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Black Canvas Grappling - REAL Canvas Grappling [C-Verse 2020]

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«Once upon a time there was a lion. This lion was bigger and stronger and prouder than all the other lions. His mane shone like liquid gold and his eyes sparkled like the sun. His teeth were like swords and his claws like knives. Even when he was a young lion, everyone around him knew he was destined for greatness. He was destined to lead. And so it came to pass. The lion beat every other contender in battle and eventually became the leader of his pride. Under his aegis, the pride thrived and became stronger than it had ever been. There was plenty of food, play and no fight was too hard, because the lion was always victorious and could be relied upon.


One day, another lion from the pride spent the day with him, because he wanted to see what was behind this powerful leader. He noticed that the great lion always took last from the food and only the most necessary he needed. When he wasn't fighting or eating, he was hunting and working on his technique, his speed, his bite and his spirit. And when all the lions of the pride went to sleep, he watched over them, sleeping only when he was sure that no danger lurked. This impressed the second lion deeply. It impressed him so much that from then on he never left the mighty lion's side. The second lion tried his best to be just like the mighty lion from that day on. And even if he could never be quite as powerful and noble, he became powerful in his own way. Together the two lions were invincible. For they shared not only the same daily routines and techniques, but also the same principles of how a lion should be and so they developed a deep understanding of and trust for each other. These included humility, taking only what was necessary and staying true to the traditions of the pride.


At some point it came that quarrels broke out within the pride. For other lions, this powerful pride had long been a thorn in the side. And so they worked to oust the pride from it’s place, sowing discord within it and enticing with promises of what the lions of the pride would be entitled to and how much more they could have, if only they would leave behind the stubborn principles of the mighty lion. Gradually, more and more of the lions took a liking to the words, and the abandonment of the principles, that had enabled them to live so well for so long, spread through the pride like a poison. Before the mighty lion knew it, his pride was disintegrating and he could not prevent it. For even though he was the strongest and best among them and no one doubted it, he could not convince everyone to be like him. Some were simply not made for his path. Only his faithful companion and a few others remained and together the lions tried to lead the pride back to its former greatness. For the mighty lion believed that those who were too weak for his path were now gone and that those who remained were ready to commit themselves fully to the common cause. Only, alas, he was mistaken.


Once again, the lions proved too weak. They ignored the traditions that had brought them so much good and rejected any criticism. Finally, they made a pact with the enemy prides, even with the traitors, and so the poison broke out once again. But this time the other lions did not go. This time the mighty lion himself left. Only one followed him - his faithful companion, if necessary to death.


For a while, the two roamed the steppe, and the faithful companion had never before seen the mighty lion as he had in that hour. The mighty lion had grown tired, his fur grayed out, his claws worn off. It seemed to the faithful companion that the time of the great lion as an undefeatable hunter was over and when the faithful companion stopped at a puddle to quench his thirst, he saw his own reflection and realized that he himself had grown old as well. But even if the mighty lion no longer had his strength, he had never forgotten his principles. And his silver tongue and shining eyes had lost none of their charm. And so the two lions set out and tried once again to build up their pride and raise their own the way a lion should be. For they did not want to surrender so easily to their fate. For a long time, the two lions with their new followers led a spartanic life compared to what they were once used to. But they were satisfied, because their traditions had endured and lived on within the new pride. As long as even this faint spark burned, they would not complain. Then the territory where all the lions lived began to change.


A great drought came. And it seemed to the lions of the old pride like a punishment that came upon them because they were so insatiable and had abandoned the old traditions and any humility. The food became less and the watering holes dried up. The fattened, treacherous lions in the old pride were also affected by the heat, for they had stayed only in the most comfortable places and were no longer used to enduring the relentless sun. And so many of them died and the few that survived sought their fortune in other prides. Some even returned to the mighty lion and his companion. Because the mighty lions pride had survived the hard times. For the mighty lion was used to living in humility. He always rested in the sun and ate only as much as necessary. The drought took nothing from him, because his demands were always the same and he was prepared for the worst, even when he had access to the best. And so God or nature or time proved him right and he had ultimately demonstrated that his way had always been the right one.»


The old gentleman rises from the boy's bed. «You should sleep now. And never forget the two lions. You should be just like them, little cub.» - «But Kazu-Jiichan! Have the two lions remained friends? What did they do after that? Was the drought over at some point?»


The old gentleman turns to the boy once more. «At some point the drought was over and life in the steppe went on. Next time I'll tell you how the lions and their pride fared then. Sleep now.» He turns off the light, leaves the room and mindfully closes the door.



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Kyoto, Japan | January 2017


A ramen bar hidden somewhere in the labyrinth of streets within one of Kyoto's quiet quarters. Two young waitresses looking and pointing at the finely dressed old gentlemen in the back of the bar. «It's those two again ... they always issue the same order, always the cheapest dish on the menu ...» - «Stop it! They are both very friendly - and they are tipping extraordinarily well! Dad told me that they've been frequenting our little bar since they were young men and that grandpa had already served them.» - «Well ... a customer's a customer ...»





One of the old gentlemen holds up the sports section of a newspaper and points at a specific headline, while shouting out a short but triumphant laugh.


Yoshifusa Maeda: «There! See? ... Golden Canvas Grappling on the verge of bankruptcy. Insiders report that the lights of the once pro-wrestling powerhouse with a 57 years tradition are about to go out soon, if no investor jumps in to save the financially struggling company. With Japan still suffering from the economical crisis resulting from the Tsunami, spectators deem this scenario highly unlikely though. ... they lost ... they lost, Kazu! And that means we won!»


Kazu Yoshizawa: «Cheers to that my friend!»


Yoshifusa Maeda: «They got what they deserved for giving up our principles. Them and the whole movement. The landscape has been cleaned by the Tsunami. Tradition has survived!»


They both take a sip from their drinks and celebrate their victory. After a long and jolly night the two gentlemen catch some fresh air. Yoshizawa lights a cigarette while they are going for a walk.


Yoshifusa Maeda: «Now is the time to paint this empty canvas in our colours. Even with the Tsunami we still have our core audience and a solid stream of income. There is also a small buffer every month that we can use to expand our business and position ourselves for the year 2017. After all, there is still opposition. We have barely defeated the traitors. Now my friend - now the time has come to show the world REAL Canvas Grappling!»


Yoshizawa snips the cigarette stump to the ground, before stomping out the glow.


Kazu Yoshizawa: «I'm leaving, Yoshifusa.»


For a moment they exchange tense looks before Maeda finally bursts out into laughter.


Yoshifusa Maeda: «That's the best joke I heard tonight!»


Kazu Yoshizawa: «Just that it is none.»


Yoshifusa Maeda: «What are you saying? Don't be silly now, this is a night of celebration.»


Kazu Yoshizawa: «You know better than anyone else that I have dedicated my working life to the Canvas Grappling tradition. It's been 47 years. And I am tired. ... I will be turning 65 next month. I will get a nice little pension and the chance to gain some distance to all of this. Maybe even to correct some of the many mistakes I made.»


Yoshifusa Maeda: «You must be joking ... what the hell are you talking about?! You can't leave NOW! We're exactly in the spot now we were aiming for ever since we founded BCG!»


Kazu Yoshizawa: «When YOU founded BCG, you meant to say! Back in 2011 you said that this whole project was about holding up the tradition and making the traitors pay. We have achieved that, Yoshi, and we're old men now. There is nothing you could say that would make me stay with BCG. ... and quite honestly - I deeply believe that you should think about leaving as well. Give the company to Funakoshi. You have done all you could.»


Yoshifusa Maeda: «You ... YOU! How DARE you?! How DARE you spit on everything we have done?!»


Maeda is breathing heavily.


Yoshifusa Maeda: «You can't leave ... you won't leave, I won't allow it. ... You're just drunk. Go home and we'll talk in the office tomorrow.»


Yoshizawa shakes his head with a saddened look on his face while an angered Maeda leaves. Eventually Maeda would convince Yoshizawa to stay until the end of 2018, as the faithful companion after all those years still couldn't stop following the mighty lion. Their relationship would never be the same again after that night, though and at the age of 66 years Kazu Yoshizawa finally left Black Canvas Grappling and the wrestling business as a whole behind.



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<div style="max-width:90%; margin-left: 50px;";">Every year in January Combat sports expert Seo Joson is taking a look at the japanese professional wrestling companies in his column "In The Spotlight".


It has been more than three years since the Tsunami hit Japan and left the country as a whole but especially the entertainment industry in a pitiful state. While the financially stronger branches of this industry were able to overcome the disaster with barely a scratch, pro-wrestling was left with a huge dent. With Golden Canvas Grappling (short: GCG) the then oldest of them all was washed away by the waves, among many smaller companies with niche products. In the pro-wrestling scene this was considered as the ultimate victory of rival company Black Canvas Grappling (short: BCG), that was founded by GCG legend Yoshifusa Maeda in 2011 as a reaction to GCG burying traditions and joining the Modern Japan movement.


2020 looks to become a bright year for the traditional 'Roaring Lion Style' and Black Canvas Grappling as a whole. It seems that of all the players in the japanese circuit Maeda's house was prepared best for the backlash of the Tsunami. BCG largely kept it's loyal core audience and continued their touring schedule without compromise, consolidating the company financially further and expanding the roster. With Mabuchi Furusawa and Ryunosuke Matsuki two of GCG's brightest stars joined forces with Maeda in the course of 2017, leading to an instant and significant increase in audience numbers. BCG was also able to gather a lucrative TV deal with Shogun TV. Their Black Dojo is starting to produce remarkable talent such as Ginji Kisaka or Nobuyuki Kubo, laying a solid groundwork to build upon.


In the past two years BCG have gradually increased their touring schedule from 60 shows in 2017 to 80 shows in 2018 to 100 shows in 2019. As Maeda told the media in a recent press conference BCG will be doing 115 shows in 2020 in what Maeda described as the touring plan in - to a large extent - it's final form, while there may still be room for small changes. The first tour of the year is going to be the New Year Super Series beginning on Wednesday and ending on the last Sunday of January. Maeda has introduced six new championships to the press representatives, three of which will be fought out in the final show of the New Year Super Series. To the surprise of those present the newly introduced championships included the former GCG titles plus a Tag Team tournament (held in September and October), a Cup exclusively for rookies (held in February) and the APWA International Heavyweight title contributed by an international sister company. According to Maeda BCG has aquired any rights regarding Golden Canvas Grappling, including brands, tournaments, show names and a show library.


For BCG's originals, 2019 has been a year that began with a long down, as Mabuchi Furusawa was able to gather the BCG World Heavyweight title at the New Year's Eve Supershow 2018 from Razan Okamoto, who held the title for eight months after winning the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix in 2018 and defeating reigning champion Bunrakuken Torii one month later. Furusawa and fellow GCG leavee Ryunosuke Matsuki started calling themselves Money Makers since then, as Furusawa's title reign led to an additional increase in interest and attendance. The original roster was infuriated - anything they had despised about GCG and that they had thought beaten and gone now re-emerged within their own ranks in the shape of Furusawa and Matsuki. In the course of 2019 the four Pillars Of The Sky Nichiren Funakoshi, Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita and Razan Okamoto left their personal rivalries behind and did everything in their might to win the BCG World Heavyweight title back. Finally - of all - it was Funakoshi, who had not held the title since 2017, who defeated Furusawa in October 2019 and again in the New Year's Eve Supershow in the night from Thursday to Friday, demonstrating the superiority of the 'Roaring Lion Style'. BCG is safe again - yet 2020 will be a fateful year for Funakoshi, who had always been a big fish in a small pond, but seemed to have lost his fire in the past few years, not winning a significant title anymore since the roster grew and the competition got stronger. The 33 years old must prove now that he is still the Ace of BCG, with Torii, Okamoto, Furusawa, Matsuki and Maeda Grand Prix 2019 winner Matsushita, who is seeking his first Heavyweight title run, lurking in every corner.


The tag team scene was largely dominated by specialists Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura who crowned themselves BCG Tag Team Champions for the fifth time in their career after defeating Kadonomaro Kamisaka and Kiyotaka in March 2019. With Toshinobu Taku turning 53 last year and the dangerous gaijin team Wild Horde consisting of Big Bruiser Findlay and Animal Harker turning to singles competition the scene seems dried out at the moment. Thus Maeda announced new signings and surprises, as he wishes to elevate the status of the Tag Team titles. It remains to be seen if anyone can dethrone Yoshizawa and Miura soon.


Finally Maeda made an interesting announcement for the rookie stable named the 'Young Lions'. BCG has entered strategic partnerships with like-minded companies around the world to exchange young talent on an excursion basis. The partner companies are Mid Atlantic Wrestling and New York City Wrestling in the United States and Original Lucha Libre Is Eternal in Mexico. Yutaka Ogata will be joining the former for two years and Ikki Hosaka the latter also for two years.




