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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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On 1/20/2023 at 6:34 PM, piperrulz said:

I have a question. It's a bit off-topic.

I was wondering how any other diary writers who read this prepare their shows and other segments.

Do you write them out before typing/posting them?

Or do you fly by the seat of your pants and just type up your posts on the fly?

I admit I do the latter (guess that's Russo-like).

I'll have a few loose ideas rolling around in my head (angles, match finishes, etc.) But a lot of what you read on the shows I post I literally just create on the fly.



On 1/21/2023 at 6:24 AM, Old School Fan said:


On 1/21/2023 at 6:24 AM, Old School Fan said:

I do my write-ups in advance before posting them, gives me a chance to polish up the matches (for events) and storylines (for my behind-the-scenes chapters).


On 1/20/2023 at 10:45 PM, Theheel said:

Generally I wrote them out before hand.  When I was really prepare I would, but a few Tim’s I flew by the seat of my pants.  I generally had an outline, would run the event in game and then adjust things as I wrote.  But generally I had everything written beforehand 

I'll respond to both of you with one message. I tried the write it out before typing it up thing when I first started doing fantasy BTB's but it just took me too much time to do it all. I'm a pretty impatient guy. So, one day I just decided to start booking on the fly. It's worked out pretty well for me. To each his own. I tip my hat to you for being more patient than I in putting your posts together.


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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears
(# means aired on a previous AWA show.)
4th Taping Re-Cap
Show Intro
In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
TV MAIN EVENT: Jerry Blackwell vs. Tommy Rich
Cactus Jack makes his ASW debut
The Trooper sees action
A couple of major announcements about next week's program
A look back at Badd Company's assault on the Top Guns on last week's show and comments from Dallas Page
Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Update with PWI's Bill Apter
The Guerrero Bros. wrestle
A look back at Stan Hansen's shocking, unexpected appearance on last week's AWA on ESPN
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Muncie.
Jonnie Stewart won a squash match via pinfall over Paul Lynde with his questionable flying knee to the gut finisher
Nelson: Jonnie, the 1990's are coming and you've made the claim that you are the wrestler of the '90s.
Stewart: I am the prototype for what a great wrestler will be in the '90s!
Get a good look at me, people! Take those pics! You'll one day be able to show your kids and grandkids this picture and say you saw the wrestler of the '90s!
And when I say that I'm the wrestler of the '90s it's not a boast; it's a fact!
Crowd booed.
Nelson: A lot of these people seem to disagree with your assertion.
Stewart: They're idiots! What do they know about greatness?!
They've never laced 'em up and stepped into the ring!
There's a reason these people are paying to sit in these seats and watch me! It's because they don't have the natural, God-given talent to be the top pro wrestler like me! They can only watch and dream! And ladies! I know what you're dreamin' about when you look at me but I can't talk about it on TV!
More boos.
Nelson: One more question. What about the rumor that you load your knee pad?
Stewart: This interview is over!
Nelson: That was Jonnie Stewart!
Stewart quickly left the ring, dropped to the floor and arrogantly threw his fists in the air.
Pic aired of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt with the caption: NEXT.. TOURNEY UPDATE!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter.
# Apter was standing in front of the PWI logo in a birthday suit and tie and holding a mic.
Apter: Greetings, wrestling fans.
This is Bill Apter of Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.

The tournament will take place on Saturday, February 17, 1990 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
The tournament will be divided into two sessions: an afternoon session and an evening session. The afternoon session, which will feature the opening round of the 16-man tournament, has a bell time of 12:30pm and the night session, featuring the quarters, semis and final of the tournament has a scheduled bell-time of 7:30pm.
Tickets are now on sale for both sessions and you can be part of this historic wrestling event by contacting Ticket Master or the
Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714) 555-1812.
It will be a great time to be in beautiful, warm, sunny Southern California as cold winter weather overtakes much of the country.
And there's always lots to do in Anaheim. From going to the beaches; eating fantastic food; visiting the Happiest Place on Earth
Disneyland and so much more. Anaheim also has lots of affordable quality hotels near the Convention Center.
Now, as promised last week: a major announcement about the tournament.
Of the 16 spots that will be available, 8 spots will be taken by winners of qualifying matches on AWA programming. The remaining eight spots are by invitation only.
This tournament will have wrestlers from different promotions all over the world. It will truly be an international event.
Well, two of the invitation spots have been filled!
And I'll reveal who's in those two spots on next week's update.
The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament is already shaping up to be a great event! Be part of it! Make your plans to be with us in Anaheim today!
I'm Bill Apter. Until next time.
In-Studio: Nelson said the excitement was building for the tournament which was now less than three months away. Wondereed who the two automatic entrants were that Apter was going to reveal next week.
Then sent it back to the ring in Muncie.
The Guerrero Bros. won a squash match over Fennis Dembo & Tiny Archibald via pinfall when Mondo pinned Tiny with a moonsault
Pic aired of Stan Hansen with the caption: NEXT.. STAN'S BACK!!!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-Studio: Nelson intro'd video of Stan Hansen showing up unannounced at the Showboat in Las Vegas.

# Back from commercial: Crowd was buzzing as Stan Hansen was stomping around in the ring in street clothes, black cowboy hat and cowboy boots. Hansen was wildly waving his cowbell and thrashing around his bullrope.

Larry Nelson made his way into the ring.
Nelson had to jump out of the way of Hansen thrashing the bullrope around.
Nelson: Stan Hansen, may I have a word with you?!
Nelson jumped out of the way of the bullrope one more time.
Hansen stopped waving the bullrope around and waved the cowbell in the air and it clanged noisily.
Hansen: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Crowd still buzzing.
Nelson: Stan Hansen! This time was set aside for a match! What are you doing here?!
Hansen (chewing tobacco): I'm here for one reason and it can be summed up in two words: Sgt. Slaughter!
Tobacco spittle flew in the face of Larry Nelson.
Nelson quickly wiped off his face.
Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter?!
Hansen: I came back to the AWA to challenge Slaughter for the AWA World Title! I want the title a second time! Haaaaaaaaaa!
More bullrope thrashing and Nelson moved around nervously in the ring.
Nelson: Could you please stop waving the bullrope around! It's making me very nervous!
Hansen ceased the thrashing.
Hansen: I deserve a title shot because I'm a former AWA World Champion! And I want that title shot ASAP!
Sgt. Slaughter! I know you'll see this!
My kids need new clothes and new shoes! And the best way to buy those things is to become the champ once again! Bills are a lot easier to pay when you're at the top of the food chain in this sport! Being the champ pays real good!
So, Sgt. Slaughter, I'm gonna await your response! And you'd better say what I want to hear son or else!
Nelson: Or else what?
Hansen once again thrashed the bullrope around and Nelson quickly bolted out of the way.
Hansen: Or else he'll feel the wrath of the bullrope and the cowbell!
Hansen waved the cowbell in the air and many were now booing.
Nelson: You haven't been the champion since '86!
Even if Sgt. Slaughter accepts your challenge, AWA officials are gonna have to determine if you are deserving of a title shot.
Hansen: They won't say no to me because I'm Stan Hansen!
If they do say no then hell will be unleashed on the Sarge!
I'm an impatient man! I want an answer and I want it quickly! And the answer better be 'yes'!
Nelson: That's Stan Hansen! We'll see what develops!
In-Studio: Nelson briefly described the shacking return of Hansen.
Pic aired of Cactus Jack with the caption: NEXT... CRAZY CACTUS!!!



Cactus Jack (w/ Tommy Rich) won a squash match over Tony Clifton via pinfall with a double underhook DDT


Jack put on the usual Jack show, including taking himself and Clifton over the top rope to the floor with a running clothesline and his infamous running elbow drop off the apron onto a prone Clifton on the floor.


Rich climbed in the ring after the win.




Nelson: Cactus Jack. You continue to amaze and frighten at the same time!


Jack: It's a gift, Larry Nelson. My opponents should already be figuring out they're on the most out of control ride at the amusement park when they face me.


Nelson: Cannot disagree with that.


Tommy Rich, you have picked one unpredictable partner.


