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Walter Sobchak's Graphics & What Have You...

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6 minutes ago, WalterSobchak said:

FCW Staff

Rico Santana


 Cueball Lynch



How can I possibly lay either of these guys off in my game (post buyout)? Again, all of these are fantastic dude. But attire here is top shelf. 

CueBall Lynch has a job for life, and when he dies, he will be buried in that beautiful shit. goodness!

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Major Stars

Frederique - Handsome Stranger - "Hands of Stone" Bradford Peverell - "Bulldog" Kip Keenan - "King of The Wasteland" Mutant

 Frederique_alt5.jpg.7ea882a9ee9b8d29dbc26cfaa676665d.jpg  HandsomeStranger_alt5.jpg.0391da441370d10d78a5098325f69b99.jpg  BradfordPeverell_alt55.jpg.cfde40b763b02881b22daf0f208c82be.jpg  KipKeenan_alt55.jpg.a98bc7d5772b654fdef241a10264b9d7.jpg  Mutant_alt9.jpg.7e8d310fa8c4fdf4ecd3994a47e7e4af.jpg 


Hell's Bouncer - Giant Brody - Ox Mastadon

HellsBouncer_alt999.jpg.72f374a4d0c133e684fe292665735b06.jpg  GiantBrody_alt55.jpg.8f0cf354b9cb909c0bec33386811d044.jpg  OxMastadon_alt7.jpg.bac109d19ead75dee3a6ae33baed9f3b.jpg

Well Known

Joffy "Jackhammer" Laine - Eric "The Bull" Sandretti - "The Maniac" Carlos Gonzalez - Hector Galindo - Rudy Velasquez

JoffyLaine_alt66.jpg.df475c0d0d3f4e0592c3b1ed5b00f46d.jpg  BullWrecker_alt55.png.315e989004900168d220ecd46ae28c85.png  CarlosGonzalez_alt5.jpg.539f03b8e0a176bfc1ae18ab3342cc0e.jpg  HectorGalindo_alt5.jpg.26c0977f77c0bab1557a46bdad5cafc6.jpg  RudyVelasquez_alt5.jpg.e46b7bd88cc8b5ceef2c5ee2bfe12203.jpg

Island Boy Apollo - Kid San Juan - Harlem Haynes

IslandBoyApollo_alt6.jpg.110dd9fbd813fdd50170953a165af2cd.jpg  KidSanJuan_alt5.jpg.13442ed3a094be8e57c59994a29d0e42.jpg  HarlemHaynes_alt5.jpg.af553189453a3abd84a2c62b046b7644.jpg


King Kong Kennedy - Jesus Chavez - Tex Tagan - Curtis Shaw - Davis Wayne Newton

KingKongKennedy_alt5.jpg.eca22f818fc1d6b5cf2b314cfcfbe911.jpg  JesusChavez_alt5.jpg.8a8709528049bd1d551fd8467b67c023.jpg  TexTagan_alt5.jpg.965d5f726c190f511f02d7d6c6cb0cda.jpg  CurtisShaw_alt5.jpg.af583e81387730575e49ae308f592ebf.jpg  DavisWayneNewton_alt5555.jpg.3523028eed088ecdcc967df989765c83.jpg

Ricochet Ramone - Rob Reynolds

RicochetRamone_alt5.jpg.253666acbe4ca37b872cbb9a2cd892f2.jpg  RobReynolds_alt5.jpg.dc00988649946b5ae17515b9f25170a3.jpg


Kanishoki - Cobra - Xavi Ferrera - "God's Favorite" Martyr - Juggernaut Jones

Kanishoki_alt5.jpg.cec6e92b35f29d40fab75e1b05dfdb9a.jpg  Cobra_alt555.jpg.d956545c8e653b5206f7fc6f4c831f8c.jpg  XaviFerrera_alt5.jpg.f2d337210fba86da3a3a70d60072c89d.jpg  Martyr_alt6.jpg.f5f25e33a49f16e89b3b7cd4b91a992a.jpg  JuggernautJones_alt56.jpg.4c90a618d9ee933ad11bdbf6465c2042.jpg

USAce - "The Son of The Lone Wolf" Marco Gonzalez - Bret Kyle - Taylor Norton

USAce_alt55.jpg.9e869c441595d009ecd8809f221c57fe.jpg  MarcoGonzalez_alt5.jpg.451c66dd1013c9654fc89783bd066b5c.jpg  BretKyle_alt6.jpg.c3dd9f19121e48d412009ce87e9b54c6.jpg  TaylorNorton_alt5.jpg.b34a3686580c9527608edd90c0786533.jpg


"Babyface" Lee Bambino


Color Commentators

Cueball Lynch



Ryan Holland


Road Agents

Rico Santana



Puerto Rican Power



Edited by WalterSobchak
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On 12/3/2023 at 5:31 PM, MegaCity1 said:

Hitting on all cylinders, Sobchak!

Would you be willing to whip up a Shawn Gonzalez?

Also, is it possible to get an unmasked Kid San Juan?

This is an awesome batch, dude!

Shawn Gonzalez 


Shawn Gonzalez Ager Alt


Kid San Juan Unmasked Alt






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On 11/30/2023 at 1:03 AM, WalterSobchak said:

Thank you @CQI13 for your kindness, hope these add some fun to your save! 

Thank you @John Lions, always thankful for your praise and feedback! Zen is definitely on my radar...as soon I finish America. :)

You and your daughters are awesome! Thank you for your continued interest @Sisma!


@Marmo thank you for the kind words! The America Indies are up next!


@IlRosso I do hold on to all of my PNGs and I've had a few people reach out for them, so below I have included a link to my current inventory of 476 render PNGS. Hope folks get some use out of them! Please let me know of any technical issues you may have, it's my first time using mediafire.


All PNGS are working. Thank you. Are you going to recreate 5SSW in the future? 

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21 hours ago, Black Pegasus II said:

Unmasked Kid San Juan is so specific and no one else will use that!!

LOL thanks to whoever requested that, Kid San Juan left FCW and Island Boy Apollo won the tag titles with a different partner before the merger. I found myself thinking about an unmasked KSJ getting signed to MAW... and now its almost like I have to....





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5 hours ago, MegaCity1 said:



So two things with this idea I had tried to work in. I found out KSJ does not want to unmask when talked to the worker. Idk if he will reject any agent note that would make him do so when the time comes. This also stopped my hotshot booking of bringing him back without a mask at all. I had the thought of having him unmask after costing FCW Tag Team Champions Island Boy Apollo and Joffy Laine a match in the upcoming Sam Keith Classic... but I could hold off a bit longer and book my first real Mask Match. 

Anywayssss, thanks

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Venturing off the vanilla path again...introducing…



"American Made" Stanley Axis & "Justice" James Jolson

StanleyAxis_alt6.jpg.d016c2d6b25e9d13442ee1e28ca7d4a7.jpg  JusticeJolson_alt5.jpg.67f4fadcf49b0ad55ea9360be7376998.jpg

"American Made" Stanley Axis & "Justice" James Jolson Zoomed Out Alts

StanleyAxis_alt66.jpg.863e23096d4bc29a351c747f23e376b8.jpg  JusticeJolson_alt555.jpg.074d8810b2f4bcb81d44639c65cf95f6.jpg

"American Made" Stanley Axis & "Justice" James Jolson Common Style Alts

StanleyAxis_alt7.jpg.f178c37a792a984fd2bace9804560522.jpg    JusticeJolson_alt7.jpg.ba6a0926ed711924fd660ebd1593c2f1.jpg








Edited by WalterSobchak
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