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The League, Redux: Seasons 8 and Beyond Game Thread

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  • Nuclear Templeton vs. Will Prydor, Iron Man match: Nuclear/Mortis's contracts vs. Prydor's League ownership (September 27)



Tentative Season Thirteen Start Date has been pushed back to January 2025 to allow for probable burnout prevention.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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X – clinched promotion

Y – clinched division title

Z – clinched relegation



y-1.  Brandy McDonald:  11-3, ATV 14:21 (AMR 2.143), OVR 595.48

2.  Nuclear Templeton:  10-4, ATV 18:22 (AMR 2.857), OVR 639.66

3.  George Mastachas:  8-6, ATV 15:15 (AMR 2.429), OVR 598.15

4.  Brian Blackfield:  7-7, ATV 16:51 (AMR 2.786), OVR 593.11

5.  Christian Priest:  6-8, ATV 15:05 (AMR 2.643), OVR 590.73

6.  Reverend Johnny Gross:  6-8, ATV 17:28 (AMR 2.143), OVR 531.49

z-7.  Lucas Molina:  6-8, ATV 17:32 (AMR 2.571), OVR 509.25

z-8.  Jean-Paul Ouilette:  2-12, ATV 18:22 (AMR 2.429), OVR 526.81

6-8: Priest, Gross, and Molina all finished 2-2 against each other. Priest had the better victory time (12:22) in his two wins compared to Gross (15:00.5) and Molina (16:34). Gross swept Molina to win the second tiebreaker, which puts Molina in seventh and thus relegated.



y-1.  Kichi Hida:  10-4, ATV 11:19 (AMR 2.857), OVR 484.67

x-2.  Monty Dhillon:  9-5, ATV 10:45 (AMR 2.500), OVR 547.44

3.  Diego Rodriguez:  9-5, ATV 12:30 (AMR 2.286), OVR 515.07

4.  Billy Norris:  8-6, ATV 11:51 (AMR 2.429), OVR 557.41

5.  De'siree Mitchell:  7-7, ATV 10:26 (AMR 2.429), OVR 531.78

6.  Yoshii Nakamatsu:  7-7, ATV 15:47 (AMR 2.429), OVR 526.09

z-7.  Angela Wassermann:  6-8, ATV 12:39 (AMR 2.286), OVR 462.25

z-8.  Pulsar:  0-14, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.500), OVR 471.84

9-5: Monty beat Diego in 7:10, Diego beat Monty in 14:31. Due to the faster win, Monty wins the tiebreaker and thus earns promotion.

7-7 is broken by simple head-to-head.



y-1.  Lance Heartilly:  12-2, ATV 11:00 (AMR 1.857), OVR 463.81

x-2.  Indigo Rose:  10-4, ATV 12:59 (AMR 2.071), OVR 495.61

3.  Leon de Ramos:  9-5, ATV 13:03 (AMR 2.143), OVR 442.16

4.  Blood River:  8-6, ATV 10:58 (AMR 2.357), OVR 487.81

5.  Markus Clay:  5-9, ATV 11:35 (AMR 2.357), OVR 448.57

6.  Daniel Simmons:  5-9, ATV 13:21 (AMR 2.143), OVR 450.76

z-7.  Rock Sheridan:  5-9, ATV 11:53 (AMR 2.214), OVR 425.93

z-8.  Nocturne:  2-12, ATV 14:36 (AMR 2.286), OVR 406.78

5-9: Clay finished 3-1 against Sheridan (2-2) and Simmons (1-3). In the remaining tie, Simmons beat Rock in 6:32, it took Sheridan 21:26 to beat Simmons. Thus, Sheridan falls to seventh and is relegated.



y-1.  Diamond:  13-1, ATV 7:56 (AMR 2.071), OVR 473.37

x-2.  "Dirty" John Murdoch:  10-4, ATV 11:25 (AMR 3.071), OVR 436.44

3.  Erick Gibson:  9-5, ATV 9:57 (AMR 2.929), OVR 444.52

4.  Terrance Stevens:  8-6, ATV 12:19 (AMR 2.571), OVR 453.56

5.  Scott Stevens:  7-7, ATV 8:45 (AMR 2.429), OVR 408.46

6.  Mickey Steele:  5-9, ATV 8:50 (AMR 2.571), OVR 412.40

7.  George Stevens:  2-12, ATV 6:47 (AMR 2.286), OVR 382.69

z-8.  Terra Harding:  2-12, ATV 10:54 (AMR 2.929), OVR 405.03

2-12: Stevens beat Terra in 7:03, Harding beat George in 12:04. Due to the faster win, Stevens wins the tiebreaker.



1. Croquemitaine: 135 [total: 153—drop weeks 2 {9} and 4 {9}. This week: 11]

2. Eternal Phoenix: 132 [total: 148—drop weeks 6 {8} and 7 {8}. This week: 13]

3. Derek B: 131 [total: 137—drop weeks 7 {8} and 13 {8}. This week: 10]

4. Jman2k3: 126 [total: 121—drop weeks 13 {7} and 9 {0}. This week: 12]

5. SeanMcG: 92 [total: 92—drop weeks 4 {8} and 6 {0}. This week: 0]

Edited by ShadowedFlames
Final Season Twelve standings update
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"Dirty" John Murdoch

Career Record: 10 - 4, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 11:25, Average Match Rating: 3.071. MotN Awards: 1

Size: Middleweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: One Foot in the Grave (screw legwhip) (H 67, F 0), Knife in the Back (hangman's neckbreaker) (H 55, F 10), Dirty Combination {flurry of left jabs} (H 70, F 0)

Finishers: End of the Line (leaping piledriver) (H 20, F 85), Double Cross (spinning toe hold) (H 25, F 85), Fireball (fireball) (H 20, F 85)

Attributes:   OVR 436, SPR 406, STRE 100, STRI 651, GRAP 700, GROU 700, SPED 50, STAM 400, ATHL 100, MGRO 0

XP Available:  548 (Points Available: 52)

Positive Traits: Tough as Nails (Lv. 1), Respected Brawler (Lv. 1), Submission Specialist (Lv. 1), Counter Grappler (Lv. 1), Crafty Veteran (Lv. 1), Iron Will (Lv. 1), 

Negative Traits: Matchstick Legs, Crimson Mask (Lv. 1), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 98.14 (98.14), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Despicable, Violent, Desperate. Three words best used to describe the infamous outlaw from Bitter End Tennessee, "Dirty" John Murdoch. For over 30 years, Murdoch has blazed a trail across the globe, leaving behind scars, battered bodies and broken spirits. Now with 50 approaching on the horizon, have the years of bloody wild brawls caught up to the desperado? Despite a progressively worsening hip injury, Murdoch is set to take The League by storm and remind the next generation why his name carries the reputation it does.

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Christian Priest

Career Record: 51 - 19, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 13:44, Average Match Rating: 2.700. MotN Awards: 14

Size: Big Heavyweight

Manager:  Pastor Abe Richards

Signatures: Test of Faith (knife edge chop) (H 70, F 0), Iconoclasm (variated falcon arrow) (H 55, F 16), Tithe of Pain (forearm chest club) (H 70, F 0), Rite of Might (strong elbow strike) (H 55, F 13), Penance {gorilla press front powerslam} (H 55, F 17), Absolution (big boot) (H 70, F 0), Purgatory (standing crossface chickenwing) (H 55, F 20), Sermon of Violence {corner forearm flurry} (H 70, F 0)

Finishers: Judgement (Release Powerbomb) (H 30, F 89), Canonized (lariat) (H 30, F 85), Martyrdom (Elevated camel clutch) (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 591, SPR 612, STRE 900, STRI 900, GRAP 400, GROU 100, SPED 100, STAM 459, ATHL 150, MGRO 355

XP Available:  242 (Points Available: 9)

Positive Traits: Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Master of the Powerbomb (Lv. 1), Respected Brawler (Lv. 1), Hands of Stone (Lv. 1), Iron Will (Lv. 2), Man of Steel Reaction (Lv. 1), Real Fast Starter, 

Negative Traits: Cannot Go Up Top, Suicidal, Homicidal (Lv. 1), Martyr Complex, 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 94.61 (94.61), Body: 99.74 (99.74), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 99.84 (99.84)

Bio:  "Wrestling is my Religion" - The creed of the hulking brawler and self-styled leader of "The First Church of Wrestling' Christian Priest. Standing at 6'6 and weighing north of 340lbs, Priest combines stiff strikes, clubbing blows and raw power with old school fundamentals to devastating effect. Methodical and borderline sadistic, Priest eagerly inflicts pain in the name of his "Crusade" – an arbitrary war against his opponents for their supposed crimes against professional wrestling. 

Manager Bio:  If Priest is the figurehead of The First Church, then Pastor Richards is undisputedly the (not so) silent workhorse behind it. Evangelist in nature, Richard's firebrand rhetoric both inflames opposition and inspires new believers to his cause. Preaching “by means necessary" seemingly nothing is off limits, nor any depths too low for the Pastor to stoop, to secure victory for the Church. 



Career Record: 38 - 32, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 9:52, Average Match Rating: 2.186. MotN Awards: 3

Size: Small

Manager:  None

Signatures: Jawjacker (disaster kick) (H 55, F 30)

Finishers: Diamond in the Sky (swanton bomb) (H 35, F 95), 24 Karat Kiss (Cutter) (H 30, F 95), Florentine (sharpshooter) (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 473, SPR 565, STRE 100, STRI 550, GRAP 323, GROU 225, SPED 744, STAM 400, ATHL 805, MGRO 0

XP Available:  890 (Points Available: 44)

Positive Traits: Flyboy (Lv. 1), Impact Player (Lv. 1), Respected Brawler (Lv. 1), Bullet Time (Lv. 1), Radar Sense (Lv. 1), Ultra Charismatic, Agile Climber, Hard to Topple, Real Fast Starter, 

Negative Traits: 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 91.69 (91.69), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  "The First Lady of The League," Diamond returns to The League after a five-year hiatus from in-ring competition.  After a falling out with her then-best friend and manager, Jayde, Diamond enters The League on her own merits and looks to find the ultimate success she was denied for seven seasons. She relies on her speed to compensate for the lack of upper body strength, and has worked a little more technical skills into her arsenal than many may remember. Will it be those skills that lead her to glory?

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George Stevens

Career Record: 4 - 24, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 8:41, Average Match Rating: 2.464. MotN Awards: 4

Size: Super Heavyweight

Manager:  Cary Stevens

Signatures: Everything Is Bigger in Texas (Chokeslam) (H 40, F 10)

Finishers: Texas Size Slam (World's Strongest Slam) (H 20, F 85)

Attributes:   OVR 383, SPR 401, STRE 1000, STRI 500, GRAP 354, GROU 150, SPED 200, STAM 344, ATHL 301, MGRO 50

XP Available:  495 (Points Available: 33)

Positive Traits: Tough as Nails (Lv. 1), Choke Slam Chief (Lv. 1), Heavy Load, Samoan Skull, Giant Movement, 

Negative Traits: Gasses Easily (Lv. 1), Cannot Go Up Top, 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 96.19 (96.19), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  George Stevens is a second-generation wrestler and he is a part of the legendary Stevens Dynasty which includes his father, Cary Stevens, his brothers, Ricky and Scott Stevens, and his cousin, Bo Stevens.

Manager Bio:  Cary is the patriarch of the Stevens Dynasty.


Kichi Hida

Career Record: 34 - 22, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 9:23, Average Match Rating: 2.357. MotN Awards: 1

Size: Lightweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Funhouse Stomp (double footed stomp) (H 70, F 0), Glory in Violence (repeated knee lifts) (H 55, F 10), Bumper Kars (running knee lift) (H 70, F 0), UFO Spin Elbow (spinning elbow blow) (H 55, F 30), Scrambler Headbutt {savage headbutt} (H 70, F 0), Helter Skelter Headbutt {diving ground headbutt} (H 70, F 0), Blue Fall Headbutt {top rope diving headbutt} (H 55, F 10), Mirror Maze Knee Strike {high knee to outside} (H 70, F 0), Freakshow Knee Strike {grounded running knee strike} (H 55, F 30)

Finishers: Endless Carnival (top rope double footed stomp) (H 35, F 85), Eternal Violence (finishing knee strike) (H 30, F 85)

Attributes:   OVR 485, SPR 588, STRE 150, STRI 750, GRAP 50, GROU 300, SPED 860, STAM 450, ATHL 450, MGRO 0

XP Available:  688 (Points Available: 34)

Positive Traits: Educated Feet (Lv. 2), Flyboy (Lv. 2), Respected Brawler (Lv. 1), Anarchist (Lv. 1), Radar Sense (Lv. 1), High Flier (Lv. 2), Adrenaline (Hulk Up), Agile Climber, Raging Bull, No Surrender (Lv. 1), Real Fast Starter, 

Negative Traits: Broken Wheel, Crimson Mask (Lv. 2), Suicidal, Homicidal (Lv. 3), Prima Donna Partner

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 94.46 (94.46), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 99.91 (99.91)

Bio:  Her nickname is “The Ringmaster of the Carnival of Violence”, and wow does she ever live up to it. She’s only a professional wrestler in the most technical sense of the term, as she wouldn’t know a wrist lock if it bit her on the ass. Whoever gets in the ring with Kichi Hida ought to know what to expect. Punches. Kicks. Headbutts. Elbows. And her trademark knee strikes. She might jump off something high, too. She’s a gloriously violent psychopath, and we love her for it. 


