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TNA 2004: Dutch's Way

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Ron Killings & BG James vs. Tyler Bateman & Kevin Northcutt


America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) vs. Sonny Siaki & Ekmo

Comments: Let's go DQ here.


Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Swinger



Simon Diamond vs. Jeff Jarrett


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Ron Killings & BG James vs. Tyler Bateman & Kevin Northcutt


Even at odds, these are 2 of your upper midcard to main-event guys.


America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) vs. Sonny Siaki & Ekmo


Nice spin with the Samoans. But AMW vs The New Franchise is the big match.


Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Swinger


Hardy clean. I don't see any direction for him going into Genesys , and i assume you will book him. Just a routine win for one of your main-event babyfaces


Simon Diamond vs. Jeff Jarrett


I could pick Diamond after the "face" turn . But Double J is in the main-event. I assume Gilberti interferes in this one, as there is a match building fof Genesys.

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TNA iMPACT! #7 - Wednesday, Week 3, March 2004





Wednesday, Week 3, March 2004

Live from Harrison HPER Complex on ESPN

Attendance: 4,475


Announce Team: Mike Tenay & Don West


Timeline | Champions | Alliances





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Standard Tag Team Match

Ron Killings & BG James vs. Tyler Bateman & Kevin Northcutt


Thanks to the early tension and pensive attitude of The Kru, Bateman and Northcutt are able to take control early on here. Tyler directs traffic, telling Kevin exactly what to do, dictating the situation as he bullies BG into his team’s corner. It’s a solid strategy but James & Killings have been to this rodeo before and manage to put aside their issues temporarily to handle their common enemy. The Nizzie Legdrop leaves Northcutt clutching at his little Kevin’s and all that’s left is the parting blow, a Shake, Rattle & Roll dropping Bateman so Killings can come down with the 450 Splash to capture the W.







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As Tenay remarks that there may yet remain a future for Killings & BG as a group once they settle their issues with one another, we jump straight to the office of
Commissioner Piper.








He is holding a meeting with
Chris Sabin
Bryan Danielson
Joe E. Legend
. He admits to the three of them that opportunities have been few but they are here because he wants to remedy that particular problem.


”I’m gonna put 10 of ya in the ring at Genesis and the last man standing that hasn’t been thrown over the top will get a shot at any title they choose, whenever they choose. We’ll call it GOLD RUSH! - and you three are the first confirmed entrants. Does that sound good to ya’s?”


Sabin shrugs nonchalantly, ever as cool as a cucumber. Danielson nods repeatedly in determination and Legend cuts half-smirk and half-grimace, cracking his knuckles at the prospect of inflicting punishment on nine others. For their reaction Piper smiles, he’s enjoying this business of making men fight one another!







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Standard Tag Team Match

America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) vs. Sonny Siaki & Ekmo


This is an opportunity for vengeance for James Storm after Siaki defeated him two weeks ago and unlike the tag team match earlier in the night, this one sees the heroes of the piece commanding the middle of the ring early on. For the Samoan duo it’s just the case of letting AMW get that energy out of their system and once they do, Ekmo is able to bring his size and power to the dance.


Only for a short while though. He charges Storm in the corner and eats the turnbuckles before the Last Call drops the big man and shakes the ring to its core. If Siaki thought he had to fight on alone, he had another thing coming...








Because, suddenly,
Shane Douglas
Michael Shane
Monty Brown
dart down the entrance ramp and roll into the ring, attacking Chris Harris and James Storm as referee Andrew Thomas is left with no alternative but to call for the bell and the disqualification.







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In the aftermath, the assault continues.
Shane Douglas
drills away on
Chris Harris
in the corner as
Michael Shane
James Storm
to the sole of his boot, the Sweet Shane Music! On the outside of the ring, both
Sonny Siaki
look on uneasily and Don West wonders if this was the plan all along or are they disappointed this match was taken away from them by the NWA World Tag Team Champions?


They head off away from the scene but that’s not immediately important because there’s somebody in the TNA locker room that will not stand for this...








