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Ring of Honor: The Reboothausen

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We start our story in the not too distant future with a figure sitting on a very elaborate throne, looking off into space. He has a crown on his head, piles of money at his feet, and a goblet decorated with very expensive looking jewels in his hand. As the figure comes into focus we see his painted face as he takes a drink from the goblet.




The figure is none other than Danhausen. But not the Danhausen we all know from the year 2022. This is Danhausen from the future, and he indeed looks very rich, very powerful and very evil. He looks into the camera and begins to address us being in front of him.





Ah yes, Danhausen here. Very nice, very evil, all that business. We don’t have much time. I know that look, Danhausen, we know you as the all powerful ruler of the wrestling business and all the humans in it. Was it always this way? Believe it or not Danhausen hasn’t always been on top like he is today. He had to learn the ways of the humans before he could become their RULER. Where did Danhausen’s journey begin? Where does Conan O’Brien fit into all this? Well you are lucky that I’m so gracious to my fanhausens. Have a seat and listen to the greatest story of all time. The time Danhausen saved the Ring of Honor and became the most powerful person on the planet!






As we came to the end of 2021 Ring of Honor Wrestling was coming to a very tough realization, if they were going to stay in business something was going to have to change. They had been plugging away for nearly 20 years. They have a great history, but that history is full of ups and downs. Most people would agree that since a certain elite group of wrestlers left the company that the downs have been pretty down. In 2021 ROH announced that it was time to try something different. They would be holding their last show for the unforeseen future, and their wrestlers futures would all be up in the air. That is until one of those very wrestlers' destiny began to unfold.


As this was unfolding Danhausen was looking to his future. A future that was very uncertain at this point. Dave Honor had let him down and he may be looking for a new job, which would make his dream of attaining a fortune of several thousand human dollars one even tougher to reach. He’d had a conversation with his hero and inspiration, Conan O’Brien in the past, but nothing had really come of Conan’s search for a friend that Danhausen was a part of. That’s why it came as a shock when he got an email from Team Coco. Conan wanted to see Danhausen in person as soon as possible.



Finally we meet in person. You must be Danny Hausen!



Um actually it’s Danhausen. Very nice, very evil.



Yeah whatever Danny. I got a question for you kid. Do you like money?



Yes, Danhausen loves the human monies. Not to brag but Danhausen collected 278 of them in his account all at one time.



Wow congratulations kid. But I’m talking about the big time here. Remember back to when I was looking for a friend? That was a ruse. Conan doesn’t need a friend, Conan needs someone on the inside. I’m ready to move to the next phase of my career. What I want is power. And where is that power going to come from? Wrestling Danny! Professional wrestling! You’ve seen Vince McMahon and Tony Khan strutting around, deciding fates at a whim.



Ah yes, I know Tony Elite very well. Very nice, very powerful.



Well Mister Hausen, this is where you come in. Conan is getting in the wrestling business, and you my boy are going to be doing my bidding! As I’m sure you are aware, your employer Ring of Honor is going the way of the dodo. That is until I made a little call, and let’s say yours truly is now the proud owner of his very own wrestling promotion. A wrestling promotion on its last legs, but a wrestling promotion nonetheless.



What did you do to Mr. Honor!?!



Calm down there kid. Today is your lucky day. Let’s call me Willy Wonka and you just found your golden ticket. I don’t care about wrestling, I just want the power in the palm of my hand. You. You are going to run the show for me. You had better to a good job too or that little jar of teeth you have there is going to be going somewhere you aren’t going to like.


Today starts the rest of our lives here Danny! Ring of Honor is in serious need of a reboot, and we are going to be giving it the kick that it needs!



You could almost say a reboothausen..



Get out!


Now that we know the story, it’s time to see the story of Danhausen, and the greatest reboothausen that the history of the world has ever seen!




Ring of Honor Wrestling

January 2022

Owner: Conan O’Brien

Booker: Danhausen


ROH World Champion


Jonathan Gresham


ROH World Tag Team Champions


The Briscoes


ROH World Television Champion


Rhett Titus


ROH World Women’s Champion






ROH Television

Ring of Honor Wrestling

On demand every Friday on HonorClub


ROH Pay Per View

Airs on Fite TV


Survival of the Fittest- January 2022

20th Anniversary Show- March 2022

Best in the World- May 2022

Glory by Honor- July 2022

Death Before Dishonor- September 2022

Final Battle- December 2022


Danhausen's first bit of business was to consolidate some championships. The Pure and Trios tag titles will be no more, hoping to put more focus on the main four championships. Also the schedule will be updated a bit to have a 2 hour TV show air once a week, along with 6 PPV's throughout the year.
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Danny! This is Conan. Just checking in before our big first show together. How’s are things looking? Nothing but positive I assume?



Ah yes Conan. Danhausen has been working very hard to get us the power, but we seem to have run into a few speedbumphausens if you will.



I don’t like where this is going kid.



You see Mister Dave Honor wasn’t too good with the businesses and it seems that all the wrestlers signed to contracts only had 28 days left on them.



You doofus! How did you not know that? You were one of the wrestlers who’s contract was going to be terminated when that dump of a company was going to run out of business. I don’t want to hear about the problem, I want to hear about what you are going to do to solve it.



Ah yes I was getting to that. Well we have several wrestlers who have decided that they don’t want to work for Danhausen and Conan, even when I let them know if they leave they will be CURSED!



How’d that cursing go?



Not so well. They are leaving anyways. It seems Danhausen doesn’t have all the power he desires yet. One of these days though I’ll be like that Undertaker fellow and be able to shoot lightning from my fingertips. That’ll keep wrestlers from double crossing us.


But anyways we had a few wrestlers decide to go somewhere else at the end of the month. Homicide, scary fellow. He’s going to wrestle somewhere where the bosses will let him perform homicide I suppose. Seems to me a bad way to do business. Also we will be losing Matt Taven. I’ve always liked him, he wouldn’t listen to me though. You can be very nice and very evil. He always was one or the other, never could make up his mind that one. PJ Black will also be leaving us to go wrestle for the New Japans. This place will probably be safer without a wolf wandering around anyways. There are some others leaving too but they aren’t important.



Well in your incoherent rambling I heard zero solutions. I’m guessing you are up to something though because I noticed that my bank account is lighter than it was when I turned things over to you. What have you got going on there? Something good I hope. Please tell me you spent it on someone like Stone Cold or The Rock and not on a blimp or something.



Ah I see you've heard of the blimphausen. Unfortunately for Danhausen there are no blimps. Danhausen has spent some of the human monies you gave me to try to be a good ruler of the Honorhausen. As you know Danhausen loves to follow the rules so that the sponsors will give us all the monies. That’s why he hired Mr. Jimmy Korderas to come and referee our matches. I’ve given him full permission to curse any wrestlers who will get out of line.


Also you know that Danhausen loves the monies. So I said to myself, Danhausen, why not hire someone to come in and help you make even more monies. And while he is here we can trick him to be a road agent and design the matches we will need for Ring of Honor to rule the world. That’s why he hired Mr. IRS himself Mike Rotunda to work alongside Danhausen! If anybody tries to cheat us out of our money he will bash them in the head with his briefcase! Or maybe even sick his sons on them. Danhausen would love to see that.


Danhausen also loves to see the human women wrestle, that’s why he hired two of them to come in and make the women’s division even better. Now we lost Maria Kanellis-Bennett to WWE this week, but Danhausen can build the division better than she ever could anyways. We already have that Rok-C as our champion. Danhausen likes her. Very young, very dangerous. She was trained by the Booker T, did you know that? Anyways Danhausen signed two women wrestlers with lots of experience to help our young women wrestlers, Katarina Waters who you may know from her days in the WWEhausen. But if Danhausen sees that slimeball pirate brother of hers around here I’ll have my water bottle ready to spray them apart! Also Danhausen hired Taylor Wilde. Maybe she will live up to her name and bring the wildness to the women’s division!



Yes that’s all good and well but where are the big wrestlers? The guys who’s name is going to be on the marquee?



Ah yes Danhausen has signed some of them too. But Danhausen can’t be too careful with that information so it’s a secret. We can’t be having any SPOILERS before they show up. You’ll have to watch and see like everyone else.



Of course I’m the one paying them so it makes sense that I have no clue who I’m paying. You mean I have to watch this wrestling crap every week to find out what happens like a common peasant. Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this already?




Ring of Honor TV Preview

Friday, January Week 1, 2022




A new era of honor is beginning for ROH! In a shocking development the company has been bought by former late night talk show host Conan O’Brien, and in an even more shocking development he has placed it in the questionable at best hands of Danhausen. Danhausen will be making history as he appears to kick off the first show in the new era with a special announcement regarding the Survival of the Fittest tournament that will kick off in a week’s time.




Of course Survival of the Fittest is ROH’s unique annual tournament that features 12 wrestlers. To start these 12 men face off in 6 singles matches. The winners of these 6 matches that will be featured on television over the next 4 weeks will advance to the Survival of the Fittest pay-per-view on FiteTV and HonorClub at the end of the month, where they will face off in a 6 man elimination match. The winner will be crowned Survival of the Fittest, and this year they will advance to the 20th Anniversary Show in March to face the World Champion for the title. Danhausen has announced 11 of the 12 names that will appear in the tournament, you have to wonder if he will reveal number 12 on ROH TV this week. The 11 names revealed so far are:


Dalton Castle, Dak Draper, Dragon Lee, EC3, Flip Gordon, Josh Woods, Kenny King, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Shane Taylor, Silas Young






This week the main event of the historic first episode of TV in this new era will feature a World Tag Team title match. The champions, Mark and Jay Briscoe will defend their titles against a man that is in his final month of ROH employment PJ Black and his partner Brian Johnson. Will The Briscoes show why they are the greatest team in the history of Ring of Honor or will Black pick up some hardware before his time with ROH comes to an end?




Ahead of Survival of the Fittest in one month’s time we have our main event in place as we will find out the true ROH World Champion. It will be the current title holder Jonathan Gresham defending against the man who never lost the championship, Bandido. These two are likely to turn up the heat before this battle, but in the meantime they will both be in singles action as Bandido will face Gresham’s training partner Tracy Williams. Gresham in turn will be facing one of Bandido’s former friends Demonic Flamita.




Finally with Danhausen promising to build a stronger women’s division than former head Maria Kanellis-Bennett upon her exit, we will have a number one contender’s match to see who will face Rok-C at the pay-per-view at the end of the month. In one corner will be a favorite for many titles around the world Chelsea Green facing new ROH signee Taylor Wilde in what promises to be a great bout to showcase what the Women of Honor are all about.


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Ring of Honor Wrestling

Friday, January Wk 1, 2022

Mid Atlantic Region

243 Fans in Attendance

41,558 Views on HonorClub



We open up with the music of the surprising new boss of Ring of Honor Danhausen hitting the arena. The crowd in attendance gives him a very warm welcome and chants his name as he walks down the ramp and gives them warm greetings and welcomes them to this new era of honor that he is ushering in. He gives a wave to lead announcer Ian Riccaboni and color commentator Caprice Coleman before he makes his way up the steps and into the ring for the first time in charge of things.



Ah yes Danhausen here. Thank you for the warm welcome. It is an honor to be treated so pleasantly by all you humans. I promise that I will do my best as commissionerhausen to make sure that you all get the wrestlings that you love so much. And who knows, when this cursed broken leg of mine is completely healed Danhausen may be part of that wrestling. But for now Danhausen is in charge of creating the honor if you will. And he’s very excited about what is in store coming up. As you all know ROH has a tournament every year called Survival of the Fittest. It starts with twelve men in six one-on-one matches. The winners of those six matches will then advance to a final six man elimination match which will be held at our pay-per-view in four weeks time, called interestingly enough, Survival of the Fittest. And to make the pots more sweeter this time around Danhausen is awarding the winner of this tournament a World Title match at the following pay-per-view in March, Ring of Honor’s 20th Anniversary!


Now as you may have seen on the ROH Twitter and the Instagrams and whatnot Danhausen has announced eleven of the twelve participants in this tournament. In case you missed it here is a short videohausen of the eleven men that I’ve announced so far! ROLL THE FOOTAGE MINIONS!



A video plays highlighting the eleven entrants added to the match so far: Dak Draper, Dalton Castle, Dragon Lee, EC3, Flip Gordon, Josh Woods, Kenny King, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Shane Taylor, Silas Young



Now as you no doubt noticed, that leaves one special entrant left to be announced by Danhausen. And that’s why I’m here. When Danhausen took over he was given a decent amount of human monies to improve Ring of Honor to bring it to the masses! Well it’s time to finally reveal entrant number eleven. You may know him from his great wrestling in the very evil WWE. Personally he is Danhausen’s favorite Uno player. LOOK EVERYONE, IT’S BREEZUS!




The crowd gets to their feet to welcome the newest member of the Ring of Honor roster, the former Tyler Breeze, now known to ROH fans as Breezus. He walks out with his signature frilly boots and selfie stick as the crowd gives their approval. He stops along the barricade to include many happy fans in his selfies before getting on the ring apron to take one last selfie before he gets in the ring and accepts the microphone from his new Commisionerhausen.