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(as of January 2021)



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IKKI HOSAKA (staying with OLLIE) • YUTAKA OGATA (staying with MAW) • RYOICHI HIGOSHI (staying with NYCW) • KYOICHI YAMANAKA (staying with MAW) • TSUGINORI OKANO (staying with MAW)











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YOSHIFUSA MAEDA (Owner of BCG) • PISTOL PETE HALL (Permanent Representative of APWA)



















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The BCG World Heavyweight title has a short but glorious history and has the benefit of being treated with absolute respect by everyone in the company, as any good world title should be. Matches for this title have a 60 minutes time limit unless stated otherwise.


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One of the most important historical belts in Japan, the fall from grace of the GCG World Heavyweight championship is a tragic tale. It has been vacant since the demise of Golden Canvas Grappling and only been reanimated by Yoshifusa Maeda in January 2020. With it's long history and importance within the japanese circuit it still has plenty of name value. Matches for this title have a 60 minutes time limit unless stated otherwise.


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The International Heavyweight title of the Atlantic Pacific Wrestling Association, which is a sister company of Black Canvas Grappling. Introduced at a press conference in January 2020 by Yoshifusa Maeda and Pistol Pete Hall as a third Heavyweight title. Matches for this title have a 60 minutes time limit unless stated otherwise.


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Treated with huge respect, just like every BCG title, the World Tag Team belts are keenly prized and the associated title matches are often the highlight of the midcard. Matches for this title have a 60 minutes time limit unless stated otherwise.


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The GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team titles were around for a long time and many fine duos held them over the years. In January 2020 Yoshifusa Maeda revived the titles to broaden competition on the growing roster. Matches for this title have a 60 minutes time limit unless stated otherwise.


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The GCG Openweight Championship never really took off in the way that the booking team of Golden Canvas Grappling wanted, never becoming anything more than midcard filler. When Yoshifusa Maeda revived it under the banner of Black Canvas Grappling he reinvented it as a U-30 title to increase competition between the company's youngsters. Matches for this title have a 30 minutes time limit unless stated otherwise.



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For many people the highlight of the BCG year, the Ace Summit (formerly and under some still informally known as the Yoshifusa Maeda Grand Prix) is a hard fought round robin tournament where the company's elite battle it out for the biggest honour in BCG. Held every March and April. Block matches have a 30 minutes time limit. The finals have no time limit. Wins give 2 points, draws 1 points and losses 0 points.


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The equivalent to the Ace Summit, only for Tag Teams. All participants fight against each other in a round robin format, followed by two semi finals and one final match, to determine the winners of the tournament. Introduced in January 2020, held every September and October. Block matches have a 30 minutes time limit. The finals have no time limit. Wins give 2 points, draws 1 points and losses 0 points.


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A yearly tournament designed for Young Lions, to determine which of the Dojo graduates has the most potential. Held every February. Block matches have a 20 minutes time limit. The finals have no time limit. Wins give 2 points, draws 1 points and losses 0 points.




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<div style="max-width:90%; margin-left: 60px;";">2020<table border="0" bgcolor=#616161><tr><td align="left" width = "780"> <details><summary></summary><p style="color:white">NEW YEAR SUPER SERIES 2020 | NIGHT I - VII | 01/01/2020 - 15/01/2020


YOUNG LION CUP SERIES 2020 | NIGHT I - VIII | 03/02/2020 - 15/02/2020


ACE SUMMIT SERIES 2020 | NIGHT I - VII | 09/03/2020 - 22/03/2020

ACE SUMMIT SERIES 2020 | NIGHT VIII - XIV | 23/03/2020 - 12/04/2020

ACE SUMMIT SERIES 2020 | NIGHT XV - XX | 15/04/2020 - 24/04/2020


STRONGEST LION SERIES 2020 | NIGHT I - VII | 11/05/2020 - 23/05/2020


SUMMER POWER SERIES 2020 | NIGHT I - VI | 03/06/2020 - 14/06/2020

SUMMER POWER SERIES 2020 | NIGHT VII - XII | 16/06/2020 - 25/06/2020

SUMMER POWER SERIES 2020 | NIGHT XIII - XVII | 27/06/2020 - 03/07/2020


ROAD TO GRAPPLING KINGDOM 2020 | NIGHT I - X | 02/08/2020 - 21/08/2020


GRAND PRIX SERIES 2020 | NIGHT I - X | 11/09/2020 - 30/09/2020

GRAND PRIX SERIES 2020 | NIGHT XI - XX | 01/10/2020 - 18/10/2020


ROAD TO ANNIVERSARY SHOW 2020 | NIGHT I - IX | 09/11/2020 - 23/11/2020


WINTER STRIKE SERIES 2020 | NIGHT I - IX | 07/12/2020 - 19/12/2020




JAPANESE END OF THE YEAR AWARDS</p></summary></details></details></td></tr></table></details></div>


<div style="max-width:90%; margin-left: 60px;";">2021<table border="0" bgcolor=#616161><tr><td align="left" width = "780"> <details><summary></summary><p style="color:white">NEW YEAR SUPER SERIES 2021 | NIGHT I - VII | 06/01/2021 - 18/01/2021








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Black Canvas Grappling | New Year Super Series 2020 - Night I | 01/01/2020

Shizuoka City, Chubu - Attendance: 90

Show Rating: 58


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Charlie Corner, Noboyuki Kubo, Suguru Emoto & Takenori Doi def. Ginji Kisaka, Ikki Hosaka, Ritsu Ibata & Yutaka Ogata after (8m06s) when Doi pinned Ogata with a Charging Knee Strike

2. Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku & Nobuharu Yokokawa def. Yuta Isono, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after (9m34s) when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Yuta Isono with a Lariat

3. Naozane Goto, Sojuro Sen & Sharaku Okimasa def. Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura after (14m25s) when Naozane Goto pinned Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi with a Goto Slam

4. Big Bruiser Findlay & Animal Harker def. Eikichi Itou & Tanyu Toshusai after (15m58s) when Findlay pinned Toshusai after an Oklahoma Stampede

5. Giant Brody def. Noburo Ikoma after (11m54s) when Brody pinned Ikoma after several Forearms to the head

6. Mabuchi Furusawa def. Ryunosuke Matsuki after (24m15s) when Furusawa submitted Matsuki with an Armbar

7. Nichiren Funakoshi & Razan Okamoto def. Bunrakuken Torii & Rokuemon Matsushita after (34m20s) when Funakoshi pinned Torii with the Butterfly Backbreaker


- As this was the first event of the year Yoshifusa Maeda opened it and spoke about the plans he had for Black Canvas Grappling in 2020, before announcing that on the final show of this tour the BCG and GCG World Heavyweight, the APWA International Heavyweight as well as the Tag Team titles would be fought out and that the touring shows would be a chance for everyone on the roster to prove themselves worthy of a title match.

- Giant Brody went mad after his match, destroyed one of the commentary tables and almost attacked members of the audience.


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Black Canvas Grappling | New Year Super Series 2020 - Night II | 03/01/2020

Okayama, Chugoku - Attendance: 81

Show Rating: 53


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto def. Ginji Kisaka, Ikki Hosaka, Nobuyuki Kubo & Yutaka Ogata after (8m11s) when Mitsukiri pinned Hosaka with a Bridging German Suplex

2. Giant Brody, Ox Mastodon, James Diaz & Charlie Corner def. Nobuharu Yokokawa, Yoshinaka Taku, Motoyuki Miyake & Takenori Doi after (11m31s) when Brody pinned Doi with a Lariat

3. Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura def. Ryobe Uno, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after (14m21s) when Wakabayashi pinned Uno with a Release German Suplex

4. Big Bruiser Findlay def. Sharaku Okimasa after (7m48s) when Findlay pinned Okimasa with a Lariat

5. Mabuchi Furusawa & Ryunosuke Matsuki def. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku after (15m58s) when Furusawa pinned Toshinobu Taku with a Brainbuster

6. Masahiro Genji def. Noburo Ikoma after (18m51s) when Genji pinned Ikoma with a Fusion Reactor

7. Nichiren Funakoshi & Razan Okamoto def. Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen after (15m41s) when Funakoshi pinned Sen with a Butterfly Backbreaker


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Black Canvas Grappling | New Year Super Series 2020 - Night III | 06/01/2020

Sapporo, Hokkaido - Attendance: 57

Show Rating: 52


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Charlie Corner def. Takenori Doi after (7m01s) when Corner pinned Doi with a Cutter

2. Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji & Ryobe Uno def. Ginji Kisaka, Nobuyuki Kubo & Ritsu Ibata after (8m01s) when Genji pinned Ibata with a Forearm

3. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Suguru Emoto & Yuta Isono def. Mabuchi Furusawa, Ryunosuke Matsuki, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after (12m14s) when Matsushita pinned Kinoshita with Forearm

4. Naozane Goto went to a Double Countout with Sojuro Sen after (12m59s)

5. Giant Brody & Ox Mastodon def. Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake after (16m02s) when Ox Mastodon submitted Yokokawa with a Boston Crab

6. Big Bruiser Findlay, Animal Harker, Sam Copland & James Diaz def. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after (13m38s) when Findlay pinned Arakaki with a Spinebuster

7. Nichiren Funakoshi & Razan Okamoto def. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku after (17m09s) when Okamoto pinned Toshinobu Taku with a Brainbuster


- After their match the Devil Grappling Army faction members Goto and Sen kept fighting with each other and had to be separated by several ring crew members. In the post-show press conference Yoshifusa Maeda announced, that they would have another match on Night IV tomorrow and that he wants to see a clean finish this time or both would be sanctioned.


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Black Canvas Grappling | New Year Super Series 2020 - Night IV | 07/01/2020

Osaka, Kansai - Attendance: 664

Show Rating: 60


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Naozane Goto def. Sojuro Sen after (11m02s) when Goto pinned Sen with a Football Tackle

2. Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto def. Takenori Doi, Charlie Corner, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after (7m48s) when Mitsukuri pinned Kisaka with a kick to the head

3. Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki def. Ox Mastodon, Sam Copland & James Diaz after (12m41s) by DQ when Mastodon repeatedly used a chair on Itou

4. Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku, Nobuharo Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake def. Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura, Ryobe Uno & Ritsu Ibata after (11m57s) when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Inejiro Yoshizawa with a Full Nelson Bomb

5. Ryunosuke Matsuki def. Tanyu Toshusai after (14m40s) when Matsuki pinned Toshusai with a Spinning Wheel Kick

6. Nichiren Funakoshi & Razan Okamoto def. Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji after (21m15s) when Funakoshi pinned Miyazaki with Running Forearm Strike

7. Bunrakuken Torii & Rokuemon Matsushita def. Big Bruiser Findlay & Animal Harker after (27m31s) when Matsushita pinned Harker with a Choke Slam


- After their match Yoshinaka Taku requested a match for the BCG World Tag Team Championship at the final show of the tour with his father Toshinobu Taku as his partner, as he had just pinned one of the title holders.


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Black Canvas Grappling | New Year Super Series 2020 - Night V | 09/01/2020

Yokohama, Kanto - Attendance: 77

Show Rating: 53


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Ox Mastodon, Animal Harker & Charlie Corner def. Ryobe Uno, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after (8m44s) when Mastodon pinned Uno with several punches to the back

2. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Suguru Emoto & Yuta Isono def. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Sam Copland & James Diaz after (17m02s) when Torii pinned Diaz with a Spinning Forearm

3. Razan Okamoto & Noboyuki Kubo def. Ryunosuke Matsuki & Takenori Doi after (13m49s) when Okamoto pinned Doi with a Forearm

4. Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita def. Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku, Nobuharo Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake after (13m10s) when Genji submitted Miyake with a Leglock

5. Sojuro Sen def. Sharaku Okimasa after (14m26s) when Sen pinned Okimasa with an Over-the-shoulder Backbreaker

6. Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura def. Tanyu Toshusai & Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi after (16m07s) when Miura pinned Toshusai with a Lariat

7. Nichiren Funakoshi def. Naozane Goto after (14m33s) when Funakoshi pinned Goto with a Backbreaker


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Black Canvas Grappling | New Year Super Series 2020 - Night VI | 12/01/2020

Yokohama, Kanto - Attendance: 87

Show Rating: 61


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita, Suguru Emoto & Yuta Isono def. Takenori Doi, Ryobe Uno, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after (9m20s) when Emoto pinned Kubo with an Elbow Strike

2. Ox Mastodon, Animal Harker, Sam Copland & James Diaz def. Nobuharo Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Charlie Corner & Ritsu Ibata after (9m55s) when Copland pinned Ibata with a Dread Bomb

3. Tanyu Toshusai, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura def. Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after (19m07s) when Toshusai pinned Wakabayashi with a Dangerous Brainbuster

4. Big Bruiser Findlay & Giant Brody def. Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen after (13m58s) when Brody pinned Sen after three Lariats in a row

5. Rokuemon Matsushita def. Sharaku Okimasa after (9m45s) when Matsushita pinned Okimasa with a Lariat

6. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku def. Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji after (21m51s) when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Masahiro Genji with a Bridging Northern Lights Suplex

7. Mabuchi Furusawa def. Bunrakuken Torii after (34m37s) when Furusawa submitted Torii by rolling a Dragon Suplex Hold into a Furusawa Armbar


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Black Canvas Grappling | New Year Super Series 2020 - Night VII | 15/01/2020

Matsuyama, Shikoku - Attendance: 51

Show Rating: 59


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Ryobe Uno def. Ritsu Ibata after (7m24s) when Uno pinned Ibata with a German Suplex

2. Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen def. Suguru Emoto & Yuta Isono after (5m52s) when Goto pinned Isono with a Pumphandle Slam

3. Tanyu Toshusai & Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi def. Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after (9m16s) when Toshusai pinned Kinoshita with an Old-school Piledriver

4. Bunrakuken Torii def. Takenori Doi after (10m39s) when Torii pinned Doi with a Forearm

5. Giant Brody, Ox Mastodon, Sam Copland & James Diaz def. Nobuharo Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after (8m30s) when Mastodon knocked out Kisaka with a Tombstone Piledriver onto the bare concrete outside of the ring

6. Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku, Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji def. Inejiro Yoshizawa, Noritoshi Miura, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after (20m49s) when Masahiro Genji pinned Eikichi Itou with a Bridging German Suplex

7. Mabuchi Furusawa, Ryunosuke Matsuki & Big Bruiser Findlay def. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto & Rokuemon Matsushita after (37m45s) when Findlay pinned Okamoto with an Oklahoma Stampede


- The Main Event consisted of the participants of the singles titles matches on the final show of the New Year Super Series and was supposed to serve the audience as an estimation, who might win in the singles bouts.



