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While I'm still working on that behind-the-scenes post coming up, here's a video clip from All-Star Wrestling in Vancouver from 1983, when "Dr. D" David Schultz popped over from Stampede for what amounted to a cup of coffee during his feud with ex-tag team partner the Honky Tonk Man and spoke his mind during this TV interview...


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Backstage in the staging area at the Montreal Forum, Michèle Richard was watching the NWA World Women's Tag Team title match between champions Renée Martel and Claire Lepage and their opponents Paula Kaye and Kitty Adams, who had been sent up to Montreal by the Fabulous Moolah to challenge for the title (the reign of which by Renée and Claire, despite being recognized by the NWA itself as well as by the AWA, All-Star Wrestling and several other non-NWA promotions, was refused recognition by Moolah, who publicly continued to claim her team of Toni Rose and Patti Neilson as the "champions" despite being stripped of recognition by the NWA for their refusal to defend the title against wrestlers from outside of Moolah's camp and despite the NWA's warning to Moolah back in April to cease referring to her girls as the NWA champions).  When she first heard about Paula and Kitty coming up to Montreal to appear for All-Star to challenge Renée and Claire (even though Moolah's girls had recently begun appearing for some events with the Vachon brothers' new rival promotion Grand Prix Wrestling), a suspicious Michèle (who shared with Renée her dislike and mistrust of Moolah due to experience) had her doubts about the Moolah duo and consulted shortly before the match with Julie Painchaud, who had faced Paula when she came to town to appear for All-Star in 1969; Julie mentioned that while she had no real problems with Paula behind the scenes, she noticed that Paula seemed to be a bit full of herself as she was starting out in the business.

But now as she continued watching the match late into it, the doubts Michèle had about Paula and Kitty proved well-founded as she saw the heel duo start viciously attacking Renée in the ring.  Technically unable to do anything about it herself due to her current status as a heel, Michèle ran back to the women's dressing room, where Ann Calvello, her opponent two matches earlier, was finishing getting dressed after getting out of the shower and toweling off.  "Ann, you better get out here quick - there's something you gotta see," she said.

"So what's up, kid - what's going on?" Ann said as she got up from the bench she was sitting on and followed Michèle out the door.

"While you're at it, grab a hockey stick too - you might need it," Michèle said, which Ann did as she turned back and grabbed a hockey stick from a rack on the hallway wall, then followed Michèle to the curtain separating the staging area from the main arena, where Ann looked from behind as she saw the attack on Renée by Paula and Kitty.  "Go deal with those two, I'll go get Marcel," Michèle then said as she took off to get Marcel Martel.  After watching the attack for another moment, Ann, having seen all she needed to and figuring that the attack by Moolah's girls on Renée had developed into a legitimate shoot, then burst through the curtain and charged to the ring, hockey stick in hand, as the boos of the fans in the arena soon changed to cheers.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A while later, several arena security guards came through the curtain into the staging area, escorting Paula and Kitty to protect them against retaliation from hostile fans following the incident where the heels began fighting several ringside fans, bypassing Michèle as she had watched what went down in the ring.  A few minutes after that, Marcel and the first aid attendant who had gone out to the ring, now joined by an assistant, returned with Renée, with Ann and Claire following behind - and Renée, who was breathing with some difficulty thanks to Kitty's knee strikes to her midsection, was on a stretcher that had been brought out for her, as the attendant did not want to chance allowing her to return to the locker room area under her own power because of Paula's targeted attack on her ribs.

Johnny Rougeau, who had just emerged from his locker room to get ready for his later match with Mr. X, saw Renée being taken on the stretcher to the first aid room for medical attention.  "Hold on, Claire, what happened out there?" he asked Claire as he stopped her for a moment to find out what happened to Renée.

"That's what I'd like to know too," a curious Michèle joined in.

"Kaye and Adams happened," a displeased Claire said of the incident.  "They went into business for themselves and shot on Renée out there, they tried to hurt her on purpose - and it was Kaye who did most of the hurting with those knee strikes on her ribs - and they kept me from helping her.  They also got into some scrapes with some of the fans at ringside after Ann chased them out of the ring.  As we were coming back here, I even saw a few kids at ringside with their parents and those kids were crying as they saw Renée taken out on the stretcher."

Having heard all she needed to, a grim-faced and enraged Michèle turned around and ran toward the junction to the hallway, turning to head to the locker room she knew Paula and Kitty were using.  "Wait, kid, where're you going?" Ann, who was also there to hear Claire tell Johnny what happened, called to Michèle as she saw her leave.

A few seconds later, Michèle arrived at the Moolah girls' locker room, kicked the door in and ran inside, beelining straight for Paula and attacking her as she tackled her to the locker room floor and started raining punches down on her.  A moment later, Kitty came and quickly pounced on Michèle to try to get her off of Paula, but Claire and Ann ran in and intercepted Kitty, followed by Johnny, his brother Jacques Rougeau, Gino Brito, Abdullah the Butcher and several of the other wrestlers on the roster running in to break up the one-sided beatdown Michèle had delivered on Paula.

"Go on, get her outta here!  That girl's crazy!" Kitty snapped at the other wrestlers as they restrained an angry Michèle while escorting her out of the locker room as she checked on a shaken Paula, who likewise had to be restrained to keep her from lunging at Michèle.

"You messed with the wrong girl, b*tch!" a still-livid Michèle snapped at Paula as she was taken back outside by Johnny and the other wrestlers.  "You go off on Renée like that again and you're gonna get your ass kicked and so will Moolah!"

"Okay, come on Michèle, that's enough," Johnny said as he and the other wrestlers managed to get her far enough away from Paula and Kitty's locker room.  "I'm not happy about what those two did to Renée either, but reacting as you did against Kaye isn't gonna help matters."

"Really?" an incredulous Michèle said in response.  "Take me to the first aid room, I wanna see Renée."  Doing as asked, Johnny led her, along with Claire and Ann, to the first aid room, where Renée was being tended to by the first aid attendants while her father Marcel stood beside her to comfort her.  "How's she doing?" Michèle asked as she saw Renée, who was still in discomfort on the stretcher.

"She took some hard hits to her left side," one of the first aid attendants replied.  "I have concerns about her ribs on that side, so I called for an ambulance for her.  She'll need to be checked out at the hospital to see whether her ribs were broken or not, but she's definitely hurting right now."

Exiting the first aid room with Johnny and Ann while Claire remained behind to join Marcel in trying to comfort Renée, Michèle turned to look at Johnny.  "Still think I did the wrong thing by going after Kaye?" she said to the All-Star Wrestling owner.  "She's a Moolah girl and we all know how Moolah feels about Renée, and if she and Adams would attack Renée the way they did, then Moolah put them up to it - try to convince me otherwise."

Johnny turned his head to look down the hallway where Paula and Kitty's locker room was, then turned back to Michèle.  "No bet," he said, convinced about what she told him point-blank.  "I'm going to go talk to them and settle this," he then added as he turned to walk down the hallway while Michèle and Ann watched him go.

 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Renée was later taken by ambulance to Montreal General Hospital, where she was examined and got her ribs X-rayed to check for any damage.  Shortly after her arrival there, Marcel arrived at the hospital and brought Claire with him to wait at the emergency department waiting room for word about Renée's condition.  Michèle, due to the necessity of keeping kayfabe, could not accompany Marcel and Claire to the hospital, but asked them to let her know about Renée as soon as they got word.

Not long afterward, Ann arrived at the hospital and met Marcel and Claire in the waiting room.  "Any word on Renée yet?" she asked Claire as she sat down beside her.

"Nothing yet," Claire said, "but I've been praying for her to be alright.  We've been hoping that the damage isn't that bad."

A few minutes later, a doctor came into the waiting room from the emergency room.  "Mr. Martel?" the doctor asked as he approached the trio at their seats.

"Yes?" Marcel said as he stood up.

"We did an exam on your daughter and took some X-rays of her chest as well," the doctor said.  "There was quite a bit of bruising around where she was struck, but by some miracle, her ribs didn't get broken or even cracked, though from what I heard described, she came close to it happening.  In any event, we'll have to keep her overnight for observation to make sure there aren't any complications, and she'll have to stay out of the ring and rest for at least two or three weeks."

"Would we be able to go see her?" Claire asked.

"Well, we usually only allow patients to have visits from immediate family outside of visiting hours," the doctor explained, "but...I think I can make an exception here.  Follow me," he then added as he led Claire, Ann and Marcel to the second-floor room where Renée would be staying overnight.

When Marcel, Claire and Ann went into the room, they saw Renée in her hospital bed, which had been propped up to a semi-reclining position.  "Hi there, dear," Marcel said to his daughter as he came to the left side of the bed and kissed her on her left cheek.  "How're you feeling?"

"Still hurting a little," Renée said with a sigh, then she smiled.  "But I feel...better knowing you're here."

"Hi, honey," Claire said next as she came to the right side of Renée's bed and took her friend's right hand into both of hers.  "I'm glad you didn't get hurt worse than you were back there."

"Ohh, I'd rather not...think about that, Claire," Renée said, needing to pause periodically to breathe because of her bruised ribs.  "I don't remember much about...the attack after I fell to...my knees in the ring.  With the beating I...took in there, I was on the verge of...blacking out then and I don't...remember much after that until just after...I came into the hospital."

"I'm sorry I couldn't do more to help you back there," Claire then said, "but it was almost like Kaye and Adams were like two women possessed and determined when they attacked you."

"I know," Renée said with a nod.  "But I'm...glad you're here now," she added, which pleased Claire.

"Hey, kiddo," Ann then said to Renée with a wave of her right hand as she sat next to Claire.  "Michèle said to say hi for her too, and you should hear what she did after she found out what Kaye and Adams did to you - she went into their dressing room and laid a real whompin' on Kaye to pay her back for shooting on you, and Claire and I were there to see it 'cause we were there to make sure Adams didn't try to interfere."  Renée started to laugh upon hearing that bit of news, only to cringe a moment later when she felt a twinge of pain on her left side from her ribs.

"Ooh, sorry 'bout that," Ann apologized when she saw Renée's reaction to the pain in her ribs.

"That's okay, Ann," Renée said as she caught her breath.  "I needed to...hear that.  I'll have to...thank Michèle for that later."

