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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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3 hours ago, piperrulz said:

Cactus Jack and Tommy Rich won a squash match over Peter Tork and Davey Jones via pinfall when Jack pinned Jones after a double underhook DDT

So guess who got used as "stepping stones" that time - and will Marcia Brady reconsider getting the latter after this?  😆

3 hours ago, piperrulz said:

Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) won a squash match over Gary Burghoff via pinfall with his bulldog finisher

Too bad Burghoff's "radar" didn't tell him what was coming his way in that match.  🙃


Edited by Old School Fan
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18 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

So guess who got used as "stepping stones" that time - and will Marcia Brady reconsider getting the latter after this?  😆

Too bad Burghoff's "radar" didn't tell him what was coming his way in that match.  🙃


Tork and Jones barely made it to the Showboat for their match as they arrived late to Vegas because they took the Last Train FROM Clarksville! 😄

Tork and Jones were not prepared to be stepping stones for Jack and Rich. But Jack and Rich beat them so badly that they became Daydream Believers (minus the Homecoming Queen!). It was no Pleasant Valley Sunday for Jones and Tork.

Who do you think drooled more over Davy Jones? Marsha or Mr. Brady?

The 'Radar' malfunctioned that day. After the match, Burghoff had to be evaluated by the 4077! Docs last name was Potter. 🙃

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On 3/31/2023 at 2:12 PM, piperrulz said:

Tork and Jones barely made it to the Showboat for their match as they arrived late to Vegas because they took the Last Train FROM Clarksville! 😄

Tork and Jones were not prepared to be stepping stones for Jack and Rich. But Jack and Rich beat them so badly that they became Daydream Believers (minus the Homecoming Queen!). It was no Pleasant Valley Sunday for Jones and Tork.

Who do you think drooled more over Davy Jones? Marsha or Mr. Brady?

The 'Radar' malfunctioned that day. After the match, Burghoff had to be evaluated by the 4077! Docs last name was Potter. 🙃

At least the Docs last name wasn’t Burns!

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On the phone: Deborah Harry, John Waters, Bill Watts and Jim Crockett
Absent: Jerry Jarrett
After the formalities were out the way, the main issue was immediately put on the table.
Deb: Bill and Jim, we were hoping Jerry would be here, too, John and I have made a decision and wanted to let you know about it.
Jim: What is it?
Deb: We've decided to start looking, as soon as possible, for a new location for the AWA offices.
Bill: Do you mean getting new office space in Minneapolis or getting the hell out of Dodge?
Deb: The latter.
Look, we feel we have a better chance of luring big name talent by moving to a warmer climate.
John: Vegas, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Florida all seem like better locales to help sell the new AWA to other wrestlers.
Crockett: You two own the majority of the company. If you feel that it's better to move than keep the headquarters in Minneapolis, that's up to you. I accept the decision no matter which way you go with it.
Bill: You guys may remember a past meeting when this was brought up that I thought it was best to stay for the foreseeable future in Minneapolis because we're still operating a territorial promotion and not a national promotion yet.
I supported keeping it in Minnesota for the time-being because it would keep travel costs down.
Deb and John, you just need to know that if and when you move to one of those other cities travel costs will go up because the bulk of your territory is still in the Upper Midwest.
John: We understand that and are willing to take the hit in the short-term for what we believe will be long-term benefits to the bottom line once we move.
Crockett: Speaking from experience, we moved our offices from Charlotte to Dallas. Put us in a bigger media market. But the cost was great. We took a major financial hit when we moved out of Charlotte. Played a role in forcing my family to sell to Turner.
Deb: The good news is we've got five people on board here who can all absorb some of the hit we might take in the short-term.
Bill: This business is cyclical.
Right now, the AWA seems to be on somewhat of a resurgence. They drew over 6,000 at the St. Paul Civic Center for their Christmas night show. Not quite the crowds they drew in the past. But it is a good sign that things are turning in the right direction. They were doing 1-2,000 in that building. There's now growing renewed interest in the promotion.
John: Bill and Jim, how would you do expansion?
Crockett: Very slowly. I would cast a few lines in the waters and see what you get. Large, rapid expansion would be an economic disaster in my opinion. Just try running a couple of shows somewhere and see what the houses are.
Bill: I agree with Jim. Go into a state, one state, and target two or three cities for shows. See what the houses are. If they're good, make plans to be back withing the next few months. If the shows don't draw, then put those towns on the back-burner until further notice.
Then, you pick another state to run shows in and see what the results are there.
Crockett: Do you have a number one choice of a city to move the headquarters to?
John: Not yet. And while Florida's in play, our preference is to stay out West.
Bill: A lot of guys in this business love the water. Just saying.
John: We'll keep that in mind.
Crockett: Keep us abreast of what's going on.
When we assume official control of the company, Bill and I will hunker down in Minneapolis until further notice.
Bill: I'll contact Jerry and let him know what's going on.
Deb: OK. Well, let's wrap up this little pow-wow for now. Bye, gentlemen.
The parties all said their goodbyes.
Plans for moving HQ and a slow national expansion were now on the table.
Something was going on with Verne Gagne that might render the whole deal moot.
Edited by piperrulz
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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson

Match Commentator: Lee Marshall

Color Commentator: Lord James Blears

(# means aired on a previous AWA show.)