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1. Nobuharo Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo vs. Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Takenori Doi, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita

2. GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji vs. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki

3. Tanyu Toshusai vs. Bunrakuken Torii

4. BCG World Tag Team Championship: Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura © vs. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku

5. Naozane Goto, Sojuro Sen & Suguru Emoto vs. Ox Mastodon, Animal Harker & Sam Copland

6. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Razan Okamoto vs. Big Bruiser Findlay

7. GCG World Heavyweight Championship: Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Rokuemon Matsushita

8. BCG World Heavyweight Championship: Nichiren Funakoshi © vs. Ryunosuke Matsuki





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1. Nobuharo Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo vs. Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Takenori Doi, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita

2. GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji vs. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki

3. Tanyu Toshusai vs. Bunrakuken Torii

4. BCG World Tag Team Championship: Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura © vs. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku

5. Naozane Goto, Sojuro Sen & Suguru Emoto vs. Ox Mastodon, Animal Harker & Sam Copland

6. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Razan Okamoto vs. Big Bruiser Findlay

7. GCG World Heavyweight Championship: Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Rokuemon Matsushita

8. BCG World Heavyweight Championship: Nichiren Funakoshi © vs. Ryunosuke Matsuki


This looks amazing, I'll defiantly be reading along.

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1. Nobuharo Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo vs. Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Takenori Doi, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita

2. GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji vs. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki

3. Tanyu Toshusai vs. Bunrakuken Torii

4. BCG World Tag Team Championship: Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura © vs. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku

5. Naozane Goto, Sojuro Sen & Suguru Emoto vs. Ox Mastodon, Animal Harker & Sam Copland

6. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Razan Okamoto vs. Big Bruiser Findlay

7. GCG World Heavyweight Championship: Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Rokuemon Matsushita

8. BCG World Heavyweight Championship: Nichiren Funakoshi © vs. Ryunosuke Matsuki

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<div style="margin-right: 25px";">d42cSDD.png</div><div style="margin-left: 20px";">X89Fz6q.png</div><div style="letter-spacing:6px;";">FINAL NIGHT</div>SUNDAY, 26/01/2020 IN OSAKA, KANSAI






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<div style="margin-right: 100px; margin-left: 100px";">nq5T8yX.jpgVPweu8B.jpgzWUjQWV.jpgNyTO5Ye.jpg0tR7gl4.pngX3AM692.jpg85pvPY3.jpgZX3NpJw.jpgM6Tuw4y.jpg


Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Takenori Doi, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita def. Nobuharo Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after (9m48s) when Wakabayashi pinned Miyake with the Release German Suplex [52]


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<div style="letter-spacing:2px;";">GCG WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP</div>- VACANT -





Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji def. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after (16m14s) when Genji pinned Arakaki with the Fusion Reactor [59]


- After the match Masayuki Shiga had the honour to hand over the titles to the freshly crowned champions. It is Miyazaki's second run since he won the titles in July 2015 alongside Mabuchi Furusawa.


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Both competitors are 30 years old and considered two of the finest athletes pro-wrestling in Japan has to offer today. Yet, while Torii has had significant success during his time with BCG Toshusai has not quite made the step into the main event picture yet. This doesn't change tonight, as Bunrakuken Torii def. Tanyu Toshusai after (22m01s) by Pinfall after a series of vicious Forearms. [82]


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<div style="letter-spacing:2px;";">BCG WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP</div>- 3RD DEFENCE -





Inejiro Yoshizawa and Noritoshi Miura are holding the belts for the 5th time in their career while Team Taku have held the titles twice in the past - thus two of the most accomplished teams of BCG face off in this match. In a tight battle Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura def. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku after (19m49s) by Pinfall after the End Of The World on Toshinobu Taku. [67]


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Ox Mastodon, Animal Harker & Sam Copland def. Naozane Goto, Sojuro Sen & Suguru Emoto after (14m20s) when Mastodon pinned Sen after a Ten Ton Splash [54]


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<div style="letter-spacing:2px;";">APWA INTERNATIONAL HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP</div>- VACANT -





Permanent APWA Representative, BCG and GCG legend Pistol Pete Hall joined the commentary table for this match and shone with a good command of the japanese language. The match itself told the story of a physically superior Big Bruiser Findlay beating down on a Razan Okamoto, who just won't give up and channels his spirit to keep the bout open. In the finishing sequence Okamoto finally has Findlay staggering after a Brainbuster and aims for a second one after a series of Lariats and Strikes, but Findlay wakes up just in the right moment and wins the match with an Oklahoma Stampede after (24m53s) by Pinfall in what may very well be the match of the night. [84]


- Pistol Pete Hall gave the newly introduced APWA International Heavyweight title personally to Big Bruiser Findlay and congratulated him to the victory, but Findlay didn't seem to have any respect for Hall and just brushed him off after snatching the belt out of his hands.


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<div style="letter-spacing:2px;";">GCG WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP</div>- VACANT -





While japanese legend Hanshiro Furusawa's son Mabuchi was one of the brightest stars of Golden Canvas Grappling he has never been able to capture the GCG World Heavyweight title before. This match would be his chance to remove this blemish on his career. On the other hand Furusawa had been the previous BCG World Heavyweight Champion leading to the establishment of himself as a major player within the company and the founding of the Money Makers faction, that consists of former GCG wrestlers and revived the rivalry between the Canvas Grappling companies. Rokuemon Matsushita has won the Ace Summit in the past year, but failed to dethrone Furusawa as the kidnapper of BCG's most prestigous belt afterwards to the disappointment of many traditionalists. The mountain of a man has immense star quality and is considered almost undefeatable in singles matches, but has not yet won a major singles title. It could be stated that the prerequisites of the competitors were reversed today - and so was the outcome, as Rokuemon Matsushita def. Mabuchi Furusawa after (20m42s) by Pinfall after a crushing Lariat, crowning himself the 34th title holder. [80]


- The title ceremony was held by Naonobu Murakami and Yoshifusa Maeda. Furusawa was absolutely devastated and left the arena quickly right after the match.


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<div style="letter-spacing:2px;";">BCG WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP</div>- 3RD DEFENCE -





Matsuki is feeling the pressure to deliver in this match in order to equalize the loss of Furusawa in the previous bout. Even though he is putting up an amazing performance with various near falls, in the end Funakoshi cements his status as the Ace of the company by defeating Matsuki after (31m27s) by Pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker. [82]


- Funakoshi delivered a post-match promo to thank the audience and to promise that BCG will continue to thrive in the year 2020



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1. Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Takenori Doi, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita def. Nobuharo Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after (9m48s) when Wakabayashi pinned Miyake with a Release German Suplex [52]

2. GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji def. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after (16m14s) when Genji pinned Arakaki after the Fusion Reactor [59]

3. Bunrakuken Torii def. Tanyu Toshusai after (22m01s) by Pinfall after a series of vicious Forearms [82]

4. BCG World Tag Team Championship: Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura © def. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku after (19m49s) by Pinfall after the End Of The World on Toshinobu Taku [67]

5. Ox Mastodon, Animal Harker & Sam Copland def. Naozane Goto, Sojuro Sen & Suguru Emoto after (14m20s) when Mastodon pinned Sen after a Ten Ton Splash [54]

6. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Big Bruiser Findlay def. Razan Okamoto after (24m53s) when Findlay pinned Okamoto with an Oklahoma Stampede [84]

7. GCG World Heavyweight Championship: Rokuemon Matsushita def. Mabuchi Furusawa after (20m42s) by Pinfall after a crushing Lariat [80]

8. BCG World Heavyweight Championship: Nichiren Funakoshi © def. Ryunosuke Matsuki after (31m27s) by Pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker [82]





CMPunkBubble: 5 / 8

Dalton: 5 / 8</div>



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This looks amazing, I'll defiantly be reading along.


Thanks, and thanks to both of you for following along and the predictions! Happy you're watching, Dalton, as your and CGN's diary have obviously been the inspiration for this and the main reason, why I felt the urge to play this game again.

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This Monday BCG owner Yoshifusa Maeda gave a press conference giving an outlook on the immediate future of the company. BCG will be finishing the Winter Season with the Young Lion Cup Series (ranging from February 03 - February 15), that will be held by the company for the first time in it's history and culminate in the Young Lion Cup. This round-robin tournament with 2 semi-finals is designed specifically for dojo graduates. Masayuki Shiga will officially be the patron of the tournament and conduct the ceremony after the final match.


There will be 10 participants divided into 2 Blocks with each of the Blocks getting 2 matches per touring show, the semi-finals on the 7th night and a tournament-free 8th night before the final. When asked about the unusually heavy exposure to the audience the Young Lions will receive during this tour Maeda stated that this was exactly the idea and that every participant should consider this as a huge chance to show himself.




Takenori Doi

Ryobe Uno

Charlie Corner

Suguru Emoto

Sam Copland



Ichiro Mitsukuri

James Diaz

Koyo Kinoshita

Yuta Isono

Ginji Kisaka




BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Charlie Corner vs. Suguru Emoto

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Takenori Doi vs. Ryobe Uno

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Ichiro Mitsukuri vs. Koyo Kinoshita

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Yuta Isono vs. James Diaz



BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Suguru Emoto vs. Ryobe Uno

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Charlie Corner vs. Sam Copland

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Yuta Isono vs. Koyo Kinoshita

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Ginji Kisaka vs. Ichiro Mitsukuri



BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Sam Copland vs. Ryobe Uno

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Suguru Emoto vs. Takenori Doi

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Yuta Isono vs. Ginji Kisaka

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Koyo Kinoshita vs. James Diaz



BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Sam Copland vs. Takenori Doi

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Charlie Corner vs. Ryobe Uno

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: James Diaz vs. Ginji Kisaka

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Ichiro Mitsukuri vs. Yuta Isono



BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Takenori Doi vs. Charlie Corner

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Suguru Emoto vs. Sam Copland

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: James Diaz vs. Ichiro Mitsukuri

BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Ginji Kisaka vs. Koyo Kinoshita



BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - 2nd Round: Winner of Block A vs. Runner-up of Block B



BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - 2nd Round: Winner of Block B vs. Runner-up of Block A



BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Final Round: Winner of 2nd Round #1 vs. Winner of 2nd Round #2










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Digging the presentation. I'm glad Bruiser Findlay won, I think he's the perfect gaijin. I was conflicted in predicting the GCG title match, because there's plenty of potential with a Furusawa loss, but I jumped the gun!


Funakoshi is the Ace, as he should be. You scored some HIGH ratings here, I think I maxed out at like 75 after a year ingame with BCG!


I won't lie, I would have preferred factions being introduced over time, but that's a small complaint and I like the dynamic you've set up with each group.


Three world (I think they're all primary?) titles is oversaturating for a small company like BCG, so I'm interested to see how you navigate that. It seems like every star will be competing for a title often. It reminds me of old AJPW before the triple crown, which, as I type that, I now realize that you are probably going the same direction :p

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It reminds me of old AJPW before the triple crown, which, as I type that, I now realize that you are probably going the same direction :p


That is exactly the case.


