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While I'm putting the finishing touches on the final night of the Mildred Burke Tournament, here's some YouTube footage of "Golden Greek" John Tolos from later in his career in Vancouver's All-Star Wrestling:

Al "Master Sergeant" Tomko vs. John Tolos (from All-Star Wrestling, July 1982 - also includes Tomko confronted by Klondike Mike, AKA Mike Shaw/Makhan Singh/Norman the Lunatic/Trucker Norman/Bastion Booger)

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Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament IV - Night Four @ The Forum
May 26, 1970 - Inglewood, California
Attendance - 18,065


Aired the weekend of May 30, 1970 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

Six-woman elimination match

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Julie Payne & Claire Lepage teamed with All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling star Jumbo Miyamoto (making her American debut here) to defeat the Queen's Court trio of Shirley Hardman, Michèle Richard & Baby Rocco (with "The Queen" Mae Young).

⦁    First fall - Hardman eliminated Lepage via pinfall with a fisherman suplex.
⦁    Second fall - Payne and Rocco were both eliminated due to a double-countout while both wrestlers brawled around ringside.
⦁    Third fall - Richard was disqualified for slugging the referee as he tried to stop her from choking Miyamoto on the ropes.
⦁    Fourth fall - When the referee was knocked out of the ring after Miyamoto was whipped into him by Hardman, Young took advantage of the situation by going into the ring and helped Hardman double-team on the Japanese star for a few moments before Young grabbed Miyamoto from behind and held onto her to allow Hardman to rebound off the ropes for a clothesline attempt - but Miyamoto broke free from Young's grip and Hardman ended up clotheslining Young and knocking her out of the ring instead as the fans cheered.  Miyamoto then executed a Biel throw on Hardman and followed it up with a running knee drop off the ropes, then went for the pin as the referee finally returned to the ring and made the three-count, making Miyamoto the final survivor and giving her team the win.

Following the match, Young returned to the ring and began berating Hardman for the botched clothesline that ended up hitting Young instead of Miyamoto as manager and client began arguing; a moment later, Young slapped Hardman in the face, stunning Hardman for a moment before she retaliated and began attacking Young, which brought Rocco and Richard back, along with Georgia Hase and Diane Syverson, as the four Queen's Court members ran in and all attacked Hardman and beat her down to the mat, then Hase and Richard picked a battered Hardman back up and held her up as Young began paintbrush-slapping her while reading her the riot act, then officially fired Hardman from the Queen's Court before delivering one final punch to knock her now-ex-client down to the mat before Young and her other clients walked out of the ring and returned to the locker room area to the fans' boos, leaving a half-out-of-it Hardman in the ring in a crumpled heap.

Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament, East Division - Semifinals

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Tonette Kadrmas took on Ann Casey in the first semifinal match in the final night of the tournament.   Throughout the match, Casey wrestled cleanly while Kadrmas wrestled dirty as she evaded Casey for the first few minutes.  Casey eventually took the upperhand over Kadrmas with her power and scientific maneuvers - but Ashley Sinclair, sensing defeat for the Dynasty leader, ran out to the ring and attacked Casey while the referee's back was turned, setting up the ill-gotten victory for Kadrmas as she took Casey down with an overhead suplex for the three-count, moving her on to face the winner of Sinclair vs. Renée Martel in the other semifinal bout.

AGWA Interstate Tag Team Championship

Sally Vega & Lita Marez (C) put their recently-won belts on the line in a hard-fought match against two-time former champions The Sisters of Love (who did not have Tonette Kadrmas in their corner that night, as she was resting up for the other tournament semifinal later) in a rematch from last week.  Without Kadrmas in the Sisters' corner, the new champions proved too much for the hippie girls from the opening bell.  Blending experience, skill, and determination, Vega and Marez battered the challengers.  Even rulebreaking by the Sisters could not get them the win that night; by the end, Marez trapped Sister Serenity in the Boston crab for the submission win to retain the belts for herself and Vega.

Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament, West Division - Semifinals

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Renée Martel sought revenge for her controversial loss to Ashley Sinclair (with Tonette Kadrmas) in their six-woman elimination match two weeks earlier as the two rivals did battle in the other tournament semifinal.  Crowd favorite Martel seized control from the beginning with her scientific repertoire, prompting repeated interference by Kadrmas to allow Sinclair to get the upper hand with her dirty tactics and showboating.  That proved a minor problem for Martel to overcome as she soon got fed up with the Dynasty's rulebreaking and chased both Sinclair and Kadrmas around the ring before the referee ejected Kadrmas from the match and ordered her back to the locker room area.  Overcoming Sinclair's cheating and dodging and with Kadrmas gone, Martel eventually caught Sinclair in the Alligator Clutch for the submission win, avenging the previous loss, ending the Dynasty's hopes for an all-Dynasty tournament final and sending Martel to the final to face Kadrmas.  In a post-match interview with Dick Lane, Martel expressed satisfaction over getting her revenge against Sinclair for the events of the six-woman elimination match, but added that she now has her sights set on Kadrmas, the mastermind behind the events that led to Sinclair's dirty win two weeks ago, as they would now face off in the final for the WWWA World title.

Aired the weekend of June 6, 1970 on AGWA Women's Pro Wrestling:

NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara defeated Georgia Hase & Michèle Richard (C) (with Mae Young; Richard wrestling a second time that night as she subbed for co-champion Judy Sowinski due to injury*) to win the title, two falls to one (with the match joined in progress during the third fall due to time constraints).

⦁    First fall - Richard pinned O'Hara following a spinebuster slam.
⦁    Second fall - Sherill pinned Hase following a double-kick to the stomach by Sherill and O'Hara.
⦁    Third fall - O'Hara avenged the earlier pin against her when she flattened Richard with a flying clothesline to get the winning pin while Sherill ran in to keep Hase from interfering with the pin attempt.

