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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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ANNOUNCERS: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)
(1st Taping)
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers..
Nelson said they were gonna kick off the program showing how Cactus Jack got the World Title shot on April 19 in St. Paul, MN. That would be followed by Jack defeating Slaughter to win the World Title.
# Video opened with a shot of all the wrestlers on the card (except Sarge) in St. Paul standing in the ring.
The heels were on one side of the ring and the faces were on the other.
In the middle, Larry Nelson stood with AWA Prez Stanley Blackburn and in front of them was a bingo basket with the name of every wrestler in it.
Nelson: Good evening, wrestling fans!
This is the drawing to determine who will challenge Sgt. Slaughter for the AWA World Championship tonight!
Crowd cheered.
Nelson: With me is AWA President Stanley Blackburn.
President Blackburn, go ahead and spin the basket and draw out the name of the challenger.
\Blackburn spun the basket around with the hand crank and then opened the door of the basket and drew out a piece of paper.
Blackburn looked at the paper for a moment.
Blackburn: The man who will be challenging Sgt. Slaughter for the AWA World Championship tonight is... Cactus Jack!
A buzz mixed with boos rippled through the crowd.
Cactus looked shocked and then was congratulated by most of the heels.
Nelson: You all heard it! Sgt. Slaughter will be defending the AWA World Championship tonight against Cactus Jack!
In-Studio: Nelson said that's how Jack got the title shot that night in St. Paul.
Nelson then intro'd the match, joined in progress, of Sarge defending against Cactus Jack.
It had been a wild affair between the two combatants. The match was more brawl than wrestling match. Both men had chances to win but couldn't put the other away.
End of the match saw Jack on the offensive. Jack worked over Sarge and then whipped Sarge into the corner. Jack charged in and Sarge got a boot up and Jack slammed face-first into it.  Jack spun around and stumbled away from Sarge and Sarge charged out of the corner and dropped Jack with a running clothesline to the back of the neck. Jack crashed to the mat. Sarge snapped Jack up in a front facelock and Jack struggled to free himself from the hold.  Jack, still in the hold,  grabbed Sarge and rammed Sarge towards the ropes and Sarge collided with the referee and the referee fell out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Jack freed from the hold. Jack caught Sarge with a couple of head shots and then went to suplex Sarge but Sarge blocked the move and blasted Jack with an inverted suplex slam (gourdbuster). Crowd popped. Ref still down on the floor. Sarge circled around behind Jack as Jack got to his feet and Sarge moved in and caught Jack in the Cobra Clutch. Jack struggling to free himself from the hold. Tommy Rich charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring behind Sarge and nailed Sarge with a forearm smash to the back to free Jack from the hold. Ref still struggling to recover on the floor. Rich started hammering away on Sarge and Jack recovered and joined in. The two briefly pounded on Sarge and then whipped Sarge into the ropes and looked to his Sarge with a double clothesline but Sarge ducked the move and came back and hit Jack and Rich with...
Marshall: Double Cannon! Double Cannon!
Rich and Jack crashed to the mat as the crowd exploded. Sarge snapped up Rich and tossed Rich over the top rope to the floor as the fans got louder. Ref managed to climb up on the apron but still down facing the crowd.  Sarge covered Jack for a second and then got up and went over to check on the ref. Col. DeBeers came down the heel aisle to loud boos from the crowd. DeBeers climbed in the ring behind Sarge. Sarge had shaken the ref to get him to come to. Sarge let go of the ref and walked right into a boot to the gut from DeBeers. DeBeers then nailed Sarge with his face-first piledriver finisher. DeBeers turned Sarge over. Cactus crawled over and covered Sarge with one arm. DeBeers grabbed the woozy ref and dragged him over to count and DeBeers dropped to the floor. Ref counted. 1.....2.....3! Ref called for the bell as most of the fans booed but some cheered.
Jack up and the ref staggered over and took the belt from Larry Nelson and said something to him.
Ref went over and handed Jack the belt and raised Jack's hand in victory.
Nelson: In a time of 11 minutes, 6 seconds, your winner... and NEW AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Cactus Jack!
More boos but also some cheers.
Jack hugged the belt closely to his chest and walked around in the ring for a moment and looked out at the crowd. Jack then left the ring as the ref checked on Sarge. DeBeers had disappeared to the back. Rich had recovered on the floor and saw Jack with the belt.
Rich picked up on a mic.
Rich: You really won?!
Jack: I did! They're gonna be so proud of me back at the institution!
Rich started to celebrate on the floor and raised Jack's hand in victory before the two disappeared back up the heel  aisle.
WINNER: Jack - Pinfall - 11:06
In-Studio: Nelson discussed Jack's title win. Nelson then intro'd the post-match interview with new champion Cactus Jack.
Jack was standing in the locker room still in his tights and with big silver slung over his shoulder as Bischoff interviewed him.
Eric: Back here in the locker room with the new AWA World Champion Cactus Jack.
Cactus, I have to say most fans must view this as a total shocker.
Jack: When I arrived here at the building tonight, little did I know I would be leaving as the World Champion.
It may have been a shock to the fans. But it was an even bigger shock to me.
Eric: How much of a role do you think Tommy Rich and then Col. DeBeers played in your victory tonight?
Jack: Eric Bischoff, why can't you be happy for my success?!
I had nothing to do with Tommy and the Colonel wanting a prime view of the match!
Eric: Prime view? Their interference proved very costly to Sgt. Slaughter. Everyone saw it.
Jack: You know, some people in this promotion call this belt big silver. I'm now the owner of big silver because I pinned Sgt. Slaughter at the St. Paul Civic Center on April 19, 1990.
I'm the World Champion now and that's all there is to it. Fair? Unfair? People can cry about it all they want. They can scream Sarge was robbed of big silver.
But life isn't fair. It's actually quite unfair. This world is built on survival of the fittest. And tonight, I survived because I was the more fit of the two of us. I rose to the top of wrestling's evolutionary heap.
It's all about survival and I survived the match! Case closed! BANG! BANG!
Eric: Cactus Jack is the new AWA World Champion.
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd the post-match interview Bischoff did with former champ Sgt. Slaughter.
Bischoff was standing near the exit door in the back of the St. Paul Civic Center.
Eric: I am standing here by the door the wrestlers leave through because I could not get into the dressing room to talk with former AWA World Champion Sgt. Slaughter.
We'll wait for him... Here he comes.
Sarge. A word with you?
Sarge was in his street clothes and carrying his travel bag and seemed in no mood to talk.
Sarge walked past Eric and went to open the door.
Eric: Sarge.
Sarge: You want a word? I'll give you several words!
Everyone saw it! I had Cactus Jack dead to rights tonight! He was finished when I Cannoned him!
But, Col. DeBeers... DeBeers! I'm not concerned with the World Title right now! I know I'll fight for that again another day!
But, I am sick and tired of all the problems Col. DeBeers has caused since he's been here in the AWA!
This was the last straw! I'm tired of him and now this is very personal!
You know what I want, Bischoff?!
Eric: No.
Sarge: I want Col. DeBeers in a match! And it's not just any match! Oh no! This promotion is not big enough for the both of us! DeBeers!
I want you in a loser leaves the AWA match!
The loser is gone! He's kaput!
You've done enough damage since you've been here, DeBeers! It's time for your reign of destruction and terror to end!
And I want to be the man that ends it!
Sarge turned and stormed out of the building as Bischoff looked on in stunned fashion.
Nelson briefly talked about Jack being the new World Champion and then ran down the rest of the program.
TV MAIN EVENT: Col. DeBeers vs. Jake Milliman
Another WrestleRock Update
Badd Co. vs. Tommy Jammer & Jerry Blackwell
A look at Ken Patera's response to Valerie about joining join her stable
A look at last week's controversial ending to the match between Jonnie Stewart and Sam Houston here on ASW
The Trooper vs. Bob Orton
And more!
Video aired from the tag match between Badd Co. vs. Blackwell & Jammer with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM ACTION!!!
Jerrry Blackwell & Tommy Jammer vs. Badd Compnay (w/ Mgr. DDP)
Blackwell and Jammer came down the face aisle to a fairly strong reaction.
Badd Co. and DDP came down the heel aisle to strong boos to the strains of the song Bad Company by Bad Company
Badd Company held control early as they worked over Tommy Jammer and cut off the ring, keeping him from tagging in Blackwell. Jammer got minimal offense in. Jammer and Tanaka were the legal men in the ring when Jammer reversed a Tanaka whip into the ropes and caught Tanaka coming off with a clothesline and managed to tag in Blackwell to a big pop. Blackwell came in and worked over both Diamond and Tanaka before the pair working together and regained the upper hand. The pair tagged in and out working over Blackwell, including using a couple of underhanded tactics. Blackwell and Diamond were the legal men in the ring Diamond had worked over Blackwell and Diamond then ran, hit the ropes and came off with a running charge and slammed into Blackwell and crashed to the mat. Crowd popped.  Diamond up and walked into a headbutt from Blackwell that stunned Diamond. Blackwell tagged in Jammer. Jammer came in and battered Diamond with punches and then whipped Diamond into the ropes and caught Diamond coming off with a backdrop. Diamond slammed to the mat. Tanaka hit the ring and Jammer stunned Tanaka with a gut punch and then grabbed Tanaka and Diamond and slammed their heads together. Tanaka crashed down in the corner. Crowd into it. DDP going crazy at ringside. Jammer whipped Diamond into the buckles and Diamond bounced out into a Jammer slam (whip opponent into the buckles and catch him bouncing out with a powerslam). Jammer for the cover. 1...2...thr... Tanaka recovered enough to dive over and break up the pin try by clubbing Jammer in the back. Tanaka up and Blackwell charged in and avalanched Tanaka into the corner. Crowd eating it up. Tanaka crumpled to the mat. DDP jumped up on the apron. Ref went over to get him off and Blackwell moved over and grabbed DDP. Both Diamond and Jammer up and Diamond caught Jammer with a kick to the gut followed by a gourdbuster. Blackwell dragged DDP into the ring and was rag dolling the manager. Diamond covered Jammer and the ref saw it. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed. DDP escaped Blackwell's grasp and fell out of the ring to the floor. Diamond up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Diamond looked over and saw Blackwell looking at him and Diamond beat a retreat to the floor, where he met up with a hurting DDP and Tanaka as Blackwell looked down at them before checking on his partner.
WINNER: Badd Co. - Pinfall - 7:32
PIc aired from the Patera-Valerie confrontation with the caption: NEXT... PATERA ANSWERS!!!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd footage from a few weeks ago of Valerie handing Patera an enevelope.
# As Ken left the ring, Valerie made her way down the heel aisle with an envelope in hand. Valerie was booed. Valerie caught up to Ken as Ken was about to head up the face aisle and handed Ken the envelope, smiled at Ken and walked off. Patera looked at the envelope and disappeared to the back. Announcers wondered what was in the envelope.
In-Studio: Nelson sent it back to the ring Vegas where Ken Patera was going to respond to Valerie.
Larry Nelson was standing center ring.
Nelson: Would you please welcome Ken Patera.
Nice crowd pop as Patera made his way down the face aisle to the ring.
Patera climbed in the ring and briefly saluted the crowd,
Nelson: Ken, recently Valerie gave you an envelope as you were leaving the ring after a match. You are here to give a response.
Patera: I am, Larry. I hold in my hand the envelope presented to me as I left the ring after my match with Manny Fernandez.
Nelson: We are all wondering what's in the envelope.
Patera: i'll show you.
Patera opened the envelope and presented the contents to Nelson. It was a check. Nelson looked at the check and his eyes opened really wide.
Nelson: Wow! That's more money than I've ever made in a year! A lot more!
Patera: Could Valerie come to the ring?
Patera took the check back from Nelson.
Pretty strong boos as Valerie made her way down the heel aisle to the ring and climbed in.
 Valerie: Mr. Patera. Nice to see you.
 Patera: I have your answer, Valerie.
This is a lot of money. There are a lot of zeroes on this check. It would be the biggest singe payday for me in my career. Nothing else could come close to matching it.
So, here's my answer for you.
Valerie and Patera exchanged smiles and then Patera held the check up... and tore it into tiny pieces and tossed it into the air to the delight of the crowd,
Patera: Before I went to prison, with my mindset the way it was then, I would have betrayed my family for that kind of cash.
But, I'm a different man now. I have a conscience and I have to look myself in the mirror every day.
I've been very clear several times now. You've been out here scouting me and I have stated that I would not sign with you under any circumstances. That should drive the point home for good, Valerie. I will not be bought by you.
Crowd cheered.
Valerie (very calm): You have just torn up a healthy six-figure check, Ken.
But, let me just leave you with something to think about.
The cheers of these fans out here: how much money do they make you?
You don't get paid by the cheer. Their cheers don't pay your mortgage. Their cheers don't pay for your car repairs. Their cheers don't keep the lights on in your home. The cheers don't run the air conditioning or the laundry machine or put clothes on your back or food on the table. These fans' cheers pay for absolutely nothing and they never will.
My offer still stands, Ken. This torn up check that lays on the mat can always be voided and a new one issued.
And the only thing you have to say is: Yes.
I can take you to the Promised Land, Ken. Just look at what I've done for Mimi.
With me, you'd be the front man for the band and not one of the backing musicians. Do you want to be Huey Lewis or the News? The choice is up to you.
Valerie turned and calmly left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to boos and shocked gasping from the crowd. Patera was left spechless.
Nelson: Ken, anything to say?
Patera (subdued voice): I've shown everyone where I stand.


Patera turned and left the ring with a look of deep thought on his face. He didn't respond to the fans mixed reaction of cheers and silence from the crowd.

Pic aired of AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MORE GREAT AWA ACTION!!!
Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
The Trooper vs. 'Cowboy' Bob Orton
Orton came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.
Trooper came down down the face aisle to a positive reaction.
Trooper handed out little souvenir speeding tickets to fans on the way to the ring.
Good battle between the rising star Trooper and the crafty veteran Orton.
The match started with an exchange of holds and then picked up from there with both men holding serve.
End of the match saw Orton on the offensive. Orton whipped Trooper into the ropes and caught Trooper coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Trooper crashed to the mat. After a couple of stomps, Orton snapped Trooper up, whipped Trooper into the ropes and caught Trooper coming off with a powerslam. Orton for the cover. 1...2...thr... Trooper kicked out but was hurting. Orton snapped up Trooper and dropped Trooper on the top rope for his superplex finisher. Orton caught Trooper with a couple of deliberate head shots and then went to hoist Trooper up for the move but Trooper blocked the move and blasted Orton with a series of punches and shoved Orton off the middle buckle and Orton crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Trooper dropped to his feet in the ring. Trooper grabbed Orton as Orton was getting up, whipped Orton into the ropes and caught Orton coming off by the legs and Orton was hanging down behind Trooper's back. Trooper nailed Orton with a double leg slam. Crowd cheered. Trooper backed up as the stunned Orton got to his feet. Orton up and turned and Trooper charged in and nailed trooper with a flying shoulder tackle. Orton crashed to the mat by the ropes rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Ref started the 10-count. Orton made it to his feet and climbed on the apron at the count of 8 and Orton fell off the apron and crashed back to the floor. Ref counted to 10.  Ref called for the bell as the crowd popped.The ref raised Trooper's hand in victory.
WINNER: Trooper - Count Out - 9:24
in-Studio: Nelson discussed how Trooper's star was on the rise in the AWA.
Said big news was coming up on the WresdtleRock Update after the break.
Eric Bischoff was seated at the desk with the WrestleRock logo behind him.
Eric: Hi, everybody.
This is Eric Bischoff coming to you from the WrestleRock update center.
We've got some really big news this week.
WrestleRock will take place on Sunday, May 2oth in Sioux Falls, South Dakota at the Sioux Fall Civic Center with a bell time of 1:00pm Central time.
Tickets for the event are on sale now and you can get yours by contacting TicketMaster or call the Sioux Falls Arena box office by calling (605) 555-8287 or visiting the Sioux Falls Arena box office.
We've already announced for the event a 10-man tag that promises to be a wild one as The Trooper, Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans and the Top Guns battle Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine, Badd Company and the World Tag Team Champions the Destruction Crew.
Plus! AWA President Stanley Blackburn is retiring and the new preisdent of the AWA will be introduced on WrestleRock!
Now, two big matches have been added to WrestleRock.
First, in an open challenge match, Kokina Maximus will battle Don Muraco.
Let's take a look at footage from last week as to how this match came about.
# After the Zenk-Kokina match...
After the match, Kaissey jumped up on the ring apron and yelled out instructions to Kokina. Kokina dragged the defeated Zenk to the corner, mounted the middle buckle and came off with his Bonzai Drop (ass drop to the chest) finisher. Crowd popped as Don Muraco charged down the face aisle with a chair (Showboat chairs were unfolding high-back chairs with a cushioned seat and back with a gold frame.) As Kokina climbed off of Zenk, Muraco came up behind Kokina and slammed Kokina across the back with the back of the chair. Crowd exploded. Kokina staggered. Muraco struck Kokina a second time. Kokina on stagger street. Kaissey hit the ring and Muraco speared Kaissey in the gut with the top of the chair. Kaissey bent over and Muraco slammed the chair across Kaissey's back. Crowd going nuts. Kaissey rolled out of the ring onto the apron. Kokina turned and Muraco hit Kokina over the head with the chair. Kokina seeing funny lights and symbols like in a cartoon. Several wrestlers and officials poured out of the back and quickly hit the ring to keep the two apart. Kokina in the corner, still on his feet, shaking out the effects of the assault as the fans were still eating it up.
Larry Nelson climbed up on the ring apron with mic in hand at the behest of Muraco.
Muraco: Kokina Maximus! I'm your next open challenge match opponent! You son of a (bleep)!


Crowd roared.

Eric: It promises to be a hot one as Kokina Maximus battles Don Muraco at WrestleRock.
Will Muraco be the first man to finally take down the monster from Samoa?
Also, just signed.
It will be a powerbomb vs. powerbomb match as AWA Women's World Champion Magnificent Mimi battles Wendi Richter. The first
wrestler to powerbomb their opponent wins the match.
And I'll tell you all about the stipualtion that has been added to this exciting bout after we watch this footage from last week of the end of the Women's Championship match as Mimi defends against Richter.
# Mimi went to hoist Richter p for the powerbomb but Richter twice blocked the move and backdropped Mimi to the mat.  Richter backed up as Mimi made it to her feet. Mimi up and Richter charged in and nailed MImi with a flying forearm shiver to the side of the head. Mimi crashed down by the ropes as the crowd popped.  Mimi up with her head and arms now hanging out over the middle rope. Richter went to go after Mimi but the ref intercepted her and ordered her back, Ref started the 10-count. Only a couple of seconds in, Richter went to go after Mimi again. Ref intercepted the challenger and ordered her to stand back. While Richter and the ref were distracted with each other and having words. Val reached into her fancy jacket pocket and appeared to pull something out and hand it to Mimi.
Marshall: Not certain, but I think Valerie just slipped something to Mimi.
Valerie now back in the ring on her knees and balled up. Richter blew past the ref and grabbed Mimi by the hair and started pulling her when... WHAM!... Mimi caught Richter flush in the jaw with a right hand. Richter crashed down to the mat. Mimi covered Richter and hid her right hand next to her thigh. 1...2...3! Loud howls of protest from the crowd with several pointing an accusatory finger at Valerie. Valerie quickly climbed into the ring as the ref went over and talked to Larry Nelson. Val and Mimi appeared to shake hands (or did Mimi slip something to her?). Ref took the belt from Nelson and Nelson announced Mimi as the winner and raised her hand in victory and handed her the belt. Richter now sitting up in the ring. Mimi briefly paraded the belt to boos before she and Valerie left the ring for the floor.
Richter up holding her jaw. Larry Nelson stepped into the ring with mic in hand.
Richter: That's it! I've had enough!
Richter grabbed her jaw briefly.
Mimi and Val standing on the floor looking on.
Richter: I'm winning this match and all of a sudden... BOOM!.. I'm knocked senseless by one punch! Mimi, you punch hard but not that hard! Either you now have the power of Superman or you hit me with a weapon!
Val and Mimi vehemently denying it on the floor with head shakes and saying 'No!'.
Richter: Valerie! I'd be the women's world champion if not for you interfering on behalf of Mimi! You cost me the title when I lost it to Mimi! And tonight, you made sure I didn't regain the belt!
Well, I want the new AWA bosses to listen to me!
Mimi! I want a powerbomb vs. powerbomb match with you! The first one to powerbomb the other wins the match!
And, just to make sure the match is fair, I want to AWA officials to make sure Valerie can't interfere during the match!


