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The Coalition [Multiplayer, C'Verse '05]

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Prince Adam vs T-Rex

No Disqualifications!



Captain USA & Des Davids vs The Other Axis of Evil



Ernest Riggs vs Timothy Smalls



CJ Funk vs Puerto Rican Power



Giant Redwood vs Tom E. Hawk



USPW in-ring debut of The Ring Generals



Shades McGinty vs Darryl Devine vs Danny Rushmore

#1 Contender's match for National Title




Corporal Doom © vs Whistler

USPW Title Match


Quick Picks:

Prince Adam vs T-Rex

Captain USA & Des Davids vs Sheik Mustafa & Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Ernest Riggs vs Timothy Small

CJ Funk vs Puerto Rican Power

Giant Redwood vs Tom. E. Hawk

Shades McGinty vs Darryl Devine vs Danny Rushmore (#1 Contender for National Title)

Corporal Doom © vs Whistler (USPW Title)

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Libery & Justice 2020 Predictions

T-Rex def. Prince Adam

Captain USA & Des Davids def. Sheik Mustafa & Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Ernest Riggs def. Timothy Small

Puerto Rican Power def. CJ Funk

Tom. E. Hawk def. Giant Redwood

Danny Rushmore def. Shades McGinty and Darryl Devine (#1 Contender for National Title)

Corporal Doom © def. Whistler (USPW Title)

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Prince Adam vs T-Rex

Captain USA & Des Davids vs Sheik Mustafa & Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Ernest Riggs vs Timothy Small

CJ Funk vs Puerto Rican Power

Giant Redwood vs Tom. E. Hawk

Shades McGinty vs Darryl Devine vs Danny Rushmore (#1 Contender for National Title)

Corporal Doom © vs Whistler (USPW Title)

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Prince Adam vs T-Rex

Captain USA & Des Davids vs Sheik Mustafa & Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Ernest Riggs vs Timothy Small

CJ Funk vs Puerto Rican Power

Giant Redwood vs Tom. E. Hawk

Shades McGinty vs Darryl Devine vs Danny Rushmore (#1 Contender for National Title)

Corporal Doom © vs Whistler (USPW Title)

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Prince Adam vs T-Rex

Captain USA & Des Davids vs Sheik Mustafa & Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Ernest Riggs vs Timothy Small

CJ Funk vs Puerto Rican Power

Giant Redwood vs Tom. E. Hawk

Shades McGinty vs Darryl Devine vs Danny Rushmore (#1 Contender for National Title)

Corporal Doom © vs Whistler (USPW Title)

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Prince Adam vs T-Rex

Captain USA & Des Davids vs Sheik Mustafa & Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Ernest Riggs vs Timothy Small

CJ Funk vs Puerto Rican Power

Giant Redwood vs Tom. E. Hawk

Shades McGinty vs Darryl Devine vs Danny Rushmore (#1 Contender for National Title)

Corporal Doom © vs Whistler (USPW Title)

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xiKu3Xq.jpg<div style="padding: 10px; border: 20px solid #ed0707; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:70%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">


Friday Week 2, March 2006

South East, USA.

Attendance: 1,000 (Sell out!)

Show Rating: 42


<hr color = black>




"Free Bird" plays out and begins to slowly fill the air of the Fairgrounds. As he has done for the past few shows since his arrival, Sam Strong calmly walked into view and flashed a big grin at those in attendance and welcomes the loyal USPW fanbase to another event.


Strong hypes up the events to come this evening, puts over the roster and gets the fans in an optimistic and buoyant mood to kick off the evening.

Rating: 59



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Prince Adam vs T-Rex

No Disqualifications!


These two behemoths first crossed each other's paths back in December when Adam confronted the 'Jurassic Power' and looked to make an impact in USPW. This match was an all-out brawl much like their previous encounter but with no disqualifications this time around. The match immediately went to the floor as both brutes brawled around The Sweat Box and it was a great fight to kick off the night with each man taking brutal amounts of punishment in what was only a less than 5-minute match.

The finish came when Adam, who had put a hurting on Rex's knee throughout leaving the powerhouse hobbling, hoisted T-Rex onto his shoulders in an attempt to lock in The Rack but Rex locked an arm around the neck of Adam and essentially kept yanking on it and rag dolling the youngsters head around until he was put back down. Adam stumbled and fell to the floor by the corner leaving T-Rex the chance to propel himself off the turnbuckle for an emphatic Jurassic Crush (Vader Bomb) and flatten Adam out for the 1-2-3.