4th Taping Re-cap

In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program.


Nelson said that throughout the program, wrestlers who won the awards in different catagories would be speaking about their achievements.


Another Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Update with PWI's Bill Apter

Badd Company sees action

1989 AWA Year In review Video

Greg Gagne and Jake Milliman wrestle

The Guerrero Bros. grapple

Major news about next week's show!!!

A special message from 'Wrestler of the '90s' Jonnie Stewart

Candi Devine laces 'em up

And more!

Nelson then sent it to the ring in Rochester, MN for a special match from the United States Wrestling Association and said the first 1989 wrestling award would follow the match.

SPECIAL USWA MATCH: Matt Bourne vs. The Punisher

Short match, but a good brawl that the fans really enjoyed.

Many fans knew who Bourne was but not The Punisher.

Bourne won the match via pinfall with a Northern Lights suplex - TIME: 6:12

In-Studio: Nelson briefly discussed the USWA match and said you might see more USWA stars in the AWA in 1990.

Nelson said that the first award is for the Most Popular Wrestler.

AND THE WINNER IS: Sgt. Slaughter


World Champion Sgt. Slaughter was standing in front of the AWA logo with his plaque in one hand and mic in the other wearing his ring attire with the belt around his waist and his DI hat and sunglasses.

Sarge: I want to thank the fans for making me the most popular wrestler in the AWA for 1989.

It's an honor to win this great award. And you fans made it all possible.

I promise to be a man who wrestlers honestly, fairly and for the great American people as we head into 1990.

You fans are the life-blood of our sport. Without you, there is no professional wrestling.

And to be thought of so highly by you is an honor that I take very seriously.

1989 was great.

But together, let's make 1990 even better!


Pic aired of the Guerrero Bros. with the caption: NEXT... MEXICAN JUMPING BEANS!


The Guerrero Bros. won a squash match over Dennis Guilder & Arnie Cunningham when Mando pinned Arnie with a moonsault

In-Studio: Nelson talked briefly about the Guerreros and then introduced another award.

Nelson said the award was for Most Hated Wrestler in the AWA.



DeBeers was standing in front of the AWA logo with his plaque in hand. He was wearing his camo gear and beret and holding a mic.

DeBeers: So, I am the AWA's Most Hated Wrestler for 1989, eh?

Most people would be ashamed or embarrassed to receive such an honor.

But not me...

You see, there's one question you have to ask yourself: Who are my enemies?

You either have good enemies or bad enemies.

I have good enemies. I've made the right kind of enemies!

The people who hate me are the same types of people who mindlessly and shamelessly love America!

For them, America is not about faith, family and freedom!


For them, America is about decadence, greed, perversion and general overall filth!

These American boobs believe that people groups are actually all the same! Ha! What garbage!

Those are my enemies! And they're the right kind of enemies in my book!

In closing, I want to thank you, the American buffoon, for hating me so much!

It means I'm doing my job!

I look forward to winning this award again next year!

Pic aired of Jonnie Stewart with the caption: NEXT... JONNIE SPEAK!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for cities with upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd a special message from the self-proclaimed Wrestler of the '90s Jonnie Stewart.


Video opened with a shot of Stewart, in an expensive looking suit and tie, standing behind a speaking podium in front of a large picture of...himself.

Jonnie: Greetings!

I'm Jonnie Stewart.

Thank you for taking this time out of your busy schedule to listen to what I have to say.

My friends, we are not only moving into a new year; but also a new decade.

The 1990's are now right around the corner.

And a new decade means great changes are on the horizon.

Politics, sports, religion, fashion, economics. In every walk of life there will be drastic upheavals.

It's the way life is.

And in professional wrestling, things will be no different.

The 1990's will bring us many great changes

We don't know if most of those changes will be for better or worse.

But, I can guarantee you folks one thing.

Jonnie Stewart is gonna be the Wrestler of the '90s.

With everything else  caught in the teeth of uncertainty, I'm the one thing you can truly count on.

