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WWF 2001 - Saving The Invasion

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Rey Mysterio & Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Haku & Umaga w/ Rikishi [vs] Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn)


‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


Crash Holly w/ Molly [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Big Boss Man

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Thanks for the one star rating. Next time, if you don't like it, just don't read it. DM me if you'd like a conversation.


I wouldn't bite if I'm honest pal. I don't think anybody puts any stock in those stars. As always your stuff is deservedly one of the most followed on the boards I think that speaks for itself.

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Thanks for the one star rating. Next time, if you don't like it, just don't read it. DM me if you'd like a conversation.


Pretty sure someone told me once it's bots who rate diaries 1 star at times, not sure about the validity of that. Either way taste is subjective and you're far and away the most popular writer on the boards currently in my estimation, so bot or legit one person not enjoying your content I wouldn't worry too much about it.

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Rey Mysterio & Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Haku & Umaga w/ Rikishi [vs] Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn)


‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit

Crash Holly w/ Molly [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Big Boss Man


I remember being bothered by losing a star too, back in the day. But you have a very active following here, which is the most important thing.


It would be great if the forum would introduce a karma system of sorts, where people could like every other post... Could make nominations for DOTM easier too!

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In The Booth:




Michael Cole and Tazz



Heat versus Cold…


We opened the show with ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero heading to the ring… He looked to the stage once he was in the middle, and looked ready for a fight… He was soon joined in the ring by ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin…




Eddie Guerrero:
“Choo know… I have to hand it to you, amigo… 303 days as WWF World Heavyweight Champion… Incredible defences against The Rock… Triple H… Big Show… Rikishi… Even The Undertaker… You’ve beaten them ALL… except… ‘Latino Heat’ Eddie Guerrero…!!”


The crowd cheered Eddie… they love his ‘Lying, Cheating and Stealing’ mantra… and they can’t wait to see him battle Austin at WrestleMania 18…


Steve Austin:
“WHAT…?! Listen Eddie… I appreciate the comments… But honestly, hearing YOU, of all people, say that my matches were ‘incredible’, doesn’t mean a lot to me… I mean… who the HELL are you, to tell ME, that I had an incredible match…!? You’re not exactly Dave Meltzer…”


Eddie Guerrero:
“Glad choo bring that up… See… I measure my words carefully… and what I said was… You had incredible defences… against The Rock… etc… I didn’t say the matches were incredible… What’s incredible, was that you actually WON those matches…!! Eeeeeeveryone knows… if the matches were incredible, it’s because of your opponent… NOT you…”


Austin was mad, but couldn’t react physically just yet… because the two were interrupted by ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle…




Angle, who was supposed to be suspended, said that Austin owes him a Title shot, as he took Big Show out this past Sunday… Just like Austin asked… However, ‘Stone Cold’ reminded Kurt that he asked him to take Show or Rikishi out BEFORE the Title Match at No Way Out… NOT after it…


Kurt Angle:
“Yeah, well… a small detail… So when’s my Title shot…?! Am I replacing Eddie at ‘Mania…?! Or should we make it a Triple Threat…?!”


Eddie and Austin stayed quiet, and listened to Angle rant… He actually brought up some good points after that…


Kurt Angle:
“Let me get this straight… I take out Big Show… I get SUSPENDED… which is a joke, who’s going to stop me entering the building…?! AND… I’m waiting on the details of a FINE…!! Whereas Kane. Hits a ‘Tombstone Piledriver’ on a WOMAN… and what…?! Gets away with it…?! I attacked a GIANT… he attacked a DEFENCELESS WOMAN…!! WHY…?! Because what…!? She started it…?!”


Angle was furious, but was put down by a brilliant super kick from Eddie Guerrero…!! Austin then lurked near Eddie, and looked to hit his ‘Stone Cold Stunner’… but Eddie was ready for it, and backed away from ‘The Texas Rattlesnake’…






Rey Mysterio & Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] Mr. Perfect & Mr. Sexay


Rey and Liger, what an incredible team they were. They were up against another great team, in Perfect and Sexay. The current WWF World Tag Team Champions haven’t been in the best of form when it comes to results, but they’re always dangerous in the ring. They lost here, when Sexay missed a bulldog on Mysterio and ended up draped over the second rope. Rey ran off the opposite ropes, and hit his ‘619’ to win it! Mysterio and Liger were very much on the same page tonight, but next week on RAW, they’ll be opponents, in a Number One Contenders Match for the Light Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania 18!



