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2011 - Summer of Punk BETA Release!

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I'm not going to write a big prologue, you all know what this mod is all about, it starts in June 2011, right before Punk became #1 contender.


If you are not familiar with the Summer of Punk, you can read about it here - https://bleacherreport.com/articles/834377-cm-punk-revisiting-the-summer-that-was


Still little tweaks and extras to add, still lots of pictures to cut for the correct timeframe, but while I do this this you guys might as well have the data to play around with and provide me with as much feedback as possible :D


Credit to Cpt Charisma for his TEW2020 October Real World Data which was used as a base. Thanks to TheWho for his title belt Picture pack. Thanks to everybody that contributed to the gif/sticker pack.


BETA V1.4 (05/03/2021)


Data - https://www.mediafire.com/file/u0qv816y4us6ykq/TPM2011.rar/file


Graphics - https://www.mediafire.com/file/w3ibl26d9nmfgtd/2011GFX.rar/file

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Preface: I like KTB and your 90s mods, and think you did a good job making them with fair stats that are fairly balanced.


I just took a quick glance at the mod. I know you converted it from a mod like 10 years ago, but this one seems fundamentally busted. I don't want to get into specifics because it will start a 40 post argument about if these people were actually good or not, but a lot of the top WWE talent are like god-tier, and some random midcarders are close to it.

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Preface: I like KTB and your 90s mods, and think you did a good job making them with fair stats that are fairly balanced.


I just took a quick glance at the mod. I know you converted it from a mod like 10 years ago, but this one seems fundamentally busted. I don't want to get into specifics because it will start a 40 post argument about if these people were actually good or not, but a lot of the top WWE talent are like god-tier, and some random midcarders are close to it.


I'm yet to check it out but I will in a few hours, my opinion on this before checking though is that if you play any mod for an in-game year or more, people will become very good, so even they start with great stats but not great pop then it's that bad. Say Justin Gabriel (who I personally will be pushing come the release of the full mod) starts with stats similar to what a current day Will Ospreay or Ricochet should be, but has 35 or 40 pop then it's still quite balanced imo.

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Preface: I like KTB and your 90s mods, and think you did a good job making them with fair stats that are fairly balanced.


I just took a quick glance at the mod. I know you converted it from a mod like 10 years ago, but this one seems fundamentally busted. I don't want to get into specifics because it will start a 40 post argument about if these people were actually good or not, but a lot of the top WWE talent are like god-tier, and some random midcarders are close to it.

I have to agree that, honestly, yeah this mod is sadly pretty broken. I don't wanna list every reason why but it does go deeper than 'I disagree with this stat by 5-10 points' or whatever

Attributes for wrestlers are completely off

A bunch of indie guys are basically god tier peformers

Luchasauras debuts as Luchasauras?

I don't think playing it for a year helps much. Attributes, personalities, everything is all over the place sadly.

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I have to agree that, honestly, yeah this mod is sadly pretty broken. I don't wanna list every reason why but it does go deeper than 'I disagree with this stat by 5-10 points' or whatever

Attributes for wrestlers are completely off

A bunch of indie guys are basically god tier peformers

Luchasauras debuts as Luchasauras?

I don't think playing it for a year helps much. Attributes, personalities, everything is all over the place sadly.


Please list the reasons, that is the point of a beta release.

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i know you put so much work into these & everyone is grateful but can i ask why did you steer away from the original mod's stats base & instead make every stat 50,70,75 etc? it just seems to make every wrestler the same & nobody has any uniquess. Not trying to be rude just curious thanks.
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i know you put so much work into these & everyone is grateful but can i ask why did you steer away from the original mod's stats base & instead make every stat 50,70,75 etc? it just seems to make every wrestler the same & nobody has any uniquess. Not trying to be rude just curious thanks.


I just rounded the stats to the nearest 10, i couldnt justify giving one worker a 62 and another a 63 for example so both workers were given 60.

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Concerned at the rate you churn out these mods. I think you should focus on completing at least one instead of having loads of incomplete mods.

This looks like it has been imported with very little work - attributes don’t make sense, TV ratings and ppv buys completely all over the place, wrestlers active who haven’t debuted yet, and as always rounded stats.


I love the graphics, I always do but everything else leaves a lot to be desired.

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Well, personalities can be fixed as we know so that's not an issue. And yeah, while some stats might be bloated, at the end of the day people like having high rated segements, matches and overall shows and the fact that people have great stats means that can be achieved even from the off which I really like, but obviously my opinion isn't everyone's opinion.
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Well, personalities can be fixed as we know so that's not an issue. And yeah, while some stats might be bloated, at the end of the day people like having high rated segements, matches and overall shows and the fact that people have great stats means that can be achieved even from the off which I really like, but obviously my opinion isn't everyone's opinion.


Everything can be fixed, of course! I remember when this mod was first hyped - people were loving it and couldn’t wait. I believe many would be concerned to see Gaz name associated with it. I think I can speak on behalf of many and plea with Gaz to stop producing so many mods and just focus on one until it’s completion. From there we can judge on merit and not be dazzled by graphics.

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Concerned at the rate you churn out these mods. I think you should focus on completing at least one instead of having loads of incomplete mods.

