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Kinji Akamatsu teased it here and there and he finally got his wish granted. The SAISHO man will take on UDW loyalist Taheiji Konoe in a Yokohama Street Fight at the Asahi Lightning Hall. Akamatsu said it before that he's disgusted by "The Animal" who's only focussing on normal matches instead of coming back to the death match scene.


„I don't know why he's doing that though, he's one of the most fierced guys in the locker room but instead of doing some great wars he's dancing around with young guys and idiots with make up.“, said Akamatsu. He continued: „Ultimate Demon Wrestling is my valve to channel my inner demon. In SAISHO I can't be myself, it's a different environment over here and I like it. That's why I'm really nauseated by a guy like Konoe. He should be covered in blood night in night out.“


No comment was made by Konoe so far, he just accepted the challenge of Akamatsu without saying anything.


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『Demons In Yokohama』 - October 10, 2020

Asahi Lightning Hall (Yokohama, Kanto) [Delayed Highlights on Shogun TV]


WEXXV Warrior's Heart Championship

Morimasa Kato yaFE0md.png vs. Washi Heat [1st Defense]


Barbed Wire Board Death Match

Los Piratas (Lug Phelan, Kuniyoshi Kawamura & Kimi Kawano) vs. Acid II, Battle Sakata & Hiroshi Morisue


Yokohama Street Fight ~ Konoe's Hardcore Return

Taheiji Konoe vs. Kinji Akamatsu cZxuMoI.jpg


Demon Hardcore Match

AK Brute, Sumiyuki Samura OPLAzd2.jpg & Shimpei Hirose OPLAzd2.jpg vs. Ieshige Nishio, Toyokuni Hardcore & Eiichi Umehara


Tag Team Action

Azumamaro Shimizu & Masashi Urogataya vs. Kyuichi Matsumoto & Tornado Nagai


Tag Team Action

Genichi Hiraki & Takeshi Yamanaka vs. Yuta Isono & Sozen Ishinomori


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『Demons In Yokohama』

2020年10月10日 - Asahi Lightning Hall (Yokohama, Kanto)

<hr style="border: 0; height: 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(105, 8, 8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));" />






Washi Heat's dream lasted just over eighteen minutes and then it was all over. The former WEXXV Warrior's Heart titleholder had to tap out to Morimasa Kato's dangerous choke sleeper right before he passed out. Head Referee Akikazu Miyagi was on the edge of ringing the bell, he refused while Heat tapped just seconds later. Although Washi had his moments it was Kato who had the upperhand most of the times today, nevertheless Yokohama were behind the masked man like a brick wall. Kato had no time to celebrate his first defense in the ring because Masashi Urogataya came down to the squared circle to issued a challenge to the champion.




★ Just a week ago Kinji Akamatsu challenged Taheiji Konoe to a match under some hardcore rules, Konoe accepted and the Yokohama Street Fight was on! Akamatsu said that he wants to see the real animal in Konoe, he should go back to his roots and fight like he did in WEXXV - Said and done! "The Animal" became a real mad man tonight and battered the smaller Akamatsu with chairs, canes and a chain and pinned him just after eight minutes. Afterwards both men seemed to be satisfied. While Konoe said he thanked Akamatsu that he reminded him who he really is, the latter told backstage that he's quitting SAISHO to become a freelancer.


<hr style="border: 0; height: 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(105, 8, 8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));" />

『Demons In Yokohama』- October 10, 2020

Asahi Lightning Hall @ Yokohama, Kanto

454 Fans


① Yuta Isono & Sozen Ishinomori def. Genichi Hiraki & Takeshi Yamanaka (11m17s) when Isono used an Isono Face Melter on Yamanaka [40]

② MasaMizu (Azumamaro Shimizu & Masashi Urogataya) def. Kyuichi Matsumoto & Tornado Nagai (14m50s) when Uro used a Jumbo Backdrop Suplex on Matsumoto [57]

Demon Hardcore Match: Ieshige Nishio, Toyokuni Hardcore & Eiichi Umehara def. AK Brute, Sumiyuki Samura OPLAzd2.jpg & Shimpei Hirose OPLAzd2.jpg (11m35s) when Umehara used a Shoulder Breaker on Brute [47]