Leon De Ramos

Career Record: 18 - 10, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 12:28, Average Match Rating: 2.250. MotN Awards: 1

Size: Lightweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Marvelocity (Spanish Fly armdrag) (H 40, F 10), De Saca Rolhas (arm trap neckbreaker) (H 40, F 10), Whirlwind Flare {flying forearm smash} (H 68, F 0), Sevillian Stretch {short arm scissors} (H 70, F 0)

Finishers: Lisbon Prayer (Gannosuke Clutch) (H 27, F 85), Iberian Twist (LeBell Lock) (H 29, F 85), De Ramos Driver {bodyslam driver} (H 20, F 87)

Attributes:   OVR 442, SPR 426, STRE 0, STRI 86, GRAP 903, GROU 900, SPED 300, STAM 400, ATHL 270, MGRO 0

XP Available:  588 (Points Available: 39)

Positive Traits: Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Submission Specialist (Lv. 1), Counter Grappler (Lv. 1), Experienced Grappler (Lv. 1), Slippery Customer (Lv. 1), Eternal Underdog (Lv. 1), 

Negative Traits: Fish Out of Water (Lv. 1), Crimson Mask (Lv. 1), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 97.51 (97.51), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  "The Miracle of Lisbon," Leon de Ramos is a rising young talent out of Europe. Lanky and lean, Leon uttlises his long reach, natural flexibility and prodigious technical wrestling ability to enable his game-plan - Counter wrestle to trap or submit larger foes. Critics might claim that he's one dimensional, however with experience or perhaps the right mentorship who knows what lies ahead?

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Lucas Molina

Career Record: 36 - 20, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 14:01, Average Match Rating: 2.250. MotN Awards: 4

Size: Middleweight

Manager:  Susana Reyes

Signatures: Greetings from San Juan (STO) (H 55, F 10), Puerto Rican Legsweep (variated side leg sweep) (H 70, F 0), Molina Heel Hook (heel hook leg grapevine) (H 55, F 30), Puerto Rican Pinch (variated body scissors/bear hug) (H 70, F 0), Juey de Tierra {rolling single leg lock} (H 70, F 0), Humacao Armlock {Judo Arm Lock Takedown} (H 55, F 30), Patillas Leglock {rolling judo leglock} (H 55, F 30), PR Legwhip {screw legwhip} (H 70, F 0), From Santurce with Love {forward Russian legsweep} (H 46, F 18)

Finishers: Molina Bodylock (death lock STF) (H 30, F 85), San Juan Buster (sit-out double underhook facebuster) (H 25, F 85)

Attributes:   OVR 509, SPR 601, STRE 300, STRI 150, GRAP 825, GROU 750, SPED 150, STAM 525, ATHL 300, MGRO 0

XP Available:  235 (Points Available: 11)

Positive Traits: Steel Skull, Tough as Nails (Lv. 1), Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Pure Grappler (Lv. 1), Submission Specialist (Lv. 2), Takedown Machine (Lv. 2), Counter Grappler (Lv. 1), Experienced Grappler (Lv. 2), Slippery Customer (Lv. 1), Master Tactician, 

Negative Traits: Fish Out of Water (Lv. 3), Boring!, Suicidal, Homicidal (Lv. 2), Prima Donna Partner

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 94.35 (94.35), Body: 99.93 (99.93), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  His nickname is “ShooterTech”. He’s a submission specialist from Canada. He’s going to hurt you. It will not be fun. Tap Or Snap. He doesn’t really care which, as long as he gets the W and advances his career.

Manager Bio:  "The Knockout Princess" Susana Reyes is about as opposite to Lucas Molina as one gets. Where he excels in technical grappling, she thrives on simply pummeling her opponents to the point of unconsciousness. With Molina's ascent to the Alpha Division, she accepted his offer to be in his corner to play a foil to the likes of Tony Mortis and Cecile Corine.

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Mickey Steele

Career Record: 11 - 17, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 8:41, Average Match Rating: 2.536. MotN Awards: 2

Size: Middleweight

Manager:  Roxy Rose

Signatures: Steele Scissor (backflip kick) (H 55, F 10), Steele Assault {dropkicksault} (H 70, F 0)

Finishers: Mickey Finn ((knock out head kick) (H 30, F 85)

Attributes:   OVR 412, SPR 411, STRE 150, STRI 750, GRAP 100, GROU 100, SPED 600, STAM 400, ATHL 400, MGRO 350

XP Available:  848 (Points Available: 56)

Positive Traits: Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Showman (Lv. 1), Ultra Charismatic, Entertainer (Lv. 1), Raging Bull, 

Negative Traits: Crimson Mask (Lv. 1), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 98.67517 (98.68), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  As a teen, north London's Michael Steele was a promising kickboxer with Olympic aspirations. But the world of competitive martial arts proved too serious for his liking and he was drawn to the showiness and drama of professional wrestling instead. At the age of eighteen he moved to Canada to train with ned Haddock and began taking indie bookings. He got off to a rough start, but soon found that the more he leaned into his character work, the more success he achieved in the ring. Now, in his persona as a dashing 1970's British detective, and along with his trusted sidekick and "Girl Friday" Roxy Rose, he's come to The League to put himself to the ultimate test.

Manager Bio:  Roxanne Lawrence is a Toronto-based actress and model who does part-time work as a valet for local indie-shows. Her partnership with Mickey Steele has proved particularly successful and she's begun to accompany him on tours.


Monty Dhillon

Career Record: 54 - 16, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 9:59, Average Match Rating: 2.214. MotN Awards: 3

Size: Big Heavyweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Livewire Lariat (flying lariat clothesline) (H 55, F 20), Hammer Mill (European uppercut flurry) (H 70, F 0), Hammer Press (mounted elbow smashes) (H 55, F 10), 1346 (raised bow and arrow lock) (H 70, F 0), Wheel-Lock {camel clutch} (H 55, F 10), Canadian Backbreaker {backbreaker hold} (H 70, F 0), Drop Hammer {shoulder breaker} (H 70, F 0)

Finishers: Empire Bomb (finishing powerbomb) (H 30, F 95), Blockade Lock (double underhook lifting lock) (H 30, F 85)

Attributes:   OVR 547, SPR 552, STRE 900, STRI 850, GRAP 850, GROU 150, SPED 150, STAM 450, ATHL 150, MGRO 0

XP Available:  1441 (Points Available: 48)

Positive Traits: Steel Skull, Tough as Nails (Lv. 1), Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Master of the Powerbomb (Lv. 3), Respected Brawler (Lv. 1), Hands of Stone (Lv. 1), Master Tactician, Real Fast Starter, 

Negative Traits: Cannot Go Up Top, Suicidal, Homicidal (Lv. 3), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 94.11 (94.11), Body: 99.32 (99.32), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Montgomery "Monty" Dhillon is the wrestling persona of Abbotsford, B.C. native Mohanbir Dhillon. A gentle and courteous man by nature, in the ring he becomes a vicious and hardened bully, subtly affecting the mannerisms of a Victorian-era thug. Or not so subtly if the situation calls for it. His primary assets are size and strength, while his weaknesses include inexperience and poor conditioning. He relies on high-impact strikes and throws to overwhelm smaller and speedier opponents and keep them off-balance, before closing the deal with his devastating Empire Bomb finisher.

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Nuclear Templeton

Career Record: 51 - 19, League Championships: 2. Average Time of Victory: 15:48, Average Match Rating: 2.457. MotN Awards: 8

Size: Heavyweight

Manager:  "Rigor" Tony Mortis

Signatures: Power Surge (running spinebuster) (H 55, F 10), Tactical Nuke (headlock lariat backbreaker) (H 55, F 10), Radiation Spike (snap piledriver) (H 55, F 10), Mushroom Cloud (pop-up uppercut) (H 55, F 10)

Finishers: Radiation Leak (variated standing guillotine choke) (H 30, F 95), Armageddon Lariat (ripcord lariat) (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 640, SPR 652, STRE 1000, STRI 1000, GRAP 466, GROU 206, SPED 106, STAM 794, ATHL 200, MGRO 125

XP Available:  27 (Points Available: 0)

Positive Traits: Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Respected Brawler (Lv. 2), Hands of Stone (Lv. 1), High Impact (Lv. 1), Iron Will (Lv. 1), Man of Steel Reaction (Lv. 1), Real Fast Starter, 

Negative Traits: Boring!, Cannot Go Up Top, Prima Donna Partner

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 89.1 (89.1), Body: 99.97 (99.97), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 99.79 (99.79)

Bio:  Nuclear Templeton was an original member of The League, and someone who always seemed to be second best to someone. In many ways it fuelled him to be better, but one he he vanished.  Some thought his days of working as a bouncer caught up to him, some thought he was tied up again on some shady business, others thought he had been sent to jail.  When asked, he punches people in the face. Now packaged with a nasty attitude and clearly angry at the world around him, Nuclear just wants to beat the crap out of people and get paid for the pleasure. Nuclear won the Season Nine League Championship outright, not needing tiebreakers to claim the crown over Brandy McDonald.

Manager Bio:  "Rigor" Tony Mortis, an Italian-American gentleman who stands about 6'3", 240lbs of pasta and muscle. His body language is so Italian it hurts but he never says anything. Known for being a volunteer "sparring partner" at the Nuclear Bunker and frequently seen around town with other gentlemen of a similar level of class and sophistication. He is normally very camera shy, and despite The League being filmed with multiple cameras one has yet to get a good, up-close picture of his face.


Rock Sheridan

Career Record: 14 - 14, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 10:21, Average Match Rating: 2.464. MotN Awards: 2

Size: Giant

Manager:  None

Signatures: Welcome to Tacoma (spinning back fist) (H 55, F 10), Tacoma Choke Slam {choke slam} (H 55, F 25), Rock Breaker {front backbreaker} (H 70, F 0), Grit City Vision {snake eyes} (H 70, F 0), Hilltop Fall {variated full nelson bomb} (H 70, F 0), Old Town Smash {clubbing blow} (H 70, F 0)

Finishers: Grit City Lariat (lariat clothesline) (H 30, F 85)

Attributes:   OVR 426, SPR 430, STRE 900, STRI 650, GRAP 450, GROU 50, SPED 50, STAM 450, ATHL 150, MGRO 0

XP Available:  191 (Points Available: 19)

Positive Traits: Tough as Nails (Lv. 1), Raw Power (Lv. 1), Respected Brawler (Lv. 2), Hands of Stone (Lv. 1), High Impact (Lv. 1), Iron Will (Lv. 1), Giant Movement, 

Negative Traits: Matchstick Legs, Cannot Go Up Top, Suicidal, Homicidal (Lv. 1), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 98.150454 (98.15), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  The “Grit City Giant” is from Tacoma. Unlike most huge wrestlers, he’s actually a pretty nice guy with no special talent for being a monster heel. In fact, he’s actually a little better at getting the fans on his side. He is a positively enormous human being, and fantastically strong. Anyone who gets in the ring with him is in for a very long night. Or a very short one. 

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Scott Stevens

Career Record: 17 - 25, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 9:11, Average Match Rating: 2.214. MotN Awards: 1

Size: Heavyweight

Manager:  Cary Stevens

Signatures: Toxic Sting (Diamond Cutter) (H 40, F 16)

Finishers: Deep in the Heart of Texas (piledriver) (H 22, F 85)

Attributes:   OVR 408, SPR 415, STRE 660, STRI 630, GRAP 405, GROU 250, SPED 315, STAM 600, ATHL 300, MGRO 50

XP Available:  126 (Points Available: 6)

Positive Traits: Steel Skull, Tough as Nails (Lv. 1), Impact Player (Lv. 1), Respected Brawler (Lv. 1), High Impact (Lv. 1), Samoan Skull, Snake Movement, 

Negative Traits: Matchstick Legs, Broken Wheel, 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 98.07 (98.07), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Scott Stevens is a second-generation wrestler and he is a part of the legendary Stevens Dynasty which includes his father, Cary Stevens, his brothers, Ricky and George Stevens, and his cousin, Bo Stevens.