Crowd popped. Val and Mimi not happy campers at ringside.

Eric: Well, the AWA has heard Wendi's protest about Valerie interfering in Mimi's matches to make sure Mimi hangs on to the title.
To make sure Valerie has no impact on the match, she will be locked in a cage at ringside!
You heard that right, fans!
Valerie will be locked in a cage to make sure she cannot interfere!
It promises to be a good one as the champion Magnificent Mimi and Wendi Richter do battle in a powerbomb vs. powerbomb match without Valerie playing a role in the outcome!
A new wrestler is set to join the AWA! And he will be revealed at WrestleRock!
Fans! Things are heating up here in the AWA and WrestleRock promises to be one hot show!
Can't make it to Sioux Falls for WrestleRock? We've got you covered! WrestleRock will be airing LIVE on ESPN starting at 1pm Central time.
That's it for this week! Next week promises more big news about WrestleRock!



In-Studio: Nelson heavily hyped WrestleRock.
Nelson then intro'd video from the end of last week's match between Sam Houston and Jonnie Stewart with post-match comments from Stewart,
# As the ref checked on Sam, Stewart, behind the ref's back, adjusted his left knee pad and there was no doubt a foreign object was sticking out of the pad. Fans and Murdoch yelling that Stewart has a weapon in his knee pad.
Marshall: If you still have questions as to whether or not Stewart loads his knee pad, there's your answer.
Sam up and Stewart moved in and caught Sam with some punches, whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with his running loaded knee to the gut finisher. Sam crashed to the mat. Stewart for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.
Crowd booing as Stewart got to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory. Stewart strutting around the ring victoriously as the fans booed loudly. Murdoch climbed into the ring and talked to the ref and gestured that Stewart had something in his knee pad. Ref gestured he didn't see anything and pointed to his own eyes. As Stewart continued to strut around the ring, Murdoch came up behind Stewart and grabbed Stewart's left leg. Stewart fighting to free himself from Murdoch as Murdoch reached into the knee pad and pulled out a wrapped foreign object and showed it to the ref. Ref looked at the object and then Stewart. Stewart defiantly threw his hands in the air and the ref pulled one of them down and waved off the win and went over, as a stunned Sam got to his feet, and raised Sam's hand in victory to the delight of the crowd as the program went off the air.
Pic flipped and Stewart, in street clothes and holding a mic, was standing in front of the AWA logo.
Stewart: I just wanted to tell everyone that I don't know how that foreign object got in my knee pad. But I can speculate.
How did Houston's manager, Dick Murdoch, know that object was in my knee pad? There's only one way that dastardly rascal could have known.
Dick Murdoch must have placed that foreign object inside the pad without my knowledge! That's the only way it could have gotten in there! Always watch your stuff around Murdoch!
Now, you people know the truth!
In-Studio: Nelson said that Stewart's excuse should win an award for creativity. Said when you look up the word absurd in the dictionary, there's a picture of Jonnie Stewart.
Spilit-screen pic aired of Milliman and DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... MILKMAN VS. MERCENARY!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
TV MAIN EVENT: Col. DeBeers vs. Jake Milliman
Milliman came down the face aisle to loud cheers from the fans.
Once in the ring, Milliman tore off his '2% Forever' t-shirt and threw it into the crowd.
DeBeers made his way down the face aisle to strong boos but also had his supporters.
Ref called for the bell.
DeBeers charged at Jake and lunged at him and missed and Jake came back with a series of head and body punches on DeBeers. Jake grabbed the stunned DeBeers and slammed his head repeatedly into the top buckle. DeBeers spun around in the corner and Jake whipped DeBeers into the opposite buckles. DeBeers bounced out of the corner and walked into a bodyslam from Jake. Jake for the cover. 1...2... DeBeers kicked out. Jake caught DeBeers with a head shot and then snapped DeBeers up and whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with a dropkick. DeBeers crashed to the mat and quickly rolled out of the ring to the floor and dropped to a knee as the fans popped for Jake. DeBeers up and angrily stalked around the ring. DeBeers turned to say something to ringside hecklers. Jake blew by the ref and left the ring for the floor. Jake came up behind DeBeers and tapped DeBeers on the shoulder and DeBeers turned and was greeted with a barrage of punches to the delight of the crowd. Jake went to whip DeBeers into the ring apron but DeBeers reversed and sent Jake crashing back-first into the apron. Ref counting. DeBeers moved in and popped Jake with forearm smashes to the chest, grabbed Jake and slammed Jake's head into the ring post. Jake went down on the floor. DeBeers rolled back in the ring to break the 10-count.  Jake to his feet next to the ring and now bleeding. DeBeers climbed out on the apron and stomped Jake in the head. Jake down to a knee. DeBeers again stomped Jake in the head. DeBeers dropped to the floor, grabbed Jake and slammed Jake's head into the ring apron and threw Jake back into the ring. Jake in a bad way. Ref counting. DeBeers back in at the count of 8. DeBeers waited for shaky Jake to get to his feet and DeBeers hit the ropes and came off with a running punch to the head. Jake crumpled to the mat. DeBeers snapped Jake up and bodyslammed Jake. DeBeers then hit Jake with  knee drop to the head. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2... Jake kicked out. Crowd cheered. DeBeers snapped Jake up and threw Jake into the corner and Jake crashed on his ass leaned against the buckles. DeBeers choked Jake out with his knee and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. DeBeers snapped Jake up, whipped Jake into the ropes and caught Jake coming off with a knee to the gut. Jake back down. Crowd chanting for Jake. DeBeers stomped Jake in the head. DeBeers snapped Jake up and slammed Jake's head into the top buckle and Jake bounced back and crashed to the mat. DeBeers snapped Jake up and went to whip Jake into the ropes but Jake reversed and caught DeBeers coming off with a powerslam. Crowd erupted. Jake and DeBeers down. Ref started the 10-count. Jake up, ran and hit the ropes and came off with his Pasteurizer (flying leg drop) finisher but DeBeers rolled out of the way and Jake crashed to the mat. Crowd groaned. DeBeers up and stomped Jake, snapped Jake up and blasted Jake with his face-first piledriver finisher. DeBeers rolled Jake over on his back and covered Jake. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed. DeBeers up and the ref raised his hand in victory.
WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 5:45
Bad Company by Bad Company:
Edited by piperrulz
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Results from the 4/19/90 AWA house show in St. Paul, MN:


Winner: Cactus Jack

Tom Zenk def. Tommy Rich  with the missle dropkick - 7:16

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) def. Candi Divine via pinfall with her sitout powerbomb finisher - 6:18

SLAM MATCH: Kokina Maximus (w/  Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey def. Jerry Blackwell with a bodyslam - 5:33

PRO WRESTLING HERITAGE CHAMPIONSHIP: Greg Valentine (PWHC) and Wahoo McDaniel battled to a double countout - 9:12

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Destruction Crew (PWHC) def. Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman when Bloom pinned Gagne after the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) - 13:35

Don Muraco def. Col. DeBeers via pinfall with his inverted piledriver finisher - 8:24

The Trooper & Top Guns def. Bob Orton & Badd Co. (w/ DDP) when Rice pinned Orton with a flying bodypress off the top rope - 15:42

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Cactus Jack def. Sgt. Slaughter thanks to outside interference by Col. DeBeers to become the new AWA World Champion - 11:06


(The drawing stip to determine the challenger in the main event is estimated to have boosted ticket sales between 500-1,000 tickets.)





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MAY 1990
Bill Watts was seated in Jim Criockett's office.
Bill: I was thinking of introducing a new title in the AWA pantheon of championships.
Jim: Continue...
Bill: How does a Brass Knuckles Championship grab you?
Crockett paused.
Jim: My concern with that title is that it's an anything goes championship. There are no rules and pinfalls or submissions can count anywhere. Don't you think it takes away from stipulation matches like No DQ or falls count anywhere matches?
Bill: The way I look at it is like this: We have a tournament on TV. The title, because it's a title of inherent lawlessness, is virtually never defended on TV and only on pay-per-views and at house shows.
Jim: Well, that might work. Let's put it on the back-burner for now and re-visit it later.
Bill: Alright. I was also thinking of bringing back the TV Championship. But, I would only like to add one of them.
Jim: Let's marinate on it a little bit. But we should do one of them.
I heard Lee Marshall didn't take the news of his demotion very well.
Bill: He was upset. Becoming a backstage or studio interviewer really limits your TV time. But we had to change direction in the broadcast department.
The good news is that if Marshall should leave, we've got Bonnie Blackstone* to fill the role..
Jim: Didn't think of that. Not a bad idea.
What about Blears?
Bill: Haven't talked with him yet. I'm sure Marshall might blab to him, though. Will talk with him in the next few days. Change often comes with a body count, sadly.
Jim: Eric gave me the early ticket sales for WrestleRock.
Bill: What are they?
Jim: Just under 1,500.
Bill: Things will pick up as more matches are announced along with the rock act Vixen.
Jim: Let's hope they pick way up.
Bill: Sioux Falls was one of the best house show cities for the Lawler-Sarge match. I think we've got a pretty interesting line-up on the books. Plus, there's the sticker shock of ticket prices.
Jim: We've still got about one-third of the $50 dollar ringside seats left. People are buying the cheaper seats.
Bill: Give it some time. We've got three weeks or so.
Can I have a Barry Windham update?
Jim: Oh! He talked with John and Deb and it looks like it's a done deal. Hopefully, start taping videos to hype his coming soon.
Bill: I think he'll be a big help to us. I really do. Solid worker with good name value
We add him and Tully and we've got a pretty solid roster.
And we can hold off trying to poach a guy from the NWA or WWF. We can build off what we have.
Jim: This month, the Destruction Crew will have been the tag champs for a year. We really need to play that up on TV so when they lose the straps it's a big deal.
Anything from Verne?
Bill: Just from Greg. Says his father is doing good.
Jim: Do you think we ought to put the World Title on Greg Gagne?
Bill: Sure. If we want to go out of business the day after he wins it.
The pair laughed.
Jim: What city are you hoping they pick to move the AWA offices to?
Bill: Vegas seems like the logical choice because of the location. But, Phoenix is very similar, only minus the convenient gambling.
Jim: These guys could get in a whole lot of trouble in Vegas.
Bill: They're wrestlers. They can get in lots of trouble anywhere.
Crockett laughed.
Jim: We've also got to look into the merchandising side of things. There's been no real movement yet.
Bill: John and Deb are the ones who need to press the flesh and get deals done on that front.
The pair talked a little more and then the meeting broke up.
Business as usual in the new era AWA.
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On 11/5/2023 at 3:05 PM, Theheel said:

Something that is sadly missing today.  Too much scripted dialogue written by Hollywood type writers and not enough real story that creates excitement.  There are very few believable characters anymore, and for the most part the matches are as they would say are the drizzling @#&!$

Pro wrestling is presented too much as just another weekly TV show today. They're no longer wrestlers but rather characters like on Big Bang Theory or CSI or something. The scripted dialogue falls right into line with a scripted weekly series.  It's all just presented as acting.

Matches laid out from start to finish. Scripted. Matches used to be called in the ring based on what the house was buying.

Everything reeks of weekly TV programming and not a sport that was on weekly.

Fan bases used to be driven by the personalities and the wrestling presented as legit sport. McMahon tore that all apart. It's like today's fan is more into things like anime and fantasy stuff. They go to those Comic Cons. I know some fans will take offense at this, but Jim Cornette on his podcast once said male AEW fans look like NAMBLA members. At least older fans, some of whom were serious marks (I miss 'em), went to the matches to see a fight and not necessarily a show. I miss the beer drinking rowdy types that used to go to the matches. What happened to the hot ring rats that used to show up in droves at house shows across the country? I'm probably just out of touch. But I,loved those days back in the '80s going to house shows.

I miss fights in the stands. I miss fans trying to hit a wrestler as he came to the ring. Why? Because it showed how effective the wrestler was at doing his job. I once read that Piper had to come to the ring with extra security because he had so much heat in the WWF in '84 and '85. Today's fan just plays along because they know the basic ins and outs of the business.

Give you a great story. I was at the Riviera Hotel Ballroom in Vegas for an AWA card in July or August of '85. The main was Rick Martel defending the title against Michael Hayes. Every time the ring announcer mentioned the main event, this really good looking blonde sitting in front of me would go nuts. She was obviously a Martel mark (or stalker), I was sitting 3rd or 4th row ringside where the heels came out. She got pissed at me and the guy sitting next to me because we were Hayes fans. Anyway, Martel won the match after Gordy's interference backfired. Hayes and Gordy attacked Martel after the match and Gordy busted open Martel by piledriving him on big silver. Crowd going nuts. Anyway, Sarge and Baron ran in to make the save. I looked, and the gal in front of me had disappeared. Really didn't think anything of it. As Hayes and Gordy came back up the heel aisle, someone yanked Hayes' long blonde hair and punched him in the face. It was that girl! Security hauled her out and threw her out of the building. (I think they threw her out because she threw the best punch of the night and did not want to have to split the gate! 🙃) Yes! I do miss those days. It added to the aura of pro wrestling. How many passionate fans of a wrestler are there anymore to react like that?

I've read wrestling is hot again.

When you draw less than 2 million viewers and that's looked at as a great number for a national wrestling promotion, it really doesn't say much. Remember when RAW and Nitro were so hot they were drawing between 10-12 million viewers every week?

Take the massive TV deals out of the picture and these promotions would not be doing anywhere near as well as they are. Wrestling is a TV business now and not a business that happens to be on TV.

On 11/5/2023 at 2:44 PM, Old School Fan said:

Not something that would've been seen on Vince's shows back in the day.  On the Crockett TV shows, the excitement was genuine and the action and storylines were convincing (including the Cornette fire-throwing angle that led to Jim Garvin's face turn).

NWA/WCW always had hotter crowds until the end of WCW. More of an actual pro wrestling rather than sports entertainment crowd.






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Got a lot of catching up to do with this dynasty, but as it's the only other AWA Dynasty I know of here I feel obliged to keep up to date with it. 😀 I'll probably hold off on predictions until Im caught up and maybe give occasional "catch up" posts as to where i am in the timeline

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19 hours ago, Neon_Peon said:

Got a lot of catching up to do with this dynasty, but as it's the only other AWA Dynasty I know of here I feel obliged to keep up to date with it. 😀 I'll probably hold off on predictions until Im caught up and maybe give occasional "catch up" posts as to where i am in the timeline

I've been reading some of your stuff. Really enjoy it. From a great time period in the AWA. Hope you're able to continue doing this. Real life and burn out can get in the way of consistently writing new content.

On my list of all-time faves, Bockwinkel is #2 behind Flair.

Earlier in the summer, I think you had like 4 AWA diaries goign but two of them flamed out fast. I think the more their are the better it is for everyone. People would be doing different time periods and it would have been fun to see what everyone could churn out.


Always a appreciate a new reader.

