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NLPW: Canada's Newest Wrestling Family [CV20]

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Friday, Week 2, January, 2020.

Held in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

47 people in attendance




Dane O’ Hara:
Hello everybody, my name is Dana O’ Hara and I am delighted to welcome you to the first ever Northern Lights Pro Wrestling show. Tonight, we get to see the amazing McGowan family in action and I am super excited, oh and here they are.


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L to R: Adam, Hannah, Nathan, Nikki, Rob, TJ


The McGowan Family stand in the ring sans Max and look very pleased to be there.



Hello, everybody and welcome to Northern Lights Pro Wrestling.


We’re glad that you could make it here tonight.


We are looking forward to putting on one hell of a show for you guys tonight.


With non-stop action, you’ll be on the edge of your seat.


But tonight, we get to introduce ourselves to you.


So, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.


And remember, this is Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and that is..



Rating: D+





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After introducing the show, Nathan walks to the parking lot, clearly angry. He stands there, his arms folded, clearly waiting for something.


Eventually, an old rickety car pulls up…




And his younger brother Max falls out of the passenger seat. His bright pink aviator glasses missing a lens, his shirt is open and ripped. He’s not feeling so good.


Had a good night, did we?


AHHH… Oh it’s just you. I thought it was another one of those lizard people.


You told me you’d be here for the opening ceremony?


And here I am ready to open up the ceremony.


The ceremony is finished, Max. You missed it.


(looking at watch):
But my watch says I’m right on time?


That’s a fit bit, telling you the number of steps you’ve taking today.


That makes a lot of sense..


Look, I don’t…. Where are your pants?




Your pants?


Max looks down and sure enough, he’s in his underwear.


Your guess is as good as mine.


Look, I don’t care what you do in your spare time, but you better be on time in future.


You got it.


Nathan walks away as Max collapses and passes out.







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Northern Lights Profile


Name: Adam McGowan

From: Winnipeg, Mantoba

By Way of: Mexico City, Mexico

Age: 28

Height: 6'6

Weight: 298 lbs

Strengths: Size, Strength

Weaknesses: Temper

Finishing Move: A-Bomb (Sit Down Powerbomb)

Signature Moves: McGowan-Plex (Belly to Belly), Short Armed Clothesline


Rating: E-




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Nikki McGowan w/ Adam McGowan (E+) v Keith Vegas (E-)


O’ Hara: Adam is here ready for his fight tonight, Keith Vegas has his hands full.


Vegas attacks Adam but his attacks do very little, Adam now kicks into action. Bish, bash, bosh, Vegas is flying all around the ring as Adam uses his size and strength to take Vegas to the streets of Mexico with gritty brawling. Vegas is done, A-Bomb (Sit Down Powerbomb) and there’s the pinfall.


Adam McGowan Wins by Pinfall (5:35) via A-Bomb (E-)




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Lion Heart:
I’ve been at the top of the industry, but I never got the chance to prove myself, I was naive, innocent and I failed. That won’t happen again. I won’t let anybody else decide where my career goes, I am going to prove I am the best, that they were wrong, whatever it takes. That’s why I’m here. I can’t think of a better way to prove to all those naysayers wrong than by beating a McGowan. They thought I wasn’t good enough, well, wait til they get a load of me becoming the biggest talent that Canada has ever seen.


Rating: E




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Max is backstage lying on a couch, learly dying as TJ walks up to him with some water and medication for his headache.


Good night, huh?




I’ll take that as a yes, here drink this.


TJ hands Max a glass of water with tablets dissolving in it.


…. Thanks.


It’s okay that you didn’t show up for the ceremony, least you are here to tag with me.


Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Teej.


Good man. I have your wrestling gear as well, just in case you didn’t bring yours.


Well, I was wearing it last night to make sure I wouldn’t forget it.. Seems that didn’t work.


I got your back, bud. C’mon, Hannah is waiting for us.


I’m coming, just let me put on my pants.


Rating: D




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TJ McGowan Name Max McGowan

Winnipeg, Mantoba From Winnipeg, Mantoba

22 Age 20

6'1 Height 6'3

222 lbs Weight 275 lbs

Speed, Quickness Strengths Brawling, Confidence

Risk Taker Weaknesses Unreliable

The Manitoba Missile (Running Knee) Finishing Move The Party Starter (Hellevator)

Cannonball, Running Bulldog Signature Moves McGowan-Plex (Belly to Belly), MAX-imum Effort (Theatrical Strikes)


Rating: E-




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Hannah McGowan w/ Max (E+) & TJ (E) McGowan v The Glasses Gang (Glasses McGee (E-) & Glasses McGinty (F+))


O’ Hara: Max might be hungover here folks, however, this ain’t his first rodeo and TJ ain’t no slouch either. The other guys, well, they have glasses, what can I say?


