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AWA 1989: A Financial Savior Is (Badly) Needed

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In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


(2nd Taping Re-cap)


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program.


TV MAIN EVENT: Baron Von Raschke vs. Manny Fernandez


Larry Zbysko vs. Brad Rheingans


Lelani Kai vs. Sweet Georgia Brown


Tom Zenk vs. Jonnie Stewart


More on the newly created Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship




Nelson then sent it to the ring in Springfield, IL.


Badd Company (w/ DDP) won a squash match over Jack Roy & Dino Crocetti via pinfall when Diamond pinned Roy with the superkick-plex (Superkick into a Bridged dragon suplex) finisher




All three men were in the ring with Larry Nelson.


Nelson: Dallas Page, a couple of weeks ago right here on this program, another mystery woman came out and handed you an envelope that contained something you didn't want anyone else to see. Why was...

DDP: It's none of your business, Nelson!


What's in that envelope, which is now under lock and key, is my business and no one else's!


Nelson: Not even Badd Company's?


DDP: That's right!


Nelson: Switching topics, AWA President Stanley Blackburn has OK'd you putting up $25,000 dollars for a shot at the AWA World Tag Team Titles currently held by the Destruction Crew.


DDP: It's all systems go, baby! We're ready for the Destruction Crew! We want the match as soon as possible!


President Blackburn needs to hurry up and give us that contract to sign!


And I should clarify something, Nelson, for you and all these idiots out here!


The Destruction Crew only gets the $25 grand if they beat us! They gotta earn the cash! I don't do handouts!


Nelson: You seem very confident your men can win the titles.


DDP: Why shouldn't I be! Tanaka and Diamond are one of the best teams in the entire world!


Not gonna mention who, but another big time promotion tried to lure us away but we declined!


We want to be the tag team rulers here in the AWA and only the AWA!


After we beat the Destruction Crew, we're gonna sit atop the throne here for a long, long time and yours truly will start deciding who's worthy of a tag team title shot and who isn't!


Nelson: That sounds awfully ambitious.


DDP: We're three ambitious men, Nelson!


A woman made her way down the face aisle to ringside.


Crowd buzzing.


Nelson: Whoa! Who's this???!!!


The woman walked up the ring steps and stood on the apron and then slowly climbed through the ropes into the ring.


DDP: Why is this broad dressed like that?!


The woman was dressed in a black dress to just above the knee, black stockings, black heels, black hat and had a black veil hanging down in front of her face.


She was carrying an envelope.


She walked up to DDP.


Nelson: Looks like she's going or coming from a funeral.


DDP: Shut up, Nelson! I can see that!


The woman didn't say a word and just handed DDP the manila envelope.


The woman turned and left the ring.


When she got out on the apron...


DDP: You got something to say, lady?!


The woman, face eerily veiled, looked at DDP for a moment and then turned and walked down the ring steps and headed back up the face aisle as DDP and crew looked on.


Nelson: Are you concerned about who's doing this?


DDP: No! The mind games won't work with us!


Nelson: But you freaked out a couple of weeks ago when a woman gave you an envelope and you refuse to sho...


DDP: I didn't freak out! You're getting real close to a slander suit, buddy!


Nelson: I was just saying...


DDP: Just zip it!


Now, what's inside here?


Page opened the manila envelope and pulled out the message. He was clearly shaken.


Tanaka: What's it say, boss?


DDP just kept staring at the note.


Nelson: You gonna tell us what's on the note?


DDP was speechless for several seconds.


DDP: It says: Prepare for your funeral.


DDP started looking around the arena.


Nelson: That's creepy if you ask me.


DDP: I did not ask you, Nelson! Shut up!


Whoever's behind this...we're not afraid! Oh no! We will find out who you are, expose you and destroy you!


It doesn't matter who you are! Even if you're the Pop Guns! Your games will backfire on you! That's a promise!


DDP and Badd Co. started talking off-mic amongst themselves.


Nelson: You just heard from Dallas Page, manager of Badd Company! This situation keeps taking new twists and turns! Stay tuned!


Pic aired of Lalani Kai with the caption: NEXT... THE LADIES' BATTLE!




Lelani Kai def. Sweet Georgia Brown (a young Jacqueline Moore) via pinfall with a big boot to the side of the face.


Moore made an impressive showing before going down to defeat. TIME: 6:12




Nelson: Lelani Kai. We haven't seen you for a while here in the AWA!


You just scored an impressive victory over the young up and comer Sweet Georgia Brown. She gave you quite a battle.


Kai: She may be an up and comer, Nelson! But tonight she's a loser!


Brown was slow leaving the ring.


Kai: Get outta my ring, hon! Go on! Git!


Brown left the ring.


Nelson: You're back and what are your goals here in the AWA?


Kai: Are you kidding me?!


Nelson: Uh, no.


Kai: I came back to the AWA because Wendi Richter is the Women's Champion!


I beat Richter and won the WWF Women's Title and I'm here to repeat that feat and become the AWA Women's Champion!


Nelson: It's gonna be tough to do it again. Richter's really at the top of her game.


Kai: Well, so am I!


I am on the hunt and Wendi Richter's my prey! And I won't stop until that Women's Title is around this gorgeous waist of mine!


Nelson: Lelani Kai, everybody!


Split-screen pic aired of Zbysko and Rheingans with the caption: NEXT... OLYMPIAN VS. LOUDMOUTH!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Larry Zbysko took a beating at the hands of Brad Rheingans but the self-proclaimed 'Living Legend' was able to fight back and and win via pinfall with the swinging neckbreaker - TIME: 5:17


After the match, Nelson climbed up on the ring apron. Zbysko went over and snatched the mic out of Nelson's hand.


Zbysko: The only thing I have to say is that Ken Patera is gonna regret the day he came back! Things are about to get really bad for that man! Don't be stupid, Patera! Leave the AWA...now!


Zbysko shoved the mic in Nelson's chest and Zbysko stormed off.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd pre-recorded comments from Baron Von Raschke heading into the TV main with Manny Fernandez.




Baron was in his ring attire with mic in hand standing in front of the AWA logo.


Baron: Manny Fernandez!


Tonight, we finally meet to settle things between us once and for all!


This is between you and me and no one else!


I haven't forgotten how you low blowed me during the Iron Claw Challenge when I had you on the verge of passing out in the hold with my vice-like grip!


When I lock the Iron Claw on you in our match, this time there will be no chance for another cheap shot!