Rey Mysterio & Jushin Thunder Liger







We cut backstage, to where Marty Jannetty was shown watching the action on a TV monitor… He was soon joined by his old rival, now friend (?) Jerry Lynn…




Lynn said that Rey and Liger were a great Light Heavyweight team… but that he and Jannetty could be a BETTER one… Marty was apprehensive, but was willing to hear Lynn out…


Jerry Lynn:
“Think about it… Two of the GREATEST Light Heavyweights in the history of the World Wrestling Federation… Together… We’d be unstoppable…!! Look, I know I can be kind of an a*****e… but wouldn’t you rather have an a*****e as your partner, than your opponent…?! Let me prove it to you… One match… Me and you, on RAW… against two guys in a tag match!! Whaddya say…?!”


Jannetty said “Alright… You’re on!” and Lynn punched the air… The veteran looked delighted to be able to team with Jannetty… even if it’s only a one off… for now…






Spike Dudley [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Spike Dudley hurt his hand really early in this one, and looked like he could barely get through the match. Tajiri mercifully put him out of his misery with the ‘Buzzsaw Kick’ to end it seemingly early.



‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri

'Buzzsaw Kick'




Billy The Kid…


Backstage, Steven Richards was looking for somebody, and he found who he was looking for… New WWF signing: Kidman!!




In a strange turn of events, Richards who was carrying a duffel bag, pulled out some face paint…!! He started painting his face blue, and Kidman kind of, looked around to see if anyone near by knew what Richards was doing…!! Nobody knew… so Kidman just asked him…


Steven Richards:
“Oh this…?! I’m just ‘Getting Some Colour’… apparently it makes your matches more, dramatic…!! You can do it by doing something called ‘Juicing’… although I’m yet to find a place who sells the kind of juice I need…”


Richards then thanked Kidman for his help on RAW… He said debuting on the night after No Way Out was extremely big for the WWF… and extremely big for him, because Kidman helped him fend off a 2 on 1 attack from Razor Ramon and Bill DeMott…


“Don’t thank me yet… On RAW next week, we’ve got Ramon and DeMott in a tag match…!! And listen, do me a favour… Don’t ‘Juice’… or ‘Get Colour’… or ‘Blade’ or anything…!!”


Kidman left the scene, and Richards tried to work out what ‘Blade’ meant…






Haku & Umaga w/ Rikishi [vs] Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn)


Haku and Umaga squashed Rapid Fire here. Not in a quick, dominant, match way. More in a size advantage, weight advantage kind of way. Umaga sat on K-Kwik’s chest to end it, following his vicious ‘Samoan Spike’. But both teams performed well.



Haku & Umaga w/ Rikishi

'Samoan Spike'




The Compound…




For the first time since No Way Out, we headed to The Hardy Compound, to hear from Jeff Hardy… We haven’t heard from his Brother Matt since his match with Kane, in which ‘The Big Red Machine’ hit a ‘Tombstone Piledriver’ on Matt’s girlfriend Lita…!!


Jeff Hardy:
“KANE… Must be stopped… He’s a danger, to himself… He’s a danger to every WWF wrestler… and he’s frankly, a danger to innocent bystanders, like poor Lita… Next week… We’re gonna confront Kane… In the ring… LIVE… on RAW…!!”






‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown [vs] ‘The Crippler’ Chris Benoit


D’Lo and Benoit had a great match here, with ‘The Crippler’ looking awesome throughout. Everything he did looked real, and looked like D’Lo got beaten up. In the end though, Benoit cared more about the crowd booing him than he should, and he was planted with the ‘Sky High’. Brown then ascended the turnbuckle, and came down hard with his ‘Lo-Down’. While D’Lo’s hand was raised, the crowd bopped along to his entrance music: Business by Eminem.



‘The Real Deal’ D’Lo Brown





Nine And One…


We cut to a pre-taped video next, showing ‘The Great One’ The Rock… who looked ready for his WrestleMania 18 match with The Undertaker…!!




The Rock:
“Yu know, The Rock says… That at WrestleMania… ‘The Great One’… Goes ONE… on ONE… with a man who is on the greatest streak in wrestling history… Credit where credit’s due… Undertaker is 9 and 0 on the Grandest Stage of them ALL…!! He even beat King Kong Bundy… not to mention Giant Gonzalez…!! ‘Taker needs to realise… The Rock isn’t worried about no ‘Streak’… Undertaker should be worried… about ‘The Icon’… THE ROCK…!!”