Manager Bio:  Cary is the patriarch of the Stevens Dynasty.



Angela Wassermann

Career Record: 25 - 45, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 11:41, Average Match Rating: 2.271. MotN Awards: 4

Size: Small

Manager:  None

Signatures: Superman Punch (H 70, F 0)

Finishers: Cross Arm Breaker (H 30, F 95), Spinning Roundhouse Kick (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 462, SPR 451, STRE 225, STRI 769, GRAP 730, GROU 940, SPED 214, STAM 225, ATHL 312, MGRO 0

XP Available:  862 (Points Available: 34)

Positive Traits: Educated Feet (Lv. 3), Respected Brawler (Lv. 3), Hands of Stone (Lv. 1), Counter Striker (Lv. 1), All Business, No Surrender (Lv. 1), 

Negative Traits: Fish Out of Water (Lv. 3), Boring!, Crimson Mask (Lv. 1), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 86.13 (86.13), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Angela Wassermann, who is entering her fifth season of Beta Division competition, has stated that she feels she is on borrowed time. Staying in the Beta Division by the slimmest of margins, she knows time is running out for her to make an impact before crashing into Gamma Division. Her task is not made easier in Season Twelve with the arrival of Monty Dhillon.


Billy Norris

Career Record: 40 - 30, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 11:39, Average Match Rating: 2.386. MotN Awards: 1

Size: Lightweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Boomerang DDT {Floatover DDT} (H 44, F 30)

Finishers: Down Under Disaster {Slingshot Roundhouse Kick} (H 30, F 95), Bonzer Splash {springboard 450} (H 35, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 557, SPR 477, STRE 140, STRI 507, GRAP 393, GROU 162, SPED 950, STAM 415, ATHL 1000, MGRO 0

XP Available:  1503 (Points Available: 50)

Positive Traits: Cardio Freak (Lv. 2), Flyboy (Lv. 1), Suicidal (Lv. 3), Showman (Lv. 1), Bullet Time (Lv. 2), Radar Sense (Lv. 1), Agile Climber, 

Negative Traits: Flabby Belly, Puny Human (Lv. 3), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 92.17 (92.17), Body: 99.91 (99.91), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Originally signed to The League to be the foil to Elyssa Anderson, Norris' star has greatly risen following visa issues that kept his rival from coming into the US until Season Nine was already halfway complete. Norris has had his share of struggles as well as his share of surprise victories, and he's established himself firmly in the Beta Division as he enters his fifth season of competition.

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Blood River

Career Record: 32 - 38, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 11:55, Average Match Rating: 2.243. MotN Awards: 1

Size: Middleweight

Manager:  The Acolyte

Signatures: The Sacrifice {swinging rope blast} (H 55, F 11)

Finishers: The Offering {top rope rana pinfall} (H 35, F 95), Crimson Regret (top rope legdrop) (H 35, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 488, SPR 460, STRE 151, STRI 600, GRAP 247, GROU 145, SPED 1000, STAM 317, ATHL 751, MGRO 160

XP Available:  1165 (Points Available: 46)

Positive Traits: Steel Skull, Flyboy (Lv. 3), Suicidal (Lv. 3), Anarchist (Lv. 1), Slippery Customer (Lv. 1), Daredevil (Lv. 1), Agile Climber, Corner Flopper, Rule Bender (Lv. 1), Creeping Movement, 

Negative Traits: Crimson Mask (Lv. 3), Suicidal, Homicidal (Lv. 1), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 95.23 (95.23), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Blood River, who is rumored to be living his wrestling gimmick as a cultist, is a seven-year veteran of the ring and has an eclectic style of offense.  Always accompanying him to the ring is The Acolyte, who is supposed to be one of his completely inept underlings. None were more surprised than River himself when The Acolyte managed to successfully interfere for the first time, leading to a River victory. Season Eleven is one that Blood River would like to forget, as he was sent tumbling into the Gamma Division with nary as much as a whimper, and many suspect he'll be just as quick to tumble into Delta at the end of this season...including himself, if he's being honest with himself.

Manager Bio:  The Acolyte, a member of the Fellowship of Yzgtx’fl, has been portrayed since his debut as a bumbling, inept lackey of Blood River. Since joining The League, The Acolyte has managed to successfully interfere in a match, leading to a Blood River win. In recent days, though, he's found himself in the crosshairs of Blood River, perhaps from gaining too much autonomy in the last year. The Acolyte enters Season Twelve having to watch every action he makes. Fun fact: The Acolyte has the sixth-best-selling shirt in The League (down from fourth a season ago).


Brandy McDonald

Career Record: 44 - 26, League Championships: 2. Average Time of Victory: 15:05, Average Match Rating: 2.214. MotN Awards: 3

Size: Small

Manager:  None

Signatures: Hang Over {top rope somersault leg drop} (H 55, F 30), Detox {flip neckbreaker} (H 55, F 30)

Finishers: Brandy With a Twist {twisting face crusher} (H 30, F 95), Hair of the Dog (bulldog choke) (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 595, SPR 730, STRE 202, STRI 735, GRAP 735, GROU 416, SPED 520, STAM 500, ATHL 625, MGRO 0

XP Available:  888 (Points Available: 26)

Positive Traits: Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Impact Player (Lv. 3), Submission Specialist (Lv. 1), Showman (Lv. 1), Ultra Charismatic, Entertainer (Lv. 1), Real Fast Starter, 

Negative Traits: Crimson Mask (Lv. 2), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 88.41 (88.41), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  The League's Season Eight Champion, Brandy McDonald saw some residual success stemming from her triumph as she came within a match of repeating her feat in Season Nine. A few sponsorships came from this success, and Brandy seemed to rest on her laurels a bit too much given the drop-off in her record in Seasons Ten and Eleven. As her fifth season in the Alpha Division begins, she finds herself in severe danger with the Alpha Division lineup. She needs to find her Season Eight form, and fast, before she finds herself staring up from the Beta Division.


Brian Blackfield

Career Record: 52 - 18, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 16:11, Average Match Rating: 2.257. MotN Awards: 6

Size: Middleweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Tartan Effect {falling facebreaker to knee} (H 55, F 30)

Finishers: Scotland Destroyer {destroyer flip piledriver} (H 30, F 95), Highland's Wrath (cobra clutch) (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 593, SPR 656, STRE 485, STRI 600, GRAP 900, GROU 400, SPED 350, STAM 500, ATHL 525, MGRO 0

XP Available:  1012 (Points Available: 25)

Positive Traits: Tough as Nails (Lv. 1), Impact Player (Lv. 1), Submission Specialist (Lv. 1), Apex Predator (Lv. 1), High Impact (Lv. 1), Adrenaline (Shaking), Raging Bull, 

Negative Traits: Martyr Complex, 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 86.45 (86.45), Body: 98.65 (98.65), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Brian Blackfield earned his moniker of "The Juggernaut" after a perfect 14-0 season in the Delta Division during Season Eight. Over the following two seasons, he tasted defeat in singles matches only three times, and in his fourth season has stormed from the Delta Division to the top flight, winning three division titles on the way. Season Eleven was a definite wake-up call for The Juggernaut, as he came toe-to-toe with the best The League has to offer. Now in his second season in the Alpha Division, can The Juggernaut take what he's learned and get back to his previous ways?


Daniel Simmons

Career Record: 26 - 30, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 13:57, Average Match Rating: 2.286. MotN Awards: 2

Size: Heavyweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Working Man's Dropkick {top rope missile dropkick} (H 45, F 30)

Finishers: Blue Collar Driver {bodyslam driver} (H 30, F 95), Quitting Time {ankle lock} (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 451, SPR 471, STRE 542, STRI 705, GRAP 419, GROU 364, SPED 310, STAM 500, ATHL 433, MGRO 0

XP Available:  1362 (Points Available: 54)

Positive Traits: Educated Feet (Lv. 1), Impact Player (Lv. 1), Submission Specialist (Lv. 1), Menace to Furniture (Lv. 1), Feet of Fire (Lv. 1), Counter Striker (Lv. 1), Heavy Load, 

Negative Traits: 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 94.34 (94.34), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Daniel Simmons missed Season Eleven due to the passing of his mother, and returns to find a completely different landscape than when he left after bombing out of the Alpha Division. Returning to the lower half of The League, how much ring rust will Simmons need to knock off in order to get back to where he thinks he belongs?


De'siree Mitchell

Career Record: 29 - 41, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 13:48, Average Match Rating: 2.443. MotN Awards: 7

Size: Middleweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Goal Line Stand {corner avalanche} (H 55, F 30), Unnecessary Roughness {release German suplex} (H 55, F 30)

Finishers: All Out Blitz {spear} (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 532, SPR 483, STRE 535, STRI 926, GRAP 545, GROU 370, SPED 345, STAM 400, ATHL 488, MGRO 0

XP Available:  856 (Points Available: 28)

Positive Traits: Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Impact Player (Lv. 2), High Impact (Lv. 2), 

Negative Traits: 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 84.32 (84.32), Body: 99.88 (99.88), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  A sub-par Season Eleven saw De'siree Mitchell finish last in the Alpha Division, ensuring a demotion to Beta. She sees this as a chance to face new challengers, and respark a will to win that she found lacking in the Alpha Division after the last couple of seasons. Mitchell hopes the chance of scenery will send her back into Alpha in record time.


Diego Rodriguez

Career Record: 41 - 29, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 13:46, Average Match Rating: 2.329. MotN Awards: 4

Size: Heavyweight

Manager:  None

 Signatures: Prelude to Dissonance {double backbreaker} (H 55, F 10)

Finishers: Harmony of Dissonance {stretch muffler} (H 30, F 95), Discordant Melody {grapevined heel hook} (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 515, SPR 497, STRE 270, STRI 236, GRAP 1000, GROU 1000, SPED 259, STAM 419, ATHL 397, MGRO 0

XP Available:  813 (Points Available: 27)

Positive Traits: Tough as Nails (Lv. 1), Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Pure Grappler (Lv. 1), Submission Specialist (Lv. 2), Takedown Machine (Lv. 1), Counter Grappler (Lv. 1), Experienced Grappler (Lv. 1), Master Tactician, All Business, Corner Flopper, 

Negative Traits: Fish Out of Water (Lv. 3), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 85.91 (85.91), Body: 99.91 (99.91), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 99.74 (99.74)

Bio:  Diego Rodriguez is one of the most technically gifted wrestlers in The League. However, it has not led to the success he's wanted as he has been mired in the Gamma Division since The League restarted. Mentioned in the same breath as Indigo Rose, Rodriguez has made the Gamma Division a place where technical workers feel at home. Season Twelve finds Diego moving into the Beta Division, leaving Rose behind. How will he fare with new competition at hand?

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Erick Gibson

Career Record: 29 - 27, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 11:08, Average Match Rating: 2.446. MotN Awards: 3

Size: Middleweight

Manager:  Karen McClure

Signatures: Probationary Hearing {side Russian legsweep} (H 70, F 0)

Finishers: Terminable Offense {grounded glittering magician knee} (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 445, SPR 436, STRE 360, STRI 760, GRAP 385, GROU 506, SPED 159, STAM 336, ATHL 212, MGRO 608

XP Available:  2403 (Points Available: 96)

Positive Traits: Educated Feet (Lv. 2), Respected Brawler (Lv. 2), Hands of Stone (Lv. 1), Counter Striker (Lv. 2), Hard to Topple, Real Fast Starter, Rule Bender (Lv. 1), 

Negative Traits: Gasses Easily (Lv. 2), Fish Out of Water (Lv. 1), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 93.65 (93.65), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Some people are born to be the type of person that no one likes.  Erick Gibson is one of those people, who feels like he should be the one in charge of every locker room he is in, and isn’t afraid to back up his claims with his fists.  He is never far away from his “personal assistant” (and real-life spouse) Karen McClure, who assists him during matches by running interference and generally being a suck-up in any way possible. Gibson comes back after ruthlessly quashing a hostile takeover attempt on his company, and he finds that he has a lot of pent-up frustrations to take out...and the Delta Division is as good a place as any.

Manager Bio:  Karen McClure, Erick Gibson's long-time PA, did not simply gain the position by marrying her boss. McClure's ability as a PA would be welcome in any Fortune 500 company; instead she works in the company she and Gibson formed together. It wasn't much of a challenge to port her attitude to the wrestling arena, and she has thrived in being just as heelish as Gibson when the cameras are rolling.


