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AAW: Canada's Upstarts

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<p>AAW All Action Canadian Championship</p><p>

<strong>Phenomenal E </strong>vs Sky King</p><p>

<em>Could see this one going either way but thinking that the boss man ain´t here to put himself over plus E had better match in last show</em></p><p> </p><p>

Also Featuring</p><p>

Cal Sanders vs <strong>Shiva</strong></p><p>

<em>Thinking Shiva is higher on the pecking order.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Mosher vs Clutch McKane vs <strong>Reilly Patton</strong></p><p>

<em>Reilly had a really big win in last show so I assume he keeps momentum going here.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Flying Patriot vs <strong>TJ Bailey</strong></p><p>

<em>Bailer is more established.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Brimstone</strong> vs G Force</p><p>

<em>Brimstone has more going on.</em></p>

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All Action Wrestling: Taking Flight 3

Bonnie Doon Public Library in Alberta

Attendance: 67






Much like last month the show is starting off with The Reckoning in the ring with Sky King flanked by Evil Spirit and Brimstone along with a microphone in his hand.


Sky King: "I'll keep this short and sweet. Last month I took care of business while Phenomenal E couldn't. I think it just goes to show who is going to be walking out champion tonight. We are going to run this place and we are going to prove it right now."


Sky King tosses the mic away and seems to murmur some words to Brimstone before he and Evil Spirit get out of the ring as Brimstone prepares for his match.


Rating: 19





Brimstone vs G Force


A quick and frantic paced bout between the two. Given their lack of skills it is probably the best way to present the two as they mostly distract with some of their flashier moves. The match is a bit on the one sided side with Brimstone controlling most of it and for the first time it seems G Force manages to avoid the injury bug as he finishes the match without looking to be favoring any sort of body part. The down side is he is on the losing end once again as Brimstone hits the Ashes to Ashes and picks up a victory.


Winner: Brimstone


Rating: 33





Flying Patriot vs TJ Bailey


This match is pretty once sided much like the previous with TJ Bailey using his experience to keep control aside from a few surprise moves from the youthful masked Flying Patriot. The rookie still shows flashes of promise, but he still needs a lot of polish. TJ picks up the win rather quickly after putting Flying Patriot away with TJ Time.


Winner: TJ Bailey


Rating: 32





Clutch McKane vs Arthur Dexter Bradley vs Mosher vs Reilly Patton


Things pick up with a four way bout that allows all the competitors to showcase what they can do. Overall ADB steals the show in this one pulling off some really nice moves that gets the crowded pulled into the match and he comes close to picking up an upset a few times. Mosher also gets rolling at one point using his frenetic brawling to gain momentum and he catches ADB to take him down and hit the Headbanger. Before he can go for the pin Reilly is quick to slide into the ring and toss Mosher from the ring and he gets t he pin on ADB instead.


Winner: Reilly Patton


Rating: 46






The smarmy Reilly is running laps again and he is out of breath by the time he gets a microphone to gloat.


Reilly: "Two in a row, baby! I should be in the main event! Just keep watching because I am unbeatable! Ahahahaha!"


Rating: 19





Shiva vs Cal Sanders


A more slow paced encounter with Shiva using his brutal strikes goes up against the technical prowess of Cal Sanders. A good mixture of drama that sees each side getting momentum and showing their offenses that are different, but yet mesh well together putting on the best match of the night so far. Cal takes a beating through a good portion at one point making it look like he was done for, but the veteran seems to find a second wind and fight back against Shiva. Shiva continues to try to throw out some stiff strikes, but Cal finds ways to counter them and eventually gets a enzuigiri that puts Shiva down long enough to give Cal time to climb up top and nail the Frog Splash.


Winner: Cal Sanders


Rating: 56





AAW All Action Canadian Championship



Sky King vs Phenomenal E


It wasn't easy, but this match tops the previous one as the two veterans bring out the big guns for the title match. Both men are experts at pacing with shifting momentum and several close pinfalls from both men. E often is distracted looking to see if Brimstone or Evil Spirit show their face, but neither show up. It is enough to often allow Sky King to take control and he comes so very close to winning the bout only for Phenomenal E kicking out at the last moment. Frustration is building and it makes Sky King more prone to make mistakes he may not normally make. It gives Phenomenal E the chance to fight back and get rolling and sending Sky King reeling. Sky King does his best to quash the comeback, but can't do it. He is battered and laid out eventually which allows Phenomenal E to hit the Tumbleweed Legdrop. AAW gets their first champion one three count later.