Baron raised his right hand in the claw-like position.


Baron: This time, the lights will go out for you, Fernandez!


You will be finished!


And that is all the people need to know!




Pic aired of the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt with the caption: NEXT... NEW TITLE UPDATE!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson was standing with AWA boss (as of right now he still is) Verne Gagne.


In between them on a stand was the new AWA title.


Nelson: I'm here with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


Verne, how are things going regarding a tournament to decide the inaugural Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion?


Verne: Things are moving along very well, Larry,


We've narrowed down where to hold the tournament to three cities.


Nelson: Can you tell us those cities in the running?


Verne: At this moment, we're gonna keep things under wraps.


This is a once in a lifetime event, Larry.


The city that hosts the tournament will become a part of pro wrestling history.


I can tell you that it will be a 16-man tournament held in one day.


The first round will be held in the afternoon and the final eight will be wrestling in the second half of the tournament later that same evening.


Should be very exciting.


Nelson: Do you have a date for the event?


Verne: We're closing in on that as well.


When everything is set then we'll inform the fans of when they can purchase tickets.


Nelson: Gotta admit that I'm looking forward to this.


Any wrestlers participating who are currently not in the AWA?


Verne: We have some open slots for non-AWA wrestlers.


It's not going to be a corporate tournament like other promotions would do.


Nelson: Thanks for your time, Verne.


Verne: Thank you, Larry.


Nelson: The 16-man tournament is coming this fall and you fans will certainly want to be a part of history.


Watch AWA wrestling programs to be kept up to date on this major event in our sport.




In-Studio: Nelson talked a little more about the tournament.


Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from Manny Fernandez.




Fernandez was in his ring attire and standing in front of the AWA logo with mic in hand.


Fernandez: It has come down to this!


Baron Von Raschke! No matter how great people think you are...I just look at you as an old man trying to relive his glory days in this sport!


The fans are as delusional as you!


The year on the calendar in 1989, pops! It's not 1975 anymore, Geezer Von Raschke! The game has passed you by!


When I beat you, it will be like putting down an old dog! A dog who once was young and full of life but now is a dog who is old, slow, sickly and can't do what he used to!


That's you, Baron!


I'm gonna do the wrestling world a favor when I put you down for the count tonight!


You've overstayed your welcome, Baron!


And now you can finally do us all a favor and go quietly into the sunset never to be heard from again!




Split-screen pic aired of Jonnie Stewart and Tom Zenk (w/ facemask) with the caption: NEXT... SUPERSTAR COLLISION!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Jonnie Stewart and Tom Zenk (w/ facemask) battled in an exciting match between two of the AWA's biggest stars.


At the end of the match, Stewart had the advantage and went to whip Zenk into the ropes but Zenk reversed and blasted Stewart coming off with a clothesline that floored Stewart. Stewart up and Zenk charged in and nailed Stewart with another clothesline. Zenk picked up Stewart and bodyslammed him. Zenk went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Stewart got to his feet. Stewart up and Zenk came off with a missle dropkick that connected. Stewart flatlined. Zenk for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...


Marshall: What the... It's Col. DeBeers!


DeBeers charged down the heel entrance aisle to ringside.




DeBeers reached into the ring and pulled the ref out and threw the ref down on the concrete floor. Zenk to his feet as DeBeers climbed up on the apron.


Zenk went over to where DeBeers was standing and the two eyed each other and were having words as Stewart made it to his feet.


Stewart came up behind Zenk and rolled Zenk up.


DeBeers quickly climbed into the ring.


Stewart grabbed a handful of tights right in front of DeBeers.


DeBeers counted quickly.




Stewart let go of Zenk's tights and DeBeers raised Stewart's hand in victory.


Zenk up and was livid. Zenk went to go after DeBeers but the Col. stayed behind Stewart.


Zenk lunged at DeBeers but DeBeers avoided Zenk and bolted the ring for the floor. Stewart followed suit.


Zenk gestured for DeBeers to get back in the ring but DeBeers didn't bite.


DeBeers then again raised Stewart's hand victoriously once again out on the floor as most in the crowd booed.


The ref had recovered enough, called for the bell and talked briefly with Larry Nelson.


Zenk still in the ring gesturing for DeBeers to get in the ring and fight.


Nelson: I have just been informed by the referee that due to outside interference, the winner of the match by disqualification is Tom Zenk!


Fair crowd cheer.


DeBeers hesitated and then climbed up on the ring apron.


Zenk moved in on DeBeers and took a swipe at the good Col. but DeBeers was able to drop back to the safety of the floor before being struck.


Zenk again gestured for DeBeers to get in the ring. DeBeers again briefly hesitated and then waved off Zenk and headed back up the heel entrance aisle as Zenk looked on from the ring.


Zenk called Nelson over. Nelson had the ring announcer's mic.


Zenk: Colonel! Hey, Colonel!


DeBeers turned around in the heel aisle.


Zenk: You can run from me now. But you can't run forever.


I'm gonna catch you! And when I do...I'm gonna kick...your...ass!

Crowd cheered as DeBeers looked on from the floor and Zenk was standing tall in the ring glaring at DeBeers.


WINNER: Zenk - DQ - 4:27


Announcers briefly discussed the situation between DeBeers and Zenk.


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT: Baron Von Raschke vs. Manny Fernandez


The old vet from Germany went toe to toe with the younger 'Ragin' Bull'.


The Baron tried on a couple of occasions to lock Fernandez into his Iron Claw finisher but Fernandez escaped before the hold could be firmly applied each time.


At the end of the match, Fernandez was on the offensive. Fernandez whipped Baron into the buckles. Fernandez charged in on the Baron but Baron moved and Fernandez slammed front-first into the buckles. Baron quickly regained his bearings. Fernandez extricated himself from the buckles and turned and walked right into the Iron Claw. Fans cheering the Baron.


Fernandez fighting with all he had to try and escape the vice-like hold but the Baron had it firmly locked in.


Fernandez started to weaken in the hold. Crowd wanting to see this asshole put out once and for all.


Fernandez dropped briefly to a knee and maneuver around still locked in the hold.


While still in the hold, Fernandez was able to drive the Baron into the buckles and Baron maintained his grip on the hold. Fernandez repeated the move and this time Baron lost grip on the hold.