TJ begins the match to give Max more time to recover. McGee is first in the ring and they have a fast and speedy exchange, eventually using the shine off his glasses to blind TJ and take control. The corner TJ, McGee and McGinty ground the speedy McGowan, but Max is stomping his feet to support his brother. TJ feels it and he fights back. He takes out McGinty. TJ slowly gets to the ropes… HOT TAG! In comes Max and he’s feeling it. He starts out with some MAX-imum Effort (Theatrical Strikes), McGowan-Plex (Belly to Belly), Max is all fired up… but there’s the attack from behind by McGinty. Two on one down Max, but here comes TJ. The Manitoba Missile (Running Knee) to McGinty. McGee’s all alone. Max has it ready, the guest list has been made, invitations are sent, McGee RSVP’s all we need now is…. The Party Starter (Hellevator). Max pins ….2….3.


Max & TJ McGowan win by Pinfall (7:53) via The Party Starter (E+)




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Name Nathan McGowan

From Winnipeg, Manitoba

Age 23

Height 6'4

Weight 270 lbs

Strengths Brawling, Never Say Die Attitude

Weaknesses Fan Pleaser

Finishing Move McGowan-inator (Delayed Brainbuster)

Signature Moves McGowan-Plex (Belly to Belly), Snap DDT


Rating: E+





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Nathan McGowan (D-) v Lion Heart (E)


O’ Hara:
Here we go. Nathan McGowan, the leader of the McGowan clan, takes on Lion Heart, who has something to prove.


Lion Heart and Nathan start the match evenly as they trade blows early, but Nathan eventually gets the upper hands feeding off the crowd. Lion Heart is outclassed and he has to resort to cheating, eye rakes, low blows, cheap shots. Lion Heart looks good but can’t keep the upper hand without cheating, he goes back to fighting the dirty fight but that won’t keep Nathan down. Lion Heart can’t do it, he’s failing all over again. He tries harder. He pushes the ref into him, and the ref goes down. Lion Heart needs something extra, weapons. He gets a chair, SMASH! And Again. Lion Heart has done it, Nathan is incapacitated. The ref is still down, he can’t win without one. Lion Heart tried to revive the ref. Nathan feeds off the energy from the crowd, you can’t keep a good McGowan down. Cheating isn’t enough to beat Nathan, he has too much heart, too much drive. McGowan-Plex (Belly to Belly), snap DDT. Lion Heart is dazed. McGowan-inator (Delayed Brainbuster), ref is revived. 1…. 2…. 3.


Nathan McGowan wins by Pinfall (15:57) via McGowan-inator




Show Rating: E+

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Wot’s all this then?


New year, new diary, that’s the saying right? Maybe I picked that up wrong.


In truth, I’ve been looking to get back into writing for a while after I basically retired after my OCW ended in disaster. I initially thought that I would go for a DAVE 97 run, but decided that was not what I wanted. So, here we are, the newest Canadian wrestling family, The McGowan’s. If you want to get a little more of a feel for them you can check out this
where the idea of this family came into being, you can get a little more backstory there, course the dates of the kids births and such are a little different but you’ll get the idea. You’ll also see I might have taken some ideas for that short diary to start this one too.


This diary is going to be pretty simple in execution, simple graphics, default pictures (unless I need to make an alt) and the like. We’ll be concentrating on the stories in the ring and the growth of the company. We want NLPW to be the next big thing in Canada.


This space will usually be used to discuss the show, talk about the game, stats, other things that come into my head. So expect some nice extra tidbits here, maybe shoot interviews, maybe my plan to expand, maybe who’s the best performing worker, top workers in particular stats, etc. Looking forward to going through it with you guys.


So, that’s it. You can see the company details below, predictions won’t begin to run until I introduce some of the guys I’ve brought in. Thanks for reading.




Northern Lights Pro Wrestling

Manitoba, Canada (Winnipeg)

1 pop in Manitoba

500,000 in the bank

3% Prestige

23% Momentum

Canadian SE (Classic Sports Entertainment)

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Friday, Week 4, January, 2020.

Held in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

41 people in attendance




O’ Hara:
Welcome back everybody, Dane O' Hara here again to present you with the non stop action of Northern Lights Pro Wrestling. Unfortunately, none of the McGowan’s are not here tonight, family business but hey, we still got plenty of action for you to enjoy.


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Tonight, I introduce myself to you, the Winnipeg crowd so desperate to see something worthwhile, well, do not worry. I have arrived. Canadian Crusher is here and before you ask, yeah I crush Canadians. You see, to get to the top, you gotta crush the competition and it just so happens, that’s what I do, with power, skill, cunning. You name it, you send the cavalry, I crush them and laugh while I’m doing it. Tonight, the McGowan’s get a glimpse of that, so send you the first victim.


Rating: E-





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Name Candian Crusher

From Montreal, Quebec

Age 33

Height 6'5

Weight 295 lbs

Strengths Size, Strength

Weaknesses Cocky

Finishing Move Full Nelson Slam

Signature Moves Full Nelson






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Jules Night (F+) v Canadian Crusher (E-)


O' Hara: Crusher seems pretty ready for whatever NLPW throws at him, let's see what he can do.