NWA United States Women's Championship

Judy Arnold (C) has had some classic matches with members of Mae Young's Queen's Court stable since the AGWA's establishment and she added one more chapter to that long-running rivalry as she did battle with Queen's Court member Diane Syverson.  Syverson, with the benefit of having Young in her corner, got the best of Arnold in the match’s first few minutes, but every rulebreaking tactic she tried didn’t seem to do much damage to Arnold.   When the popular United States Champion got angry, Syverson paid the price.  Twice, she executed arm drags on Syverson and slammed her to the canvas.  Syverson was in considerable pain as she slid out of the ring and began arguing with ringside fans.  When she went back in the ring, she caught Arnold off-guard with rulebreaking tactics.  Her punches and kicks started to take their toll and she managed to get Arnold in an abdominal stretch, holding the ropes for illegal extra leverage.  After Arnold escaped the hold when the referee eventually caught Syverson using the ropes, Young got involved.  Arnold saw her in the ring and executed an atomic kneedrop on the veteran manager, sending her back out to ringside, where former Queen's Court member Shirley Hardman, seeking revenge for her unceremonious firing from the stable earlier, showed up and attacked Young.  With Syverson distracted by the goings-on at ringside, Arnold took advantage and pinned her with a backslide to retain her title to the delight of the fans - made all the more significant when Hardman went into the ring post-match and raised Arnold's arm in victory, signaling a babyface turn for Hardman.

AWA World Women's Championship

Joan Weston took on titleholder Betty Niccoli in what had been intended to be the semi-main event (joined in progress for time).  The match began scientifically as both women sized each other up quickly and they began exchanging holds and counter holds in a classic display of wrestling.  But when Weston began getting the better of things, Niccoli resorted to her all-too-familiar style of roughhousing.  Niccoli was downright vicious as she fouled Weston at every opportunity until the challenger had enough and began battling back.  Finally, with the champion realizing she was in big trouble, Niccoli pulled a desperation move as she kneed Weston in the abdomen to knock the wind out of her sails, then threw her over the top rope and sent her crashing to the ringside floor, leading to a disqualification against Niccoli for the illegal move (though she would retain her title regardless).  Niccoli continued her brutal onslaught post-match as she grabbed Weston by the hair, scooped her up and then bodyslammed her on the floor, then grabbed her again and suplexed her to the floor before going back into the ring to gloat as the fans booed, claiming a moral victory even though she had lost the match due to her foul tactics.

NWA North American Women's Championship

As Weston struggled to get up from the arena floor after the bodyslam and suplex by Niccoli, an opportunistic Ashley Sinclair ran out to ringside, grabbed Weston and threw her into the ring, then rolled into the ring, got up and took off the AGWA Shooting Star Championship belt she had around her waist, then got the referee's attention and told him that she was cashing in her title for a shot at Weston's North American Women's title, pointing out that under AGWA rules, she could do so at any time during the calendar year as she pointed at the downed Weston.  Sinclair then cast her Shooting Star title belt aside as the referee, left with no choice, ordered the bell rung to start the match as Sinclair ran at the ropes, then launched off the middle rope and landed an elbow drop on Weston's chest, then quickly hooked one of Weston's legs for the pin as the referee went to make the three-count.  Having scored the pinfall, a triumphant Sinclair got up, went out to the timekeeper's table at ringside and snatched up the North American belt, then went back in the ring and began obnoxiously celebrating as she paraded the belt before the booing fans.

In a post-match interview in the ring, Dick Lane questioned Sinclair on her win, stating that she had taken advantage of Weston being worn down by her previous match and that she had only done this to try to save face to make up for losing to Renée Martel in the tournament semifinals earlier and to steal Martel's thunder for that reason, which Sinclair scoffed at as she boastfully proclaimed, while the fans continued booing and jeering her, that no one deserved more to hold the North American Women's title than she did and that she had pulled off a career highlight by ending the five-year reign** of Weston after cashing in her Shooting Star title for the opportunity.  As Sinclair continued to gloat while soaking in the adulation, however, the fan boos suddenly turned into loud cheers when...


In an unexpected appearance, Ann Calvello made her way to the scene by cutting through the crowd and rolling into the ring to confront Sinclair, who was less than pleased by Calvello's sudden appearance and told the veteran grappler to get out of the ring.  Calvello, making her first AGWA appearance in months, did not heed Sinclair's demand but instead kicked the new North American champion in the stomach to double her over, then threw Sinclair with a double-underhook suplex, then followed up by grabbing her up off the mat, whipping her to the ropes and letting her have it with a leg lariat to send her down again, then Calvello picked Sinclair back up again, hoisted her onto her shoulders and dropped her back to the mat with a fireman's carry slam as the crowd cheered wildly over the path of destruction Calvello was carving on the arrogant Sinclair, who only got saved moments later when Sinclair's Dynasty teammates Tonette Kadrmas and the Sisters of Love ran out to ringside and pulled Sinclair out to help her back to the locker room area, all the while making threats toward Calvello, who did not look the least bit fazed as she picked up Sinclair's ill-gotten North American title belt, held it up and pointed at it while taunting Sinclair and the rest of the Dynasty.

Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament - Final

Renée Martel got a huge ovation from the near-capacity crowd at the Forum as she came out for the main event, the final of the Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament.  But she knew there would be no time for her to take in those cheers, as she had to focus on her opponent in the tournament final that night, Tonette Kadrmas - who Martel knew could not only cause trouble for her in the ring, but also had her Dynasty ready and waiting in the back to go into action on their leader's behalf at a moment's notice.

Kadrmas was the first to come to the ring, accompanied by the strains of the Rolling Stones' "She's a Rainbow"*** playing over the Forum's sound system as she strolled out, sneered at the fans and turned her nose up at them while they booed.  The pro-Martel crowd greeted Renée with enthusiastic cheers next as she made her way to the ring to the sounds of the Grass Roots' "I'd Wait a Million Years".  Kadrmas rushed at Martel and attacked her as she stepped through the ropes, kicking off the match, but Martel quickly turned the tables as she got the better of Kadrmas in the early going.  A few minutes in, Kadrmas attempted to put away Martel with an overhead suplex, but the Canadian star stalled her heel opponent's momentum with the move and reversed it into a snap suplex of her own on Kadrmas.  Martel kept coming at Kadrmas and kept her grounded with fast-paced technical moves and holds, which seemed to frustrate Kadrmas.  After escaping a headlock by Martel on the mat and retreating to ringside, Kadrmas grabbed a folding chair and tried to bring it into the ring, but was prevented when the referee threatened her with disqualification.