Yokohama Street Fight ~ Konoe's Hardcore Return: Taheiji Konoe def. Kinji Akamatsu cZxuMoI.jpg (8m12s) with a Savage Cradle DDT [45]

Barbed Wire Board Death Match: Los Piratas (Lug Phelan, Kuniyoshi Kawamura & Kimi Kawano) def. Acid II & Brothers In Vengeance (16m09s) when Phelan used a Gutwrench Backbreaker on Acid [52]

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Championship: Morimasa Kato yaFE0md.png def. Washi Heat (18m03s) with a Choke Sleeper (1st Defense) [64]


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『Dead Memories』

2020年10月17日 - Shinjuku REX (Tokyo, Kanto)

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★ The largest crowd so far saw a bitter ending for tonight's world title match. Hiroshi Morisue and Los Pirata's man Sojuro Sen (Black Canvas Grappling) had a good match until Sen's chest got hurt by the razor cross board which caused a heavy blood loss. The match was stopped earlier than expected when champion Morisue hits his powerslam just eleven minutes into the match. Sojuro Sen was brought to a hospital and is expected to be injured for a couple of weeks. Nevertheless Hiroshi Morisue was confronted by Shimpei Hirose (EXODUS), the latter won his match prior to the main event which was officially dubbed as a #1 Contender's match.




Toyokuni's task to at least protect the King of Demons World title from outsiders failed. He didn't manage to beat EXODUS' Shimpei Hirose, which worked UDW frequently the last couple of months. Hirose got the win with his Mountain Sleeper after a grueling battle and announced hat he's becoming the 2nd titleholder next months when he's beating Hiroshi Morisue. A couple of matches before the team of Shadow Ichimori and Prowler Igarashi scored a big win over the Chaos Demons, Takeshi Yamanaka and Ieshige Nishio, and became a bit pretentious. Ichimori took a microfon and challenged Fujiko Musashibo and Mirai Kajahara to a Hardcore fight for a show next month.


<hr style="border: 0; height: 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(105, 8, 8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));" />

『Dead Memories』- October 17, 2020

Shinjuku REX @ Tokyo, Kanto

487 Fans


Demon's Quest: Kuniyoshi Kawamura def. AK Brute (8m18s) with a Hammer Elbow Smashes [35]

② Cloaked In Shadows def. The Chaos Demons (9m43s) when Shadow used a Shadow Machine on Yamanaka [35]

③ Genichi Hiraki & MasaMizu def. Goro Hatamoto, Tornado Nagai & Morimasa Kato (11m41s) when Urogataya used a Jumbo Backdrop Suplex on Goro [51]

④ Taheiji Konoe & Washi Heat def. Yuta Isono & Sozen Ishinomori (15m09s) when Washi used a Washi Explosion on Isono [56]

Double Hellboard Death Match: Shimpei Hirose OPLAzd2.jpg def. Toyokuni Hardcore (15m53s) with a Mountain Sleeper [45]

King of Demons World Championship ~ Razor Cross Board & Alpha Death Match: Hiroshi Morisue yaFE0md.png def. Sojuro Sen OYALMF5.jpg (11m01s) with a Running Powerslam (2nd Defense) [40]


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Nice show! is the calling of an early finish a mechanic in the game, or some creative licence following an injury?


Thanks Scottie! It's just some creative licence followed by an injury happened during the match. I thought it would be cool to speak about an early stoppage due to a brutal cut on Sojuro Sen :)

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2020年11月07日 - Gunma Hall (Tokyo, Kanto)

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★ With the debut of the YoungDZ show it's very clear that Ultimate Demon Wrestling wants to showcase their younger talent and produce wrestler with their own mindset. UDW president Motoichi Arakidara announced right before the bell that UDW has set up it's first ever Dojo. However the show wasn't a big highlight to be honest, but still very interesting to see guys like Shuga Amano or Yuta Isono develop.


