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(DOTM) New York is Always a Good Idea (Cverse)

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New York City… where major changes could be in the offing…


It was the penultimate show before the big one. Backstage before the event I was talking with Honest Frank about his son. He was delighted with the progress and I promised him that better things were afoot. Frank mentioned that he was happy in his role of road agent backstage and enjoyed working with the younger performers and passing on tips and tricks to smarten them up. It allowed me to reflect on the quality of our road agents. Even with the loss of Bryan Vessey to CZCW earlier in the year, we had a plethora of options of older stars.


NYCW Welcome to New York 2023

Sunday, Week 4, November 2023

Weston Square Garden, New York City, New York

Attendance: 39,152


GANG WARS MATCH: Oliver Kobb, Miller Fforde & California Love Machine vs. Andrew Harper, Brutus Milano & Sandman Winks

In a decent match, Andrew Harper, Brutus Milano and Sandman Winks defeated Oliver Kobb, Miller Fforde and California Love Machine in 9:35 when Sandman Winks submitted Miller Fforde with a Deep Sleep.

Rating: 67

Andrew Harper was head-and-shoulders above everyone else. Sandman Winks was the weak link, but we’d been testing the chemistry during the pre-show and we had a plan for Brutus and Sandman as a team going forward. Fortune smiles upon Milano once more.


SINGLES MATCH: The Eagle vs. The Masked Mauler

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, The Masked Mauler defeated The Eagle in 9:40 by pinfall with a Piledriver.

Rating: 63

A classic finisher for the Mauler as The Eagle seems a little lost once again having lost his partner. Was it time to repackage him again? His popularity had continued to sky-rocket despite consistent losses, so the crowd clearly wanted to love him.


SINGLES MATCH: Charlie Corner vs. Honest Frank Jr

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Charlie Corner defeated Honest Frank Jr in 10:18 by count out.

Rating: 64

A cheap finish to a disappointing match between two of our youngest stars. Having been responsible for bringing down Honest Enterprises, Frank Jr is now causing more mayhem with his bodyguard in tow. I liked Big Jon Walker and his upside, although he was clearly still very green. He also has big, but not so big as to make Frank Jr look small. A perfect compliment.


NO.1 CONTENDERS MATCH: The Biggins Boys vs. Cross River Connection vs. Vessey Combat Club

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, The Biggins Boys drew with Cross River Connection and Vessey Combat Club in 10:05 after the referee lost control of the match following interference from The Fantastic Express.

Rating: 69

Anyone whose ever watched wrestling will know why The Fantastic Express interfering here is a terrible idea. Match was decent though.


NYCW EMPIRE HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Magnum Kobe vs. ‘The Georgia Bulldog’ Riley McManus ©

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Riley McManus defeated Magnum Kobe in 9:38 by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex. Riley McManus makes defence number two of the NYCW Empire Heavyweight.

Rating: 71

Clean win from our champion here as a penultimate step towards the main event. No last-minute swerves, just some awesome in-ring action for the fans to enjoy.


SINGLES MATCH: Fro Sure vs. Thom Barrowman

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Fro Sure defeated Thom Barrowman in 10:28 by pinfall with a handful of tights.

Rating: 65

Cheating to win is still a win. And the increasingly slow and awkward Thom Barrowman held his own against a better opponent before losing. It was tough to say exactly how long we could expect Barrowman to keep churning out big matches. But Fro Sure was a good opponent for him.


SINGLES MATCH: Danny Hagman vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Danny Hagman in 10:03 by count out.

Rating: 69

Another cheap win as Bulldozer looked dominant, but Hagman just kept coming. Looking a little surprised by the fight in the kid, BBS press slammed him out of the ring and let the referee count him out for a victory. This feud, will continue…


SINGLES MATCH: Angry Gilmore vs. Davis Wayne Newton

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Davis Wayne Newton defeated Angry Gilmore in 10:02 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.

Rating: 75

Two of our best in-ring talents bring the goods in the semi-main event. Despite his decreasing stamina, Angry Gilmore can still go and we’ll be sure to milk his in-ring career until the last possible moment. We’re also going to ask him to begin transitioning to a road agent role too as you can never have too many of them.


ANGLE: We get elaborate entrances for ‘The Star’ George Trapesi and Trent ‘The Talent’ Shaffer.

Rating: 86


NYCW TRI-STATE TITLE MATCH: Trent Shaffer vs. ‘The Star’ George Trapesi ©

In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, George Trapesi defeated Trent Shaffer in 11:31 by pinfall with a Shooting Star Press. George Trapesi makes defence number four of the NYCW Tri-State Regional.

Rating: 80

Wowza. So these two have great chemistry, which helped turn this into a match to remember. The fact that Trapesi had to use his super-finisher to get the win tells you how hard fought this match was. And that chemistry note was like finding actually money.