Fernandez leaned against Baron in the corner. Fernandez then caught Baron with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head. Fernandez grabbed Baron, whipped Baron into the ropes and caught the Baron coming off with a backhand to the face. Baron down. Fernandez for the cover. 1...2... Baron kicked out. Fans cheered. Fernandez snapped up Baron, whipped Baron into the ropes and caught Baron coming off with his flying burrito (double flying forearm smash) finisher. Baron crashed to the mat. Fernandez for the cover. 1...2...3!


Ref called for the bell as most of the fans booed.


Fernandez to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory. - TIME: 7:43


Fernandez left the ring and dropped to the floor.


Fernandez picked up on a mic as Baron was now sitting up recovering in the ring.


Fernandez: You're done, pops! Give it up! Go back to Hitlerville!


Fernandez walked off as the announcers briefely wrapped up the program.



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The transition has begun!!!


New AWA owner Bob Lurie had sent three people to help with the AWA's transition to new ownership and a new way of doing some things.


It was believed the transition would take four to six weeks.


Verne Gagne was still 100% in charge of the wrestling side of things.


Lurie knew of the deals Verne cut with Greg Valentine and Stan Hansen.


He was also aware Verne was about to introduce a man he trained, Del Wilkes, on AWA programming.


Verne had just also cut a limited date deal to bring back DJ Petersen as a heel to help on that side of the roster.


Lurie was fine with these deals, but a freeze was put on further hiring until the promotion hired a new booker and a President of Operations to oversee the daily operations at the AWA HQ.


Lurie also said he wouldn't interfere with the Lawler-Sarge title dispute program. He would let it play out as Verne intended.


Lurie also wanted to talk privately with certain individual wrestlers to get their thoughts on the wrestling side of the business. He wanted some of them to have a hand in hiring a new booker.


Lurie himself would hire the President of Operations.


Things were going great.


Verne Gagne was not only gonna have enough money to retire on in a few years. He also would have the money to help in his fight against the government, who were trying to seize his home via imminent domain laws. The property fight, along with pouring money into the pit the AWA had become, had seriously drained his finances. The coming cash infusion was more than welcome by Verne.


It was also a time of great uncertainty. Many wrestlers, production staff and office staff were worried about their jobs. They wondered if they would still be employed by the AWA once the transition was completed.


Until then, things remained largely the same.


With Lurie's money, there's no doubt that new blood would be coming into the promotion. Big name new blood!


Knowing that Lurie now owned the AWA, ESPN contacted them and wanted to structure a new deal with a guaranteed primetime or close to primetime weekly timeslot on the all sports network.


Verne Gagne may be giving up his first love. But he was also ready to spend more time with his wife and family. He was ready to travel. Mentally, he was starting to check out of running things on a daily basis. He'd still have his consulting job for the promotion for the next three years. But Verne knew that in most cases you could do consulting from almost anywhere. Especially with the invention of the fax machine that he just bought for his home office.


Verne Gagne was indeed a happy and soon to be once again a wealthy man.


Could things get any better?



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(3rd Taping Re-Cap)


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


In-Ring Interviewer: Larry Nelson


Show Intro:


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program:


A look back at last week's brawl between Jerry Lawler and Sgt. Slaughter plus comments from the two men


TV MAIN EVENT: Sam Houston vs. Tommy Rich


Larry Zbysko vs. Hector Guerrero


World Tag Team Champions The Destruction Crew see action


More with Verne Gagne about the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship


And more!


Nelson then sent it to the Showboat Sports Pavilion in Las Vegas.


Jerry Blackwell won a squash over Johnny Fever via pinfall with his diving splash finisher




Larry Nelson: Jerry, Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey keeps talking about a wrestler he's bringing to the AWA who he says will be a major game changer. Are you worried at all about the new man he's bringing in?


Blackwell: I'm not worried, Larry. But I admit that I am curious to see who this man is.


What's his background? How big is he? How tough is he? Can he take a lot of punishment and fight his way through it and come out the winner in a match?


Nelson: Kaissey has basically said the man will be a force to be reckoned with. And he's made it clear the first wrestler he's going to target with his new find is you.


Blackwell: I've stated it before. I will sign a contract to wrestle this man sight unseen.


Nelson: You don't think that's somewhat of a gamble?


Blackwell: We're in Vegas, Larry! I will gamble, I will roll the dice and face this man!


Crowd cheered.


Blackwell: Just like with gambling, there's no guarantee of success! You can either win big or lose big! There's no middle ground!


Nelson: Jerry Blackwell, everybody!


Pic aired of the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship belt with the caption: NEXT... NEW BELT UPDATE!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson was standing with AWA boss (as of right now he still is) Verne Gagne.


In between them on a stand was the new AWA title.


Nelson: I'm here with AWA promoter Verne Gagne.


Verne, how are things going regarding a tournament to decide the inaugural Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion?


Verne: Things are moving along very well, Larry,


We've narrowed down where to hold the tournament to three cities.


Nelson: Can you tell us those cities in the running?


Verne: At this moment, we're gonna keep things under wraps.


This is a once in a lifetime event, Larry.


The city that hosts the tournament will become a part of pro wrestling history.


I can tell you that it will be a 16-man tournament held in one day.


The first round will be held in the afternoon and the final eight will be wrestling in the second half of the tournament later that same evening.


Should be very exciting.


Nelson: Do you have a date for the event?


Verne: We're closing in on that as well.


When everything is set then we'll inform the fans of when they can purchase tickets.


Nelson: Gotta admit that I'm looking forward to this.


Any wrestlers participating who are currently not in the AWA?


Verne: We have some open slots for non-AWA wrestlers.


It's not going to be a corporate tournament like other promotions would do.


Nelson: Thanks for your time, Verne.


Verne: Thank you, Larry.


Nelson: The 16-man tournament is coming this fall and you fans will certainly want to be a part of history.


Watch AWA wrestling programs to be kept up to date on this major event in our sport.




In-Studio: Larry Nelson talked a little more about the new title and the upcoming tournament. Said he's excited to see which city it will be held in.


Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from Sam Houston.




Houston was standing in front of the AWA logo in street clothes with mic in hand.


Houston: I've been on a good run since I arrived here in the AWA, and I get another test when I face Tommy Rich in the main event.


Tommy Rich is a former World Heavyweight Champion. Don't believe me? Just ask him. Rich will be more than happy to tell you.


But you have to have some serious talent to win a World Title. No doubt about it, Rich will be a tough customer.


But I'm prepared for a fight.


And I'm gonna bring the fight to Tommy Rich.


Get ready, Tommy! Sam Houston is comin' your way!




