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Walter Sobchak's Graphics & What Have You...

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Major Stars

"The King of The South" Tennessee William



"The Italian Strongman" Brutus Milano - Riley McManus

BrutusMilano_alt6.jpg.aa64c7d2253a40ad524cd76ea1ae95fb.jpg  RileyMcManus_alt66.jpg.a717edcc3861f3115cf281dbc23a7c5a.jpg

Well Known

Andrew Harper - "The Wild Card" Denny King - Freedom Eagle

AndrewHarper_alt55.jpg.6fb90c8372ffc3a3940b4fae154ac72e.jpg  DennyKing_alt6.jpg.2432f7ad6fc45f387dd4b586aeab9489.jpg  FreedomEagle_alt5.jpg.865c43d847b216f821b89388dcf40902.jpg


Animal Harker - Crockett Tubbs - Devastating Don - Geoff "Air" Borne - Hawkeye Calhoun

AnimalHarker_alt5.jpg.ef3808dba76df8b679395145127b3ad9.jpg  CrockettTubbs_alt5.jpg.8ab305361c1babd939a279b4154adbbc.jpg  DevastatingDon_alt5.jpg.43ac7bbbb1ac3d70d6a2f6496d82ee7f.jpg  GeoffBorne_alt5.jpg.ddfd8c586df4216841966de7feb05711.jpg  HawkeyeCalhoun_alt5.jpg.aa0972c22cba128cf18fee76d21da2d3.jpg

Howlin' Mad Mort - LA Star #1 - LA Star #2 - Masked Stranger - Richie "The Body' Riggins

HowlinMadMort_alt55.jpg.eb32370b3c3a85c7c7910fe82e1c2d6c.jpg  LAStar1_alt5.jpg.d27234cf9e9fca05229b544dacf89d22.jpg  LAStar2_alt5.jpg.3cb48880cad8fe28dbb40be2b454874b.jpg  TheMaskedStranger_alt55.jpg.124a6e6703d58bc10ad88a737bbbec60.jpg  RichieRiggins_alt55.jpg.459faacf8386faea08e3247a02f5f14d.jpg

Salvator "Sweet Sal" DiMeo - The New York Doll - Whitehorse Whittaker

SalDiMeo_alt5.jpg.ff37274942eaa907b1c638fdd0751077.jpg  TheNewYorkDoll_alt6.jpg.c96925dccde777f6a6cf2388704c85be.jpg  WhitehorseWhittaker_alt55.jpg.d749b7f881b7f976b8cee772314389a1.jpg


Chuck Casey - "Lucky" Luca Sacramoni - Machine Gun Marino - "Ice Cold" Ray Snow - Super Massive Destroyer 

ChuckCasey_alt5.jpg.08f456fa2e58237ae5311f07ababd64e.jpg  LucaSacramoni_alt5.jpg.5a807d22a88fe7b94345c35ea146f193.jpg  JimmyMarino_alt5.jpg.12e89f9c8a706285884688a6fc99bcd4.jpg  RaySnow_alt7.jpg.1a7881696bfeede92e3417368b697402.jpg  SuperMassiveDestroyer_alt5.jpg.2d82bf461de1381f7edb121fb0b0bd86.jpg

Tully Casey - Vito "The Meat Cleaver" Pirelli 

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Cheerleader Nicki - Fern Hathaway

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Ron South - Rock Downpour

RonSouth_Alt5.jpg.1598f4160d463354fd4d9188730bf594.jpg  RockDownpour_alt5.jpg.575a500357b26e02c839c6ae5b9df09f.jpg

Color Commentators

Ernie Turner



Michael Bull - Arnie Plummer

MichaelBull_alt7.jpg.d76d62d96e947da133720116901f6b20.jpg  ArniePlummer_alt5.jpg.152b8ac1ec55def0d01ee71c9f3d7f38.jpg

Road Agents

Steve Flash



Larry Vessey


Edited by WalterSobchak
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The Steel Circle 


