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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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On 6/21/2024 at 10:53 PM, Herrbear said:


Don Muraco vs. Jonnie Stewart vs. 'Big' Reggie Bennett


That would be quite the 3-way dance! LOL!


On 6/23/2024 at 3:53 PM, DHK1989 said:

"Trust the process"

They're doomed...

Ye of little faith. This is a Bill Watts' idea. Not something stupid like Finger poke of doom!

(Yes. I think Watts was one of the best promoters/bookers of all-time.)

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The Trooper vs. Ninja Go

WINNER: Trooper - Pinfall - Flying Shoulder Tackle - 5:09




Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson

Shot of a small crowd (lots of the seating areas were darkened).

Even though a small crowd, the crowd was already buzzing.

Special video aired to open the show.

Announcers Pedicino and Dundee welcomed viewers and ran down the card:

AWA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Wahoo McDaniel (WC) vs. Col. DeBeers

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) vs. Badd Company

$250,000 DOLLAR CHALLENGE: Kokina Maximus vs. Nikita Koloff
(If Koloff doesn't slam and defeat Kokina, he must work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey for a year! If Koloff accomplishes the feat, he's $250 grand richer!)

Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera vs. Brad Rheingans & Barry Windham

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (WC) vs. 'Big' Reggie Bennett

Announcers sent it to the ring.

Don Muraco vs. Jonnie Stewart (20-minute time-limit)

Stewart came to the ring to loud boos from the crowd down the face aisle.

Muraco came down the face aisle to a strong crowd response.

Ref called for the bell.

Stewart charged at Muraco and Muraco grabbed Stewart and dropped Stewart with a gorilla press slam. Stewart up and Muraco charged in and nailed Stewart with a running clothesline. Stewart crashed back to the mat. Stewart up and went to punch Muraco but Muraco blocked the punch try and peppered Stewart with punches. Muraco whipped Stewart into the ropes and Stewart grabbed the top rope and Muraco charged over and pulverized Stewart with a running clothesline that sent Stewart toppling over the top rope and down to the floor as the crowd cheered. Ref ordered Muraco back and started the 10-count. Stewart slow to get to his feet on the floor. Count grew. Stewart quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Crowd booed. Stewart walking around on the floor. Ref again ordered Muraco back and started the 10-count. Stewart pacing around on the floor. Count grew. Stewart climbed up on the ring apron and started to climb back in the ring when Muraco came over and Stewart bailed back to the floor. More boos.

Pedicino: Has the spirit of Larry Zbyszko entered this guy?

Muraco ignored the ref and bolted the ring and chased Stewart around the ring. Stewart rolled back into the ring and got to his feet as Muraco rolled in. Stewart grabbed the top rope and stomped away on Muraco. Stewart broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Stewart snapped up Muraco, whipped Muraco into the ropes and looked to catch Muraco coming off with a clothesline but Muraco ducked the move and came off with another clothesline on Stewart. Stewart crashed to the mat as the fans cheered. Muraco for the cover. 1...2... Stewart kicked out. Muraco popped Stewart with a head shot, snapped Stewart up and slammed Stewart's head into the top buckle. Stewart turned around in the corner and Muraco nailed Stewart with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Muraco whipped Stewart into the opposite buckles and charged in with a running shoulder block but Stewart moved and Muraco slammed shoulder-first into the post. Stewart quickly regained his bearings as Muraco separated himself from the post. Muraco turned and Stewart raked Muraco's eyes. Ref reprimanded Stewart. Stewart grabbed Muraco in a side headlock and charged into the corner and slammed the top of Muraco's head into the top buckle. Muraco stumbled back. Stewart with a series of lefts to Muraco's jaw. Stewart whipped Muraco into the corner and charged in and nailed Muraco with a running back elbow to the chest. Stewart popped Muraco with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head. Muraco stumbled out next to the ropes. Stewart hit Muraco with a double sledge to the back followed by a belly-to-back suplex. Stewart up and stomped away on Muraco. Stewart slammed Muraco's head into the mat three times. Stewart snapped up Muraco and nailed Muraco with a bodyslam. Stewart went for a jumping elbow smash but Muraco rolled out of the way and Stewart crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men slowly to their feet. Stewart caught Muraco with a kick to the gut and a head shot. Stewart went to suplex Muraco but Muraco twice blocked the suplex try and suplexed Stewart. Crowd cheered. Both men up and Stewart swung at Muraco and missed and Muraco came back with a series of punches that stunned Stewart. Muraco hoisted Stewart across his shoulders and nailed Stewart with a Samoan drop. Muraco for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Stewart got a shoulder up. Muraco snapped up Stewart and whipped Stewart into the buckles. Muraco moved in with a series of knees to the gut. Muraco whipped Stewart into the opposite buckles and charged in and succeeded in nailing Stewart with a running shoulder block to the gut. Stewart dropped to a knee in the corner. Muraco reached down to pull Stewart up and Stewart caught Muraco with a headbutt below the belt, Muraco stumbled back holding his junk. Stewart up and nailed Muraco with punches. Stewart whipped Muraco into the ropes and caught Muraco coming off with his old knee to the gut finisher. Muraco crashed to the mat. Stewart for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Muraco kicked out. Stewart up as Muraco was getting up and caught Muraco in a front facelock. Stewart cinched up on the hold as Muraco tried to escape. Muraco caught Stewart with a series of shots to the side of the ribs to free himself from the hold. Muraco clapped the sides of Stewart's head with his forearms. Stewart's bell rung and he went down. Muraco started to pull Stewart up when Stewart stunned Muraco with a jawbreaker to the top of the head. Muraco snapped back and crashed to the mat. Stewart for the cover. 1....2...thr... Muraco kicked out. Stewart picked up Muraco and bodyslammed Muraco. Stewart went out on the apron and started to mount the top rope when Stewart turned and yelled something at the crowd. Muraco up and went over and grabbed Stewart and slammed Stewart off the top rope (think Ric Flair). Stewart slowly up to his feet and Muraco moved in and nailed Stewart with punches, whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a scoop powerslam. Crowd popped. Muraco signaled it was time for his inverted piledriver finisher. Muraco hoisted Stewart up and nailed Stewart with the inverted piledriver. Crowd cheered. Muraco covered Stewart. 1...2...3! Crowd roared as the ref called for the bell.

Muraco up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Muraco left the ring and headed back up the face aisle while slapping hands with fans along the way.

WINNER: Muraco - Pinfall - 8:18

Announcers discussed the Muraco victory.

Graphic aired on the screen: NEXT... AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH!!!


AWA WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. 'Big' Reggie Bennett

Bennett came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Mimi and Val came down the heel aisle to a potent negative reaction.

Shot of AWA President Nick Bockwinkel seated at ringside.

Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: This match is scheduled for one fall with a 15-minute time-limit and is for the AWA Women's World Championship!

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: Introducing first, the challenger.

Weighing in at 227 pounds! She hails from Venice Beach, California... 'Big' Reggie Bennett!

Nice pop from the crowd.

Nelson: And her opponent.

Boos echoing throughout the arena.

Nelson: She is managed by Valerie.

Weighing in at 133 pounds! From Los Angeles, California... she is the reigning AWA Women's World Champion.... the Magnificent Mimi!

Loud boobs.

Nelson: Your referee is Marty Miller!

Mimi held the title aloft for all to see before the ref took it and also held it up for all to see before handing it off to Larry Nelson.

Ref called both women out to the middle of the ring. Val came out with Mimi.

Ref laid down the ground rules and patted each lady down before sending them back to their respective corners.

Val left for the floor.

Ref called for the bell and Mimi immediately left the ring for the floor and walked over to Larry Nelson.

Nelson had the mic.

Mimi: I see President Bockwinkel is here tonight! I want it made perfectly clear that I am wrestling this match under protest!

More boos from the crowd.

Mimi climbed back up on the apron and made her way back into the ring.

Pedicino: Reggie has an almost 100 pound weight advantage. Mimi's definitely the underdog in this match.

Dundee: I love big girls like Reggie! There's more to love! Wow!

Pedicino: Would you stop!

The pair moved in on each other and started to lock up when Mimi backed away from Reg and Mimi started to run around the ring. Reg went to grab Mimi but Mimi evaded her. Mimi continued running around in the ring and Reg tried to grab her again but Mimi evaded her once more. Mimi kept running around in the ring and Reg lunged at her missed again.

Dundee: This is a brilliant strategy on Mimi's part. She's looking to tire out big Reg and make her easier to defeat.

Mimi kept running around in the ring and Reg lunged at her again and Mimi stepped out on the apron and yelled for the ref to get Reg back. Ref ordered Reg back and started the 10-count. Mimi climbed back in the ring and Reg gave chase and Mimi climbed out on the apron on the opposite side. Mimi holding the top rope. Mimi laughed at Reg. Reg came over, grabbed the top rope and catapaulted Mimi back into the ring. Mimi crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Reg moved in on Mimi and Mimi quickly scooted into the corner. Mimi tried to call a timeout to no avail. Reg grabbed Mimi's legs and Mimi grabbed the top rope. Reg pulled Mimi's legs and Mimi's body lifted off the ground as she held onto the top rope. Mimi dangling in mid-air. Reg yanked Mimi and Mimi lost her grip on the rope and crashed to the mat. Reg still holding Mimi's legs and catapaulted Mimi across the ring and Mimi slammed face-first into the mat. Mimi tried to crawl out of the ring but Reg reached down and pulled Mimi to her feet. Reg whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a high backdrop. Mimi crashed to the mat. Mimi got to her feet and tried to escape out of the ring once again but Reg grabbed Mimi and shook Mimi like a rag doll and threw Mimi down on the mat. Val concerned at ringside.

Pedicino: I think Mimi's met her Waterloo!

Dundee: Waterloo? We're not in Iowa.

Pedicino: Not Waterloo, Iowa! Water... Oh, never mind!

Reg grabbed Mimi by the hair and whipped her across the ring. A stunned Mimi made it to her feet and backed into the corner. Reg moved in and hit Reg with a shoulder block to the gut. Reg whipped Mimi into the opposite buckles. Reg charged in with an avalanche but Miimi moved and Reg slammed front-first into the buckles. Reg leaned against the buckles and Mimi to her feet shaking out the effects of the beating she'd taken. Reg extricated herself from the buckles and turned and Mimi nailed her with a series of leg strikes to the side of the ribs. Mimi then caught Reg with a series of forearms to the chest. Reg turned away from Mimi and Mimi came up behind Reg with a chop block to the back of the knee and Reg crumpled to the mat. Mimi went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Reg slowly got to her feet. Reg turned and Mimi came off with a missle dropkick that connected. Reg crashed to the mat. Mimi for the cover. 1...2...thr... Reg kicked out with such force that Mimi went through the middle and bottom rope and crashed to the floor. Fans cheered. As Reg started recovering in the ring the ref began the 10-count. Val came over and helped Mimi up and had some words for the champ. Mimi climbed back into the ring as Reg got up facing away from Mimi and Mimi jumped on Reg's back and Reg started to thrash around like a wild bull. Reg then backed up with Mimi on her back and drove MImi into the buckles. Reg freed from the hold. Mimi limp in the corner. Reg moved in and clubbed Mimi with forearms to the chest. Reg pulled Mimi out of the corner and bodyslammed the champ. Reg then nailed Mimi with a leg drop.

Pedicino: All that weight coming down on Mimi. This has to be it.

Reg for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow got a shoulder up. Reg somewhat in disbelief. Reg pulled Mimi up by the hair. Reg hoisted Mimi up for a suplex but Mimi wriggled free from Reg's grasp and dropped down behind Reg and shoved Reg in the back. Reg turned and Mimi hit Reg with a dropkick. Reg stunned. Mimi hit Reg with another dropkick. Reg wobbly. Mimi ran and hit the ropes and came off with a thirds dropkick on Reg that connected. Reg wobbled and crashed to the mat. Mimi stomped Reg. Mimi grabbed Reg's legs and positioned Reg in the ring. Mimi mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving splash that connected. Mimi then repeated the move with success. Mimi for the cover. 1...2...thr... Reg kicked out. Crowd cheered. Mimi stomped Reg in the head. A shaky Reg got to her feet. Mimi with punches on Reg and Reg suddenly appeared to 'Hulk up'. Mimi hit Reg with more punches that Reg no sold. Reg pointed at Mimi. Mimi backed off as the crowd cheered. Mimi turned and tried to leave the ring but Reg grabbed Mimi from behind and nailed Mimi with an atomic drop. Mimi walking on her tiptoes. Reg grabbed Mimi, whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Mimi crashed to the mat.

Pedicino: I don't see how Mimi survives this!

Dundee: I don't know if I could survive a night of passion with 'Big' Reg! Whoa boy!

Pedicino: Seriously?! You say that now?!

Mimi tried to crawl out of the ring but Reg grabbed her leg and dragged her back into the ring. Reg snapped Mimi up and whipped Mimi into the ropes and looked to catch Mimi coming off with a backdrop but Mimi caught Reg with a kick to the chest. Reg turned away from Mimi and Mimi came up behind Reg and shoved Reg hard, front-first into the buckles. Reg slammed into them and staggered backwards out of the corner. Mimi dropped to all fours behind Reg and eeg toppled over MImi and crashed to the mat. Mimi for the roll-up cover. 1... Mimi grabbed the tights. ...2...3! NO! Reg kicked Mimi off and Mimi slammed into the buckles. Reg to her feet as Mimi staggered out of the corner. Reg caught Mimi with a head shot, whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a monster clothesline that sent Mimi crashing to the mat as the crowd popped. Mimi rolled over on her side. Val in a panic at ringside.

Nelson: 12 minutes gone! Three minutes remain!

Crowd buzzing.

Reg rolled Mimi on to her front side. Crowd knew what was coming. Reg caught Mimi in her split-leg rear chinlock finisher.

Pedicino: I do not see how MImi escapes this!

Mimi in dire pain locked in the hold but Reg sitting on her back meant she was not moving anywhere.



Some in the crowd popped. The ref was confused. Reg released the hold and got up thinking she'd won.

Pedicino: Wait a minute! Val rang the ring bell! The 15 minute time-limit wasn't up!

What the...

Confusion reigned.

President Bockwinkel made his way into the ring.

Bockwinkel was talking with the ref. Larry Nelson climbed in the ring with mic in hand.

As Bockwinkel and the ref continued talking. Mimi was able to crawl over to the apron and be pulled out onto the floor by Valerie. Mimi dropped to her ass on the floor.

Val went over and grabbed the title belt off the timekeeper's table. A shaky Mimi to her feet. Val led Mimi back up the heel aisle to the back with belt in tow.

Nelson: President Bockwinkel. What's going on?

Bockwinkel: Valerie rang the bell. I have ordered the referee to re-start the match.

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: The match will re-start on the referee's signal.

Bockwinkel: Wait! Where's the champion?!

Nelson: She got out of Dodge!

Bockwinkel: Re-start the match when I tell you and start counting if she isn't back out here.

Crowd buzzing.

Everybody waited in the ring for about 30 seconds.

Bockwinkel: Re-start the match.

Nelson and Bockwinkel left the ring.

Ref ordered the bell rung to re-start the match.

Bennett pacing aorund in the ring.

Ref started the 10-count.

At the count of five there was still no sign of Mimi.


Still no Mimi.


Ref called for the bell.

Nelson climbed up on the ring apron and talked briefly with the ref.

Ref raised Reg's hand in victory to modest cheers as most fans knew what the count out meant.

Nelson: In a time of 12 minutes, 29 seconds, your winner by count out... 'Big' Reggie Bennett!

Because Bennett did not win by pinfall or submission the title does not change hands!

Magnificent Mimi is still the champion!

Strong boos from the crowd as a disappointed Bennett talked with the ref in the ring.

WINNER: Bennett - Count Out - 12:29

Announcers discussed the wild match and controversial finish. Said Reg will definitely get another shot because of what just transpired.

Dundee: Reggie might need to blow off some of that frustration. I'll give her my room number.

Pedicino: Sometimes I want just go play in traffic after some of the stuff you say.

Dundee: Make sure it's during rush hour. It will make things more exciting.

Graphic appeared on the screen with the caption: NEXT... TULLLY & KEN VS. BRAD & BARRY!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Barry Windham & Brad Rheingans vs. Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera (w/ Valerie)

Tully, Ken and Valerie made their way to the ring down the heel aisle to strong boos and some trash thrown in their direction.

Once in the ring, the trio played to the crowd to further draw their ire.

More incoming trash from the fans at the ring.

Patera's long, thick brown hair that he'd had since being released from prison a few years earlier was now gone. Instead, it was back to the shorter, bleach blond look.

Windham and Rheingans charged down the face aisle and hit the ring and the two teams started brawling immediately. Crowd into it. The two teams were slugging it out when Tully and Ken gained the upper hand. Tully and Ken went to whip Barry and Brad into each other but Brad and Barry reversed and sent Tully and Ken crashing into each other. Crowd popped. Tully and Ken on stagger street. Barry and Brad continued the assault on Tully and Ken. Barry dropped Tully with an uppercut and Tully rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Barry followed Tully out. Brad and Ken worked each other over in the ring and Ken gained the upper hand and threw Brad over the top rope down to the floor. Ken left the ring and came up behind Barry, who had the advantage over Tully, and Ken hit Barry in the back with a forearm smash. Tully recovered and he and Ken started pounding on Barry on the floor. Ref trying to restore order by calling for the bell. Fans eating it up. Brad recovered on the floor and charged over and jumped into the fray and started popping Tully and Ken. Barry recovered and joined in the fight. The four wrestlers continued their assault on one another. Tully caught Bard with a kick to the gut and threw Brad into the ringside barricade. Ken and Barry slugging it out in a Mexican stand-off. Tully grabbed an empty chair from next to the timekeeper's table and folded it up and raised the chair over his head and prepared to clock Brad with it but the ref grabbed the chair out of Tully's hands. Barry had gained the advantage over Ken and threw Ken back into the ring. Val taking it all in. Brad recovered and fired away on Tully and threw Tully back into the ring. Brad followed Tully and the fighting continued. Ref called for the bell to restore order but no dice. AWA officials came down the face aisle and hit the ring and separated the two teams. Both teams wanting a crack at one another. Crowd buzzing like pot smokers. Officials keeping the two sides at bay. Ref had a brief discussion with a couple of the officials.

The two teams were now separated into opposite corners. Things calming down.

After a brief cooling off period the ref finally was able to call for the bell.

Tully and Brad the legal men in the ring. The two engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Brad drove Tully into the corner. Tully yelled at the ref that Brad had pulled his locks. Crowd booed. Break was clean. The two engaged in another collar-and elbow tie-up and this time Brad drove Tully against the ropes. Ref ordered another break. Looked like it was gonna be clean until Tully kicked Brad in the gut. Tully nailed Brad with a series of elbows to the back of the neck and then slammed Brad's head into the top turnbuckle. Brad spun around in the corner and Tully popped Brad with head and body shots and then choked Brad out with his boot. Tully broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Tully pulled Brad out of the corner and nailed Brad with a suplex followed by a rapid-fire series of elbow drops to the chest. Tully for the cover. 1...2... Brad kicked out. Tully snapped Brad up and whipped Brad into the ropes and looked to catch Brad coming off with a backdrop but Brad instead caught Tully in a sunset flip for the pin. 1...2... Tully clapped his legs against the side of Brad's head to escape. Both men up and Tully caught Brad with a punch and went to bodyslam Brad but Brad caught Tully in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Tully kicked out. Both men up and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Brad gained the advantage and caught Tully in a side headlock. Tully, after struggling to free himself from the hold, managed to shove Brad off. Brad hit the ropes and came off with a shoulder block that dropped Tully. Tully up and Brad hit the ropes and came off with another shoulder block that dropped Tully. Tully scooted over to his corner and tagged in Ken. Crowd buzzing. Patera came in and stood in front of Brad and struck a bodybuilder pose to boos from the crowd. Brad responded by kicking Patera in the gut to cheers. Brad hit Ken with a series of European uppercuts, whipped Ken into the ropes and caught Ken coming off with a high backdrop. Patera slammed to the mat as the crowed roared. Brad snapped Ken up and nailed Ken with a gutwrench suplex. Brad then waited for Patera to get to his feet. Brad came up behind Ken and grabbed Ken around the waist and Patera responded with a series of elbows to the side of Brad's head. Ken freed from the hold. Ken popped Brad with punches and drove Brad against the ropes. Ken whipped Brad into the ropes and caught Brad coming off with a near-decapitating clothesline. Brad crashed to the mat. Ken stood over Brad and struck a couple of bodybuilder poses to boos from the crowd. Ken snapped Brad up and wiped Brad into the buckles. Patera moved in and nailed Brad with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Brad staggered out by the ropes and Ken clubbed Brad in the back. Ken whipped Brad into the ropes and looked to catch Brad coming off with backdrop but Brad instead caught Ken with a swinging neckbreaker. Crowd erupted. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men slowly to their feet. Patera struck Brad with a punch and Brad responded with a belly-to-belly suplex out of nowhere on Ken.

Brad for the cover. 1...2... Tully in and went to drop an elbow on Brad to break up the pin try but Brad moved and Tully elbow smashed Ken instead. Crowd going wild. Barry hit the ring and nailed Tully with a couple of punches. Ref turned to get Barry out of the ring. Behind the ref's back, Brad snapped up Ken and Tully clubbed Brad in the back. Brad lost his grip on Ken. Tully back to his corner as the ref and Barry situation petered out. Ken grabbed Brad and locked Brad in a bearhug. Brad fighting not to give in. Patera cinched up on the hold. Barry hit the ring and clubbed Patera in the back to free Brad from the hold. Tully hit the ring to go after Barry but the ref intercepted him and ordered him back to his corner. While the ref was busy with Tully, Barry decided to THB (turn heel briefly) and stunned Ken with a DDT. Crowd went nuts. Barry back to his corner. Brad turned Ken over for the pin. 1...2...thr... Tully hit the ring and stomped Brad in the back to break up the pin try. Brad and Ken down. Ref counting. Both men up and Ken took a swipe at Brad and missed and Brad made the hot tag to Barry. Crowd going wild. Barry in and blasted Ken with punches. Barry whipped Ken into the ropes and caught Ken coming off with a dropkick. Ken up and Barry went to whip Ken into the ropes but Ken reversed and looked to catch Barry coming off with a backdrop but Barry leapfrogged Ken and ran Ken into the ropes for a roll-up from behind for the pin. 1...2... Tully hit the ring and nailed Barry with a brutal running clothesline to break up the pin try. Barry down. Ref ordered Tully out of the ring. Ken up and snapped up Barry and whipped Barry into the corner. Ken charged in and nailed Barry with a running clothesline. Barry limp in the corner. Ken tagged in Tully. Tully charged in and hammered away on Barry and threw Barry out of the corner. Barry went down in the ring. Tully quickly grabbed Barry and tried to hit Barry with his slingshot suplex finisher but Barry twice blocked the move and caught Tully with a series of shots to the side of the ribs to free himself from the hold. Barry ran and hit the ropes and came off with a punch try but he and Tully wound up blasting each other with punches. Both men on stagger street. Tully moved in with more punches and then whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry with a kick to the gut followed by a piledriver. Tully covered Barry. 1...2...thr... Barry got his foot on the bottom rope. Crowd cheered. Tully snapped Barry up and went to whip Barry into the ropes but Barry reversed and caught Tully coming off with his flying lariat finisher. Crowd erupted. Barry and Tully both down as they'd just been hit by big moves. Crowd urging Barry to pin Tully. Ref counting. As the count grew, Barry crawled over and draped an arm across Tully's chest for the pin. 1...2...thr... Tully kicked out. Crowd groaned. Crowd may be small but they are loud. Tully up and dived over and tagged on Ken. Barry looking to tag in Brad but Ken blasted Barry from behind with a clubbing forearm to the back. Ken grabbed Barry, hoisted him in the air and dropped Barry throat-first across the top rope. Barry snapped back and crumpled to the mat. Patera put his foot on the side of Barry's face and struck another bodybuilder pose to boos from the crowd.

Ken reached down and started to pull Barry up but Barry caught Ken with a series of gut punches. Barry to his feet and channeled the Dusty in him by hitting a series of bionic elbows to the top of Ken's head as the crowd cheered. Ken stunned. Barry whipped Ken into the ropes and blasted Ken coming off with his dropkick. Ken spun around and crashed to the mat. Barry tagged in Brad. Ken up and Brad came in and popped Ken with punches, whipped Ken into the ropes and caught Ken coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd into it. Brad snapped Ken up and hit Ken with his fisherman suplex (Perfect Plex) finisher for the pin. 1...2... Tully hit the ring and stomped Brad in the gut to break up the pin try. Barry hit the ring and blasted Tully with a flying clothesline. Tully crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Barry followed him out. Barry tore into Tully. In the ring, Ken and Brad made it to their feet. Brad caught Ken with a gut kick and went to hit Ken with a cutter but Ken shoved Brad off and Bard spun around and Ken pulverized Brad with a clothesline. On the floor, Tully and Barry now fighting back-and-forth up the face aisle. Crowd into the whole scene. Ken snapped Brad up, grabbed Brad in a bearhug and drove Brad hard into the corner. Ken released Brad and Brad came a few steps out of the corner and crumpled to the mat. Tully and Barry had disappeared to the back. Brad to a knee in the ring and Ken grabbed Brad in the full nelson and snapped Brad to his feet. Ken held Brad there for a moment and then blasted Brad with his full nelson slam finisher. Ken for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most of the crowd booed but some cheered.

Patera up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Val came in and congratulated Ken but would have to congratulate Tully later as he was busy fighting in the back with Barry Windham.

Patera stood over the defeated Rheingans and struck another bodybuilder pose. As Ken and Valerie faced the crowd and Ken struck a few more bodybuilder poses, Brad recovered enough to come up behind Ken, spin Ken around and blast Ken with a cutter as the crowd roared. Val bailed to the floor. Ken laid out in the ring as a defeated but determined Brad looked down angrily at his former tag partner.

WINNER: Ken & Tully - PInfall - 11:47

Announcers discussed the tag team match.

Graphic aired on the screen with the caption: NEXT... $250,000 CHALLENGE!!!


$250,000 DOLLAR CHALLENGE MATCH (If Nikita slams Kokina and wins the match, he wins the money! If Kokina wins, Nikita must work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey for a year!): Nikita Koloff vs. Kokina Maximus (w/ Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey & The Masked Doctor)

Shot of the stretcher at ringside.

Nikita came down the face aisle to a huge ovation.

Kokina, Kaissey and the Doc came down the heel aisle to loud boos.

Kaissey carrying the briefcase containing the $250 grand.

Kaissey had final words with Kokina before he and the doctor left the ring.

Announcers drove home the point that Nikita had to both bodyslam Kokina and beat him to win the money. Said Kokina had never been beaten nor had anyone ever bodyslammed him.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men walked up to one another and stared daggers at each other.

Kokina slapped Nikita. Nikita briefly staggered. Nikita then slapped Kokina to the delight of the crowd. Kokina stunned but quickly recovered and caught Nikita with a headbutt. Kokina picked up Nikita and bodyslammed him. Kokina went to drop an elbow on Nikita but Nikita rolled out of the way and Kokina slammed to the mat. Crowd popped. Both men up and Nikita went to hoist Kokina up for a bodyslam but Nikita crumpled under Kokina's weight and Nikita crashed to the mat with Kokina on top of him for the pin. 1...2...thr... Nikita kicked out. Crowd cheered. Kokina snapped Nikita up and whipped Nikita into the corner. Nikita slammed into the buckles. Kokina moved in and turned around, grabbed the top rope with both hands and drove his backside into Nikita three times. Nikita limp in the corner. Kokina grabbed Nikita and violently threw him out of the corner. Nikita crashed to the mat. Nikita up and Kokina popped Nikita with a double chop to the sides of the neck. Kokina whipped Nikita into the ropes and caught Nikita coming off with savate kick. Nikita crashed to the mat. Kokina stomped Nikita in the head and snapped Nikita up and blasted Nikita with a lifting side slam. Kokina then went to hit Nikita with a running leg drop but Nikita again rolled out of the way and Kokina crashed to the mat. Both men down. Crowd into it. Ref counting. Both men made it to their feet and Kokina caught Nikita with a knee to the gut. Kokina went to whip Nikita into the corner but Nikita reversed and sent Kokina slamming into them. Nikita moved in and nailed Kokina with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut. Nikita whipped Kokina into the opposite buckles. Nikita charged in and looked to sickle Kokina in the corner but Kokina moved and Nikita slammed front-first into the buckles. Nikita bounced out and staggered away. Kokina quickly regained his bearings. Kokina clubbed Nikita from behind three times. Nikita down to a knee next to the ropes. Kokina snapped up Nikita and choked Nikita on the top rope. Kokina broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Nikita leaned out over the top rope and Kokina neck snapped Nikita and Nikita snapped back and crashed to the mat. Kokina stomped on Nikita and then hit Nikita with an elbow smash. Kokina for the cover. 1...2...thr... Nikita kicked out. Crowd cheered. Kokina snapped up Nikita and nailed him with a side belly-to-belly suplex. Nikita down and rolled over on his front side by the ropes. Kokina went over and stood on Nikita's back while holding the top rope. Ref counting. Kokina broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4.

Kokina snapped Nikita up and threw Nikita into the corner. Kokina backed up and charged in looking to avalanche Nikita but Nikita moved and Kokina slammed front-first into the buckles. Nikita briefly shook out the effects of the match as Kokina extricated himself from the buckles. Kokina turned and walked right into a series of gut kicks from Nikita. Nikita pounded away on Kokina. Crowd heat rising. Nikita whipped Kokina into the ropes and blasted Kokina with a running clothesline. Kokina stunned. Nikita backed up and charged in and hit Kokina with another clothesline. Kokina on wobbly legs. Nikita grabbed Kokina and whipped Kokina into the buckles. Nikita mounted the middle buckle over Kokina and fired away with head shots on the behemoth. Nikita dropped back to the mat. Kokina staggered out of the corner. Nikita grabbed Kokina, whipped Kokina into the ropes and caught Kokina coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Kokina fell back against the ropes. Nikita went to whip Kokina into the ropes but Kokina reversed and caught Nikita coming off with a Samoan drop. The life drained from Nikita. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men up and Kokina caught Nikita with an open-hand throat thrust. Kokina whipped Nikita into the corner and charged in and pulverized Nikita with an avalanche. Nikita staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed to his back in the ring.

Kaissey picked up on a mic.

Kaissey: Finish him off!

Kokina went and positioned Nikita for his Bonzai drop (ass drop to the chest from the middle buckle) finisher.

Wonder what Kaissey will have Nikita do first? Wash his car? Clean his crappers with a toothbrush?

Kokina on the middle buckle facing the crowd. Crowd buzzing.

Kokina came off with his Bonzai drop and Nikita rolled out of the way and Kokina crashed ass-first to the mat. Crowd roared.

Kokina down and hurting. Kaissey going crazy at ringside.

Nikita to his feet. A shaky Kokina to his feet. Kokina turned and walked right into Nikita's arms.

Nikita picked up Kokina and...


Crowd going nuts.

Nikita backed up and assumed the position.

A hurting and unsteady Kokina made it to his feet.

Nikita charged over and...


Kokina crashed to the mat.

Nikita covered Kokina for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.

Loudest pop of the night from the crowd.

A sore, tired Nikita up and the ref raised his hand victory.

Nikita looked over at the stunned Kaissey. As Nikita walked over to the corner in the ring and shook out the effects of the match, Kaissey wasn't waiting around. Kaissey started to leave the ringside area.

Nikita moved out of the corner and told Kaissey he owes him the money. Kaissey turned and waved to Nikita and prepared to take off with the money until...

The Trooper charged down the face aisle and came up behind Kaissey, spun Kaissey around and walloped Kaissey in the face. Masked Doc avoiding Trooper at all costs.

Trooper snatched the briefcase from a shaken Kaissey and took it into the ring, handed it to Nikita and raised Nikita's hand in victory to more crowd cheers.

WINNER: Nikita - Pinfall - 9:14

Graphic aired with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!!!


AWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) vs. Badd Company (w/ Mgr. DDP)

Badd Co. and manger DDP made their way down the heel aisle to strong boos.

DDP had his cane.

Champs Haynes & Norton made their way down the face aisle to a solid crowd reax.

Larry Nelson was standing center ring with mic in hand.

Nelson: This contest is scheduled for one fall with a 30-minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Tag Team Championship!

Introducing first, the challengers!

They are accompanied by their manager 'Diamond' Dallas Page!

Weighing in at a combined weight of 456 pounds... they are from Honolulu, Hawaii and Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada respectively... Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond... Badd Company!

Pretty strong boos as the trio briefly played to the crowd.

Nelson: And their opponents.

Weighing in at a combined 525 pounds... they are from the Pacific Northwest... they are the reigning AWA World Tag team Champions... Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton!

Crowd cheered as Haynes and Norton acknowledged the fans.

Nelson: Your referee is Mick Karch.

Ref took the titles form the champs and held them up for all to see and then handed them off to Larry Nelson.

Ref called both teams out to the middle of the ring, DDP accompanied Badd Co., and laid down the ground rules and patted each man down and then sent each team back to their corners.

DDP had final words for his team before leaving the ring for the floor.

Ref called for the bell.

Haynes and Diamond started for their teams. Diamond went to sweep Haynes leg but Haynes avoided Diamond and caught Diamond in a side headlock. Diamond shoved Haynes off and Haynes hit the ropes and Diamond dived down and Haynes jumped over Diamond and hit the ropes and came back and Diamond dived down again and Haynes hit the ropes and came back and Diamond went to hip toss Haynes but Haynes reversed and hip tossed Diamond. Diamond up and moved in and Haynes hip tossed Diamond again. Diamond up and Haynes caught Diamond with an arm drag and locked Diamond in an arm bar. Diamond down on the mat locked in the hold as Haynes knelt beside him. Haynes to his feet aand Diamond to his knees still locked in the hold. Diamond slowly made it to his feet locked in the hold. Haynes cinched up on the hold and Diamond winced. Diamond moved in the direction of Tanaka to make a tag but Haynes yanked Diamond away from his corner. Diamond still locked in the hold. Diamond reared back to punch Haynes but Haynes further cinched up on the hold and drove Diamond back down to a knee. Diamond slowly back up locked in the hold. Diamond managed to move close enough to the ropes and drape his arm out over the top rope to force a break in the hold. Diamond grabbing his left arm and moved to his corner as DDP jumped up on the apron and had words with his team. DDP dropped back to the floor as fans booed him for just existing. Diamond tagged in Tanaka. Tanaka came in and he and Haynes circled one another and Tanaka went for a spinning back heel kick to Haynes' head but Haynes ducked the move and came back with a gut shot followed by catching Tanaka in a front facelock. Haynes worked over the hold. Tanaka dropped to a knee and then yanked Haynes' left leg out from under him. Tanaka snapped back Haynes' left leg. Haynes hurting. Tanaka snapped Haynes up, whipped Haynes into the ropes and caught Haynes coming off with a backhand chop to the face. Haynes crashed to the mat and rolled over on his side by the ropes facing the crowd. Diamond started to step into the ring and Norton climbed in to go after Diamond but the ref intercepted Norton and ordered him back to his corner. While that was going on, DDP drove the head of his cane into the upper chest of Haynes. Norton and Diamond back into their respective corners. Tanaka snapped up Haynes and and whipped Haynes into the buckles. Haynes slammed into them staggered out of the corner and was hit with a rolling wheel kick. Haynes crashed to the mat. Tanaka for the cover. 1...2... Haynes kicked out. Tanaka up and kicked Haynes and snapped Haynes up and whipped Haynes into the ropes and looked to catch Haynes coming off with a clothesline but Haynes ducked the move and came back and nailed Tanaka with a clothesline of his own. Tanaka crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Haynes snapped Tanaka up and whipped Tanaka into the face team's corner. Haynes moved in and struck Tanaka with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut and tagged in Norton. Norton in and caught Tanaka with a couple of head shots and whipped Tanaka into the buckles. Norton followed Tanaka with with an avalanche. Tanaka limp in the corner. Norton pulled Tanaka out of the corner, whipped Tanaka into the ropes and caught Tanaka coming off with a knee to the gut. Tanaka crashed to the mat. Norton snapped up Tanaka in the over-the-shoulder backbreaker submission hold. Tanaka fighting not to give up.

Diamond hit the ring and double sledged Norton in the back and Norton dropped Tanaka. Haynes hit the ring and attacked Diamond and nailed Diamond with some punches that drove Diamond out of the ring and to the floor and over to manager DDP. Haynes looked down at the dastardly pair from thje ring. Ref turned to check on the combatants in the ring. Haynes started having words with DDP. Haynes leaned out through the top and middle rope and started yelling at DDP. While distracted with DDP, Diamond quietly climbed back on the apron and came down the apron and kneed Haynes int the head. With the ref concentrating on the action in the ring, DDP hit Haynes in the top of the head with his cane. Haynes went limp and Diamond dropped to the floor pulled Haynes out of the ring and down to the floor. In the ring, Tanaka was on the offensive. Diamond back to his corner. Tanaka worked over Norton and went to whip Norton into the ropes but Norton reversed and caught Tanaka coming off with a powerslam. Norton for the pin. 1...2... Diamond hit the ring and stomped Norton in the back of the head to break up the pin try. On the floor, a woozy Haynes made it to his feet. DDP got cocky and went to strike Haynes with his cane a third time but Billy grabbed the cane, ripped it out of DDP's hand and slammed DDP across the gut with the cane. Haynes tossed the cane. Crowd cheered. DDP spun away from Haynes and Haynes moved in and caught DDP in the full nelson. Crowd really into it now. In the ring, Tanaka, once again after a save, was on the offensive. Ref left the ring for the floor to separate DDP and Norton. Tanaka on the offensive in the ring. Tanaka went to hit Norton with a German suplex but Norton resisted and caught Tanaka with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head to free himself from the hold. Norton turned and tore into Tanaka with punches. Diamond hit the ring and Norton saw him and turned and peppered Diamond with punches and then slammed Diamond's and Tanaka's heads together as the fans cheered. Diamond crashed to the apron and rolled out on the mat. Ref still trying to keep Haynes from making DDP pass out in the full nelson. Norton then kicked the stunned Tanaka in the gut and hit Tanaka with a powerbomb. Crowd popped. Diamond had recovered enough and attacked Haynes on the floor to break up the full nelson on DDP. As that was going on, Norton had Tanaka pinned for several seconds. Crowd yelling at the ref to get back in the ring. Ref turned and saw Norton pinning Tanaka. Ref slid into the ring to count. 1...2...thr... Tanaka kicked out. Crowd pissed. The fighting between Diamond and Haynes had petered out on the floor and each man started going back to their corner. Norton snapped up Tanaka and locked Tanaka in front facelock and prepared to hit Tanaka with a swinging neckbreaker. Diamond climbed to the top rope behind Norton and came off with a forearm smash to the back. Haynes hit the ring to go after Diamond but the ref intercepted Haynes and ordered him back to his corner. As that happened, Tanaka kicked Norton in the gut and Norton fell back into Badd Co.'s corner. Diamond strangled Norton with the tag rope. The strangling party ended when the ref got Haynes to his corner and got back to the action. Tanaka tagged in Diamond. Diamond came in and popped Norton with head and body shots. Diamond snatched Norton out of the corner and nailed Norton with a gourdbuster. Diamond for the pin. 1...2... Norton kicked out. Diamond up and Norton to his knees and Diamond booted Norton in the chest. Diamond snapped up Norton and hit Norton with a double underhook suplex. DDP liking what he sees. Diamond went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Norton made it to his feet. Norton turned and Diamond came off with a double sledge to the head attempt but Norton clotheslined Diamond instead. Diamond crashed to the mat. Crowd popped big-time. Norton snapped up Diamond, whipped Diamond into the ropes and caught Diamond coming off with a kick to the gut followed by a neckbreaker. Norton for the cover. 1...2...thr... Tanaka hit the ring and made the save with a diving double sledge to the back to break up the pin.