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MAY 1990
It was another meeting between Jim Crockett and Bill Watts.
Jim: I talked with Lee Marshall earlier today. He's not a happy camper. I think he's gonna ask to be let out of his contract.
Bill: I like Lee. But, this is a business and changes have to be made to get this promotion back on the right track for the long run. If he wants to leave, we should seriously consider letting him go elsewhere.
Jim: What if he goes to the WWF or NWA?
Bill: Won't hurt us. I don't think fans will tune us out because Lee's the new host of Wrestling Challenge or NWA Pro Wrestling. He's a pretty good annoucner and the AWA needed him during these tight times.
Jim: Have you talked with Blears yet?
Bill: I'm due to talk with him tomorrow. The only job we could offer him is working here in the office and I don't think he'd care for that too much.
Jim: I know we talked about this a couple of days ago. Are you concerned about the slow ticket sales in Sioux Falls?
Bill: Not yet. I'm confident ticket sales will rise considerably when more matches and Vixen are announced for WrestleRock.
Jim: It seems we should do the Windham promos down in Florida. Maybe do them outdoors.
Bill: Whatever you want to do. Or, we could fly him up here and have him cut the promos in the studio.
Jim: You already thinking about Super Clash 5 in September?
Bill: I've got some plans on the drawing board. The pay-per-view will be a three hour window. We want to give as many guys as possible a chance for a payday on that. But, some guys will be left off the show.
Jim: Don Owen contacted me from Portland the other day. He's asklng if we're interested in buying the promotion outright.
Bill: If we buy, would you like to keep the territory open as a feeder system for the AWA?
Jim: That's what I was thinking. Question is, how much does he want for the territory?
Bill: The only thing I can say right now is that it's certainly nowhere near worth a million. I'm thinking in the $300 to $500 thousand dollar range at best. Portland is a small territory and we can't afford to pay an outrageous sum for it.
One issue is that arena Owen owns. How much is the property it sits on?
Jim: We need to have a land speculator check that out. It would be part of the deal.
Bill: I think Len Denton* is the booker there. At least that's what I've heard.
And Denton's a guy that we might think of bringing in here for a run. It's a good gimmick.
Jim: Have you reconsidered on the question of keeping Cactus Jack champ?
Bill: I might not make a decision on the World Title until the day of WrestleRock.
Jim: Someone I think could really give a jolt to the women's division is Madusa. She's been doing her thing in Japan and I've heard nothing but good things about her over there.
Bill: My guess is Japan is her top priority right now. Maybe we could bring her in for a couple of limited runs. If she comes in, but not for the long haul, I cannot see putting the strap on her.
Right now, with Reggie Bennett coming in for a run, she needs to be the contender who's heavily pushed.
Jim: If we can get her for a run of several months?
Bill: I'd definitely put the belt on Madusa then. She's very marketable.
Jim: She's also easy on the eyes.
Bill: She's beautiful. She has a great look from head to toe.
Jim: When are you gonna pull the trigger on a Patera turn.
Bill: Not anytime soon. Plus, we might be able to pull off a swerve here.
Jim: Thought you liked Patera going heel.
Bill: I do. But, the idea of making the fans think Patera's going to turn and then pull a swerve intrigues me.
Jim: Do you think Rheingans could get over as a major heel?
Bill: He's more stale than month old bread as a face. Might be worth the gamble.
Jim nodded in agreement.
Jim: Looking at our roster right now, who do you see as a long-term World Champion?
Bill: Honestly, the only guy I could see in that role is Greg Valentine.
Jim: But, you're high on Cactus Jack.
Bill: I am. But, I certainly don't see him as a long-term World Champion right now. He's still young and somewhat green. In the future, I could see a long run with big silver. If I decide to keep the belt on him at WrestleRock, his reign would end by Super Clash 5.
Jim: The angle with Kokina, Kaissey and Muraco was really well done. Crowd in Vegas ate it up. Where does the feud go after WrestleRock?
Bill: That's the thing about booking Kokina. In the end, he always goes over his opponents in dominating fashion. I can't see the feud between Muraco and Kokina going further than that. You got any ideas?
Jim: I've thought about it and can't see any way to keep it going other than tag matches with Muraco and a partner, possibly Wahoo, against Kokina and El-Kaissey.
Bill: Haven't heard ticket sales for Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul where the main will be Lee Marshall and Jerry Blackwell vs. Tommy Rich and Cactus.
Jim: I'll check with Eric on them. I hope Marshall sticks around long enough to do the matches.
Bill: He got a pretty good payoff for their match in Vegas. I think he'll stick around to get the payoffs in the three other cities. He'd be crazy not to.
Jim: I'm gonna ask you a question about a guy in the WWF. His career seems to have stalled. What do you think of Honky Tonk Man if we can get him?
Bill: Well, we certainly could not use that name. He'd be Wayne Farris if he came here. I also believe if we brought him in, he'd have to lose the attire or we could get sued by Captain As*hole in Connecticut.
Be kind of cool to have a feud between him and real-life cousin Lawler.
Jim: That could sell some tickets.
Bill: Well, Vince doesn't do guaranteed money, except for possibly a few of his top guys, as far as I know. Have Jarrett put out a feeler and see if he's interested.
Jim: We really need to get this office thing settled as soon as possible.
Bill: Agreed. If and when we move to a warm weather climate, I'd love to bring in the Freebirds: Gordy, Roberts and Hayes, for another run. The reason they left Verne was because of the arctic weather up here four or five months out of the year. Get into a warmer spot and they might be amenable.
I'm still hoping we can get Tully. I really think he could have an impact. Tully or Windham I could see as a long-term World Champion.
Jim: Who's gonna be the new figurehead AWA President?
Bill: Got the list down to three: Bockwinkel, Dutch Savage from Oregon and Baron Von Raschke. Gotta make a decision and quick.
Jim: On the lighter side: are you celebrating Christmas this year or Yak Shaving Day*?
Bill: Oh! Without a doubt, Yak Shaving Day. Fun for the whole family.
I can't believe we're now talking about a cartoon.
Maybe we could re-package Greg Gagne and Jake Milliman as Moose and Squirrel while we're at it.
The pair laughed.
Jim: What if the ESPN deal falls apart?
Bill: I think John and Deb* could get us a deal with MTV of VH1. I like VH1 because it's audience skews a little older than MTV and that's the base we want to most appeal to.
I would say let's take a shot at Sports Channel America. But it's penetration is much more limited than ESPN or the music networks.
Jim: What about The Nashville Network?
Bill: I worry some fans might not like a move to a country station. But, a lot of our fans are most likely country fans. Might be a go-to if there's nothing else on the table.
The concern with ESPN, of course, is how often they might preempt our show for other sports. Bouncing around like the show often does now does us no favors. We need a set time-slot.
Jim: Let's keep our fingers crossed for the best TV deal possible.
Bill: No doubt.
The pair then discussed other matters.
Was the new era AWA on the verge of a possible breakthrough?
* Len Denton ,aka, The Grappler
* Brad, aka, Brad Rheingans
* Yak Shaving Day - sketch from the animated series Ren & Stimpy  (Show did not actually debut until 1991, so I'm using my literary license here.)
* John and Deb - John Waters and Deborah Harry - Majority owners of Triumph media Sports
MAY 1990
The vignettes to introduce Larry Zbyszko in the WWF were done...
The four Zbyszko promo videos would be playing over the next month to prepare the way for his arrival.
Zbyszko would start appearing on WWF programming starting in June.
But, for May, he was working the houses in a lower card match.
Zbyszko was scheduled to work some houses with Koko B. Ware.
Zbyszko was backstage at the arena for his first WWF match and went to talk with road agent Blackjack Lanza.
Lanza: Okay, Larry. Tonight, Koko is going over you in 10 minutes clean with his brainbuster finish.
Zbyszko: Huh?! Why am I jobbing to Ware tonight?
Lanza: I don't book the finishes, Larry. I just get my marching orders and pass them along.
And it looks like you're jobbing to Koko around the horn for the next couple of weeks.
Zbysko: You're kidding, right?
Lanza: Nope. Here's the booking sheets.
Lanza handed Zbyszko a set of booking sheets. Zbyszko scanned them. He was losing to Koko every night. Zbyszko was in disbelief and shook his head.
Zbyszko: I don't get this. Is this some sort of a test?
Lanza: Don't know, pal. It's on the sheet and I gotta enforce it. It's what the boss wants.
Zbyszko looked back down at the booking sheets in a state of disbelief.
Zbyszko: Surely this is some sort of a test and I'll be going over when I get on the TV shows.
Lanza: You know how Vince can be.
Zbyszko: I worked for his dad and his dad would have never done something like this. I'm gonna have to talk to Vince.
Lanza: I'd be careful about that. Don't get on Vince's bad side just a couple of months after returning. He holds the power of the pencil.*
Just do what you're told to do. It'll work out in the end.
Zbyszko: You sure about that? I mean, I was promised a huge push and working a feud with Jake Roberts starting in the fall. Yet, these booking sheets show me being treated like a job guy.
Lanza: I don't know what Vince has in store for you in the long run. I just know you're the one looking up at the lights every night against Mr. Ware.
Zbyszko: Wow! OK. If that's what the boss wants, I guess.
Lanza: Just do it, Larry. We know what you can do in the ring. But just be a good sport and do the job to Koko.
Zbyszko: Well...
Zbyszko's voice tailed off as he handed the booking sheets back to Lanza and walked away.
Zbyszko thought to himself: What have I gotten myself into?!
Larry knew he was gonna have to keep his mouth shut and see how things played out over the next several weeks and months.
Did Vince really bring in Larry to humiliate him and make him cannon fodder for the already established WWF stars?
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2 hours ago, piperrulz said:
Zbyszko thought to himself: What have I gotten myself into?!
Larry knew he was gonna have to keep his mouth shut and see how things played out over the next several weeks and months.
Did Vince really bring in Larry to humiliate him and make him cannon fodder for the already established WWF stars?

Looks like the wrestling equivalent of buyer's remorse may already have set in with Larry...  🤔

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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry nelson
(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)
(2nd Taping)
Show Intro
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
TV MAIN EVENT: Greg Valentine (PWHC) vs.  Scott Norton (Portland Wrestling)
An interview with new AWA World Champion Cactus Jack
A special interview with World Title challenger Wahoo McDaniel
Another WrestleRock Update
A look back at last week's controversial finish of the World Tag Team Title match between the champs the Destruction Crew and the Top Guns
Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi sees action
Don Muraco vs. Akio Sato
And more!!!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.
Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Harvey Weinstein & Danny Masterson when Patera made Weinstein submit to the swinging full nelson
Patera and Rheingans came to the ring down the face aisle to a strong ovation.
During the match, Valerie came down the heel aisle to ringside and took notes during the match. Announcers wondered why she was doing it since Patera already told her that he would not sign on to be a part of her stable a couple of weeks ago.
After the match, Valerie remained at ringside and Patera, still in the ring, took the ring mic from Larry Nelson.
Patera: Valerie. I told you that I wasn't interested in joining the stable you're trying to put together. I think I also speak for Brad when I say that neither one of us is ever going to ally ourselves with you!
Crowd cheered as Val looked on from the floor. Rheingans nodded in agreement with Patera and patted the big man on the back.
Patera: You are wasting your time scouting us! And you might as well quit coming out here during our matches because what you want to happen will NEVER happen!
More cheers from the crowd as Valerie turned and headed back up the heel aisle.
In-Studio: Nelson said it appears Valerie just can't take no for an answer. Said you have to wonder if she's got other ideas in mind regarding Patera and Rheingans.
Video aired from the end of the World Tag Team Title match last week between the Crew (C) and the Top Guns with the caption: NEXT... TITLE ROBBERY!!!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd the footage of the controversial ending to last week's tag team title match.
# Both men up and Bloom swung wildly at Rice and missed and Rice caught Bloom with a belly-to-back suplex. Both men up and Rice nailed Bloom with an enzuigiri. Bloom crashed back to the mat. Enos again hit the ring and clubbed Rice in the back. Dukes hit the ring and started fighting with Bloom and the fighting spilled to the floor. Ref distracted by the two men on the floor trying to get them back to their corners. Just then, DDP charged down the heel aisle with the briefcase in hand.
Marshall: Is that the briefcase containing Rice's money?!
Enos reached up from the floor and grabbed the ref's belt and the ref could not get free. DDP climbed into the ring with the case and raised it over his head. Rice up and turned.
DDP clubbed Rice over the head with the briefcase. Rice crumpled to the mat. DDP dropped to the floor and left the case on the apron and fled the scene. Dukes pulled Enos back down to the floor and the fighting continued. Ref turned back to the match. Bloom snapped up Rice, whipped Rice into the ropes and caught Rice coming off with a powerslam. Bloom for the pin. 1...2... Enos kept Dukes from climbing back into the ring. ...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed loudly. Ref went over and took the tag titles from Larry Nelson. Enos climbed back in the ring. Ref raised Bloom's hand in victory and handed the champs their belts.
Nelson: In a time of 14 minutes, 11 seconds, your winners... and STILL AWA World Tag Team Champions... the Destruction Crew!
More boos from the crowd as the champs dropped to the floor and held their belts aloft before heading back up the heel aisle the victors.
In the ring, Rice recovered and he and Dukes looked over and noticed the briefcase sitting on the apron. Rice went over and picked up the case. An envelope was attached to the front of it.  Nelson climbed into the ring. Rice opened the envelope and pulled out the letter in it and briefly read it. Rice furious.
Nelson: Can I ask what the note said?
Rice (angry): It says: Here's your $50,000 dollars.
Rice sat the briefcase on the top turnbuckle and opened it. The money was in there.
Nelson: At least you got the money back.
Rice: I got my money back. But, we didn't win the titles. We had the champs on the ropes and Dallas Page stole the opportunity from us! You never know when these chances are gonna come along! And to lose this way is total b.s.!


Rice grabbed the case and the pair left the ring and headed back up the face aisle as the fans looked on with very little response.

In-Studio: Nelson intro'd comments from the Top Guns.
Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes were in street clothes and each was holding a mic standing in front of the AWA logo.
Rice: Dallas Page! You may have returned the money you stole from me  after I won the Battle Royal Christmas night! But, you cost us the tag team titles!
We had the Destruction Crew on the ropes! We had pushed them to the limit! And you took away what should have been a historic night for the Guns!
At WrestleRock on May 20th! 10-man tag match! The Guns and Badd Company are both in the bout! And Page, you'd better pray that we don't get our hands on you!
Dukes: You said it, brother! I could feel that tag team title belt around my waist! No one has pushed the Destruction Crew to the brink like we did! And to have victory ripped away from us the way it happened... man... that deserves a response! And Badd Company and their skunk manager are gonna feel the wrath of the Top Guns at WrestleRock!
Pic aired of Don Muraco with the caption: NEXT... KOKINA'S BIGGEST THREAT???
Commercials/AWA Tour Update
Don Muraco def. Akio Sato via pinfall with his inverted piledriver finisher - TIME: 3:36
Muraco came down the face aisle to a good ovation from the fans.
Announcers discussed the Kokina-Muraco situation. Wondered if Kokina would meet his match at WrestleRock.
In-Studio: Nelson discussed the open challenge match between Muraco and Kokina at WrestleRock. Nelson said Muraco might just be the man to hand Kokina his first loss in the AWA.
Nelson then intro'd footage from the end of the #1 Contender match last week between Wahoo and Tommy Rich.
# Wahoo up and reached down to pull Rich up and reached grabbed Wahoo's legs and pulled them out from under him and Wahoo crashed to the mat and rolled over on his side by the ropes. Rich grabbed the top rope and drove a series of rapid-fire knees into Wahoo's back. Rich broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Rich stomped Wahoo and then moved back as Wahoo made it to his feet. Wahoo up and Rich charged at Wahoo and went to hit Wahoo with the Thesz Press finisher but Wahoo cught Rich, dropped down and hot-shotted Rich across the top rope. Rich snapped back and crashed to the mat as the fans cheered. Both men up and Rich went to punch Wahoo but Wahoo blocked the punch try and fired away on Rich with open hand chops to the chest. Rich stunned. Wahoo whipped Rich into the ropes and caught Rich coming off with his big chop finisher and Rich crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd roared as the ref called for the bell. Wahoo up and the ref raised his hand in victory.
Marshall: It's gonna be Cactus Jack vs. Wahoo at WrestleRock for the AWA World Championship!
Video aired of Cactus Jack being handed the AWA World Title with the caption: NEXT... THE NEW CHAMPION!
Larry Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: Ladies and gentlemen. Would you welcome the new AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Cactus Jack!
Crowd boos but also a seemingly growing number of cheers for Cactus as he made his way down the heel aisle with the belt slung over his shoulder.
Jack climbed in the ring and looked out at the crowd and they reacted to him. Jack walked over by the ropes and held the title in the air with one hand to more of a reax.
Nelson: Cactus Jack! You defeated Sgt. Slaughter to become the new champion. How are you feeling right now?
Jack: Larry Nelson. The stars aligned for me on April 19th at the St. Paul Civic Center.
My name was drawn out of that basket with the names of every AWA wrestler in it because of destiny. It was manifest destiny.
Nelson: Manifest destiny?
Jack: Yes. Manifest destiny. This was gonna happen that night in St. Paul. Sgt. Slaughter was doomed as soon as they drew my name out of the basket. Destiny was 100 percent on my side. I was not gonna be stopped by anyone.
Nelson: But, you did have help. Col. DeBeers interfering played a major role in you becoming the new AWA World Champion.
Jack: So says you, Nelson. Col. DeBeers was not responsible in any way, shape or form for me winning this belt! It was gonna happen no matter what! Again... manifest destiny!
Jack then walked around the ring holding the belt aloft with one hand as the fans mainly booed but a growing minority cheered.
Nelson: Jack, I need to ask you one more thing.
Jack: What is it?
Nelson: You're defending that belt against Wahoo McDaniel at WrerstleRock on May 20th in Sioux Falls. What are your thoughts on the challenger?
Jack: I think people need a little history lesson.
A few weeks ago, on this very program, I pinned Wahoo McDaniel. I beat him 1-2-3!
Since we're in the gambling capital of the world right now, what makes you think he can beat me this time around?! What are the odds of that happening?!
Nelson: Well, this is a sport and just because you beat him before doesn't mean he can't turn around and beat you at WrestleRock.
The man's a multi-time champion in professional wrestling and knows what it takes to win. The one belt that's always eluded him is the one that's hanging on your shoulder right now.
Jack: Let me let you in on a little secret.
This belt, known affectionately by some as big silver, is going to elude Wahoo's grasp one more time at WrestleRock.
The fans will be firmly behind Wahoo and want to see him become the the World Champion. It would be like the end of a Hollywood movie.
Wahoo accomplishes something he's never accomplished before. Wrestlers come to the ring, hoist Wahoo on their shoulders and parade Wahoo around as the fans celebrate with the Chief and go home happy.
But, this movie is not gonna have  the happy ending most expect. Instead, the script will be re-written. Wahoo loses. The fans are shocked into silence and leave the arena so quietly you'd think a funeral was happening.
The young lion is gonna devour the elder statesman on May 20th.
Nelson: AWA World Champion Cactus Jack!
Mainly boos but also a good amount of cheers.
Pic aired of Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi with the caption: NEXT... WOMEN'S CHAMP!!!
AWA Women's World Champion Magnificent Mimi (w/ Valerie) won a squash match over Lisa Turtle via pinfall with her sitout powerbomb finisher
Mimi and Val were largely booed as they made their way down the heel aisle.
Nelson: Magnificent Mimi, you will be facing Wendi Richter in a powerbokmb vs. powerbomb match at WrestleRock.
Valerie, you will be locked in a cage at ringside to make sure you can't interfere in the match.
Valerie (pissed): This is an outrage, Larry Nelson!
What kind of beast puts a delicate female in a cage?!
Nelson: The cage will be at ringside so an eye can be kept on you at all times.
Valerie: I'll be on display like an animal! This is an outrage! I have a manager's license and therefore I have a right to be at ringside with freedom of movement! This cage will make it impossible for me to manage properly. How can I guide my wrestler if I'm imprisoned?!
Mimi: Wendi Richter! You got your wish! I guess what Wendi wants Wendi gets! My manager will be locked in a cage like a wild animal! Valerie will be defenseless! Some of these fans are dangerous nutsos! Who knows what they might try and do to my manager!
But, I want Richter and her fan club in the AWA front office to know this! Even with Valerie locked up for the match, it's not gonna matter! I'm still the better wrestler than her and I intend to powerbomb Richter so hard into the mat that her future kids will feel the impact!
No matter how much the AWA tries to hamstring me and Valerie, it won't succeed! I AM the best female wrestler in the world right now and this belt says so!
Come to WrestleRock, Wendi! And prepare to be beaten by me once again!
Mimi strutted around the ring with the belt as the fans booed.
Pic aired of the WrestleRock logo with the caption: NEXT... WRESTLEROCK UPDATE!
Commercial aired for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament video tape. Tape was advertised as two hours of highlights, completer matches and some interviews from the historic event. An 800 number and a mailing address were listed on the screen. Cost of the video: $39.95 + S/H
Shot of Eric Bischoff sitting behind a desk with the WrestleRock logo on the wall behind him.
Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff.
I am coming to you from the WrestleRock update center and we have major new this week!
WrestleRock takes place in just two weeks on Sunday, May 20th, at the Sioux Falls Arena in Sioux Falls, South Dakota at 1pm Central time.
Tickets are now on sale by contacting TicketMaster or calling the Sioux Falls Arena ticket office at (605) 555-8287 or you can visit the arena box office in person.
Can't be there in person? We've got you covered! WrestleRock will air LIVE on ESPN starting at 1pm Central time!
Matches already set for WrestleRock are:
10-Man Tag Team Match: The Trooper, Ken Patera, Brad Rheingans and the Top Guns vs. Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine, Badd Company and the World Tag Team Champions the Destruction Crew.
Powerbomb vs. Powerbomb Match: Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi vs. Wendi Richter
Mimi's manager Valerie will be locked in a cage at ringside to make sure she doesn't interfere.
Open Challenge Match: Kokina Maximus vs. Don Muraco
Right now, let's hear from Wendi Richter as she prepares for her match-up with Magnificent Mimi.
Richter was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes with a mic in hand.
Richter: At WrestleRock, it's gonna be just you and me, Mimi, in a powerbomb vs. powerbomb match!
And your manager won't be able to interfere in our match because she's gonna be locked up in a cage!
Mimi won't have Valerie wandering around ringside to help her win! Valerie has cost me two matches with Mimi when the title was on the line! That ain't happening here!
Mimi, if you beat me at WrestleRock, you're gonna do it on your own! Can you get the job done without Valerie?!
We're gonna find out on May 20th! The best woman is gonna win on her own merits!
Eric: Now, for the big news this week!
They don't call it WrestleRock for nothing!
The AWA is pleased to announce the rock group that will be performing at WrestleRock is the hot female metal band Vixen.
Let's take a look at Vixen!
(Just pretend the first 30-45 seconds are what you see.)
Eric: Vixen will be performing a concert during the show and it promises to have the fans rockin' in the Sioux Falls Arena at WrestleRock!
Another match just signed for WrestleRock promises to shake the AWA to its very foundations!
Let's take a look at what led to this huge match!
# Sarge snapped Jack up in a front facelock and Jack struggled to free himself from the hold.  Jack, still in the hold,  grabbed Sarge and rammed Sarg towards the ropes and Sarge collided with the referee and the referee fell out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Jack freed from the hold. Jack caught Sarge with a couple of head shots and then went to suplex Sarge but Sarge blocked the move and blasted Jack with an inverted suplex slam (gourdbuster). Crowd popped. Ref still down on the floor. Sarge circled around behind Jack as Jack got to his feet and Sarge moved in and caught Jack in the Cobra Clutch. Jack struggling to free himself from the hold. Tommy Rich charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring behind Sarge and nailed Sarge with a forearm smash to the back to free Jack from the hold. Ref still struggling to recover on the floor. Rich started hammering away on Sarge and Jack recovered and joined in. The two briefly pounded on Sarge and then whipped Sarge into the ropes and looked to double clothesline Sarge but Sarge ducked the move and came back and hit Jack and Rich with...
Marshall: Double Cannon! Double Cannon!


