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ECW 1995 - The Revolution Will Be Televised

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"I will destroy this backyard wrestling federation for retarded grown ups!"


JIM CORNETTE ✗ Ladies and gentlemen my name is Jim Cornette and the views i'm about to express only reflect my thoughts, but they may reflecy yours! I came to ECW - Extremely Crappy Wrestling as I like to call it - on a mission. On a crusade, on a purge! You see, I'm tired of this so called "wrestling" company that dishonor the sport of professional wrestling that is so dear to my heart. This is not wrestling, this is sh*t!


JIM CORNETTE ✗ Do you think Lou Thezs would love grown ups putting themselves throught tables?! Do you think Orville Brown would be proud of what the sport he pioneered has become seeing New Jack hitting people with a kitchen sink, or Sabu jumping from high places like he was a god damn kangaroo on ectasy?! Do you think Dory Funk Sr. - may god watch over his soul - would be proud of his own son, on the twilight of his career, disgracing his last name by wrapping himself in barbed wire and doing moonsaults throught tables?! I don't think so!


JIM CORNETTE ✗ I'm here to clean this sport. I'm here to get rid of this crap. I will destroy this backyard wrestling federation for retarded grown ups! That's why I brought with me the Heavenly Bodies. 'Dr. Love' Tom Prichard, 'Gigolo' Jimmy Del Ray, two southern boys that know what proper WRESTLING look like! And of course we went after Tommy Dreamer. This stupid motherf*cker, the guy heralded as the "heart and soul" of ECW. If this is your heart ECW, I swear to god I am going to rip it out of your body! And Terry Funk. Terry, you know me. I've known your family for years. You were one of the best professional wrestler of all time. Yeah, you're f*ckin' nuts sometimes, but you were the drizzling sh*t! Now you're just an old crank with no hip, no mobility and only four moves: punch, kick, piledriver and drop toe hold. You already retired once to save your marriage, well I hope it was worth it because the Heavenly Bodies are going to send you back to your old skank of a wife, believe me!


JIM CORNETTE ✗ Oh, and Paul E. Dangerously... Don't think I'm not also coming for you. Don't think I've forgotten what happened between us. Don't think I'm not here to bankrupt your ass and send you packing to your lawyer daddy. Screw you!



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TAZ ✗ Bring me Sabu...


FONZIE ✗ Even the mighty Doctor Death! The great Steve Williams! That big bastard! Even him couldn't stop the path of Taz. Even him was suplexed into oblivion, slamed back to Japan, dropped on his head and choked out by the Man of 100 Suplexes!


TAZ ✗ Bring... Me... Sabu...


FONZIE ✗ He's dropping fools left and right, front and center, for everybody to see! He fears no man, he can beat everybody! Bring out Hulk Hogan! He'll drop him on his big ass old neck! Bring Ric Flair! He'll tear up his robe and choke him out with it! Bring Bret Hart! The Excellence of Execution will be executed!


TAZ ✗ Bring! Me! Sabu!


FONZIE ✗ Taz has run throught the entire ECW roster! There's no one left to beat! So Paul E. is paying flights to everyone around the globe to come and fight Taz! Koji Nakagawa! Who do you think you are?! This is not your american dream! You'll be beaten!




FONZIE ✗ Choke out!




FONZIE ✗ Victimized!




FONZIE ✗ Just another victim!


TAZ ✗ THAT'S ENOUGH! Fonzie, make your job, get me Sabu! SABU! STOP DODGING ME! STOP DODGING ME!


FONZIE ✗ I'll make it happen daddy I swear imma see Paul Heyman, Imma cut a deal, and then we'...


TAZ ✗ I DON'T CARE! Make it happen in that ring, where I can put my arms around his neck and choke him out!





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"I'm... Free?"


STEVIE RICHARDS ✗ Raven is gone... Raven. Is gone. And I played a part in it. I Stevie Kicked him. I couldn't let him hurt Beulah - again. I couldn't let him run wild - again. I couldn't... I did the right thing. Well, I hope.