I am using extreme start data variance and I have exchanged the commentary and the referees, that's why I am achieving unusual ratings compared to the vanilla data.

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Black Canvas Grappling | Young Lion Cup Series 2020 - Night I | 03/02/2020

Osaka, Kansai - Attendance: 679

Show Rating: 65


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Ryobe Uno drew with Takenori Doi after (20m00s) as the Time Limit was reached

2. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: James Diaz def. Yuta Isono after (3m50s) when Diaz pinned Sono with the Thunder Fire Bomb

3. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Suguru Emoto def. Charlie Corner after (8m03s) when Emoto pinned Corner with a Vertical-drop Brainbuster

4. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Ichiro Mitsukuri def. Koyo Kinoshita after (13m37s) when Mitsukiri pinned Kinoshita with a Lariat

5. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Animal Harker, Ox Mastodon & Sam Copland def. Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake & Noboyuki Kubo after (16m11s) when Findlay submitted Yokokawa in a Bearhug

6. Bunrakuken Torii & Rokuemon Matsushita def. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after (14m04s) when Matsushita pinned Itou after a Choke Slam

7. Mabuchi Furusawa, Ryunosuke Matsuki, Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji def. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura after (35m10s) when Matsuki pinned Okamoto with an Exploder


- In the beginning of the show Masayuki Shiga held an Opening Ceremony for the Young Lion Cup 2020 along Yoshifusa Maeda and all of the 10 participants.

- After their match the members of CRUSHADE wouldn't leave the ring for minutes and act very disrespectful towards the members of Team Taku and the audience. Son of legendary Dread Sam Copland on the other hand seemed to feel very comfortable next to them.





Suguru Emoto [2]

Takenori Doi [1]

Ryobe Uno [1]

Charlie Corner [0]

Sam Copland [0]



Ichiro Mitsukuri [2]

James Diaz [2]

Koyo Kinoshita [0]

Yuta Isono [0]

Ginji Kisaka [0]


<hr color = black>


Black Canvas Grappling | Young Lion Cup Series 2020 - Night II | 05/02/2020

Sendai, Tohoku - Attendance: 62

Show Rating: 56


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Sharaku Okimasa & Nobuyuki Kubo def. Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku, Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake after (14m29s) when Funakoshi pinned Toshinobu Taku with a Tiger Suplex

2. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Sam Copland def. Charlie Corner after (7m05s) when Copland pinned Corner with a Lariat

3. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Ichiro Mitsukuri def. Ginji Kisaka after (9m57s) when Mitsukuri pinned Kisaka with a Northern Lights Bomb

4. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Ryobe Uno def. Suguru Emoto after (7m47s) when Uno submitted Emoto in the Scorpion Deathlock

5. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Koyo Kinoshita def. Yuta Isono after (12m04s) when Kinoshita pinned Isono with a Bridging Northern Lights Suplex

6. Big Bruiser Findlay & Animal Harker def. Giant Brody & Ox Mastodon after (21m05s) when Mastodon dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes and was pinned after several punches with the closed fist, Forearms and a Lariat by Findlay

7. Mabuchi Furusawa, Ryunosuke Matsuki, Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji def. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura after (18m19s) when Genji pinned Toshusai with a Bridging German Suplex





Ryobe Uno [3]

Sam Copland [2]

Suguru Emoto [2]

Takenori Doi [1]

Charlie Corner [0]



Ichiro Mitsukuri [4]

James Diaz [2]

Koyo Kinoshita [2]

Yuta Isono [0]

Ginji Kisaka [0]


<hr color = black>


Black Canvas Grappling | Young Lion Cup Series 2020 - Night III | 07/02/2020

Hamamatsu City, Chubu - Attendance: 91

Show Rating: 56


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Mabuchi Furusawa, Ryunosuke Matsuki & Ichiro Mitsukuri def. Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku & Nobuyuki Kubo after (15m48s) when Mitsukuri pinned Kubo with a Wrist-clutch Exploder

2. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: James Diaz def. Koyo Kinoshita after (14m12s) when Diaz pinned Kinoshita with a Body Slam

3. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Sam Copland def. Ryobe Uno after (7m42s) when Copland pinned Uno with a Lariat

4. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Ginji Kisaka def. Yuta Isono after (14m09s) when Kisaka pinned Isono after a series of Strikes and Kicks

5. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Takenori Doi def. Suguru Emoto after (12m21s) when Doi pinned Emoto with a Charging Knee Strike

6. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto & Motoyuki Miyake def. Tanyu Toshusai, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after (18m41s) when Funakoshi pinned Arakaki with a Lariat

7. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Ox Mastodon & Animal Harker def. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen after (22m44s) when Brody pinned Goto with a Western Lariat





Sam Copland [4]

Ryobe Uno [3]

Takenori Doi [3]

Suguru Emoto [2]

Charlie Corner [0]



James Diaz [4]

Ichiro Mitsukuri [4]

Koyo Kinoshita [2]

Ginji Kisaka [2]

Yuta Isono [0]


<hr color = black>


Black Canvas Grappling | Young Lion Cup Series 2020 - Night IV | 09/02/2020

Hiroshima, Chugoku - Attendance: 85

Show Rating: 52


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: James Diaz def. Ginji Kisaka after (7m23s) when Diaz pinned Kisaka with a Power Bomb

2. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Sam Copland def. Takenori Doi after (5m46s) when Copland pinned Doi with a Body Avalanche

3. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Ox Mastodon & Animal Harker def. Nobuharu Yokokawa, Yoshinaka Taku, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura after (16m47s) when Mastodon pinned Miura with the Ten Ton Splash

4. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Ichiro Mitsukuri def. Yuta Isono after (10m09s) when Mitsukuri pinned Isono with the S.T.O.

5. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Ryobe Uno def. Charlie Corner after (18m10s) when Uno pinned Corner with a Bridging Tiger Suplex

6. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki def. Toshinobu Taku, Motoyuki Miyake, Nobuyuki Kubo & Ritsu Ibata after (13m42s) when Wakabayashi pinned Kubo with an Overhead Release Belly-to-Belly Suplex

7. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen def. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa after (34m05s) when Torii pinned Ikoma with a Forearm Strike


- The Main Event marked the comeback of Noburo Ikoma who suffered from a back injury but has now recovered and made his return to the ring for BCG.





Sam Copland [6]

Ryobe Uno [5]

Takenori Doi [3]

Suguru Emoto [2]

Charlie Corner [0]



James Diaz [6]

Ichiro Mitsukuri [6]

Koyo Kinoshita [2]

Ginji Kisaka [2]

Yuta Isono [0]


<hr color = black>


Black Canvas Grappling | Young Lion Cup Series 2020 - Night V | 11/02/2020

Kyoto, Kansai - Attendance: 698

Show Rating: 57


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Sam Copland def. Suguru Emoto after (8m56s) when Copland pinned Emoto with a Pumphandle Slam

2. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: Koyo Kinoshita def. Ginji Kisaka after (11m50s) when Kinoshita def. Kisaka with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex

3. Nichiren Funakoshi & Razan Okamoto def. Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa after (15m40s) when Okamoto pinned Ikoma with a Brainbuster

4. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block A - 1st Round: Charlie Corner def. Takenori Doi after (14m59s) when Corner pinned Doi with a Moonsault

5. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Block B - 1st Round: James Diaz drew with Ichiro Mitsukiri after (20m00s) when the Time Limit was reached

6. Ryunosuke Matsuki, Masahiro Genji, Shingen Miyazaki & Ryobe Uno def. Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku, Motoyuki Miyake & Nobuyuki Kubo after (15m08s) when Miyazaki submitted Miyake with an Ankle Lock

7. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Ox Mastodon & Animal Harker def. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura after (19m48s) when Harker pinned Wakabayashi with a Stump Piledriver


- With the match between James Diaz and Ichiro Mitsukuri the 1st Round of the Young Lion Cup 2020 is finished. On Night VI the first match of the second round will be held and on Night VII the second one, before the winners of those matches face off on the final night to determine the tournament winner. While in Block A the situation is clear with Sam Copland being the undefeated winner of his bracket and Ryobe Uno the clear runner-up, we have two men in Block B with 7 points who won all their matches and drew with each other. Under these circumstances the one who needed less time to gather his points is placed first and that is James Diaz. This in the 2nd Round it is Sam Copland vs. Ichiro Mitsukuri and James Diaz vs. Ryobe Uno.





Sam Copland [8]

Ryobe Uno [5]

Takenori Doi [3]

Suguru Emoto [2]

Charlie Corner [2]



James Diaz [7]

Ichiro Mitsukuri [7]

Koyo Kinoshita [4]

Ginji Kisaka [2]

Yuta Isono [0]


<hr color = black>


Black Canvas Grappling | Young Lion Cup Series 2020 - Night VI | 13/02/2020

Asahikawa, Hokkaido - Attendance: 60

Show Rating: 58


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto def. Eikichi Itou, Isoruko Arakaki, Takenori Doi & Ritsu Ibata after (13m10s) when Emoto pinned Ibata with a Lariat

2. Big Bruiser Findlay, Animal Harker & James Diaz def. Nobuharu Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake & Ryobe Uno after (12m08s) when Harker pinned Yokokawa with a Stump Piledriver

3. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - 2nd Round: Sam Copland def. Ichiro Mitsukuri after (13m54s) when Copland pinned Mitsukuri with the Dread Bomb

4. Giant Brody & Ox Mastodon def. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku after (16m48s) when Brody pinned Yoshinaka Taku with a Choke Slam

5. Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi def. Charlie Corner after (12m25s) when Wakabayashi pinned Corner with a Release German Suplex

6. Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji def. Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa after (16m27s) when Genji pinned Okimasa with the Fusion Reactor

7. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura def. Mabuchi Furusawa, Ryunosuke Matsuki, Tanyu Toshusai & Koyo Kinoshita after (24m17s) when Funakoshi pinned Kinoshita with a Butterfly Backbreaker


- During the Young Lion Cup match between Copland and Mitsukuri the latter broke the two fingers of Copland's left hand, leaving him handicapped for the final round. There was a discussion after the bout whether Copland was even able to progress with this injury. At the end of the show Masayuki Shiga came to the ring and assured, that Copland made very clear he would go into the finals and that he couldn't care less about a few broken fingers.


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Black Canvas Grappling | Young Lion Cup Series 2020 - Night VII | 14/02/2020

Kumamoto, Kyushu - Attendance: 86

Show Rating: 54


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki def. Noburo Ikoma, Sharaku Okimasa, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after (13m28s) when Toshusai pinned Kubo with a Dangerous Brainbuster

2. Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku, Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake def. Naozane Goto, Sojuro Sen, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto after (13m48s) when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Isono with a Full Nelson Bomb

3. Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura def. Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after (14m07s) when Miura pinned Mitsukuri with The End Of The World

4. Rokuemon Matsushita def. Animal Harker after (14m25s) by Disqualification when a frustrated Animal Harker repeatedly used a chair on his opponent

5. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - 2nd Round: James Diaz def. Ryobe Uno after (11m21s) when Diaz pinned Uno with a Power Slam

6. Razan Okamoto & Takenori Doi def. Nichiren Funakoshi & Ritsu Ibata after (18m14s) when Okamoto pinned Ibata with a Brainbuster Suplex

7. Mabuchi Furusawa, Ryunosuke Matsuki & Masahiro Genji) def. Giant Brody, Ox Mastodon & Sam Copland after (16m48s) when Furusawa pinned Copland with an Exploder


- After their match Harker tried to hit Matsushita with a Piledriver on the chair with a helpless ring crew being pushed aside by the gaijin, but the members of the Devil Grappling Army saved Matsushita and drove Harker off with combined forces.

- With James Diaz winning his second round match the final match of the Young Lion Cup is settled: James Diaz will face off with his tag team partner Sam Copland at the final night of the series.


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Black Canvas Grappling | Young Lion Cup Series 2020 - Night VIII | 15/02/2020

Matsuyama, Shikoku - Attendance: 52

Show Rating: 63


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Ryunosuke Matsuki, Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji & Ryobe Uno def. Toshinobu Taku, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake & Ginji Kisaka after (12m51s) when Matsuki pinned Taku with the SUKI Special

2. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto def. Charlie Corner, Nobuyuki Kubo, Ritsu Ibata & Takenori Doi after (9m37s) when Torii pinned Kubo with a Flying Forearm

3. Big Bruiser Findlay, Animal Harker & James Diaz def. Giant Brody, Ox Mastodon & Sam Copland after (16m09s) when Findlay pinned Copland with the Atomic Spinebuster

4. Tanyu Toshusai & Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi def. Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after (13m22s) when Wakabayashi pinned Kinoshita with a Bridging German Suplex

5. Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura def. Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen after (14m50s) when Goto wouldn't return to the ring anymore and was counted out

6. Razan Okamoto def. Noburo Ikoma after (22m51s) when Okamoto pinned Ikoma with a Brainbuster

7. Nichiren Funakoshi def. Yoshinaka Taku after (24m04s) when Funakoshi pinned Taku with the Butterfly Backbreaker


- Yoshifusa Maeda announced, that in the final round of the Young Lion Cup 2020 the competitors will also make out the first GCG U-30 Openweight Champion since the revival of the belt under BCG's banner.