Pic aired of the AWA Tag Champs The Destruction Crew with the caption: NEXT... HAMMER TIME!




IT'S THE AWA ON TOUR! We'll be at the high school/community center/county fair/used car dealership parking lot/church fellowship hall in (insert town here). THE AWA IS THE MAJOR LEAGUE OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!


The Destruction Crew (WTTC) won a squash over Barth Gimble & Jerry Hubbard via pinfall when Bloom pinned Gimble after their Wrecking Ball (Doomsday Device) finisher




Nelson: An impressive win over two guys from the working class town of Fernwood, Ohio.


The next time we see you defending those tag titles it will be against Badd Company.


Bloom: That's right! And when, not if, when we beat Badd Company and retain these belts, Dallas Page is gonna be $25 grand lighter in the wallet!


Enos: Verne Gagne! Stanley Blackburn! Get that contract ready! Let's sign 'em and have the match as soon as possible!


Nelson: One thing that will be interesting is neither the Destruction Crew nor Badd Company are exactly fan favorites.


What's your take on that?


Bloom: Haha! We don't care about these stinkin' fans!


Crowd booed.


Bloom: We'll defend these belts against any deserving tag team out there!


Enos: Especially if they want to pony up some cold, hard cash for a title shot!


Enos and Bloom laughed.


Nelson: Are you guys behind the mind games being played on Badd Company?


Bloom: Nope! We don't play mind games with people! The way we intimidate people is with our actions!


I find what's happening to Badd Company amusing, though!


Enos: Mind games aren't our style! We're direct and to the point, Nelson!


Get in this ring! Defend the titles! Destroy our opponents and get the winner's share at the pay window after the match!


Nelson: You just heard from the World Tag Team Champions the Destruction Crew!


The next time the titles are on the line will be against Badd Company in the near future!


In-Studio: Nelson talked a little about the psych warfare that has been launched against Badd Company.


Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from Tommy Rich.




Rich was standing in front of the AWA logo in his street clothes with mic in hand.


Rich: It's hard to believe that it's been eight years since I defeated Harley Race for the NWA World Title.


Nothing lasts forever. But I had a helluva run as the champion.


But I've got Sam Houston in the main event.


I'm having flashbacks to the night I pinned Harley's shoulders to the mat in Augusta, Georgia.


Tonight, Sam, you're gonna be Harley Race! You're gonna be the man whose shoulders I pin to the mat for the three count!


You've been on a hot streak since coming to the AWA!


But since I'm the former World Champion I'm gonna be the one to cool your jets, son!


And I will bask in the limelight of victory once again!




Split-screen pic aired of Zbysko and Hector Guerrero with the caption: NEXT... ZBYSKO vs. GUERRERO!




Larry Zbysko def. Hector Guerrero in a match where the high-flying Guerrero gave Zbysko a fight before Zbysko was able to put him away with his swinging neckbreaker finisher - TIME: 6:10


Zbysko left the ring, dropped to the floor and went over and grabbed the ring announcer's mic out of Larry Nelson's hand (Zbysko seems to be developing a bad habit of doing this!).


Zbysko looked right into the camera.


Zbysko: Ken Patera! I'm gonna finish what I started with you! Slamming that ring bell across your arm was just the start! Your only hope to avoid further destruction and humiliation at the hands of the 'Living Legend' is to pack up and leave the AWA...NOW!


Zbysko shoved the mic in Nelson's chest (Zbysko's been doing that, too) and stormed off.


Announcers Marshall and Blears discussed the situation between Zbysko and Patera and said Patera was wrestling next week on the program.


Video aired of Lawler and Sarge brawling last week with the caption: NEXT... FIGHT NIGHT!!!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson intro'd video from last week of the confrontation between Sarge and Lawler.




Lawler held the belt in the air with one hand.


Lawler: Therefore, I should still be recognized as the AWA World Champion.


Slaughter's reign as the World Champion is illegitimate as far as I'm concerned because he never beat me.


He can reclaim his manhood if he beats me in the match to decide who the undisputed AWA Champion is.


Nelson: King, what you're saying is very... Wait a minute! here he comes!


Crowd popped as Sarge, his version of the AWA belt slung over his left shoulder, made his way down the face aisle to the ring and climbed in and walked right up to Lawler.


The pair were now face-to-face.


Nelson stood with mic in between the two.


Sarge: So, you're out here saying I'm not a man, huh?


Lawler: That's right.


Sarge: Are you saying then that a real man sneaks up on people and bashes them in the head with a championship belt.


Lawler: You should have done the right thing for the sport and accepted my initial offer for a unification match.


I don't believe you accepted at first because you know I'm the biggest threat you face for the right to be recognized as the AWA World Champion.


Sarge: Is that so?


Lawler: Yep. That's what I believe.


It's time for you to man up now, Sarge.


A World Champion has to be a real man.


Sarge: I'm getting real tired of your mouth, Lawler.


Lawler: Then why don't you try and do something about it.


Sarge chuckled and turned his head. Lawler wetn to strike Sarge with his version of the AWA World Title but Sarge blocked the cheap shot try and Lawler's belt fell to the ground. Sarge's bel;t fell off his shoulder. Sarge tackled Lawler to the mat and started pounding away on Lawler as the fans came alive.


Sarge hammered away on Lawler with his fists and Lawler fought back and the two scrapped on the mat.


Faces, heels, referees and AWA officials hit the ring in an effort to break up the scrap.


After a brief struggle, wrestlers were able to pull Sarge, who was on top, off of Lawler and get him to a corner. Heel wrestlers grabbed Lawler and got him to the opposite corner.


Both men still wanted at each other but the wrestlers and officials kept the two warring factions apart. Tension filled the Showboat Sports Pavilion.


Slaughter broke away from the guys keeping him at bay and charged over and jumped on Lawler and started pounding Lawler again. Lawler fought back.


The scrum was brief and the sides were separated once again.




Nelson then intro'd pre-recorded comments from Sarge and Lawler after the brawl.


Sarge was in his locker room at the Showboat. He was in his ring attire and had his AWA World Title slung over his shoulder. He had a mic.


Sarge: Jerry Lawler! The time for talking is over!


It's time for you and me to settle this matter once and for all!


I'll fight you in any city, any time, any arena!


This thing has escalated to the breaking point!


Something has got to give, Lawler!


One of us is gonna walk out of that ring the undisputed AWA World Champion and the other is gonna walk out a former AWA World Champion!