"Ann and Marcel did their part too in saving you from Kaye and Adams," Claire said next.  "She came charging in with a hockey stick to chase them out and your dad came in after that to check on you while he and Ann made sure they couldn't try to go back in after you again," she added, finishing with the incident between the Moolah girls and several ringside fans.

"Knowing what I know now, I'd have laid some lumber on 'em myself given the chance," Ann added.  "Then after that scrap in their locker room, Johnny went over and read Kaye and Adams the riot act for what they did."

"Well...thanks for that, Ann," a relieved Renée said, "and I'll have to...thank Johnny when I see or...talk to him next."

Just then, a nurse came in, carrying a small paper cup with her.  "Hi there, Miss Martel, just wanted to bring in a pill for the pain in your ribs," the nurse said about the cup's contents.  "Oh, and you also have one more visitor waiting outside for you that you can have tonight, so your current visitors will have to step outside."

"Oh, okay," Marcel said as he got up from his chair.  Turning to Renée, he added, "Well, I'll be sure to see you when I get back to town in a few days, Renée," then he kissed her on her cheek again.  "Good night, dear."

"I'll see you again next time you pop over in L.A., kiddo," Ann said next as she said goodbye to Renée.  "And you've got a lot of folks who've got your back - including me."

"And as soon as you get to go home, I can stay with you at your place for a couple of days or so if you need me to," Claire then offered as she got up, then, while giving a gentle squeeze to Renée's right hand, she leaned over and kissed her on her right cheek.  "Je t'aime, Renée," Claire then said softly to her friend.

"Je t'aime aussi," Renée responded with a smile, touched by Claire's heartfelt words as she returned the squeeze she gave her hand before Claire became the last of the visitors to leave.

When the visitors stepped back out into the hallway, they found out who the other visitor was the nurse had talked about - Jean Malo, the All-Star Wrestling ring announcer and Renée's boyfriend.  "Oh, hi Jean," Marcel said when he and the girls met him outside.  "We're surprised you stopped by to see her."

"After what Renée got put through earlier, I figured she'd welcome a friendly face," Jean said with a grin, "but I see you already beat me to the punch," he added with a chuckle.

"Well, after what happened back at the Forum," Marcel said, "I'll have to talk to the doctor about making sure Renée is guarded.  I don't think Kaye or Adams would be foolish enough to try to find out which hospital she was taken to, but I don't put anything past this Fabulous Moolah to try to get what she wants."

"Excuse me a moment, I'm going to go to the chapel for a bit," Claire, starting to feel emotional, then said before turning around to head for the hospital's chapel, where she could have some privacy to cry quietly for Renée out of concern over her friend being intentionally targeted and attacked by thugs sent by Moolah to try to disable her and take her out of wrestling permanently.

"What's wrong with Claire?" a puzzled Jean asked as he watched Claire go down the hallway toward the chapel.

"It's a bit of a story," Marcel explained.  "We'll tell you about it later while we wait for you in the lobby," he added before letting Jean go to visit Renée while Marcel and Ann headed toward the hospital's main lobby.


 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Up next, Moolah deals with the fallout from sending her goons after Renée...

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Tune in for the next episode of As The World Turns where Renee gets a crippling painkiller addiction and why did that doctor order a pregnancy test? :p Sigh...I miss that show. Glad Renee is probably going to only be shelved for 2-3 weeks. Just how much longer is Moolah going to get to hold the World Title if she keeps sending her goons out to hurt people? Come on Mushnick. Call her bluff.

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Now, picking up where the previous chapter left off...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The following day in her home office at her Columbia estate, Fabulous Moolah was (as she usually did when at her desk) going through some business papers she had taken from a filing cabinet near her desk when her desk phone began ringing.  She let it ring twice before picking up the handset to answer, "Hello, Girl Wrestling Enterprises..."

"Hey Lillian, it's Paula," the voice of Paula Kaye came from the other end of the line.

"Oh hey, darlin'," Moolah replied.  "How'd things go last night in Montreal?"

"Exactly as you planned - Kitty and I gave Martel the business like you planned out," Paula said of her and Kitty Adams' shoot attack on Renée Martel during the third fall of their match at the Montreal Forum.

"Good, good," Moolah said with a grin.  "And how'd that turn out?"

"It was kind of a 'good news, bad news' situation," Paula said.  "You want the bad news first?"

Oh, good grief, Moolah thought to herself as she rolled her eyes and shook her head.  "Lay it on me, darlin'," she then said.

"We didn't get to finish what we started 'cause we got chased out with a hockey stick by Ann Calvello," Paula explained.

"That nut?" Moolah said of one of her old in-ring and out-of-ring foes.  "She was up in Montreal for your card, wasn't she?"

"She was, but that's not the half of it," Paula added.  "Kitty and I would've tried goin' back in by one of us sneakin' around the ring to jump Calvello from behind so we could take her out too and then go back after Martel, but she had the hockey stick and we didn't want to risk getting whacked with it - plus, some other guy showed up in the ring after that, probably Martel's father, and there was no way we wanted to mess with him."

"Better that you didn't anyway," Moolah said.  "So what about that Martel girl?"

"We didn't stick around the ring 'cause security got us back to our locker room after a few rubes at ringside tried to start somethin' with me and Kitty," Paula continued, "but from what we heard, Martel got taken backstage on a stretcher and she went to the hospital after that.  That's still not the end of it, though - not long after Kitty and I got back to our locker room, some other girl busted in, charged at me and attacked me before other wrestlers came in and got her out."

Moolah cursed silently under her breath at what she heard.  "So what all did this girl look like, anyway?" she resumed, starting to get a suspicion.

"Tall girl with long, straight black hair, strong, real hard hitter and she was cussin' me out in French as she was whompin' on me," Paula said.  "One of the wrestlers who got her outta there called her 'Michelle' or somethin' like that."

"I figured as much - Martel's 'pit bull'," Moolah said, immediately recognizing Paula's attacker as Michèle Richard - who Moolah had crossed paths with backstage on a few occasions in the past - based on the description Paula gave her.  "Okay, you and Kitty did what you had to do, now y'all need to get back here quick to avoid retribution from that bunch - you two are lucky as it is that y'all didn't get lynched by them ringsiders last night for what happened."

"Kitty's already on her way back, but I figured I'd stick around for a few more days and stir things up over here," Paula said, sounding almost like she was gloating about her actions that night.

"Alright, darlin', it's your neck, but don't do nothin' foolish while y'all are up that way," Moolah warned Paula before saying goodbye and hanging up, then returning to her papers.  

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


A few minutes after the previous call finished, however, Moolah's phone began ringing again and she answered it.  "Hello, Girl Wrestling Enterprises..."

"Moolah, it's Johnny Rougeau here," Johnny's voice came over the line.

"Ah, hi darlin'," Moolah greeted Johnny, attempting to put on a sincere front.  "So how's things goin' up your way?"

"Look, let's cut the small talk and get down to business, okay?" Johnny replied.  "I think you know why I'm calling you right now."

"Why, whatever do you mean?" Moolah said, feigning innocence.

"I'm not happy with you right now because your girls, Paula Kaye and Kitty Adams, tried to intentionally injure Renée Martel on your orders last night and they put her in the hospital," Johnny stated point-blank.

"I have no idea what you're talkin' about," Moolah lied, denying any involvement in her girls' actions.  "If my girls did anything to Martel, that was of their own accord - I had nothing to do with it."

"Do you need a reminder of what you did to Renée two years ago when you met in the ring in Montreal?" Johnny retorted.  "Between that and all the things Renée and others I talked to told me you tried doing to her or having done to her by hired guns, you got the track record, so you're not fooling me and you're not fooling anyone else, no matter how much you try to deny it."

"Likely story, Rougeau," Moolah said.  "I told you, I had nothin' to do with what happened to that Martel girl - so who're you gonna believe, me or someone with an axe to grind against me because they're bitter and jealous that I'm a bigger success than any of my critics?"

"I don't care about your self-serving spiel, Moolah," Johnny said.  "What I do care about, though, is the trouble your girls caused for me last night."

"Oh?  How so?" Moolah said with a self-satisfied smirk.

"Thanks to Kaye and Adams' antics - which included them fighting with some ringside fans and almost starting a fan riot because of it after their attack on Renée - I ran into trouble with the Montreal Athletic Commission when a representative came backstage at the Forum while I was on my way to talk to your girls after their match," Johnny said.  "I got hit with a fine by the Commission because of what your girls instigated."

"So what's it to me?" Moolah then said dismissively, still unwilling to take responsibility for the actions she had Paula and Kitty take.  "Why pin the blame on me 'cause you can't keep your events under control?"

"I'll tell you what it is to you, Moolah - I paid for the fine by taking it out of Kaye and Adams' match purses that night," Johnny stated matter-of-factly.  "I withheld their match purses from last night's show as punishment for what they did to Renée - so that means not only did they not get paid that night, neither did you because you didn't get your so-called 'booker's fee'."

"WHAT?!" Moolah then snapped, angered to hear what Johnny did to pay her and her girls back for the events of the previous night.  "You can't do that!"

"Actually, I can and did," Johnny pointed out, "and that's what happens when you get your girls to act like hired hitwomen against one of mine."

"Oh, and what about one of your other girls, the one who attacked Paula in her locker room after that match?", a disgruntled Moolah retorted, referring to Michèle as she started resorting to whataboutism to try to shift the blame.  "Why do y'all let your girls go maverick when it suits 'em, huh?"

"She already got a talking to about that, and that was before I found out about the extent of Renée's injury thanks to your girl Kaye putting a weapon-loaded kneepad to her ribs with knee strikes," Johnny said, "and Michèle wouldn't do what she did without just cause, so you and your girls got no ground to stand on and no case.  Also, luckily for both you and your girls, Renée wasn't hurt as badly as you attempted to have Kaye and Adams do to her because I found out earlier she came out of it with only bruised ribs and she'll only be out for about a couple of weeks.  As for your girls, Adams hightailed it out of town after last night because I'm betting she wasn't willing to face the consequences for her part in what they did, but Kaye's still here for a few more matches and she's going to be on a short leash for as long as she's here."  What Johnny implied by his "short leash" statement was that he asked some of his wrestlers, including his brother Jacques, Gino Brito and Abdullah the Butcher, as well as his referees, to keep watch on Paula and make sure she did not get out of line during the remainder of her stay in the Montreal territory.