Speaking of money, we made $204,624 profit and got a fantastic 586,296 viewers for one of our best shows ever. Elsewhere in the wrestling world I discovered that Sammy Bach had won the King of Kings tournament. MAW had ended their relationship with TCW and immediately signed NYCW alumni: Vito Pirelli, Luca Sacramoni, Tully Casey, Chuck Casey and Dreadnought. I was oddly happy that they were all getting another chance at glory. I’d be watching their progress keenly and congratulated Sam Keith on the decision.



KyTeran - 6/8

DinoKea - 5/8

John Lions - 4/8

Theheel - 3/8

Herrbear - 3/8

eayragt - 3/8


Next time… the Showdown is on the horizon…

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New York City… one month to go…


NYCW Empire Superstars #41

Friday, Week 1, December 2023

The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York

Attendance: 8,419



[*]ANGLE: George Trapesi is out with Cheerleader Nicki and he’s calling out Riley McManus. They’ve got a contract to sign for the upcoming match. McManus and Fern come out ready to sign, but he points out that the contract institutes a no-violence ban until the big show. So Trapesi better watch himself, because if he acts violently in any way towards him beforehand the match is off. Rating: 73


[*]Spike Sylvain defeated Charlie Corner in 8:11 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. Rating: 62


[*]ANGLE: The Cross River Connection are delighted to be back together and they’re gunning straight for the tag team titles. Someone needs teach The Fantastic Express a lesson. They’ll beat any of the other contenders to get that chance. Rating: 76


[*]Cross River Connection defeated The American Cobras in 9:40 when Prime Time Jack Pryde pinned Storm Spillane with a Prime Time Perfection. Rating: 72


[*]ANGLE: Trent Shaffer is out with Billy Keelan and he cannot explain what happened on Sunday. But he’s a man and he knows how this works and he’ll just catch the winner after the Showdown. For now though, he’s looking for a new challenge. Ash Campbell is out, with COTT World Title… Trent just smiles. Rating: 68


[*]Andrew Harper defeated Captain Canada in 7:46 by pinfall with a Spike Slam. Rating: 56


[*]ANGLE: Danny Hagman is with Whistler and he’s feeling good despite the loss. Bulldozer is one tough SOB, but he’s learnt a lot out of one match. Now he’s looking forward to a rematch… at the biggest show of the year. If Bulldozer has the stones. Rating: 77


[*]Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated American Flash in 5:35 by pinfall with a Tombstone Piledriver. Rating: 62


[*]ANGLE: Denny King is with Whistler and he’s seen a lot of new faces around here recently. And despite that, he’s the one taking ‘The Star’ to the limit last week. He reckons Trapesi might even be a bit distracted by his upcoming big match, which can only mean good things for the Denster. Rating: 71


[*]Denny King defeated George Trapesi in 9:51 by disqualification after Trapesi refused to stop beating him against the ropes. Rating: 67


[*]OVERALL RATING: 69 – 0.33 (252,591 viewers)


Well the crowd were not happy with the finish to that match and it ruined the whole feel of the show. Lesson learnt and I suspect the Denny-aisance is now finished. I decided to release Oliver Kobb after a disappointing trial period. He’s good, but I just couldn’t find anything for him to get stuck into.


NYCW Empire Superstars #42

Friday, Week 2, December 2023

The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York

Attendance: 8,098



[*]ANGLE: The show opens with The Fantastic Express. They’re bragging to the crowd about their dominance and how there isn’t even a number one contender. This brings out The Biggins Boys, Cross River Connection and VCC. They’ve spoken to the powers that be. And for the first time in NYCW history, there will be a FOURWAY TAG TEAM DANCE at the Showdown. Rating: 74


[*]The Biggins Boys defeated The Razorbacks in 10:05 when Bart Biggins pinned TJ Brown with a B-Dropper. Rating: 51


[*]ANGLE: Honest Frank Jr along with his bodyguard; Big Jon Walker, are backstage with Whistler. He hasn’t got a match at the Showdown. Just then Magnum Kobe walks past. After a tense exchange, Kobe challenges Frank Jr to a match. Rating: 82


[*]Honest Frank Jr defeated Brutus Milano in 10:29 by pinfall with a Roll The Dice. Rating: 67


[*]ANGLE: Thom Barrowman may have underestimated Fro Sure. But he won’t that mistake again at Showdown. In fact he’s going to show the world that he’s still got it. Rating: 80


[*]Charlie Corner defeated Thom Barrowman in 9:58 by pinfall with a Corner Cutter following interference from Fro Sure. Rating: 72


[*]ANGLE: Bulldozer Brandon Smith videos in from his ranch back home. He’s smoking a cigar and has changed his mind about Hagman. He’s like a little pup. But he’s green as grass and someone who needs training. Someone to break him in. Smarten him up. And Bulldozer is the man to do it. In fact, he’ll sweeten the pot and put the COTT United States Title on the line. Rating: 80