I want closure one way or the other!


You started this whole thing, Lawler!


I tried to take a high road but you wouldn't let me with your cheap-shotting me by hitting me with your belt and your out of bounds insults!


The time is now, Lawler!


This has to end...and soon!


Then we'll finally see who the bigger man is!


Pic then flipped to Lawler who was in his dressing room, still in his ring attire with the belt cradled in his left arm and mic in hand.


Lawler: You just couldn't listen could you, Sarge?!


You couldn't listen to reason the day I showed back up here in the AWA and staked a valid claim to being the AWA World Champion!


If you would have just accepted that day then all this other stuff would have been unnecessary!


But you tried to avoid me! And no one avoids 'The King' when he demands to be heard!


You kept claiming you won the title in a match!


But there was one small problem! You didn't beat me, Sgt. Slaughter!


I never lost this belt! The AWA has tried to use any justification it could to avoid this match because you're the AWA's 'official' World Champion at the moment!


I beat Curt Hennig to win this belt! I defended it against all comers!


I retained this title against Kerry Von Erich last winter!


My record speaks for itself! It's the record of winner! The record of a champion!


And now, no thanks to you, the match is finally gonna happen!


And I am the man who's made all this possible!


See you in the ring, 'champ'!




Nelson told fans to stay tuned to see if the Lawler-Sarge match to decide the undisputed AWA World Champion was coming to their area.


Pic of the AWA logo aired with the caption: NEXT... THE MAIN EVENT!




TV MAIN EVENT: Tommy Rich vs. Sam Houston


Before the match, Rich took the ring mic from Larry Nelson.


Rich: Sam Houston! You've been on quite a run since you got here, boy!


But now you're dealin' with the man who had a spectacular run as the NWA World Champion!


Marshall: It just never ends with this guy! It was a reign of five days!


Rich: I beat Harley Race to become the World Champion, ya know!


You think you've got it in you to beat the man who beat Harley Race?!


We're about to find out!


And I haven't forgotten about you, Lee Marshall!


I would be standing here today as the AWA World Champion if it wasn't for you!


And I will not forgive you for that!


Marshall (angrily): Good! I don't want forgiveness from this clown!


I'm telling you...one day...


Blears: Calm down, Lee.


He's just a frustrated former World Champion.


Marshall: But he just gets under my skin so bad!

Rich and Houston fought back-and-forth to start the match before Rich used an eye poke to gain the advantage. Rich took control the next few minutes and dominated but could not put Houston away. Houston fought his way back into the match and went on the offensive before the match settled back into a see-saw affair.


End of the match saw Houston on the offensive. Houston worked over Rich with some punches and then whipped Rich into the ropes and looked to catch Rich coming off with a dropkick but Rich grabbed the top rope and held on and Houston crashed to the mat.


Rich took brief control but made a costly mistake of going for a running elbow smash but Houston rolled out of the way and Rich slammed into the mat.


Houston gained the offensive advantage, hit Rich with his bulldog finisher, covered Rich and hooked the leg. 1...2...3!


WINNER: Houston - Pinfall - 9:09


Crowd cheered the surging Houston.


Blears: Lee, I really think young Houston is gonna get one of those valuable 16 slots in the tournament to decide the first-ever Pro Wrestling Heritage Champion this fall.


Marshall: I think you're right, Lord James. He's on quite a roll.



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Greg Gagne had just walked out of his father's office.


TV producer Al DeRusha approached him in the hall.


Al: Well? Did he make a decision?


Greg: He did.


Al: What city did he choose for the tournament?


Greg shook his head.


Greg: I can't believe he's done this.


We're a struggling promotion right now and he rolls the dice on a city we've never been to.


Al: Which city?


Greg: You need to talk to him about it.


I also brought up that he won't be the boss anymore by the end of the summer and the incoming owner and his team might not be keen on what dad is doing for a show in the fall.


Al: He did this without asking any of the new people first?


Greg: Yes.


They've already put a freeze on new hires until the transition is completed.


Al: They may step in and put a stop to it.


Greg: They might.


I just think dad wants to get a lot done that has his fingerprints all over it before he leaves. It's hard to give up that power.


Al: Everybody's still wondering about what's going to happen with their jobs.


Greg: Guess there will be a meeting with all of us: wrestlers, front office, production, etc.


I'm guessing we'll know our fates pretty quickly.


Al: Whatever happens, I hope Bob (Lurie) can save the promotion.


Greg: Me, too.


The infusion of cash that's coming should help keep us going.


Just need to see what wrestlers we can get to help re-energize the promotion.


Al: Heard ESPN might look at look at giving us a set slot at a better time since big money is taking over.


Greg: It would be nice instead of our program just floating around at all hours on the network.


Al: Still won't tell me the town, huh?


Greg chuckled.


Greg: Talk to my dad. You've got to hear it to believe it.


To say it's a big risk is an understatement. I think he should have picked a regular run AWA town.


Al: Wow.


The good thing is if Bob sticks with the city Verne chose, then he can take the financial hit if it bombs.


Greg: Have to wait and see.


But success in this town seems like a bridge too far if you ask me.


Have to wait and see, indeed.


The city Verne chose has no AWA history to speak of.


Will Lurie stick with the plan or put the kibosh on it once the transition is complete?



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  • 2 weeks later...



In-Studio Host: Larry Nelson


Match Commentator: Lee Marshall


Color Commentator: Lord James Blears


3rd Taping Re-cap


In-Studio - Larry Nelson welcomed viewers and ran down the program.


TV MAIN EVENT: 10-Woman Battle Royal (Winner gets an AWA Women's World Title shot!)


Col. DeBeers vs. Tommy Jammer


AWA Women's World Champion Wendi Richter sees action


An interview with Baron Von Raschke. Will he retire from the pro wrestling?


Greg Gagne sees action




Nelson sent it to the arena in Springfield, IL.


Wahoo McDaniel & Don Muraco won a squash over Ian Anderson & Rick Ocasek via pinfall when Muraco pinned Anderson with his inverted piledriver finisher




Larry Nelson: I know you've just started teaming together, but you two are already working well as a team.


Wahoo: Larry, our styles work well together.


We feel we can wrestle any team in wrestling no matter their ring style.


It's upward and onward for us.


Nelson: You keep looking like you just did against Ocasek and Anderson and you'll be challenging for the tag belts here in no time.


Muraco: That's our goal, Larry.


You get into this business for two reasons: to win championships and make money.