Norton up and pointed at Haynes and the crowd cheered. Norton tagged in Haynes. Diamond went to punch Haynes but Haynes blocked the punch try and fired away on Diamond with punches. Haynes picked up Diamond and bodyslammed him and hit a diving leg drop on Diamond. Haynes for the cover. 1...2... Tanaka hit the ring but so did Norton. ...3! NO! Diamond got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Haynes pulled Diamond up by the hair and slammed Diamond's head into the top buckle repeatedly. Haynes then whipped Diamond into the opposite buckles and charged in but Diamond moved and Haynes crashed front-first into the buckles. Haynes slowly separated himself from the buckles turned and walked into a superkick out of nowhere by Diamond.

DDP picked up on mic.

DDP: New champions, baby!

Diamond for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Haynes kicked out. Crowd popped. DDP in shock. DDP laid his cane on the apron next to Tanaka and the announcers picked up on it. DDP went over and started yelling at Scott Norton. Ref went over and ordered DDP back over to his corner. Norton took the bait and dropped to the floor and went after DDP. Norton grabbed DDP. Fans cheering. Ref distracted with the action on the floor. In the ring, Diamond snapped up Haynes and grabbed Haynes from behind. Tanaka hit the ring with the cane. Tanaka raised it like a baseball bat and went to smash Haynes in the head with it but Haynes broke free and Tanaka smashed Diamond in the head instead. Crowd popped. Diamond crashed to the mat. Haynes grabbed the cane from the shocked Tanaka and smashed Tanaka in the head with the cane. Tanaka crashed to the mat, rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor. Crowd delirious. On the floor, Norton dropped DDP with a punch and went back to his corner. Haynes circled around behind Diamond as Diamond made it to his feet in a shaky fashion. Ref turned back to the action in the ring. Diamond up and Haynes locked Diamond in the his full nelson finisher. Diamond not in the hold for very long before submitting. Ref called for the bell as Diamond shook his head frantically that he gave up. Crowd roaring. Haynes let Diamond go and Diamond crumpled to the mat.

Nelson up on the apron and the ref went over and took the belts from Nelson and had a few words with Nelson. Ref went over and handed the titles to the champs and raised Haynes' and Norton's hands in victory.

Nelson: In a time of 13 minutes, 22 seconds, your winners... and STILL AWA World Tag Team Champions... Scott Norton and Billy Jack Haynes!!!

Crowd cheered.

Haynes and Norton left the ring with their titles slung over their shoulders and headed back up the face aisle the victors.

WINNER: Haynes & Norton - Submission - 13:22

Graphic aired with the caption: NEXT... WORLD TITLE CLASH!!!


Announcers Joe Pedicino and Bill Dundee announced a change coming to the AWA on ESPN. Starting in January, the show will now be called AWA SLAM! Wrestling.

They then sent it to the ring.


Col. DeBeers made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos and garbage thrown in his direction.

Once in the ring, DeBeers did the mustache twirl and more trash headed his way.

AWA WC Wahoo McDaniel made his way down the face aisle to a loud ovation,

In-ring: Larry Nelson.

Nelson: This is our main event of the evening!

Crowd buzzing.

Nelson: This match is scheduled for one-fall with a 60-minute time-limit and is for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship!

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: Introducing first, the challenger.

Loud boos.

Nelson: Weighing in at 268 pounds... from Cape Town, South Africa... Col. DeBeers!

More intense booing from the crowd.

DeBeers stood in his corner and showed no reaction.

Nelson: And his opponent!

Boos turned to loud cheers.

Nelson: Weighing in at 261 pounds... he hails from Midland, Texas... he is the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!

Strong cheers for Wahoo.

Nelson: Your referee is Gary DeRusha!

Announcers said that ESPN will allow this match to air from start to finish.

Ref took the title from Wahoo and held it up for all to see before handing it off to Larry Nelson.

Ref called both men to the center of the ring. Wahoo and DeBeers were glaring at one another. Ref laid down the ground rules and patted each man down and sent each man back to his corner.

Announcers said these men had strong disdain for one another and that this match was for much more than just the belt. It was about right vs. wrong on a level rarely seen in pro wrestling.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came to the center of the ring ring and were jawing at one another. Suddenly, DeBeers turned like he was going to walk away from Wahoo but quickly turned and went to punch Wahoo but Wahoo blocked the punch try and fired away on DeBeers with chest chops. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the corner and moved in and blistered DeBeers with open hand chest chops. DeBeers staggered out of the corner holding his chest. Wahoo with a chop to the back of DeBeers' neck. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the ropes and DeBeers grabbed the top rope, dropped down, rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor. DeBeers walking around on the floor. Wahoo trying to get out of the ring and go after DeBeers but the ref kept blocking him. Ref ordered Wahoo back. Ref started the 10-count as DeBeers stayed on the floor. DeBeers started to walk around the ring and Wahoo got tired of waiting and bolted the ring and came up behind DeBeeers, spun DeBeers aroud and hit DeBeers with more chest chops. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers and slammed his head into the top of the steel ringside barricade three times. DeBeers in a bad way. DeBeers started to stagger off and Wahoo grabbed DeBeers and threw DeBeers into the ring steps. DeBeers went down on the floor. Wahoo quickly rolled out in and out of the ring to break the 10 count. Wahoo snapped DeBeers up and DeBeers stunned Wahoo by grabbing him around the waist and ramming Wahoo back-first into the ring apron. DeBeers moved in and caught Wahoo with punches. DeBeers whipped Wahoo into the ringside barricade. Wahoo hurting standing next to the barricade. Ref counting. DeBeers climbed into the ring and broke the count. DeBeers stepped out on the ring apron and jumped off and hit Wahoo with a double sledge to the top of the head. Wahoo down to a knee. DeBeers booted Wahoo in the ribs, snapped Wahoo up and threw Wahoo into the post. Wahooo's head hit the post and Wahoo stumbled off and went down. Ref counting. DeBeers went over and grabbed Wahoo and slammed Wahoo's head three times into the ring apron. DeBeers picked up Wahoo and bodyslammed Wahoo on the floor. DeBeers climbed up on the apron and jumped off and nailed Wahoo with a jumping stomp to the gut. Wahoo in bad shape. DeBeers quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. DeBeers grabbed the downed Wahoo and slammed his head into the concrete floor. DeBeers snapped up Wahoo and went to whip Wahoo into the barricade but Wahoo reversed and sent DeBeers crashing into the barricade. Ref counting. Wahoo moved in on DeBeers and blasted DeBeers, not with chops, but with punches. Crowd cheering for Wahoo. Wahoo slammed DeBeers' head into the ring apron and then threw DeBeers back into the ring. Wahoo climbed in the ring. DeBeers up and begging off as an angry Chief stalked him. DeBeers backed himself into the corner. Wahoo once again laid into DeBeers with punches followed by knife-edge chest chops. DeBeers stunned. Wahoo hit DeBeers with an overhead chop. DeBeers suddenly reached down and pulled Wahoo's legs out from under him and went for the pin. 1... DeBeers placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Wahoo got a shoulder up. DeBeers got his feet off the middle rope just before the ref looked over. DeBeers tried to pin Wahoo again. 1... DeBeers again got his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and saw DeBeers' feet on the middle rope and ordered a break. DeBeers took his feet off the middle rope and Wahoo stunned DeBeers by catching him in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr.. DeBeers kicked out. Crowd groaned.

Both men to their feet and DeBeers hit Wahoo with a punch and Wahoo retaliated with a knife-edge chest chop. The two then engaged in a punch-chop exchange and Wahoo gained the upper hand and tore into DeBeers with more chops. DeBeers stunned. Wahoo suplexed DeBeers and hit DeBeers with a diving chop to the head. Wahoo for the pin. 1...2...thr... DeBeers got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Wahoo pulled DeBeers up by the hair and nailed DeBeers with a belly-to-back suplex. DeBeers up and Wahoo moved in and DeBeers caught Wahoo with a knee to the gut. DeBeers hit Wahoo with a bionic elbow to the head and then ran, hit the ropes and came off with a running punch to the head. Wahoo crashed to the mat. DeBeers with a knee drop to Wahoo's head. Wahoo hurting. DeBeers snapped Wahoo up and whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with a back elbow to the cheest. Wahoo crashed to the mat. DeBeers for the cover. 1..2... Wahoo got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted DeBeers on the back. DeBeers got up thinking he'd won. DeBeers threw his arms in the air. Ref came over and yanked down one of DeBeers' arms and waved off the pin. DeBeers started to have words with the ref. Wahoo recovered and rose to his feet behind DeBeers. DeBeeers stopped arguing with the ref and and turned and Wahoo tore into DeBeers with knife-edge chops as the crowd roar grew. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the corner and DeBeers bounced out and was greeted with a clothesline from Wahoo. DeBeers crashed to the mat and Wahoo dropped down on top of DeBeers and started hammering the Colonel with punches and then started pounding the back of DeBeers' head on the mat. Crowd cheering. Wahoo snapped DeBeers up by the hair, did his war dance and nailed DeBeers with an overhead chop. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers and went to whip DeBeers into the corner but DeBeers reversed and sent Wahoo crashing into the buckles. Wahoo staggered out of the corner and DeBeers slugged Wahoo and went to catch Wahoo in a backslide but Wahoo resisted and reversed the hold and caught DeBeers in a backslide for the pin. 1...2...3! No! DeBeers kicked out. Wahoo went to snap up DeBeers but DeBeers caught Wahoo with a series of gut shots. DeBeers up and caught Wahoo in a side headlock. Ref standing close to see if the headlock turns into a choke. Wahoo suddenly shoved DeBeers off and DeBeers headbutted the ref. Ref crashed to the mat by the ropes and was face down. DeBeers staggered. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with his big chop finisher. Crowd erupted as DeBeers crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover. Crowd on their feet yelling for the ref to recover. In frustration, Wahoo counted three himself. Wahoo got up and went over and checked on the ref. Like in his match with Nikita, DeBeers managed to recover enough to come up behind Wahoo and hit a low blow with his forearm. Wahoo crashed to the mat holding the goods. DaRusha still down. DeBeers went to a corner, knelt down facing the buckles and reached into the side pocket of his camo pants and pulled out something. Crowd on edge.

Suddenly, Don Muraco, still in his ring attire, came charging down the face aisle with a folded steel chair in hand. Muraco climbed into the ring.

DeBeers had placed a powdery substance into his hand.

Announcers pointed out that Muraco was steamed as DeBeers defeated Muraco by holding the tights in the tournament to decide who would get the title shot tonight, thus costing Muraco a possible chance to face Wahoo for the belt.

Muraco raised the chair up and was facing DeBeers. DeBeers to his feet and turned an walked a couple of steps out of the corrner and saw Muraco. DeBeers, stunned, dropped the powder he had in his hand on the mat, Muraco and DeBeers looking at one another. Wahoo slowly made it to his feet. Wahoo up and...


Muraco spun around and bashed Wahoo over the head with the chair. Wahoo crumpled back to the mat. Crowd furious. Muraco looked down at Wahoo and then turned and left the ring and disappeared to the back with chair in tow. DaRusha stirring. DeBeers grabbed DaRusha and pulled him over by Wahoo. DeBeers immediately dropped down and covered Wahoo and hooked Wahoo's outside leg to make sure Wahoo could not get his foot on the bottom rope again. A groggy DaRusha counted. 1.....2.....3! DaRusha called for th bell as the fans exploded in anger. DeBeers to his feet. Ref DaRusha went over and took the belt from Nelson and talked briefly with him.

DaRusha went over and raised DeBeers' hand in victory and handed him the belt as garbage bombed the ring. Whatever cheering fans of DeBeers did was drowned out by the angry response from the overwhelming majority of the crowd.

Nelson: In a time of 12 minutes, 24 seconds, your winner... and NEW AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Col. DeBeers!

Fan anger grew. Two fans jumped the steel barricade and tried to get at DeBeers in the ring but security was able to stop them before they could get to the new champion.

Announcers wrapped up the show. Shot of heavy security having to lead DeBeers from the ring back up the heel aisle as garbage continued to be thrown at DeBeers and the ring.

Pedicino: Darkness has fallen on the AWA.

WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 12:24



The attendance had to be a major disappointment. Was it a backlash over the AWA announcement that they were moving their base of operations out of Minneapolis to Las Vegas?

No matter what led to the small house, another problem was about to arise that could shake the company to its very foundation.
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DECEEMBER 11, 1990



Deborah Harry's phone rang.

Deb picked up on the first ring.

Deb: John?

John Waters: It is. Please tell me I did not see what I think I just saw.

Deb: We just saw it. We begged them not to put the World Title on DeBeers and they went ahead and did it anyway.

John: I'm concerned this could cause real problems for us since we're the majority owners and known in show business.

Deb: I'm thinking the same thing. My first thought when I saw it was to start looking to sell my stake in the company. I'm worried about a possible backlash.

John: Since we took ownership of the company I've had to fend off questions about why we keep a guy like DeBeers around because of his racist gimmick.

Deb: I know the race card has been used in wrestling in the past. But, we're moving in a different direction in this country. People could be really upset over this.

My god, we also just inked that new deal with ESPN. Could we be in danger of losing that?

John: It's worrisome. We need to keep an eye on this matter and see how things play out. If it gets bad enough, we might need to look at selling our percentage in the company.

Deb: We need to fly to Minneapolis and have a sit down with Jim, Bill and Jerry. It's the only thing I can think of doing short-term.

John: I am with you on that. We should sit down and talk with them and see where they intend to take this thing. See how long they intend to keep the belt on DeBeers.

Deb: The promos leading up to the match made me very uneasy. But, I was hoping Wahoo would win so it could take some of the heat off.

John: Not gonna happen now. What's done is done.

I have to admit that I like Ed* personally. Super nice guy when the cameras are off. But what happened may be a bridge too far.

We've got to talk with our wrestling guys about this. A trip to Minneapolis is a good idea so we can have the meeting face-to-face.

Deb: My interactions with Ed have been fine. You can tell he's not that guy in real life. However, that doesn't matter. People know him by what he does on TV and in the arena.

I've also been told that Watts is a guy who is very stubborn and does what he wants to do. He apparently doesn't play well with others.

John: I met a guy a few months back who worked for Watts in Mid-South. He said that Watts is the type of guy that, if you put him in a corporate structure and he had a disagreement with the rest of the people in a meeting, he'd drop his pants, take a dump on the floor and leave to show them who's the boss.

Deb: You never told me that before. I'm gonna have a sleepless night now. I'm dreading hearing my phone ring starting tomorrow. It could be people in the media wanting to talk about this.

John: They might ask how we as majority owners stand by and allow this to happen.

They don't understand that Bill, Jim and Jerry keep a tight lid on the stuff that goes on on the wrestling side of things. They're very tight-lipped with what gets out about what's being done because they're afraid we'll violate their precious kayfabe and let some people know what's happening behind the scenes.

Deb: Let's try and book a meeting for this Thursday or Friday. This whole matter really has me on edge.

John: Let's talk more tomorrow. I'm very depressed about this situation right now.

Deb: Right there with you. Bye, John.

John: Bye, Deb.

Deb hung up the phone, grabbed a cigarette, lit it and took a long drag off of it and exhaled.

Deb: Shit.

Would the new era of the AWA be over less than a year after starting?


(* Ed Wiskoski - real name of Col. DeBeers.)

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DECEMBER 14, 1990
All the AWA owners: Deborah Harry, John Waters, Bill Watts, Jim Crockett and Jerry Jarret were assembled in the TV studio where promos were taped at the AWA offices.
They were seated around a circular table.
After some casual conversation they got down to business.
John: I think you know why Deb and I are here.
Watts: I'm guessing it's because I put the World Title on DeBeers.
John: That's right. We asked you guys not to do that and you went ahead and did it anyway.
Watts: I take full responsibility for that. The decision was mine and mine alone.
Deb: Can I ask why you made that decision?
Watts: I cannot go into detail. But, this will make sense in the next few months. An angle is playing out and it will come full circle soon.
Deb: Can you make it play out in a few weeks instead?
Watts: Look, I understand your concern...
John: I don't think you do.
Watts paused for a moment to keep himself from erupting.
Watts: Just hear me out. This is all part of a drawn out angle that will have a resolution soon; and by soon I mean a few months. Just let the angle run its course.
And, I want to be very clear. Jim and Jerry were opposed to my decision to put the belt on DeBeers.
Deb: But  you were determined to put the title on him. Why couldn't you just listen to your other wrestling partners on this?
Watts: I'm starting to repeat myself.
It's all part of an angle that's started. There will be a conclusion to this. It just needs time to breath.
John and Deb, you guys like money. We like money. Just let let us handle it. It will be okay.
John: Since the title change to DeBeers, I have gotten calls from People Magazine, Variety, Us. Got calls from a  couple of papers as well. Hell, even Sports Illustrated contacted me. All of them want to know why DeBeers won the title.
I have not returned any of their calls because, quite frankly, I don't know what to tell them.
Also, friends of mine have called and asked how I could let this happen. I have no idea what to say to them. I just tell them I'll look into it.
Deb: I've received calls, too. Not only from magazines and newspapers but also from some local news stations around the country and CNN.
Like John, I did not return any calls.
John: I got the CNN call as well. Did not return that call, either.
Watts: You're not seeing the upside of all this.
Deb: There's an upside? Do tell.
Watts: It shows that people are paying attention to the AWA again. We're on the road back to becoming one of the Big 3 in the business.
And that means money. Lots and lots of money.
John: Jim and Jerry, you've been quiet during all this. What say you?
Jerry: Well, I wasn't keen on  making the switch to DeBeers. But, I do have to say that the long-term plan laid out by Bill does make sense.
We'll see if it's a good business decision very soon.
DeBeers is a heat-seeking missle. 99 percent of the fans hate the guy. He's doing his job as a heel. I think we just need to go with it now.
Jim: Bill said that it shows we're gaining mainstream attention and that's a good thing. But it can also have a big downside in this case in my opinion.
I do trust Bill's judgement on this matter and he has the final say on these issues as the booker. He's laid his plan in full out to me like he did with Jerry.
Just run with it to its conclusion.
Deb: Can I ask what you intend to do? What is the plan?
Watts: Can't divulge that, Deb. There's too much of a risk you might accidentally say something to one of your friends and it destroys the angle. We need to remain tight-lipped about this. Sorry.
Waters let out a heavy sigh.
John: Well, Deb and I have been talking about selling our ownership stake in the company.
Jim: Please, don't do that. We need you guys on board with us. You're the main reason the AWA is on the rise right now.
Attendance is up most places. Merchandise is moving and imagine how much more money we'll make when we upgrade the merchandise.
All signs point up for us. We are on the verge of a big breakthrough. I can feel it.
A couple of more major name signings will shoot us into the stratosphere. We're on a good trajectory at the moment.
If you leave... it may all unravel.
Deb: It's hard to be associated with this with DeBeers as champion. We're getting heat for it. It might affect our careers. We just do not know.
John: I'm worried about possibly losing actors on my next film project. I'm worried about funding.
I like Ed* personally. Seems like a great, affable guy. But his persona is one that causes headaches for us because people get so upset with the things he says and does as DeBeers.
Watts: I've got an idea.
Deb: What, Bill?
Watts: We'll have you guys call a press conference to address concerns about DeBeers holding the belt.
In the presser, you tell them that you trust your wrestling people and they know what they're doing.
Also, don't call Ed by his real name. Call him Col. DeBeers for the sake of kayfabe.
John: So, have a press conference and just tell them we trust you three with the wrestling side of things?
Watts: That's it in a nutshell.
Tell the press that you don't agree with DeBeers as champion but that your wrestling braintrust has a plan moving forward and things will work out in the end.
John: Wait. Doesn't telling them you have a plan violate kayfabe.
Watts: It does to an extent. But in this case...
Jerry: Deb. John. Just have faith in us. We'll get through this. The bad guy always gets his comeuppance in the end.
Jerry smiled a comforting Southern smile.
Jim: Jerry made a good point. In the end the good guys win. This matter will take care of itself.
John: I'm gonna take a wait and see approach to this matter...
Watts: You guys do just that. You'll see. Everything will be fine.
Deb: But we still might consider selling our majority stake in the company.
John: I'm on board with Deb on that.
We can't afford to have our careers damaged because of a controversial wrestling gimmick.
Jim: Please re-think it you guys. We need you with us in this.
Deb: I like you guys. I've learned a lot about the business because of you three gents.
We'll see how this situation goes, how it's handled.
John: You guys are leading a comeback for what was once the number one wrestling promotion in North America. We want to see it continue and be part of it.
But, we've also got to think about our own long-term futures.
Jerry: Seems like everything that's needed to be said has been said.
Watts: Deb and John, we want to take you guys out to dinner. How does a nice thick, juicy steak sound?
Deb: Sounds good. But, we both have flights to catch home in a few hours.
Watts: Okay. Next time.
The five got up and shook hands Deb and John left the studio and headed out to their rental car.
In the studio...
Watts: If they opt out we're in big trouble.
Jim: You were warned not to put the belt on him.
Watts: Oh, shut up, Jim!
He has to remain champion until the end of the angle for the sake of consistency.
Jerry: We might want to start calling around. See if anyone would be interested in buying us out if they decide to bolt.
Watts: They might sell to McMahon.
But, I am not backing off this angle. You can't nip it in the bud. It has to play out completely. Sh*t!
Jim: I agree with Jerry. We might need a back-up plan ourselves if Deb and John decide to unload their stake.
Watts: I know one thing. If they're gonna sell, I'd like one crack at Deb. She's smoking hot for a woman in her mid-40s.
The tension broke and the three laughed.
Jim: You might have a better chance of scoring with John.
More laughter.
Jerry: Might have to hire Jim Barnett just to service Waters.
The laughter was now raucous.
Watts: If I was gay I'd like to think I could do better than John.
Jim: Aw, come on, Bill. You know what a pencil mustache does for you.
Laughter continued.
Watts: Didn't he make that f-ag film  Pink Flamingos?
Jerry: I think he did.
Jim: I think he should be forced to sell his stake in the AWA because of that movie.
Laughter continued.
Jerry: Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh...
Seriously, if they sell then I'm out. Who else but Vince would buy the thing off of us?
Jim: I had heard Verne was in talks with some businessman up in Winnipeg, believe his name was Shenkarow or something, about buying the promotion at one point but the deal fell apart for some reason.
Watts: Well, we might have look at a guy like Shenkarow as a potential buyer if John and Deb bail out.
Jerry: I say we still go out for a nice steak dinner and continue to make fun of John behind his back.
The trio laughed.
Watts: I'm with you. A rare steak with a baked potato, couple of beers and a nice caesar salad sounds like a winner.
Jim: Right with you. Let's go grab a steak.
The trio got up and left the studio and headed to dinner.
Like in a cartoon, an anvil now hung over the head of the AWA.
If they sell the AWA to Barry Shenkarow, then the promotion will become a real-life cartoon.
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I finally caught back up.  Very good show and I’ve liked the recent turns you threw in.  The Patera turn was great because things were pointing to Brad turning.

One thing you might want to do is up the combined weight of Haynes and Norton by about 80 pounds.  

Funny thing with Deborah Harry, she is still performing and I’ll be seeing Blondie in concert towards the end of August.  I think she just turned 79!

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On 7/4/2024 at 4:36 PM, sonny912 said:

Hey captain, alot of diaries are being dropped because the new tew game was just announced, you planning on doing the same?

Hoping to stay afloat. Will still be posting in TEW 2020 for a bit after the new game release.

13 hours ago, Theheel said:

I finally caught back up.  Very good show and I’ve liked the recent turns you threw in.  The Patera turn was great because things were pointing to Brad turning.

One thing you might want to do is up the combined weight of Haynes and Norton by about 80 pounds.  

Funny thing with Deborah Harry, she is still performing and I’ll be seeing Blondie in concert towards the end of August.  I think she just turned 79!

Just based the weight on their billed weights based on internet profiles of them.

Can't believe she is still going. But if the Stones can then she can too!

Glad I swerved you with Brad! Means I am doing my job! 😃

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Posted (edited)

Well Billy Jack was listed at 246 but by 90 and his black blood gimmick in WCW he was closer to 260.  Norton was well over 300 and probably billed closer to 350.  Figure they probably easily 600.

Yes I mean Patera made sense but Brad was the one acting more heelish so I fell into the trap.

A friend of mine really wanted to go but I’m looking forward to Blonde 2024

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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also now highlighted in bold.)

(3rd Taping)

Show Intro

This show was taped before Christmas Chaos.

In-studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers.

Nelson then ran down the program.

TV MAIN EVENT: Tully Blanchard vs. Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch)

Jerry Blackwell vs. Manny Fernandez

A major announcement concerning the AWA starting in '91

Bob Orton vs. Jake Milliman

A major announcement about next week's show

Tina Moretti vs. Peggy Lee Leather

And more!

Nelson then talked about what a great show Christmas Chaos was and they'd have match highlights and post-match interviews with some of the participants in the event in the coming weeks.

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas.

The Grappler (w/ Rip Oliver) vs. Ricky Rice of the Top Guns (w/ Derrick Dukes)

Grappler came to the ring down the heel aisle with Rip Oliver to pretty strong boos.

Rice and Dukes came down the face aisle to a modest ovation.

Grappler dominated much of the first half of the match before Rice fought his way back into the affair. Some exciting back-and-forth.

End of the match saw Rice on the offensive. Rice worked Grappler over and went to whip Grappler into the ropes but Grappler reversed and looked to catch Rice coming off with a clothesline but Rice ducked the move and came back and hit Grappler with a flying bodypress but Grappler caught Rice and turned it into a spinning powerslam. Grappler backed up and tapped the toe of his boot into the mat three times. Rice up and Grappler moved in and nailed Rice with a kick to the gut. Rice crumpled to the mat. Grappler covered Rice. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. Grappler up and ref raised his hand in victory. Dukes climbed in the ring to check on his partner and Oliver climbed in and beat the crap out of Dukes and threw Dukes over the top rope out of the ring.

Grappler got one last stomp in on Rice and then Rip and Grap left the ring and dropped to the floor.

Nelson came over the Northwest pair.

Grappler: The Old Man in Portland is liking what he sees from us here in the AWA. He told us to keep up the good work. You people who still don't know why we're here well... you'll know what's going on when we decide to let you know!

Crowd booed.

Oliver: This was another victory for the Pacific Northwest over the AWA. The fact is we're Northwest tough. And you AWA clowns just aren't manly like we are. The Top Guns just got grounded.

More boos.

WINNER: Grappler - Pinfall - 4:23

Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... TINA VS. LEATHER!!!


Tina Moretti vs. Peggy Lee Leather

Leather came down the heel aisle to modest boos.

Moretti came down the face aisle to a good ovation.

The veteran Leather gave Moretti a fight throughout the match and took a couple of shortcuts to gain the advantage. Leather almost pulled off the upset.

End of the match saw Moretti on the offensive. She worked over Leather and went to whip Leather into the buckles but Leather reversed and sent Tina crashing into them. Leather moved in and hit Moretti with a running clothesline. Leather pounded away on Moretti. Leather pulled Moretti out of the corner and whipped Tina into the ropes and went to backdrop Tina but Tina leapfrogged Leather. Leather spun aroound and Moretti hit Leather with a series of forearms to the chest. Moretti whipped Leather into the ropes and caught Leather coming off with a clothesline. Leather crashed to the mat and Moretti snapped her up and nailed Leather with her Samoan piledriver finisher. Moretti for the cover. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell.

Moretti up and the ref raised her hand in victory. Moretie left the ring and slapped hands with fans at ringside and as she made her way back up the face aisle.

WINNER: Moretti - Pinfall - 5:36

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... COWBOY VS. 2%!


Bob Orton vs. Jake Milliman

Milliman came down the face aisle to a decent crowd response but the momentum he had early in the year was clearly waning.

Jake climbed in the ring, tore off his '2% Forever' t-shirt and threw it into the crowd.

Orton came down the heel aisle to fairly strong boos.

Orton dominated the match.

End of the match saw Orton still on the offensive. Jake got very little O in. Orton battered Milliman with punches and whipped Jake into the corner. Orton charged in and Jake got a foot up and Orton slammed face-first into it. Orton staggered back. Jake came out of the corner on fire with a barrage of punches. Jake whipped the stunned Orton into the ropes and caught Orton coming off with a powerslam. Crowd popped as Jake signaled it was time for the Pasteurizer (flying leg drop). Jake ran and hit the ropes and came off with his finisher that connected. Jake for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Orton kicked out. Crowd groaned. Jake disappointed. Jake snapped Bob up and went to whip Bob into the buckles but Orton reversed and sent Jake crashing into them. Jake bounced out and Orton caught Jake wwith a boot to the gut that doubled Jake over. Orton hoisted Jake up and blasted Jake with a piledriver. Orton for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd half-assed booed. Orton up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Orton - Pinfall - 4:49

In-studio: Nelson talked about Orton kicking out of the Pasteurizer and coming back to score the win over Milliman.

Nelson talked about Christmas Chaos and what an exciting show it was and that they will be airing match highlights and interviews with some of the wrestlers who participated in the event.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... 2 BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!

Pic flipped and showed a split-screen shot of Blackwell and Manny with the caption: ALSO... JERRY VS. MANNY!!!


In-studio: Said in January of '91, AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN would be no more. The AWA wasn't going anywhere, but would have a new name in the new year. The ESPN show would now be called AWA SLAM! Wrestling.

Also said that next week's show would feature the annual AWA Year End Awards.

Nelson then sent it to the ring Vegas.

Manny Fernandez vs. Jerry Blackwell

Blackwell came down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

Manny came down the heel aisle to mainly boos but also had his fans.

Good match between two wily vets with lots of back-and-forth action and neither gaining any serious advantage during the bout.

End of the match saw Blackwell on the offensive. Blackwell hit Manny with a standing dropkick. Manny crashed to the mat. Manny up and Blackwell popped Manny with a headbutt followed by a bodyslam. Blackwell and ran hit the ropes and came off with his diving splash finisher but Manny got his knees up and Blackwell slammed into them. Blackwell down on the mat. Manny recovered enough to roll Blackwell up for the pin. 1... Manny grabbed the top rope for leverage. ...2....3! Manny quickly took his hand off the top rope as the ref called for the bell. Manny quickly dropped to the floor and the ref reached through the ropes and raised Manny's hand in victory as Blackwell slowly made it to his feet. Manny didn't stick around to see what Blackwell would do and beat a hasty retreat up the heel aisle.

WINNER: Manny - Pinfall - 7:07

In-studio: Nelson again put over Christmas Chaos and said that in the coming weeks they would be airing highlights and interviews from the show.

Once again hyped next week's AWA year end awards show.

PIc aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!

Tully Blanchard (w/ Valerie) vs. Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch)

Houston and Murdoch came down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

Tully and Val came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Announcers pointed out these two fought each other back in their NWA days.

Exciting match as Sam put up a helluva fight against Tully. Each man held the advantage for a period of time and there were some exciting near falls and some brief Tully cheating.

End of the match saw the two men battling back-and-forth. Tully whipped Sam into the ropes and looked to catch Sam coming off with a backdrop but Sam instead caught Tully with a sunset flip for the pin. 1...2...thr... Tully kicked out. Both men to their feet and Tully swung at Sam and Sam evaded the punch try and came back and fired away on Tully with punches. Sam went to whip Tully into the corner but Tully reversed and sent Sam crashing into the buckles. Tully moved in with a series of knee strikes to the gut followed by a series of elbows to the back of the neck. Tully grabbed Sam and ran Sam down by the ropes and slammed Sam's head into the top buckle. He then ran Sam down and slammed his head on the next top turnbuckle. Tully then repeated the move at the next turnbuckle. Sam leaned against the ropes. Tully peeled Sam off and went to piledrive Sam but Sam twice blocked the move and backdropped Tully to the mat. Tully up and went to grab Sam but caught Tully with a trio of gut punches. Sam to his feet and the assault continued. Sam whipped Tully into the ropes and blasted Tully coming off with a dropkick. Tully spun around and crashed to the mat. Sam grabbed Tully and whipped Tully into the corner. Sam moved in, punched Tully and grabbed Tully in a side headlock and gestured it was time for his bulldog finisher. Crowd cheered. Sam went to bulldog Tully but Tully shoved Sam off and Sam crashed to the mat. Both men to their feet and Tully clubbed Sam over the head with a double sledge. Sam wobbly. Tully whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a kick to the gut. Tully hoisted Sam up and blasted Sam with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans mainly booed. Tully to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Suddenly, Ken Patera, in his ring attire, charged down the heel aisle and attacked Dick Murdoch on the floor. Patera hammered away on Murdoch as Tully stomped away on Sam in the ring. Ref tried to restore order by calling for the bell again but has yet to realize it never works. Patera threw Murdoch in the ring Tully took to stomping away on Dick. Tully snapped up Murdoch and held Murdoch from behind as Ken hammered away on Dick with head and body shots. Dick was limp. Patera tossed Dick to the mat. Tully stomped Sam some more. Tully pointed at the buckles. Patera went and jumped on the middle buckle as Tully grabbed Dick and hoisted him up in the piledriver position. Patera and Tully blasted Dick with a spike piledriver. Dick laid out. Sam recovered and tried to help but Patera dropped him with a vicious clothesline. Crowd popped as Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans, in their ring duds, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring as Tully and Ken bailed to the safety of the floor over by Valerie. Brad kept his eye on Tully and Ken as Barry checked on Dick and Sam as AWA officials made their way down to the ring to keep the peace and check on the two downed men in the squared circled as the program ended.

WINNER: Tully - Pinfall - 8:25

Edited by Captain Kremmen
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Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(3rd Taping)

Show was taped before Christmas Chaos.

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


Jonnie Stewart vs. Jeff Jarrett (USWA)

Cactus Jack vs. Tom Zenk

2 major announcements about the AWA

'Big' Reggie Bennett vs. Miss Texas (USWA)

Rip Oliver vs. 'Nightmare' Danny Davis (USWA)

And more!

Nelson talked about what a great event Christmas Chaos was and they'd have highlights and interviews in the coming weeks.

Nelson sent it to the ring in Duluth.

Nikita Koloff vs. Billy Joe Travis (USWA)

Travis came to the ring down the heel aisle to modest boos.

Koloff came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Travis jumped Nikita from behind and pounded away on the Russian star.

Ref called for the bell.

Travis held serve early in the short match before Nikita fought his way back into the match.

End of the match saw Travis on the offensive. Travis worked over Nikita and then hit Nikita with a sidebreaker across the knee. Travis mounted the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off with a slingshot splash but Nikita got his knees up and Travis crashed into them. Travis down. Nikita up, backed up and assumed the position. Travis up and Nikita charged in and blasted Travis with his Russian sickle finisher as the crowd popped. Nikita for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd cheered.

Nikita up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Nikita - Pinfall - 3:17

Pic aired of 'Big' Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... MISS REGGIE!!!


USWA VS. AWA: 'Big' Reggie Bennett vs. Miss Texas

Miss Texas (Jacqueline in WWF) came down the heel aisle to modest boos.

Bennett came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Miss Texas got in some strong offense on big Reg but Reg took the blows and dished out some punishment to Miss Texas.

End of the match saw Bennett take control and whip Miss Texas into the ropes and catch and steamroll Miss Texas. Miss Texas crashed to the mat. Reg turned her over and locked Miss Texas in her split-leg rear chinlock finisher. Texas was in the hold only briefly before submitting. Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered.

Bennett up and the ref raised her hand in victory,

WINNER: Bennett - Pinfall - 3:25

Split-screen pic aired of Cactus Jack and Tom Zenk with the caption: NEXT... MUSCLE VS. MAYHEM!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic matches for non-house show cities

Cactus Jack vs, Tom Zenk

Zenk came down the face aisle to a decent response.

Jack came to the ring down the heel aisle to mainly boos but also had his fans.

Typical wild Jack match but Zenk largely gave as well as he got and almost pulled off the victory.

Jack did his trademark spots of the running elbow off the apron to the floor on a prone opponent; the running clothesline that sent both men over the top rope to the floor; the discuss clothesline, biting, etc.

End of the match saw Zenk gain the upper hand. Zenk whipped Jack into the ropes and caught Jack coming off with a powerslam. Zenk went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle for his missle dropkick finisher. Jack up and Zenk came off with the move but Jack moved and Zenk crashed to the mat. Jack snatched up Zenk and bodyslammed him. Jack went to the corner and mounted the middle buckle and came off with a leg drop. Zenk got to his feet and stumbled forward and Jack hit the ropes behind Zenk and came off and nailed Zenk with a running bulldog. (Different from the tradtional bulldog. Wrestler grabs the back of the hair and drives the opponent's face into the mat). Jack covered Zenk. 1...2... Jack pulled Zenk up by the hair. Ref reprimanded Jack. Jack snapped up Zenk and nailed Zenk with his double underhook DDT finisher. Jack for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as some fans booedl.

Jack up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Jack - Pinfall - 5:08

In-studio: Nelson again talked about Christmas Chaos and said highlights and interviews from the event would be airing in the coming weeks.

Split-screen pic aired of Rip Oliver and Danny Davis with the caption: NEXT... CRIPPLER VS. NIGHTMARE!!!


USWA VA. AWA: Rip Oliver vs. Danny Davis*

Davis came down the face aisle to a modest crowd reaction.

Oliver came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Oliver took the house mic.

Rip: I was told this is a USWA vs. AWA match-up. Hardly. I represent the Pacific Northwest. Let's make that clear.

Crowd booed.

Rip: Danny Davis. Son. Prepare to get your Memphis ass whooped by a son of the great Northwest.

More boos.

Davis walked over and ripped he mic out of Oliver's hand to cheers.

Davis: Rip Oliver! A lot of these fans don't know who I am here! But, after tonight they're gonna know who I am! And you're definitely gonna know who I am by the time this match is finished!

Ring the bell!

Crowd popped for Davis.

Ref called for the bell.

Davis moved in and blistered Rip with punches and then whipped Rip into the corner. Davis charged in and hit Rip with a splash. Davis whipped Rip into the opposite buckles and nailed Rip with another splash. Rip staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed to his back on the mat. Davis for the quick cover. 1..2... Rip kicked out. Davis snapped Rip up, whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a high dropkick. Rip crashed back to the mat. Rip to all fours and crawled over and tried to crawl out of the ring but Davis grabbed Rip by the back of the tights, pulled Rip to his feet and nailed Rip with an atomic drop. Rip bounced off Davis' knee and toppled through the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor. Crowd taking to Davis. Ref went over and ordered Davis back. Ref counting. Rip started getting to his feet on the floor and Davis mounted the top buckle and came off with a double sledge to the top of the head. Rip on stagger street. Davis went to whip Rip into the post but Rip reversed and sent Davis crashing shoulder-first into the post. Davis stumbled forward and went down. Davis to his hands and knees on the floor and Rip came up behind Davis, pulled Davis to his knees and popped Davis in the side of the head with punches. Rip quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Davis up and Rip caught Davis with a kick to the gut and threw Davis into the steel ringside barricade. Davis crumpled to the floor. Ref counting. Rip went over, grabbed the top of the barricade and choked Davis out briefly with his boot. Rip quickly repeated the move. Rip once again quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Davis getting up facing the crowd. Rip grabbed Davis and slammed Davis' chest three times on top of the barricade. Ref counting. Rip grabbed Davis and walked Davis over and slammed Davis' head into the top of one of the TV monitors on the announcer's table. Davis crumpled back to the floor. Rip climbed back in the ring and broke the count and started to strut around briefly as the crowd booed. Rip climbed out on the apron. Davis up facing away from Rip and Davis bleeding. Davis turned and Rip jumped off the apron with a double sledge to the head attempt but Davis moved and shoved Rip and Rip slammed front-first into the ringside barricade. Crowd into it and loving the fight in Davis. Davis shook out the effects of Rip's assault. Rip separated himself from the barricade and turned and walked into a punch barrage from Davis. Davis grabbed Rip and threw Rip against the ringside barricade. Ref counting. Davis backed up and charged in on Rip and nailed Rip with another splash against the barricade. Crowd now going wild. Davis then grabbed Rip and slammed Rip's head into the ring post. Rip stumbled forward and crashed to the floor. Davis quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Davis looked out at the crown and yelled: Yeah! to more cheering.