At WrestleMania 18… It’ll be ICON versus STREAK…!! Can Undertaker go 10 and 0…?! Or will The Rock inflict Undertaker’s first defeat upon him…?!






Crash Holly w/ Molly [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


People in the WWF should start taking notice of Batista now. This was his sixth victory in a row since debuting at the Royal Rumble, and he’s looked unstoppable in all six. Crash is a great performer, but he couldn’t do anything about ‘The Animal’ here.



‘The Animal’ Batista

'Batista Bomb'


Terri’s Boy…?


After the match, Batista had his hand raised… but as he left the ring, Terri lead her ‘Boys’ Albert and Perry Saturn out to the ring…




The group passed Batista on the ramp… and Terri liked what she saw… Big Albert outstretched a hand to ‘The Animal’, but the newcomer ignored it and carried on walking… Terri, Albert and Saturn weren’t happy with the disrespect shown… but instead of going after Batista, they turned their attention to Crash and Molly Holly in the ring… Terri slapped Molly as soon as they climbed through the ropes, and knocked her over… while Albert and Saturn beat up Crash…!! But the fan favourite soon got some help…




Val Venis and Hardcore Holly sprinted to the ring, and saw off their rivals: ‘Terri’s Boys’… Terri shouted that they were ‘DONE’ with Val and the Holly Family… but it didn’t look like it tonight when they attacked Crash…!!




‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Big Boss Man


Not the most amazing Main Event here for Smackdown, but Triple H more than did his part. Boss Man’s best years are very much behind him, but given his experience, and size, he still made you think he’d win this one, particularly towards the end when he was fully in control. ‘The Game’ has the ability to beat anyone once he gets rolling though, and he used his knees to fight back into it. In the end, the ‘Pedigree’ did for Boss Man.



‘The Game’ Triple H





The End…


To close the show, Bradshaw and Faarooq of the APA headed to the ring… for a special challenge that Faarooq seemed to know nothing about…




“On RAW… EDGE… Lost again, to Chris Jericho… When is someone else gonna get an Intercontinental Title shot…?! When will Chris Benoit be punished, for interfering… It’s these kind of injustices, that I cannot just stand aside and accept… It’s time for a NEW challenger for Jericho… And I… am putting my name in the hat…”


Faarooq couldn’t believe what he was hearing… He said he thought that he and Bradshaw were there to challenge Perfect and Sexay for the WWF World Tag Team Titles…


“They’re there for the TAKING… A match with Jericho is… a risk?! Besides, where does that leave… The APA…?! And us, man…?!”


“Us…?! Ron… There is no ‘Us’… Get that through your THICK skull, before I end up dragging you along with me for the next few weeks, just like I did the last few…. I want a singles Title… and I don’t want, or NEED, you…!!”


Bradshaw laid his microphone down, and left the ring… Faarooq could be heard saying that he ‘doesn’t accept that’, but in truth, there was nothing he could do to change his tag partner’s mind… Are The APA over…?!


Was that, The End…?!







Quick Results:


Rey Mysterio & Jushin Liger [def.] Perfect & Sexay


Tajiri [def.] Spike Dudley


Haku & Umaga [def.] Rapid Fire


D’Lo Brown [def.] Chris Benoit


Batista [def.] Crash Holly


Triple H [def.] Big Boss Man


Show Rating:







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Number One Contender for the Light Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio [vs] Jushin Thunder Liger

Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri

Umaga w/ Haku & Rikishi [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay

Kidman & Steven Richards [vs] Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott

Al Snow [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista

‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test

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Number One Contender for the Light Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio [vs] Jushin Thunder Liger


Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Umaga w/ Haku & Rikishi [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Kidman & Steven Richards [vs] Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test

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Number One Contender for the Light Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio [vs] Jushin Thunder Liger


Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Umaga w/ Haku & Rikishi [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Kidman & Steven Richards [vs] Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test

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Number One Contender for the Light Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio [vs] Jushin Thunder Liger


Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Umaga w/ Haku & Rikishi [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Kidman & Steven Richards [vs] Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test

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Number One Contender for the Light Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio [vs] Jushin Thunder Liger

Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Umaga w/ Haku & Rikishi [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Kidman & Steven Richards [vs] Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test

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Number One Contender for the Light Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio [vs] Jushin Thunder Liger


Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Umaga w/ Haku & Rikishi [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Kidman & Steven Richards [vs] Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test