"Y'all are gonna pay for that," a seething Moolah then ominously warned Johnny.  "Mark my words, Rougeau - you're gonna pay and so will any of your girls who cross paths with mine."

"You should be careful about who you make threats against, Moolah," Johnny countered, "given your history with the NWA Board of Directors.  As for your girls, the ones like Kaye and Adams, here's a bit of free advice - if you want to continue getting them booked for shows, rein them in and get them to behave themselves."

Before Moolah could say anything in reply, a click was heard on the line as Johnny hung up at his end.  "Rougeau?  ROUGEAU!  I'm talkin' to you, boy!" she snapped over the phone, but only got a dial tone in response as the tone kicked in a moment later.  She then grumbled in frustration as she hung up her phone and returned to her papers.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The next day afterward, the desk phone began ringing again while Moolah was out of her office, but Donna Christanello, who was in Moolah's kitchen at the time, was within earshot of the phone and went to answer it.  "Hello, Girl Wrestling Enterprises..." she answered upon picking up the handset.

"Hi, is this Donna?" a Quebec French-accented voice replied at the other end.

"This is," Donna confirmed.  "Is this Vivian?" she added, recognizing the voice at the other end as that of Vivian Vachon.

"Yep, c'est moi," Vivian replied.  "How're you doing?"

"Pretty good here, how 'bout yourself?" Donna said.  "Enjoying being back home in Montreal?"

"Sure am, it's great being back seeing family and friends," Vivian said.  "But I was calling to see if Lillian's in right now - is she there?"

Just then, Moolah came into her office and saw Donna on the phone.  "Someone calling?" she asked.

"It's Vivian Vachon, she wants to talk to you," Donna said before handing off the handset to Moolah and leaving the office.

"Hello Vivian, how y'all doin', darlin'?" Moolah replied after taking the phone as she sat down at her desk.

"There's something I need to talk to you about, Lillian," Vivian said.

"Well, that's what I'm here for, darlin' - shoot," Moolah said.

"I was over at a show at the Forum here in Montreal two nights ago," Vivian began, "and I saw that match you had set up for Paula and Kitty against Renée Martel and Claire Lepage."

"I know, Paula told me about it yesterday and I also caught some flack over it from Johnny Rougeau," Moolah said.  "What about it?  You didn't wrestle on that card too, did you?  I'd hate to think what your brothers would think about that, considerin' they run competiton to Rougeau."

"No, I didn't wrestle that night, but I was in the audience to see the show," Vivian pointed out, "and I saw the attack on Renée by Paula and Kitty during the match and I watched Renée get taken out on a stretcher afterward."

"Yeah, and?" Moolah said.

"Yesterday, I went to see Renée at the hospital," Vivian said.  "She was doing alright, even with the beating she got put on her that night.  She even showed me the bruises she got on her left side from what Paula did to her."

"And what were you doin' goin' to see her at the hospital anyway?" Moolah then said, becoming displeased over what she heard.  "What're y'all thinkin', fraternizin' with the enemy?"

"Believe it or not, Lillian, Renée's not my enemy," Vivian told Moolah.  "I got to know her when we both wrestled in the AGWA and I consider her a friend, even though we're in different promotions now.  And anyway, what were you thinking by having Paula and Kitty attack Renée?  What did she ever do to you to make you hate her that much?"

"Does it matter?" Moolah said, unwilling to answer Vivian's question.

"Well, yeah, I think it does matter," Vivian said.  "I talked with some of Renée's other friends while I was in the AGWA and they all shared a common story - you tried sabotaging AGWA events and you staged attacks against her using mercenaries to get back at her because she wouldn't join your camp and because you consider her a threat to you and your position in women's wrestling."

"What, and you're gonna believe them over me?" Moolah said incredulously.  "What about loyalty, Vivian?"

"From what I've experienced in the short time I've wrestled for you, Lillian, the only loyalties you really have are to yourself and your bank account," Vivian stated.  "I was making more money with the AGWA than I have been since I started wrestling for you - and I found out that besides what you get paid when you wrestle, you're also taking more than your share from your girls' pay to add to your own - no wonder you can afford to own a mansion and an estate while the other girls have to make do with what you give them while you control their finances."

"That's a crock, Vivian!" Moolah said indignantly over Vivian's accusation.  "Where'd y'all get what you're claimin' anyway?"

"I talked with a couple of your ex-clients, Joyce Fowler and Ann Casey, each at different times while I was in the AGWA," Vivian said, "and they confirmed what I suspected about you clipping us on our pay."

"You're makin' a big mistake by believin' people with axes to grind against me for what they all claim I did," Moolah said.

"You're right, Lillian, I made a mistake alright - but not the kind of mistake you think," Vivian said.  "And that's a mistake I'm about to fix by saying what I'm about to say next - I quit."

"No, Vivian, that's a bigger mistake you're about to make," Moolah retorted.  "If you quit my group, not only do you lose your chance to become a star under me, your brothers will also no longer get the services of my girls for women's matches and you'll have no opponents to face up there - what do y'all think of that now?"

"I'll tell you what I think - right now, I'm calling you from Maurice's house and I talked with him and Paul after I came from seeing Renée," Vivian then said, "and I discussed how I felt about continuing to work for you and the deal with my brothers that goes with it.  Maurice and Paul said they'd be alright with whatever I decided - and after I told them, they're going to make other arrangements to find opponents for me.  Au revoir, Moolah," she finished before hanging up at her end of the line.

Back in Moolah's kitchen in the meantime, Donna was finishing making lunch for herself and cleaning up the kitchen counter when she heard Moolah start to curse up a storm in her office over losing both Vivian from her roster and the deal with the Vachons' Grand Prix Wrestling that went with it.  Oh boy, here we go again, Donna thought to herself while listening to Moolah ranting from down the hallway.  Better grab my lunch and get scarce...


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20 hours ago, smartman said:

Tune in for the next episode of As The World Turns where Renee gets a crippling painkiller addiction and why did that doctor order a pregnancy test? :p Sigh...I miss that show. Glad Renee is probably going to only be shelved for 2-3 weeks. Just how much longer is Moolah going to get to hold the World Title if she keeps sending her goons out to hurt people? Come on Mushnick. Call her bluff.

That BTS post with Renée ending up in the hospital due to Moolah's goons does make it sound kinda like a soap opera, doesn't it (though I'm not personally a fan of the "wrestling as soap opera" approach Vince McMahon and his then-head writer Vince Russo first took with the WWF during the Attitude Era)?

As for Moolah, as seen in my most recent BTS post, she already got a bit of blowback for her masterminding the attack on Renée, but we'll see just how much bigger of a bill Moolah racks up against her before that bill comes due...

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Now as promised, the TV interview post stemming from the match where Paula Kaye and Kitty Adams sent Renée Martel to the hospital due to their vicious shoot attack as Michèle Richard speaks her mind on the incident and other things on the August 7 edition of Sur le Matelas (translated from the original French):

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


INTERVIEWER:  Coming up next Saturday, August 14, wrestling action returns to the Palais des Sports in Sherbrooke with a bell time of 8 PM.  In the main event, the masked man of mystery, Mr. X, defends his World Heavyweight Championship against the challenge of Gino Brito; Jos LeDuc will square off against Killer Kilroy in a chain match; Jacques Rougeau and Abdullah the Butcher will also collide in another featured match; and my guest at this time will be making her first wrestling appearance in her hometown of Sherbrooke as she defends her North American Women's Championship - here is Michèle Richard.  (Richard walks into the scene)  Well, Michèle, you've got a big event ahead of you as you make your hometown debut after being involved in wrestling the past few years.

MICHÈLE RICHARD:  That's right, ______, I will be, but before I get to that, I wanna bring up my match from this past Monday night at the Montreal Forum, and my opponent that night, Ann Calvello.  Calvello, you gave me one hell of a match that night, and with good reason - you made a name for yourself over the years as being one of the toughest and most unpredictable wrestlers there is in women's wrestling, and you wouldn't have become the North American Women's Champion if not for that.  But this past June, my time to shine came when I beat you for this title in Los Angeles...  (Holds up the title belt)  ...and then I beat you again to retain this belt at the Forum.  You had a good run with your career and as the North American Women's Champion, Calvello, but now there's one thing you need to do - ride off into the sunset and retire, because this is my time now and I'm the champion.

INTERVIEWER:  Now, getting to your match in Sherbrooke next Saturday, your opponent that night is somebody who also wrestled at the Forum last Monday and went out of her way to try to deliberately injure one-half of the World Women's Tag Team Champions, Renée Martel, during a match for that title - and that opponent is Paula Kaye.

RICHARD:  Exactly, ______.  Everyone who's followed the sport over the past few years knows that there's no love lost between me and Martel.  I'm no fan of hers and I know she feels the same way about me because of the many times we've clashed in the ring, but what happened to Martel that night against Paula Kaye, where Martel got sent to the hospital, that was a travesty - and I'm saying it because I know that Kaye is a stooge of the Fabulous Moolah.  Martel and I might not like each other, but there's one thing that we have in common - neither of us likes Moolah, just like the fans in Quebec don't like Moolah because of all the trash-talking she does about Quebec.  I said it before about Moolah and I'll say it again - she's a disgrace to that World Women's Championship that she holds because she's afraid to defend her belt against real wrestlers, the ones who'd show her up in the ring and make her look like the glorified bum that she is and always has been.  Since I won the North American title, that now makes me second on the women's wrestling totem pole, below only Moolah, which makes me the top contender to Moolah's belt - and I've even challenged her for her belt, but I got no reply from her, so what's that say about her?  It says she's a gutless coward, that's what.

INTERVIEWER:  And because of her association with Moolah, that now makes Kaye a target for you.

RICHARD:  Right again, and I'm not gonna let what Kaye tried to do to Martel stop me from putting the boots to Kaye in my hometown, Sherbrooke, next Saturday night.  I wanted that match against her in my hometown and I got it, and I'm even putting my North American belt on the line against Moolah's stooge to give her an incentive to get in the ring and face me - if she's got the guts to do so!