Between us we've had plenty of both.


But is it greedy to say we want more?



Nelson: I don't think so in this case.


Muraco: Our number one goal is to win those titles, pure and simple.


Destruction Crew, know that we're coming for those belts. It's only a matter of time.


Nelson: Wahoo McDaniel and Don Muraco, everybody!


Pic aired of AWA Women's World Champion Wendi Richter with the caption: NEXT... THE LADY IS A CHAMP!




AWA Women's World Champion Wendi Richter won a squash over Jennifer L. Hewitt via pinfall with a flying bodypress




Nelson: You're gonna be sitting in with Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears and doing commentary on the Women's Battle Royal with the winner getting a shot at the AWA Women's Championship.


Richter: I am gonna do just that.


Will be interesting to see who the next challenger is for the biggest prize in women's wrestling today.


Nelson: Lelani Kai has said that she has come to the AWA to take the Women's Title from you just like she did in the WWF.


Richter: Is she in the Battle Royal?


Nelson: I believe she is.


Richter: Well, if she wins it then she'll get her championship shot here in the AWA.


But there's a part you left out there, Larry.


Nelson: What is it?


Richter: I regained the WWF Women's Title at the first Wrestlemania!


Crowd cheered.


Richter: Lealani just has to outlast nine other ladies for another chance at championship glory!


Nelson: Wendi Richter, everybody!

Pic aired of Greg Gagne with an opponent in the Gagne sleeper with the caption: NEXT... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Greg Gagne won a squash over Fred Berry via submission with the dreaded Gagne Sleeper




Nelson: Greg Gagne, your thoughts on the return of Ken Patera?


Gagne: It's great to see Ken back in action!


Nelson: He's gonna be wrestling right here on All-Star Wrestling next week.


Gagne: That'll be something for everybody, except Larry Zbysko, to look forward to.


Ken's back 100% and he can't wait to get his hands on the so-called 'Living Legend'.


Nelson: You teamed with Jake Milliman recently. Will you be teaming more in the future?


Gagne: Have to wait and see on that one.


Jake's really upped his game lately and it's great to see.


Nelson: That was Greg Gagne.


In-Studio: Larry Nelson talked about the new Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship and that the tournament to decide the inaugural champion was coming up in the fall and fans needed to stay tuned to AWA programming to find out more about the event.


Pic aired of Baron Von Raschke with the caption: NEXT... WILL HE RETIRE???!!!






Larry Nelson was sitting outside with Baron Von Raschke. Both were in street clothes.


Nelson: We are coming to you from the press box at Memorial Stadium, home of the Illinois Illini football team in Champaign, IL.


My guest is Baron Von Raschke.


Baron, the burning question on the minds of wrestling fans is: are you going to retire?


Baron chuckled.


Baron: Larry, people have told me I should retire for years, but I keep going.


The loss to Manny Fernandez recently was a tough one.


I will admit that age can take its toll on a wrestler just like it does any other athlete.


As for retirement...


Brief silence.


Nelson: Please, don't leave us in suspense!


Baron: It will be here soon enough, Larry.


I still have a few matches left in me.


And I want one more shot at Manny Fernandez.


Fernandez, I know I can beat you. Deep down you know I can beat you.


I've had you on the ropes and close to defeat before.


I just want one more match with you, Fernandez! One match! That's all I ask!


Nelson: If you get the match will you retire then?


Baron: I will let everyone know my decision the night of the match if it happens!


Manny just has to say one word: Yes! and the match will happen!


Nelson: Baron, I can't see Fernandez turning this challenge down.


And the fans will be in your corner wanting to see you take down the Ragin' Bull.


Baron: Let's have the match! Fernandez! It's all up to you now!


Baron made the claw gesture with his right hand.


Nelson: That was Baron Von Raschke. He wants one more shot at Manny Fernandez and the Baron says he will let us know if he will retire or not that evening.


This has been Larry Nelson on location with Baron Von Raschke from Champaign, IL!




In-Studio: Larry Nelson said it will be interesting to see what the Baron will do if the Baron gets the re-match with Fernandez.


Split-screen pic aired of Col. DeBeers and Tommy Jammer with the caption: NEXT... THE COL. VS. JAMMER!!!


Commercials/Market-Specific promos for upcoming house shows/Generic promos for non-house show cities


Col. DeBeers vs. Tommy Jammer


The young Jammer came flying out of the box and overwhelmed DeBeers with some strong offense and almost put the Col. away in short order. DeBeers eventually fought his way back into the match and took control. Jammer got in some brief flurries of offense but the cagey South African quickly regained the upper hand.


At the end of the match, DeBeers worked over Jammer and appeared to have Jammer on the brink of defeat.


DeBeers whipped Jammer into the ropes and caught him coming off with the kitchen sink. Jammer down and in a bad way.


Crowd popped as Tom Zenk, still wearing his facemask, made his way down to ringside. DeBeers didn't see him.


DeBeers hoisted Jammer up for a suplex and the ref looked up. Zenk reached into the ring and pulled ,DeBeers foot out from under him. DeBeers lost his footing and fell to the mat with Jammer on top of him for the cover.


1...2...thr... DeBeers got his foot on the bottom rope to break the pin try. Crowd groaned.


DeBeers got up and looked down at Zenk and the two started exchanging words. While that was going on, Jammer was recovering in the ring. After the verbal exchange between Zenk and DeBeers, Jammer had gotten to his feet behind the Colonel.


DeBeers turned and Jammer stunned DeBeers by rolling him up in a small package for the pin. 1...2...3!


Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell.


A seething DeBeers to his feet in the ring. Jammer to his feet and the ref raised Jammer's hand in victory to the delight of the crowd.


DeBeers glared down at Zenk and Zenk moved towards the face entrance aisle looking back at DeBeers.


WINNER: Jammer - Pinfall - 8:25


Pic aired of the AWA logo with the caption: NEXT... 10-WOMAN BATTLE ROYAL!!!




Wendi Richter, still in her ring attire and carrying the belt, was introduced and came down the face aisle to a decent crowd response, slapping hands with fans along the way, and joined Lee Marshall and Lord James Blears at the announcers' desk to call the Battle Royal. She put the belt on the desk in front of her.




