is getting ready to kick some ass.


Lynn slides in and smacks the steel chair into the canvas waiting for Angle to stand.

Angle gets up...

...Lynn pulls the chair back, runs and slmas it with thunderous force into Angle's head.


The pop from the crowd is huge.


Taz: Woah man!

Callis: He nearly took his head off!


Lynn bends down and wraps the chair around Angle's neck.


Joey: Oh no...

Taz: He's gonna do it for real, Joey!


Lynn climbs up top as the blood-thirst fans go crazy.

Lynn drops a flying...

...but Angle just rolls out the way.


Callis: That was far too close for my liking.


Seizing the opportunity as Lynn jars his ankle, Angle removes the chair and gets up.

Still with a sore foot, Lynn makes his best effort to charge his opponent.


...No! Angle swats Lynn's legs down with the chair!


Callis: Damn, that's gotta hurt!


As Lynn grans his leg in pain, Angle lays a boot into his face.

He then wraps the chair around Lynn's ankle.


Taz: ...and this don't look good either.


Angle climbs the turnbuckle...

...and drops a knee on the steel chair.

Lynn screams in pain.


Callis: That can't be good.


Angle immediatley removes the chair and grabs Lynn's ankle but Lynn, again, kicks him away.

The match continues with "The Dynamic One" in a seriously disadvantageous position.

Angle, unsurprisingly, continues to focus his attacks on Lynn's right ankle.

In the tenth minute, Lynn goes hobble into a Clothesline attempt.

However, angle ducks, lifting up Lynn at the waist he runs him for ward and onto the top turbuckle.

A shot to Lynn's stomach... and another.

But Lynn rolls over Angle's back in a Sunset Flip.



Both men rise.

Angle immediatley steps behind Lynn and lifts him up for the Olympic Slam...

...but Lynn slips out of Angle's grasp, again rolling over his back into another Sunset Flip.



Both men rise.

Lynn boots Angle in the gut.

Angle catches his boot.


No! Angle ducks underneath...

...and as Lynn falls on his hands, facing the mat, Angle locks in the Ankle Lock!

Lynn has no choice but to tap.

Match Rating: C+


Taz: Man, as soon as Kurt started on that ankle, you knew it was coming.

Joey: ...and Jerry Lynn is, once again, denied a victory over Kurt Angle!


The camera cuts to the back, where Becky Bayless stands with Slyk Tayshaun Dudley.



Becky: I'm Becky Bayless and, alongside me, is Slyk Tayshaun Dudley.


STD: Whatup, bitch?


Becky: I prefer Becky.


STD: ...and I couldn't give a f**k... bitch.


Becky frowns.


Becky: Tonight, you challenge for the International All Ac..


STD: You dam-mothaf**kin'-right and the I-double-A belt is comin' to West Side Dudleyville.


Becky: So, you think you have a good chance of beating Ricky Marvin.


STD: You betta believe it, bitch.


Becky: Call me bitch one more time and you'll know what it's like to get beatenn up by a girl.


STD: Oh, you a feisty mothaf**ka, huh? I like that sh*t.


Becky: Don't even think about it! Back to you, Joey!


As the camera cuts back to ringside, it focuses on a "If Nate wins, we riot!" sign.


Nate Hatred enters the ring with his manager and his barbed-wire wrapped iron pentagram to deafening jeers.



Mitchell: We knew we wouldn't receive a prticularly warm welcome. We recognise that you all feel threatened by ECW's "New Main Event". I mean, he negates everything you stand for... all of you here in Philadelphia have spent the last fourteen years worshipping the like of Sabu and then ECW's Most Extreme Athlete comes along and reinvents the whole nature of hardcore wrestling. The fact is, before Nate Hatred was here, you had no right to call yourselves extreme!



Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap


Mitchell: I see the ECW Arena fans are witty as ever...


Hatred smiles...

...the lights cut out as the biggest pop of the night is heard.


Taz: Here we go.


Streak vs. Career Match


As the lights come back on, Sabu stands in the ring with a chair.

"The Human Highlight Reel" throws the steel into Hatred's face to thunderous applause.




As the beast goes down, Sabu picks the chair back up and starts laying into him with the steel.

Hatred grabs teh chair, though, and fights his way back to his feet.

A tug-of-war over the weapon ensues which Hatred wins, launching Sabu into the corner.

Sabu runs back out into the centre of the ring but only to be floored by a huge chair shot.


Taz: Man, the boys are bringing the pain with the chairs tonight!


Hatred picks Sabu up and whips him to the ropes.


...no. Sabu ducks under the hefty arm and rebounds off the ropes again...

...Leg Lariat.

Sabu slides out and looks under the ring.

He produces a ladder to the fans delight.


Callis: ...and it's getting crazy already.


Sabu slides in with the ladder.

However, as he stands, Hatred Big Boots the ladder into his face.

Sabu drops the weapon and Hatred snapmares him onto it.

He stomps Sabu into the metal a few times before climbing to the second turncbuckle.

Fist Drop... but Sabu moves.

Hatred shakes his hand about in pain as Sabu rebounds off the ropes for a basement dropkick to his opponent's face.

Hatred rolls over backwards with the force and Sabu positions him on the ladder, face down.

"The Human Highlight Reel" then balances the chair on the back of Hatred's head.

He heads out to the apron, grabs the top rope, sommersaults over it and hits a Legdrop!


Taz: Damn... Hatred's head got trapped between two steel objects!

Joey: ...and the athleticism of Sabu is still quite incredible!


Sabu covers.


Hatred kicks out.

The two men continue beating the crap out of each other with all manner of weapons.

In the tenth minute, Hatred, again goes for the Decapitator Lariat but Sabu ducks.

He then pushes Hatred over the top rope to the concrete.

As Hatred rises, Sabu sets up a chair near the ropes.

He rebounds off the opposite set, steps off the chair onto the rope and hits a Triple Jump Sommersault Plancha on Hatred!




Taz: These dudes are crazy!


Sabu now leaps up onto the steel barricade and mmonsaults off onto his opponent.


Callis: Sabu is putting in one hell of a performance for these fans.

Joey: Well, it's them who made him, Don.


Sabu rolls Hatred back in.

He grabs a chair and heads up top.


Taz: Oh, here we go...


Atomic Arabian Facebuster!

The fans go crazy but, rather than cover, Sabu stes up the chair near the ropes again.

The noise is deafening.

Sabu rebounds off the ropes, steps off the chair and onto the top rope...

...but James Mitchelll hits the top rope with his cane.

Sabu loses his balance and falls backwards, catching the back of his head on the chair.


Joey: Damn it!

Callis: Wow... I think Sabu's out cold!


Groggily, Hatred rturns to his feet as Mitchell slides the barbed wire pentagram into the ring.

Hatred rolls Sabu onto it.


Taz: Man, I don't like the look of this!


Mitchell then hands a reel to Hatred.


Callis: What the hell is that?


Hatred proceeds to unwind what appears to be a roll of barbed wire.


Joey: What is he going to do with that.

Callis: I dread to think.


James Mitchell enters the ring and begins to wrap the wire around Hatred's torso.


Taz: Jesus... I think this guy really is crazy.


Eventually, what seems like a full four feet of wire is wrapped all the way around Hatred's torso.

He carefully climbs to the top turnbuckle.


Callis: Oh no...