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『YoungDZ』- November 7, 2020

Gunma Hall @ Tokyo, Kanto

121 Fans


① Battle Sakata def. Big Boss Emperor (7m16s) with a Sakata Twist [26]

② Sozen Ishinomori def. Genichi Hiraki (8m5ss) with an Ishinomori Bomb [40]

③ Toyokuni Hardcore def. Goro Hatamoto (11m20s) with a Toyokuni Drill [37]

④ Eiichi Umehara def. Yuta Isono (11m42s) with a Shoulder Breaker [44]

⑤ Shuga Amano & Taheiji Konoe def. Noritaka Imakura & Hiroshi Morisue (13m50s) when Konoe used a Savage Cradle DDT on Imakura [48]


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【NOVEMBER: Titlematch set!】

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We will have two shows coming up in November, both will be broadcasted by Shogun TV and both will be held at the Shinjuku-REX in front of 500 fans or more. Both will be headlined by a titlematch!


After winning a #1 contender's match against Toyokuni Hardcore it was made officially backstage that Hiroshi Morisue has to defend his title against EXODUS man Shimpei Hirose. The match will be a Glass Board Fluorescent Light Tubes Alpha Death Match with the slogan "BIG BANG!". A real banger could be the WEXXV Warrior's Heart titlematch between champion Morimasa Kato and challenger Masashi Urogataya. Urogataya scored a pinfall victory over Kato's team and immediatly got in Kato's face to issue a challenge.


Each show will have a special singles match coming up when the undefeated Motoyuki Miyake from Pro Wrestling SAISHO will go toe to toe with the recend Warrior's Heart challenger Washi Heat. Just a week later Tornado Nagai and Taheiji Konoe will meet at the REX.


„When I beat his pal I'm going to challenge him for the Anniversary show in December. He knows that very well and he's afraid.“, said Taheiji Konoe at the press conference. „If he get past Uro[gataya] I will meet him there. I'm the most versatile roster member, can go both hardcore and warrior style and that's what he isn't capable of. Let's see how it goes.“


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http://puroresu.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/UltimateDemonWrestling1_klein.jpgWait And Bleed』 - November 15, 2020

Shinjuku-REX (Tokyo, Kanto) [shogun TV]


King of Demons World Championship ~ BIG BANG! Glass Board Fluorescent Light Tubes Alpha Death Match

Hiroshi Morisue yaFE0md.png vs. Shimpei Hirose OPLAzd2.jpg [3rd Defense]


Fluorescent Light Tubes & Stimulation Weapons Death Match

Sumiyuki Samura OPLAzd2.jpg & Eiichi Umehara vs. Los Piratas (Kuniyoshi Kawamura & Kimi Kawano)


Six Man Tag Team Action

Kyuichi Matsumoto, Tornado Nagai & Morimasa Kato vs. MasaMizu (Azumamaro Shimizu & Masashi Urogataya) & Taheiji Konoe


Six Man Tag Team Action

Takeshi Yamanaka, Tobei Sugimura cZxuMoI.jpg & Toyokuni Hardcore vs. Battle Sakata, Ieshige Nishio & Sozen Ishinomori


Singles Action!

Motoyuki Miyake cZxuMoI.jpg vs. Washi Heat


Tag Team Action

Cloaked In Shadows (Prowler Igarashi & Shadow Ichimori) vs. Fujiko Mushashibo & Mirai Kajahara


http://puroresu.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/UltimateDemonWrestling1_klein.jpgDemon's Souls』 - November 21, 2020

Shinjuku-REX (Tokyo, Kanto) [shogun TV]


WEXXV Warrior's Heart Championship

Morimasa Kato yaFE0md.png vs. Masashi Urogataya [2nd Defense]


Barbed Wire Board Death Match

Los Piratas (Kuniyoshi Kawamura & Kimi Kawano) vs. Brothers In Vengeance (Battle Sakata & Hiroshi Morisue)


Demon Hardcore Match

Ieshige Nishio & Sumiyuki Samura OPLAzd2.jpg vs. Tobei Sugimura cZxuMoI.jpg & Toyokuni Hardcore


Special Singles Match

Tornado Nagai vs. Taheiji Konoe


Six Man Tag Action

Cloaked In Shadows (Prowler Igarashi & Shadow Ichimori) & Eiichi Umehara vs. Yuta Isono, Washi Heat & Sozen Ishinomori


