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The Mad King Returns [CVerse]

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It was never supposed to be this way.


"Alex DeColt takes over Canadian Golden Combat"


The headline that changed my life.


My father handed me the keys to the kingdom. He could've given them to Steve, maybe Jack. Ricky was too young at the time, although looking back he would've done better than me. I often ask myself, why? Why did dad choose me? They all said I had the best mind for the business, but in hindsight they were all wrong. Or maybe they just didn't want the responsibilities. They're DeColts, they didn't need to be the booker to be pushed well. I was hesitant to take the reigns in the first place. Canadian Golden Combat, built on the back of George DeColt. Dad's shoes were just too big to fill.


I grew resentment towards Dad for it. I should've been thankful, but it was more me projecting my self-loathing onto someone else. I needed someone to blame for my failures. And that resentment grew and grew, until they all turned on me. Steve was first; I thought it was born out of jealousy for me getting the book, but I think that was just the comfortable reason for me. It was more than that. I was paranoid, anxious, fearful, and whatever other title you want to give it. There wasn't even anything to be afraid of. CGC had a loyal audience, and they liked me. They wanted me to get the book.


After Steve left, I became more and more anxious. I was the reason the biggest star of CGC, and more importantly a damn DeColt son, left the company to join the Stones on the other coast in 2009. I mean, our families were close, both in wrestling and personally thanks to Steve marrying Dan's daughter Sarah awhile back. Steve could've went anywhere in the world with his talent but he chose North of the Border because of Sarah. But still, it hurt. It hurt the company, and it hurt me.


Even with my brother leaving, the fans and the company still had faith in me. Growing pains, they said. But was it growing pains five years later, when Sean Deeley jumped ship because of me? I gave him the World title. Had him submit me clean in the ring, only person to ever do it. But he wanted more. He wanted to be THE guy. But you can't be a guy in CGC when you aren't one of us. Could I have handled it better? Yes. But that one wasn't my fault. Or so I think.


Sean bouncing was the final straw for them. My brothers turned on me. I deserved it, but they still turned on me. My blood. DeColts don't turn on one another. Steve leaving should've been it. But I was a shitty booker, and a shitty person. I was alienating myself, and destroying the company.


They kicked me out in June 2017. They came into my office together, Jack and Ricky, their long blonde hair pulled hard into ponytails. I'll never forget the words.


"We love you Alex, but you can't be here anymore."


That's all I needed to here. I knew it was coming, but it still sucked. Wrestling publications called me "The Mad King," like I was Aerys II. I hated it. I didn't hate it because they were calling me mad, I hated it because it was true.


Dad died three months later. I know it wasn't related to it, but I have never been able to shake that feeling. From the day I left CGC to the day of Dad's funeral, I didn't see my brothers. Hell, I hadn't seen Steve in years anyway. Dad's death brought us back together, but it was only temporary. It was one of those things where everyone promises to stay in touch, but never do. I saw them on Christmas, I spent time with them and my neices and nephews, but by the time the ball dropped for the New Year, I was gone again. I can't say if I voluntary exile or not. Sure I didn't try to contact them, but they didn't try to contact me either.


I kept up on the product. I still enjoyed it even though I was constantly yelling at my television that they were doing it wrong. When you leave a job, you will always look back on it and your replacement.


Three months later, Canadian Golden Combat was dead. There's two sides to the argument: I ruined the company beyond repair, or that Jack and Ricky were even worse than me. The former is right. I ruined the company. There was no way they were surviving. Canada's wrestling scene was declining anyway. It wasn't just CGC, NOTBPW was drowning slowly as well. But no one talks about the Stones' company falling, only mine.


When CWA formed, I was secretly waiting for a phone call. I didn't care if it was a DeColt or Stone. I wanted back in, although I'd never admit it. I did enjoy retirement in British Columbia. I had more than enough money to enjoy myself. I traveled the world, went to some Burning Hammer shows. But at the end of the day, I was constantly checking up on CWA and my family.