AJ Styles
charges down the entrance ramp, steel chair in his clutches. The New Franchise want nothing to do with the ‘Phenomenal One’ and depart out the sides of the ring, still relatively pleased with their handiwork as they wheel away and leave AJ checking on America’s Most Wanted. Styles tries to goad Douglas, Shane & Brown into returning to the ring to face him but to no avail. They just share a collective smirk as they wheel away, ensuring that Styles will have to wait to get what he wants.







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Standard Singles Match

Jeff Hardy vs. Johnny Swinger


After last week’s match with Sting and subsequent post-match assault, Tenay explains that Hardy wanted this match to continue his quest of bringing down Team Jarrett. Surprisingly, there’s no ringside assistance for Swinger and it plays a part here as aside from a Swinger Stinger, Hardy is untroubled and can play all his greatest hits. The Reverse Enzuigiri, the Leg Drop to the groin and the Whisper in the Wind all find their mark before the Twist of Fate and the Swanton Bomb seal the deal.







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Back from a commercial break and we are no longer in the Impact Zone but in South Pennsylvania under an elevated stretch of Interstate 95, a certain arena of a certain historical significance is visible in the backdrop and a hooded man with his head bowed fills the screen. The camera zooms and he lifts his head.








It is, of course,


He laid the gauntlet down two weeks ago to see CM Punk at Genesis and when he wins, he’s going to savour the moment James Mitchell steps between the ropes to face him. No more students, no more subservience - just the two of them.


”I fought in this building behind me hundreds of times. I’m here to return my roots and at Genesis, I will drag CM Punk down to them too. On Saturday, it will be Extreme Rules! To say, there will be no rules. This will not be a wrestling match, not a test of each man’s proclivity for the sport of professional wrestling - this will be a fight like James Mitchell wanted.”


He wanted Raven to face his destiny, to get in the ring and face his students, to be present for what was forthcoming. At Genesis, it will be The Gathering meeting their ruin at the hands of their creator.
”Quote the Raven, nevermore.”







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Before our main event commences,
Mike Tenay
informs us that Commissioner Piper has signed another match for TNA Genesis and
Don West
goes into his atypical mode as a radio salesman.






”After the events earlier tonight, AJ Styles will team up with America’s Most Wanted to take on Shane Douglas, Michael Shane and Monty Brown of The New Franchise.”




”That’s sure to be an incredible encounter Mike, I can’t wait for Genesis!”




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Standard Singles Match

Simon Diamond vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/ Don Callis)


With Diamond now out of Team Jarrett after attacking Young and Gilbertti on Xplosion a couple of weeks ago, Tenay explains that this is Jarrett’s opportunity to assert his authority over one of his former members and maybe gain back some lost respect with the current members. Simon is game for that challenge though and what follows is a surprisingly physical match given the technical skills of both competitors.


Diamond goes for the Gem Cutter early with Double J trying to counter into The Stroke only for Diamond to sit down into a Stunner. Or rather, the Chart Buster! A detail that was not lost on Don West. The Simon Series follows for a near fall before Jarrett spots Diamond ducking his head too early for a Back Body Drop and hits him with a Neckbreaker that leaves both men down. This is when Don Callis calls for reinforcements...








Glenn Gilbertti
makes his way down to ringside. Back on his feet, Simon Diamond ensures that the referee Rudy Charles keeps his eyes on Gilbertti and that he does, ensuring that G.G.’s possible threat is muted entirely. But Callis hops on the apron, only to meet Simon Diamond’s right hand, falling to the floor below!


As Diamond savours the Consultant’s fall from grace, he unfortunately turns around straight into a knee to the gut from Jarrett and is put down suddenly and decisively with The Stroke.







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As if victory for
Jeff Jarrett
wasn’t enough,
Glenn Gilbertti
jumps in the ring and starts beating down
Simon Diamond
. Double J checks on
Don Callis
, still down on the outside of the ring. It was a hard tumble but we think he’ll be okay. Like he’s the leader of Team Jarrett himself, Gilbertti makes a call towards the tunnel for the rest of the group to join them in the ring. But instead, all he sees is a video on the big screen...