Davis snapped Rip up. Rip now bleeding. Davis threw Rip back into the ring. Davis climbed on the apron and and mounted the top buckle. Rip up and turned and Davis came off with a flying bodypress that connected. Davis for the pin. 1...2...thr... Rip kicked out. Crowd groaned. Davis grabbed Rip and slammed Rip's head repeatedly into the top buckle. Davis pounded Rip in the back and turned Rip around in the corner. Davis whipped Rip into the opposite buckles. Davis charged in and went to hit Rip with another splash but this time Rip moved and Davis slammed into the top buckle and fell over the top and crashed to the floor, Rip fell on his ass in the ring. Ref counting.

Crockett: Davis went to the well once too often with the splash.

Oliver to his feet in the ring. Davis made it to his feet on the floor and Oliver broke the count and stepped out on the apron and stomped Davis in the head three times. Davis crumpled to his hands and knees. Rip dropped to the floor and laid a football kick into the side of Davis' ribs. Rip snapped Davis up and slammed Davis' head three times into the ring apron. Davis down to a knee. Ref counting. Rip hit Davis with a couple of head shots and threw Davis back into the ring. Rip followed Davis in as Davis was getting up. Davis to his knees and Rip caught Davis with a couple of more head shots and then started biting Davis' bloody forehead. Rip broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Rip snapped Davis up and nailed Davis with a bodyslam. Rip mounted the middle buckle and came off with a knee drop to the chest but Davis rolled out of the way and Rip crashed knee-first into the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men down. Ref started the count. Both men to their knees and started exchanging blows. The men rose to their feet still socking one another and Rip gained the upper hand and went to whip Davis into the corner but Davis reversed and sent Rip crashing into the corner. Davis charged in and popped Rip with a dropkick in the corner. Rip staggered out of the corner. Davis charged up behind Rip and dropped Rip with a running clothesline to the back of the neck. Rip crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Davis snapped Rip up and went to whip Rip into the buckles but Rip reversed and sent Davis into the buckles and Davis jumped up on the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off and stunned Rip with a twisting crossbody for the pin. 1...2...thr... Rip kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Davis caught Rip in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Rip kicked out again. More crowd groaning than in a brothel. Both men up and Rip stunned Davis with a knee that looked a little below the belt. Ref had words for Rip. Rip whipped Davis into the ropes and caught Davis coming off with his spinebuster finisher for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans booed.

Rip up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Davis in the ring laying on his side holding his nuts.

Rip left the ring and Eric Bischoff approached him.

Eric: Rip Oliver. It looked like you hit Danny Davis with a low-blow before you hit the spinebuster to pin him...

Rip: This is a sport for men! If you can't take it then you should quit! Look at Danny Davis in there! He'll be singing sopranoo with his fellow Southern rubes in the church choir now!

I won! Case closed!

Rip started to walk away and turned quickly back to Bischoff.

Rip: This was another victory for the Pacific Northwest!

More boos from the crowd as Rip walked off.

Shot of Davis sitting up in the ring.

WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - 10:14

(* Not the Danny Davis of WWF fame.)

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... 2 BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!

Word then changed on the screen: ALSO... THE MAIN EVENT!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic matches for non-house show cities

In-studio: Said in January of '91, AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN would be no more. The AWA wasn't going anywhere, but the ESPN show in the new year would now be called AWA SLAM! Wrestling.

Also said that next week's show on ESPN would feature the annual AWA Year End Awards.

Then sent it back to Stevens Point.

TV MAIN EVENT - USWA VS. AWA: Jonnie Stewart vs. Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett came down the face aisle to a decent ovation has fans remembered his other spirited performance on AWA programming.

Stewart made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came out of their corners and circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-tie-up. After a brief struggle, Stewart caught Jarrett in a side headlock. Stewart briefly worked over the hold before Jarret shoved Stewart off into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a shoulder tackle. Stewart crashed to the mat. Stewart up and the men circled each other once again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Jarrett drove Stewart next to the ropes to force a break. Break was clean. The two men circled one another again and Stewart caught Jarrett in a side headlock with his left arm and popped Jarrrett in the head with punches with his right fist. Stewart whipped Jarrett into the buckles. Stewart charged in and went for a running back elbow mash but Jarrett moved and Stewart slammed into the buckles. Stewart staggered out of the corner and Jarrett nailed Stewart with three straight snap suplexes, going for a pin after the third suplex. 1...2... Stewart kicked out. Jarrett snapped Stewart up and went to whip Stewart into the ropes but Stewart reversed and went to catch Jarrett coming off with a clothesline but Jarrett ducked the move and came back with a flying crossbody for the pin. Stewart kicked out of Jarrett's pin try before a count could start. Jarrett snapped Stewart up and whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a high backdrop. Stewart crashed to the mat. Jarrett caught Stewart in a front facelock as Stewart was getting up. Stewart up locked in the hold. Stewart drove Jarrett hard, back-first into the corner and freed himself from the hold. Stewart with a series of elbow strikes to the side of Jarrett's head. Jarrett limp in the corner. Stewart pulled Jarrett out of the corner and bodyslammed Jeff. Stewart with a knee drop to the head. Stewart for the cover. 1...2... Jarrett kicked out. Stewart up and Jarrett slowly made it to his feet. Stewart with a kick to the gut. Jarrett fell back against the ropes. Stewart grabbed Jarrett, whipped Jarrett into the ropes and caught Jarrett coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Jarrett crashed to the mat. Stewart looked out at the crowd and the crowd booed him. Stewart reached down and started pulling Jarrett to his feet when Jarrett hit Stewart with a series of gut shots. Jarrett whipped Stewart into the ropes and looked to catch Stewart coming off with a dropkick but Stewart grabbed the top rope and held on and Jarrett crashed to the mat. Jarrett down. Stewart pointed to his head showing people how smart he was. Fans not impressed. Jarrett started getting up and Stewart kneed Jarrett in the side of the head and Jarrett toppled over. Stewart snapped Jarret up and suplexed Jarrett. Stewart went for a jumping elbow smash but Jarrett rolled out of the way and Stewart crashed to the mat. Fans cheered. Both men to their feet and Jarret went to kick Stewart but Stewart grabbed Jarrett's leg and Jarrett countered with an enzuigiri. Stewart crashed face-first to the mat as the fans cheered. Jarrett snapped Stewart up, whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a dropkick. Stewart crashed back to the mat. Jarrett grabbed Stewart and whipped Stewart into the corner. Jarrett moved in and worked Stewart over with a series of knees to the gut. Stewart stumbled out of the corner holding his gut and Jarrett nailed Stewart with a dropkick to the back. Stewart slammed front-first into the buckles and stumbled baackwards out of the corner and crashed to his back on the mat.

Jarrett circled around behind Stewart as Stewart got to his feet. Stewart up and Jarrett locked Stewart in the sleeper. Crowd still cheered for that spot back in '90. Stewart trying to escape the hold. Stewart started to weaken in the hold.

Reynolds: Could we see the upset here by young Jarrett over the cocky veteran Stewart?

Stewart was able to, while locked in the hold back Jarrett hard into the buckles. Jarrett lost his grip on the hold. Stewart quickly regained his bearings and hit Jarrett with a series of lefts and whipped Jarrett into the opposite buckles and charged in and nailed Jarrett with a running back elbow smash to the chest. Stewart pulled Jarrett out of the corner, whipped Jarrett into the ropes and caught Jarrett coming off with a flying knee to the gut. Jarrett crashed to the mat. Stewart rolled Jarrett up for the pin while grabbing a handful of tights. 1...2...3! NO! Jarrett kicked out. Fans popped. Stewart up as Jarrett was getting up and nailed Jarrett with a knee left to the chest. Jarret crashed back to the mat. Stewart put the boots to Jarret and yelled for Jarrett to get up. Jarrett to his feet. Stewart whipped Jarrett into the ropes and looked to catch Jarret coming off with a back elbow but Jarrett ducked the move and came back and slammed wildly into Stewart and both men went down. Ref counting. Both men to their feet and Jarrett nailed Stewart with a gut kick and a swinging neckbreaker. Jarrett for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Stewart got his foot on the bottom rope. Crowd groaned. Jarrett, still feeling the effects of the collision, was slow in making it to his feet. Jarrett grabbed Stewart as Stewart was getting up. Jarrett went to whip Stewart into the ropes but Stewart reversed and caught Jarrett and nailed Jarrett with a hot shot across the top rope. Jarrett snapped back and crashed to the mat. Stewart up and stomped Jarrett and the bodyslammed Jarrett. Stewart made it out onto the apron and briefly grabbed his neck from the effects of the neckbreaker. Stewart climbed to the top rope and came off with his big elbow smash to the chest finisher. Stewart for the pin and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Stewart slowly, painfully to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Crockett: Jarrett may have lost, Jack. But, you can see this kid has major potential to be a star in this sport.

WINNER: Stewart - Pinfall - 9:12


(* In the story, since Jerry Jarrett is one of the owners of AWA, this sets up a match between Oliver and Davis in Memphis in which Davis goes over. The match that aired on this program would play on Memphis TV and Oliver would make a studio appearance or two to set up their re-match in Memphis at the Mid-South Coliseum. The Memphis match would not be acknowledged on AWA TV. Part of the deal, if long-time readers remember that far back, for getting Jarrett to buy into the AWA for a small percentage, was to allow some of his USWA Memphis talent to appear on AWA programming and have some AWA regulars appear on his programming.)
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also now highlighted in bold.)

(4th Taping)

Show Intro

This show was taped before Christmas Chaos.

In-studio: Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and said this was the year end awards episode. Said we'd be announcing all the winners and all the award recipients would be speaking.


The match of the year award winner would air later in the program.

Also, two major announcements coming up later in the show.

Nelson: Pro wrestling journalists voted for these awards and each category was hotly contested.

Nelson said it was time for the first award.


Our most popular wrestler of the year is a very deserving winner. For the first time in his long and storied career, he finally won the World Championship.

He is... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!


Wahoo was in street clothes and his headdress and holding his plaque in one hand and the mic in the other standing n front of the AWA logo. He did not have the belt.

Wahoo: Let me just say that being the most popular wrestler of the year is quite an honor.

There are several wrestlers who could have won this great award and I consider myself fortunate to be the man who won it.

As we head into the new year, 1991 promises to be one of great opportunity for me like 1990 was. I won't let you great AWA fans down who have supported me through thick and thin.

Thank you for this award. I consider it one of my finest achievements.


Wahoo certainly derserved that award.

He fought the good fight throughout the year and the fans really appreciated him for it.

Coming up: the Most Hated Wrestler of the Year and the Female Wrestler of the Year.

Stay tuned.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: STICK AROUND! MORE AWARDS TO COME!



Welcome back to the AWA year end awards.

Now, it's time for our most controversial award... the most hated wrestler of 1990 in the AWA.

I don't know if it's really a surprise.

For the second straight year, the winner of this infamous award is... Col. DeBeers!


DeBeers was standing and facing the AWA logo on the wall. He had a mic in one hand and the plaque in the other but not the title. He was in his camo gear and beret.

DeBeers started his speech facing away from the camera.

DeBeers: Well, well, well. Look who wins the most hated wrestler award for the second year in a row.

DeBeers spun around.

Debeers: Some people would be ashamed to win an award like this. Not me. I consider it a badge of honor.

You fans hate me because I am a man who stands on principles. How can you like a man with the moral courage of someone like myself when you people have none?

You sit there on your rear ends wallowing in your decadence and filth while I'm out fighting the good fight. You believe in whatever is popular at the moment. You'd eat your own kids if it was the 'in' thing to do. You have no moral core. None.

So, hate me all you want. Yell and scream at the arena or when you see me on TV. My mere presence convicts you. I am everything you're not.

I don't swim in the cesspool of Americana. I rise so far above that and you can't stand it. You're drowning in American perversion, greed, decadence, the insane belief in equaltiy and I, for one, will not throw you a lifeline. You deserve to sink to the bottom of the slime pit you're in.

I will continue to stand for the truth, reality and my people without apology and without regret for one reason. I am right and it tears you up inside that you don't have the guts to take a brave stance on anything.

I will place this award next to the one I won last year on the mantle above my fireplace.

Here's looking forward to winning most hated for the third straight year in 1991.


Col. DeBeers is truly Mr. Controversy and he may indeed win that award again in 1991.

As a matter of fact, I think you can bet on it unless he has a major change of heart.

Next up is the award for female wrestler of the year.

This lady has remained the World Champion for over a year.

Love her or hate her, you have to give her credit... it's Magnificent Mimi!


Shot of Mimi standing in front of the AWA logo. She was dressed in a gown like she was up for an Academy Award. She had the plaque in one hand and a mic in the other. The belt was standing on a small table next to her.

Mimi: First of all, I want to thank my manager Valerie for helping me become the wrestler I am; and that's the best female wrestler in the world today.

Valerie, without you, I don't know where I'd be in this sport. You are truly a difference maker.

This plaque will be put in a place of honor in my lavish Los Angeles home so all my friends can see it and envy it.

I also want to say I deserve this award. Look at what I've accomplished in the last year. Look at where I am. No other woman wrestler even stands close to me in greatness.

1991 only promises bigger and better things for the Magnificent Mimi. I've risen to the top of the mountain.

And I will do anything in my power to remain there.


Magnificent Mimi is the female wrestler of the year in the AWA.

But, can she hold onto the title in 1991 with the likes of Reggie Bennett, Tina Moretti and a returning Wendi Richter chasing her?

We shall see.

When we come back, the awards for tag team of the year and manager of the year.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... AWARDS KEEP COMING!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update


The AWA year end awards show continues now with the award for tag team of the year.

Like with Col. DeBeers winning the most hated wrestler of the year, we have a repeat winner. Only I don't think they're very happy campers this time around.

The Destruction Crew saw their impressive 18-month run as the World Tag Team Champions end when they lost the belts to Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton at Super Clash 5.

So, once again the winner is the Destruction Crew.


Wayne Bloom and Mike Enos were in street clothes, holding mics in one hand and plaques in the other standing in front of the AWA logo.

Bloom: For 18 long, glorious months the Destruction Crew ruled tag team wrestling in the AWA!

We may have lost the titles to Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton at Super Clash 5, but even the best teams stub their toe once in a great while!

1991 will be the year we regain the tag team titles! Haynes and Norton are not gonna have a run like we did! Not gonna happen! We're gonna be breathing down their necks until we regain the tag team gold!

And we'll be standing here again at this time next year with those titles around our waists and two new plaques as team of the year! You can bank on it!

Enos: The thing about greatness is it never dies! 18 months! 18 freakin' months we were the best tag team in this sport!

And you know what? We're still the best tag team in this sport!

The Yankees don't win the World Series every year! The 49ers don't win the Super Bowl every year! But those are the best teams in their respective sports!

It's not a matter of if... it's a matter of when we get those titles back! And we will regain them!

These awards we're holding saying that we're the tag team of the year in the AWA says all you need to know!

We would not have won these awards if we weren't the best in the business today!

And 1991 will be a three-peat for us as tag team of the year! And those titles are comin' home!


A very determined Destruction Crew. I would not bet against them being the tag team champions again.

But they have a tough task ahead in prying those belts from the current champs, Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton.

Now, it's time for the manager of the year award.

The winner has made waves since they arrived in the AWA in late 1989 and they are building what could be a dynasty here in the AWA.

The manager of the year is... Valerie!


Shot of Valerie standing in front of the AWA logo with a mic in one hand and the plaque in the other,

Val: I worked my butt off to win this award and to say I'm deserving of it is the understatement of the year.

I've come a long way in very short time here.

I've added two of the best wrestlers anywhere to my stable in Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera. Mimi already holds the Women's World Championship. And Tully and Ken are gonna add more gold to my stable in 1991. We are the unstoppable force in pro wrestling today.

There's no telling how high we can climb. The sky is the limit for us.

This sport is about two things: money and championships.

We're gonna have a lot more of both in the year to come.

There have been many great managers in wrestling. Just look at the names. Bobby Heenan. Jim Cornette, Jimmy Hart. Gary Hart. Percy Pringle. JJ Dillon.

Now, you can add the name Valerie to that list.

The AWA has a force of nature on its hands in us. And you can't stop a force of nature.

Just watch and see.


Valerie, formerly Sunshine in World Class Wrestling, has indeed shown herself to be a major player as a manager in just one year since she arrived in the AWA.

And adding Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera to her stable makes one believe it when she says more championships are coming her way.

Up next, the awards for feud of the year and wrestler of the year.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... AWARDS CONTINUE!!!



Nelson first had two major announcements concerning the AWA:

* Name change: AWA on ESPN would become AWA SLAM! Wrestling on the first show of '91

* Highlights and interviews from Christmas Chaos

Nelson: It's now time to announce the winner of the feud of the year.

There was lots of great action in the AWA this year with memorable feuds.

But this feud took the top prize for 1991.

And the winner is... The Trooper vs. The Masked Mystery Man!

The masked man was revealed to be Bobby Jaggers after he lost a hair vs. mask match at Super Clash 5.


Jaggers was standing in street clothes with a mic in one hand and a plaque in the other in front of the AWA logo.

Jaggers: Have to admit this is a really nice plaque. Wonder how much I can get for it at the pawn shop?

Trooper, you did force me to unmask at Super Clash 5 when you beat me in our match.

But, 1990 was the year I enjoyed making your life miserable. I cost you some big matches during that time and got into your head.

You mistreated me when you were an active cop and I decided to mess with you. For the most part, the psychological games worked. It affected your ability to wrestle because you never knew when I was coming to cause mayhem and screw with your match.

I may have lost the mask. But, I put you through hell for most of 1990.

And guess what, badge boy? I ain't done with you yet!

Pic flipped and The Trooper, in his police attire, including his police hat and sunglasses, was standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in one hand and a plaque in the other.

Trooper: First off, let me say that it's an honor to win the award for feud of the year.

Bobby Jaggers, you caused me a lot of problems when you attacked me and played mind games with me when you were wearing that mask.

You say I mistreated one night when I was active in policing.

Well, I know I did nothing of the sort. I was not a rogue cop. I did things by the book.

I would never have taken the law into my own hands to mistreat you or anyone else. I respect the badge too much. You're talking out of your backside.

But, I was finally able to reveal your true identity in our hair vs. mask match at Super Clash 5!

Now, everyone knows who you are and you're a troublemaker!

And I'll fight you again anytime and anywhere!

But. this award means a lot to me and I am happy justice was finally served at Super Clash 5!


Nelson: Strong words from both The Trooper and Bobby Jaggers. You have to wonder what twists and turns their matter might take as we head into 1991.

Jaggers seems to refuse to let the matter go.

Now, it's time announce the award for wrestler of the year.

The voting was close in every category. But, this award vote was the closest of them all.

By a razor thin margin, the man who edged out Greg Valentine to win the wrestler of the year award is... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!


Shot of Wahoo once again standing in front of the AWA logo with a mic in one hand and plaque in the other.

Wahoo: Wow! Wrestler of the year. I am humbled beyond belief at this award.

There were a few wrestlers who could be standing here in front of you holding this plaque.

It's an honor to be regarded so highly.

This is a sport with a lot of great talent in it.

And to be included in the conversation with the best of the best, especially at this stage of my career, is quite gratifying.

A wrestler needs to carry himself with honor and integrity through the highs and lows of this sport.

I am thankful that people think enough of me as being a wrestler who embodies the good qualities of professional wrestling.

I look forward to continuing the fight for good as we head into 1991.

Thank you.


In a sport with a lot of bravado and tough talk, it's nice to hear the humbleness and humiliy from Wahoo. He's had a great career and is still going strong to this day.

Congratulations, 'Chief'.

When we come back, the match of the year is revealed and we will show it to you when we return.

You won't want to miss it. Stay tuned.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MATCH OF THE YEAR!!!



We have come to our last award for the 1990 AWA year end awards.

There were a lot of of very good matches in the AWA this year.

But one of them truly stood out.

The 1990 AWA match of the year is... from Super Clash 5... it's the Falls Count Anywhere match between Jerry Lawler and Cactus Jack.

Before we get to the match, let's hear from the two award-winning participants in the match.


Shot of Jerry Lawler standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes with mic in one hand and plaque in the other.

Jerry: I do want to thank the wrestling writers who voted for this match as the best in the AWA for 1990. That is quite an accomplishment as I know this match was up against stiff competition.

The match between Cactus Jack and myself at Super Clash 5 may have been the most brutal in my career.

I felt the effects of the match for several weeks. I was in great pain. It was hard to sleep. I had to go to the hospital and have them look at my injuries I suffered from wrestling that madman.

It was one of the hardest matches of my career. Jack may be the most unpredictable wrestler I have ever faced in all my years in this sport.

But, his unpredictability is what makes him so dangerous.

And I have to give a tip of the hat to Crazy Cactus because he fought me blow-for-blow. It's freakish how much punishment this guy can inflict, not only on his opponent, but also himself. The guy likes suffering pain to an unnatural degree. It's spooky.

It was quite the battle and while I won the match, which of us really won in the long haul? The long-term damage from the match really won't be known until a few years down the road.

I'm sure Cactus and I will one day cross paths again. May god help us all when that happens.

Pic flipped and Jack was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes. He was holding the plaque but no mic.

Jack looked down at the plaque he was holding with both hands. Jack then looked at the camera.

Jack then angrily raised the plaque above his head and smashed it onto the hard, unforgiving concrete.

Jack looked at the camera with a sinister look in his eyes, turned and walked off the set.

Nelson: Cactus Jack is probably the scariest man I've ever met in professional wrestling and that's really saying something.

This is our 1990 AWA match of the year... Falls Count Anywhere: Jerry Lawler vs. Cactus Jack from Super Clash 5.

Viewer discretion is highly advised for this match.


FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE: Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Lawler

# Cactus Jack came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Crowd popped as Jerry Lawler came charging out of the back down the heel aisle and clubbed Jack with a running forearm smash to the back. Crowd roaring. Jack crashed to the floor. Ref called for the bell to start the match and went to the floor. Lawler snapped Jack up and slammed Jack's head into the top of the entrance aisle barricade. Lawler grabbed Jack around the waist and rammed Jack back-first into the steel barricade. Lawler grabbed Jack by the hair and slammed Jack's head into the ring steps. Jack staggered off. Lawler came up behind Jack and spun Jack around and fired away on Jack with his famous punches. Lawler gabbed the stunned Jack and threw him in the ring. Lawler came in the ring and hit Jack with more punches and slammed Jack's head into the top buckle 10 straight times as the crowd counted along. Lawler pulled Jack out of the corner, whipped Jack into the ropes and blasted Jack coming off with a big right cross. Jack spun around and crashed to the mat. Lawler picked up Jack and bodyslammed the mad man. Lawler went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a leg drop but Jack rolled out of the way and Lawler crashed to the mat. Both men down. Jack made it to his feet and stomped Lawler and then choked Lawler in front of the ref. Jack broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack snapped Lawler up and whipped Lawler into the corner. Jack moved in and bit Lawler's forehead and broke the move at the count of 4. Jack repeated the move. Jack kicked Lawler in the gut and them pounded Lawler across the back. Jack whipped Lawler into the ropes and caught Lawler coming off with a clothesline. Lawler crashed to the mat. Jack dragged Lawler over and placed Lawler's head and shoulders hanging out over the bottom rope. Jack out on the apron hit the guillotine leg drop. Lawler rolled back in the ring holding the back of his neck. Jack in and rolled Lawler over and went for the pin. 1...2...thr... Lawler kicked out. Jack snapped Lawler up and threw Lawler through the top and middle rope down to the floor.

Jack and the ref left the ring for the floor. Jack snapped up the hurting Lawler and walked Lawler over to the timekeeper's table and slammed Lawler's head into the bell. Lawler crumpled back to the floor. Ref had words with Jack. Jack pulled Lawler up and Lawler was bleeding. Jack whipped Lawler into the ring post and Lawler hit the post and stumbled forward and went down. Jack waited for Lawler to get up. Lawler up bent over and Jack charged over and caught Lawler with a sunset flip on the floor.

Pedicino: Cactus Jack is completely insane!

ack for the pin on the floor. 1...2...thr... Lawler kicked out. Both men on the floor. Jack up before Lawler and caught Lawler with a kick to the side of the ribs. Jack picked up Lawler and hit Lawler with a side breaker across the knee. Lawler laid out on the floor. Jack mounted the apron and came off with his running elbow smash to the floor but Lawler rolled out of the way and Jack crashed to the floor. Both men down. Crowd into it. Lawler covered Jack on the floor. 1...2...thr... Jack kicked out. Crowd buzzing. Both men slowly to their feet. Jack went to kick Lawler but Lawler grabbed Jack's foot, Lawler popped Jack with punches, released Jack's leg and threw Jack towards the ring steps. Jack hit the steps and bounced over them and crashed to the floor. Jack up and Lawler grabbed Jack by the back of the hair and rammed Jack's head into the ring post. Jack went down on the floor as Lawler fell against the ring apron from feeling the effects of the match. Jack to his knees and bleeding. Lawler moved in on Jack and Jack caught Lawler with gut punches. Lawler stumbled back Jack up and moved in and hit Lawler with a headbutt. Lawler fell back against the ringside barricade. Jack backed up and charged at Lawler and went to clothesline Lawler over the barricade but Lawler moved and Jack sent himself hurtling over the barricade and crashing to the floor. Fans loving it. Lawler and the ref climbed over the barricade. Lawler grabbed Jack and slammed Jack's head into the floor. Lawler snapped Jack up and walked him by the hair over towards the permanent seats. Lawler slammed Jack into the hockey wall. Jack stumbled off and Lawler moved in with more punches. Jack started walking up the stairs as Lawler followed. Lawler caught Jack and the two engaged in a deliberate punch exchange and Lawler got the advantage and reared back and blasted Cactus with a right cross that sent Jack toppling down the stairs as the fans went wild. Lawler grabbed Cactus and Cactus elbowed Lawler in the ribs. Jack clubbed Lawler across the back and Lawler stumbled forward towards a row of ringside seats and Jack followed. Jack laid into Lawler with punches as Lawler backed into the row of seats, Lawler then fought back and another punch exchange began as fans moved out of the way. The two fought out the other side of the row. Jack caught Lawler with an eye poke and threw Lawler over the ringside barricade into the ringside area. Jack and the ref climbed over the barricade. Lawler up and Jack charged at Lawler on the floor and Lawler backdropped Jack on the unforgiving concrete. Jack down and hurting. Lawler gathering himself. Jack to his knees and Lawler booted Jack in the face. Jack went over. Lawler for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Jack kicked out. Lawler grabbed Jack and threw Jack back into the ring.

Lawler caught Jack with a gut kick and went to piledrive Lawler but Jack twice blocked the move and backdropped Lawler to the mat. Jack fell to his knees and Lawler was down on his back. Both men up and Jack hit Lawler with a running high knee. Lawler snapped back and crashed to the mat. Jack snapped up Lawler and hit Lawler with a stump puller piledriver. Jack for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Lawler kicked out. Crowd popped big time. Both men laying in the ring. Jack and Lawler slowly up. Lawler bent over. Jack kicked Lawler in the side of the head and Lawler fell against the ropes. Jack moved in and started biting Lawler but released the hold at the count of 4. Jack went to whip Lawler into the ropes but Lawler reversed and caught Jack coming off with a high backdrop. Jack slammed to the mat. Lawler stomped on Jack, picked Jack up and bodyslammed Jack. Lawler went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a fist drop to the head that connected. Lawler for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Jack kicked out. Most of the crowd groaned Lawler popped the downed Jack with head shots, snapped Jack up and whipped Jack into the corner. Lawler moved in, punched Jack and then repaid Jack by biting Jack's bloody forehead. Crowd losing it. Lawler broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Lawler grabbed Jack and pulled Jack out of the corner. Lawler whipped Jack into the ropes and looked to catch Jack coming off with a backdrop but Jack caught Lawler and hit Lawler with a swinging neckbreaker. Lawler down and hurting. Jack climbed out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Lawler got to his feet. Jack came off the top buckle with his cannonball move but Lawler fell out of the way and Jack crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men stirred as the count grew and both men made it to their feet. Lawler caught Jack with a kick to the gut and then hoisted Jack up and blasted Jack with his piledriver finisher. Lawler for the cover. 1...2...3! Crowd exploded as the ref called for the bell.

Lawler laid across Jack for a moment before rolling off Jack onto his side. Lawler had blood on his face, chest and powder blue tights. Jack also a bloody mess. Lawler slowly to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory to more cheering. Lawler exhausted and battered. Lawler quickly regained his bearings in the ring before leaving and heading back up the face aisle to more cheering.

WINNER: Lawler - Pinfall - 16:38


(Even though nothing was taped in an arena for the fourth taping of the current taping set, I am still posting the dark matches and attendance for the Vegas tapings here.)


Wahoo McDaniel (WC)* def. Cactus Jack via pinfall after wresting a chair away from Jack that Jack had brought in the ring and smashing Jack over the head with it - 14:47 - Both men bled lots

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Bill Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) def. The Destruction Crew when Scott Norton pinned Mike Enos with a victory roll when Enos had Norton on his shoulders for the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) when Norton caught Enos in the victory roll as Bloom came off the top rope with a clotheline try and missed - 13:01

Barry Windham, Nikita Koloff & The Trooper def. Greg Valentine (PWHC), Bob Orton & Jonnie Stewart when Trooper pinned Valentine after a flying shoulder tackle - 17:32

(* These matches occured at tapings that took place before Christmas Chaos.)





(Great turnout driven by hardcore fans knowing the World Title match would contain lots of violence and blood. Also, the huge upping of the number of comps being given out to hotel guests and casino patrons and more than half of those comps being used was also a major factor in the rise in crowd attendance.)

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Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also highlighted in bold.)

(4th Taping)

Show was taped before Christmas Chaos.

Larry Nelson.

Nelson: Welcome to the final Al--Star Wrestling of 1990.

I'm Larry Nelson.

This week, we have a special program for you.

It's the 1990 AWA Year In Review.

We'll be looking back at three big matches from a memorable year on so many fronts for the AWA.

Also, later in the program, we'll have two big announcements about AWA programming so you'll want to stick around for those.

The first match we're looking back at on this year in review program took place all the way back in February 1990.

It's the final of the 16-man Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament that took place in Anaheim, Califfornia.

It's Greg valentine vs. Wahoo McDaniel.

It's important to note that Wahoo came into the final with a knee injury after he was attacked with a chair after his second round match.

Wahoo was able to pull out the stunning win in his semi-final match to make it to the final.

But, as you will see, the injury played a major role in affecting the outcome of the match.

Let's go to our first match on this special AWA year in review program.


Greg Valentine vs. Wahoo McDaniel

# AWA official removed the new PWHC Title from the black bag and handed it to the referee.

Ref held the belt aloft and walked to all four sides of the ring showing it to the crowd.

Ref handed the belt off to Larry Nelson who took it over to the timekeeper's table.

Ref called for the bell and it was on.

The two men came out of their corners and circled one another. Valentine swung at Wahoo and Wahoo dodged the punch try and fired away on Greg with knife-edge chest chops. Wahoo whipped the stunned Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with his big chop to the chest finisher. Greg crashed to the mat but Wahoo suddenly crumpled to the mat grabbing his left knee. Crowd urging on Wahoo to cover Greg. Wahoo made an extremely slow cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Massive groan from the crowd. Wahoo up as Greg was getting up. Wahoo grabbed Greg and went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed and caught Wahoo coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Wahoo fell back against the ropes. Greg caught Wahoo with a bionic elbow to the top of the head. Greg pulled Wahoo away from the ropes and bodyslammed Wahoo. Greg mounted the middle rope in the corner and came off with an elbow smash but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Greg slammed to the mat. Fans cheered. Both men getting to their feet and Greg caught Wahoo with an elbow smash to the back of the neck. Greg went to whip Wahoo into the buckles but Wahoo reversed and Greg slammed into them. Greg hit the buckles, staggered out of the corner and was greeted by a series of chest chops from Wahoo. After the last chop, Greg took a couple of steps forward and crashed on his face in the ring. Fans cheered. Wahoo hobbling. Wahoo reached down and started to pull Greg up when Greg grabbed Wahoo's legs and pulled them out from under Wahoo and Wahoo crashed to the mat. Greg up and grabbed Wahoo's left leg and started dropping elbows into the left knee area. Wahoo hurting. Greg let go of the leg and stomped Wahoo and dragged Wahoo by the legs over by the ropes. Greg left the ring for the floor and pulled Wahoo's legs out to the knee area so they were hanging over the apron. Greg then violently slammed Wahoo's leg into the ring apron multiple times. Ref counting the 10-count. Wahoo scooted back in the ring holding his left knee. Greg back in the ring. Ref asked Wahoo if he was OK and Wahoo waved off the ref. Wahoo down and Greg stomped the knee, grabbed Wahoo's left leg and wrapped Wahoo up in the figure four. Wahoo writhing in pain in the hold but not giving up. Crowd cheering for Wahoo to keep fighting. Wahoo struggled for a bit and then found the strength to try and reverse the hold. After a brief struggle, Wahoo turned Greg over. Fans went wild. Greg now the one in pain but Greg was close enough to be able to grab the bottom rope and force a break. The two men untangled their legs and slowly made it to their feet. Greg booted Wahoo in the left knee and Wahoo fell against the ropes. Greg caught Wahoo with a couple of punches, pulled Wahoo away from the ropes and went to bodyslam Wahoo but... in a repeat of the Wahoo/Tully finish... Wahoo caught Greg in a small package for the pin. Fans popped and rose to their feet. 1...2...thr... Greg kicked out. Fans groaned. Both men up and Wahoo laid into Greg with a blistering series of open-hand chest chops that drove Greg into the corner. Greg stunned and dropped to a knee. Greg draped his arm out over the middle rope and the ref ordered a break. Wahoo broke and started to back off when Greg again punched Wahoo in the side of the left knee. Wahoo turned away from Greg and started hobbling in the other direction when Greg came up behind Wahoo and nailed Wahoo with a kick to the back of the knee area and Wahoo crumpled to the mat. Greg grabbed Wahoo's left leg, yanked on it a few times, and once again locked Wahoo in the figure four. Once again, the crowd urged Wahoo on in the hopes the Indian star wouldn't give in to the hold. Wahoo kept fighting and fans kept yelling for him. Wahoo then started to reverse the hold. Fans whooping it up. Wahoo had the hold turned half way over when Greg shifted his weight and regained control of the hold. Wahoo kept fighting but was clearly weakening. Wahoo's shoulders fell to the mat. 1...2...thr... Wahoo sat back up. Fans cheered. Wahoo struggling but not quitting. After another minute in the hold, Wahoo now started to strongly fade. The pain was becoming too much. Wahoo's shoulders fell back to the mat. Ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most in the crowd booed but some also cheered. Greg held the hold on a little longer before releasing it and getting to his feet. Ref raised his hand in victory.

Ref went over and talked with Larry Nelson,

Nelson: In a time of 8 minutes, 27 seconds, your winner... and first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!

More boos as Greg threw his fists victoriously in the air and strutted around the ring.

Nelson: And now, coming down the aisle to present the belt to the new champion is AWA promoter Verne Gagne.

Gagne came down the face aisle to the ring in a suit and tie and climbed in the ring, took the belt from the ref and handed it to Greg and shook Greg's hand to more crowd boos.

Greg slung the belt over his shoulder as Nelson went up to interview him.

Nelson: Greg Valentine! You just defeated Wahoo McDaniel in a tough match to become the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion! Do you have anything to say?

Greg: I do, Nelson! To a more deserving guy this couldn't have happened!

More boos as Greg went and stood on the middle rope in the corner and held the belt aloft with both hands. Greg then walked to the other side of the ring and repeated he gesture. Most fans not appreciative. Shot of a limping Wahoo being helped to the back by a couple of referees.

WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - 8:27

Video aired of Cactus Jack wrestling Wahoo McDaniel at WrestleRock '90 with the caption: NEXT... DREAM REALIZED!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson.

Nelson: The next match here on this special year in review program also featured Wahoo McDaniel.

Wahoo has had a legendary career but never won the big one for the World Heavyweight Title.

In April at the St. Paul Civic Center, Cactus Jack stunned the wrestling world when he defeated Sgt. Slaughter to win the AWA World Championship.

Wahoo would win a number one contender match against former NWA World Champion Tommy Rich to earn the title shot against Cactus Jack at WrestleRock '90 in May.

And here it is.

Wahoo, after so many years of trying to win the gold, finally realizes his dream in this match.


(From WrestleRock '90. May 20, 1990.)

AWA WORLD TITLE MATCH:Cactus Jack (WC) vs, Wahoo McDaniel

# Nelson: This contest is scheduled for one-fall with a 60-minute time limit and is for the AWA World Heavyweight Championship!

This match has been sanctioned by the AWA Championship Committee!

Introducing first, the challenger! He hails from Midland, Texas and weighs in at 251 pounds... 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel!

Crowd cheered as Wahoo kept his eyes locked on the champ.

Nelson: And his opponent!

Crowd buzzing.

Nelson: He hails from Truth or Consequences, New Mexico! Weighting in at 283 pounds! He is the reigning AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Cactus Jack!

Loud boos but also cheers for Cactus.

Jack stood in the corner with a belt slung over his shoulder.

Nelson: Your referee is Marty Miller!

Ref took the belt from Jack and held it up for all to see before handing it off to Larry Nelson.

Ref called both men to the center of the ring and laid down the ground rules and patted both men down as the men stared down one another.

Ref sent each man back to his corner.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came out of their corners and walked to center ring. The two men were saying things to one another. Suddenly, Jack shoved Wahoo. Wahoo returned the favor and shoved Jack. Jack walked around in the ring a little as Wahoo kept an eye on him. The two men engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Wahoo drove Jack against the ropes and the ref ordered a break. Break was clean. The two men circled one another when Jack suddenly smacked Wahoo hard across the face. Wahoo responded by laying into Jack with a blistering series of knife-edge chops to the chest that drove Jack back against the ropes and Jack was able to lean out over the top rope to force a break. Jack back in and stunned Wahoo with a quick eye poke. Ref reprimanded Jack. Wahoo grabbed at his eyes. Jack hit Wahoo with punches followed by a discus clothesline that dropped Wahoo. Jack grabbed Wahoo and threw Wahoo out of the ring between the top and middle rope down to the floor. Jack ignored the ref's orders to stand back. Jack to the floor and stomped Wahoo and then hit Wahoo with a side breaker across the knee. Wahoo down on the floor. Jack quickly climbed in and out of the ring to break the 10-count. Jack then ran and jumped off the apron and nailed Wahoo with a flying elbow smash to the chest. Both men down. Ref counting. Jack up and grabbed Wahoo and threw Wahoo back into the ring. Wahoo getting up as Jack moved in and kicked Wahoo in the gut and then went for the stump puller piledriver but Wahoo twice blocked the move and backdropped Jack to the mat as the crowd cheered. Wahoo regained his bearings as Jack got up and Wahoo tore into Jack with a series of open hand chest chops followed by a tomahawk chop to the top of the head. Jack crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2... Jack kicked out. Wahoo snapped Jack up and and whipped Jack into the corner and Wahoo moved in and Jack charged out of the corner and nailed Wahoo with a running clothesline. Wahoo down. Jack grabbed the downed Wahoo and repeatedly slammed the back of Wahoo's head into the mat. Jack reached down and started to pull Wahoo up when Wahoo caught Jack in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Jack kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Jack hit Wahoo with a chest chop. Wahoo responded in kind. The two engaged in a chest chop exchange and Wahoo got the better of Jack and drove Jack into the corner. Wahoo continued to pepper Jack with chops and then Jack was able to reach down and pull Wahoo's legs out from under him. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Jack for the cover. 1... Jack grabbed the top rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Ref looked up and noticed Jack grabbing the rope for leverage and ordered a break. Jack grabbed Wahoo and threw Wahoo into the corner and laid into Wahoo with punches and then started biting Wahoo's forehead. Jack broke the illegal move at the count of 4 and then repeated it and once again broke at the count of 4. Wahoo staggered out next to the ropes. Jack stepped back, charged at Wahoo and hit Wahoo with a running clothesline that sent both men toppling over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Crowd buzzing. Ref started the 10-count.