Six Man Tag Action

AK Brute, Big Boss Emperor & Genichi Hiraki vs. Goro Hatamoto, Noritaka Imakura & Shuga Amano


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『Wait And Bleed』

2020年11月15日 - Shinjuku REX (Tokyo, Kanto)

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★ It was another homerun for Ultimate Demon Wrestling in terms of the crowd numbers when they announced 542 fans for today's show. Hiroshi Morisue defended his King of Demons World title against EXODUS fighter Shimpei Hirose in the longest title match so far with over eighteen minutes of back and forth action. Thankfully nobody got injured like the last time so that both competitors worked their bodies off for the Demon faithful at Shinjuku. After a running powerslam onto a pile of tubes and glass, Senior Referee Akikazu Miyagi counted the three count. After the match Hirose and Morisue shook hands when suddenly two pirates came down to the ring to issue a challenge. Kimi Kawano wants a title match for the next month's anniversary show which the champion happily accepted.




★ A big six man tag team match was scheduled when the team of MasaMizu, Azumamaro Shimizu and Masashi Urogataya, and Taheiji Konoe took on Kyuichi Matsumoto, Tornado Nagai and WEXXV Warrior's Heart champ Morimasa Kato. Urogataya may be the next in line for Kato's title, however it was Konoe who left a mark on the champion when putting Matsumoto to sleep with his dangerous DDT. Backstage Masashi Urogataya promised that if he wins the title next week Konoe will get a shot at the anniversary show. The agreement was decided with shaking their hands.


<hr style="border: 0; height: 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(105, 8, 8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));" />

『Wait And Bleed』- November 15, 2020

Shinjuku REX @ Tokyo, Kanto

542 Fans


① Fujiko Mushashibo & Mirai Kajahara def. Cloaked In Shadows (6m59s) when Kajahara used a surprise roll up on Prowler [46]

② Washi Heat def. Motoyuki Miyake cZxuMoI.jpg (12m34s) with a Washi Explosion [61]

③ Takeshi Yamanaka, Tobei Sugimura cZxuMoI.jpg & Toyokuni Hardcore def. Battle Sakata, Ieshige Nishio & Sozen Ishinomori (11m08s) when Sugimura used a Spinning Wheel Kick on Nishio [45]

④ Taheiji Konoe & MasaMizu def. Kyuichi Matsumoto, Tornado Nagai & Morimasa Kato (16m41s) when Konoe used a Savage Cradle DDT on Matsumoto [59]

Fluorescent Light Tubes & Stimulation Weapons Death Match: Los Piratas (Kuniyoshi Kawamura & Kimi Kawano) def. Sumiyuki Samura OPLAzd2.jpg & Eiichi Umehara (14m09s) when Kawano used a Double Arm DDT on Samura [48]

King of Demons World Championship ~ BIG BANG! Glass Board Fluorescent Light Tubes Alpha Death Match: Hiroshi Morisue yaFE0md.png def. Shimpei Hirose OPLAzd2.jpg (18m02s) with a Running Powerslam (3rd Defense) (3rd Defense) [48]


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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><div style="width:1000px;padding:7px;border radius: 29px 0px 29px 0px;-webkit-border-radius: 29px 0px 29px 0px;-moz-border-radius: 29px 0px 29px 0px;background: rgba(255,247,247,0.69);border: 5px outset #690808;; max-width:60%";"></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

</span><img alt="9mAQxaM.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/9mAQxaM.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong><span style="font-size:24px;">【SCHEDULE 2021 SET!】</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

<hr style="border: 0; height: 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(105, 8, 8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));" /></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

</span></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>★</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> We're not done with the first year of Ultime Demon action, however UDW president Motoichi Arakida announced the schedule for the next year to the journalist who came to the UDW dojo. At the first glance everyone can see that UDW is expanding all around Japan with hosting shows in Osaka, Hiroshima, Sapporo, Niigata, Shizuoka and Fukuoka: „First it was Nagoya and Yokohama this year and we were so excited. What about 2021? The next year will be even bigger when we travel across Japan to entertain our fans and bring the demon army to several places.“ Indeed it will be very exciting to see Ultimate Demon Wrestling in the upcoming year in numerous cities and even new venus in the home area such as Ryogoku Home Hall and even the legendary Saitama Sports Field.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