STEVIE RICHARDS ✗ Because Raven was my guiding light, my salvation. He taught me. He nurtured me. He made me grow up... Or did he? I'm so confused. I did what I did to break free from him, but now... I'm wondering if I did the right thing. I want to talk with him, but I can't because I don't know where in the world he is... But SHOULD I talk to him? He'll manipulated me again, I'll fall into this trap once more. No. No Stevie, don't fall for it. You're your own man now.


STEVIE RICHARDS ✗ I mean... Whatever that means. I'm going to fight my own battles... But what battles? I don't even know what it is to have battles, I only fought Raven's battles. Now I need to find a purpose... Is that... Life? Am I suppose to figure out who I wanna be... Alone?


STEVIE RICHARDS ✗ Well, it's terrifying, but at least I'm free... I guess?



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"My brother from another mother"


BUBBA RAY ✗ Dudley Dudley... My older brother. The only "pure" Dudley... What does it matter that my mother was a whore from Hell's Kitchen? I'm still Big Daddy's own flesh and blood! Having both your parents name Dudley doesn't make you the boss. My big brother. You lead us nowhere. You lost our match against Axl Rotten and his homeless looking new BFF. Is that what a leader do? Hu-hu, I don't think so.


BUBBA RAY ✗ Look at me! I conquered my stuttering, I'm hitting the gym night and day like a mad dog, i'm in the peak of my f*ckin' shape... And all you do is slow me down. You slow this all family down!


BUBBA RAY ✗ And then I discover something. ANOTHER brother from ANOTHER part of New York, my brother from another mother in the Bronx, the son of Big Daddy and a church choir singer. Maybe HE can lead this family... Or maybe I can.


BUBBA RAY ✗ Dudley Dudley, big brother! I'm laying down a challenge. Face the new number of our extended brotherhood, and if you lose... Weeeeeell maybe you're not fit for leading this family.




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DUDE! Duuuuude. I'm in love with a diary. I loved your 1994 dynasty so much! I was so down to see where you took Dreamer in that.


This is such good stuff. I can't wait for more :D


Hey dude!

Much thanks! The 94 diary was me testing the water and being born into this board, but I feel like this particular diary will be even better! :D Great things in store for sure, and it allowed me to dive back into so much wonderful wrestling

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Great show. Will definitely have to go back and start from the beginning. That Raven/Dreamer match was chef's kiss. It will be interesting to see where you take the Cornell story and if there are more members coming for his group. Young Hardy Boyz will fit in like a glove too.
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<div style="color:rgb(26, 26, 26);font-size:14px;font-style:lato;font-weight:normal;text-align:left;">We head into Hardcore Heaven with a stacked card! Blood feuds, title matches and emotional fights await!



ECW World Heayvweight Championship: Steve Austin © vs. The Sandman




The Sandman vanquished his ennemies Scorpio & Woman, he reunited with his wife Lori... Next stop is reclaiming "his" ECW World Heavyweight Championship, that he lost via fluke against Mikey Whipwreck in autumn 1995. Waiting for him is seemingly immovable champion Steve Austin.


After dispatching of Wrestling Legend and former World champion Terry Funk, Austin opened the next Hardcore TV with a single line: "who's next?". On his quest to show that he is the one true superstar in ECW and elevate the company as a whole, Austin wants the best of the best. Enter Sandman. The beer drinkin' cigarette smokin' singapour cane wavin' entered the ring and blew smoke in Austin's face. Steve Austin laughed and left the ring.


During following weeks, Austin berated The Sandman, cutting promos about "this blonde beer drinkin' SOB". He pondered if Sandman wasn't a reflection of himself... Or what he could have been if he had "no work ethic. No gym membership. And no talent.". Sandman caught Austin's attention though. During an episode of Hardcore TV that Austin was commentating, Sandman defeated 9 other men including Terry Funk, Axl Rotten and Rocco Rock in a battle royal to earn a #1 contender status. The two men then got in each others' faces and engaged in a fist fight where Sandman had the upper hand.


Now aknowledging Sandman as a "true bad ass", Steve Austin still claimed he was the better wrestler and said he could outwrestle Sandman on any given night. Sandman'w answer was shot straight from the hip: "this isn't WCW where you play touch-butt with Ricky Steamboat and dance around the ring for fifty minutes with Bobby Eaton. This is ECW, where we FIGHT!" This turned the Superstar mad and ignited another pull apart brawl that escalated and boiled out to the concession stand.