Night tries his best to take on the big man, but it ain’t working. Crusher crushed quickly and looks to get a quick win, 1… 2…. What? Crusher lifts up Night’s shoulder and gives him more of a beatdown. He shows off his physique to the fans but Night attacks him from behind, but he can’t hurt him. Crusher locks in the Full Nelson and ragdolls Night from left to right and back again. Night is out and Crusher then hits the Full Nelson Slam and that’s it.


Canadian Crusher wins by Pinfall (6:56) via a Full Nelson Slam (E-)




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Kirk Drury:
With the McGowan’s gone, I have to hold down the fort for them. There’s many villains running around tonight, well, it’s my job to keep them in check. Tonight, I face a tough test, but I can’t let that get in my head, because I’m here for one reason and one reason only and that’s to KICK ASS!


Rating: F+




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Hammer Handley:


Rating: E




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Name Hammer Handley

From Miami, Florida, USA

Age 21

Height 6'3

Weight 272 lbs

Strengths Strength, Ground and Pound

Weaknesses Intensity

Finishing Move Hammer Driver (Death Valley Driver)

Signature Moves Choke Sleeper, Lariat


Rating: F-




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Mercutio Sleep (E-) v Hammer Handley (E-)


O' Hara: Hammer Handley sure shouts a lot. I guess that shows his intensity and aggression, Mercutio Sleep needs to be careful.


Hammer Handley shoots on Sleep with a double leg takedown and he takes position and starts hammering away with the ground and pound. Sleep hasn’t the strength to get him off him. Handley continues to pound Sleep’s face and all Sleep can do is cover up. Handley then allows Sleep to get up and backs away, Sleep does and they begin again, but Handley shoots again and takes Sleep to the ground, Sleep’s in trouble. From the ground, Handley sets up the Hammer Driver (Death Valley Driver) and that’s all she wrote.


Hammer Handley wins by Pinfall (6:41) via Hammer Driver (E-)




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Jon Brown:
It gives me pride that I get to represent such a talent, such a technician, such a man that he scares the McGowan’s away. Course, he got a little bit of business to take care of tonight. He may be silent everybody, but he is deadly and that goof Kirk Drury is going to find out tonight. Preston Fuller, remember the name, born in Lithuania, raised in Canada, a silent threat.


Rating: E-




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Name Preston Fuller

From Toronto, Ontario

By Way of Vilnius, Lithuania

Age 24

Height 6'2

Weight 245 lbs

Strengths Technical Prowess, Unwavering Concentration

Weaknesses One Dimensional

Finishing Move Preston's North End (Piledriver)

Signature Moves Crossface Chickenwing


Rating: F+





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Kirk Drury (E) v Preston Fuller (E) w/ Jon Brown


O’ Hara:
Preston Fuller is a silent threat, Kirk Drury wants to kick ass, should be a hell of a contest.


Drury does his best to keep the match as a brawling affair but Fuller has none of it, turning it into a technical exchange. Drury’s no slouch in that department either, but he’s just not good enough to challenge Fuller who is an expert. Fuller methodically dismantles Drury, moving from submission to submission, targeting different parts of the body. Drury, however, turns the tables with a flying forearm. Drury kicks into gear, right hand, right hand, right hand, off the ropes, Brown swipes at Drury’s feet, he’s distracted. German Suplex by Fuller. He again goes to work, but Drury scrambles to the ropes, not allowing him to get into a groove this time. Drury picks up steam, he’s setting him up… No, Fuller counters, Preston’s North End (Piledriver) and picks up the w.


Preston Fuller by Pinfall (14:36) by Preston’s North End (E)




Show Rating: E-

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Two shows, two days. Decided to get the second show out to set up the diary before I go back to work which is tomorrow, enjoy it while it lasts.


This show was always going to be worse rating wise, it’s always the case in these family based promotions, the heel side is rarely if ever as popular than the faces and that’s the case here. I did screw up some things when I did the show that made it worse, but I got a fine main event and Crusher had a fine promo, so it still gave me a solid show, though even bad shows would raise our popularity.


So these guys are the Elite to the McGowan’s DeColt, cept they aren’t a stable of friends. I picked these guys as the main heels in the first segment of the diary cause I thought they all brought a unique character and perspective, I’m particularly happy with Crusher and Fuller’s characters. I think they have legs in the promotion. Handley is just your basic 80’s big sweaty/oily shouting heel, which I don’t think there’s enough of those in wrestling these days. Think Earthquake back in the early 90’s v Hogan, with muscles of course as Handley is ripped.


Think the slight drop in attendance shows that the McGowans are the reason why people come to NLPW, not a surprise. I look forward to when I have these guys fully established.


Best of luck with this. I'll be following along.


I'll also be following!


Thanks for the follow lads, I appreciate it.


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Friday, Week 2, February, 2020.