So, will get behind the Jonnie Revolution? Or will you be one of the idiots that gets run over by it?

The choice is up to you.

The '90s are mine! All mine! Glory will rain down on me like holy water!

There's no stopping this bullet train once it starts speeding down the tracks!

So, bet on the one sure thing as we run headlong into the new decade!

Bet on Jonnie Stewart to be the Wrestler of the '90s!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson discussed Stewart's claim about being the Wrestler of the '90s. Said Jonnie has put himself on the spot and now he'd better stand and deliver.

Nelson said the next award was for Female Wrestler of the Year.

AND THE WINNER IS: Wendi Richter

Nelson intro'd video of Richter.


Richter was in her ring attire and wearing sunglasses standing in front of the AWA logo with her plaque in one hand and a mic in the other.

Richter: Wow! Thank you all!

It's a great honor and a privilege to win an award like this.

I worked hard all year to be a champion of the people.

I'm not the champion right now.

But let me tell you, in 1990, I'm gunning for one thing.

And that's to be the AWA Women's World Champion once again!

Mimi, I'm coming harder than ever after that belt!

And I have one thing working in my favor that you don't!

And that's the support of the great wrestling fans out there!

With them behind me pushing me upward and onward with their support, how can I not give it my all to get the belt back!

Fans, let's do this together! Let's bring honor and integrity back to the championship!

I'm counting on you being in my corner!


Pic aired of Candi Devine with the caption: NEXT... SWEET CANDI!!!


Candi Devine won a squash match over Justine Bateman via subsmission the cross armbreaker


Nelson: Candi Devine, an impressive win with a very painful looking finishing hold.

Devine: I'm gonna be hurting a lot of women and making them beg for mercy in that hold.

Now! I've just got one thing to say!

I am here to challenge for the AWA Women's Title!

I've already proven myself in this sport!

Magnificent Mimi's the champion right now!

But frankly, I don't care who the champion is! I just want what's coming to me!

Verne Gagne! I know you're watching this!

I want a title match and I want it real soon!

You hear me, Verne?! Real soon!

Nelson: Candi Devine, folks!

In-Studio: Nelson talked about Devine looking to shake up the women's division.

Nelson said the next AWA '89 Award was for the Best Tag Team.

AND THE WINNER IS: The Destruction Crew (WTTC)


Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos were in their ring attire, bright orange construction zone vests, hard hats and sunglasses. They had the titles around their waists. They were standing in front of the AWA logo with a mic in one hand and the plaque in the other.

Bloom: You know, Mike, awards are nice.

But we don't need no awards to know we're the best at what we do.

These belts around our waists say it all.

We've held these belts for most of 1989 and don't expect anything to be any different in 1990.

We came, we saw, we conquered.

And the conquering is gonna continue for a long time to come.

Enos: You people are lookin' at pure greatness!

This award speaks volumes! It says that you are simply the best...better than all the rest!

But, like my brother in destruction said, we don't need these awards! We know we're the best!

And you know what?!

The people watching this right now know we're the best!

We can take on any team in this sport of ours and beat 'em!

And I mean ANY team! Y'all listening?!

Enos looked down at the belt around his waist.

Enos: These look really good on us!

Bloom: They do. They look superb right where they are.

Enos: Let's hang on to 'em for a long time to come!

Bloom: I'm with you, brother!

Might as well make two more plaques for us for next year! Because we're gonna be here again and still have these belts in our possession!


Pic aired of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt with the caption: NEXT... TOURNEY UPDATE!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd this week's Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update with PWI's Bill Apter.


Bill Apter was standing in front of the PWI logo with mic in hand.

Apter: Hello, wrestling fans.

I'm Bill Apter from Pro Wrestling Illustrated and this is your Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament Update.

The tournament takes place on Saturday, February 17 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California and will be a one day, two-session event. The afternoon session will  feature all the opening round matches of the tournament and has a bell time of 12:30pm Pacific Time. The evening session will feature the quarter-finals, semi-finals and final of the tournament to decide the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion. The evening session will have a bell time of 7:30pm Pacific Time.

For tickets to this historic event, contact Ticket Master or the Anaheim Convention Center Box Office at (714) 555-1812.

We have a new entrant into the tournament this week.

We already know that Ricki Choshu from Japan, Carlos Colon from Puerto Rico, Perro Aguyao from Mexico and Tully Blanchard from the United States are in.

Now, you can add to that list a wrestler from Europe.

He hails from England. He is 'Gentleman' Chris Adams.

Let's take a look at Chris in action.

(Just pretend the first 45 seconds to one minute are what you see on TV.)