Tommy: Ain't he great, Nelson! Hahaha!
I heard Lee Marshall's so desperate to find a partner that he's taken out an ad in Pro Wrestling Illustrated and Wrestling Eye begging someone to partner with him! Hahahaha!
He made a serious mistake when he asked for this tag match! It's all downhill for you from here, Marshall!
Nelson: You've got Jerry Blackwell tonight. You thoughts heading into the match?
Tommy: Big boy better bring his A game, because right now I'm at my career peak! Blackwell may be bigger than me! But he's not smarter than me! Brains plus talent beats brawn every time!
Oh! And Blackwell's not a former NWA World Champion like me!
Crowd booed.
Jack: Bang! Bang!
Nelson: Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack, everybody!
Marshall and Blears briefly talked about Marshall still looking for a tag partner for his match with Rich and Jack. Marshall said Rich and Jack were gonna be an extremely dangerous team to face.
Video aired of Badd Company attacking the Top Guns with the caption: NEXT... REAL BADD COMPANY!!!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video of last week's savage assault on the Top Guns by Badd Company. Plus comments from Badd Co. manager DDP.
(There were 'janitors' at ringside pushing brooms and cleaning up around the area.)
# As the Guns looked on waiting for Badd Company to come out, the fans were suspicious of the 'janitors' at ringside.
After a brief pause...
Rice: Where are they, Page! Get 'em out here or is this some sort of bluff?
DDP: Oh! It's no bluff, Rickster! They're here and you're about to feel their wrath!
Page again gestured towards the back.
More waiting...
Dukes: They're not comin', are they?!
Dukes got in Page's face and Rice stepped in to try and keep the pair separate.
Rice: Let's just wait a minute, Derrick. We're calling your bluff, Page! Get 'em out here...now!
Page threw up his hands.
Crowd started screaming for the Guns to turn around as the 'janitors', brooms in hand, climbed up on the apron behind the quartet in the ring. With Nelson and the Guns distracted by Page, Page was the only one who saw what was going on.
Top Guns and Page were having words off-mic as the 'janitors' climbed into the ring behind the Guns.
After standing there for a few seconds...
The 'janitors' came up behind the Guns and clubbed the Guns with their hard wood broom handles.
Nelson: Oh my Go...
Nelson bailed to the safety of the floor. Both Guns down on the mat.
The 'janitors' quickly tossed their hats and glasses revealing them to be...Badd Company!
After beating Dukes and Rice with the broom handles some more, the diabolical pair tossed the brooms and started stomping away on the two. Dukes and Rice helpless.
DDP shouting orders.
Badd Co. quickly dispatched with the coveralls.
Tanaka snapped Rice up and held him around the waist as Diamond moved in and pulverized Rice with a superkick into a bridgeout German suplex from Tanaka (Superkick-Plex) . Rice laid out.
DDP shouted more orders for his men.
Diamond grabbed Dukes by the legs and catapaulted Dukes into the waiting arms of Tanaka, who blasted Dukes with a jumping DDT.
Top Guns down and out.
DDP ordered them to pick up Rice.
As Tanaka was picking up Rice, crowd popped as some of the faces and referees charged down the aisle. Tanaka let go of Rice and Rice crumpled helplessly back to the mat.
Badd Co. and Page bailed to the safety of the floor as the faces/refs hit the ring. DDP wasted no time leading his men quickly back up the heel aisle as the fans booed loudly.
Faces and refs checked on Rice and Dukes as the segment ended.
Pic flipped and DDP was standing in front of the AWA logo with Tanaka and Diamond flanking.
The three were in street clothes and DDP had a mic.
DDP: Pop Guns, did you enjoy that? I know we did.
We enjoyed it a lot.
Tanaka and Diamond laughing.
DDP: I said you boys were getting a whoopin' and I meant it.
Those 'janitors' did a real good job cleaning your clocks in the ring!
You know who thought up the 'janitor' routine? You're looking at him! I'm very proud of my handiwork!
The only thing I regret is Tanaka and Diamond not being able to inflict more punishment on you! That would have been a thing of beauty!
Unfortunately, we were rudely before completing our task!
But mark my words Pop Guns! We will complete our task! We will completely destroy Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes!
You don't cost a man $25 grand and a team the tag team titles without their being repercussions!
And what happened to you last week is nothing compared to what's going to happen to you very soon!
Pic aired of The Trooper with the caption: NEXT... LAW & ORDER!

Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


In-Studio: Larry Nelson told fans to stick around after The Trooper's match for a couple of major announcements about next week's show.


Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Muncie.


The Trooper Del Wilkes won a squash match via submission over James Garner via submission with his double trap nerve hold


On the way to the ring, Trooper handed out souvenir speeding tickets.


Trooper woke Garner, who'd passed out in the nerve hold, with a slap to the back of the neck.




Nelson: Trooper Del Wilkes, you looked really good in your first match back since being attacked by Larry Zbyszko.


Trooper: Well, Larry, let me tell you, it's great to be back in front of the best fans in all of wrestling.


Crowd cheered.


Trooper: I have something I need to get off my chest.


Larry Zbyszko attacking me and beating with that chair until it bent was not the worst thing that happened to me.


The worst thing that happened was that Zbyszko had the gall to come out on AWA television and say he attacked me because he's fighting against police brutality!


What a joke!


Nelson nodded in agreement.


Trooper: Larry Zbyszko attacked me because he's a loudmouth low-life who clearly hates any sort of authority!


Fans cheered.


Trooper: Let me tell you something, Zbyszko!


Most of the men and women who put the uniform on everyday are good people!


Yes, there are some bad apples! But they are few and far between!


These people go out there and put there lives on the line! There's no guarantee if they're coming home to their families when they leave for work!


And they don't do the job of policing to get rich! Being a police officer is not gonna put you in a mansion in Beverly Hills!


They do it because of a sense of obligation to the people of this great country!


More cheers.


Trooper: And I just wanted to thank all the members of law enforcement for being out there, taking the risk and looking out for us!


Nelson: The Trooper, everybody!


More cheers.


In-Studio: Nelson said that next week on ASW they would have two big matches.

Greg Valentine will be making his ASW debut


The main event will be...The Top Guns vs. Badd Company!

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!
TV MAIN EVENT: Jerry Blackwell vs. Tommy Rich
Announcers wondered where Cactus Jack was.
Both men were in the ring and announced.
Ref called for the bell.
Tommy Rich charged over and started pounding away on the big man. Rich slammed Blackwell's head into the top buckle. Blackwell staggered off. Rich hit Blackwell with a pair of double sledges to the back. Rich then went to whip Blackwell into the ropes but Blackwell reversed and caught Rich cooming off with a monster clothesline. Rich crashed to the mat as the crowd cheered. Blackwell snapped Rich up and blasted Rich with an inverted suplex. Rich rolled over on his back. Blackwell went for an elbow smash to the chest but Rich rolled out of the way and Blackwell crashed to the mat. Both men down. Rich managed to climb on top of Blackwell and pop Blackwell with a series of deliberate head shots. Rich up, ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash on Blackwell. Rich for the cover. 1...2... Blackwell kicked out. Rich and Blackwell up and Rich went to punch Blackwell but Blackwell blocked the punch try and blasted Rich with a headbutt. Rich crashed to the mat. Blackwell reached down and started to pull Rich up by the hair when Rich caught Blackwell with an eye rake out of the view of the ref. Blackwell grabbed at his eyes. Rich clubbed away with a series forearm smashes to Blackwell's back. Rich then dropped down behind Blackwell and grabbed Blackwell's left leg and lifted it off the ground and Blackwell lost his balance and crashed on his back to the mat. Rich quickly put Blackwell in the painful spinning toe hold submission hold. Blackwell managed to use his free foot to kick Rich off. Rich crashed to the mat. Both men up and Rich caught Blackwell with some body shots and went to whip Blackwell into the corner but Blackwell reversed and sent Rich crashing into the corner. After quickly shaking out some of the effects of the match, Blackwell crushed Rich with an avalanche. Rich staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed on his back in the ring. Blackwell regaining his bearings
Marshall: What's this?! It's Cactus Jack!
Blears: You had to figure he was around somewhere, Lee! It's obvious Rich and Jack are thick as thieves!
Jack hit the ring as  Blackwell prepared to hit Rich with his diving splash finisher. Jack pounced on Blackwell and started pounding away on him. Ref called for the bell. Jack kept hammering away on Blackwell. Rich recovered enough to join in on the assault on Blackwell. Suddenly, Blackwell caught Jack wiht an elbow to the gut. Blackwell started fighting back and was matching Rich blow-for-blow.
Marshall: I don't believe what I'm seeing! Blackwell is showing some serious fight and heart here!
Blackwell gained the upper hand and then started going back-and-forth punching Jack and Rich. Blackwell knocked Jack down. As Blackwell turned his ire on Rich, Jack up and clubbed Blackwell from behind. Rich and Jack had regained the upper hand. The two pounded on Blackwell a little more.
Marshall: Come on, Jerry! Fight on!
Jack and Rich each took and arm of Blackwell's. The pair whipped Blackwell into the ropes and looked to catch Blackwell coming off  with a double clothesline but Blackwell ducked the move (as much as he could duck it) and came back and pulverized Rich and Jack with a clothesline of his own. Crowd popped big-time.
Shot of an angry Blackwell looking down at the two men he just floored.
Marshall: Jerry Blackwell was getting the beatdown of a lifetime when he fought back and wound up taking down those two thugs Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich! Wow!
SUPER CLASH 4 RE-MATCH (Falls Count Anywhere)
Greg Gagne pinned Larry Zbyszko with a sunset flip over the top rope back into the ring - 11:12
Col. DeBeers vs. Tom Zenk ended in a double countout - 7:23
The Trooper, Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans vs. Jonnie Stewart & The Destruction Crew (WTTC)
1 & 2. Stewart and The Trooper fought to a double countout - 5:09