Hatred lifts his arms in a cross-like stance and looks to the sky.


Taz: No...


Big Splash!

Sabu rolls off the pentagram!




Joey: OH MY GOD!


Landing on a forest of wire, the lacerations on Hatred's torso are obvious.

Sabu now climbs to his feet, minor scratches on his back showing from the barbed wire on hatred's symbol.

Sabu now climbs up top.


Taz: Not again!



Hatred rolls out of the way...

...and now Sabu comes crashing down onto the pentagram.

As Sabu groans, Hatred starts puling the wire from his torso, his arms and chest bleeding profusely.


Taz: This is insane!


Both men rise simultaneously; a small amount of wire is still impaled in Hatred's flesh.

Sabu picks up the chair and nails Hatred in the head.

The monster does not fall but sways, looking very unsteady.

Again, Sabu heads up top with the chair.

He throws the chair at Hatred and the monster catches it.

Sabu dives off the turnbuckle but Hatred drops the chair...



Taz: Jesus Christ!

Callis: He just swatted Sabu out the air like a fly!


Sabu crashes down onto the pentagram with a sickening noise as, once again, flesh meets barbed wire.

Hatred covers...


Match Rating: B+


Joey: Thank god it's over!

Taz: ...and Sabu is done!


Rather than rioting over the result, the fans applaud as two horribly damaged human bodies lie almost lifeless in the ring.

EMTs come rushing to the ring.


Callis: That is possibly the most disturbing tyhing I've seen in all my years in ECW!



Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap


Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap


Joey: Just listen to these fans!


Sabu slowly gets up and looks around at the fans.

He points to the sky as the chants turn to deafening applause.


Taz: This ain't no more than what he deserves!

Joey: A true giant of ECW and a servant of this sport!


Amazingly, Sabu walks to Nate Hatred and elps him up.

Hatred looks at Sabu confused.

"The Human Highlight Reel" offers his hand.


Callis: After all Hatred has done, Sabu is offering to shake his hand?

Taz: The guy took him to hell and back, Callis!


Hatred looks at the crowd who do inot cease their cheers.

He looks at Sabu.



Joey: My god, Hatred just spat on Sabu!

Taz: That is straight up out-of-order, my man!



Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap


Suddenly, the lights turn out again.


When they return, another huge pop is heard.

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name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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Callis: It's The Sandman!

Joey: Where in the hell has he been?

Taz: Who knows but he's here now!


Sandman walks through the crowd, after downing his beer and busting his head open.

He steps over the barricade and slides into the ring.

Hatred goes nose to nose with him.


""F**k him up, Sandman! F**k him up!"


Sandman canes Hatred across the face and the monster goes down.

The cane shots to the floored Nate Hatred are violent and unrelenting.


Taz: My god, he's destroying him!


Finally, Hatred rolls out of the ring and limps to the back with his manager.

Sabu slowly stands up as Sandman turns to face him.


Callis: Now what?


Sandman reaches into his pockets and pulls out two beers.

He throws one to Sabu.

The two men smash cans and down their beverages and the fans go wild.




The two men eventually head to the back to huge applause.




Despite their youth and inexperience of national exposure, the two competitors put on a decent performance.

Marvin dominates the early going, employing his sheer speed and athleticism to great effect.

However, in the fifth minute, Slyk Dudley starts to make a strong comeback, demonstrating the muscle behind the militancy.

Before long, he has floored the dancing luchadore, and is laying in stiff

grounded shots.


However, that is when the biggest Dick in Dudleyville shows up.



Dick Jr. slides in and pulls his cousin off Marvin...

....Total Penetration!


Taz: Damn, I think Dick just broke Slyk!


Dick Jr. then makes his exit as Marvin groggily returns to his feet.

The luchadore backs off into the corner and waits for STD to come to.

Dudley starts to rise... Shining Wizard!


Match Rating: C-


Joey: Well, it looks like we have our new International All Action Champion.

Callis: It's just a shame Big Dick Dudley had to get involved.


As the ref hands Marvin his belt, the luchadore starts dancing around the ring like a maniac.


A video is shown to promote the number one contender.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Burchill.flv">



There is no tension building at the start of this match.

No stare-downs; no pacing around the ring.

Thomaselli charges straight at Punk in a Lou Thesz Press.

He lands stiff shot after stiff shot as Punk struggles to cover his face.

Eventually, the fiery Italian relents, allowing Punk to stand...

...but only to put him in the gut.



Punk starts to rise as Vito grabs him by the head...

...lowblow and Vito goes down.


Callis: Oh, for crying out loud!


Punk now lays in the boots before Vito catches his foot and trips him.

A fistfight breaks out and the match continues as an all-out slugfest.

In the tenth minute, Vito whips Punk to the ropes.

As his opponent rebounds, Vito readies himself and Back Body Drops Punk high over the ropes to the concrete floor.

Vito now runs, rebounding off the ropes himself.

Sommersault plancha over the ropes and onto Punk!


Taz: Wow!




Vito lays a few boots into his opponent before picking him up.

A ringside fan throws a few cigarretes at "The Straight Edge Superstar".


Taz: Err... I get the sentiment but what a waste!


Vito gets the fan to light him a cigarrette.

He takes a drag and exhales the smoke into Punk's face.

He then stubs out the cigarette on his opponent's forehead.

Punk is picked up for a Vito Driver on the concrete.


Taz: Here we go!


But Punk slips off Vito's shoulders and shoves him into the steel barricade.


Punk rolls Vito back in.

Irish Whip... but it is reversed and Punk lands in the corner.

Vito hits the Corner Splash and Punk falls to a seated position.

Vito takes the opportunity to rub his sore neck.

Punk grabs the top rope either side of the turnbuckle.

Vito grabs his opponent by the feet and attempts to pull him out of the corner.

However, using the top rope for leverage, Punk performs a backflip, landing on his feet.

A boot to Vito's gut...



Callis: the athleticism... the impact!

Taz: ...and that's gonna be all.


Punk covers.



Joey: Vito kicks out! We found out at Guilty As Charged that this kid refuses to stay down and tonight is no exception.


Punk grabs Vito and heads backwards up the turnbuckle.


Callis: ...and he's looking for the Pepsi Plunge!


He sets him up in a Double Under Hook position.

However, Vito frees his arms and performs a Back Body Drop that sends Punk flying from the top rope to the canvas.

The young Italian climbs up a rung to the top.



Punk rolls through.




Callis: Both falls were close.

Taz: Damn close!


Both men rise and rebound off opposite ropes.

Punk perfroms a Running Cradle pin.


Vito rolls forward into a seated position, removing his shoulders from the canvas but keeping Punk on his back.

He struggles to his knees and then his feet with Punk still wrapped around his back.

He throws his opponent up onto his shoulders.


Taz: Wait a minute...




Joey: What an unbelievable counter!



Match Rating: A


Joey: He did it! Vito got the clean victory he craved so desperately!


As the fans cheer, Vito falls to his knees and raises his arms in sheer relief.


The camera cuts to the back where the Dudley Family stand.



Daizy: My favourite Dick just played an important role in us proving a point! The Dudley family takes no sh*t off no one... especially tonight.


D-Von: Oh, my sister, testify! Just as Dick got rid of STD after beating him down, we are gonna take out the Hardcore Innovators and become ECW Undisputed Tag Team Champions.