Apter: The list of participants in the tournament just gets better and better. It's going to be a very exciting day of wrestling at the Anaheim Convention Center on February 17.

Anaheim is a great place to go to get out of the cold in February. The weather's great. And there's lots to do in Anaheim. From the beaches to Disneyland and everything in between, to plenty of restaurant choices to lots of hotels to pick from for your stay, Anaheim has it all.

So, be a part of pro wrestling history and join the AWA in Anaheim, California for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament on Saturday, February 17.

I'm Bill Apter. See you next time.


Pic aired of Greg Gagne and Jake Milliman with the caption: NEXT... MILK MANIA!


Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman won a squash match over Darryl and his other brother Darryl via submission when Greg put Darryl out with the Gagne Sleeper (TM).

Milliaman did his t-shirt ripping and cupping his hand to his ear and listening to the crowd when he entered the ring.

Post-match, Jake did some poses and Greg joined in to the delight of no one.

In-Studio: Nelson said the next award was for AWA Wrestler of the Year.

AND THE WINNER IS: Sgt. Slaughter


Sarge was once again standing in front of the AWA logo holding another plaque in one hand and a mic in the other still dressed in his ring gear, DI hat and sunglasses.

Sarge: The good fortune for the Sarge just keeps on coming!

Thank you for the honor of being chosen AWA Wrestler of the Year!

The AWA has a lot of really good wrestlers and it could have been almost any one of 'em, so I'm sure the decision wasn't an easy one!

I take these awards seriously!

They're signs of accomplishment!

And the Wrestler of the Year is the highest award a wrestler can get!

It means that you've overcome a lot and fought your way to the top! \

1989 has not been the easiest year for me! But I would not have it any other way!

Nothing can be truly appreciated without hard work and dedication!

Thank you for appreciating all the hard work I've put into being all I can be!!

This is going on my mantle over the fire place at home!

I will cherish it forever!

Thank you!

Sarge saluted.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MAJOR SHOW NEWS!!!


In-Studio: Larry Nelson said he had major news about next week's program:

  • Highlights from all the big matches at Brawl In St. Paul 2
  • A qualifying match for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament
  • A rundown of all the qualifying matches
  • Bill Apter will be revealing another wrestler entering the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament

And more!

Nelson then intro'd the 1989 AWA Year In Review Video

3-minute video set to the song Classic Battle by NFL Films

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE FINAL AWARD!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for cities with upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities

In-Studio: Nelson told fans to stick around for a match featuring Badd Company.

Nelson said the final award was for AWA Match of the Year.

AND THE WINNER IS: For the Undisputed AWA World Championship: Sgt. Slaughter (AWA WC) vs. Jerry Lawler (AWA WC) - Super Clash 4 - Milwaukee, WI - Mecca Arena - 10-18-89

Nelson said both Sarge and Lawler received their awards for the match and then Nelson intro'd video of the final moments of this epic battle.


# Lawler struck Sarge first. Sarge fired back. Lawler delivered another deliberate punch to the jaw. Sarge returned the favor. The punch exchange then sped up and Sarge gained the upper hand. Lawler staggered back. Sarge charged in and caught Lawler with a neckbreaker lariat (takedown). Crowd popped. Lawler down and Sarge on his knees. Sarge up and snapped up Lawler and Lawler was able to drive Sarge hard back-first into the buckles. Lawler then found the strength to batter Sarge with his famous punch barrage. Lawler backed up and Sarge staggered out of the corner and went down to a knee and then his face. Lawler moved in for the kill. Lawler grabbed Sarge, held him for a moment, hoisted Sarge up and blasted Sarge with his piledriver finisher. Lawler was slow in covering Sarge. 1...2...thr... Sarge kicked out again.

Marshall: That's it! Lawler just hit Sgt. Slaughter with his finisher.

Lawler was slow in covering Sarge. 1...2...thr... Sarge kicked out again. Crowd roared. Lawler in disbelief. Lawler picked up Sarge and bodyslammed him. Lawler again went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Lawler came off with another leg drop but this time Sarge rolled out of the way and Lawler crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref once again started the 10-count. Both men stirred as the count grew and once again made it to their feet just before the 10-count. Sarge stumbled off and crashed to a knee in another part of the ring. Lawler methodically moved in on Sarge. Lawler leaned down to grab Sarge and Sarge stunned Lawler with a huge upper cut. Lawler went limp at the waist but was still on his feet. Sarge up, crowd into it. Sarge grabbed Lawler, hoisted Lawler up and blasted Lawler with Lawler's own finisher...the piledriver. Most in the crowd ate it up. Sarge covered Lawler and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Most fans nearly blew the roof off the building as the ref called for the bell.

