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TNA 2004: Dutch's Way

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TNA iMPACT! #4 Preview


Wednesday, Week 4, February 2004




In the TNA office in Nashville, Dutch scanned over a press release handed to him by one of the assistants.




Tecnico to team with Lizmark Jr. and El Pantera versus Negro Casas, Damian 666 and Halloween to celebrate!



Konnan had been picking up the odd date here and there but CMLL offered him $96,100 a month to come home permanently. It was the kind of money Dutch couldn’t afford to pay for a star of Konnan’s calibre but nobody begrudged his departure. He had given prior notice about his intention to accept and served out 30 days notice, accepting the jobs he was asked to do on his way out.


He was going to make far more money as the much larger star he was in Mexico compared to the States but Dutch hoped his send off was a dignified one and believed the company could at least benefit from his departure in a story-telling sense.


Still, Dutch thought, he was in no position to compete when promotions with greater finances came calling and that concerned him deeply. He was just relieved that NJPW and AJPW had not started making such overtures to their touring gaijin talent... yet.



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TNA iMPACT! #4 Quick Picks:


NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise © vs. The S.A.T.



Sting vs. Abyss



NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Jeff Hardy



Which new signing will be unveiled as the newest member of The New Franchise?:


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NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise © vs. The S.A.T.

Comments: No change here for sure.


Sting vs. Abyss

Comments: Sting can't lose, but I hope Abyss is protected


NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Jeff Hardy

Comments: Doesn't necessarily mean Hardy will win the title... right?


Which new signing will be unveiled as the newest member of The New Franchise?: I dunno, but let's say Francine. Not exactly new, but why not


Now Konnan's booking makes more sense, should have added 2+2 together.

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Now Konnan's booking makes more sense, should have added 2+2 together.

I was surprised nobody caught on and picked Michael Shane. :D


Yes, he signed for CMLL after my third weekly PPV, even though his popularity in Mexico had dropped from 81 to 74 because he keeps losing LOL. The NWA randomly stripped him and BG of the tag titles before I even got a chance to do a change. Fortunately I was able to shoot the titles onto The New Franchise before another promotion in the alliance beat me to it but it was slightly alarming. Part of being in the NWA I suppose...

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NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise © vs. The S.A.T.



Sting vs. Abyss

Comments: I want Abyss to win but I feel like Sting isn't going to put him over that easily.


NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Jeff Hardy

Comments: One thing is for sure, a Jeff will emerge victorious.


Which new signing will be unveiled as the newest member of The New Franchise?:


As soon as Konnan's time was over, I wondered about the possibility of Billy Gunn showing up. I'll take a wild guess on him.


EDIT - I should've read Xplosion closer... I highly doubt he's replacing Traci. :p

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NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise © vs. The S.A.T.



Sting vs. Abyss



NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Jeff Hardy



Which new signing will be unveiled as the newest member of The New Franchise?: Francine

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NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise © vs. The S.A.T.


Sting vs. Abyss


NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Jeff Hardy


Which new signing will be unveiled as the newest member of The New Franchise?:


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NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise © vs. The S.A.T.



Sting vs. Abyss



NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Jeff Hardy



Which new signing will be unveiled as the newest member of The New Franchise?: Francine

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NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise © vs. The S.A.T.

Comments: SAT give a good accounting of themselves, but The New Franchise are the heel champions which gives you something for AMW to go against. No doubt they retain.


Sting vs. Abyss

Comments: By DQ , i say. Too soon, not on PPV, so this isn't the day. Beatdown by Abyss after the match. This needs to end in Monster's Ball.


NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Jeff Hardy

Comments: Not clean, mind you (though how many clean wins did Jeff have in his entire career) , but the money match is with Sting. Keeps the feud going, while building heat on Double J.


Which new signing will be unveiled as the newest member of The New Franchise?: They need an Enforcer. So going with the former Triple Threat member Bam Bam Bigellow.

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NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise © vs. The S.A.T.



Sting vs. Abyss



NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © vs. Jeff Hardy

Comments: Jeff Hardy's a big star but I feel like the realistic TNA '04 move is to keep it on Double J for now. I think there's more faces for him to take on (Sting, Raven, maybe even Styles) in the short-term. The heels you're building need a bit of time I think.