As Martel approached, Kadrmas reached out and scratched at her opponent's eyes with an eye rake, then she threw Martel through the ropes to the ringside floor and took the action there, where Kadrmas nailed Martel with a clothesline, then picked her up and whipped her into the front row of fans.  Kadrmas returned to the ring and tried to prevent Martel from re-entering, but was told by the ref to back off and allow Renée to get back in; Kadrmas responded by rushing at Martel again and letting her have it with forearm smashes across the upper back, then attempted to whip her to the ropes, but Renée reversed the whip and caught Kadrmas in a sleeperhold on the rebound.  Rather than allow herself to fall victim to the sleeperhold, Kadrmas started moving backward and knocked Martel into the referee, knocking him through the ropes to the ringside floor and forcing Martel to release the hold.  After taking a moment to regain her bearings, Kadrmas grabbed Martel and threw her through the ropes again; moments after she landed on the arena floor, Renée fell victim to a gang attack as Dynasty members the Sisters of Love, Ashley Sinclair and Kim Blanchard (who had not been booked to wrestle at the event that night but was in attendance anyway) ran out to ringside and ambushed Martel with clubbing forearms and kicks for about a minute.

The Dynasty's four-on-one attack was interrupted, however, when Sally Vega and Lita Marez rushed in and went after the Sisters to try to halt their attack on Renée, but Sinclair and Blanchard jumped back in and halted the rescue attempt by Vega and Marez as the four Dynasty members overwhelmed them and beat them down before resuming their attack on Martel while Kadrmas watched and urged them on from inside the ring.  Soon after, though, the Dynasty's gang assault was brought to a halt when Jane Sherill, Patty O'Hara and Claire Lepage ran out to ringside and attacked the rulebreakers to the delight of the fans, with Lepage grabbing Sinclair and tossing her out of the way into the aisle before joining Sherill and O'Hara to go after the Sisters and Blanchard.  Just as Sinclair started to get up to rejoin the brawl, however, Ann Calvello ran in and intercepted the flamboyant heel, then started pounding on her as well as the ringside brawl continued on while Martel got to her feet and rolled back into the ring.  Kadrmas, not pleased with seeing the cavalry come to Renée's rescue, caught up to Martel, pulled her up by her hair and whipped her to the ropes for a clothesline, but Martel ducked and rebounded with a flying forearm smash on Kadrmas, then flipped her foe over and snared her in the Alligator Clutch as the referee finally came back into the ring.  With no help coming from the Dynasty due to them being occupied by getting thumped by Calvello and the other babyfaces, Kadrmas was left with no choice but to call it quits as she submitted and the ref called for the bell, causing the fans to blow the roof off the Forum with loud cheers as they celebrated Martel's victory.

While the defeated Kadrmas rolled out of the ring, Sherill, O'Hara, Calvello and Lepage, joined by a recovered Vega and Marez as well as Ann Casey, Judy Arnold and the rest of the babyface locker room, all filed into the ring to join the celebration as Casey and Arnold hoisted Renée onto their shoulders, then Mildred Burke came down the aisle to the ring and presented Renée with the Mildred Burke Invitational Trophy and the WWWA World Championship belt.  Martel then took the arena microphone and gave a victory speech, thanking the fans for getting behind her and supporting her to victory in the tournament, as well as the good girls' locker room for being there to prevent the Dynasty from ruining the match and handing the tournament to Kadrmas on a silver platter, and then Burke herself, as well as her father Marcel Martel, Stu Hart, Johnny Rougeau and Yvon Robert, for all the training they gave her to instill the skills she needed to make it as far as she has to date in the wrestling business, before she raised the WWWA title belt above her head as the fans gave her a standing ovation and cheered in celebration of her second Mildred Burke Invitational Tournament victory.



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Prediction results: (Thanks to all who made their predictions for this card; the Ashley Sinclair vs. Joan Weston North American Women's title match does not count in the results as it was included as a bonus match)

@Lord Byron - 4/6

@The Blonde Bomber - 4/6

@piperrulz - 3/6

All-time prediction results:

Lord Byron - 86/129

The Blonde Bomber - 82/111

Herrbear - 78/107

piperrulz - 33/54

Hitman74 - 10/12

Theheel - 7/10

Dalton - 6/6

auto45 - 5/6

Sco_xY2Jx - 2/6

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Judy Sowinski suffered a broken bone in her right foot in her NWA United States Women's Tag Team title match in Albuquerque on May 16 and is expected to be out of action for several weeks; as a result, NWA officials allowed Georgia Hase to choose a new partner to defend the title with, and Hase chose Michèle Richard.

** Joan Weston was initially billed as North American champion in California after women's wrestling was legalized in that state in 1965 on the basis of several non-title victories over the Fabulous Moolah over the past few years; the NWA began recognizing Weston's title in 1966 when Moolah refused to defend her NWA World Women's title against Weston.

*** According to a Bleacher Report article, Mildred Burke was one of the first wrestlers to use theme music for her entrances at wrestling events in the 1950s IRL, so it would only make sense that she did the same ITTL and later allowed her star wrestlers in the AGWA to likewise use entrance themes, making use (then as now) of then-current popular pop and rock songs.  Per Tonette Kadrmas' entrance theme, "She's a Rainbow" (linked above in the main event description), that song was originally used ITTL by Sir Robin Ascott as a collective theme for his Dynasty members, but even after Ascott's later firing from the AGWA in 1969 and each of the Dynasty members began using their own entrance themes, Kadrmas continued using "She's a Rainbow" as her own.

Edited by Old School Fan
Fixed a few minor spelling mistakes
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2 really good songs for entrances. Interesting that we now know where Vinny Mac got the idea for Money in the Bank from (or actually Jericho as he claims it was his idea).😆 That should give the promotion several good feuds to run with for a few months though to keep making bank and ticking off Moolah all the while. Sort of surprised she didn't have a goon planted there to whack Renee in advance and then use that chaotic ref bump and brawl to get away with it easily.

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American Girls' Wrestling Association @ Las Vegas Convention Center
May 30, 1970 - Las Vegas, Nevada
Attendance - 6,760



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Jane O'Brien defeated Terri Grayson by pinfall following a powerslam.