PARTICIPANTS: Lelani Kai, Magnificent Mimi, Judy Martin, Candi Devine, Velvet McIntyre, Queen Kong, Heidi Lee Morgan, Coal Miner's Daughter, Brandi Mae, Bambi




1) Judy Martin - By: Velvet McIntyre - Time: 1:42


2) Bambi - By: Queen Kong - 2:27


3) Candi Devine - By: Brandi Mae - 2:59


4) Velvet McIntyre - By: Magnificent Mimi - 3:21


5) Magnificent Mimi - By: Coal Miner's Daughter - 3:28


6) Heidi Lee Morgan - By: Queen Kong - 4:34


7)Lelani Kai - By: Coal Miner's Daughter - 5:26


8 & 9 Together) Brandi Mae & Coal Miner's Daughter - By: Queen Kong - 7:47


WINNER: Queen Kong - 7:47


As Kong was having her hand raised in victory, ring announcer Larry Nelson climbed up on the ring apron. Nelson looked away and Kong came over and grabbed Nelson by the throat with both hands and pulled Nelson over the top rope into the ring. Richter got up, snatched her title off the desk as Kong was bending down to snatch the downed and stunned Nelson. Richter quickly climbed into the ring. Richter grabbed Kong by the shoulder and spun Kong around. Richter yelled at Kong as Kong just glared at the champ. As Richter turned her attention nelson, Kong smashed Richter hard across the back. Richter dropped the belt. Kong whipped the stunned Richter into the ropes and steamrolled Richter coming off. Richter crashed to the mat and was barely moving. Kong snatched up the Women's strap, walked over and put her fat foot on Richter's chest and defiantly held the belt high in the air with her left hand for all to see while letting out a loud, gutteral yell to crowd boos as the program went off the air.



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I'll admit I'm a bit biased because my first exposure to the AWA came via their TV show out of Winnipeg (AWA Major League Wrestling) starting in the fall of 1984, but I'll say that the TV shows being posted here, showing the AWA's slow climb back to prominence under Bob Lurie and leading up to an inevitable Sarge vs. Lawler showdown in the ring, are entertaining, while the behind-the-scenes views in other posts offer insight.


Nice work all-in-all, keep 'em coming. :D

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Just got done watching the video. I always speculated that the "Purple Haze" nickname that Sullivan bestowed on Mark Lewin was taken from the Jimi Hendrix song of the same name - maybe Sullivan was a Hendrix fan back in the day?


My personal thought is it all comes from the same. Hendrix made it a popular song in 1970 and with its meaning of The meaning of “Purple Haze” is one that is surrounded by mystery and curiosity. It all kind of fits with what they were trying to do in Florida and Lewin's Singapore connection

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The transition was moving along...


It was estimated that in three weeks the transition would be complete and Bob Lurie would take control of the AWA.


Verne Gagne, still the AWA boss at the moment, was working hard.


One thing that Lurie's people put the kibosh on was moving ahead with plans for the Pro Wrestling Heritage Championship Tournament.


The new management already determined that no date be set nor the structure of the tournament determined.


Lurie did greenlight the go-ahead for a tournament to decide the new champion, but the date(s) and arena where the event would commence were TBD.


Verne got a little upset when informed of the plan. Some promos were already taped hyping the event. Lurie's people said the promos for the event would be OK if they don't mention tournament structure, a date(s) or arena.


Lurie's people also spoke of it occuring sometime in early '90 rather than late '89.


The arena Verne wanted to book for the two session, one day tournament: the Capital Centre in Landover, MD. Not an AWA city and a huge gamble to say the very least.


Talks were to begin soon on a new deal with ESPN. The network, figuring Lurie would be able to lure some major names with the money he was putting behind the promotion, salivated at being the network for one of the 'Big 3' promotions once again like they were when the AWA debuted on the network in '85. ESPN was looking for a primetime opening for the show with Lurie coming aboard.


Lurie had already hired a couple of marketing people to look at ways to increase revenue by introducing new merchandise.


Three major potential advertisers had also taken note of the deal.


The deal to sell the AWA was also starting to appear in business, sports and entertainment publications.


A Winnipeg TV station had approached the Lurie group about the AWA coming back and taping shows for the Canadian market since Vince took their timeslot and arena away in 1986*. (Vince was such a dick!)


It was rumored that Vince McMahon was more concerned about wild card Lurie than he was about Turner.


The contract signing between Lawler and Slaughter (which was not market-specific) that turned into a pull-apart brawl that knocked down the set, was taped at a hotel in Minneapolis and sent to TV stations in cities where the match was going to take place. It aired on some stations and ticket sales in some of those cities increased sharply. The contract signing tape was going to be sent to TV stations in other cities the match was taking place in at a later date.


Verne might be leaving, but for the first time since mid-1986 the AWA was putting on some of its strongest TV programming and rolling out matches a growing number of fans appeared to have at least some interest in. It has been spearheaded, of course, by the Lawler-Sarge program to determine who the real AWA World Champion is.


To a lesser degree, fans also seemed intrigued by the Badd Company mind games angle, DeBeers vs. Zenk and Larry Zbysko vs. the returning Ken Patera.


Verne Gagne appeared to be going out on a strong note.


But, Verne was always a stubborn man.


Seeing the direction that things were headed in, Verne started thinking that maybe things could be turned around under his watch. It would still take some time. But Verne saw light at the end of the tunnel. Throw in Greg Valentine coming on board in late September and former AWA Champ Stan Hansen coming back in late October, Verne believed things were looking up. Two or three more key signings could really send the message that the AWA under Verne Gagne was back and once again ready to be a major player in North American pro wrestling.


The deal between Lurie and Verne was finalized only when the transition was totally completed.


Verne was thinking about a possible way to get out of the deal and continue to make a go of it on his own.


But he kept his thoughts to himself for the time-being. It was only an idea in his head.


Verne was thinking about trying to make one last stand.


The downside is that if he got out of the deal with Lurie, the AWA would most likely lose the better TV deal ESPN was offering and they would continue to meander along whenever on the network.


The marketing men would leave.


Winnipeg TV would pull out plus no arena deal.


Plus, Verne would lose all that money and his cushy post-sale consulting job with the company.


All this was contingent on Lurie taking over.


Would Verne knock those pieces off the proverbial chessboard to try and save his creation?


The idea was taking deeper and deeper root in his mind.


But an earth-shaking event was about to hit the AWA and all of pro wrestling.




(* From the book Death of the Territories by Tim Hornbaker. A must-read for wrestling fans!)