Which new signing will be unveiled as the newest member of The New Franchise?: Hm. Let's go with Rhino.

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TNA iMPACT! #4 - Wednesday, Week 4, February 2004





Wednesday, Week 4, February 2004

Live from Jack Stephens Center on ESPN

Attendance: 4,535


Announce Team: Mike Tenay & Don West





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NWA World Tag Team Championship

The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane) © vs. The S.A.T. (Joel & Jose Maximo)


For the second consecutive week, we head straight to the ring with Los Maximos putting the reigning Champions on the back foot early on. Such is their speed and agility that they have even the spritely Michael Shane reeling and there’s no Traci on the outside to help The New Franchise regather their bearings. Douglas is a sagely man though and he wisely antagonises the illegal competitor, diverting the referee’s attention to the Champions can work together in isolating Joel in their corner of the ring.


But it’s not long before he breaks free and tags in Jose, the younger of the two brothers bamboozling Shane & Douglas with a springboarding double jump moonsault that Don West calls
“what a move!”
As Joel gets some well deserved respite outside the ring, a shirtless man dressed in slacks hops the guard rail and wipes him out with a powerful body tackle! As the camera zooms in, we see who it is...













Monty Brown!


He hovers over the downed Maximo brother and flashes a grin to the camera, a man very proud of his handiwork. Back inside the ring, Jose does his utmost to fight on but he’s outnumbered and eventually the combination of Michael Shane’s wicked Superkick and Shane Douglas’s signature Belly to Belly is too much for the young challenger to overcome.







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As referee Slick Johnson hands The New Franchise their NWA World Tag Team Championships,
Monty Brown
joins them in the ring.
Shane Douglas
asks for a microphone, snatching it away from Jeremy Borash to announce the newest member of their faction, the ‘Alpha Male’! We’ve seen him before but not like this, he’s a different proposition now, a polished competitor that is ready to dominate TNA just as he dominated football.


Michael Shane
takes the microphone next. He insists that nothing happened at ringside, Joel Maximo just knew he couldn’t compete with a dual-sport superstar the likes of Monty Brown so he threw himself to the floor to save face. Can you blame him? Would you want to fight this man? The New Franchise are going straight to the top and no they’re
“not arrogant, just brilliant”.







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Backstage, we see
Ron Killings
entering the building but he is immediately collared by broadcast journalist
Scott Hudson
for his thoughts on Konnan’s defeat and departure from TNA last week. First off, Killings explains that he’s only here because he has a meeting scheduled with Commissioner Piper but he praises the impact that Konnan had on his career. He took him under his wing and showed him the way. They were tight, they were brothers and he’ll miss their recording sessions together living the Kru lifestyle.








But another man that was seemingly waiting for Killings’s arrival at the building is
BG James
. He confronts ‘The Truth’ and asks Scott Hudson to pose a poignant question in Killings’s direction; one about how he wasn’t there for his so-called brother. Where was he when Konnan fought CM Punk? BG couldn’t be there, he was getting his mouth fixed after Douglas cheapshotted him but Killings just left ‘K-Dogg’ out there to fight The Gathering by himself. Where was Killings last week? He came down after the deal was done, why couldn’t he be by their side to help secure another shot at the NWA Tag Team titles?


”You’ve been so preoccupied with yourself that you forgot about the 3Live Kru and it’s your fault that the band is no longer together.”


Killings insists that’s not the case, Konnan was perfectly capable of fighting his own battles, he was his own man and damn well respected for it. He tries to divert BG’s attention away from himself and towards The New Franchise, they’re the real enemy here, they’re the ones he should have beef with. But James insists that the two of them have a problem and they need to sort it out, storming off as Killings is left shaking his head in indignation.







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Standard Singles Match

Sting vs. Abyss


Tenay brings up Sting’s comments last week about deep waters and that is the Stinger’s approach to this match. He knows that Abyss is bigger and stronger but he tries to survive the early onslaught and hopes that prolonging the match favours his superior cardiovascular conditioning. Abyss does dominate, such is his awesome force that a simple clubbing blow to the back has Sting face down on the canvas, trying to stretch out the damage inflicted.