Somewhere backstage,
Jeff Hardy
is assaulting
Kid Kash!


Backed against the wall, the ‘Enigma’ is hammering away with right hands. Disheveled himself in appearance, it looks like the two have been fighting for some time. Tenay wonders if Hardy intercepted Kash trying to get involved in the match and things turned physical. Hardy dumps his adversary into a portable storage cart and then hits the Twist of Fate on the concrete floor, laying him out. Attention returns back to the ring, but a spotlight hits the left side of the arena...








David Young
have emerged through a side door trading blows! With the energy from the crowd behind him, the Stinger overwhelms Young with overhand rights and then slams him face first into the door behind him. Leaving Team Jarrett’s enforcer trailing in his wake, Sting unsheathes his signature bat from his trench coat and begins to walk down the stairs to the arena floor, pointing at the trio standing in the ring.







”Jeff Jarrett and Don Callis have never moved so quick, they are getting the hell out of there!”


Unfortunately for him, Gilbertti was not so hasty, he was left in a gripping panic as Sting descended on the ring much quicker than he expected. Soon enough,
Simon Diamond
makes his mind up for him, hitting him with a Gem Cutter and leaving him staring at the lights.


When ‘The Icon’ does arrive in the ring, he keeps his attention fixated on the retreating Jarrett and Callis before Diamond feeds Gilbertti to him, making sure that the leader of Team Jarrett watches him deliver the Scorpion Death Drop to their favourite stooge. From here, Sting’s music hits and a staredown between the two parties sees us out as we fade to black.







TV Rating

0.64 (482,715 viewers)


Final Show Rating





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Prediction Contest Results

Blodyxe: 4

Crackerjack: 4

DHK1989: 4

Kijar: 4

RKOwnage: 4

Kanegan: 4

The Pitbull: 4

Rampaaage: 3

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I hate to shoot myself in the foot here but for the sake of honesty... I took the bait on the tag team match so I should only have 3. Sorry for ruining the perfect game guys :p

It's no surprise your diary is an RoH one, you are a man of great honour :p

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Clearly I have to try harder here. :D


...do I get an extra point for picking the DQ in the AMW match :D


But seriously, at this point I think it's pretty realistic for Impact to be having your easier picks in order to build properly toward the harder PPV matchups. You don't want to ruin weeks of building Siaki and Ekmo with a random loss to AMW on Impact!

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...do I get an extra point for picking the DQ in the AMW match :D


But seriously, at this point I think it's pretty realistic for Impact to be having your easier picks in order to build properly toward the harder PPV matchups. You don't want to ruin weeks of building Siaki and Ekmo with a random loss to AMW on Impact!

Honestly, I did think about giving you one but I guess it's a big enough prize that you can bask in your rightness :p


You're right about the realism aspect. I think people are also getting to grips with who is being pushed and showcased and who is not. That said, I am curious which direction people go when I put the PPV predictions up, hopefully none of you manage to clean sweep that show. ;)


Just found out that Don West has brain lymphoma :(


He's awesome, and I always liked his work with Mike Tenay. You're doing a good job of carrying over his tone, hope he sticks around for you

Yes, it is very sad news and my thoughts are with him. Hopefully he beats it!


I have absolutely no desire of replacing him in this diary. I always thought his enthusiasm for what he was watching was infectious and I've been trying to harnass that as best I can. Lots of the early truly great TNA matches were made by Don West's excitement on comms and I think they lost something when they replaced him with Taz. Not a mistake I intend to repeat here.

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TNA Xplosion! - Saturday, Week 3, March 2004




TNA Xplosion!

Saturday, Week 3, March 2004

Taped before iMPACT! at the Harrison HPER Complex


Announce Team: Scott Hudson & Jeremy Borash


Timeline | Champions | Alliances




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Chris Hero vs. Michael Shane (w/ Monty Brown)

This is the first time we’ve seen either of these two in a wrestling capacity for some weeks and though Hero manages to have some success in the early chain wrestling exchanges, this is really an extended showcase for one half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions. He cuts his opponent off at the pass with a vicious clothesline because a Brainbuster is followed by a Diving Elbow Drop to capture the W.