Wow! Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Thank you for having me here Danhausen. I’ve always been a huge fan of Ring of Honor. I used to watch all the greats come through here, and I’ve been lucky enough to call some of them my friends now. But the time for watching is over. I’m here to enter the Survival of the Fittest tournament. In a few weeks time I’ll have my first round match, and I promise you that I’m going to use my experience and skill to walk into the finals at the pay-per-view and I won’t stop until that Ring of Honor World Championship opportunity comes home with me! Now I’m excited to let you know that the tournament starts next and I’ll be joining my new friends Ian and Caprice over there to get a good view of my future competition.




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Survival of the Fittest First Round Match

Josh Woods vs. Kenny King


Woods was the Ring of Honor Pure Champion when the title was retired during the company’s short hiatus by the new Commisionerhausen. The two men started by putting on the technical showcase you would expect, with Woods consistently putting King on the mat and leaving him frustrated. King, who has a major experience edge on his opponent used that to his advantage and quickly changed the tide of the match with some heavy strikes that left Woods reeling. To Woods’ credit he stood and took some heavy shots from King until he was able to snatch one of King’s legs on a kick attempt, then lock in a deep knee bar. King struggled to get to the ropes, but Woods cinched it in even tighter, leaving King no choice to be submit, sending Josh Woods to the Survival of the Fittest finals at the pay-per-view in a month's time. We now have participant number one in the six man match to see who will face the World Champion at the 20th Anniversary Show.


Winner: Josh Woods

Time: 17:15

Match Rating: 49




We go backstage where interviewer Quinn McKay is standing by with Ring of Honor World Champion, Jonathan Gresham.


Quinn McKay

Welcome fans to this new day in Ring of Honor Wrestling. I’m here with the man who won the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship at Final Battle, Jonathan Gresham. Now Jonathan, while you are holding that championship on your shoulder there many people will say that you are just an interim champion. That in fact Bandido never lost his championship as he was out of Final Battle under Covid protocol. Now at Survival of the Fittest you will be facing the man many people feel still has a claim to your championship. What do you have to say to the people who claim your reign may have an asterisk?


Jonathan Gresham

Quinn I’ve trained like nobody else in the business for years. I fought tooth and nail to get what I’ve got, and now people have the gall to come out and say that I’m not the legitimate champion? Bandido, you are a great competitor, I’m not going to take that away from you. It’s unfortunate that you weren’t able to defend your title at Final Battle, but the key part of that sentence is that you weren’t able to defend your title. It’s mine now. You can try to take it from me, but I don’t see that happening. Tonight you go against a man who I’ve trained with in Tracy Williams. He’s as tough as they come and will be a good test for when you get in there with me. But there’s no one like me. I will outwrestle you at Survival of the Fittest. If you want a preview just watch what I’m going to do to your old friend Flamita out there next. And I hope our commissioner is wa…


Quinn McKay

I think he prefers to be called the Commisionerhausen.


Jonathan Gresham

I won’t be calling him that, and don’t ever interrupt the World Champion when he’s talking. This interview is over.




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Demonic Flamita vs. Jonathan Gresham


Both men took this match as an opportunity to prove something to the new eyes on Ring of Honor. Gresham wanted to cement the statement that he is the undisputed World Champion, while Flamita wanted to show that he could get a victory over the World Champion, perhaps setting up his own opportunity down the line. Gresham was settled in for his typical technical masterclass but he wasn’t prepared for Flamita come out of the gates like he was shot out of a cannon. He surprised the champion with kicks that seemed to come from every direction. Eventually the champion gained his bearings and started to fend off the offense from his opponent. After several minutes of Gresham wearing down Flamita’s leg he was able to break free and get some desperation offense in before going to the top. He went for a moonsault but Gresham avoided it, and Flamita adjusted to land on his feet, but was clearly favoring the leg that had been worked over. Gresham hit a devastating chop block before locking in the Figure Four, and it was all over from there.


Winner: Jonathan Gresham

Time: 19:39

Match Rating: 64




Chelsea Green makes her way out for her number one contender’s match to Rok-C’s Women’s World Championship. The crowd lets out a cheer when her music hits and she hits the curtain, but that quickly changes to boos when she won’t even acknowledge them, and sticks her nose up in the air as she walks past their outstretched hands going down the entrance way. She gets in the ring with the microphone to address her upcoming match with the debuting Taylor Wilde.


Chelsea Green

So here we are, back in Ring of Honor. Our little Commisionerhausen said that he wants to build a stronger women’s division. So he brought in Taylor Wilde to face me for with an opportunity at Rok-C and her Women’s World Championship on the line. Where they went wrong though is that they didn’t need to bring in anybody to make this division stronger. The best women’s wrestler in the world today is standing in this ring before you. Taylor Wilde, I don’t care where you’ve been or how many big matches you’ve had. Everything you’ve ever done pales in comparison to what I’ve done or am going to do. And once I’m done with you, Rok-C, you may as well hand me that championship.




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Number One Contenders Match for ROH Women’s World Championship

Chelsea Green vs. Taylor Wilde


Taylor Wilde came out to a warm welcome from the crowd, and she carried that momentum right into the number one contenders match as she went right at Green from the start. Aiming to prove Green wrong, Wilde used her experience and quickness to her advantage as she had Green on the ropes early and nearly caught a quick victory several times in a series on pinfall attempts. Green eventually showed why she is such a world class wrestler though as she used her physical advantage to over power the debuting Wilde. Then in the blink of an eye Green struck with the Curb Stomp to put Taylor down for the count.


Winner and Number One Contender: Chelsea Green

Time: 10:46

Match Rating: 34




We go to the backstage area, where EC3 is standing by ready to speak.



EC3 has returned for this new era of Ring of Honor. It’s obvious I was the most impressive athlete in the old ROH, so I figured I may as well come do the same in this iteration. But what in the world do I have to do to get what I want around here. I’m already the best athlete and the biggest star walking around here. I’m dominant in that ring but have nothing to show for it. Maybe I need to paint my face and prance around like an idiot. No, I know what I need to do. I need to take down one of the so called legends around here.


Homicide! I hear that you’ve entered your final stretch here in Ring of Honor. I hear about all the great things you’ve done and how you are one of the best to ever do it. I don’t agree, but I’m willing to find out first hand. EC3 is looking to add to his list of classics, and in the main event of Ring of Honor Wrestling next week, make sure you all tune in, because next week EC3 takes out a legend.




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Bandido vs. Tracy Williams


In the second match of the night to feature half of the main event of our next pay-per-view, the man who never lost the Ring of Honor World Championship takes on Tracy Williams, one of the training partners of current World Champion Jonathan Gresham. Bandido would have a good test here as Williams features the same pure wrestling style that Gresham uses, and Bandido passed the test with flying colors. There was great action throughout, with Bandido showing that not only is he one of the quickest and best high flyers in the world, he can also get down on the mat and wrestle if need be. It wasn’t long before Bandido started to impose his will on Williams, ultimately putting him away with his impressive Fallaway Moonsault Slam from the top rope, sending a very clear message to the champion that he’s not someone to take lightly.


Winner: Bandido

Time: 16:02

Match Rating: 63






We now go to a pre-recorded statement from a duo making their debut soon here in the new Ring of Honor. Big Kon and Vik, The Awakening. Fans recognize them as the former Acension from their time in WWE.


Big Kon

We have arrived here in Ring of Honor. For far too long Vik and I have been dormant. We are ready for competition. We are ready to make Ring of Honor the home to the best tag team wrestling in the world!



We have proven our strength in rings all around the world. We have ascended to the top wherever we have gone. Ring of Honor. Your tag team division is now on notice. It’s time for an awakening. And we are the men who are going to provide it.


Big Kon

We are The Awakening!






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Main Event

Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championships

The Briscoes © vs. PJ Black and Brian Johnson


The Briscoes come out to thunderous applause and are glad to see the crowd back here in this new era of Ring of Honor. That’s a serious contrast to the less than welcoming response for Black and Johnson. Black had made it known on social media that he would be leaving Ring of Honor at the end of the month, and he wouldn't miss the fans here. The crowd sang goodbye to Black and there were signs that he won’t be missed. This seemed to fuel the talented Black as he brought the fight to the Briscoes, seemingly being one step ahead of them at the start. Johnson also impressed with technical prowess, but it wasn’t long before The Briscoes had him isolated in their corner and started to unload the heavy artillery on him. The crowd was red hot as the champs could seemingly but the challengers away at any moment now.


Things got turned on their head though as PJ Black started unleashing some underhanded tactics he got famous for more than a decade earlier as part of the Nexus in WWE. In the closing moments of the match Jay Briscoe nailed the Jay Driller on Johnson, but it was Black who came flying into frame to break up the pinfall attempt. The referee got up to admonish Black for this action in the corner of the ring. That’s when Mark Briscoe decided it was time to take Black out. Thinking quickly Black put the referee between himself and the attacking Briscoe, knocking both men down as they crashed heads. Black, who seemed to have found an opening quickly went to the outside and grabbed a chair, then planted Jay with a chair shot that reverberated through the arena. He took Mark out to the outside and got the referee up. He then yelled for a confused Brian Johnson to cover an unconscious Jay Briscoe, and the referee could have counted to 20. We shockingly have new World Tag Team Champions.


Winners and New Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions: PJ Black and Brian Johnson

Time: 20:19

Match Rating: 49




After the match the crowd stood in shocked silence. The greatest tag team in the history of Ring of Honor had just fallen to the underhanded tactics of a man that has made it known that he will be leaving the company at the end of the month. Black grabbed the belts from ringside and made his way up the entrance ramp, holding both in the air as Johnson looked on, still not understanding what had happened, or why it had happened. Mark Briscoe came to and got in the ring to check on his brother, who was starting to stir.


Mark cornered Johnson, who was pleading his case that he had no part of whatever heist Black had just pulled off. The crowd was yelling obscenities at PJ Black as he held both titles up in the air at the top of the stage. Mark could be heard yelling that he was going to pay for what he had done. The last image of this first episode in the new era of Ring of Honor was one that nobody had suspected would come to be. The villainous PJ Black had just stolen the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions from the greatest team in the history of the company, and if they didn’t do something he was very well going to take those titles with him when he leaves the company in 4 weeks time. The screen faded to black as one half of the new Tag Team Champions held both titles aloft and was letting out an evil laugh.




Final Rating: 46


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Unbelievable. Can’t even answer his phone. I’ve gotta leave this buffoon a….



Ah yes Danhausen’s answering machine here. I can’t come to the phone right now I’m out doing the wrestlings or accruing more teeth for my collection most likely. But anyways. Leave your name and numberhausen OR BE CURSED! So long!



Danhausen my boy! Called to say that I watched our first show. Gotta say that’s not the worst thing I’ve watched in the world, but I’ve watched some pretty sketchy things. Let’s say that you have me intrigued in this world of wrestling. I want to know what’s going on with it. I expect a report in my e-mail every Monday morning, OR BE CURSED! Oh jeez you’ve got me talking like an idiot. Anyway, tootles!




Dear Conan,


Here is a list of what’s happening in the world of wrestling and whatnot I had one of my minions put together for you. Danhausen is just going to put the important comings and goings around the world so you don’t have your brain fried. I’ll include some news from our Ring of Honor too since I’m the Commisionerhausen so I can give you the scoop. There are somethings about our company I’ll have to leave out though because DANHAUSEN HATES SPOILERS!


Your Friend,



Ring of Honor Wrestling




Around the World of Wrestling

January Week 1, 2022



WWE holds a complete redraft on Monday Night Raw



Ricky Morton and Scott Norton announce their retirements from wrestling


Several talents announce they are leaving ROH at the end of the month, including: Tyler Bateman, Dutch, PJ Black, Matt Taven and Homicide. There may be others but Danhausen isn’t revealing them all.


Ring of Honor has signed Mike Rotunda, Jim Korderas, Mike Chioda, Taylor Wilde, Katarina Waters, Breezus, Big Kon and Vik (The Awakening). There are a few others but Danhausen scratched them out and and yelled spoilers really loud at his staff, then gave us a look like he was going to eat our lunch.



New Japan holds Wrestle Kingdom Night 1. The main event sees Shingo retain the World Heavyweight Championship against Tanahashi and the match is rated a 77. The match of the night sees Okada defeat Jay White and is rated an 88. The show as a whole received a 78.



Ring of Honor has signed its final batch of wrestlers to replace those who are leaving at the end of the month. Danhausen shot us a glare and said don’t you dare write those names down.


New Japan holds Wrestle Kingdom Night 2. The main event and match of the night sees Shingo once again retain his World Heavyweight Championship, this time defeating Jay White and the match being rated an 82. Tonight’s show receives an 80 rating.



Ring of Honor announces the departure of Maria Kanellis-Bennett, who has signed a new contract with WWE. She will be reporting to NXT UK in February. Danhausen did a really bad British accent to her when she put in her notice, then when she didn’t get it he just shrugged and walked off.



New Japan holds Wrestle Kingdom Night 3. Shingo’s amazing run continues as he defeats another huge star, this time Kazuchika Okada to retain his title in an 82 rated match. The show as a whole is rated an 85, finishing a very solid 3 show run for NJPW.