Despite the punishment, ‘The Icon’ has his wits about him enough to counter the Black Hole Slam with a Swinging DDT and this opens up an avenue for a comeback. He comes into his element around the ten minute mark, driving right hands into Abyss’ mid-section and hitting him with the Stinger Splash as he retreats to the corner. ‘The Monster’ staggers and Sting drives him into the canvas with the One-Handed Bulldog. Though Abyss kicks out, his clothesline thereafter is a weak and limp attempt and Sting is able to hook him from behind and drop him with the conclusive Scorpion Death Drop.







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Our return from a commercial break is met immediately by the sound of bagpipes, indicating the arrival of TNA Commissioner
Roddy Piper
to the iMPACT ZONE! Even though it’s been some time since he wrestled proper, ‘Hot Rod’ still receives a very warm reception and comes across like the fans view him as a major star. Once in the ring after taking a microphone from JB, Piper cuts right to the chase. It’s been great to present TNA iMPACT! every single week on ESPN but this one hour isn’t quite enough. TNA has done its two hour weekly PPV’s but it’s time to step it up a notch.


”On Saturday, Week 4, March 2004 we will return to Pay-Per-View with a three-hour special named TNA Genesis!”


Mike Tenay and Don West laud the announcement as a major development for TNA Wrestling, another feather in the cap of Piper’s tenure alongside tonight’s marquee main event. But not everybody is satisfied...








Sonny Siaki
comes down the ramp, flanked as ever by the imposing Samoan gangster,
The two of them have had precious few opportunities and they’re wondering when Piper is going to do something about that. They’re tired of waiting and although ‘Hot Rod’ can obviously handle himself, even he looks a little shook up as Ekmo backs him into one corner of the ring.






’We find the defendants, guilty!’



AMW’s theme plays on the P.A. and both
Chris Harris
James Storm
make their way down to the ring. Harris tells Siaki and Ekmo to climb down, if opportunity is what they want they need only to ask.
”America’s Most Wanted haven’t got much on next week? How ‘bout it boys?”


But James Storm pipes up, reminding his tag team partner that Ekmo is away in Japan next week. Maybe that’s why Sonny Siaki isn’t getting many chances around here. It’s because his ‘partner’ is too busy chasing gold in the Orient instead of these United States.
“So much for a proper tag team…”


Siaki defends himself, at least he’s not attached to the hip of his tag team partner like these two and he’ll prove it next week by beating one of them. Who’s it gonna be? The ‘Cowboy’ steps up, accepting the challenge and Piper confirms that this is all okay with him. James Storm vs. Sonny Siaki, next week on TNA iMPACT!







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Before our main event of the evening,
Mike Tenay
Don West
go over the X-Factors.



“Jeff Hardy has only wrestled a limited number of times in the last 12 months and still appears to be getting his fitness back between the ropes. His opponent on the other hand is constantly touring the United States as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, will that readiness play a part in determining the outcome tonight?”



“Jarrett has looked increasingly vulnerable in recent months, needing assistance from Don Callis to best D’Lo Brown and the acoustic guitar to put away Erik Watts. He knows he has the team in his corner but Hardy has called them out for being too weak to stand alone. Who knows how that will play into tonight’s encounter.”



“Driven by his singular goal to prove himself as a competitor worthy of the NWA Championship, Hardy says that everybody in Team Jarrett will fall. Strong words indeed but that speaks to how much Hardy feels he needs to realise his potential.”



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NWA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Jarrett © (w/ Don Callis) vs. Jeff Hardy


Callis refuses to relinquish the NWA World Heavyweight Championship to the timekeeper and holds onto the belt all match, mouthing off to the camera that the belt is going nowhere so there’s no reason for him to let go of it. Hardy starts out like a house on fire, much more determined and ready than he was against Kid Kash last week. He reverses a hammer throw into one of his own and takes down Double J returning back to the center with a clothesline before a Reverse Enzuigiri has the champion seeking refuge with his consultant on the outside. He finds none because Hardy pursues him, diving off the apron with a clothesline to wipe him out.