3. Bloom pinned Rheingans - 8:14

4. Patera pinned Bloom after Enos' interference backfired - 11:27

5. Patera made Enos submit to the swinging full nelson - 15:09

(YIKES! Falling back to pre-Lawler/Sarge numbers!)
The Crusher Jerry Blackwell | Pro wrestling, Japan news, Wrestling
Edited by piperrulz
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Soon-to-be AWA co-owner Deborah Harry picked up the phone and called fellow soon-to-be AWA co-owner John Waters.
After two rings...
Housekeeper: Watters' residence.
Deb: Hi, Christy, this is Deborah.
Housekeeper: Oh, hi. Mr. Waters is here. Let me get him for you.
Deb: Thanks.
Housekeeper buzzed Waters in his home office and informed him who was on the line.
John picked up.
John: Hello, Deb.
Deb: Hi, John.
Just calling to see what date we're looking at for a transfer of the company to the four of us (Crockett and Watts included).
Waters: Well, I've talked with Verne and he's hoping he can hold off the official transfer until late February. February 19 to be exact.
Deb: Why that date?
John: He said he would like to hold on to the company until the tournament they're having down in Anaheim is finished.
Tournament's on February 17 for a new title. We'd take over the following Monday.
Deb: OK. That's understandable.
Can you remember the name of the belt they'll be fighting over?
Brief pause...
John: No, I can't.
The pair laughed.
Deb: We'd better get up to speed on this stuff, John, if we're going to own the company.
John: I agree. Especially working with guys like Watts and Crockett.
Deb: Indeed. Been so busy lately that I haven't watched the recent shows.
John: Same here. We need to find copies of those programs and find the time to watch the shows on a weekly basis moving forward.
Deb: When do you think we should release an announcement to the media?
John: Talked with Verne about this as well. We both thought announcing the deal just after New Year's would be the thing to do.
Deb: Sounds fine. We need to try and keep this thing as quiet as possible because saying something about the sale to the wrong person could lead to them blabbing it to the press before we want it out there.
John: Anything else right now, love?
Deb: Basically just touching base with you. We need to talk with Crockett and Watts soon.
John: Agreed. They will be a big help in this transition.
Deb: Real quick. Have you been looking at other cities to move the AWA offices?
John: I'm big on most major cities in Florida, Vegas or L.A.
Deb: I'm in that same ballpark as well only I'd add one more and that would be Phoenix.
We'll discuss it further at a later date.
John: OK. I gotta get back to work.
Deb: Alright. Talk to you later, hon.
John: Bye, Deb.
John Waters and Deborah Harry are getting a crash course in owning what was once one of the Big 3 wrestling promotions in America. And they hope to make it one of them again.
Edited by piperrulz
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ON THE LINE: Deborah Harry, Bill Watts, Jim Crockett and John Waters (Not present: Jerry Jarrett)
After saying their hellos they got down to business.
Deb: The first thing I wanted to bring up was the moving of the AWA offices. I wanted to know what Jim and Bill thought about the matter.
Bill: Deb, since you and John have decided to stay in the current territory of the AWA rather than just roll the dice and try to quickly expand, and I agree with you on that, by the way, it might be best to keep our offices for the near future right where they are in the Minneapolis area since our main towns are still in the upper Midwest.
Deb: Do you think we'll have trouble getting wrestlers to come up here because of the extremely cold climate in winter?
Bill: It could be problematic when trying to sign some wrestlers.
But right now, moving the offices and flying wrestlers from Southern California or some other warmer locale to our Midwestern
towns could be very cost prohibitive; especially right out of the box.
John: That does make sense, Deb. Let's slow things down a little regarding moving our base of operations.
Bill, you and Jim will be moving to Minnesota, right?
Bill: Of course.
Jim: Someone has to be in charge of the day-to-day operations.
Let's keep in mind that the WWF operates out of the Northeast. It's not always sunny and 72 there.
But quality of life is important to the wrestlers.
Bill: I think in the case of most wrestlers you try and sign up for the AWA, if the price is right they will come.
Jim: Agreed.
Deb: Bill and Jim, will you be needing a general manager like they have in other sports?
Jim (laughing): No. You don't need a GM in wrestling. I'll be the main man to run things out of the office.
Bill: I'll be in the office, too. But I'll also be on the road more than Jim.
John: I'm assuming that since the upper Midwest is the main part of our territory, if we do move the offices down South then we would fly the wrestlers up there for the shows and they would travel to most of the shows in the region by car.
Jim: That's correct. 
Bill: Gotta remember that this is a huge territory we're dealing with. Still are gonna have to fly the wrestlers to some cities.
John: Jim and Bill, you guys think that when we expand we should do it slowly. What exactly do you mean by 'slowly'.
Jim: Well, Bill and I have both expanded outside of our original territories. It's gonna be a roll of the dice no matter what. But I think when expansion comes, you should pick a small area of the country and work a few cities there and see how things go.
Deb: Bill?
Bill: Well, you could certainly go Crockett's route. Or, you could do a few test runs.
John: Test runs?
Bill: Yes, pick a city here and a city there and run shows in two, three or four cities and see how well they draw.
Deb: Are we talking about in the same general area?
Bill: Not necessarily. For example: you could run a couple of shows in different states in major areas to see how well the AWA plays there. If it's a good first house in that city, you make plans to go back in the future. If it's a poor house, then you dial it back and look at what you can do to draw a larger house there in the future.
John: There's one wrestler Deb and I have talked about that we're a little concerned with.
Jim: Who?
John: Col. DeBeers. The whole racist schtick. I don't know if it's something we really can afford to be associated with.
Bill: Well, I saw the show in early November where he cut a helluva a promo. Yes, it was incendiary. But it got really good crowd heat and that's what you want from a heel. I'd hold off on any changes to the Colonel. He's hot right now.
I mean, DeBeers has made people want to see a match with Tom Zenk in it. Not often that happens.
Everyone laughed.
Deb: When you two look at the roster are their any wrestlers you can see yourselves parting with?
Bill: I think we'll need to take a look at the current roster of talent and go from there.
Jim: Don't want to make any rash decisions. We'll visit this issue when the transfer to us is completed.
John: Sgt. Slaughter's the current World Champion. Do you think we need somebody different in that position?
Jim: I would say no. Not right now, at least. He's the biggest star the AWA currently has. Stick with him as long as you can.
Bill: I agree with Jim on this one. Right now, he's your biggest star. He would have been a much hotter World Champion in '84 or '85. But he is the current standard bearer for the AWA.
I know they brought in Greg Valentine. But it would seem like Greg's gonna have to b built up a little because he's pretty much been persona non grata in the business the last two years. He's wrestled; but he's been a low mid-carder and that's how the fans currently perceive him.
Jim: But Verne's in the precarious situation of having to try and get guys over who have never been stars or need somewhat of a career re-build like Valentine.
Slaughter is definitely the man to stick with at the moment.
Bill: Keep in mind they just had to bring back Jerry Lawler because they were desperate to create a program that might draw at the houses.
Jim: Lawler-Sarge worked pretty well. There was some renewed interest in the AWA because of it.
John: How long do you think a re-building of the AWA could take?
Bill: You can't put a timeline on it, John. This business is cyclical meaning you go through boom periods and down periods. Up cycles and down cycles can last for extended periods of time.
I would just say please be patient...we're re-modeling.
Everyone laughed.
Deb: But could it take years to get back on track?
Jim: The thing about pro wrestling is this. A certain wrestlers gets hot. You have a hot feud or title program and...bingo... you're movin' on up again. The AWA won't stay hot or cold forever.
Bill: We just need some time. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Jim: Also, having you two on board should definitely help with TV and merchandise deals.
Bill: I hear that the ESPN situation right now is not in the best shape. Having you guys around will definitely make ESPN sit up and take notice and I think we'll get a better, steady time-slot because you two are here.
John: We think waiting until January to make the announcement of the sale is the best way to go.