[*]Danny Hagman defeated The Masked New Yorker in 9:58 by pinfall with a Missing Piece. Rating: 62


[*]ANGLE: ‘The Georgia Bulldog’ finds it hilarious that George nearly lost the Tri-State title. Isn’t it such a shame that The Star can’t lay hands on the Bulldog until the big fight. Hilarious. Rating: 75


[*]Riley McManus defeated The Eagle in 10:23 by pinfall with a Slingshot Suplex. Riley McManus makes defence number three of the NYCW Empire Heavyweight. Rating: 80


[*]OVERALL RATING: 79 – 0.38 (286,825 viewers)


Well that was a surprisingly good main event as The Eagle engages with the audience on a natural level. It’s inexplicably after the treatment I’ve given him. But I loved him for it. Over in the alliance, Danielle Sweetheart won the COTT World Women’s Title, and we have two shows to go before the big one.


NYCW Empire Superstars #43

Friday, Week 3, December 2023

The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York

Attendance: 8,482



[*]ANGLE: Vessey Combat Club are out to run-down what they’ve got on the line at Showdown. Not only are the VCC taking home the tag team titles. But Magnum Kobe has secured himself a match of ‘International Significance.’ And it would nice, if at some point the Powers That Be told them what that meant. The three of them look at Larry, who smiles awkwardly. Rating: 68

[*]The VCC defeated The American Cobras in 10:27 when JP Barnham submitted Marvel Malloy with a Golden Scissors. Rating: 65


[*]ANGLE: Cross River Connection need a warm-up before the big show. They might be rusty, like an old car… or like a sexy new car with bad luck. Yeah, that’s more like it. They’re sexy new sportscars who got unlucky. Rating: 83


[*]Cross River Connection defeated The Razorbacks in 8:22 when Prime Time Jack Pryde pinned TJ Brown with a Prime Time Perfection. Rating: 60


[*]ANGLE: Magnum Kobe is out in the ring with Larry Vessey. They want to know how the ‘international significant’ opponent is. The Pirates of the Caribbean theme plays and out comes… Hugh de Aske… The Dread Pirate. Rating: 77


[*]Magnum Kobe defeated Spike Sylvain in 9:38 by submission with a Magnum Deathlock. Rating: 68


[*]ANGLE: We see another video of George Trapesi training hard for the big match in a gym. Only this time, Riley McManus appears from nowhere and starts beating him with gym equipment, while Cheerleader Nicki and Fern Hathaway brawl in the background. Rating: 80


[*]Davis Wayne Newton defeated The Eagle in 9:43 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. Rating: 74


[*]ANGLE: Angry Gilmore has got a lot on at the moment, and it’s making him ANGRY. Not only has he got to worry about DWN, the Dastardly Canadian Douche. But now he’s got to teach Trent Shaffer a lesson too. Hey Trent, here’s a free lesson: stop losing. Rating: 85


[*]Trent Shaffer defeated Angry Gilmore in 10:23 by pinfall with a Heart Burn. Rating: 76


[*]OVERALL RATING: 77 – 0.38 (291,696)


Another good show there as we’re picking up steam at exactly the right time. With one show to go, I sat in my office in New York looking at the planned card for Showdown, when Larry entered.


“Kyle Rhodes has been fired,” he said bluntly.

“TCW… is that because of the Aaron Andrews thing?”

“Yup. Turns out when your top star is caught smuggling drugs, the secret shareholders demand your head. Rhodes knew this, put plans in place and has gone.”

“Whose taking over?” I asked.

“We don’t know, but apparently the shareholders don’t like the idea of being associated with criminality. So we might see a buyout.”

“A new owner? Of the entire company. That sounds problematic for us.”

“Could be. Depends who it is.”


NYCW Empire Superstars #44

Friday, Week 4, December 2023

The Empire Ballroom, New York City, New York

Attendance: 8,619



[*]ANGLE: The Vessey Combat Club are out and as they begin their promo, The Fantastic Express slide into the ring to deliver a hellacious beatdown. The VCC are prepared for it though and they smash them back. They continue the vicious assault and then even appear to seriously damage the arms of both members of the tag team champions. Rating: 87


[*]Phil Anders defeated Zombie Boy in 10:14 by pinfall with a Hangman's Neckbreaker. Rating: 62


[*]ANGLE: The Masked Mauler is with Whistler doing his normal bit, when Andrew Harper approaches him. He wants to talk about the inaugural One Shot Battle Royal. He suggests the two of them team up to eliminate all the others and then battle it out for the win and the title shot. Mauler appears open to the idea. Rating: 71


[*]The Masked Mauler defeated Jonnie Perez in 9:45 by pinfall with a Piledriver. Rating: 69


