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Is it bad that I squealed like a little girl at a Justin Beiber concert when I saw this? (Or worse that I've just admitted that, or any knowledge of the teen sensation in public? :p)


You weren't the only one. :o


Truly awesome to have this back, Nevermore. If I could only pick one diary on these boards to read then this would be it without a doubt.

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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Blood, Sweat & Beers:




Masters of Pain Qualifier

CM Punk vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri



"The Japanese Buzzsaw" is up against it in this opening match as he takes on CM Punk for a spot in the Masters of Pain finals at the end of the month. Can Punk record an expected victory or will Tajiri cause an upset?



Lioness Pack Match

Jazz & Kong vs. Alexis & Nathalie



In view of Monday night's events, this Lioness Pack Match has been scheduled. Even with the rest of Nest on side, the odds may well be stacked against Alexis and Nathalie as they face Prince Nana's fearless amazon warriors.



Bubba Ray Dudley vs. Big Dick Dudley Jr.



Pissed at losing to what he considers, the "degenerate youth" of Dudleyville, Bubba Ray has requested this match with his dimwitted yet vertically privileged nephew. If you ever had a secret wish to pay two hobos to fight, no need; just tune in to ECW instead!




"The Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. Rhino



"The Prototype" has been in great form, taking out his frustrations on the ECW undercard, utilising the medium of sattire. However, his opponent this week is no joke and, in the recent words of Rhino, "Someone's gonna f**king die!". That someone may just be Andrew Martin.




Paul Burchill & Vito Thomaselli


Monsters Inc.



It's a match we've seen before but never have the relations between Paul Burchill and Vito Thomaselli been quite so difficult to read. How will Vito react to being cost a title shot by the champion and burying the hatchett only to leave himself open to assault. They say it's wise to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Well, how close Burchill and Vito are feeling right now is anyone's guess.




ECW Blood, Sweat & Beers; where progress is measured in pain!

Now on FX


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Great show as always now if you would only bring back your great MoSC: The Worst Of British Wrestling diary....


The first show of my (C-Verse) Parental Advisory Wrestling should be up within the next 24 hours. I hope that scratches your itch :D.


Even though I have less time on my hands these days I feel myself having to write one serious and one comedy diary simultaneously - it's just som much more fun/rewarding that way.


Quote The Raven


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The first show of my (C-Verse) Parental Advisory Wrestling should be up within the next 24 hours. I hope that scratches your itch :D.


Even though I have less time on my hands these days I feel myself having to write one serious and one comedy diary simultaneously - it's just som much more fun/rewarding that way.


Quote The Raven



I really enjoyed this diary and the PAW one so to see an update for either is great

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CM Punk vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri

Punk needs to take this because he's a legitimate contender for the tournament in my eyes.


Lioness Pack Match

Jazz & Kong vs. Alexis & Nathalie

Just a guess. Although I'm not really too interested in a women's division, I do admire you building one and think your doing a very good job with it.


Bubba Ray Dudley vs. Big Dick Dudley Jr.

Could go either way so I'll go with the ECW legend on this occasion having lost the tag match.


"The Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. Rhino

Rhino has been destroying everything and I mean everything so there's no way that Martin con contend with him.


Paul Burchill & Vito Thomaselli vs .Monsters Inc.

Burchill's the Champ and Monsters Inc. aren't really doing much at the minute apart from interfering.

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CM Punk vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


Lioness Pack Match

Jazz & Kong vs. Alexis & Nathalie


Bubba Ray Dudley vs. Big Dick Dudley Jr.

Draw - no way this match becomes anything less than a clusterfuddle of Dudleys.


"The Prototype" Andrew Martin vs. Rhino


Paul Burchill & Vito Thomaselli vs .Monsters Inc.

As we take one step closer to Vito becoming the heir apparent to Raven.

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Saturday, week 2, December

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i82.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Bloodsweatbeers.flv"></embed>




Joey: Hello and welcome to ECW Blood, Sweat and Beers. I'm Joey Styles and, as always, alongside me is former World Heavyweight Champion, ECW Triple Crown winner and a former Master of Pain, Taz.

Taz: Thanks for the intro, Joey. And,yeah, it's that time of year again when the Masters of Pain finals are fast approaching.

Joey: And, of course, that means we have another qualifying match here tonight. So, Taz, as a two-time winner, who is your pick of the field?

Taz: That's damn impossible, Joey. The field is starting to look extremely strong with Hero, Taker, RVD and Jericho all in there! I hope Vito can pull it off after all that's happened to the kid but Punk's in action tonight and a lot of smart money will be on him.

Joey: ...and on that very subject, it's time for that qualifying match right now.


Masters of Pain Qualifying Match


The two men put on a solid opener.

However, there is never any doubt who is winning this one.

Punk picks up the win with a GTS in the tenth minute.

Match Rating: B


After the match, Punk picks up a mic.