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<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Preview</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Friday January Week 2, 2022</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="ML6qKiX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ML6qKiX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Last week saw one of the biggest shockers in Ring of Honor history as the greatest tag team in the history walked into television as the champions, and after some dastardly actions by the departing PJ Black, they walked out empty handed. Black shocked even his teammate Brian Johnson as he put the referee in harm’s way to gain an advantage and unleashed violence not seen in ROH for some time to gain the Tag Team Championships for his team. It didn’t seem to be a team victory though as Johnson looked just as confused as the Briscoes as Black celebrated alone with the championships to end the show. Now this week the Commisionerhausen has promised to address the situations with The Briscoes. It’s obvious that these two prideful men won’t take this laying down. How will they react to the situation? Can they stop PJ Black from leaving the company with one of it’s most prestigious prizes?</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="y7AO4Gd.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/y7AO4Gd.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

The Survival of the Fittest tournament picks up steam this week on Ring of Honor Wrestling. Last week we saw that Breezus made his debut and announced that he will be participating in the tournament for a shot at the ROH World Championship. We saw the first person added to the tournament finals at the pay-per-vew at the end of the month, Josh Woods victorious last week. This week there will be three first round matches in the tournament: Dalton Castle vs. Dragon Lee, Dak Draper vs. Mike Bennett and Matt Taven vs. Silas Young. There is trepidation about Taven’s entry into the tournament from fans and officials as it has come out that he is one of the wrestlers who have announced that he won’t be sticking around for this new era of honor. Taven is on record as saying that he’s in the tournament to give his fans a good-bye, and unlike Black he wouldn’t hold up ROH with a victory, he would graciously exit the company and allow them to name a new number one contender.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="SDXmpm2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SDXmpm2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

This week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling will feature a second title match in as many weeks as Danhausen has announced that ROH Television Champion Rhett Titus will be defending his championship against Rey Horus in what promises to be a competitive match for one of the richest titles in ROH. Titus isn’t the only champion in action as the Women’s Champion Rok-C will be in tag team action as she teams with the debuting Katarina Waters to face the woman who will challenge her at Survival of the Fittest Chelsea Green and her partner for the night Sumie Sakai. </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="NpdrAYN.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/NpdrAYN.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="oO7i15m.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/oO7i15m.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

In other action the main event will see a great matchup between EC3 and Homicide. Homicide is part of the long list of wrestlers leaving at the end of the month, and EC3 has made it known that he wants a piece of the legend of ROH before he departs. EC3 is supremely confident as always, but Homicide is not a man to be messed with as many can attest. Along with this great main event Ring of Honor Wrestling will see the debut of The Awakening in tag team action as they face The Soldiers of Savagery in what promises to be a hard hitting affair. Finally we will see the always dangerous Brody King in action. We haven’t heard from him in this new era of Honor. What will he have to say about the new rule of the Commisionerhausen? Tune into Ring of Honor Wrestling this Friday on HonorClub and find out!</p><p> </p><p>


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<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Ring of Honor Wrestling</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Friday, January Week 2, 2022</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Mid Atlantic Region</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

246 fans in attendance (Up 3 from last week)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

41,539 views on HonorClub (Down 19 views from last week)</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Ring of Honor Wrestling kicks off this week with a quick recap of the shocking Tag Team Championship main event from last week, capped off with a chorus of boos the fans had when they caught sight of PJ Black holding up the two championships and letting out an evil laugh. Ian Ricabonni then welcomes us to a new episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling and sends it to ringside for the introduction of the Commisionerhausen of ROH, Danhausen. He comes out looking more concerned than usual, bordering on scared. He had only been in control of Ring of Honor for a week and he’s already in jeopardy of losing the most coveted tag team prize in the company to a competitor.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Danhausen</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Hello fanhausens, Danhausen here. Let me start by saying that Danhausen isn’t a stranger to things that are VERY EVIL. But what PJ Black did last week was beyond evil. He clearly broke the rules to get the Tag Team Championships for himself. Even his teammate Brian Johnston…or Johnson…Danhausen still can’t get that one straight, anyways his partner didn’t even approve of this. And PJ isn’t even sharing the titles with his teammate, he’s keeping them for himself!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Well Danhausen has asked that these two men stay at home this week because The Briscoes will be out for revenge. But I did ask the Briscoes to come this week, and here they are all the way from their body shop, wait wrong Briscoehausens. All the way from the jungles of Deleware, it’s Mark and Jay, The Briscoes!</em></p><p> </p><p>

The Briscoes make their way to the ring. They look like they are here for business. They acknowledge no one. They have their eyes locked on Danhausen as they march down to the ring. Danhausen can be seen swallowing hard as he backs into the corner, trying to give himself as much space between the angry former champs and himself as possible.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#008000;">Jay Briscoe</span></span></strong></p><p>

<em>Danhausen! We are not here to talk tonight. We want action. We want PJ Black out here and we want to beat him and his little buddy until those championships are back around our waists!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#A52A2A;">Mark Briscoe</span></span></strong></p><p>

<em>It ain’t even about them championships boy! It’s about honor. We are two very honorable men. And Black and Johnson, we are going to beat some honor into your asses. Danhausen, make it happen!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Danhausen</span></strong></p><p>

<em>LANGUAGE!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Mark Briscoe shoots a glare at Danhausen and starts to stalk towards him. Danhausen quickly backs off and address the former champions.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Danhausen</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Fine very well, very well. Danhausen understands where you are coming from, even if your language means that we can’t get very rich from our sponsors. Danhausen knows that you too are very tough men, and Danhausen is going to give you want you want. At the Survival of the Fittest pay-per-view, which happens to be PJ Black’s last night with the company, you get the chance to win back the Tag Team Championships! Danhausen believes in you two to get those championships back, otherwise, we are in troublehausen!</em></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="viuTLt7.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/viuTLt7.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs <img alt="nfsnejv.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/nfsnejv.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Survival of the Fittest First Round Match</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Dalton Castle vs. Dragon Lee</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The crowd was very excited to see this match, the pageantry and pure talent of former World Champion Dalton Castle and the blazing speed and technical prowess of Dragon Lee made for a very compelling first round matchup. The crowd got behind Dragon Lee as he made some very impressive strikes, and was like a shadow that Castle couldn’t keep grounded. The tide turned when Lee springboarded off the top rope, looking to connect with a double axe handle and instead was met by a wicked lariat from Castle which sent him flipping end over end. Castle got over confident from there though, as he would lock Lee in a variety of holds as he pandered to the crowd. Lee was able to break free from Castle and level him with a very crisp DDT. He then headed for the top and unloaded with a 450 Splash, but Castle got his knees up, stunning Lee. Castle then forced Lee to his feet, got him up on his shoulders and nailed the Bang-A-Rang to give himself a ticket to Survial of the Fittest and a chance at a championship opportunity.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner: Dalton Castle</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 17:57</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rating: 57</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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A video plays recapping how we got where we are in regards to the Ring of Honor World Championship. It’s shows the reign of Bandido, as he carried the championship for 152 days before he was unable to defend it at Final Battle 2021 due to being in covid protocol. Then it shifts to show Final Battle, where Jonathan Gresham was able to beat one of the best World Champions in ROH history Jay Lethal to claim his first ROH World Championship. Gresham is hungry to prove that he’s a credible World Champion, and can break out from the pure division from the old era of honor. Bandido is out to prove that he should still be the rightful champion as he never lost it. In a little over two weeks time at Survival of the Fittest we will find out who has the most legitimate claim to the championship when all questions will be answered.</p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="tVTGyzp.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tVTGyzp.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="LVFUHOA.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/LVFUHOA.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Survival of the Fittest First Round Match</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Dak Draper vs. Mike Bennett</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">


The second Survival of the Fittest first round match of the night featured a pretty big size disparity as Dak Draper has a clear size advantage. That is about the only area he had an advantage in though as Bennett used his experience and cunning to stop any attempts that Draper tried to make to capitalize on any situation. Draper showed signs of getting some offense rolling, but failed to hit any of his high impact moves on Bennett, who played a defensive matchup very well. The second that Bennett saw an opportunity he capitalized and slowed the big man down enough to allow him to the the Divine Intervention and send himself to the Survival of the Fittest finals.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner: Mike Bennett</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 10:09</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Match Rating: 48</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="086jkDB.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/086jkDB.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="lKTWO4k.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/lKTWO4k.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="PBalm9f.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PBalm9f.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="AQWGPjI.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/AQWGPjI.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Chelsea Green and Sumie Sakai vs. Rok-C and Katarina Waters</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

If Chelsea Green came into her match last week supremely confident about her place as the top woman in the ROH women’s division, her confidence was on a whole different level this week as she was constantly jaw jacking with Rok-C saying that her title is coming to her. Much to Rok-C’s credit she didn’t back down once from Chelsea’s challenges. The 20 year old Women’s World Champion even put some moves on veteran Sumie Sakai which seemed to surprise both Sakai and Green. She was backed by Katarina Waters who has a wealth of experience herself. The two women worked well as a team, but it wasn’t enough to match the confidence and experience of Green and Sakai. The finish came with Rok-C and Sakai spilling out of the ring, allowing Green to hit Waters with a big boot, followed by a Curb Stomp that saw her defeat two debuting women in back to back weeks.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winners: Chelsea Green and Sumie Sakai</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 10:26</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Match Rating: 36</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="M27b0Ct.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/M27b0Ct.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="gRjINXo.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gRjINXo.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Brody King vs. Eli Isom</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

While Eli Isom is one of Ring of Honor’s top prospects, it was clear he was in way over his head with one of the premier wrestlers in America today, Brody King. King didn’t spend much time toying with Isom. He hit a string of high impact moves which had the audience feeling sorry for Isom, then graciously put him away with the All Seeing Eye for a very quick victory, and a statement made to the rest of the roster.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner: Brody King</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 3:38</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Match Rating: 38</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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After the match Brody King helped Isom up to his feet, only to grab him back the back of the head and throw him over the top rope out to the floor below. He then motioned that he wanted the microphone from the ringside area.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Brody King</span></strong></p><p>

<em>This is the competition you give me? Ring of Honor is supposed to be the home of the hungriest and most dangerous competitors in the world. It seems that all of these competitors fall short to myself. Ring of Honor seems to have been scared to include me in their “prestigious” tournament going on right now. They also didn’t include me in any talks for the World Heavyweight Championship match. Well guess what, Brody King is going to Survival of the Fittest, and I’m not leaving this ring until someone comes out here and answers my challenge for a match at that event.</em></p><p> </p><p>

After a short silence in which King looked very impatient with being made to wait some new entrance music hit as the fans got to their feet to see if this was possibly one of Ring of Honor’s new signings that had been rumored. To their delight it was, a man who hadn’t seen the inside of a wrestling ring since 2020, former WWE Intercontinental Champion Joe Hennig. Hennig, who comes from prestigious line of wrestlers and was formally known as Curtis Axel gave a smile as the fans recognized him and seemed excited that he was here in Ring of Honor.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="5wd5fYP.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/5wd5fYP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#0000FF;">Joe Hennig</span></span></strong></p><p>

<em>Man it’s good to be back in the world of professional wrestling. And it’s even better to be here in a place like Ring of Honor. Brody, you say you are looking for hungry competition? Well you won’t find anyone more hungry and with more to prove than Joe Hennig. That’s right, Joe Hennig. A name given to me at birth by a great man, some would say a perfect man, Curt Hennig. And he was given that name by a great man before him, Larry “The Axe” Hennig. I come from a great line of wrestlers, and I’m proud to carry on my family’s name after all this time. There won’t be any Axelmania running wild here, and trust me I’m on the A-Team now. At Survival of the Fittest you are going to learn exactly who I am, because I accept your challenge!</em></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="gn2kvIF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gn2kvIF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="EebypyO.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/EebypyO.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="zlIbyWJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zlIbyWJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="tWkidbh.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tWkidbh.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">The Awakening vs. Soldiers of Savagery</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

If you were to look up hard hitting tag team action in the dictionary this match would probably be featured there. Big Kon and Vik were making their in-ring debuts here, but Kaun and Moses weren’t giving them a warm welcome. The young team, former holders of the Six Man Tag Team Titles with Shane Taylor showed that their mentor has been teaching them well as they traded blow for blow with a team that was equally as physical as them. The intensity was something to see in this match as all four men were seeing who could hit the hardest. The years of experience together of The Awakening shined through and they were able to connect on their high impact finisher, The Fall of Man to put their debut victory in ROH in the books.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winners: The Awakening</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 9:02</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Match Rating: 48</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="SDXmpm2.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/SDXmpm2.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="VPTTKT5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/VPTTKT5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="pqtA1ND.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/pqtA1ND.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Ring of Honor Television Championship Match</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rhett Titus © vs. Rey Horus</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

This match was highly anticipated by the fans, always excited for a Television Championship match which often features fast paced action by hungry up and comers. This match though featured a thorough wrestling clinic from Rey Horus. He had Rhett Titus completely off guard, something you don’t see very often from the ROH veteran. Horus seemed to be hitting from all directions at once and Titus was swinging at shadows. In what seemed like no time Horus had Titus where he wanted him. He started to head up top for the 450 Splash and his first singles title in ROH, when Titus rolled out of the ring. He worked his way towards the timekeepers area, causing Horus to come after him. Unknown to Horus he had grabbed the chair from the ring announcer, and when Horus charged at him to continue the offense Titus swung the chair, knocking Horus out of the air and causing a blantant disqualification, much to the anger of the fans.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner by Disqualification: Rey Horus</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 7:27</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Match Rating: 37</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Still the Ring of Honor Television Champion: Rhett Titus</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="aRlYB8g.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/aRlYB8g.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="TA1MhBe.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TA1MhBe.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Survival of the Fittest First Round Match</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Matt Taven vs. Silas Young</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