Held in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

52 people in attendance




O’ Hara:
Hello everyone, Dane O’ Hara back again with the best action Canada has to offer. The McGowan’s are back and ready to fight. Our main event tonight see’s Rob McGowan have his first fight in the promotion, the eldest of the McGowan kids is going to put on a show tonight.


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HELLO WINNIPEG! I can say it truthfully, that the McGowan’s are so happy to be back for NLPW, and I am very excited to be in my first match here tonight. Ion Heart put up quite the fight against my brother and I am ready to solve a new puzzle. I hope Lion Heart is ready, because I don’t plan on disappointing this crowd.


Lion Heart:
Rob, Rob, Rob. Didn’t you realise? I made a mistake. I took on Nathan first, that was obviously a bad choice. I had failed, I was lower than I ever have been, why would I face the top dog, I guessed I thought if I beat him, I’d be on top of the world again, but that’s not how the world works. I should have started lower, so I think you are the perfect opponent to get me back to where I was.


I like that, the confidence. I’m confident too. However, you’re making a mistake. You might think Nathan is the top, that’s your opinion and he’s certainly a top talent, but underestimating me… that’s a bad omen for you. I’m a different animal to Nathan. Nathan react’s, I’m much more proactive. None of your tricks will take me by surprise, I have you scouted, nothing you can do will surprise me.


Lion Heart:
We’ll see, just letting you know, I warned you. This is where it starts, my rise to the top after my fall. My failure, my disgrace, it’ll be gone, I’ll start my rise back, and you are going to be the man who changes my fortune. I have something to prove and you never mess with a man on a mission.


Rating: D-





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Hannah McGowan w/ TJ McGowan (E) v Glasses McGinty (F+) w/ Glasses McGee


O’ Hara: The Glasses Gang weren’t too happy about losing last time to the McGowan duo of TJ and Max, they want revenge and with Max missing, they might get it.


TJ tries to use his speed to get the better of McGinty and it works a treat. McGinty tries to blind TJ with the shine off his glasses but TJ knows it’s coming. TJ flies around the ring, he’s a blur. TJ is very much in control, that’s until McGee zeroes in on Hannah and TJ averts his gaze. He hits a dive out onto McGee but McGinty takes advantage taking him out from behind. TJ battles back, and McGee tries to distract TJ by grabbing his foot but Hannah takes him out with a cannonball off of the steps, TJ takes advantage with a Manitoba Missile (Running Knee) to get the victory.


TJ McGowan wins by Pinfall (7:59) via The Manitoba Missile (E-)




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Max is backstage frantically putting on his wrestling gear as he runs through the doors to the arena when he sees Nathan standing here waiting for him.


You are late.


Technically, I’m early.


How so?


See, I was on the planet Creegon and there, it’s yesterday so technically, I’m a day early.


….. I… Whatever, you left Hannah out there alone with somebody who could have seriously hurt her.


Hannah? She’s smarter than us all, she’s been learning more techniques than any of us, she can take care of herself.


Against somebody twice her size?


I’d bet on her.


Don’t let it happen again.


Nathan walks off in a huff. Max sits down, his ear dangling around his ankles and his shirt half on.




Hannah and TJ come up to him.


Maxie, you’re here.


Uh, yeah. Sorry I was late.


Oh, no it’s okay, I just wanted to show you this new technique you could use.


Oh, look at that.. I’ll put it in my training regime.


Hmmm, you’re only a few minutes late.. So Creegon?






What’s a Creegon?


It’s a type of hallucinogenic…


Best we tell you another time.


Actually, yeah, another time.


I’m eighteen now, I know about this kind of stuff already.


That’s doubtful.


I would have to…


Hey little man!




At this moment, Grunt and Stink come up to the three McGowans.


Where’s the bathrooms at? I got something brewing.


Uggh… Ugh, what’s that smell?


That’s the smell of a real man, little miss. Would you like a go? We’re much better than this little man.


You know we’re her brothers right?


We like that fantasy too.




We could play that game with you too sweet cheeks.


Okay, time to step in, back off.


Couldn’t agree with you more.


Oh, little man gotta get his big brother to step in to help.


Big brother that can’t stand straight at that.


I’m well enough to kick your ass.


Hehe, whatever kid. You and your weird family can stand down, we got business to take care of, but you better watch your backs.


Yeah, I gotta go sit on the throne.



Rating: D-




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Roger Monteiro (E) v Preston Fuller (E+) w/ Jon Brown


O’ Hara: Monteiro has a hell of a tough debut tonight against the proficient, technical wizard that is Preston Fuller.


Fuller methodically dismantles Monteiro, moving from submission to submission, targeting different parts of the body. Monteiro can’t deal with Fuller technical proficiency and it’s a bit one sided as Monteiro can’t get any momentum, Fuller is playing with him. Preston’s North

End (Piledriver) and that’s the end.