Punk: Everyone's saying how this new era of ECW is opening the way for new talent to shine. Well, as sad as I am to see a man as brilliant as Raven be banished from his company, even the darkest cloud has a silver lining and it strikes me that there can be no greater homage to such a great man than for the Straight Edge Superstar to take over his mantel. ECW being headlined by a turncoat like Paul Burchill is a slap in the face to all those who respect the principles of loyalty and honesty. So, Raven, for what it's worth, I make you a personal pledge that I will emerge victorious from the Masters of Pain and reclaim the title tha was so regrettably stolen from you.


Like Monday night, Paul Burchill approaches Vito Thomaselli backstage.



Burchill: Vito...


Vito: Stay the hell away from me.


Burchill: How am I going to do that, we've got a match later?


Vito: I know... it's like Paul E is mocking me.


Burchill: Oh come on! Be reasonable.


Vito: Reasonable?! Reasonable?! Your like a f**king curse! God only knows how my sister puts up with you.


Burchill: Nice. Thanks for that.


Vito: Look just back off and I'll see you out there.


Burchill: Fine... just chill out yeah?


Vito: Tell you what, if, in an unlikely turn of events, I don't get Gored or hit with a chair or generally knocked out cold tonight, I might just chill out.


Burchill: Oh, your such a child.


Vito: Paulo, shut up! I don't want to be anymore pissed off with you than I already am.


Burchill: Oh, okay. Then here's a bright idea... don't be pissed off with me. Last week was an honest mistake and Monday wasn't even my fault.


Vito: Paulo...


Burchill: It's Paul and what?


Vito: Oh, never mind. Just back off!


With that, Vito storms off.


Lioness Pack Match


The match is an absolute beatdown from the get-go.

Even Alexis' cunning is insufficent to deal with the sheer power of Prince Nana's new recruits.


Before long, the Monsters appear to back up the Nest's female contingent.



Joey: Oh come on, are these two monsters really going to get involved in this Lioness match?


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name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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Taz: Hold up, Joey, it's ECW's new enforcers... Sabu and Sandman!


Sure enough, Sabu emerges with a chair and Sandman steps out with a cane.



Sabu and Sandman lay the weapon shots into Monsters Inc. and unceremoniously drive the behemoths to the back to chants of "ECW".

Meanwhile, in the ring, Jazz hits an STO on Alexis.


Match Rating: D-


Paul Heyman steps out onto the entrance way.



Heyman: First off, my thanks go to Sabu and Sandman. Good job, boys, but, more to the point, words cannot express how happy I was to see the back of that treacherous sh*t, Raven.


Huge pop from the crowd.


Taz: It's amazing how often his name comes up even after he's gone.


Heyman: Thing is, I think I'd be even happier if I erased the last few vestiges of his power base and that means that the Lioness title being affiliated with the Nest does not sit weel with me. So, for that reason... as well as the fact that you just got your ass handed to you, Alexis, next week on Revolution, it will be you versus Jazz for the Lioness Championship!


The most hated music in ECW blares out.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Hero: It's me, the saviour of ECW; the talisman of fairplay and bravey and a true American hero.



*Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


Hero: Now that's just rude. That's no way to treat a Hero and that's no way for Americans to behave. You sound like Canucks or, worse... Mexicans.


The jeers do not cease.


Hero: Hey... what have a urine sample and Canadian beer got in common?



*Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


Hero: The taste!


Hero falls about laughing.

The audience is stone-faced.


Taz: 'Kay...


Hero: Why don't Mexicans play hide and seek?



*Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


Hero: Beacuse no one will look for them!


Again, Hero falls about in fits of hysterics as the crowd jeers.


Hero: Okay; okay... don't like that one, hey? Fine. What do you call a building full of Mexicans?



*Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


Hero: JAIL! No?! Oh come on... this is comedy gold here! What do Mexicans and Basketball players have in common?



*Clap Clap Clap-Clap-Clap*


Hero: They both shoot and stea...


Voice: You got a problem with Mexicans, holmes?


There is a huge pop.


Eddie Guerrero appears at the entrance-way



Taz: Uh-oh.

Joey: About time if you ask me!


Eddie sprints to the ring and the bell sounds as he slides in.



The two men put on an excellent and evenly-contested match.

However, in the eleventh minute, Hero is able to roll up Guerrero and get his feet on the middle rope for the fall.

Match rating: B


Joey: Oh, come on!

Taz: You can't be surprised, Joey!


Hero runs to the back as Guerrero glares up the aisle-way.


The Hardcore Innovators are backstage for a shoot promo.



Dreamer: In view of your challenge on Monday, Nate Hatred, we've got just four simple words... YOU'RE ON!


Cactus: BANG BANG!


Dreamer shakes with rage as Cactus Jack smiles maniacally uinto the camera.



The two Dudleys square off in what starts as an even match.

However, Bubba soon gets the upper-hand.


STD emerges from the crowd with a baseball bat.



Slyk Tayshaun Dudley slides in and swings the bat at Bubba.

But Bubba ducks and catches his nephew from behind...


Big Dick Jr turns Bubba around... TOTAL PENETRATION!


Match Rating: C


D-Von sprints down from the back.



Big Dick slings his cousin over his shoulder and makes a quick exit through the crowd.