Winner: T-Rex

Rating: 26


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Captain USA & Des Davids vs The Other Axis of Evil


Des Davids was impressive enough in his debut last month that Captain USA wanted to partner with the young rookie for this match against a long time rival and the protége of his partner. The tag team match a shade shy of 8 minutes and it still went through peaks and troughs of momentum. USA & Sheik traded blows for a bit and the crowd never seems to tire of these two locking horns but the brunt of the match was heavily carried by the younger competitors. USA took quite the beating but managed to reach Davids for the hot-tag who fired up and went to work on the heels. Davids managed to tag USA back in who planted West with his Hail To The Chief and gets his win back from January's singles affair.


Winner: Captain USA & Des Davids

Rating: 41


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Ernest Riggs vs Timothy Smalls


Two products of the USPW Training Camp were given close to 7 minutes here to show what they can and bounce back from their respective debut defeats at USPW Red, White & Blue! Both rookies are young and impactful wrestlers and provided a change of pace from the usual heavyweight fare. Riggs picked up the victory with his, appropriately named, Winning Kick.


Winner: Ernest Riggs

Rating: 12


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CJ Funk vs Puerto Rican Power


CJ Funk is another graduate from the USPW Training Camp while Power has made his presence felt in the company and is undefeated so far after sending Mick Muscles through the door and out of the company. Everyone knew what was going to happen but it was still an impressive, powerful display from Power who won via his Atomic Full Nelson.


Winner: Puerto Rican Power

Rating: 8


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(Post-Match Segment)


Power celebrates another emphatic win for the USPW faithful when he is taken down by the equally massive Java. Java is like a man possessed and seems intent on severely hurting Power after taking out his ex-partner last month. Power attempts to rally and fight back but to no avail as Java simply lays in heavy shot after heavy shot eventually drawing blood from Power. There appeared to be no motive for Java aside from causing pain and boy did he as Power hobbled from the ring.


Rating: 45


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Giant Redwood vs Tom E. Hawk w/Emma Chase


Redwood has had a severe issue with Hawk ever since he lost in January to qualify for the RCI and the bearded behemoth has been severely irritated since. 19 years, 200lbs and 5 inches separate these two physically but between singles and team-based action, 3 victories separate them all in favour of Hawk. The two traded clubbing blows and heavy slams and for the most part it looked like the young powerhouse might have the number of the giant again but everyone was taken by surprise by the following turn of events. An altercation in the corner resulted in the referee being knocked to the floor. Emma Chase entered the ring but as Hawk hoisted Redwood onto his shoulders for a Samoan drop she approached her 'client' and low-blowed him with a forceful kick that brought Hawk to his knees. The crowd were as stunned as Hawk while Chase walked away to a chorus of 'boos'. This was all it took for Redwood to turn the tide, bounce off the ropes and crush Hawk with his standing splash as the ref came to and counted to 3.


Winner: Giant Redwood

Rating: 29


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The Hillbillies [vs] The Ring Generals


The Hillbillies entered the hall and ring with their newly won titles held aloft as they were met with cheers from the faithful USPW fans who still couldn't believe they were champions again. Before they could say anything they were interrupted by the hottest tag team on the independent scene at the moment, The Ring Generals, who have recently made their presence felt in the other NAWC affiliates. Al & Pete welcomed the challenge but may have regretted it as they were caught unawares.

Statler & Waldorf, both only 20 years of age still, put on a clinic in working a body part and taking apart an opponent. The young duo made the USPW Tag champs look inept and ill-prepared for a little shy of 8 minutes before choosing to both leave the ring and walk away but not before they could be heard saying 'That's a warning. We'll be back next month for the titles!'. They continued to walk through the curtain leaving referee Robbie Sanchez no option but to count to 10 and end the match.


Winners: The Hillbillies via count-out

Rating: 23


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Shades McGinty vs Darryl Devine vs Danny Rushmore

#1 Contender's match for National Title


There's been fierce competitiveness and fire building between these 3 at a slow burn for the past 3 months but it's mainly revolved around Darryl Devine. Devine had his title match vs Bloodstone ended for him via referee stoppage in December. He then beat Rushmore to qualify for the RCI but lost last month to McGinty with a Rushmore interference to boot.