INTERVIEWER:  And there you have it, Michèle Richard lays it on the line as she'll defend her North American Women's Championship against one of the Fabulous Moolah's girls, Paula Kaye, as one of the featured matches next Saturday night, August 14, at the Palais des Sports in Sherbrooke.  Tickets for this event will be on sale at the Palais des Sports box office and at selected retail outlets in Sherbrooke, so get your tickets today!


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All-Star Wrestling @ Palais des Sports
August 14, 1971 - Sherbrooke, Quebec
Attendance - 5,750



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Paul LeDuc defeated The Boston Strangler by pinfall.

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Raymond Rougeau defeated Chin Lee by submission with a sleeperhold.

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Antonio Baillargeon defeated Sugi Sito by pinfall following a flying dropkick.

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Jacques Rougeau defeated Abdullah the Butcher when Abdullah was counted out after Jacques beat him back into the ring during a wild ringside brawl.

Chain match

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Killer Kilroy* (with Eddie "The Brain" Creatchman) defeated Jos LeDuc in a bloody contest when Kilroy pinned LeDuc after knocking him out with the chain.

NWA North American Women's Championship

Michèle Richard** (C), although technically still a heel, was cheered wildly by the Sherbrooke fans as she made her hometown debut to defend her title against Fabulous Moolah protégée Paula Kaye, who drew the ire of the fans as she made her way to the ring to their boos and jeers.

Kaye further drew the fans' wrath via stalling by refusing to enter the ring to face Richard at first before finally getting in to start the match.  Richard, the hometown heroine on this night, dominated the match in the early going, wearing the Oklahoma rulebreaker down with chinlocks and headlocks.  Frustrated, Kaye rolled back out onto the arena floor.  Richard followed her and slammed Kaye's head into the timekeeper’s bell.  Back in the ring, Kaye surprised Richard with a spinecrusher, and then whipped her into the ropes.  Richard rebounded into a Kaye abdominal stretch, but she managed to power out.  Kaye then began giving Richard problems by throwing her out of the ring repeatedly.  When Richard did get back through the ring ropes, she fell victim to a knee to the midsection by Kaye, who then attempted to do the same thing to Richard that she and fellow Moolah minion Kitty Adams did to Renée Martel at the Montreal Forum on August 2 as she grabbed the winded Richard's left arm and drove her right knee into Michèle's ribs, but Richard was having none of it as she grabbed one of Kaye's wrists with her right hand, then swept her legs and tripped her down to the mat.  Richard then picked Kaye up, whipped her into the ropes and floored her with the spinebuster slam.  Rather than go for the pin, however, Richard then began hammering Kaye with stiff punches to the overwhelming approval of the fans, but Kaye broke free from her grasp, rolled out of the ring and, as she was seen with a bit of blood trickling from the corner of her left eyebrow, ran back to the dressing room.  Richard retained her North American Women's title as she was awarded the match by countout and was handed her title belt by the referee while the Sherbrooke fans roared their approval.

ASW World Heavyweight Championship

Gino Brito defeated Mr. X (C) (with Eddie Creatchman) by disqualification when Killer Kilroy ran in and attacked Brito as he had the figure-four leglock locked on X (who retained his title due to the DQ); a three-on-one against Brito then ensued until Jos and Paul LeDuc ran in for the save and chased Creatchman and his men out of the ring.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Killer Kilroy (real name Les Roberts) wrestled in other territories under the ring name Dingo the Sundowner while also competing under his own name in his native Australia.

** So with this match, does it look like Michèle Richard will now be drifting toward tweener status?  Only time will tell...


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On 2/3/2023 at 6:43 AM, kinnikuniverse said:

Damn, she was that young when she started? Shouldn't that be illegal? Like, i know guys like Regal and Rey Mysterios started out really young, but man, i dunno...still, would love to see her and Renée interact at one point.

I'm working on a behind-the-scenes post right now that's going to have exactly that, so stay tuned...  😎

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This behind-the-scenes post takes place prior to the August 14 All-Star Wrestling card in Sherbrooke:

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On a Saturday afternoon, a few days after the Montreal Forum supercard and two days after Renée Martel's release from Montreal General Hospital, she was back at home at her apartment, joined by Michèle Richard and Claire Lepage on a day off from the ring as they were in the middle of watching a Bugs Bunny cartoon on Renée's TV set.  All three girls broke out in fits of laughter as they saw Bugs empty his garbage into a robot from outer space (who had been spying on Bugs before it went to hide among a group of garbage cans to avoid being discovered, only for Bugs to mistake the robot for a new garbage can), followed by the robot emerging from hiding as it coughed the garbage back out after Bugs left*.

"Stupid robot!" Michèle quipped in between laughter.  "That's what it gets for hiding among the garbage cans."

"Sure, but Yosemite Sam sent it out and he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer either," Claire added.  "Hey, you're not having problems with your ribs from all that laughter, are you?" she then asked Renée.

"Only a little, but I'll survive," Renée said with a grin.

"Well, I'm glad you won't be spending any more time out of the ring than that doctor at the hospital recommended," Michèle said.

"Only about two or three weeks," Renée said.  "At least it'll allow me some time to heal up and take it easy, but I can still keep myself toned up with weights over at Johnny's gym."

"You can, as long as you go easy with it at first until the bruises heal," Claire pointed out.

"Yeah, that lousy Paula Kaye," Renée remarked with a hint of resentment.  "No thanks to her, I'll be spending all that time out of the ring, not being able to defend the World Women's Tag Team belts with you, or even being able to practice my moves in the ring."

"Well, Johnny did get in touch with Mildred Burke and told her about what happened to you," Claire said.  "From what I heard, she wasn't pleased about that news and she was going to send off a letter to Moolah about it."

"And I bet I know how Moolah's gonna react to such a letter," Michèle said.  "She's gonna make the usual denials, excuses, justifications, comebacks, retorts and a little bit of condescension - all in the same reply."

"Sounds like Moolah, alright," Renée agreed with a nod.

"Well, if you watch Sur le Matelas tonight at six," Michèle then said, "I've got a comeback of my own for Moolah and for Kaye in an interview - I fire off a few zingers at Moolah and I challenged Kaye to face me in a match in Sherbrooke next Saturday night.  I told Johnny I wanted that match and he set it up for me."

"Hey, that's great!" Renée said with a grin.  "That's going to be the first time you've ever wrestled in your hometown, isn't it?"

"It is," Michèle said.  "In seven years in the ring - going right back to my Margot Bouchard days - I never once set foot in the ring back at home because of me wrestling as a heel.  Me going up against another heel next Saturday, right in my hometown ring - especially when they hear it was one who sent you to the hospital with that shoot attack she and Kitty Adams did on you - ought to be enough to get the fans behind me."

"Sounds great and all, but do you think Kaye's going to take the bait?" Claire wondered.  "After you pounded her in her locker room last Monday, she's probably going to be gunshy about going up against you, especially on your home turf."

"Oh, she will if I offer a shot at my North American belt as the bait," Michèle said with her own grin.  "And if you're worried she might try any funny business against me in the ring to try to steal my belt and run off with it back to Moolah - if she accepts the match - don't worry, I'll be ready for her.  I don't trust Moolah or any of her hired goons any further than I could throw Terrible Ted, so if she does accept the match, I'm gonna be on my guard against her."

"Good call," Renée said.  "Any of Moolah's girls who still pledges loyalty to her and does her bidding, I wouldn't trust either."

"But now with the next couple of weeks or so off, Renée, what're you going to do to keep busy?" Claire then asked.

"Well, now that you mention it," Renée said with a sly grin, "Jean's taking me out on a movie date on Tuesday night - we're going to see Love Story over at Westmount Square."

"Ahh, nice," Claire said with a grin, while Michèle went "Ooooohh!" with her eyebrows raised before breaking out in a fresh round of laughter.

"Okay, what's the joke?" Renée said to Michèle with a smirk.

"You and Jean gonna sit in the back row and smooch all during the movie?" a grinning Michèle said in a playful tease.

"No, of course not...  Well, only during the dull parts of the movie," Renée admitted with a coy grin, making Michèle laugh again.

Just then, the buzzer on Renée's apartment intercom began buzzing and she went to answer it.  "Hello?" she said as she pushed her intercom's talk button.

"It's Vivian," the voice of Vivian Vachon came over the intercom in reply.  "Just came by to see how you're doing."

"Okay, come on up," Renée said before buzzing Vivian in and opening the front door for her.  About a minute later, Vivian arrived and stepped through the front door.

"Hey, Renée, good to see you," Vivian said with a smile as she greeted Renée with a hug, taking care not to accidentally hurt her because of Renée's bruises on her left side still being tender.  "And good to see you're doing a little better too after you got out of the hospital."

"Yeah, the next couple of weeks I got off from the doctor should do me some good," Renée said as Vivian took her shoes off at the front door.  "So, what brings you by?"

"I got some news I wanted to tell you about, and it's better to tell you in person rather than over the phone," Vivian said.  "You probably know by now that I joined Moolah's group a few months ago as part of a deal my brothers made to get Moolah's girls to come wrestle for them, right?"

"Yep, we heard," Renée said with a nod.

"We weren't happy about it because it was a proverbial 'deal with the devil', but it was your choice," Michèle added, "even though it meant losing you from the AGWA because of Moolah refusing to allow her girls to appear there."

"You'd be right about that 'deal with the devil' part of it, Michèle," agreed Vivian, who then went on to tell the girls about the phone call she had made to Moolah the day after Vivian visited Renée in the hospital, including how the call ended.

"Wow, so you really up and quit on Moolah?" a surprised Claire said.  "I bet she wasn't happy about that at all because of the paydays she loses out on with the loss of her deal with your brothers."

"And that's just part of why I quit," Vivian said.  "While I was training down at Moolah's gym in South Carolina, I found out a few other interesting things about how Moolah runs her compound and what she's been doing down there..."