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Julie Payne & Claire Lepage defeated Irma Acevedo & Patty Stevens when Lepage pinned Stevens following a flying bodypress.

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Georgia Hase & Michèle Richard (with "The Queen" Mae Young) defeated Marie Vagnone & Texas Red when Richard pinned Red following a spinebuster slam.

AGWA Television Championship

Jumbo Miyamoto defeated Baby Rocco (C) (with Mae Young) by disqualification when Michèle Richard ran in and attacked Miyamoto as the latter had a half-Boston crab on Rocco (who retains her title due to the DQ).

NWA United States Women's Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Jane Sherill & Patty O'Hara (C) defeated The Sisters of Love (with Tonette Kadrmas), two falls to one, when O'Hara flattened Sister Serenity with a flying clothesline for the winning pin in the third fall; prior to the start of the match, Sherill and O'Hara got under the skins of Serenity and Sister Lavender by coming to the ring with clothespins on their noses while carrying shower scrub brushes and bars of soap with them to toss at the Sisters (as a referback to Sherill and O'Hara's 1969 TV interview), to which the fans positively responded and picked up on by chanting "Take a bath!" at the hippie girls.

WWWA World Championship

Renée Martel (C) defended her newly-won championship against Ashley Sinclair (with Tonette Kadrmas) in the main event.  The match started out even, with Sinclair concentrating her attack on Martel’s arms.  Martel later reversed one of Sinclair’s armbars and twisted the flamboyant heel’s arm around for about five minutes.  The battle soon escalated as the two combatants traded punches and kicks.  When Kadrmas was caught attempting to interfere from outside at one point by tripping Martel near the ropes, the referee ejected the Dynasty leader from the match and sent her back to the locker room area.  After about 25 minutes, Martel overcame Sinclair's rulebreaking tactics and caught her in the Alligator Clutch, forcing Sinclair to submit and giving Martel the win to retain her title.


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NWA All-Star Wrestling @ Exhibition Gardens
June 8, 1970 - Vancouver, British Columbia
Attendance - 2,850



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Don Morrow* defeated Bad Boy Shields by pinfall following a powerslam.

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Duncan McTavish** defeated Pierre LeGrande*** by pinfall.

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Dutch Savage used a thumb to the throat to take down and defeat Moose Morowski by pinfall.

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Big John Quinn used a backbreaker to defeat Dean Higuchi by pinfall.

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Judy Arnold & Renée Martel defeated Jane O'Brien & Patty Stevens when Arnold forced Stevens to submit to a spinning toehold.

NWA Pacific Coast Heavyweight Championship (Vancouver)

Gene Kiniski (C) surged back against Bulldog Bob Brown and took him down with a shoulderbreaker to get the pinfall win.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Early ring name used by Don Muraco/Magnificent Muraco.

** AKA Matt Gilmore.

*** Early ring name used by Quebec wrestler Gilles "The Fish" Poisson.

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Here's the new poster for All-Star Wrestling's June 15 Montreal Forum supercard:

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Here's the full event lineup - now for the predictions:  😁

Paul LeDuc vs. Duke Myers

Jos LeDuc vs. Tor Kamata

The Kelly Twins vs. Boris & Nikolai Petrov

Vic Rossitani vs. Sugi Sito

Tony Baillargeon vs. Igor Putski*

Canadian Women's Championship
Michèle Richard (C) vs. Claire Lepage

WWWA World Championship
Renée Martel (C) vs. Jane O'Brien

ASW World Tag Team Championship
Fidel Castillo & Michel "Le Justice" Dubois (C) vs. Jacques Rougeau & Gino Brito

WWWF World Heavyweight Championship
Bruno Sammartino (C) vs. George "The Animal" Steele

ASW World Heavyweight Championship
Johnny Rougeau (C) vs. Chris Tolos

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Not the Mighty Igor or Ivan Putski, Igor Putski was one of several ring names used by French-born wrestler Rick Ferrara.


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Weird that Tony Parissi ain't Brito's partner tonight...




(Paul LeDuc) vs. Duke Myers

(Jos LeDuc) vs. Tor Kamata

The Kelly Twins vs. (Boris & Nikolai Petrov)

(Vic Rossitani) vs. Sugi Sito

(Tony Baillargeon) vs. Igor Putski*

Canadian Women's Championship
Michèle Richard (C) vs. (Claire Lepage)

WWWA World Championship
(Renée Martel)(C) vs. Jane O'Brien

ASW World Tag Team Championship
Fidel Castillo & Michel "Le Justice" Dubois (C) vs. (Jacques Rougeau & Gino Brito)

WWWF World Heavyweight Championship
(Bruno Sammartino) (C) vs. George "The Animal" Steele

ASW World Heavyweight Championship
(Johnny Rougeau) (C) vs. Chris Tolos


Hope the leducs faces Rougeau and Brito for the tag titles.


Also, i've been doing my own alternate women's wrestling TL on ChatGPT as well, though the setup is what if moolah never existed at all and Burke and the WWWA continued. Its been a fun exercise for my brain, so far. I hop through different time periods according how i feel, and i book shows and stuff, with ChatGPT giving detailed descriptions of the matches and the interviews,  with my own style that is much more inspired by king's road booking styles and shit, with realism being the be all end all andand stuff.