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Number One Contender for the Light Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio [vs] Jushin Thunder Liger


Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Umaga w/ Haku & Rikishi [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Kidman & Steven Richards [vs] Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test

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Number One Contender for the Light Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio [vs] Jushin Thunder Liger


Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Umaga w/ Haku & Rikishi [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Kidman & Steven Richards [vs] Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test

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So are your tag team champions going to win a tag team match :D


Number One Contender for the Light Heavyweight Title:

Rey Mysterio [vs] Jushin Thunder Liger


Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Umaga w/ Haku & Rikishi [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Kidman & Steven Richards [vs] Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott


Al Snow [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test

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MARCH 2002, WEEK 1…



In The Booth:




Jim Ross, Michael Cole and Tazz



The End…


We kicked off Smackdown where we left off from RAW… Faarooq headed to the ring… unsure about his future… and looking saddened by his tag team partner Bradshaw’s actions…




“There comes a time… In every man’s life… where he has to make a choice… Tonight… Tonight is uhh… rough… it’s a tough one… But I choose… to challenge… BRADSHAW… To a MATCH… at WrestleMania 18…!! So Bradshaw… Get yo’ stinkin’ ass out here… RIGHT… NOW…!!”


Bradshaw didn’t waste any time coming out to the ring… but he had a different entrance, and a different look when he arrived… He also had a different NAME…!!




“No… No… No… NO…!! Faarooq… It’s not goin’ down like that… I am henceforth to be known… as John Bradshaw Layfield… Or ‘JBL’ if you wish… You talk about makin’ choices… I… made some choices, Ron… I saved ALL the money we’d made from jobs… from playin’ cards… from ALL of it… and I invested it… For YEARS… I’ve been investin’ my money in stocks, and shares, and NOW…?! Now I’m the richest man in the World Wrestlin’ Federation…”


As for Faarooq’s challenge for ‘Mania, JBL said that he would NOT get that match… because JBL wants the Intercontinental Title…


“I’ve CUT you… You, are OUT… and now… You ain’t getting’ in MY way… because I’m going to beat Chris Jericho… become Intercontinental Champion… And if you get in my way… I will END you…!!”


JBL agreed to fight Faarooq on Smackdown, but said he would NOT be fighting him at WrestleMania… A fact that the crowd absolutely hated…!! They want to see Faarooq get his hands on the rich businessman…!!





Number One Contender for the Light Heavyweight Title:



Rey Mysterio [vs] Jushin Thunder Liger


Tag Team Partners on Smackdown, and opponents here on RAW. Mysterio and Liger knew that the winner here would head to WrestleMania 18 to take on Light Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy. This was a great outing for both men, with Liger looking dangerous with a few submission attempts. In the end, a hurricanrana from Rey sent Liger flying onto the second rope. He was in the perfect position for the ‘619’, and Rey hit it to score a big win. After the match, the two masked legends shook hands and patted each other on the back.



Rey Mysterio





Big Boss Main Event…


We cut to the back, to where ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle was pacing back and forth…




Kurt Angle:
“Eddie Guerrero… SUCKERPUNCHED me… and this… this is the WrestleMania Main Event…?! Eddie Guerrero…!? He lies… cheats… AND steals… And don’t get me started on Triple H versus Big Boss Man as the Main Event of Smackdown…!! When I didn’t even have a MATCH…!! It’s about time Kurt Angle was the Main Event… of RAW, of Smackdown, of WrestleMania…!! So on Smackdown… I’m issuing an ‘Open Challenge’ to ANYONE, who wants to Main Event, with ME…!!”






Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn [vs] Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri


Jannetty and Lynn have been enemies for a long time, so it was strange to see them on the same team here. They worked together extremely well, but were eventually just overpowered by Albert and Saturn. ‘Terri’s Boys’ won it when Lynn tapped to the ‘Rings Of Saturn’.



Albert & Perry Saturn w/ Terri

'Rings Of Saturn'


Unexpected Saviours…


After the match was over, Saturn refused to release the hold… and Marty Jannetty had to get into the ring to kick him off of Lynn…




Terri didn’t tell her ‘Boys’ to stop, she ordered them to attack, and pretty soon Jannetty was being swarmed by both big men… With Lynn down in the corner and unable to help, Jannetty received assistance from unlikely saviours…




Val Venis and The Holly Cousins hit the ring… Not necessarily to save Jannetty and Lynn, but to get to Albert and Saturn… and Val had a message for Terri and her ‘Boys’…


Val Venis:
“Our record against Albert and Saturn isn’t great… but we want one more SHOT… Next week on RAW… me and Hardcore… versus ‘Terri’s Boys’…!!”