Sensing the need to slow the pace, Jarrett cuts away Hardy’s base and Don West brings up that Double J has won matches before with the Figure Four Leglock. Tenay counters that no matter what happens here, he finds it very difficult to believe that Hardy would ever submit the match. The ‘Enigma’ shakes off the damage inflicted and then catches Jarrett with the Whisper in the Wind. As he brings the ‘Chosen One’ back to his feet and starts setting up the Twist of Fate…








Glenn Gilbertti
comes charging through the entrance tunnel, down the ramp and immediately hops on the apron. Jarrett escapes the Twist of Fate, but only by shoving the challenger into his own “stooge” standing on the apron who spills the floor below! As Andrew Thomas leans through the ropes to check on Gilbertti, Callis slides the NWA Championship to Jarrett and he clocks Hardy clean in the face with the title belt!


In one motion, Double J deposits the belt to the outside as Callis circles round to collect and Andrew Thomas returns his attention to the action, counting an unconscious Jeff Hardy down for the three.







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Post match,
Don Callis
enters the ring, immediately betrothing a weary
Jeff Jarrett
with his NWA World Heavyweight Championship.
Glenn Gilbertti
enters the ring, still rubbing his noggin, his hair all over the shop after his collision with the challenger.


It takes both the “stooges” to help Jarrett back to his feet, such is the challenge that Jeff Hardy brought tonight and it’s difficult to survey the scene and imagine three winners given how aloof they look. But the lights dim and a spotlight is cast on the upper deck of the arena.








To show


He looks down towards the ring and the three members of Team Jarrett look back pensively. ‘The Icon’ opens his trenchcoat and pulls out his signature black bat from one of his inside pockets, pointing it squarely at Jeff Jarrett as we linger on that visual before fading to black.







TV Rating

0.69 (517,661 viewers)


Final Show Rating




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Prediction Contest Results

Crackerjack: 3

DHK1989: 3

Kanegan: 3

The Pitbull: 3

RKOwnage: 3

Blodyxe: 2

Rampaaage: 2

Kijar: 2


Nobody guessed this debut unlike the last one, I've still got the magic

I loved all the answers though, they were all great predictions.



Blodyxe: 41

Crackerjack: 37

Kanegan: 36

Kijar: 35

RKOwnage: 35

DHK1989: 32

TheEffect: 12

Jaysin: 6

Golden Guard M: 6

Rampaaage: 5

The Pitbull: 3


I think this is a good place to end the very first Prediction Contest, congratulations to Blodyxe on winning but thank you to all that participated.

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Regarding Francine, she actually has a Strong Dislike for Shane Douglas. Which is why I didn't bring her in even though it would make Raven happy. :p


As soon as Konnan's time was over, I wondered about the possibility of Billy Gunn showing up. I'll take a wild guess on him.

I would like him a lot because of his ties to BG and obviously he was the natural fit for the 3Live Kru, but he's locked down with WWE right now and I don't think they'll let him go. :(


Which new signing will be unveiled as the newest member of The New Franchise?: They need an Enforcer. So going with the former Triple Threat member Bam Bam Bigellow.

He has crossed my mind and he is friends with Shane Douglas, but he's an Occassional Wrestler and I'm not sure he fits TNA at the moment. I have doubts about how well he can go in the ring but who knows, he might show up at some point. :)


New Signing: Justin Credible

That's a good call, he was in TNA in 2003. I've kept away from signing him for that reason actually, you'd have to bring up previous alliances with Raven and given his storyline it wouldn't make much sense if Credible showed up in a different capacity. He's doing just fine on the indies though.


Which new signing will be unveiled as the newest member of The New Franchise?: Hm. Let's go with Rhino.

Locked down with WWE at the moment but I would love him. I like his gimmick on my save. Man Beast gimmick, rated Legendary. :D


The Alpha Male! One of my first vivid memories of early TNA is the monster's ball match between him, Abyss, and Raven. Look forward to seeing how he gets booked.

He was a legitimately great wrestler to watch in that he was unlike every other wrestler. It's a shame they didn't capitalise on it because I remember him being white hot and then TNA did what TNA does, has you lose to Jeff Jarrett and you never rebound haha. I'm trying to avoid falling into that particular trap myself.