Before Vivian could continue, however, Renée's phone began ringing, prompting Renée to get up and answer it.  "Hello?  Ah, hi Johnny," she said as she heard Johnny Rougeau at the other end.  "Yeah, I'm feeling a bit better since I got out of the hospital two days ago, but the bruises on my left side are still a bit sore and tender.  Yep, Claire's here too, she's been staying with me to help out while I'm on the mend.  The doctor recommended I stay out of the ring for the next two weeks to allow the bruises to heal."  She then paused as she listened to Johnny at the other end for a moment.  "Really?" she continued, surprised by a bit of news she got from Johnny.  "Oh, that's awesome!  I should be healed up by then, so we can be there by then for sure.  Okay Johnny, talk to you later."

"So what did Johnny say?" Claire then asked.  "Must be big news for you to get excited about."

"It is," Renée said with a grin.  "Mildred wants me, you and Michèle down in Los Angeles starting on the week of the 27th - and Mike LeBell's involved for that date**..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Here's the specific scene from the cartoon which the girls were laughing about:

** That specific event will be detailed in an upcoming event post (and it'll be evident which event that is based on the date and location mentioned)...

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Here's the event which Mildred Burke, acting on behalf of Los Angeles promoter Mike LeBell, invited Renée Martel and her friends to take part in - the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Supershow.  Unlike the IRL version (in which Fabulous Moolah was a participant), however, ITTL, Moolah was never asked to take part in this supercard, which saw a couple of lineup changes as a result:

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NWA Hollywood Wrestling @ Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum
August 27, 1971 - Los Angeles, California
Attendance - 38,847*
(Memorial Coliseum; also seen via closed-circuit TV within the territory)



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Sicodelico defeated Fidel Castillo by disqualification.

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El Gran Markus defeated Suni War Cloud** by pinfall following a powerslam.

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Bobo Brazil battled The Sheik to a double-countout as the brawl between both wrestlers spilled out to ringside.

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Cowboy Frankie Laine defeated Paul DeMarco by pinfall.

NWA United States Heavyweight Championship (San Francisco)

Peter Maivia (C) defeated Dutch Savage by disqualification when Savage was caught using a thumb to the throat on Maivia.

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José Lothario defeated Ripper Collins by pinfall.

NWA North American Women's Championship

Michèle Richard (C) (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Joyce Becker by pinfall following a spinebuster slam.

NWA Americas Tag Team Championship

Black Gordman & The Great Goliath defeated Kinji Shibuya & Mr. Saito (C) to win the title when Gordman pinned Saito.

NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship

Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Paula Steele & Patty Stevens (with Mae Young) when Martel forced Stevens to submit to the Alligator Clutch.  As Martel and Lepage were handed their belts post-match, Michèle Richard ran in and clotheslined Martel from behind, then went on the attack against her while Steele came in and also attacked Lepage until Joyce Becker ran to the ring, climbed to the top turnbuckle and knocked Steele to the mat with a flying bodypress, then tangled briefly with Richard before Martel got back to her feet and joined Becker to whip Richard to the ropes and also knock her to the canvas with a double-dropkick as the fan favorites cleared the Queen's Court members out of the ring.

NWA World Light Heavyweight Championship

El Solitario (C) defeated Raul Mata by pinfall in a contest filled with technical and acrobatic moves when Solitario executed a huracanrana-like move on Mata and rolled through to hook both of Mata's legs to get the pin.

Two Out of Three Falls

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In a non-title match, Fred Blassie defeated NWA Americas Heavyweight Champion John Tolos, two falls to one, when the match was stopped in the third fall when Tolos was ruled to be bleeding too heavily to continue.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* The actual attendance figure for this event IRL was 25,847; the increased figure ITTL was due, in addition to the Blassie-Tolos main event, to the increased presence of the ladies and the popularity of the AGWA, which contributed some of the supercard's participants, at this point.

** Not the original Suni War Cloud (who also wrestled as Chief War Cloud), but a luchador whose real name was Pedro Valdez Cordero.


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Sunny War Cloud! Now that's somebody i didn't expect to see! I didn't know he's that old.

Dude is well known in the quebec wrestling scene, and he's still following the Quebec indy scene nowadays. Although he's pretty notorious for being a bit of a boomer on certain aspects of wrestling,  not unlike ol' Jimmy C, Sunny is still liked in the scene, and he's self-aware enough to admit when he's being a boomer.


Case in point, on facebook, he checked out a recent show from NSPW, the Quebec City promotion, and he said that it seemed like a good show and he wished to be there...but then, the booker of the company, who's friends with him, told him that he wouldn't like it, since there was 4 intergender matches on the card lol. Sunny then answered "heh, seeing your wife compete in her jiu-jitsu competitions, i can believe it." 😂

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AGWA TV taping @ Anaheim Convention Center Arena
August 31, 1971 - Anaheim, California
Attendance - 8,120


 Aired the weekend of September 4, 1971 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

Dark match

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Perla Nieto* defeated Shae Driscoll by pinfall following a bodyslam.

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Irma Acevedo defeated Jackie Long by submission with a Boston crab.  Following the match, show host DIck Lane appeared at ringside as he introduced a familiar face beside him:


DICK LANE:  Joining me here now, starting with the next match and going forward, is my new broadcast partner, the former AGWA Television Champion and former co-holder of the United States Women's Tag Team Championship herself, the one and only Shirley Hardman - welcome back to the show, Shirley.

SHIRLEY HARDMAN:  Thanks, Dick, it's sure good to be back and the fans will be hearing a lot more from me on the mic starting today.

LANE:  Now with your past experience in the ring, including all the championships you've held, as the new color commentator for the show, you'll be bringing an insider's view to the broadcast desk.

HARDMAN:  That's right, and as someone who's faced a variety of opponents with a variety of styles during my career, I can analyze their strengths and weaknesses and what they need to do while also making those observations from a female viewpoint.

LANE:  Now, how's your back been doing since you were forced out of action about six months ago?

HARDMAN:  My lower back's doing a lot better now since it's had the chance to heal up over the past few months, especially with the physiotherapy I did to help with the healing.  It was because of that injury back in March that the doctors who examined me over time following the injury advised me to hang up my boots and call it a career from the ring or else risk ending up in a wheelchair, so I took their advice, but that doesn't mean I don't get the itch from time to time to put the boots back on and get back in the ring again - and the one opponent I'd do that against would be the opponent who put me out of action to begin with, Ashley Sinclair.  If Sinclair ever gets the guts to come back to the AGWA, I'd be willing to take my chances and get back in the ring - even if just for one night - and give her the tail-whipping she deserves for what she did to me then.

LANE:  And on that note, we'll call the action with the next match starting right after a few words from our sponsors.

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Sister Lavender defeated Elise Dorsett by pinfall following a facebuster.

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Vivian Vachon (formerly Vivian Vance), making her return to the AGWA after quitting the Fabulous Moolah camp earlier in the month, defeated California Women's and AGWA Interstate Champion Jane O'Brien in a non-title match when, after overcoming O'Brien's brawling tactics with some brawling of her own, Vachon used a shoulderbreaker on O'Brien to take her down for the pin.

AGWA Television Championship

Joyce Becker (C) defeated Tanya West by pinfall following a high knee off the ropes.  Following the match, Vicki Steppe ran in and attacked Becker from behind as she was being handed the TV title belt, then whipped Becker to the ropes and clotheslined her on the rebound before grabbing the TV belt and striking Becker across the back with it to knock her back down to the mat as she attempted to get back up, then Steppe grabbed the arena mic and demanded a title shot against Becker as the crowd booed Steppe.

AGWA Interstate Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Sally Vega & Lita Marez upset Paula Steele & Patty Stevens (C) (with "The Queen" Mae Young) to end the Queen's Court duo's year-long reign with the belts as they defeated Steele and Stevens, two falls to one, to regain the title in the TV main event (joined in progress during the second fall due to time constraints).

⦁    First fall - Steele powerslammed and pinned Marez.
⦁    Second fall - Marez used the Boston crab to force Stevens to submit.
⦁    Third fall - Vega floored Steele with a flying bodypress to get the title-winning pinfall.

 Aired the weekend of September 11, 1971 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

Dark match

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Ella Waldek defeated Sandra Hale by pinfall following a dropkick.

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Tonette Kadrmas & Marie Vagnone defeated Yolanda Ruiz & Jessie Willard when Kadrmas pinned Willard following an exploder suplex.

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Vicki Steppe used the elevated hammerlock to force Carrie Lloyd to submit.  After getting her hand raised in victory, Steppe picked Lloyd up and again put the elevated hammerlock on her in a sadistic attempt to further abuse her, but Joyce Becker ran in and nailed Steppe from behind with a forearm smash to make the save, then whipped Steppe to the ropes and dropkicked her out of the ring.

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In a non-title match, NWA World Women's Tag Team Champions Renée Martel & Claire Lepage defeated Lorna Dale & Janet Russ when Lepage forced Russ to submit to the figure-four leglock.

AGWA Shooting Star Championship

Barbara Jacobs (with Mae Young) defeated Lynn Congleton** (C) to win the title when Jacobs pinned Congleton following a Lou Thesz press.

NWA United States Women's Championship

Judy Arnold (C) defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade by disqualification in the TV main event when Vicki Steppe ran in and attacked Arnold as she had Shade in the spinning toehold; Steppe and Shade double-teamed on Arnold post-match until Joyce Becker ran in moments later and helped Arnold fight the heels off and run them out of the ring.

Post-taping dark match
NWA North American Women's Championship

Michèle Richard (C) (with Mae Young) battled Mary Jane Mull to a 30-minute time-limit draw.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Perla Nieto was best known IRL for being a two-time holder of All Japan Women's WWWA World Tag Team Championship (while competing under the misspelled ring name Paula Niet).

** Lynn Congleton won the AGWA Shooting Star title (which had been left vacant following previous champion Ashley Sinclair's departure from the AGWA to join Fabulous Moolah's group) by winning a battle royal at an AGWA TV taping on April 6, 1971 in Anaheim, last eliminating Vicki Steppe.


Edited by Old School Fan
Minor spelling
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American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Selland Arena
September 4, 1971 - Fresno, California
Attendance - 7,280



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Evelyn Stevens* defeated Gwen Miller by pinfall following a running knee smash.

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In a non-title match, NWA World Women's Lightweight Champion Julie Patrick used a flying dropkick on Lorna Dale to get the pinfall win.