Preston Fuller by Pinfall (7:54) via Preston’s North End (E)




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Roger Monteiro is backstage with an ice pack on his neck as he turns a corner and…




He walks straight into Candian Crusher, he is not happy.


Oh, you think you can bump into me? Hmm, big mistake.


I didn’t….


No, no. no. You did something stupid, now you gotta pay.


Crusher grabs Monteiro and locks him in the Full Nelson and begins ragdolling him around the place.




That was when Nathan McGowan came around the corner.


Drop him.


Crusher does so.


Something wrong?


You think that attacking an injured person is funny?


You cross the Crusher you get crushed.


Well, what about me? Are you going to crush me?


Oh, don’t worry, you’ll get yours.


Crusher smiles and walks off as Monteiro is clearly hurting on the floor, Nathan checks on him.


Rating: E




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Adam is backstage working out as Nikki does yoga.

You know yoga could help you.


I don’t doubt, just ain’t my thing.


That’s fair.




Out of nowhere, Hammer Handley comes in, shaking with intensity.


I’ve… been waiting….. All night……. For your answer.


What are you talking about?




Oh my God, why are you yelling?




Handley looms over on Nikki, Adam quickly stands in front of him.


A man with a temper, can’t say i don’t know what that feels like. But I take on men my own size, not somebody less than half my size.




You want to fight? We’ll fight. At High Stakes, Adam McGowan v Hammer Handley. Happy?




Rating: E+




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Rob is getting ready for his match when Jon Brown and Preston Fuller come up to him.


Did you see it?


See it?


My clients win in the main event when you were playing second fiddle to your brother and the dominant display tonight.


Second fiddle, huh? Anyway yeah. I did see it. He was.. Impressive.


Well, I guess it’s your lucky day then.




Oh yes, you get to assist us in our rise to the top because Preston has chosen you as his next victim.


He wants to fight me? Brave kid.


Well, we want to be the best. Beating you, well, that would just cement our rise.


Well, tonight, I’ve got a main event to fight in. Watch it, you might change your mind in wanting to face me.


Rating: E




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Name Rob McGowan

From Winnipeg, Manitoba

Age 29

Height 6'2

Weight 252 lbs

Strengths All Roundedness, Highly Intelligent

Weaknesses Can't go off script

Finishing Move McGowan Stretch (Twister)

Signature Moves McGowan-Plex (Belly to Belly), Snap German Suplex


Rating: E-




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Rob McGowan (D-) v Lion Heart (E-)


O' Hara: Lion Heart wants to prove his worth, Rob McGowan wants to make a statement.


The fight starts pretty even until Rob puts on a clinic and begins the technical exchange. Lion Heart is outclassed and he has to resort to cheating, eye rakes, low blows, cheap shots, however, Rob’s smart to it. He knew it was coming and swiftly countered any attempts to cheat. However, Lion Heart won’t give up, he gets the upper hand by drawing him in with a fake injury. He tries to finish Rob quick, Lion’s Pounce (Spear)... Rob has it scouted and expertly uses his momentum against to get him to the mat, he intrinsically maneuvers Lion Heart to where he needs him to be….. McGowan Stretch (Twister), Lion Heart taps quickly.


Rob McGowan by Submission (20:16) via McGowan Stretch (Twister)





Show Rating: E+

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This was such a meh show for me. I guess you get those every now and again. I just spent the last while looking at promos to try and get ideas on it. I wasn't feeling the creative juices flowing when I wrote this, hopefully that will improve.


I feel a little underwhelmed for the start of this, but that was always the case. I'll get over it. I think it's a lot easier to rely on the lore of the CV to create stories. I remember Self saying that when he was talking about Dan DaLay and Alex DeColt. I wholeheartedly agree.


Of Course, this is just to introduce characters to you guys so as that comes across, which I think it does, I don't mind too much.


Also, three things. At the second show, Hammer Handley didn't go out with the lads for a night out and had to pay for everybody's drinks. Wrestling's weird. Jules Night went from average to toned body type which is good, if he increases his size that would be great. Lastly, Jon Brown had a poker tournament this show. Fun times.


Nice to see the attendance rise again, that McGowan factor though.


And yes, below, that is not a typo. Main event Keith Vegas.




Nathan McGowan v Keith Vegas

Kirk Drury v Grunt

Jules Night v Lion Heart

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Friday, Week 4, February, 2020.

Held in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

53 people in attendance




O’ Hara:
Hello everyone, Dane O’ Hara here with tonight’s NLPW action. Let's get to it.


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We laid out the challenge and here we stand, still unanswered. My client wants something and when my client wants something, I get it for them. He wanted a match. It’s not that difficult. We told Rob McGowan that we were ready for him, only for him to have the audacity to throw it back in our faces as if we were going to back down. Listen carefully, Rob. We don’t play. We want your blood, so why don’t you come out here and give us the answer we want to prove that you are not a coward.