Sarge laid across Lawer's chest for a few seconds after the match and then rolled off of Lawler. Both men down on the mat, Sarge laying on his side. The match had taken its toll. Larry Nelson climbed into the ring with the belts and mic in hand and the ref went over and had words with him off mic. The two talked longer than you would normally expect in this situation. Sarge slowly made it to his feet and was shaking out the effects of the match. Lawler was up to a knee holding the back of his neck.

Nelson: Wrestling fans! In a time of 20 minutes, 14 seconds your winner...and UNDISPUTED AWA World Heavyweight Champion...Sgt. Slaughter!

Ref waited for Sarge to recover a little more before handing him the titles.

Ref then started to walk over to Sarge with the belts when Lawler suddenly got to his feet and grabbed the belts from the ref. Lawler gestured and told the ref to go stand in the corner.

Marshall: What is this about?!

Blears: Wondering if Lawler is in a state of denial that he lost the match?

Sarge looked at Lawler. Larry Nelson moved in as Lawler walked up to Sarge. Larry stuck the mic in between the two as the men looked at each other for several tense seconds.

Lawler (wincing in pain from the piledriver): Sgt. Slaughter.


Lawler: You are indeed the deserving and undisputed AWA World Champion.

Lawler presented the belts to Sarge and Sarge took them.

The two looked at each other a little more and then Lawler extended his hand.

Marshall: Sgt. Slaughter better be careful here.

Blears: Indeed, Lawler can be a snake in the grass at times.

After a few more seconds, Sarge extended his hand and the two men...shook hands. Crowd cheering the gesture.


In-Studio: Nelson talked about what a great match it was and how 1989 was a good year for the AWA.

Then sent it back to Rochester for Badd Company in action

Badd Company (w/ Mgr. Dallas Page) won a squash match over Reginald Van Gleason & Ralph Hinckley via pinfall when Tanaka pinned Hinckley after a slingshot DDT (Diamond catapaults opponent to Tanaka who, in one motion blasts the opponent with a jumping DDT)


Nelson: Dallas Page! You've really got your men wrestling well right now.

DDP: I've always got them prepared, Nelson! That's why I'm the best manager in this sport today!

I mean, look at the success these men have had! They don't have that success without yours truly navigating the ship!

Nelson suddenly listened intently on his earpiece.

DDP: We will nev...

Nelson: Dallas, I hate to interrupt.

DDP: Make it fast, I have a lot more to say.

Nelson: We are out of time! See you next week!

DDP: What ???!!!

DDP started arguing with Nelson as the program ended.



The Trooper and Larry Zbyszko battled to a double countout - TIME: 9:31

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Wendi Richter def. Magnificent Mimi (WC) via DQ when MImi's manager Valerie interfered and attacked Wendi when Wendi was hoisting Mimi up for her powerbomb finisher - TIME: 7:39

FIRST BLOOD MATCH: Col. DeBeers defeated Tom Zenk when he busted Zenk open  after he struck Zenk in the head with the military helmet he wore to the ring while the ref was down. Zenk had busted DeBeers open just before that with a series of head shots but the ref was down. DeBeers put his military helmet on to cover his cut. Woozy ref to his feet saw the bleeding Zenk and DeBeers wasn't bleeding thanks to the helmet hijinks. Crowd was furious.  - 10:07 -  DeBeers and Zenk bled

NON-TITLE TEXAS TORNADO MATCH: Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans def. The Destruction Crew (WTTC) when Patera pinned Enos when the Destruction Crew went for the Doomsday Device and Bloom came off the top rope for the clothesline but Patera ducked forward and caught Enos (Patera was on his shoulders) for the victory roll for the pin. - All four men bled - 12:51







Edited by piperrulz
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45 minutes ago, piperrulz said:

Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman won a squash match over Darryl and his other brother Darryl via submission when Greg put Darryl out with the Gagne Sleeper (TM).

What, no Larry?  😆

48 minutes ago, piperrulz said:

Nelson said the award was for Most Hated Wrestler in the AWA.


Hmm, I would've figured Larry Z to be a runaway choice for that award, but...  🤔  And speaking of DeBeers' win...

52 minutes ago, piperrulz said:

The people who hate me are the same types of people who mindlessly and shamelessly love America!

For them, America is not about faith, family and freedom!


For them, America is about decadence, greed, perversion and general overall filth!

To listen to that victory speech, you could close your eyes and listen to it and imagine it just as easily being said by the Koloffs (before Nikita's late-'86 turn after Magnum TA's career-ending car crash), Krusher Khruschev or Nikolai Volkoff during that same time frame.