George Mastachas

Career Record: 43 - 27, League Championships: 1. Average Time of Victory: 15:37, Average Match Rating: 2.357. MotN Awards: 5

Size: Heavyweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Olympus Rises {jumping shoulder block} (H 55, F 30)

Finishers: Wrath of Zeus {sit-out powerbomb} (H 30, F 95), Siren's Call (finishing sleeper hold) (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 598, SPR 615, STRE 800, STRI 618, GRAP 800, GROU 405, SPED 320, STAM 500, ATHL 360, MGRO 0

XP Available:  1101 (Points Available: 27)

Positive Traits: Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Impact Player (Lv. 2), Master of the Powerbomb (Lv. 2), Hands of Stone (Lv. 1), High Impact (Lv. 1), Iron Will (Lv. 1), Entertainer (Lv. 1), 

Negative Traits: Matchstick Legs, Prima Donna Partner

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 90.22 (90.22), Body: 99.81 (99.81), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 99.98 (99.98)

Bio:  George Mastachas, the Season Ten Champion, won the title by a very slim margin, needing to resort to tiebreakers to claim the belt over Nuclear Templeton. His Season Eleven did not go as smooth as he was hoping, as by Week Eleven he was eliminated from the title chase. Spending the offseason in quiet contemplation, Mastachas returns in Season Twelve with a refreshed mentality and a determination to prevent Nuclear Templeton from winning a third League Championship.


Indigo Rose

Career Record: 37 - 33, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 14:17, Average Match Rating: 2.214. MotN Awards: 4

Size: Small

Manager:  None

Signatures: Blood From a Rose {variated DDT} (H 55, F 30)

Finishers: Vite d'Indaco {Texas deathlock} (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 496, SPR 450, STRE 130, STRI 275, GRAP 1000, GROU 1000, SPED 322, STAM 420, ATHL 435, MGRO 0

XP Available:  1363 (Points Available: 45)

Positive Traits: Pure Grappler (Lv. 1), Submission Specialist (Lv. 3), Takedown Machine (Lv. 1), Counter Grappler (Lv. 1), Slippery Customer (Lv. 1), Master Tactician, 

Negative Traits: Fish Out of Water (Lv. 1), Boring!, Dozing Partner (Lv. 1), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 83.87 (83.87), Body: 99.88 (99.88), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 99.39 (99.39)

Bio:  Rose Presetore, who takes the moniker Indigo Rose after the designs on her ring gear, was quoted in an interview this past offseason that "facing down the fear of air travel was worth coming to The League to compete." While he's still below where she started in Season Eight--she was in the Beta Division at that time--Rose has shown signs of getting back to the upper half of The League as she came within an eyelash of promotion in Season Ten and Season Eleven. Now the veteran technical grappler in the division with the promotion of Diego Rodriguez, she looks to show Lance Heartilly and the newly-arrived duo of Leon de Ramos and Nocturne that when it comes to submission wrestling, the Gamma Division goes through her.

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Jean-Paul Ouilette

Career Record: 33 - 37, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 14:00, Average Match Rating: 2.357. MotN Awards: 1

Size: Middleweight

Manager:  Cecile Corine

Signatures: Fleur de Lis {swinging neckbreaker} (H 55, F 30)

Finishers: Le Petit Mort {Sports Entertainment elbow drop} (H 30, F 95), Se Soumettre {crossface} (H 30, F 90)

Attributes:   OVR 527, SPR 476, STRE 400, STRI 600, GRAP 350, GROU 565, SPED 340, STAM 345, ATHL 367, MGRO 540

XP Available:  970 (Points Available: 32)

Positive Traits: Steel Skull, Ground and Pound (Lv. 2), Impact Player (Lv. 1), Respected Brawler (Lv. 1), Showman (Lv. 1), Entertainer (Lv. 2), Flamboyant Movement, 

Negative Traits: Real Late Starter, 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 87.2 (87.2), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 99.54 (99.54)

Bio:  Jean-Paul Ouilette's life has taken a a turn for the interesting over the last month or so. An investigative reporter did some sleuthing and found that Ouilette's professional relationship with manager Cecile Corine may actually be more than it appears. Ouilette's reputation as a playboy seems to have been destroyed, yet he does not seem so upset about it. He's been rumored to have said that perhaps his "dame du jour" is really the one he wants for life, and after maintaining a spot in the top flight to the surprise of many, he made it public that he is indeed engaged to Cecile Corine, with a wedding date to come after Season Twelve.

Manager Bio:  Originally brought in for a one-shot role as Jean-Paul Ouilette's "dame du jour," there was instant on-screen chemistry between Ouilette and Cecile Corine. So much so, in fact, that both Ouilette and his employer at the time immediately requested that Corine return in a recurring role as Ouilette's manager. Four years later, Corine has solidified her place as Ouilette's valet, and was recently seen sporting a decently-sized diamond ring that Ouilette confirmed after Season Eleven came from him. Corine has factored into a few of Ouilette's vicotries, and is clearly the top manager in The League as Season Twelve dawns.


Lance Heartilly

Career Record: 28 - 14, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 11:25, Average Match Rating: 2.095. MotN Awards: 1

Size: Middleweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Heartilly Arm Breaker {fujiwara armbar} (H 55, F 30)

Finishers: Hellacious Leglock {figure four leglock} (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 464, SPR 439, STRE 170, STRI 215, GRAP 1000, GROU 775, SPED 219, STAM 355, ATHL 444, MGRO 0

XP Available:  1688 (Points Available: 81)

Positive Traits: Steel Skull, Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Submission Specialist (Lv. 2), Master Tactician, All Business, 

Negative Traits: Boring!, 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 98.45 (98.45), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Lance Heartilly came into The League after storming through the Omega Division, and won promotion to the Gamma Division in his debut season. A true student of Canadian wrestling, Heartilly is every bit the technical mastermind that one would expect, and it's been that foundation that has propelled him here after being the one to single-handedly close a promotion due to his dominance...or so it is rumored, anyway. Lance hit a figurative wall in the Gamma Division, retaining his spot only due to injuries and an abysmal performance by Terrance Stevens. With the addition of two more technical wrestlers in the Gamma Division, is that the formula he needs to get back to his Season Ten form?


Markus Clay

Career Record: 22 - 48, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 11:02, Average Match Rating: 2.400. MotN Awards: 3

Size: Lightweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Boarding Call {charging corner leg lariat, ending up on top rope} (H 40, F 10)

Finishers: Johannesburg Express {moonsault} (H 35, F 88)

Attributes:   OVR 449, SPR 448, STRE 200, STRI 399, GRAP 248, GROU 235, SPED 1000, STAM 444, ATHL 998, MGRO 0

XP Available:  441 (Points Available: 14)

Positive Traits: Flyboy (Lv. 2), Suicidal (Lv. 2), Bullet Time (Lv. 1), Radar Sense (Lv. 1), You Can't Powerbomb..., High Flier (Lv. 1), Agile Climber, Corner Rebounder, Skin the Cat (Lv. 1), 

Negative Traits: Toothpick Arms, Crimson Mask (Lv. 1), Suicidal, Homicidal (Lv. 1), Martyr Complex, 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 88.99 (88.99), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Markus Clay's arrogance has led to a bit of a humiliating run for the South African in The League. Spared the indignity of back-to-back relegations only due to the sudden absence of Erick Gibson, Clay finds himself an aerial wrestler lost amidst a sea of technical grapplers and hard-hitting maulers. Barely avoiding the relegation zone in Gamma during Season Eleven, his task does not get any easier in Season Twelve with four technical wrestlers in the division.



Career Record: 18 - 24, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 11:46, Average Match Rating: 2.095. MotN Awards: 1

Size: Small

Manager:  None

Signatures: Path to Decay (corner tornado DDT) (H 44, F 10), Fade to Darkness {draping rope DDT} (H 55, F 20)

Finishers: Midnight Solstice (grapevined ankle lock) (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 407, SPR 413, STRE 105, STRI 200, GRAP 835, GROU 350, SPED 600, STAM 381, ATHL 543, MGRO 0

XP Available:  462 (Points Available: 23)

Positive Traits: Submission Specialist (Lv. 1), Counter Grappler (Lv. 1), Radar Sense (Lv. 1), Master Tactician, All Business, Eternal Underdog (Lv. 1), 

Negative Traits: 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 94.96 (94.96), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Dani Bradbury, in the persona known as Nocturne, came up from the Omega Division at the same time as Lance Heartilly. Nocturne has seemed to struggle at times, as the larger opponents are harder for her to take down and then keep down long enough to apply her grapevined ankle lock finisher. A bit of a collapse saw her miss guaranteed promotion, but an injury to Big Scott Weathers gave her a second chance, as she finds herself as the third promotee to Gamma for Season Twelve. Will the protege of Will Prydor take advantage of this boon?



Career Record: 18 - 52, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 11:19, Average Match Rating: 2.457. MotN Awards: 3

Size: Light Heavyweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Call of the Twelve {spider superplex} (H 48, F 10)

Finishers: Zodiac Implosion {shooting star senton bomb} (H 35, F 87)

Attributes:   OVR 472, SPR 436, STRE 149, STRI 532, GRAP 229, GROU 220, SPED 1000, STAM 425, ATHL 1000, MGRO 0

XP Available:  538 (Points Available: 17)

Positive Traits: Abs of Steel, Tough as Nails (Lv. 1), Flyboy (Lv. 2), Air Force (Lv. 1), Radar Sense (Lv. 1), High Flier (Lv. 1), No Surrender (Lv. 1), 

Negative Traits: Matchstick Legs, Broken Wheel, 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 86.91 (86.91), Body: 99.78 (99.78), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 99.49 (99.49)

Bio:  Pulsar's League tenure has been less than stellar, if the pun may be excused. He struggled in the Alpha Division in Season Eight, and was relegated in Season Nine when the rules were changed to make the bottom two spots marked for relgation. He would have been dropped to Gamma for Season Eleven, and again in Season Twelve, but was spared both times due to unplanned abscences from people dropping into the Beta Division. The third time has to be the charm to take advantage of what Fate has handed him, if only for the sake of his self-esteem.


Reverend Johnny Gross

Career Record: 36 - 34, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 15:45, Average Match Rating: 2.229. MotN Awards: 2

Size: Middleweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Kneel Before God {chop block} (H 55, F 10), Sermon on the Mount {mounted elbow smashes} (H 55, F 30)

Finishers: Come to Jesus {variated dragon sleeper} (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 531, SPR 662, STRE 445, STRI 754, GRAP 930, GROU 715, SPED 200, STAM 423, ATHL 245, MGRO 0

XP Available:  927 (Points Available: 30)

Positive Traits: Steel Skull, Tough as Nails (Lv. 1), Submission Specialist (Lv. 2), Iron Will (Lv. 1), Ultra Charismatic, Alert Partner (Lv. 1), 

Negative Traits: 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 90.99 (90.99), Body: 99.93 (99.93), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Reverend Johnny Gross, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, found some modicum of success in The League during their Tag Team Turmoil events, teaming with Christian Priest. However, a less-than-amicable split in Season Ten led to Gross teaming with Brian Blackfield, an the pair went on to win the event. While unable to replicate that feat in Season Eleven, Gross was gifted a spot in the Alpha Division thanks to the injury to Mel O'Hallister, and finds himself preparing for his third season of Alpha Division competition.


Terra Harding

Career Record: 2 - 12, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 10:54, Average Match Rating: 2.929. MotN Awards: 1

Size: Small

Manager:  None

Signatures: Broken Pieces Shine {reverse DDT clothesline} (H 40, F 10)

Finishers: Burn With Me {630 senton} (H 25, F 85)

Attributes:   OVR 405, SPR 400, STRE 275, STRI 439, GRAP 150, GROU 75, SPED 705, STAM 350, ATHL 786, MGRO 0

XP Available:  1315 (Points Available: 87)

Positive Traits: Flyboy (Lv. 2), Suicidal (Lv. 1), Daredevil (Lv. 1), High Flier (Lv. 1), Agile Climber, 

Negative Traits: Puny Human (Lv. 1), Suicidal, Homicidal (Lv. 1), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 97.9 (97.9), Body: 100 (100), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  "Twilight" Terra Harding has always considered herself on the outside of society. While some will say that she simply never left her "goth phase," Terra quite simply does not care about peoples' opinions of her or her manner of expressing herself. Sporting a "devil-may-care" style of aerial attack, Terra looks to The League to get some extra ring time in and maybe learn some better brawling skills in order to be taken seriously in the wrestling world at large. To the surprise of practically everyone associated with The League, she won the Season Eleven Omega Division, outlasting twenty-three other competitors.