Winner and NEW Champion: Phenomenal E


Rating: 62




Final Rating: 52


Top Performers: 1st: Phenomenal E, 2nd: Cal Sanders, 3rd: Shiva

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="kpFkTn5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/kpFkTn5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> <img alt="d7qNnoB.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/d7qNnoB.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="PWKurmW.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PWKurmW.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> "So we finally have a title. Who do you think we should challenge E first?"</p><p> </p><p> Sky King: "I have some plans that I am working on. Just let give me some time to get the right guy."</p><p> </p><p> That response gave me a pause. Really given how things were going I was assuming we would be giving someone like Cal the spot since he has been undefeated or Reilly due to his win over E not long ago.</p><p> </p><p> "You are bringing in someone new?"</p><p> </p><p> Sky King: "I am looking at some international stuff. I need to make some calls and see what I can do. I would like to do something interesting. Like an international challenge for the title."</p><p> </p><p> "That seems a bit ambitious. No one hardly knows who we are."</p><p> </p><p> Sky King: "Exactly. Find some talent that is willing to make the trip for some exposure. Am I going to find big names? Doesn't have to be that way. I just need to find hungry talent that will come to Canada and maybe make a name for themself."</p><p> </p><p> It isn't a horrible idea, but for me it just doesn't seem like one that may work. E is willing to work with just about anyone so that has been a blessing, but is anyone willing to come all the way out to Canada to challenge him? It did work with Evil Spirit who has even secured himself an apartment nearby while he works for us, but can we find more like that?</p><p> </p><p> "I am willing to try and to make things work. Just let me know what I need to do."</p><p> </p><p> Sky King: "Be patient. Let me work on some things and we'll go from there. For now plan out a few other matches not involving E."</p><p> </p><p> If anything Shep seems ambitious which I suppose is not a bad trait. In the end the place is being run on his dime so if he wants to take risks like this who am I to argue? If anything I guess it is time to build up some of our other guys as strong challengers while I let Shep worry about E and his title.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="kpFkTn5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/kpFkTn5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="52521" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">AAW Taking Flight 4</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Main Event</strong> International Title Defense for the AAW All Action Championship</p><p> </p><p> Phenomenal E vs ???</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Other Matches Include</strong></p><p> </p><p> Mosher vs Reilly Patton</p><p> </p><p> Drop Kix vs ???</p><p> </p><p> The Reckoning (Sky King, Brimstone and Evil Spirit) vs Arthur Dexter Bradly and Bailey & McKane </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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<p><strong>Phenomenal E</strong> vs ???</p><p> </p><p>

Mosher vs <strong>Reilly Patton</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Drop Kix</strong> vs ???</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Reckoning</strong> (Sky King, Brimstone and Evil Spirit) vs Arthur Dexter Bradly and Bailey & McKane</p>

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AAW Taking Flight 4


Main Event International Title Defense for the AAW All Action Championship

Phenomenal E vs ???

Not going to drop the belt on first defence regardless of who the opponent is.


Other Matches Include


Mosher vs Reilly Patton

Patton seems to be getting big push right away.


Drop Kix vs ???

New signing perhaps? If it´s someone who has long term contract I´d assume they would go over, if it´s short term guy then Kix is likely to go over but I assume it´s new guy who is here to stay.


The Reckoning (Sky King, Brimstone and Evil Spirit) vs Arthur Dexter Bradly and Bailey & McKane

Faces look like stronger team in my view but Reckoning is still a new group and thus doing more so they are likely going to win here espesially since King is likely to challenge for the belt again at some point.

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Main Event International Title Defense for the AAW All Action Championship


Phenomenal E vs ???


Other Matches Include


Mosher vs Reilly Patton


Drop Kix vs ???


The Reckoning (Sky King, Brimstone and Evil Spirit) vs Arthur Dexter Bradly and Bailey & McKane

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  • 4 months later...