1 hour ago, piperrulz said:

Badd Company (w/ Mgr. Dallas Page) won a squash match over Reginald Van Gleason & Ralph Hinckley via pinfall when Tanaka pinned Hinckley after a slingshot DDT (Diamond catapaults opponent to Tanaka who, in one motion blasts the opponent with a jumping DDT)

And "awayyy" RVG went...  🙃  As for Hinckley, he wasn't feeling so "heroic" after that match.  😶

Nice work as usual with this card, including with Sarge and Wendi's award presentations, Candi's teased heel turn and the encore of the Sarge-Lawler SC4 showdown.  😎

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1 hour ago, Old School Fan said:

What, no Larry?  😆

Hmm, I would've figured Larry Z to be a runaway choice for that award, but...  🤔  And speaking of DeBeers' win...

To listen to that victory speech, you could close your eyes and listen to it and imagine it just as easily being said by the Koloffs (before Nikita's late-'86 turn after Magnum TA's career-ending car crash), Krusher Khruschev or Nikolai Volkoff during that same time frame.

And "awayyy" RVG went...  🙃  As for Hinckley, he wasn't feeling so "heroic" after that match.  😶

Nice work as usual with this card, including with Sarge and Wendi's award presentations, Candi's teased heel turn and the encore of the Sarge-Lawler SC4 showdown.  😎

Thanks for the comments.

I should have had Larry act as the Darryls' manager and also introduce them on the ring mic! 🙂

I thought about Zbyszko, but DeBeers has been such a villain here that I decided on him.

Gotta be careful about what I have DeBeers say.

Thankfully, the readers realize the time period I'm writing in so they understand why I have him say what he says.

My goal as I write for DeBeers is to get him across as a wrestler the fans absolutely despise. I pattern him along the line of Piper in '84-'85.

I loved the Koloffs anti-American rants. Good heel stuff. 🙃

Did you remember Hinckley off the top of your head or did you have to look up his name like I did?

For some reason, I got the theme song for GAH stuck in my head the other day.

Yep, paired Hinckley with a Gleason character. 😁

I'm trying to picture them as a team.

I just didn't feel like writing another Sarge awards promo so I cut and pasted the end of their match! 😄

Thinking of making Candi a 'tweener like Flair for much of the '80s where she can take on either a heel or face champion.

Appreciate you taking the time to comment.

Now, get to work making Moolah even scummier...if that's possible! 😒



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1 hour ago, piperrulz said:

Did you remember Hinckley off the top of your head or did you have to look up his name like I did?

For some reason, I got the theme song for GAH stuck in my head the other day.

As it happens, I watched TGAH in syndicated reruns long after the show originally ended and I own the complete series set on DVD.  😁

1 hour ago, piperrulz said:

Now, get to work making Moolah even scummier...if that's possible! 😒

With what I have planned for Renée and her friends' current AGWA tour, stay tuned...  😎

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I loved the DeBeers speech and it did remind me of the Russians with Uncle Ivan.  I think you’ve hit on a way to spin DeBeers rhetoric in the future.  Yes we that are reading (most of us are old school fans) get the character. Hell I go lol the way back to Easy Ed Wiskowski.  But a way to keep DeBeers in form without the intense racial hatred could be a way to go as he moves forward.  In fact maybe a DeBeers & heel Nikita could be a future tag team.  

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6 hours ago, Theheel said:

I loved the DeBeers speech and it did remind me of the Russians with Uncle Ivan.  I think you’ve hit on a way to spin DeBeers rhetoric in the future.  Yes we that are reading (most of us are old school fans) get the character. Hell I go lol the way back to Easy Ed Wiskowski.  But a way to keep DeBeers in form without the intense racial hatred could be a way to go as he moves forward.  In fact maybe a DeBeers & heel Nikita could be a future tag team.  

That's not a bad idea. Nikita did come into the AWA in, I believe, in 1990 IRL.

Right now, the DeBeers character will stay the same offensive heel. I just think removing the racial heat would water him down.

Remember how hot Goldust was in the WWF when he arrived in '95. He was an overt, predatory homosexual heel. Fans hated him. It was working. But the WWF got major heat over the character and changed up his gimmick and showed he was really a family man and killed the gimmick dead IMO. He was a mid-card comedy act after that.

But who knows what the future might hold for Ed??? 😗

Thanks for the comments,


Edited by piperrulz
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The 8 AWA qualifying matches for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament won't be 'officially' announced until the next AWA on ESPN.

But I'm gonna post them now in case anyone wants to give their predictions.