Rich and Jack crashed to the mat as the crowd exploded. Sarge snapped up Rich and tossed Rich over the top rope to the floor as the fans got louder. Ref managed to climb up on the apron but still down facing the crowd.  Sarge covered Jack for a second and then got up and went over to check on the ref. Col. DeBeers came down the heel aisle to loud boos from the crowd. DeBeers climbed in the ring behind Sarge. Sarge had shaken the ref to get him to come to. Sarge let go of the ref and walked right into a boot to the gut from DeBeers. DeBeers then nailed Sarge with his face-first piledriver finisher. DeBeers turned Sarge over. Cactus crawled over and covered Sarge with one arm. DeBeers grabbed the woozy ref and dragged him over to count and DeBeers dropped to the floor. Ref counted. 1.....2.....3! Ref called for the bell as most of the fans booed but some cheered.

Eric: I caught up with Sarge later in the evening after the match and here's what he had to say:
# Sarge:  Everyone saw it! I had Cactus Jack dead to rights tonight! He was finished when I Cannoned him!
But, Col. DeBeers... DeBeers! I'm not concerned with the World Title right now! I know I'll fight for that again another day!
But, I am sick and tired of all the problems Col. DeBeers has caused since he's been here in the AWA!
This was the last straw! I'm tired of him and now this is very personal!
You know what I want, Bischoff?!
Eric: No.
Sarge: I want Col. DeBeers in a match! And it's not just any match! Oh no! This promotion is not big enough for the both of us! DeBeers! I want you in a loser leaves the AWA match!
The loser is gone! He's kaput!
You've done enough damage since you've been here, DeBeers! It's time for your reign of destruction and terror to end!
And I want to be the man that ends it!
Eric: It's gonna be Sgt. Slaughter vs. Col. DeBeers in a No Disqualification - Loser Leaves The AWA match!
One of these men will be gone from the AWA when the dust settles on this one at WrestleRock!
Let's hear from Sarge's opponent Col. DeBeers!
Debeers was standing in his ring gear and beret in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.
DeBeers: The contract for this match has been signed. It was signed in ink. But it should have been signed in our blood!
Sgt. Slaughter! They call you America's Hero! I would be ashamed to be called a hero when it has to do with this country!
The decadence, selfishness, hedonism, greed, racial mixing! It's all disgraceful! And you're a disgrace, Sarge! Basically, by representing America you represent one big landfill!
You say the AWA isn't big enough for the both of us! I agree!
And at WrestleRock, Sgt. Slaughter, I'm going to send you packing!
The ugly American fans will never see your ugly face around here again!
You're finished, Sarge!
And I'm proud to say that I am going to be the man that finishes you off!
This will be a great victory for decency, morality and the white race!
And when I beat Sgt. Slaughter, I'm going to wave the flag of my native South Africa high for all the stupid Americans to see!
Eric: Strong words from Col. DeBeers heading into his collision with Sgt. Slaughter at WrestleRock!
Finally, the match for the AWA World Championship is set.
New AWA World Champion Cactus Jack will be defending against Chief Wahoo McDaniel.
The World Championship is the one championship that has eluded Wahoo for his entire career.
Can he finally realize the dream of becoming the AWA World Champion?
WrestleRock is looking like a great show!
For tickets contact TicketMaster or call the Sioux Falls Arena box office at (6-5) 555-8287 or visit the arena box office in person.
WrestleRock will also be airing on ESPN LIVE at 1pm Central time on Sunday, May 20th.
Next week, the final WrestleRock update. See you then
Pic aired with the caption: NEXT... TALKING WITH THE CHIEF!!!
Video opened with a shot of Larry Nelson and Wahoo McDaniel, McDaniel was in street clothes, sitting in front of the AWA logo. Each man had a mic.
Nelson: This is a special interview with the man who will challenge Cactus Jack for the AWA World Championship at WrestleRock on May 20th, Chief Wahoo McDaniel. Welcome, Wahoo.
Wahoo: Great to be here, Larry.
Nelson: Tell us a little about your storied career in this sport.
Wahoo: Well, I've been wrestling for over two decades now. I played college football at Oklahoma and then in the American Football League. During the offseason in the AFL, I continued to wrestle and learn the craft. Pro wrestling takes great skill, mental and physical toughness and a willingness to be on the road for most of the year, going to arenas around the country and the world.
I've won many championships in my career. But, the one championship that has always eluded me is the World Heavyweight Championship. I've wrestled for the World Title before but came up just short in those bouts. It can be frustrating because when you come within a whisker of winning the biggest prize in wrestling and it barely slips out of your grasp you just don't know when another World Title opportunity will come along.
Nelson: Who are some of the men you've wrestled for the World Title over the years?
Wahoo: Ric Flair is my most famous World Title opponent. He and I have had many great battles over the years. Both of us were in top form for the bouts and they were memorable, exciting affairs. I've also wrestled Harley Race, Jack Brisco, Terry Funk and Nick Bockwinkel for the World Championship.
Nelson: That's quite a list of impressive champions you've faced. All were established veterans when they won the title. In Cactus Jack, you're facing a wrestler who has only been in the business for a short time. His victory over Sgt. Slaughter to capture the AWA World Title was completely unexpected. Jack's also a very unorthodox wrestler. How do you deal with someone like him in the ring?
Wahoo: I've wrestled Jack once before. Thanks to help from his partner in crime Tommy Rich, Jack pulled out the win. I'm gonna have to be very alert and for the presence of Rich at ringside. But, I will say this. No matter what one thinks of this young wrestler, Cactus Jack can wrestle. As you said, he's very unorthodox. It's a new style not seen in wrestling before. Cactus can be like a Kamikaze pilot in the ring. He's a daredevil who will take very dangerous risks to win. Like in football, I'm gonna have to adapt on the fly during the match.
Nelson: What if you don't win the World Title at WrestleRock? What will be next for Wahoo McDaniel?
Wahoo: I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, Larry. Right now I'm focused on wrestling Cactus Jack for the title. I'm at a point in my career where this might be my last chance to grab the top prize in our sport. But, just like in life, there are no guarantees in pro wrestling. I won't lie: I want to win the World Championship. I've done everything there is to do in pro wrestling except win the World Title. It would truly be the apex moment of my career if I can defeat Cactus Jack at WrestleRock and become the AWA World Champion.
Nelson: Wahoo, best of luck against Cactus Jack at WrestleRock. The fan in me is pulling for you to win it and I'm sure these fans watching are wanting to see you become the World Champion, too.
Wahoo: Thank you, Larry.
Nelson: He is the mat legend Wahoo McDaniel.
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!
TV MAIN EVENT - NON-TITLE: Greg Valentine (PWHC) vs. Scott Norton (from Portland Wrestling)
Norton came to the ring down the face aisle to a fair amount of cheers from the fans as some recognized him from his previous appearance here.
Norton briefly acknowledged the fans.
Valentine made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.
Announcers briefly discuss Norton wrestling in a tag team with Billy Jack Haynes, also from Portland Wrestling, on AWA programming a couple of months ago.
Announcers pointed out how big Norton was body-mass wise.
Ref called for the bell.
The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Norton drove Valentine against the ropes and the ref ordered a break. The two circled one another again and tied up and Norton shoved Valentine off and Valentine crashed to the mat, Valentine up and charged at Norton and Norton caught Valentine with a bodyslam. Valentine up and Norton repeated the slam. Valentine up and backed into the corner. Ref ordered Norton to stand back but Valentine stunned Norton with a series of gut kicks that doubled Norton over. Valentine with a series of elbows to the back of Norton's neck. Valentine grabbed Norton and hit him with a suplex followed by a pointed elbow drop to the midsection. Valentine for the cover. 1... Norton kicked out. Norton getting up and Valentine caught Norton with a kick to the side of the ribs. Norton fell against the ropes. Valentine with punches to Norton's ribs. Valentine whipped Norton into the ropes and looked to catch Norton coming off with a backdrop but Norton kicked Valentine in the chest. Valentin shot up and Norton popped Valentine with a clothesline. Valentine crashed to the mat. Fans popped for Norton.Norton grabbed Valentine as Valentine was getting up and whipped Valentine into the corner. Norton charged in with an avalanche and Valentine moved and Norton slammed front-first into the buckles. Valentine quickly recovered and popped Norton in the back with a series of forearm smashes. Norton spun around in the corner. Valentine with a series of knees to the gut. Norton staggered out of the corner next to the ropes. Valentine chest chopped Norton and went to whip Norton into the ropes but Norton reversed and caught valentine coming off with a powerslam. Crowd roared. Norton for the cover. 1...2...thr... Valentine got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Norton snapped up Valentine and nailed Valentine with a suplex. Norton went for an elbow smash but Valentine rolled out of the way and Norton crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting the 10-count. Both men stirred as the count grew and both men made it to their feet before the count of 10. Valentine caught Norton with a kick to the left knee area.
Blears: Valentine is now starting to target the leg of Norton to soften Norton up for his figure four.
Valentine kicked Norton in the left knee area again. Norton hurting. Crowd urging on Norton or it might just be the alcohol consumption. Valentine grabbed Norton's left leg and lifted it off the ground. Valentine started pounding on the knee area. Norton then blocked a punch try by Valentine and popped Valentine with a head shot. Valentine lost his grip on the hold and spun around facing away from Norton. Norton rolled Valentine up from behind for the pin. 1...2...thr... Valentine kicked Norton off. Both men up and Norton clubbed Valentine and then hoisted Valentine across his shoulders for a Samoan Drop but Valentine managed to wriggle free from Norton's grasp and drope to his feet behind Norton. Valentine clubbed Norton in the back and ran Norton into the ropes for a roll up for the pin. 1... Valentine grabbed a handful of tights. ...2...thr... Niorton kicked Valentine off with such force that Valentine slammed front-first in the buckles. Norton up and Valentine came out of the corner and Norton caught Valentine in a fireman's carry and this time hit the Samoan Drop. Crowd exploded. They were really taking to Norton. Valentine by the ropes and got his leg on the bottom rope. Ref ordered Norton to stand back. Valentne got to his feet in the ring. Norton moved in and Valentine caught Norton with a kick that looked a little low. Ref reprimanded Valentine. Valentine leaned Norton against the ropes and pounded away on Norton with a series of blistering forearm smashes to the chest. Valentine whipped Norton into the ropes and caught Norton coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Norton stunned. Valentine with bionic elbows to the top of Norton's head. Valentine then snatched big Norton up and hit Norton with a piledriver. Valentine for the pin. 1...2...thr... Norton kicked out with such force that Valentine flew through the ropes and crashed to the floor. Crowd cheering. Norton recovering in the ring as the ref began the 10-count. Valentine made it back in the ring just before the ref's count of 10. Valentine slow to his feet as Norton shook out the effects of the piledriver. Valentine went to punch Norton but Norton blocked the punch try and fired away on Valentine with punches of his own. Norton whipped Valentine into the corner and charged in and nailed Valentine with an avalanche. Valentine walked out of the corner and crashed to his face in the ring as the fans cheered. Norton briefly shook out the effects of the piledriver, turned Valentine over and went for the cover. 1...2...thr... Valentine got his foot on the bottom rope to break the pin try. Crowd groaned. Norton leaned down and started to pull Valentine up when Valentine low-blowed Norton right in front of the ref. Norton stumbled back and dropped to a knee holding the goods. Ref immediately called for the bell.
 Valentine wasted no time rolliing out of the ring, dropping to his feet on the floor and staggering over and grabbing his belt out of the hands of Larry Nelson and made a beeline for the heel aisle. Norton up and the ref raised his hand in victory to a nice ovation from he fans.
WINNER: Norton - DQ - 9:42
images.jpg.7697703491402004a5a49c9985ae1bbc.jpg   sgt-slaughter-people-in-tv-photo-u1.jpg.0bf362750c734e22cb93ea2e5916042b.jpg
Cactus Jack (WC) vs. Wahoo McDaniel
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Col. DeBeers
Magnifient Mimi (WC) vs. Wendi Richter
(Mimi's manager Valerie will be locked in a shark cage at ringside so she cannot interfere in the match.)
Kokina Maximus vs. Don Muraco
The Trooper, Ken Patera, Brad Rheingans & The Top Guns
Greg Valentine (PWHC), The Destruction Crew (WTTC) & Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP)
Greg Gagne vs. Bob Orton
Jonnie Stewart vs. Jake Milliman




Edited by piperrulz
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Cactus Jack (WC) vs. Wahoo McDaniel (via DQ)
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Col. DeBeers
Magnifient Mimi (WC) vs. Wendi Richter
(Mimi's manager Valerie will be locked in a shark cage at ringside so she cannot interfere in the match.)
Kokina Maximus vs. Don Muraco (no contest)
The Trooper, Ken Patera, Brad Rheingans & The Top Guns
Greg Valentine (PWHC), The Destruction Crew (WTTC) & Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP)
Greg Gagne vs. Bob Orton
Jonnie Stewart vs. Jake Milliman
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Cactus Jack (WC) vs. Wahoo McDaniel
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Col. DeBeers
Magnifient Mimi (WC) vs. Wendi Richter
(Mimi's manager Valerie will be locked in a shark cage at ringside so she cannot interfere in the match.)
Kokina Maximus vs. Don Muraco
The Trooper, Ken Patera, Brad Rheingans & The Top Guns
Greg Valentine (PWHC), The Destruction Crew (WTTC) & Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP)
Greg Gagne vs. Bob Orton
Jonnie Stewart vs. Jake Milliman
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ANNOUNCERS: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)
(2nd Taping)
In-Studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
TV MAIN EVENT: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Tommy Rich
Wendi Richter sees action
A huge WrestleRock update
A message from Kokina's manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey
A special interview with Chief Wahoo McDaniel
A look back at the controversial finish to the World Tag Team Title match between champs the Destruction Crew and Badd Company
Greg Gagne vs. Manny Fernandez
And more!!!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond.
Sam Houston (w/ Coach Dick Murdoch) won a squash match over Pete Sanchez via pinfall with his bulldog finisher
Sam and Dick came down the face aisle to a good ovation. Once in the ring, Sam briefly played to the crowd.
Veteran Sanchez gave Sam a run for his money for some of the match and almost scored the upset win before Sam put him away..
In-Studio: Nelson talked about Houston's continuing strong run in the AWA under the coaching of Dick Murdoch.
Nelson then intro'd the controversial finish of last week's tag team title match between the champs the Destruction Crew and the Top Guns.
# Rice with a second dropkick with Bloom going down. Bloom up and Rice charged over and caught Bloom with a flying bodypress. Bloom stumbled back and crashed to the mat with Rice on top of him for the pin. 1...2... Enos hit the ring and stomped Rice in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Dukes climbed in the ring to go after Enos but the ref intercepted him and got Dukes back to his corner. Both men recovering in the ring. Both men up and Bloom swung wildly at Rice and missed and Rice caught Bloom with a belly-to-back suplex. Both men up and Rice nailed Bloom with an enzuigiri. Bloom crashed back to the mat. Enos again hit the ring and clubbed Rice in the back. Dukes hit the ring and started fighting with Bloom and the fighting spilled to the floor. Ref distracted by the two men on the floor trying to get them back to their corners. Just then, DDP charged down the heel aisle with the briefcase in hand.
Marshall: Is that the briefcase containing Rice's money?!
Enos reached up from the floor and grabbed the ref's belt and the ref could not get free. DDP climbed into the ring with the case and raised it over his head. Rice up and turned.
DDP clubbed Rice over the head with the briefcase. Rice crumpled to the mat. DDP dropped to the floor and left the case on the apron and fled the scene. Dukes pulled Enos back down to the floor and the fighting continued. Ref turned back to the match. Bloom snapped up Rice, whipped Rice into the ropes and caught Rice coming off with a powerslam. Bloom for the pin. 1...2... Enos kept Dukes from climbing back into the ring. ...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed loudly. Ref went over and took the tag titles from Larry Nelson. Enos climbed back in the ring. Ref raised Bloom's hand in victory and handed the champs their belts.
Nelson: In a time of 14 minutes, 11 seconds, your winners... and STILL AWA World Tag Team Champions... the Destruction Crew!
More boos from the crowd as the champs dropped to the floor and held their belts aloft before heading back up the heel aisle the victors.
In the ring, Rice recovered and he and Dukes looked over and noticed the briefcase sitting on the apron. Rice went over and picked up the case. An envelope was attached to the front of it  Nelson climbed into the ring. Rice opened the envelope and pulled out the letter in it and briefly read it. Rice furious.
Nelson: Can I ask what the note said?

Rice (angry): It says: Here's your $50,000 dollars. Sincerely, Dallas Page.
Rice sat the briefcase on the top turnbuckle and opened it. The money was in there.
Nelson: At least you got the money back.


Rice: I got my money back. But, we didn't win the titles. We had the champs on the ropes and Dallas Page stole the opportunity from us! You never know when these chances are gonna come along! And to lose this way is total b.s.!