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1. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Final Round x GCG U-30 Openweight Championship: James Diaz vs. Sam Copland

2. Ryunosuke Matsuki, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Charlie Corner & Koyo Kinoshita vs. Toshinobu Taku, Ritsu Ibata, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo

3. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi & Takenori Doi vs. Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji & Ryobe Uno

4. Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake vs. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki

5. BCG World Tag Team Championship: Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura © vs. Giant Brody & Ox Mastodon

6. Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Yoshinaka Taku

7. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Big Bruiser Findlay © vs. Animal Harker

8. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa vs. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen





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I missed predictions on the first go round but I'm very interested in what you're doing here and am following along. You've got some talent I'm a big fan of.


1. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Final Round x GCG U-30 Openweight Championship: James Diaz vs. Sam Copland -- I love both guys and they have teamed extensively for me but at this stage I think James is the more polished performer.

2. Ryunosuke Matsuki, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Charlie Corner & Koyo Kinoshita vs. Toshinobu Taku, Ritsu Ibata, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo

3. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi & Takenori Doi vs. Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji & Ryobe Uno

4. Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake vs. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki

5. BCG World Tag Team Championship: Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura © vs. Giant Brody & Ox Mastodon

6. Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Yoshinaka Taku

7. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Big Bruiser Findlay © vs. Animal Harker

8. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa vs. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen

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Hey man, I'm really honored to be one of your inspirations to create this thread. I'm digging it so far, the presentation is like an evolved one of mine lol. BCG is a cool company and I really like the idea of doing similar things to AJPW back in the days.


I am using extreme start data variance and I have exchanged the commentary and the referees, that's why I am achieving unusual ratings compared to the vanilla data.


So you bump their skills up or what? I've the feeling that my ratings aren't going any higher since starting the WCG save in TEW 2020...


1. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Final Round x GCG U-30 Openweight Championship: James Diaz vs. Sam Copland

2. Ryunosuke Matsuki, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Charlie Corner & Koyo Kinoshita vs. Toshinobu Taku, Ritsu Ibata, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo

3. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi & Takenori Doi vs. Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji & Ryobe Uno

4. Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake vs. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki

5. BCG World Tag Team Championship: Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura © vs. Giant Brody & Ox Mastodon

6. Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Yoshinaka Taku

7. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Big Bruiser Findlay © vs. Animal Harker

8. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa vs. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen

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I missed predictions on the first go round but I'm very interested in what you're doing here and am following along. You've got some talent I'm a big fan of.


Thanks for the comment and happy to see you follow along as well, as I've been a silent reader of lots of your diaries in the past years and there are some C-Verse companies and markets you've really brought to life before my eyes, that I haven't played myself yet.



Hey man, I'm really honored to be one of your inspirations to create this thread. I'm digging it so far, the presentation is like an evolved one of mine lol.


I even blatantly copy and pasted some of the codes in your thread and gathered some information about the coding possibilites to achieve a look I'm satisfied with, as I had never interacted with those coding lines before to make things look like they do. And it still feels a bit fumbly to me, but I'm slowly getting where I want to be. Other than that you perfectly nailed the japanese pro-wrestling scene in your WCG diary as I perceive it as well and that's when I thought about trying a diary myself. So I'm glad you like this project.


So you bump their skills up or what? I've the feeling that my ratings aren't going any higher since starting the WCG save in TEW 2020...


Not quite. If you're going into the database screen in the main menu and then to the bottom line on 'Database Details', there is an option on the left that says 'Start Data Variance'. If you leave it at none you will play with the vanilla data, but there are also 4 options with differing variances. As I have played the whole TEW series A LOT in my life I tend to change the variance to extreme after a few sessions to keep things interesting.


Basically what happens is that every single worker stat in the game is changed at the beginning of the game to a certain extent to the positive or the negative. I don't know by which number a stat can change with extreme variance, but I guess it can differ by about 10 or 20 from the vanilla stat. This led to some of my go-to guys that are already great by default coming out with world class stats, but some people in my company and in the game in general have also ended up on the losing side. Some of the stats also just stayed the same - this is possible as well, as it's just RNG.

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Digging the fact you get the boring stuff (tour shows, duh) out of the way in one post.


VERY surprised at the two gaijins in the finals of the YLC. Hope they team in the future.


1. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Final Round x GCG U-30 Openweight Championship: James Diaz vs. Sam Copland

2. Ryunosuke Matsuki, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Charlie Corner & Koyo Kinoshita vs. Toshinobu Taku, Ritsu Ibata, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo

3. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi & Takenori Doi vs. Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji & Ryobe Uno

4. Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake vs. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki

5. BCG World Tag Team Championship: Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura © vs. Giant Brody & Ox Mastodon

6. Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Yoshinaka Taku

7. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Big Bruiser Findlay © vs. Animal Harker

8. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa vs. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen

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1. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Final Round x GCG U-30 Openweight Championship: James Diaz vs. Sam Copland

2. Ryunosuke Matsuki, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Charlie Corner & Koyo Kinoshita vs. Toshinobu Taku, Ritsu Ibata, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo

3. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi & Takenori Doi vs. Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji & Ryobe Uno

4. Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake vs. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki

5. BCG World Tag Team Championship: Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura © vs. Giant Brody & Ox Mastodon

6. Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Yoshinaka Taku

7. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Big Bruiser Findlay © vs. Animal Harker

8. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa vs. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen

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d42cSDD.png<div style="margin-left: 20px";">I00UIid.png</div><div style="letter-spacing:6px;";">FINAL NIGHT</div>SUNDAY, 23/02/2020 IN OSAKA, KANSAI






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<div style="margin-right: 100px; margin-left: 100px";">LmlQK5u.jpg

<div style="letter-spacing:2px;";">BCG YOUNG LION CUP I</div>


<div style="letter-spacing:2px;";">GCG U-30 OPENWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP</div>- VACANT -





James Diaz vs. Sam Copland


It is the first incarnation of the Young Lion Cup in BCG and not one japanese rookie made it to the finals, which was classified at least by some spectators as a shame, given that the main tournament of the company Ace Summit has always been won by japanese wrestlers and it is to be expected that the participants of the YLC are the future of the company. This would mean that foreigners might play a more serious role within BCG in the future. In the finals we have James Diaz and Sam Copland, both big, muscular americans, both the sons of wrestlers with significant success in Japan. Both men have pretty much plowed through their competition so far and both have teamed occasionally in BCG in the past. It must be noted as well that Copland was injured in the semi-final with Ichiro Mitsukuri, where two fingers of his weak hand were broken. Still, that did not stop Copland from def. Diaz after (12m24s) when Copland pinned Diaz with the Dread Bomb in a vicious and even brawl. [28]


- After the match Masayuki Shiga held the final ceremony of the Young Lion Cup that included the handover of the cup trophy as well as the U-30 Openweight title.


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Ryunosuke Matsuki, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Charlie Corner & Koyo Kinoshita vs. Toshinobu Taku, Ritsu Ibata, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo


Ryunosuke Matsuki, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Charlie Corner & Koyo Kinoshita def. Toshinobu Taku, Ritsu Ibata, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after (9m49s) when Mitsukuri pinned Kubo with a S.T.O. [51]


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Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi & Takenori Doi vs. Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji & Ryobe Uno


Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji & Ryobe Uno def. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi & Takenori Doi after (15m48s) when Genji pinned Doi with the Fusion Reactor. [57]


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Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake vs. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki


Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki def. Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake after (12m05s) when Arakaki pinned Miyake with the Tower Lariat. [53]


<hr color = #000000; size="10">



<div style="letter-spacing:2px;";">BCG WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP</div>- 4TH DEFENCE -





Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura © vs. Giant Brody & Ox Mastodon


Brody and Mastodon have won 6 out of their 8 matches on this tour and also defeated the reigning champions in a multi-man bout. With an impressive display of power they continue their strong run, as Giant Brody & Ox Mastodon def. Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura after (16m42s) when Brody pinned Miura with a Choke Slam. [57]


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Mabuchi Furusawa vs. Yoshinaka Taku


Mabuchi Furusawa def. Yoshinaka Taku after (20m42s) when Furusawa submitted Taku with the Furusawa Armbar. [77]


<hr color = #000000; size="10">



<div style="letter-spacing:2px;";">APWA INTERNATIONAL HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP</div>- 1ST DEFENCE -





Big Bruiser Findlay © vs. Animal Harker


For the first defence of his belt Findlay faces off with fellow CRUSHADE member and his tag team partner Animal Harker. In a wild brawl Findlay proves that he's currently the strongest gaijin in BCG, when he def. Animal Harker after (18m07s) by Pinfall with an Oklahoma Stampede. [63]


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Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa vs. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen


In what is promoted as an indiciation for the Ace Summit tournament starting next month, no less than the faces of the company face off in a 4 on 4 match including the reigning BCG World Heavyweight Champion, 3 previous holders of said title and the reigning GCG World Heavyweight Champion. In a dramatic and action-packed match that set the focus especially on the encounters between Funakoshi and Matsushita and Torii and Okamoto, Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen def. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa after (27m30s) when Matsushita pinned Okimasa with a Lariat. [78]


- The match winner Rokuemon Matsushita had the privilege to cut the last promo of the night. He thanked the audience for their constant support of BCG and announced, that he is a big man and that one title belt was not enough for him - he wants Funakoshi's belt around his waist as well! To achieve that goal he assured that he would do everything in his might to win the Ace Summit 2020, which would make him the only man to win the tournament twice in a row since Funakoshi has done that in 2012 and 2013 and challenge Funakoshi afterwards for the BCG belt.



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1. BCG Young Lion Cup 2020 - Final Round x GCG U-30 Openweight Championship: Sam Copland def. James Diaz after (12m24s) when Copland pinned Diaz with the Dread Bomb in a vicious and even brawl [28]

2. Ryunosuke Matsuki, Ichiro Mitsukuri, Charlie Corner & Koyo Kinoshita def. Toshinobu Taku, Ritsu Ibata, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after (9m49s) when Mitsukuri pinned Kubo with a S.T.O [51]

3. Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji & Ryobe Uno def. Tanyu Toshusai, Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi & Takenori Doi after (15m48s) when Genji pinned Doi with the Fusion Reactor [57]

4. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki def. Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake after (12m05s) when Arakaki pinned Miyake with the Tower Lariat [53]

5. BCG World Tag Team Championship: Giant Brody & Ox Mastodon def. Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura © after (16m42s) when Brody pinned Miura with a Choke Slam. [57]

6. Mabuchi Furusawa def. Yoshinaka Taku after (20m42s) when Furusawa submitted Taku with the Furusawa Armbar [77]

7. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Big Bruiser Findlay © def. Animal Harker after (18m07s) by Pinfall with an Oklahoma Stampede. [63]

8. Bunrakuken Torii, Rokuemon Matsushita, Naozane Goto & Sojuro Sen def. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa after (27m30s) when Matsushita pinned Okimasa with a Lariat [78]





Historian: 5 / 8

CGN91: 3 / 8

Dalton: 5 / 8

CMPunkBubble: 5 / 8




Dalton: 10 / 16

CMPunkBubble: 10 / 16

Historian: 5 / 8

CGN91: 3 / 8</div>



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The Young Lion Cup 2020 is over and Sam Copland has proven to be the best of BCG's future. Now is the time to determine the best wrestler of the present, as the company is going into Spring with the Ace Summit right ahead, their prestigous singles tournament. 20 men divided by coincidental draft into 2 Blocks will be facing each other off in round-robin style. The winner of Block A will then face off in the second round with the winner of Block B and vice versa, before the respective winners of the second round determine the - as Yoshifusa Maeda puts it - best wrestler in the world on the final show.


While all of BCG's major title holders are included in the tournament Maeda has denied the participation of any guests this year, even though parts of the roster and the core audience still consider GCG's Mabuchi Furusawa and Ryunosuke Matsuki as well as their fellow Money Makers members Shingen Miyazaki and Masahiro Genji outsiders. The tournament will be ranging from March 03 - April 26. Naonobu Murakami and Pistol Pete Hall are officially the patrons and ceremony leaders of this year's Ace Summit.