Tommy Rich vs. Jake Milliman

Manny Fernandez vs. Ken Patera

Jonnie Stewart vs. Brad Rheingans

Cactus Jack vs. Tom Zenk

Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper

Akio Sato vs. Wahoo McDaniel

Greg Valentine vs. Greg Gagne

Col. DeBeers vs. Don Muraco

(The seedings have not yet been determined for the next round.)





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Tommy Rich vs. Jake Milliman

no way Milliman should win this match let alone be in it.  Rich is a former World Champion and to be in a tournament against this clown is a real insult.  That said it could be fun to see the upset but I hope it doesn’t happen

Manny Fernandez vs. Ken Patera

if I was picking who I liked I’d be picking The Bull.

Jonnie Stewart vs. Brad Rheingans

Who should win, Stewart.  Who I think will win Rheingans

Cactus Jack vs. Tom Zenk

assuming this match only occurs if the pretty boy survives (not win just survives) against DeBeers

Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper

the Living Legend cheats his way to victory

Akio Sato vs. Wahoo McDaniel

Chop City

Greg Valentine vs. Greg Gagne

if Verne is booking his son wins.  Valentine would be the right choice in my opinion.  He could still go here but was on the decline.  Definitely needs a manager

Col. DeBeers vs. Don Muraco

two guys I always liked but the Magnificent One is in decline

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AWA boss Verne Gagne was sitting in his office.
With him were son Greg Gagne and TV producer Al DeRusha.
Verne had something on his mind.
Verne: I called you two in here because I have something to say.
Greg: What is it, dad?
Verne: We've been doing much better business-wise lately.
Al: I'm not liking the sound of this.
Verne: Just hear me out.
There's an opt-out clause in the contract to sell the AWA.
Greg: Oh no!
Verne (agitated): Please let me finish.
We can opt-out of the deal by March 4th.
I've been thinking...I believe we can turn this around on our own.
Al: Don't do it, Verne.
Greg: Dad, while houses are up, since the end of the Lawler-Sarge program, we've seen attendance at house shows fall back to the 1-2 thousand range. That's better than we'd been doing before Lawler-Sarge. But it's not overwhelmingly better. And most of the houses since Lawler-Sarge are doing nowhere near the business that those two did when they headlined the houses.
Verne: Agreed. But we are still moving in the right direction.
I'm 63 now. This is my last shot to make the AWA a player again.
I'm thinking of triggering the opt-out clause.
Al: Verne, listen to reason. Things aren't doing that great. Better, but not great.
The Showboat TV taping houses have fallen back to largely what they were before Lawler-Sarge.
How are you going to bring in the talent needed to take it to the next level?
Verne: Well, we've got some guys out there I think that can help and with some creative booking we can make a go of it.
Greg: What wrestlers are you bringing in? We can't afford the big ticket items.
Verne: Well, I've been talking to Don (Owen)* up in Portland about bringing in Rip Oliver for a run. Guy's a fantastic heel.
Al: Outside of diehard wrestling fans, how many people really know who he is?
The guy plies his trade in a  converted bowling alley.
Verne: I think we can make him am bigger name. You know, like the WWF did with Savage coming out of Memphis.
Greg: Rip Oliver is not and never will be Randy Savage, dad!
You're right. He's a fine heel and would be a good addition..
But he will not be a star...ever...on the Randy Savage level.
Al: Anyone else?
Verne: We've got Tully coming in for the tournament.
He's one of the best heels out there in my opinion and could be our number one heel.
Plus, his run with the Horseman gives us name recognition right away.
Greg: But in recent years Tully's been known for what? Tag team wrestling.
Most of these fans today don't know anything about his great run as a single in Southwest.
He comes in, the fans will be wondering where Arn is.
Verne: I think he can recapture that Southwest magic.
Al: Who else?
Verne: Jarrett's got some good talent in the USWA.
We've got Cactus Jack right now and, while I'm not crazy about his reckless style, he seems to be a guy who can click with fans. There's just something about that kid.
I think Matt Bourne, who just came in for a match, would be a good addition to the roster as well.
Greg: What about that guy who wrestles as The Punisher?
Al: His name's Mark Callaway. He's got a good, menacing look and is, from what I've heard, improving a lot as a wrestler.
Verne: Seen video of him. I just don't see it with Callaway. Maybe in a  few years but not right now.
Greg: But he might be worth taking a gamble on. He looks like he has a serious upside.
Verne: Maybe later. But for right now, no.
Greg: You got anyone else in mind?
Verne: Thinking about calling Herd* down there in Atlanta and trying to work out a wrestler trade agreement.
Al: Question is: who would they send us and for how long?
Verne: We'd have to see. Gotta talk to Herd first.