Pic aired of Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and Kokina Maximus with the caption: NEXT... SHEIK'S RAGE!!!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd the Kokina-Zenk post-match where Don Muraco got involved and after the video, comments from the Sheilk.
# After the Zenk-Kokina match.
After the match, Kaissey jumped up on the ring apron and yelled out instructions to Kokina. Kokina dragged the defeated Zenk to the corner, mounted the middle buckle and came off with his Bonzai Drop (ass drop to the chest) finisher. Crowd popped as Don Muraco charged down the face aisle with a chair (Showboat chairs were unfolding high-back chairs with a cushioned seat and back with a gold frame.) As Kokina climbed off of Zenk, Muraco came up behind Kokina and slammed Kokina across the back with the back of the chair. Crowd exploded. Kokina staggered. Muraco struck Kokina a second time. Kokina on stagger street. Kaissey hit the ring and Muraco speared Kaissey in the gut with the top of the chair. Kaissey bent over and Muraco slammed the chair across Kaissey's back. Crowd going nuts. Kaissey rolled out of the ring onto the apron. Kokina tunred and Muraco hit Kokina over the head with chair. Kokina seeing funny lights and symbols like in a cartoon. Several wrestlers and officials poured out of the back and quickly hit the ring to keep the two apart. Kokina in the corner, still on his feet, shaking out the effects of the assault as the fans were still eating it up.
Larry Nelson climbed up on the ring apron with mic in hand at the behest of Muraco.
Muraco: Kokina Maximus! I'm your next open challenge match opponent! You son of a (bleep)!
Pic flipped and El-Kaissey, mic in hand, was standing with Kokina looking over one of Sheik's shoulders in front of the AWA logo.
Sheik: Don Muraco! How dare you get involved in something that was none of your business!
Kokina did nothing to you and you come out and bash him with a chair several times! And, you hit me with the chair, too! I am a manager and no longer an active wrestler! You should never lay your hands on a manager!
Muraco, you do not realize what you've done! You can't even begin to imagine the hell that is about to be ubnleashed upon you at WrestleRock!
You think you've accomplished something by your recent actions! The only thing you've accomplished is making Kokina even meaner and madder! He will be out for blood when you clash with him! He will show you no mercy! He will crush you within an inch of your life!
You have opened the gates of hell, Muraco! And you will be consumed by the fire that is Kokina Maximus! Your disrespect to Kokina and myself will be severely punished!
And I'm warning you right now, Muraco! When you're stretchered out of the ring after being demolished by the Samoan behemoth, your destruction will not stop there!
Kokina is angry! And the only way he can move past his anger is by absolutely tearing you apart!
You will be tortured for the sake of being tortured!
You will beg for mercy but there will be no mercy for you!
Don Muraco! Prepare yourself for the beating of a lifetime!
Camera moved in on a close-up of Kokina's face which showed a menacing stare.
Pic aired of Wendi Richter with the caption: NEXT... POWERBOMB QUEEN???!!!
Commercials/Market-specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities
Wendi Richter won a squash match over Anna Nicole-Smith via pinfall with her powerbomb finisher
Richter came down the face aisle to pretty loud cheers from the fans.
After Richter had her hand raised in victory, Wendi left the ring and Mimi charged down the heel aisle with belt in hand and dropped the belt on the mat, climbed into the ring and grabbed the defeated Smith. Mimi positioned Smith for a powerbomb. Crowd yelling for Wendi to turn around. Wendi was half way up the face aisle, turned and saw Mimi hoisted Smith up and sitout powerbomb Smith on the belt. Mimi up and Smith rolled off the belt grabbing her back in pain. Mimi grabbed her belt as Wendi hit the ring and tried to escape but Wendi grabbed Mimi by the hair and Mimi struck Wendi in the face with the belt. Wendi lost her grip on Mimi's hair and crashed to the mat. Mimi briefly looked down at Wendi and then dropped to the floor and held the belt in the air as she headed towards the heel aisle to loud boos.
In-Studio: Nelson hyped the Powerbomb vs. Powerbomb match between Richter and Mimi with Mimi's manager Val locked in a cage at ringside.
Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... SPECIAL INTERVIEW!!!
# Video opened with a shot of Larry Nelson and Wahoo McDaniel, McDaniel was in street clothes, sitting in front of the AWA logo. Each man had a mic.
Nelson: This is a special interview with the man who will challenge Cactus Jack for the AWA World Championship at WrestleRock on May 20th, Chief Wahoo McDaniel. Welcome, Wahoo.
Wahoo: Great to be here, Larry.
Nelson: Tell us a little about your storied career in this sport.
Wahoo: Well, I've been wrestling for over two decades now. I played college football at Oklahoma and then in the American Football League. During the offseason in the AFL, I continued to wrestle and learn the craft. Pro wrestling takes great skill, mental and physical toughness and a willingness to be on the road for most of the year, going to arenas around the country and the world.
I've won many championships in my career. But, the one championship that has always eluded me is the World Heavyweight Championship. I've wrestled for the World Title before but came up just short in those bouts. It can frustrating because when you come within a whisker of winning the biggest prize in wrestling and it barely slips out of your grasp you just don't know when another World Title opportunity will come along.
Nelson: Who are some of the men you've wrestled for the World Title over the years?
Wahoo: Ric Flair is my most famous World Title opponent. He and I have had many great battles over the years. Both of us were in top form for the bouts and they were memorable, exciting affairs. I've also wrestled Harley Race, Jack Brisco, Terry Funk, Nick Bockwinkel for the World Championship.
Nelson: That's quite a list of impressive champions you've faced. All were established veterans when they won the title. In Cactus Jack, you're facing a wrestler who has only been in the business for a short time. His victory over Sgt. Slaughter to capture the AWA World Title was completely unexpected. Jack's also a very unorthodox wrestler. How do you deal with someone like him in the ring?
Wahoo: I've wrestled Jack once before. Thanks to help from his partner in crime Tommy Rich, Jack pulled out the win. I'm gonna have to be very alert and for the presence of Rich at ringside. But, I will say this. No matter what one thinks of this young wrestler, Cactus Jack can wrestle. As you said, he's very unorthodox. It's a new style not seen in wrestling before. Cactus can be like a Kamikaze pilot in the ring. He's a daredevil who will take very dangerous risks to win. Like in football, I'm gonna have to adapt on the fly during the match.
Nelson: What if you don't win the World Title at WrestleRock? What will be next for Wahoo McDaniel?
Wahoo: I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, Larry. Right now I'm focused on wrestling Cactus Jack for the title. I'm at a point in my career where this might be my last chance to grab the top prize in our sport. But, just like in life, there are no guarantees in pro wrestling. I won't lie: I want to win the World Championship. I've done everything there is to do in pro wrestling except win the World Title. It would truly be the apex moment of my career if I can defeat Cactus Jack at WrestleRock and become the AWA World Champion.
Nelson: Wahoo, best of luck against Cactus Jack at WrestleRock. The fan in me is pulling for you to win it and I'm sure these fans watching are wanting to see you become the World Champion, too.
Wahoo: Thank you, Larry.
Nelson: He is the mat legend Wahoo McDaniel.
Split-screen pic aired of Manny Fernandez and Greg Gagne with the caption: NEXT... GAGNE VS. THE BULL!!!
Greg Gagne vs. Manny Fernandez
Gagne came to the ring down the face aisle to a fairly strong ovation.
Manny came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos but also had his fans.
Gagne came out firing and tore into Manny early with punches and held control early in the short match. Greg almost scored a pin in the first minute of the bout. Manny fought his way back into the match and gained control. End of the match turned into a see-saw affair. Gagne gained the upper hand and caught Manny with a couple of dropkicks. Gagne went to whip Manny into the ropes but Manny reversed and caught Gagne coming off with a backhand to the face. Gagne crashed to the mat. Manny snapped Greg up, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with his flying burrito (double flying forearm smash) finisher to score the 1...2...3!
WINNER: Fernandez - Pinfall - 3:34
Pic aired of the WrestleRock logo with the caption: NEXT... WRESTLEROCK UPDATE!!!
Commercial aired for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament video tape. Tape was advertised as two hours of highlights, complete matches and some interviews from the historic event. An 800 number and a mailing address were listed on the screen. Cost of the video: $39.95 + S/H
Shot of Eric Bischoff sitting behind a desk with the WrestleRock logo on the wall behind him.
Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff.
I am coming to you from the WrestleRock update center and we have major new this week!
WrestleRock takes place in just two weeks on Sunday, May 20th, at the Sioux Falls Arena at 1pm Central time.
Tickets are now on sale by contacting TicketMaster or calling the Sioux Falls Arena ticket office at (605) 555-8287 or you can visit the arena box office in person.
Can't be there in person? We've got you covered! WrestleRock will air LIVE on ESPN starting at 1pm Central time!
Matches already set for WrestleRock are:
10-Man Tag Team Match: The Trooper, Ken Patera, Brad Rheingans and the Top Guns vs. Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine, Badd Company and the World Tag Team Champions the Destruction Crew.
Powerbomb vs. Powerbomb Match: Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi vs. Wendi Richter
Mimi's manager Valerie will be locked in a cage at ringside to make sure she doesn't interfere.
Open Challenge Match: Koina Maximus vs. Don Muraco
Right now, let's hear from Wendi Richter as she prepares for her match-up with Magnificent Mimi.
Richter was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes with a mic in hand.
Richter: At WrestleRock, it's gonna be just you and me, Mimi, in a powerbomb vs. powerbomb match!
And your manager won't be able to interfere in our match because she's gonna be locked up in a cage!
Mimi won't have Valerie wandering around ringside to help her win! Valerie has cost me two matches with Mimi when the title was on the line! That ain't happening here!
Mimi, if you beat me at WrestleRock, you're gonna do it on your own! Can you get the job done without Valerie?!
We're gonna find out on May 20th! The best woman is gonna win on her own merits!
Eric: Now, for the big news this week!
They don't call it WrestleRock for nothing!
The AWA is pleased to announce the rock group that will be performing at WrestleRock is the hot female metal band Vixen.
Let's take a look at Vixen!
(Just pretend the first 30-45 seconds are what you see.)
Eric: Vixen will be performing a concert during the show and it promises to have the fans rockin' in the Sioux Falls Arena at WrestleRock!
Another match just signed for WrestleRock promises to shake the AWA to its very foundations!
Let's take a look at what led to this huge match!
# Sarge snapped Jack up in a front facelock and struggled to free himself from the hold.  Jack, still in the hold,  grabbed Sarge and rammed Sarge towards the ropes and Sarge collided with the referee and the referee fell out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Jack freed from the hold. Jack caught Sarge with a couple of head shots and then went to suplex Sarge but Sarge blocked the move and blasted Jack with an inverted suplex slam (gourdbuster). Crowd popped. Ref still down on the floor. Sarge circled around behind Jack as Jack got to his feet and Sarge moved in and caught Jack in the Cobra Clutch. Jack struggling to free himself from the hold. Tommy Rich charged down the heel aisle, hit the ring behind Sarge and nailed Sarge with a forearm smash to the back to free Jack from the hold. Ref still struggling to recover on the floor. Rich started hammering away on Sarge and Jack recovered and joined in. The two briefly pounded on Sarge and then whipped Sarge into the ropes and looked to double clothesline Sarge but Sarge ducked the move and came back and hit Jack and Rich with...
Marshall: Double Cannon! Double Cannon!

Rich and Jack crashed to the mat as the crowd exploded. Sarge snapped up Rich and tossed Rich over the top rope to the floor as the fans got louder. Ref managed to climb up on the apron but still down facing the crowd.  Sarge covered Jack for a second and then got up and went over to check on the ref. Col. DeBeers came down the heel aisle to loud boos from the crowd. DeBeers climbed in the ring behind Sarge. Sarge had shaken the ref to get him to come to. Sarge let go of the ref and walked right into a boot to the gut from DeBeers. DeBeers then nailed Sarge with his face-first piledriver finisher. DeBeers turned Sarge over. Cactus crawled over and covered Sarge with one arm. DeBeers grabbed the woozy ref and dragged him over to count and DeBeers dropped to the floor. Ref counted. 1.....2.....3! Ref called for the bell as most of the fans booed but some cheered.

Eric: I caught up with Sarge later in the evening after the match and here's what he had to say:
# Sarge:  Everyone saw it! I had Cactus Jack dead to rights tonight! He was finished when I Cannoned him!
But, Col. DeBeers... DeBeers! I'm not concerned with the World Title right now! I know I'll fight for that again another day!
But, I am sick and tired of all the problems Col. DeBeers has caused since he's been here in the AWA!
This was the last straw! I'm tired of him and now this is very personal!
You know what I want, Bischoff?!
Eric: No.
Sarge: I want Col. DeBeers in a match! And it's not just any match! Oh no! This promotion is not big enough for the both of us!
DeBeers! I want you in a loser leaves the AWA match!
The loser is gone! He's kaput!
You've done enough damage since you've been here, DeBeers! It's time for your reign of destruction and terror to end!

And I want to be the man that ends it!

Eric: It's gonna be Sgt. Slaughter vs. Col. DeBeers in a No Disqualification - Loser Leaves The AWA match!
One of these men will be gone from the AWA when the dust settles on this one at WrestleRock!
Let's hear from Sarge's opponent Col. DeBeers!
DeBeers was standing in his ring gear and beret in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.
DeBeers: The contract for this match has been signed. It was signed in ink. But it should have been signed in our blood!
Sgt. Slaughter! They call you America's Hero! I would be ashamed to be called a hero when it has to do with this country!
The decadence, selfishness, hedonism, greed, racial mixing! It's all disgraceful! And you're a disgrace, Sarge! Basically, by representing America you represent one big landfill!
You say the AWA isn't big enough for the both of us! I agree!
And at WrestleRock, Sgt. Slaughter, I'm going to send you packing!
The ugly American fans will never see your ugly face around here again!
'You're finished, Sarge!
And I'm proud to say that I am going to be the man that finishes you off!
This will be a great victory for decency, morality and the white race!
And when I beat Sgt. Slaughter, I'm going to wave high the apartheid flag of my native South Africa high for all the stupid Americans to see!
Eric: Strong words from Col. DeBeers heading into his collision with Sgt. Slauighter at WrestleRock!
Finally, the match for the AWA World Championship is set.
New AWA World Champion Cactus Jack will be defending against Chief Wahoo McDaniel.
The World Championship is the one championship that has eluded Wahoo for his entire career.
Can he finally realize the dream of becoming the AWA World Champion?
WrestleRock is looking like a great show!
For tickets, contact TicketMaster or call the Sioux Falls Arena box office at (605) 555-8287 or visit the arena box office in person.
WrestleRock will also be airing on ESPN LIVE at 1pm Central time on Sunday, May 20th.
Next week, the final WrestleRock update. See you then
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!
TV MAIN EVENT: Sgt. Slaughter vs. Tommy Rich
Rich came down the heel aisle to strong boos from the crowd.
Sarge came down the face aisle to a strong ovation and handed out little American flags along the way.
Once in the ring, Sarge turned and saluted the crowd and Rich jumped Sarge from behind.
Rich on the offensive early as he pounded away on Sarge. Rich worked over Sarge and went to whip Sarge into the corner but Sarge reversed and sent Rich crashing into the corner. Sarge now on the offensive but could not put Rich away as Rich escaped defeated twice. Rich regained the advantage with the dreaded eye rake. Match then settled into both men having an advantage before going to the finish. 
At the end of the match, Rich stunned Sarge with an exploder suplex. Rich for the cover and  hooked the leg. 1...2...thr... Sarge kicked out. Crowd popped. Rich snapped Sarge up and went to piledrive Sarge but Sarge twice blocked the move and backdropped Rich to the mat. Sarge shaking out the effects of the match. Rich up and went to hit Sarge but Sarge blocked the punch try and pulverized Rich with a series of punches followed by a big roundhouse right to the jaw. Rich crashed to the mat. Sarge snapped Rich up and whipped Rich into the ropes and looked to catch Rich coming off with a clothesline but Rich ducked the move and came back with his Thesz Press finisher on Sarge for the pin. 1...2...thr... Sarge kicked out. Crowd popped. Rich stunned. Sarge getting up and Rich caught Sarge with a kick to the gut and whipped Sarge into the ropes and looked to catch Sarge coming off with a backdrop but Sarge dropped down and clubbed Rich in the back. Rich shot up and turned away from Sarge and started walking away as Sarge stalked Rich from behind and caught Rich in the...
Marshall: Cobra Clutch!!!
Rich briefly struggled in the hoid before fading. Ref raised Rich's arm three times and each time Rich's arm dropped back to his side. Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered. Sarge released Rich and then the ref raised his hand in victory.
WINNER: Sarge - Submission - 6:12
AFTER THE MATCH: Col. DeBeers charged down the heel aisle and hit the ring and came up behind Sarge and started pounding away on Sarge. Sarge fought back and gained the upper hand and nailed DeBeers with a series of punches and then blasted DeBeers with an uppercut that sent DeBeers crashing to the mat. DeBeers quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor. Sarge bolted the ring and caught the stunned DeBeers and nailed DeBeers with more punches as the fans cheered. Sarge whipped DeBeers into the steel ringside barricade and charged in but DeBeers moved and Sarge slammed front-first into the barricade. Sarge turned and DeBeers grabbed Sarge and threw Sarge over the barricade into the ringside seating area. Ref dropped to the floor and tried to keep DeBeers from following Sarge and DeBeers shoved the ref and the ref crashed to the floor at ringside. DeBeers climbed over the railing as Sarge was getting up. DeBeers hit Sarge and Sarge managed to strike back. The two started fighting and wound up fighting in a row of ringside seats as the fans cheered. DeBeers staggered off out the other end of the ringside seats. Sarge hit DeBeers and DeBeers stumbled back and went down on the floor. Sarge moved in and DeBeers, from the floor, caught Sarge with a kick to the gut. DeBeers up and nailed Sarge with punches and then threw Sarge over by the permanent seats. Sarge down but quickly started to get up as DeBeers raised his arms to club DeBeers with a double sledge but Sarge nailed DeBeers with a gut shot. Sarge popped DeBeers with more punches and DeBeers started backing up the stairs. Fans eating it up. The pair started exchanging punches as they walked up the stairs. DeBeers caught Sarge with a poke to the eye, clubbed Sarge and threw Sarge down the stairs. Sarge down on the floor. DeBeers grabbed Sarge and walked Sarge back to the ringside barricade and threw Sarge over the barricade back into the ringside area. DeBeers climbed over the barricade back into the ringside area. Sarge up and DeBeers caught Sarge with a punch and went to whip Sarge into the post but Sarge reversed and sent DeBeers slamming into the post. DeBeers staggered off. Sarge grabbed DeBBers and threw DeBeers back into the ring. Sarge grabbed a chair from ringside and folded it up and quickly climbed back in the ring. DeBeers up and backed off as Sarge moved in. Sarge went to clock DeBeers with the chair but DeBeers evaded the chair shot and the chair slammed down on the top buckle. DeBeers to the floor went over and grabbed the timekeeper's bell and quickly made his way back in the ring. It was a stand-off. Sarge with the chair and DeBeers with the bell. Wrestlers from both dressing rooms quickly hit the ring and kept the two men apart. Both men still wanted at each other. Crowd roaring.
Marshall: We are out of time! See you next week!
Cactus Jack (WC) vs. Wahoo McDaniel
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Col. DeBeers
Magnifient Mimi (WC) vs. Wendi Richter
(Mimi's manager Valerie will be locked in a shark cage at ringside so she cannot interfere in the match.)
Kokina Maximus vs. Don Muraco
The Trooper, Ken Patera, Brad Rheingans & The Top Guns
Greg Valentine (PWHC), The Destruction Crew (WTTC) & Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP)
Greg Gagne vs. Bob Orton
Jonnie Stewart vs. Jake Milliman
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St. Paul Civic Center - St. Paul, MN - Thursday - May 10 - ATT: 4,774
Mecca Arena - Milwaukee, WI - Friday - May 11 - ATT: 5,091
UIC Pavilion - Chicago, IL - Sunday - May 13 (Matinee show) - ATT: 3,866
MAIN EVENT: Jerry Blackwell & announcer Lee Marshall def. Cactus Jack (WC) & Tommy Rich when Marshall pinned Rich with a diving splash after Blackwell had avalanched Rich (Match lasted between 8-10 minutes each night)
PRO WRESTLING HERITAGE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Greg Valentine (PWHC) pinned Don Muraco with his feet on the ropes - Both men bled each night
AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Destruction Crew (WTTC) def. Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans via DQ when Patera, in the heat of the moment, threw Enos over the top rope
Wahoo McDaniel def. Manny Fernandez via pinfall with his big chop to the chest finisher
STREET FIGHT: Top Guns def. Badd Co. when DDP's interference backfired and Rice pinned Diamond
The Trooper & Sam Houston def. Col. DeBeers & Bob Orton when Trooper pinned Orton after a flying shoulder tackle
AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) def. Heidi Lee Morgan via pinfall with her sitout powerbomb finisher
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Cactus Jack (WC) vs. Wahoo McDaniel
The story of Wahoo finally winning the belt would be a fun story but I’m not sure making him the champ helps the AWA long term.  I think Cactus becomes fodder for Barry or maybe even Kerry getting another shot at the gold.  I truly hope Tully comes in, creates a stable (see Orion comment) and gets in the mix.  I’ve always loved Cactus but at this stage in his career he is not the “Man”.  That said he retains here for now.
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Col. DeBeers
If we didn’t know what we know, this would be a different outcome with a different match stip
Magnifient Mimi (WC) vs. Wendi Richter
(Mimi's manager Valerie will be locked in a shark cage at ringside so she cannot interfere in the match.)
For me toughest match to call (even though I’m likely wrong on others).  From what I can tell this is a non-title match with the deck stacked against Mimi.  Since I think there is a future title rematch (let’s run it one more time), I can’t see Richter losing.  I also think that next (final) match will be a cage match.  I see Val tossing something into the ring but Richter gaining control of it and that sends Mimi out running and we have a non finish count-out.  Richter doesn’t lose and Mimi running sets up the cage for the belt battle.
Kokina Maximus vs. Don Muraco
Cowboy said it best, we all know how this ends.
The Trooper, Ken Patera, Brad Rheingans & The Top Guns
Greg Valentine (PWHC), The Destruction Crew (WTTC) & Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP)
This is the 2nd toughest match to call and might be the toughest.  The heels have the belts so it makes sense that one of Badd Company takes the loss, or even Valentine if Trooper pins him.  The other side of this is that we have drama on the face team with several members.  Does Valerie come down again and cause confusion?  In my booking results this is a heel heavy card and I do feel Trooper needs to start getting elevated up the card.  Faces win, but drama is all around.
Greg Gagne vs. Bob Orton
Greg just did the honors to The Bull in less than 4 minutes.  I’ll say it goes 7 but “Ace” picks up a win and prepares for his new alliance.
Jonnie Stewart vs. Jake Milliman
The man of the 90’s picks up and easy win over the “joke” in wrestling, the Milkman.  I’m wanting to see Randy or Bill Mulkey come in as heels to take on MilkaMania 
Edited by Theheel
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MAIN EVENT: Jerry Blackwell & announcer Lee Marshall def. Cactus Jack (WC) & Tommy Rich when Marshall pinned Rich with a diving splash after Blackwell had avalanched Rich (Match lasted between 8-10 minutes each night)


Poor Wildfire getting embarrassed by an announcer who is likely leaving.  I hope Tommy gets a well deserved bonus!  Very glad these matches will never see the light of TV.  Good call Cowboy!  