This final first round match of the night and fourth overall saw two Ring of Honor veterans face off in this match. Wrestling Last Real Man Silas Young wanted to show the crowd he was ready to step up into the World Heavyweight Championship scene, but a very hungry Matt Taven was standing in his way. It’s publicly known now that Taven will be leaving the company after the Survival of the Fittest pay-per-view in 15 days, but he wants a tournament victory to be how ROH fans remember him going out. It showed in this match as he took three or four of Young’s best shots and kicked out at two each time. Taven showed his fighting spirit as he dug back from the brink of defeat several times and was able to gain the upperhand on Young. The end came when Taven caught Young with a piledriver, then headed up top and hit a picture perfect Frog Splash to send him to the tournament finals with a chance to make history in his final Ring of Honor match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner: Matt Taven</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 12:48</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Match Rating: 54</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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It’s time for the main event of the evening. Before the big match EC3 makes his entrance, showing that he could care less what the fans think, and they made sure they let them know that they were less than happy with him. When he got in the ring he asked for a microphone but didn’t say anything, he just waited until Homicide started to make his entrance. His music hit and the fans shot to their feet, excited to see possibly Homicide’s last match inside a ring he helped put on the map. As soon as he came through the curtain EC3’s voice cut through the cheers and entrance.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">EC3</span></strong></p><p>

Turn that off! Nobody cares Homicide! Everybody quit acting like you care about this guy, we all know that you don’t. You are just giving him pity because you know I’m about to put him out to pasture. I mean look at me, I’m the present and future of Ring of Honor. I’m the reason everybody is here, they want to see what I’m going to do to you Homicide. And after I’m done with you tonight I’m going to run though Shane Taylor in my Survival of the Fittest match next week, then I’m going to dominate five other men to become the number one contender. Then we are going to ring in ROH’s 20th Anniversary with the crowning of a new World Heavyweight Champion, E…C…3!</p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="NpdrAYN.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/NpdrAYN.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="oO7i15m.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/oO7i15m.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Main Event</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

EC3 vs. Homicide</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

As if Homicide didn’t have enough emotion already heading into his final ROH run, EC3 just made these emotions even stronger. This came back to bite Homicide though as he came out of the gates wildly, allowing EC3 to avoid his stronger attempts and counter with offense of his own. EC3 ran his mouth as he continuously put Homicide on the mat, then held him down with a variety of holds that allowed him to control his opponent, and draw in the hate from the fans. In one of these headlocks Homicide started to rally, and the fans stomped their feet in rhythm to allow him to get out of the hold then mount his comeback. He took out all his frustration on EC3 as he looked in great danger as Homicide showed why he’s won so many big matches in ROH. He fed off the crowd's energy and delivered several strong clotheslines and EC3 looked completely out of it. This energy once again caught up to Homicide though and he missed with a top rope dive, allowing EC3 to mount some serious offense, culminating with him hitting the One Percenter and pinning Homicide for the three count and the victory, building his momentum heading to his big tournament match next week and backing up all the talking he’s been doing.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner: EC3</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 14:54</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Match Rating: 54</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Final Rating: 48</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>


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Conan! Conan! Have you heard the big news? There’s WARRRRR!



What are you talking about kid? Who are we at war with? Russia? China?



What? No. AEW and WWE have declared war on each other. The very nice AEW and the very evil WWE are going to be facing off and they aren’t going to take any prisoners! Lots of people think Mr. McMahonhausen will win another war, but Danhausen says don’t underestimate Tony Elite!



That’s good news kid! Hopefully they turn up the heat and some of that sizzle will rub off on us. Butts in seats Danny, that’s what we are looking for. If you want power you have to have followers. Any other news this week kid?



Kurt Anglehausen has signed a contract with GCW and should start showing up there soon. Conan, did you know he won a gold medal with a broken neck? Maybe one day Danhausen will win a gold medal.



If annoying your boss was an event you’d have it wrapped up Danny. Wait a second, in my outrageously large get to know Ring of Honor binder you put together for me I think I remember seeing something about GCW in it. Don’t we have some kind of deal with them? A talent exchange correct? This could get very interesting Danny! Do you think they’d take a trade for an eccentric demon painted up like a buffoon?




Around the World of Wrestling

January Week 2, 2022



WWE and AEW have declared war on each other. Expect to see them stealing talents and running the other company in the mud. For three straight days Danhausen has been seen watching war documentaries on the History Channel. I don’t think he really understands what’s happening here.



Kurt Angle announces he’s returning to the world of wrestling with Game Changer Wrestling, a promotion that has been turning heads lately. The staff celebrated this news with big glasses of milk and Danhausen annoyed every one with non stop renditions of “I’m just a sexy Kurt, I’ll make your ankle hurt!”



New Japan Pro Wrestling runs their annual New Year’s Dash, the follow up to Wrestle Kingdom. The show was rated a 71, while the main event saw Ishii defeat Jay White to defend the NEVER Openweight Championship in a match rated at a 70.


Saturday night also saw Impact Wrestling return to pay-per-view with their show Hard to Kill. In a main event for the Impact Women’s World Championship Mickie James defended her title against Deonna Purazzo in a 55 rated main event. The show as a whole received a 49.


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Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Preview

Friday January Week 3, 2022




The first round of the Survival of the Fittest tournament wraps up this week on Ring of Honor Television as the final two tickets to the finals will be punched as Breezus makes his in ring debut against Flip Gordon. In the other first round match a supremely confident EC3 will face off with Shane Taylor. With Josh Woods, Dalton Castle, Mike Bennett and Matt Taven already heading to the finals the picture of the six man elimination match at the pay-per-view will come into focus. The Commisionerhausen has also announced that on next week’s episode of ROH Wrestling, the final episode before Survival of the Fittest the two men who win this week will join the other four in a six man tag team match ahead of the finals.


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Two of the men who are already in the finals will team up for possibly the final time as a tag team as The OGK will team up to face Survival of the Fittest finalist Dalton Castle and his teammate Joe Hendry. Mike Bennett and Matt Taven are one of the greatest tag teams that Ring of Honor has ever seen, and with Taven leaving if this is their final goodbye as a duo they look to go out on top and build some momentum ahead of their chance at a World Championship match.


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In the main event of the evening rivals will collide in a six man tag team match. On one side we will see Bandido team with the former World Tag Team Champions The Briscoes. Across from them will be Ring of Honor World Champion Jonathan Gresham, and he will team with fellow Foundation member Tracy Williams and one half of the new World Tag Team Champions Brian Johnson. Conspicuous by his absence is the other half of the Tag Team Champions, the most hated man in Ring of Honor right now, PJ Black. Black has given notice that he has more important obligations with his new promotion, but says not to worry. He will be at Survival of the Fittest to finish his heist of Ring of Honor’s tag team championships.




Ring of Honor Wrestling will see another in ring debut this week as Joe Hennig will step into competition for the first time outside of the WWE umbrella. Hennig is a third generation wrestler and is finally being allowed to embrace his family’s name and heritage. He seems to be a newly focused man as he heads towards the twilight of his career, wanting to live up to the massive expectations that come with being the son of Mr. Perfect. Hennig stepped up to one of the most dangerous men in wrestling today in Brody King though. You know that Brody is going to have something to say to the challenge laid down by Hennig.


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Ring of Honor Wrestling Television

Friday January Week 3, 2022

Tri State Area

Attendance: 301


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Survival of the Fittest First Round Match

Breezus vs. Flip Gordon


Ring of Honor Wrestling starts off this week with a very high stakes match for numerous reasons. First of all a trip to the six man Survival of the Fittest final is on the line. Also it is the in ring debut of Breezus. Flip Gordon also has a chance to break out and have a chance to become the face of ROH. Breezus showed why he gained such respect with in his time with WWE as he as in control of the match, making sure Gordon was wrestling it at his pace. He has no shortage of speed, but he made sure that he didn’t let things heat up as that would play into Flip’s hand. The finish came as Breezus shot off the ropes with a spinning heel kick, followed by locking Gordon in for the Unprettier and delivering it for the three count.


Winner: Breezus

Time: 14:50

Rating: 52




We go back to the locker room area where Rhett Titus is huddled around with fellow members of The Foundation Jonathan Gresham and Tracy Williams. As they are talking about Titus’s title defense last week they are interrupted by the Commisionerhausen of Ring of Honor.



Excuse me gentlemen can I have a word with the champion of all of television here? Rhett, it seems like all of Ring of Honor thinks because they have a very nice, very evil leader now they should be able to embrace their evil side as well. First we have PJ Black cheating to steal the titles from The Briscoes, and last week you showed that you are a coward by getting disqualified against Rey Horus. You may have heard that The Briscoes will be getting their title rematch against Black and Johnson, well you are going to be doing the same. At Survival of the Fittest you will be defending your Television Championship against Rey Horus. And if you get disqualified or counted out, not only will I curse you for all eternity, you will lose your championship! The Commisionerhausen has spoken!




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Joe Hennig vs. Vincent


Another in-ring debut takes place here as former WWE Intercontinental and Tag Team Champion Joe Hennig steps into the ring against Vincent. Vincent usually has backing from The Righteous, but with news that they will be leaving Ring of Honor at the end of the month he is a man on his own. He showed he was off his game thinking about his former teammates support as Hennig strung together a series of suplexes and had Vincent off balance. He tried to fight back but after a few moves Hennig will counter into another throw of his own. He concluded his debut victory as he locked Vincent into the Perfect-Plex and got the 1-2-3.


Winner: Joe Hennig

Time: 10:48

Rating: 48




After the match Hennig held his hand high in victory and was posing on the turnbuckles for the fans in celebration. At this point the music of Brody King hit, and the man who went face to face with Hennig made his way on the stage giving him a round of applause.


Brody King

Congratulations Joe! Big win for you there. You talk a big talk but it looks like you backed it up in there. But then again you haven’t gone in there against me. You’ve never faced anyone like me Joe. You and your family may have a storied history, but at Survival of the Fittest that will be the end of that story. I’m going to end this little pipe dream you have that you are going to come in here and make a name for yourself at my expense. Ring of Honor has already disrespected me by not putting me in the Survival of the Fittest tournament, and then not putting me in the World Championship picture. Danhausen! The blood of Joe Hennig is going to be on your hands at the pay-per-view, then I’ll take the championship whenever I damn well please.




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Survival of the Fittest First Round Match

EC3 vs. Shane Taylor


This is the final Survival of the Fittest first round match and it saw EC3, fresh off a big victory against Homicide last week face off with the always dangerous Shane Taylor. EC3 had to use a different strategy this week as he tried to jab and avoid Taylor’s offense. While he was successful a lot of the time, there were a few times where Taylor got his hands on the arrogant star and inflicted a lot of damage. EC3 was noticeably slowing as Taylor dragged him from corner to corner and drove all his body weight into the chest of him. The 350 pound former Television champion looked like he may be trying to put the match away with a Greetings from 216 reverse piledriver that’s his homage to Bam Bam Bigelow, but EC3 was able to slip out behind and get all of the One Percenter to continue his winning ways.


Winner: EC3

Time: 13:50

Match Rating: 49




Backstage the ROH Women’s World Champion Rok-C is seen talking to new ROH signees Taylor Wilde and Katarina Waters. Then the number one contender for Rok-C’s championship, Chelsea Green walks right into between all three women and gets right in the champions face.


Chelsea Green

Look at this. Our Women’s World Champion hanging out with a couple of losers. I hope you guys aren’t giving her pointers because you’ll just lead her to lose that championship to me faster than she’s already going to. Rok-C, I’ve pinned each of them in their debuts, and at Survival of the Fittest I’m going to make the same example out of you. It’s going to be like stealing candy from a baby, and from the looks of it you aren’t too far off in age from one.



You want to come crawling back to Ring of Honor after you couldn’t cut it in the big leagues and act like you run the place? I don’t think so Chelsea. You think you can beat me easily, I think otherwise. When I beat you I don’t want to just put you in your place, I want to make it really hurt. So how about we up the ante a little bit. If you beat me for the championship I’ll never challenge you for it as long as you hold it. I’ll admit I wasn’t ready and I’ll let you have your reign. But if I beat you then you never show your face in Ring of Honor again. You think you run the place, it’s time to put up or shut up. What do you say? Or are you afraid you’ll fail here like you failed in WWE?


Chelsea Green

You think I’m a failure?!? Ha! You know what? You got it! That championship is coming home with me!




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Dalton Castle and Joe Hendry vs. The OGK (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett)


This match is an emotional one for Taven and Bennett, who go way back in history as the original version of The Kingdom. They have such good chemistry together and can almost read each others minds. For old time’s sake Maria even came out to the ring with them. Castle looked impressive as he was ready for the offense of both men, but it would fall apart as The OGK would isolate Hendry in their corner and cut the ring off, not allowing him to tag. They hit all their signature moves, which got pops from the crowd as they know it could be their last time seeing them performed. Castle got in the ring near the end and got one last spurt of offense in, but it all came crashing down when Hendry got back in the match and Maria played her old tricks. She got up in the ring and used her assets to distract Hendry, who was very interested in what he was looking at. This allowed Bennett to take Castle out, then they hit the Proton Pack on Hendry to pick up the win and they joined Maria for a big embrace in the middle of the ring much to the delight of the fans.