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Tonette Kadrmas fought Tanya West to a double-countout.

NWA North American Women's Championship

Michèle Richard (C) (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Sister Lavender by pinfall following a spinebuster slam.

NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Georgia Hase & Judy Sowinski (with Mae Young) when Hase and Sowinski were disqualified in the third fall due to Michèle Richard running in to attack Lepage as she had Sowinski trapped in a figure-four leglock.  Hase ran into the ring post-match to prevent Martel from making the save for Lepage by attacking Martel as well, leading to a three-on-two by the Queen's Court against Martel and Lepage after Sowinski recovered from the figure-four and went to join her teammates in the attack under Young's direction, until Sister Lavender ran in to even the sides and helped Renée and Claire fight the heel trio off and run them out to ringside.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Yep, the same Evelyn Stevens who defeated Fabulous Moolah to win the NWA World Women's title in 1978 IRL for what amounted to a cup of coffee.

And speaking of Moolah, I've got a behind-the-scenes post coming up featuring her that's going to tie in to an upcoming AGWA event (no, she won't be appearing at that event, but wait 'til you see what her reaction to it is when she learns how it, among other things, ends up affecting her)...


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Info added
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Meanwhile, across the country on the night before the AGWA Fresno card (and incidentally, this marks my 100th behind-the-scenes post in this diary)...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


At a WWWF event in Asbury Park, New Jersey, Vince McMahon Sr. was going over the night's card list on his clipboard near the staging area leading to the aisle to the ring, marking off the result of the night's first match, a time-limit draw between Karl Gotch and Mike Monroe*, when Fabulous Moolah came along and went up beside him.  "So, Lillian, all set to go in a few minutes?" Vince asked as he noticed Moolah.

"Like I always am, Vince," Moolah said with a grin.

"Good, are Paula, Donna and Vicki ready too?" Vince said, speaking of Paula Kaye, Moolah's partner for an upcoming tag team match, and Donna Christanello and Vicki WIlliams, their opponents that night.

"Well, I sure hope they all are," Moolah quipped.  "Otherwise all that time spent practicin' would be all for nothin'."

"Good, I hope so too," Vince said, "especially after that little misadventure I'd heard Paula had with Kitty Adams against Renée Martel up in the Montreal territory last month, after I got told about it in that letter I got from Johnny Rougeau - I just hope Paula learned her lesson after she got dealt with up there for it."

"Well, Paula wasn't happy 'bout it for awhile after she came back to Columbia," Moolah pointed out regarding the retaliatory "potatoing" Paula got from Michèle Richard in Sherbrooke not long after the Moolah-orchestrated incident against Renée at the Montreal Forum supercard, "but it's water under the bridge now."

"Alright, because the last thing I need is to be getting a phone call from Sam Muchnick regarding that," Vince said.  "Oh, and I wanted to mention, I'd like to have Donna and Vicki as well for the upcoming tapings in Hamburg on the 29th for that new syndicated show of ours, All-Star Wrestling, that'll be replacing Heavyweight Wrestling in a few weeks - I want to book them against Toni Rose and Patti Neilson for that night."

"Sure, not a problem," Moolah said.  "I'll jot that down in my notebook to remind me - hey, and I also heard y'all have a TV taping coming up the day before that for Philadelphia, right?"

"I do," Vince confirmed.

"In that case, I got Jan and Joyce available to use for that night if y'all wanna use 'em," Moolah pointed out, referring to Jan Sheridan and Joyce Grable.

"Yeah, well, about that..." Vince then said before trailing off.  "I wanted to talk to you about them, actually."

"Okay, what about?" Moolah said.

"I talked with Jan and Joyce about a week ago," Vince explained, "and they said they wanted to expand their horizons wrestling-wise, to 'stretch their wings', so to speak."

"Well, I could do that for 'em easily by booking 'em out for more dates to other promoters," Moolah said.  "So what's your point?"

"My point is, I told them there was a way they could do that," Vince said, "so I made a phone call to Mildred Burke..."

"You...did...what?!" Moolah then said tersely, both shocked and displeased at what she had heard.

"I booked Jan and Joyce for an excursion to Los Angeles for Burke," Vince said, "to give them more experience against a wider variety of opponents."

"You can't do that, Vince!" Moolah told him point-blank.  "I'll cancel that 'excursion' you sent 'em on by booking 'em elsewhere!"

"Too late, Lillian," Vince said.  "Jan and Joyce already left for L.A. a few days ago.  They got booked to start with Burke this week and they'll be there through a couple of TV tapings over there into late this month."

"I don't believe this," an incredulous Moolah said as she briefly paced the floor.  "How could y'all do this to me, Vince?  You know full well that Jan and Joyce are my girls and that I do the booking for them - what gives you the right to undermine me by sending my girls out to a rival promoter, especially knowin' that that rival promoter is Mildred Burke, and y'all know how I feel 'bout her and her girls - especially that Martel girl!"

"Look, Lillian, I did this because Burke's an NWA member, just like I am now and have been since the convention last month where I rejoined the Alliance," Vince pointed out.  "I did it to help her out a little and to help Jan and Joyce get some training in different styles of wrestling as well, to elevate their game."

"That only makes it worse!" Moolah then snapped.  "By them trainin' under Burke, that's gonna make them..." she added before pausing and hestiating.

"Go ahead, say it - it'll make them into better wrestlers than you and turn them into legitimate threats against you and your spot on top of women's wrestling, right?" Vince said, deadpanning.  "Like Renée Martel, like Michèle Richard, Joan Weston, Penny Banner, Ann Casey, Judy Arnold, Ann Calvello - should I go on?"

Moolah let out a frustrated groan over what she was hearing.  "How can this possibly get worse than that now?" she grumbled out loud.

"Well, if you thought that bit of news you got was bad, listen to this," Vince then said.  "Remember when I was contemplating talking to Burke about getting her TV show to air as a companion show for our TV in our markets out here in the Northeast, and you talked me out of it, even though there was growing demand for her show from the fans out here to station managers that I talked to?"

"What about it?" Moolah said curtly, both knowing and worrying what she would hear next.

"I decided not to fight it anymore and I gave the green light to the stations airing our TV in New York, Boston, Hartford, Philadelphia, Baltimore and DC to add Burke's show to their schedules," Vince announced.  "They start carrying her show later this month - and even Pittsburgh will be adding it as a companion show for Studio Wrestling at the station it's on over there** thanks to Bruno Sammartino's clout."

Moolah was utterly dumbfounded by what she had heard regarding the stations carrying Vince's WWWF TV picking up AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling to run alongside his own shows, fearing that by being exposed to Mildred's product, the fans in the Northeast who had, up until that point, only been familiar with women's wrestling through Moolah would view the AGWA and its stars in a more favorable light and support them over Moolah and her girls and view the AGWA as the superior product over Moolah's style of women's wrestling, and would then begin demanding to see the AGWA stars in person in WWWF rings instead of Moolah and her girls.  "Sorry, Lillian," Vince said with a shrug of his shoulders, "but the fans won out and they got what they asked for.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go see Pedro and Bob*** about their main event match later on tonight," he finished, referring to Pedro Morales and Gorilla Monsoon, before leaving to head down the hallway.

After Vince left, Moolah was simply seething over the pieces of news she got (both tied to her trainer and former mentor Mildred), the news she had least wanted to hear at that point, as she turned to head back to her personal dressing room.  Later that evening, although she and Paula would still win their match against Donna and Vicki as booked, having those bits of news on her mind preoccupied her and ended up affecting her performance in the ring, which did not escape the fans' notice as they razzed her even more than they usually did when she appeared in the ring or on TV for interviews.  Dissatisfied with her performance that night, Moolah contemplated what her next move would be in the wake of what she had learned from Vince...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* AKA Moose Morowski/Stan Mykietovich.

** The station in question carrying Studio Wrestling was Pittsburgh NBC affiliate WIIC-TV (now WPXI).

*** Bob Marella, the real name of Gorilla Monsoon.


Edited by Old School Fan
Fixed size of Vince McMahon Sr. image
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12 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

Meanwhile, across the country on the night before the AGWA Fresno card (and incidentally, this marks my 100th behind-the-scenes post in this diary)...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


At a WWWF event in Asbury Park, New Jersey, Vince McMahon Sr. was going over the night's card list on his clipboard near the staging area leading to the aisle to the ring, marking off the result of the night's first match, a time-limit draw between Karl Gotch and Mike Monroe*, when Fabulous Moolah came along and went up beside him.  "So, Lillian, all set to go in a few minutes?" Vince asked as he noticed Moolah.

"Like I always am, Vince," Moolah said with a grin.

"Good, are Paula, Donna and Vicki ready too?" Vince said, speaking of Paula Kaye, Moolah's partner for an upcoming tag team match, and Donna Christanello and Vicki WIlliams, their opponents that night.

"Well, I sure hope they all are," Moolah quipped.  "Otherwise all that time spent practicin' would be all for nothin'."

"Good, I hope so too," Vince said, "especially after that little misadventure I'd heard Paula had with Kitty Adams against Renée Martel up in the Montreal territory last month, after I got told about it in that letter I got from Johnny Rougeau - I just hope Paula learned her lesson after she got dealt with up there for it."

"Well, Paula wasn't happy 'bout it for awhile after she came back to Columbia," Moolah pointed out regarding the retaliatory "potatoing" Paula got from Michèle Richard in Sherbrooke not long after the Moolah-orchestrated incident against Renée at the Montreal Forum supercard, "but it's water under the bridge now."

"Alright, because the last thing I need is to be getting a phone call from Sam Muchnick regarding that," Vince said.  "Oh, and I wanted to mention, I'd like to have Donna and Vicki as well for the upcoming tapings in Hamburg on the 29th for that new syndicated show of ours, All-Star Wrestling, that'll be replacing Heavyweight Wrestling in a few weeks - I want to book them against Toni Rose and Patti Neilson for that night."

"Sure, not a problem," Moolah said.  "I'll jot that down in my notebook to remind me - hey, and I also heard y'all have a TV taping coming up the day before that for Philadelphia, right?"

"I do," Vince confirmed.