Bubba: Thou shalt not f**k with the...


D-Von covers Bubba's mouth as Daizy does the same to Dick Jr.


D-Von & Daizy: DUDLEYZ!


Ultimo Dudley II does jazz hands for effect as the camera cuts back to ringside.




As Francine looks on tentatively, Ultimo Dragon motions his hands around his waist, indicating that he will be the new champion.

Guerrera charges staright in with a Dropkick.

The challenger goes down and the champion follows up with a Springboard Elbow Drop.

Guerrera heads over to the ropes and looks at Francine.


Callis: Francine looks so confused!

Joey: What exactly is she supposed to think?


Dragon seizes the opportunity to roll up Guerrera.


Both men rise.

Dragon whips Guerrera to the ropes.

As the luchadore rebounds, he ducks down for a Back Body Drop.

Guerrera rolls over his back, though, and rebounds again.

The champion now slides through the challenger's legs.

He leaps onto Dragon's shoulders from behind and spins around for the Hurricanrana.

But Dragon holds him up and slams him down in a Powerbomb.


Again both men rise.

Now, Guerrera whips Dragon to the ropes and, as his opponent rebounds, he attempts a Clothesline.

The cgallenger ducks underneath but the champion hits him with a Back Kick from behind that sends him flying forward through the ropes to the outside.

Guerrera looks at the crowd.

There is a huge pop.

The champion rebounds off the ropes, jumps onto the opposite top rope and launches himself in a sommersault plancha.

However, Ultimo Dragon moves and Guerrera goes flying into the steel guard rail.


Taz: Woah.


Dragon now hops up onto the apron.

Asai Moonsault!

But Guerrera now moves and the challenger lands with his sternum draped over the rail.

Guerrera, slightly groggy, takes the opportunity to grab a chair.

As Dragon rises, Guerrera swings the chair...

...but the challenger pulls Francine in the way and she is levelled with the steel.


Callis: My god!

Taz: Franny just got nailed!

Joey: That's disgusting.


Realising his mistake, Guerrera drops the chaior and makes to check on Francine.

However, Dragon grabs him by the hair and rams him, head-first, into the apron.

Guerrera is rolled back in.

The challenger follows up wioth a Springboard Legdrop.


Dragon picks up Guerrera and whips him into the corner...

...Corner Shining Wizard!

Guerrera falls out of the corner onto his back.

Dragon hops up top.


Taz: Time for some more high risk offence.


Cancun Tornado!

...but Guerrera rolls out of the way and Ultimo Dragon eats canvas.


Joey: And that's why they call it high risk!


Both men lay spent after only a few minutes.

Still groggy, Francine climbs onto the apron and looks at both competitors.

Suddenly, both menb start to rise.

Guerrera whips Dragon but it is reversed.

Guerrera goes flying towards the ropes... and Francine.


Taz: Uh-oh.


But, as Francine flinches, Guerrera manages to stop himself.

He takes her by the hand and checks if she is okay.

Ultimo Dragon dropkicks Guerrera in the back and he knocks into Francine.

"The Queen of Extreme" goes flying off the apron and head-first into the guard rail.


Joey: Is Francine gonna survive this match?

Callis: I cannot believe the actions of Ultimo Dragon!


A quick series of counter moves ensues and the match continues as a fast-paced contest.

In the sixteenth minute, Guerrera heads up top.

Dragon hits him in the stomach, though, and also climbs up.



Taz: That's it! He just has to cover him!


However, Ultimo Dragon is exhausted and both men lay unconscious as chants ensue.




Francine climbs into the ring.


Taz: Man... will she ever learn?


She looks at both champion and challenger...

...and heads over to Guerrera.

As the fans cheer, she bends down to check on the luchadore.

Ultimo Dragon staggers to his feet and heads to the outside.

He grabs the title belt from ringside and rolls back in.


Callis: I don't like the look of this!


Guerrera starts to come to and Francine stands up to give him space.


"Look behind you!"

*Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


She turns around to see Dragon brandishing the TV belt.


Joey: Oh no!


Francine pleads with her, surely, soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend.

Dragon swings the belt.


Taz: Woah...


Guerrera pushes Francine out of the way and is knocked out instead.

As Francine looks on shocked, Dragon smiles at "The Queen of Extreme".



Francine kicks Dragon in the back to break up the fall.


Callis: Yeah!

Taz: That may not be too smart.


Dragon turns around to face Francine and grabs her by the hair.

Francine hits the lowblow!


Callis: Well, I wouldn't usually condone it...

Taz: ...but these are special circumstances. I hear ya.


Obviously, the challenger bends double in agony.

Francine hits the DDT!


"She's Hardcore! She's Hardcore!"


Guerrera gets up and shakes off the cobwebs.

Francine points to the top rope and the champion smiles.

He climbs up...



Match Rating: B


Callis: He did it! Juvi did it!

Joey: Good on ya, kid.


Jim Molineaux picks up the new TV Title belt and hands it to Guerrera to huge applause.

The luchadore looks to the heavens and lofts the belt high above his head.

He then looks at Francine.

He folds the belt over his shoulder and heads over to her.

He pulls her towards him by the waist, bends her backwards and kisses her.


Taz: Man, how long have we been waiting for that?


as the kiss ends, Guerrera stumbles backwards with his mouth open in a feined state of shock.

Francine laughs and takes the belt from his shoulder.

She fastens it around his waist, gets down on her knees and kisses the gold.


Callis: I er...

Taz: What's the matter Callis? Embarrassed?

Joey: I thought you worked weith Gertner for three years...


"The Soul Taker" is backstage for a shoot promo.



Taker: So, here we are, Man Beast... November To Remember Fifteen and I just get the feeling, in view of everything that's happened between you and me, that someone's gonna die. You've got a little problem, though, haven't you. You can't kill a dead man.


Taker makes his slit throat motion as the camera cuts back to ringside.




This is another lioness yawn-fest, indicative of the fact that most of ECW's beat female talent is not yet on the main roster.

The fans seem to have some fun, though, and undoubtedly the high point of the match is the song sung to the tune of Camptown Racers:


"Alexis sucks Raven for crack.

Doo-Dah. Doo-Dah.

Alexis sucks Raven for crack.

All the Doo-Dah day."


Kelly lands some stiff shots as a measure of revenge.

However, in the sixth minute, Nathalie slides in with the Lioness belt and takes out Kelly from behind.

This allows Alexis to hit the Alexis Effect for the vicxtory.

Match Rating: C


After the match, Alexis and Nathalie lay a beatdown on Kelly.


However, Jazz runs out.



She takes out Alexis with a Clothesline and boots Nathalie through the ropes.

The female contingent flee the ring as Jazz helps Kelly to her feet.


A video is shown to promote the World Havyweight Champion.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Raven1.flv">


As Walk by Pantera plays, both Shawn Michaels and Rob Van Dam head to the ring together to huge cheers.


Chants of "RVD" and "HBK" are traded around the arena.



The bell rings and the two competitors pace around the ring.

They walk to the centre and Michaels pokes Van Dam with his finger.

RVD falls down.

Michaels covers.


Joey: What the hell?!



Van Dam kicks out.

Both men grab mics.


Michaels: We're just playing.


Callis: Honestly... dickheads.

Taz: Come on. That sh*t's funny.