Winners: The OGK

Time: 11:41

Rating: 45




We once again cut to the backstage area where Homicide is standing by.



Last week EC3 took me to the limit, and he walked away the winner. I’ve had many good years here in ROH, and that’s not how I want to go out. I can’t get an answer from anybody about if I’m getting a farewell match before I leave, so I’m taking matters into my own hands. I’m here to tell you that I’m having a match at Survival of the Fittest to say goodbye to this place that has given me so much. I don’t want to go out in just another ho-hum match. I want some competition. So consider this an open challenge. Next week I’ll be waiting in the ring for somebody to let me know they will meet me at Final Battle. I don’t care where you’ve been or where you are going. Just make sure you are in the same league as me, and at Survival of the Fittest I’m going to show why I was such a big part of this company’s history by putting on one more classic!




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Dragon Lee vs. Tony Deppen


This match featured very hard hitting, fast paced action mixed in with periods of two very sound technical wrestlers showing why they are two of the best at what they do. Deppen is out to prove he is on the same level as internationally renowned wrestlers such as Dragon Lee. He looked very strong in this match too as he was able to ground and pound Lee, keeping him from much of his death defying offense. It takes more than Deppen was able to dish out to keep Lee down though and he was able to fight back and provide his amazing quick strike offense on Deppen. Lee was able to gain the upper hand and finished things with his vertical suplex powerbomb, The Desnucadora.


Winner: Dragon Lee

Time: 14:34

Rating: 53




Backstage one half of the World Tag Team Champions Brian Johnson was shown tightening his laces for the main event up next. Conspicuous by their absence was the other half of the champions, PJ Black, and both championship belts, which Black was keeping for himself and not sharing with Johnson. All of a sudden the camera panned up and standing behind the chair were the former champions, The Briscoes. Johnson looked like he saw a ghost as he noticed the two men behind him.


Brian Johnson

Boys, you had to know that I had nothing to do with….


Mark Briscoe

We know you don’t have the brains to pull off that operation, don’t worry.


Jay Briscoe

But you better not believe that the fact that you weren’t the one pulling the strings is going to keep you safe from what’s going to happen to you out there, or the violence that you and PJ are going to come face to face with at Survival of the Fittest. After we give you the beating of a lifetime tonight I want you to take a message back to your friend who’s too afraid to show up when we are around. Them boys are pissed, and he ain’t going to have to worry about where he’s going to be taking our championships, because it’s hard to wrestle when you aren’t able to walk anymore.




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Main Event

Bandido and The Briscoes vs. Jonathan Gresham, Tracy Williams and Brian Johnson


This six man main event had all kinds of implications for what’s going to be happening at Survival of the Fittest. In one rivalry we have the World Championship up for grabs as the current World Champion Jonathan Gresham and former World Champion Bandido, who never lost his title have been building towards their main event pay-per-view match to decide the real world champion. Gresham is seconded by fellow Foundation member Tracy Williams in this tag match. They are joined by Brian Johnson, who even though he doesn’t have the title is on of the World Tag Team Champions. He looked very apprehensive of his future though as his partner was off at his new promotion performing while he was here to face the wrath of a very angry pair of brothers. The early goings saw The Briscoes constantly trying to get to Johnson, but he’d quickly tag in Gresham or Williams to deal with them. We also saw Bandido get in the ring and mix it up with the World Champion, having some lightning quick technical exchanges that left the crowd cheering, knowing that at the pay-per-view they are going to see a match to remember.


The action continued hot and heavy as Bandido was able to join The Briscoes to pull off some impressive triple team moves. As the action neared a peak Gresham was left laying by the barricade and Williams was grabbed by The Briscoes and thrown into the corner, and Johnson was forced to make the tag and come face the music. Mark and Jay took turns unleashing punches back and forth as Johnson played the role of a tennis ball going back and forth between the brothers. He was then greeted by a nasty spike piledriver from the duo, but the pin was broken up by a diving Gresham to keep the match going. This gave Williams the chance to get the tag in, but Bandido also got the tag in. The two men battled until Bandido was able to get Williams up on the top turnbuckle, where he delivered the Revolution Fly to Williams. The Briscoes protected the pin and Bandido and The Briscoes had picked up a much needed win 8 days away from the pay-per-view. Ring of Honor Wrestling went off the air with Bandido standing between The Briscoes, all three men’s hands raised in victory.


Winners: Bandido and The Briscoes

Time: 19:55

Match Rating: 61



Final Rating: 54


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Conan! Thank you for having me to your mansion to watch some television. This is a major step up from Danhausen’s tastefully decorated two bedroom apartment. I would have offered to bring a dish for us to share but microwave popcorn is about the extent of Danhausen’s human cooking ability.



We aren’t here for fun Danny, we are here to scout the competition. I want to watch some of our rivals and hear what you have to think about them and what we can do to put them in the dirt.


Conan and Danhausen then settle in for a long evening of watching wrestling. Danhausen explains the ins and outs of how these promotions work while Conan nods his head while playing a game of Candy Crush on his phone. After watching various forms of NXT, PWG’s most recent show, and some other wrestling that Danhausen enjoys they came across New Japan of America’s shows.



Hey I recognize some of these guys Danny. Don’t some of them work for us? There’s that PJ Black guy, I can’t wait until those two hillbillies give him what he’s got coming. And hey that’s Brody King, you think he can get me his tattoo guy’s number? And hey that guy in a mask is Rey Horus right? We have so many guys with masks they run together on me, but I love it! I think it’s good that they are getting out there to more viewers. Maybe that’ll make them watch our show. We don’t have any conflicts of interest with them right? When we want them they’ll be at our show correct?



Yes! Of course Danhausen keeps a very good folder of all the wrestlers future dates to make sure there is no conflict of interest, especially for the big show on Saturday, January Week 4.


Danhausen then pulls out an oversized Lisa Frank dolphin folder that has papers spilling out everywhere as he looks for the calender among drawings of himself and Bart Simpson as Tag Team Champions. Then the two men’s attention is drawn to an announcement on the TV.


NJPW of America Announcer

We want to thank all you great wrestling fans for the continued support to our product. And we look forward to seeing you at our big event coming up soon on Saturday night, January Week 4. Make sure to come out and see the likes of NJPW stars Tanahashi, KENTA, and Will Ospreay put on a show for everyone. Also we look forward to seeing domestic stars such as PJ Black, Brody King and Rey Horus come out and put on a show for everyone.



Oh fu……..


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I just read your past three shows earlier today. So far, you can consider me a fan(hausen) of the new ROH! I’m not familiar with almost of your talent, but you’ve done a good job establishing them with simple, old-school storytelling. Your new wrestlers seem like very realistic signings as well; you’re not going out and trying to sign Bray, for example. I’m looking forward to seeing how the first PPV turns out!


Thank you! That means a lot. Really glad you are enjoying it so far. I’m trying to find a good balance of what ROH was and what it needs to be to take a step up. I’m kind of doing a reboot like the title suggests but still make it have that ROH feel. I wouldn’t rule anybody out signing wise while I try to establish a base. I’m sure if Bray wanted to talk I’d listen but I’m not sure I’d be able to cough up the money he’d want at this point, even with that Team Coco money coming in.


Hope you all are ready for some booking from the seat of Danhausen’s pants after we had several people sign with NJPWoA and give me short notice they won’t be available for the pay-per-view. Definitely one of the challenges of having more powerful companies above you. But that just means anything can happen to give the fans a good show.

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Special Announcement for Survival of the Fittest




With word coming out of some unforeseen scheduling conflicts that popped up at the last minute Ring of Honor has announced a few pieces of news to help alleviate these issues and provide the best show possible to the fans. Danhausen will appear on Ring of Honor Television this week to address two separate title situations. PJ Black continues his unprofessional ways and has decided he doesn’t even want to show up to Survival of the Fittest after seeing what The Briscoes did to his partner last week. With this news the Commisionerhausen has officially stripped Black and Johnson of the titles and has announced a triple threat tag team match at Survival of the Fittest to crown new champions. The Briscoes are the only team announced so far. They stay in the title match even though you know they are upset about not getting their hands on PJ Black before he left.




The Television Championship match was one of three matches affected by this whole situation. Danhausen had ordered Rhett Titus to defend the championship against Rey Horus, and if he was disqualified or counted out the title would change hands. This stipulation will remain in tact, but Horus will also be forced to miss the show. Danhausen has promised he will still recieve a title shot in the future as the situation wasn’t his fault. On Ring of Honor Wrestling this week Danhausen will announce who Titus’s new opponent will be in this title match.




The third match that this situation impacted was the Brody King vs. Joe Hennig match. Again Danhausen has promised this match will take place in the future as King and Hennig very much want to get their hands on each other after King’s words to the third generation star. But this leaves Hennig with an open dance card. He has taken to social media to state that he has issued an open challenge for Survival of the Fittest to anybody in professional wrestling, and he’ll be awaiting a response this Friday on the eve of the pay-per-view.


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We have our first talent trade in the new era of Honor. Homicide had issued a challenge for a match at Survival of the Fittest and that challenge has been answered a few days early. Ring of Honor officials have announced they have worked with Billy Corgan and the NWA to aquire the rights to have former Ring of Honor World Champion Austin Aries appear at Survival of the Fittest to give Homicide a rematch of their 2005 classic for the ROH World Championship which saw Aries defend his title. Homicide is celebrating his final match with ROH, and it’s only fitting he goes out against a man who he has such a history with.




Around the World of Wrestling

January Week 3, 2022



Former Ring of Honor great Doug Williams has announced his retirement from professional wrestling.



The week of Angle continues as after returning to wrestling with GCW the Olympic gold medalist has announced that he has signed a contract with New Japan Pro Wrestling of America. With Angle signing with multiple companies you have to wonder where else he will pop up. Also just when we got Danhausen to stop singing Sexy Kurt all week today’s news renewed his interest in it. Thanks Kurt.



NWA holds it’s pay-per-view event Hard Times. Mickie James main events another pay-per-view as she defeated Melina in the main event of a 50 rated show. Their match was scored a 52.


Pro Wrestling Guerrilla also held a show Saturday Night titled Hand of Doom that received an impressive 67 rating. The main event saw two ROH stars do battle as Bandido defeated Brody King in a 73 rated match to retain his PWG World Championship. Danhausen was seen taking notes while watching this match wanting a 73 rating out of these two men in his promotion someday.



The declarations of war continue. WWE seems to be fighting a two front battle. They are already at war with AEW, now today they have declared war on NJPW. A very interesting move to be sure, but it makes sense with AEW and NJPW working so closely together. Danhausen could be heard saying he didn’t know how long he could be Switzerland in this situation, then asked several staff members of ROH if they still had Cesaro’s number.


NJPW fired a quick shot in this war as they held a joint press conference with AEW to announce that Bryan Danielson would be making some much anticipated appearances inside a New Japan ring. Many fans have looked forward to this moment since the day that he left WWE. Danhousen seemed excited by the news looking forward to seeing who “Bryan Samuelson” will be taking on in his matches.


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I like what you've done with this! The balance of matches to promos works really well!


The line from Danhausen about Breezus being his favorite uno player popped me too, keep up the good work!


Thank you! Really enjoying the start to yours too. I've always been stronger writing promos than matches so I figure stick with what I'm good at and help develop some characters so the matches mean more. I loved that Uno line too. During the start of the pandemic watching them play Uno on YouTube with my wife helped get me back into wrestling and developed her liking it as well so it'll always have a special spot for me.

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Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Preview

Friday, January Week 4, 2022




With announcements about this weekend’s pay-per-view Survival of the Fittest coming hot and heavy it promises to be an action packed night of television. The show will begin with the Commisionerhausen in the middle of the ring addressing the Television Championship match with the current champion Rhett Titus. With Titus’s reign in serious jeopardy it was announced a replacement would be needed for Rey Horus. Will Danhausen be introducing this new challenger or will Titus and his Foundation team members pull a fast one to try to keep his title around his waist.


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The women’s champion Rok-C will also be in action as she takes on legend Sumie Sakai. They faced off in tag competition a few weeks ago but tonight the champion gets a chance to test her meddle in one on one action. Chelsea Green is sure to be lurking nearby as well as her ROH career is on the line against the champion at Survival of the Fittest this weekend.


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Other action will see the World Heavyweight Champion Jonathan Gresham in singles competition leading up to his title defense as he will be facing The Last Real Man in Ring of Honor, Silas Young. Gresham was on the wrong side of the pay scale in his six man tag team match last week so he’ll look to build momentum before he steps in the ring with Bandido in this weekend’s main event.




There will be six man tag team action ahead of the Survival of the Fittest tournament finals. The six men who will compete for the crown this weekend will be facing off one last time before the big match as Breezus and The OGK will face off with Dalton Castle, EC3 and Josh Woods. This match should give us a very good look at what could happen Saturday night with a World Heavyweight Championship opportunity on the line.


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The main event of the evening will see Joe Hennig get a piece of one of Brody King’s closest friends, Tony Deppen. Hennig has made it clear how much he wants to wrestling Brody, but with him not able to compete this Saturday Hennig will settle for getting his hands on his stable mate on television this week. There is also the matter of Hennig waiting to see who he will face Saturday at Survival of the Fittest as a replacement to King. Could we see fireworks on tonight’s episode of ROH Television? Tune in to find out!