"In that case, I got Jan and Joyce available to use for that night if y'all wanna use 'em," Moolah pointed out, referring to Jan Sheridan and Joyce Grable.

"Yeah, well, about that..." Vince then said before trailing off.  "I wanted to talk to you about them, actually."

"Okay, what about?" Moolah said.

"I talked with Jan and Joyce about a week ago," Vince explained, "and they said they wanted to expand their horizons wrestling-wise, to 'stretch their wings', so to speak."

"Well, I could do that for 'em easily by booking 'em out for more dates to other promoters," Moolah said.  "So what's your point?"

"My point is, I told them there was a way they could do that," Vince said, "so I made a phone call to Mildred Burke..."

"You...did...what?!" Moolah then said tersely, both shocked and displeased at what she had heard.

"I booked Jan and Joyce for an excursion to Los Angeles for Burke," Vince said, "to give them more experience against a wider variety of opponents."

"You can't do that, Vince!" Moolah told him point-blank.  "I'll cancel that 'excursion' you sent 'em on by booking 'em elsewhere!"

"Too late, Lillian," Vince said.  "Jan and Joyce already left for L.A. a few days ago.  They got booked to start with Burke this week and they'll be there through a couple of TV tapings over there into late this month."

"I don't believe this," an incredulous Moolah said as she briefly paced the floor.  "How could y'all do this to me, Vince?  You know full well that Jan and Joyce are my girls and that I do the booking for them - what gives you the right to undermine me by sending my girls out to a rival promoter, especially knowin' that that rival promoter is Mildred Burke, and y'all know how I feel 'bout her and her girls - especially that Martel girl!"

"Look, Lillian, I did this because Burke's an NWA member, just like I am now and have been since the convention last month where I rejoined the Alliance," Vince pointed out.  "I did it to help her out a little and to help Jan and Joyce get some training in different styles of wrestling as well, to elevate their game."

"That only makes it worse!" Moolah then snapped.  "By them trainin' under Burke, that's gonna make them..." she added before pausing and hestiating.

"Go ahead, say it - it'll make them into better wrestlers than you and turn them into legitimate threats against you and your spot on top of women's wrestling, right?" Vince said, deadpanning.  "Like Renée Martel, like Michèle Richard, Joan Weston, Penny Banner, Ann Casey, Judy Arnold, Ann Calvello - should I go on?"

Moolah let out a frustrated groan over what she was hearing.  "How can this possibly get worse than that now?" she grumbled out loud.

"Well, if you thought that bit of news you got was bad, listen to this," Vince then said.  "Remember when I was contemplating talking to Burke about getting her TV show to air as a companion show for our TV in our markets out here in the Northeast, and you talked me out of it, even though there was growing demand for her show from the fans out here to station managers that I talked to?"

"What about it?" Moolah said curtly, both knowing and worrying what she would hear next.

"I decided not to fight it anymore and I gave the green light to the stations airing our TV in New York, Boston, Hartford, Philadelphia, Baltimore and DC to add Burke's show to their schedules," Vince announced.  "They start carrying her show later this month - and even Pittsburgh will be adding it as a companion show for Studio Wrestling at the station it's on over there** thanks to Bruno Sammartino's clout."

Moolah was utterly dumbfounded by what she had heard regarding the stations carrying Vince's WWWF TV picking up AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling to run alongside his own shows, fearing that by being exposed to Mildred's product, the fans in the Northeast who had, up until that point, only been familiar with women's wrestling through Moolah would view the AGWA and its stars in a more favorable light and support them over Moolah and her girls and view the AGWA as the superior product over Moolah's style of women's wrestling, and would then begin demanding to see the AGWA stars in person in WWWF rings instead of Moolah and her girls.  "Sorry, Lillian," Vince said with a shrug of his shoulders, "but the fans won out and they got what they asked for.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go see Pedro and Bob*** about their main event match later on tonight," he finished, referring to Pedro Morales and Gorilla Monsoon, before leaving to head down the hallway.

After Vince left, Moolah was simply seething over the pieces of news she got (both tied to her trainer and former mentor Mildred), the news she had least wanted to hear at that point, as she turned to head back to her personal dressing room.  Later that evening, although she and Paula would still win their match against Donna and Vicki as booked, having those bits of news on her mind preoccupied her and ended up affecting her performance in the ring, which did not escape the fans' notice as they razzed her even more than they usually did when she appeared in the ring or on TV for interviews.  Dissatisfied with her performance that night, Moolah contemplated what her next move would be in the wake of what she had learned from Vince...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* AKA Moose Morowski/Stan Mykietovich.

** The station in question carrying Studio Wrestling was Pittsburgh NBC affiliate WIIC-TV (now WPXI).

*** Bob Marella, the real name of Gorilla Monsoon.


Good to see Vince pull the rug out from under that super-b*tch Moolah.

Ever notice how many wrestling shows back in the day were title Big Tim Wrestling, All-Star Wrestling, Championship Wrestling?

One thing about then, promoters sure weren't creative when it came to naming their shows,

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8 hours ago, Captain Kremmen said:

Ever notice how many wrestling shows back in the day were title Big Tim Wrestling, All-Star Wrestling, Championship Wrestling?

One thing about then, promoters sure weren't creative when it came to naming their shows

Yep, pretty much the norm back in the territory days...  😏

8 hours ago, Captain Kremmen said:

Good to see Vince pull the rug out from under that super-b*tch Moolah.

And speaking of which, we'll see exactly what Moolah didn't want Jan and Joyce getting up to in an upcoming post...  🤔

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American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Denver Coliseum
September 7, 1971 - Denver, Colorado
Attendance - 10,120



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Evelyn Stevens used a running knee smash to put Colleen Murrell down for the pinfall win.

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Joyce Grable & Jan Sheridan made their AGWA debuts as they defeated Irma Acevedo & Panama Franco when Sheridan used a cross-bodyblock to pin Franco.

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Patty Stevens (with "The Queen" Mae Young) made short work of Cuddles Anderson* with a powerslam for the pinfall win.

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Joan Weston, making her AGWA return, put away Peggy Allen with a shoulderbreaker for the pinfall victory.

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In a non-title match, Tonette Kadrmas defeated AGWA Shooting Star Champion Barbara Jacobs (with Mae Young) by pinfall with a belly-to-belly suplex.

NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Vicki Steppe by disqualification in the third fall when Steppe reversed an Irish whip to the ropes by Lepage and whipped Claire into the referee.

NWA North American Women's Championship

Jan Vallow (who became the designated hometown heroine for this match in her native Denver) did battle with Michèle Richard (C) (with Mae Young) in the main event.  Vallow began dominating moments after the opening bell, using a series of clotheslines and closed-fist punches to stagger the North American champ.  Richard was nearly pinned following two reverse atomic drops and a massive bodyslam.  Vallow continued to devastate Richard with a vicious assault as Young looked on in disbelief and the Denver Coliseum crowd roared its approval, but Richard gained the advantage with an eyerake and got a near-fall after a clothesline and an elbow drop.  Richard continued to rock the challenger with some closed-fist punches of her own, then tried to wear down Vallow with a reverse chinlock, but Vallow, energized by the chanting hometown fans, powered out and regained the advantage.  Richard blocked Vallow's bodyslam attempt by rolling into a small package, but Vallow broke out of the pin attempt, came back and set up the champion for a successful bodyslam.  But before she could follow up by executing a legdrop off the ropes, Richard rolled out of the ring.  Vallow followed Richard out and they started brawling around ringside.  When Young attempted to interfere, Vallow chased her into the ring, unwittingly beating the 20-count and winning by countout (though Richard would retain her title due to NWA rules forbidding titles to change hands on countouts).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* IRL, Cuddles Anderson (real name Marilu Walker) was a female midget wrestler; since midget wrestling never existed in this diary, Anderson has been made into a normal-sized wrestler ITTL, standing a full foot taller than her billed real-life height of 4'6".


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American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Colorado State Auditorium-Gymnasium*
September 8, 1971 - Fort Collins, Colorado
Attendance - 8,650



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Cuddles Anderson defeated Evelyn Stevens by pinfall following an airplane spin.

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Beverly "The Hammer" Shade & Vicki Steppe defeated Joyce Grable & Jan Sheridan when Shade took Grable down for the pinfall following a top-rope axhandle.

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Jan Vallow got the pinfall over Irma Acevedo with a bodyslam and legdrop.

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Renée Martel conquered Panama Franco by forcing Franco's submission with the Alligator Clutch.

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In a non-title match, Claire Lepage defeated AGWA Shooting Star Champion Barbara Jacobs (with "The Queen" Mae Young) by pinfall with a flying bodypress off the middle turnbuckle.

NWA North American Women's Championship

Michèle Richard (C) (with Mae Young) fought to a double-countout with former North American titleholder Joan Weston.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* The Colorado State Auditorium-Gymnasium, the main indoor sports venue at Colorado State University in Fort Collins since that arena's opening in 1966, has been known as the Moby Arena since the late 1980s (though it still retains the Auditorium-Gymnasium as its official name).


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Posted (edited)


AGWA TV taping @ Anaheim Convention Center Arena
September 14, 1971 - Anaheim, California
Attendance - 7,835


 Aired the weekend of September 18, 1971 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

Dark match

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Evelyn Stevens defeated Carmen Thompson by pinfall following a running knee smash.

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Cuddles Anderson defeated Yolanda Ruiz by pinfall following an airplane spin.

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Joyce Grable & Jan Sheridan made their AGWA TV debuts as they defeated Jen Scott & Addie Trent when Grable pinned Trent following a clothesline.

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Paula Steele (with "The Queen" Mae Young) used a full-Nelson on Terri Grayson to get the submission win.  At Young's urging post-match, Steele kept the full-Nelson on Grayson and refused to let it go, but when the referee threatened to reverse the decision and disqualify Steele unless she let go by the count of five, the powerhouse rulebreaker eventually let go at the count of four and dropped Grayson to the mat, after which Young raised her client's arm in victory to the fans' boos.

California Women's Championship

Vivian Vachon, in the wake of her non-title win over Jane O'Brien (C) two weeks earlier, challenged her for her California title and emerged triumphant as she defeated O'Brien to win the title in a hard-fought match after pinning O'Brien following an overhead suplex.