It was the longest match of the night clocking in at just over 15 minutes and Rushmore was the centre of attention putting a lot of hurt on both McGinty and Devine throughout. The finish came as a result of Devine playing possum in the corner. Rushmore hoisted a dazed McGinty up to his feet, bounced off the rope and went for his running boot finish but McGinty ducked and Devine pulled down the top rope as Rushmore's running momentum sent him tumbling over the rope to the floor. The Mighty Fine one then superkicked McGinty and hopped up to the turnbuckle before flying through the air for his Devine Dream Drop and the 3 count!


Winner: Darryl Devine

Rating: 33


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Corporal Doom © vs Whistler

USPW Title Match


Whistler came to help USA and Hawk last month in 6 man tag action and ended up pinning the company champion. Doom vowed revenge and put his title up for grabs as bait.

Whistler entered with old glory raised in the air with one hand and his NYCW Tag title in the other as the crowd sounded their approval of the Patriot. The match would never win any match of the year honours, with the combined age of both men hitting 92, but in terms of entertainment it certainly fit the bill and the two worked a classic old-school good guy vs bad guy brawl. Doom put a beatdown on Whistler, Whistler rallied back and Doom would cut it off. Rinse and repeat for 10 minutes but the crowd ate it up. Whistler built up momentum as the match reached its climax and clobbered Doom with a few brutal-looking Lariats. Doom looked out of it but ducked the third lariat and snatched on a standing variation of his Corporal Punishment sleeper hold and snatched it on tight with all he had. The two stumbled about the ring as Whistler looked for the ropes. He reached on and the ref began the 5 count to break the hold. Doom yanked and pulled on Whistler throughout, since he had no intention of letting go, who let go of the ropes on the count of 4 as they stumbled to the centre of the ring with Whistler slowly fading. He held on and fought valiantly but could find no escape and eventually tapped out.


Winners: Corporal Doom

Rating: 40


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(Post-Match Segment)


Doom had successfully made his first defence but simply refused to break the hold and batted the ref away who tried to intervene. The crowd 'popped' when Captain USA began making his way to the ring looking to make the save and he did as he commenced clubbing Doom and slapping on a beatdown of his own but it was quickly cut short as Bubba West attacked USA and put some heavy boots into the Captain, clearly still incensed at being pinned by him earlier. Doom eventually pulled him away and the two left with Doom's title held aloft as the patriotic pair lay broken and hurt in the middle of the ring to close the show.

Rating: 46



End Show




Quick Pick Results:

Prince Adam vs T-Rex

Captain USA & Des Davids vs Sheik Mustafa & Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Ernest Riggs vs Timothy Small

CJ Funk vs Puerto Rican Power

Giant Redwood vs Tom. E. Hawk

Shades McGinty vs Darryl Devine vs Danny Rushmore (#1 Contender for National Title)

Corporal Doom © vs Whistler (USPW Title)


Prediction Scores:

Theheel - 7/7

Herrbear - 6/7

DinoKea - 5/7

KyTeran - 5/7

smw88 - 5/7


Lucky 7 for Theheel with the triple threat seeming to split opinion.

Thanks for continuing to read all the shows and participating folks!



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  • 2 weeks later...
As someone who legit fell for Paul Heyman's "anti" attitude back in the day only to see him in bed with the WWF later, I thoroughly enjoyed this last blog post.


Somehow I overlooked this comment-- thank you! I bought into the ECW anti-establishment attitude back in the day as well. In this save game, DAVE are making all kinds of big moves and doing a fine job of painting themselves as villains where The Coalition sits. Matt Sparrow walking out of the company just played perfectly into that narrative, so I put together a short write-up about it.


We're also working on a bigger article that details the chaotic signing frenzy that happened when we started the game by other companies-- lots of of jumps between promotions and smaller names getting their chance at the big time!

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  • 4 weeks later...






It is time for the NAWC Tag Team Grand Prix! Eight of the very best tag teams in professional wrestling will meet in New York City this Saturday to crown the first ever NAWC North American Tag Team Champions!


The four North American Wrestling Coalition representatives will meet in a stacked one-night single elimination tournament with wrestling gold as the prize!


From Mid Atlantic Wrestling, Natural Storm and the A* Alliance!


Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling sends the Gilbert Brothers and the Fly Boys!


The representatives for United States Pro Wrestling are the Hillbillies and the Tennessee Outlaws!


New York City Wrestling's tag team representatives are the Can Am Blondes and the most popular tag team in America: the Ring Generals!