On the last Hardcore TV before Hardcore Heaven, Steve Austin promise to not only outwrestle Sandman, but to kick his ass all around the arena and beat him so bad he would stay down. Sandman answered by offer Austin a special stipulation: a Texas Death Match. "Outwrestle me, pin me for 3 second if you want. But you'll never keep me down for 10 full seconds. I'll always get back up and beat your ass to a pulp. Austin accepted, and they then had a chaotic brawl - again - until half the roster came out to separate them.



Can The Sandman reclaim the ECW World Heavyweight Championship by pinning Steve Austin and keep him down for 10 seconds?

Will Steve Austin cement his spot by defeating another former world champion?



Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer vs. The Heavenly Bodies /w. Jim Cornette






Jim Cornette declared war on Extreme Championship Wrestling when he invaded House Party 1996 and had The Heavenly Bodies attack "the heart of ECW" Tommy Dreamer, who was then saved by Terry Funk.


Jim Cornette issued multiple video promos "personally paid for" and aired on ECW Hardcore TV for weeks where he insulted ECW, Paul Heyman, the fans, and Tommy Dreamer. He said he was on a crusade to get rid of "crappy wrestling" and "hardcore garbage". Those insults ridden tirade were sprinkled with reference to outdated old school wrestling references like the Brisco Brothers, George Hackensmith or Orville Brown.


Meanwhile, Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk called out the Heavenly Bodies, again and again. Funk became very angry when Cornette, in one of those "personally paid for" promos, said that the late Dory Funk Sr. would be embarassed by his son if he was him indulge in "hardcore non sense".


After weeks of interposed promos, insults and shots, Jim Cornette invaded ECW Hardcore TV on the second week of March, when Jimmy Del Ray and Tom Prichard ambushed Dreamer & Funk and put them in figure four leg locks for AGES while Jim Cornette cut a furious promo on them and ECW while behing showered by boos. 911 attempted to intervene, but got taken down by the Bodies. The crowd nearly rioted and chairs began to be thrown in the ring, forcing Cornette & The Bodies to run away.


Finally, Paul Heyman made a - now rare - appearance on ECW Hardcore TV with Dreamer & Funk. He insulted Jim Cornette and told us that the affair could go to the lawyers or be settled in the ring... So the match was made! Heavenly Bodies vs. Tommy Dreamer & Terry Funk! Heyman put over Dreamer & Funk as "the heart and the soul of ECW".



It's a matter of pride!

Will the "heart and sould" of ECW, Tommy Dreamer & Terry Funk, vanquish the invaders?

Will Jim Cornette's team prevail and prove his point that ECW is "hardcore trash"?



ECW World Tag Team Championship: Gangstaz Paradise Match

Public Enemy vs. The Gangstaz ©





The war between The Gangstaz and The Public Enemy continues! After dispatching of the Gangstaz in a 3 on 3 match (with the help of Mikey Whipwreck), Rocco Rock & Johnny Grunge are dued a title shot! Looking to win back their tag team championship, they had roadblocks after roadblocks put in front of them.


First, Gangstaz' young pup Homicide fought Rocco Rock in a bloody match on Hardcore TV where the goal was clearly to injure him. Then, The Gangstaz ambushed their challengers in the parking lot and beat the hell out of them. They put crushed Johnny Grunge's hand with a car's door again and again, leaving him injured.


Grunge returns two weeks later to a hero welcome, wearing a cast on his hand and saving his best friend and tag team partner from yet another 3-on-1 Gangstaz' beatdown. Following week, Public Enemy got one last roadblock: their title match will be the Gangstaz' own match. If they want to win back the tag title, they'll have to enter a solid steel cage, they'll have to enter Gangsta's Paradise.



Locked inside a cage filled with weapons, which one of these team will get the upper hand and claim the ECW World Tag Team Championship?



Elsewhere on the card..

✗ It's a rematch months in the making! After debuting against Sabu in a losing effort on Holiday Hell, RVD earned another TV title Shot against the Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocial, Death Defyin' Sabu. The two men never engaged in a brawl, as Sabu's japanese obligations have prevented him from appearing on most of ECW Hardcore TV, but RVD has been repeatedly calling him out and won a three way dance match involving Yoshihiro Tajiri and Stevie Richards to earn the title shot.