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TNA Xplosion! - Saturday, Week 4, February 2004


I completely forgot about Monty Brown - let's go!


Slightly surprised to see Sting get the clean win over Abyss, but setting him up for Jarrett makes perfect sense.

I tried to prebook the match to be longer than 12 minutes and TEW told me that I had a word with myself. :D Then I noticed his Stamina was 58, lol. He's not there yet.


Great Impact! Just answered the PM too :rolleyes:

Thanks buddy. & thanks for getting back to me of course. :)





TNA Xplosion!

Saturday, Week 4, February 2004

Taped at Jack Stephens Center before TNA iMPACT!


Announce Team: Scott Hudson & Simon Diamond





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Low-Ki vs. Jerrelle Clark

A surprisingly even match here as the hard-hitting Low-Ki takes on the high flyer Jerrelle Clark. It’s another impressive performance by Clark, arguably superior to his opponent in fact but he eventually runs out of steam and falls victim to the Ki-Krusher.





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Jeremy Borash catches up with D’Lo Brown in the locker room.

He’s been touring Japan and he’s had plenty of time to collect his thoughts after losing his NWA title shot some weeks ago. He still hasn’t moved on from Team Jarrett and he will avenge that defeat but his opponent tonight,
Silas Young
, overhears his comments. He tells D’Lo that he needs to stop complaining and move on. Tonight, he’ll prove how a real man handles his business between the ropes.





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Sonjay Dutt vs. Chris Vaughn

A battle between two blue chippers here and one that should be a much better contest once Dutt and Vaughn are more popular fixtures in TNA Wrestling. For now, Sonjay asserts his advantage and wins the battle of the rookies by submission after following the Bombay-Rana with a Camel Clutch.





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America's Most Wanted vs. Fred Sampson & Bobby Roode

Fred Sampson comes to us from the Mid West and is a one year pro that takes no days off! His strange bedfellows team with Roode are no match for Chris Harris and James Storm here, there are levels to this sport and Sampson is pinned after the Death Sentence.





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In the Team Jarrett locker room, Don Callis & Jeff Jarrett meet with Scott D'Amore.

TNA has a working agreement with Border City Wrestling and Team Jarrett wants to make good on it. Next week on iMPACT!, somebody from BCW will fight for the TNA X-Division Championship. Scott D’Amore asks if this should be run by Roddy Piper first but Don Callis takes exception to that suggestion. Team Jarrett run things around here, don’t you forget it Mr. D’Amore!





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Ekmo (w/ Sonny Siaki) vs. Erik Watts (w/ Goldilocks)

Watts is still looking to get back on track after his ousting as NWA’s ‘Director of Authority’ but Ekmo is a powerful formidable opponent. Erik stays in the fight for as long as he can but the Samoan gangster picks up the W courtesy of the Wild Monkey Splash.





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D'Lo Brown vs. Silas Young

For all his bluster, Young definitely knows how to back it up. He gives D’Lo a contest here, impressing with his arsenal of hard-hitting yet athletic offence. The two work well together until Young eventually succumbs to D’Lo’s power advantage and is pinned after the Sky High.







TV Rating

0.01 (14,235 viewers)


Final Show Rating


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TNA iMPACT! #5 Preview




TNA iMPACT! #5 Preview


Wednesday, Week 1, March 2004






After a month without PPV, Dutch was curious about the financials. Even if the ratings were good and everybody was happy with the first four iMPACT episodes, what really mattered was TNA landing in the green once monthly contracts were paid. Sting had been re-signed for the next three years to the tune of $135,000 per month and though his merchandise sales more than covered that, the same could not be said for Jarrett.


In locking down
Chris Harris
James Storm
Michael Shane
Ron Killings
, Dutch had also committed to a sizable monthly investment to make those talents exclusive to his promotion. He felt it was a good decision, he had heard through the grapevine that WWE were looking to expand their roster further now they were considered Large in size and Dutch knew that other talents could be prized away from under his nose.