<hr style="border: 0; height: 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(105, 8, 8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));" /></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>DEMON 'TILL I DIE</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - January 16, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Ryogoku Home Hall (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Naturalis Lectio</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - January 23, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Shinjuku-REX (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Demon's Quest</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - February 13, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Ryogoku Home Hall (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Ameterasu Spirit</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - February 20, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Shinjuku-REX (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Yokohama Deathmatch Gathering</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - March 13, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Asahi Lightning Hall (Yokohama, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>UDW/EXODUS Spring Party</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - March 20, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Shinjuku-REX (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>WE ARE DEMONS!</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - April 10, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Ryogoku Home Hall (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Death Or Glory</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - April 17, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Shinjuku-REX (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Demons In Osaka</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - April 24, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Yasuke Gym (Osaka, Kansai)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Vermilion</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - May 8, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Shinjuku-REX (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Golden Wrestling Festival</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - May 15, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Asahi Lightning Hall (Yokohama, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>ONI SPIRIT</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - June 12, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Taiyo Hall (Niigata, Chubu)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Crazy Circus</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - June 19, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Ryogoku Home Hall (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Demons In Sendai</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - June 26, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

SAISHO Square (Sendai, Tohoku)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Piratas Produce Night</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - July 10, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Shinjuku-REX (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Demons In Sapporo</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - July 17, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

SCC (Sapporo, Hokkaido)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Deathmatch Grand Prix Night 1 & Night 2</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - July 23 & 24, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Saitama Sports Field (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Demons In Fukuoka</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - August 14, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Fukuoka Hall (Fukuoka, Kyushu)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Violent Summer</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - August 21, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Saitama Sports Field (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Demons In Aichi</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - September 11, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

2 Stages Chika (Nagoya, Chubu)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Deathmatch Gathering</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - September 18, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Saitama Sports Field (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Demons In Hiroshima</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - October 15, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Oda KIT (Hiroshima, Chugoku)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Dead Memories</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - October 17, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Ryogoku Home Hall (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Wait And Bleed</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - November 13, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Shizuoka Sports Hall (Shizuoka, Chubu)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Demon's Souls</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - November 20, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Ryogoku Home Hall (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>Road To Anniversary</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - December 11, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Ryogoku Home Hall (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

『</span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><strong>2nd Anniversary</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">』 - December 25, 2021</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

Saitama Sports Field (Tokyo, Kanto)</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">

</span></p></div><p></p></div><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"></div></span></p>

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『Demon's Souls』

2020年11月21日 - Shinjuku REX (Tokyo, Kanto)

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Masashi Urogataya got battered in brutal fashion by the well experienced Morimasa Kato who kicked and punched "Uro" left and right to a bloody something. Urogataya fought back and left a mark by hitting a big lariat for a two count but was immediatly caught with the famous choke sleeper, he had no choice but to tap. When the bell rang Morimasa Kato knew he'll face Taheiji Konoe at the first anniversary show. "The Animal" showed that he's a serious threat for Kato while beating Kato's ally Tornado Nagai.




★ Los Piratas are standing tall after a gruesome fight with the Brothers In Vengeance. Title challenger Kimi Kawano pinned Battle Sakata after thirteen minutes and thirtynine seconds with a scary grin on his face. King Of Demons World champ Hiroshi Morisue and Kawano had a stare down afterwards which was abruptly ended by Kuniyoshi Kawamura who smashed a chair across Morisue's back. Helped came from Ieshige Nishio and Toyokuni Hardcore who expelled the pirates.


<hr style="border: 0; height: 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(105, 8, 8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));" />

『Demon's Souls』- November 21, 2020

Shinjuku REX @ Tokyo, Kanto

509 Fans


① AK Brute, Big Boss Emperor & Genichi Hiraki def. Goro Hatamoto, Noritaka Imakura & Shuga Amano (8m04s) when Hiarki used a Momentum Big Boot on Amano [33]

② Yuta Isono, Washi Heat & Sozen Ishinomori def. Eiichi Umehara & Cloaked In Shadows (Prowler Igarashi & Shadow Ichimori) (12m28s) when Ishinomori used an Ishinomori Bomb on Ichimori [50]