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Ring of Honor Wrestling Television

Friday, January Week 4, 2022

Mid Atlantic Region

Attendance: 249

43,564 views on HonorClub


Ring of Honor Wrestling begins with the Commisionerhausen already in the ring. The crowd is giving him a warm reception as he waves to them at ringside and is ready to address all the recent happenings regarding Survival of the Fittest.



Ah yes thank you for the warm reception. Danhausen has some very good news and some very evil news. The evil news, because some of our wrestlers work for other companies, some of them feel they have obligations if you will to make sure they are at those companies shows more than ours. Even when I threatened to CURSE them if they didn’t make themselves available for our show they didn’t listen. I’ll have to brush up on my curses I guess.


Danhausen has good news though! Three matches were affected by this last minute change, and Danhausen thinks that the changes will be better for the fanhausens. Since Danhausen took over I’ve been very busy sending the SMS messages and the electronic mails to wrestlers from all over Earth. Good news is some of them answered, and since Danhausen is rolling in that Team Coco monies we were able to get some of them to come to Ring of Honor.


First we have the Tag Team Championship match. The DASTARDLY PJ Black made off with our tag team titles, and thanks to the sheer intimidation provided by Danhausen, and possibly a team of Conan’s lawyers, we have the Tag Team Championships back in our hands. They are officially held by the team of vacant. Danhausen has never heard of them but my minions assure me they are real. Now The Briscoes will fight for those titles at the pay-per-view, and I’m sure their opponents will make themselves known through the night.


Next we have the Brody King vs. Joe Hennig match. These two guys really don’t like each other. People will pay sacks of money to see them fight, and fight they will. Just not at Survival of the Fittest. I have promised both men that they can get their hands on each other on our television program next month though. That leaves Mr. Hennig without an opponent for the pay-per-view. He is in the main event tonight against Brody’s good friend, that evil Tony Deppen! Joe has put out a challengehausen to anybody who will accept it for the pay-per-view. Danhausen can’t wait to see who it is!


Last we have our Television Championship match. Rey Horus deserves a title match at that little worm Rhett Titus. And he will get a shot at that championship as soon as he returns from his tour with the New Japans. But in the meantime we still need a championship match at the pay-per-view. And Rhett, if you get DQ’d or counted out you will still lose your championship. Now it’s time to learn who you will be facing. I don’t think you are going to like it Rhett. He’s some sort of samurai of the sun or something. I just know he’s here to do good lucha things! It’s Samuray del Sol!




Samuray del Sol makes his way down the ramp and is greeted warmly by the fans, who remember his time as WWE United States Champion and his time in the Lucha Dragons and Lucha House Party as Kalisto. He comes down to the ring and poses on the turnbuckles for the fans and shakes hands with Danhausen. As soon as this happens though the Television Champion storms out and gets in Danhausen’s face, yelling threats at the two men in the ring, not happy he has to face this opponent with only one day to prepare. Things come to a halt though with the music of former Ring of Honor World Champion Austin Aries. The fans explode for his entrance. They knew he was coming from the announcement but didn’t expect him here. He forgoes the pageantry and heads straight to the ring where he gets in the ring and gets in Danhausen’s face.


Austin Aries

I leave this place for awhile and this is what it has come to? It almost gets its doors shut for good, then they get “saved” by this buffoon and his gangly friend Conan? I give it three months and you’ll all be looking for a new wrestling company to obsess over. If I had a choice I wouldn’t be here, but the NWA says I have to be a team player and help out. So here I am. I figured I might as well crack some skulls while I’m here.


Aries then makes a lightning quick move across the ring where he strikes the debuting Samuray del Sol. Titus takes a minute to survey the situation then joins in on the beatdown. Danhausen who still has a broken leg and can’t fight yells at the men to stop, when the music of Homicide hits. The man who Aries is here to wrestle tomorrow comes storming down the ring and evens the odds as he and Samuray del Sol force the other two men to the outside.



Well Danhausen likes the looks of this. Aries, you want to fight? We have you for the weekend so that’s what you are going to do. You are going to team up with Rhett Titus to face Homicide and Samuray del Sol! And it’s next!




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Austin Aries and Rhett Titus vs. Homicide and Samuray del Sol


This match features four men who will be in action at Survival of the Fittest in a nice preview for the fans. Homicide was eager to get his hands on Aries. The two men fought back in 2005 with Aries defeating Homicide to retain the ROH World Championship. Homicide has come a long way since this loss and is ready to show Aries that he can beat him now. Aries looked annoyed as Titus didn’t seem to willing to get in the ring with Samuray del Sol, possibly not wanting him to get to scout him before their title match tomorrow. Homicide looked like a man possessed as he pulled out offense straight from his younger days and seemed reinvigorated in his last weekend in ROH. Unfortunately for him Aries may still have his number. Titus was able to catch him with a cheap shot from the apron, allowing Aries to spike Homicide with a brainbuster and get the victory, continuing his winning ways from over 15 years ago.


Winners: Austin Aries and Rhett Titus

Time: 14:46

Rating: 59




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Rok-C vs. Sumie Sakai


There is a huge difference in experience in this matchup, but Rok-C has been impressing everyone as ROH Women’s World Champion. Sakai brought her heavy artillery into this match, but the champion did a great job of taking a battering and not going down for the three count. She could have been looking ahead to her title match tomorrow against Chelsea Green, but instead she was able to give full focus to this match, showing maturity beyond her 20 years. She showed her spirit and fought back against the veteran, and seemingly shocking herself and her confident opponent she hit her version of the falcon arrow, The Prodigy on Sumie and was able to get the three count on her.


Winner: Rok-C

Time: 10:13

Rating: 49




After the match Rok-C celebrated her big victory. Sumie sat on the mat looking up at her grinning, possibly realizing that she may be looking at the future of women’s wrestling standing in the ring before her. This moment was broken though as Chelsea Green slid into the ring. She charged right at the champion and leveled her with a vicious clothesline. Sakai wanted no part of this and exited the ring. Chelsea could be heard over the boos yelling that taking the title from Rok-C was going to be like taking candy from a baby. She had better hope that it is because if she’s fails at obtaining the title tomorrow night her time with Ring of Honor will have come to an end.




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Brian Johnson vs. The Briscoes


This match made by the Commisionerhausen made everyone happy except Brian Johnson. One half of the now former Tag Team Champions must face the wrath of The Briscoes for the sins of his former partner PJ Black, who has already skipped town knowing that The Briscoes would show him no mercy. Johnson was hoping they had some mercy for him, as he could be heard pleading that he wasn’t part of Black’s plan. The Briscoes weren’t having it though and dismantled their opponent to the cheers of the crowd. After some heavy offense from both men they quickly put him out of his misery, connecting on a springboard Doomsday Device that nearly took Johnson’s head from his shoulders.


Winners: The Briscoes

Time: 4:42

Rating: 37




After the match The Briscoes celebrated for the fans, then went over to Johnson who was holding his head. They helped him up to his feet and patted him on his back. He looked relieved that this chapter was now closed and he could move on with his career. The Briscoes had other plans though as Mark hoisted Johnson back up on his shoulders. The crowd chanted one more time as Jay went to the top rope and they delivered another Doomsday Device to the cheers of the crowd. This was short lived though as Kaun and Moses, the Soldiers of Savagery came down to the ring and got in the face of The Briscoes. They motioned that they wanted the Tag Team Titles, and it seemed like The Brisoces may have opponents for the title match at Survival of the Fittest.


Things weren’t over though as the crowd was excited to see the two teams square off the lights went dim in the arena. A spotlight was seen shining near the top corner of the arena, and when it came into focus Big Kon and Vik, The Awakening were standing alone in the spotlight. They pointed at the four men in the ring, then motioned that they also want the titles. It seems like tomorrow night at the pay-per-view we will have a triple threat tag team match to decide the new Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions.




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Jonthan Gresham vs. Silas Young


The Ring of Honor World Champion has a big title defense tomorrow at the pay-per-view, but that wouldn’t stop him from having a match the night before against Silas Young. Silas likes to think of himself as the last real man in wrestling, but Gresham was out to prove that he was the legitimate World Champion. Gresham is very dangerous when he has something to prove, and Young found that out first hand tonight. Silas made the mistake of falling into a technical match with the champion, something few men in the world could survive. Gresham was able to repeatedly take Young down to the mat and put him in a variety of submission holds. He was able to finish him off after a big piledriver was delivered, then he got him in position for the Octopus Hold, giving Young no choice but to quickly submit and fight another day.


Winner: Jonathan Gresham

Time: 15:18

Rating: 53




After the match Gresham grabbed his title from ringside and started heading back up the ramp after coming out on the winning side once again. He was stopped dead in his tracks though with the music of his challenger tomorrow night Bandido. He was stopped just as much by what Bandido had on his shoulder, his own version of the Ring of Honor World Championship. Bandido still has a claim to the championship he never lost. At the top of the ramp the two men got face to face and had some words for each other, then both raised their titles high in the air as to say I’m the real world champion.




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Breezus and The OGK vs. Dalton Castle, EC3 and Josh Woods


All six men who will compete at Survival of the Fittest in the elimination match for a title opportunity faced off here in a preview of tomorrow’s action. The men wasted no time wanting to get in a feel each other out, looking for any little advantage that could mean them coming out the Survival of the Fittest. The OGK used their great teamwork to give their team the advantage, and even invited Breezus to join in on some triple team moves which they pulled off very well. They worked much better than the other team, as Woods was getting isolated, Castle and EC3 were seen bickering on the apron. With all six men being on their own tomorrow though a flashpoint hit and it turned into six men fighting in the ring, all for themselves. Referee Jim Korderas didn’t know what to do at this point because technically he couldn’t DQ teammates for fighting each other. One man had a cooler head though as Dalton Castle realized that he and Matt Taven were the legal men, and hit him with an Everest Suplex as the referee counted three among the chaos.


Winners: Dalton Castle, EC3 and Josh Woods

Time: 22:02

Rating: 57




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Main Event

Joe Hennig vs. Tony Deppen


Deppen came out in this match representing his mentor Brody King, as he wanted to stop Hennig’s quest to do his family name proud. He used his very physical technical style to catch Hennig off guard, who may still have a little rust after being away from wrestling for a few yeaers. Eventually Hennig settled in and showed that he can match the physicality of Deppen, showing a style he hadn’t shown much in his time with WWE. He has always been a very sound wrestler, but he turned it up big time in this match. Deppen was trapped in several holds, and while Deppen was able to find an escape each time, they took their toll on him. The match came to a close as Deppen tried to kick Hennig and he had his leg caught. Hennig then flung him over with the Perfect-Plex to pick up his first main event victory in ROH.


Winner: Joe Hennig

Time: 14:13

Rating: 55




After the match Hennig stayed in the middle of the ring. He could be heard shouting who’s in going to be, in regards to his challenge for a match tomorrow night at Survival of the Fittest. The crowd was already up on their feet eagerly anticipating if a member of the roster would accept to take Brody King’s spot in the match, or if Hennig’s challenge to anybody in wrestling would be answered. There was a feeling of anticipation in the air as rock music no one had heard echoed through the arena. The crowd then exploded when they saw who walked through the curtain.




Ian Riccabani



Gargano had a big smile on his face at the response from the crowd, and Hennig looked on from the ring seemingly pleased by the quality of opponent that he would get to prove himself against at Survival of the Fittest. Gargano high fived everyone on his way to the ring, excited to finally be in Ring of Honor after several attempts to earn a spot with the promotion at the beginning of his career. He made his way into the ring and shook hands with Henning, and the two shared a staredown as the fans were in a frenzy, ready for the action they were going to see tomorrow night.


Final Rating: 50


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Survival of the Fittest Preview

Saturday, January Week 4, 2022


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The Ring of Honor World Championship will be up for grabs in the main event of Survival of the Fittest, the only problem is both men think they are the rightful World Champion. Bandido was unable to defend his title at Final Battle due to a positive Covid test, so Gresham defeated ROH legend Jay Lethal to win his first World Championship. Gresham feels that he is the rightful champion, but Bandido also feels like he’s never lost it. His claim is backed up by the fact that he somehow has a version of the World Championship as well. All this will be cleared up in this match though. Which man will walk out the undisputed Ring of Honor World Champion? One thing to be certain is this will be a match between two of the most talented wrestlers in the world, and they both have something to prove. Will the world class technical ability of Jonathan Gresham give him the upper hand or will Bandido use his speed and high risk offense to win back the title he never lost?




This month’s exciting Survival of the Fittest tournament wraps up at the pay-per-view tonight. Twelve men entered the tournament for a title match at the 20th Anniversary Show, and six remain. Breezus, Dalton Castle, EC3, Josh Woods, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett will all do battle in a six man elimination match. The winner will be crowned in this grueling match and will have certainly earned their title match against the winner of the night’s main event. This tournament final is certain to shoot the winner to Ring of Honor stardom. A good example is the year that last year's winner Bandido had. He rode the success of winning the tournament into being World Champion heading into the last show in the old era of Ring of Honor. Which man will put their name in the history books tonight?


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Two of Ring of Honor’s newest wrestlers will face off in what promises to be a match that fans won’t want to miss. Joe Hennig has appeared in Ring of Honor with a new lease on his career. He has embraced his family heritage and is out to honor the memory of his great wrestling family. He was quickly embroiled in a feud with the very dangerous Brody King, but due to scheduling issues King will be forced out of Survival of the Fittest. Enter Ring of Honor’s newest signee, the highly talented Johnny Gargano. Gargano is no stranger to the fans of Ring of Honor as he proved his talent in small promotions around the country like ROH for years before becoming one of the biggest stars in NXT. Johnny seemingly has reembraced the love from ROH’s die hard fans and he seems very excited to finally have a real run in Ring of Honor.