✗ Another match wanting a shot at Sabu is, of course, Taz. From months, Taz has campaigned for a match against arch nemesis Sabu. He interrupted RVD at one time, only to get the announcement from Paul Heyman that he already was scheduled to have a match on Hardcore Heaven, against Japanese import Koji Nakagawa. This match was made out because of Taz's comment that he could beat anybody in the world. "Now put up or shut up!" - Paul Heyman.

Crusher Durante is smashing fools left and right under the influence of Francine. His "mistress", leading him to the ring with a dog collar, has been calling out everybody, claiming she wants to "feed her dog". Enters plucky underdog Mikey Whipwreck, who scored a surprise roll up win against the former Pitbull. After the match, he got beat up and powerbombed into oblivion. Both men now want revenge, and they will settle this at Hardcore Heaven!

✗ Mexico is still after The Eliminators! Having dispatch Hallowenn & Bestia 666, they called for a tag team title shot but got interrupted by a video from Mexico from... Konnan! Still seeking revenge - despite having already taken out Jason - Konnan said he was sending two of the top luchadors to beat the Eliminators at Hardcore Heaven. These two men? Juventud Guerrera & Super Crazy, who scored an emphatic win over Bad Crew on their hardcore TV debut... Before being attacked by the Eliminators.

Dudley Dudley is losing his grip on his brothers! After his poor showing at House Party, he was repeatedly confronted by half brother Bubba Ray Dudley. Bubba said he was on a mission to "make daddy proud" and that failured would not be accepted anymore on the family. He took out his own brothers Dances with Dudley and Chubby Dudley after they lost singles match. Meanwhile, Big Dick Dudley hasn't picked a side, having been seen with Dudley Dudley and with Bubba separately. Bubba now claims he found another half brother that is the only one on his level: Devon Dudley. This new Dudley will debut at Hardcore Haven and face Dudley Dudley in a battle for the control of the family.

Stevie Richards is... Wandering. Torn apart by what he has done to mentor, best friend, tormentor and former ally Raven. Richards superkicked him, causing him his match against Tommy Dreamer and his ECW career. This brave act of rebellion was followed by anguish, as Stevie Richards doesn't know what to do or how to act, without his leader. Cutting strange promos about "finding himself" and "the true meaning of life", Stevie Richards has been seen in vignettes searching for Raven to talk it out. After knocking on a WCW Nitro's arena door to no answer and wandering in the streets, nothing came of it. He will be the guest colour commentator at Hardcore Heaven to give us his "views" on the lack of meaning in life.



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1 Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney vs. Bad Crew

2 Dudley Dudley vs. Devon Dudley /w. Bubba Ray

3 Juventud Guerrara & Super Crazy vs. The Eliminators

4 Taz /w. Bill Alfonso vs. Koji Nakagawa

5 Crusher Durante /w. Francine vs. Mikey Whipwreck

6 The Heavenly Bodies /w. Jim Cornette vs. Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer

7 Gangsta's Paradise Match for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: The Gangstaz © vs. Public Enemy

8 ECW World Television Championship: Sabu © vs. Rob Van Dam

9 ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Steve Austin © vs. The Sandman


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1 ✗ Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney vs. Bad Crew

2 ✗ Dudley Dudley vs. Devon Dudley /w. Bubba Ray

3 ✗ Juventud Guerrara & Super Crazy vs. The Eliminators

4 ✗ Taz /w. Bill Alfonso vs. Koji Nakagawa

5 ✗ Crusher Durante /w. Francine vs. Mikey Whipwreck

6 ✗ The Heavenly Bodies /w. Jim Cornette vs. Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer

7 ✗ Gangsta's Paradise Match for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: The Gangstaz © vs. Public Enemy

8 ✗ ECW World Television Championship: Sabu © vs. Rob Van Dam

9 ✗ ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Steve Austin © vs. The Sandman

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1 ✗ Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney vs. Bad Breed