To that end, seeing a profit of just over $100,000 eased many concerns. Surprisingly, the company was making money with the Weekly PPV model but everybody was aware it was not sustainable long term and that becoming a TV fixture boded much better for the company long term. It was a new month and even with Konnan’s departure, Dutch felt the company was in a healthy position as he plotted down the next iMPACT card for local advertising.


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TNA iMPACT! #5 Quick Picks


TNA X-Division Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. ???



James Storm vs. Sonny Siaki



Raven vs. Julio Dinero



Bryan Danielson vs. AJ Styles



Who will Scott D’Amore bring from BCW to challenge Christopher Daniels? Choose from one of the following:

Brad Martin, Eric Young, Floyd Osbourne, Johnny Devine, Petey Williams or Tyson Dux.


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TNA X-Division Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. ???


James Storm vs. Sonny Siaki


Raven vs. Julio Dinero


Bryan Danielson vs. AJ Styles


Who will Scott D’Amore bring from BCW to challenge Christopher Daniels? Choose from one of the following:

Brad Martin, Eric Young, Floyd Osbourne, Johnny Devine, Petey Williams or Tyson Dux.

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TNA X-Division Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. ???

Comments: As mighty as ??? can be, I think Daniels is the safe bet here. ;)


James Storm vs. Sonny Siaki



Raven vs. Julio Dinero



Bryan Danielson vs. AJ Styles



Who will Scott D’Amore bring from BCW to challenge Christopher Daniels? Choose from one of the following:

Brad Martin, Eric Young, Floyd Osbourne, Johnny Devine, Petey Williams or Tyson Dux.

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TNA X-Division Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. ???



James Storm vs. Sonny Siaki



Raven vs. Julio Dinero



Bryan Danielson vs. AJ Styles



Who will Scott D’Amore bring from BCW to challenge Christopher Daniels? Choose from one of the following:

Brad Martin, Eric Young, Floyd Osbourne, Johnny Devine, Petey Williams or Tyson Dux.

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TNA X-Division Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. ???



James Storm vs. Sonny Siaki



Raven vs. Julio Dinero

Comments: I've gotta be right this time... right?


Bryan Danielson vs. AJ Styles



Who will Scott D’Amore bring from BCW to challenge Christopher Daniels? Choose from one of the following:

Brad Martin, Eric Young, Floyd Osbourne, Johnny Devine, Petey Williams or Tyson Dux.

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TNA iMPACT! #5 Quick Picks


TNA X-Division Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. ???

Comments: Choosing EY as the mystery opponent, but would gladly see Petey in this spot


James Storm vs. Sonny Siaki



Raven vs. Julio Dinero



Bryan Danielson vs. AJ Styles

Comments: Main event worthy match


Who will Scott D’Amore bring from BCW to challenge Christopher Daniels? Choose from one of the following:

Brad Martin, Eric Young, Floyd Osbourne, Johnny Devine, Petey Williams or Tyson Dux.

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March 2004: Champions Update


I meant to post this before putting up predictions for Impact but I forgot. My bad! The latest Impact is coming tomorrow.





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Current Champion:
Jeff Jarrett

October 22, 2003



Previous Champions (since January 2004):

  • N/A





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Current Champions:
The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane)

Wednesday, Week 4, January 2004



Previous Champions (since January 2004):

  • 3Live Kru (Konnan & BG James) - November 26, 2003 to Wednesday, Week 4, January 2004





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Current Champion:
Christopher Daniels

Wednesday, Week 1, January 2004



Previous Champions (since January 2004):

  • Michael Shane - August 20, 2013 - Wednesday, Week 1, January 2004





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Current Champion:
Scoot Andrews

Thursday, Week 3, January 2004



Previous Champions (since January 2004):

  • Chris Draven - Saturday, Week 1, August 2013 - Thursday, Week 3, January 2004

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TNA X-Division Championship

Christopher Daniels © vs. ???


James Storm vs. Sonny Siaki


Raven vs. Julio Dinero


Bryan Danielson vs. AJ Styles


Who will Scott D’Amore bring from BCW to challenge Christopher Daniels? Choose from one of the following:

Brad Martin, Eric Young, Floyd Osbourne, Johnny Devine, Petey Williams or Tyson Dux.


Just caught up on this and loving it so far.

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