Michaels: Seriously, though, you know I didn't want this match much. So, I think I've come up with an alternative.


Callis: What?!


Michaels: Categories. We each try and name a wrestling move for each letter of the alphabet and keep going until one of us fails.


RVD: This is pretty dumb but okay. Let's start with "R".


Michaels: The alphabet does not begin with "R".


RVD: It does when you're RVD!


Van Dam points his fingers as Michaels nods in acceptance.


Michaels: Okay, you start.


Van Dam: Why do I start?


Michaels: I thought I'd give you a chance.


Van Dam: Okay... Rolling Thunder.




Micahels: Rear Naked Choke.


RVD: Dude, that's not an "R". It's just a choke. It's a "C".


Michaels: Derivatives count.


RVD: Fine... Victory Roll.


Michaels: "V" does not come after "R".


RVD: Who are you trying to kid?


Michaels: Man... who writes this sh*t?


RVD: No one. It's November 2007, bro... they're on strike.


Michaels: Good point. Look... shall we just wrestle?


RVD: Finally.


The two throw their microphones away and pace around the ring again.

They approach each other for a colla-and-elbow tie-up.

Van Dam transitions it into a side headlock.

Michaels backs him into the ropes and Van Dam rebounds, releasing the hold.

He rebounds again off the opposite set of ropes... and hits a Shoulder Block.

He steps over his opponent and rebounds off the perpendicular set of ropes.

Michaels springs up and hits a Shoulder block of his own.

HBK now rebounds as RVD springs up and leapfrogs him.

Michaels rebounds again and, as Van Dam ducks down, HBK now performs a leapfrog.

RVD turns him around and boots him in the gut.

He whips him to the corner but it is reversed so that Michaels goes chest-first into the buckle.

Van Dam runs at Michaels from behind.

HBK grabs the top rope and jumps backwards over Van Dam.

Van Dam, now in the corner, jumps to the tope rope and backflips over Michaels.

HBK runs out of the corner as RVD lands on his feet.

Van Dam goes for a kick but Michaels slides between his legs.

As Michaels rises, Van Dam goes for a low sweep kick.

HBK jumps it... and goes for the Clothesline.

Van Dam ducks underneath... and attempts the Spinning Heel kick.

Michaels ducks it.


The two men back off to huge applause.

RVD bows as Michaels flexes.






Joey: This has to be the finest wrestling anywhere in the world ladies and gentlemen and it's right here on ECW!

Taz: Your damn right it is!


The two men start pacing again.

Another collar-and-elbow tie-up.

No! Van Dam boots Michaels in the gut and whips him...

...but this one is reversed in Michaels favour and Van Dam's back lands in the corner.

Michaels now runs at his former partner.

Van Dam liftsa him up high over the ropes but Michaels lands on his feet on the apron.

The two men face each other over the ropes.

Michaels goes for a punch but it is blocked.

Van Dam performs a sShoulder Charge through the ropes.

However, Michaels jumps over it and, in the same motion, lands down on RVD's head with a Guillotine Leg Drop.

"The Whole F**kin' Show" falls to the outside.


Taz: Damn! Michaels damn near decapitated Van Dam!


As Van Dam gets up, Michaels climbs back on the apron, runs along it and hits a Flying Dropkick.

A trading of blows ensues as both men rise.

Michaels whips Van Dam again... this time into the steel ring post.

Van Dam's head connects with the metal and he bounces off into the guard rail.

Michaels charges and Drop Kicks his friend over the rail and into the crowd.

As Van Dam gets up groggily, Michaels runs and leaps off the guard rail for a Double Axe Handle...

...but he is caught and RVD drives him backwards into the metalwork.

As Michaels falls, Van Dam jumps onto the rail and hits a Moonsault.



*Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


As Michaels staggers up, Van Dam motions for a fan to lend him his chair.

Van Dam throws the steel at Michaels.

HBK catches it...

...Van Daminator!


Taz: This is insane!


Van Dam heads back over the guard rail and slides into the ring.

He climbs up top as the fans scream as loud as they have all night.

He point his thumbs and Sommersaults over the ringside area, over the guard rail and onto Michaels... and half the crowd.


Joey: OH MY GOD!




Both men lay battered in the crowd for a few minutes until they brawl their way back to their feet and back over the guard rail.

They both decide to slide back in.

The match continues in similarly enthralling fashion.

By the seventeenth minute, both men are exhausted but Van Dam floors Michaels with a reverse Enziguiri and drags him into the corner.

He props him into a seated position and grabs a chair from ringside.

He lodges the chair between the ropes in front of Michaels' face.

He climbs through the opposite set of ropes as the fansd rise, knowing what is coming.


Taz: Here we go... the Van Terminator, baby.


Van Dam springboards of the top rope and, once again, demonstrates his phenomenal athleticism, flying across the ring.

However, Michaels grabs the chair and throws it.

Van Dam catches it in mid-air as Michaels springs to his feet.



Joey: My god... he smacked Van Dam out of the air...

Callis: ...he drove the chair into his face.


Rather than chant, the fans applaud a difficult and flawlessly executed spot.


Michaels looks at his fallen partner and applauds, looking at the fans.

The fans join in.




Michaels covers.


Match Rating: A




Joey: Wow... I'm out of breath just calling it.

Callis: That, my friends, was incredible!


Michaels helps Van Dam to his feet.

RVD shakes his head, clearly disappointed, but accepts when Michaels raises his hand.

The two men take a bow as the fans applaud.


Chris Hero is backstage for a shoot promo.



Hero: Everyone's talking about this "dawning of a new era". Well, you saw something new tonight. You may think that Chris Hero relies on cheating to win his matches but that just proves the ignorance of some of you supposed "smart marks". The fact is, a true hero relies on nothing other than his own abilities and, since my abilities are doubtless and endless, I will truly be your hero for this new era.


The camera cuts back to ringside.




The two teams come out brawling and the fact that the Innovators bring canes to the ring certainly helps their cause.

Bubba and D-Von are battered around the head by the Innovators' woodwork.

However, Big Dick Jr and Ultimo Dudley II enter the ring to tip things in their uncles' favour.



*Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


That is until the youngsters too taste Singapore cane.

Dreamer hooks up the "Angry Asian Inbred".

Cactus Jack hooks up the "Big Balbutient Behemoth".

Simultaneous DDTs!

However, despite taking out The Second Generation of Dudleyz, the distraction is enough for Bubba and D-Von to go on the offensive.

The eleven-time tag champs start laying a beating on their opponents but, inevitably, Dreamer and Cactus make a comeback.

The match continues as a weapon-based slugfest.

In the eleventh minute, The Second Generation interfere again.

However, Cactus Jack takes the fight right to them and clotheslines them both over the ropes.

He heads out with a cane and makes them wish Big Dick Sr had used a rubber.

Meanwhile, Dreamer inflicts a similar punichment to Bubba and D-Von in the ring.

However, Daizy Dudley slids in and lowblows Dreamer from behind.


Joey: Oh, come on!

Taz: I guess that's the advantage in the Dudleyville Fertility Programme.


But a familiar face emerges from the back and runs to the ring.



Joey: It's Beulah!

Callis: The first mistress of hardcore is back in the ECW Arena!


The fans cheer as Beulah slides in and Clotheslines Daizy.

She picks up the "Lil' Latina Lolita" and Powerslams her to the mat.