[*]ANGLE: Nitch Naess and Emma Chase are shown on camera. They have received news that, following the beating from The Fantastic Express, they’re sad to report that The VCC have been ruled out of the tag team title match at Showdown, meaning it’s now a triple threat match. Rating: 77


[*]Charlie Corner defeated Jay Becker in 9:43 by pinfall with a Corner Cutter. Rating: 67


[*]ANGLE: Davis Wayne Newton is enjoying a delicious Chablis and wondering what the world will hold for a man of his talents once he disposes of the Angry Old Man… what a time to be alive. Rating: 86


[*]The Eagle defeated Andrew Harper in 10:28 by pinfall with a Freedom Slam. Rating: 70


[*]ANGLE: We go to the ring for the contract signing for the main event. Unlike normal, both men sign and have a stare down, but no punches are thrown. Rating: 84


[*]Angry Gilmore, Danny Hagman, Fro Sure, Magnum Kobe and Brutus Milano drew with Davis Wayne Newton, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Thom Barrowman, Trent Shaffer and Honest Frank Jr in 10:11 following a double disqualification. Rating: 69


[*]OVERALL RATING: 74 – 0.35 (264,654 viewers)


Another great show for us. I said my piece to all the guys and told them I’d see them Sunday to make history. They were fired up by that, when Larry told me to meet him at headquarters. Travelling through the rain in a yellow cab, I reached HQ late on the Friday. The offices were empty save for Larry’s office. I walked in and rarely, he was surrounded by paperwork.


“What’s up boss?” I asked.

“I’ve called East Coast Today. The run of Superstars has come to an end.”

“But… why?”


I couldn’t believe my ears. We had one of the hottest wrestling shows going and we were getting better by the week. It was a money-spinner for us and a keystone of NYCW.


“I know who the new owner of TCW is,” he said darkly. “Sam knew before anyone…”

“Well who is it?” I said.

“Pee-Wee Germaine.”

“The referee from CZCW….” I said completely confused by the entire situation.

“He’s a billionaire who referees for fun,” Larry said. “It might seem like a comedy hire, but trust me; he didn’t get to where he is by being bad at business. We need to act… now.”

“Act how?”

He didn’t respond and just stared at me.

“Act how Larry?”


New York City Showdown 2023

NYCW Empire & Tri-State Unification: 'The Star' George Trapesi vs. 'The Georgia Bulldog' Riley McManus ©

COTT World Heavyweight: Trent 'The Talent' Shaffer vs. Ash Campbell ©

NYCW & COTT World Tag Team: Cross River Connection vs. The Biggins Boys vs. The Fantastic Express ©

COTT United States: Danny Hagman vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©

Fro Sure vs. Thom Barrowman

Angry Gilmore vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Brutus Milano vs. Honest Frank Jr

Magnum Kobe vs. Hugh de Aske

One Shot Battle Royal


Next time… New York City Showdown 2023…

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NYCW Empire & Tri-State Unification: 'The Star' George Trapesi vs. 'The Georgia Bulldog' Riley McManus ©

COTT World Heavyweight: Trent 'The Talent' Shaffer vs. Ash Campbell ©

NYCW & COTT World Tag Team: Cross River Connection vs. The Biggins Boys vs. The Fantastic Express ©

COTT United States: Danny Hagman vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©

Fro Sure vs. Thom Barrowman

Angry Gilmore vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Brutus Milano vs. Honest Frank Jr

Magnum Kobe vs. Hugh de Aske

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New York City Showdown 2023

NYCW Empire & Tri-State Unification: 'The Star' George Trapesi vs. 'The Georgia Bulldog' Riley McManus ©

COTT World Heavyweight: Trent 'The Talent' Shaffer vs. Ash Campbell ©

NYCW & COTT World Tag Team: Cross River Connection vs. The Biggins Boys vs. The Fantastic Express ©

COTT United States: Danny Hagman vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©

Fro Sure vs. Thom Barrowman

Angry Gilmore vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Brutus Milano vs. Honest Frank Jr

Magnum Kobe vs. Hugh de Aske

One Shot Battle Royal Masked Mauler

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NYCW Empire & Tri-State Unification: 'The Star' George Trapesi def. 'The Georgia Bulldog' Riley McManus ©

COTT World Heavyweight: Trent 'The Talent' Shaffer def. Ash Campbell ©

NYCW & COTT World Tag Team: Cross River Connection def. The Biggins Boys & The Fantastic Express ©

COTT United States: Danny Hagman def. Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©

Fro Sure def. Thom Barrowman

Davis Wayne Newton def. Angry Gilmore

Brutus Milano def. Honest Frank Jr

Hugh de Aske def. Magnum Kobe

One Shot Battle Royal: Masked Mauler

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NYCW Empire & Tri-State Unification: 'The Star' George Trapesi vs. 'The Georgia Bulldog' Riley McManus ©

COTT World Heavyweight: Trent 'The Talent' Shaffer vs. Ash Campbell ©

NYCW & COTT World Tag Team: Cross River Connection vs. The Biggins Boys vs. The Fantastic Express ©

COTT United States: Danny Hagman vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©

Fro Sure vs. Thom Barrowman

Angry Gilmore vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Brutus Milano vs. Honest Frank Jr

Magnum Kobe vs. Hugh de Aske

One Shot Battle Royal: Andrew Harper

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Is it just me or have you been incredibly consistent in strangle-holding the COTT World Tag Team titles?