Jim: I'd actually do it this month. Reason being that, even though we don't take over until February, we can start wheeling and dealing behind the scenes with our TV product as well as merchandise and arena bookings. You two as owners should open a lot of doors for us.
Bill: December's a better call. Do it and start preparing for the transfer ASAP.
Deb: A few years ago, the AWA did a show called WrestleRock at the Metrodome. John and I have talked about bringing that show back but as a pay-per-view.
Bill: When?
Deb: This spring or early summer.
Bill: No! Not this year! We're in a re-build and will have just taken over the company. They drew over 20,000 to the 'Dome in '86 I believe  for the first WrestleRock. You'd be lucky to put 5,000 asses in those seats this time around.
Jim: I would say have a WrestleRock this year. But have it in a smaller or mid-sized arena, tape it and sell it on home video. Don't go the pay-per-view route right now.
John: You make a good point. Risking a stadium show right now could result in a real financial disaster.
Bill: And Deborah, you should wait until a large arena or stadium show to roll out Blondie as the rock part of WrestleRock.
Deb: So you're saying we should bring in a mid-size arena band for this year's WrestleRock?
Jim: Pretty much.
Bill: Having Blondie as the rock act on the show will put more asses in the seats than just wrestling fans. Save it for a bigger building.
Deb: That's so sweet, Bill.
Bill: You're welcome, Deb.
John: Well, why don't we wrap this thing up for right now. Talk with you gents...and lady...in a few days.
The group said their goodbyes and ended the call.
The car was driving faster down the road to regime change.
Edited by piperrulz
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CURRENT AWA ROSTER (As of early December 1989)
OWNER (Until Feb. '90)
Verne Gagne
Incoming Owners
Deborah Harry
John Waters
Jim Crockett
Bill Watts
Jerry Jarrett
Stanley Blackburn
Sgt. Slaughter (AWA WC)
Ken Patera
Brad Rheingans
Tom Zenk
Greg Gagne
Jake Milliman
Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes)
Sam Houston
Wahoo McDaniel
Don Muraco
The Guerrero Bros.
Jerry Blackwell
Wendi Richter
Tommy Jammer
Trooper Del Wilkes
Larry Zbyszko
Kokina Maximus
Col. DeBeers
The Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos - AWA WTTC)
Badd Company (Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka)
Manny Fernandez
Greg Valentine
Tommy Rich
Cactus Jack
Magnificent Mimi (AWA Women's WC)
Heidi Lee Morgan
Lelani Kai
Jonnie Stewart
MANAGERS (F = Face/H = Heel)
Dallas Page (Badd Company) (H)
Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey (Kokina Maximus) (H)
Dick Murdoch (Sam Houston) (F)
Lee Marshall (Match Announcer)
Lord James Blears (Match Announcer)
Larry Nelson (Ring Announcer/In-Ring Interviewer/Alcoholic)
AWA Championship Wrestling (ESPN)
AWA All-Star Wrestling (Syndicated)
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Bill Watts placed a call to Jim Crockett.
After three rings...
Jim: Hello?
Bill: Jim, this is Bill.
Jim: Hey, Bill.
Bill: Gotta minute.
Jim: Sure.
Bill: I was gonna ask what you thought of some of the talent on the roster. Wanted to get your input.
Jim: Shoot.
Shouldn't Jarrett be part of this call?
Bill: Left a message on his machine. Never got back to me.
Jim: Alright.
Bill: From what you've seen do you see anybody on this roster who could replace Sarge as the World Champion?
Jim: Well, Zbyszko's been the World Champion there before.
Bill: I just don't see putting the big belt on him again. He's better as a challenger.
Jim: Putting it on DeBeers could generate some major heat.
Bill: I know we're in charge of the wrestling operations; but I don't think Deb and John would go for that. They might freak out.
Jim: Do you want them making major wrestling decisions?
Bill: No. And they strike me as people who will largely stay out of the way and not meddle. But on the subject of putting the strap on DeBeers they might get involved in that decision.
Jim: It seems they're pushing Kokina Maximus as an indestructible monster heel. He's a guy to consider.
Bill: I agree. But it's too soon right now. He's a champion of the future. Looks like a pretty decent worker already, especially for his size.
Jim: Could always turn Wahoo or Muraco.
Bill: I just wonder what either of them would be like as ticket movers today since they're past their primes.
Jim: Have to book 'em with solid heels like the WWF used to do with Backlund during his championship run.
Bill: Well, Hansen's there now.
Jim: I saw that on ESPN.
Bill: Any idea what they're gonna do with him? Put the belt on him, perhaps?
Jim: Have no idea but a title change might be in tjhe offing between these two just to try and draw money for a re-match down the road.
Bill: Can't keep bringing in guys like Lawler and Hansen to draw fan interest. Have to do it with our talent and limit outside talent to only special occasions.
Jim: We're gonna have to get some bigger names on the roster in the near future. Otherwise, we still look second-rate compared to the WWF and NWA.
What would you think of Patera as the World Champion?
Bill: A challenger definitely.
But I just can't see him as the champion. Another guy who has peaked.
And Rheingans is a good worker but dull as dirt personality-wise.
Jim: What about your favorite, Tom Zenk? Haha!
Bill: Please! Mid-card talent at best. He's gotta a good look and is a decent worker. But has a surprising lack of charisma and personality. Could roll him in shit and he wouldn't draw flies.
Jim: I take it that's a 'no' on Mr. Zenk.
Bill: A big fat 'no'!
Jim: Hahaha!
Bill: What do you think of these women wrestlers like Mimi and Richter?
Jim: Well, Richter just dropped the strap to Mimi and it looks like Sunshine is gonna be Mimi's heel manager.
Bill: I haven't watched that episode of AWA on ESPN yet. So, they did the switch and brought in Valerie*, huh?
Jim: Yeah. I was surprised by her appearance. She looks good. Be interesting to see how they use her.
Bill: I think women wrestlers have a place on the show. But in only one match at each show.
As you know, I'm big on the valets.
Mimi's pretty good. Richter's solid. Mimi has better matches with better workers than her.
Jim: Any other wrestlers you wanted to ask about?
Bill: What do you think of the current tag team scene there?
Jim: Well, I really like the tag champs The Destruction Crew. Excellent heel team.
I like Badd Company mainly because of their manager Dallas Page.
The Top Guns I can take or leave. See them as a poor man's Rock-N-Roll Express.
Muraco and Wahoo are a good pairing considering where they are in their careers. Like the open contract match concept for them.
The Guerrero brothers are just enhancement talent at this stage of the game.
Greg Gagne and Jake Milliman are a comedy team to me and nothing more.
Bill: I'm high on the Destruction Crew also. They're a team that works great together but I don't think would work well if you split them up as singles. They're in that Road Warriors/Midnight Express vein. Great as a team. But not great separately.
I'm also a Badd Company fan because of their manager. Page makes that team. Without him they're pretty forgettable.
You brought up the Top Guns. I think they're mid-card talent. Right now, they're used in major programs because they have no other young face teams.
Guerreros might be a team we look to cut to save some money.
Gagne and Milliman, like you said, are just comedy. They're the AWA's Bushwhackers.
Who was the other team?
Jim: Muraco and Wahoo.
Bill: The best face team they have on the roster at this time. We definitely need to keep them on board if for nothing else other than to put other teams over to elevate them.
Well, Jim, I just wanted to pick your brain a little and see what you thought of some of the talent we're inheriting.
Jim: OK, Bill.
And one more question?
Bill: I gotta take a dump so let's make this quick.
Jim: Manny Fernandez as AWA World Champion?
Bill: Christ, Jim! I thought the bad jokes ended at Tom Zenk! Bye.
Jim: Hahaha! Bye, Bill.
Things were getting hotter behind the scenes than in front of the camera as the AWA continued to prepare for the transition.
(* Valerie French is the real name of Sunshine.)
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The AWA definitely needed an infusion of talent coming soon.  The problem with the roster was it was aging and dull.  WCW had Sid Vicious who the fans wanted to make a babyface when he was part of the skyscrapers.  Always wondered what would have happened with Sid as the 90’s version of Hogan.  WWF had that but screwed the whole thing up at Wrestlemania in 92.

There are some names out there that could probably be had that have more promo ability and some youth that the AWA should go after.  Plus you had Herd screwing up WCW at this point as well…..lots of possibilities.  Plus the elephant (literally) is a former AWA guy in Japan right now……

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23 hours ago, Theheel said:

The AWA definitely needed an infusion of talent coming soon.  The problem with the roster was it was aging and dull.  WCW had Sid Vicious who the fans wanted to make a babyface when he was part of the skyscrapers.  Always wondered what would have happened with Sid as the 90’s version of Hogan.  WWF had that but screwed the whole thing up at Wrestlemania in 92.