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The S.A.T. (Jose & Joel Maximo) vs. Joe E. Legend & Bobby Roode

After the Maximo brothers hit Double Dropkicks taking both the onrushing Legend and then the advancing Roode retreating to the outside,
Scott D’Amore
comes down to ringside and begins to coach both Canadians back into the match. He helps them gain control, "accidentally" catching Jose Maximo's foot at he runs to the ropes. But D'Amore's assistance is all for naught. The S.A.T. are too explosive and it's all she wrote after the Maximo Explosion flattens Bobby Roode.





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Dragon Kid vs. Caprice Coleman

Jeremy Borash enlightens us that Dragon Kid has recently relocated to the United States whilst this is only Caprice Coleman’s second appearance in TNA, last appearing in November last year. Though the match is decent, both competitors are yet to establish themselves with the TNA Asylum and there’s only a small smattering of applause when Dragon Kid makes Coleman submit to his Fujiwara Armbar out of a Headscissors Takedown.





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In the dressing room after Wednesday’s DQ victory…

We hear from
Chris Harris
James Storm
, who call out The New Franchise for their assault. Harris finds it funny that they ran off when the numbers were evened up but there will be nowhere for them to go when they meet one another at Genesis.


Storm tells Ekmo & Siaki that they have unfinished business whilst reminding them that the current champions cost them their opportunity at tag team gold. Once America’s Most Wanted settle their score with The New Franchise, they’ll meet those two Samoans
“any time, any place, anywhere.”





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Erik Watts (w/ Goldylocks) vs. Monty Brown (w/ Michael Shane)

As if the outside of the ring isn’t crowded enough here,
Tyler Bateman
comes down to observe the action too. Neither of the three parties beyond the squared circle get involved though and the ‘Alpha Male’ is able to overpower his opponent before putting him away with the Pounce.





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In the Team Jarrett locker room…

Jeff Jarrett
Don Callis
inform us that Commissioner Piper has invited them to meet Sting on Wednesday to exchange their final words before they meet at Genesis. They’ve accepted but only on the condition that Sting keeps that baseball bat of his in his coat pocket.
"No physical contact or else the match is off."


Callis says that Piper needs to control that man, he’s wild and out of control. Did he see what he did to David Young on Wednesday? He should be suspended for that assault! Jeff Hardy too, he’s lucky that Kid Kash is one tough customer or that Twist of Fate on the floor could have been a lawsuit. Jarrett agrees with his consultant and reminds Piper and Sting that Team Jarrett run this joint and sooner rather than later, they’ll have both of them put out to pasture.





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Low-Ki & Sonjay Dutt vs. Elix Skipper & Scoot Andrews

Very much a match of two singles engagements with Low-Ki wanting to get his hands on Skipper and Dutt being left to fight against the reigning NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion. As this match develops it becomes more like a handicap, with Skipper having to do the bulk of the heavy lifting. It’s a situation he tires of and once Low-Ki spikes Scoot Andrews with the Ki-Krusher, ‘Primetime’ doesn’t even attempt to re-enter the ring to break up the pin.







TV Rating

0.01 (14,169 viewers)


Final Show Rating


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TNA iMPACT! #8 Preview




TNA iMPACT! #8 Preview


Wednesday, Week 4, March 2004


Just days out from Genesis, we’re back in the TNA homeland of Tennessee. As announced on Xplosion, Commissioner Piper has called both Sting and Jeff Jarrett out to exchange their final words with one another and go over the rules for their TNA World Heavyweight Championship encounter. As per Jarrett’s demand, there is to be no physical contact with one another and security will be on hand to ensure the Commissioner retains order.


Elsewhere tonight, momentum is the name of the game. In our main event, AJ Styles gets his hands on The New Franchise when he faces off against Shane Douglas. As much as the ‘Phenomenal One’ will savour the opportunity to extend his winning streak, Douglas may be the most experienced opponent he has faced all year and will surely provide a tough test for the first ever TNA Triple Crown Champion.