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Okay, that might be the truest thing in your portrayal of Verne. How can Verne screw himself out of a revived AWA that can live on? The man screwed himself out of a company through the 1980s with horrific booking and talent handling so he should be doing something equally dumb in this.
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How is Wendy a face if she's mauling a pre-teen, Jennifer Love Hewitt? Also, where were the rest of Kids Incorporated to save her? Oh, it's time for bingo in the nursing home. Got to go. (Somedays I feel that old):p


*L* Didn't even think of the her age at this time!


Just think of her as 1997 I Still Know What You Did Last Summer JLH.


I'll admit I'm a bit biased because my first exposure to the AWA came via their TV show out of Winnipeg (AWA Major League Wrestling) starting in the fall of 1984, but I'll say that the TV shows being posted here, showing the AWA's slow climb back to prominence under Bob Lurie and leading up to an inevitable Sarge vs. Lawler showdown in the ring, are entertaining, while the behind-the-scenes views in other posts offer insight.


Nice work all-in-all, keep 'em coming. :D


Thanks for the kind words, OSF.


They had that weird rule up there that required some content on your program be taped in Canada.


Vince aced Verne out of his spot up there in '86.


Just got done watching the video. I always speculated that the "Purple Haze" nickname that Sullivan bestowed on Mark Lewin was taken from the Jimi Hendrix song of the same name - maybe Sullivan was a Hendrix fan back in the day?


Have to admit that, with the exception watching those three Battle of the Belts from '85-'86, I'd never paid much attention to Florida.


Then I heard the producer of the Vice series Dark Side of the Ring in a podcast interview with Jim Cornette talk about the origins of Luna Vachon in the Florida promotion.


Been watching more Florida from that time recently. Good stuff IMO. Sullivan was great in his Manson-like role.


Okay, that might be the truest thing in your portrayal of Verne. How can Verne screw himself out of a revived AWA that can live on? The man screwed himself out of a company through the 1980s with horrific booking and talent handling so he should be doing something equally dumb in this.


He can screw himself out of a revived AWA bc he wouldn't make as much money or get the deals Lurie would.


The fact that he couldn't retain talent is what killed his business.


And his mishandling of Hogan in '83 had far-reaching consequences.


I point out mid-'86 as the tipping point for the AWA because they had WrestleRock in April of that year and still drew 22,000 fans to the Metrodome. The bottom fell out soon after that and they couldn't draw 3,000 a year later for SC2 in SF because the card was largely the shits.


Funny story, Verne apparently wanted to get Minneapolis rocker Prince to be the music act on the show but he was out of the country filming a movie. Larry Nelson suggested the Fabulous Thunderbirds who were a hot act at the time but that was shot down and Verne signed up country singer Waylon Jennings, a man who had nothing to do with rock.


Who knows how Verne could have afforded Prince?


They probably draw at least double the crowd if Prince is there.*


When the Jennings concert started after the wrestling part of the show (6 hrs.), only 2,000 fans were left in the stadium.


In my storyline, business hasn't necessarily turned a corner but things are seeing an uptick largely because of interest in the Sarge-Lawler program.


Could still be a disaster for ol' Verne long-term if he retains the company.


Verne’s gonna get cold feet. He’ll go to the grave with his company.


We shall see...




Verne take your money and get out while you can. A nice cushy 3-year “consulting” deal.




Save yourself while there’s still ti…..


If I was in my 60's, I'd take the deal. Especially since Verne was fighting to save his home at the time.


(* Source: WrestleRock '86 story from Death of the Territories by Tim Hornbaker.)

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Verne Gagne was sitting at the kitchen table in his humble abode with son Greg, wife Mary and Wally Karbo.


Verne: I wanted to talk with you guys about something.


Mary: What is it?


Verne: I've been thinking about this the last few days.


I'm gonna call Bob Lurie and opt out of the deal.


Shock and silence around the table.


Mary shook her head.


Mary: Don't do it. Please.


Greg: Don't think that's such a good idea, dad. You need that money.


Karbo: How can you get out of the deal? You both signed the contract already.


Verne: The business doesn't change hands until the transition period is over.


Right now, I could still step in and nix the deal.


Greg: But why?


Verne: Things are starting to, slowly I'll admit, move in a positive direction. Ticket sales have jumped in cities where the Slaughter-Lawler matches are taking place.


There seems to be some renewed interest in the AWA.


Karbo: But how much, Verne? And for how long?


Greg: You know the cyclical nature of the business. Why risk what you have right now at your fingertips.


And you and mom aren't getting any younger.


Verne: I know. But...


Mary: Verne, you don't know how long a spike in business could last.


Karbo: Yeah, what happens when you go to those towns with Lawler and Bob* not headlining? Attendance could be way down again.


Greg: And let's not forget that tickets aren't moving in every city for this match. Some are still in the tank.


Verne paused and was in deep thought.


Verne: It just seems like a risk worth taking.


Karbo: Verne, you gotta remember that all those deals that are out there: the merchandising, Canadian TV, getting a good slot on ESPN, is because of Bob Lurie taking over.


You pull out of the deal with Lurie and all that goes away.


The AWA will still be limping along.


Verne: But, it would just take one hot angle or new signing to light the spark and make us a major player again.


Mary: How do you know it will happen?!


Please! Think of the family. Think of you and me!


The business has always come first. It's time to walk away with your head up and financially set for the rest of your life.


You're 63 now. You've had a great run as both a wrestler and promoter. Time to just enjoy life.


And you'll still have the consulting job that pays almost $200,000 a year.


Let someone else deal with the headaches of running a wrestling promotion.


Verne: I know, dearest.


But it's hard to let go. I just think the AWA has a chance for one more good run.


Karbo: The video poker player always thinks the next hand will be the Royal Flush. But how often does it really happen?


That's the AWA in a nutshell right now.


Greg: Listen to mom. She's right here.


Mary gently placed her hand on Verne's.


Mary: Please. For us.


Verne looked deep into his wife's eyes for a moment.


Verne: Can you give me a couple of days to think about it?


Mary (softly): Yes.


Greg put his hand on Verne's back.


Verne: No matter your decision, I'm sticking with you, dad.


But the Lurie deal is the best option.


Karbo: Agreed.


Verne Gagne was now at a crossroads.


Take Lurie's money and be set for life and also continue to legally fight the imminent domain case against his home?


Or, try and salvage the AWA and make it reputable in the eyes of the fans one more time?


The latter still being a longshot without a serious infusion of cash and new people with new ideas.




...something was about to happen that would make Verne Gagne's decision for him.



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