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Announcers: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry nelson
(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)
(3rd Taping)
Show Intro
Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
Nelson hyped this being the final episode of AWA on ESPN before WrestleRock
Final interviews with World Champion Cactus Jack and challenger Wahoo McDaniel before their WrestleRock clash
A look at last week's wild brawl between Col. DeBeers and Sgt. Slaughter on ASW plus comments from both men before their loser leaves the AWA clash at WrestleRock
TV MAIN EVENT - 10-MAN BATTLE ROYAL (Winner gets to choose what title he wants to challenge for):
PARTICIAPANTS: Jonnie Stewart, Ken Patera, Bob Orton, Don Muraco, Tommy Rich, Brad Rheingans, Manny Fernandez, Jerry Blackwell, Akio Sato,  Sam Houston
The final WrestleRock Update
Col. DeBeers sees action
Badd Company laces 'em up
And more!!!
Don Muraco won a squash match over Biff Wellington via pinfall with his inverted piledriver finisher
Muraco came down the face aisle to a strong ovation
Nelson: Don Muraco! You are about to face Kokina Maximus in an open challenge match at WrestleRock on May 20th in Sioux Falls, South Dakota!
The fans saw what you did to Kokina and his manager Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey with a chair a few weeks ago!
What are you thinking heading into this huge, and I mean huge, match-up with the Samoan behemoth?!
Muraco: Larry, it's like this.
Kokina Maximus is a powerful man. There's no question about that.
But, his excessive brutality against Tom Zenk after their match could not go without a response.
Kokina doesn't just like to hurt people... he likes to destroy them. He enjoys seeing them suffer. This man is going to maim somebody... or worse in the ring one day. He's gonna go too far.
When I found out what was happening, I could not let it stand! Kokina needed to be dealt with on his level! I make no apologies for what I did that night! You'd like to think Kokina being beaten with that chair knocked some sense into him but I doubt it!
He's an extremely dangerous man! The entire AWA, whether we love or hate each other, needs to put personal differences aside to combat Kokina! He is an absolute threat to the entire AWA!
Crowd cheered.
Muraco: Kokina's taken out every wrestler he's faced here! But, I want him to know that I will fight fire with fire! He must be stopped! He must...
Crowd booed as Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey made his way down the heel aisle to the ring and climbed in and walked up to Nelson and Muraco.
Nelson: Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey! What are you doing out here?!
Kaissey: I came out here to tell Don Muraco that he made the biggest mistake of his career! I've never seen Kokina so angry that it scares even me! He will be a beast unleashed at WrestleRock!
And he will also gain a measure of revenge for what you did to me with that chair! How dare you hit me! I'm no longer an active wrestler! I am a manager!
Crowd booed.
Kaissey: I have given Kokina orders to not just beat you, Muraco! I've also given him orders to end your career!
You're finished Muraco! Done! You overstepped your boundaries! The match between Kokina and Zenk was none of your business! You in...
Muraco: Let me tell you something, Sheik! Your man Kokina has done more than just beat his opponents! He has hurt them! Tom Zenk was the last straw!
And, go ahead and threaten my career, towel head!
Crowd cheered.
Muraco: I'll tell you this! If I survive Kokina... I'm coming for you!
Muraco pointed right at Kaissey as the fans popped.
Kaissey: You keep your filthy hands off me, you gross infidel! I will go to the AWA officials and make sure you can't lay a hand on me! I will have you banished form the AWA if you lay a fingernail on me!
Crowd boos.
Muraco: I'm gunning for you, too, Sheik! And when, not if, when I get my hands on you, I'll tear you apart!
Kaissey flipped out as the crowd roared as the segment ended.
Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... THE CHALLENGER SPEAKS!!!
In-Ring: Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time! He is Chief Wahoo McDaniel!
Crowd popped as Wahoo, in his ring attire and headdress, made his way down the face aisle to the ring. Wahoo slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.
Wahoo climbed in the ring and briefly acknowledged the crowd.
Nelson: Wahoo, these fans are 100 percent behind you as you prepare to challenge Cactus Jack for the AWA World Championship at WrestleRock.
Wahoo: It's a great feeling, Larry, to have the great fans of our great sport supporting me as I head into the biggest match of my career against Cactus Jack.
Nelson: Cactus, to put it mildly, is a rather unorthodox wrestler. How do you prepare for a man like him?
Wahoo: I've been watching video of him wrestle and can tell you he's a hard guy to figure out. He's an enigma. He'll do some of the craziest things you've ever seen in and out of the ring and then turn around and surprise with his array of wrestling moves. It's almost like I'll just have to step in the ring and take my chances.
I've wrestled him once before and he beat me. But, this is different. It's a new day and a new match. In this sport, nothing is a given. But, normally when you face an opponent multiple times, you begin to pick up on things they'll do during a match. This guy is a young, thinks extremely outside the box of what we would call standard wrestling and, I have to say this. I think there's a real method to his madness.
He's only been in the business a couple of years, but he seems to understand ring psychology like a long-time ring veteran.
Nelson: Do you think his unusual style gives him an advantage heading into the World Championship match?
Wahoo: Actually, I don't. I'm gonna have to do my best to wrestle my match and look to neutralize some of the crazier stuff he does in the ring. I know I have my work cut out for me for our WrestleRock match.
Nelson: You've been a pro wrestler for over two decades. The World Championship is the one title that has eluded you. Do you think this is your last chance to try and win it?
\Wahoo: World Title matches do not come along every day. And, at this stage of my career, those chances are fewer and fewer. I'm gonna have to work hard to realize a dream since the day I started in this sport.
And, I know with these fans on my side, I can beat Cactus Jack and become the new AWA World Champion at WrestleRock!
Fans cheered.
Nelson: Chief Wahoo McDaniel, everybody! Can he finally realize the dream of becoming the World Champion?!
Pic aired of Badd Company with the caption: NEXT... TITLE CRASHERS!!!
CommErcials/AWA Tour Update
Badd Co. (w/ mgr. DDP) won a squash match over Buck LeRoy Shanks and Pyro Boy via pinfall when Tanaka pinned Shanks after a superkick-plex
DDP climbed in the ring and ripped the mic out of Nelson's hand.
DDP: Well, Ricky Rice got his $50 grand back! And he got it with interest!
I'll even admit it! I'm proud I cost the Top Guns their chance at winning the World Tag Team titles! They deserved their fate! You see...
Crowd popped as the Top Guns charged down the face aisle and hit the ring.
DDP dropped the mic and bolted for the floor as Badd Co. and the Guns started fighting with each other. The action was short-lived as other wrestlers hit the ring to break things up.
As the two teams were kept at bay, Nelson climbed up on the ring apron with the mic back in his hands. Rice walked over.
Rice: Badd Company! We'll see you at WrestleRock!
And Dallas Page! You may have returned the $50 thousand you stole from me! But, know this! I'm gonna kick $50,000 dollars of your ass!
Rice tossed the mic as the fans cheered.
In-Studio: Nelson hyped the 10-man tag match for WrestleRock.
Video aired from the brawl last week between Sarge and DeBeers last week on ASW with the caption: NEXT... ALL OUT WAR!!!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the confrontation between Sarge and DeBeers on last week's ASW.
# Rich stunned. Sarge getting up and Rich caught Sarge with a kick to the gut and whipped Sarge into the ropes and looked to catch Sarge coming off with a backdrop but Sarge dropped down and clubbed Rich in the back. Rich shot up and turned away from Sarge and started walking away as Sarge stalked Rich from behind and caught Rich in the...
Marshall: Cobra Clutch!!!
Rich briefly struggled in the hold before fading. Ref raised Rich's arm three times and each time Rich's arm dropped back to his side. Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered. Sarge released Rich and then the ref raised his hand in victory.
WINNER: Sarge - Submission - 6:12
AFTER THE MATCH: Col. DeBeers charged down the heel aisle and hit the ring and came up behind Sarge and started pounding away on Sarge. Sarge fought back and gained the upper hand and nailed DeBeers with a series of punches and then blasted DeBeers with an uppercut that sent DeBeers crashing to the mat. DeBeers quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor. Sarge bolted the ring and caught the stunned DeBeers and nailed DeBeers with more punches as the fans cheered. Sarge whipped DeBeers into the steel ringside barricade and charged in but DeBeers moved and Sarge slammed front-first into the barricade. Sarge turned and DeBeers grabbed Sarge and threw Sarge over the barricade into the ringside seating area. Ref dropped to the floor and tried to keep DeBeers from following Sarge and DeBeers shoved the ref and ref crashed to the floor at ringside. DeBeers climbed over the railing as Sarge was getting up. DeBeers hit Sarge and Sarge managed to strike back. The two started fighting and wound up fighting in a row of ringside seats as the fans cheered. DeBeers staggered off out the other end of the ringside seats. Sarge hit DeBeers and DeBeers stumbled back and went down on the floor. Sarge moved in and DeBeers, from the floor, caught Sarge with a kick to the gut. DeBeers up and nailed Sarge with punches and then threw Sarge over by the permanent seats. Sarge down but quickly started to get up as DeBeers raised his arms to club Sarge with a double sledge but Sarge nailed DeBeers with a gut shot. Sarge popped DeBeers with more punches and DeBeers started backing up the stairs. Fans eating it up. The pair started exchanging punches as they walked up the stairs. DeBeers caught Sarge with a poke to the eye, clubbed Sarge and threw Sarge down the stairs. Sarge down on the floor. DeBeers grabbed Sarge and walked Sarge back to the ringside barricade and threw Sarge over the barricade back into the ringside area. DeBeers climbed over the barricade back into the ringside area. Sarge up and DeBeers caught Sarge with a punch and went to whip Sarge into the post but Sarge reversed and sent DeBeers slamming into the post. DeBeers staggered off. Sarge grabbed DeBeers and threw DeBeers back into the ring. Sarge grabbed a chair from ringside and folded it up and quickly climbed back in the ring. DeBeers up and backed off as Sarge moved in. Sarge went to clock DeBeers with the chair but DeBeers evaded the chair shot and the chair slammed down on the top buckle. DeBeers to the floor went over and grabbed the timekeeper's bell and quickly made his way back in the ring. It was a stand-off. Sarge with the chair and DeBeers with the bell. Wrestlers from both dressing rooms quickly hit the ring and kept the two men apart. Both men still wanted at each other. Crowd roaring.
Marshall: We are out of time! See you next week!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd comments from DeBeers and Sarge as they head into their Loser Leaves the AWA match at WrestleRock.
Col. DeBeers, in his ring attire and beret, was holding a mic standing in front of the AWA logo.
DeBeers: Sgt. Slaughter. We are now just days away from our loser leaves the AWA match at WrestleRock.
The brawl we just had is nothing compared to what's gonna go down on May 20th.
It's gonna be a war! And when there's a war, one side wins and the other side loses! And you're gonna be the big loser, Sarge! I am going to be known as the man that sent Sgt. Slaughter packing from the AWA!
It's gonna be violent! It's gonna be bloody! And I am gonna show you, my enemy, no mercy!
You're finished, Sgt. Slaughter! Your days as America's Hero are numbered! Enjoy them while you can because the clock is ticking on your time here!
You're gonna leave here a beaten, broken man! You'll hang your head in disgrace! People will see you on the street and say: There goes Sgt. Slaughter! The wrestler driven out of the AWA by the superior South African, Col. DeBeers! Shame! Shame! Sgt. Slaughter went to war for America! And he lost the final battle!
This promotion is called the American Wrestling Association! But it will indeed be a sad day for America when you are soundly defeated by Col. DeBeers!
Mark it on your calendars! May 20th is the day America's Hero lies in the rubble of defeat at my feet at WresleRock!
Pic flipped and Sarge was in his camo jacket, sunglasses and DI hat and holding a mic standing in front of a large Old Glory.
Sarge: Col. DeBeers! Your assault on me after my match with Tommy Rich has really cranked things up between us as we head into our war at WrestleRock!
The volume has been cranked up on our battle from 10 to 100! Everything is on the line between us! And the loser is gone from the AWA!
You mock our country and its people! You spit on this flag that's behind me! You're one of the most despised men walking the face of the earth right now!
But, I aim to end your reign of terror in the AWA! It's gonna be a fight like no other! It's no disqualification so there are no rules! The survivor of this match will come out of it a changed man forever!
I'm not just fighting for me! I'm fighting for the American people! They're behind me! They're good patriots!
One of us is leaving the AWA, Col. DeBeers!
And I'm gonna give it everything I have, fight like I've never fought before, to make sure that human scum like you is driven from the AWA!
There's no mercy to be expected! Just blood and guts fighting for Old Glory, the American people and the American way of life!
See you in Sioux Falls on the 20th!
In-Studio: Nelson hyped the Sarge-DeBeers No DQ/Loser Leaves the AWA match for WrestleRock.
Pic aired of the WrestleRock logo with the caption: NEXT... WRESTLEROCK UPDATE!
Commercial aired for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament video tape. Tape was advertised as two hours of highlights, complete matches and some interviews from the historic event. An 800 number and a mailing address were listed on the screen. Cost of the video: $39.95 + S/H
Video opened with a shot of Eric Bischoff sitting behind a desk with the WrestleRock logo behind him.
Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff. Welcome to the final WrestleRock update.
WrestleRock takes place on Sunday, May 20th, at the Sioux Falls Arena in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and starts at 1pm Central time.
Tickets are still on sale for the WrestleRock by contacting Ticket Master or calling the Sioux Falls Arena box office at (605) 555-8287 or visiting the box office in person.
Can't make it to Sioux Falls? Don't worry. We've got you covered. WrestleRock will air LIVE on ESPN on Sunday, May 20th, beginning at 1pm Central time.
The card is set for this big event!
In a battle for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship, Cactus Jack will be defending the title against Chief Wahoo McDaniel.
The World Championship is the one championship that has always eluded Wahoo during his illustrious career. Can he finally win wrestling's grandest prize at WrestleRock?
In a match that promises to be all-out war, Sgt. Slaughter battles Col. DeBeers in a loser leaves the AWA match. And... the match will be no disqualification.
Can Sgt. Slaughter run the diabolical DeBeers out of the AWA? Or will DeBeers succeed in driving America's Hero from the promotion?
That question will be answered at WrestleRock.
In a powerbomb vs. powerbomb match, AWA Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi squares off against Wendi Richter. The first wrestler to powerbomb the other will be the winner.
And, to make sure that Mimi's manager doesn't get involved in the match, Valerie will be locked in a shark cage at ringside.
Let's look at video from last week of a confrontation on All-Star Wrestling between Richter and Mimi followed by comments from the two sides.
# After Richter had her hand raised in victory, Wendi left the ring and Mimi charged down the heel aisle with belt in hand and dropped the belt on the mat, climbed into the ring and grabbed the defeated Smith. Mimi positioned Smith for a powerbomb. Crowd yelling for Wendi to turn around. Wendi was half way up the face aisle, turned and saw Mimi hoist Smith up and sitout powerbomb Smith on the belt. Mimi up and Smith rolled off the belt grabbing her back in pain. Mimi grabbed her belt as Wendi hit the ring and Mimi tried to escape but Wendi grabbed Mimi by the hair and Mimi struck Wendi in the face with the belt. Wendi lost her grip on Mimi's hair and crashed to the mat. Mimi briefly looked down at Wendi and then dropped to the floor and held the belt in the air as she headed towards the heel aisle to loud boos.
Pic flipped and Richter was standing in street clothes  with mic in hand in front of the AWA logo.
Richter: On May 20th, it's gonna be me vs. Mimi in a match where her manager Valerie cannot interfere because she's gonna be locked up in a cage at ringside!
There's something poetic about Valerie being in a cage! It's like she'll be in a one man prison! But, it's a prison of her own making!
I want to be the one who locks the door of the cage! I want to make sure it's escape-proof! Mimi's finally gonna have to face the cold, hard reality that she won't be able to rely on her manager to help her win this match!
This is your true test, Mimi! Can you beat me on your own?! Or will a great weakness, a chink in your armor, be exposed at WrestleRock?!
Pic flipped and Mimi and Valerie were standing in front of the AWA logo and the shark cage Valerie will be put in at WrestleRock. Both were in street clothes and each had a mic.
Valerie: This is the contraption they're gonna put me in at WrestleRock! This is an outrage of the highest order!
I am a human being! I do not deserve to be treated like some sort of animal!
The reason Richter and the AWA want to see me in this cage is because they don't want me giving winning advice to the Women's Champ during the match to make sure she prevails! They want to limit my impact on the match because I'm the greatest thinker in the sport today!
I'm always one step ahead of the competition when it comes to strategy! Richter won't know what hit her when it's over! You can't stop the combination of a great manager and a great wrestler no matter how hard you try!
You can physically cage me up! But you can't cage my mind! Remember that at WrestleRock, Richter!
Mimi: Wendi Richter. Your frustration towards me is about to boil over even more when I beat you in our powerbomb vs. powerbomb match at WrestleRock.
Put my manager in a cage if you feel you must. It's not gonna change anything.
Richter, I'm prettier than you. I'm a better  wrestler than you and I'm smarter than you.
Throw in the fact that I have the smartest manager in the sport today and, even caged, it will not help you, Wendi. I'm gonna enjoy seeing the stipulation you demanded blow up in your face.
I'm gonna show everyone why I'm the best female wrestler in the sport today.
And I'm gonna do it at your expense.
Eric: It should be quite a battle in the powerbomb vs. powerbomb match betwee Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi and Wendi Richter at WrestleRock.
Also, batten down the hatches! It's an open challenge match as Kokina Maximus battles Don Muraco.
Will Muraco be the first wrestler in the AWA to defeat Kokina or will Kokina continue along his path of destruction?
Finally, there's gonna be a big 10-man tag team match to kick off WrestleRock!
It's gonna be The Trooper. the Top Guns, Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans vs. Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine, Badd Company and the World Tag Team champions the Destruction Crew.
And there's more!
The rock part of WrestleRock that will be performing live in concert at WrestleRock is... Vixen!!!
Let's take a look at Vixen performing.
(Just pretend the first 30-45 seconds are what you'd see on the air.)
Vixen only adds to the grandeur of WrestleRock.
Also, with Stanley Blackburn retiring as AWA President, the new president will be revealed at WrestleRock.
And, the newest wrestler to join the AWA makes his debut appearance as well.
It's gonna be quite a day in Sioux Falls.
It's WrestleRock on Sunday, May 20th, at the Sioux Falls Arena in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, at 1pm Central time.
Tickets are still available through Ticket Master or by calling the Sioux Falls Arena box office at (605) 555-8287 or visiting the box office in person.