Both Ron Killings and Raven will be in singles action, can Silas Young and Slash derail them before their respective clashes with BG James and CM Punk at Genesis? And, in X-Division trios action, the bragging rights are on the line when Daniels, Low-Ki and Skipper collide!



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TNA iMPACT! #8 Quick Picks


Low-Ki, Jason Cross & Dragon Kid vs. Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper & Scoot Andrews



For a bonus point, who will pick up the victory for their respective trio:


Raven vs. Slash



Ron Killings vs. Silas Young



AJ Styles vs. Shane Douglas



Yes or No, will Commissioner Piper keep order when Jarrett and Sting come face to face?:


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Low-Ki, Jason Cross & Dragon Kid vs. Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper & Scoot Andrews

Comments: CD pins Jason Cross, the champ is kept strong


For a bonus point, who will pick up the victory for their respective trio: Daniels

Raven vs. Slash

Comments: Shouldn't be a problem


Ron Killings vs. Silas Young

Comments: I would watch that


AJ Styles vs. Shane Douglas

Comments: The real franchise player wins


Yes or No, will Commissioner Piper keep order when Jarrett and Sting come face to face? No

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Low-Ki, Jason Cross & Dragon Kid vs. Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper & Scoot Andrews


Comments: Odd that all three members of Triple X are in this match. Perhaps a reunion?


For a bonus point, who will pick up the victory for their respective trio: Elix Skipper pins Dragon Kid


Raven vs. Slash



Ron Killings vs. Silas Young



AJ Styles vs. Shane Douglas



Yes or No, will Commissioner Piper keep order when Jarrett and Sting come face to face?:

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Low-Ki, Jason Cross & Dragon Kid vs. Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper & Scoot Andrews


For a bonus point, who will pick up the victory for their respective trio: Christopher Daniels


Raven vs. Slash


Ron Killings vs. Silas Young


AJ Styles vs. Shane Douglas


Yes or No, will Commissioner Piper keep order when Jarrett and Sting come face to face?: No

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Low-Ki, Jason Cross & Dragon Kid vs. Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper & Scoot Andrews



For a bonus point, who will pick up the victory for their respective trio: Skipper


Raven vs. Slash

Comments: :p


Ron Killings vs. Silas Young


AJ Styles vs. Shane Douglas



Yes or No, will Commissioner Piper keep order when Jarrett and Sting come face to face?: No

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Low-Ki, Jason Cross & Dragon Kid vs. Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper & Scoot Andrews

Comments: Honestly I have no idea.


For a bonus point, who will pick up the victory for their respective trio: Low Ki


Raven vs. Slash



Ron Killings vs. Silas Young



AJ Styles vs. Shane Douglas



Yes or No, will Commissioner Piper keep order when Jarrett and Sting come face to face?: Nope!

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Low-Ki, Jason Cross & Dragon Kid vs. Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper & Scoot Andrews


For a bonus point, who will pick up the victory for their respective trio: Christopher Daniels

Raven vs. Slash


Ron Killings vs. Silas Young


AJ Styles vs. Shane Douglas


Yes or No, will Commissioner Piper keep order when Jarrett and Sting come face to face? I'll be the odd one out and say yes!

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TNA iMPACT! #8 - Wednesday, Week 4, March 2004





Wednesday, Week 4, March 2004

Live from McMinnville Civic Center on ESPN

Attendance: 4,112


Announce Team: Mike Tenay & Don West


Timeline | Champions | Alliances




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Standard Trios Match

Low-Ki, Jason Cross & Dragon Kid vs. Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper & Scoot Andrews



Tenay and West introduce us to the show, hyping Saturday’s upcoming PPV spectacular as Dragon Kid gets the better of chain wrestling Scoot Andrews and sends him reeling to the outside with a Flying Headscissors Takedown. But then Skipper comes in and although the Kid tries another, ‘Primetime’ is wise to it and blocks the last rotation before countering into a Kryptonite Krunch. Fortunately, Jason Cross breaks up the pin and is soon snapping off a Slingshot Tornado DDT with fierce velocity that puts Skipper down.