Terrance Stevens

Career Record: 24 - 46, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 13:22, Average Match Rating: 2.429. MotN Awards: 2

Size: Light Heavyweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: Canuckle Sandwich {fist drop} (H 62, F 0), Canadian Elbow Drop (H 50, F 10)

Finishers: Maple Leaf Meltdown {superkick} (H 30, F 85)

Attributes:   OVR 454, SPR 423, STRE 330, STRI 720, GRAP 500, GROU 416, SPED 416, STAM 480, ATHL 600, MGRO 0

XP Available:  2533 (Points Available: 90)

Positive Traits: Educated Feet (Lv. 2), Ground and Pound (Lv. 1), Respected Brawler (Lv. 1), Feet of Fire (Lv. 1), Counter Striker (Lv. 1), Ultra Charismatic, Entertainer (Lv. 1), Raging Bull, 

Negative Traits: Flabby Belly, Crimson Mask (Lv. 1), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 86.57 (86.57), Body: 99.75 (99.75), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Terrance Stevens' Season Eleven was a disasterpiece, as he fell to Delta in quick fashion. While he enters Season Twelve near the top of the list in experience--beaten only by the other two Stevens in the division, no relation to him--he still has a long road ahead of him if he wants to avoid losing his spot on the main roster altogether.


Yoshii Nakamatsu

Career Record: 42 - 28, League Championships: 0. Average Time of Victory: 13:12, Average Match Rating: 2.157. MotN Awards: 2

Size: Lightweight

Manager:  None

Signatures: DEVASTATION Knee {charging knee to head} (H 55, F 30), The Divine Wind {STF} (H 55, F 30)

Finishers: Nakamatsu Driver {death valley driver} (H 30, F 95), Emperor's Fall {face crusher} (H 30, F 95)

Attributes:   OVR 526, SPR 480, STRE 310, STRI 800, GRAP 800, GROU 250, SPED 424, STAM 425, ATHL 479, MGRO 0

XP Available:  670 (Points Available: 24)

Positive Traits: Steel Skull, Cardio Freak (Lv. 1), Heavy Load, Corner Flopper, Tag Team Master (Lv. 2), 

Negative Traits: Crimson Mask (Lv. 2), 

Health [Actual (Projected)]:  Head: 91.74 (91.74), Body: 99.9 (99.9), Arms: 100 (100), Legs: 100 (100)

Bio:  Season Eleven was a consolidation season for Yoshii Nakamatsu. He seemed content on building up his skills for a run at the Beta Division title in Season Twelve. The downside is that, while Christian Priest may have been promoted to Alpha, his replacement from Gamma is even more of a threat--Monty Dhillon, the second man to finish a season undefeated. It is going to take every bit of skill Nakamatsu has if he wants to be in contention for promotion at the end of this season.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
Updated for Season Twelve
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Shortest Matches -- Standard

  1. Kichi Hida def. Jun Onoo, Season 10 Week 11 (Delta), 3:18
  2. Scott Stevens def. Mickey Steele, Season 11 Week 5 (Delta), 3:20
  3. Kichi Hida def. Scott Stevens, Season 10 Week 4 (Delta), 3:33
  4. Sterling Silver def. Scott Stevens, Season 11 Week 6 (Delta), 3:47
  5. Monty Dhillon def. Kichi Hida, Season 10 Week 6 (Delta), 3:53
  6. Diamond def. Mickey Steele, Season 12 Week 11 (Delta), 3:54
  7. Scott Stevens def. George Stevens, Season 12 Week 1 (Delta), 3:57
  8. Kichi Hida def. El Tornado, Season 10 Week 5 (Delta), 4:00
  9. Jimmy Anarchy def. Kichi Hida, Season 9 Week 14 (Delta), 4:21
  10. Diamond def. El Tornado, Season 9 Week 14 (Gamma), 4:36

Shortest Matches -- Gimmick

  1. Mickey Steele def. Diamond, Season 11 Week 9 (Delta), 4:26, First Blood
  2. El Tornado def. Nocturne, Season 10 Week 4 (Delta), 4:59, Table
  3. Monty Dhillon def. Diego Rodriguez, Season 11 Week 6 (Gamma), 4:59, Hardcore
  4. Lance Heartilly def. Scott Stevens, Season 10 Week 9 (Delta), 6:00, Cage
  5. Erick Gibson def. George Stevens, Season 12 Week 5 (Delta), 6:04, Last One Standing
  6. George Stevens def. Mickey Steele, Season 12 Week 8 (Delta), 6:31, First Blood
  7. Monty Dhillon def. Devil’s Delight, Season 9 Week 7 (Delta), 6:41, Cage
  8. Lucas Molina def. Jimmy Anarchy, Season 9 Week 2 (Delta), 6:46, Last One Standing
  9. Rock Sheridan def. Leon de Ramos, Season 11 Week 11 (Delta), 7:03, First Blood
  10. Jun Onoo def. El Tornado, Season 9 Week 2 (Gamma), 7:25, Table

Longest Matches  -- Standard

  1. Sin def. Monty Dhillon, Season 8 Week 14 (Delta), 35:12
  2. Sven Ulafsson def. Sin, Season 8 Week 4 (Delta), 32:09
  3. Brian Blackfield def. Christian Priest, Season 8 Week 6 (Delta), 31:54
  4. Sterling Silver def. The Siberian Nightmare, Season 8 Week 4 (Delta), 31:08
  5. Brian Blackfield def. Monty Dhillon, Season 8 Week 5 (Delta), 30:24
  6. Brian Blackfield def. Sven Ulafsson, Season 8 Week 14 (Delta), 28:17
  7. Sin def. Sven Ulafsson, Season 8 Week 11 (Delta), 26:47
  8. Brian Blackfield def. Monty Dhillon, Season 8 Week 12 (Delta), 25:09
  9. The Siberian Nightmare def. Sin, Season 8 Week 12 (Delta), 25:00
  10. Big Scott Weathers def. The Mastodon, Season 9 Week 1 (Alpha), 24:50

Longest Matches -- Gimmick (Excludes European Rules Matches)

  1. Brian Blackfield def. The Siberian Nightmare, Season 8 Week 3 (Delta), 26:39, Last One Standing
  2. Lucas Molina def. Nuclear Templeton, Season 12 Week 10 (Alpha), 25:30, Submission
  3. Billy Norris def. Jean-Paul Ouilette, Season 10 Week 6 (Beta), 24:15, Submission
  4. Jean-Paul Ouilette def. The Mastodon, Season 11 Week 4 (Alpha), 24:12, Last One Standing
  5. Daniel Simmons def. Indigo Rose, Season 8 Week 4 (Beta), 21:48, Last One Standing
  6. Mel O’Hallister def. George Mastachas, Season 9 Week 10 (Alpha), 21:42, Last One Standing
  7. Nuclear Templeton def. George Mastachas, Season 11 Week 9 (Alpha), 19:55, Cage
  8. Big Scott Weathers def. The Mastodon, Season 8 Week 8 (Alpha), 19:08, Cage
  9. Jean-Paul Ouilette def. Mel O'Hallister, Season 11 Week 8 (Alpha), 18:47, Hardcore
  10. Nuclear Templeton def. Jean-Paul Ouilette, Season 12 Week 3 (Alpha), 18:33, Hardcore

Longest Matches -- European Rules

  1. Reverend Johnny Gross def. De'siree Mitchell, Season 10 Week 9 (Alpha), 56:47
  2. Diego Rodriguez def. Indigo Rose, Season 10 Week 7 (Gamma), 46:34
  3. Christian Priest def. Lucas Molina, Season 11 Week 13 (Beta), 45:26
  4. Indigo Rose def. Diego Rodriguez, Season 11 Week 12 (Gamma), 42:56
  5. Christian Priest def. Lucas Molina, Season 10 Week 13 (Gamma), 41:20
  6. Big Scott Weathers def. Reverend Johnny Gross, Season 8 Week 7 (Alpha), 33:17
  7. Reverend Johnny Gross def. The Mastodon, Season 8 Week 2 (Alpha),32:20
  8. Terrance Stevens def. Angela Wassermann, Season 9 Week 7 (Beta), 28:42
  9. Nuclear Templeton def. De'siree Mitchell, Season 11 Week 6 (Alpha), 27:13
  10. Yoshii Nakamatsu def. Pulsar, Season 12 Week 9 (Beta), 26:00

Best Matches Overall (Rating/Time) -- Season Matches only

  1. Indigo Rose def. Diego Rodriguez, Season 11 Week 12 (Gamma), 5* MOTYC, 42:56, European
  2. Christian Priest def. Sterling Silver, Season 9 Week 8 (Delta), 5* MOTYC, 20:52, European
  3. Diego Rodriguez def. Indigo Rose, Season 10 Week 7 (Gamma), 4*, 46:34, European
  4. Terrence Stevens def. Angela Wassermann, Season 9 Week 7 (Beta), 4*, 28:42, European
  5. Yoshii Nakamatsu def. Pulsar, Season 12 Week 9 (Beta), 4*, 26:00, European
  6. Lucas Molina def. Nuclear Templeton, Season 12 Week 10 (Alpha), 4*, 25:30, Submission
  7. The Mastodon def. Big Scott Weathers, Season 9 Week 9 (Alpha), 4*, 23:58
  8. Reverend Johnny Gross def. Markus Clay, Season 9 Week 12 (Beta), 4*, 23:33
  9. The Mastodon def. Daniel Simmons, Season 10 Week 6 (Alpha), 4*, 22:58
  10. Mel O'Hallister def. The Mastodon, Season 11 Week 11 (Alpha), 4*, 22:22

Other League Stats

  • Overall Average Match Time: 13:04.946 (1120 total)
    • Normal Matches: 12:50.297 (960 matches)
    • Cage Matches: 12:12.412 (17 matches)
    • First Blood Matches: 12:09.400 (20 matches)
    • Hardcore Matches: 11:53.143 (28 matches)
    • Last One Standing Matches: 13:57.545 (22 matches)
    • Table Matches: 10:53.250 (28 matches)
    • Submission Matches: 14:54.133 (30 matches)
    • European Rules Matches: 32:20.467 (15 matches)
  • Overall Average Match Rating: 2.336 out of 5 stars (1120 matches)
    • Normal Matches: 2.303 out of 5 stars (960 matches)
      • 1*: 104
      • 2*: 510
      • 3*: 297
      • 4*: 49
    • Gimmick Matches: 2.531 out of 5 stars (160 matches)
      • 1*: 12
      • 2*: 74
      • 3*: 55
      • 4*: 17
      • 5* Match of the Year: 2
  • By Division
    • Alpha Division
      • Overall Average Match Time: 15:58.632
      • Overall Average Match Rating: 2.400 out of 5
    • Beta Division
      • Overall Average Match Time: 12:42.043
      • Overall Average Match Rating: 2.379 out of 5
    • Gamma Division
      • Overall Average Match Time: 12:25.821
      • Overall Average Match Rating: 2.232 out of 5
    • Delta Division
      • Overall Average Match Time: 11:13.289
      • Overall Average Match Rating: 2.332 out of 5


Edited by ShadowedFlames
Updated "Best of" info after Season Twelve
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GMPC Stat Updates are done on varying schedules during the season based on the division the GMPC is in. This is done to give PCs who update stats more often a better chance to climb out of the lower divisions ahead of other GMPCs by giving them more chances to “out-stat” their opponents. The update schedule is as follows:

  • Alpha Division: after every even week (2, 4, 6…) and week 13.
  • Beta Division: after weeks 3, 6, 9, and 12.
  • Gamma Division: after weeks 4, 7, and 11.
  • Delta Division: after week 7 only.

Naturally, all GMPCs will use all available XP in between seasons.


The XP table that The League uses scales based off of total stat points, not off of individual stats. The scaling of points works roughly as follows, for those interested in the math and who may want to update trademark moves at the same time:

0 to 2,500 stat points: 5 XP/point

2,501 to 2,750 points: 10 XP/point

2,751 to 3.000 points: 15 XP/point

3,001 to 3,250 points: 20 XP/point

3,251 to 3,500 points: 25 XP/point

3,501 to 3,750 points: 30 XP/point

3,751 to 4,000 points: 40 XP/point

4,001 to 4,250 points: 45 XP/point

4,251 to 4,500 points: 50 XP/point

4,501 to 4,750 points: 55 XP/point

4,751 to 5,000 points: 60 XP/point

5,001 to 5,250 points: 70 XP/point

5,251 to 5,500 points: 80 XP/point

5,501 to 5,750 points: 90 XP/point

5,751 to 6,000 points: 100 XP/point

6,001 to 6,500 points: 125 XP/point

6,501 to 7,000 points: 150 XP/point

7,001 to 7,500 points: 175 XP/point

7,501 to 8,000 points: 200 XP/point


Blank League Spreadsheet.xlsx

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Things are moving rather smoothly in the seeding period.  I'm through the first round out of 5, or 16 out of 90 matches.