Other action will see the three other titles in Ring of Honor defended. After recent actions the ROH Tag Team Titles were vacated and returned to Danhausen. Now at Survival of the Fittest three of the most physical tag teams in the world will face off for the right to be named the new Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions. The Briscoes retain their spot in the title match while the teams of Soldiers of Savagery and The Awakening will be added to the match. The Television Title will also be defended as Rhett Titus has to face the music for his actions against Samuray del Sol. Even if Titus gets past Samuray he has Rey Horus to deal with in the future. The Women’s World Championship is also up for grabs as Rok-C will face Chelsea Green in a high stakes match as Green has promised to leave ROH if she cannot win the championship. Finally long time Ring of Honor fans will get a rematch 16 years in the making as Austin Aries returns to ROH for one night only to face a man he defended his World Championship against in 2005, Homicide. Tonight will be Homicide’s last match in Ring of Honor, will it be one to remember?



ROH Survival of the Fittest 2022 Quick Picks


ROH World Title: Jonathan Gresham © vs. Bandido

Survival of the Fittest Final: Breezus vs. Dalton Castle vs. EC3 vs. Josh Woods vs. Matt Taven vs. Mike Bennett

ROH Tag Titles: Soldiers of Savagery vs. The Awakening vs. The Briscoes

ROH Women's Title: Rok-C © vs. Chelsea Green (Chelsea must leave ROH if she loses)

ROH Television Title: Rhett Titus © vs. Samuray del Sol (If Titus is DQ'd or counted out he loses the title)

Joe Hennig vs. Johnny Gargano

Austin Aries vs. Homicide

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ROH World Title: Johnathan Gresham © vs. Bandido

Survival of the Fittest Final: Breezus vs. Dalton Castle vs. EC3 vs. Josh Woods vs. Matt Taven vs. Mike Bennett

ROH Tag Titles: Soldiers of Savagery vs. The Awakening vs. The Briscoes

ROH Women's Title: Rok-C © vs. Chelsea Green (Chelsea must leave ROH if she loses)

ROH Television Title: Rhett Titus © vs. Samuray del Sol (If Titus is DQ'd or counted out he loses the title)

Joe Hennig vs. Johnny Gargano

Austin Aries vs. Homicide

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ROH World Title: Jonathan Gresham © vs. Bandido

Survival of the Fittest Final: Breezus vs. Dalton Castle vs. EC3 vs. Josh Woods vs. Matt Taven vs. Mike Bennett

ROH Tag Titles: Soldiers of Savagery vs. The Awakening vs. The Briscoes

ROH Women's Title: Rok-C © vs. Chelsea Green (Chelsea must leave ROH if she loses)

ROH Television Title: Rhett Titus © vs. Samuray del Sol (If Titus is DQ'd or counted out he loses the title)

Joe Hennig vs. Johnny Gargano

Austin Aries vs. Homicide

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<p>ROH World Title: <strong>Jonathan Gresham</strong> © vs. Bandido</p><p>

Survival of the Fittest Final: Breezus vs. Dalton Castle vs. <strong>EC3</strong> vs. Josh Woods vs. Matt Taven vs. Mike Bennett</p><p>

ROH Tag Titles: <strong>Soldiers of Savagery</strong> vs. The Awakening vs. The Briscoes</p><p>

ROH Women's Title: Rok-C © vs. <strong>Chelsea Green</strong> (Chelsea must leave ROH if she loses)</p><p>

ROH Television Title: Rhett Titus © vs. <strong>Samuray del Sol</strong> (If Titus is DQ'd or counted out he loses the title)</p><p>

Joe Hennig vs. <strong>Johnny Gargano</strong></p><p>

<strong>Austin Aries</strong> vs. Homicide</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="y7AO4Gd.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/y7AO4Gd.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Survival of the Fittest</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Saturday, January Week 4, 2022</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Mid Atlantic Region</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Attendance: 637 (Sellout!)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

9794 pay-per-view buys on Fite</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

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Joe Hennig vs. Johnny Gargano</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The first pay-per-view in this new era of honor under Danhausen begins with an absolute banger of a match that stole the show right out of the gate. The fan was hyped from the moment Gargano’s music hit, excited to see him step into a Ring of Honor squared circle. The two men showed their mutual respect for each other as they shook hands before the action, a showing of honor that has fallen wayside in recent weeks. The two men started with an amateur wrestling style sizing up of each other. Hennig had a size advantage but Johnny showed the speed and technical ability that has put him on the global wrestling map. Gargano was able to gain an advantage as the match transformed into a higher paced affair as he struck Hennig with flurries of kicks and strikes, the crowd very excited to see Gargano able to unleash more offense than he was allowed to in recent times.</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig showed signs of the physicality he’s been showing more of lately when he was able to get his hands on Johnny and he would slow the pace back down to one that was advantageous to him. He even unveiled some impressive submission holds that he hadn’t shown before as he went to work on the legs of Gargano, trying to prevent him from building on his impressive offense. As the match continued past the 15 minute mark it was becoming clear who the better conditioned man was and that perhaps Hennig hadn’t knocked all the rust off yet. The two men squared off in the center of the ring trading punches, and it was clear Hennig wasn’t getting his all behind them. This allowed Gargano to connect on a huge back elbow that staggered Hennig. He then was able to connect with a crisp STO before locking in the Gargano Escape. After a long struggle that saw Hennig get so close to the ropes he had no choice but to tap out.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner: Johnny Gargano</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 20:46</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rating: 65</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

After the match the referee raised Gargano’s hand in victory as the crowd gave him a standing ovation. Hennig sat in the corner looking at the victor, disheartened that he came out on the losing end of his first ROH pay-per-view match. Gargano walked over to Hennig and offered him his hand as Hennig accepted and Gargano helped him up to his feet. The crowd gave both men a standing ovation for their effort in this match as Hennig raised Johnny’s hand and pointed to him before heading to the back. Gargano was very excited for his debut victory in Ring of Honor and went to the outside to high five all the fans sitting ringside before heading to the back himself.</p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="PBalm9f.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/PBalm9f.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="086jkDB.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/086jkDB.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Ring of Honor Women’s World Championship</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

If Chelsea Green loses she must leave ROH</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rok-C © vs. Chelsea Green</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Chelsea has done a lot of talking the past few weeks, and has even resorted to physically assaulting Rok-C as she claims if she isn’t able to be the youngster she’ll pack it in and leave ROH. For all this talk though she was very hesitant coming out of the gate. Several times Rok-C backed her into the corner where Green would wrap herself in the ropes, forcing a break and backing the champion off her. The final time she did this though she was able to gain an advantage as she reached over the ref and gouged the eyes of Rok-C. She then came out of the corner like she was shot out of a cannon. Green used her significant height advantage to strike with some heavy offense while staying out of the reach of Rok-C. The fans were delighted though as the champion was able to start fighting back against Green, who hasn’t made too many fans in recent times in ROH. She fired off a series of impressive rapid fire dropkicks on Green as she had the challenger stunned. She tried to hit her finisher, a lifting DDT called The Prodigy but Green spun out of it. Rok-C didn’t miss a beat though and dropkicked Green to the outside. The crowd then got to their feet as the champion flew through the ropes connecting with Green at the end of the ramp.</p><p> </p><p>

Rok-C got Green up to her feet and started walking her back to the ring, but Green was able to get in a shot to the midsection of the champion, then smashed her head into the ring apron. She then got both of them standing on the apron where they started elbowing and punching each other looking for an advantage. Green got that advantage as she grabbed the ropes and pulled, throwing the champion out in a heap on the floor. Green got in the ring as the ref started to count to 10, and it seemed like she was going to take the countout victory to save her career, but Rok-C made it into the ring at the last second. Chelsea then lined her up for a big boot and charged at her, but the champion was able to duck the move, then out of nowhere hit The Prodigy and the crowd counted along with the 1-2-3 as they were glad to see the end of Chelsea Green. They sang na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey hey hey, goodbye as she walked out of the arena as the champion held her title high.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner and still ROH Women’s World Champion: Rok-C</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 14:25</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rating: 39</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="VPTTKT5.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/VPTTKT5.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="CewxaEN.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/CewxaEN.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Ring of Honor Television Championship</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

If Rhett Titus is counted out or disqualified he loses the title</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rhett Titus © vs. Samuray del Sol</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The champion Rhett Titus made his entrance to boos from the fans, not happy with his recent antics as usual. Samuray del Sol made his signature entrance, springboarding into the ring much to the delight of the fans. He came out of the gate feeding off the buzzing crowd as he fired off some of his signature lucha offense as Titus had no answer for anything that was being brought on him. He quickly got out of the ring and started backing up the ramp. The referee was at 7 when Titus got a panicked look on his face and quickly got back in the ring, realizing he was close to losing his title. He got back in the ring and started to fight back against the Samuray and got him in the corner where he started to stomp on him. The referee started his five count and the champion had no sign of heeding the count. When the referee was about to get to five Titus once again realized this would lose him his title.</p><p> </p><p>

This distraction he caused himself came back to bite him as Samuray del Sol was able to hit a flurry of kicks and punches that sent the champion backwards. He then was arm dragged right out the ring. Samuray quickly followed him, but Titus had backed into the timekeeper area, where he grabbed a chair. He swung it at the challenger, but much to the luck of both men his reflexes saw him avoid the contact, which would have costed Titus his title and left a dent in the challengers head. The action spilled back into the ring, and while Titus was able to connect on some limited offense, it was clear he was outmatched by the new signing to ROH. He tried to connect with the Rhettribution, but it was reversed as the challenger grabbed the champion by the head then sprung upwards and connected with the Salida del Sol to keep the champion down for the three count, giving Samuray his first championship in ROH in his first singles match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner and NEW ROH Television Champion: Samuray del Sol</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 16:43</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rating: 54</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Survival of the Fittest Finals</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Six Man Elimination Match</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Winner receives World Championship match at ROH 20th Anniversary in March</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Breezus vs. Dalton Castle vs. EC3 vs. Josh Woods vs. Matt Taven vs. Mike Bennett</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The crowd were amped up for this one, excited to see what man would be heading to the next pay-per-view to challenge for the World Championship. The action came quick as the men paired off in twos and fought around the ring. Breezus went right after EC3 while Dalton Castle and Josh Woods were trading holds. This left The OGK, Taven and Bennett, facing off in the middle of the ring. They shook hands then starting throwing haymakers at each other as the crowd went wild. The action was fast as some men would be brawling on the outside and some on the inside. The first elimination came fairly early in the bout as with Taven and Bennett brawling Breezus came flying in taking both men down with a Beauty Shot. He covered Taven and was able to get the three count. <strong>Matt Taven has been eliminated.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The crowd gave Taven a standing ovation in his final ROH match, and he acknowledged them, sad that he wasn’t able to provide a victory in his last go around. Bennett didn’t have time to be disappointed though as Breezus went to pin him as well, but he was able to kick out at two. Dalton Castle had use his brains to back out of the action, leaving Woods to pair off with Breezus and Bennett, who were now brawling in the ring. Woods snuck up behind Breezus and locked him in an armbar, but he was able to escape and roll out onto the floor. Woods went to work on the legs of Bennett, trying to get him down on the mat for a knee bar, but Bennett used his years of experience to counter one Woods’ attempts at his legs and rolled him up in a small package to get the pin. <strong>Josh Woods has been eliminated.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

With the final four standing in the ring Bennett was fighting with everything he had to stay alive on one leg. He was taken down by EC3, who exited the ring before the other two men could get at him. Castle and Breezus looked at each other, then at the struggling Bennett, who motioned for them to bring it on. They obliged as the two flamboyant wrestlers began pounding away on Bennett, who didn’t stand much of a chance as they had him in a 2 on 1 situation. EC3 saw an opening though and came in from behind on Castle and wrapped him up looking for a German suplex. Breezus could be heard yelling duck, and Castle listened as Breezus nailed EC3 with a superkick, laying him out in the corner. The duo who seemingly was working together now turned their focus back on Bennett, where Castle wrapped him up for his own German suplex and yelled kick him. Breezus delivered another superkick, this time to Bennett. And in time with that impact Castle hoisted Bennett up and hit a beautiful bridging German suplex and got the pinfall. <strong>Mike Bennett has been eliminated.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