Both men made it to their feet and Jack caught Wahoo with punches and slammed Waho's head into the ring apron and then threw Wahoo into the barricade. Jack climbed in the ring to break the count and quickly climbed out on the apron and came off with a double sledge attempt but Wahoo moved and Jack slammed front-first into the railing to the delight of the crowd. Jack turned and Wahoo blasted him with knife-edge chest chops and then Wahoo drove Jack back-first into the ring apron. Jack down to a knee. Wahoo grabbed Jack and threw him into the barricade and Jack went down. Wahoo quickly climbed in and out of the ring to break the 10-count. Jack getting up and Wahoo jumped off the apron and caught Jack with a punch to the head. Jack on stagger street. Jack came after Wahoo and Wahoo backdropped Jack on the floor as the crowd popped. Ref counting. Wahoo snapped up Jack and Jack drove Wahoo back-first into the ring post. Wahoo hurting leaned against the post. Jack quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the 10-count. Jack on the apron and stomped Wahoo. Jack dropped back to the floor, backed up and charged in on Wahoo but Wahoo moved and Jack slammed flush into the post as the fans cheered. Jack turned and walked right into a hip toss on the concrete from Wahoo. Wahoo grabbed Jack and threw him back into the ring. Jack on his knees as Wahoo moved in and Jack headbutted the challenger in the groin. Wahoo staggered back and fell against the ropes. Ref reprimanded Jack. Jack moved in and caught Wahoo with some punches and pulled Wahoo away from the ropes and bodyslammed the Chief. Jack went for a running elbow smash but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Jack crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Jack up facing away from Wahoo and Wahoo rolled Jack up from behind for the pin. 1...2... Jack kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Jack went to punch Wahoo but Wahoo blocked the punch try and Jack nailed Jack with a punch of his own and then hit Jack with a piledriver. Crowd popped. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2...three... NO! Jack got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted Wahoo on the back. Wahoo got up thinking he'd won the belt. Ref had to inform Wahoo he did not. Cactus made it to his feet. Wahoo turned and walked right into a running swinging neckbreaker. Jack's fans cheered. Jack covered Wahoo for the pin. 1...2...three.. NO! Wahoo kicked out. Majority of the crowd cheered. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men stirred as the count grew. Both men up and Jack caught Wahoo with a headbutt that sent Wahoo crashing back to the mat. Jack grabbed Wahoo's legs and flipped over on top of Wahoo for the cover. 1...2...thr... Wahoo bridged up and caught Jack in a backslide for the pinfall. 1...2...3... NO! Jack barely kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men up and Wahoo swung at Jack and missed and Jack kicked Wahoo in the gut and this time hit Wahoo with his stump-puller piledriver. Jack for the cover. 1...2...3... NO! Wahoo got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Jack pulled Wahoo up and went to whip Wahoo into the corner but Wahoo reversed and the force of the whip sent Jack's head crashing into the steel ring bolt that connects the ring post to the top turnbuckle. Jack staggered backwards and crashed to his back in the ring. Wahoo quickly shook out the effects of the piledriver and covered Jack and hooked the leg. 1...2...thr... Jack managed to kick out. Crowd into it. Both men up and Jack punched Wahoo and threw Wahoo front-first into the buckles. Wahoo slammed into them and turned around and walked right into a bodyslam from Jack. Jack mounted the middle buckle and came off with a second rope legdrop but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Jack crashed to the mat as the fans cheered. Jack to his feet and Wahoo to a knee and Jack went to kick Wahoo in the head but Wahoo caught Jack's foot and Jack was caught as Wahoo rose to his feet. Wahoo held the leg and peppered Jack with blistering chest chops, let go of the leg, grabbed Jack by the hair and nailed Jack with a tomahawk chop. Crowd into it. Wahoo whipped Jack into the ropes and caught Jack coming off with his big chop finisher. Jack crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans erupted.

Wahoo got to his feet and was elated. Ref went over and talked to Larry Nelson and took the belt. Ref handed Wahoo the title and raised Wahoo's hand in victory to more cheers.

Nelson: In a time of 11 minutes, 46 seconds, your winner... and NEW AWA World Champion... 'Chief Wahoo McDaniel!

All the face wrestlers (except Sarge) made their way into the ring to congratulate Wahoo. Ken Patera and The Trooper hoisted Wahoo on their shoulders and paraded him around the ring as the cheering continued.

WINNER: Wahoo - PInfall - 11:46

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... MORE AWA!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Ladies and gentlemen, what a year 1990 has been for the AWA.

Not only have we seen a lot of great wrestling, but there was big news away from the ring as well.

The AWA was sold to a group known as Triumph Media Sports.

And to make the news even bigger, the majority owners are Deborah Harry, lead singer of the rock band Blondie, and Hollywood director John Waters.

The new ownership group has infused new life into the AWA with the addition of new talent like Nikita Koloff, Barry Windham and Tully Blanchard.

And they've also created excitement with a new wrestling braintrust. That trio is promoter Jim Crockett, 'Cowboy' Bill Watts and Jerry Jarrett.

These are three of the best wrestling minds in the sport and to have them in the AWA is a guarantee of great wrestling action for years to come.

Also, the owners announced they will be moving the AWA's base of operations from Minneapolis to Las Vegas in the spring of 1991.

The AWA also negotiated a new contract to remain on ESPN for the next two years.

A lot is happening in the AWA right now and you fans will definitely want to be a part of it.

And coming in February, the AWA has been granted another live special here on ESPN.

That event is Winter Warfare.

You'll want to keep it here for all the details of that big show in the weeks to come.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... BIG NEWS FOR '91!!!




We have two big announcements regarding the AWA next week.

First, a name change.

AWA Championship Wrestling on ESPN will now be known as AWA SLAM! Wrestling.

Also, next week here on the program, you will see highlights and interviews from Christmas Chaos.

What a night that was ladies and gentlemen. You'll want see everything of note that went down and there will be post-match interviews with some of the participants.

And now, we have a special message for you fans from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Shot of Crockett sitting behind his desk.

Jim: Hello. I'm promoter Jim Crockett.

What a year 1990 was for the AWA.

We saw a lot of great wrestling and the dawning of a new era here. Things are really on the upswing for the AWA.

1991 promises to be even bigger and better than 1990 was. You can feel the excitement all around as we enter the new year.

So, stay tuned. There will be more great wrestling, more new wrestlers arriving on the scene in the AWA and a whole lot more.

The AWA is back and going strong and things are only going to get better and better.

Thank you for your loyalty through thick and thin with the AWA.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... HAIR VS. MASK!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities


It is now time for our final match on this special AWA year in review program.

For several months during 1990, the Trooper was stalked by a mysterious masked man who cost the Trooper several big matches.

The masked man would come through the stands and sneak attack the Trooper.

After his attacks, the masked man would disappear back through the crowd.

He got in the Trooper's head and played mind games with him. The Trooper always had to be on the lookout during his matches as the masked man could show up at any time.

The masked man added to the intrigue when he would send anonymous videos to the AWA offices from an unknown location. His voice was always distorted in the videos and he was always wearing his mask to hide his identity.

No one knew who this person was.

Eventually, Trooper made an offer to the masked man that he could not refuse.

Trooper offered to put up his hair in a match if the masked man would be willing to put up his mask.

The masked man accepted the challenge.

From Super Clash 5, it's the Trooper vs. the Masked Man in a hair vs. mask match.

HAIR VS. MASK: Trooper vs. Masked Mystery Man

# Shot of the hair trimmer and scissors on the timekeeper's table and a barber in a white barber smock seated at the table.

Announcers wondered if this was the night we'd see who was under the mask.

Trooper came to the ring first down the face aisle to a strong reaction.

Trooper waited for the masked man to come down the heel aisle but no one was coming out.

Trooper was looking at the heel aisle and there was a commotion in the crowd.

The masked man, in his sleeveless button up shirt unbuttoned part way down, jeans, fingerless gloves and cowboy boots made his way through the crowd and hopped the guard rail.

Masked man hit the ring and came up behind Trooper and pounced on the Trooper.

Ref called for the bell.

Masked man pounded away on Trooper. Masked Man whipped Trooper into the ropes and looked to catch the Trooper coming off with a clothesline but Trooper ducked the move and came back and tackled the masked man to the ground. Trooper pounded away on the masked man with head shots as the crowd roared. Trooper was on top of the masked man and the masked man caught Trooper with a knee to the groin. Trooper rolled off of the masked man. Masked man caught Trooper with a deliberate series of punches to the head. Trooper rolled over on his side and the masked man stomped Trooper in the ribs repeatedly. Masked man snapped up Trooper and bopdyslammed Trooper. Trooper sat up and masked man kicked Trooper in the side of the face. Trooper toppled over. Masked man snapped Trooper up and repeatedly slammed Trooper's head into the top buckle. Masked man spun Trooper around and caught Trooper with a series of elbows to the top of the head. Trooper staggered out of the corner. Masked man charged up behind Trooper and nailed Trooper with a running forearm smash to the back. Trooper toppled between the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor. Ref ordered the masked man back and started the 10-count. Trooper stirred and got to a knee next to the ring apron. Masked man blew past the ref and stomped Trooper in the top of the head twice. Masked man dropped to the floor and grabbed Trooper and drove him back-first into the ringside barricade. Ref counting. Masked man went to whip Trooper into the ring apron but Trooper reversed and sent masked man crashing into the apron. Masked man hurting. Trooper up and moved in and nailed the masked man with punches. Masked man stunned at ringside. Trooper rolled quickly in and out of the ring to break the 10-count. Masked man had staggered off at ringside. Trooper came up behind the masked man and nailed him with a double sledge to the back. Masked man stumbled forward and crashed into the barricade. Trooper moved in and slammed the masked man's head into the top of the barricade three times. Ref counting. Trooper threw the masked man back into the ring. Trooper climbed up on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Masked man up and turned and Trooper came off with a punch to the head. Masked man crashed to the mat. Trooper dropped down and beat the back of the masked man's head off the mat as the fans ate it up. Trooper broke the lllegal move at the ref's count of 4. Trooper up and dropped an elbow onto the masked man. Trooper snapped up the masked man and hit the masked man with a suplex. Trooper with a jumping elbow smash that connected. Trooper for the cover. 1...2... Masked man kicked out. Trooper grabbed the masked man and whipped the masked man into the corner and charged in and popped the masked man with a running clothesline. Trooper whipped the masked man into the opposite buckles and charged in with another running clothesline attempt but the masked man moved and Trooper slammed front first into the buckles. Trooper leaned against the buckles. Masked man moved in and caught Trooper with a sideways double sledge to the side of the ribs. Masked man pulled Trooper out of the corner and choked Trooper on the top rope and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Masked man repeated the illegal move and broke at 4 again. Trooper leaned out over the top rope. Masked man did a neck snap on the top rope and Trooper snapped back and crashed to the mat. Masked man moved in and nailed Trooper with a fist drop to the head. Trooper rolled over grabbing his head. Masked man rolled Trooper over on his back and covered Trooper. 1...2... Trooper kicked out. Fans cheered. Both men up and the masked man up and caught Trooper in an abdominal stretch. Trooper in pain. Trooper fighting not to submit. Trooper grabbed a handful of tights to provide extra pressure on the hold. Ref checked to see if the masked man was doing anything illegal and the masked man let go of the tights just before the ref saw it. Ref talking to Trooper again and seeing if he submitted and Trooper shook his head 'no'. Masked man once again grabbed the tights to apply pressure. Trooper in agony but not giving up. Ref checked again and once again the masked man released the hold before the ref caught him. Trooper in the hold a little longer before powering up and hip tossing the masked man to the mat. Crowd cheered.

Masked man up as Trooper quickly regained his bearings. Masked man went to punch Trooper but Trooper blocked the punch try and fired away on the masked man with punches. Trooper whipped the masked man into the ropes and caught the masked man coming off with a powerslam. Trooper got on top of the masked man and tried to pull the mask off. Masked man fighting with everything he had to keep the mask on.

Pedicino: Trooper should have tried to pin him. This could backfire big time.

Masked man managed to escape Trooper's grasp and roll out on the apron. Masked man pulled his mask back down. Trooper ignored the ref's order to stand back and reached over the top rope to pull the masked man to his feet, Masked man was able to jab Trooper in the throat with an open hand out of view of the ref. Trooper released the masked man and grabbed his throat. Ref went over and checked on Trooper. While that was going on, the masked man reached into his pants pocket and pulled out something and slipped it into the palm of his fingerless glove on his right hand and climbed back into the ring. Trooper ruled ok and turned and walked into a foreign object laden-slap from the masked man. Trooper toppled through the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor. Ref ordered the masked man to stand back and the masked man ignored the ref and dropped to the floor. Trooper dazed and still down. Masked man stomped away on Trooper. Masked man pulled Trooper up and slammed Trooper's head into the ring apron twice. Trooper shaky. Ref counting. Masked man hoisted Trooper up on his shoulder and charged over and prepared to ram Trooper's head into the ring post but Trooper got free of the masked man's grasp and shoved the masked man into the post. Masked man slammeed head-first into the post and stumbled and went down on the floor. Trooper quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the 10-count.

Dundee: Trooper's not very bright, Joe! He could have won this thing by count out and forced the masked man to take off the mask! Trooper's asking for it!

Trooper grabbed the masked man and threw him back into the ring. Trooper followed the masked man in as the masked man got to his knees. Trooper ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running kick to the chest. Masked man toppled over. Trooper for the cover. 1...2...thr... Masked man kicked out. Crowd groaned. Trooper grrabbed the masked man and whipped the masked man into the ropes and the masked man came back and he and the Trooper clotheslined each other to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. Count grew as both men stirred. Both men up and the masked man clubbed Trooper across the back. Masked man hammered Trooper with clubbing strikes across the back. Trooper down by the ropes. Masked man choked Trooper out with his knee while holding the top rope. Masked man broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Trooper in a bad way. Crowd urging on the Trooper. Masked man booted Trooper in the side of the ribs and snapped Trooper up and whipped Trooper into the corner. Masked man moved in with a gut kick followed by a series of vicious elbow strikes to the side of the head. Trooper stumbled out of the corner and went down. Masked man did the head shaving gesture to the boos of the crowd. Masked man snapped up the Trooper and blasted Trooper with a reverse neckbrekaer (Rude Awakening). Masked man covered Trooper and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! NO! Trooper got a shoulder up. Crowd roared. Masked man up and moved to the corner as the ref checked on Trooper. Masked man removed his cowboy boot as the Trooper made it to his feet. Masked man moved in to hit Trooper with his cowboy boot but the Trooper grabbed the masked man in a bearhug position forcing masked man to drop the boot and rammed the masked man hard into the buckles. Masked man stumbled out of thee corner and crashed to the mat. Trooper leaned against the buckles grabbing the back of his neck. Crowd into it. Masked man made it unsteadily to his feet and turned and the Trooper found the strength to charge out of the corner and blast the masked man with his flying shoulder tackle finisher. Crowd roared. Troopeer covered the masked man and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd exploded.

Trooper rolled off the masked man and sat up and grabbed the back of his neck. Face wrestlers from the pre-show Battle Royal made their way down the face aisle. Trooper painfully made it to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.

The face wrestlers surrounded the ring. The masked man slowly made it to his feet. Toroper gestured to take off the mask.

Masked man tried to make a break for it but saw wrestlers on one side of the ring, He tried to leave on another side but the same roadblock was there as well. Masked man looked at the other two sides of the ring.

Pedicino: He's not getting out of this!

Trooper and the masked man stared at each other. Masked man realized he was cornered.

Masked man slowly removed the mask.

Pedicino: It's 'Hangman' Bobby Jaggers! Jaggers is the man who's been torturing the Trooper all these months!

Dundee: The question is why?

Pedicino: Hopefully, we'll find out on AWA programming in the coming weeks!

Trooper gestured he had no idea who Jaggers was.

Moderate fan reaction as many had no idea who Jaggers was.

Jaggers looked at Trooper and then slowly left the ring. Face wrestlers let him through as he headed back up the heel aisle in defeat.

Trooper picked up the mask and held it in the air like a trophy to more cheering before leaving the ring still selling the neck.

WINNER: Trooper - Pinfall - 14:12


(Even though nothing was taped in an arena for the fourth taping of the current taping set, I am still posting the dark matches and attendance for the Duluth tapings here.)


Wahoo McDaniel (WC)* def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with a reverse small package - 10:19 - Jack bled

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Bill Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) def. The Destruction Crew when Scott Norton pinned Mike Enos with a victory roll when Enos had Norton on his shoulders for the Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) when Norton caught Enos in the victory roll as Bloom came off the top rope with a clothesline try and missed - 17:26

6-MAN TAG: Barry Windham, Nikita Koloff & The Trooper def. Greg Valentine (PWHC), Bob Orton & Jonnie Stewart when Trooper pinned Valentine after a flying shoulder tackle - 14:12


(* These matches occured at tapings that took place before Christmas Chaos.)

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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also now highlighted in bold.)

(1st Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson was sitting seated on a new set which featured the new AWA SLAM! Wrestling logo over Nelson's left shoulder.

Nelson: Hello. And welcome to AWA SLAM! Wrestling. I'm your host Larry Nelson.

We've had a name change as we begin 1991.

No longer are we AWA Championship Wrestling. We're now SLAM! Wrestling.

Same show. Same great AWA action. New name.

1991 promises to be a great year for the AWA, so you'll want tune in every week to see what happens. It's gonna be can't-miss TV.

And we begin the show with some major news!

We're gonna have another live ESPN special next month.

It's Winter Warfare. And it will be taking place Tuesday, February 19th, at the Icardo Center on the campus of Cal State-Bakersfield in Bakersfield, California. This will be the AWA's first appearance ever in Bakersfield.

Winter Warfare will air at 9pm Eastern and 6pm Pacific on February 19th here on ESPN.

We'll be announcing matches for the show in the coming weeks.

If you're interested in attending the show in-person, tickets will go on sale Saturday, January 19th, at 10am Pacific Time.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master, or call the Icardo center box office at (661)-555-7489 or visit the box office in person.

Onto other news.

Last November, the AWA announced a new two-year deal with ESPN. So, we're staying right here.

We've had a great relationship ESPN over the years and glad it is continuing into the future.

And SLAM! Wrestling will be getting a new regular time-slot!

Starting Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! Wrestling will begin airing at 10pm Eastern and 7pm Pacific Time on ESPN.

Don't forget the new start time.

Now for major AWA wrestling news.

A picture appeared of Col. DeBeers on the screen (like you'd see on a newscast) next to Nelson.

Nelson: If you saw Christmas Chaos right here on ESPN last month, you know we have a new World Champion.

Col. DeBeers defeated Wahoo McDaniel to become the new World Champion and his win has already stirred controversy in the wrestling world.

You'll see the controversial finish to the match when we present highlights of Christmas Chaos.

We'll also have some post-match interviews from that event, including one you'll have to see with Don Muraco.

We have some good matches lined up on SLAM! tonight to kick off the new year.

Our main event is a 6-man tag team match pitting the team of Barry Windham and AWA World Tag Team Champions Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton against Jonnie Stewart, Manny Fernandez and the very unpredictable Cactus Jack.

Ken Patera will see action against Tommy Jammer.

And, we'll kick things off after the break with Sam Houston vs. Tommy Rich!

We'll be right back.



Tommy Rich vs. Sam Houston (w/ Coach Murdoch)

Rich came down the heel aisle to a fair amount of boos.

Rich took the mic from Larry Nelson.

Rich: I am still searching for the right tag team partner who can help me go after the World Tag Team Titles.

If you think you're the right guy, send your resume' to the AWA offices.

If I like what I see and read, then I'll give you a call and we can see if you've got what it takes to be the tag team partner of the former NWA World Champion.

Crowd booed.

Rich looked out at the crowd with a hurt look on his face.

Houston and Murdoch (wearing a neckbrace) came down the face aisle to decent amount of cheers.

Ref called for the bell.

Rich charged over and swung at Houston and missed and Sam came back and fired away on Rich with punches. Sam whipped Rich into the ropes and caught Rich coming off with a dropkick. Rich crashed to the mat. Rich up and Sam hit Rich with more punches. Sam whipped Rich into the corner and charged in but Rich got his knees up and Sam slammed into them. Sam staggered off. Rich clubbed Sam with a forearm to the back and caught Sam in a side headlock and took Sam over with a side headlock takedown. Rich worked over the headlock. Ref checking to make sure Rich was not strangling Sam. Murdoch yelling instructions from ringside. Announcers discussed Murdoch being spike piledrived by Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera after a match between Tully and Sam two weeks ago. Rich and Sam to their knees with Houston still locked in the side headlock. The pair to their feet in the same position. Sam tried to free himself from the hold. Sam finally shoved Tommy off and Tommy hit the ropes and came back and Sam dived to the mat and Rich jumped over Sam and came back and Sam popped up and hip tossed Rich. Rich up and Sam caught Rich with an arm drag and locked Rich in an arm bar. Rich down on his side in the hold and Sam with a knee on Rich's ribs. Sam cinched up in the hold but Rich would not give in. The two slowly made it to their feet with Rich still in the arm bar. Sam struck Rich with a fist to the shoulder area and had firm hold on Rich. Rich inched over by the ropes locked in the hold and went to grab the top rope but Sam yanked Rich away from the ropes still in the hold. Rich made a fist like he was going to punch Sam but Sam tightened the hold even more and Rich dropped to a knee. Sam released the arm bar and placed Rich in a wristlock. Rich to his feet and Sam did the wrist burn on Rich and then flipped Rich over on his back with the spinning wrist lock. Sam dropped down and placed Rich in the seated armbar (the one where you lock your opponent in an arm hold and have one foot placed against his ribs and the other against his face). Sam yanked on the arm but Rich not giving up. Sam released the hold and pulled Rich to his feet and Rich stunned Sam with a trio of elbows to the gut. Rich whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Sam stunned. Rich bodyslammed Sam and mounted the middle buckle and came off with a fist-drop to the head that connected. Rich rolled up Sam for the pin. 1... Rich placed his feet on the bottom rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Murdoch yelled at the ref.

Murdoch: Feet on the ropes, ref!

Ref looked over and caught Rich with his feet on the ropes and ordered a break. Rich stood up and looked down at Murdoch.

Rich: Mind your own damn business, Murdoch!

Sam stunned Rich by rolling Rich up for the pin. 1...2... Rich kicked out. Both men up and Sam hit Rich with a couple of European uppercuts, whipped Rich into the ropes and caught Rich coming off with a dropkick. Rich crashed back to the mat. Rich up and walked right into a side breaker from Sam. Sam hit a leg drop on Rich and went for the pin. 1...2... Rich kicked out. Sam snapped Rich up and went to whip Rich into the ropes but Rich reversed and caught Sam coming off with an inverted atomic drop. Sam down holding the goods.

Rich yelled at Murdoch.

Rich: Look at your boy now, Murdoch! He's finished!

Rich grabbed the downed Sam's leg and locked Sam in the painful spinning toehold. Sam not giving up. As Rich kept tightening up on the hold, Sam kicked Rich off with his free leg. Rich shot forward and toppled through the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor. Fans cheered. Sam struggling to get up in the ring. Rich had crashed on the floor by Murdoch. Rich up and approached Murdoch and shoved him. Murdoch shoved Rich back. Rich went to punch Murdoch and Murdoch blocked the punch try and blasted Rich with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head as the fans cheered on ol' Dick. Murdoch threw the stunned Rich back into the ring. Sam up as Rich was getting up and Sam hit Rich with a running knee lift to the chest. Rich shot up and fell against the ropes. Sam whipped Rich into the buckles and moved in and blasted Rich with punches. Sam then nailed Rich with a running bulldog. Sam for the cover. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell.

Sam up and the ref raised his hand in victory. Sasm left the ring and joined his mentor at ringside as the pair headed back up the face aisle.

WINNER: Houston - Pinfall - 7:38

Pic aired of Ken Patera with the caption: NEXT... VAL'S NEW MAN!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

Ken Patera (w/ Val) vs. Tommy Jammer

Jammer was already in the ring and announced. (It's always bad when you're already in the ring and announced.)

Patera made his way to the ring with manager Valerie down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Gone was Patera's long, thick brown hair, replaced by Patera's classic bleach blond heel look.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Patera shoved Jammer off and Jammer crashed to the mat. Patera struck a bodybuilder pose in Jammer's direction. Jammer up and cautiously locked up with Patera again with the same result. Patera sent Jammer crashing to the mat. Jammer up and looked to lock up once again but Patera was having none of it. Patera struck another bodybuilder pose and then kicked Jammer in the gut and pounded away on the hapless Jammer. Patera whipped Jammer into the corner and charged in and pulverized Jammer with a running clothesline. Jammer limp in the corner. Patera whipped Jammer into the opposite buckles and nailed Jammer with a running shoulder block to the gut. Jammer in bad shape. Patera threw Jammer out of the corner and Jammer crashed to the mat. Patera snapped the dazed Jammer up, whipped Jammer into the ropes and caught Jammer coming off with a powerslam. Patera then showed off by doing five push-ups next to the downed Jammer as the crowd booed. Patera up and yelled for Jammer to get up. Jammer, slow and unsteady, made it to his feet and Patera locked Jammer in the full nelson, held it for a moment and then blasted the hapless Jammer with his full nelson slam finisher. Patera arrogantly placed his foot on Jammer's chest for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as most of the crowd booed but some fans cheered.

Ref raised Patera's hand in victory as Val jumped in the ring to congratulate her man.

Pedicino: Valerie is turning Patera from a solid power wrestler into a beast.

Dundee: She's also turning Patera into the champion he was meant to be.

WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - 2:49

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... CHAOS REIGNS!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd highlights from the Christmas Chaos special that aired in December '90.

4-minute highlights video played to the song Battle To The Top and featured footage from every match. Video concluded with Don Muraco coming to the ring during the World Title match between Wahoo and Col. DeBeers. With the ref down, Muraco had a chair with him. It appeared Muraco was gonna hit DeBeers with the chair because DeBeers had pinned Muraco by holding his tights to score the pin in their #1 contender match for a possible shot at Wahoo for the belt at Christmas Chaos. Muraco instead spun around and bashed Wahoo over the head with the chair, allowing DeBeers to cover Wahoo and become the new AWA World Champion.

Battle To The Top:

In-studio: Nelson discussed the shocking turn of events in the World Title match.

Then intro'd a post-match interview with Don Muraco.


Eric Bischoff, mic in hand, was standing in the locker room with Don Muraco. Muraco was excited.

Eric: Don Muraco! What in the world was that all about?!

Don: Since Wahoo's no longer the Worlld Champion, we can get back together and go after those tag team titles!

Eric: You cost him the title! Do you really think he's just gonna forget that and team up with you again?!

Don: I cleared his schedule for him! We now have lots of time to do tag team wrestling! I can't wait!

And I'm sure Wahoo will understand why I did what I did! It was for the team! It was for the...

Off-camera, the locker room door slammed open. Bischoff and Muraco looked over.

Wahoo stormed into the picture still in his ring attire.

Wahoo: What the hell are you doing, Don?! Jesus Christ! You just cost me the World Championship!

Don: I did it for us! You're free now! We can tag team again!

Wahoo: Are you out of your (bleep)-ing mind! I'm not gonna tag with you after what you did to me!

Don: What else do you have to do now, Wahoo?! You've now got nothing but open dates on your calendar since you're no longer the World Champion! Let's get those tag team belts!

Wahoo: You are absolutely delusional! I'm not gonna...

Wahoo then grabbed Muraco and slammed Muraco against the wall. Muraco grabbed Wahoo and the two struggled with one another as wrestlers and AWA officials charged into the picture to break things up.

As Wahoo was being hauled away, he was picked up on a mic.

Wahoo: I won't forget this, Don! Ever!

Bischoff asked Muraco one last question.

Eric: Wahoo just made it clear he will not tag team with you again. Now, what do you have to say?

Muraco: I can't believe how ungrateful Wahoo is! I single-handedly made it possible to after the tag team titles again and he acts like this! Despicable!

Eric: You cost him the World Title.

Don: I did it for us, Wahoo! He just needs to calm down, drink some fire water and light off some M-80's! When he's calm he'd better see the light... or else!!

Muraco walked out of the picture as a stunned Bischoff looked on.

Video aired of Nikita sickling and pinning Kokina at CC with the caption: NEXT... MONSTER KILLER!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd the end of the $250,000 dollar challenge match (if Nikita lost he would have to work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey for a year. Said the match footage would be followed by a post-match interview with Nikita.


#Nikita went to whip Kokina into the ropes but Kokina reversed and caught Nikita coming off with a Samoan drop. The life drained from Nikita. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men up and Kokina caught Nikita with an open-hand throat thrust. Kokina whipped Nikita into the corner and charged in and pulverized Nikita with an avalanche. Nikita staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed to his back in the ring.

Kaissey picked up on a mic.

Kaissey: Finish him off!

Kokina went and positioned Nikita for his Bonzai drop (ass drop to the chest from the middle buckle) finisher.

Dundee: Wonder what Kaissey will have Nikita do first? Wash his car? Clean his crappers with a toothbrush?

Kokina on the middle buckle facing the crowd. Crowd buzzing.

Kokina came off with his Bonzai drop and Nikita rolled out of the way and Kokina crashed ass-first to the mat. Crowd roared.

Kokina down and hurting. Kaissey going crazy at ringside.

Nikita to his feet. A shaky Kokina to his feet. Kokina turned and walked right into Nikita's arms.

Nikita picked up Kokina and...


Crowd going nuts.

Nikita backed up and assumed the position.

A hurting and unsteady Kokina made it to his feet.

Nikita charged over and...


Kokina crashed to the mat.

Nikita covered Kokina for the pin. 1...2...3!

Loudest pop of the night from the crowd.

A sore, tired Nikita up and the ref raised his hand victory.

Nikita looked over at the stunned Kaissey. As Nikita walked over to the corner in the ring and shook out the effects of the match, Kaissey wasn't waiting around. Kaissey started to leave the ringside area.

Nikita moved out of the corner and told Kaissey he owes him the money. Kaissey turned and waved to Nikita and prepared to take off with the money until...

The Trooper charged down the face aisle and came up behind Kaissey, spun Kaissey around and walloped Kaissey in the face. Maksed Doc avoiding Trooper at all costs.

Trooper snatched the brief case from a shaken Kaissey and took it into the ring, handed it to Nikita and raised Nikita's hand in victory to more crowd cheers.

Pic flipped and Bischoff was standing in the locker room with Nikita after his win over Kokina. Nikita still in his ring attire.

Eric: First of all, Nikita, congratulations on being the first man to not only bodyslam Kokina Maximus but also pin him.

The bonus is it made you $250,000 dollars richer.

Nikita reached back and plucked the briefcase off a chair and held it up for the fans to see and then put it back on the chair.

Nikita: Thank you, Eric. It was a great feeling to bodyslam Kokina and then pin him. He is a hard man to get off of his feet and it's hard to pin his shoulders to the mat for a three count because of his size.

I'd also like the to thank the Trooper for making sure I got my money from the Sheik.

Eric: Any plans for the money?

Nikita: Not yet. Right now, I will enjoy this win over Kokina.

Eric: What are your plans moving forward?

Nikita: Well, Col. DeBeers cheated me out of a World Title shot tonight here at Christmas Chaos. Anyone who saw our #1 contender tournament match saw him low-blow me when the referee was down and that was the difference in the match.

I want another match with DeBeers and I want it soon. I just wanted to talk to him and make him see the light that America is the greatest country on earth. Instead, he decide to, how you say, instigate conflict between us.

I've beaten DeBeers once and he has beaten me once.

The AWA match-makers need to make this match. DeBeers knows I deserve another crack at him.

Come on, Colonel. Let's step into the ring like men and face each other one more time. We've got, how you say, unfinished business.

Well, we'll see what happens regarding another match between you and DeBeers in the future.

But, savor this win tonight, Nikita. You've earned it.

Nikita: Thank you.


SLAM! logo appeared on the screen with the caption: NEXT... HOT 6-MAN TAG!!!


6-MAN TAG: Barry Windham, Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) vs. Jonnie Stewart, Manny Fernandez & Cactus Jack

Stewart, Manny and Cactus made their way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had their fans.

Windham, Haynes and Norton (WTTC) made their way down the face aisle to cheers.

Ref called for the bell.

Windham and Stewart started for their teams. The two charged one another and tore into each other with punches and Windham gained the upper hand and whipped Stewart into the ropes and caught Stewart coming off with a dropkick. Stewart crashed to the mat. Stewart up and backed into the corner. Windham moved in and caught Stewart with knees to the gut and whipped Stewart into the opposite corner. Stewart slammed into the buckles, stumbled out of the corner and Windham hit Stewart with a high backdrop. Stewart back down. Windham snapped Stewart up and caught Stewart in a side headlock. After a brief struggle, Stewart shoved Windham off and Windham slammed front-first into the buckles. Stewart charged up behind Windham and caught Windham with a running high knee to the back. Windham hurting. Stewart placed his foot on the top buckle and slammed Windham's head into it. Stewart whipped Windham into the heel corner. Stewart with a series of elbow strikes to the side of Windham's head. Stewart tagged in Manny. Manny in and popped Windham with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Manny whipped Windham into the corner. Manny moved in and Windham charged out of the corner and dropped Manny with a running clothesline. Manny up and Windham hit Manny with a dropkick that sent Manny crashing to the mat. Windham snapped Manny up and slammed Manny's head into the top buckle in the face corner. Manny spun around in the corner and Windham tagged in Haynes. Haynes with head and body shots on Manny. Haynes pulled Manny out of the corner, whipped Manny into the ropes and caught Manny coming off witht a gorilla press slam. Haynes moved in with more punches on Manny and went to whip Manny into the ropes but Manny reversed and caught Haynes coming off with a backhand to the face. Haynes crashed to the mat. Manny stomped away on Haynes and snapped Haynes up and bodyslammed Haynes. Manny with a jumping fist drop to the head that connected. Manny for the cover. 1...2... Haynes kicked out. Both men up, Haynes bent over and Manny caught Haynes with a kick to the chest. Haynes fell back against the ropes. Manny with a well-placed jaw punch. Manny whipped Haynes into the ropes and looked to catch Haynes coming off with a clothesline but Haynes ducked the move and came back and speared Manny to the mat. Crowd popped. Haynes with head shots on the downed Manny. Haynes snapped up Manny and hit Manny with a suplex followed by a leg drop. Haynes for the cover. 1...2... Jack hit the ring and stomped Haynes in the back of the head to break up the pin try. Jack back to his corner before any other shenanigans could happen. Both men up and Manny caught Haynes with a gut kick followed by a knee lift to the chest. Haynes snapped back and crashed to the mat. Manny with a series of elbow smashes on Haynes. Manny up and tagged in Jack. Crowd buzzing. Jack came in as Haynes was getting up and poked Haynes in the eye. Ref reprimanded Jack. Jack whipped Haynes into the buckles. Jack moved in and caught Haynes with a head shot followed by biting of Haynes' forehead. Jack broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack then choked Haynes out with his boot and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Haynes in a bad way. Jack grabbed Haynes and threw Haynes out of the ring through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Jack ignored the ref and left the ring for the floor. Jack grabbed Haynes and hit Haynes with a sidebreaker across the knee. Ref counting. Jack up on the apron and ran and jumped off and caught Haynes with an elbow smash on the floor. Both men down. Jack up and quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Haynes starting to get up on the floor and Jack again jumped off the apron and nailed Haynes with a jumping double sledge to the back. Haynes back down. Ref counting. Jack snapped Haynes up and went to whip Haynes into the apron but Haynes reversed and sent Jack crashing into the apron. Crowd cheered. Haynes regaining his bearings. Jack came at Haynes and Haynes caught Jack with a couple of gut shots and then grabbed Jack and drove Jack hard, back-first into the apron. Jack down to a knee. Haynes quickly climbed in the ring to break the count and climbed back out on the apron and stomped Jack in the head. Haynes dropped to the floor, grabbed Jack and threw Jack back into the ring.

Haynes reached down to pull Jack up when Jack caught Haynes with a trio of gut shots. Jack to his feet and blasted Haynes with a discus clothesline out of nowhere. Haynes crashed to the mat. Jack picked up Haynes and bodyslammed him. Jack mounted the middle buckle and came off witt a legdrop that connected. Jack mounted the middle buckle and came off with another leg drop from the middle buckle but Haynes rolled out of the way and Jack crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men made it to their feet and Jack struck Haynes and Haynes struck Jack back. Jack struck Haynes again one more time. Haynes started walking around the ring shaking his fists. Jack went too punch Haynes again and Haynes blocked the punch try and tore into Jack with a series of punches. Haynes whipped Jack into the ropes and blasted Jack coming off with clothesline. Jack crashed to the mat. Haynes snapped Jack up, whipped Jack into the ropes and caught Jack coming off with a big right. Jack spun around and crashed to the mat. Haynes for the cover. 1...2... Stewart hit the ring and went to stomp Haynes but Haynes rolled out of the way and Stewart accidentally stomped Jack instead as the crowd roared. Haynes popped up and pointed at Norton. Crowd cheered. Haynes tagged in Norton. Norton hit the ring to loud cheers and grabbed Jack as Jack was getting up. Norton whipped Jack into the buckles and nailed Jack with an avalanche in the corner. Crowd eating it up. Norton peeled Jack out of the corner, whipped Jack into the ropes and nailed Jack with a powerslam. Norton up and briefly played to the crowd.

Pedicino: Norton better get better control of his emotions or it could cost his team the match.