Special Singles Match: Taheiji Konoe def. Tornado Nagai (17m37s) with a Savage Cradle DDT [56]

Demon Hardcore Match: Toyokuni Hardcore & Tobei Sugimura cZxuMoI.jpg def. Ieshige Nishio & Sumiyuki Samura OPLAzd2.jpg (9m36s) when Sugimura used a Spinning Wheel Kick on Samura [32]

Barbed Wire Board Death Match: Los Piratas (Kuniyoshi Kawamura & Kimi Kawano) def. Brothers In Vengeance (Battle Sakata & Hiroshi Morisue) (13m39s) when Kawano used a Double Arm DDT on Sakata [51]

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Championship: Morimasa Kato yaFE0md.png def. Masashi Urogataya (19m01s) with a Choke Sleeper (2nd Defense) [63]


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『UDW/EXODUS Christmas Party』

2020年12月12日 - Gunma Hall (Tokyo, Kanto)

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★ EX2010 owner Yoshi Oshiro and UDW president Motoichi Arakida announced that the two promotions will work together in the next year with an event taking place in March. It will be a special „Six Man Tag Team Tournament“ with cross-over tag teams. Oshiro stated that he's keen to work with the Demon Army the following years to come and bring a special feeling to the Tokyo fans from two of the most diverse and entertaining independent companies in Japan.


<hr style="border: 0; height: 10px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(105, 8, 8), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));" />

『UDW/EXODUS Christmas Party』- December 12, 2020

Gunma Hall @ Tokyo, Kanto

300 Fans


① Cloaked In Shadows (Prowler Igarashi & Shadow Ichimori) def. AK Brute & Big Boss Emperor (7m39s) when Igarashi used a Shadow Machine on AK [32]

② Shimpei Hirose OPLAzd2.jpg def. Goro Hatamoto (9m14s) with a Mountain Sleeper [56]

③ Eiichi Umehara def. Midnight Tiger OPLAzd2.jpg (12m51s) with a Shoulder Breaker [50]

④ Kaoru Shibasawa OPLAzd2.jpg def. Yuta Isono (12m14s) with a DDT [58]

⑤ Brothers In Vengeance (Battle Sakata & Hiroshi Morisue) def. Sumiyuki Samura OPLAzd2.jpg & Dial K For Kotani OPLAzd2.jpg (12m41s) when Sakata used a Sakata Twist on Samura [49]

⑥ Washi Heat & Taheiji Konoe def. Commander Kawagishi OPLAzd2.jpg & Burning EXILE OPLAzd2.jpg (14m33s) when Konoe used a Savage Cradle DDT on Kawagishi [61]


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We're heading towards the biggest show in the promotion's history when Ultimate Demon Wrestling will held their 1st Anniversary Show at the Shinjuku-REX. The event will be taped and the airdate is just three days later on Shogun TV!


It's time for Morisue versus Kawano II, Demon Army versus Los Piratas & Old School versus New School. The two men have some history with each other while fighting in the summer to become the inaugral King Of Demon World Champion in first place. The Brothers In Vengeance were pretty impressed by the "Deathmatch Yakuza" recent performance, thus they wanted to invite him into their potential own group. Kawano did not reject the offer first but instead joined the new heelish group Los Piratas and alligned himself with Kawamura and the others.


Morimasa Kato could have been the posterboy for the resurrected Warrior's Heart title, but instead the former INSPIRE fighter spit on the belt's history and tradition which made former Warrior Engine stalwart Taheiji Konoe pretty mad. The two faced each other multiple times in matches and the temper went down with every time they have met in the squared circle. Konoe got nominated by UDW president Motoichi Arakidara after he has beaten Kato ally Tornado Nagai just last months. Is it finally the era of "The Animal"?