There are some names out there that could probably be had that have more promo ability and some youth that the AWA should go after.  Plus you had Herd screwing up WCW at this point as well…..lots of possibilities.  Plus the elephant (literally) is a former AWA guy in Japan right now……

Assume you're talking about Vader in that last line. He's my favorite big man of all-time.

Verne's mind was grounded in the '60s and '70s and it cost him big-time. Who knows how far he could have run with Hogan at the helm.

That match between Hogan and Sid at WM8 was horrible. And that's being kind.

With Deb and John $$$ behind it, the AWA should get a few names.


21 hours ago, SonOfSharknado said:

John and Deb begging them not to put their world title on a dude whose gimmick is that he's the most racist man who ever lived when they're trying to expand and not look busch league. 


Not an easy call, IMHO. I think DeBeers could have a been a short-term WC.

But when two of your owners are of the wine, cheese and cocaine crowd, they'd worry about disapproval from their fellow druggies.

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Deborah Harry called Bill Watts.
After two rings...
Bill: Bill Watts.
Deb: Hey, Bill. This is Deborah.
Bill: Hey, Deb, how are you?
Deb: Fine. And yourself?
Bill: Doing OK.
Deb: I'm calling to talk with you about something.
Bill: You're not trying to sell me a copy of Dianetics, are you?
Deb: No. Hahaha.
John and I have been talking about something.
What I wanted to ask you is this: Do you think we should overhaul the promotion once we take control?
Bill: What do you mean by 'overhaul'.
Deb: I mean, basically, that we hit the reset button. We'll give the fans a whole new AWA right out of the box.
What do you think?
Bill: No. I would not recommend that.
Deb: Can I ask why?
Bill: Because just dropping all the current feuds and title programs immediately will confuse and anger a sizable chunk of the fanbase. You'll alienate them.
When we take control of the company, it's important to let all the current angles and title programs that Verne has booked play out.
They'll run their course over the next few months.
Pro wrestling is built on telling stories and that's what keeps the fans coming back. You cut off telling those stories without a conclusion then you're gonna have a major problem.
Then, when that's over, it's all on us to create new angles, feuds and title programs. It will truly become our AWA then.
Deb: Well...if that's what you think. You and Crockett are the wrestling guys.
Bill: I know Jim and Jerry would agree with me. I'll talk to them about it.
Deb: And one more thing.
Bill: Shoot.
Deb: John and I are really uncomfortable with the Col. DeBeers gimmick.
Bill was getting a little pissed on his end.
Deb: Hello?
Bill: We've been through this before. He's one of our hottest heels right now. Just let it be. Everything will be alright. He's been the star of the feud with Tom Zenk.
One day down the road we can discuss this.
But right now we need him.
Deb: Can't we just give him a new gimmick?
Bill: Not anytime soon.
Ed's to widely recognized for the DeBeers gimmick.
Deb: Ed?
Bill: His real name's Ed Wiskoski. He used to wrestle as Mega Mahareeshi in Portland and also as 'Easy' Ed Wiskoski and The Polish Prince.
He saw a similar gimmick on a tour of Germany and brought it back to the states and re-christened it Col. DeBeers.
You've either got to let this gimmick run its course or just drop Ed.
But you can't just willy-nilly separate him from the DeBeers gimmick right now. Fans would recognize him easily in another gimmick.
I vote to keep him right now. He's a heat-seeking missle with the fans as DeBeers.
Remember, we're a wrestling company and not an entertainment company like the WWF.
Deb: I'm not at ease with DeBeers and John isn't, either. But we'll go with your advice for now.
Bill: Thank you.
I will chat with you later, Deborah.
Deb: Bye, Bill.
Bill hung up the phone and was not happy.
Even before becoming an official co-owner of a wrestling promotion in order to revive it, Harry and Waters already appeared to be meddling in a business they didn't truly understand.
And Watts was not going to tolerate it.
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I understand that the "reset button" idea is a shot into the future against Russo and Bischoff resetting WCW, but I really am having a hard time empathizing with Bill Watts feeling like the offended party and the person in the right against the majority owners, who put in most of the money, not wanting him to put a major push and potentially their world title, on a guy whose gimmick is screaming about the superiority of the white race. 

Bill and Jim can say what they want about WWF being a cartoon show or whatever, but Macho King Randy Save is talking about how he's the master of disaster and the greatest wrestler in the world and how he's going to defeat the Warrior or Hogan or whoever because they're garbage not fit to kiss his royal feet, not because they sympathize with the inferior races and it weakens the purity of their blood or whatever. 

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I always like Easy Ed Wiskowski.  I saw the Mega character play out as a spoof on the Bhagwan cult that was in Oregon.  Before that he was the top henchman for Playboy Buddy Rose.  Wiskowski was so underrated honestly.  Does the DeBeers character age well today, no.  He was a good heat seeking heel but I’d have trouble writing his promos today.  You’ve done a good job capturing his character.  

The only way to repackage Wiskowski would be to maybe put him in a mask but that would be tough unless he wore an Assassin type body suit.  Not recommending that though.  But in his next feud maybe he could go after a fresh arriving Ron Simmons before getting his comeuppance in that feud.  Pushing Simmons in the feud and setting him up for a huge push.

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For the record, I'm not saying Col DeBeers should be fired or have his gimmick changed. As long as you've got him, as long as he's drawing heat, fine. But he should lose. He should get his ass kicked. He's got the perfect gimmick to just lose and lose and lose and then cut one insane promo and get his heat back, and then lose some more. He doesn't need to be a top tough guy act who beats everybody up, and he certainly doesn't need the big belt. 

Edited by SonOfSharknado
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5 minutes ago, DHK1989 said:

Verne's gonna pull out of selling, isn't he?

I haven't seen anything indicating that (unless you mean potential fallout over Debbie Harry and John Waters' discomfort over the presence of Col. DeBeers), but we'll see what happens.

Edited by Old School Fan
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23 hours ago, SonOfSharknado said:

I understand that the "reset button" idea is a shot into the future against Russo and Bischoff resetting WCW, but I really am having a hard time empathizing with Bill Watts feeling like the offended party and the person in the right against the majority owners, who put in most of the money, not wanting him to put a major push and potentially their world title, on a guy whose gimmick is screaming about the superiority of the white race. 

Bill and Jim can say what they want about WWF being a cartoon show or whatever, but Macho King Randy Save is talking about how he's the master of disaster and the greatest wrestler in the world and how he's going to defeat the Warrior or Hogan or whoever because they're garbage not fit to kiss his royal feet, not because they sympathize with the inferior races and it weakens the purity of their blood or whatever. 

First off, thanks for your input. I appreciate comments both positive and negative.

I would just say we need to keep everything within the context of time period.

If this were a real conversation between Watts and Harry and I read a transcript of it at that time, I would have sided with Watts. He's the guy who knows the business like few people did. What I'm saying about DeBeers is you have a hot heel so let him ride the wave. The concern of Harry and Waters would be valid seeing as they are the majority owners.

But you're working with a limited roster and you've got to run with your most over heels and faces.

The thing about putting the belt on DeBeers was just part of the Watts-Crockett convo about who could beat Sarge on the current roster. When the takeover happens there should be a roster upgrade.

Harry and Watts disagree with each other. Both make valid points. That is what the post was meant to do. It creates another wrinkle in a long, arching storyline. We'll see how it all plays out in the long run because, honestly, even I don't know which way I'll go.

In a post before the first taping of the current AWA on ESPN shows the next AWA World Champion has already been decided.

The first night of the WCW reset was really well done. I remember that opening segment. But with Russo involved it all seemed to lead down a road to nowhere in the long run.

17 hours ago, Theheel said:

I always like Easy Ed Wiskowski.  I saw the Mega character play out as a spoof on the Bhagwan cult that was in Oregon.  Before that he was the top henchman for Playboy Buddy Rose.  Wiskowski was so underrated honestly.  Does the DeBeers character age well today, no.  He was a good heat seeking heel but I’d have trouble writing his promos today.  You’ve done a good job capturing his character.  

The only way to repackage Wiskowski would be to maybe put him in a mask but that would be tough unless he wore an Assassin type body suit.  Not recommending that though.  But in his next feud maybe he could go after a fresh arriving Ron Simmons before getting his comeuppance in that feud.  Pushing Simmons in the feud and setting him up for a huge push.

I once read that as Mega Mahareeshi (sp?) he would ask for money on TV and people would send in donations. You know if that's true.

Man, that DeBeers gimmick would be hard to overcome no matter what you did with him because it stands out so much. As for where this all goes, even I have no idea.