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Paul LeDuc vs. Duke Myers

Jos LeDuc vs. Tor Kamata

The Kelly Twins vs. Boris & Nikolai Petrov

Vic Rossitani vs. Sugi Sito

Tony Baillargeon vs. Igor Putski*

Canadian Women's Championship
Michèle Richard (C) vs. Claire Lepage

WWWA World Championship
Renée Martel (C) vs. Jane O'Brien

ASW World Tag Team Championship
Fidel Castillo & Michel "Le Justice" Dubois (C) vs. Jacques Rougeau & Gino Brito

WWWF World Heavyweight Championship
Bruno Sammartino (C) vs. George "The Animal" Steele

ASW World Heavyweight Championship
Johnny Rougeau (C) vs. Chris Tolos

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Paul LeDuc vs. Duke Myers

Jos LeDuc vs. Tor Kamata

The Kelly Twins vs. Boris & Nikolai Petrov

Vic Rossitani vs. Sugi Sito

Tony Baillargeon vs. Igor Putski*

Canadian Women's Championship
Michèle Richard (C) vs. Claire Lepage

WWWA World Championship
Renée Martel (C) vs. Jane O'Brien

ASW World Tag Team Championship
Fidel Castillo & Michel "Le Justice" Dubois (C) vs. Jacques Rougeau & Gino Brito

WWWF World Heavyweight Championship
Bruno Sammartino (C) vs. George "The Animal" Steele

ASW World Heavyweight Championship
Johnny Rougeau (C) vs. Chris Tolos

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All-Star Wrestling @ Montreal Forum
June 15, 1970 - Montreal, Quebec
Attendance - 16,887



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Paul LeDuc defeated Duke Myers by disqualification when Myers threw LeDuc over the top rope.

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Jos LeDuc vs. Tor Kamata ended in a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified for excessive brawling.

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Boris & Nikolai Petrov defeated The Kelly Twins when Boris Petrov pinned Mike Kelly.

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Vic Rossitani defeated Sugi Sito by pinfall.

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Tony Baillargeon defeated Igor Putski by countout when Putski did not get back in the ring in time to beat the referee's count after getting dropkicked out of the ring by Baillargeon.

Canadian Women's Championship

Claire Lepage scored a stunning upset as she toppled Michèle Richard (C) to win the title by snaring Richard, who had dominated most of the match with her usual roughhouse tactics and was attempting a bodyslam on Lepage, in a small package for the pinfall.  Displeased over losing the match in an upset, Richard attacked Lepage post-match as the latter was awarded the title belt, climaxing with Richard catching Lepage in a spinebuster slam, then cussing out the new champion and demanding a rematch.

WWWA World Championship

Renée Martel (C) overcame the brawling tactics of Jane O'Brien and rallied to victory to retain her title when Martel forced O'Brien into submission with the Alligator clutch.  Following the match, as Martel was handed her title belt, Michèle Richard ran in and attacked the champion in the latest episode of their long-running rivalry, with a weary-yet-still-game O'Brien joining in on the attack until Claire Lepage ran in to even the sides and helped Renée overcome the odds to run the heels out of the ring.

ASW World Tag Team Championship

Jacques Rougeau & Gino Brito defeated Fidel Castillo & Michel "Le Justice" Dubois (C) (with Eddie Creatchman) to win the title when Brito used the figure-four leglock to force Castillo's submission while Rougeau fended off attempted interference by Dubois.

WWWF World Heavyweight Championship

Bruno Sammartino (C) defeated George "The Animal" Steele when Steele was disqualified for attacking the referee.

ASW World Heavyweight Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Johnny Rougeau (C) defeated Chris Tolos, two falls to one, when Rougeau cross-bodyblocked and pinned Tolos in the third fall of an evenly-fought match.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Prediction results: (Thanks to all who made their predictions for this card)

@kinnikuniverse - 9/10

@piperrulz - 5/10

@The Blonde Bomber - 4/10

@Lord Byron - 4/10

All-time prediction results:

Lord Byron - 90/139

The Blonde Bomber - 86/121

Herrbear - 78/107

piperrulz - 38/64

Hitman74 - 10/12

kinnikuniverse - 9/10

Theheel - 7/10

Dalton - 6/6

auto45 - 5/6

Sco_xY2Jx - 2/6


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8 hours ago, Old School Fan said:


All-Star Wrestling @ Montreal Forum
June 15, 1970 - Montreal, Quebec
Attendance - 16,887



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Paul LeDuc defeated Duke Myers by disqualification when Myers threw LeDuc over the top rope.

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Jos LeDuc vs. Tor Kamata ended in a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified for excessive brawling.

Unknown.jpgUnknown.jpgVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
Boris & Nikolai Petrov defeated The Kelly Twins when Boris Petrov pinned Mike Kelly.

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Vic Rossitani defeated Sugi Sito by pinfall.

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Tony Baillargeon defeated Igor Putski by countout when Putski did not get back in the ring in time to beat the referee's count after getting dropkicked out of the ring by Baillargeon.

Canadian Women's Championship

Claire Lepage scored a stunning upset as she toppled Michèle Richard (C) to win the title by snaring Richard, who had dominated most of the match with her usual roughhouse tactics and was attempting a bodyslam on Lepage, in a small package for the pinfall.  Displeased over losing the match in an upset, Richard attacked Lepage post-match as the latter was awarded the title belt, climaxing with Richard catching Lepage in a spinebuster slam, then cussing out the new champion and demanding a rematch.

WWWA World Championship

Renée Martel (C) overcame the brawling tactics of Jane O'Brien and rallied to victory to retain her title when Martel forced O'Brien into submission with the Alligator clutch.  Following the match, as Martel was handed her title belt, Michèle Richard ran in and attacked the champion in the latest episode of their long-running rivalry, with a weary-yet-still-game O'Brien joining in on the attack until Claire Lepage ran in to even the sides and helped Renée overcome the odds to run the heels out of the ring.

ASW World Tag Team Championship

Jacques Rougeau & Gino Brito defeated Fidel Castillo & Michel "Le Justice" Dubois (C) (with Eddie Creatchman) to win the title when Brito used the figure-four leglock to force Castillo's submission while Rougeau fended off attempted interference by Dubois.

WWWF World Heavyweight Championship

Bruno Sammartino (C) defeated George "The Animal" Steele when Steele was disqualified for attacking the referee.