Norton went to whip Jack into the ropes but Jack reversed in the heel team's direction and Stewart came down the apron and got a knee up and Norton crashed into it. Norton stumbled forward and went down. Jack dropped an elbow smash across Norton's back. Jack snapped Norton up and threw Norton into the corner and Norton crashed on his ass in the corner. Norton sitting up next to the buckles and Jack backed up and charged in and nailed Norton with a running knee. Jack tagged in Stewart. Stewart came in and started choking Norton but broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Stewart booted Norton in the chest, snapped up Norton and whipped Norton into the corner. Stewart charged in and nailed Norton with a running back elbow to the chest. Stewart pulled Norton out of the corner and raked Norton's eyes across the top rope and broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Haynes climbed in the ring to go after Stewart but the ref intercepted Haynes and ordered him back to his corner. With the ref distracted, Manny thought it would be a good idea to come in and try to ambush Norton, but Windham hit the ring and nailed Manny with a high dropkick and Manny crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and crashed to the floor as the crowd cheered. Windham back to his corner. Ref turned and Stewart hit Norton with a series of clubbing forearms to the back. Stewart whipped Norton into the ropes and looked to catch Norton coming off with a backdrop but Norton dived down and caught Stewart with a double sledge to the back. Stewart limp and still bent over. Norton grabbed Stewart and started to hoist Stewart up for his powerbomb finisher when Jack hit the ring and clubbed Norton with a running forearm smash to the back. Norton lost his grip on Stewart. Haynes charged over and pulverized Jack with a running clothesline. Jack crashed to the mat as the fans cheered. Haynes back to his team's corner. Norton down on one knee and Stewart booted Norton in the side of the head. Stewart circled around behind Norton and grabbed Norton in a sleeper. Norton fighting through the pain of the hold. Norton moved closer to the face side and lunged over and tagged in Windham Crowd popped. Stewart had lost his grip on the hold and Windham tore into Stewart with punches. Windham whipped Stewart into the ropes and looked to clothesline Stewart coming off but Stewart ducked the move and caught the top rope on the other side. Windham turned and looked at Stewart as Manny hit the ring and hit Windham from behind with a vicious running clothesline to the back of the neck. Windham down. Haynes charged in and went to go after Manny but Manny dodged Haynes and got back to his corner. Ref getting Haynes back to his corner. Jack untied the tag rope as Haynes and Norton were distracted with the ref. Jack tossed Stewart the rope and Stewart concealed it as he caught Windham in a rear chinlock with one arm while choking Barry out with the rope with his free hand. Ref turned back to the action and was checking on Barry. Stewart kept maneuvering Windham around away from the ref to keep the choke locked on. Stewart released the choke and quickly concealed the rope by his side. Barry down on the mat. As the ref checked on Barry, Stewart went over and slyly handed the rope off to Jack. Norton and Haynes called for the ref to look over and the ref, being an idiot, came over and talked to Haynes and Norton. Ref went over and checked to see what the heels were up to and they feigned innocence. Stewart tagged in Manny. Manny hit the ring as Windham had got up near the ropes and caught Barry with a forearm shiver to the side of the head. Manny whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry coming off with a knee to the gut and Barry flipped over and crashed to the mat. Barry sat up and Manny hit Barry with a running snap mare. Barry back down holding his already hurting neck.

Manny snapped Barry up and whipped Barry into the ropes and caught Barry coming off with a back fist to the face. Barry staggered. Manny whipped Barry into the ropes and looked to catch Barry coming off with a backdrop but Barry instead caught Manny in a front facelock and blasted Manny with a DDT. Fans exploded. Manny and Barry down. Ref counting. Barry to his feet, lunged over and tagged in Haynes to a nice pop. Manny up and Haynes came up behind Manny and locked him in his full nelson finisher. Jack and Stewart hit the ring to save Manny but Norton and Barry cut them off and Manny, already feeling the effects in his neck from the DDT, quickly submitted to the pressure applied to the same area by the full nelson. Ref called for the bell and Haynes released the hold and Manny crumpled to the mat to the delight of the crowd. Ref raised Haynes' hand in victory.

Norton and Windham in the ring celebrating with Haynes as the program went off the air.

WINNER: Haynes, Norton & Windham - Submission - 16:30

(Match would have had two commercial breaks, so roughly 10:30 of the match would have aired but it is laid out in complete form as it would have happened in IRL.)

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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(1st Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson: Hello. And welcome to AWA All-Star Wrestling. I'm your host Larry Nelson.

1991 promises to be a great year for the AWA, so you'll want tune in every week to see what happens. It's gonna be can't-miss TV.

And we begin the show with some major news!

We're gonna have another live ESPN special next month.

It's Winter Warfare. And it will be taking place Tuesday, February 19th, at the Icardo Center on the campus of Cal State-Bakersfield in Bakersfield, California. This will be the AWA's first appearance ever in Bakersfield.

Winter Warfare will air at 9pm Eastern and 6pm Pacific on February 19th.

We'll be announcing matches for the show in the coming weeks.

If you're interested in attending the show in-person, tickets will go on sale Saturday, January 19th, at 10am Pacific Time.

For tickets, contact Ticket Master, or call the Icardo center box office at (661)-555-7489 or visit the box office in person.

On to other news.

Last November, the AWA announced a new two-year deal with ESPN. So, we're staying right here.

We've had a great relationship ESPN over the years and glad it is continuing into the future.

Our ESPN show, AWA Championship Wrestling, is now known as AWA SLAM! Wrestling.

And starting Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! Wrestling will begin airing at 10pm Eastern and 7pm Pacific Time on ESPN.

Don't forget the new start time.

Now for major AWA wrestling news.

A picture appeared of Col. DeBeers on the screen (like you'd see on a newscast) next to Nelson.

Nelson: If you saw Christmas Chaos right here on ESPN last month, you know we have a new World Champion.

Col. DeBeers defeated Wahoo McDaniel to become the new World Champion and his win has already stirred controversy in the wrestling world.

You'll see the controversial finish to the match when we present highlights of Christmas Chaos.

We'll also have some post-match interviews from that event, including one you'll have to see with Don Muraco.

Our TV main event promises to be a good one as Nikita Koloff battles 'Cowboy' Bob Orton.

Highlights from Christmas Chaos PLUS! interviews with some of the participants.

Also, Bobby Jaggers wrestles Tom Zenk.

Wendi Richter goes one-on-one with Candi Divine.

The Grappler and Rip Oliver collide with the Guerrero Brothers.

Let's go to the ring in Green Bay where the Trooper is set to see action.

The Trooper won a squash match over Jeff Gaylord via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher

Trooper came down the face aisle to a strong reaction and handed out souvenir speeding tickets on the way to the ring.


Trooper, 1991 is here and you have one goal in mind.

Trooper: That's right, Eric. I am looking to become the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.

Crowd cheered.

Eric: It wasn't all too long ago that you wrestled Valentine to a time-limit draw on TV and appeared to have the champ on the verge of defeat.

Trooper: Just a few more seconds and I would have been the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.

I know that Valentine is a tough customer. Love him or hate him, he's held that belt since winning the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship tournament early in 1990. You've got to give the devil his due.

But, we've turned the page. 1991 is a new year and that means new things happening in the AWA.

And I believe one of those things is gonna be me taking down Greg Valentine and winning that title.

Crowd cheered.

Eric: It's gonna be a tall order, Trooper. As you just said, Valentine is a tough customer inside the ropes. We'll see what transpires over the next 12 months.

Trooper: Winning that belt is my main new year's resolution, Eric. I know that I can get the job done.

Valentine, let's sign the contract and make this happen.

More cheers.

Eric: That's the Trooper.

He's a man on a mission and we'll see if he can realize his main goal of 1991 and become the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion..

Pic aired of Wendi Richter with the caption: NEXT... WENDI'S BACK!!!!


Wendi Richter vs. Candi Divine

Divine came down the heel aisle to modest boos.

Richter came down the face aisle to a good crowd response.

Some good back-and-forth action between two women who know each other very well

End of the match saw Divine on the offensive. Divine whipped Richter into the ropes and caught Richter coming off with a high backdrop. Richter crashed to the mat. Divine snapped Richter up and whipped Richter into the buckles. Divine charged in and Richter got both feet up and Divine slammed into them. Divine staggered backwards. Richter charged out of the corner and popped Divine with a running clothesline. Divine crashed to the mat. Richter grabbed Divine, hoisted Divine up and nailed Divine with a powerbomb. Richter for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans cheered. Richter up and the ref raised her hand in victory.

WINNER: Richter - Pinfall - 4:25

In-studio: Nelson talked about what an exciting year 1991 promises to be for the AWA.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... HANGMAN IN ACTION!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Tom Zenk vs. Bobby Jaggers

Zenk came down the face aisle to a decent ovation.

Jaggers came down the heel aisle to a fair amount of boos.

Ref called for the bell.

Jaggers charged out of the corner and caught Zenk with a series forearm shivers to the aide of the head. Jaggers whipped Zenk into the ropes and backdropped Zenk coming off. Zenk crashed to the mat. Zenk up and Jaggers grabbed Zenk and drove Zenk back-first into the buckles. Jaggers hit Zenk with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Zenk stumbled out for the corner next to the ropes and Jaggers caught Zenk with a trio of clubbing blows to the back Zenk stumbled forward and went down to a knee. Jaggers booted Zenk in the side of the face. Jaggers for the cover. 1... Zenk kicked out. Zenk sat up and Jaggers locked Zenk in a rear chinlock. Ref checking to make sure it's not a choke Jaggers cinched up on the hold but Zenk still not giving up. Jaggers kept the hold locked in. Jaggers up and dropped an elbow on the top of Zenk's head. Jaggers snapped Zenk up and went to whip Zenk into the ropes but Zenk reversed and caught Jaggers coming off with a powerbomb. Crowd poppped. Both men down. Ref counting. Zenk to his feet and went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Jaggers got to his feet. Jaggers up and fell against the ropes causing Zenk to lose his balance and crotch himself on the top buckle. As Zenk dangled on the buckle, Jaggers moved in and caught Zenk with a series of uppercuts. Zenk fell off the top buckle back into the ring. Jaggers stomped away on Zenk while grabbing the top rope. Jaggers broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4. Jaggers snapped Zenk up and choked Zenk on the top rope. Ref counting and Jaggers broke at 4. Jaggers then neck snapped Zenk on the top rope and Zenk snapped back and crashed to the mat. Jaggers briefly played to the crowd who responded by booing the blond baddie. Jaggers pulled Zenk to his knees and slapped Zenk hard across the face. Jaggers snapped Zenk up and slammed Zenk's head into the top buckle. Zenk spun around in the corner and Jaggers laid into Zenk with a punch-kick set. Jaggers whipped Zenk into the opposite buckles. Jaggers moved in on Zenk but Zenk found the strength to charge out of the corner and level Jaggers with a clothesline. Zenk over against the ropes as the crowd cheered him. Jaggers slowly up and Zenk hit Jaggers with a dropkick. Jaggers crashed to the mat. Jaggers up and Zenk found the strength to catch Jaggers in a flying headscissors takedown. Jaggers stuck in a compromising position. Jaggers managed to maneuver around and pull his head out from between Zenk's legs (that sounds so inappropriate) and get to his feet. Zenk, from his back, managed to kick Jaggers in the gut with both feet. Jaggers fell back into the corner. Zenk up and moved in and caught Jaggers with some head shots. Jaggers stumbled out of the corner. Zenk popped Jaggers with a clubbing blow to the back and picked up Jaggers and nailed Jaggers with a sidebreaker across the knee. Zenk went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Jaggers made it to his feet. Zenk came off with his missle dropkick finisher but Jaggers fell out of the way and Zenk crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. Jaggers to his feet and backed up. Zenk up and turned and Jaggers charged over and blasted Zenk with his Jaggers' Special (Polish hammer - running double sledge to the chest) finisher. Zenk crashed to the mat. Jaggers for the cover. 1...2... Zenk got his foot on the bottom rope but the ref did not see it. ...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Jaggers to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Jaggers - Pinfall - 6:39

Video aired with the caption: NEXT... CHAOS RE-CAP!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd highlights from the Christmas Chaos special that aired in December '90.

# 4-minute highlights video played to the song Battle To The Top and featured footage from every match. Video concluded with Don Muraco coming to the ring during the World Title match between Wahoo and Col. DeBeers. With the ref down, Muraco had a chair with him. It appeared Muraco was gonna hit DeBeers with the chair because DeBeers had pinned Muraco by holding his tights to score the pin in their #1 contender match for a possible shot at Wahoo for the belt at Christmas Chaos. Muraco instead spun around and bashed Wahoo over the head with the chair, allowing DeBeers to cover Wahoo and become the new AWA World Champion.

Battle To The Top:

In-studio: Nelson discussed the shocking turn of events in the World Title match.

Then intro'd a post-match interview with Don Muraco.


Eric Bischoff, mic in hand, was standing in the locker room with Don Muraco. Muraco was excited.

Eric: Don Muraco! What in the world was that all about?!

Don: Since Wahoo's no longer the World Champion, we can get back together and go after those tag team titles!

Eric: You cost him the title! Do you really think he's just gonna forget that and team up with you again?!

Don: I cleared his schedule for him! We now have lots of time to do tag team wrestling! I can't wait!

And I'm sure Wahoo will understand why I did what I did! It was for the team! It was for the...

Off-camera, the locker room door slammed open. Bischoff and Muraco looked over.

Wahoo stormed into the picture still in his ring attire.

Wahoo: What the hell are you doing, Don! Jesus Christ! You just cost me the World Championship!

Don: I did it for us! You're free now! We can tag team again!

Wahoo: Are you out of your (bleep)-ing mind! I'm not gonna tag with you after what you did to me!

Don: What else do you have to do now, Wahoo?! You've now got nothing but open dates on your calendar since you're no longer the World Champion! Let's get those tag team belts!

Wahoo: You are absolutely delusional! I'm not gonna...

Wahoo then grabbed Muraco and slammed Muraco against the wall. Muraco grabbed Wahoo and the two struggled with one another as wrestlers and AWA officials charged into the picture to break things up.

As Wahoo was being hauled away, he was picked up on a mic.

Wahoo: I won't forget this, Don! Ever!

Bischoff asked Muraco one last question.

Eric: Wahoo just made it clear he will not tag team with you again. Now, what do you have to say?

Muraco: I can't believe how ungrateful Wahoo is! I single-handedly made it possible to go after the tag team titles again and he acts like this! Despicable!

Eric: You cost him the World Title.

Don: I did it for us, Wahoo! He just needs to calm down, drink some fire water and light off some M-80's! When he's calm he'd better see the light... or else!!

Muraco walked out of the picture as a stunned Bischoff looked on.

Video aired of Nikita sickling and pinning Kokina at CC with the caption: NEXT... MONSTER KILLER!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd the end of the $250,000 dollar challenge match (if Nikita lost he would have to work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey for a year. Said the match footage would be followed by a post-match interview with Nikita.


# Nikita went to whip Kokinaa into the ropes but Kokina reversed and caught Nikita coming off with a Samoan drop. The life drained from Nikita. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men up and Kokina caught Nikita with an open-hand throat thrust. Kokina whipped Nikita into the corner and charged in and pulverized Nikita with an avalanche. Nikita staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed to his back in the ring.

Kaissey picked up on a mic.

Kaissey: Finish him off!

Kokina went and positioned Nikita for his Bonzai drop (ass drop to the chest from the middle buckle) finisher.

Dundee: Wonder what Kaissey will have Nikita do first? Wash his car? Clean his crappers with a toothbrush?

Kokina on the middle buckle facing the crowd. Crowd buzzing.

Kokina came off with his Bonzai drop and Nikita rolled out of the way and Kokina crashed ass-first to the mat. Crowd roared.

Kokina down and hurting. Kaissey going crazy at ringside.

Nikita to his feet. A shaky Kokina to his feet. Kokina turned and walked right into Nikita's arms.

Nikita picked up Kokina and...


Crowd going nuts.

Nikita backed up and assumed the position.

A hurting and unsteady Kokina made it to his feet.

Nikita charged over and...


Kokina crashed to the mat.

Nikita covered Kokina for the pin. 1...2...3!

Loudest pop of the night from the crowd.

A sore, tired Nikita up and the ref raised his hand victory.

Nikita looked over at the stunned Kaissey. As Nikita walked over to the corner in the ring and shook out the effects of the match, Kaissey wasn't waiting around. Kaissey started to leave the ringside area.

Nikita moved out of the corner and told Kaissey he owes him the money. Kaissey turned and waved to Nikita and prepared to take off with the money until...

The Trooper charged down the face aisle and came up behind Kaissey, spun Kaissey around and walloped Kaissey in the face. Maksed Doc avoiding Trooper at all costs.

Trooper snatched the brief case from a shaken Kaissey and took it into the ring, handed it to Nikita and raised Nikita's hand in victory to more crowd cheers.

Pic flipped and Bischoff was standing in the locker room with Nikita after his win over Kokina. Nikita still in his ring attire.

# Eric: First of all, Nikita, congratulations on being the first man to not only bodyslam Kokina Maximus but also pin him.

The bonus is it made you $250,000 dollars richer.

Nikita reached back and plucked the briefcase off a chair and held it up for the fans to see and then put it back on the chair.

Nikita: Thank you, Eric. It was a great feeling to bodyslam Kokina and then pin him. He is a hard man to get off of his feet and it's hard to pin his shoulders to the mat for a three count because of his size.

I'd also like the to thank the Trooper for making sure I got my money from the Sheik.

Eric: Any plans for the money?

Nikita: Not yet. Right now, I will enjoy this win over Kokina.

Eric: What are your plans moving forward?

Nikita: Well, Col. DeBeers cheated me out of a World Title shot tonight here at Christmas Chaos. Anyone who saw our tournament match saw him low-blow me when the referee was down and that was the difference in the match.

I want another match with DeBeers and I want it soon. I just wanted to talk to him and make him see the light that America is the greatest country on earth. Instead, he decide to, how you say, instigate conflict between us.

I've beaten DeBeers once and he has beaten me once.

The AWA match-makers need to make this match. DeBeers knows I deserve another crack at him.

Come on, Colonel. Let's step into the ring like men and face each other one more time. We've got, how you say, unfinished business.

Well, we'll see what happens regarding another match between you and DeBeers in the future.

But, savor this win tonight, Nikita. You've earned it.

Nikita: Thank you.


P{ic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... NORTHWEST INVADERS!!!


The Grappler & Rip Oliver made quick work of Guerrero Bros. when Oliver pinned Hector after hitting Hector with his spinebuster finisher - 3:14

Grappler and Oliver were strongly booed coming to the ring down the heel aisle.

After the match, Grappler got on the mic.

Grappler: This is yet another victory for the great Pacific Northwest!

Oliver then took his crack on the mic.

Rip: You Green Bay folks smell like moldy cheese! And the Packers stink, too!

Crowd boos.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... RUSSIAN VS. COWBOY!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

TV MAIN EVENT: Nikita Koloff vs. Bob Orton

Orton came down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Koloff came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Orton jumped Koloff before the match.

Ref called for the bell.

Orton hammered away on Koloff, whipped Koloff into the ropes and caught Koloff coming off with a high backdrop. Koloff crashed to the mat. Koloff up facing away from Orton and Orton ran Koloff into the ropes and rolled Koloff up from behind for the pin. 1... Orton grabbed the tights. ...2... Koloff kicked Orton off. Orton up and grabbed Koloff as he was getting up. Orton went to slam Koloff's head into the top buckle but Koloff grabbed the top rope with both hands and stiffened his arms, Orton tried to slam Koloff's head into the top buckle again to no avail. Koloff caught Orton with some elbows to the ribs and Orton lost his grip on Ko;loff and Koloff slammed Orton's head three times into the top buckle. Orton spun around in the corner and Koloff hit Orton with a series of deliberate shoulder blocks to the gut. Koloff pulled Orton out of the corner and hit Orton with a suplex. Koloff went for a jumping elbow smash but Orton rolled out of the way and Koloff crashed to the mat. Both men up and Orton caught Koloff with a gut shot and then a deliberate series of head shots on the Ruskie. Orton bodyslammed Koloff, mounted the middle buckle and came off with a driving elbow from the second turnbuckle. Orton for the cover. 1...2... Koloff kicked out. Both men up and Orton drove a knee into the side of Koloff's ribs. Orton grabbed Koloff in a side headlock. Orton cinched up on the hold. Koloff countered by hoisting Orton up and atomic dropping Orton on the top rope as the crowd cheered. Orton dangled for a moment and then slowly extricated himself from the top rope. His balls were sore. Koloff caught Orton with a trio of forearm shivers to the side of the head, whipped Orton into the ropes and caught Orton coming off in a bearhug. Crowd popped (Why? We don't know. Fans were smart enough back then to know this wasn't going to be a finish 99.9% of the time in '91.) Koloff cinched up on the hold. Orton trying to free himself. Orton finally raked Koloff's eyes and Koloff lost his grip on the hold. Koloff turned away grabbing his eyes. Orton with a series of double sledges to the back that drove Koloff to his knees by the ropes. Orton choked Koloff out on the middle rope but broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Orton snapped Koloff up and locked Nikita in a rear chinlock and arm lock. With both men standing, Orton then hit Koloff with three vicious backbreakers across his knee. Orton released Koloff and Koloff crumpled to the mat. Orton briefly played to the booing fans. Orton stomped Koloff on the top of the head and then hoisted Koloff up for what appeared to be a double underhook suplex but instead was a violent double underhook slam to the mat where Orton remained standing. Koloff in bad shape. Orton snapped Koloff up and dropped Koloff on the top buckle and then headbutted Koloff. Orton mounted the middle rope and grabbed Koloff and hit Koloff with his superplex finisher. Orton for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Koloff kicked out. Crowd popped.

Orton stunned. Orton grabbed Koloff and hoisted Koloff on his shoulder. Orton went for a running powerslam but Koloff wriggled free from Orton and dropped down behind Orton and shoved hard, front-first into the buckles. Orton slammed into the buckles and turned turned around and walked into a blistering set of punches from Koloff. Koloff hoisted Orton up on his shoulder and nailed Orton with a running powerslam. Crowd popping like zits on a teen's face. Orton up and walked right into Koloff's arms. Koloff grabbed Orton in a bearhug and charged into the corner and slammed Orton back-first into the buckles. Orton bounded out of the corner, spun around and crashed to the mat. Crowd into it. Koloff assumed the position. A shaky, stunned Orton up and Koloff charged in and...

Crockett: SICKLE!!! SICKLE!!! SICKLE!!!

Koloff placed his hands on Orton's chest. 1...2...3! Crowd roared as the ref called for the bell.

Koloff up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Koloff - Pinfall - 7:37

Edited by Captain Kremmen
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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee
Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson
(# Aired on a previous AWA program. Also now highlighted in bold.)
(2nd Taping)
Show Intro
In-studio: Larry Nelson.
Nelson: Welcome to the second edition of AWA SLAM! Wrestling. I'm Larry Nelson.
Our main event this week comes to us from the Christams Chaos event that aired right here on ESPN last month.
We're going to show the World Championship match where Col. DeBeers de-throned 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel thanks to shocking outside help from Don Muraco.
Later in the program we will be hearing from the new AWA Champion in a post-match interview from Christmas Chaos.
Also, we have another live event airing on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th. It's called Winter Warfare and will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal-State Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.
Winter Warfare will air at 9pm Eastern and 6pm Pacific on February 19th.
For tickets, contact TicketMaster or call the Icardo Center box office at (805) 555-1279 or visit the Icardo Center box office.
We'll be announcing matches for the show in the coming weeks.
If you're interested in attending the show in person, tickets will go on sale Saturday, January 19th, at 10am Pacific Time.
For tickets, contact TicketMaster or call the Icardo Center box office at (805) 555-1279 or visit the Icardo Center box office on the Cal State-Bakersfieldd campus.
We also have major breaking news this week.
Because of the clean pinfall loss to Nikita Koloff at Christmas Chaos, Kokina Maximus and Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey have left the AWA.
Reports we got are that Kaissey and Kokina were so embarrassed by the loss that they were ashamed to make another appearance here. The pair beat a hasty exit from the promotion.
So, Kokina and Adnan El-Kaissey are gone from the AWA.
This weekend on All-Star Wrestling, the TV main event will also be from Christmas Chaos.
It's the $250,000 challenger, where if Nikita bodyslammed Kokina and beat him by pinfall or submission then Nikita would win the Sheik's $250,000 dollars. If Nikita lost, he had to work for Kaissey for a year.
We know the result. And if you did not catch the match when it aired live on Christmas Chaos you can see it again on this weekend's All-Star Wrestling. Check your local listings for when All-Star Wrestling airs in your area.
We'll also be seeing Reggie Bennett's post-match interview after her count out win over Women's Champ Magnificent Mimi at Christmas Chaos. Even though Bennett won the match she did not win the title.
Also on SLAM!, Tully Blanchard will square off with Derrick Dukes of the Top Guns.
Tina Moretti wrestles.
And more.
Now, let's get to the action in Vegas as 'Hangman' Bobby Jaggers steps into the squared circle.
Bobby Jaggers won a squash match over Robert Roode via pinfall with his Jaggers' Special (Polish Hammer - double sledge to the chest)
Jaggers was strongly booed coming down the heel aisle.
Nelson: Bobby Jaggers, that finisher of yours is positively devastating.
Jaggers: I call it the Jaggers' Special. You club an opponent in the chest or over the head with that and they ain't gettin' up. It's lights out, daddy.
Nelson: Your nemesis the Trooper is hot on the heels of Greg Valentine for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship. What do you think of that?
Jaggers: I think it's a disgrace.
Nelson: A disgrace?
Jaggers: Yes. It's a disgrace because a cop with a chip on his shoulder has a chance to become a major title holder.
But, fear not. I am gonna do whatever I can to make sure the Trooper does not win that belt. He doesn't deserve it.
Fans booed.
Nelson: These fans seem to disagree with you.
Jaggers: That just shows how stupid these fans are.
More boos.
Jaggers: They would rather see a rogue law-and-order man be the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion than Greg Valentine continuing his glorious run as the champ.
The people must like shady cops. And that's a damn shame.
Trooper, I'm keepin' my eye on you, daddy!
I'm gonna keep watching you as you rise to challenge the 'Hammer'! That belt must be kept off the Trooper!
And I intend to be the man who stands in his way from accomplishing that feat!
More boos.
Nelson: 'Hangman' Bobby Jaggers, everybody!
Pic aired of the SLAM!  logo with the caption: NEXT... TULLY VS. TOP GUN!!!
Tully Blanchard (w/ Valerie) vs. Derrick Dukes
Dukes came down the face aisle to a modest ovation.
Tully and Val came down the heel aisle to strong boos from the crowd.
Dukes surprised Tully early and came close to scoring the upset victory before Tully took control and finished off Dukes with his slingshot suplex finisher to score the 1...2...3!
WINNER: Tully - Pinfall - 3:21
In-studio: Nelson talked about Val's stable being a force to be reckoned with in the AWA in '91.
Hyped the TV main for later in the show.
Pic aired of Tina Moretti: NEXT... RUNS LIKE A FERRARI!
Commercials/AWA Tour Update
Tina Moretti won a squash match over Renee' Martel via pinfall with her Samoan piledriver finisher
Moretti got a good ovation coming down the face aisle.
In-studio: Nelson discussed 1991 possibly being the end of the line for Mimi's run with wrestlers like Bennett and Moretti chasing her.
Hyped the TV main event later in the program.
Video aired from the Mimi-(WC)-Bennett Women's World Title match from CC with the caption: NEXT... CONTROVERSY!!!
In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the Mimi (WC)-Bennett Women's World Title match from Christmas Chaos.
#Reg snapped Mimi up and whipped Mimi into the ropes and looked to catch Mimi coming off with a backdrop but Mimi caught Reg with a kick to the chest. Reg turned away from Mimi and Mimi came up behind Reg and shoved Reg hard, front-first into the buckles. Reg slammed into them and staggered backwards out of the corner. Mimi dropped to all fours behind Reg and Reg toppled over MImi and crashed to the mat. Mimi for the roll-up cover. 1... Mimi grabbed the tights. ...2...3! NO! Reg kicked Mimi off and Mimi crashed into the buckles. Reg to her feet as Mimi staggered out of the corner. Reg caught Mimi with a head shot, whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a monster clothesline that sent Mimi crashing to the mat as the crowd popped. Mimi rolled over on her side. Val in a panic at ringside. 
Nelson: 12 minutes gone! Three minutes remain!
Crowd buzzing.
Reg rolled Mimi onto her front side. Crowd knew what was coming. Reg caught Mimi in her split-leg rear chinlock finisher.
Pedicino: I do not see how MImi escapes this!
Mimi in dire pain locked in the hold but Reg sitting on her back meant she was not moving anywhere.
Some in the crowd popped. The ref was confused. Reg released the hold and got up thinking she'd won.
Pedicino: Wait a minute! Val rang the ring bell! The 15 minute time-limit wasn't up!
What the...
Confusion reigned.
President Bockwinkel made his way into the ring.
Bockwinkel was talking with the ref. Larry Nelson climbed in the ring with mic in hand.
As Bockwinkel and the ref continued talking. Mimi was able to crawl over to the apron and be pulled out onto the floor by Valerie. Mimi dropped to her ass on the floor.
Val went over and grabbed the title belt off the timekeeper's table. A shaky Mimi to her feet. Val led Mimi back up the heel aisle to the back with belt in tow.
Nelson: President Bockwinkel. What's going on?
Bockwinkel: Valerie rang the bell. I have ordered the referee to re-start the match.
Crowd cheered.
Nelson: The match will re-start on the referee's signal.
Bockwinkel: Wait! Where's the champion?!
Nelson: She got out of Dodge!
Bockwinkel: Re-start the match when I tell you and start counting if she isn't back out here.
Crowd buzzing.
Everybody waited in the ring for about 30 seconds.
Bockwinkel: Re-start the match.
Nelson and Bockwinkel left the ring.
Ref ordered the bell rung to re-start the match.
Bennett pacing around in the ring.
Ref started the 10-count.
At the count of five there was still no sign of Mimi.
Still no Mimi.
Ref called for the bell.
Nelson climbed up on the ring apron and talked briefly with the ref.
Ref raised Reg's hand in victory to modest cheers as most fans knew what the count out meant.
Nelson: In a time of 12 minutes, 29 seconds, your winner by  count out... 'Big' Reggie Bennett!
Because Bennett did not win by pinfall or submission the title does not change hands!
Magnificent Mimi is still the champion!
Pic flipped and Eric was standing with a frustrated Reggie Bennett in front of a wall backstage after her match at Christmas Chaos.
Eric: Reggie, you have to be frustrated right now.
Reg: Frustrated doesn't begin to describe it, Eric.
I won tonight; but it was a hollow victory.
I had Mimi beat and her manager Valerie goes over and rings the bell.
Nobody knew what was going on. I thought I had won the match; thought she had submitted.
And then those two rats bolt the ring for the back. Match gets re-started by President Bockwinkel and she never comes back and gets counted out.
That belt should be in my hands right now. I should be standing here the Women's Champion.
But, I want Mimi and Valerie to know this.
I will be back. There will be another title shot coming my way. And when there is, there will be no screwy ending. I'm gonna lock Mimi in my split-leg rear chinlock and finish the job.
You're cornered, Mimi. And there's no way out.
Eric: That was Reggie Bennett. She should probably be standing here before you the Women's World Champion right now.
But as things stand, thanks to her manager Valerie, Magnificent Mimi is still the title holder.
Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT: NEW WORLD CHAMP!!!
In-studio: Nelson intro'd the interview with Col. DeBeers right after he defeated Wahoo McDaniel to become the new AWA World Champion.
Col. DeBeers was standing with Eric Bischoff in the locker room after his match with Wahoo at Christmas Chaos.
DeBeers was in his camo pants and had the World Title slung over the shoulder.
Eric: Col. DeBeers, you are now the new AWA World Champion. What is going through your mind?
DeBeers tilted his head back slightly and exhaled.
DeBeers: The noble man has defeated the savage.
Eric: The noble man has de... Excuse me?
DeBeers: Tonight, here in St. Paul, Minnesota, a state that in 1970 had a 98 percent white population, history was made.
My win is one for the history books. And I'm not talking about just the professional wrestling history books. This will go down in history books all over the world.  Because a man who is not ashamed of his heritage stands tall as the AWA World Champion.
For those who are in agreement with me, this is truly a crowning achievement for us.
Bischoff shook his head in disbelief. DeBeers looked down at the belt.
DeBeers: It is truly ironic.
This belt proclaims that I am the American Wrestling Association World Champion. This belt was created at a time when Americans, real Americans that is, stood tall and were not ashamed of who they were.
Today, America is a cesspool of filth, degeneracy and degradation. For Americans today, it is a race to see how quickly one can swim to the bottom of the cesspool rather than reaching for the stars like our ancestors did. 
My victory is a reclaiming. By holding this World Championship, I represent what America could be again if the folk would once again rise and stand tall and re-assert their rightful position as real, true Americans.
Eric: Don Muraco interfered in the match and clocked Wahoo over the head with a chair and that led to you pinning Wahoo and becoming the new World Champion...
DeBeers: I had nothing to do with it. Why would I buddy up with someone like Muraco? He has his own issues with Wahoo and that is none of my business. 
Let the two savages tear each other apart.
I'm now the holder of the biggest prize in our sport and this belt means much more than being the World Champion. Me as your new World Champion also signals the birth of a new era. This belt has now officially become a message belt.
You're looking at a champion who stands for more than just himself.
I stand for truth, justice and decency. I stand for A people and not THE people. A champion usually says, like Wahoo did in the lead-up to our match tonight, that he was fighting for all people.Well, let tell you something. It is impossible to fight for all people. People who say that are delusional.
DeBeers uttered his next lines with complete disdain.
DeBeers: Fighting for all people. Ha! Might as well say you're fighting for a giant turd!
Bottom line: I'm your World Champion now. This belt is now more than just metal and leather and jewels. It represents a noble man rising to the pinnacle of his chosen profession and doing it on behalf of his own people.
Eric: That is enough for now.
That was new AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers. He'll have a lot of wrestlers gunning for him to try and become the new AWA World Champion.
In-studio: Nelson said the title win by DeBeers is already causing controversy.
Said his reign as champion will be nothing if not interesting.
Said the TV main was next.
Split-screen pic aired of DeBeers and Wahoo with the caption: NEXT... HOW HE WON IT!!!


(Referee: Gary DaRusha)

(From Christmas Chaos - Original Airdate: 12-10-90)
#  Ref called for the bell.
The two men came to the center of the ring ring and were jawing at one another. Suddenly, DeBeers turned like he was going to walk away from Wahoo but quickly turned and went to punch Wahoo but Wahoo blocked the punch try and fired away on DeBeers with chest chops. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the corner and moved in and blistered DeBeers with open hand chest chops.  DeBeers staggered out of the corner holding his chest. Wahoo with a chop to the back of DeBeers' neck. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the ropes and DeBeers grabbed the top rope, dropped down, rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor. DeBeers walking around on the floor. Wahoo trying to get out of the ring and go after DeBeers but the ref kept blocking him. Ref ordered Wahoo back. Ref started the 10-count as DeBeers stayed on the floor. DeBeers started to walk around the ring and Wahoo got tired of waiting and bolted the ring and came up behind DeBeers, spun DeBeers aroud and hit DeBeers with more chest chops. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers and slammed his head into the top of the steel ringside barricade three times. DeBeers in a bad way. DeBeers started to stagger off and Wahoo grabbeed DeBeers and threw DeBeers into the ring steps. DeBeers went down on the floor. Wahoo quickly rolled out in and out of the ring to break the count. Wahoo snapped DeBeers up and DeBeers stunned Wahoo by grabbing him around the waist and ramming Wahoo back-first into the ring apron. DeBeers moved in and caught Wahoo with punches. DeBeers whipped Wahoo into the ringside barricade. Wahoo hurting standing next to the barricade. Ref counting. DeBeeers climbed into the ring and broke the count. DeBeers stepped out on the ring apron and jumped off and hit Wahoo with a double sledge to the top of the head. Wahoo down to a knee. DeBeers booted Wahoo in the ribs, snapped Wahoo up and threw Wahoo into the post. Wahoo's head hit the post and he stumbled off and went down. Ref counting. DeBeers went over and grabbed Wahoo and slammed Wahoo's head three times into the ring apron. DeBeers picked up Wahoo and bodyslammed Wahoo on the floor. DeBeers climbed up on the apron and jumped off and nailed Wahoo with a jumping stomp to the gut. Wahoo in bad shape. DeBeers quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. DeBeers grabbed the downed Wahoo and slammed his head into the concrete floor. DeBeers snapped up Wahoo and went to whip Wahoo into the barricade but Wahoo reversed and sent DeBeers crashing into the barricade. Ref counting. Wahoo moved in on DeBeers and blasted DeBeers, not with chops, but with punches. Crowd cheering for Wahoo. Wahoo slammed DeBeers' head into the ring apron and then threw DeBeers back into the ring. Wahoo climbed in the ring. DeBeers up and begging off as an angry Chief stalked him. DeBeers backed himself into the corner. Wahoo once again laid into DeBeers with punches followed by knife-edge chest chops. DeBeers stunned. Wahoo hit DeBeers with an overhead chop. DeBeers suddenly reached down and pulled Wahoo's feet out from under him and Wahoo went of the pin. 1... DeBeers placed his feet n the middle rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Wahoo got a shoulder up. DeBeers got his feet off the middle rope  just before the ref looked over. DeBeers tried to pin Wahoo again. 1... DeBeers again got his feet on the middle rope for leverage. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and saw DeBeers' feet on the middle rope and ordered a break. DeBeers took his feet off the middle rope and Wahoo stunned DeBeers by catching him in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr.. DeBeers kicked out. Crowd groaned.
Both men to their feet and DeBeers hit Wahoo with a punch and Wahoo retaliated with a knife-edge chest chop. The two then engaged in a punch-chop exchange and Wahoo gained the upper hand and tore into DeBeers with more chops. DeBeers stunned. Wahoo suplexed DeBeers and hit DeBeers with a diving chop to the head. Wahoo for the pin. 1...2...thr... DeBeers got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Wahoo pulled DeBeers up by the hair and nailed DeBeers with a belly-to-back suplex. DeBeers up and Wahoo moved in and DeBeers caught Wahoo with a knee to the gut. DeBeers hit Wahoo with a bionic elbow to the head and then ran, hit the ropes and came off with a running punch to the head. Wahoo crashed to the mat. DeBeers with a knee drop to Wahoo's head. Wahoo hurting. DeBeers snapped Wahoo up and whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Wahoo crashed to the mat. DeBeers for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted DeBeers on the back. DeBeers got up thinking he'd won. DeBeers threw his arms in the air. Ref came over and yanked down one of DeBeers' arms and waved off the pin.  DeBeers started to have words with the ref. Wahoo recovered and rose to his feet behind DeBeers. DeBeers stopped arguing with the ref and and turned and Wahoo tore into DeBeers' with knife-edge chops as the crowd roar grew. Wahoo whipped DeBeers into the corner and DeBeers bounced out and was greeted with a clothesline from Wahoo. DeBeers crashed to the mat and Wahoo dropped down on top of DeBeers and started hammering the Colonel with punches and then started pounding the back of DeBeers' head on the mat. Crowd cheering. Wahoo snapped DeBeers up by the hair, did his war dance and nailed DeBeers with an overhead chop. DeBeers crashed to the mat. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers and went to whip DeBeers into the corner but DeBeers reversed and sent Wahoo crashing into the buckles. Wahoo staggered out of the corner and DeBeers slugged Wahoo went to catch Wahoo in a backslide but Wahoo resisted and reversed the hold and caught DeBeers in a backslide for the pin. 1...2...3! No DeBeers kicked out. Wahoo went to snap up DeBeers but DeBeers caught Wahoo with a series of gut shots. DeBeers up and caught Wahoo in a side headlock. Ref standing close to see if the headlock turns into a choke. Wahoo suddenly shoved DeBeers off and DeBeers headbutted the ref. Ref crashed to the mat by the ropes and was face down. DeBeers staggered. Wahoo grabbed DeBeers, whipped DeBeers into the ropes and caught DeBeers coming off with his big chop finisher. Crowd erupted as DeBeers crashed to the mat. Wahoo for the cover. Crowd on their feet yelling for the ref to recover. In frustration, Wahoo counted three himself. Wahoo got up and went over and checked on the ref. Like in his match with Nikita, DeBeers managed to recover enough to come up behind Wahoo and hit a low blow with his forearm. Wahoo crashed to the mat holding the goods. Ref still down. DeBeers went to a corner, knelt down facing the buckles and reached into the pocket of his camo pants and pulled out something. Crowd on edge.
Suddenly, Don Muraco, still in his ring attire, came charging down the face aisle with a folded steel chair in hand. Muraco climbed into the ring.
DeBeers had pulled a powdery substance into his hand.
Announcers pointed out that Muraco was steamed as DeBeers defeated Muraco by holding the tights in the tournament to decide who would get the title shot tonight, thus costing Muraco a possible chance to face Wahoo for the belt.
Muraco raised the chair up and was facing DeBeers. DeBeers to his feet and turned and walked a couple of steps out of the corner and saw Muraco. DeBeers, stunned, dropped the powder he had in his hand, Muraco and DeBeers looking at one another. Wahoo slowly made it to his feet. Wahoo up and...
Muraco spun around and bashed Wahoo over the head with the chair. Wahoo crumpled back to the mat. Crowd furious. Muraco looked down at Wahoo and then turned and left the ring and disappeared to the back with chair in tow. Ref DaRusha stirring. DeBeers grabbed ref DaRusha and pulled him over by Wahoo. DeBeers immediately dropped down and covered Wahoo and hooked Wahoo's outside leg to make sure Wahoo could not get his foot on the bottom rope again. A groggy DaRusha counted. 1.....2.....3! DaRusha called for the bell as the fans exploded in anger. DeBeers to his feet Ref DaRusha went over and took the belt from Nelson and talked briefly with him.
DaRusha went over and raised DeBeers' hand in victory and handed him the belt as garbage bombed the ring. Whatever cheering fans of DeBeers did was drowned out by the angry response from the overwhelming majority of the crowd.
Nelson: In a time of 12 minutes, 54 seconds, your winner... and NEW AWA World Heavyweight Champion... Col. DeBeers!
Fan anger grew. Two fans jumped the steel barricade and tried to get at DeBeers in the ring but security was able to stop them before they could get to the new champion.
Announcers wrapped up the show. Shot of heavy security having to lead DeBeers from the ring back up the heel aisle as garbage continued to be thrown at DeBeers and the ring.
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He was a rising WCW star. And he was sitting the AWA offices on a biting cold Minnesota early afternoon.

