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Viability of CVerse reflecting real world

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I'm not sure if this or the Mods forum is the right place for this, but I guess it's more of a general question so I'll post it here.


I'm thinking of modding, or at least adapting the default CornellVerse, to kind of reflect the real world in terms of the set-up of the US companies. What I mean by that is have the SWF represent WWE by having two brands and a televised development company. They would be the dominant company by far, with their own network and having put their major competition out of business / bought them out. This would mean closing down USPW and TCW and absorbing most of their workers into the SWF, then running with two brands and two sets of champions. RIPW would be rebranded to represent the old NXT (kind of a super indie). The rest of the indie scene would still be quite vibrant, but there would be a big gap in the market for a medium-sized company to start up and eventually try to compete (a la AEW).


I think this would be a fun challenge; to try to topple the giant. I'm just wondering if it would be viable both in terms of the game mechanics and the workers in the CVerse. As for the game mechanics, I'm not sure if the AI can successfully run a 2/3 brand company in the long-term. Also, the AI can't really represent the (subjectively poor) booking of current WWE. If SWF has all the top workers in the US, will they simply be too good, too rich, too unstoppable, regardless of booking? Furthermore, are there simply too many great workers in the CornellVerse in the US for one company? As it stands now, there are three big companies to share the top guys between. If this was condensed to one company (albeit with two brands) are there simply too many top guys in the same company at the same time? I guess I could send a few to 21CW, EILL or Japan, but it's still a lot of talent in one place.


Hopefully I'll get some feedback on this to see if it's a viable option. I don't want to spend hours in the editor only for the game world to totally break down when I run the actual database, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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No reason not to try. There have been posts about creating an AEW in the CVerse (but still leaving USPW, SWF, and TCW) where they discussed who would be the Omega/Bucks/Cody/Jericho. Basically who you would start the company with. I think the verdict was that with the 5 you had your main event for the foreseeable future.
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No reason not to try. There have been posts about creating an AEW in the CVerse (but still leaving USPW, SWF, and TCW) where they discussed who would be the Omega/Bucks/Cody/Jericho. Basically who you would start the company with. I think the verdict was that with the 5 you had your main event for the foreseeable future.


Yeah, I read that thread and it gave me some ideas, it was very interesting. My concerns were more about how the game mechanics would manage one huge company run by the AI, the talent distribution and so on. No one else has replied though, so I'm still not sure if it's viable. I'm working on it in the editor though, just a quick edit as a tester to see if it works before I commit to a full edit.

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You couldnt make an accurate version of WWE using SWF just by giving them all of the top guys in the Cverse. WWE just dont have that many mega stars on their roster. They have Roman and Brock and then it's a big drop to the next level.


If SWF had all of USPW main eventer, they would have had to be 'ruined' some how. Less popular than they were. I'd give them a glut of Recognisable/Well Knowns, and just 2 Major Stars to kick off with. Split over the brands.


Or if it's an alternate present day, maybe someone like Wolf Hawkins never got a chance to develop on is just a averagely skilled local weekend warrior. Or Aaron Andrews got sick of being on the C show and quit to get an office job.

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It would be cool to create a more fantasy base to the already fantasy world of the Cornellverse, similar to '97 or '18.


This is just me spitballing because I want to bring this up because there's nowhere else to put this, but I think what draws people to the C-Verse is that is it isn't a reflection of real life. The original 2005 (and 2004) data was more of a fantastical, nostalgic representation of the "good old days" when wrestling was actually fun to watch, and it kept evolving from there. Ironically, though the current C-Verse data now is basically a nostalgia trip itself-- 2020 not as much as 2016. The real life situation of one mega-company is bleak.

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You couldnt make an accurate version of WWE using SWF just by giving them all of the top guys in the Cverse. WWE just dont have that many mega stars on their roster. They have Roman and Brock and then it's a big drop to the next level.


If SWF had all of USPW main eventer, they would have had to be 'ruined' some how. Less popular than they were. I'd give them a glut of Recognisable/Well Knowns, and just 2 Major Stars to kick off with. Split over the brands.


Or if it's an alternate present day, maybe someone like Wolf Hawkins never got a chance to develop on is just a averagely skilled local weekend warrior. Or Aaron Andrews got sick of being on the C show and quit to get an office job.


This has been my main concern, that there are simply too many top guys in the CVerse even for one super-company with two brands. A company like this would have no real vulnerabilty, and there's no real way to recreate the type of booking, talent wasting and repetition that has turned fans off WWE in real life. That said, I wouldn't be trying to recreate WWE exactly (so with only two major stars, like you mentioned) but more like the idea of one company with a monopoly.


It would be cool to create a more fantasy base to the already fantasy world of the Cornellverse, similar to '97 or '18.