This looks like it has been imported with very little work - attributes don’t make sense, TV ratings and ppv buys completely all over the place, wrestlers active who haven’t debuted yet, and as always rounded stats.


I love the graphics, I always do but everything else leaves a lot to be desired.


Who is active that shouldnt be? If you think very little work has gone into this, then you clrealy have no idea about creating a mod for TEW, So much work has gone into this that you wouldnt believe.


Can i also ask what mods iv made that are incomplete?

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Everything can be fixed, of course! I remember when this mod was first hyped - people were loving it and couldn’t wait. I believe many would be concerned to see Gaz name associated with it. I think I can speak on behalf of many and plea with Gaz to stop producing so many mods and just focus on one until it’s completion. From there we can judge on merit and not be dazzled by graphics.


I think we can all plea with you to either contribute with mods of your own or offer constrictive criticism or piss off.

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Everything can be fixed, of course! I remember when this mod was first hyped - people were loving it and couldn’t wait. I believe many would be concerned to see Gaz name associated with it. I think I can speak on behalf of many and plea with Gaz to stop producing so many mods and just focus on one until it’s completion. From there we can judge on merit and not be dazzled by graphics.


Totally unnecessary. If a mod doesn’t suit your tastes, DO NOT PLAY IT. Being disrespectful doesn’t help the community at all.


Having a go at one of the few people actively giving up their free time so that the community has a number of time periods to play is completely counter productive. If you can’t be bothered to use your voice in a constructive way (explaining what you think is incorrect, how to fix it, etc) you’re better served saying nothing at all.

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Totally unnecessary. If a mod doesn’t suit your tastes, DO NOT PLAY IT. Being disrespectful doesn’t help the community at all.


Having a go at one of the few people actively giving up their free time so that the community has a number of time periods to play is completely counter productive. If you can’t be bothered to use your voice in a constructive way (explaining what you think is incorrect, how to fix it, etc) you’re better served saying nothing at all.


You're so much more diplomatic that me :D


Update: im currently going over reworking skills and attritubes. Please remember this is an early Beta release. Its not representative of the full release and the data is purely for you to browse and provide feedback on what works and what doesnt and feedback errors. Im not prescious over my data and anything and everything can be tweaked.

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Jeez some of the responses lol. I'll give this a go this week , actually pretty happy this came out of left field. Graphics and that looks fairly well. Can't wait to try


Cheers bud, there will be an update coming tonight with attribute and skill fixes :)

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Who is active that shouldnt be? If you think very little work has gone into this, then you clrealy have no idea about creating a mod for TEW, So much work has gone into this that you wouldnt believe.


Can i also ask what mods iv made that are incomplete?


That guy could have worded himself a bit less savagely and I hate to say this but I actually get his point. I don't doubt for a second that you put a lot of work into your mods, but from experience I know it's LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to have something that's gone over thoroughly and balanced and tested extensively without devoting absurd amounts of time to one thing. Last year when I was converting RWC I was working literally all day every day getting it converted properly (thank you lockdown) and that was just me working on one mod, you're working on 3 or 4 I think? You said this was 90% done, you then said there were just "little tweaks and additions" to do and now you're saying it's just an early beta release. Again, I'm not trying to be harsh or rude, I know you've put a shitload of time into your mods, but looking at them I don't know if the time is being spent that well, and posting a beta in this state is nearly pointless because there's so much work left to be done that people would need to be sitting around looking in the editor for hours trying to find it all for you.


Cpt Charisma mods were always known for being OP so a straight conversion was always going to have this problem, but I don't understand why you bothered going through everybody rounding to the nearest 10 when that's going to exacerbate the problem. The rounding thing is just personal preference, I don't like it at all, personally I think you absolutely can justify giving some workers 1-2 more in a stat than others and not doing so is making the accuracy suffer for the same of saving time. Like I said, I think this is just personal preference so it's not that big of a deal. The original point I wanted to make though is you went through rounding everything to the nearest 10, which sounds like an enormous amount of work but that's time spent very poorly and has resulted in incredibly OP workers when you could have fixed the stats instead. Giving someone like Justin Gabriel 90 in aerial is just as much work as giving him 70 which would be far more accurate. This isn't really something I can give a bunch of specific examples on because frankly there's too many, just a cursory glance at the workers and I think everybody will see it.


Again, not trying to shit on your work or anything, but I feel like in the long run you're just making things harder for yourself and need to focus more on QC rather than pumping out as many mods as possible as quickly as possible, because from experience it's just not feasible to make them work well in such a short space of time.

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To some of the stuff that was said, yeah, every mod maker puts a ton of time into their work, I have never made a full on mod but I have edited mods around and it is time consuming. In addition to that, the wrestling community can be toxic and the internet is inherently toxic so I advise everyone to try their hardest to not be toxic. I've seen it quite a bit recently and honestly, TEW is just a game we play because love wrestling, it's not that big of a deal and if you're not satisfied with how a mod looks, try to give constructive criticism and not slander the mod makers, and you can obviously work on the mod slightly yourself, when you have a workable base it's much easier to get it to a point that you'll like and be comfortable with.



Rant over, thanks for coming to my TED Talk...

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