And WrestleRock will also be airing LIVE on ESPN on Sunday, May 20th at at 1pm Central time.
I'm Eric Bischoff. See you there!
Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... COL. MAYHEM!!!
Col. DeBeers won a squash match over Alex Van Halen via pinfall with his face-first piledriver finisher
DeBeers came to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos.
Announcers hyped his match with Sarge at WrestleRock.
After the match, DeBeers snapped up the defeated Van Halen and hit him with a second face-first piledriver before leaving the ring to boos.
Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... BATTLE ROYAL!!!
TV MAIN EVENT - 10-MAN BATTLE ROYAL (Winner gets to choose what title he wants to challenge for):
PARTICIPANTS: Jonnie Stewart, Ken Patera, Bob Orton, Don Muraco, Tommy Rich, Brad Rheingans, Manny Fernandez, Jerry Blackwell, Akio Sato,  Sam Houston
1 - Tommy Rich - Eliminator: Jerry Blackwell - TIME: 1:13
2 - Brad Rheingans - By Bob Orton - 1:48
3 - Sam Houston - By Bob Orton - 2:41
4 - Akio Sato - By Don Muraco - 3:22
5 - Jerry Blackwell - By Fernandez, Stewart & Orton - 4:29
6 - Jonnie Stewart - By Ken Patera - 5:17
7 - Don Muraco - - By Manny Fernandez - 5:58
8 - Manny Fernandez - By Ken Patera - 7:06
9 - Ken Patera - By Bob Orton - 9:18
WINNER: Orton (Orton gets to challenge for whichever championship he wants to.)
Pic aired of Cactus Jack with the caption: NEXT... FINAL WORDS!!!!
In-ring: Larry Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time. He is the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Cactus Jack!
Jack, in his ring attire, made his way down the heel aisle with the title belt around his waist and was mainly booed but seemed to have a growing number of fans.
Jack climbed in the ring and walked around for a moment, soaking in the crowd reaction.
Nelson: Cactus, this is the last time these fans will hear from you before your title defense against Wahoo McDaniel at WrestleRock on May 20th.
What do you have to say heading into this big match?
Jack: Larry Nelson, let me first say that I respect Wahoo McDaniel. He was a hero of mine when I was a teenager watching wrestling in New York.
But, my respect for the great Indian star ends once the bell rings and it's each man for himself.
Nelson: Wahoo has never been the World Heavyweight Champion. These fans would love to see the Chief win it for the first time in his career. He's got to have extra motivation heading into this match. He wants to realize the World Championship dream.
Jack: I like being the World Champion. I like having big silver* around my waist. And big silver weighs more than the 10 pounds of gold. I like to look at myself in the mirror with the belt on. I'll stand there for hours just looking at it around my waist and see how it shines in the light. It's a great feeling and a feeling I have no intention of giving up at WrestleRock.
We don't get everything we want in life and Wahoo's not getting this title. Defeating Wahoo will be a tragedy. It will be like putting down a horse with a broken leg. You hate to do it, but you have no choice. I'm gonna do what needs to be done in a few short days.
Nelson: Do you have a match strategy to beat Wahoo?
Jack: My strategy is I have no strategy. None. I fly by the seat of my pants in that ring. I let 'er rip. I'm willing to take extreme risks to win a match and at WrestleRock that will be no different. And it's important to remember I've already beaten Wahoo before. And something tells me that the second time won't be a charm for Wahoo.
Nelson: Who... or what... told you that?
Jack: The voice.
Nelson: The voice?
Jack: It's the voice that lives in my brain. It told me Wahoo will not win this meeting with me, either.
The voice provides me with direction and comfort in times of stress.
Nelson: OOOOOO... K...  Well, it's good to know the World Champion may need a straight jacket.
Jack: I wear one of those back at the institution. Put on the straight jacket and play some James Taylor and I sleep like a baby.
Nelson: I find you very unnerving as World Champion.
Jack: Thank you very much.
I was wondering if I could do one thing? I have something to say to Wahoo. Could he come out here?
Nelson: Wahooi McDaniel. Could you please come to the ring?
After a brief pause, Wahoo, in his ring attire, made his way down the face aisle to the ring to a solid ovation. Wahoo climbed into the ring and walked up to Nelson and Jack.
Wahoo: You have something you want to say to me, Cactus?
Jack: I do, Chief. It breaks my heart to have to beat you at WrestleRock and murder your dream of ever becoming the World Champion.
The fans are gonna leave the Sioux Falls Arena on May 20th with tears in their eyes because the great Wahoo McDaniel never got to wear big silver except in his fantasies. You're a veteran who's been around for a long time. But, I have no sympathy for you once we step into the squared circle. This young lion is gonna squash your hopes like Nell Carter sitting on a cluster of grapes.
You've had your time, Wahoo. You've had a great career in wrestling and an excellent pro and college football career. But, it's now time to step aside and let the new blood have their moment in the sun. You're leaving Sioux Falls beltless and frustrated as the dream of winning the World Title slips through your fingers one... last... time.
Fans mainly booed.
Wahoo: Thank you for that long-winded speech, Cactus. I'll be brief.
The time for talking is now over. I'm gonna let my actions in the ring do my talking for me at WrestleRock.
See you there, Jack.
Crowd cheered. Jack not happy.
Wahoo turned to leave the ring as Jack slyly undid his belt and came up behind Wahoo. 
Nelson saw what was about to happen.
Nelson: Hey!!!
Cactus smashed Wahoo in the back of the head with big silver. 
Wahoo crashed to the mat.
Wahoo down on the mat holding the back of his head as Jack looked down upon him. Jack then made the finger gun.
Crowd booing as the program ended.
Edited by piperrulz
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AWA WORLD CHAMPION: Cactus Jack (Def. Sgt. Slaughter - April 19, 1990 - St. Paul, MN)
1 - Greg Valentine (PWHC)
2 - Sgt. Slaughter
3 - Wahoo McDaniel
4 - Col. DeBeers
5 - Kokina Maximus
PRO WRESTLING HERITAGE CHAMPION: Greg Valentine (Def. Wahoo McDaniel in the PWHC tournament final - Feb. 17, 1990 - Anaheim, CA)
1 - Don Muraco
2 - Wahoo McDaniel
3 - Col. DeBeers
4 - Jonnie Stewart
5 - Sam Houston
AWA WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPION: Magnificent Mimi (Def. Wendi Richter - AWA on ESPN - Nov. 1989 - 4th Taping)
1 - Wendi Richter
2 - Candi Divine
3 - Lelani Kai
AWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: The Destruction Crew (Def. Greg Gagne* & Brad Rheingans - AWA on ESPN - May 1989 - 1st Taping)
1 - Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans
2 - Badd Company
3 - The Top Guns
4 - Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (From Pacific Northwest Wrestling)
5 -Greg Gagne & Jake Milliman
(* Sub for the injured Ken Patera.)
Edited by piperrulz
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6 hours ago, piperrulz said:

Really well done angle and presented like a real match unlike the trampoline show and no-selling we get today.

Yes no comparison between the scripted folks that clearly cooperate together.  Back in the day, the fights looked real.  The issues looked legitimate.  Don’t even get me started on 90% of today’s angles and matches..  

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Grab some leftover turkey and stuffing, another slice of pumpkin pie and your favorite bev!

This is the entire WCCW Wrestling Star Wars Thanksgiving night 1985!


Kevin & Kerry Von Erich vs. The Dynamic Duo (Chris Adams & Gino Hernandez):


Edited by piperrulz
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ANNOUNCERS: Lee Marshall & Lord James Blears
Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)
(3rd Taping)
In-Studio: Larry nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:
Told viewers this was the final ASW before WrestleRock.
Interviews with AWA World Champion Cactus Jack and Wahoo McDaniel before their title clash at WrestleRock and the shocking turn of events
TV MAIN EVENT: Kokina Maximus in action
A look back at the brawl on last week's program between Sgt. Slaughter and Col. DeBeers as they head into their loser leaves the AWA clash at WrestleRock PLUS! comments from the two combatants
The final WrestleRock update
The Trooper sees action
Ken Patera & brad Rheingans wrestle
The Destruction Crew (WTTC) see action
A look at the final war of words between Don Muraco and Kokina's manager Sheik AdnanEl-Kaissey before the open challenge match between Muraco and Kokina at WrestleRock
And more!
Nelson sent it to the ring in Hammond.
NON-TITLE: Greg Valentine (PWHC) won a squash match over Johnny Rodz via submission with his figure four leg lock
Valentine came down the heel aisle to mainly boos.
Valentine held the excrutiating figure four on for several seconds to extand Rodz' pain.
Nelson: Greg Valentine, another impressive victory here in the AWA as you head into the big 10-man tag team match at WrestleRock.
Valentine: It was impressive, wasn't it?!
Crowd booed.
Valentine: Our team is good and ready for the match at WrestleRock! Look who I've got on my team! Badd Company, who will be escorted to the ring by their fine manager Dallas Page, and the World Tag Team Champions, the best tag team in the world,  the
Destruction Crew!
This team is made up of quality wrestlers! All the men on my side are top of the line grapplers! Good luck in The Trooper, Patera and Rheingans and the Top Guns taking us down at WrestleRock!
We're primed! We're ready! And we're gonna kick some tail in Sioux Falls!
And look at the finishing moves our opponents have to deal with! My figure four! Badd Company's superkick suplex! And the tag champion's wrecking ball! If we catch any of those on the opposition it will be lights out for them!
I'm more than confident that we are gonna win!
Nelson: But you don't want to get too overconfident.
Valentine: We don't need to be overconfident! We've been training together and we are running like a well-oiled machine! Good luck in stopping us!
And we're gonna be showcasing our fine skills in front of millions of fans on ESPN!
The fans get to see us take down those guys live and in living color!
Crowd booed.
Nelson: Greg Valentine, everybody!
In-Studio: Nelson hyped the 10-man tag at WrestleRock.
Split-screen pic aired of DeBeerds and Sarge with the caption: NEXT... ESCALATION!!!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's ASW of the confrontation between Sarge and DeBeers with comments from both to follow.
# AFTER THE MATCH: Col. DeBeers charged down the heel aisle and hit the ring and came up behind Sarge and started pounding away on Sarge. Sarge fought back and gained the upper hand and nailed DeBeers with a series of punches and then blasted DeBeers with an uppercut that sent DeBeers crashing to the mat. DeBeers quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor. Sarge bolted the ring and caught the stunned DeBeers and nailed DeBeers with more punches as the fans cheered. Sarge whipped DeBeers into the steel ringside barricade and charged in but DeBeers moved and Sarge slammed front-first into the barricade. Sarge turned and DeBeers grabbed Sarge and threw Sarge over the barricade into the ringside seating area. Ref dropped to the floor and tried to keep DeBeers from following Sarge and DeBeers shoved the ref and ref crashed to the floor at ringside. DeBeers climbed over the railing as Sarge was getting up. DeBeers hit Sarge and Sarge managed to strike back. The two started fighting and wound up fighting in a row of ringside seats as the fans cheered. DeBeers staggered off out the other end of the ringside seats. Sarge hit DeBeers and DeBeers stumbled back and went down on the floor. Sarge moved in and DeBeers, from the floor, caught Sarge with a kick to the gut. DeBeers up and nailed Sarge with punches and then threw Sarge over by the permanent seats. Sarge down but quickly started to get up as DeBeers raised his arms to club DeBeers with a double sledge but Sarge nailed DeBeers with a gut shot. Sarge popped DeBeers with more punches and DeBeers started backing up the stairs. Fans eating it up. The pair started exchanging punches as they walked up the stairs. DeBeers caught Sarge with a poke to the eye, clubbed Sarge and threw Sarge down the stairs. Sarge down on the floor. DeBeers grabbed Sarge and walked Sarge back to the ringside barricade and threw Sarge over the barricade back into the ringside area. DeBeers climbed over the barricade back into the ringside area. Sarge up and DeBeers caught Sarge with a punch and went to whip Sarge into the post but Sarge reversed and sent DeBeers slamming into the post. DeBeers staggered off. Sarge grabbed DeBeers and threw DeBeers back into the ring. Sarge grabbed a chair from ringside and folded it up and quickly climbed back in the ring. DeBeers up and backed off as Sarge moved in. Sarge went to clock DeBeers with the chair but DeBeers evaded the chair shot and the chair slammed down on the top buckle. DeBeers went out on the floor went over and grabbed the timekeeper's bell and quickly made his way back in the ring. It was a stand-off. Sarge with the chair and DeBeers with the bell. Wrestlers from both dressing rooms quickly hit the ring and kept the two men apart. Both men still wanted at each other. Crowd roaring.
Marshall: We are out of time! See you next week!
In-Studio: Nelson intro'd comments from DeBeers and Sarge as they head into their Loser Leaves the AWA match at WrestleRock.
Col. DeBeers, in his ring attire and beret, was holding a mic standing in front of the AWA logo.
DeBeers: Sgt. Slaughter. We are now just days away from our loser leaves the AWA match at WrestleRock.
The brawl we just had is nothing compared to what's gonna go down on May 20th.
It's gonna be a war! And when there's a war, one side wins and the other side loses! And you're gonna be the big loser, Sarge! I am
going to be known as the man that sent Sgt. Slaughter packing from the AWA!
It's gonna be violent! It's gonna be bloody! And I am gonna show you, my enemy, no mercy!
You're finished, Sgt. Slaughter! Your days as America's Hero are numbered! Enjoy them while you can because the clock is ticking on your time here!
You're gonna leave here a beaten, broken man! You'll hang your head in disgrace! People will see you on the street and say: There goes Sgt. Slaughter! The wrestler driven out of the AWA by the superior South African, Col. DeBeers! Shame! Shame! Sgt. Slaughter went to war for America! And he lost the final battle!
This promotion is called the American Wrestling Association! But it will indeed be a sad day for America when you are soundly defeated by Col. DeBeers!
Mark it on your calendars! May 20th is the day America's Hero lies in the rubble of defeat at my feet at WresleRock!
Pic flipped and Sarge was in his camo jacket, sunglasses and DI hat and holding a mic standing in front of a large Old Glory.
Sarge: Col. DeBeers! Your assault on me after my match with Tommy Rich has really cranked things up between us as we head into our war at WrestleRock!
The volume has been cranked up on our battle from 10 to 100!  Everything is on the line between us! And the loser is gone from the AWA!
You mock our country and its people! You spit on this flag that's behind me! You're one of the most despised men walking the face of the earth right now!
But, I aim to end your reign of terror in the AWA! It's gonna be a fight like no other! It's no disqualification so there are no rules! The survivor of this match will come out of it a changed man forever!
I'm not just fighting for me! I'm fighting for the American people! They're behind me! They're good patriots!
One of us is leaving the AWA, Col. DeBeers!
And I'm gonna give it everything I have, fight like I've never fought before, to make sure that human scum like you is driven from the AWA!
There's no mercy to be expected! Just blood and guts fighting for Old Glory, the American people and the American way of life!
See you in Sioux Falls on the 20th!
Pic aired of The Trooper with the caption: NEXT... THE LAWMAN!!!
Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
The Trooper won a squash match over Tom Stone via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher
Trooper came to the ring down the face aisle to a strong ovation from the crowd and handed out souvenir speeding tickets to fans on the way to the ring.
Nelson: Trooper, Greg Valentine was out here and had some strong words for your team heading into the 10-man tag team match at WrestleRock.
He thinks his team is primed and ready for a major win.
Trooper: Larry, Greg Valentine can talk all he wants!
I feel really good about my team's chances at WrestleRock! I'm teaming with two Olympians in Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans and the Top Guns!
We're just as good as their team! We know what we bring together as a unit!
As a lawman, it's always good to be prepared! We are ready to fight!
And, if they get down and dirty, we'll get down and dirty, too!
Crowd cheered.
Trooper: We know it's gonna be a tough, hard-fought battle! But nothing worthwhile in life is easy!
Greg Valentine! You and your boys bring it on! We're ready! We sure aren't gonna lay down for them!
Our team is gonna rock at WrestleRock!
Nelson: The Trooper, everybody!
Crowd cheered.
Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... SPECIAL INTERVIEW!!!
Commercial aired for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament video tape. Tape was advertised as two hours of highlights, complete matches and some interviews from the historic event. An 800 number and a mailing address were listed on the screen. Cost of the video: $39.95 + S/H
(From AWA on ESPN)
# In-Ring: Larry Nelson stood center ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time! He is Chief Wahoo McDaniel!
Crowd popped as Wahoo, in his ring attire and headdress, made his way down the face aisle to the ring. Wahoo slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.
Wahoo climbed in the ring and briefly acknowledged the crowd.
Nelson: Wahoo, these fans are 100 percent behind you as you prepare to challenge Cactus Jack for the AWA World Championship at WrestleRock.
Wahoo: It's a great feeling, Larry to have the great fans of our great sport supporting me as I head into the biggest match of my career against Cactus Jack.
Nelson: Cactus, to put it mildly, is a rather unorthodox wrestler. How do you prepare for a man like him?
Wahoo: I've been watching video of him wrestle and can tell you he's a hard guy to figure out. He's an enigma. He'll do some of the craziest things you've ever seen in and out of the ring and then turn around and surprise with his array of wrestling moves. It's almost like I'll just have to step in the ring and take my chances.
I've wrestled him once before and he beat me. But, this is different. It's a new day and a new match. In this sport, nothing is a given. But, normally when you face an opponent multiple times, you begin to pick up on things they'll do during a match. This guy's  young, extremely outside the box of what we would call standard wrestling and, I have to say this. I think there's a real method to his madness.
He's only been in the business a couple of years but he seems to understand ring psychology like a long-time ring veteran.
Nelson: Do you think his unusual style gives him an advantage heading into the World Championship match?
Wahoo: Actually, I don't. I'm gonna have to do my best to wrestle my match and look to neutralize some of the crazier stuff he does in the ring. I know I have my work cut out for me for our WrestleRock match.
Nelson: You've been a pro wrestler for over two decades. The World Championship is the one title that has eluded you. Do you think this is your last chance to try and win it?
Wahoo: World Title matches do not come along every day. And, at this stage of my career, those chances are fewer and fewer. I'm gonna have to work hard to realize a dream since the day I started in this sport.
And, I know with these fans on my side, I can beat Cactus Jack and become the new AWA World Champion at WrestleRock!
Fans cheered.


Nelson: Chief Wahoo McDaniel, everybody! Can he finally realize the dream of becoming the World Champion?!