All It Takes, Is A Phonecall…


Backstage, the WWF Chairman was on the phone… We never got to find out who he was talking to…




Vince McMahon:
“Is this real…?! I haven’t eaten much today… But I must be mistaken… Because… I sent you over there, to tell me what’s worth saving… and you bring me a punk kid in his early 20s…?! Some CHILD in developmental who may or may not be successful… What…?! What are you…?! REALLY…?! I’ll tell you this… Bring him to RAW next week… I’ll book him in a match… If he loses… if he doesn’t impress me… it won’t be him who’s fired… It’ll be YOU…!!”






Umaga w/ Haku & Rikishi [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay


Umaga got a big win here, against a veteran who was taken by surprise by the young Samoan’s intensity and power. Perfect had some spells of control, despite the size and strength difference between the two. But in the end, he succumbed to a ‘Samoan Spike’ to the side of his neck.



Umaga w/ Haku & Rikishi

'Samoan Spike'




‘Mania Mayhem…




Two Champions and two members of the Four Man Power Trip: The Undertaker and ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin were backstage next… The Hardcore and the WWF World Heavyweight Champions had a lot to talk about… Notably, their respective WrestleMania 18 opponents…


The Undertaker:
“It’s gonna be a tough night… For The Rock…!! He doesn’t have the ‘Flair’ to beat me at WrestleMania 18!!”


Steve Austin:
“Well I got this lyin’, cheatin’, stealin’, sumb***h, Eddie Guerrero… Seems to me, he’s a ‘Bad Guy’… just waitin’ for someone to kick him down the ‘Hall’…!!”


‘Taker and Austin did both concede that ‘The Streak’, and the WWF World Heavyweight Championship would both be hard to retain… but that they’d have each other’s backs regardless of what happens… As for Rock and Eddie… they’ll actually be in tag team action on Smackdown…!!






Kidman & Steven Richards [vs] Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott


Kidman and Richards are old friends, and the two heartthrobs had female fans in particular ‘Flocking’ to them from the get-go here. They controlled the pace early on, taking it to the ‘Bully’ Bill DeMott. However, late on, Ramon grabbed a steel chair, and knocked Richards out with it, causing the disqualification!



Kidman & Steven Richards



There’s Always A Plan B…


Things had broken down fast, and Kidman came into the ring, also wielding a chair… Ramon and DeMott got out of the ring unscathed though…




Kidman helped Richards to his feet… and stood side-by-side with him as they glared at ‘The Bad Guy’ and ‘The Bully’… Then, the unthinkable happened… Kidman stepped back as Richards stepped forward, and from behind the newcomer unleashed a steel chair shot to Richards’ spine… The fan favourite slowly fell forwards, and landed draped over the bottom rope… Kidman hit him again with the chair, before heading to the top rope to hit a ‘Shooting Star Press’…!! Ramon and DeMott laughed as if they knew this would happen… Kidman couldn’t have been booed any louder…!!






Al Snow [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Another high profile win for Batista here as he continues his slow rise in the company. Al Snow put up more of a fight than Kamala in ‘The Animal’s’ first singles match, but he was put away with the same move – the devastating ‘Batista Bomb’.



‘The Animal’ Batista

'Batista Bomb'




Having The Edge…


In the back, two fan favourites bumped into one another… and despite the immediate mutual respect, there was tension in the air…




“D’Lo… You’ve impressed me lately, man… Not only in the ring, but you were right about Bradshaw… or JBL… or whatever the heck his name is…”


D’Lo Brown:
“Damn straight I was right… and JBL better recognise… He’s looking at ‘The Real Deal’ when it comes to me… so if he thinks he’s getting an Intercontinental Title shot… he better get in line behind ME…!!”


Edge paused for thought… he looked like he wasn’t sure if he should say what was on his mind, but he became more confident when Trish Stratus walked up…




“JBL is in the line, behind you… That’s fine… But this line… it starts behind ME…”


D’Lo looked angered as Trish put her arm around her man…






‘The Game’ Triple H [vs] Test


Triple H with his second Main Event in as many shows, and it could be argued he failed to carry both Big Boss Man, and Test here, to a top quality show closer. Neither match was bad, but the company would have been looking for someone to make sure it was better than ‘not bad’. Test fought hard, and he controlled the pace in the middle portion after weathering the storm that Triple H threw his way. For the finish though, after missing his ‘Big Boot’ in the corner, Test got semi-crotched on the top rope. As he got himself free, he skipped across towards ‘The Game’, who kicked him hard in the gut, and then dropped him with the ‘Pedigree’.