All Action Wrestling: Taking Flight 4

Bonnie Doon Public Library in Alberta

Attendance: 66






The Reckoning make their way to the ring with Sky King looking displeased. The others might be too, but the masks kind of hide that at the moment but it is probably a safe assumption they aren't happy either. The leader of the group grabs a mic to address the crowd.


Sky King: "A loss. Just one loss. It is going to take more than a single defeat to get rid of me, Phenomenal E. You may have your little stint at the top, but it won't last forever. Tonight I get back on track. Tonight the Reckoning start anew and in time you will face me again and the results will be much much different."


Rating: 23





The Reckoning vs Arthur Dexter Bradley and Bailey & McKane


A solid trios match opens up the show with a bang as all six men put on their working shoes to impress the crowd. The Reckoning spend most of the match picking apart McKane who is desperate to get a tag and once he does ADB comes in to take down all three members of the Reckoning. Things soon break down with the referee doing his best to try and regain control and through all the chaos it allows The Reckoning to cheap shot ADB when the referee is distracted. Brimstone capitalizes with an Ashes to Ashes and picks up the win for his team while Sky King and Evil Spirit hold back TJ & McKane.


Winners: The Reckoning


Rating: 42





Fuego Fantastico vs Drop Kix


Things shift to singles action as a new face, or mask in this case, is introduced. He may be masked, but Fuego certainly has a cocky swagger in his movements and mannerisms and he seems not to think much of Drop Kix. It may be something he regrets because Drop Kix comes out strong and takes the early advantage. It takes a short power to the outside for Fuego to finally focus enough and the two have a rather fast paced match with some big moves. A lot of credit goes to Drop Kix for keeping things from breaking down too much as while Fuego has a lot of potential he certainly is green. Fuego does pick up the win in the end after hitting a near perfect 450 splash.


Winner: Fuego Fantastico


Rating: 35





Mosher vs Reilly Patton


A even contest between the sneaky and smug Reilly Patton against the energetic brawler simply known as Mosher. Both bring a very different style to the table and it leads to a good back and forth bout with no man fully seeming to gain the advantage until bad positioning from Clarence Garcia allows Reilly to cheap shot Mosher. He works over Mosher a bit more before putting him away with the Cradle Slam.


Winner: Reilly Patton


Rating: 39






Reilly looks ready to gloat about his win, but is stopped with Cal Sanders emerges. He grabs a microphone and gets in the ring.


Cal Sanders: "I'll keep it simple. You and me. You talk a big game, but you haven't beaten me."


Reilly looks furious that someone is talking to him in such a manner.


Reilly Patton: "You talk to the uncrowned champ like that?! I'll put you in your place soon enough then I will take what is rightfully mine. You'll regret interrupting me."


Reilly stomps off in a huff after thinking better of attacking Cal. The veteran just watches Reilly leave before soon leaving himself.


Rating: 18





All Action Canadian Championship



Phenomenal E © vs Black Flash


The crowd doesn't know what to think of the unknown challenger, but within moments they are soon wowed by one of AAW's newest signings. E is a strong performer, but Flash is shown to be every bit as good. The two seem to be on another level from the rest of the roster as they go back and forth with a mix of chain wrestling and some jaw dropping moves. Black Flash pushes the champ to his limits and there are several times where it looks the masked man would win it all. A hard fought battle is waged for over twenty minutes before Phenomenal E lucks out and is able to avoid a dive from Black Flash and hit his Tumbleweed Legdrop soon after. Black Flash may have been unknown moments ago, but he certainly won't be forgotten after his performance tonight.


Winner and STILL Champion: Phenomenal E (Defenses: 2)


Rating: 67




Final Rating: 48


Top Performers: 1st: Phenomenal E, 2nd: Black Flash, 3rd: TJ Bailey

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Fuego Fantastico could very well be a future great in the world of lucha libre. At just nineteen years old he is already showing both an abundance of charisma as well as athleticism along with solid skills for someone his age. Being he was trained by Phoenix III he had hoped that would lead to him getting a chance to join OLLIE, but his start was far less grand. In fact he found himself working small shows and only hearing here and there that supposedly everyone from CILL to EILL have some interest, but weren't ready to offer a contract just yet.