The fights between the home army and the pirates continue in a Fluorescent Lighttubes Tornado Death Match, but we also get to see the comeback of Zeshin Makioka in an UDW ring. Makioka and former title challenger Masashi Urogataya will meet in a special singles match to probably determinate a future title challenger for the WEXXV Warrior's Heart championship.


http://puroresu.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/UltimateDemonWrestling1_klein.jpg1st Anniversary』 - December 19, 2020

Shinjuku-REX (Tokyo, Kanto) [shogun TV]


King of Demons World Championship ~ Glass Board & Weapon Bringing Death Match

Hiroshi Morisue yaFE0md.png vs. Kimi Kawano [4th Defense]


WEXXV Warrior's Heart Championship

Morimasa Kato yaFE0md.png vs. Taheiji Konoe [3rd Defense]


Fluorescent Lighttubes Tornado Death Match

Los Piratas (Sojuro Sen OYALMF5, Lug Phelan & Kuniyoshi Kawamura) vs. Ieshige Nishio, Battle Sakata & Toyokuni Hardcore


Special Singles Match

Masashi Urogataya vs. Zeshin Makioka cZxuMoI.jpg


Tag Team Action

Sozen Ishinomori & Motoyuki Miyake cZxuMoI.jpg vs. Yuta Isono & Washi Heat


Barbed Wire Boards Death Match

Screamer & Pyromaniac vs. Acid II & Eiichi Umehara


Six Man Tag Team Action

Cloaked In Shadows (Prowler Igarashi & Shadow Ichimori) & AK Brute vs. Goro Hatamoto, Genichi Hiraki & Shuga Amano

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『1st Anniversary』

2020年12月19日 - Shinjuku REX (Tokyo, Kanto)






★ He's standing in a pool of shattered glass, blood everywhere and human flesh left and right. The crowd is booing, women are crying and a shaky Kimi Kawano has the King of Demons World Championship in his hand. The pirate has hit his Double Arm DDT through a glass plate to become the second "KOD" World titleholder, Hiroshi Morisue did not get his shoulder in the air and was unconscious after the referee slapped the mat for the third time. After the match Kimi Kawano said that he age of the pirates has now begun and they will rule supreme.




★ At leat Taheiji Konoe made the fans smile at Shinjuku REX when he defeated the unlikable Morimasa Kato after nearly twenty minutes with the Savage Cradle DDT to become the 26th WEXXV Warrior's Heart Champion. The two squabblers showed everything they've got in their repertoires, it was when Kato nearly took Konoe's head off with a devastating lariat for a near fall. Thank god a happy end was brought to the Demon faithful when "The Animal" headbutted Konoe and followed with a Yakuza Kick for a close two count, the Cradle DDT was too much for the former INSPIRE man finally.


『1st Anniversary』- December 19, 2020

Shinjuku REX @ Tokyo, Kanto

602 Fans


① AK Brute & Cloaked In Shadows def. Goro Hatamoto, Genichi Hiraki & Shuga Amano (7m28s) when Igarashi used a Flying Elbow Drop on Amano [35]

Barbed Wire Boards Death Match: Acid II & Eiichi Umehara def. Screamer & Pyromaniac (12m24s) when Acid II used an Acid Rain Bomb on Screamer [44]

③ Motoyuki Miyake cZxuMoI.jpg & Sozen Ishinomori def. Yuta Isono & Washi Heat (11m37s) when Miyake used a Penalty Kick on Isono [57]

Special Singles Match: Zeshin Makioka cZxuMoI.jpg def. Masashi Urogataya (17m15s) [66]

Fluorescent Lighttubes Tornado Death Match: Los Piratas (Sojuro Sen, Lug Phelan & Kuniyoshi Kawamura) def. Ieshige Nishio, Battle Sakata & Toyokuni Hardcore (15m12s) when Kawamura used a Hammer Elbow Smashes on Nishio [48]

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Championship: Taheiji Konoe def. Morimasa Kato yaFE0md.png (19m29s) with a Savage Cradle DDT [65] (26th Champion)

King of Demons World Championship ~ Glass Board & Weapon Bringing Death Match: Kimi Kawano def. Hiroshi Morisue yaFE0md.png (16m31s) with a Double Arm DDT [46] (2nd Champion)





And that's a wrap folks! Thank y'all for reading and voting in the Awards for Ultimate Demon Wrestling. I feel like it's time to close it after completing the first year after one year in real life. To be honest this is one of the reasons I've the feeling it's time to move on, I had fun with the diary but I had to many breaks from it over the last twelve months. I booked the next year in-game also but it is what it is. Thank you and see ya!

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