However, with Dreamer still on the mat in agony from the lowlblow, Bubba grabs Francine by the hair.


Taz: Uh-oh!




D-Von slides out and re-enters after depositing two tables in the ring.

He sets one up just in front of the turnbuckle as Bubba climbs up top.


Taz: Beulah's gonna die!


Sure enough, D-Von Beulah up to his partner in a Powerbomb position.


Callis: No!




Joey: OH MY GOD!


Bubba sits with his trademark orgasmic look in his eyes.

Too late to save his wife, Dreamer still gets up and takes out D-Von from beind.

However, Big Dick Jr climbs back in and spins Dreamer around... Total Penetration!

Cactus slides back in and spins Big Dick around... Double Arm DDT!


Callis: This is carnage!


Ultimo Dudley II jumps on Cactus' back and is slammed to the mat for his trouble.

However, the distraction allows Bubba Ray to hit the Bubba Cutter on Cactus Jack.

D-Von sets up the second table in the middle of the ring.

Daizy Dudley slides something into the ring and D-Von picks it up.


Callis: What the hell was that?

Joey: I think... yeah... oh, jesus.


D-Von slings a box of matches to Bubba as he empties a gas cannister over the table.

Bubba lights the matches and the table goes up in flames.

The fans go nuts.

Dreamer is picked up in a Flapjack by D-Von.



Joey: OH MY GOD!

Taz: He's said it before and he'll say it again...

Joey: OH MY GOD!



Match Rating: B


With Cactus Jack, Tommy Dreamer and Beulah McGillicutty left resembling lifeless corpses, the Dudley Boyz raise their Undisputed ECW Tag Team Titles in the air.


However, a certain STD comes back to pay them a visit.



Swinging a baseball bat, the militant Dudley sets about taking out every one of his relatives... even Daizy.


STD: You stupid sons-a-bitch mo'f**kas cost me the I-double-A strap, yo. And you didn't just cost me... you cost all o' West Side Dudleyville.


Taz: Sons-a-bitch mo'f**kas?! I like that... I might have to use it.


STD: But what that means, bitches, is that I only got one motha-f**kin' thing to focus on and that is finding out what the damn secret 'bout my daddy is. It's time this black mo'f**ka brought down the pain on all y'all niggas! And I'm starting with you Dick!


After the Hardcore Innovators and the various Dudleyz get to the back, two men appear at the entrance-way.





Heyman: You're kinda taking the words outta my mouth. Now, I'm not gonna get all teary-eyed and we ain't gonna take up much of your time because we know you're here to see the best wrestling on the f**king planet.


Huge pop.


Heyman: But myself an my creative partner have two words and, although few in number, they could not be greater in sentiment...


Pag: Thank you.


Heyman and Pag applaud the fans and head to the back.





As "The Soul Taker" comes to the ring with his steel biker's chain which he leaves at ringside, it is obvious that the crowd are behind him.

Despite Rhino's lengthy tenure in ECW, he is still as hated as he ever was in south Philly.

Meanwhile, the hardcore fans seem ecstatic to see Mark Calaway at the ECW Arena.

The two powerhouses stride around the outside of the ring, staring each other down.


Chants of "F**k him up, Taker; f**k him up!" begin.


Taz: This is gonna be intense!


The Man Beast is the first to make the move, darting forward at his opponent.

GORE... no, Calaway sidesteps and sends him hurtling shoulder first into the steel ring post.


Joey: Rhino throwing caution to the wind.

Taz: ...and getting burned for it.


As Rhino turns, clenching his shoulder, he is met with a Big Boot that sends him to the canvas.

Taker immediately applies a Choke Hold.

However, Rhino is able to escape by thumbing his opponent in the eye.

Both men rise to standing and Rhino hits Calaway with a back elbow.

Taker returns with a straight left arm.

...and another.

...and another.

Rhino begins to reel as Calaway lands the boking combo.

He hits a final left and swings with the killer hook.

Rhino ducks underneath, though, and as Taker turns back to face him, he nails him with a boot to the gut.

...and follows up with a DDT.


Taz: And the giant is down!


Rhino immediately sets on Calaway, delivering several mounted punches.

However, Calaway rolls him over onto his back and returns the series of strikes.

"The Soul Taker" then stands and pulls Rhino up to standing by his throat.


Callis: Look at the strength.


He lifts up Rhino for the Tombstone Piledriver but The Man Beast slips out the back and lands a forearm to Calaway's kidneys.

Pump Handle Slam!


Joey: ...and speaking of strength, can you imagine the power required by Rhino to lift a 300 pounder?


The Man Beast goes for another series of mounted strikes.

Taker powers out, though, launching Rhino halfway across the ring.

As the two men meet again in the centre of the ring, a wild brawl ensues.


Callis: This is turning into a real slugfest, ladies and gentlemen.

Taz: Yeah, and brawling is the straight-up speciality of both these guys!


In the sixteenth minute, Rhino, who appears to be on the losing side of the momentum, ducks out to ringside to grab a steel chair.

However, as he re-enters, Taker simply Big Boots the steel into his face.

Calaway now leaves in order to retrieve his biker chain.

"The Soul Taker" enters with the chain wrapped around his fist.

He swings a haymaker at Rhino, who has just made it to his feet...

...but the Man Beast ducks under the punch.

As Calaway turns back to face his opponent, he is booted in the gut causing him to drop the chain.

The Man Beast then throws Taker over the top rope to the concrete.


Callis: The sheer power... the... aura of both of these men...


As Calaway returns to his feet and climbs onto the apron, Rhino swings the chain over the ropes from inside the ring.

The steel impacts sickeningly with Calaway's skull as "The Soul Taker" experiences the same treatment he gave to Rhino a month earlier.


Taz: Jesus!

Callis: These two are determined to kill each other!


Calaway collapses in a heap on the outside.


Joey: Taker's out!


However, "The Soul Taker" shows his resillience, returning to his feet and sliding into the ring after roughly a minute despite clearly being disorientated.

As he does so, he is caught by a punch from Rhino, aided by the steel chain.

Rhino covers.



Callis: My god, he kicked out!


Rhino backs away and waits for his opponet to stand.

When he does he hits the Rhino Driver!


Taz: That's it; Taker's out!


Rhino approaches for the pin.

Calaway sits up suddenly and grabs his opponent by the throat.

To a huge cheer and without releasing his grip, hereturns to his feet...



Callis: My god! This is insane!


Perhaps due to the force; perhaps through sheer instinct, Rhino rolls to the outside.

As "The Man Beast" lays incapacitated on the arena floor, Calaway appears to shake off the cobwebs.

The giant starts stomping on the canvas.

The crowd clap along and the rythym gets steadily faster.

Rhino scrabbles to his feet on the outside.

Calaway leans back, rebounds off the ropes and charges.


Callis: Surely not...


He dives over the ropes in a Warhead Plancha, driving Rhino straightinto teh guard rail.


Joey: OH MY GOD!

Callis: The Nuclear Warhead Plancha! He hasn't done that in teny years but he's done it tonight!

Joey: ...and juding by his grimmacing, he may not be doing it again!

Taz: That is straight-up crazy! I couldn't do that sh*t in my prime. Someone of his size... it's impossible!


Both men lay spent on the arena floor.




After a few minutes of selling, Taker is the first to get to his feet.