D-Von grabs a microphone.


D-Von: DAMN YOU SLYK! Respect your elders you little punk! Me and Bubba, we're challenging you for your... no, OUR World Tag Team Titles. It's about time we beat some damn respect into you if you ain't gonna show it. So let's see who the real dominant Dudleys are at Got Blood?


Before D-Von and Bubba have even got out of the ring, Andrew Martin flies through the curtain and lands in a heap.

Rhino steps out afterwards, picks him up and throws "The Prototype" head-first into the guard-rail.


Joey: Oh my god!

Taz: Rhino's on the warpath.


The Dudleys bail as Rhino throws Martin into the ring.



Rhino flat out dominates and Martin never even gets a punch in.

A Gore in the sixth minute ends the destruction.

Match Rating: C


Rhino storms to the back without waiting for his arm to be raised.


Taz: Wow...

Joey: Wow is right!


James Mitchell and Nate Hatred are backstage.



Mitchell: We're glad you accepted our challenge, Innovators and, truth be told, we were anticipating it. In fact, Nathan has already started his training regimen.


The camera pans out to reveal that Hatred is handcuffed to railings on the wall and Mitchell is holding a steel chair.

Hatred tenses as Mitchell swings the chair back...

....and drives it full-force into Hatred's head.

Hatred just shakes it off.

Another chair shot.

Again he just shakes it off.

Mitchell turns to the camera and laughs.


Mitchell: Worried boys? You damn well should be!


Mitchell continues to batter his client as the camera cuts back to ringside.


Taz: My turn... Oh my freaking god! That's just disturbing!



Despite an obvious tension between them, the faces control the match.

In the twelfth minute, Goliath delivers a Clothesline to Vito that sends them both over the ropes to the arena floor.

Capitalising on the new lucha tag rule, Abyss and Burchill step in.

Burchill kicks Abyss in the gut...



Match Rating: B


Rhino runs out from the back.



As Burchill's hand is raised in victory, Vito slides in to greet him.

Behind them, Rhino now slides in.

Burchill turns and Rhino charges.

Burchill sidesteps...



Joey: Oh no!

Taz: That ain't gonna help!


Rhino rolls out and heads to the back smiling as Burchill checks on his friend, hanging his head.


Show Rating: B

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Hmmm, I think I'm getting a touch of deja vu. Did you post that show before?


No matter, it's that good it deserves a second read anyway.


I did... I was trying to delete a post at the beginning of the diary (slowly updating the first page/opening post) but I'd been reading through the last show in a different tab and absent-mindedly deleted the wrong post.


You weren't supposed to notice :o.


Quote The Raven


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From ECW.com


Confirmed for Revolution:



D-Von Dudley vs. Big Dick Dudley Jr.



Last week, Big Dick Jr delivered the Total Penetration to his uncle Bubba and, now, his other uncle, D-Von, is looking to gain some revenge on behalf of The Original Dudleys. Let's also not forget that Bubba and D-Von have laid down a challenge for Got Blood?, looking to reclaim the ECW Undisputed Tag Team Titles from their nephews.




Lioness Championship Match

Jazz vs. Alexis



Jazz has recently teamed up with the monsterous Amazing Kong, under Prince Nana's tutelage, and they look set to dominate the Lioness division. After gaining a tag team victory last week, Jazz has been granted this shot at the gold. With Kong ready to even the numbers in case of foulplay, will Jazz finally score the victory she's been searching for?




Nate Hatred vs. Andrew Martin



Andrew Mafrtin may well be wondering if he's done something to offend the ECW bookers. Last week he fell victim to the unstoppable Rhino and now he's been thrust into a match against the unbeatable Nate Hatred.




The Briscoe Brothers vs. Bubba Ray and "Banzai" Dudley



While D-Von requested his match with Big Dick, Bubba also wanted a chance to get in shape in anticipation of his match against his rebellious nephews at Got Blood? So, he teams up with

Ichiro-Naruki-BANZAI!-Ryu-Eiji Dudley or (Ultimo Dudley II for short or just Banzai for shorter) to take on the Briscoe boys.



Masters of Pain Qualifying Match

Vito Thomaselli vs. AJ Styles



The tournament finals are drawing near and only three qualifying bouts remain. This one places two-time ECW Television Champion against the man some are labelling as a hot favourite for the whole tournament, Vito Thomaselli.




Paul Burchill & Eddie Guerrero vs. Rhino & Chris Hero



The issues between Eddie Guerrero and Chris Heroperhaps started two weeks ago when the self-proclaimed "Saviour of ECW" scored his first victory over Guerrero. However, it was the brash youth's "comic" cracks about Mexicans last week that made Guerrero's blood boil and an illegal pinfall led to the two men's involvement in this main event.


"The New Franchise" and "The Man Beast" have had issues since way back in April when Burchill's actions as a special referee cost Rhino the World title. The bad blood between them is that much more tangible now, though, as we are only just over a week away from seeing them throw down for the belt.



Join the Revolution; Monday nights at 10pm


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