This is just me spitballing because I want to bring this up because there's nowhere else to put this, but I think what draws people to the C-Verse is that is it isn't a reflection of real life. The original 2005 (and 2004) data was more of a fantastical, nostalgic representation of the "good old days" when wrestling was actually fun to watch, and it kept evolving from there. Ironically, though the current C-Verse data now is basically a nostalgia trip itself-- 2020 not as much as 2016. The real life situation of one mega-company is bleak.


I agree that part of what makes the CVerse interesting is that it isn't real life. I never play real world mods and probably never will, I like the fantasy of the CVerse and making it what I want it to be.


I think the real reason why I'm even thinking of this in the first place is that I'm actually having difficulty with the 2020 version of the CVerse, at least in North America. Almost nothing has changed since 2016. All companies of all sizes have almost the same rosters. USPW, according to the narrative, is supposed to be out-muscling everyone and poaching talent, yet they haven't poached a single worker from another big company since 2015 and most of their new workers are inexperienced rookies who should really be on the indie scene. TCW have Andrews and Hawkins tied to 4 and 5 year contracts, so they are never in any real danger. SWF have a great roster that has only gotten stronger with the addition of Rocky.


Basically, I'm trying to give myself a challenge and none of the three big companies offer this. I've tried starting a new company and taking on a smaller one, but eventually the talent pool dries up with four or more companies competing for the same workers. I think there are too many good workers for one company, but not enough for four companies.

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Basically, I'm trying to give myself a challenge and none of the three big companies offer this. I've tried starting a new company and taking on a smaller one, but eventually the talent pool dries up with four or more companies competing for the same workers. I think there are too many good workers for one company, but not enough for four companies.


A couple of suggestions:


Take one of the big three, keep however many you need that balances out the challenge vs not enough for four companies, release the others (pregame) and go at it. Don't resign the people you released pregame for a period of time (or assign them to one of the other two). This option keeps the workers popularity balanced as intended.


Alternately start your independent company, pick some workers that would be available and edit their popularity to be top guys (and ladies if applicable) in a company the size that you want. This pop edit simulates the push you gave them pregame. This would alter the pop balance of course so that should be considered.


I feel like the Cverse is a fantasy world intended to enhance my enjoyment of the game. While its fun to stick to canon as much as possible (for discussions with fellow Cverse players) it is in the end all about enjoyment. I do keep a copy of the default to work back to if I don't like how my edits play out.


As far as the issues with USPW not being active enough with signing talent and such try the Cornellverse 2018 mod. They signed several top stars and are more in line with the description you gave. TCW might be what you are looking for in that mod. I suspect the 2022 mod from the same person (or group) will have similar traits.

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A couple of suggestions:


Take one of the big three, keep however many you need that balances out the challenge vs not enough for four companies, release the others (pregame) and go at it. Don't resign the people you released pregame for a period of time (or assign them to one of the other two). This option keeps the workers popularity balanced as intended.


Alternately start your independent company, pick some workers that would be available and edit their popularity to be top guys (and ladies if applicable) in a company the size that you want. This pop edit simulates the push you gave them pregame. This would alter the pop balance of course so that should be considered.


I feel like the Cverse is a fantasy world intended to enhance my enjoyment of the game. While its fun to stick to canon as much as possible (for discussions with fellow Cverse players) it is in the end all about enjoyment. I do keep a copy of the default to work back to if I don't like how my edits play out.


As far as the issues with USPW not being active enough with signing talent and such try the Cornellverse 2018 mod. They signed several top stars and are more in line with the description you gave. TCW might be what you are looking for in that mod. I suspect the 2022 mod from the same person (or group) will have similar traits.


USPW might not start that way out of the box, but I have run several games and they always seem to go after big names (Tommy Cornell, Remo I think).

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A couple of suggestions:


Take one of the big three, keep however many you need that balances out the challenge vs not enough for four companies, release the others (pregame) and go at it. Don't resign the people you released pregame for a period of time (or assign them to one of the other two). This option keeps the workers popularity balanced as intended.


My recommendation is playing UK, where a sports entertainment company holds a monopoly of talent and popularity over its tangible region. In my opinion, 21CW is the closest thing to WWE in terms of booking style, with a defined megastar and a bloated roster that needs a Booker to give it direction



These are both good suggestions. I'll give them both a try and see which one I like best.



USPW might not start that way out of the box, but I have run several games and they always seem to go after big names (Tommy Cornell, Remo I think).


Yeah, once the game gets started, they do start signing big names. My issue was more that in between games (2016-2020), their roster hasn't reflected the narrative that they are now the world's biggest company who are poaching top talent. In canon, the last big poaching they did was way back in November 2014 when they signed Money, Frehley and Dawn. In over five years, when top stars' contracts expired, did they never try to sign any of them? Instead bringing in indie guys (Bulldozer, Jameson, Phunk), midcarders (Jett) and untried rookies (Fedora, American Gold, laBaum, etc)? It just seems very strange that they would recruit this way given their financial power and the way the game portrays the company. It means their roster is incredibly weak for a top company and overtaking them (at least in the US) is very easy and offers no challenge whatsoever, which is my issue in the first place.

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