He looks under the ring and pulls out a table.

He sets it up adjacent to the ring apron.

However, Rhino gets up and cuts him off with a punch to the gut.

"The Man Beast" follows up with a haymaker to the face.

He grabs Calaway by the vest and climbs onto the apron, pulling his opponent after him.


Taz: This don't look great for 'Taker!


Rhino hooks up Taker for a belly-to-belly Rhino Driver.


Callis: He's gonna break his neck!


However, Taker uses his weight to invert the pressure...

...the hold turns over so that Calaway now has Rhino in a Piledriver position.


Joey: The Tombstone...


No... Rhino inverts the pressure again...

...and so does 'Taker.


Taz: Well, someone's getting there neck broken! I ain't making bets, though.


Rhino lifts Calaway up...

...but after the struggle, the weight proves to much and the two men collapse in a heap on the apron.

Rhino rolls onto the inside, exhausted.

'Taker stays on the ring apron, equally spent.

Eventually, both men start to rise.

Rhino is quicker, however, and, as Calaway uses the ropes to climb up, Rhino charges...




Rhino drives his shoulder between the top and middle ring ropes, Goring Calaway backwards off the apron and through the table.

In the same movement, the giant's head catches the top of the guard rail.


Taz: Damn!


Rhino slides out of the ring and rolls Calaway in before re-entering.

"The Man Beast" performs a slit-throat motion.

He picks up his giant nemesis, again, in a belly-to-belly Piledriver position.



Joey: Rhino hit the Tombstone!


Rhino folds Calaway's arms into his chest like a corpse.

John Finnegan starts the count.

Rhino sticks his tongue out.


Match Rating: A


Rhino gets up, pounds his chest and raises hios arms to a chorus of jeers.

Disrespecting Calaway by stealing his finisher, clearly isn't appreciated.


Vito Thomaselli is backstage.



Vito: Y'know, it's strange... after all the crazy match stipulations I've fought Punk under, it feels weird to just beat him clean. Weird but good. Y'see, all the match gimmicks in the world couldn't have made my victory tonight more sweet and, after all the disrespect, after all the anger and hatred, we finally found out who the better man is.


The camera cuts back to ringside in time for The World Heavyweight Champion's entrance.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Raven3-1.flv">


Raven is accompanied to the ring by Monsters Inc, his other followers clearly not recovered from their previous encounters.


Callis: ...and here he is... the World Heavyweight Champion.

Joey: ...and, quite possibly, the most disgusting human being to ever walk this planet.

Taz: that's pretty strong, Joey.

Joey: ...and accurate. I mean, the guy played a major part in faking a pregnancy and a miscarriage, he ended the career of the longest reigning ECW Champion, screwed Sabu, Chris Jericho and Vito Thomaselli out of the belt, denied his former protege a fair shot and then nearly crippled his girlfirend!

Taz: Well, when you put it like that.

Joey: Exactly!


Raven climbs into the ring and sits in the corner.

His two monsters stand in fornt of him.

Suddenly the lights cut out.


The crowd fall silent as the dark arena is engulfed by the sounds of Jerusalem.

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A spotlight shines on the entrance-way steps.


"The New Franchise" steps out, accomapnied by an apparent entourage.




Paul Burchill wears a black ring jacket with gold trim.

However, it is not the ostentatious style of sequined jacket that Shane Douglas wore in his day.

It is a plain cloth design, more similar to a boxer's ring robe and he has the hood pulled over his head

On the back, in gold thread is written "New Franchise".

As well as the ring robe, the presence of the entourage only adds to the "big fight" atmosphere.

...and what an entourage it is.

As well as his girlfriend, Kelly, one of the future prospects of ECW, Vito Thomaselli, walks behind "The New Franchise".

Beside him walks the history of ECW and the original Franchise, Shane Douglas, carrying an ECW flag.

And, on his other side, walks his world cup mentor, Steven Regal, carrying the flag of England.


Joey: My god. Would you just look at this?!

Taz: ...and listen to these fans! They ain't got a clue what to think!

Callis: I was trying to work out why Raven made his entrance first but, if Paul E knew this was coming, I'm starting to figure out why.


As Burchill and his companions reach the half-way point of the short aisle-way, gold confetti falls from the roof.


Taz: I just hope he wins after all the expense on this entrance!

Callis: Well, bastard, though he is, there is no man better at getting the jobb done when the chips are down than the World Heavyweight Champion.

Joey: ...and let's not forget that no interference is permitted in this match.

Callis: ...which means this entourage can't help Burchill.

Taz: Yeah, but Raven won't have the back of this two big bastards in front of him!


As Burchill walks up the ring steps, the lights come back on.

After handing the ECW flag to Vito Thomaselli, Shane Douglas follows him into the ring while the others applaud from ringside.


Bob Artese: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is one fall and is the main event of the evening.


The crowd roars.


Bob Artese: It is a "Loser Leaves ECW" Match for the World Heavyweight Championship and, remember, that, in Extreme Championship Wrestling, all stipulations are adhered to.


Taz: This is unbelievable! I'm shaking!


Bob Artese: Introducing first, in the corner to my right, the challenger... weighing in at 247lbs and standing at 6 feet 4 inches, he is a former ECW World Tag Team Champion, World Television Champion, World Cup Winner and victor of the first ever Baptism of Fire Match. If he is victorious tonight, he will become only the fifth man to achieve the ECW Triple Crown. He is "The New Franchise" PAUL BURCHILL!


The pop is the loudest of the night.

The atmosphere is electric as Douglas removes Burchill's ring robe.

As Burchill raises his hand in appreciation of the fans, Steven Regal, Vito and Kelly Thomaselli head to the back.

Raven finally rises from his seated position in the corner.


Bob Artese: ...and in the corner to my left... weighing in at 247lbs and standing at 6 feet and 1 inch, he is the most decorated champion in ECW history. He is a seven-time World Champion, a former World Television Champion, a two-time World Tag Team Champion and a three-time winner of the Masters of Pain Tournament. He is the current, reigning and defending World Heavyweight Champion... RAVEN!


Taz: Man, they've held enough gold between 'em to set up a jewellers.

Callis: Truly, this is a contest between the very best of the best!

Joey: ...and that is true, Don, even if one neglects to mention the personal animosity between these two outstanding wrestlers.


Raven removes his heavyweight title belt and hands it to Jim Molineaux.

Monsters Inc. and Shane Douglas leave the ring and head to the back.


Taz: It's just the two of them, now.

Joey: This is November To Remember Fifteen, this is Paul Burchill versus Raven, the best damn wrestling match you're gonna see this year and this... is E-C-F**KING-W!


Taz gasps, seemingly shocked at Joey's swearing.


The bell rings as Burchill adjusts the tape on his hands.




The match begins with both men stepping forward.

They go nose to nose, the sheer anger and hatred in both faces clear for all to see.


Callis: I've got goosebumps, Joey!

Joey: So have I!


Raven puts his arm up, calling for a test of strength.

Burchill laughs; Raven doesn't.

Burchill then obliges by locking hands with the champion.

The tussle begins.

Burchill easily takes the upper hand, showing his far superior power.

Raven kicks Burchill in the thigh to regain the advantage and, indeed, succeeds in reversing the leverage.

Burchill takes offence and, in an incredible show of strength, he picks up Raven by just the Champions wrists and flings him across the ring.