With only the duo of Breezus and Castle left with EC3 down it was obvious the pair was going to hone in on EC3 and put him out of the match. Obvious to everyone but Castle apparently though. As he let Breezus go ahead to start the assault on EC3, Castle quickly snuck behind Breezus and rolled him up, grabbed a handful of tights and got the shocking three count, leaving only two men left. <strong>Breezus has been eliminated.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The crowd rained down boos on Castle and he shrugged at Breezus after their very short lived teamwork had given him an opening to knock one of the favorites out of the match. This left Castle alone with EC3, who was still getting up to his feet from eating the superkick moments before. Castle didn’t give EC3 much room to breath as he stomped him in the corner, then forced him to the top where he was able to hit a stunning superplex. He motioned that it was time to finish things off as he went back to the top and hit the Anchor’s Away on EC3. The crowd counted with the referee, but EC3 was able to kick out at the last moment. Castle was beginning to get frustrated at this point and went to hit EC3 with the Bang-a-Rang, but he was able to roll out the back and pinned Castle, who was able to get out at 2 and a half. After trading blows which saw Castle get the advantage, he went for another German suplex, but EC3 was able to hit a back elbow, and while Castle was stunned he was able to hit the One Percenter, and got the three count, sending him to the 20th Anniversary show for a World Championship match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner: EC3</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 35:57</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rating: 48</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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After the match EC3’s hand was raised high as he struggled to catch his breath after over 35 minutes of action that saw him go from start to finish and outlast five men to become the number one contender for the Ring of Honor World Championship and 2022 winner of Survival of the Fittest. Never at a loss for words EC3 asked for a microphone from ringside.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">EC3</span></strong></p><p>

<em>And there you have it! EC3 is the lone survivor, and more importantly the number one contender to the World Championship. Gresham, Bandido, I know you both think you are the world champion. Your match tonight will be a sight to see for sure, but whoever walks out as the undisputed world champion will just be keeping the seat warm for EC3. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’m the biggest star that Ring of Honor has ever seen, and nothing will stop me from controlling my narrative, and that narrative is to be crowned the new Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion!</em></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="ODe7Vfb.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ODe7Vfb.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="oO7i15m.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/oO7i15m.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Austin Aries vs. Homicide</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

This match has major 2005 vibes as these two men dominated Ring of Honor in its early years. Homicide requested a special opponent for his final match in ROH, and he wasn’t let down as the former World Champion came calling from the NWA for one weekend only. The two men are far from friends but they both respected the past of ROH and shook hands to start the match. This was a very hard hitting affair. They may not move as fast as they did in 2005 but they have both come a very long way and wrestle much more complete matches in 2022. They both showed their wealth of experience as they were able to counter each others attempts to make sure they didn’t get caught up by a pinfall from the other man. The crowd cheered for both men’s offense, even though Aries has been on their better sides in the past. Aries was able to hit Homicide with a brainbuster, and he went up for the 450 Splash, looking to continue his domination over Homicide and spoiling his final match in ROH. Homicide was willed on from the fans though and rolled out of the way of the move.</p><p> </p><p>

Homicide went on the attack at a fever pace as Aries struggled to get back into the match after having all the air knocked out of him from missing the 450. Homicide hit many of his signature moves much to the delight of the fans, but each time Aries would kick out of the move at the last second. Eventually Homicide was starting to get blown up and was moving much slower, which allowed Aries to regain his breath and start to hit more offense. He was able to snap a DDT off, then motioned it was time for the 450 again. He went to the top and motioned that it was over, but Homicide used his last burst to shoot up to his feet and uppercut Aries as he was perched up top. He then climbed up with Aries and delivered a super cutter from the top rope as the fans shot to their feet. He rolled over and pinned Aries and got the three count as the fans gave the men a standing ovation for one last match and chanted thank you Homicide as he went to the back.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner: Homicide</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 15:26</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rating: 46</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="ML6qKiX.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/ML6qKiX.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="tWkidbh.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/tWkidbh.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="zlIbyWJ.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zlIbyWJ.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="gn2kvIF.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/gn2kvIF.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="EebypyO.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/EebypyO.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="T1GFlgx.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/T1GFlgx.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="XAIrXak.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/XAIrXak.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championships</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Soldiers of Savagery vs. The Awakening vs. The Briscoes</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Danhausen came down to the rings with the newly reclaimed championships and waved to the fans as he gave the titles to the officials. That’s where the pleasantries ended in this match. Three of the most physical teams in ROH faced off with three men in the ring at once. There was some heavy offense traded between the six men, with none of the teams proving to be dominant over the others. The teams showed great teamwork as well as they are all well oiled machines. When one team would hit a big signature move the third team was there to keep the three count from happening. It became clear from an early time in the match that to walk out with the tag titles taking one man wasn’t going to work, a team was going to have to take out both sets of men.</p><p> </p><p>

The Awakening is the new team here to ROH, and they were given a rude welcome from Kaun and Moses and they used their power to isolate the small member of The Awakening, Vik. They were impressing the fans and announcers as they were able to keep The Briscoes at bay while they continued to dominate the match. The Briscoes and Awakening didn’t get to where they are from just rolling over and getting dominated though. Big Kon got a hot tag at one point and came in and cleared house, which led to another hot tag from the Briscoes, and Mark and Jay showed why they are two of the best to ever step into a ROH ring. They came close to victory several times but the other team would step in to break things up. The separation finally came as The Awakening looked to win the titles as they hit the Fall of Man on both members of the SOS. The Briscoes are one of the top teams in the world though and took advantage by taking out both members of The Awakening at the same time. This left them in the ring with Moses, and they got him up and finished him off with a spike Jay Driller, earning back their coveted tag team championships.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winners and NEW ROH World Tag Team Champions: The Briscoes</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 18:21</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rating: 50</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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<img alt="WMwv6hS.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/WMwv6hS.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="oopkHhT.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/oopkHhT.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> vs. <img alt="GkrDHdy.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/GkrDHdy.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Ring of Honor World Championship</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Jonathan Gresham © vs. Bandido</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The main event of this big pay-per-view is here and the fans were very excited to see which man was going to walk out the undisputed World Champion. They both came down to the ring with their versions of the ROH World Championship, and they were both turned over to the referee, and one was held up in the air, and the winner would be leaving Survival of the Fittest with it. The crowd here were behind both men, even though Gresham hasn’t had the best attitude surrounding the situation there will always be fans behind him because he is one of the best in ring performers in the world today. HIm and Bandido matched off with several lockups and some high quality chain wrestling. Gresham showed his superior technical wrestling, which Bandido countered by mixing in some lightning quick lucha tosses to throw Gresham off his game.</p><p> </p><p>

As the match wore on things started to shift more to Bandido as he caught Gresham with some lightning quick strikes, which he wasn't completely used to taking yet coming from the pure division from the old Ring of Honor. The announcers hammered home the fact that if Bandido was going to walk out World Champion the key would be to get Gresham away from wrestling and into a fight. Bandido also used his size advantage, which is something he doesn’t get to do very often as he has 4 inches on Gresham. The champion wasn’t going to stray from his strategy, and he’d get Bandido in a hold, only for him to contort his body and escape the hold, leaving Gresham frustrated. That frustration showed when he went to the middle rope to come off with a dropkick, but Bandido sidestepped it and then leveled Gresham with a tornado DDT, but he was only able to keep Gresham down for a 2 count.</p><p> </p><p>

The two men were starting to get winded at the half an hour mark, which started to open up opportunities for Gresham to exploit. Bandido got Gresham in the corner, then called for the finish. He went to hit him with the Revolution Fly from the top, which would have given him the match, but Gresham used his power to throw Bandido from the top. He then was mounted in the corner and came down with a frog splash and got very close to a three count to retain. The two men slowly got to their feet as the referee had started a ten count, and Bandido made the first move going for a German Suplex, but Gresham countered with a beautiful takedown, and after some jostling Bandido was stuck in the Octopus Stretch with nowhere to go. He tried to fight the move off, and even broke Gresham’s lock at one point, but the World Champion pounced and locked it right back in. The crowd cheered for Bandido to get out again, and as he made a last ditch effort to get the ropes Gresham pulled him back away from it, and after that final effort Bandido tapped out, ending his quest to reclaim the title he never lost.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Winner and still Ring of Honor World Champion: Jonathan Gresham</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Time: 30:04</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rating: 53</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

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After the match Gresham collapsed onto the mat, part in relief, part from exhaustion. The referee checked on both men as they slowly got to their feet. The World Championship was brought into the ring and Bandido grabbed it. He walked over to Gresham who looked apprehensive, but he presented the title to him to a roar of applause from the crowd. Gresham graciously took the title and held it high in the air as small pyro went off around the arena as we finally have an undisputed World Champion in this new era of Ring of Honor.</p><p> </p><p>

That wasn’t the end of the night though as the winner of Survival of the Fittest and the challenger for the title at the next pay-per-view EC3 made his way back out to the ring. The crowd booed EC3 as he got in the ring and got face to face with Gresham, congratulating him on his defense of the championship and motioning that he wanted that title. Then in the blink of an eye the lights went out in the arena. The crowd was on their feet wondering what just happened. After a few seconds of complete darkness and when they came back on there was a towering figure standing where EC3 stood moments ago.</p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="aoNtwob.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/aoNtwob.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

“The Titan” Adam Scherr was towering over the World Champion, having a foot and a half advantage over the man he was toe to toe with. EC3 was standing behind The Titan as Gresham looked up into the eyes of this monstrous figure. EC3 then placed his hand on The Titan’s shoulder, and in an instant he snatched Gresham around the throat and lifted him up and drove him down with the biggest chokeslam in the history of ROH. He stood over Gresham with his arms raised in the air when EC3 broke the silence.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">EC3</span></strong></p><p>

<em>Earlier tonight I told you all that I would be controlling the narrative around here. That’s not just a matter of speech. I am the brains of The Narrative, and I’d like you all to meet the muscles behind this whole operation. I give you The Titan! Jonathan, I want you to hold onto that championship very tight until our title match, because The Narrative is going to take it by force. We control the narrative, and soon we will control Ring of Honor.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">Final Rating: 53</span></strong></p><p>


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I watched the pay-per-view last night kid. Good show, that was certainly something. I really like that EC3 character. Reminds me of a young me, ready to take over the world. And that guy who showed up at the end of the night to help him. That’s a huge guy!



Ah yes, The Titan! EC3 came to Danhausen saying he wanted to start his own group so to say and Danhausen thought he’d do a good job with it. He told Danhausen that we was good friends with The Titan and he’d love if Danhausen brought him into Ring of Honor. We talked some and I gave him some of that Team Coco monies and now he’s here to vanquish anybody who stands in EC3’s way!



What’s this I hear that you had a baby shower the morning after the show? What’s that all about?



At the show the champion, you may know him, Jonathan Gresham told Danhausen that he and his wife, Impact Wrestling’s Jordynne Grace are going to have a baby. A human one! Danhausen might be very evil at heart but he loves an excuse for punch and pie as much as the next guy. So I promised all the wrestlerhausens that punch and pie if they came the next day and we celebrated the new baby!



Well that’s certainly something. I love punch and pie, where was my invite Danny? Anyways, what’s next on the agenda for our takeover of the wrestling world? I see you are still spending money like you are on Supermarket Sweep.



Ah yes Danhausen loved that show. Grab all the groceries! Up next we have our 20th Anniversary Show in March. Danhausen is very excited to see EC3 get his title opportunity. We’ll see if Jonathan makes it that far with the championship though. With The Titan around anything is possible. And yes, Danhausen has been spending lots of the monies. Lets just say that EC3’s request for The Titan wasn’t the only one he wanted to add to the evil Narrative. And I’m sure there are other talenthausens that will be making appearances in the future. We need people watching on show so we can get on a legitimate television station, and we have to have wrestlers that the fanhausens will recognize! Also Danhausen loves the tag team wrestling, so Danhausen is ready to make some new teams!



And let me guess, you aren’t going to tell me who they are?







Around the World of Wrestling

January Week 4, 2022


AEW Dynamite features a 93 rated main event. In the early match of the year candidate CM Punk teamed with Hangman Page to defeat the team of Malakai Black and Christian Cage. Danhausen looked stressed when it was over and was on record as saying that this is way better than anything we’ve done.


Terry Taylor retired from professional wrestling today. Good news, Danhausen has stopped singing Sexy Kurt finally. Bad news, Danhausen did his hair in a mohawk today and was running around scaring people with a rooster call all day. Why did we agree to work here?



In another good show outside of Ring of Honor the main event of Smackdown saw Roman Reigns defend his Universal Championship against Rey Mysterio in a match that was rated an 80. Danhausen thinks that Tony Elite has this whole war business already wrapped up.



Baby fever! In separate announcements two of the biggest names in professional wrestling announced that they are pregnant. Impact Wrestling star Deonna Purrazzo and her partner Steve Maclin have announced that they are expecting a new baby. This wraps up her amazing feud with Mickie James for the time being. Another Impact Wrestling star, Jordynne Grace has announced she’s expecting as well. Her husband is our World Champion Jonathan Gresham, and Danhausen threw a surprisingly delightful baby shower for the pair on Sunday. The wrestlers were said to have a great time, and wrestlers Breezus and Dalton Castle seemed like they were pretty chummy after their showing the night before.



WWE held it’s Royal Rumble tonight with a show rating of 76. The Women’s Royal Rumble match started the show off and Sasha Banks won her match and booked her ticket to WrestleMania. Danhausen liked how she looked like Sailor Moon, but said she would have looked better as Marge Simpson. The Universal Championship saw Roman Reigns defeat Rey Mysterio again to keep his impressive title run alive. The main event saw hometown hero Randy Orton win his third Royal Rumble, tying Stone Cold Steve Austin for most Rumble victories.


There were also more retirement announcements that day. Carlito has announced he’s leaving the wrestling business. As we’ve worked for Danhausen long enough we took Sunday to clear the offices of all apples or spittable fruits. Luther also announced he’s retiring from wrestling. Danhausen called someone he called Chris Judas to confirm this news and sounded like he annoyed him on the phone for 20 minutes.


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