Diamond is the only PC to notch a win, stunning her opponent El Tornado with a Spear to win at just 5:38 into the contest, fastest in the opening round by almost 90 seconds.

Christian Priest lost in identical fashion to Big Scott Weathers in 8:31.

Nuclear Templeton could not figure out the sports entertainment style of Jean-Paul Ouilette, and interference from Cecile Corine didn't help matters any as Templeton only lasted a touch under 10 minutes against Ouilette--9:48 to be exact.

Monty Dhillon had the unenviable task of being in the opening match, which was a close affair that saw him lose out in the end to De'siree Mitchell in 11:02.


Diamond: 1 win, ATV 5:38

George Mastachas: 1 win, ATV 7:05

Big Scott Weathers: 1 win, ATV 8:31

Brandy McDonald: 1 win, ATV 9:22

Jean-Paul Ouilette: 1 win, ATV 9:48

Billy Norris: 1 win, ATV 9:55

Jimmy Anarchy: 1 win, ATV 10:43

De'siree Mitchell: 1 win, ATV 11:02

Pulsar: 1 win, ATV 11:18

Mel O'Hallister: 1 win, ATV 12:07

Sin: 1 win, ATV 12:10

Angela Wassermann: 1 win, ATV 13:01

Indigo Rose: 1 win, ATV 13:09

Diego Rodriguez: 1 win, ATV 14:00

Erick Gibson: 1 win, ATV 16:02

The Mastodon: 1 win, ATV 17:28


Monty Dhillon: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Terrance Stevens: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Otto von Schwarz: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Jun Onoo: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Sterling Silver: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Blood River: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Yoshii Nakamatsu: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Reverend Johnny Gross: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Nuclear Templeton: 0 wins, ATV N/A

The Siberian Nightmare: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Sven Ulafsson: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Daniel Simmons: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Christian Priest: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Markus Clay: 0 wins, ATV N/A

El Tornado: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Brian Blackfield: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Edited by ShadowedFlames
Still getting used to this forum's formatting quirks....
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Round 2 of the preseason is now in the books. An update on the PCs…


Diamond fought a valiant fight against the Italian submission artist, Indigo Rose, but it was the Blood from a Rose DDT that spelled disaster for Diamond, handing the League Original her first loss in a time of 14:33.


Monty Dhillon won the match of the round, in a four-star war with Terrance Stevens. This battle of Canadians saw Dhillon emerge victorious in 13:26.


Nuclear Templeton also found his way to the win column, taking down The Siberian Nightmare with the Armageddon Lariat in 15:07.


Christian Priest was unable to find a way to keep Marcus Clay grounded, and fell to 0-2 on the preseason after a close bout that lasted 14:11 in the South African’s favor.


If the preseason ended now, instead of after three further rounds, the divisions would shape up like so:


Big Scott Weathers: 2 wins, ATV 10:21

De'siree Mitchell: 2 wins, ATV 10:24

George Mastachas: 2 wins, ATV 10:30

Jean-Paul Ouilette: 2 wins, ATV 10:34

Jimmy Anarchy: 2 wins, ATV 11:09

Mel O'Hallister: 2 wins, ATV 13:13

Indigo Rose: 2 wins, ATV 13:51

The Mastodon: 2 wins, ATV 17:29


Diamond: 1 wins, ATV 5:38

Brandy McDonald: 1 wins, ATV 9:22

Billy Norris: 1 wins, ATV 9:55

El Tornado: 1 wins, ATV 10:16

Pulsar: 1 wins, ATV 11:18

Sin: 1 wins, ATV 12:10

Jun Onoo: 1 wins, ATV 12:57

Angela Wassermann: 1 wins, ATV 13:01


Monty Dhillon: 1 wins, ATV 13:26

Daniel Simmons: 1 wins, ATV 13:44

Diego Rodriguez: 1 wins, ATV 14:00

Markus Clay: 1 wins, ATV 14:11

Blood River: 1 wins, ATV 14:45

Nuclear Templeton: 1 wins, ATV 15:07

Reverend Johnny Gross: 1 wins, ATV 16:01

Erick Gibson: 1 wins, ATV 16:02


Terrance Stevens: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Otto von Schwarz: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Sterling Silver: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Yoshii Nakamatsu: 0 wins, ATV N/A

The Siberian Nightmare: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Sven Ulafsson: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Christian Priest: 0 wins, ATV N/A

Brian Blackfield: 0 wins, ATV N/A


POTENTIAL FINISHES:  Right now, there is still a slim chance that all four PCs can start in the Alpha Division. Four wins guarantees a spot in the top flight, three wins is only a 20% chance of it (only two of the people who finish 3-2 in the preseason will make it into the Alpha Division, every one else with three wins are locked into Beta).

Naturally, Diamond, Monty, and Nuclear have the easier path though not by much—if each of them win all three of their next matches, they are guaranteed a spot in the Alpha Division.  A second win all but assures a place in at least Gamma—only the bottom two people who go 2-3 will fall into Delta Division with all the 0- and 1-win people. Given her 5:38 win time, Diamond is not likely to fall into Delta with a second win unless it takes an hour or thereabouts, so one more victory for her all but assures her a third-tier minimum opening spot. Christian Priest needs to win two of his last three bouts to have a fighting chance at escaping the Delta Division to start Season 8; winning all three assures a minimum Beta Division start.

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Pleased to notch a wi... I mean, of COURSE I WON!!!  I'd be 2 and 0 if I hadn't been ROBBED in the first round!

Looking forward to round three.


EDIT: Any chance we'll be getting the roster post updated with avatars?  (says the guy who made a custom render for his character)


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4 hours ago, Croquemitaine said:

Pleased to notch a wi... I mean, of COURSE I WON!!!  I'd be 2 and 0 if I hadn't been ROBBED in the first round!

Looking forward to round three.


EDIT: Any chance we'll be getting the roster post updated with avatars?  (says the guy who made a custom render for his character)


As soon as I figure out the easiest way to do it with the info dump sheet I use in Excel. During BBCode days, all I had to use were [img] tags to get them to carry over.  Still leaning how this one works and what would be the easiest way for me to convert my current setup to something more picture-friendly.

EDIT:  For the moment, at least, there are pictures in the roster post.  No guarantees that will stay when I update it next but we'll find out, won't we?  :p


Round 3 of the preseason is now done and dusted. Your PC update:

Diamond had to fight from behind the entire match, eventually overcoming the torrid start Diego Rodriguez exhibited and hitting Diamond in the Sky to notch her second win at 13:52.

Monty Dhillon and Jun Onoo went toe-to-toe, and this instance of Big Meaty Men Slapping Meat was won by Onoo’s IMPACT Driver in 12:09, all but eliminating Monty’s chances of starting in the Alpha Division.

Nuclear Templeton brought out a heretofore unseen weapon, the Radiation Leak, to surprise Daniel Simmons via submission and notch his second victory in 10:54.

Christian Priest feels like he has certifiable cause to cry foul after the events in his match, and to his credit Priest may have an argument there.  He had delivered Judgement to Brian Blackfield at just a little over 13 minutes in, got a pin, but the referee immediately waved it off after seeing Blackfield’s other foot under the bottom rope.  Priest was busted open a few minutes later, and at the 21-minute mark hit Blackfield with Canonized…which only served to rile the Scot up with an adrenaline rush.  A few Tartan Effects later, the referee called a stop to the match due to blood loss, awarding the victory to Brian Blackfield at 26:19.

With 60% of the preseason now done, here are your provisional standings:

  • Big Scott Weathers: 3 wins, ATV 9:30
  • George Mastachas: 3 wins, ATV 11:38
  • De'siree Mitchell: 3 wins, ATV 11:41
  • Mel O'Hallister: 3 wins, ATV 14:12
  • Billy Norris: 2 wins, ATV 9:25
  • Diamond: 2 wins, ATV 9:45
  • Brandy McDonald: 2 wins, ATV 10:13
  • Jean-Paul Ouilette: 2 wins, ATV 10:34


  • Pulsar: 2 wins, ATV 11:05
  • Jimmy Anarchy: 2 wins, ATV 11:09
  • Reverend Johnny Gross: 2 wins, ATV 11:46
  • Markus Clay: 2 wins, ATV 12:05
  • Jun Onoo: 2 wins, ATV 12:33
  • Nuclear Templeton: 2 wins, ATV 13:00
  • Indigo Rose: 2 wins, ATV 13:51
  • The Mastodon: 2 wins, ATV 17:29


  • El Tornado: 1 win, ATV 10:16
  • Sin: 1 win, ATV 12:10
  • Angela Wassermann: 1 win, ATV 13:01
  • Monty Dhillon: 1 win, ATV 13:26
  • Terrance Stevens: 1 win, ATV 13:31
  • Daniel Simmons: 1 win, ATV 13:44
  • Diego Rodriguez: 1 win, ATV 14:00
  • Blood River: 1 win, ATV 14:45


  • Erick Gibson: 1 win, ATV 16:02
  • Sven Ulafsson: 1 win, ATV 16:31
  • Sterling Silver: 1 win, ATV 18:05
  • Brian Blackfield: 1 win, ATV 26:19
  • Otto von Schwarz: 0 wins, ATV N/A
  • Yoshii Nakamatsu: 0 wins, ATV N/A
  • The Siberian Nightmare: 0 wins, ATV N/A
  • Christian Priest: 0 wins, ATV N/A


Shadowed’s Analysis:  I do think Priest got robbed, not only of the match but also of his chance to start in the upper two divisions.  The referee’s shenanigans ensures Priest can only start at best in the Gamma Division. There are sure to be some angry sermons coming after the events of round 3 are fully processed.

With another win each, Diamond and Nuclear guarantee a spot in at least the Beta Division to start. Monty still needs both remaining to reach that, and needs at least one to give himself hope of escaping a Delta Division start next week. Priest wins to win his last two to have an 80% chance of being in the Gamma Division—a single loss and he’s guaranteed to start in Delta (see below).



  • ALPHA DIVISION:  1 x 5-0 record, 5 x 4-1 records, 2 x 3-2 records, the best ATVs get the nod.
  • BETA DIVISION:  The remaining eight 3-2 records.
  • GAMMA DIVISION:  The eight 2-3 records with quicker ATV.
  • DELTA DIVISION: 1 x 0-5 record, 5 x 1-4 records, the remaining 2-3 records with the worst ATV.



(2-1) Diamond vs. Pulsar, winner guaranteed a spot in at least Beta Division

(2-1) Nuclear Templeton vs. Markus Clay, winner guaranteed a spot in at least Beta Division

(1-2) Monty Dhillon vs. Blood River, loser gets at best a Gamma Division spot

(0-3) Christian Priest vs. The Siberian Nightmare, loser guaranteed a spot in Delta Division

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The penultimate round of the preseason has been completed. As of the time of this writing, so has the final round, but for the sake of suspense the results for round 5 aren’t being posted for a few days while I do necessary administrative work behind the scenes to prepare for the official start of Season Eight.

Diamond struggled against the luchador Pulsar, and it was a slingshot guillotina from the veteran that gave him the victory at 7:48.  The loss puts Diamond into a must-win for round 5 to start the season in the Beta Division.

The same cannot be said for Nuclear Templeton, though.  While it was ugly, and he could not apply the Radiation Leak on the speedy Markus Clay, Nuclear did manage to convert a missed slingshot senton from Clay into a pin at 10:46. The win guarantees him at least a Beta Division spot, and a win in round 5 puts him in the Alpha Division.

Monty Dhillon ran into the same sort of issue with Blood River.  Dhillon could not stun River long enough to hit his Empire Bomb, and eventually got worn down enough to eat a Crimson Regret at 17:21.  The loss ensures Dhillon can, at best, start in the Gamma Division.

After the events of round three, Christian Priest came out with a chip on his shoulder. The Siberian Nightmare stood no chance against the onslaught of Priest, and a Canonized lariat at 12:03 gives Christian a fighting chance to not be in the Delta Division come the start of the season.