HELLO WINNIPEG!!! Jon you want an answer, well, I’ll give you one. My answer is yes. I will face Preston Fuller at High Stakes. However, I want to make this clear. You asked for this. You wanted to fight me. I have no quarrels with you, or Preston Fuller. In fact, I admire him. He’s a hell of a technician and I look forward to facing him but how do you think this is going to end? I relish a puzzle and Preston might be my most difficult one to date, but everybody has a weakness and I have found his. So, I don’t want to hear any excuses. You asked for this and you should be careful what you ask for.


Weaknesses? What do you think we’ve just been sitting back relaxing? You’re right everybody has a weakness, including the McGowan’s and we know yours and we’ll exploit it and prove one thing. This was never about a quarrel or a fight, this was to see one thing. Preston wanted to know who was better. Your brothers? A bunch of brawling loaves that Preston knows he could tie in knots, but you, you can do it all. Preston can press the issue for a technical contest and we’re hoping you’ll oblige instead of trying to brawl. Preston can brawl, he just doesn’t want to. Brute’s are easy pickings, technicians are a tough puzzle.


A technical contest, that’s what this is about. The way I see it, I had many reasons to agree to this fight. I admit, the fact that I get to face some real competition in Preston Fuller was one of the reasons, but there main one, the big reason why I want to face him is so I can wipe that smug smile off your face when I beat Preston and I WILL HAVE EVERYBODY HERE IN WINNIPEG, MANITOBA CHEERING ME ON! You made a choice to challenge me, now you have to face the consequences, I hope that weakness you’ve found is legit, because I am one puzzle that’s tough to crack.


Rating: E





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Jules Night (E-) v Lion Heart (E)


O’ Hara: Both men haven’t set the world alight here in 2020 so far. They’ll want to change that tonight.


Lion Heart cheats to get the upper hand. Night tries to come back, but struggles against Lion Heart’s constant cheating. Lion Heart is constantly on the attack as Night tries to come back but eventually Night succumbs to the Lion’s Pounce (Spear).


Lion Heart via Pinfall (9:34) via Lion’s Pounce (E-)




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Lion Heart:
My luck changes now. You fans mocked me for my bad luck. I may have lost thos main events, however, I got the W tonight. It’s a small step, but a step nonetheless. What’s next for me? It’s simple. My reputation was dragged through the dirt and coming to NLPW hasn’t helped. And that is the McGowan's fault. I have a purpose now. I have a goal. The McGowan’s better watch themselves.



Rating: E-




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Keith Vegas sits backstage when Canadian Crusher comes up to him.


I hear you’re facing Nathan McGowan tonight.


Vegas nods.


Well, I’ve got some advice.


Crusher whispers to Vegas and Vegas nods and takes notes.



Rating: E-




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Grunt Name Stink

Stink Town, USA From Stink Town, USA

47 Age 45

6'2 Height 6'2

312 lbs Weight 305 lbs

Size, Odour Strengths Size, Odour

Slow Moving Weaknesses Slow Moving

Dump Truck (Short Arm Samoan Drop) Finishing Moves Stink Bomb (Gutwrench Powerbomb)


Rating: E-




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Kirk Drury (E) v Grunt (E) w/ Stink


O’ Hara: Drury has both members of the Nation of Filth to contend with. This is a tough task for anybody.


Drury starts well using his speed and technique to attack Grunt, but eventually Grunt’s size causes Drury’s problems. Grunt smother Drury in the corner and it’s taking the wind out of him. Drury can’t come back and a Dump Truck (Short Arm Samoan Drop) later, that’s it.



Grunt by Pinfall (5:47) via Dump Truck (E)




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With Drury down, the Nation of Filth take the opportunity to beat down Dry a little more. They stamp on Drury and cause more and more damage, adding insult to injury.




TJ and Max run out and save them. The Nation of Filth leave and are very proud of themselves.



Rating: E-




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Canadian Crusher told me my time will come, well here I am. If you want to fight, I’m right here, ready to take you on. You bully people. You think you crush people but who have you faced, people smaller than you, people hurt from a grueling match. Maybe it’s time you face somebody your own size. At High Stakes, maybe you could face me? Prove what you’ve been saying? You want to make a statement? You want to prove your words? Well, you can do against me. You talk big, let’s see if you can win big too.


Rating: C-




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Nathan McGowan (D-) v Keith Vegas (E-) w/ Canadian Crusher


O' Hara: Nathan is all alone tonight, can he beat the numbers game?


Nathan takes control but Vegas surprisingly is able to keep up like he knows what Nathan is about to do but is still on the back foot. Crusher then grabs the foot and Vegas immediately takes advantage. Vegas concentrates his offense on Nathan’s ribs and eventually it takes its toll. Nathan fails to be able to do moves such as power slams due to the damage to his ribs. Vegas continues to take it to Nathan, but can’t put him away. Vegas continues the beatdown, but Nathan roars back through the pain. McGowan-Plex (Belly to Belly), Snap DDT and here it is, McGowan-inator (Delayed Brainbuster) and there’s the three.