Nichiren Funakoshi (reigning BCG World Heavyweight Champion) | 9th participation | 3 time winner

Bunrakuken Torii | 9th participation | 2 time winner

Ox Mastodon (reigning BCG World Tag Team Champion) | 1st participation

Mabuchi Furusawa | 3rd participation

Shingen Miyazaki (reigning GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Champion) | 1st participation

Yoshinaka Taku | 5th participation

Naozane Goto | 2nd participation

Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi | 1st participation

Masahiro Genji (reigning GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Champion) | 1st participation

Noburo Ikoma | 9th participation



Rokuemon Matsushita (reigning GCG World Heavyweight Champion) | 6th participation | 1 time winner

Razan Okamoto | 9th participation | 2 time winner

Big Bruiser Findlay (reigning APWA International Heavyweight Champion) | 6th participation

Giant Brody (reigning BCG World Tag Team Champion) | 5th participation

Animal Harker | 3rd participation

Ryunosuke Matsuki | 3rd participation

Isoruko Arakaki | 1st participation

Eikichi Itou | 1st participation

Tanyu Toshusai | 6th participation

Sojuro Sen | 9th participation




BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi - Naozane Goto

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Noburo Ikoma - Bunrakuken Torii

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Shingen Miyazaki - Yoshinaka Taku

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Ox Mastodon - Mabuchi Furusawa

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Nichiren Funakoshi - Masahiro Genji



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Isoruko Arakaki - Tanyu Toshusai

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Razan Okamoto - Big Bruiser Findlay

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Ryunosuke Matsuki - Giant Brody

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Sojuro Sen - Eikichi Itou

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Animal Harker - Rokuemon Matsushita



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi - Shingen Miyazaki

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Ox Mastodon - Noburo Ikoma

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Nichiren Funakoshi - Naozane Goto

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Masahiro Genji - Bunrakuken Torii

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Mabuchi Furusawa - Yoshinaka Taku



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Isoruko Arakaki - Razan Okamoto

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Ryunosuke Matsuki - Tanyu Toshusai

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Sojuro Sen - Big Bruiser Findlay

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Animal Harker - Giant Brody

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Rokuemon Matsushita - Eikichi Itou



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi - Masahiro Genji

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Mabuchi Furusawa - Nichiren Funakoshi

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Yoshinaka Taku - Ox Mastodon

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Bunrakuken Torii - Shingen Miyazaki

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Naozane Goto - Noburo Ikoma



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Isoruko Arakaki - Sojuro Sen

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Animal Harker - Ryunosuke Matsuki

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Rokuemon Matsushita - Razan Okamoto

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Eikichi Itou - Tanyu Toshusai

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Giant Brody - Big Bruiser Findlay



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi - Mabuchi Furusawa

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Yoshinaka Taku - Masahiro Genji

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Bunrakuken Torii - Nichiren Funakoshi

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Naozane Goto - Ox Mastodon

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Noburo Ikoma - Shingen Miyazaki



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Isoruko Arakaki - Animal Harker

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Rokuemon Matsushita - Sojuro Sen

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Eikichi Itou - Ryunosuke Matsuki

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Giant Brody - Razan Okamoto

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Big Bruiser Findlay - Tanyu Toshusai



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Masahiro Genji - Mabuchi Furusawa

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi - Noburo Ikoma

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Shingen Miyazaki - Naozane Goto

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Ox Mastodon - Bunrakuken Torii

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Nichiren Funakoshi - Yoshinaka Taku



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Isoruko Arakaki - Rokuemon Matsushita

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Eikichi Itou - Animal Harker

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Giant Brody - Sojuro Sen

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Big Bruiser Findlay - Ryunosuke Matsuki

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Tanyu Toshusai - Razan Okamoto



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi - Bunrakuken Torii

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Naozane Goto - Yoshinaka Taku

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Noburo Ikoma - Mabuchi Furusawa

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Shingen Miyazaki - Masahiro Genji

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Ox Mastodon - Nichiren Funakoshi



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Isoruko Arakaki - Giant Brody

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Big Bruiser Findlay - Eikichi Itou

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Tanyu Toshusai - Rokuemon Matsushita

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Razan Okamoto - Animal Harker

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Ryunosuke Matsuki - Sojuro Sen



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi - Nichiren Funakoshi

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Masahiro Genji - Ox Mastodon

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Mabuchi Furusawa - Shingen Miyazaki

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Yoshinaka Taku - Noburo Ikoma

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Bunrakuken Torii - Naozane Goto



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Isoruko Arakaki - Ryunosuke Matsuki

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Sojuro Sen - Razan Okamoto

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Animal Harker - Tanyu Toshusai

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Rokuemon Matsushita - Big Bruiser Findlay

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Eikichi Itou - Giant Brody



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi - Ox Mastodon

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Nichiren Funakoshi - Shingen Miyazaki

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Masahiro Genji - Noburo Ikoma

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Mabuchi Furusawa - Naozane Goto

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Yoshinaka Taku - Bunrakuken Torii



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Isoruko Arakaki - Big Bruiser Findlay

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Tanyu Toshusai - Giant Brody

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Razan Okamoto - Eikichi Itou

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Ryunosuke Matsuki - Rokuemon Matsushita

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Sojuro Sen - Animal Harker



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi - Yoshinaka Taku

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Bunrakuken Torii - Mabuchi Furusawa

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Naozane Goto - Masahiro Genji

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Noburo Ikoma - Nichiren Funakoshi

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Shingen Miyazaki - Ox Mastodon



BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Isoruko Arakaki - Eikichi Itou

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Giant Brody - Rokuemon Matsushita

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Big Bruiser Findlay - Animal Harker

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Tanyu Toshusai - Sojuro Sen

BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Razan Okamoto - Ryunosuke Matsuki



BCG Ace Summit IX - 2nd Round: Winner of Block A vs. Runner-up of Block B



BCG Ace Summit IX - 2nd Round: Winner of Block B vs. Runner-up of Block A



BCG Ace Summit IX - Final Round: Winner of 2nd Round #1 vs. Winner of 2nd Round #2











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<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><div style="max-width:90%; margin-left: 60px; margin-right: 60px;";"></p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night I | 09/03/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Suita, Kansai - Attendance: 567</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 69</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Nobuharu Yokokawa, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo defeated Toshinobu Taku, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto after <strong>(9m58s)</strong> when Yokokawa submitted Isono with a Stump Puller</p><p>

2. Rokuemon Matsushita, Razan Okamoto, Ryunosuke Matsuki, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita defeated Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Animal Harker, Sam Copland & James Diaz after <strong>(28m25s)</strong> when Matsushita pinned Diaz with a Choke Slam</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Bunrakuken Torii defeated Noburo Ikoma after <strong>(23m38s)</strong> by pinfall with a running Forearm Strike to his sitting opponent, a move shown by Torii for the first time ever called the Dangerous Forearm</p><p>

4. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi defeated Naozane Goto after <strong>(15m33s)</strong> by pinfall with a German Suplex</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Ox Mastadon after <strong>(10m55s)</strong> by count out, when a Mastodon frustrated with the constant attacks against his arms wouldn't return to the ring anymore</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Shingen Miyazaki defeated Yoshinaka Taku after <strong>(16m21s)</strong> by submission with an Ankle Lock</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Nichiren Funakoshi defeated Masahiro Genji after <strong>(26m41s)</strong> by pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker</p><p> </p><p>

- In the beginning of the show Pistol Pete Hall and Naonobu Murakami held an Opening Ceremony for the 9th incarnation of the Ace Summit along Yoshifusa Maeda and all of the 20 participants.</p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<div style="max-width:90%; margin-left: 60px; margin-right: 60px;";"><hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night II | 11/03/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Shizuoka, Chubu - Attendance: 96</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 59</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Noritoshi Miura & Inejiro Yoshizawa defeated Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake after <strong>(15m07s)</strong> when Yoshizawa pinned Miyake with The End Of The World</p><p>

2. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Sojuro Sen drew with Eikichi Itou after <strong>(6m42s)</strong> following a double count out</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Animal Harker after <strong>(14m19s)</strong> by pinfall with a Lariat</p><p>

4. Nichiren Funakoshi, Bunrakuken Torii, Noburo Ikoma & Yoshinaka Taku defeated Mabuchi Furusawa, Ryobe Uno, Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji after <strong>(21m37s)</strong> when Funakoshi pinned Uno with a Bridging Tiger Suplex</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Tanyu Toshusai defeated Isoruko Arakaki after <strong>(12m49s)</strong> by pinfall with a Brainbuster</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Ryunosuke Matsuki defeated Giant Brody after <strong>(20m43s)</strong> by pinfall with a SUKI Special</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Big Bruiser Findlay defeated Razan Okamoto after <strong>(23m57s)</strong> by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster</p><p> </p><p>

- The Ace Summit Block match between Findlay and Okamoto was a re-match of the first APWA International Heavyweight Championship match at the end of the New Year Super Series 2020. In contrast to the Super Series bout Okamoto appeared visibly stronger in terms of his physique (he had obviously rosen to a higher weight class) as well as in terms of how he held himself against the american powerhouse, even though Findlay was successful in the end again.</p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night III | 13/03/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Okayama, Chugoku - Attendance: 86</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 62</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Rokuemon Matsushita, Sojuro Sen, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto defeated Ryunosuke Matsuki, Ryobe Uno, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after <strong>(9m40s)</strong> when Matsushita pinned Mitsukuri after the latter went to ground due to several gut punches in the corner</p><p>

2. Noritoshi Miura, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki defeated Nobuharu Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Gini Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after <strong>(11m09s)</strong> when Yoshizawa pinned Kubo with a Power Bomb</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Ox Mastadon defeated Noburo Ikoma after <strong>(11m07s)</strong> by pinfall with a Ten Ton Splash</p><p>

4. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi defeated Shingen Miyazaki after <strong>(13m37s)</strong> by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Nichiren Funakoshi defeated Naozane Goto after <strong>(18m31s)</strong> by pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker</p><p>

6.<strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Bunrakuken Torii defeated Masahiro Genji after <strong>(21m05s)</strong> by pinfall with a Spinning Forearm Smash</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Yoshinaka Taku after <strong>(27m21s)</strong> by submission with a Furusawa Armbar</p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night IV | 15/03/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Suita, Kansai - Attendance: 567</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 69</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Ox Mastadon, Charlie Corner, James Diaz & Sam Copland defeated Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after <strong>(10m40s)</strong> when Mastadon pinned Kisaka with a Scoop Slam</p><p>

2. Noritoshi Miura, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji defeated Noburo Ikoma, Sharaku Okimasa, Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake after <strong>(15m17s)</strong> when Genji pinned Miyake with a Fusion Reactor</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Big Bruiser Findlay defeated Sojuro Sen after <strong>(7m57s)</strong> by pinfall with an Oklahoma Stampede</p><p>

4. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Animal Harker drew with Giant Brody after <strong>(13m21s)</strong> following a double count out</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Eikichi Itou after <strong>(13m47s)</strong> by pinfall with a Choke Slam</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Razan Okamoto defeated Isoruko Arakaki after <strong>(17m02s)</strong> by pinfall with a Brainbuster Suplex</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Ryunosuke Matsuki defeated Tanyu Toshusai after <strong>(22m04s)</strong> by pinfall with a Bridging German Suplex</p><p> </p><p>

- After their tournament match, fellow CRUSHADE faction members Harker and Brody kept fighting with each other and even went through the audience, swinging fists and chairs around.</p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night V | 17/03/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Kitakyushu, Kyushu - Attendance: 92</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 66 </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Razan Okamoto, Sharaku Okimasa, Takenori Doi, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto defeated Toshinobu Taku, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Motoyuki Miyake, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after <strong>(12m07s)</strong> when Okamoto pinned Kubo with a Gotch-style Piledriver, whoever that 'Gotch' is supposed to be</p><p>

2. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, James Diaz & Sam Copland defeated Noritoshi Miura, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after <strong>(14m18s)</strong> when Brody pinned Yoshizawa with a Football Tackle</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi drew with Masahiro Genji after <strong>(30m00s)</strong> when the time limit expired</p><p>

4. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Ox Mastadon defeated Yoshinaka Taku after <strong>(12m09s)</strong> by submission with a Camel Clutch</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Naozane Goto defeated Noburo Ikoma after <strong>(13m07s)</strong> by pinfall with a Goto Slam</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Bunrakuken Torii defeated Shingen Miyazaki after <strong>(17m05s)</strong> by pinfall with a Dangerous Forearm</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Nichiren Funakoshi defeated Mabuchi Furusawa after <strong>(28m10s)</strong> by pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker</p><p> </p><p>

- This has been the second time this year that Mabuchi Furusawa has lost an important match against one of the four Pillars Of The Sky consisting of Funakoshi, Torii, Okamoto and Matsushita, leaving him in a bad position in the Ace Summit tournament, that should have been his ticket to a shot for one of the World Heavyweight titles. Furusawa left the arena visibly disappointed while Funakoshi had the chance to emphasize in the last promo of the night that he is going to win the Ace Summit 2020 to make this a perfect year for himself.</p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night VI | 20/03/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Matsuyama, Shikoku - Attendance: 53</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 62 </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Bunrakuken Torii, Naozane Goto, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto defeated Toshinobu Taku, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Ritsu Ibata & Takenori Doi after <strong>(9m56s)</strong> when Goto pinned Doi with a Lariat</p><p>