Everything changed in July 2019. I made the decision to go to CWA's Ultimate Showdown, the biggest show of the year. To tell the truth, Dan DaLay invited me. My best friend who was the only one to keep in touch with me. He was as much a brother to me as the others. He had VIP privileges because my brothers loved him as well. He didn't tell them he was bringing me; he risked his future with them by doing so.


Dan and I walked backstage and the first person we ran into was Jeremy. Jeremy was the most legendary Stone, and an even bigger star than Steve. Reflecting back, I'm happy he was the one I ran into first. He was so happy to see me. He knew of the family problems of course, but to him I was just another DeColt brother and he treated me like one. He mentioned that Steve, Jack and Ricky were in the executive's office to finalize the show. The two minute walk to that office was the most nervewracking of my life.


I didn't even knock. I don't know if I forgot to, or if I just didn't care. I walked in to see my three brothers looking at a whiteboard. It was about ten seconds of silence. They looked at me, and I looked all three of them dead in their eyes.


And I shattered. I cried like a baby. I missed them so much. Luckily for me, it looks like they were waiting for that moment for a long time. They cried, too. Dad would've killed us if he saw us then. I was back in the good graces of my family. Screw wrestling, screw all of that, I was just happy to see them again.


I spent the next few months traveling with them. I wasn't booking or anything, I was spending time with my brothers.




In November, news started to spread about All Canada Pro Wrestling and their financial problems. I knew Daedalus Buchinsky fairly well. He founded ACPW in 2009 to take advantage of the audience that wanted a more modern product in Canada. I went to a few shows. They were fun. I knew Daedalus had some tech money and was using that money to keep ACPW afloat. But in 2019, he just got tired of it. He was a smart businessman. And what kind of smart businessman would keep putting money into a failing venture?


News spread that he was looking for a buyer. I thought about it, but I wasn't committed to it. I didn't want the publicity of "DeColt vs. DeColt." Worse, I didn't want my brothers to think I would even attempt to compete. But that all changed when Steve told me I should do it. I had the money, I had the knowledge, and I had the time.


I made the call on December 1st. I gave Daedalus a good price, and he took it.


I was back in business.


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<div style="padding: 10px; border: 2px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #c2c2c2; max-width:55%; ";">



<hr color = red>

COTT Canadian Champion





Mario da Silva


<hr color = red>

ACPW Regional Champion





Hudson Drake


<hr color = red>

COTT Canadian Tag Team Champions







<hr color = red>




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I think I found something an interesting premise!


Despite being a member for close to ten years now, I first became active here about a year ago. Since then, I've been a regular member and I'm happy to say that I've ventured into the diary/dynasty realm a few times, most notably with "All Elite Wrestling: Are You #AllElite?", a diary that won Diary of the Month three out of the four months it was eligible! Unfortunately, that one came to an end due to Brodie Lee/Jon Huber's real-life death. I ventured into the wrestling I love most, puroresu, with Pro Wrestling NOKORI, which I do plan on continuing. That one is very low maintenance and doesn't really allow for "traditional" storylines to develop due to being a very small indie puro fed.


That brings me to this. After reading some of the awesome diaries on this forum, I decided to venture back into a narrative diary in the CVerse. I floated around concepts to a few different people, and I comtemplated another custom American fed, but the idea that stuck with me the most was All Canada Pro Wrestling being taken over by Alex DeColt as the Mad King returns to professional wrestling. I quickly typed up a few posts, and here we are!