ASW World Heavyweight Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Johnny Rougeau (C) defeated Chris Tolos, two falls to one, when Rougeau cross-bodyblocked and pinned Tolos in the third fall of an evenly-fought match.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Prediction results: (Thanks to all who made their predictions for this card)

@kinnikuniverse - 9/10

@piperrulz - 5/10

@The Blonde Bomber - 4/10

@Lord Byron - 4/10

All-time prediction results:

Lord Byron - 90/139

The Blonde Bomber - 86/121

Herrbear - 78/107

piperrulz - 38/64

Hitman74 - 10/12

kinnikuniverse - 9/10

Theheel - 7/10

Dalton - 6/6

auto45 - 5/6

Sco_xY2Jx - 2/6


Man! I've been whiffing on the predictions lately. Gotta get back in a groove. Are you paying the winners of each prediction round in Bitcoin?!🙃🤩🤑

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Sorry about the lengthy delay between posts, but I needed to take a brief break as real life was calling during the past week (specifically, prepping for a wedding for a family member), but now I'm back in the saddle again now that the wedding's out of the way.  With that said...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


All-Star Wrestling @ Colisée de Québec*
June 19, 1970 - Quebec City, Quebec
Attendance - 11,200



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Jos & Paul LeDuc defeated Tor Kamata & Sugi Sito when Paul LeDuc pinned Sito.

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Vic Rossitani defeated Duke Myers by pinfall.

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Michel "Le Justice" Dubois (with Eddie Creatchman) defeated Tony Baillargeon by pinfall following a heart punch.

Canadian Women's Championship

Claire Lepage (C) fought from behind for most of her match against the aggression of Jane O'Brien, but the spunky Lepage's bravery and never-say-die attitude, backed by the support of the crowd at the Colisée, led her to rally and battle back against her heel challenger before she dropkicked O'Brien and caught her in a reverse cradle for the pinfall to keep her title.  O'Brien was furious over losing the match and ran out to ringside to grab a folding chair and return with it as Lepage was handed her title belt, but the referee intercepted her and grabbed the chair away before she could use it on Claire.  Moments later, however, Michèle Richard, who Lepage had upset for the Canadian title in Montreal earlier in the week, dashed out to the ring and attacked Claire, quickly leading to O'Brien joining Richard for a two-on-one against Lepage before Renée Martel ran in for the save, then leading to the next match.

WWWA World Championship

Renée Martel (C) faced off against Michèle Richard for Martel's title in the latest chapter of their long-running feud as the match began with Richard going on the offensive early as she attacked Martel, who turned things around quickly with her scientific moves.  A slugfest broke out later in the match that spilled outside the ring, where Renée tried a clothesline, but hit the ringpost by accident when Richard dodged.  When the girls returned to the mat, Richard targeted Martel's sore arm in a move to wear her down, but Renée battled back after a few minutes, retook the advantage from Richard and eventually attempted a sleeperhold, but Jane O'Brien ran to the ring and attacked Martel, forcing the referee to call for a disqualification.  Richard and O'Brien went on the attack against Renée for a few moments until Claire Lepage returned to even the sides and a brief brawl ensued until Martel and Lepage cleared the heels from the ring.

ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

Marcel Martel (C) defeated Fidel Castillo (with Eddie Creatchman) when Martel forced Castillo to submit to the figure-four leglock.

ASW World Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Jacques Rougeau & Gino Brito (C) defeated Boris & Nikolai Petrov, two falls to one, when Rougeau pinned Nikolai Petrov in the third fall following a knockout punch to emerge victorious over their Russian challengers.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Following this post will be a behind-the-scenes post where Renée meets up with Barbara LaMarche to get caught up on current events and see how Barbara's doing with the elbow she injured against Fabulous Moolah back in February...

Edited by Old School Fan
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23 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

Sorry about the lengthy delay between posts, but I needed to take a brief break as real life was calling during the past week (specifically, prepping for a wedding for a family member), but now I'm back in the saddle again now that the wedding's out of the way.  With that said...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


All-Star Wrestling @ Colisée de Québec*
June 19, 1970 - Quebec City, Quebec
Attendance - 11,200



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Jos & Paul LeDuc defeated Tor Kamata & Sugi Sito when Paul LeDuc pinned Sito.

spacer.pngVersus 2.pngUnknown.jpg
Vic Rossitani defeated Duke Myers by pinfall.

spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
Michel "Le Justice" Dubois (with Eddie Creatchman) defeated Tony Baillargeon by pinfall following a heart punch.

Canadian Women's Championship

Claire Lepage (C) fought from behind for most of her match against the aggression of Jane O'Brien, but the spunky Lepage's bravery and never-say-die attitude, backed by the support of the crowd at the Colisée, led her to rally and battle back against her heel challenger before she dropkicked O'Brien and caught her in a reverse cradle for the pinfall to keep her title.  O'Brien was furious over losing the match and ran out to ringside to grab a folding chair and return with it as Lepage was handed her title belt, but the referee intercepted her and grabbed the chair away before she could use it on Claire.  Moments later, however, Michèle Richard, who Lepage had upset for the Canadian title in Montreal earlier in the week, dashed out to the ring and attacked Claire, quickly leading to O'Brien joining Richard for a two-on-one against Lepage before Renée Martel ran in for the save, then leading to the next match.

WWWA World Championship

Renée Martel (C) faced off against Michèle Richard for Martel's title in the latest chapter of their long-running feud as the match began with Richard going on the offensive early as she attacked Martel, who turned things around quickly with her scientific moves.  A slugfest broke out later in the match that spilled outside the ring, where Renée tried a clothesline, but hit the ringpost by accident when Richard dodged.  When the girls returned to the mat, Richard targeted Martel's sore arm in a move to wear her down, but Renée battled back after a few minutes, retook the advantage from Richard and eventually attempted a sleeperhold, but Jane O'Brien ran to the ring and attacked Martel, forcing the referee to call for a disqualification.  Richard and O'Brien went on the attack against Renée for a few moments until Claire Lepage returned to even the sides and a brief brawl ensued until Martel and Lepage cleared the heels from the ring.

ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

Marcel Martel (C) defeated Fidel Castillo (with Eddie Creatchman) when Martel forced Castillo to submit to the figure-four leglock.

ASW World Tag Team Championship - Two Out of Three Falls

Jacques Rougeau & Gino Brito (C) defeated Boris & Nikolai Petrov, two falls to one, when Rougeau pinned Nikolai Petrov in the third fall following a knockout punch to emerge victorious over their Russian challengers.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* Following this post will be a behind-the-scenes post where Renée meets up with Barbara LaMarche to get caught up on current events and see how Barbara's doing with the elbow she injured against Fabulous Moolah back in February...

A wedding, huh?