This brings in Daniels and as Cross is sent to the corner he kicks Daniels away before hopping to a seated position on the top turnbuckle. Unfortunately for the youngster, Daniels charges, jumping onto the second rope before catching him with an Enzuigiri that leaves Cross victim to the Last Rites. But then Low-Ki comes in, hammering away with two kicks to the X-Division Champion’s chest that drop him to his knees before a roundhouse leaves him flat face first on the canvas. But then Scoot Andrews comes in…
and you get the picture.


The action is thick and fast here, all coming to a head when Skipper blind tags himself in. The ‘Fallen Angel’ is not impressed, kicking his own partner in the solar plexus before delivering the Angels Wings to lay him out! As Daniels storms off up the ramp with his Championship in hand, Low-Ki comes off the top with a Double Foot Stomp and picks up the momentum heading into Genesis.







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We jump to
Commissioner Piper’s
office as he welcomes his new assistant, the former Desire herself,
Kim Neilsen.
He has a lot of paperwork to sort through; match contracts, office memos, different correspondents. All very
acidic above the shoulders
stuff as Mark Hanna would say. Does Piper look like the kind of man that files his own taxes? She promises to get started right away on sorting out his extraordinarily messy desk when the door flies open.








And the cordial atmosphere in the room is broken by the arrival of
Sonny Siaki
They heard about the Gold Rush Battle Royal that ‘Hot Rod’ announced last week and since The New Franchise stopped them from earning what should be theirs, they want in. Of course Piper accepts, questioning who will be able to throw the big guy over the top rope before laughing and slapping Ekmo’s chest in a fit of his own amusement.


At this, the Samoan gangster grunts and exhales heavily, intimidating Piper with his large stature and his intense glare before Siaki manages to simmer him down and pull him away through the door. But not before swiping loads of paperwork onto the floor! As if Kim’s job wasn’t hard enough already...







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Standard Singles Match

Raven vs. Slash



Tenay explains that Slash used to be a disciple of The New Church last year and ponders whether he could be trying to earn a spot in The Gathering by taking out Raven and winning back James Mitchell’s favour. Unfortunately, his Bulldog is as good as it gets and this is mostly one way traffic, Raven putting his opponent away with the Raven Effect just shy of the six minute mark.







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After remarking that Raven looks to be in the zone and ready for his clash with CM Punk at Genesis, Mike Tenay sends us to the compound for a special video from the
‘Enigma’ Jeff Hardy
. Filmed at night, Hardy is seated in front of a bonfire. At Genesis, he will team up with Simon Diamond to take on two random members of Team Jarrett. He’s not sure he can trust him, he’s not convinced he can trust anybody…


”I guess the enemy of my enemy is my companion...”


He tells Team Jarrett to pick anybody to face him and Diamond. He has already beaten Kash and Swinger, now he needs to get to Gilbertti, David Young and Abyss.


”Real power resides where men believe it resides. After I pin every member of Team Jarrett, they will recognise that their leader is nothing without them. A false monarch that will be dethroned by an unrelenting Enigma.”


Hardy then stands up and departs the scene as the camera zooms in on the fire behind him.











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Standard Singles Match

Ron Killings vs. Silas Young



We are joined by
BG James
on commentary for this match and the former NWA World Tag Team Champion does his best to be impartial. Mind you, he’s not a perfect man and he does let it slip that he hopes Silas does his part in weakening his Genesis opponent just days out from the PPV.


Although the youngster does get a good start and manages to control the match after catching Killings with a Springboard Lariat out of the corner, ‘The Truth’ blocks a Suplex attempt and turns it into one of his own, flattening Young onto his stomach with the Truth Conviction. With James on the airwaves urging Silas to watch out as he stands up, he is unable to heed that warning and falls to the Flying Jalapeno.







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Standard Singles Match

AJ Styles vs. Shane Douglas (w/ Monty Brown & Michael Shane)


The commentators talk up America’s Most Wanted having done local media to promote TNA Genesis and hence they couldn’t be here tonight to back up AJ. Be that as it may, Douglas wrestles this match surprisingly cleanly, attempting to go toe to toe with ‘The Phenomenal One’ on his terms. There’s a moment early on when Douglas whips Styles to the ropes only for AJ to dive over the top with a Tope Con Hilo, wiping out both Brown and Shane on the outside.