2. Nichiren Funakoshi, Yoshinaka Taku, Noritoshi Miura & Inejiro Yoshizawa defeated Mabuchi Furusawa, Shingen Miyazaki, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after <strong>(16m02s)</strong> when Funakoshi pinned Kinoshita with an Exploder</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Big Bruiser Findlay drew with Giant Brody after <strong>(22m24s)</strong> following a double disqualification after both men scored multiple chair shots against each other</p><p>

4. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Isoruko Arakaki defeated Sojuro Sen after <strong>(13m42s)</strong> by pinfall with an Arakaki Spike</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Tanyu Toshusai defeated Eikichi Itou after <strong>(18m26s)</strong> by pinfall with a Dangerous Brainbuster</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Ryunosuke Matsuki defeated Animal Harker after <strong>(16m36s)</strong> by pinfall with a Superplex</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Rokuemon Matsushita drew with Razan Okamoto after <strong>(30m00s)</strong> when the time limit expired</p><p> </p><p>

- After their match Findlay and Brody went on to attack each other with chairs which led to Findlay suffering a gaping wound above his left eye. This is the second time that members of CRUSHADE had to fight each other in a singles match and went mad, leading to speculation at the commentary table that the faction might not exist much longer.</p><p>

- This has been the first singles match in 2020 including Rokuemon Matsushita that he was unable to win.</p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night VII | 22/03/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Kobe, Kansai - Attendance: 5419</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 81 </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Ryobe Uno, Takenori Doi, Ichiro Mitsukiri & Koyo Kinoshita defeated Ginji Kisaka, Nobuyuki Kubo, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto after <strong>(5m51s)</strong> when Mitsukiri pinned Isono with a Bridging Northern Lights Suplex</p><p>

2. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Animal Harker, James Diaz & Sam Copland defeated Rokuemon Matsushita, Noritoshi Miura, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after <strong>(18m14s)</strong> when Findlay pinned Arakaki with a Western Lariat</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Yoshinaka Taku defeated Masahiro Genji after <strong>(18m42s)</strong> by pinfall with a Full Nelson Bomb</p><p>

4. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Noburo Ikoma defeated Shingen Miyazaki after <strong>(22m21s)</strong> by pinfall with a Northern Lights Bomb</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Naozane Goto defeated Ox Mastadon after <strong>(14m17s)</strong> by pinfall with a Goto Slam</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi after <strong>(23m39s)</strong> by submission with a Furusawa Armbar</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Nichiren Funakoshi defeated Bunrakuken Torii after <strong>(28m01s)</strong> by pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker</p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>ACE SUMMIT IX | 1ST ROUND | TABLE</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>BLOCK A</strong></span></p><p>

Nichiren Funakoshi [8]</p><p>

Bunrakuken Torii [6]</p><p>

Mabuchi Furusawa [6]</p><p>

Ox Mastodon [4]</p><p>

Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi [5]</p><p>

Naozane Goto [4]</p><p>

Shingen Miyazaki [2]</p><p>

Yoshinaka Taku [2]</p><p>

Noburo Ikoma [2]</p><p>

Masahiro Genji [1]</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>BLOCK B</strong></span></p><p>

Ryunosuke Matsuki [6]</p><p>

Big Bruiser Findlay [5]</p><p>

Rokuemon Matsushita [5]</p><p>

Tanyu Toshusai [4]</p><p>

Razan Okamoto [3]</p><p>

Giant Brody [2]</p><p>

Isoruko Arakaki [2]</p><p>

Animal Harker [1]</p><p>

Eikichi Itou [1]</p><p>

Sojuro Sen [1]</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><p><img alt="BJoIztk.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/BJoIztk.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><div style="text-align:center;"></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


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</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><div style="max-width:90%; margin-left: 60px; margin-right: 60px";"></p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night VIII | 23/03/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Shizuoka, Chubu - Attendance: 94</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 61</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Mabuchi Furusawa, Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita defeated Toshinobu Taku, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Yoshinaka Taku, Takenori Doi & Motoyuki Miyake after <strong>(14m42s)</strong> when Furusawa pinned Doi with a Bridging Wrist-clutch Exploder</p><p>

2. Nichiren Funakoshi, Noburo Ikoma, Ginji Kisaka, Nobuyuki Kubo & Sharaku Okimasa defeated Bunrakuken Torii, Yuta Isono, Suguru Emoto, Ritsu Ibata & Charlie Corner after <strong>(11m31s)</strong> when Funakoshi pinned Isono with a Lariat</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Isoruko Arakaki defeated Animal Harker after <strong>(13m58s)</strong> by pinfall with a Lariat</p><p>

4. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Sojuro Sen after <strong>(10m12s)</strong> by pinfall with a Pumphandle Slam</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Ryunosuke Matsuki defeated Eikichi Itou after <strong>(15m55s)</strong> by pinfall with a Mountain SUKI</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Razan Okamoto defeated Giant Brody after <strong>(23m28s)</strong> by pinfall with a combination of Strikes, Lariats and finally a German Suplex</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Big Bruiser Findlay defeated Tanyu Toshusai after <strong>(20m07s)</strong> by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster</p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<div style="max-width:90%; margin-left: 60px; margin-right: 60px;";"><hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night IX | 26/03/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Okayama, Chugoku - Attendance: 87</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 66</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki defeated James Diaz & Sam Copland after <strong>(11m38s)</strong> when Itou pinned Copland with a Tower Lariat</p><p>

2. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Noburo Ikoma defeated Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi after <strong>(15m45s)</strong> by pinfall with a Northern Lights Bomb</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Naozane Goto defeated Shingen Miyazaki after <strong>(14m10s)</strong> by pinfall with a Goto Slam</p><p>

4. Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake defeated Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after <strong>(12m26s)</strong> when Yokokawa submitted Kinoshita with a Leglock</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Bunrakuken Torii defeated Ox Mastadon after <strong>(18m16s)</strong> by pinfall with a Dangerous Forearm</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Masahiro Genji after <strong>(17m12s)</strong> by submission with a Furusawa Armbar</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Nichiren Funakoshi defeated Yoshinaka Taku after <strong>(20m48s)</strong> by pinfall with a Backbreaker</p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night X | 28/03/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Okayama, Chugoku - Attendance: 567</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 74</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku, Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake defeated Noburo Ikoma, Sharaku Okimasa, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after <strong>(11m40s)</strong> when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Kisaka with a Tiger Suplex</p><p>

2. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Animal Harker defeated Eikichi Itou after <strong>(11m18s)</strong> by pinfall with a Stump Piledriver</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Giant Brody defeated Sojuro Sen after <strong>(6m03s)</strong> by pinfall with a Lariat</p><p>

4. Bunrakuken Torii, Naozane Goto, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto defeated Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after <strong>(14m05s)</strong> when Bunrakuken Torii pinned Koyo Kinoshita with a Spinning Forearm Smash.</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Isoruko Arakaki after <strong>(14m47s)</strong> by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Big Bruiser Findlay defeated Ryunosuke Matsuki after <strong>(18m23s)</strong> by pinfall with a Lariat</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Razan Okamoto defeated Tanyu Toshusai after <strong>(26m24s)</strong> by pinfall with a Brainbuster Suplex</p><p> </p><p>

- After the final match of the show Okamoto adressed his new build saying that he has been working hard to finally get his body into a shape, that suits his strong spirit. He promised that even though he lost his first tournament match to Big Bruiser Findlay he would overcome any other contenders in this year's Ace Summit to crown himself the best wrestler on the planet once again. </p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night XI | 06/04/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Fukuoka, Kyushu - Attendance: 94</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 63</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Animal Harker, James Diaz & Sam Copland defeated Takenori Doi, Ryobe Uno, Ritsu Ibata, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after <strong>(7m45s)</strong> when Brody Takenori Doi with a Lariat</p><p>

2. Toshinobu Taku, Motoyuki Miyake, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo defeated Sojuro Sen, Charlie Corner, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto after <strong>(11m16s)</strong> when Miyake pinned Isono with a Knock Out Kick</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Masahiro Genji defeated Shingen Miyazaki after <strong>(18m55s)</strong> by pinfall with a Bridging Dragon Suplex</p><p>

4. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Yoshinaka Taku defeated Naozane Goto after <strong>(12m53s)</strong> by pinfall with a Full Nelson Bomb</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Nichiren Funakoshi defeated Ox Mastadon after <strong>(17m28s)</strong> by pinfall with a Backdrop</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Bunrakuken Torii defeated Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi after <strong>(19m05s)</strong> by pinfall with a Spinning Forearm Smash</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Mabuchi Furusawa drew with Noburo Ikoma after <strong>(30m00s)</strong> in a thriller of a match, that had Furusawa dominate over the whole time and Ikoma barely try to survive with all his might, when the time limit finally expired and saved the Funakoshi-gun member a point against the Money Maker</p><p> </p><p>

- After the final match Ryunuske Matsuki, who was at the commentary the whole time, entered the ring and called Furusawa a disgrace for Golden Canvas Grappling. Matsuki openly said that he has lost faith that Furusawa can win this year's Ace Summit anymore if he couldn't even beat Noburo Ikoma, so it would be Matsuki's obligation to step up and take the coals out of the fire. Matsushita has to be defeated by a Golden Lion at all costs according to him, as with every week he is holding the GCG World Heavyweight title the insult to GCG's heritage is growing.</p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night XII | 08/04/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Matsuyama, Shikoku - Attendance: 55</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 58 </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Noritoshi Miura & Inejiro Yoshizawa defeated Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake after <strong>(13m47s)</strong> when Miura pinned Miyake with a Power Slam</p><p>

2. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Giant Brody defeated Isoruko Arakaki after <strong>(11m49s)</strong> by pinfall with a Choke Slam</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Big Bruiser Findlay defeated Eikichi Itou after <strong>(14m17s)</strong> by pinfall with an Oklahoma Stampede</p><p>

4. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Ryunosuke Matsuki defeated Sojuro Sen after <strong>(13m47s)</strong> by submission with a SUKI Special III</p><p>

5. Bunrakuken Torii, Nichiren Funakoshi, Noburo Ikoma & Naozane Goto defeated Mabuchi Furusawa, Ryobe Uno, Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji after <strong>(18m20s)</strong> when Funakoshi pinned Miyazaki with a Bridging German Suplex</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Razan Okamoto defeated Animal Harker after <strong>(19m08s)</strong> by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Tanyu Toshusai after <strong>(15m30s)</strong> by pinfall with an Choke Bomb</p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night XIII | 10/04/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Nagoya, Chubu - Attendance: 99</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 62 </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. James Diaz & Sam Copland defeated Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after <strong>(11m50s)</strong> when Diaz pinned Mitsukuri with a Lariat</p><p>

2. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Noburo Ikoma drew with Yoshinaka Taku after <strong>(30m00s)</strong> when the time limit expired</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Ox Mastadon defeated Masahiro Genji after <strong>(11m44s)</strong> by pinfall with a Ten Ton Splash</p><p>

4. Noritoshi Miura & Inejiro Yoshizawa defeated Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after <strong>(18m09s)</strong> when Miura pinned Itou with the Storm Rider</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Shingen Miyazaki after <strong>(16m28s)</strong> by submission with a Furusawa Armbar</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Bunrakuken Torii defeated Naozane Goto after <strong>(20m20s)</strong> by pinfall with a Spinning Forearm Smash</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round:</strong> Nichiren Funakoshi defeated Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi after <strong>(21m49s)</strong> by pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker</p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night XIV | 12/04/2020</strong></p><p><strong>

Kobe, Kansai - Attendance: 5419</strong></p><p><strong>

Show Rating: 73 </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

1. Bunrakuken Torii, Naozane Goto, Takenori Doi, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto defeated Charlie Corner, Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku, Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake after <strong>(8m17s)</strong> when Torii pinned Corner with a Spinning Forearm Smash</p><p>

2. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Giant Brody defeated Eikichi Itou after <strong>(13m54s)</strong> by pinfall with a Lariat</p><p>

3. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Animal Harker defeated Tanyu Toshusai after <strong>(14m10s)</strong> by pinfall with a Lariat</p><p>

4. Mabuchi Furusawa, Shingen Miyazaki, Masahiro Genji, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita defeated Nichiren Funakoshi, Noburo Ikoma, Sharaku Okimasa, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after <strong>(13m43s)</strong> when Furusawa pinned Kisaka with an Exploder</p><p>

5. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Razan Okamoto defeated Sojuro Sen after <strong>(13m19s)</strong> by pinfall with a Brainbuster Suplex</p><p>

6. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Ryunosuke Matsuki defeated Isoruko Arakaki after <strong>(16m42s)</strong> by pinfall with a SUKI Special</p><p>