Jim Crockett got the call from the receptionist that he'd arrived.

Crockett made his way down the hall into the waiting area.

Jim: Hello, Brian.

Brian rose to his feet.

Brian: Hello, Jim. Good to see you.

Jim: Let's go down to my office.

The pair made their way down to Crockett's office where Bill Watts was waiting.

Crockett closed the door behind them.

Watts rose to his feet.

Watts: Hello, Mr. Pillman. How are you?

Pillman: Doing good.

The dessert tray was laid out along with beverages.

The trio dived into the desserts and made small talk.

Then it was time to talk business.

Jim: Brian, we've seen your work in WCW. You're quite the performer.

Pillman: Thank you. I take pride in my work.

Jim: It shows.

Pillman: Thank you.

Bill: Brian, we like your plucky babyface style. You're the smaller guy who can stand toe-to-toe with the heavyweights. Plus, your fantastic athleticism is something we think would fit in nicely in the AWA.

Jim: We know your contract is about to expire in WCW.

Can I ask how much you're making?

Pillman: $156,000 a year guaranteed.

Jim: Well, we don't offer full guaranteed deals in the AWA right now as we're still in the process of righting the ship. We've been digging this company out of a deep hole since we took over.

But, with the money invested in the company by our ownership group, we can offer guaranteed minimums. And there's no telling how much you could make over that minimum here in the AWA.

Pillman: Mind if I ask the minimum?

Watts: Sure, the minimum we'd be offering you is $75,000 dollars.

Are you negotiating a larger money deal for yourself in Atlanta?

Pillman: Yes. Trying cut a deal for $200 grand per.

Bill: Well, business is on the upswing here. Crowds are up across the board. We're now moving into better merchandising deals. We just cut a healthy deal with ESPN. Our syndication base is expanding. Our monthly Chicago houses now air on WGN.

We'd love to have you on board as we continue to grow.

Jim: You would be a welcome addition , Brian.

The fans, especially the gals, will love you. You could be a much bigger star here than you are now.

You'd come firing out with an immediate, major push.

Pillman: I like what you guys are selling. But, with Turner you get the guaranteed deal. That's what makes me hesitant.

Watts: That's understandable. There's always a little fear of the unknown.

But, you need to think big picture.

WCW is not as hot as it was. WWF is not as hot as it was. We're gaining traction and are on the rise.

Jim: Brian, take your time and think about what we're offering you. This could be your opportunity of a lifetime. The $200,000 a year contract they're offering may look like nothing if we stay on our upward trajectory.

Watts: This business has always operated on handshake deal, Brian. You know that.

I won't lie. In your first year here, you may not make as much as you're making right now in WCW. Gotta think big picture, my friend.

Pillman: It's tempting. You guys obviously have a vision for the company. You two and Jerry Jarrett are solid wrestling people with long track records of success.

The suits at CNN Tower in Atlanta are not good wrestling people.

Jim: Don't forget that John Waters and Deborah Harry are owners here, too. There's money here.

Pillman sat back in his seat in deep thought.

Pillman: Can I think about it? Can I go back to Atlanta and further discuss my possible deal with them.

Watts: Take your time, Brian. You don't want to make a deal anywhere in haste.

Pillman: Thanks.

Jim: We want you here, Brian. And in the long run you'll be booked much better here than in WCW. That's one thing I can guarantee you.

The trio talked business a little more before the convo turned back to casual conversation and chowing down on desserts.

Would Brian Pillman stick with the guarantee? Or will he take the gamble and risk it all on the continued turnaround of the AWA?

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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(2nd Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson: Welcome to All-Star Wrestling. I'm Larry Nelson.

We have a big show for you today, so you'll want to stick around for all the happenings.

Our TV main event comes to us from Christmas Chaos last month.

It's the $250,000 challenge pitting Kokina Maximus against Nikita Koloff.

The Sheik put up $250 grand of his own money for one match only and the wrestler who accepted the challenge would have to bodyslam and beat Kokina in the match. Those are two things that have never happened to Kokina.

If Nikita lost, he had to work for Kaissey for a year.

If you haven't seen this match, you'll want see it. The unexpected happens.

If you saw it on Christmas Chaos, you'll want to see it again to relive the memories.

Also, we'll be airing two post-match interviews from Christmas Chaos.

You'll see interviews with 'Big' Reggie Bennett and the new AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers. Both interviews are must-see TV.

Fans, we have another big live ESPN special happening next month.

It's Winter Warfare and will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the campus of Cal State-Bakersfield.

The show will air live on ESPN starting at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

For those who wish to attend Winter Warfare live, tickets go on sale next Saturday, January 19th, at 10am Pacific Time.

To get tickets, contact Ticket Master or call the Icardo Center box office at (805) 555-1279 or visit the Icardo Center box office on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus.

Also, tonight on the program.

Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion Greg Valentine sees action.

Don Muraco wrestles. It will be interesting to see how the fans react to him after he cost Wahoo the AWA World Championship against Col. DeBeers when he smashed Wahoo over the head with a chair.

Tommy Rich continues to look for the perfect tag team partner as he and the wrestler applying for the job battle the Guerrero brothers.

So, a big show tonight.

Let's send it to Green Bay where Brad Rheingans steps into the ring.

Brad Rheingans won a squash match over JBL via pinfall with his fisherman suplex (Perfect Plex) finisher.

Brad got a nice ovation coming to the ring down the face aisle.


: Brad Rheingans, you and Ken Patera were tag team partners for a long time. Patera decided to turn on you and these fans and align himself with Valerie.

It's had to be a tough couple of months.

Brad: Eric, Ken Patera swore up and down to me that he would never join forces with Valerie.

He said she was sleazy and could not be trusted.

Now we know who is truly sleazy and can't be trusted.

I believed you, Ken, when you said you'd never turn your back on me or the fans. You played me like a fiddle. I was the sucker in all this.

But, I want Patera to know one thing. I'm not finished with you.

You turning on me was not the end of the story. It was just chapter one.

And I intend to be the man who writes the final chapter of this book.

Crowd cheered.

Eric: That was Brad Rheingans. He's looking for payback against his former tag team partner Ken Patera.

Pic aired of Tommy Rich with the caption: NEXT... WILL HE FIND MR. RIGHT???


Tommy Rich & ??? vs. the Guerrero Bros.

Guerreros came to the ring to a decent ovation down the face aisle.

Rich came to the ring alone down the heel aisle to boos.

Rich climbed in the ring and took the mic from Bischoff.

Rich: Tonight, we have another wrestler vying to become my regular tag team partner.

So far, it's been two swings and misses. We'll see what happens.

My tag team partner tonight is... Mike Boyette.

Boyette came down the heel aisle to very little crowd reaction.

Guerreros came out on fire with high-flying, fast-paced wrestling.

Rich's team fought back into the match.

End of the match saw Hector and Boyette the legal men in the ring. Boyette was on the offensive and worked Hector over and whipped Hector into the ropes and looked to catch Hector coming off with backdrop but Guerrero stunned Boyette with a kick to the chest. Boyette shot up and stumbled back. Hector caught Boyette in the Jalapeno Roll (rolling front cradle around the ring) and went for the pin. 1...2... Rich hit the ring but was cut off by Mando. ...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd popped.

Hector up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

After the victorious Guerreros left the ring, Rich again took the mic from Bischoff.

Boyette on his feet.

Rich: Well, Mike, you showed some pretty good gumption there. And I like a man who has gumption.

But, you lost the match for us and that means you didn't get the job. Go back to your cave, you pre-historic looking goof.

A dejected Boyette left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle.

Rich: I'm still accepting applications. I just need to find that one wrestler, one, who is worthy of being the tag team partner of the former NWA World Champion.

WINNER: Guerrero Bros. - Pinfall - 3:36

Pic aired of Don Muraco with the caption: NEXT... THE 'CHAIR'MAN!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Don Muraco squash

Muraco came to the ring... through the crowd.

He was strongly booed.

Reynolds: Why is he coming through the crowd?

David Crockett: Good question, Jack. Hopefully, we'll get some answers after the match.

Don Muraco won a squash match over Nick Nemeth via pinfall in less than a minute with his inverted piledriver finisher.


Don Muraco. I have to ask: why did you come through the crowd instead of down the aisle?

Don: I walked into the dressing room I usually go in and was thrown out. Can you believe that? I had to dress in the hall. No idea why those guys are mad at me

Eric: Could it be that you cost Wahoo McDaniel the World Title by smashing him over the head with a chair? Could that be why they're mad at you?

Don: Thought those guys were my friends. But, I guess they like Wahoo better than me.

Eric: Speaking of Wahoo. Why did you do it? Hit him with that chair?

Don: I hit Wahoo over the head with that chair to knock some sense into him. Consider it an intervention. Unfortunately, the intervention did not work. Wahoo still refuses to team up with me again and chase those tag team titles.

Eric: I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone here. An intervention? Knocking some sense into him? Really, Don?

Don: He needed his schedule opened up so he could dedicate his time to us tag teaming again. I opened his schedule up real wide. And the thanks I get is he's mad at me. Did not see that coming.

Eric: Wow. I really don't know what to say at the moment.

Don: These fans. Don't they want to see me and Wahoo win those tag team titles?

Crowd booed loudly. Muraco looked genuinely hurt by the reaction.

Don: You people boo me?! After all I've done for you over the years?!

More boos.

Eric: Well, Don...

Don: I can't believe this crowd reaction. I am leaving. You fans need to learn how to respect me.

Muraco left the ring and made his way... out through the crowd.

David Crockett: He's really in denial.

Reynolds: He's lost all touch with reality.

Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... OH SO CLOSE!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the Mimi (WC)-Bennett Women's World Title match from Christmas Chaos.


# Reg snapped Mimi up and whipped Mimi into the ropes and looked to catch Mimi coming off with a backdrop but Mimi caught Reg with a kick to the chest. Reg turned away from Mimi and Mimi came up behind Reg aand shoved Reg hard, front-first into the buckles. Reg slammed into them and staggered backwards out of the corner. Mimi dropped to all fours behind Reg and Reg toppled over MImi and crashed to the mat. Reg for the roll-up cover. 1... Mimi grabbed the tights. ...2...3! NO! Reg kicked Mimi off and Mimi into the buckles. Reg to her feet as Mimi staggered out of the corner. Reg caught Mimi with a head shot, whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a monster clothesline that sent Mimi crashing to the mat as the crowd popped. Mimi rolled over on her side. Val in a panic at ringside.

Nelson: 12 minutes gone! Three minutes remain!

Crowd buzzing.

Reg rolled Mimi onto her front side. Crowd knew what was coming. Reg caught Mimi in her split-leg rear chinlock finisher.

Pedicino: I do not see how Mimi escapes this!

Mimi in dire pain locked in the hold but Reg sitting on her back meant she was not moving anywhere.



Some in the crowd popped. The ref was confused. Reg released the hold and got up thinking she'd won.

Pedicino: Wait a minute! Val rang the ring bell! The 15 minute time-limit wasn't up!

What the...

Confusion reigned.

President Bockwinkel made his way into the ring.

Bockwinkel was talking with the ref. Larry Nelson climbed in the ring with mic in hand.

As Bockwinkel and the ref continued talking. Mimi was able to crawl over to the apron and be pulled out onto the floor by Valerie. Mimi dropped to her ass on the floor.

Val went over and grabbed the title belt off the timekeeper's table. A shaky Mimi to her feet. Val led Mimi back up the heel aisle to the back with belt in tow.

Nelson: President Bockwinkel. What's going on?

Bockwinkel: Valerie rang the bell. I have ordered the referee to re-start the match.

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: The match will re-start on the referee's signal.

Bockwinkel: Wait! Where's the champion?!

Nelson: She got out of Dodge!

Bockwinkel: Re-start the match when I tell you and start counting if she isn't back out here.

Crowd buzzing.

Everybody waited in the ring for about 30 seconds.

Bockwinkel: Re-start the match.

Nelson and Bockwinkel left the ring.

Ref ordered the bell rung to re-start the match.

Bennett pacing around in the ring.

Ref started the 10-count.

At the count of five there was still no sign of Mimi.


Still no Mimi.


Ref called for the bell.

Nelson climbed up on the ring apron and talked briefly with the ref.

Ref raised Reg's hand in victory to modest cheers as most fans knew what the count out meant.

Nelson: In a time of 12 minutes, 29 seconds, your winner by count out... 'Big' Reggie Bennett!

Because Bennett did not win by pinfall or submission the title does not change hands!

Magnificent Mimi is still the champion!

Pic flipped and Eric was standing with a frustrated Reggie Bennett in front of a wall backstage after her match at Christmas Chaos.


Eric: Reggie, you have to be frustrated right now.

Reg: Frustrated doesn't begin to describe it, Eric.

I won tonight; but it was a hollow victory.

I had Mimi beat and her manager Valerie goes over and rings the bell.

Nobody knew what was going on. I thought I had won the match; thought she had submitted.

And then those two rats bolt the ring for the back. Match gets re-started by President Bockwinkel and she never comes back and gets counted out.

That belt should be in my hands right now. I should be standing here the Women's Champion.

But, I want Mimi and Valerie to know this.

I will be back. There will be another title shot coming my way. And when there is, there will be no screwy ending. I'm gonna lock Mimi in my split-leg rear chinlock and finish the job.

You're cornered, Mimi. And there's no way out.

Eric: That was Reggie Bennett. She should probably standing here before you the Women's World Champion right now.

But as things stand, thanks to her manager Valerie, Magnificent Mimi is still the title holder.


Pic aired of Greg Valentine with the caption: NEXT... HAMMERED!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

NON-TITLE: Greg Valentine (PWHC) vs. Terry Daniels

Daniels was already in the ring and announced.

Valentine came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Valentine won a quick squash match over Daniels with his figure four leglock submission hold.


Greg Valentine, the Trooper has made it very clear. His goal in 1991 is to beat you and become the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion.

Greg: If that's the Trooper's goal for 1991 he's gonna have an empty calorie year.

The Trooper is not winning this belt this year!

I've been the only man to hold this title since it was created! My name's the only one on the list of Pro Wrestling Heritage Champions! And it's gonna stay that way!

Try as you might, Trooper, the fact is you will still be beltless when the calendar hits January 1st, 1992!

I outlasted 16 men... 16!... to win this belt almost a year ago and nothing's gonna change!

Whether it's the Trooper or other challengers they will remain challengers!

I'm at the top of my career right now! I've never felt better! I've never wrestled better!

So, if some former Hill Street Blues wanna-be cop thinks he's gonna become the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion he is sadly mistaken!

They need to make a name plate for this belt with my name on it because the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship is going nowhere in '91!

Crowd booed.

Pic aired of Col. DeBeers with the caption: NEXT... A POLITCAL WORLD CHAMPION???


In-studio: Nelson intro'd the interview with Col. DeBeers right after he defeated Wahoo McDaniel to become the new AWA World Champion.


# Col. DeBeers was standing with Eric Bischoff in the locker room after his match with Wahoo at Christmas Chaos.

DeBeers was in his camo pants and had the World Title slung over the shoulder.

Eric: Col. DeBeers, you are now the new AWA World Champion. What is going through your mind right now?

DeBeers tilted his head back slightly and exhaled.

DeBeers: The noble man has defeated the savage.

Eric: The noble man has de... Excuse me?

DeBeers: Tonight, here in St. Paul, Minnesota, a state that in 1970 had a 98 percent white population, history was made.

My win is one for the history books. And I'm not talking about just the professional wrestling history books. This will go down in history books all over the world. Because a man who is not ashamed of his heritage stands tall as the AWA World Champion.

For those who are in agreement with me, this is truly a crowning achievement for us.

Bischoff shook his head in disbelief. DeBeers looked down at the belt.

DeBeers: It is truly ironic.

This belt proclaims that I am the American Wrestling Association World Champion. This belt was created at a time when Americans, real Americans that is, stood tall and were not ashamed of who they were.

Today, America is a cesspool of filth, degeneracy and degradation. For Americans today, it is a race to see how quickly one can swim to the bottom of the cesspool rather than reaching for the stars like our ancestors did.

My victory is a reclaiming. By holding this World Championship, I represent what America could be again if the folk would once again rise and stand tall and re-assert their rightful position as real, true Americans.

Eric: Don Muraco interfered in the match and clocked Wahoo over the head with a chair and that led to you pinning Wahoo and becoming the new World Champion...

DeBeers: I had nothing to do with it. Why would I buddy up with someone like Muraco? He has his own issues with Wahoo and that is none of my business.

Let the two savages tear each other apart.

I'm now the holder of the biggest prize in our sport and this belt means much more than being the World Champion. Me as your new World Champion also signals the birth of a new era. This belt has now officially become a message belt.

You're looking at a champion who stands for more than just himself.

I stand for truth, justice and decency. I stand for A people and not THE people. A champion usually says, like Wahoo did in the lead-up to our match tonight, that he was fighting for all people.Well, let me tell you something. It is impossible to fight for all people. People who say that are delusional.

DeBeers uttered his next lines with complete disdain.

DeBeers: Fighting for all people. Ha! Might as well say you're fighting for a giant turd!

Bottom line: I'm your World Champion now. This belt is now more than just metal and leather and jewels. It represents a noble man rising to the pinnacle of his chosen profession and doing it on behalf of his own people.

Eric: That is enough for now.

That was new AWA World Champion Col. DeBeers. He'll have a lot of wrestlers gunning for him to try and become the new AWA World Champion.


Nelson said the title win by DeBeers is already causing controversy.

Said his reign as champion will be nothing if not interesting.

Said the TV main event was next.


In-studio: Nelson intro'd the TV main event.

Told fans to stay tuned after the match for fallout over what happened in the match.

TV MAIN EVENT - $250,000 CHALLENGE (If Nikita loses, he must work for Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey for a year!): Nikita Koloff vs. Kokina Maximus (w/ Mgr. Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey & The Masked Doctor)

(From Christmas Chaos - Original Airdate: 12-10-90)

# Ref called for the bell.

The two men walked up to one another and stared daggers at each other. Kokina slapped Nikita. Nikita briefly staggered. Nikita then slapped Kokina to the delight of the crowd. Kokina stunned but quickly recovered and caught Nikita with a headbutt. Kokina picked up Nikita and bodyslammed him. Kokina went to drop an elbow on Nikita but Nikita rolled out of the way and Kokina slammed to the mat. Crowd popped. Both men up and Nikita went to hoist Kokina up for a bodyslam but Nikita crumpled under Kokina's weight and Nikita crashed to the mat with Kokina on top of him for the pin. 1...2...thr... Nikita kicked out. Crowd cheered. Kokina snapped Nikita up and whipped Nikita into the corner. Nikita slammed into the buckles. Kokina moved in and turned around, grabbed the top rope with both hands and drove his backside into Nikita three times. Nikita limp in the corner. Kokina grabbed Nikita and violently threw him out of the corner. Nikita crashed to the mat. Nikita up and Kokina popped Nikita with a double chop to the sides of the neck. Kokina whipped Nikita into the ropes and caught Nikita coming off with savate kick. Nikita crashed to the mat. Kokina stomped Nikita in the head and snapped Nikita up and blasted Nikita with a lifting side slam. Kokina then went to hit Nikita with a running leg drop but Nikita again rolled out of the way and Kokina crashed to the mat. Both men down. Crowd into it. Ref counting. Both men made it to their feet and Kokina caught Nikita with a knee to the gut. Kokina went to whip Nikita into the corner but Nikita reversed and sent Kokina slamming into them. Nikita moved in and nailed Kokina with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut. Nikita whipped Kokina into the opposite buckles. Nikita charged in and looked to sickle Kokina in the corner but Kokina moved and Nikita slammed front-first into the buckles. Nikita bounced out and staggered away. Kokina quickly regained his bearings. Kokina clubbed Nikita from behind three times. Nikita down to a knee next to the ropes. Kokina snapped up Nikita and choked Nikita on the top rope. Kokina broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Nikita leaned out over the top rope and Kokina neck snapped Nikita and Nikita snapped back and crashed to the mat. Kokina stomped on Nikita and then hit Nikita with an elbow smash. Kokina for the cover. 1...2...thr... Nikita kicked out. Crowd cheered. Kokina snapped up Nikita and nailed him with a side belly-to-belly suplex. Nikita down and rolled over on his front side by the ropes. Kokina went over and stood on Nikita's back while holding the top rope. Ref counting. Kokina broke the illegal move at the ref's count of 4.

Kokina snapped Nikita up and threw Nikita into the corner. Kokina backed up and charged in looking to avalanche Nikita but Nikita moved and Kokina slammed front-first into the buckles. Nikita briefly shook out the effects of the match as Kokina extricated himself from the buckles. Kokina turned and walked right into a series of gut kicks from Nikita. Nikita pounded away on Kokina. Crowd heat rising. Nikita whipped Kokina into the ropes and blasted Kokina with a running clothesline. Kokina stunned. Nikita backed up and charged in and hit Kokina with another clothesline. Kokina on wobbly legs. Nikita grabbed Kokina and whipped Kokina into the buckles. Nikita mounted the middle buckle over Kokina and fired away with head shots on the behemoth. Nikita dropped back to the mat. Kokina staggered out of the corner. Nikita grabbed Kokina, whipped Kokina into the ropes and caught Kokina coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Kokina fell back against the ropes. Nikita went to whip Kokina into the ropes but Kokina reversed and caught Nikita coming off with a Samoan drop. The life drained from Nikita. Both men down. Ref counting. Both men up and Kokina caught Nikita with an open-hand throat thrust. Kokina whipped Nikita into the corner and charged in and pulverized Nikita with an avalanche. Nikita staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed to his back in the ring.

Kaissey picked up on a mic.

Kaissey: Finish him off!

Kokina went and positioned Nikita for his Bonzai drop (ass drop to the chest from the middle buckle) finisher.

Wonder what Kaissey will have Nikita do first? Wash his car? Clean his crappers with a toothbrush?

Kokina on the middle buckle facing the crowd. Crowd buzzing.

Kokina came off with his Bonzai drop and Nikita rolled out of the way and Kokina crashed ass-first to the mat. Crowd roared.

Kokina down and hurting. Kaissey going crazy at ringside.

Nikita to his feet. A shaky Kokina to his feet. Kokina turned and walked right into Nikita's arms.

Nikita picked up Kokina and...


Crowd going nuts.

Nikita backed up and assumed the position.

A hurting and unsteady Kokina made it to his feet.

Nikita charged over and...


Kokina crashed to the mat.

Nikita covered Kokina for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.

Loudest pop of the night from the crowd.

A sore, tired Nikita up and the ref raised his hand victory.

Nikita looked over at the stunned Kaissey. As Nikita walked over to the corner in the ring and shook out the effects of the match, Kaissey wasn't waiting around. Kaissey started to leave the ringside area.

Nikita moved out of the corner and told Kaissey he owes him the money. Kaissey turned and waved to Nikita and prepared to take off with the money until...

The Trooper charged down the face aisle and came up behind Kaissey, spun Kaissey around and walloped Kaissey in the face. Masked Doc avoiding
Trooper at all costs.

Trooper snatched the briefcase from a shaken Kaissey and took it into the ring, handed it to Nikita and raised Nikita's hand in victory to more crowd cheers.

WINNER: Nikita - Pinfall - 9:14

In-studio: Larry Nelson.

Nelson: I told you we had some major news about the fallout from Nikita beating Kokina Maximus and winning the $250,000 dollar challenge.

Well, Sheik Adnan El-kaissey and Kokina were reportedly so embarrassed about the loss that they have left the AWA.

You heard that right. Kokina and the Sheik are gone.

Well, that wraps it up for this week.

See you next time on All-Star Wrestling.



There are 30 cows and 28 chickens. How many cows did not eat chickens?
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CURRENT AWA ROSTER (Updated for January 1991)


(New addition to the roster)


Deborah Harry

John Waters

Jim Crockett

Bill Watts

Jerry Jarrett


Nick Bockwinkel


Wahoo McDaniel

Nikita Koloff

Brad Rheingans

Tom Zenk

Barry Windham

Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton ( AWA WTTC)

Greg Gagne

Jake Milliman

Top Guns (Ricky Rice & Derrick Dukes)

'Big' Reggie Bennett

Sam Houston

Don Muraco

The Guerrero Bros.

Tina Moretti

Jerry Blackwell

Wendi Richter

Tommy Jammer

Trooper Del Wilkes


Greg Valentine (PWHC)

Cactus Jack

Col. DeBeers (AWA WC)

Tully Blanchard

The Destruction Crew

Badd Company (Paul Diamond & Pat Tanaka)

Manny Fernandez

Rip Oliver

Tommy Rich

The Grappler

Magnificent Mimi (AWA Women's WC)

Bobby Jaggers

'Cowboy' Bob Orton

Heidi Lee Morgan

Candi Divine

Jonnie Stewart

Akio Sato

Ninja Go

MANAGERS (F = Face/H = Heel)

Dallas Page (Badd Company) (H)

Dick Murdoch (Sam Houston) (F)

Valerie (Magnificent Mimi, Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera) (H)



Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee (Match Announcers)

Larry Nelson (Ring Announcer/In-Ring Interviewer/Alcoholic)


Jack Reynolds & David Crockett (Match Announcers)

Eric Bischoff (Ring Announcer/In-Ring Interviewer)


AWA SLAM! Wrestling (ESPN)

AWA All-Star Wrestling (Syndicated)

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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(3rd Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to SLAM! wrestling and ran down the program.

TV MAIN EVENT: Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Blackwell

A special interview with former AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel

Ken Patera sees action

'Big' Reggie Bennett wrestles

A look back at when Ken Patera and Tully Blanchard spike piledrived Sam Houston's manager Dick Murdoch PLUS! comments from the two sides and an announcement from promoter Jim Crockett

Barry Windham sees action

Nikita Koloff vs. Ninja Go

Nelson then hyped the next live ESPN special - Winter Warfare - on Tuesday, February 19th, from the Icardo Center on the Cal-State Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, CA. Said the show had a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

Nelson said tickets go on sale this Saturday, January 19th, at 10am Pacific Time.

Said to get tickets, contact TicketMaster or contact the Icardo Center box office at (805) 555-1845 or visit the Icardo Center box office on the Cal-State Bakersfiled campus.

Said Nikita vs. Go kicks things off after the break.


Nikita Koloff vs. Ninja Go (w/ Akio Sato)

Go and Sato came to the ring down the heel aisle to a fair amount of boos.

Koloff came down the face aisle to a strong ovation.

Ref called for the bell.

The two men came out of their corners and Go went for a sweeping back heel kick and Nikita dodged the kick and came back and grabbed Go around the waist and drove Go hard, back-fist into the corner. Nikita caught Go with a series of knees to the gut and then hip tossed go out of the corner. Go up and Nikita moved in and pounded away on Go. Nikita whipped Go into the ropes and caught him coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Go crashed to the mat. Nikita backed up against the ropes and assumed the position. As Nikita waited for Go to get up, Sato reached in the ring and grabbed Nikita's leg. Nikita yanked his leg free from Sato's grasp and turned and looked down at Sato. Go up and charged over and hit Nikita with a running high knee to the back. Nikita spun around and Go hit Nikita with a spin kick to the chest, Nikita stunned. Go grabbed Nikita and hit Nikita with his double underhook spulex into a bridgeout finisher for the pin. 1...2...thr... Nikita kicked out. Crowd popped. Go up as Nikita was getting up and Go caught Nikita with a knee lift to the chest. Go went to whip Nikita into the ropes but Nikita reversed and blasted Go coming off with his Russian sickle finisher. Crowd roared. Nikita for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell to more cheers.

Nikita up and the ref raised his hand in victory.


Nikita Koloff, Go's finishing suplex move is not an easy one to escape from but you did it. You also recently kicked out of Bob Orton's superplex as well.

Nikita: They are both good moves, Larry. But I was able to kick out of both of them. That doesn't happen every day.

Nelson: It certainly doesn't.

Shifting gears, you won the $250,000 dollar challenge against Kokiina Maximus at Christmas Chaos. You bodyslammed him and pinned the big man which is what you had to do to win the money.

Any plans for those winnings yet.

Nikita: Not really. $250 how you say, grand, is a lot of money. Right now, I am exploring some options as to how to use the money.

In this great country of America, there are a lot of things you can do with that money.

Nelson: And there was more to the story with that match. Do you want to tell them?

Nikita: Kokina and Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey were so humiliated by the loss that both men have now left the AWA.

Loud cheer from the fans. (This was taped before the announcement Nelson made last week on TV about the pair leaving. Hence, the big pop from the crowd at hearing the news live.)

Nikita: Kokina had never been slammed and never been pinned and I was able to accomplish both. Their leaving shows they were embarrassed to show there faces around the AWA ever again.

Nelson: Col. DeBeers is the new AWA World Champion. He beat you under controversial circumstances in the final of the number one contender tournament to decide who would face Wahoo for the World Title at Christmas Chaos.

What are your thoughts on DeBeers being World Champion?

Nikita: He cheated to win our match. Hit me with low-blow.

Col. DeBeers is a black mark on the AWA World Championship. He's a disgrace. He hates America. But now he's the World Champion.

And I am not going to, how you say, mince words. I want a crack at Col. DeBeers and that title!

Crowd cheered.

Nelson: Nikita Koloff, everybody!

Pic aired of Reggie Bennett with the caption: NEXT... TOP CONTENDER!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

'Big' Reggie Bennett won a squash match over Gail Kim via submission with her split-leg rear chinlock

Bennett got a strong ovation coming to the ring.

In-studio: Nelson discussed Bennett's count out win over champ Mimi for the title at Christmas Chaos and how Val saved Mimi's bacon by illegally ringing the bell when Reg had Mimi caught in her split-leg rear chinlock submission. Said Bennett will obviously get another title shot in the near future and the result could very well be different.

Hyped Winter Warfare one more time.

Video aired of Patera and Tully spike driving Houston's manager Dick Murdoch with the caption: NEXT... THUGGERY 101!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the match between Tully Blanchard and Sam Houston.


# Tully hoisted Sam up and blasted Sam with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans mainly booed. Tully to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Suddenly, Ken Patera, in his ring attire, charged down the heel aisle and attacked Dick Murdoch on the floor. Patera hammered away on Murdoch as Tully stomped away on Sam in the ring. Ref tried to restore order by calling for the bell again but has yet to realize it never works. Patera threw Murdoch in the ring Tully took to stomping away on Dick. Tully snapped up Murdoch and held Murdoch from behind as Ken hammered away on Dick with head and body shots. Dick was limp. Patera tossed Dick to the mat. Tully stomped Sam some more. Tully pointed at the buckles. Patera went and jumped on the middle buckle as Tully grabbed Dick and hoisted him up in the piledriver position. Patera and Tully blasted Dick with a spike piledriver. Dick laid out. Sam recovered and tried to help but Patera dropped him with a vicious clothesline. Crowd popped as Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans, in their ring duds, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring as Tully and Ken bailed to the safety of the floor over by Valerie. Brad kept his eye on Tully and Ken as Barry checked on Dick and Sam as AWA officials made their way down to the ring to keep the peace and check on the two downed men in the squared circle.

Nelson intro'd comments from AWA promoter Jim Crockett to be followed by comments from Tully & Ken and Sam & Dick.


Jim Crockett was seated behind the desk in his office.

Crockett: The assault on Sam Houston and his coach Dick Murdoch by Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera, which ended up with Tully and Patera spike piledriving Dick Murdoch, has caused Dick Murdoch to want to come back out of retirement for a tag team match with Sam Houston against Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera.

The spike piledriver is an extremely dangerous move as the wrestler coming off the ropes and grabbing the feet of the wrestler being piledriven adds great, and potentially career-ending force to the move. Dick was injured and had to wear a neck brace until recently.

So, because of what happened after the match, I am ordering the match. It will be Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch vs. Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera next week here on SLAM! wrestling.

Pic flipped and Tully and Ken were standing in front of the SLAM! logo.

Shot of Tully and Ken in their street clothes and both had a mic in hand.

Tully: So, Jim Crockett has ordered a match between Ken and myself against Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch.

Dick, that spike piledriver must have done something to your brain when your head was crushed against the mat.

You want to come out of retirement to face us? Fine. It's all fine.

You've wrestled, what, one match over the last few years? And you think you're gonna be ready for us? Ha!

And you've dragged your student Sam Houston into this affair. Bad move, Dick, real bad.

This should be the final match of your career old man! Your body won't be able to recover fast enough from the punishment we plan to dish out!

And when all is said and done, Sam will wish he never took you on as his coach.

Ken: Dick Murdoch must want to wind up in a wheelchair! You want to wrestle us after all these years of inactivity?!

I used to admire you, Murdoch! You were the wrestlers wrestler and tough as nails!

But, you're now a retired coach! You retired because you couldn't make a go of it in the ring anymore!

And Sam Houston! Brother, like Tully said, you will regret the day you decided to hire Dick Murdoch to coach you!

We're gonna blast you guys out of that ring with dynamite!

You guys are screwed! You'll be begging the ref to end the match!

But, Dick, I have some good news for you! After we pulverize your neck one more time, we'll buy you a wheelchair to get around in because you're going to need it!

But, we're not going to pay for all the physical therapy yuou'll need to recover from our beating of you! That's if you can recover at all!

Pic flipped and Sam and Dick, in street clothes and holding mics, were standing in front of the SLAM! logo.

Dick: I thought when I came out of retirement to tag with Sam against Akio Sato and Ninja Go a few months ago that would be my final match.

I was wrong.

When you two drove my head into the mat with that spike piledriver, a shock went up my spine. I thought I may be in serious trouble.

Luckily, I only had to wear a neck brace for a few weeks. But, as you can see, the neck brace is gone. I'm ready to fight one more time.

Don't underestimate us, boys. I've still got some gas left in the tank. And I'm gonna be good and ready for our match.

You two will learn a lesson in respecting your elders when you tangle with me.

Sam: Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera. You guys are two of the best in our sport. You didn't need to attack us the way you did after my match with Tully.

I am confident that we will give you guys a battle. Dick's just wanted to remain retired and coach wrestlers.

But your actions against us have forced a change in plans.

We'll be there and we will be good and ready for whatever you two throw at us!

Dick's comin' back one more time and you better prepare for a good old fashioned Texas brawl!


Pic aired of Barry Windham with the caption: NEXT... BAD ASS BARRY!!!


Barry Windham won a squash match over Pete Doherty via pinfall with his flying lariat finisher

Windham got a strong ovation coming to the ring.


Barry, you and Brad Rheingans have had your hands full recently with Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera.

Barry: We have, Larry. But there's one man I want to talk about. And that man is Tully Blanchard.

We've had a unique history with one another. Me and Tully have had our battles. And the fans know I was once a member of the Four Horsemen with Tully.

Times may change. But what once was old is new again. The bad blood has returned between us.

Tully, I still haven't forgotten you trying to choke me out with that chair not very long ago. You've re-lit a fire in me. And we're gonna fight each other once again!

Fans cheered.

Barry: Wrestling is a strange business. You can be enemies and then allies and then enemies again.

But, Tully, I am looking forward to our future matches. We both know what each other brings to the table. We're two very good wrestlers.

I know what you can do Tully. Also know that Ken Patera and your manager Valerie will always be lurking somewhere in the shadows. You need to keep Patera out of this matter. This is between you and me, Tully.

Let's have these ring wars one-on-one like they're meant to be. And may the best man win.

More cheers.

Barry: And let me just say this. Tully, if you insist on having Patera... and Valerie... get involved, then I might just have to bring in some reinforcements! You get my drift?!

More cheers.

Nelson: Barry Windham, everybody!

Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... WAHOO SPEAKS!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd a recent interview with former AWA WC Wahoo McDaniel with the newest member of the AWA broadcast team.


Shot of an attractive blonde seated at the in-studio desk with former AWA Champion Wahoo McDaniel seated across from her in front of the SLAM! logo.

Woman: Hello, everybody. I'm the newest member of the AWA broadcast team Bonnie Blackstone. It's truly a pleasure to be working for the American Wrestling Association.

Exciting things are happening in the AWA and 1991 promises to be an exciting year here on the wrestling front.

My guest is 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

Wahoo, thank you for sitting down with us today.

Wahoo: :My pleasure, Bonnie.

Bonnie: We saw what happened at the end of your World Title match with Col. DeBeers last month at Christmas Chaos. We saw how your former tag team partner Don Muraco cost you the match and the title when he hit you over the head with that chair.

This is the first time you've spoken about that situation since that night. What are your thoughts on the matter right now?

Wahoo: The first person I want to direct commentss to is Col. DeBeers.

The thought of you as World Champion is nauseating. I was fighting for so much more than the belt that night. DeBeers is a terrible representative as World Champion. He stands for everything that is un-American. To see him parading around with the World Title is horrible. It's a black eye on the sport.

But, DeBeers, know this. As the former champion, we will wrestle for the World Championship again. That's guaranteed in the contract. And I have every intention of correcting a wrong that happened in the ring at Christmas Chaos.

You would not be our World Champion today if not for the actions of my former friend and tag team partner Don Muraco.

I had been clear with Don on a number of occasions that when I had time we would team up again and go after those tag team titles. But as World Champion, my schedule was full. The World Champion has the busiest schedule in professional wrestling. It's hard to get freed up to wrestle in other matches that don't involve the title. You take on a unique responsibility when you become the World Champion. It's the title that's defended, not just in one promotion, but around the world. If you can't handle the rigors of the travel and defending the World Title against different opponents in different parts of the world then you won't last long as World Champion.

I was feeling good. I was wrestling better than I have in a long time. I was up to the challenge of being the World Champion.

But the selfish actions of Don Muraco took all that away from me.

Bonnie: In an interview right after your match with DeBeers, Don Muraco did an interview in the dressing room where he told Eric Bischoff that he cost you the World Title so your schedule could be cleared up to chase the tag team titles with him. You came in the dressing room and got into it with Muraco during the interview.

What did you think of Muraco's bizarre line of reasoning?

Wahoo: I thought it made zero sense. Did not make sense at all.

You cost me the one championship that I fought my entire career to win and you say you did it for us. Just insane logic on the part of Muraco.

So, let me be clear.