In-Studio: Nelson hyped the World Title match for WrestleRock: Cactus Jack (WC) vs. Wahoo McDaniel
Pic aired of the WrestleRock logo with the caption: NEXT... WRESTLEROCK UPDATE!!!
Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities
Video opened with a shot of Eric Bischoff sitting behind a desk with the WrestleRock logo behind him.
Eric: Hi, everybody. I'm Eric Bischoff. Welcome to the final WrestleRock update.
WrestleRock takes place on Sunday, May 20th, at the Sioux Falls Arena in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and starts at 1pm Central time.
Tickets are still on sale for WrestleRock by contacting Ticket Master or calling the Sioux Falls Arena box office at (605) 555-8287 or visiting the box office in person.
Can't make it to Sioux Falls? Don't worry. We've got you covered. WrestleRock will air LIVE on ESPN on Sunday, May 20th, beginning at 1pm Central time.
The card is set for this big event!
In a battle for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship, Cactus Jack will be defending the title against Chief Wahoo McDaniel.
The World Championship is the one championship that has always eluded Wahoo during his illustrious career. Can he finally win wrestling's grandest prize at WrestleRock?
In a match that promises to be all-out war, Sgt. Slaughter battles Col. DeBeers in a loser leaves the AWA match. And... the match will be no disqualification.
Can Sgt. Slaughter run the diabolical DeBeers out of the AWA? Or will DeBeers succeed in driving America's Hero from the promotion? That question will be answered at WrestleRock.
In a powerbomb vs. powerbomb match, AWA Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi squares off against Wendi Richter. The first wrestler to powerbomb the other will be the winner.
And, to make sure that Mimi's manager doesn't get involved in the match, Valerie will be locked in a shark cage at ringside.
Let's look at video from last week of a confrontation on All-Star Wrestling between Richter and Mimi followed by comments from the two sides.
# After Richter had her hand raised in victory, Wendi left the ring and Mimi charged down the heel aisle with belt in hand and dropped the belt on the mat, climbed into the ring and grabbed the defeated Smith. Mimi positioned Smith for a powerbomb. Crowd yelling for Wendi to turn around. Wendi was half way up the face aisle, turned and saw Mimi hoisted Smith up and sitout powerbombed Smith on the belt. Mimi up and Smith rolled off the belt grabbing her back in pain. Mimi grabbed her belt as Wendi hit the ring and Mimi tried to escape but Wendi grabbed Mimi by the hair and Mimi struck Wendi in the face with the belt. Wendi lost her grip on Mimi's hair and crashed to the mat. Mimi briefly looked down at Wendi and then dropped to the floor and held the belt in the air as she headed towards the heel aisle to loud boos.
Pic flipped and Richter was standing in street clothes in with mic in hand in front of the AWA logo.
Richter: On May 20th, it's gonna be me vs. Mimi in a match where her manager Valerie cannot interfere because she's gonna be locked up in a cage at ringside!
There's something poetic about Valerie being in a cage! It's like she'll be in a one man prison! But, it's a prison of her own making!
I want to be the one who locks the door of the cage! I want to make sure it's escape-proof! Mimi's finally gonna have to face the cold, hard reality that she won't be able to rely on her manager to help her win this match!
This is your true test, Mimi! Can you beat me on your own?! Or will a great weakness, a chink in your armor, be exposed at WrestleRock?!
Pic flipped and Mimi and Valerie were standing in front of the AWA logo and the shark cage Valerie will be put in at WrestleRock. Both were in street clothes and each had a mic.
Valerie: This is the contraption they're gonna put me in at WrestleRock! This is an outrage of the highest order!
I am a human being! I do not deserve to be treated like some sort of animal!
The reason Richter and the AWA want to see me in this cage is because they don't want me giving winning advice to the Women's Champ during the match to make sure she prevails! They want to limit my impact on the match because I'm the greatest thinker in the sport today!
I'm always one step ahead of the competition when it comes to strategy! Richter won't know what hit her when it's over! You can't stop the combination of a great manager and a great wrestler no matter how hard you try!
You can physically cage me up! But you can't cage my mind! Remember that at WrestleRock, Richter!
Mimi: Wendi Richter. Your frustration towards me is about to boil over even more when I beat you in our powerbomb vs. powerbomb match at WrestleRock.
Put my manager in a cage if you feel you must. It's not gonna change anything.
Richter, I'm prettier than you. I'm a better  wrestler than you and I'm smarter than you.
Throw in the fact that I have the smartest manager in the sport today and, even caged, it will not help you, Wendi. I'm gonna enjoy seeing the stipulation you demanded blow up in your face.
I'm gonna show everyone why I'm the best female wrestler in the sport today.
And I'm gonna do it at your expense.
Eric: It should be quite a battle in the powerbomb vs. powerbomb match between Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi and Wendi Richter at WrestleRock.
Also, batten down the hatches! It's an open challenge match as Kokina Maximus battles Don Muraco.
Will Muraco be the first wrestler in the AWA to defeat Kokina or will Kokina continue along his path of destruction?
Finally, there's gonna be a big 10-man tag team match to kick off WrestleRock!
It's gonna be The Trooper. the Top Guns, Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans vs. Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine, Badd Company and the World Tag Team champions the Destruction Crew.
And there's more!
The rock part of WrestleRock that will be performing live in concert at WrestleRock is... Vixen!!!
Let's take a look at Vixen performing.
(Just pretend the first 30-45 seconds are what you'd see on the air.)
Vixen only adds to the grandeur of WrestleRock.
Also, with Stanley Blackburn retiring as AWA President, the new president will be revealed at WrestleRock.
And, the newest wrestler to join the AWA makes his debut appearance as well.
It's gonna be quite a day in Sioux Falls.
It's WrestleRock on Sunday, May 20th, at the Sioux Falls Arena in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, at 1pm Central time.
Tickets are still available through Ticket Master or by calling the Sioux Falls Arena box office at (605) 555-8287 or visiting the box office in person.
And WrestleRock will also be airing LIVE on ESPN on Sunday, May 20th at at 1pm Central time.
I'm Eric Bischoff. See you there!



Pic aired of Muraco and Sheik Adnan with the caption: NEXT... SHOWDOWN!!!
In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from AWA on ESPN of a confrontation between the Sheik and Don Muraco as Sheik interrupted Muraco's interview time.
# Muraco: Kokina's taken out every wrestler he's faced here! But, I want him to know that I will fight fire with fire! He must be stopped! He must...
Crowd booed as Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey made his way down the heel aisle to the ring and climbed in and walked up to Nelson and Muraco.
Nelson: Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey! What are you doing out here?!
Kaissey: I came out here to tell Don Muraco that he made the biggest mistake of his career! I've never seen Kokina so angry that it scares even me! He will be a beast unleashed at WrestleRock!
And he will also gain a measure of revenge for what you did to me with that chair! How dare you hit me! I'm no longer an active wrestler! I am a manager!
Crowd booed.
Kaissey: I have given Kokina orders to not just beat you, Muraco! I've also given him orders to end your career!
You're finished Muraco! Done! You overstepped your boundaries! The match between Kokina and Zenk was none of your business! You in...
Muraco: Let me tell you something, Sheik! Your man Kokina has done more than just beat his opponents! He has hurt them! Tom Zenk was the last straw!
And, go ahead and threaten my career, towel head!
Crowd cheered.
Muraco: I'll tell you this! If I survive Kokina... I'm coming for you.
Muraco pointed right at Kaissey as the fans popped.
Kaissey: You keep your filthy hands off me, you gross infidel! I will go to the AWA officials and make sure you can't lay a hand on me! I will have you banished form the AWA if you lay a fingernail on me!
Crowd boos.
Muraco: I'm gunning for you, too, Sheik! And when, not if, when I get my hands on you, I'll tear you apart!


Kaissey flipped out as the crowd roared.

In-Studio: Nelson hyped the open challenge match between Kokina and Muraco for WrestleRock
Nelson then sent it back to the ring in Hammond.
Ken Patera and Brad Rheingans won a squash match over Brady Boone & Brian Costello via pinfall when Brad pinned Costello with his fisherman suplex (Perfect Plex) finisher
Patera & Rheingans came out to a good ovation as they made their way down the face aisle.
During the short bout, Valerie once again came down the heel aisle and took notes during the match. Val left as soon as the match was over. Patera got briefly distracted by her during the match.
Marshall: Both Patera and Rheingans have told Valerie that under no circumstances would they ever join the stable she's trying to build! Is she out here just scouting them as potential opponents when she lands a couple of wrestlers?! Or is she looking to date them?! What gives with her?!
Pic aired of Kokina with the caption: NEXT... MONSTER MASH-UP!!!
TV MAIN EVENT: Kokina Maximus vs. Rocky King
Kokina, Sheik Adnan and the Masked Doc came down the heel aisle to strong boos from the crowd,
Shot of a stretcher at ringside.
Typical Kokina squash but shorter than normal. Kokina destroyed King and finished him off with his Bomzai Drop (Butt drop from the middle rope in the corner to the chest) to score the pinfall win.
WINNER: Kokina - Pinfall - 3:19
After the match, Kaissey and the Masked Doc climbed into the ring. As the doc checked on the downed King, Larry Nelson climbed up on the apron with mic in hand. Kaissy walked over to him.
Kaissey: I had Kokina go easy on this fellow because I want him to save his strength for WrestleRock!
Don Muraco! You have tempted fate and now fate is going to take a great big bite out of you!
You have messed with the wrong people and you will have to be taught a lesson that is so harsh the entire AWA will quake in its boots!
Crowd booed as the segment ended.
Pic aired of Cactus Jack with the caption: NEXT... LAST CALL!!!
(From AWA on ESPN)
# In-ring: Larry Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand.
Nelson: Would you please welcome my guest at this time. He is the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Cactus Jack!
Jack, in his ring attire, made his way down the heel aisle with the title belt around his waist and was mainly booed but seemed to have a growing number of fans.
Jack climbed in the ring and walked around for a moment, soaking in the crowd reaction.
Nelson: Cactus, this is the last time these fans will hear from you before your title defense against Wahoo McDaniel at WrestleRock on May 20th.
What do you have to say heading into this big match?
Jack: Larry Nelson, let me first say that I respect Wahoo McDaniel. He was a hero of mine when I was a teenager watching wrestling in New York.
But, my respect for the great Indian star ends once the bell rings and it's each man for himself.
Nelson: Wahoo has never been the World Heavyweight Champion. These fans would love to see the Chief win it for the first time in his career. He's got to have extra motivation heading into this match. He wants to realize the World Championship dream.
Jack: I like being the World Champion. I like having big silver around my waist. And big silver weighs more than the 10 pounds of gold. I like to look at myself in the mirror with the belt on. I'll stand there for hours just looking at it around my waist and see how it shines in the light. It's a great feeling and a feeling I have no intention of giving up at WrestleRock.
We don't get everything we want in life and Wahoo's not getting this title. Defeating Wahoo will be a tragedy. It will be like putting down a horse with a broken leg. You hate to do it, but you have no choice. I'm gonna do what needs to be done in a few short days.
Nelson: Do you have a match strategy to beat Wahoo?
Jack: My strategy is I have no strategy. None. I fly by the seat of my pants in that ring. I let 'er rip. I'm willing to take extreme risks to win a match and at WrestleRock that will be no different. And it's important to remember I've already beaten Wahoo before. And something tells me that the second time won't be a charm for Wahoo.
Nelson: Who... or what... told you that?
Jack: The voice.
Nelson: The voice?
Jack: It's the voice that lives in my brain. It told me Wahoo will not win this meeting with me, either.
The voice provides me with direction and comfort in times of stress.
Nelson: OOOOOO... K...  Well, it's good to know the World Champion may need a straight jacket.
Jack: I wear one of those back at the institution. Put on the straight jacket and play some James Taylor and I sleep like a baby.
Nelson: I find you very unnerving as World Champion.
Jack: Thank you very much.
I was wondering if I could do one thing? I have something to say to Wahoo. Could he come out here?
Nelson: Wahooi McDaniel. Could you please come to the ring?
After a brief pause, Wahoo, in his ring attire, made his way down the face aisle to the ring to a solid ovation. Wahoo climbed into the ring and walked up to Nelson and Jack.
Wahoo: You have something you want to say to me, Cactus?
Jack: I do, Chief. It breaks my heart to have to beat you at WrestleRock and murder your dream of ever becoming the World Champion. The fans are gonna leave the Sioux Falls Arena on May 20th with tears in their eyes because the great Wahoo McDaniel never got to wear big silver except in his fantasies. You're a veteran who's been around for a long time. But, I have no sympathy for you once we step into the squared circle. This young lion is gonna squash your hopes like Nell Carter sitting on a cluster grapes.
You've had your time, Wahoo. You've had a great career in wrestling and an excellent pro and college football career. But, it's now time to step aside and let the new blood have their moment in the sun. You're leaving Sioux Falls beltless and frustrated as the dream of winning the World Title slips through your fingers one... last... time.
Fans mainly booed.
Wahoo: Thank you for that long-winded speech, Cactus. I'll be brief.
The time for talking is now over. I'm gonna let my actions in the ring do my talking for me at WrestleRock.
See you there, Jack.
Crowd cheered. Jack not happy.
Wahoo turned to leave the ring as Jack slyly undid his belt and came up behind Wahoo.
Nelson saw what was about to happen.
Nelson: Hey!!!
Cactus smashed Wahoo in the back of the head with big silver. 
Wahoo crashed to the mat.
Wahoo down on the mat holding the back of his head as Jack, looked down upon him. Jack then made the finger gun.

Crowd booing as the program ended.

Cactus Jack (WC) vs. Wahoo McDaniel
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Col. DeBeers
Magnifient Mimi (WC) vs. Wendi Richter
(Mimi's manager Valerie will be locked in a shark cage at ringside so she cannot interfere in the match.)
Kokina Maximus vs. Don Muraco
The Trooper, Ken Patera, Brad Rheingans & The Top Guns
Greg Valentine (PWHC), The Destruction Crew (WTTC) & Badd Co. (w/ Mgr. DDP)
Greg Gagne vs. Bob Orton
Jonnie Stewart vs. Jake Milliman
Edited by piperrulz
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DATELINE: Sioux Falls, SD

I've arrived in Sioux Falls for WrestleRock this Sunday.

I just checked into my two-star motel. Giving it two stars is being one-and-a-half stars too generous. This place is a run down hole. I've never met so many women in a parking lot named Candi, Wanda or Naomi before. They're wandering around like it's Night of the Living Dead out there. Gotta look out the window every 20-minutes to see if my rental car is still in the parking lot.

Good thing I loaded up on spirits and smokes at the liquor store down the street.

The A/C barely works and sounds like a Motley Crue concert. The room reeks of lord knows what. The shower has mold in it. A big roach climbed out of the sink drain. When you flush the toilet, you pray the contents go down and do not come up. The toilet paper is really thin.

The bed is like laying on bricks and the pillows are each the size of a postage stamp. The sheets have cigarette burn holes in them.The TV is one where you have to turn the knob on the set to change the channel. The carpet's been here since Eisenhower was President.

Excuse me. There's a knock at my door.

The person at my door was 'Wanda'. She asked if I wanted to have some 'fun'. Told her I'm not in the mood for a visit to the free clinic after we've had 'fun' and closed the door in her face. She's still pounding on the door and cursing at me through it.

This place has no cable TV. There are what appears to be cave paintings mixed with blood on the walls. Some of the new guests just arrived in a covered wagon complete with arrows sticking out of the sides of the wagon and through the lady's bonnet.

This is surreal.

I'm only here for WrestleRock and then I am gone.

I guess I'll head to the famous Wall Drug in Wall, South Dakota, to see what that's all about after the matches.

But, I'm here to cover the show for Pro Wrestling Illustrated and give my thoughts on it when it is over.

But now, I'm gonna give my predictions on the matches:

The Trooper, Top Guns, Ken Patera & Brad Rheingans vs. Greg valentine, the Destruction Crew & Badd Company

You have the World Tag Team Champions and the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion on one team. The Destruction Crew has been wreaking havoc for over a year as the tag team champs. Greg Valentine currently looks unstoppable as the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.But this is a 10-man tag and anything can happen. There's a lot of bad blood in this match. You've got 10 solid wrestlers in this match and the bottom line is things could go either way. This match is largely a pick 'em...

Excuse me. Another knock on the door.

Well, 'Wanda' just came back with her male 'friend' in a big purple hat with a long white feather in it. He told me that if I was rude to 'Wanda' again I would regret it for the rest of my life, however long or short that may be. I thanked him for threatening my life and politely closed the door in his face.

As I said before I was so rudely interrupted, the 10-man tag is a pick 'em. But, I feel I've got to pick one team. In a wild match, Trooper, Patera, Rheingans and the Top Guns emerge victorious.

Open Challenge Match: Kokina Maximus vs. Don Muraco

I'll just give it to you up front... Kokina wins and remains undefeated.

Kokina has been showing some cracks in the foundation lately as he's gotten tough matches from Jerry Blackwell and Tom Zenk before defeating them. But, those cracks are not yet wide enough to think Kokina loses anytime soon.

The case with Don Muraco will be no different. Muraco will give Kokina his toughest test to date since the behemoth arrived in the AWA. But, in the end, Kokina once again proves too powerful and finishes off the valiant fighter Muraco.

Powerbomb vs. Powebomb: Magnificent MImi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Wendi Richter

Valerie will be locked in a shark cage at ringside.

This woman has an uncanny knack for helping her wrestler when she's in tough spots.

Even though she'll be locked in a cage. I can't help but think Valerie will have some trick up her sleeve that will help Mimi.

Look for Mimi, with Valerie's help in some fashion, to powerbomb Richter and win the match.

Loser Leaves The AWA/No DQ: Col. DeBeers vs. Sgt. Slaughter

This the most interesting match on the card as far as I'm concerned.


Excuse me. Another knock on the door.

Well. 'Wanda's' feather-hatted male friend told me I need to pay him a protection fee so nothing bad happens to me tonight. I asked him about the other two nights I was staying here. Do I need to pay 'protection money' for them, too?

Feather Hat got flustered and told me I need to pay him $50 bucks a night for him to make sure nothing happens to me. I told Huggy Bear that's double each night what the room is costing. He stomped around and was very demanding. So, I gave him $10 bucks and told him to buy the strongest mouthwash he can find because halitosis is unbecoming of a pimp.

Back to the Loser Leaves The AWA/No Disqualification match...

I see this as being all-out war. These two men are fighting for their AWA careers. Everything is on the line here. It promises to be extremely violent and extremely bloody. If you're a fan of brawling and crimson masks, then this is a dream match for you. Both men know how to fight.

But DeBeers is the master of nastiness in the AWA. This guy would run over his own grandma to beat her in a match. While Sarge has shown in his career that he stoop pretty low, he'll never beat DeBeers in the Stoop Low Olympics.

DeBeers wins the match and Sgt. Slaughter, the flagship wrestler in the AWA the last few years, is gone from the promotion.

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH: Cactus Jack (WC) vs.Wahoo McDaniel

What a story it would be if Wahoo won the World Title. It would be like a perfect Hollywood ending for a man who is in the twilight of his career but can stand toe-to-toe with anyone in the squared circled. Wahoo has stated in interviews the World Championship is the one belt that has always eluded him.

I hate to ruin that Hollywood ending...

The unpredictable and unorthodox Jack is young and full of piss, vinegar and crazier than Terry Funk or Mark Lewin.

I'm going with Jack because of the youth factor. If this was Wahoo of, say, 10 years ago, no question I would go with the great Indian star. But this is a man who has been in the sport now for over 25 years.

If you're betting on this match, I'd say go with the youngster over the legend.

Cactus Jack retains the belt.

There's a loud commotion outside in the parking lot. Excuse me.

Well, 'Wanda's' friend Feather Hat has apparently set her ablaze because, as he screamed, she did not meet her quota for the day.

Gotta call the fire department. Looks like other lodgers are just using 'Burning Wanda' to roast marshmallows.

(Matt Brock is an award winning pro wrestling journalist. That is if he really existed he would be.)

Edited by piperrulz
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