2 hours ago, SonOfSharknado said:

For the record, I'm not saying Col DeBeers should be fired or have his gimmick changed. As long as you've got him, as long as he's drawing heat, fine. But he should lose. He should get his ass kicked. He's got the perfect gimmick to just lose and lose and lose and then cut one insane promo and get his heat back, and then lose some more. He doesn't need to be a top tough guy act who beats everybody up, and he certainly doesn't need the big belt. 

That's the heel's job: make people want see you get your ass kicked and not disappointing them.

I will let you know that the feud with Zenk is finally nearing its conclusion and then I'll decide which way to push DeBeers after that. Honestly, I haven't thought that far ahead.

The big belt is a long-shot at best.

1 hour ago, DHK1989 said:

Verne's gonna pull out of selling, isn't he?

I  guarantee you this sale is going through. But a nice wrinkle to add, though. Never thought of it.

Maybe I should go and...:classic_ohmy:

1 hour ago, Old School Fan said:

I haven't seen anything indicating that (unless you mean potential fallout over Debbie Harry and John Waters' discomfort over the presence of Col. DeBeers), but we'll see what happens.

I wouldn't worry about the sale not going down.


Thanks all for the input. It is appreciated.

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5 hours ago, piperrulz said:


I once read that as Mega Mahareeshi (sp?) he would ask for money on TV and people would send in donations. You know if that's true.


I’ll be honest I have heard that as well.  I doubt many did but fans back then bought into the stuff.  It was so much more fun to be a fan back then over today. I’m sure several sent in money but as all good pro wrestling of the olden days you take a truth or partial truth and embellish it X10.

Mega Mahareeshi Imed ( loved that I’m Ed lol).  

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Current AWA Owner Verne Gagne, son Greg  Gagne and AWA President Stanley Blackburn
Buyers: Triumph Media Sports, Inc. (Deborah Harry, John Waters, Jim Crockett, Bill Watts and Jerry Jarrett)
WHEN: Thursday - December 14
WHERE: Main arena floor of Chicago Stadium*
TIME: 1:00 pm CST
A limited number of seats will be made available for free to the public for this historic sale!
Doors will open to fans at 12:30 pm CST.
Seating is based on a first-come, first-served basis.
Members of the media, please contact the American Wrestling Association offices for a press pass at: (612) 555-1984.
(The pass will be left at the will call window at Chicago Stadium.)
Deborah Harry - One of the most famous rock stars in the world. Lead singer of Blondie as well as an actress and model.
John Waters - Hollywood director who directed the 1988 hit Hairspray.
Jim Crockett - Long-time wrestling Promoter/Owner of Jim Crockett Promotions.
Bill Watts - Wrestler/Promoter of Mid-South Wrestling/Universal Wrestling Federation.
Jerry Jarrett - Wrestler/Promoter of Memphis Wrestling.
Verne Gagne - Legendary pro wrestler and promoter. Gagne has been in the sport for over four decades and has owned and run the AWA for almost 30 years. A 10-time AWA World Champion.
(* Chicago Stadium - Former home of the NBA Bulls and NHL Blackhawks.)
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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(In the Minneapolis market, ads were airing for Brawl In St. Paul 2 taking place on Christmas night in Minneapolis.)
(# - Aired on a previous AWA program.)
1st Taping Re-cap
Show Intro
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
Sgt. Slaughter is here and will confront Stan Hansen
TV MAIN EVENT: Greg Gagne vs. Jonnie Stewart
Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich see action
A look at the end of last week's match between Jerry Blackwell and Tommy Rich plus comments from announcer Lee Marshall
Larry Zbyszko wrestles
A look at the controversial end to last week's AWA Women's World Title match where Mimi defeated Richter to win the title thanks to help from Sunshine plus a post-match interview with Mimi and Sunshine
Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Update with PWI's Bill Apter
Comments from Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans after their win over tag champs The Destruction Crew last week to earn a title shot
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.
Tom Zenk won a squash match over Mick Rooney via pinfall with his missle dropkick finisher
Nelson: Tom Zenk, we here you have a surprise announcement for us.
Zenk: Larry, I have been contacted by AWA President Stanley Blackburn.
The coal miner's glove match is a go and there will be a contract signing for the match next week!
Fans cheered.
Nelson: That is huge news! It's gonna be one heckuva match!
But let me ask you this?
Does it concern you that DeBeers, being a South African, that this match is his specialty?
Zenk: Even wrestlers who have certain types of matches they're specialists at have to lose in one of those matches at some point.
I aim to put a one in the loss column for DeBeers when we have our coal miner's glove match!
DeBeers better hope...he better pray...that I don't get my hands on that glove!
Because if I get it, I'm gonna unleash months of pent up rage on him!
If I can, I want to send DeBeers out of the arena on a stretcher!
Fans cheered.
Nelson: Tom Zenk, everybody!
Pic aired of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!!!
In-Studio: Nelson talked briefly about the coal miner's glove match between Zenk and DeBeers and the contract signing for the match.
Then intro'd the current Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament update with PWI's Bill Apter.
Bill Apter was standing in front of the PWI logo with mic in hand.
Apter: Hello, wrestling fans!
This is Bill Apter of Pro Wrestling Illustrated with this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.
The event will take place on Saturday, February 17, 1990 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
For tickets and ticket information, contact Ticket Master or call the Anaheim Convention Center box office at (714) 555-1812. Good seats are still available.
The tournament will take place over two sessions in one day. The afternoon session will begin at 12:30 pm Pacific Time and feature the opening round of the tournament. The night session has a bell time of 7:30 pm and will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the tournament.
The big news this week is that the first two entrants in the tournament are true international superstars.
The first entrant into the tournament comes to us from New Japan Pro Wrestling. He is Japanese wrestling superstar Riki Choshu.
Let's take a look at Riki in action as he battles Terry Gordy in Japan.
(The video clip would run for 30 to 60 seconds. Roughly the first minute of action is what you'd see on the show.)
Apter: As you see, Choshu is a great talent and will be a welcome addition to the tournament.
The second entrant into the tournament is the king of wrestling in Puerto Rico.
Carlos Colon is as tough as they come and can go toe-to-toe with anyone in the sport.
He'll be a real handful for anyone who faces him in the tournament.
Let's take a look at Carlos in action as he battles his greatest rival: 'The Madman from the Sudan' Abdullah the Butcher.
(The video clip would run for 30 to 60 seconds. Roughly the first minute of action is what you'd see on the show.) 
We've got the first two entrants into the tournament and they are true wrestling superstars.
Riki Choshu from Japan and Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico.
As I've said before, this is shaping up to be a truly international wrestling event. You won't want to miss a minute of the excitement.
Make your plans to join us in Anaheim today!
Anaheim is a great place to visit during the those cold winter months.
There's lots to do in this great city. From fabulous beaches to good restaurants to Disneyland to miniature golf Anaheim has it all and so much more.
And Anaheim has lots of nice, affordable hotels near the Convention Center.
Here's hoping you can join us on February 17 for this historic wrestling event as we crown the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.
I'm Bill Apter. Until next time.
In-Studio: Nelson hyped the tournament and said you can feel the excitement building.
Video aired of Tommy Rich vs. Jerry Blackwell with the caption: NEXT... BLACKWELL BATTLES!!!
AWA Tour Upate
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd video from last week's ASW match between Tommy Rich and Jerry Blackwell.
# Rich quickly put Blackwell in the painful spinning toe hold submission hold. Blackwell managed to use his free foot to kick Rich off. Rich crashed to the mat. Both men up and Rich caught Blackwell with some body shots and went to whip Blackwell into the corner but Blackwell reversed and sent Rich crashing into the corner. After quickly shaking out some of the effects of the match, Blackwell crushed Rich with an avalanche. Rich staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed on his back in the ring. Blackwell regaining his bearings
Marshall: What's this?! It's Cactus Jack!
Blears: You had to figure he was around somewhere, Lee! It's obvious Rich and Jack are thick as thieves!
Jack hit the ring as  Blackwell prepared to hit Rich with his diving splash finisher. Jack pounced on Blackwell and started pounding away on him. Ref called for the bell. Jack kept hammering away on Blackwell. Rich recovered enough to join in on the assault on Blackwell. Suddenly, Blackwell caught Jack wiht an elbow to the gut. Blackwell started fighting back and was matching Rich blow-for-blow.
Marshall: I don't believe what I'm seeing! Blackwell is showing some serious fight and heart here!
Blackwell gained the upper hand and then started going back-and-forth punching Jack and Rich. Blackwell knocked Jack down. As Blackwell turned his ire on Rich, Jack up and clubbed Blackwell from behind. Rich and Jack had regained the upper hand. The two pounded on Blackwell a little more.
Marshall: Come on, Jerry! Fight on!
Jack and Rich each took and arm of Blackwell's. The pair whipped Blackwell into the ropes and looked to catch Blackwell coming off  with a double clothesline but Blackwell ducked the move (as much as he could duck it) and came back and pulverized Rich and Jack with a clothesline of his own. Crowd popped big-time.
Shot of an angry Blackwell looking down at the two men he just floored.
Marshall: Jerry Blackwell was getting the beatdown of a lifetime when he fought back and wound up taking down those two thugs Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich! Wow!
In-Studio: Nelson talked about Blackwell fighting back against Rich and Cactus Jack. Also talked about announcer Lee Marshall heaping heavy praise on Blackwell for his fight and determination in the face of incredible odds.
Nelson then intro'd comments about the incident from Lee Marshall.
Marshall, in his announcer's tux, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.
Lee: I gotta tell you that seeing Jerry Blackwell fight back against Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack and leveling the pair with a double clothesline was awe-inspiring to say the least. I still get goosebumps just thinking about it.
Cactus and Tommy were beating down the 'Mountain from Stone Mountain' when Blackwell reached down deep within and showed the heart of a lion in dealing with those two.
I'm still looking for my tag team partner for the match with Rich and Cactus.
Jerry, next week in Las Vegas, there's a question I need to ask you.
Your determination to not be laid out by those two goons is what I'm looking for in a partner.
You know the question, Jerry. I just want an answer to it one way or the other.
See you in Vegas next week.
Pic aired of Larry Zbyszko with the caption: NEXT... THE COP BASHER!!!
Larry Zbyszko won a squash match over Hank Hill via pinfall with his piledriver finisher
Nelson: Larry Zbyszko, The Trooper is coming for you and he's fighting on behalf of all law enforcement.
Zbyszko: So, The Trooper is fighting on behalf of police brutality, eh?
Nelson: Wait! That's not what I said!
Zbyszko: Yes, you did. You're speaking in coded language.
Crowd booed.
Nelson: Excuse me?!
Zbyszko: What you and these idiots known as fans want is for The Trooper to brutalize me on behalf of all cops!
Crowd cheered.
Zbyszko: How in the hell is that not supporting police brutality?!
I had to take a shot at The Trooper before he took one at me! It's called self-defense!
More boos.
Nelson: Self-defense?! I think we've just entered the Twilight Zone!
Zbyszko: Bottom line: I'm gonna fight the law and I'm gonna win!
Nelson: Larry Zbyszko, everybody!
In-Studio: Nelson said that Zbyzko's feud with The Trooper has now taken on surreal overtones. Said Zbyszko's claim of fighting against police brutality is just a smoke screen for Zbyszko's disdain for authority.
Nelson then intro'd a post-match interview from last week with Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans after their non-title match win over the champs the Destruction Crew. Patera and Rheingans earned a title shot with the win.
Patera and Rheingans were standing in the locker room still in their ring gear. Patera had a mic.
Patera: Destruction Crew! We have just punched our ticket to a title match against you!
The job is only half-way finished, though! We got our win tonight in the non-title match with you guys!
Bloom and Enos! You guys have mocked us! You've attacked us! You've run us down!
And now you've got to put those belts on the line against us! We've never been more determined to settle a score in our lives than right now!
The next time you see us is when we'll step in that ring with everything on the line!
And when you remove those belts from around your waists that night, me and Brad are gonna do everything in our power to make sure it's the last time you remove them!
Ken handed the mic to Brad.
Brad: I am so amped up right now that I feel like I'm about to jump out of my skin!
We're still feeling the rush of beating the Destruction Crew tonight to earn that title shot!
But there's still that last hurdle to clear!
We've been the champs before and I'm confident that we'll be the champs again!
Patera: Amen to that, brother.
Brad: This win tonight showed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we can beat the Destruction Crew!
Right now, we're the ones on the offensive! And we've got to keep the pedal to the metal!
We know the champs are reeling from this loss! They know we can beat them one more time!
And one more time is all we're asking for!
And with that one chance, Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans intend to emerge as the tag team champions  again!
Pic aired of Tommy Rich and Cactus with the caption: NEXT... TOMMY AND CACTUS!
Tommy Rich & Cactus Jack won a squash match over Dan Fielding & Cliff Clavin via pinfall when Rich pinned Clavin with his Thesz Press finisher
Nelson: Tommy Rich and Cactus Jack. Last week on All-Star Wrestling, Tommy wrestled Jerry Blackwell. When it looked like Blackwell was on the verge of winning, Cactus, you came to the ring and attacked Blackwell.
You two were getting the best of Blackwell when Blackwell suddenly found the strength to fight back against you two and laid you two out with a big double...
Rich: Let me tell you something there, Nelson! Me and Jack are not a couple of happy campers right now!
Jerry Blackwell may think he's gotten the best of us but nothing could be further from the truth!
You don't humiliate me and Cactus and get away with it!
Now Blackwell's on our radar and that's not a place you want to be!
You better watch your back, big boy!
Nelson: During the match, announcer Lee Marshall praised Blackwell for fighting back.
What's your take on that, Cactus?
Cactus: If Lee Marshall wants to tempt the fates and ask Jerry Blackwell to be his partner then he better know that Jerry Blackwell might not make it to our tag match in one piece.
Like the former NWA World Champion just said: You do not humiliate us and just walk away scot-free.
There's got to be some sort of punishment dished out for what Blackwell did to us.
So, Jerry, you need to start preparing to pay a stiff price.
Hopefully the harsh, painful lesson you learn at our hands will teach you to respect others...
Nelson: Respect others?! Are you kidding me?!
Cactus: Like a famous singer once said: R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Blackwell obviously has no respect for his fellow humans. Some people need to have respect beaten into them.
Fans booed.
Nelson: That was Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich.
Video aired of the title match between Richter and Mimi with the caption: NEXT... GRAND THEFT?!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from the end of last week's Women's World Title Match between champ Wendi Richter and challenger Magnificent MImi.