Don Muraco, I will not, under any circumstances, team up with you ever again! What you did to me was unforgivable! Our friendship: gone! Us being a tag team ever again: gone!

And he apparently has trouble facing the reality of what he did at Christmas Chaos to this very day. It's like he does not get it and probably never will.

Don Muraco! We may never be friends or tag team partners ever again! But one thing we will be is bitter enemies!

See you in the ring, Muraco!

Bonnie: This has been a special interview with 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

I'm Bonnie Blackstone reporting.


Pic aired of Ken Patera with the caption: NEXT... PATERA THE PULVERIZER!!!


Ken Patera won a squash match over Kenny Omega via pinfall with his full nelson slam finisher

Patera and Val made their way down the heel aisle to strong boos.

After the match, Patera snapped up Omega and nailed him with another full nelson slam. Ref tried to stop Patera but Patera grabbed Omega and nailed him with another post-match full nelson slam. Rheingans charged down the face aisle to a good response. Rheingans was carrying a 2x4, hit the ring and went to strike Patera with the 2x4 but Patera bailed to the floor just before Brad hit him with the board. Brad looking on from the ring as Patera looked up at him. Patera wanted to get back in the ring but Val stopped him and the two men continued glaring at one another as the segment ended.

Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... MAIN EVENT TIME!!!


TV MAIN EVENT: Cactus Jack vs. Jerry Blackwell

Jerry Blackwell came to the ring down the face aisle to a good ovation.

Cactus Jack came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Ref called for the bell.

Jack charged over and jumped up on Jerry and started pounding away on the big man. Jack went to whip Jerry into the ropes but Jerry reversed and Jack came off and slammed into Jerry and Jack crashed to the mat. Jack up and Jerry moved in and caught Jack with a headbutt. Jerry hit Jack with a second headbutt. Jerry reared back and blasted the shaky Jack with the third headbutt and Jack crashed to the mat, rolled out on the apron and crashed to the floor as many in the crowd cheered. Ref ordered Jerry back and Jerry obliged. Ref started the 10-count. As the count grew, Jack got to his feet and was now bleeding. Jack made his way onto the ring apron and Jerry came over and went to grab Jack but Jack stunned Jerry with a shoulder block to the gut through the top and middle rope. Jack hit Jerry with another one. Jerry stumbled back and Jack climbed in the ring. Jack hit Jerry with punches and blasted Jerry with a discus clothesline. Jerry crashed to the mat. Jerry to his knees and Jack started biting Jerry's forehead. Jack broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack snapped Jerry up and threw Jerry through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Jack ignored the ref and dropped to the floor. Jack stomped away on Jerry and then picked Jerry up and bodyslammed Jerry on the concrete. Ref counting. Jack climbed up on the ring apron and came off with his running elbow smash on Jerry that connected. Both men laying there. Jack up and quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the count. Jerry getting up and Jack charged up behind Jerry and blasted him with a forearm smash to the back.. Jerry stumbled forward over by the announcers' table. Jack grabbed Jerry and slammed Jerry's head into one of the TV monitors on the table. Jerry went down. Jack went over and grabbed an empty chair. Jerry up and now bleeding. Ref counting. Ref left the ring and dropped to the floor and came up behind Jack and snatched the chair out of his hands before he could hit Jerry. Jack looked back at the ref and Jerry moved in and hammered away on Jack. Jerry slammed Jack's head three times into the ring apron and hit Jack with another headbutt. Ref counting. Jerry positioned Jack standing next to the ringpost. Jerry backed up and charged in and avalanched Jack into the post. Crowd eating it up. Jerry backed up and Jack stumbled forward and Jerry caught Jack and threw Jack back into the ring. Jerry in just before the count hit 10. Jerry grabbed Jack and whipped Jack into the corner and moved in and pounded Jack with a series of clubbing forearms to the chest. Jerry whipped Jack into the opposite buckles and charged in looking to avalanche Jack a second time but Jack moved and Jerry slammed into the buckles. Jerry bounced back and slammed to the canvas as Jack re-gathered himself by the ropes.

Jack hit Jerry with a running leg drop and went for the cover. 1...2... Jerry kicked out. Jack caught Jerry with a head shots and pulled the big man to his feet. Jack then nailed Jerry with a swinging neckbreaker. Jack again for the cover. 1...2...3! NO! Jerry kicked out. Crowd popped. Jack up and stomped away on Jerry. Jack snapped Jerry up and slammed Jerry's head into the top buckle. Jerry spun around in the corner and Jack choked Jerry out with his boot. Jack broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Jack with elbow strikes to the side of Jerry's head. Jack whipped Jerry into the opposite buckles. Jack charged in but Jerry charged out and flattened Jack with a running clothesline. Jack crashed to the mat as the crowd popped. Jerry fell against the ropes regaining his bearings.Jack to his feet and moved in and looked to punch Jerry but Jerry blocked the punch try and caught Jack with another headbutt. Jack staggered. Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-firth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry to end the program.

WINNER: Jack - Pinfall - 8:17

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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(3rd Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Scott Norton vs. The Grappler

An interview with former AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent MImi (w/ Valerie) vs. Harley Saito (All Japan Women's Wrestling)

Jonnie Stewart vs. Mando Guerrero

And more!

In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the assault on Sam Houston and Sam's coach Dick Murdoch by Ken Patera and Tully Blanchard after Tully defeated Sam in a match on a recent AWA program.


# Tully hoisted Sam up and blasted Sam with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans mainly booed. Tully to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.

Suddenly, Ken Patera, in his ring attire, charged down the heel aisle and attacked Dick Murdoch on the floor. Patera hammered away on Murdoch as Tully stomped away on Sam in the ring. Ref tried to restore order by calling for the bell again but has yet to realize it never works. Patera threw Murdoch in the ring as Tully took to stomping away on Dick. Tully snapped up Murdoch and held Murdoch from behind as Ken hammered away on Dick with head and body shots. Dick was limp. Patera tossed Dick to the mat. Tully stomped Sam some more. Tully pointed at the buckles. Patera went and jumped on the middle buckle as Tully grabbed Dick and hoisted him up in the piledriver position. Patera and Tully blasted Dick with a spike piledriver. Dick laid out. Sam recovered and tried to help but Patera dropped him with a vicious clothesline. Crowd popped as Barry Windham and Brad Rheingans, in their ring duds, charged down the face aisle and hit the ring as Tully and Ken bailed to the safety of the floor over by Valerie. Brad kept his eye on Tully and Ken as Barry checked on Dick and Sam as AWA officials made their way down to the ring to keep the peace and check on the two downed men in the squared circled as.

Nelson intro'd comments from AWA promoter Jim Crockett to be followed by comments from Tully & Ken and Sam & Dick.


Jim Crockett was seated behind the desk in his office.

# Crockett: The assault on Sam Houston and his coach Dick Murdoch by Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera, which ended up with Tully and Patera spike piledriving Dick Murdoch, has caused Dick Murdoch to want to come back out of retirement for a tag team with Sam Houston against Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera.

The spike piledriver is an extremely dangerous move as the wrestler coming off the ropes and grabbing the feet of the wrestler being piledriven adds great, and potentially career-ending force to the move. Dick was injured and had to wear a neck brace until recently.

So, because of what happened after the match, I am ordering the match. It will be Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch vs. Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera next week here on SLAM! wrestling.

Pic flipped and Tully and Ken were standing in front of the SLAM! logo.

Shot of Tully and Ken in their street clothes and both had a mic in hand.

Tully: So, Jim Crockett has ordered a match between Ken and myself against Sam Houston and Dick Murdoch.

Dick, that spike piledriver must have done something to your brain when your head was crushed against the mat.

You want to come out of retirement to face us? Fine. It's all fine.

You've wrestled, what, one match over the last few years? And you think you're gonna be ready for us? Ha!

And you've dragged your student Sam Houston into this affair. Bad move, Dick, real bad.

This should be the final match of your career old man! Your body won't be able to recover fast enough for the punishment we plan to dish out!

And when all is said and done, Sam will wish he never took you on as his coach.

Ken: Dick Murdoch must want to wind up in a wheelchair! You want to wrestle us after all these years of inactivity?!

I used to admire you, Murdoch! You were the wrestlers wrestler and tough as nails!

But, you're now a retired coach! You retired because you couldn't make a go of it in the ring anymore!

And Sam Houston! Brother, like Tully said, you will regret the day you decided to hire Dick Murdoch to coach you!

We're gonna blast you guys out of that ring with dynamite!

You guys are screwed! You'll be begging the ref to end the match!

But, Dick, I have some good news for you! After we pulverize your neck one more time, we'll buy you a wheelchair to get around in because you're going to need it!

But, we're not going to pay for all the physical therapy you'll need to recover from our beating of you! That's if you can recover at all!

Pic flipped and Sam and Dick, in street clothes and holding mics, were standing in front of the SLAM! logo.

Dick: I thought when I came out of retirement to tag with Sam against Akio Sato and Ninja Go a few months ago would be my final match.

I was wrong.

When you two drove my head into the mat with that spike piledriver, a shock went up my spine. I thought I may be in serious trouble.

Luckily, I only had to wear a neck brace for a few weeks. But, as you can see, the neck brace is gone. I'm ready to fight one more time.

Don't underestimate us, boys. I've still got some gas left in the tank. And I'm gonna be good and ready for our match.

You two will learn a lesson in respecting your elders when you tangle with me.

Sam: Tully Blanchard and Ken Patera. You guys are two of the best in our sport. You didn't need to attack us the way you did after my match with Tully.

I am confident that we will give you guys a battle. Dick's just wanted to remain retired and coach wrestlers.

But your actions against us have forced a change in plans.

We'll be there and we will be good and ready for whatever you two throw at us!

Dick's comin' back one more time and you better prepare for a good old fashioned Texas brawl!


Pic aired of Jonnie Stewart with the caption: HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE'S JONNIE!!!


Jonnie Stewart vs, Mando Guerrero

Guerrero came down the face aisle to a fair reaction.

Stewart came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Mando started out fast, catching Stewart with a series of quick moves that stunned Stewart. Stewart was able to fight his way back into the match and assert control.

End of the match saw the two go back-and-forth and Guerrero caught Stewart with a a dropkick. Stewart crashed to the mat and got to his feet and Guerrero blasted Stewart with a second dropkick. Stewart crashed back to the mat. Stewart up and walked into a side breaker from Mando. Crowd into it. Mando mounted he top buckle facing the crowd. Mando came off with a moonsault but Stewart rolled out of the way and Mando crashed to the mat. Both men up and Stewart caught Mando with a series of European uppercuts followed by a bodyslam. Stewart went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with his flying elbow smash finisher that connected. Stewart for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. Stewart up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Stewart - Pinfall - 5:19

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

AWA WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) vs. Harley Saito (All-Japan Women's Pro Wrestling)

Saito came down the face aisle to very little crowd response as most people did not know who she was.

Mimi and Val came down the heel aisle to strong boos.

Nelson did the ring intro's.

Ref took the belt and held it up for all to see. Ref did the pre-match pat down on Mimi and Saito.

Ref sent each woman back to their corners.

Val had final words with Mimi before heading for the floor.

Ref called for the bell.

The women came out to center ring and Mimi struck Saito with a forearm smash to the chest. Saito fired back with one of her own. Mimi hit Saito with another foreamr smash to the chest. Saito came back with one of her own. The two then engaged in a rapid-fire forearm to the chest exchange. Mimi gained the upper hand and hit Saito with a trio of extra forearm smashes to the chest. Mimi whipped Saito into the ropes and caught Saito coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Saito crashed to the mat. Mimi with a series of stomps on Saito. Mimi snapped Saito up and nailed Saito with a series of knees to the gut. Saito stumbled off and MImi raked Saito's back three times. Mimi whipped Saito into the buckles. Mimi charged in with a splash but Saito moved and Mimi slammed front-first into the buckles. Crowd cheered. Mimi out of the corner and turned and was greeted with a series of knee strikes to the side of the ribs by Saito. Saito hit Mimi with a suplex followed by a leg drop and a cover. 1...2... Mimi kicked out. Saito up as Mimi was getting up and Saito struck Mimi in the back, placed Mimi's head between her legs, jumped up and nailed Mimi with a bell ringer. Mimi crashed to the mat. Saito snapped Miimi up and whipped Mimi into the ropes and Mimi caught the top rope and quickly bailed to the floor. Mimi went over to talk with Val. Saito stood back and the ref began the 10-count. Val talking with Mimi. As the pair were talking, Saito backed up in the ring and charged over and dived through the top and middle rope caught Mimi with a flying shoulder tackle on the floor. Mimi and Saito down. Just like with Lioness Akusa, fans started to warm up to the Japanese star. Saito up and grabbed Mimi and threw Mimi back into the ring. Saito climbed back in the ring and Mimi tried to crawl out of the ring on the other side but Saito caught Mimi by the back of the hair. Saito slammed MImi's head into the top buckle and peppered Mimi with a rapid-fire series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Saito pulled Mimi out of the corner, whipped Mimi into the ropes and caught Mimi coming off with a high backdrop. Mimi crashed to the mat. Mimi rolled out on the apron as the crowd booed. Ref ordered Saito back and she obliged. Mimi up on the apron. Saito broke the count and moved in and Mimi caught Saito with an eye rake. Saito staggered off grabbing her eyes. Mimi back in the ring and dropkicked Saito in the back. Saito slammed into the buckles and staggered backwards out of the corner. Mimi rolled Saito up from behind for the pin and grabbed the tights. 1...2...thr... Saito kicked Mimi off. Both women up and Saito went to kick Mimi and MImi caught Saito's foot. Saito countered with an enzuigiri that sent Mimi slamming face-first into the mat. Saito turned Mimi over and went for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out. Crowd groaned. Val not liking what she sees at ringside. Both women up and Mimi walked right into a bodyslam from Saito. Saito mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving headbutt but Mimi rolled out of the way and Saito slammed head-first into the mat. Both women down. Ref counting. Count grew and Mimi crawled over and covered Saito. 1...2...3! NO! Saito got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Val with her hands on top of her head at ringside.

Mimi kicked Saito in the chest as Saito was getting up and grabbed Saito by the hair and walked her over by the ropes, Mimi grabbed Saito by the back of the head and neck snapped Saito on the top rope, Saito snapped back and crashed to the mat in the ring. Mimi had dropped to the floor on the move and quickly climbed back in, grabbed Saito's legs and flipped over on top of Saito for the pin. 1...2... Saito bridged up and reversed the move into a backslide try. After a brief struggle, Saito was able to successfully backslide Mimi for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both women up and Saito caught Mimi with a series of knee strikes to the side of the ribs. Mimi fell back into the corner. Saito hit Mimi with punches. Saito pulled Mimi out of the corner and whipped Mimi into the ropes and looked to looked to catch Mimi coming off with another backdrop but MImi caught Saito with a kick to the chest. Saito shot up and stumbled back and was dropped by a Mimi clothesline.Mimi snapped Saito up and went for her sitout powerbomb finisher but Saito twice blocked the move and backdropped Mimi to the mat. Saito backed up as Mimi got up and Saito charged over and nailed Mimi with a flying dropkick. Mimi crashed to the mat. Saito pulled Mimi up facing away from her and nailed Mimi with a German suplex. Saito held on to Mimi and got up and hit Mimi with another German suplex. Saito released Mimi. Mimi in a bad way. Saito snapped Mimi up in the double chicken wing positiion and blasted Mimi with a tiger suplex into a bridgeout for the pin. Crowd popped. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow managed to kick out. Crowd loud groan. Saito slammed the mat in frustrration. Saito reached down and started to pull Mimi up when Mimi caught Saito with a trio of gut punches and pulled Saito's legs out from under her. Saito crashed to the mat. Mimi positioned Saito in the ring and went for the cover. 1... Mimi placed her feet on the middle rope. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and ordered MImi to remove her feet from the middle rope. Mimi did and Saito caught Mimi in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out.

David Crockett: Say what you will about Mimi's tactics! But she has the fight of a champion!

Both women up and Mimi stunned Saito with a kick to the gut and went to hoist Saito up for her sitout powerbomb finisher but Saito shifted her position and was sitting up on Mimi's shoulders. Saito caught Mimi with a series of head shots and Mimi lost her balance and crashed to the mat with Saito on top of her. Saito reached back and hooked Mimi's legs for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow kicked out again.

Reynolds: Maybe we should call her Mimi Houdini!

Saito grabbed Mimi and went to whip Mimi into the ropes but Mimi grabbed Saito around the waist, lifted her off the ground took a couple of steps back, dropped down and sent Saito slamming head first into the top buckle. Saito staggered back and crashed to the mat. Mimi fell against the ropes and was regaining her bearings. Saito slow to get to her feet bent over. Mimi moved in with a running knee lift to the chest that sent Saito crashing snapping back and crashing to the mat. Mimi moved in and grabbed Saito, hoisted Saito up and found the strength to hit Saito with her sitout powerbomb finisher. Mimi for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. An exhausted Mimi let go of Saito and dropped to her back on the mat from the sitout position.

Ref went over and talked to Larry Nelson on the ring apron and took the title. Valerie climbed in the ring and helped her client to her feet and hugged the champ. Ref handed Mimi the belt and raised her hand in victory.

Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 36 seconds, your winner... and STILL AWA Women's World Champion... Magnificent Mimi!

Val and Mimi remained in the ring as Mimi shook out the effects of the match and both were facing the hard camera, Crowd popped as 'Big' Reggie Bennett made her way down the face aisle and climbed in the ring behind the victorious pair. Reg stood behind them for a few seconds and then tapped the champ on the shoulder. Mimi ignored it and waved Reg off. Reg did the shoulder tap on Mimi again and this time an irritated Mimi spun around, saw Reg and stumbled back and dropped to her ass on the mat and quickly left the ring and Val joined Mimi on the floor. Reg just kept a laser-like focus on the pair from the ring as the segment ended..

WINNER: MImi - Pinfall - 10:36

Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... ON THE WARPATH!!!


In-studio: Nelson intro'd a recent interview with former AWA WC Wahoo McDaniel with the newest member of the AWA broadcast team.


# Shot of an attractive blonde seated at the in-studio desk with former AWA Champion Wahoo McDaniel seated across from her in front of the SLAM! logo.

Woman: Hello, everybody. I'm the newest member of the AWA broadcast team Bonnie Blackstone. It's truly a pleasure to be working for the American Wrestling Association.

Exciting things are happening in the AWA and 1991 promises to be an exciting year here on the wrestling front.

My guest is 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

Wahoo, thank you for sitting down with us today.

Wahoo: :My pleasure, Bonnie.

Bonnie: We saw what happened at the end of your World Title match with Col. DeBeers last month at Christmas Chaos. We saw how your former tag team partner Don Muraco cost you the match and the title when he hit you over the head with that chair.

This is the first time you've spoken about that situation since that night. What are your thoughts on the matter right now?

Wahoo: The first person I want to direct commentss to is Col. DeBeers.

The thought of you as World Champion is nauseating. I was fighting for so much more than the belt that night. DeBeers is a terrible representative as World Champion. He stands for everything that is un-American. To see him parading around with the World Title is horrible. It's a black eye on the sport.

But, DeBeers, know this. As the former champion, we will wrestle for the World Championship again. That's guaranteed in the contract. And I have every intention of correcting a wrong that happened in the ring at Christmas Chaos.

You would not be our World Champion today if not for the actions of my former friend and tag team partner Don Muraco.

I had been clear with Don on a number of occasions that when I had time we would team up again and go after those tag team titles. But as World Champion, my schedule was full. The World Champion has the busiest schedule in professional wrestling. It's hard to get freed up to wrestle in other matches that don't involve the title. You take on a unique responsibility when you become the World Champion. It's the title that's defended, not just in one promotion, but around the world. If you can't handle the rigors of the travel and defending the World Title against different opponents in different parts of the world then you won't last long as World Champion.

I was feeling good. I was wrestling better than I have in a long time. I was up to the challenge of being the World Champion.

But the selfish actions of Don Muraco took all that away from me.

Bonnie: In an interview right after your match with DeBeers, Don Muraco did an interview in the dressing room where he told Eric Bischoff that he cost you the World Title so your schedule could be cleared up to chase the tag team titles with him. You came in the dressing room and got into it with Muraco during the interview.

What did you think of Muraco's bizarre line of reasoning?

Wahoo: I thought it made zero sense. Did not make sense at all.

You cost me the one championship that I fought my entire career to win and you say you did it for us. Just insane logic on the part of Muraco.

So, let me be clear.

Don Muraco, I will not, under any circumstances, team up with you ever again! What you did to me was unforgivable! Our friendship: gone! Us being a tag team ever again: gone!

And he apparently has trouble facing the reality of what he did at Christmas Chaos to this very day. It's like he does not get it and probably never will.

Don Muraco! We may never be friends or tag team partners ever again! But one thing we will be is bitter enemies!

See you in the ring, Muraco!

Bonnie: This has been a special interview with 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

I'm Bonnie Blackstone reporting.


Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

TV MAIN EVENT: The Grappler vs. Scott Norton

Grappler made his way down the heel aisle to pretty strong boos.

Norton made his way down the face aisle to a nice ovation. Norton had his tag title slung over his shoulder.

Norton climbed in the ring and the Grappler charged over and he and Norton started slugging it out. Norton dropped the belt on the mat.

Ref called for the bell to start the match.

The two men were slugging it out when the Grappler got the upper hand with a knee to the gut. Grappler whipped Norton into the ropes and looked to catch Norton coming off with a clothesline but Norton ducked the move and came back and tackled Grappler to the mat and started punching Grap in the head as the crowd cheered. Norton snapped up Grappler and whipped Grappler into the corner, charged in and nailed Grap with an avalanche. Grappler staggered out of the corner and went face down in the ring. Norton rolled Grap over for the cover. 1...2... Grap kicked out. Norton went to snap Grap up and Grap caught Norton with a headbutt a little below the belt. Norton stumbled back holding his goods. Ref reprimanded Grap. Grap up and clubbed Norton three times from behind. Grap backed Norton into the buckles and nailed Norton with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head and then choked Norton out with his boot and Grap broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Grap whipped Norton into the opposite buckles and charged in and nailed Norton with a running clothesline. Norton stumbled out next to the ropes. Grap caught Norton in a side headlock. Grap caught Norton with punches to the top of the head out of the view of the ref. Norton then countered with a belly-to-back suplex to free himself from the hold. Both men to their feet and Grap went to hit Norton with a punch but Norton blocked it and pulverized Grap with a big punch to the head. Grap on wobbly legs. Norton picked up Grap and nailed Grap with a side breaker across the knee. Norton went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle.

David Crockett: Jack, I've never seen Norton do this before.

Reynolds: Neither have I.

Norton looked like he was gonna do a fist drop to the gut when he came off the top buckle but Grap got his foot up and Norton slammed face-first into it and crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. Grappler up and left the ring and grabbed the tag belt off the timekeeper's table. Norton getting up in the ring. Grap hit the ring and slammed Norton across the face with the belt. Ref called for the bell. Grap started stomping away on Norton. Rip Oliver charged down the heel aisle and hit the ring and joined in the stomping parade. Oliver gestured for the title and Grap handed it to him. Oliver started whipping Norton with the belt. Crowd popped as Billy Jack Haynes charged down the face aisle with his belt in tow and hit the ring. Haynes blasted Oliver in the side of the head with his belt and Oliver crashed to the mat and lost control of the title belt he was using to whip Norton. Ref again called for the bell. Haynes started whipping Oliver with his title belt. Grap grabbed the other belt as Norton was still down from the attack. Haynes whipped Oliver a few times and then turned and...

Grap blasted Haynes across the face with Norton's title strap. Haynes crumpled to the mat. Oliver had recovered enough and stomped Norton in the head. Haynes rolled over on his side and was now bleeding.

Face wrestlers charged down the face aisle and hit the ring and Oliver and Grap bailed to the floor... and they had the tag team titles with them.

The pair slung the belts over their shoulders, turned and headed back up the heel aisle as the program ended.

WINNER: Norton - DQ - 4:39

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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(4th Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to SLAM! wrestling and ran down the program.

TV MAIN EVENT: Sam Houston & Coach Dick Murdoch vs. Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera (w/ Val)

The first Winter Warfare Report

A look back at what went down between the Grappler and Scott Norton on last week's ASW

A look back at the end of the thrilling Women's Championship match that took place on last week's ASW between champ Mimi and Japanese challenger Harley Saito

A look back at the wild finish between Cactus Jack and Jerry Blackwell on SLAM! and what happened after the match

The Trooper sees action

And more! Nelson sent it to the ring in Las Vegas.

NON-TITLE: Col. DeBeers (WC) vs. Jim Powers

Powers was already in the ring and announced.

DeBeers made his way down the heel aisle to loud boos and some trash thrown in his direction. DeBeers had big silver around his waist.

Powers stunned the champ early, but DeBeers came back and took control of the match.

DeBeers hit Powers with his face-first piledriver finisher to score the 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised the World Champ's hand in victory.

WINNER: DeBeers - Pinfall - 3:15


Colonel, Wahoo has vowed to regain the World Championship in 1991. What are your thoughts on that?

Loud boos before DeBeers even spoke.

DeBeers: You foolish Americans can boo me all you like. But I am still the World Champion!

More boos and some trash.

DeBeers: Wahoo will only win the World Championship again in his dreams! He had his moment and then was defeated by the noble man.

Wahoo's a savage! Why would anyone want a savage to be the World Champion again?! I'm surprised he didn't sell the belt for some fire water and cheap smokes on the reservation!

Crowd getting angrier.

DeBeers: Bottom line: 1991 will not be the Year of the Savage! Wahoo can remember his run as World Champion because that's all he's got left!

DeBeers turned to leave the ring.

Nelson: Wait a minute, Colonel. Here comes Jim Crockett.

AWA promoter Jim Crockett made his way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in.

DeBeers: Well, Crockett. Are you finally gonna congratulate me for winning the biggest prize in our sport?!

Crockett: Uh... no.

DeBeers: It figures. You're the typical American jackass, Crockett.

Crockett: I came out here because I have an announcement that involves you, Colonel.

At Winter Warfare, you will be defending the AWA World Championship.

DeBeers: Not surprising. Who am I facing? The Trooper? Jerry Lawler? Barry Windham?

Crockett: None of the above.

Col. DeBeers, you will be defending the AWA World Championship at Winter Warfare against Wahoo McDaniel.

Crowd popped.

DeBeers: Wahoo?!

Crockett: And the match will be an Indian strap match!

More crowd cheers.

DeBeers: What???!!! This is outrageous...

Crockett: You're outrageous. See you at Winter Warfare, Colonel.

Crockett left the ring as many in the crowd cheered.

Nelson: Wahoo has never lost an Indian strap match. And with the title on the line...

DeBeers: The AWA Championship Committee is determined to get the World Title off of me because they don't like me having it because I speak the truth!

Now they see fit to put me in a match where savagery is the rule against the savage who is the master of the match!

The AWA is conspiring against me to get the World Title off of me as fast as they can! I will not stand for it!

DeBeers stormed out of the ring as fans cheered his exit.

Video aired of the end of the Cactus-Blackwell match with the caption: NEXT... CONTROVERSY!!!


In-studio: Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT on Wednesdays.

Larry Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the match between Cactus and Blackwwell on last week's SLAM!.


# Jerry fell against the ropes regaining his bearings. Jack to his feet and moved in and looked to punch Jerry but Jerry blocked the punch try and caught Jack with another headbutt. Jack staggered. Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-forth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry.


Nelson said they'd have comments from Jack and Windham on next week's show.

Video aired from the end of the match between the Grappler and Scott Norton: NEXT... LONG-SIMMERING HATE!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

In-studio: Nelson intro'd footage from the end of last week's match from ASW between the Grappler and Scott Norton.


# Norton looked like he was gonna do a fist drop to the gut when he came off the top buckle but Grap got his foot up and Norton slammed face-first into it and crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref counting. Grappler up and left the ring and grabbed the tag belt off the timekeeper's table. Norton getting up in the ring. Grap hit the ring and slammed Norton across the face with the belt. Ref called for the bell. Grap started stomping away on Norton. Rip Oliver charged down the heel aisle and hit the ring and joined in the stomping parade. Oliver gestured for the title and Grap handed it to him. Oliver started whipping Norton with the belt. Crowd popped as Billy Jack Haynes charged down the face aisle with his belt in tow and hit the ring. Haynes blasted Oliver in the side of the head with his belt and Oliver crashed to the mat and lost control of the title belt he was using to whip Norton. Ref again called for the bell. Haynes started whipping Oliver with his title belt. Grap grabbed the other belt as Norton was still down from the attack. Haynes whipped Oliver a few times and then turned and...

Grap blasted Haynes across the face with Norton's title strap. Haynes crumpled to the mat. Oliver had recovered enough and stomped Norton in the head. Haynes rolled over on his side and was now bleeding.

Face wrestlers charged down the face aisle and hit the ring and Oliver and Grap bailed to the floor... and they had the tag team titles with them.

The pair slung the belts over their shoulders, turned and headed back up the heel aisle as the program ended.


Nelson said the belts were returned to the champs when AWA officials threatened Oliver and Grappler with fines for every day they did not return the belts.

Pic aired of the Trooper with the caption: NEXT... NEXT CHAMPION???

Trooper won a squash match over Vernon Deaton via pinfall when he hit Deaton with his flying shoulder tackle finisher

Trooper got a strong ovation from the fans coming down the face aisle. Trooper handed out little souvenir speeding tickets on the way to the ring.


Trooper, you are really at the top of your game right now. Another shot at the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship can't be too far in the offing.

Trooper: I have dedicated 1991 to try and win that title from Valentine, Larry. I know that my chance will come.

I've had Valentine on the ropes before with the belt on the line. AWA officials have to believe that I can get the job done and end Valentine's reign.

Crowd cheered.

Trooper: Greg Valentine has been the champion for almost a year now. I give him credit. He has taken on all comers and has walked out of the ring every time with the belt still in hand.

But, there comes a time when even the best lose in sports.

This is...

Crowd booed as Valentine, belt slung over his shoulder, made his way down the heel aisle and stepped in the ring.

Valentine: Trooper! We are standing a foot apart from one another! This is as close to the title as your gonna get, pal!

Your quest in 1991 will be an epic failure! The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship is staying right her with me! You got that?!

Trooper: I've shown everyone I have what it takes to be the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion, Valentine! These people out here, they know I can get the job done! I have pushed you to the limit before and I will do it again!

Fans cheered.

Valentine: These people out here know you can beat me, huh? These people know absolutely nothing about this sport! They just pay their money and sit on their butts, get drunk and watch the professionals at work!

These people who you love so damn much will do nothing for you, Trooper! YOU have to beat ME! The fans opinions don't mean anything! They're marks! They can root for you all they want and it don't mean a thing! They're not gonna help you win! You have to beat me on your own!

Trooper: I can do ti! Just give me another shot at that belt, Valentine! I'll finish the job this time!

Valentine: 1991 will be remembered for two things. The Trooper's failure to win the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship. And Greg Valentine cementing his status even more as the Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion. This conversation is over.

Valentine turned and left the ring and headed back up the heel aisle to boos as the Trooper looked on.

Video aired from the Mimi-Saito Women's Title match with the caption: NEXT... ALMOST THE EX-CHAMP!!!


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week's exciting Women's World Title match between champ Mimi and All-Japan star Harley Saito.


# Saito held on to Mimi and got up and hit Mimi with another German suplex. Saito released Mimi. Mimi in a bad way. Saito snapped Mimi up in the double chicken wing positiion and blasted Mimi with a tiger suplex into a bridgeout for the pin. Crowd popped. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow managed to kick out. Crowd loud groan. Saito slammed the mat in frustration. Saito reached down and started to pull Mimi up when Mimi caught Saito with a trio of gut punches and pulled Saito's legs out from under her. Saito crashed to the mat. Mimi positioned Saito in the ring and went for the cover. 1... Mimi placed her feet on the middle rope. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and ordered MImi to remove her feet from the middle rope. Mimi did and Saito caught Mimi in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out.

David Crockett: Say what you will about Mimi's tactics! But she has the fight of a champion!

Both women up and Mimi stunned Saito with a kick to the gut and went to hoist Saito up for her sitout powerbomb finisher but Saito sat up on Mimi's shoulders. Saito caught Mimi with a series of head shots and Mimi lost her balance and crashed to the mat with Saito on top of her. Saito reached back and hooked Mimi's legs for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow kicked out again.

Reynolds: Maybe we should call her Mimi Houdini!

Saito grabbed Mimi and went to whip Mimi into the ropes but Mimi grabbed Saito around the waist, lifted her off the ground took a couple of steps back, dropped down and sent Saito slamming head first into the top buckle. Saito staggered back and crashed to the mat. Mimi fell against the ropes and was regaining her bearings. Saito slow to get to her feet bent over. Mimi moved in with a running knee lift to the chest that sent Saito snapping back and crashing to the mat. Mimi moved in and grabbed Saito, hoisted Saito up and found the strength to hit Saito with her sitout powerbomb finisher. Mimi for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. An exhausted Mimi let go of Saito and dropped to her back on the mat from the sitout position.

Ref went over and talked to Larry Nelson on the ring apron and took the title. Valerie climbed in the ring and helped her client to her feet and hugged the champ. Ref handed Mimi the belt and raised her hand in victory.

Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 36 seconds, your winner... and STILL AWA Women's World Champion... Magnificent Mimi!

Val and Mimi remained in the ring as Mimi shook out the effects of the match and both were facing the hard camera, crowd popped as 'Big' Reggie Bennett made her way down the face aisle and climbed in the ring behind the victorious pair. Reg stood behind them for a few seconds and then tapped the champ on the shoulder. Mimi ignored it and waved Reg off. Reg did the shoulder tap on Mimi again and this time an irritated Mimi spun around, saw Reg and stumbled back and dropped to her ass on the mat and quickly left the ring and Val joined Mimi on the floor. Reg just kept a laser-like focus on the pair from the ring as the segment ended.


Pic aired of the Winter Warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... WARFARE REPORT!!!



Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to the first Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person. Tickets are on sale now.

Well, as you saw earlier in the program, the main event is set for Winter Warfare.

Col. DeBeers will be defending the AWA World Championship against former champion 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel... in an Indian strap match!

The Indian strap match is Wahoo's specialty. He's the master of it. And, the most important thing to keep in mind... Wahoo has never lost an Indian strap match.

On February 19th, we could be looking at the end of Col. DeBeers' run as World Champion.

We'll announce more big matches in the weeks to come. Winter Warfare is already looking like it's gonna be a huge show.

See you with a new update next week.


Pic aired of the SLAM! logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!!!


In-studio: Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

TV MAIN EVENT: Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera (w/ Valerie) vs. Dick Murdoch & Sam Houston

Tully, Ken and Val made their way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had some fans.

Sam and Dick made their way down the face aisle to a good ovation.

Ref called for the bell.

Tully and Sam started for their teams. The to men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Tully, after a brief struggle, was able to catch Sam in a hammerlock. Tully cinched up on the hold. Sam caught Tully with an elbow strike to the side of the head and reversed and caught Tully in a hammerlock. Sam drove Tully to the mat in the hold and cranked on the hammerlock as Tully winced in pain. Sam then hit a series of swinging knees into Tully's arm, released the hold and mussed Tully's hair. Tully shot to his feet holding his left arm angrily glaring at Sam. Tully turned and tagged in Patera. Patera, now sporting his heel bleach blond hair, stepped in the ring. Patera walked up to Sam and flexed his muscles to mainly boos. Sam, responded by dropkicking Patera. Patera crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Sam snapped Patera up and went to whip Patera into the ropes but Patera reversed and looked to catch Sam coming off with a clothesline but Sam ducked the move and back with a flying crossbody but Patera caught Sam, held Sam for a moment in the horizontal position and blasted Sam with a spinning powerslam. Patera shot to his feet. Patera walked over and spat at Murdoch. Murdoch started to climb in the ring to go after Patera but the ref intercepted Murdoch. Sam rolled over on his side and Patera moved in and stomped Sam with three deliberate stomps. Patera picked Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and blasted Sam coming off with a vicious clothesline. Sam crashed to the mat. Patera did some jumping jacks over the downed Sam as the crowd booed. Patera picked Sam up and whipped Sam into the heel's corner. Patera nailed Sam with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut and tagged in Tully. Tully in and nailed Sam with knees to the gut followed by a series of elbows to the top of the head. Sam in a bad way. Tully pulled Sam out of the corner, whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a knee to the gut. Sam crashed to the mat. Tully stomped on Sam and then picked Sam up and bodyslammed Sam. Tully with a series of rapid-fire elbow smashes. Tully for the cover. 1...2...thr... Sam got a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Tully snapped Sam up and prepared to hit Sam with his slingshot suplex but Sam twice blocked the move and and suplexed Tully to the mat. Sam up and turned to make a tag in the wrong direction and then turned to make a tag to Murdoch, Tully up and tackled Sam from behind. Sam rolled over on his back and Tully blasted Sam with a series of head shots. Murdoch hit the ring and kneed Tully in the side of the head. Patera hit the ring to got after Murdoch but the ref was able to get in between the two before anything happened. Both men back to their corners. Sam up and again slowly moved in his team's direction to make the tag. Just before Sam got close enough to tag in Murdoch, Tully dived over and grabbed Sam's leg. Tully was able to pull Sam down. Tully up and briefly mocked Murdoch. Tully grabbed Sam and started dragging Sam's face across the mat. Tully broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Tully snapped Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and went for a backdrop but Sam leapfrogged Tully, dived over and tagged in Murdoch. Crowd popped. Murdoch in and he and Tully engaged in a wild punch exchange. Murdoch gained the advantage, whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Tully stumbled back. Murdoch with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head. Patera hit the ring and Murdoch blasted him with series of bionic elbows to the top of the head as the crowd loved it. Murdoch then slammed Tully's and Ken's heads together. Patera fell back against the ropes and left the ring on shaky legs. Murdoch caught the stunned Tully in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Tully kicked out.

Murdoch snapped Tully up and slammed Tully's head into the top buckle. Murdoch hit Tully with some punches and then Tully stunned Murdoch with a knee to the groin. Murdoch stumbled back. Ref reprimanded Tully. Tully moved in and struck Murdoch with a couple of punches and whipped Murdoch into the ropes and caught Murdoch coming off with a high backdrop. Murdoch slammed to the mat. Murdoch getting up bent over and Tully dived over and slammed Murdoch with a double sledge to the back. Murdoch to a knee. Tully grabbed Murdoch and drove Murdoch into the heel's corner. Tully with more punches on Murdoch. Tully then went over and showed true class when he flipped off Sam. Sam went to get in the ring to go after Tully but the ref intercepted him. As Sam had words with the ref, Patera strangled Murdoch with the tag rope. Tully came over and goaded Sam and Sam tried to go after Tully again but the ref kept Sam at bay. Because of Sam's face stupidity, it allowed Patera to keep strangling Murdoch with the tag rope. Tully threw his hands in the air like nothing was happening and backed off. Patera stopped strangling Murdoch just before the ref turned around. Tully hit Murdoch with a gut shot and tagged in Patera. Patera caught Murdoch with a trio of forearms shivers to the side of the head. Patera whipped Murdoch into the opposite buckles. Patera charged in and went to hit Murdoch with a running shoulder block to the gut but Murdoch moved and Patera slammed shoulder-first into the post and then fell out of the ring to the floor. Murdoch fell on his ass in the ring. Ref counting. Count growing and Patera to his feet on the floor. Val urging Ken to get his arse back in the ring. Patera rolled in under the bottom rope just before the 10-count. Crowd buzzing. Both men up and Patera went to eye poke Murdoch but Murdoch stuck his hand up sideways over his nose to block the poke try (think Curly of the Three Stooges). Murdoch then poked Patera in the eyes to the delight of the crowd. Murdoch fired away on Patera with bionic elbows to the top of the head. Murodch grabbed Patera and drove Patera hard into the buckles. Murdoch with a couple of quick jabs. Murdoch maneuvered around behind Patera, mounted the middle buckle, placed his knee in Patera's back and hit Patera with the calf branding (driving knee to the back from the middle rope that sends the opponent crashing face-first down to the mat.) Murdoch turned Patera over and went for the cover. 1...2...thr... Tully hit the ring and stomped Murdoch in the back to break up the pin try. Tully back to his corner. Both men up and Patera clubbed Murdoch with a series of forearms to the chest. Patera picked up Murdoch and bodyslammed Murdoch. Patera with an elbow smash and then the cover. 1..2... Murdoch kicked out. Crowd cheered. Patera raked his boot laces across Murdoch's face and then snapped Murdoch up and whipped Murdoch into the corner. Patera backed up went for another running shoulder block to the gut that connected. Murdoch stumbled out of the corner and crashed to the mat holding his gut. Patera took the down time to do jumping jacks in the ring to more boos. Murdoch got to his knees and Patera slapped Murdoch hard across the face. Sam hit the ring and struck Patera with a couple of punches before the ref intervened and ordered Sam back to his corner. As the ref got Sam out of the ring, Patera snapped up Murdoch and threw Murdoch over the top rope out of the ring. Murdoch crashed to the floor. Crowd beside itself. Tully dropped off the apron and got a few well-placed stomps in on Murdoch. Tully making it back to his corner as the ref got Sam out on the apron and turned back to the action. Patera ignored the ref order to stand back and left the ring and dropped to the floor. Murdoch getting up next to the apron. Patera clubbed Murdoch across the back and then grabbed Murdoch around the waist and rammed Murdoch back-first into the ring apron a couple of times. Murdoch in a real bad way. Ref counting. Patera threw Murdoch back into the ring. Patera climbed in and took a moment to strike a bodybuilder pose in the ring.