Taz: Wow! Okay, I say Burchil's coming out as championl!


Raven gets to his feet, clicking his neck back in place.

Now Raven laughs as Burchill stares a hole in him.

Both men walk back to the centre of the ring.

Raven hits Burchill with a back elbow.

Unphased, Burchill answers with a knee to Raven's stomach.

Raven hits Burchill with a punch, Burchill returns the favour and the two men start to trade blows.


Joey: Here we go. This one should be a classic!


Raven hits Burchill with a knife edge chop and gouges his eye.


Joey: Oh, cheap shot... and Raven's gonna grab the opportunity to hit a Piledriver.

Callis: Burchill is down!


Burchill is stomped on repeatedly and then brought up to standing.

Raven whips him to the corner and chops him repeatedly in the chest and shoulders.

The New Franchise is thrown to the other turnbuckle.

Raven charges but Burchill puts his foot up.


Joey: Oh, great reversal!


Burchill whips Raven to the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Raven ducks underneath.

Raven bounces off the opposite ropes...

He comes back but only runs into a shoulder block.


Taz: You know that whole saying about the irressistible force and the immovable object?

Joey: Yeah.

Taz: I think Burchill is the immovable object.


Raven is pulled up to standing and whips Burchill to the ropes and sends him down with a dropkick to the knee.


Joey: I think you spoke too soon, Taz.


Raven drags Burchill to the ropes and hits a clothesline so that both competitors fall out of the ring.

Once on the outside, Raven tries to connect with a punch.

Burchill stops Raven, though, by kicking him in the stomach and then throwing him head first in to the apron.


Taz: They are brawling right in front of us!


Burchill slams Raven's head right into the guardrail...

and follows up with a Back Suplex onto the concrete.


Taz: Man, his head!

Joey: Yeah... this isn't the Federation. There are no safety mats in the ECW Arena. Raven's head just smashed into hard concrete,


"The New Franchise" then tosses Raven back into the ring...

Raven staggers to his feet.

Burchill bounces off the ropes and comes back with a flying clothesline!


Callis: It looks like Burchill is gaining some momentum.


The New Franchise hits a huge chop on Raven that turns his chest bright red and sends him down to the canvas.




Joey: Raven's taking a battering.

Taz: Yeah... this is awesome!


Raven gets up but Burchill is waiting... Franchiser!




Joey: Raven gets the shoulder up!

Callis: That must have been a slow count, surely!

Taz: I don't think so. Like you said, man, he's a bastard but one tough and detrmined son of a bitch!


Raven swings a punch at Burchill's face but Burchill merely catches his fist and twists it round.

Raven cries out in pain until his suffering is brought to an end by a Big Boot that sends him to the mat.


Joey: Oh, what a shot!

Taz: The champ's in trouble!


Burchill hooks in a Sleeper Hold, looking for a submission.

Raven starts to fade.

John Finnegan lifts Raven's arm.


It falls once.


Callis: This could be it.


It falls twice.


Jim Molineaux lifts the challenger's arm for a final time.


Taz: He's got him! He's got him!


Raven throws his fist up!

The champion is lifted to his feet and whipped to the ropes.

Burchill rebounds and hits another thunderous lariat!


Joey: Oh, another stiff shot!


Burchill climbs to the toprope.


Callis: Oh, what's he looking for here.


He hits a picture perfect Moonsault...

...but Raven moves.


Taz: "The New Franchise" eats canvas!


Raven rolls out to ringside, to avoid further punishment while he gets his bearings.

The ringside fans are rabid, taunting and jeering the World Heavyweight Champion.

He flips them the finger and grabs a chair.

He slides in.

Big Boot from Burchill...

...No! Raven ducks it and, as Burchill spins back round to face the champion... CHAIR SHOT!


Taz: ...I'm changing my mind. My money's on Raven!


Raven sets up the chair in the centre of the ring.

He picks up Burchill and whips him to the ropes.

As his former-protege rebounds, he readies himself...

Drop Toe Hold onto the steel chair!

Raven covers.



Callis: Man, that was pretty close.

Joey: This could go either way in a heartbeat!


Raven climbs to the second rope... Fist Drop!

He picks up Burchill and hooks him up in a front facelock.

He raises his arm as the crowd boo.



Joey: No! Burchill reverses into a Fisherman's Supex.

Callis: And the bridge.



Both men rise.

Raven boots Burchil in the gut...

...and follows up with a Legdrop Bulldog, again, onto the unfolded chair.

Again, Raven covers.


As Raven tries to pick up Burchill, "The New Franchise" lays in a few right hands and another fist fight breaks out.

The match continues as an even, back-and-forth affair.

In the sixteenth minute, the fighting spills to the outside as the two men brawl up the aisle-way.

Burchill calls for a fan to hold up his chair and he goes to sslam Raven's face into it.

However, Raven stops him and it is, in fact, Burchill who tastes steel.

Raven drags Burchill up to the entrance way steps.

He goes for a punch but it is blocked.

Burchill goes for a clothesline but Raven ducks underneath.

The Champion boots the challenger in the gut and throws him headfirst into the wire-mesh.

Burchill goes crashing through the fence, into the electrical equipment.


Taz: Jesus!


Sparks fly as the challenger writhes around in shock.

Raven picks up his former protege and walks him back to the ring.

However, upon trying to slide him in, Burchill grabs Raven by the hair and slams his face into the apron.

The brawl continues around ringside.

Raven hooks up Burchill for the Raven Effect on the concrete but Burchill drives him backwards into the guard rail...

...and then clotheslines him over it.

Both champion and challenger fight their way through the crowd to the back of the arena.

They reach the wall of the crow's nest, almost directly underneath where the announcers sit.


Joey: Well, we always knew this would get ugly.

Taz: Yeah but, wait for it, Joey...


As Taz says this, Raven rips some spare electrical equipment of a table that stands next to the wall.

He drags Burchill on top and again sets up for the Raven Effect.


Callis: Oh, god...


However, Burchill lands two shots to the midsection and shoves Raven off the table.

"The New Franchise" jumps off the table delivering a Double Axe Handle.

Burchill now pulls some equipment of a second table and sets it up on top of the first.

As he does so, Raven catches him with a chair shot from behind and the challenger goes down.

Raven starts dragging up the crow's nest steps.


Callis: They're coming towards us!

Joey: I don't like the look of this.


As they reach the top of the steps, Raven slams Burchill's head into the announce table.

Burchill elbows Raven in the gut and returns the favour.

The two men climb onto the table as the announcers make themselves scarce.

Burchill hits Raven in the stomach and sets him up for a Vertical Suplex.


Taz: He's gonna break the damn announce table!


But Raven blocks the suplex and attempts one of his own.

It, too is blocked.

The two men release their grip and another fist fight occurs on the announce table, twelve feet above the arena floor.

Raven goes for a Clothesline.

Burchill ducks and shoves Raven in the back...

...the champion stumbles off the announce table and wobbles on the edge of the crow's nest wall.


Taz: Oh...

Callis: No! He's okay.


Raven steadies himself and turns around.

Burchill ios already jumping.


Joey: No!


Burchill leaps off the announce table in a Cross Body...

He takes out Raven and the two men fall mere inches from the wall's edge.


Joey: This is crazy!


Burchill picks up Raven...

...no! Lowblow!