# Mimi took the opportunity to get a few boot licks in on the champ. Mimi snapped Richter up and whipped Richter into the buckles. Mimi charged in looking to hit Richter with a flying dropkick but Richter moved and Mimi crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Richter grabbed Miimi by the legs, dragged her out to mid-ring and catapaulted Mimi into the corner. Mimi slammed head-first into the My Pillow turnbuckle  pad (you ever see the AWA turnbuckle pads?!), staggered back and crashed to the mat. Richter for the cover. 1...2...thr... Mimi got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Just then, a platinum blonde woman came to the ring. She was in a black business pantsuit with white shirt, black heels and sunglasses. She stood at ringside.


Marshall: Who is this?!


Richter grabbed Mimi and whipped her into the corner. Richter moved in and was pounding away on Mimi. As the ref tried to separate them, the mystery woman reached into the ring and pulled Richter's foot out from  under her. Richter crashed to the mat. Mimi for the cover. 1... Mimi placed her feet on the middle buckle. ...2...3! Ref turned and called for the bell.  Fans booing loudly. Mimi quickly took her feet off the middle buckle.


The woman at rignside climbed into the ring as Mimi got to her feet and walked up to Mimi. After briefly looking at each other the pair hugged.


Marshall: What is going on?!


Ref went over to Nelson, who was on the apron, and spoke with Nelson briefly. Ref took the belt from Nelson.


Richter up and furious.


Ref went over and handed Mimi the belt and raised Mimi's hand in victory to pretty strong boss. Mimi and the mystery woman were ecstatic.


Richter went over and shoved the new champion. Ref quickly stepped in to keep the two separate. Wendi started having words with the ref and pointed an accusatory finger at the mystery woman and made a gesture that the woman pulled her foot out from under her. Ref said and gestured by pointing at his eyes that he did not see it. Mimi strutted around the ring holding the belt aloft.


Nelson: In a time of 6 minutes, 40 seconds, your winner...and NEW AWA Women's World Champion...Magnificent Mimi!


The mystery woman then removed here sunglasses revealing her identity.


Marshall: It's Sunshine! Sunshine helped Mimi win the belt! Why?! What's with her involvement in all this?!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson then intro'd a post-match interview with the new champ and Sunshine.




Eric Bischoff was standing in the locker room with new champ Mimi and Sunshine. Bischoff had a mic.


The ladies were still celebrating Mimi's win.


Eric: This is Eric Bischoff with the new AWA Women's World Champion Magnificent Mimi...and Sunshine.


Mimi, before I talk with you I need to ask Sunshine what she's doing here and what's the relationship between you two?


Sunshine: First off, let me declare that Sunshine is no more. The always happy, perky girl wasn't really me.