Tell the truth! You were in jail for knocking off the Tim Horton's and Boston Pizza in Yellowknife! 😁

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The first part of this latest behind-the-scenes post is something that should catch the interest of @kinnikuniverse regarding upcoming plans...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At a coffee shop in downtown Quebec City earlier on the day of the All-Star Wrestling show at the Colisée, Renée Martel was meeting with Barbara LaMarche for lunch, allowing the two friends to get caught up on the happenings in their lives since Barbara had been forced out of action due to her elbow injury against Fabulous Moolah the previous February.  "I was watching wrestling on channel 4 last week and it had your match against Tonette Kadrmas at the Mildred Burke tournament in Los Angeles on," Barbara mentioned as she and Renée waited for their lunch orders to arrive in a corner booth.  "You did great out there that night, even with all the interference going on against you later in the match."

"Thanks, Barbara, I gave it the best I could," Renée said.  "It just surprised me that Mildred chose me to give a run with her old WWWA title to when she filled us in on the plans for the tournament."

"Mildred did it because she's got confidence in you to carry that belt," Barbara pointed out.  "She thinks you're ready to get up to the next level and that's why you got the belt."

"Well, I sure hope I can," Renée said with a small sigh.  "She already has me touring with the belt for the next little while, and she's been talking about making arrangements for a Japanese tour for me with the title."

"Wow, really?" a surprised Barbara said.  "She's lining you up to head to Japan to wrestle?"

"It's not set in stone yet," Renée admitted.  "It's just talk right now, but when Mildred hears more, that's probably when she'll let me know."

"Well, if you get to go to Japan and you make it there, then you've got it made," Barbara said.

"A lot like wrestling in New York or in St. Louis," Renée said, indicating the respective strongholds of the WWWF and the NWA.  "They say if you make it in one of those places, you can make it anywhere in wrestling."

"Very true," Barbara remarked, eliciting giggles from both girls.

"So, Barbara, how's your elbow holding up?" Renée then asked after a moment.  "It must be doing better over the last few months."

"A lot better," Barbara replied with a grin as she flexed her left elbow, which was no longer in a sling or taped up, a few times.  "The physio I've been taking for it's been really helpful.  My physiotherapist determined recently that the left elbow's very nearly back at the level of strength my right elbow is."

"That's a good sign," Renée said.  "Once it's back at full strength and flexibility, you'll be able to get back in the ring and start wrestling again."

Right at that point, Barbara began looking somewhat uncertain.  "Oh, well..." she then said.  "I don't know..."

"You do want to get back to wrestling, don't you?" Renée then said.

"Well, that's just the thing," a hesitant Barbara said.  "While I was doing my physio over the past couple of months, I was doing some thinking about that..."

"Yeah, and?" Renée said.

"I decided on that a little while ago," Barbara said.  "Last week, I decided...  I'm...I'm done, I'm getting out."

"So you mean, you're retiring?" Renée said, sounding surprised.

"I didn't decide this without giving it a lot of thought," Barbara said.  "The physiotherapist did tell me that there was also a risk, if I got back in the ring, that I could reinjure the elbow if I wasn't careful, and it made me think that if I can't get back in at full throttle, at my best without worrying about reinjuring my elbow, then I just shouldn't get back in.  There was also an outside consideration that influenced my decision - Martin and I were planning on starting a family at some point soon," she added, referring to her husband, "and I'd like my elbow to be at full strength in order to hold a baby and handle housework.  At least with Martin working, he'll be making enough with his job to support us."

"Yeah, there's that," Renée said with an understanding nod.

"Then there's one other thing that played a big part in my decision..." Barbara said, becoming hesitant again.

"What's that?" Renée wondered.

"It's Moolah," Barbara said.  "She knows about that injury now, and after what you've told me about her and the way she is, I worry that if she and I crossed paths again, she'd intentionally try to go after my elbow again to try to reinjure it - not just to target me, but to get at you through me."

Renée nodded and let out a sigh.  "Oh yeah, after my own experience with Moolah trying to injure me on purpose, I don't doubt she'd be dirty enough to try that," she said, a hint of anger surfacing at the mention of Moolah's name and what the latter had done over time to make trouble for her and her friends.  "Are you sure I couldn't try to talk you out of doing so?  I mean, you shouldn't let Moolah try to force you out just because of what happened back in February..."

"I know, and I appreciate the thought," Barbara said, "but I've made up my mind.  I have my future to think of and I'd rather step away of my own choice rather than be forced out through injury by Moolah."

Deep down, Renée was disappointed by the news, as this meant that Moolah had won another battle in the rivalry between the two and that Barbara had become just another notch on Moolah's belt - but in the end, she understood that Barbara was doing what she needed to do, both for her own sake and for the sake of her future interests.  "Well, okay, I understand - ultimately, you have to do what you think is best and that's what matters," she said to her friend with a nod.  "I do hope you'll still come out to the matches here whenever I'm in town and we can do lunch before the matches."

"Oh, absolutely," Barbara said.  "I just hope you're not disappointed in me over what I told you, though."

"No, no, I'm not," Renée reassured Barbara.  "I am mad about what Moolah's done, though.  In fact, I think it's only fair that I should tell you about something Bruno Sammartino told me a few days ago back in Montreal regarding Moolah*..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* So while this pretty much concludes Barbara LaMarche's involvement in this diary, what it was Renée told Barbara about Moolah will be revealed in a future behind-the-scenes entry, going back to around the time of the recent Montreal Forum supercard (and yes, the Living Legend himself will be involved).

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NWA All-Star Wrestling @ Exhibition Gardens
June 29, 1970 - Vancouver, British Columbia



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Don Morrow fought Bill Kochen to a time-limit draw.

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Dean Higuchi & Duncan McTavish defeated Gene Kiniski & Bad Boy Shields when Higuchi used a full Nelson to force Shields to submit.

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Tex McKenzie defeated John Quinn by disqualification when Quinn threw McKenzie over the top rope.

WWWA World Championship

Renée Martel (C) defeated Patty Stevens by submission to the Alligator Clutch.

NWA Pacific Coast Heavyweight Championship (Vancouver)

Don Leo Jonathan (C) battled Man Mountain Mike to a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified for excessive brawling.