It lead to Fuego being slightly annoyed, but pushing forward to prove himself and earn a contract. What he didn't expect was the first offer to be from a place he never expected. Sky King had been given a recommendation from ADB to contact the luchador after t he latter saw Fuego at an independent show they both wrestled at. Wrestling in Canada was never really something the luchador had thought about, but gaining experience and exposing himself to other parts of the world could only do him good. It was not long before the masked man was off to Alberta to become All Action.



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Almost ten years ago a young Martin Felix came up with the character Black Flash and entered the world of wrestling with high hopes of making it big in the Australian scene. With skills and a air of mystery about him he became a big hit and it quickly led to him signing with RAW, the biggest company in Australia. Perhaps in the end it was not the best move to make as the company didn't seem really too interested doing much with him and Black Flash was left in the lower reaches of the card during his time there.


While still young and having a chance to cash in on what little name value you had gained he left RAW in 2014 and started to rebuild his career. He expected another offer to come, but even a company like ZEN who would have been a great place for him never came calling. Unsure of what to do Black Flash kept pushing forward and trying his best to get noticed. With no luck seeming to come his way in his homeland he even started to do small shows in Japan, though he had no real change in luck. Frustrated with how his career was going Black Flash was at a point he wasn't fully sure what he wanted to do. That is when he was made an unexpected offer.


Sky King came calling with some familiarity to Flash's work. RAW was a guilty pleasure for the veteran and he had seen Black Flash a few times during his stint there. It was also on recommendation from Evil Spirit that the Aussie may make a good addition to AAW after seeing the masked wrestler a few times in Japan during 2019. With little to lose Black Flash made the decision to head to Canada and start the next chapter of his career as he was about to show he could be All Action.



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Sky King: "Have you been hitting the gym?"


"Huh? Oh, yeah. Me and Lenny kind of got into a challenge to see who could get in better shape."


Not that I felt like I was out of shape, but my shape was just kind of plain. No doubt it is a big reason why I probably didn't get far in 4C, but now here I am thinking that this could be my second chance I wanted to change my look a little. Lenny (Flying Patriot) was kind of in the same mindset and it turned into a friendly little challenge that saw us hitting the gym regularly. It is still early, but some results are starting to show. I am feeling a bit more energetic as well.


"All that aside I am amazed at the two guys you found. You could maybe be a talent scout for CWA or something if you wanted."


Sky King: "Thanks, but not interested. This is what I want to do and to correct you it is three guys."


"Huh? Where is the third?"


Sky King: "Dealing with setting things up to travel here. It is a fair distance. Young kid like Fuego that just wants to wrestle so he is making a gamble. We'll have him next month."


So he is bringing in someone else. I have to wonder when he plans to stop bringing in names. While having a variety is nice it isn't exactly like we are made of money, though Sky King is handling all the finances so if he wants to bring these guys in I can't say much.


"I'll look forward to it. Everything seems to be moving so fast. I can't believe it is almost May. I often feel like I need to be thinking of what to do next right away before I run out of time."


Sky King: "Just slow down. Keep it simple and have fun. We want to entertain, but there is no point in burning yourself out quickly. Play for the long game, Clutch. Take a few days then plan ahead."


Slowly I nodded. He may be right. Why let myself worry constantly about messing up and wanting to try and make everything perfect. Maybe sitting back and just reflecting on the previous shows will let things come to me. It has only been four months and if the boss does want to play the long game I want to be around to see where things go. Aside from Shiva being a bit of a problem I am really enjoying working with everyone and perhaps this may so far be the most fun I have had in wrestling since I started. For now I am going to take Shep's advice and take a few days before planning the next show.



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Things often come in threes and the international signings from Sky King seem no different. Hailing from India there is little known about the wrestler simply called Murugan other than he was trained by Kashmir Singh at his Mumbai Wrestling Academy.


Much like Fuego Fantastico, Murugan seems to have loads of Charisma along with athleticism. Combined with the fact he has a solid foundation to build off of from Singh's training he could come to be a big star. The question is where he might become a star given India has next to no wrestling scene at the moment. That is why when given a chance to perform he took the offer. Canada was not exactly close, but if it allowed him to work and gain some popularity and name value who was he to argue? The sky is the limit for AAW's newest member.