7. <strong>BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round:</strong> Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Big Bruiser Findlay after <strong>(25m55s)</strong> by pinfall with a Lariat in a very close, heavy-hitting match, that had both men go all out from the first ring of the bell and could have ended one or the other way</p><p> </p><p>

- The Main Event was the first singles match of the year 2020 that Big Bruiser Findlay lost.</p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>ACE SUMMIT IX | 1ST ROUND | TABLE</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>BLOCK A</strong></span></p><p>

Nichiren Funakoshi [14]</p><p>

Bunrakuken Torii [12]</p><p>

Mabuchi Furusawa [11]</p><p>

Ox Mastodon [6]</p><p>

Naozane Goto [6]</p><p>

Noburo Ikoma [6]</p><p>

Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi [5]</p><p>

Yoshinaka Taku [5]</p><p>

Masahiro Genji [3]</p><p>

Shingen Miyazaki [2]</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>BLOCK B</strong></span></p><p>

Rokuemon Matsushita [13]</p><p>

Ryunosuke Matsuki [12]</p><p>

Big Bruiser Findlay [11]</p><p>

Razan Okamoto [11]</p><p>

Giant Brody [8]</p><p>

Animal Harker [5]</p><p>

Isoruko Arakaki [4]</p><p>

Tanyu Toshusai [4]</p><p>

Eikichi Itou [1]</p><p>

Sojuro Sen [1]</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<hr color = black></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

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Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night XV | 15/04/2020

Fukuoka, Kyushu - Attendance: 99

Show Rating: 65


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake defeated Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto after (6m32s) when Miyake pinned Isono with a Yakuza Kick

2. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Mabuchi Furusawa defeated Naozane Goto after (22m51s) by pinfall with a Bridging Wrist-clutch Exploder

3. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Masahiro Genji defeated Noburo Ikoma after (25m25s) by pinfall with a Fusion Reactor

4. Big Bruiser Findlay & Animal Harker defeated James Diaz & Sam Copland after (8m01s) when Findlay pinned Diaz with a Trash Compaction

5. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi defeated Ox Mastadon after (18m22s) by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver

6. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Bunrakuken Torii defeated Yoshinaka Taku after (22m14s) by pinfall with a Spinning Forearm Smash

7. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Nichiren Funakoshi defeated Shingen Miyazaki after (22m07s) by pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker.


<div style="max-width:90%; margin-left: 60px; margin-right: 60px;";"><hr color = black>


Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night XVI | 16/04/2020

Matsuyama, Shikoku - Attendance: 55

Show Rating: 61


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Ox Mastadon, James Diaz & Sam Copland defeated Bunrakuken Torii, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto after (10m34s) when Copland pinned Emoto with a Dread Bomb

2. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Sojuro Sen defeated Animal Harker after (5m46s) when Animal Harker got disqualified after going into an attacking rage including illegal chokes in the ropes

3. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Giant Brody defeated Tanyu Toshusai after (14m41s) by pinfall with a Lariat

4. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Razan Okamoto defeated Eikichi Itou after (19m06s) by pinfall with an Exploder

5. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Big Bruiser Findlay defeated Isoruko Arakaki after (10m45s) by pinfall with an Atomic Spinebuster

6. Noburo Ikoma, Nichiren Funakoshi & Sharaku Okimasa defeated Mabuchi Furusawa, Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji) after (21m43s) when Funakoshi pinned Miyazaki with a Butterfly Backbreaker

7. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Ryunosuke Matsuki after (25m54s) by pinfall with a Backdrop transitioned into a Choke Slam


<hr color = black>


Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night XVII | 18/04/2020

Nagoya, Chubu - Attendance: 103

Show Rating: 67


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Ryobe Uno, Takenori Doi, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto defeated Charlie Corner, Ritsu Ibata, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after (10m22s) when Uno submitted Ibata with a Scorpion Deathlock

2. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Nichiren Funakoshi defeated Noburo Ikoma after (13m44s) by pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker

3. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Shingen Miyazaki defeated Ox Mastadon after (19m29s) by pinfall with a Brainbuster from the second rope

4. Big Bruiser Findlay & Animal Harker defeated Noritoshi Miura & Inejiro Yoshizawa after (16m50s) when Findlay pinned Yoshizawa with a Lariat

5. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Naozane Goto defeated Masahiro Genji after (16m41s) by pinfall with a Goto Slam

6. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi defeated Yoshinaka Taku after (20m49s) by pinfall with an Overhead Release Belly-to-Belly Suplex

7. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block B - 1st Round: Bunrakuken Torii drew with Mabuchi Furusawa after (30m00s) when the time limit expired


<hr color = black>


Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night XVIII | 21/04/2020

Hiroshima, Chugoku - Attendance: 93

Show Rating: 70


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku defeated Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa after (14m26s) when Yoshinaka Taku pinned Okimasa with a Full Nelson Bomb

2. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Isoruko Arakaki drew with Eikichi Itou after (30m00s) when the time limit expired

3. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Tanyu Toshusai defeated Sojuro Sen after (14m30s) by pinfall with a Dangerous Brainbuster

4. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Big Bruiser Findlay defeated Animal Harker after (13m22s) by pinfall with an Oklahoma Stampede

5. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Giant Brody after (15m48s) by pinfall with a series of Lariats

6. Nichiren Funakoshi & Bunrakuken Torii defeated Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji after (19m39s) when Funakoshi pinned Genji with a German Suplex

7. BCG Ace Summit IX - Block A - 1st Round: Razan Okamoto defeated Ryunosuke Matsuki after (29m22s) by pinfall with a Brainbuster Suplex


- The main event of the show was the final 1st round match of this year's Ace Summit. Even though Okamoto has scored an impressive victory against Matsuki shortly before the time limit would have been reached and rose his points to 15, catching up to Big Bruiser Findlay, he still does not advance into the 2nd round as Findlay won the direct encounter between the two. Thus we have the pairings BCG World Heavyweight Champion Nichiren Funakoshi vs. APWA International Heavyweight Champion Big Bruiser Findlay and GCG World Heavyweight Champion Rokuemon Matsushita vs. fellow Devil Grappling Army member and his most trusted companion Bunrakuken Torii in the 2nd round of the tournament.





Nichiren Funakoshi [18]

Bunrakuken Torii [15]

Mabuchi Furusawa [14]

Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi [9]

Naozane Goto [8]

Ox Mastodon [6]

Noburo Ikoma [6]

Yoshinaka Taku [5]

Masahiro Genji [5]

Shingen Miyazaki [4]




Rokuemon Matsushita [17]

Big Bruiser Findlay [15]

Razan Okamoto [15]

Ryunosuke Matsuki [12]

Giant Brody [10]

Tanyu Toshusai [6]

Animal Harker [5]

Isoruko Arakaki [5]

Sojuro Sen [3]

Eikichi Itou [2]


<hr color = black>


Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night XIX | 23/04/2020

Suita, Kansai - Attendance: 567

Show Rating: 75


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Sam Copland defeated Ritsu Ibata after (5m47s) by pinfall with a Dread Bomb

2. Ichiro Mitsukuri, Koyo Kinoshita, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto defeated Toshinobu Taku, Takenori Doi, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo after (8m44s) when Kinoshita pinned Kisaka with a Belly To Belly Suplex

3. Giant Brody, Ox Mastadon & Animal Harker defeated Ryobe Uno, Eikichi Itou & Isoruko Arakaki after (14m23s) when Brody pinned Uno with a Lariat

4. Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa defeated Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake after (14m49s) when Ikoma pinned Miyake with a Northern Lights Bomb

5. Mabuchi Furusawa, Ryunosuke Matsuki, Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji defeated Razan Okamoto, Yoshinaka Taku, Noritoshi Miura & Inejiro Yoshizawa after (24m51s) when Furusawa submitted Yoshizawa with a Furusawa Armbar.

6. Bunrakuken Torii & Naozane Goto defeated Rokuemon Matsushita & Sojuro Sen after (21m53s) when Torii pinned Sen with the Dangerous Forearm

7. BCG Ace Summit IX - 2nd Round: Nichiren Funakoshi defeated Big Bruiser Findlay after (38m20s) by pinfall with a Butterfly Backbreaker in an intense bout, that had Funakoshi at the verge of losing several times against the seemingly invincible Findlay, but coming back again and again with his indelible fighting spirit


- After the 6th match between the four Devil Grappling Army members the match winner Torii had the chance to grab a mic and direct a few words to his Ace Summit 2nd round opponent next week Matsushita. He said that Matsushita was his closest friend and most loyal companion and that noone felt happier for him when he won the GCG World Heavyweight title at the final show of the New Year Super Series. Yet, even Torii's favor towards Matsushita has limits. Matsushita came that far, but tomorrow on the last regular touring night he would find his master in Torii. Torii says that he will then emerge into the final and win the Ace Summit IX first and the BCG World Heavyweight title from Funakoshi afterwards, leaving the DGA as the strongest faction of BCG with two major title holders. Matsushita intervenes stating that noone knew Torii better than him and that he had nothing up the sleeve that would surprise him, whereas Torii counters that when he uses his new move the Dangerous Forearm in their match tomorrow Matsushita will have no idea what hit him. They end up in an intense staredown.


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Black Canvas Grappling | Ace Summit Series 2020 - Night XX | 24/04/2020

Fukuoka, Kyushu - Attendance: 95

Show Rating: 65


- Highlights shown on Shogun TV as 'Athletes Of The Black Canvas' -


1. Charlie Corner defeated Takenori Doi after (6m31s) by pinfall with a Cutter

2. Noritoshi Miura, Inejiro Yoshizawa, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo defeated Eikichi Itou, Isoruko Arakaki, Ichiro Mitsukuri & Koyo Kinoshita after (12m13s) when Yoshizawa pinned Mitsukuri with a Yoshizawa Bomb

3. Big Bruiser Findlay, Giant Brody, Ox Mastadon & Animal Harker defeated Toshinobu Taku, Yoshinaka Taku, Nobuharu Yokokawa & Motoyuki Miyake after (16m11s) when pinned Yokokawa with a Lariat

4. Mabuchi Furusawa & Ryunosuke Matsuki defeated James Diaz & Sam Copland after (12m28s) when Furusawa pinned Copland with a Bridging German Suplex

5. Tanyu Toshusai & Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi defeated Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji after (23m03s) when Wakabayashi pinned Genji with a German Suplex

6. Nichiren Funakoshi, Razan Okamoto, Noburo Ikoma & Sharaku Okimasa defeated Naozane Goto, Sojuro Sen, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto after (13m34s) when Funakoshi pinned Isono with a Lariat

7. BCG Ace Summit IX - 2nd Round: Rokuemon Matsushita defeated Bunrakuken Torii after (30m48s) by pinfall with a combination of strikes, a Lariat and finally a Backdrop transitioned into a Choke Slam in an epic encounter that had Torii almost win at the 25 minute mark when he surprised Matsushita with his Dangerous Forearm, before Matsushita kicked out and turned the match around


- After their match Furusawa and Matsuki spoke each other out and reconciled, agreeing to work together to bring the GCG World Heavyweight title back where it belongs.

- Torii and Matsushita shook hands post-main event and Matsushita pointed with his finger to an Ace Summit banner.


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1. Nobuharu Yokokawa, Ritsu Ibata, Motoyuki Miyake, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo vs. Ox Mastadon, Animal Harker, Charlie Corner, James Diaz & Sam Copland

2. Razan Okamoto, Sharaku Okimasa, Ryobe Uno & Takenori Doi vs. Naozane Goto, Sojuro Sen, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto

3. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku vs. Noritoshi Miura & Inejiro Yoshizawa

4. Noburo Ikoma vs. Ryunosuke Matsuki

5. GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji © vs. Tanyu Toshusai & Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi

6. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Big Bruiser Findlay © vs. Giant Brody

7. Bunrakuken Torii vs. Mabuchi Furusawa

8. BCG Ace Summit IX - Final Round: Nichiren Funakoshi vs. Rokuemon Matsushita





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1. Nobuharu Yokokawa, Ritsu Ibata, Motoyuki Miyake, Ginji Kisaka & Nobuyuki Kubo vs. Ox Mastadon, Animal Harker, Charlie Corner, James Diaz & Sam Copland

2. Razan Okamoto, Sharaku Okimasa, Ryobe Uno & Takenori Doi vs. Naozane Goto, Sojuro Sen, Yuta Isono & Suguru Emoto

3. Toshinobu Taku & Yoshinaka Taku vs. Noritoshi Miura & Inejiro Yoshizawa

4. Noburo Ikoma vs. Ryunosuke Matsuki

5. GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship: Shingen Miyazaki & Masahiro Genji © vs. Tanyu Toshusai & Fuyuhiko Wakabayashi

6. APWA International Heavyweight Championship: Big Bruiser Findlay © vs. Giant Brody

7. Bunrakuken Torii vs. Mabuchi Furusawa

8. BCG Ace Summit IX - Final Round: Nichiren Funakoshi vs. Rokuemon Matsushita

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