This is not lost on me. I fully expected my boys to lose the titles a number of times, but they always had my guys win. Possibly bacuse my teams are usually a lot more over than others. Or I got lucky.

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NYCW Empire & Tri-State Unification: 'The Star' George Trapesi vs. 'The Georgia Bulldog' Riley McManus ©

Looking for a very unpopular DQ so no titles change


COTT World Heavyweight: Trent 'The Talent' Shaffer vs. Ash Campbell ©

Shaffer is due to win again


NYCW & COTT World Tag Team: Cross River Connection vs. The Biggins Boys vs. The Fantastic Express ©

Former champs reunite to win the gold once again


COTT United States: Danny Hagman vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©

Danny has sat under the learning tree……lessons learned!


Fro Sure vs. Thom Barrowman

Barrowman has been great but just like American Machine it’s about curtains


Angry Gilmore vs. Davis Wayne Newton

Ditto above


Brutus Milano vs. Honest Frank Jr

Brutus always seems to win a surprising big show match but not this time.


Magnum Kobe vs. Hugh de Aske

Kobe regains some mo


One Shot Battle Royal: Masked Mauler still has more upside

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New York City… home of the greatest story in professional wrestling…


The massive Greenwalt Dome was the site of the Showdown. I arrived in the early hours, ready to oversee all the extra production costs we’d plunged into making this show an absolute barn-burner. My own expectations meant that anything other than the best show in our history would be a disappointment. The boys knew it too. There was nervous energy everywhere as they trickled into attendance throughout the day.


Larry was one of the last to arrive. His concerned expression from two days before had remained. His plan of action had already begun behind the scenes. And while tonight should’ve been a celebration, it had become something else to him. And by virtue of how we ran things, to me too. I couldn’t concern myself with any of that now. I had history to make.


NYCW New York City Showdown 2023

Sunday, Week 4, December 2023

Greenwalt Dome, New York City, New York

Attendance: 42,760


ONE SHOT BATTLE ROYAL: In a decent match, Andrew Harper won a battle royal in 14:56. The other members of the 'final four' were The Masked Mauler, Charlie Corner and The Eagle, with The Masked Mauler being the final elimination. The Masked Mauler got the most eliminations over the course of the match.

Rating: 71

An amazing opener as Andrew is as good as his word; teaming with Mauler to eliminate everyone else before turning on him and getting the win. The nuclear heat from an over-excited crowd helped make this a fantastic opener, one of our best and was a great way to get guys with no stories on the card.


SINGLES MATCH: Magnum Kobe vs. Hugh de Aske

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Magnum Kobe defeated Hugh de Aske in 7:36 by pinfall with The Glorious Red.

Rating: 67

In the matchup of ‘International Significance’ Magnum Kobe went over clean. The match was a big letdown and the crowd while respectful of both men, didn’t have a reason to care about de Aske. Magnum got all his spots in and we moved on.


SINGLES MATCH: Brutus Milano vs. Honest Frank Jr

In a bout that had great heat and decent wrestling, Honest Frank Jr defeated Brutus Milano in 8:05 by pinfall with a Roll The Dice.

Rating: 67

Another lower-level match here as we wanted to highlight Honest Frank in all his glory. Brutus Milano was not someone who missed the biggest moments in our history. However we felt about him, this match acted as a strange sort of ‘passing of the torch’ moment. NYCW’s history passing the power of the unbearable douche onto the next generation. The crowd didn’t care much, but I found myself getting a little emotional.


NYCW & COTT WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Biggins Boys vs. Cross River Connection vs. The Fantastic Express ©

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Cross River Connection defeated The Biggins Boys and The Fantastic Express in 9:58; the order of elimination was The Biggins Boys first, and then The Fantastic Express. Cross River Connection win the COTT World Tag Team. Cross River Connection win the NYCW Tag Team.

Rating: 78

Arguably the three most successful teams in NYCW history battled it out after over a years worth of matches between them. This was the culmination of their respective careers and comfortably the best match any of them have ever had around here. The original plans had seen The Fantastic Express getting the nod, but I’d rewritten the finish late last night. CRC were back and I wanted to thank them for being consistently entertaining bad boys of NYCW.


COTT UNITED STATES TITLE MATCH: Danny Hagman vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Danny Hagman defeated Bulldozer Brandon Smith in 9:44 by submission with a Steel Curtain. Danny Hagman wins the COTT United States.