Back in the ring, Styles is of course classy and very impressive but caught out by the experience edge of his savvy veteran opponent going for the Pele Kick. Douglas simply sidesteps the telegraphed move and although Styles lands on his feet he is completely poleaxed by the subsequent clothesline. ‘The Franchise’ tries to take command but after sending AJ for a ride again, he falls into the trap of letting Styles jump on the second rope, leaping over his head to hit the Phenomenon DDT. AJ does his signature pose to indicate that it’s time for the Clash…








But the ‘Alpha Male’ on the outside has seen enough and enters the ring, flattening Styles with a body tackle and leaving referee Andrew Thomas with no alternative but to call for the bell and award the match to AJ via disqualification.







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In the aftermath,
Monty Brown’s
assault on
AJ Styles
continues with
Michael Shane
standing in front of our official, both stopping him from seeing what is going on and preventing him from trying to get involved. Obviously AJ cannot fight back, such is Brown’s size and power, he just stomps away as the ‘Phenomenal One’ has tried to retreat to the corner. Now with a microphone snatched from JB,
Shane Douglas
tells his opponent that this is what happens when you poke your nose in The New Franchise’s business.


Douglas asks that Brown bring AJ back to his feet just so he can put the exclamation mark on their assault, Michael Shane hitting the Sweet Shane Music as the unit pose over their fallen and badly beaten foe.







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We return from a commercial break with
already in the ring, facing
Jeff Jarrett
Don Callis
between the peacekeeper himself
Roddy Piper
. The Commissioner makes it clear that there is to be no physical contact and refers to the scores of black shirted security flanking the ring on all sides. He has called them here tonight to go over the rules for the encounter in three days' time at Genesis and to let each man say some final words.


”We will crown a TNA World Heavyweight Champion. No matter what, I am walking down that aisle and awarding this title to one of ya’s. 30 minute time limit and if necessary, we can go into overtime. The title will be decided in the event of a disqualification or countout. And I’ll allow Don at ringside. If he chooses, Sting can bring a second too. Is that clear gentlemen?”


Sting answers in the affirmative and he suspects that he won’t need to bring anybody to ringside with him because in the event that Team Jarrett do get involved, he believes that a good number of TNA wrestlers in the back won’t stand for it. They tried to take over and as everybody can see it hasn’t worked. At Genesis, when it’s just Sting versus Jarrett, the Stinger wins 99 times out of 100 and not even an imbecile like Don Callis would bet against that!


Jarrett responds that he hasn’t tried to take over TNA because he doesn’t need to, he made TNA and that’s precisely why he will wake up on Sunday morning clutching the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. This is his promotion, he is the rightful first champion, the chosen one, the franchise player; call him what you want this empire is his to rule and reign over and no would-be usurper with a painted face can stop him now.


The two men inch closer to one another with Sting telling Jarrett that his time is up, he’s been at the top of the mountain for long enough and it’s time for change around here! But Double J argues that it’s in everybody’s best interest that the NWA Champion be the TNA Champion too and it seems right that Double J should hold that ubiquitous honour. As the two parties come closer again, Piper is unable to contain the growing tension, especially after Don Callis launches a sucker punch in Sting’s direction!





”Security has stormed the ring, of course this was going to happen Don!”



”It’s getting out of control in there! Can anything contain these two wrestling superstars!”




Because it’s the Team Jarrett way, both Double J and Callis slither out of the ring and make their exit up the entrance ramp amid the fracas. Slightly worse for wear after the pandemonium but both smirking at the chaos they have created. Meanwhile, Roddy Piper had also exited out the side of the ring. We didn’t see his departure thanks to the scene unfolding before us but it seems he was hasty enough to get out before it all kicked off. He is, of course, visibly frustrated that he couldn’t keep the peace.