Greg: You think Herd really understands the business? He's a former pizza exec!
Nothing screams 'I know wrestling' like working for Pizza Hut.
Plus, the early word on this guy is not good. He's said to be in over his head and has a lot of dumbass ideas.
Verne: Still, they have good talent there. It's worth a shot.
Al: Unless the houses increase by a lot, you're not gonna have the money to pull this off, Verne.
Greg:Think of the family. Have you told mom?
Verne: I mentioned it to her. She wasn't too keen on walking away from all that money for the sale.
Look, I know this is a shock to the system.
But I created the AWA and I think there's a chance that I can right the ship.
Al: Or sink it.
Verne glared lazers at Al.
Greg: Let's be reasonable here...
Verne: I'm being perfectly reasonable, son.
We can do this. I know we can.
Al: I know it's hard to let go.
You made the AWA what it is.
But your time, Verne, you've had a good run. But the last few years have been brutal.
Also, how long will the current group of fans stick around?
You sell to Harry, Waters, Watts, Crockett and Jarrett, you've got the perfect mix of name value and wrestling smarts.
They've got money and fresh ideas behind them. A turnaround would be much quicker under them than under you with your limited cash-flow.
Verne: Al, are you trying to say that I'm no longer a good booker?
Al: The business is changing, Verne. You have to face that fact.
Three or four angles a year and rotating World Title programs aren't going to cut it today.
You need new eyes overseeing the AWA.
Verne: I can change. Also, aren't we seeking to become the true alternative to the WWF and it's cartoonish nonsense?
Greg: Indeed, we are trying to give fans an alternative to the WWF style.
But you need new people at the top. And, as Al said, you need people who will bring fresh ideas to the table.
Verne: It could take just one wrestler or big angle to turn this thing around.
Greg: That could happen because of the nature of this business. The key word there is 'could'.
I mean, look at Col. DeBeers.
Remember that great angle you booked with him and Jimmy Snuka?
There was buzz around the angle from the fans.
But it didn't move tickets like Snuka-Piper did in the WWF.
A great angle does not necessarily mean a huge uptick in ticket sales.
Al: Greg's right, Verne.
You've done some good stuff recently. AWA programming is the best it's been since '86.
But it's not moving the needle enough. People look at the AWA and think it's a dying distant number three promotion here in America.
That doesn't translate to big houses in the long run.
Greg: I don't agree with this idea one bit.
Sell and move into the consultant position the new owners would have for you.
Verne: You know I'm a stubborn man...
Al: That's an understatement.
Verne: Al!
Verne pounded his fist on his desk.
Verne: Here's an idea!
Al, why don't I book a match between you and me in Vegas! It'll be a shoot!
Al: Why don't you just face reality!
You've had a good run and now it's over!
Greg: You also need to think about the imminent domain case against your home, dad.
You need that money from the sale to mount a strong defense.
Verne: Well, I'm going to think about opting out of the deal and that's final.
Al: Is this meeting over now?
Verne: It is. I just wanted to inform you about my possible plans.
Greg and Al got up and walked out of the office in disbelief. They closed Verne's office door behind them.
Greg and Al walked down the hall in silence and then Al turned to Greg.
Al: If he opts out of the deal he'll kill the promotion.
Greg: Hate to say it but I agree.
This is all his ego talking.
Al: See what your mom can do. She might be the only one who can talk sense into that stubborn mule.
Greg: I'll talk with her, Al.
She indeed might be our last line of defense.
It's like him talking about Tully being the top heel.
I like Tully, but people now perceive him as a tag team wrestler.
Al: I've heard he's also in talks with the NWA about a return. Good luck matching their offer with a corporation behind them.
Greg: Tully's also stronger when he has another man by his side. That's Ric Flair.
Al: This has to be stopped or we're finished. We'll be begging Vince or idiot Herd for jobs.
It looked like a done deal.
But now, if Verne opts out of the sale, the AWA could be what is finished in the end.
(* Don Owen - Legendary Portland Wrestling promoter. /* Jim Herd - Ran the NWA at the time. Had no idea what the hell he was doing.)
Edited by piperrulz
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While you wait for the next AWA on ESPN, which features the two big matches from Brawl In St. Paul 2 and the first PWHC Qualifying match, enjoy this Piper-Snuka bout.

Good brawl.

Piper really brought out the hatred of fans back then. I'm guessing after this match he did not take a shower in locker room because a fan gave him one at ringside.

Haven't been to a show in over 20 years. What are fans like at shows today? They don't seem to get wound up like fans did in the past.


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