This would not have been possible without the following members:


  • Historian: A person I'm happy to see has become a personal friend of mine. Our daily conversations about wrestling and life, and lots of TEW talk, helped form this idea. His diary No Ordinary Men might be the best I've ever read on the forums. You will absolutely see parallels between ours, even though I'll try desperately to differentiate mine! :D
  • CGN91: Another person who has grown to become a friend, and the person who helped me understand puroresu more deeply. White Canvas Grappling is the best puroresu diary ever written, and I cannot recommend it enough to those who haven't explored the Japanese CVerse scene.
  • falling_star: A true workhorse! During the brief time between having this idea and posting this thread, he was a sounding board for the intro posts and will continue to tell me if my ideas are dumb! At the time of writing, falling_star has TWO very indepth diaries with Total Championship Wrestling - Wrestling Wonderland and Lucha Underground: Alternate Reality, Honestly. Both are excellent and falling_star should be considered the Comeback Member of the Year.
  • Sco xY2Jx: Sco's excellent Mid Atlantic Wrestling and HGC: Era of Hollyweird diaries are phenomenal and he's been a good guy to discuss wrestling/TEW with.
  • Christian_Shane: The creator of all the COTT belts and probably any other belt you see in this thread!
  • The countless renderers that made the CVerse playable with excellent graphics! The vast majority of the roster was created by jtlant.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="u7VjKWp.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/u7VjKWp.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p>

<div style="padding: 10px; border: 2px solid #000000; margin:10px;background: #FFFFFF; max-width:90%; ";"></p><p>

<img alt="PoHUEK0.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PoHUEK0.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>The same time all of this was happening with ACPW, Sam Keith was making sweeping changes to the Confederation of the Territories. He was expanding everywhere he could, and he was introducing more titles. He wanted the indies to thrive again. </p><p> </p><p>

It turns out he was already in negotiations with Daedalus when I bought the company. Daedalus was hesitant, but I assured Sam that I was all for it. He wanted us to be the Canadian representative for the company. We had the whole country. Part of the deal with the COTT was that I would take their name for my titles: the COTT Canadian Championship, and the COTT Canadian Tag Team Championships. I was down. We agreed that I would rename my main title from the ACPW Junior Heavyweight title to the new COTT Canadian title. Same with the tag belts. We still had the midcard title that I kept as the ACPW Regional Championship. </p><p> </p><p>

Sam didn't ask for this change, it was my doing: no intergender wrestling. I know ACPW made headlines for being the first North American company to do it, but I just wasn't a fan. I would keep the women on the roster; they were talented. Just not mixing it up with the men. That would mean we'd need a title for them, which I had full intentions of introducing. </p><p> </p><p>

I liked the product they had: guerilla warfare. Fast-paced, hard-hitting action. It was different than the sports entertainment shtick I had already booked, but clearly I sucked at that so I didn't want to touch anything close to it again anyway. ACPW didn't really have faces and heels, and that part I needed in order to book. Loosely enforced for sure, I can't just throw strict characters at the audience. I liked the small changes I made, and so did the COTT. </p><p> </p><p>

Sam did a lot more than just expand into Canada. He was able to get Clark Alexander to start up a company in Hawaii: Lethal Ring. That would be the home for everyone Pacific, Samoan, Polynesian, Hawaiian, with some Aussies and Kiwis as well. The Samoan Pitbulls, Savage Fury, Samoan Destruction, and many others. They had the COTT Pacific Championship there now, along with the Pacific Tag Team titles. </p><p> </p><p>

Basically any decent indie company was added to the COTT. Everyone in the USA except the big boys and Grimm SoCal. Mexico got CILL and EMLL. Hell, even SAISHO and EX2010 made it. It was an international expansion. Word was that Sam was about to get into Europe, and that he was having a hard time in Australia. But Sam Keith was a master of this; surely he could get into those markets. </p><p> </p><p>

December was a busy busy month. The wrestling world was quickly changing. Lots of employment opportunities were spawning, and I had my own little company again.</p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p>

<img alt="PoHUEK0.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PoHUEK0.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

All the necessary backend work was done. I owned All Canada Pro Wrestling. Now it was time to introduce myself to the ladies and gents in the company.</p><p> </p><p>

I called Face Nelson, the old booker, to inform him his job was safe. I'd have the book, but he'd stay as colour commentator and wouldn't get any sort of paycut.</p><p> </p><p>

Shepton Mallet, who I only knew previously as Sky King, was happy about the change. He had been here since the beginning but knew that without me, ACPW would've folded. Graham Dean, or Canadian Dragon, was a bit more resistant due to his time in NOPTBPW as a rival of mine, but the meeting we had cleared the air. </p><p> </p><p>