Leader - "The Assassin of The Squared Circle" Ernest Youngman


Members - Rich & Famous 


"High Roller" Jackpot Jordan & "Hollywood" Jake Idol

 JackpotJordan_alt7.jpg.48b21ab36123f40ef6175d5c7b82ded2.jpg  JakeIdol_alt5.jpg.c032d4701dfe036cbfb721847a234fb1.jpg 

Members - "Glorious" Logan Wolfsbaine


Support - Venus Angeletti 


"Glorious Logan Wolfsbaine Cutting Floor Alts

LoganWolfsbaine_alt5.jpg.c3db55cad1a7d71f40c1ea19e7fb7ad0.jpg  LoganWolfsbaine_alt7.jpg.65636927b1bb5994a58370041bee0252.jpg










Logan Wolfsbaine_alt5.png

Logan Wolfsbaine_alt6.png


Edited by WalterSobchak
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32 minutes ago, WalterSobchak said:

The Steel Circle 


Leader - "The Assassin of The Squared Circle" Ernest Youngman


Members - Rich & Famous 


"High Roller" Jackpot Jordan & "Hollywood" Jake Idol

 JackpotJordan_alt7.jpg.48b21ab36123f40ef6175d5c7b82ded2.jpg  JakeIdol_alt5.jpg.c032d4701dfe036cbfb721847a234fb1.jpg 

Members - "Glorious" Logan Wolfsbaine


Support - Venus Angeletti 










We were all waiting for this one and it did not disappoint one bit. The Pink and Black Attack returns and is better than ever.

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On 12/17/2023 at 12:15 PM, KingLuffy said:

is there anywhere i can download all the renders at once or do i need to do them all individually?

@KingLuffy Hi there and thank you for your interest! There hopefully will one day be a collaborative picture pack…potentially with rockstar @John Lions in the future.

For now though, I’m trying to give my available free time to focusing on rendering and uploading in this reveal style format. I apologize and know going through all the pages is time consuming and a lot of right clicking, but I would encourage you to check out everything as there as some fun alts and non-vanilla creations hiding in those pages. You’ll also get to see my progression through the USA C-Verse scene… and reach the inevitable conclusion that I’m going to have to take another stab at my beloved TCW at some point…

If you are interested in PNGS, I had before and would again be willing to upload my uncut renders for your TEW pleasure. These are not on C Verse Blue, but you could manipulate them as you see fit. If interested feel free to let me know and I’ll post the most updated link…which has around 700 renders at this point. 

Thank you again for your interest!

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On 12/19/2023 at 7:50 PM, PhenomenalPat said:

Excellent renders as always.  I'm begun checking this site out several times a day, purely because of your work. 


Also, "Ron South" ain't foolin' me!  I know Clark Kent when I see him.

Thank you for your interest and support! Really appreciate your kind message!

And this…well this looked like a job for…Ron South! ;)

On 12/19/2023 at 5:28 PM, SuperMaxize said:

Everything you do is just marvelous!

Thank you for your hard work :)

Thank you @SuperMaxize for your really nice message! Thank you for your interest in these renders! :)

On 12/19/2023 at 11:22 PM, Black Pegasus II said:






On 12/20/2023 at 12:47 AM, Sisma said:

Seconded! 😁



48 minutes ago, Sisma said:

Mind. Blowing. Awesomeness.  😮

Thank you @Sisma for your continued support!

37 minutes ago, Marmo said:

We were all waiting for this one and it did not disappoint one bit. The Pink and Black Attack returns and is better than ever.

Pink and Black Attack Forever!

Would have liked to have had these guys and gal uploaded last night, but I wanted to spend some extra time on getting it right. EY is mainstay in my games and someone I will always sign regardless of situation. Rich and Famous are on the cusp of the big time…And Logan is the star in waiting. Really a fun group to spend some time thinking about. 

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12 minutes ago, Black Pegasus II said:

I'd imagine the bottom of his tongue does not feel great, but seriously this is the coolest mask. 

Oh...he'll be okay! :) 

In my brain I imagine Acid II spewing red mist into his heel opponents eyes when they try to pull heel shenanigans... This is the mist dripping off his tongue. :)

Edited by WalterSobchak
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