Callis: Oh, come on!

Taz: Oh, god no!


Raven throws Burchill off the wall, twelve feet down, through two tables and all the way to the concrete floor.


Joey: OH MY GOD!




Raven falls to his knees and catches his breath.

He looks down at his former protege who lies in a crumpled heap.

He raises his arms in a crucifix pose.


Callis: Damn it!


Slowly, Raven gets back to his feet and heads back down the steps.




Raven pulls his lifeless opponent up by the hair and drags him unceremoniously across the arena floor.

He drags him right back through the crowd to the guard rail.

Burchill is dumped like a rag doll back to ringside.

Raven climbs over the guard rail and rolls Burchill back in.


Callis: He still isn't moving!

Taz: What the hell do you expect?!

Callis: But... no... he can't.


Raven picks up a microphone.


Raven: To those of you who still believe in fairytales, the time has come for you to finally grow up. The good guy doesn't always win. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, the good guy never wins!


Raven dumps the mic and lays a chair in the middle of the canvas.

He hooks up Burchill for the Raven Effect.


Callis: Reverse it!

Joey: Come on!

Taz: Guys, he's done.




Callis: No!

Joey: Sh*t!


Raven covers as the crowd fall silent.

What seems like the longest and most fateful pin count in history follows.



The eruption from the crowd can probably be heard on the other side of the Delaware river.


Joey: Come on! Come on, kid!


Raven shakes his head in disbelief.

He picks up Burchill and pulls him backwards into the corner.


Callis: What's this about.


He locks in a front facelock and climbs to the second rope.


Taz: I think he's looking for a Tornado DDT!


It is never discovered, though.

Burchill punches Raven in the gut... and lifts him to the top rope.

Burchill climbs up and both men stand on the top rope.

A precariously-balanced trading of blows ensues.

Burchill hooks Raven for the Superplex.

But, no! Raven hits him in the stomach and throws him off.

"The New Franchise" goes chest and face-first into the canvas.


Taz: This is insane! It's on a knife edge right here!


As Burchill lies face down, raven again, strikes a crucifix pose and catches his breath.

But Burchhill springs to his feet and runs up the turnbuckle.

He throws Raven's arm over his head...


Taz: No way...

Callis: It's impossible!



The fans go crazy.


Joey: OH MY GOD!

Taz: You're going hoarse, Joey!


The two competitors crash down in a heap as the cheers continue.

However, Burchill seems just as fatigued as Raven.



Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap


Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap


Joey: Listen to these fans!

Callis: It's deafening!


Burchill's hand grabs the bottom rope.

There is a huge cheer at this act alone...

...and the cheers get even louder as "The New Franchise" clambers to his feet.

Burchill looks at Raven.

He looks at the crowd.

Again, he looks at his motionless mentor.

He steps out to the apron and climbs the turnbuckle.


Taz: What the hell are you doing?! Cover him! Just cover him, you moron! This is no time for flash moves!


Burchill reaches the top.

He spells out the letters "ECW" in the air with his finger.


Callis: Oh, god... I can't watch!






Burchill hooks the leg.

Molineaux kneels down as the crowd are ready to chant with the count.


Match Rating: A*


Callis: YES!

Joey: Take that you son of a bitch!


Bob Artese: Your winner and NEW ECW World Heavyweight Champion... "The New Franchise" Paul Burchill!


The entire crowd stands to applaud.


Shane Douglas sprints to the ring.



Douglas helps Burchill up and then lifts him up!


Taz: Man, Shane looks as happy as Burchill.


Douglas and Burchill hug and "The Franchise" then raises the hand of "The New Franchise".

Tears well up in Burchill's eyes as Raven rolls out of the ring and heads up the aisle-way.

The final shot of the pay-per-view is a split-screen of Burchill's joy and Raven's misery.

The new champion falls to his knees in the ring through relief and happiness.

The former champion falls to his knees in the aisle-way in utter despair.

The feed fades to black.




Show Rating: A*

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Thats going to be a tough one to beat for card of the year....

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Seconded. Awesome show Nevvy. Massive thumbs up!

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Holy hell, I never thought you'd get rid of Raven. Jesus, that's a huge change to the landscape of ECW.


Brilliant build up to Burchill's first title reign though but at the same time, WOW did not expect that.


Great show and looking forward to see where you go from here....hopefully keeping the Nest maybe run by Punk isntead

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Thank you... very much appreciated :).


Just for me, though, if possible to answer ... Raven decide to hang`m up?


And I really didn't see Raven losing after seeing Punk lost clean to Vito.


Holy hell, I never thought you'd get rid of Raven. Jesus, that's a huge change to the landscape of ECW.


Brilliant build up to Burchill's first title reign though but at the same time, WOW did not expect that.


Great show and looking forward to see where you go from here....hopefully keeping the Nest maybe run by Punk isntead


He did decide to retire, yeah. It was annoying at first but I thought the "Loser Leaves" stipulation made it a lot more interesting.


...and, actually, Phantom's hit the nail on the head here:


Holy crap.


Without Raven, how will you keep putting the belt back on him? :p


I always planned for Raven to drop the belt to Burchill... it was only natural but now Raven's actually gone it probably makes things more interesting for me.


In my opinion, after this card, the people who look like the ECW main eventers are:


Paul Burchill, Nate Hatred, Vito Thomaselli, Chris Hero and Rhino... with a few others there or there-abouts (RVD, Shawn Michaels, Juvi Guerrera and CM Punk).


If you look at that list, most of them weren't in the original ECW. Plus if you look at the old list of main eventers:


Raven, Sabu, Owen Hart, Mark Calaway and Cactus Jack


...the new guys are, on average, about ten years younger.


Point is, I could have kept Raven around as a manager to the nest... mayb never even mention it: he shows up at every show but never actually wrestles. However, two things made it go this way:


  1. He's gonna be an amazing road agent! With him and Owen running stuff behind the scenes, the match ratings should certainly benefit.
  2. It means I can't rest on my laurels. I've now got a completely new cast of stars to work with and, of course, this is the climax of the whole "roster shale-up" I've been talking about for ages.


To be honest, I haven't quite decided how it's gonna change the landscape... I have a number of ideas for storylines and product changes that I'm mulling over but with some very talented wrestlers at the top of the card (along with a few psycho nutjobs), I think it's gonna be quite fun :D.


Thanks to all for reading.


Quote The Raven


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To be honest, I haven't quite decided how it's gonna change the landscape... I have a number of ideas for storylines and product changes that I'm mulling over but with some very talented wrestlers at the top of the card (along with a few psycho nutjobs), I think it's gonna be quite fun :D.


Thanks to all for reading.


Quote The Raven



You never realize how much of your promotion is really based on a person till they are gone.

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You never realize how much of your promotion is really based on a person till they are gone.




If you look back at the title histories on the first page, you'll see that, even long before the diary started, Raven was my go-to-guy for any major story and, over the years, he's put so much talent over!


It sounds dumb 'cos it's only a gameworld but I am sad to see him retire. He is, undoubtedly, the Ric Flair of this ECW and has been the one consistent draw for over ten years game time.


The good thing is that he's passed his overness on to Burchill and thanks to "The New Franchise" having matches/feuds with the likes of the Harts, Raven and The Great Sasuke, his stats are looking pretty damn awesome!


Quote The Raven


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