Pedicino: Dick's got a lot of heart. But I don't know how much more of this he can take from Tully and Patera.

Patera was lightly tapping his boot into the top of Murdoch's head and yelling for him to get up. Crowd urging on Dick. Patera pulled Dick up and went to whip Dick into the ropes but Murdoch reversed and caught Patera coming off with an inverted atomic drop. Crowd popped. Patera crashed to the mat... and so did Murdoch. Ref counting. Both men to their feet and Patera got up facing away from Murdoch. Murdoch came up behind Patera, grabbed Patera around the waist and ran the big man into the ropes for a roll-up from behind for the pin. 1...2... Tully hit the ring and broke up the pin try with a vicious running clothesline. Murdoch crashed to the mat. Tully started to do a strut in the ring when Sam hit the ring behind Tully, charged up behind him and nailed Tully with a running bulldog. Crowd exploded. Ref getting Sam back to his corner. Tully down by the ropes. Patera snapped up Murdoch and caught Murdoch in a bearhug. Murdoch trying not to submit. Patera cinched up on the hold. Murdoch then popped Patera with an elbow to the top of the head. Murdoch repeated the move. Murdoch repeated the move a third time and Patera lost his grip on the hold. Murdoch continued with the bionic elbows to the top of the head in rapid-fire fashion. Murdoch whipped Patera into the face team's corner and tagged in Sam. Crowd into it. Tully now sitting up on the apron and Val was talking to him. Sam in and nailed Paterta with punches. Sam whipped Patera into the opposite buckles and charged in popped Ken with a flying dropkick. Sam then mounted the middle buckle over Ken and popped Ken in the head with a series of punches as the crowd counted along. Sam dropped back to the mat, grabbed Patera in a side headlock and tried to hit Patera with his running bulldog finisher but Patera shoved Sam off and Sam crashed to the mat. Patera up as Sam was getting up and kicked Sam in the chest. Sam fell back against the ropes. Ken tagged in Tully. Tully charged in and nailed Sam with punches and knees to the gut. Tully suplexed Sam and and hit Sam with a delayed knee drop. Tully for the cover. 1...2.. Sam kicked out. Tully with a couple of head shots on Sam. Tully pulled Sam up and went to piledrive Sam but Sam twice blocked the move. Murdoch hit the ring and repaid Tully for the earlier clothesline with a running clothesline of his own. Tully crashed to the mat as the crowd was loving it. Patera hit the ring and he and Murdoch exchanged blows. Ref trying to re-store order. Sam snapped Tully up and bodyslammed Tully. Sam went out on the apron and mounted the top rope. Sam came off with a leg drop but Tully rolled out of the way and Sam crashed to the mat. Patera and Murdoch back to their corners. Tully and Sam down. Ref counting. Tully up and Sam getting up. Tully with a knee lift on Sam.Sam fell back against the ropes. Tully whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a clothesline. Sam crashed to the mat. Tully reached down and started to pull Sam up when Sam caught Tully with gut punches. Sam rose to his feet and, learning from his teacher, popped Tully with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head to the delight of the crowd. Tully staggered. Sam whipped Tully into the face team's corner and caught Tully with some kicks to the gut and tagged in Murdoch. Murdoch hit the ring and popped Tully with forearms to the chest. Tully staggered out by the ropes. Murdoch clubbed Tully in the back. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a kick to the gut. Murdoch caught Tully in a front facelock.

Pedicino: He's goin' for the brainbuster!

Murdoch tried twice to snap Tully up in the his finisher, but Tully was able to maneuver over by the ropes and drape his leg out over the middle rope to force a break. Tully went to punch Murdoch and Murdoch blocked the punch try and hit Tully with a bionic elbow to the top of the head. Tully stunned. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and looked to catch Tully coming off with a backdrop but Tully kicked Murdoch in the chest instead. Murdoch snapped back and crashed to the mat. Tully snapped Murdoch up and blasted Murdoch with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully for the cover. 1...2... Sam tried to make the save but Patera cut him off and threw Sam back into his team's corner. ...3! Ref called for the bell as most of the crowd booed but some cheered. Tully up and the ref raised his and Patera's hand in victory as Val climbed in the ring to congratulate her men.

WINNER: Tully & Patera - Pinfall - 13:21

(A commercial break would have aired during the match, so the actual airtime on TV would have been around 10:20.)



Col. DeBeers (WC) and Wahoo McDaniel fought to a Double DQ - 8:07

The Trooper def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher - 11:23

Nikita Koloff def. Tully Blanchard via pinfall after Patera's interference backfired - 16:16





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Announcers: Jack Reynolds & David Crockett

Ring Announcer/In-ring Interviewer: Eric Bischoff

(4th Taping)

(# Aired on previous AWA program.)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson.

Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


The first Winter Warfare update

A look back at the end of the thrilling Women's Championship match that took place on last week's ASW between champ Mimi and Japanese challenger Harley Saito

A look back at the wild finish between Cactus Jack and Jerry Blackwell on SLAM! and what happened after the match

Former AWA World Champion Wahoo McDaniel wrestles

Tina Moretti sees action

And more!

Nelson then intro'd video from AWA on ESPN from a couple of weeks ago from the end of a match between Ken Patera and Kenny Omega,


# After the match, Patera snapped up Omega and nailed him with another full nelson slam. Ref tried to stop Patera but Patera grabbed Omega and nailed him with another post-match full nelson slam. Rheingans charged down the face aisle to a good response. Rheingans was carrying a 2x4, hit the ring and went to strike Patera with the 2x4 but Patera bailed to the floor just before Brad could hit him with the 2x4. Brad looking on from the ring as Patera looked up at him. Patera wanted to get back in the ring but Val stopped him and the two men continued glaring at one another as the segment ended.


Ken Paterta (w/ Valerie) won a squash match over Nelson Royal via pinfall with his full nelson slam finisher

Patera and Val came down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had their fans.


Ken Patera, recently you took liberties with a wrestler named Kenny Omega after you beat him and then Brad Rheingans hit the ring with a board and you just barely escaped being clocked with that 2x4.

Patera: First off, what the hell kind of wrestling name is Kenny Omega? That's a clown name.

Also, did you see how he wrestled?

Eric: I did. He's a little different.

Ken: A little different? Did you see some of the nonsense he tried to do. His style of wrestling is a crime against decency.

As for Brad Rheingans. Well, if Brad wants to play rough, then we can play rough.

Brad and I had a good run as a tag team. But, I made a business decision because at the end of the day this sport is a business.

Brad was stupid for not coming to work for Valerie and we could have been even better under her tutelage.

But, Brad made his decision and I made mine.

Brad, you know right where to find me. I don't hide.

You fight like they did on the Flintstones and hit each other over the head with clubs or boards or whatever, well, I'm game. I'll fight you any way you want it.

Val: You are looking at a man who is major championship material. Ken Patera will one day very soon have a beautiful championship belt around his waist; and so will Tully.

The grand plans we have are unfolding nicely here in early '91. It will be a big year for us.

Video aired from the end of the Cactus Jack-Jerry Blackwell match with the caption: NEXT... CACTUS CHAOS!


In-studio: Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Larry Nelson intro'd footage from the end of the match between Cactus and Blackwell on last week's SLAM!.


#Jerry fell against the ropes regaining his bearings. Jack to his feet and moved in and looked to punch Jerry but Jerry blocked the punch try and caught Jack with another headbutt. Jack staggered. Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-forth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry.


Nelson said that comments from Windham and Jack were coming next week.

Pic aired of Tina Moretti with the caption: NEXT... TINA'S TURN!

Commercials/Market-specific promos for house show cities/Generic promos for non-house show cities

Tina Moretti won a squash match over Velvet McIntyre via pinfall with her Samoan piledriver

Moretti was cheered coming down the face aisle.

In-studio: Nelson said things were heating up in the women's division and Mimi's reign may be in serious jeopardy.

Video aired from the Mimi Women's title defense against Japanese star Harley Saito with the caption: NEXT... MIMI ON THE BRINK???


In-studio: Larry Nelson intro'd footage from last week's exciting Women's World Title match between champ Mimi and All-Japan star Harley Saito.


# Saito held on to Mimi and got up and hit Mimi with another German suplex. Saito released Mimi. Mimi in a bad way. Saito snapped Mimi up in the double chicken wing position and blasted Mimi with a tiger suplex into a bridgeout for the pin. Crowd popped. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow managed to kick out. Crowd loud groan. Saito slammed the mat in frustration. Saito reached down and started to pull Mimi up when Mimi caught Saito with a trio of gut punches and pulled Saito's legs out from under her. Saito crashed to the mat. Mimi positioned Saito in the ring and went for the cover. 1... Mimi placed her feet on the middle rope. ...2...thr... Ref looked over and ordered MImi to remove her feet from the middle rope. Mimi did and Saito caught Mimi in a small package for the pin. 1...2...thr... Mimi kicked out.

David Crockett: Say what you will about Mimi's tactics! But she has the fight of a champion!

Both women up and Mimi stunned Saito with a kick to the gut and went to hoist Saito up for her sitout powerbomb finisher but Saito shifted her upper body. Saito caught Mimi with a series of head shots and Mimi lost her balance and crashed to the mat with Saito on top of her. Saito reached back and hooked Mimi's legs for the pin. 1...2...3! NO! Mimi somehow kicked out again.

Reynolds: Maybe we should call her Mimi Houdini!

Saito grabbed Mimi and went to whip Mimi into the ropes but Mimi grabbed Saito around the waist, lifted her off the ground took a couple of steps back, dropped down and sent Saito slamming head first into the top buckle. Saito staggered back and crashed to the mat. Mimi fell against the ropes and was regaining her bearings. Saito slow to get to her feet bent over. Mimi moved in with a running knee lift to the chest that sent Saito snapping back and crashing to the mat. Mimi moved in and grabbed Saito, hoisted Saito up and found the strength to hit Saito with her sitout powerbomb finisher. Mimi for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed. An exhausted Mimi let go of Saito and dropped to her back on the mat from the sitout position.

Ref went over and talked to Larry Nelson on the ring apron and took the title. Valerie climbed in the ring and helped her client to her feet and hugged the champ. Ref handed Mimi the belt and raised her hand in victory.

Nelson: In a time of 10 minutes, 36 seconds, your winner... and STILL AWA Women's World Champion... Magnificent Mimi!

Val and Mimi remained in the ring as Mimi shook out the effects of the match and both were facing the hard camera, crowd popped as 'Big' Reggie Bennett made her way down the face aisle and climbed in the ring behind the victorious pair. Reg stood behind them for a few seconds and then tapped the champ on the shoulder. Mimi ignored it and waved Reg off. Reg did the shoulder tap on Mimi again and this time an irritated Mimi spun around, saw Reg and stumbled back and dropped to her ass on the mat and quickly left the ring and Val joined Mimi on the floor. Reg just kept a laser-like focus on the pair from the ring as the segment ended.


Pic aired of Wahoo McDaniel with the caption: NEXT... THE CHIEF!!!

Wahoo McDaniel won a squash match over Gary Young via pinfall with his big chop finisher

Wahoo got a good ovation coming down the face aisle.

In-studio: Nelson talked about Wahoo having a two-fold quest. Regaining the AWA World Title from Col. DeBeers and exacting a measure of revenge against former tag team partner Don Muraco for his role in causing Wahoo to lose the title to Col. DeBeers.

Pic aired of the Winter Warfare logo with the caption: NEXT... WINTER WARFARE UPDATE!!!



# Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to the first Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person.

Well, as you saw earlier in the program, the main event is set for Winter Warfare.

Col. DeBeers will be defending the AWA World Championship against former champion 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel... in an Indian strap match!

The Indian strap match is Wahoo's specialty. He's the master of it. And, the most important thing to keep in mind... Wahoo has never lost an Indian strap match.

On February 19th, we could be looking at the end of Col. DeBeers' run as World Champion.

We'll announce more big matches in the weeks to come. Winter Warfare is already looking like it's gonna be a huge show.

See you with a new update next week.


Pic aired of the PWHC belt with the caption: NEXT... FOR THE TITLE!!!

Nelson told viewers that beginning Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.


Rhodes made his way down the face aisle to a good ovation as fans recognized him from his NWA days.

Valentine made his way down the heel aisle to strong boos but also had his fans.

Bischoff said the match was one-fall with TV time remaining.

Nelson did the pre-match introductions.

Bischoff climbed in the ring and took the mic from Eric Bischoff.

Valentine: Dustin Rhodes. Son of the wrestling legend the 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes.

The only reason you're getting this title shot tonight is because of your wrestling pedigree.

But, that pedigree's not gonna matter when the bell rings! Unlike your father, you're not gonna leave this ring a champion!

Crowd booed.

Valentine: The Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship is staying right where it is!

And Dustin, there's no shame in not winning! It just means you're the first loser!

More boos.

Ref took the title from Valentine and held it up for all to see before handing it off to Eric Bischoff.

Ref called the two men out to the center of the ring and laid down the rules and patted each man down.

Ref sent each man back to his corner, called for the bell and it was on.

The two men came out of their corners and Valentine caught Dustin with a kick to the gut and a trio of elbows to the back of the neck. Dustin dropped to a knee. Valentine snapped Dustin up and nailed Dustin with a suplex. Valentine hit an elbow smash on Dustin and went for the pin. 1... Dustin kicked out. Valentine up and stomped away on Dustin. Valentine snapped Dustin up and whipped Dustin into the ropes and caught Dustin coming off with a back elbow to the chest. Dustin fell back against the ropes. Valentine caught Dustin with a trio of chest chops. Valentine pulled Dustin away from the ropes and went to bodyslam Dustin but Dustin caught Valentine in a small package for the pin. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Both men to their feet and Dustin stunned Valentine with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head. Dustin then did the hand spin followed by the hand jive and Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Dustin grabbed Valentine as Valentine was getting up and whipped Valentine into the buckles. Dustin charged in and went to hit Valentine with a running clothesline but Valentine moved and Dustin slammed front-first into the buckles. Valentine caught Dustin with a kick to the side of the ribs. Valentine then nailed Dustin with a belly-to-back suplex. Valentine up and grabbed Dustin in a side headlock. Dustin shoved Valentine off into the ropes and Valentine came off and Dustin hit Valentine with a shoulder block. Valentine crashed to the mat. Valentine scooted against the ropes and got to his feet. Dustin moved in on Valentine but Valentine climbed out on the apron. Ref ordered Dustin back. Dustin obliged. Ref started the count. Valentine slowly started to climb back in the ring and Dustin moved in but Valentine climbed back out on the apron. Crowd booed. Ref ordered Dustin back and started the count. Dustin got tired of waiting and moved in on Valentine and Valentine leaned through the top and middle rope and nailed Dustin with a shoulder block to the gut, Dustin stumbled back. Valentine climbed into the ring and went to punch Dustin but Dustin blocked the punch try and fired away on Valentine with punches that drove Valentine into the corner. Dustin went to whip Valentine into the opposite buckles but Valentine reversed and sent Dustin crashing into them. Valentine charged in and Dustin got a boot up and Valentine slammed face-first into it. Valentine staggered back. Dustin dropped Valentine with a running clothesline. Valentine up and Dustin hit Valentine with a second running clothesline. Valentine crashed back to the mat. Dustin for the cover. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Dustin snapped Valentine up and hit Valentine with a suplex. Dustin with an elbow smash and the cover. 1...2... Valentine kicked out. Dustin started to pull Valentine up and Valentine caught Dustin with a couple of gut shots. Valentine then hit Dustin with a series of bionic elbows to the head. Dustin fell back against the ropes. Valentine laid into Dustin with forearm smashes to the chest. Dustin staggered away form the ropes.

Valentine came up behind Dustin, dropped down and hit Dustin with a chop block to the back of the knee. Dustin crumpled to the mat. Valentine up, grabbed Dustin's left leg and yanked on it a few times and then wrapped Dustin up in the figure 4 leglock, Crowd urging the feisty challenger on. Valentine cinched up on the hold but Dustin not giving up. Dustin started scooting towards the ropes. Valentine killed Dustin's movement when he further cinched up on the hold. Dustin then resumed his struggle and finally was able to get close enough to drape his arm out over the bottom rope to force a break. Valentine released the hold and got up and hit the downed Dustin with a couple of head shots. snapped Dustin up and suplexed Dustin. Valentine ran and hit the ropes and came off with a running elbow smash but Dustin rolled out of the way and Valentine crashed to the mat. Crowd cheered. Both men down. Ref started the 10-count. Both men up and Valentine walked right into an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline. Valentine crashed to the mat. Dustin for the cover. 1...2...thr... Valentine got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref ordered a break. Crowd groaned. Valentine made it to his feet. Dustin grabbed Valentine and prepared to run Valentine into the corner but Valentine shoved Dustin off and Dustin slammed front-first into the buckles. Dustin walked out of the corner holding his chest. Valentine came up behind Dustin, spun Dustin around and hit Dustin with a bionic elbow. Dustin fired back with one of his own. Valentine hit another one. Dustin hit Valentine with another bionic elbow. Valentine struck Dustin with another bionic elbow. Dustin struck with another. Valentine stunned. Dustin fired away with a rapid-fire series of bionic elbows on Valentine and then stopped and Valentine crashed face-first to the mat. Dustin quickly regained his bearings. Valentine got up bent over and Dustin nailed Valentine with a drop down uppercut. Valentine reeling. Dustin grabbed Valentine and nailed Valentine with a lifting inverted DDT. Crowd popped. Dustin for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! NO! Valentine got a shoulder up. Crowd really groaned. Dustin whipped Valentine into the ropes and caught Valentine coming off with a dropkick. Valentine spun around and crashed to the mat. Crowd feeling the plumber's son. Dustin ran and jumped on the middle buckle as Valentine got up and went for a twisting diving crossbody but Valentine fell out of the way and Dustin crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ref started the count. Both men up and Valentine caught Dustin with a kick to the gut and then blasted Dustin with a piledriver. Valentine for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Ref went over and took the belt from Eic Bischoff.

Bischoff: In a time of 9 minutes,30 seconds... your winner... and STILL Pro Wrestling Heirtage Champion... Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!

Ref went over and handed Valentine the belt and raised his hand in victory as the program went off the air.

WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - 9:30



The Trooper def. Cactus Jack via pinfall with his flying shoulder tackle finisher - 14:34

AWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes (WTTC) def. The Destruction Crew (Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos) when Norton pinned Enos after a powerbomb - 15:26

Barry Windham def. Ken Patera when Tully's interference backfired - 11:42


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Announcers: Joe Pedicino & Bill Dundee

Ring Announcer/Interviewer: Larry Nelson

(# Aired on a previous AWA program.)

(1st Taping)

Show Intro

Larry Nelson welcomed viewers to SLAM! wrestling.

Nelson then intro'd a message from AWA promoter Jim Crockett.


Crockett was seated behind his desk

Crockett: Hello. I'm Jim Crockett.

Recently here on SLAM! wrestling, Cactus Jack viciously assaulted Barry Windham after Cactus had just won a match against Jerry Blackwell.

The good news is Barry Windham is fine. He has recovered from Jack driving his lower extremities into the steel ring post. There was no serious injury.

Because of his attack on Windham, I am ordering a match.

It will be Cactus Jack vs. Barry Windham at Winter Warfare.

Winter Warfare is already shaping up to be a great show.

And more exciting matches are to come.

Thank you for your time.


Nelson then ran down the program:

TV MAIN EVENT: Bobby Jaggers vs. Tom Zenk

Another Winter Warfare Report

AWA Women's Champion Magnificent Mimi wrestles

AWA World Tag Team Champions Scott Norton & Billy Jack Haynes wrestle

Nikita Koloff sees action

A look back at last week's match-up between Sam Houston & Dick Murdoch vs. Tully Blanchard & Ken Patera

And more!

Nelson sent it to the ring in Vegas!

Don Muraco won a squash match over Rick McCord via pinfall with his inverted piledriver

Muraco once again came to the ring through the crowd to strong boos.


Don Muraco. I see you're now taking a more scenic route to the ring.

Muraco: This happened before. I can't dress in the locker room I normally dress in. I had to dress in the janitor's closet in the back.

Nelson: Why is that?

Muraco: The guys won't let me dress in the locker room I normally dress in. They said it's because of what I did to Wahoo at Christmas Chaos.

Nelson: You mean when you hit him over the head with a chair and cost him the World Title?

Muraco: Look, I was just trying to free up his schedule so we could get back together as a team and go after those tag team titles. The audacity of Wahoo not to clear time on his busy schedule so we could pursue that noble goal. He left me with no choice but to do what I did.

Nelson: Audacity?! Really?

Muraco: Yes. Audacity. I hoped hitting him over the head with that chair would knock some sense into him and he would see the light of reason and realize that we need to reunite and make tag team history.

Nelson: Wahoo's not very happy with what you did.

Muraco: Wahoo is a very selfish man, Larry.

Crowd booed and Muraco stopped talking and looked out at the crowd with a surprised look on his face.

Nelson: He's selfish?! You hit him with that chair and not the other way around.

Muraco: It depends on what your mindset is when you hit a man over the head with a chair. Sometimes it's wrong and sometimes it's justified. What I did was justified at Christmas Chaos.

More boos. Muraco looked out at the crowd with a hurt look on his face.

Nelson: Because of you Col. DeBeers is now the World Champion. How can you say it was justified?

Muraco: Congratulations are in order to the Colonel on becoming the new AWA Champion. He's deserving of it.

Nelson: OK. We're in bizarro land now. Col. DeBeers doesn't like people like you because you're different from him. If he had his way he might ship you out of the country. And you're congratulating him.

Muraco: I don't care what DeBeers believes. The only thing I know is that Wahoo is no longer the World Champion. And out of the goodness of my heart I am giving him the chance to go after the World Tag Team Titles with me.

More boos.

Muraco: You fans are so fickle. Before Christmas Chaos you cheered me. Now, you hate my guts because it was Wahoo who would not do the right thing.

More boos. Another stunned look on Muraco's face.

Muraco: You know what? This interview is over!

Muraco left the ring and left through the crowd as a disbelieving Nelson looked on.

Pic aired of Nikita Koloff with the caption: NEXT... A REAL AMERICAN!!!


Nikita Koloff won a squash match over Ray Gunkel via pinfall with his Russian sickle finisher

Koloff got a strong ovation coming down the face aisle.


Another strong win, Nikita. Your Russian sickle looks like you could decapitate a man with that move.

Koloff: I'm certainly not looking to do that, Larry. I just want to beat my opponent.

Nelson: Col. DeBeers is the new AWA World Champion. And you've been blazing a trail of defeated opponents here in the AWA. Surely you're on the championship committee's radar for a World Title shot against the man from South Africa.

Koloff: If the, how you say, championship committee, decides to grant me a title match with DeBeers I would gladly accept it.

I was hoping that winning the World Title might make DeBeers stand back and realize what a great country America is and be thankful for his blessings.

Instead, he's decided to continue hating America. He's a man who never seems to know how good he has it here in the land of opportunity.

I despise what DeBeers stands for. But, he has worked hard to get where he is in this sport. But, his disrespect for the country that gave him the chance to rise to be a World Champion shows that he has no respect for this land or people.

Col. DeBeers, I still hope you see the light one day. I hope you come to your senses.

But, in your case, someone might have to beat some sense into you.

Crowd cheered.

Video aired from the Tully-Patera vs. Murdoch-Houston match from last week with the caption; NEXT... DOG FIGHT!!!

Commercials/AWA Tour Update

In-studio: Nelson reminded viewers that beginning next Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Nelson intro'd footage from last week's TV main on SLAM! pitting Murdoch & Houston against Tully & Patera


# Tully suplexed Sam and and hit Sam with a delayed knee drop. Tully for the cover. 1...2.. Sam kicked out. Tully with a couple of head shots on Sam. Tully pulled Sam up and went to piledrive Sam but Sam twice blocked the move. Murdoch hit the ring and repaid Tully for the earlier clothesline with a running clothesline of his own. Tully crashed to the mat as the crowd was loving it. Patera hit the ring and he and Murdoch exchanged blows. Ref trying to re-store order. Sam snapped Tully up bodyslammed Tully. Sam went out on the apron and mounted the top rope. Sam came off with a leg drop but Tully rolled out of the way and Sam crashed to the mat. Patera and Murdoch back to their corners. Tully and Sam down. Ref counting. Tully up and Sam getting up. Tully with a knee lift on Sam.Sam fell back against the ropes. Tully whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a clothesline. Sam crashed to the mat. Tully reached down and started to pull Sam up when Sam caught Tully with gut punches. Sam rose to his feet and, learning from his teacher, popped Tully with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head to the delight of the crowd. Tully staggered. Sam whipped Tully into the face team's corner and caught Tully with some kicks to the gut and tagged in Murdoch. Murdoch hit the ring and popped Tully with forearms to the chest. Tully staggered out by the ropes. Murdoch clubbed Tully in the back. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a kick to the gut. Murdoch caught Tully in a front facelock.

Pedicino: He's goin' for the brainbuster!

Murdoch tried twice to snap Tully up in the his finisher, but Tully was able to maneuver over by the ropes and drape his leg out over the middle rope to force a break. Tully went to punch Murdoch and Murdoch blocked the punch try and hit Tully with a bionic elbow to the top of the head. Tully stunned. Murdoch whipped Tully into the ropes and looked to catch Tully coming off with a backdrop but Tully kicked Murodch in the chest instead. Murdoch snapped back and crashed to the mat. Tully snapped Murdoch up and blasted Murdoch with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully for the cover. 1...2... Sam tried to make the save but Patera cut him off and threw Sam back into his team's corner. ...3!

Pic aired of Magnificent Mimi with the caption: NEXT... SHE'S THE CHAMP!!!


NON-TITLE: Magnificent Mimi (WC - w/ Valerie) def. Princess Tomah via pinfall with her sitout powerbomb finisher.

Mimi and Val largely booed coming down the heel aisle.


Magnificent Mimi is still...

Val: Take a look at that title belt Mimi's holding, Larry Nelson. Mimi becomes a more invincible champion with each passing day.

Nelson: She should probably be the former champion, if we're honest.

The mood suddenly shifted in the ring.

Val: Excuse me?

Nelson: At Christmas Chaos, everyone saw it. Reggie Bennett had Mimi locked in her virtually inescapable submission finisher. And then you went over and rang the bell to cause chaos and confusion and stop the match dead in its tracks.

You and Mimi walked out and Reggie won the match by count out. What do you have to say for yourself?

Val: I admit it. I did ring the timekeeper's bell that night.

Mimi looked shocked at Val's admission.

Val: What happened was I wandered over by the timekeeper's table and picked up the hammer used to ring the bell. I briefly admired the fine craftsmanship of the hammer. And then when I went to put it down, I accidentally struck the bell with it.

Nelson: Well, that was one heck of an 'accident' because you rang the bell like 10 times.

Val: Sometimes, you know, I get a twitch in my arm.

Nelson rolled his eyes.

Nelson: Mimi. What say you?

Mimi: My manager Valerie is a woman of great integrity.

Crowd booed.

Mimi: Shut up.

More boos.

Mimi: She just told you all what happened regarding the ring bell during my title match with Reggie Bennett at Christmas Chaos. It was a misfortunate accident.

What you people don't realize is that I was on the verge of breaking out of Reggie Bennett's supposedly unbreakable split-leg rear chinlock. I was right on the edge of escaping it when the bell incident happened.

Nelson: If that's the case, then why didn't you return to the ring when President Bockwinkel ordered the match re-started after the bell incident?

Val: We did not know that President Bockwinkel re-started the match because we were in the back thinking the match was over. We couldn't hear him over the crowd noise.

So, blame these fans out here for us not coming back out that night and resuming the match with Reggie.

Nelson: Thankfully, we've run out of time for this segment.

I think you must be drinking the same brand of water Don Muraco does.

Val: What would that be?

Nelson: It's called Delusion because you guys seem that way.

Mimi and Val glared at Nelson as the segment ended.

Pic aired of Haynes and Norton with the caption: NEXT... TAG TEAM TITANS!!!


NON-TITLE: Billy Jack Haynes & Scott Norton (WTTC) won a squash match over Johnny Rodz & Victor Rivera when Haynes made Rivera submit to the full nelson

Norton and Haynes got a good ovation coming down the face aisle.


Billy Jack. Scott. A few weeks ago, the Grappler and Rip Oliver assaulted you two in the ring with your World Tag Team Titles. Rip busted Billy Jack open with a belt shot to the face.

The Grappler and Rip Oliver are long-time rivals of you two from back in your Pacific Northwest wrestling days.

What are the champions thinking right now after the attack?

Haynes: What we're thinking is that Rip Oliver and the Grappler need a good, old fashioned butt kicking!

Crowd cheered.

Haynes: Me and Scott talked about it! We want you two jerks in the ring so badly, that we'll sweeten the pot and put these titles on the line against you!

Nelson: So, you're willing to make it a title match just to get Rip Oliver and Grappler in the ring?

Haynes: You bet! How about it, boys?! You step into the ring with us with these belts on the line?!

Norton: Grappler! Rip Oliver!

Norton held his title up with one hand.

Norton: Any time! Any place! Anywhere!

You two have lit a fire under us! You whipped us with these belts! You busted Billy Jack open with one of the belts! Billy's belt still has a little blood on it from where Rip hit him with it!

That blood is a reminder everyday of what happened between us recently!

Jim Crockett needs to have the contract drawn up quickly! Make the match, Crockett! Billy Jack Haynes and Scott Norton vs. Rip Oliver and the Grappler for the World Tag Team Titles!

Crowd cheered.

Norton: Grappler and Rip, we are gunning for you! Sign on the dotted line and let's make this happen!

You've got a chance to win these belts! And we've got a chance to whip your asses!

Loud pop from the crowd.

Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... WINTER WARFARE REPORT!!!



# Larry Nelson was seated behind the studio desk in front of the AWA logo.

Nelson: Welcome to a new Winter Warfare update. I'm Larry Nelson.

Winter Warfare will be airing live on ESPN on Tuesday, February 19th with a start time of 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific.

The show will be coming to you from the Icardo Center on the Cal State-Bakersfield campus in Bakersfield, California.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased through Ticket Master or by calling the Icardo Center box office at (805) 867-5309 or by visiting the Icardo Center box office in person. Tickets are on sale now.

The main event is set.

For the AWA World Championship, World Champion Col. DeBeers will be defending the title against the man he beat for the belt, 'Chief' Wahoo McDaniel.

And there's a stipulation for this match. It will be an Indian strap match!

The Indian strap match is the specialty match of Wahoo. He's never lost a strap match in his career.

Will Winter Warfare be where Wahoo regains the AWA World Championship? Or, will Col. DeBeers be the man to end Wahoo's undefeated streak in Indian strap matches and retain the big silver belt?

We've also just had a new match added to Winter Warfare this week.

After a recent assault on Barry Windham by Cactus Jack after a match between Cactus and Jerry Blackwell that Cactus won when the referee did not see Blackwell get his foot on the bottom rope before the three count, Windham came out to inform the ref what happened and here's what went down.


#Jerry whipped Jack into the buckles and charged in and pulverized Jack with an avalanche. Jack limp in the corner as the fans cheered. Jerry pulled Jack out of the corner and bodyslammed Jack. Jerry mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving splash finisher but Jack got his knees up and Jerry crashed into them. Jerry rolled over on his back. Jack up and nailed Jerry with a running elbow smash. Jack for the cover. 1...2... Jerry got his foot on the bottom rope but the ref did not see it. ...3! Ref up and turned and called for the bell. Fans yelling that Blackwell's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref raised Jack's hand in victory.

Jack strutted around the ring victoriously. Crowd popped as Barry Windham charged down the face aisle and hit the ring. Barry started talking to the ref and gestured that Jerry had his foot on the bottom rope. Ref pointed at his eyes and shook his 'no', that he didn't see the foot. As Barry talked with the ref, Jack came over and had some words with Barry. Jack was overheard telling Barry to mind his own business. After a little more back-and-forth off-mic, Jack turned to leave and Barry made the mistake of taking his eyes off Jack. Jack clubbed Barry in the back. Barry stumbled forward and spun around. Jack caught Barry with some punches and then nailed Barry with a discus clothesline. Barry crashed to the mat. Jack grabbed Barry and dragged Barry into the corner. Jack dropped to the floor, grabbed Barry's legs and pulled them around the ring post. Jack yanked Barry's legs and Barry's nuts slammed into the post. Barry in tremendous pain. Jack prepared to repeat the nut cracker until some face wrestlers charged out of their locker room and chased Jack off. Wrestlers checking on the hurting Barry.


You saw what happened to lead to this match. Now, let's here from Cactus Jack and Barry Windham..


Jack was in street clothes with mic in hand and standing in front of the AWA logo.

Jack: Barry Windham's one of the biggest stars in professional wrestling. And because of that, he thinks he has the right to come to the ring and try and get the results of matches changed if he doesn't like them.

Well, I showed him. Barry, you might be able to get away with that with some wrestlers. But, you can't get away with that with me.

The ref counted three and raised my hand in victory! I won! It was my moment!

But you had to try and steal it from me! There was no way I was going to let you do that!

How do your man parts feel right now, Barry?! Bet they still hurt! And you deserve to feel that pain for what you tried to take from me!

Now, we face-off at Winter Warfare! And it's gonna be a cold night in hell when I go crazy on you!

Sometimes, they say a man has balls as big as grapefruits! Well, at Winter Warfare, Windham, yours literally might be when I'm through with you!

Pic flipped and Windham was in street clothes and standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.

Barry: The first thing I want to let everyone know is that I'm OK. Cactus Jack tried to injure me but he failed.

Outside of a little soreness, I am ready to go.

I'm gonna put my issues with Tully Blanchard on hold for one night for a match with Cactus because of what he did to me.

You attacked me from behind and violently pulled me into that post, Cactus.

And the only thing I could think of as I laid there in great pain was... revenge.

Cactus, you're young; but you already have a controversial reputation in this business.

I've seen you wrestle and I'm not sure you're altogether there. You seem a little off-kilter, if you get my drift.

Sometimes you've got to fight crazy with crazy.

So, Cactus, at Winter Warfare, you bring all the crazy you want. And I'll get crazy, too.

Then we'll see who does crazy better.

Get ready for a roller coaster ride between us at Winter Warfare!


It promises to get wild when Cactus Jack and Barry Windham collide at Winter Warfare.

We'll be announcing more great matches for Winter Warfare in the weeks to come.

Be sure to check back next week, fans.

I'm Larry Nelson.


Pic aired of Bobby Jaggers and Tom Zenk with the caption: NEXT... RE-MATCH!!!


In-studio: Nelson reminded viewers that beginning next Wednesday, February 6th, AWA SLAM! wrestling on ESPN would start airing at its new, regular time of 10pm ET and 7pm PT.

Nelson said Jaggers vs. Zenk was a re-match from All-Star Wrestling a few weeks ago where Jaggers pinned Zenk but Zenk got his foot on the bottom rope before the count of 3 and the ref did not see it. Said AWA officials ordered the re-match.

Nelson sent it to the ring for the main event.

TV MAIN EVENT: Bobby Jaggers vs. Tom Zenk

Zenk made his way down the face aisle to a decent reaction. Zenk slapped hands with fans along the way.

Jaggers made his way down the heel aisle to a fair amount of boos.

Ref called for the bell.

Jaggers moved in and quickly attacked Zenk. Jaggers hammered away on Zenk and then took Zenk to the mat in a side headlock. Jaggers worked over the headlock and Zenk was able to catch Jaggers in a head scissors. Zenk tightened up on the hold but Jaggers not submitting. Zenk released the hold. Both men up and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Zenk drove Jaggers into the ropes to force a break. Break was clean. The two men engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Zenk gained the advantage and caught Jaggers in a side headlock. Zenk tightened up on the hold. After a brief struggle, Jaggers was able to shove Zenk off and Zenk slammed front-first into the buckles. Zenk separated himself from the buckles and turned and walked right into a series of bionic elbows to the head from Jaggers. Jaggers whipped Zenk into the ropes and caught Zenk coming off with a gut punch. Jaggers bodyslammed Zenk and then backed up and moved in and caught Zenk with a diving double forearm to the chest. Jaggers for the cover. 1...2... Zenk kicked out. Jaggers caught Zenk with a head shot and pulled Zenk to his feet and locked Zenk in an abdominal stretch. Jaggers with the hold firmly locked in. Crowd half-assed wanting Zenk to escape the hold. Jaggers pulled on Zenk's tights for leverage to add pressure to the hold. Jaggers released the tights when the ref looked over. Ref looked back at Zenk and more tights grabbing. Ref looked back over and caught Jaggers. Jaggers released the tights and Zenk powered out of the hold with a hip toss. Zenk moved in and caught Jaggers with a head shot and whipped Jaggers into the ropes and caught Jaggers coming off with a dropkick. Jaggers crashed to the mat. Jaggers getting up and Zenk grabbed Jaggers and whipped Jaggers into the corner. Zenk moved in with a series of knees to the gut. Zenk went to whip Jaggers into the opposite buckles but Jaggers reversed and Zenk jumped up on the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off with a twisting bodypress. Zenk for the pin. 1...2... Jaggers kicked out. Jaggers getting up and Zenk caught Jaggers with a kick to the chest followed by a gutwrench suplex. Zenk then tried to hit a diving splash on Jaggers but Jaggers got his knees up and Zenk slammed into them. Zenk down grabbing his gut. Jaggers up and backed up as Zenk got to his feet. Zenk up and Jaggers charged over and blasted Zenk with a Jaggers ' Special (Polish hammer). Zenk crashed to the mat. Jaggers covered Zenk. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd booed.

Jaggers up and the ref raised his hand in victory.

WINNER: Jaggers - Pinfall - 5:41

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On 6/25/2024 at 6:05 PM, Captain Kremmen said:

That would be quite the 3-way dance! LOL!


Ye of little faith. This is a Bill Watts' idea. Not something stupid like Finger poke of doom!

(Yes. I think Watts was one of the best promoters/bookers of all-time.)

Until he turned out to be a racist and got fired.

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