I had watched ACPW before, but I never met any of the talent. I knew they were nervous. Anyone would be when a new owner comes in. This was a specialized roster of smaller wrestlers, and I was a DeColt. I could have turned ACPW inside out and done what I had done before in CGC, but nobody wanted that. ACPW was the alternative to CWA, and I would not turn them into CWA-lite.</p><p> </p><p>

Maria da Silva was the first in-ring talent I met. Quite fittingly, was the champ. He knew about the name changes with the belt, and I informed him that the only thing changing was the name. He could keep the old title for himself, and I would be giving him the official COTT belt as soon as I got it from Sam in Baltimore. </p><p> </p><p>

The tag team champions were next, and that was a conversation I was dreading. Spencer Edmund and Erin Grey. They knew about the changes to the product beforehand, luckily for me. I wasn't dropping a bombshell when I told them I'd have to strip the belts because of the abolishment of intergender wrestling. Erin Grey was unhappy; she was the first female champ there, and I took it away. I promised her I'd make it up to her, though. She was talented and could be a cornerstone of the newly-established women's division. </p><p> </p><p>

Another meeting I was nervous about was with Grimm Quibble. I worked with him in CGC and a year after I took the book he left. He didn't fit the mold we were doing, and he was frustrated. He quit and went to ACPW, and now here I was: his booker once again. Lucky for me he was very cool about it. He knew his job wasn't in jeopardy: here was a star. Five-time Junior Heavyweight champion, mind you. </p><p> </p><p>

The main meeting with the roster went well. I called them all to a local banquet hall and we had a nice meal as I explained the future. I explained that other than the changes to the titles and intergender wrestling, there wouldn't be much different. ACPW wasn't losing its identity to fit the "DeColt mold." </p><p> </p><p>

We were ready for the future.</p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-family:Impact;">COTT Canadian Championship</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="okH66E9.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/okH66E9.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-family:Impact;">COTT Canadian Tag Team Championships</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="6SAYBjf.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/6SAYBjf.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-family:Impact;">ACPW Regional Champion</span></span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="gCILqXL.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gCILqXL.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></p></div><p></p>

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<p>Let's just pretend like the Regional title says Quebec instead of Ontario <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Once again shout-out to Christian_Shane for his incredible work on those titles!</p>

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ACPW Invincible Prediction Key!

COTT Canadian Championship: Mario da Silva © vs. Jamie Atherton


ACPW Women's Championship: Katya Korshnikova vs. Erin Grey vs. Simony Sentinel vs. Maria Guest


ACPW Regional Championship: Hudson Drake © vs. Eric Blackley


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Ant & Gopher vs. OMG (Kamikaze & Devyn Reynaud)


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Can-Am Alliance (Americana Jr. & Captain Canada) vs. Hugh de Aske & Marcel LeFleur


#1 Contendership Match: Sky King vs. Mimic

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two things and I have a feeling they're related, 1. Womens' championship? last I checked women could fight for the world title in ACPW. 2. a second set of tag belts? Edit. read the post on the last page, always disappointing to me when people regress integrated products, ah well.


ACPW Invincible Prediction Key!

COTT Canadian Championship: Mario da Silva © vs. Jamie Atherton


ACPW Women's Championship: Katya Korshnikova vs. Erin Grey vs. Simony Sentinel vs. Maria Guest


ACPW Regional Championship: Hudson Drake © vs. Eric Blackley


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Ant & Gopher vs. OMG (Kamikaze & Devyn Reynaud)


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Can-Am Alliance (Americana Jr. & Canadian Dragon) vs. Hugh de Aske & Marcel LeFleur


#1 Contendership Match: Sky King vs. Mimic

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COTT Canadian Championship: Mario da Silva © vs. Jamie Atherton


ACPW Women's Championship: Katya Korshnikova vs. Erin Grey vs. Simony Sentinel vs. Maria Guest