With one round remaining, here are your updated standings:

·        Big Scott Weathers: 4 wins, ATV 10:48  *Guaranteed an Alpha Division spot

·        De'siree Mitchell: 4 wins, ATV 12:23  *Guaranteed an Alpha Division spot

·        Brandy McDonald: 3 wins, ATV 9:28

·        Pulsar: 3 wins, ATV 9:59

·        Reverend Johnny Gross: 3 wins, ATV 10:18

·        Jean-Paul Ouilette: 3 wins, ATV 11:07

·        George Mastachas: 3 wins, ATV 11:38

·        Nuclear Templeton: 3 wins, ATV 12:16



·        Mel O'Hallister: 3 wins, ATV 14:12

·        The Mastodon: 3 wins, ATV 16:50

·        Billy Norris: 2 wins, ATV 9:25

·        Diamond: 2 wins, ATV 9:45

·        Terrance Stevens: 2 wins, ATV 10:50

·        Erick Gibson: 2 wins, ATV 11:03

·        Jimmy Anarchy: 2 wins, ATV 11:09

·        Daniel Simmons: 2 wins, ATV 12:00


·        Markus Clay: 2 wins, ATV 12:05

·        Jun Onoo: 2 wins, ATV 12:33

·        Angela Wassermann: 2 wins, ATV 12:42

·        Indigo Rose: 2 wins, ATV 13:51

·        Blood River: 2 wins, ATV 16:03

·        Sven Ulafsson: 2 wins, ATV 23:02

·        Yoshii Nakamatsu: 1 win, ATV 10:05

·        El Tornado: 1 win, ATV 10:16


·        Christian Priest: 1 win, ATV 12:03

·        Sin: 1 win, ATV 12:10

·        Monty Dhillon: 1 win, ATV 13:26

·        Diego Rodriguez: 1 win, ATV 14:00

·        Sterling Silver: 1 win, ATV 18:05

·        Brian Blackfield: 1 win, ATV 26:19

·        Otto von Schwarz: 0 wins, ATV N/A  *Guaranteed to start in Delta Division

·        The Siberian Nightmare: 0 wins, ATV N/A  *Guaranteed to start in Delta Division


Shadowed’s Analysis:  Of the four PCs, Nuclear’s clearly in the best position right now.  A win, and he starts in the Alpha Division with an immediate shot at the League Championship he’s been denied for seven seasons. 

Diamond needs a quick win to have a shot at joining Nuclear in the top division; her 9:45 ATV is good but there are two 3-1 people with better already (Brandy McDonald and Pulsar), if they both lose and Diamond can’t win fast enough, Diamond falls to the Beta Division to start Season 8. If she loses, she’s practically guaranteed a Gamma Division spot due to that ATV of hers.

Priest and Dhillon both are locked into the lower half of the League to start, the only question is in which division.  A win doesn’t guarantee them entry into the Gamma Division; there are a lot of 11-to-13- minute ATVs at the 1- and 2-win levels.  A loss, though, guarantees them a start in the lowly Delta Division and at least three seasons worth of work to attempt to make it to the Alpha Division to fight for the League Championship.



(3-1) Nuclear Templeton vs. Reverend Johnny Gross, winner earns spot in Alpha Division

(2-2) Diamond vs. Billy Norris, winner earns a spot in Beta Division at worst

(1-3) Monty Dhillon vs. El Tornado, loser starts in Delta Division

(1-3) Christian Priest vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu, loser starts in Delta Division

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The preseason has now come to a close.  The perfect 5-0 record goes to De’siree Mitchell, who took down Big Scott Weathers to emerge undefeated.  On the opposite end of the spectrum, Otto von Schwarz went 0-5, losing his final match to The Siberian Nightmare.

As for the PCs…

Nuclear Templeton had a war with Reverend Johnny Gross, with multiple near-misses of finishers on both sides.  In the end, though, the new-and-improved Armageddon Lariat was enough for Nuclear to prevail in 16:20, netting Nuclear his fourth win and a guaranteed spot in the Alpha Division.

Diamond held the early advantage in her contest, but when she failed in hitting the 24 Karat Kiss, it was enough to throw her off her game mentally.  Billy Norris took advantage, eventually hitting his Down Under Disaster in 14:42 to send Diamond into the Gamma Division to start the season.

Both Christian Priest and Monty Dhillon struggled in their matches.  Priest was unable to string together much offense, losing to Yoshii Nakamatsu in 12:10.  Dhillon had a little more success, but multiple attempts at the Empire Bomb went for naught as El Tornado outlasted him in a 27:25 marathon.  Despite that length of time, Tornado still managed to get into the Gamma Division, while Priest and Dhillon both are confined to the Delta Division for Season 8.



·       De’siree Mitchell

·       Brandy McDonald

·       Big Scott Weathers

·       George Mastachas

·       Nuclear Templeton

·       The Mastadon

·       Pulsar (3-2, ATV 9:59)

·       Reverend Johnny Gross (3-2, ATV 10:18)



·       Markus Clay (3-2, 10:49)

·       Jean-Paul Ouilette

·       Billy Norris

·       Daniel Simmons

·       Terrance Stevens

·       Indigo Rose

·       Angela Wassermann

·       Mel O’Hallister



·       Diamond

·       Erick Gibson

·       Yoshii Nakamatsu

·       Jimmy Anarchy

·       Jun Onoo

·       Diego Rodriguez

·       Blood River

·       El Tornado (2-3, ATV 18:50)


·       Sven Ulafsson (2-3, ATV 23:01)

·       Brian Blackfield (2-3, ATV 23:10)

·       The Siberian Nightmare

·       Christian Priest

·       Sin

·       Monty Dhillon

·       Sterling Silver

·       Otto von Schwarz



The next steps involve me posting the full schedule in one of the opening posts of the thread for reference.  All wrestlers have two gimmick matches, and some did not receive a good draw from the RNG—one person has a pair of European Rules matches which is going to wreck their ATV!  Predictions will also open once I post the schedule and make a separate post for the week 1 card. For this week, the order is set by division; going forward the order depends on combined OVR rating, division, gimmick matches, and (for the second half) those in the top half of their division standings. So expect a little more fluidity in the match order going forward.

The schedule will be posted once I hear back from one of my regular readers regarding accessibility.  The colors I have above for the divisions are not final—Red and Dark Yellow are likely still in for the top two divisions, it’s mainly the bottom two I’m looking to swap out (or Gamma really, since lowly Delta can keep its plain black/white text for a header)—and once that has been completed the official schedule and week 1 card will be posted.  I expect it to be later today. 

The Week 1 show I plan to have posted on September 25 (Sunday).  The current plan is to run a week’s matches on Saturday morning/midday while roommate is asleep, do the bulk of the show write-up as matches are run, then do the Match of the Night and final proofreading on Sunday morning before posting the show.  With no training for Week 1, I’ve already finished half of the matches as of this writing and will be running the others today.

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My one reader hasn't gotten back to me yet, so I'm doing something truly dangerous:  relying on my admittedly spotty memory and Googling to point me in the right direction.

The design is still subject to changes but for now...


And for prediction purposes, here is your Week 1 card. Remember, everyone is 0-0 with a 400 OVR this week:

    • TABLES MATCH:  George Mastachas vs. Nuclear Templeton
    • Brandy McDonald vs. Pulsar
    • De'siree Mitchell vs. Reverend Johnny Gross
    • Big Scott Weathers vs. The Mastodon
    • Jean-Paul Ouilette vs. Angela Wassermann
    • Daniel Simmons vs. Terrence Stevens
    • Billy Norris vs. Indigo Rose
    • Markus Clay vs. Mel O'Hallister
    • Erick Gibson vs. Blood River
    • Yoshii Nakamatsu vs. Diego Rodriguez
    • Diamond vs. El Tornado
    • Jimmy Anarchy vs. Jun Onoo
    • SUBMISSION MATCH:  Christian Priest vs. Sin
    • Sven Ulafsson vs. Otto von Schwarz
    • Brian Blackfield vs. Sterling Silver
    • The Siberian Nightmare vs. Monty Dhillon


Edited by ShadowedFlames
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On 9/18/2022 at 1:47 PM, ShadowedFlames said:

My one reader hasn't gotten back to me yet, so I'm doing something truly dangerous:  relying on my admittedly spotty memory and Googling to point me in the right direction.

The design is still subject to changes but for now...


And for prediction purposes, here is your Week 1 card. Remember, everyone is 0-0 with a 400 OVR this week:

    • TABLES MATCH:  George Mastachas vs. Nuclear Templeton
    • Brandy McDonald vs. Pulsar
    • De'siree Mitchell vs. Reverend Johnny Gross
    • Big Scott Weathers vs. The Mastodon
    • Jean-Paul Ouilette vs. Angela Wassermann
    • Daniel Simmons vs. Terrence Stevens
    • Billy Norris vs. Indigo Rose
    • Markus Clay vs. Mel O'Hallister
    • Erick Gibson vs. Blood River
    • Yoshii Nakamatsu vs. Diego Rodriguez
    • Diamond vs. El Tornado
    • Jimmy Anarchy vs. Jun Onoo
    • SUBMISSION MATCH:  Christian Priest vs. Sin (Punish him, PUNISH HIM!!!)
    • Sven Ulafsson vs. Otto von Schwarz
    • Brian Blackfield vs. Sterling Silver
    • The Siberian Nightmare vs. Monty Dhillon


Mostly picking names I like the most and avoiding picking obvious jobbers ;)

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On 9/18/2022 at 8:47 PM, ShadowedFlames said:


And for prediction purposes, here is your Week 1 card. Remember, everyone is 0-0 with a 400 OVR this week:

    • TABLES MATCH:  George Mastachas vs. Nuclear Templeton
    • Brandy McDonald vs. Pulsar
    • De'siree Mitchell vs. Reverend Johnny Gross
    • Big Scott Weathers vs. The Mastodon
    • Jean-Paul Ouilette vs. Angela Wassermann
    • Daniel Simmons vs. Terrence Stevens
    • Billy Norris vs. Indigo Rose
    • Markus Clay vs. Mel O'Hallister
    • Erick Gibson vs. Blood River
    • Yoshii Nakamatsu vs. Diego Rodriguez
    • Diamond vs. El Tornado
    • Jimmy Anarchy vs. Jun Onoo
    • SUBMISSION MATCH:  Christian Priest vs. Sin
    • Sven Ulafsson vs. Otto von Schwarz
    • Brian Blackfield vs. Sterling Silver
    • The Siberian Nightmare vs. Monty Dhillon



Ooof, pretty rough pre-season for Priest, but he'll bounce back. Also Priest vs Sin to kick off the redemption tour is amazing 😂

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On 9/18/2022 at 8:47 AM, ShadowedFlames said:


And for prediction purposes, here is your Week 1 card. Remember, everyone is 0-0 with a 400 OVR this week:

    • TABLES MATCH:  George Mastachas vs. Nuclear Templeton
    • Brandy McDonald vs. Pulsar
    • De'siree Mitchell vs. Reverend Johnny Gross
    • Big Scott Weathers vs. The Mastodon
    • Jean-Paul Ouilette vs. Angela Wassermann
    • Daniel Simmons vs. Terrence Stevens
    • Billy Norris vs. Indigo Rose
    • Markus Clay vs. Mel O'Hallister
    • Erick Gibson vs. Blood River
    • Yoshii Nakamatsu vs. Diego Rodriguez
    • Diamond vs. El Tornado
    • Jimmy Anarchy vs. Jun Onoo
    • SUBMISSION MATCH:  Christian Priest vs. Sin
    • Sven Ulafsson vs. Otto von Schwarz
    • Brian Blackfield vs. Sterling Silver
    • The Siberian Nightmare vs. Monty Dhillon


We'll see if my predicting is any better than my wrestling. 😏

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Okay, so...I had my second booster shot for the coronavirus today, had my flu shot earlier this week.  I can already feel the normal effects of the booster trying to kick in.  So before I feel like absolute hot garbage tomorrow, I'm making an executive decision.  Y'all are getting the first week a little early. :D


It is said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  But we’ve traveled those thousand miles, and more over the years.  To the world-weary, each journey is but another stop on the walk of life.  So for the next four months, we’re going to slow things down.  Gone are the days of jet-setting around the world, going from America to Mexico to Europe in consecutive weeks. Gone—for now—are the days of touring the country, each show coming from a different place with the same faces.

No, for this season, we’re sticking to one place.  A place that someone who’s been a voice of The League for years calls home, and wants one final season under the headset before she calls it a career and leaves the spotlight to raise her…OUR…family.  Tonight, and every time we air for the next fourteen weeks, we come to you from my home, The Aerie School of Professional Wrestling, nestled in the farthest suburbs of Baltimore, Maryland. A small, intimate venue to let those competing get used to the stakes they wrestle for, before this idea begins to tour the country one final time.

For some of these wrestlers, there is no future.  This is their last chance at glory, of achieving anything of note within the squared circle before time catches up to them.  For others, this is but a launching pad, into greater successes.  Who is to say, when the final curtain falls, where each of them goes from here?

But first, the journey must be made.  With that said, I invite you all—ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else in between or otherwise—to join us for the first chapter in the final volumes of an experiment a dozen years in the making.  To join us, as we rise up one more time…and reform The League.