Nathan McGowan by Pinfall (15:40) via McGowan-inator (E)




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Nathan gets up and displays a show of sportsmanship to Keith Vegas, holding out his hand. He may have had Crusher cheat for him and he also may have used Crusher’s plan but he pushed Nathan to the limit. Vegas feels like he should shake his hand….




But Crusher attacks from behind and lays him out, clubbing Nathan viciously in his already injured ribs.




The cavalry come out as the McGowan clan come out and drive Crusher away, but the damage may already be done.



Rating: E+





Show Rating: E+

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Moving along nicely now. I hate when you start a diary and then you want to do 500 more and the idea comes to you all the time, but it's all cool.


I've started thinking about this diary in work a lot seems due to the virus, that will not be named, we aren't allowed near other people so I find myself cutting promos for this in my head. I think it helps a lot. It's helped me flesh out some promos for the future. I also feel if I don't finish sometime before the day of my own deadline, I tend to write something far less impressive. Oh well, I enjoyed a lot of this show.


I'm currently looking at hires for future roles I have written for. I have few already filled but there are so many openings, it means I am waiting to see what people come available but feel free to throw down any hires.


I just saw that it takes 25 pop in one region to get on Wrestle World. That might be my best goal right now to get "on TV". We'll see how it goes.




Kirk Drury v Glasses McGee

Max McGowan v Keith Vegas

Rob McGowan v Canadian Crusher

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  • 2 weeks later...



Friday, Week 2, March, 2020.

Held in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

53 people in attendance




O’ Hara:
Nathan couldn't make tonight's show thanks to Canadian Crusher's attack two weeks ago, tonight he faces Rob McGowan, can Rob get some payback?


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Just two weeks ago, my brother, Nathan was viciously attacked and tonight the doctors told him that he was not able to compete. You see, as a kid, Nathan punctured his lung and after the surgery it's always been something that could really, really hurt him. However, what I want to know is how on earth did Canadian Crusher know this? He told Keith Vegas what to target but how did he know what to target, so Crusher get out here and tell me how you know this?




Oh, Rob. I know things. A lot of things. About you, about Nathan, about all the McGowans and how to crush them. My name being the Canadian Crusher, is not by accident. I chose it for a reason, but that reason.... will not be revealed today. Tonight, you have bigger problems, you have to face me. You have a big night at High Stakes, Rob. That's just a week away and yet, you decide to face the man who crushed your brothers lung? Not a good idea.


You know us, huh? Well, let me tell you this. We are fighters and we stick together, that is why I must face you tonight. We both have big nights at High Stakes, but tonight is a big night too. I get to give a little bit of payback for Nathan because you may have hurt him, but he's not out. He's ready for you and he will be ready for you at High Stakes.


Well, we'll see I guess. However, the only thing I'm going to concentrate on tonight is you, because all these fans will be witnessing a crushing of the eldest McGowan and I promise you, Rob. It won't be pretty.


Rating: E+





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Well, it's set up for definite. You and Hammer Handley will go one on one.




You don't have to do this you know? Just because he was going to.... Look, I don't need to be protected is what I'm saying.


It isn't just that, Nikki. Look at us, you and I... We're... different then the others. Rob fits right in, but you and I... It feels like people don't really get that we are really McGowan's and the bet way for us to show that we are to do what all McGowan's do. Fight. Stand up for the little man, beat up the bullies that every man, woman and child would like to do if they were able. I admit the fact that he threatened you, that nearly took me over the edge.


Adam, the fact that you wear your heart on your sleeve is sweet, but we are McGowan's. Nobody can deny that. I am your sister, I am a McGowan. You are a McGowan. You don't have to prove that you can be as charismatic as Nathan, or as well rounded as Rob, or as athletic as TJ or as.... Unique as Max. You just need to be you and we will always be here for you.


Thanks Nikki. I needed that but that Hammer Handley... still needs to be thought a lesson.


Yes, and I'm sure if anybody can, you can.


Rating: E+




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Hannah: Okay, so to beat these guys we need a strategy so...


Hannah, I know you are a wrestling nerd and all but....




I think we know how to beat two fat, old guys.


That's.. Actually, he's probably right.


But... But... I spent all night making this.


I mean we'll listen, we just probably won't take much notice.


That's definitely not true, Hannah always comes up with excellent strategies.


I know, but I had...




Actually no. I was up all night gaming.


You were?


Actually yes.


Can we get to this please?


Uh, yeah sure go ahead.


Okay... So, the Nation of Filth....


TJ (Whispering):
Were you really gaming last night?


Max (Whispering):
Yeah. I really was.... was playing with Mary Jane though...


TJ (Whispering):



Rating: E+




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Kirk Drury (E) v Glasses McGee (E-)


O' Hara: Kirk hasn't had the best run in NLPW so far, maybe tonight Glasses McGee gives him something to cheer about.