Edited by Old School Fan
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Meanwhile, a few hours earlier in the Eastern Time zone...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena
June 29, 1970 - Montreal, Quebec



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Steven Little Bear defeated Duke Myers by pinfall.

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Danny Lynch defeated Dominic DeNucci by countout when DeNucci was unable to get back in the ring in time to beat the referee's count after Lynch knocked him through the ropes and out of the ring.

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Sugi Sito & Chin Lee defeated The Kelly Twins when Sito pinned Mike Kelly following an Oriental suplex.

Canadian Women's Championship

Michèle Richard got more of a fight than she expected from Claire Lepage (C) in this rematch from the Montreal Forum supercard two weeks earlier that saw the popular Lepage upset Richard to win the title.  Richard started out by brutally kicking and punching Lepage, who later mounted a comeback with her own offensive attack, which included a Lou Thesz press.  But as Lepage hit Richard with the move and attempted a pin, Richard caught her with a thumb to the throat.  Lepage rolled off, struggled to her feet, and was met with a stunning spinebuster slam by Richard that led to a pinfall, making Richard a two-time Canadian Women's Champion to the fans' chagrin.

ASW World Tag Team Championship

Jacques Rougeau & Gino Brito (C) defeated Boris & Nikolai Petrov when the Russians were disqualified for excessive double-teaming on Brito.

ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

Marcel Martel (C) defeated Tor Kamata (with Eddie Creatchman) by disqualification when Kamata threw salt in Martel's eyes; Kamata continued his attack on Martel post-match until Jacques Rougeau and Gino Brito made the save and chased Kamata out.


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On 8/11/2023 at 7:36 AM, Old School Fan said:


NWA All-Star Wrestling @ Exhibition Gardens
June 29, 1970 - Vancouver, British Columbia



spacer.pngVersus 2.pngUnknown.jpg
Don Morrow fought Bill Kochen to a time-limit draw.

spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
Dean Higuchi & Duncan McTavish defeated Gene Kiniski & Bad Boy Shields when Higuchi used a full Nelson to force Shields to submit.

spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
Tex McKenzie defeated John Quinn by disqualification when Quinn threw McKenzie over the top rope.

WWWA World Championship

Renée Martel (C) defeated Patty Stevens by submission to the Alligator Clutch.

NWA Pacific Coast Heavyweight Championship (Vancouver)

Don Leo Jonathan (C) battled Man Mountain Mike to a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified for excessive brawling.


Don Leo needs to Mormon swing that big boy! 😀

10 hours ago, Old School Fan said:

Meanwhile, a few hours earlier in the Eastern Time zone...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena
June 29, 1970 - Montreal, Quebec



spacer.pngVersus 2.pngUnknown.jpg
Steven Little Bear defeated Duke Myers by pinfall.

spacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.png
Danny Lynch defeated Dominic DeNucci by countout when DeNucci was unable to get back in the ring in time to beat the referee's count after Lynch knocked him through the ropes and out of the ring.

spacer.pngspacer.pngVersus 2.pngspacer.pngspacer.png
Sugi Sito & Chin Lee defeated The Kelly Twins when Sito pinned Mike Kelly following an Oriental suplex.

Canadian Women's Championship

Michèle Richard got more of a fight than she expected from Claire Lepage (C) in this rematch from the Montreal Forum supercard two weeks earlier that saw the popular Lepage upset Richard to win the title.  Richard started out by brutally kicking and punching Lepage, who later mounted a comeback with her own offensive attack, which included a Lou Thesz press.  But as Lepage hit Richard with the move and attempted a pin, Richard caught her with a thumb to the throat.  Lepage rolled off, struggled to her feet, and was met with a stunning spinebuster slam by Richard that led to a pinfall, making Richard a two-time Canadian Women's Champion to the fans' chagrin.

ASW World Tag Team Championship

Jacques Rougeau & Gino Brito (C) defeated Boris & Nikolai Petrov when the Russians were disqualified for excessive double-teaming on Brito.

ASW Canadian Heavyweight Championship

Marcel Martel (C) defeated Tor Kamata (with Eddie Creatchman) by disqualification when Kamata threw salt in Martel's eyes; Kamata continued his attack on Martel post-match until Jacques Rougeau and Gino Brito made the save and chased Kamata out.


Wasn't Tor Kamata Oddjob in the Bond films?

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6 minutes ago, piperrulz said:

Don Leo needs to Mormon swing that big boy! 😀

If he wants to risk a hernia doing so...  😆

7 minutes ago, piperrulz said:

Wasn't Tor Kamata Oddjob in the Bond films?

Nope, that was Harold Sakata - but it wouldn't be hard picturing Kamata as a Bond villain's henchman.  🤔

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Stampede Wrestling @ Victoria Pavilion
July 3, 1970 - Calgary, Alberta



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Danny Babich defeated Johnny Valentine Jr.* by pinfall.

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Bobby & Jerry Christy defeated Frank Marconi & Jack Bence when Jerry Christy pinned Marconi.

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Wayne Coleman defeated Dan Kroffat by submission with a full-Nelson.

NWA International Tag Team Championship (Calgary)

Gil Hayes & Bob Sweetan (C) defeated Nick Pacchiano & Mighty Ursus when Sweetan pinned Pacchiano following a piledriver.

WWWA World Championship

Renée Martel (C) defeated Jane O'Brien by disqualification when Patty Stevens ran in and attacked Martel as she had O'Brien trapped in the Alligator Clutch; O'Brien and Stevens continued with their attack on Martel until Claire Lepage ran out to the ring to even the sides and a brawl broke out before several referees and arena security intervened to break up the melee.  In a post-match TV interview with Stampede Wrestling host Ed Whalen, Martel and Lepage called out O'Brien and Stevens for the double-team attack on Renée and swore revenge against them as they would team up to face the heel tandem next week at the Stampede Week supercard at the Stampede Corral.

NWA North American Heavyweight Championship (Calgary)

Abdullah the Butcher (C) defeated Carlos Belafonte** following a karate thrust to the throat; by virtue of his win, Abdullah would go on to face NWA World Heavyweight Champion Dory Funk Jr. next week at the Stampede Week supershow.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* AKA Greg Valentine.

** AKA Carlos Colon.


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