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I’m doing a YouTube TEW series mostly based on producing graduates from my dojos. However, just over one month in, there’s been lots of quantity but no quality at all really. Workers are horribly unbalanced and have huge deficiencies. None of my newgens are listed as good prospects in the Creative screen.


Have you had any bonafide top class graduates emerge? If so, any profile screenshots (at any point in their development is fine)? I suppose I’m wanting proof that top tier newgens actually exist.

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What criteria are you looking for when you say "top class"? Star Quality, Charisma, Basics...?


By the way the question was worded, it needs a range. 71 technical ability or 89 SQ with no other redeeming figures does not make someone top class. But if they've got Basics / Psychology / Charisma / Safety / Consistency that can be worked on, you might have a gem.

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This guy qualify? Incredible in-ring skills and stamina, good on the mic, decent enough look. His fundamentals are a little weak, but these are rookies, there's plenty of room to improve.


There's a fair number of decent rookies I saw scrolling through, but that was the best I could find. You have to remember what you're judging them against. A lot of the skills that might be low can be easily improved just by putting them in matches for a year or so.

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Have you upgraded your dojo to focus on Quality?


In my current game (1997 start, now in 2003) I've had 20 graduates, and none of them arrived as perfect specimens. As I'd expect. Rookies shouldn't graduate as fully formed top talents. They should be projects you can work on. Of my 20, I've had 2 Next Big Things, 1 Hot Prospect and I'd say 10 of them are completely useless. Even after a 6 month run of house shows and pre-show matches. The other 7? Honestly, this is where I'm finding the backbones to my roster. The Creative screen keeps pushing cruiserweights and women at me, but I'm a big hoss promotion. I need bigger guys with solid fundamentals and one interesting thing I can use to push them.




This is Oscar Vera, who graduated 3 months ago. He isn't a 'Next Big Thing' or a 'Hot Prospect', but to me, he's an excellent prospect. Size. Star Quality. Good entertainment skills, physical skills and fundamentals. And plenty of time to learn the rest. Now, I do play with scouting on, as I enjoy the mystery, so for all I know he's actually terrible. But he looks good to me.


It's a similar story with Derrick Jarrett, Bryan Fry, and Morton Riggs. They've now been around for a few years, dipping into storylines and getting small pushes. The idea that random gens kinda suck at first is half of the appeal. You get to turn them into something. Riggs has bounced around my promotion for ages, as job guy Justin Riggs, then as JT Riggs in undercard tag team 'Lethal Injection', then as Rodolfo in the evil 'Sea of Monsters' stable. Now he teams with Fry as Execution Inc. And he's only 21! That's some hustle.

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I would describe Oscar Vera as a very good prospect in TEW terms. The big problem with newgens, is that most don't have any where near as balanced a stat spread as Vera does. Too many people have good SQ but terrible mic skills and in ring stats. Others have a terrible look and single digit Psych, but a 45 in technical. Most don't spawn with any stats above the low 40's. Even fewer have multiple stats above that range, and almost all newgens are terribly deficient in at least one key Area.


This problem is compounded by the slow pace at which workers develop their skills. Even prodigies, wrestling many times a month, will likely only see 4 or 5 point attribute increases yearly. Fundamental skills like Basics, and Safety can and do go up very quickly, but not other stats.


A newgen whose best in ring stat is at or around 30 (which is common), will need around a decade just to become half decent in ring. Since it is often hard for young, untalented workers with low pop to get booked, many prospects don't get enough matches to even attain that modest level of stat growth. This tends to kill long term saves as eventually, there just aren't enough good workers to go around.

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I don't have a screenshot of it, but I remember the best newgen that I've ever seen. He was a black British wrestler with face tattoos named Johnny Imes, and he graduated from 21CW's dojo with very strong skills and went straight to their roster. About three years into the save, he was already pulling 70s in his match ratings and had a comfortable place in the top 500.
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This is almost 20 months in, but Dan Horgan graduated for 21CW and has wrestled 38 matches. Good brawling and technical skills, with superb fundamentals. Reasonable psychology for his age, with average Performance Skills. Put him in a performance first product and he's going to do fine, but he could also make it as a tag team worker in any promotion in the world.



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Australia's Finest, Lloyd Patinkin?!?


Had a cverse save where there was a newgen who must have been a huge deal in Australia. His stats weren't that remarkable, but he had 60 pop right out of the box.


Lloyd Patinkin, won the DIW Championship in his first match, defended the title 5 times. Jumped ship to APW where he won the APW Commonwealth in his first match there. By the time he reached his 6th month as a wrestler RAW came calling and signed him up. Upon joining RAW he was booked 30-4 in DIW and APW. He was 11-2 in title matches before finishing his 6th month and was en route to his 3rd company. Wild.


RAW seems to have cooled his buzz a little, but it looks like they're booking him up to something as he's been climbing their cards match by match.


Never saw a wrestler move so fast.


Also, I've noticed that 21CW seems to create some crazy newgen talent that's pretty much going to foil TC Jr. Or that's how it seems.

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