McGee goes it alone as he tries to blind Drury with his glasses. It doesn't work all that well though as Drury goes to work. He attacks and McGee can't keep up. Scorpion Deathlock and that's it.



Kirk Drury wins by Submission (8:11) via a Scorpion Deathlock (E-)




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Lion Heart:
Kirk Drury! The McGowan's whipping boy. If there is anything I know I can do, I can beat you. So, I'm laying out the challenge. High Stakes, you and me?


I am not a whipping boy. Let me tell you. I am ready to take you.


Lion Heart:
Well, isn't that good. I look forward to it. My luck has changed, but the thing I want to know is, has yours?


Rating: E-




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Hey Crusher.


What do you want?


Oh, I, uh, hi, well I...


Spit it out!


Max! I'm facing him tonight, you gave me such great tips for Nathan. Got any tips for Max?


Look. I ain't got any issue with Max. In fact, I find him kind of hilarious, but yeah. I have a plan for him too. I just don't see why I'd tell you. However, I will say this. Max is basically a mini Nathan. They wrestle the exact same. That should help.



Rating: E




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Hannah w/ Max McGowan (E) v Keith Vegas (E-)


O'Hara: Keith Vegas brought Nathan McGowan to the brink only a few weeks ago, how will Max fare?


Max takes control early as Vegas struggles with his power, he begins to execute his plan and it works, for awhile. Max is a lot more unpredictable than Nathan, so Vegas attacks the rib, that'll hurt Max, right? Wrong. Max doesn't have any injured ribs. Max has it ready, the guest list has been made, invitations are sent, Vegas RSVP’s all we need now is…. The Party Starter (Hellevator).



Max McGowan wins by Pinfall (10:17) via The Party Starter (E-)




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Rob McGowan (D) v Canadian Crusher (E-)


It's starts with a high pace as the two men brawl with passion. Rob wishes to get revenge and Crusher wants to... well crush. Rob puts on a clinic and begins the technical exchange but Crusher wants nothing to do with that. Crusher locks in the Full Nelson but Rob escapes it before he hits the slam. Rob attacks again but Crusher puts the ref in harm and down he goes. Both men get back up and engage in a brawl again. However, it's all a ploy, Rob takes down Crusher and he gets him in position...




Preston Fuller comes out. Rob releases the hold and the two men exchange blows as Crusher recovers.




TJ and Max are out to support their brother.




The Nation of Filth put the numbersmbers game in the bad guys failure.




Adam is out next to even up the numbers.




Hammer Handley then joins the party. With the match in chaos and a whole bunch of fists flying, when the ref finally revives, he has no choice but to throw out the match. O' Hara signs us off pushing us to come to NLPW High Stakes in eight days.


No Contest by Double Count (14:56) (E+)




Show Rating: E+

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Feels good to get onto the first "Big Event" in the companies history which is why I like that it's called High Stakes. Obviously with us being on such a small scale that doesn't make much sense but I liked the urgency of it.


With two diaries, I have a very relaxed approach to them both, which is playing into my hands very well. I have deadlines but nothing solid and that has helped me really get down to writing. EMLL is a muc bigger project and that means to needs more time, NLPW is a smaller scale, but I hope to get it to be a bigger company. That's the goal.


I kind of expected it to be tough to sell people on the McGowan's as they are non-canon characters. C'est la vie.




Was researching the creative meeting function in NLPW and it came back with some surprising results in some of the categories. I expected the McGowan's to dominate all these, but here in showstoppers there is only two. This is actually great as it allows me to see where some of my jobbers could be useful down the line for certain roles I have planned. The McGowan's are always looking for more heels to beat.


Roger Monteiro was never a guy I was high on in private games. Small, no SQ, nothing springs to mind gimmick wise that would make him more interesting than he is. All bad signs. However, I've rethought his standing now. His ent skils are more than manageable (with good charisma), he's a decent all rounder and a solid worker who can bulk up to middleweight. Not that it will change my booking but maybe Monteiro picks up a role I have planned for down the line and at just 29, he can still improve.


Mercutio Sleep is also 29 but a better worker in my opinion than Monteiro (except that consistency, oof), but doesn't have the ent skills (they're only okay) though he has the same SQ and has the all round skills (even if he is more a technician/high flyer than a brawler) so the good and bad. He can also bulk up to middleweight too, so there's potential for something there. I see Sleep as a midcard work horse in the future in comparison to Monteiro who could be an actual star.


Glasess McGee (Cheech Kong) is 29 also also and he doesn't have the same upside as the other two. He's an okay worker with meh charisma and nothing else. He can't get bigger and his flashiness is his biggest asset. That's a career opener for me. Where I see potential in Monteiro and Sleep, Kong just doesn't have that upside.


Now onto High Stakes




Kirk Drury v Lion Heart

Max & TJ McGowan v The Nation of Filth

Adam McGowan v Hammer Handley

Rob McGowan v Preston Fuller

Nathan McGowan v Canadian Crusher

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