From this moment forward I will be known as Valerie.


Eric: Valerie?


Valerie: I've always been ruthless at heart. And I came back to this sport because I want to build up a stable of wrestlers.


And the wrestlers I want in my stable are men and women who only care about two things: winning and money.


And this gal wants lots of both.


I had been watching MImi for some time. She was my first target. I needed a champion to speahead my stable. See that belt she's holding?


Eric: Yes.


Valerie: Mission accomplished.


Eric: Well, you certainly lent a literal helping hand to make sure Mimi won the title.


Valerie: No. No. You are not going to smear me, Eric. My hand was on the apron. I can't help it if Richter is so uncoordinated she tripped over it and fell.


Eric's eyes widened at the absurd statement by Valerie.


Eric: O...K. Let's turn our attention to the new AWA Women's Champion the Magnificent Mimi.


Mimi, do your feel your victory was tainted by the way the match ended?


Mimi: Really? That's the first question you ask the new Women's World Champion?!

There's no congratulations or 'Mimi, what's it feel like to be the new Women's World Champion'?!


I earned this belt! And now with Valerie in my corner the sky is the limit for me!


And Wendi Richter will one day get her re-match! That's in the contract! But now she's chasing me for this belt! I'm no longer chasing her!


Valerie: Good luck getting the belt back, Richter! You've lost it to the most deter...




Off-camera, the door to the locker room slammed open.


Richter, still in her ring attire, came in and walked right up to the new champ and Valerie and pointed an accusatory finger at the pair.


Richter: Who the hell are you to get involved in our match?!


Let me make it clear! You stole that belt from me, Mimi!


Without Sunshine's help you were on the verge of losing the match.


Valerie: It's Valerie now.


Richter: What?


Valerie: I'm known as Valerie now.


Richter: Huh? Valerie?! Sunshine?! I don't care!


As far as I'm concerned you should call yourself the Grand Theft Queen because that's what the people witnessed out there!


Mimi: Richter! This is my moment! Why don't you butt out and leave...NOW!


Richter: Make me leave, Mimi! Go ahead!


Mimi: Enjoy being the ex-champ, Richter!


Richter shoved Mimi just as refs came in and broke the pair up.


Eric: As you can see, the situation is starting to get out of control!


Richter is mad and she has every right to be! This thing is only getting more intense!


Ref's still keeping Richter and Mimi and Valerie separate as Richter and the champ tried to get at one another as the picture faded to black.




Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!




TV MAIN EVENT: Greg Gagne vs. Jonnie Stewart


Before the match, Stewart got on the mic.


Stewart: Christmas is coming and I am giving you peons the ultimate gift.


And that gift is...ME! Haha!


Fans booed.


Match started out quickly with some good back-and-forth. Greg was booked to look strong because daddy's still in charge.


End of the match saw Greg on the offensive. Greg caught Stewart in the Gagne Sleeper (TM). Stewart struggled in the hold but was able to maneuver around with Greg on his back. Stewart charged to the corner, dropped down and Greg's head slammed into the top buckle. Stewart freed from the hold.


Stewart grabbed Greg and drove Greg into the corner. Stewart fired away on Greg with punches and then back up and charged in looking to hit Greg with a running back elbow but Greg moved and Stewart crashed into the buckles. Stewart staggered off. Both men regained their bearings and Stewart went to hit Greg but Greg blocked the punch try and fired away on Stewart with a series of punches. Stewart staggered. Greg dropped Stewart with the dropkick. Stewart up and Greg grabbed Stewart and went o whip Stewart into the buckles but Stewart reversed and sent Greg crashing front-first into them and Greg crashed to the mat. Stewart went over and put his left leg on the middle buckle and pulled knee pad down to his shin showing a second, thinner pad. Stewart kept the back-up pad up and adjusted it. Greg getting up and Stewart caught Greg with a punch, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with his flying knee to the gut finisher. Stewart for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref up and called for the bell as fans booed. Ref raised Stewart's hand in victory.


Greg down in the ring holding his gut as the ref checked on him.


Stewart dropped to the floor as ring announcer Larry Nelson caught up to the winner.


Nelson: Jonnie Stewart. Is there something in that knee pad?


Stewart reached down and and pulled off the knee pad that was down on his shin.


Stewart: Here, check the pad yourself.


Nelson quickly looked it over.


Nelson: OK. This isn't loaded. But what about that other pad?


Stewart: I've proven my innocence. No loaded knee pad. Case closed. Bye.


Stewart turned and walked off.


Nelson watched Stewart walk off and threw up his hands in frustration.


WINNER: Stewart - Pinfall - 7:39


PIc aired of AWA World Champion Sarge with the caption: NEXT... SARGE RESPONDS!!!




Back from commercial: Stan Hansen was already stomping around in the ring. He did not have his cowbell or bullrope with him. He was in street clothes and a cowboy hat and chewing tobacco.


Larry Nelson was standing in the corner with mic in hand.


Hansen picked up on a mic.


Stan: I want Sarge! Where is he?!


Nelson cautiously moved out of the corner.


Nelson: Ladies and gentlemen!


Before we go any further, let's bring out AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


Gagne came down the face aisle to the ring to a decent crowd reax. He was in a suit.


Verne made his way to ringside and walked up the ring steps to the ring apron.


Verne and Stan briefly locked eyes before Verne climbed into the ring.


Nelson: Already with us in the ring, he hails from Borger, Texas...Stan Hansen!


Fans mainly booed as Hansen threw the 'Hook 'Em Horns' sign up with his with his right hand and let out a gutteral yell.


Hansen: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


Nelson: And now...would you please welcome the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion...from Parris Island, South Carolina...Sgt. Slaughter!


Marine Corps Hymn played as Sarge came out in his ring attire and DI hat with the World Title slung over his left shoulder. Sarge got a good response.


Sarge slapped hands with some fans along the way to the ring. Sarge climbed into the ring, turned and saluted the fans and the fans who rode the short yellow bus to school saluted back because they didn't understand pro wrestling was really just a work.


Sarge walked out to center ring and he and Hansen locked eyes and glared at one another.


Nelson: Verne Gagne, we hear you have something to say about this situation.


Verne: I do, Larry.


Sgt. Slaughter and Stan Hansen, I just want to let you know that I have discussed this matter with other AWA officials.


The matter about a championship match-up beween you two is under serious consideration.


Hansen: Under serious consideration?! I flew all the way from my cattle ranch in Borger to be told the matter is under consideration?!


I want an answer tonight and it better be the right damn answer!


I was a great AWA World Champion and you know it, Verne!


I'm back here for one reason! To win the AWA belt a second time! You need to make the match right now, Gagne!


You send me home with a 'no' or 'maybe' then we've got a serious problem!


Nelson: Sgt. Slaughter.


Sarge and Hansen locked eyes again.


Sarge (stoic): Verne, I just have one thing to say. Make the match.


Crowd popped. The two men kept staring at one another.


Hansen: You heard the man, Verne! Let's have the match!


Verne: Normally, I would consult with other AWA officials about a matter of this magnitude.


But, since you both want the match and it's one the fans want to see and you've both been the World Champion, I'm going to green light the match.


Fans cheered.


Verne: It's gonna be Sgt. Slaughter defending the AWA World Heavyweight Title against former AWA World Champion Stan Hansen!


More cheering as Hansen and Sarge kept their eyes locked on one another and started having words with each other off-mic as the program faded to black.




Sergeant Slaughter - Etsy



Edited by piperrulz
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Just a quick note to let my readers know that I'll be posting the first two episodes of the AWA cable and syndicated shows for Dec. and then posting the press conference to announce the sale.

Also, was just wondering if people read or scan my shows?

Just checking because it might change my formatting.

Your input is greatly appreciated.


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1 hour ago, piperrulz said:

Just a quick note to let my readers know that I'll be posting the first two episodes of the AWA cable and syndicated shows for Dec. and then posting the press conference to announce the sale.

Also, was just wondering if people read or scan my shows?

Just checking because it might change my formatting.

Your input is greatly appreciated.


I follow along and enjoy every new twist and turn.  I don't always reply but I try to thumbs up it or add the heart to your posts when I can. Thanks for doing this. MUCH appreciated.

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Likewise, I enjoy reading the results posts (and to get a sort of pleasure in seeing what real-life celebrity or TV show character gets lampooned, either as a jobber to the stars or in some behind-the-scenes minor role [e.g. Gomez Addams as an attorney]), as well as the behind the scenes posts featuring the AWA's inner workings and those of other promotions (including the posts that feature Debbie Harry 😁).

And speaking of the face of Blondie herself...

Edited by Old School Fan
Switched out the video since "One Way..." was already posted
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