Rating: 73

Huge win for the Kid and a great story told between them both. Bulldozer even gave Hagman a brief handshake after the match before leaving with his head held high. The crowd showed him appreciation and he flipped them off to highlight that those hoping for a face turn were out of luck.


SINGLES MATCH: Angry Gilmore vs. Davis Wayne Newton

In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Davis Wayne Newton defeated Angry Gilmore in 9:46 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.

Rating: 34

Turns out these guys had wrestled too much already and this was the result. The crowd, suffering from over-excitement were effectively cooled by this disappointing match. That one was on me.


SINGLES MATCH: Fro Sure vs. Thom Barrowman

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Fro Sure defeated Thom Barrowman in 10:11 by pinfall with a Sure Thing.

Rating: 73

A clean win from the young star against the veteran. Fantastic match-up. After the show Thom Barrowman sit for a moment in the corner of the ring. Once Fro Sure had left, Barrowman picked himself up and waved to the crowd who gave the old timer a standing ovation.


COTT WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Trent Shaffer vs. Ash Campbell ©

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Trent Shaffer defeated Ash Campbell in 9:42 by pinfall with a Heart Burn. Trent Shaffer wins the COTT World Heavyweight.

Rating: 77

Quick match and a quick win for Trent over the outsider. Ash looked pretty good and the match got the crowd ignited once again. Trent may have lost the Empire Title, but he’s now the World Champion.


NYCW EMPIRE & TRI-STATE TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH: ‘The Star’ George Trapesi © vs. ‘The Georgia Bulldog’ Riley McManus ©

With both men in the ring, the crowd lights dimmed and the atmosphere electric. The Star and The Bulldog squared off in a match approximately one year in the making. They have had many classic battles this year, but with the big gold belt on the line and no time limit, these two took each other to the absolute limit. It was a masterclass in chain-wrestler, infused with passion and story. This is what professional wrestling is all about. Riley McManus did what Riley McManus does and played the consummate heel foil to the heroic babyface of George Trapesi. He controlled large portions of the match, never letting Trapesi gain a foothold. Fern and Nicki were outside, both neutralised by the other, watching in awe as their two man battled it out for thirty minutes. Late in the match, Riley lifted Trapesi high in the air for the slingshot suplex, but Trapesi spun out of the move. McManus knew what coming and countered the attack by tossing his opponent into the ropes. Only Trapesi flew in at such speed that he got back to McManus quicker than the champion anticipated and delivered a Star Maker Lariat for the ages. He hooked the legs, and; after a year of pain an transition, picked up the three-count, the win and the title.

In a bout that had fantastic heat and great wrestling, George Trapesi defeated Riley McManus in 30:30 by pinfall with a Star Maker Lariat. George Trapesi wins the NYCW Empire Heavyweight. George Trapesi makes defence number six of the NYCW Tri-State Regional.

Rating: 81

Match of the Year and that is how you steal the show.


ANGLE: Having picked up the victory, George Trapesi celebrates in the ring.

Rating: 73




Our best show of all time. Nothing else to say.



Theheel - 8/9

John Lions - 6/9

DinoKea - 6/9

KyTeran - 5/8

Herrbear - 4/8


Next time… Year End Awards 2023

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New York City… Year End Awards 2023…


Wrestler of the Year: Remo Richardson (SWF)

Young Wrestler of the Year: David Stone (CWA)

Female Wrestler of the Year: Brooke Tyler (CWA)

Tag Team of the Year: The Trailblazers (Donte Dunne & Erik Strong) (CWA)

Independent Wrestler of the Year: Devilfish (ZEN)

Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Valiant (Unemployed)

Promotion of the Year: EILL

Most Improved Promotion: ZEN: Art of Wrestling

Show of the Year: CWA Super Slam 2023 (David Stone vs. Skip Beau)

Match of the Year: Remo Richardson & Mainstream Hernandez defeated Nicky Champion & Ekuma (SWF Supreme TV – December 2022)

Announcer of the Year: Mitch Naess (PSW/NYCW)

Colour Commentator of the Year: Emma Chase (NYCW)

Manager of the Year: Gabrielle Ortega (EILL)


Top 10 Workers in the World:

1. Remo Richardson (SWF)

2. Mainstream Hernandez (SWF)

3. Ekuma (SWF)

4. El Mitico Jr (EILL)

5. Nicky Champion (SWF)

6. El Heroe Mexicano (EILL)

7. Wolf Hawkins (TCW)

8. Yellowjacket (EILL)

9. Star Master (EILL)

10. Joss Thompson (USPW)


NYCW Workers and People of Note in Top 500:

15. Greg Gauge (Sam Keith’s son)

38. Atom Smasher (Nevada Nuclear – NYCW Alumni)

97. Matthew Keith (Sam Keith’s son)

107. Monty Trescarde (NYCW Alumni)

102. LA Star #2 (NYCW Alumni)

204. Masked Stranger (NYCW Alumni)

208. Trent Shaffer (Current COTT World Champion and NYCW Main Eventer)

228. Sammy Smoke (Sammy the Shark in NYCW – Alumni)

257. Roger Cage (NYCW Alumni)

309. Petr Novak (Formerly The Big Problem – NYCW Alumni)

312. Bulldozer Brandon Smith (Current NYCW Main Eventer)

347. Hawkeye Calhoun (NYCW Alumni)

362. Fro Sure (Current NYCW Upper Midcarder)

369. George Trapesi (Current NYCW Empire Champion)

373. Tennessee William (NYCW Alumni)

444. Zippy Deverell (Current NYCW Tag Team Star)

468. ‘The Georgia Bulldog’ Riley McManus (Current NYCW Main Eventer)

497. Perfect Pepper Pelton (Current NYCW Tag Team Star)


Title Prestige

NYCW Empire: George Trapesi – 58 Prestige (+7)

NYCW King of New York: George Trapesi – 70 Prestige (+17)

NYCW Tag Team: Cross River Connection – 55 Prestige (+8)

NYCW Tri-State Regional: George Trapesi – 54 Prestige (+10)

NYCW Stomper Memorial Cup: Cross River Connection – 60 Prestige (+7)

COTT World Heavyweight: Trent Shaffer (NYCW) – 68 Prestige (+8)

COTT World Tag Team: Cross River Connection (NYCW) – 63 Prestige (+9)

COTT United States: Danny Hagman (NYCW) – 64 Prestige (+7)

COTT World Women’s: Danielle Sweetheart (QAW) – 55 Prestige (+6)

COTT World Six-Man Tag Team: Aldous Blackfriar & The Wild Cats (CZCW) – 54 Prestige (+6)


Top 10 Matches

1. George Trapesi defeated Riley McManus (NYCW New York City Showdown 2023) – 81

2. George Trapesi defeated Trent Shaffer (NYCW Welcome to New York 2023) – 80

3. George Trapesi & Prime Time Jack Pryde went to a Double DQ with Trent Shaffer & Zippy Deverell (NYCW Empire Superstars #40) – 80

4. Riley McManus defeated The Eagle (NYCW Empire Superstars #42) – 80

5. George Trapesi went to a time limit draw with Riley McManus (NYCW Battle of the Five Boroughs 2023) – 79

6. George Trapesi defeated Denny King (NYCW Empire Superstars #37) – 79

7. Cross River Connection defeated The Biggins Boys and The Fantastic Express (NYCW New York City Showdown 2023) – 78

8. The Biggins Boys defeated The LA Stars (NYCW Rush Hour 2023) – 78

9. David Wayne Newton defeated Oliver Kobb (NYCW Empire Superstars #31) – 78

10. Trent Shaffer defeated Ash Campbell (NYCW New York City Showdown 2023) - 78


Next time… the beginning of the end…

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New York City… The end of the beginning?


Unbelievably Brutus Milano had signed a written contract with USPW. He’d made it to the big time. I felt like I could at least take some of the credit. He’d have been nowhere without the booking which kept him improbably strong for three years. But somewhere, deep down, and away from public viewing… I was proud of the pastrami-slurping, pasta-spinning lug. Go get em Brutus.


Pee Wee Germaine had wasted no time in revamping the new-look TCW. Marv Earnest was brought in as head booker, no doubt for stability, while Chris Flynn won the TCW World Heavyweight Championship for the first time in his career. Larry had explained the details of each move in TCW in excruciating detail. I’d asked him about us holding all the major COTT titles, but he’d dismissed me without explanation.


With no TV show to build Rush Hour, I just put together some aftermath matches from Showdown. Larry helped a bit, but I couldn’t believe what he was doing. What we were doing? Pee Wee Germaine. The tiny referee from the West Coast was about to finish what dozens had tried before. He was about to drive a stake through the heart of NYCW. A final blow. I supposed it was funny in its way. An awkward laugh slipped through my lips as I talked to the boys before Rush Hour. They looked confused and worried. They weren’t alone.


NYCW Rush Hour 2024

Sunday, Week 1, January 2024

Greenwalt Dome, New York City, New York

Attendance: 43,071


TAG TEAM MATCH: VCC vs. Denny King & Spike Sylvain

In a bout that had good heat and decent wrestling, VCC defeated Spike Sylvain and Denny King in 9:47 when Ray Cavalero pinned Spike Sylvain with a Vessey Locks.

Rating: 65

Can’t have a final show without Denny King and Spike Sylvain. We’d have chucked Brutus into this match if we could. But the team who missed the big show, get some sort of win here to open the next show. Good for them.