First Round:

Hillbillies (USPW) vs. Fly Boys (CZCW)

Ring Generals (NYCW) vs. Natural Storm (MAW)

Can Am Blondes (NYCW) vs. A* Alliance (MAW)

Tennessee Outlaws (USPW) vs. Gilbert Brothers (CZCW)



Hillbillies/Fly Boys vs. Ring Generals/Natural Storm

Can Am Blondes/A* Alliance vs. Tennessee Outlaws/Gilbert Brothers



Hillbillies/Fly Boys/Ring Generals/Natural Storm vs. Can Am Blondes/A* Alliance/Tennessee Outlaws/Gilbert Brothers

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Hillbillies (USPW) vs. Fly Boys (CZCW)

Ring Generals (NYCW) vs. Natural Storm (MAW)

Can Am Blondes (NYCW) vs. A* Alliance (MAW)

Tennessee Outlaws (USPW) vs. Gilbert Brothers (CZCW)



Hillbillies/Fly Boys vs. Ring Generals/Natural Storm

Can Am Blondes/A* Alliance vs. Tennessee Outlaws/Gilbert Brothers



Hillbillies/Fly Boys/Ring Generals/Natural Storm vs. Can Am Blondes/A* Alliance/Tennessee Outlaws/Gilbert Brothers

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NAWC Tag Team Grand Prix 2005 Predictions

Fly Boys def. Hillbillies

Natural Storm def. Ring Generals

Can Am Blondes def. A* Alliance

Tennessee Outlaws def. Gilbert Brothers



Natural Storm def. Hillbillies

Can Am Blondes def. Gilbert Brothers



Natural Storm def. Can Am Blondes

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First Round:

Hillbillies (USPW) vs. Fly Boys (CZCW)

Ring Generals (NYCW) vs. Natural Storm (MAW)

Can Am Blondes (NYCW) vs. A* Alliance (MAW)

Tennessee Outlaws (USPW) vs. Gilbert Brothers (CZCW)


Hillbillies/Fly Boys vs. Ring Generals/Natural Storm

Can Am Blondes/A* Alliance vs. Tennessee Outlaws/Gilbert Brothers


Hillbillies/Fly Boys/Ring Generals/Natural Storm vs. Can Am Blondes/A* Alliance/Tennessee Outlaws/Gilbert Brothers

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First Round:

Hillbillies (USPW) vs. Fly Boys (CZCW)

Ring Generals (NYCW) vs. Natural Storm (MAW)

Can Am Blondes (NYCW) vs. A* Alliance (MAW)

Tennessee Outlaws (USPW) vs. Gilbert Brothers (CZCW)




Hillbillies vs. Natural Storm

Can Am Blondes vs. Gilbert Brothers

Shorthanded goal.



Hillbillies vs. Gilbert Brothers

Overtime winner.

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First Round:

Hillbillies (USPW) vs. Fly Boys (CZCW)

Ring Generals (NYCW) vs. Natural Storm (MAW)

Can Am Blondes (NYCW) vs. A* Alliance (MAW)

Tennessee Outlaws (USPW) vs. Gilbert Brothers (CZCW)



Hillbillies vs. Ring Generals

A* Alliance vs. Gilbert Brothers



Ring Generals vs. Gilbert Brothers


Sometimes the obvious choice is the right choice. The most popular possibly best in ring tag team The Ring Generals made a recent splash embarrassing the Hillbillies in USPW. So gaining a big win here will only elevate their stardom. Especially when I expect they'll cheat their way to the top. Over the Hillbillies first and the Gilberts second. Both ways to continue to the feud with the Hillbillies who may have to find some southern anger to fight back against the technical prowess of the Generals and to be a catalyst of a feud with the Gilberts who are personally one of my favorite C-Verse teams.
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First Round:

Hillbillies (USPW) vs. Fly Boys (CZCW)

Ring Generals (NYCW) vs. Natural Storm (MAW)

Can Am Blondes (NYCW) vs. A* Alliance (MAW)

Tennessee Outlaws (USPW) vs. Gilbert Brothers (CZCW)



Hillbillies/Fly Boys vs. Ring Generals/Natural Storm

Can Am Blondes/A* Alliance vs. Tennessee Outlaws/Gilbert Brothers



Hillbillies/Fly Boys/Ring Generals/Natural Storm vs. Can Am Blondes/A* Alliance/Tennessee Outlaws/Gilbert Brothers

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