Our security guards station themselves by the ropes to create a barrier between themselves and the two parties and we go off the air with both Sting and Jeff Jarrett mouthing off to one another at a distance. They’ll see each other at Genesis and one of them will leave this increasingly personal rivalry as TNA Wrestling’s first ever World Heavyweight Champion.







TV Rating

0.88 (662,771 viewers)


Final Show Rating




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Prediction Contest Results


RKOwnage: 6

Blodyxe: 4

DHK1989: 4

Kijar: 4

IronWarrior22: 3

Rampaaage: 3

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Lovely bonfire there, Jeffrey :p


Thought Ekmo would flip Piper's desk altogether, not just throw the papers around. Even I could do that

You have no idea how long it took him to put that scene together. ;)


Yes, but they know Piper has put them in Gold Rush so they have to play a little nicer. At least for now. :p


So I guess we're going into overtime.

Maybe... ;) I'm worried that they would pass out if I made them wrestle for 30 minutes haha, they still have that WCW 2000 cardio where you only ever wrestle for 5 minutes before the SWERVE. :D

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TNA Xplosion! - Friday, Week 4, March 2004




TNA Xplosion!

Friday, Week 4, March 2004

Taped before iMPACT at the McMinnville Civic Center


Announce Team: Scott Hudson & Jeremy Borash


Timeline | Champions | Alliances





Jerry Lynn vs. Silas Young

This is a match between two participants in the Gold Rush and a vital opportunity for either man to put down a marker. Young is continually impressing, his blend of rugged offence combined with his agility will surely make him a threat in the none too distant future. But Lynn’s experience pays dividends here and he puts his opponent away with the Cradle Piledriver.




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Delirious vs. CM Punk (w/ James Mitchell)

All very routine for The Gathering’s straight edge saviour here. Rarely troubled, he looks in fine fettle heading into the PPV and puts Delirious down with the Devil Lock DDT.




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In a backstage corridor…

is consoling her boyfriend
Erik Watts
on his recent losing streak. Maybe the problem recently has been the opponents? Abyss, Ekmo, Monty Brown? They would be a handful for anybody. Tonight, she took the liberty of going to Commissioner Piper and picked an opponent that he should have less trouble with in Adam Jacobs.


They’re interrupted by
Tyler Bateman
and his muscle,
Kevin Northcutt.
Tyler is unfortunately injured so he’s had to pull out of the Gold Rush but Northcutt will see him there. Bateman wishes him the best of luck on his match tonight but they best hurry because they're on next. As Watts and Goldylocks scurry off, Bateman is seen shaking his head. That one needs leading he tells his musclebound friend.




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Erik Watts (w/ Goldylocks) vs. Adam Jacobs

In spite of his lateness, Watts eventually asserts his size advantage. Jacobs is definitely more the build for the X-Division instead of fighting Heavyweights like Watts and the former NWA Director of Authority registers his first win of the year courtesy of a Chokeslam.




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America's Most Wanted vs. Joe E. Legend & Kenny Omega

Once again,
Scott D’Amore
comes down to ringside to observe a Canadian duo but stops short of offering a helping hand. Hudson observes that it’s all very ponderous and questions what the Owner of BCW is up to but he only watches as a professional AMW pin Omega after the Death Sentence.




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Jeremy Borash caught up with Simon Diamond earlier today…

He'll tag up with Jeff Hardy to take on two random members of Team Jarrett at Genesis and if they won’t heed his warnings to get away from the ‘Chosen One’, maybe he’ll have to beat this sense into them instead. He understands they view him as a traitor but as far as he’s aware, they turned on him when they accused him of being disloyal. He was a good soldier and they’re going to regret the day they shunned him from the ranks.




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Jason Cross vs. Christopher Daniels

After an impressive performance on Wednesday, Cross is given a non-title match here against the TNA X-Division Champion. It’s not exactly ideal for Daniels having to get past Cross just 24 hours before the Three Way Shootout against Skipper and Low-Ki but he gets the job done in a very fine match, pinning the game youngster after the Angels Wings.







TV Rating

0.05 (41,694 viewers)


Final Show Rating


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