SINGLES MATCH: Charlie Corner vs. The Masked Mauler

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Charlie Corner defeated The Masked Mauler in 10:24 by pinfall with a Corner Cutter.

Rating: 66

Arguably the defining feud of both of these men’s careers. They had been paired with each other on-and-off for a few years now. The matches were always decent and they knew each other well enough to delivery exactly what we wanted.


NYCW & COTT WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH: The Biggins Boys vs. The Fantastic Express vs. Cross River Connection ©

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Cross River Connection defeated The Biggins Boys and The Fantastic Express in 10:28; the order of elimination was The Biggins Boys first, and then The Fantastic Express. Cross River Connection make defence number three of the COTT World Tag Team. Cross River Connection make defence number one of the NYCW Tag Team.

Rating: 80

And with that, the Cross River Connection drive one final stake in the feud which has lasted forever. They claim the Unified World Tag Team Titles and rightfully sit atop the incredible NYCW tag team division. They deserve it for their continued awesomeness and their particular feud with The Fantastic Express remains one of my favourites of my time with the company.


SINGLES MATCH: The Eagle vs. Andrew Harper

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Andrew Harper defeated The Eagle in 10:28 by pinfall with a Spike Slam.

Rating: 69

The Bully Enforcer does what he’s always done. Wins by brutalising his opponents. This was a relatively short, but awesomely delivered match between these two NYCW originals.


SINGLES MATCH: Magnum Kobe vs. Honest Frank Jr

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Honest Frank Jr defeated Magnum Kobe in 10:04 by pinfall with a Roll The Dice.

Rating: 71

Having finished the career of Brutus Milano, Honest Frank Jr finishes another career here in stunning fashion. Magnum Kobe has signed a deal to go back to Japan and we thank him for everything he’s done for us and the awesome story-telling he brought in his switch from Honest Enterprises to The Vessey Combat Club.


GANG WARS MATCH: Angry Gilmore, Danny Hagman & Fro Sure vs. Riley McManus, Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Davis Wayne Newton

In a bout that had great heat and good wrestling, Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Davis Wayne Newton and Riley McManus defeated Angry Gilmore, Danny Hagman and Fro Sure in 22:15 when Davis Wayne Newton submitted Fro Sure with a STF after blatantly cheating.

Rating: 73

The bad guys have to get their heat back in this aftermath match from the singles affairs at the Showdown. Literally six of the best wrestlers on our roster, each with a potential shout to be top dog at any given time. Fantastic.



In an exceptional match, George Trapesi defeated Trent Shaffer in 28:23 by pinfall with a Star Maker Lariat. George Trapesi wins the COTT World Heavyweight. George Trapesi makes defence number one of the NYCW Empire Heavyweight.

Rating: 77

George Trapesi becomes the one and only NYCW Empire World Heavyweight champion after defeating the COTT World Champion after only a single month with the belt. It’s the perfect end to the story which drove us through the entirety of the last year as George Trapesi is now the undisputed man of the company.


ANGLE: Larry Vessey comes out to congratulate George Trapesi on an incredible victory. He then turns to the audience and thanks them too. Without them, the boys in the ring and the boys in the back would have nothing. Stories told to no-one, mean nothing. And he, like those before and those after, are story-tellers. He thanks the passionate crowds of New York City Wrestling for making this the greatest single run of an independent promotion in professional wrestling history. No matter what happens now, this was the greatest company to work for and the most amazing group of individuals to work with. Even when life gets tough, he knows, he’ll always have New York.

Rating: 78




And with that, New York City Wrestling ended its run. We got a lot wrong, but we got so much more right. We lost friends along the way like Tennessee William, Whitehorse Whittaker and Hawkeye Calhoun. I mean, we even lost Brutus ‘Freakin’ Milano for crying out loud.


But when all is said and done, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. New York City Wrestling stood for something. And for that I’ll always be proud.


New York, it seems, is always worth it…

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Mauler Back in New York

We begin this issue with some potentially big news. I’m hearing reports out of New York City that the long-standing NYCW promotion will soon be seeing a big shake-up. Larry Vessey, as owner of the entertainment group who owns the rights to the company has employed The Masked Mauler (sixth one, not the current seventh one) as the new CEO of Wrestling Production. He has in turn, allegedly hired his old running mate and tag team partner Rick Sanders as the new Head Booker and assembled a backstage staff including the likes of Wiley Steinway, Whistler and Coyote Dynamite. These even reports and images of a reunited announce team of Rock Downpour, Ron South and Ernie Turner as well as referee Michael Bull in the Flat-Iron building.

The Sixth Masked Mauler

The interesting thing is the sudden disappearance of Larry Vessey from day-to-day running. And the mystery of where the previous head booker is too remain unaddressed and multiple and repeated attempts to get a quote have been largely ignored. When something like this happens, all remains is speculation. But we are going to avoid that for now until we can gather more solid, factual, information.

More as it follows...

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