AGWA Television Championship

Vicki Steppe defeated Joyce Becker (C) to win the title in the TV main event when Steppe, taking advantage of a referee distraction when her cohort Beverly Shade showed up at ringside to argue with the ref, knocked Becker out with a foreign object obtained from one of her boots to obtain the ill-earned pinfall.

 Aired the weekend of September 25, 1971 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

Dark match

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Patti Cavin* defeated Texas Red in a one-sided squash when Cavin hit Red with an avalanche in the corner before getting the pin.

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Ella Waldek defeated Samantha Sheridan by pinfall following a dropkick.

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Marie Laverne (in her first AGWA appearance) used a bulldog to pin and defeat Casey Andrews.

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Tanya West got the pinfall win over Lois Decker* following a backbreaker.

AGWA Shooting Star Championship

Barbara Jacobs (C) (with Mae Young) battled Tonette Kadrmas to a no-contest when the referee lost control of the match and was forced to disqualify both girls for excessive brawling.

NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Renée Martel & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Michèle Richard & Patty Stevens (with Mae Young), two falls to one, in the TV main event (joined in progress during the second fall) when Richard and Stevens were disqualified in the third fall as Paula Steele ran in and attacked Martel as she had Richard tied up with the Alligator Clutch.  Post-match, Steele, Stevens and Richard (who quickly recovered from Martel's submission hold thanks to Steele's early intervention) continued their three-on-two gangup on Martel and Lepage until Vivian Vachon, Joyce Becker, Cuddles Anderson and Marie Laverne ran in for the save and chased out the Queen's Court.

Post-taping dark match
NWA United States Women's Championship

Judy Arnold (C) defeated Beverly "The Hammer" Shade by submission with a stepover toehold.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Roller derby skater IRL.


Edited by Old School Fan
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Very interesting that Moolah is feeling what every promoter felt by the mid-1980s. She's going to get steamrolled into irrelevancy. Couldn't happen to a bigger awful pos. "Whatcha gonna do when the poutine runs wild on you, Moolah!" :p The NWA should make Renee the new champ after Moolah refuses to drop it to her in a match to be booked in Montreal or NYC later. You think Memphis went bonkers when Lawler finally won the AWA World Title. It'll pale in comparison when Renee wins that NWA Women's title in Montreal.

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At a Denny's restaurant in Anaheim not long after the end of the night's AGWA TV tapings, Renée Martel and Claire Lepage were enjoying a late dinner while talking about the night's events with Joyce Grable and Jan Sheridan, who had joined them for dinner as their guests.  "So after spending your first week out here, how're you two enjoying California so far?" Renée asked Jan and Joyce while the girls awaited their dinner orders (three of which were Denny's burger combos, ordered by Renée, Claire and Jan, while Joyce ordered fried chicken).

"It's all been good so far," Jan answered with a grin.  "Joyce and I had a great time over at Disneyland yesterday when we got here after our trip through Colorado and New Mexico."

"I'd always wanted to visit Disneyland ever since seein' it sometimes while watchin' Walt Disney on TV while I was growin' up," Joyce joined in.  "This trip out here to wrestle's the first time I've ever had the chance to visit Disneyland."

"But judgin' on the reaction by some of the park visitors to you and Claire, I think it's safe to say you two aren't strangers to Disneyland," Jan then quipped to Renée, referring to moments when a number of Disneyland visitors, who recognized Renée and Claire from seeing them on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling, approached them for autographs and to take pictures with them during the girls' visit to the theme park.

"And you'd be right," Renée admitted with her own grin, "but visiting there was easier to do back when Claire and I first came here as unknowns back in '67, like you'd be with the fans here now."

"And once you start getting seen on TV out here," Claire then added, "you won't be so unknown anymore after that.  The TV exposure from appearing on Mildred's show is a real career boost for any girl who gets on."

"That's great," Joyce then said, "but I worry what Moolah's gonna think when she sees us appearing on Mrs. Burke's TV show.  Before we came this way, Jan and I heard from Vince McMahon that he'd contacted Mrs. Burke about getting her show to air back East alongside the WWWF's own TV."

"Yep, Mildred was happy to hear that news when she got it," Renée said.  "But why worry about that?  Moolah sent you out here, didn't she?"

"Nope, Moolah had nothin' to do with sendin' us out here," Jan said.  "It was McMahon who booked us himself to send us here, Moolah had no part in it - he even knew Moolah would object 'cause she's been steadfast about refusin' to allow any of her girls to go wrestle in the AGWA."

"And Moolah has ways of dealin' with those of her girls who defy her or get her mad," Joyce added.  "She ain't nobody that you'd want to cross."

"Believe me, I know it all too well - and I've never been a Moolah girl myself," Renée said.  "She also goes out of her way to sabotage anyone who's not part of her camp who she think's a threat to her and her spot in women's wrestling."

"You mean, you've had it happen to you?" Jan asked, at which Renée nodded.

"It's not really something Renée likes to talk about other than with those she knows," Claire explained, "but she's had some bad experiences dealing with Moolah, either directly or indirectly."

"Such as?" Joyce then asked, at which Claire then told her and Jan about when Moolah tried to break Renée's nose with a palm strike during their match for Moolah's NWA World Women's title back in 1969, along with the more recent incident where Paula Kaye and Kitty Adams hospitalized Renée with their vicious shoot attack on her.  "There were other incidents against Renée that we found out Moolah had a hand in - just ask Mildred and Joyce Becker about them, they'll verify them for you," Claire added.

"Well... I think I gotta confess something then," a sheepish-looking Joyce then spoke up.  "One time during a trainin' session with Paula and Kitty back at Moolah's compound after they got back from Quebec, Paula got to talkin' about that incident they were involved in against Renée up in Montreal - and she was actually braggin' about it, almost like it was somethin' for her to be proud of.  I asked her how she could be proud of sendin' an opponent to the hospital like she did and we had an argument over it before Moolah stepped in and broke it up.  I asked Moolah about it after that and she told me to drop the subject."

"So, you suspected Moolah knew about what happened, at the very least?" Renée then wondered.

"That's what I thought," Joyce said, "and I would've liked to dig more into it, but I didn't want to push the issue with Moolah and risk her givin' me hell over it after how she reacted to my question."

"Ah, incroyable," a stunned Renée muttered in French as she shook her head in disbelief.

"Well, just for the record, I think Moolah comes off as kind of a jerk myself, and that's just from my dealings with her," Jan said.  "We just do what she tells us, but that don't mean we all agree with what she does or says.  Some of Moolah's girls have the same kind of attitude Paula and Kitty do, like Toni Rose and Dottie Downs or that new kid, Ashley Sinclair, who used to wrestle here before she went to join Moolah - but not all of us do because we don't buy into Moolah's BS or brainwashin'."

"I know what you mean," Renée said.  "I first worked with Joyce Becker back when we toured the Canadian Maritimes in 1965, back when she was the original Joyce Grable.  She told me she was a Moolah girl then - and this was before Moolah first tried to get me to join her camp by going through Vince McMahon, but Joyce and I got to be friends during the tour, then we reconnected after she quit Moolah to join the AGWA in 1968 and we've been friends since.  I also got along with Donna Christanello when we teamed up in Vancouver back in 1967."

"That's good," Joyce said.  "That shows that not all of us are like Paula Kaye or Kitty Adams, or even like Moolah herself.  They might buy what Moolah's been sayin' about you, but we don't - especially not after hangin' out with you these last few days."  On hearing what Joyce said, Renée smiled, realizing that she had gained two more allies in Joyce and Jan.

"Hey, I think that's our dinners coming," Claire said next as she pointed out one of the Denny's waitresses, who was coming toward the girls' booth with their dinner orders.  After thanking the waitress, Renée, Claire, Joyce and Jan started into their meals.

"Anyway, enough about Moolah tonight," Jan said as she picked up a french fry on her plate after smothering the fries with ketchup.  "Let's talk about happier stuff."

"I agree," Renée said.  "Getting together for dinner's supposed to be a good time, so let's do that."

"So what's ahead for you two after your latest tour of duty for Mrs. Burke?" Joyce then asked Renée and Claire after she swallowed a bite from a chicken drumstick.

"Well, Mildred brought us down to tour with her at the end of last month because she had some plans for us, as she told us when we first arrived," Claire said after swallowing a bite from her cheeseburger.

"Cool," Jan said.  "What kind of plans?"

"When we first got here," Renée said while taking a forkful of lettuce from the side salad that came with her burger plate, "Mildred asked us if we had our passports updated*..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* On the basis of what Renée just said, you can guess what's coming next for her and Claire...  😏 ⛩️

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As promised in the previous BTS post, Renée Martel makes her return to Japan for another tour with All Japan Women, and she's bringing two of her friends and a couple of other AGWA colleagues with her this time around:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


All Japan Women's Pro Wrestling @ Yashio*
September 25, 1971 - Yashio, Japan
Attendance - 2,250



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Paula Steele & Patty Stevens defeated Miyoko Hoshino & Hiroko Onishi when Steele powerslammed and pinned Onishi.

NWA World Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Renée Martel** & Claire Lepage (C) defeated Maxie Murata & Jumbo Miyamoto, two falls to one.

  • First fall - Miyamoto pinned Lepage following an overhead suplex.
  • Second fall - Lepage pinned Murata with a flying bodypress.
  • Third fall - Martel forced Miyamoto to submit to the Alligator Clutch.

WWWA World Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Aiko Kyo (C) battled Michèle Richard to a draw.

  • First fall - Kyo pinned Richard following a top-rope dropkick.
  • Second fall - Richard pinned Kyo following a spinebuster slam.
  • Third fall - Kyo and Richard were both counted out while fighting outside the ring.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* The venue in Yashio where an AJW card was held on this date IRL was not documented.

** As with her previous AJW tour, Renée chose to not wrestle as a heel, but maintained her "tweener" status in Japan by sticking to her scientific style, which Claire chose to follow by also wrestling a clean, yet rugged, style (in effect, defying the foreign heel stereotypes seen in other touring North American wrestlers by acting polite and respectful when coming to the ring and being introduced by the AJW ring announcers); on the other hand, Michèle chose to embrace her heel status, as did Paula Steele and Patty Stevens.


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