‘The Game’ Triple H



Menace To Society…




The Hardy Family, almost in its entirety, passed Triple H on the ramp, for the final segment of the show… ‘The Game’ snarled at them, but the group walked past without incident or physical altercation… Lita was the only Hardy Family member missing, after she succumbed to a ‘Tombstone Piledriver’ from Kane at No Way Out…


Matt Hardy:
“We, have stayed quiet, up until now… but Kearne… (Kane)… Needs to be stopped…!! He’s a menace, and a danger to society… Kurt Angle, was RIGHT… He’s a Right Angle… Kearne has suffered, ZERO punishments, for his actions… and now he must be… DELETEEEEED…”


Hardy told Kane to get out to the ring, and hear a challenge he had for him… Man-to-man… and ‘The Big Red Machine’ obliged…




As soon as Hardy saw Kane arrive, he wanted to fight the big masked man… ‘Broken’ Matt has never felt anger like he felt when Kane hit the ‘Tombstone’ on his girlfriend Lita… and he has not calmed down since… He essentially told his Brother Jeff, Nidia, and ‘Senior’ Shelton Benjamin to hold him back, so he couldn’t get to Kane… Although he probably did it for his own protection… He then ordered his group to leave the ring… Then… out of nowhere…




Two smaller guys chopped Kane down from behind, and began putting the boots to the surprised monster… Jeff and Shelton slid into the ring, and joined them… and as great as Kane is, he stood no chance 4 on 1… Matt climbed in, and laughed at the fallen ‘Big Red Machine’… As Matt was lining up his ‘Twist Of Fate’, Kane suddenly broke free of the four person grip holding him back… The two newcomers were thrown through the ropes, while Matt, Jeff and Shelton sloped out of the ring, and made it to the safety of the ramp…!!


The show ended with Kane demanding someone get in the ring with him… but nobody did…!!







Quick Results:


Rey Mysterio [def.] Jushin Thunder Liger


Albert & Perry Saturn [def.] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn


Umaga [def.] Mr. Perfect


Kidman & Steven Richards [def.] Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott


Batista [def.] Al Snow


Triple H [def.] Test


Show Rating:







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So are your tag team champions going to win a tag team match :D


After another loss putting over Umaga, it seems like a good time to answer this :D


So, here's what happened... Edge and Christian were the Champs, and Christian picked up an injury. It was one he could work through, but I like to let people take time off even if it's a small injury, as I like how the game throws spanners into your plans.


Perfect and Sexay are a new, but great, heel tag team. They've impressed me so far with their ratings and performances, particularly in promos. Then Perfect goes and fails a drugs test right after winning the Belts. I quickly realised I couldn't trust him on top. Sexay then failed one a week or so later. Such a shame, but I'm punishing them by sending them down the card with some losses.


They'll remain on the roster for now, but they'll be very much mid-carders.

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Kurt Angle’s Open Challenge:

Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri

Faarooq [vs] Dean Malenko w/ William Regal

Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn

Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista

Eddie Guerrero & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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Makes Sense if there on the perfect drug


Kurt Angle’s Open Challenge:

Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist' Kurt Angle


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Faarooq [vs] Dean Malenko w/ William Regal


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Eddie Guerrero & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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Kurt Angle’s Open Challenge:

Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Faarooq [vs] Dean Malenko w/ William Regal


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Eddie Guerrero & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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Kurt Angle’s Open Challenge:

Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle


Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri

Faarooq [vs] Dean Malenko w/ William Regal


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Eddie Guerrero & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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Kurt Angle’s Open Challenge:

Rey Mysterio [vs] ‘The Olympic Gold Medallist’ Kurt Angle

Local Enhancement Talent [vs] ‘The Japanese Buzzsaw’ Tajiri


Faarooq [vs] Dean Malenko w/ William Regal


Rapid Fire (K-Kwik & Billy Gunn) [vs] Marty Jannetty & Jerry Lynn


Jushin Thunder Liger [vs] ‘The Animal’ Batista


Eddie Guerrero & The Rock [vs] Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit

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