2 ✗ Dudley Dudley vs. Devon Dudley /w. Bubba Ray

3 ✗ Juventud Guerrara & Super Crazy vs. The Eliminators

4 ✗ Taz /w. Bill Alfonso vs. Koji Nakagawa

5 ✗ Crusher Durante /w. Francine vs. Mikey Whipwreck

6 ✗ The Heavenly Bodies /w. Jim Cornette vs. Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer

7 ✗ Gangsta's Paradise Match for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: The Gangstaz © vs. Publioc Enemy

8 ✗ ECW World Television Championship: Sabu © vs. Rob Van Dam

9 ✗ ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Steve Austin © vs. The Sandman

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1 ✗ Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney vs. Bad Breed

2 ✗ Dudley Dudley vs. Devon Dudley /w. Bubba Ray

3 ✗ Juventud Guerrara & Super Crazy vs. The Eliminators

4 ✗ Taz /w. Bill Alfonso vs. Koji Nakagawa

5 ✗ Crusher Durante /w. Francine vs. Mikey Whipwreck

6 ✗ The Heavenly Bodies /w. Jim Cornette vs. Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer

7 ✗ Gangsta's Paradise Match for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: The Gangstaz © vs. Publioc Enemy

8 ✗ ECW World Television Championship: Sabu © vs. Rob Van Dam

9 ✗ ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Steve Austin © vs. The Sandman

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1 ✗ Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoneyvs. Bad Breed

2 ✗ Dudley Dudley vs. Devon Dudley /w. Bubba Ray

3 ✗ Juventud Guerrara & Super Crazy vs. The Eliminators

4 ✗ Taz /w. Bill Alfonso vs. Koji Nakagawa

5 ✗ Crusher Durante /w. Francine vs. Mikey Whipwreck

6 ✗ The Heavenly Bodies /w. Jim Cornette vs. Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer

7 ✗ Gangsta's Paradise Match for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: The Gangstaz © vs. Publioc Enemy

8 ✗ ECW World Television Championship: Sabu © vs. Rob Van Dam

9 ✗ ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Steve Austin © vs. The Sandman

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1 ✗ Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney vs. Bad Crew

2 ✗ Dudley Dudley vs. Devon Dudley /w. Bubba Ray

3 ✗ Juventud Guerrara & Super Crazy vs. The Eliminators

4 ✗ Taz /w. Bill Alfonso vs. Koji Nakagawa

5 ✗ Crusher Durante /w. Francine vs. Mikey Whipwreck

6 ✗ The Heavenly Bodies /w. Jim Cornette vs. Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer

7 ✗ Gangsta's Paradise Match for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: The Gangstaz © vs. Public Enemy

8 ✗ ECW World Television Championship: Sabu © vs. Rob Van Dam

9 ✗ ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Steve Austin © vs. The Sandman


IMO Jim Cornette needs more people by his side to survive the wrath of ECW fans. Very interested in a singles match between Sandy and Steve.

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1 ✗ Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney vs. Bad Crew

2 ✗ Dudley Dudley vs. Devon Dudley /w. Bubba Ray

3 ✗ Juventud Guerrara & Super Crazy vs. The Eliminators

4 ✗ Taz /w. Bill Alfonso vs. Koji Nakagawa

5 ✗ Crusher Durante /w. Francine vs. Mikey Whipwreck

6 ✗ The Heavenly Bodies /w. Jim Cornette vs. Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer

7 ✗ Gangsta's Paradise Match for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: The Gangstaz © vs. Public Enemy

8 ✗ ECW World Television Championship: Sabu © vs. Rob Van Dam

9 ✗ ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Steve Austin © vs. The Sandman

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1 ✗ Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney vs. Bad Crew

2 ✗ Dudley Dudley vs. Devon Dudley /w. Bubba Ray

3 ✗ Juventud Guerrara & Super Crazy vs. The Eliminators

4 ✗ Taz /w. Bill Alfonso vs. Koji Nakagawa

5 ✗ Crusher Durante /w. Francine vs. Mikey Whipwreck

6 ✗ The Heavenly Bodies /w. Jim Cornette vs. Terry Funk & Tommy Dreamer

7 ✗ Gangsta's Paradise Match for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: The Gangstaz © vs. Public Enemy

8 ✗ ECW World Television Championship: Sabu © vs. Rob Van Dam

9 ✗ ECW World Heavyweight Championship: Steve Austin © vs. The Sandman

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