ACPW Regional Championship: Hudson Drake © vs. Eric Blackley


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Ant & Gopher vs. OMG (Kamikaze & Devyn Reynaud)


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Can-Am Alliance (Americana Jr. & Canadian Dragon) vs. Hugh de Aske & Marcel LeFleur


#1 Contendership Match: Sky King vs. Mimic

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COTT Canadian Championship: Mario da Silva © vs. Jamie Atherton


ACPW Women's Championship: Katya Korshnikova vs. Erin Grey vs. Simony Sentinel vs. Maria Guest


ACPW Regional Championship: Hudson Drake © vs. Eric Blackley


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Ant & Gopher vs. OMG (Kamikaze & Devyn Reynaud)


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Can-Am Alliance (Americana Jr. & Canadian Dragon) vs. Hugh de Aske & Marcel LeFleur


#1 Contendership Match: Sky King vs. Mimic

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COTT Canadian Championship: Mario da Silva © vs. Jamie Atherton

A toss up. My hunch is that the Challenger takes this, as we've got a new booker. Atherton probably has more upside than da Silva too.


ACPW Women's Championship: Katya Korshnikova vs. Erin Grey vs. Simony Sentinel vs. Maria Guest

My hunch is that this'll come down to Sentinel and Guest. My gut says Sentinel will get the win here -- more over and a bit more entertaining.


ACPW Regional Championship: Hudson Drake © vs. Eric Blackley

I'm fairly confident Drake will win this. Blackley's more of an also-ran.


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Ant & Gopher vs. OMG (Kamikaze & Devyn Reynaud)

Another toss-up. I think Ant & Gopher have a more momentum, so I think they take this. Could go either way.


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Can-Am Alliance (Americana Jr. & Canadian Dragon) vs. Hugh de Aske & Marcel LeFleur

I think the Can-Am Alliance will take this -- as LeFleur will be there to take the pin, and the other team is a makeshift one between a Main Event talent and a midcarder.


#1 Contendership Match: Sky King vs. Mimic

At this point, Sky King probably will be putting guys over. Think Mimic will take this.


Notes: Interested to see what the new product changes mean. I always worry that moving from integrated signals that the women get less focus, but I understand from a storyline and in-game perspective why you'd do it -- most of the COTT still isn't integrated. I think, given the right booking, Women's wrestling "as a division" and "as a genre" (for example, Stardom or AJWP) can be more effective at promoting female talent -- primarily, because you're building on a rich history of Women's wrestling with a unique "product".


Hope that we see more build for future Women's title matches -- and I trust you'll do just that.

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COTT Canadian Championship: Mario da Silva © vs. Jamie Atherton


ACPW Women's Championship: Katya Korshnikova vs. Erin Grey vs. Simony Sentinel vs. Maria Guest


ACPW Regional Championship: Hudson Drake © vs. Eric Blackley


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Ant & Gopher vs. OMG (Kamikaze & Devyn Reynaud)


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Can-Am Alliance (Americana Jr. & Canadian Dragon) vs. Hugh de Aske & Marcel LeFleur


#1 Contendership Match: Sky King vs. Mimic


Can't imagine the boat will be rocked too much in the first show. Looking forward to it.

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ACPW Invincible Prediction Key!

COTT Canadian Championship: Mario da Silva © vs. Jamie Atherton

I don't think you're going to change the main title right off the bat.


ACPW Women's Championship: Katya Korshnikova vs. Erin Grey vs. Simony Sentinel vs. Maria Guest

I used a random number generator to pick this one.


ACPW Regional Championship: Hudson Drake © vs. Eric Blackley

I don't really think Hudson Drake is championship material. Give it to Eric!


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Ant & Gopher vs. OMG (Kamikaze & Devyn Reynaud)


COTT Canadian Tag Team Championship Semifinals: Can-Am Alliance (Americana Jr. & Canadian Dragon) vs. Hugh de Aske & Marcel LeFleur


#1 Contendership Match: Sky King vs. Mimic

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