AAW Taking Flight 5


Main Event AAW All Action Canadian Championship


Phenomenal E vs Brimstone


Other Matches Include


Cal Sanders vs Reilly Patton


Shiva, Mosher and Drop Kix vs Authur Dexter Bradly with Bailey & McKane


Murugan vs Black Flash


Fuego Fantasico vs Flying Patriot

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Main Event AAW All Action Canadian Championship


Phenomenal E vs Brimstone


Other Matches Include


Cal Sanders vs Reilly Patton


Shiva, Mosher and Drop Kix vs Authur Dexter Bradly with Bailey & McKane


Murugan vs Black Flash


Fuego Fantasico vs Flying Patriot

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Main Event AAW All Action Canadian Championship

Phenomenal E vs Brimstone


Other Matches Include


Cal Sanders vs Reilly Patton


Shiva, Mosher and Drop Kix vs Authur Dexter Bradly with Bailey & McKane


Murugan vs Black Flash


Fuego Fantasico vs Flying Patriot

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AAW is back I see I see


Main Event AAW All Action Canadian Championship

Phenomenal E vs Brimstone


Other Matches Include

Cal Sanders vs Reilly Patton

Shiva, Mosher and Drop Kix vs Authur Dexter Bradly with Bailey & McKane

Murugan vs Black Flash

Fuego Fantasico vs Flying Patriot

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AAW is back I see I see


Main Event AAW All Action Canadian Championship

Phenomenal E vs Brimstone


Other Matches Include

Cal Sanders vs Reilly Patton

Shiva, Mosher and Drop Kix vs Authur Dexter Bradly with Bailey & McKane

Murugan vs Black Flash

Fuego Fantasico vs Flying Patriot


I am more worried you didn't have a smarmy remark. Are you well?

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AAW Taking Flight 5

Main Event AAW All Action Canadian Championship

Phenomenal E vs Brimstone

Nope, Brimstone ain´t going to be teh next champ.


Other Matches Include

Cal Sanders vs Reilly Patton

To be honest, I don´t really recall anything before the last show but based on that alone, this one seems to be a feud and looks like Sanders winning here would be the likely way to extend this past this show.

Shiva, Mosher and Drop Kix vs Authur Dexter Bradly with Bailey & McKane

Could see this one going either way so pretty much a guess here.


Murugan vs Black Flash

Neither guy ain´t likely to have any popularity in Canada but Flash had a great performance last show so I´d assume he picks the win here.


Fuego Fantasico vs Flying Patriot

Looks like Fantasico is getting an instant push.

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Failure! Dangerous! Botch Machine!


Thirteen years or so in the business and it never turned out the way Brimstone had thought. He never wanted to be the greatest, but in reality perhaps he just wasn't good enough and should have quit early on. He thought he was doing what the fans wanted when in PSW and while that may be true in the end he was too early in his career and the stigma of being someone that was too dangerous in the ring stuck with him for years.


Get out of the ring! Why don't you retire!? You suck!


He has done his best to get better. Some still think that isn't good enough, but apparently his attempts to better himself were at least seen by someone. Sky King gave him a chance and he has done his best not to let this one end as badly as the first, but the doubts are always there. Often he can't say it from his mind that he is somehow going to mess this chance up too. At least he has mostly been kept in tag action which he has felt a bit more comfortable with. He has done his best to be careful and not hurt anyone and so far everything has been fine.


Sloppy! Garbage wrestler! Useless!


But then he was asked to not just do a singles match, but to main event a show against Phenomenal E. A man that honestly should still be a big time player in a big company. A man he respects and that is why the match worries him. He worries he is going to screw up and hurt the top guy in AAW and all the good will he has been shown will get thrown right out the window. Not only that it could very well be the end for him. A footnote to a career that has been mired in injuries and bad decisions. He was a bundle of nerves backstage. He arrived earlier than normal and he can only feel the butterflies more and more as showtime drew closer.


???: Hey....




Sky King: "Nervous?"


Brimstone: "To say the least. I feel my heart is going to burst out of my chest."


Sky King: "Calm down. Everything will be okay. I trust you and so does Ed. You got this. Now come on."


The insults remained, but they felt more muted. The nervous feelings not at all fading, but he will find a way to suppress them come match time. Two veterans trust him and he will do his best to show that they weren't fools for doing so. He won't let things go bad. He'll get through this and prove he can be a valuable member of AAW.



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