--“The Phoenix” Will Prydor

September 25, 2022



Unlike previous seasons, there is no pyrotechnical display to open the show.  Just a look at the well-lit and well-maintained Aerie School of Professional Wrestling, with about a hundred people seated around the ring.  Off to the side, away from the ring, is our long-time League announce team, back together for one last run.

Bob Sinclair:  It’s been almost nine years since we’ve been together on air, but hello, everyone, and welcome to the first week in an all-new, revamped League!  Bob Sinclair here on the play-by-play, and joined at the announce desk by my usual partners in the booth, “The Real Deal” Frankie Garnett and Tori Montgomery!

Frankie Garnett:  I have to say, Bob, you’re looking and sounding better than I expected. I figured after nine years, you’d have let yourself go and would be a shell of your former self.

Tori Montgomery: Sounds to me like someone’s self-projecting.

Frankie Garnett: Oh, like you’re one to talk! Who did you have to bribe to get this show to come to this rinky-dink place?  I know you’re the reason we’re staying in one place this season!

Tori Montgomery:  That would be my husband, a former League champion and your boss, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett:  …oh…wait a second.  Husband?!

Tori Montgomery:  Man, you’ve really been out of the loop, Frankie.  Where have you been, on a seven-year bender in Vegas?

(Five seconds of dead air as Frankie, for once, is rendered speechless.)

Bob Sinclair:  I see you still have it, Tori.

Tori Montgomery:  Never lost it. But on a serious note, folks, everything you know about the League has changed since we last came to you in 2014.  Thirty-two participants, four divisions of eight, no matches outside of the division, and promotion/relegation between divisions. There are no more crazy division formats, no more oddball schedules.  Fourteen matches, the best record wins a division, and the winner of the Alpha Division gets crowned the League Champion! Simple, to the point, and for the first time in League history, we will have established continuity between seasons.  I’m looking forward to seeing where things go once The League goes back on the road, Bob.

Bob Sinclair: Remind me when we go off-air to ask you more about that, Tori. But for now, we’re ready to kick off our opening contest in our bottom division, the Delta Division, so let’s go to the ring and get to the action!


Eda7f6d.jpg The Siberian Nightmare (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Monty Dhillon (0-0, OVR 400) vz0qqDp.jpg



Neither man was intimidated by the size of their opponent, as was evident from the opening bell when Dhillon simply manhandled Nightmare over into a suplex.  From here, this was a straight-up hoss fight, heavy shots seeming to land at will.  At fourteen minutes in, the match seemed to be over in Monty Dhillon’s favor, following an Empire Bomb, but the referee waved off the fall due to missing a foot on the ropes.  To be fair to the official, though, he did eat a strong charging forearm from Nightmare right before this, so missing something wasn’t too out of place.  Nightmare would have his chances at the Siberian Avalanche, but in the end Dhillon simply powerbombed Nightmare and held on for the cover, just getting three before Nightmare got a shoulder up.  A hard-fought victory and a heck of an opening match to start The League’s eighth official season.

Monty Dhillon (1-0) def. The Siberian Nightmare (0-1) via Pinfall (Powerbomb Pin) in 18:35.  Rating: ***

Changes for Monty Dhillon:  OVR + 5.24, XP + 529.66, minor damage to head and body

Changes for The Siberian Nightmare:  OVR + 1.32, XP + 132.42, moderate damage to head and body



RdUenQh.jpg Brian Blackfield (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Sterling Silver (0-0, OVR 400) va4qjuU.jpg




After an excellent opening bout, this match seemed to pale in comparison.  Silver controlled the first four minutes or so, but could not keep the offense going and allowed Blackfield back into the match.  The Scot would waste little time in asserting control, hitting his Tartan Effect and the Scotland Destroyer within a span of thirty seconds to put away the luchadora.

Brian Blackfield (1-0) def. Sterling Silver (0-1) via Pinfall (Scotland Destroyer) in 10:11.  Rating: **


Changes for Brian Blackfield:  OVR + 3.51, XP + 484.89, minor damage to head

Changes for Sterling Silver:  OVR + 0.40, XP + 121.22, moderate damage to head


9VJLBCy.jpg Sven Ulafsson (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Otto von Schwarz (0-0, OVR 400) 7i2wu7j.jpg5MMzLA4.jpg




If the author may be allowed to step out of narrative character for a moment… this match was a first.  In literally the second move of the match, Otto busted open Sven with a running face smash.  I’ve run close to eight hundred matches in this engine and that is the first time I can recall seeing blood spilled just fifteen seconds into the match.  Now, where was I…right.

The echoes of the opening bell hadn’t even faded to silence before Otto caught his opponent with a face smash that opened a small laceration.  Unfortunately for Otto, that would be the high point of the match for him.  Sven eventually took control and despite the laceration, easily put the giant away in what was a dull and lifeless bout.

Sven Ulafsson (1-0) def. Otto von Schwarz (0-1) via Pinfall (Spinning Elbow Blow) in 11:34.  Rating: *


Changes for Sven Ulafsson:  OVR + 2.39, XP + 445.09, minor damage to head

Changes for Otto von Schwarz:  OVR -0.39, XP + 111.27, no notable damage.



AOP9il0.jpgNldKaI4.jpg Christian Priest (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Sin (0-0, OVR 400) JpyUoje.jpg




This was not going to be a pretty match. Neither person has a submission move in their arsenal that can actually end a match, so this was going to come down to either a luckily executed move, or someone bleeding too much.  The drama over who would be the first to get a good submission hold in helped elevate the match into a contender for Match of the Night.  In the end, despite a testicular claw that Priest eventually broke free of, Sin was unable to capitalize on Priest’s mistakes.  Priest would turn a missed Cast the Stone into a dragon sleeper—or at least some variant of it—and finally notch the submission for his first win of the season.

Christian Priest (1-0) def. Sin (0-1) via Submission (force submission) in 16:15.  Rating: ***


Changes for Christian Priest:  OVR + 5.08, XP + 528.45, minor damage to head

Changes for Sin:  OVR + 1.28, XP + 132.11, minor damage to head



V1I70uc.jpg Jimmy Anarchy (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Jun Onoo (0-0, OVR 400) zTBxNBX.jpg




Bob Sinclair:  With our first four matches out of the way, we move up into our third tier, the Gamma Division, and a match that promises a lot of hard-hitting action and very few technical feats of any type.

Frankie Garnett:  So in other words, my kind of violence!  All right, I can get behind this!

Bob Sinclair:  Tori, who do you favor in this one?

Tori Montgomery:  Quite simply, this is a battle of a super heavyweight trying to batter down his opponent before said opponent can win by way of a thousand cuts.  I’m usually hard-pressed to go against the larger man in a situation like that, and I’m not about to here.  Jun Onoo, I’m guessing 14 minutes.

Bob Sinclair:  Fair enough.  I’m going with Anarchy, the larger men traditionally have stamina issues and I think Anarchy can outlast his opponent.  Frankie?

Frankie Garnett:  That’s simple.  I win.

Bob Sinclair:  Come again?

Frankie Garnett:  I win.  It’s two people beating the tar out of each other, how can I lose?!

Tori Montgomery: I don’t think he understood the assignment, Bob.

Bob Sinclair: Assuredly not.  But the time for talk is over, both men are in the ring, and there’s the bell to get us underway in the Gamma Division!


(00:14) Onoo applied a Front Facelock

(00:18) Onoo hit an Open Handed Chop

(00:22) Onoo hit an Elbow Drop

(00:29) Onoo hit a Knee Pull

(00:43) Onoo applied a Knee Bar

(00:48) J. Anarchy blocked a Knee Pull

(00:58) J. Anarchy got a rope break to stop an Arm Bar

(01:02) Onoo hit a Slap To Chest

(01:06) Onoo hit an Open Handed Chop

(01:10) J. Anarchy blocked a Knee Bar

(01:20) J. Anarchy very easily avoided a Stomp.

(01:27) J. Anarchy hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(01:41) J. Anarchy applied a Choke Hold

(01:41) The referee gave J. Anarchy a stern warning

(01:45) Onoo blocked a Body Scissors

(01:59) J. Anarchy applied a Side Headlock

(02:03) J. Anarchy hit an Open Handed Chop

(02:17) J. Anarchy applied a Front Facelock

(02:20) J. Anarchy hit a Punch

(02:26) Onoo avoided an Open Handed Chop after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.

(02:34) J. Anarchy avoided a Kick To Gut.

(02:38) J. Anarchy hit an Open Handed Chop

(02:52) J. Anarchy applied a Side Headlock

(03:06) J. Anarchy applied a Front Facelock

(03:10) J. Anarchy hit an Eye Poke

(03:24) J. Anarchy hit a Side Headlock Closed Fist

(03:32) Onoo blocked a Punch

(03:37) Onoo broke a Front Facelock

(03:41) Onoo hit a Japanese Binta

(03:44) Onoo hit a Forearm Blow

(03:58) Onoo applied a Front Facelock

(04:02) Onoo hit a Kick To Thigh

(04:06) Onoo hit a Slap To Chest

(04:12) J. Anarchy broke an Overhead Fallaway Slam by falling on top of Onoo

(04:16) J. Anarchy got a one count



Frankie Garnett:  Way too early to win this yet.  I still haven’t had my share of violence!

Tori Montgomery:  I’m sure the two men in the ring are so overly concerned about your approval, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett:  Well they should be!




(04:20) J. Anarchy hit a Begging Off Eye Poke

(04:23) J. Anarchy hit a Handshake Kick To Gut

(04:27) J. Anarchy hit an Eye Poke

(04:31) Onoo countered a Hammerlock with a Japanese Binta

(04:41) Onoo hit a Short Arm Clothesline

(04:56) Onoo hit a Stomp Flurry

(05:00) J. Anarchy stopped a Power Taunt by rushing Onoo

(05:08) J. Anarchy applied a Hammerlock

(05:12) J. Anarchy hit a Forearm To Back

(05:19) J. Anarchy hit a Cheating Roll Up

(05:23) J. Anarchy got a one count

(05:30) J. Anarchy hit a Knee Plant

(05:34) J. Anarchy hit an Eye Poke

(05:37) J. Anarchy hit a Punch

(05:44) J. Anarchy hit a Running Forearm Blow

(05:54) Jun Onoo moved out of the way from a Running Knee Drop.

(05:58) J. Anarchy blocked a Rear Chinlock

(06:02) Onoo hit a Stomp

(06:11) J. Anarchy easily avoided a Stomp Flurry.

(06:18) J. Anarchy hit a Side Headlock Takedown

(06:29) J. Anarchy hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(06:38) Jun Onoo moved out of the way from a Diving Ground Headbutt.

(06:55) Onoo hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(07:03) J. Anarchy got a rope break to stop a Giant Swing

Bob Sinclair:  Savvy move by Anarchy there.  Given Onoo’s size and power, who knows how long Anarchy would have been left to swing in the wind?

Tori Montgomery:  It’s fairly even at this point, Bob, it’s only going to take one mistake to really open this up for someone!



(07:15) Onoo hit a Power Bodyslam

(07:24) Jimmy Anarchy very easily moved out of the way from a Splash.

(07:31) Onoo avoided a Seated Back Kick.

(07:35) J. Anarchy countered a Short Arm Clothesline with a Slap To Chest

(07:39) Onoo broke a Knee Plant

(07:55) Onoo hit a Standing Spinebuster

(08:10) Onoo hit a Stomp Flurry

(08:27) Onoo hit a Double Axe Handle Smash Flurry

(08:34) Onoo picked up J. Anarchy

(08:37) J. Anarchy countered a Low Blow with a Throat Thrust

(08:45) J. Anarchy applied a Hammerlock

(08:49) J. Anarchy hit a Forearm To Back Of Head

(08:56) J. Anarchy hit a Chop Block

(09:03) J. Anarchy picked up Onoo

(09:13) Jimmy Anarchy is looking to Purge Onoo here, as the spinning elbow connects!

(09:24) J. Anarchy hit a Rear Naked Punch Flurry

(09:29) Onoo broke the Seated Knuckle Punches

(09:33) Onoo hit an Open Handed Chop

(09:37) Onoo hit a Stomp

(09:44) Onoo hit a Knee Pull

(09:48) Onoo hit a Measured Knee Drop

(10:01) Onoo hit a Posing Elbow Drop

(10:05) J. Anarchy fought back against being picked up

(10:09) J. Anarchy hit a Face Rake

(10:16) J. Anarchy hit a Knee Plant

(10:23) J. Anarchy hit a DDT

(10:34) J. Anarchy hit a Mounted Punch Flurry

(10:38) Onoo blocked the Rear Crossface Blows

(10:42) Onoo blocked the Mounted Elbow Smashes

(10:56) Onoo applied a Front Facelock

(10:59) Onoo hit a Forearm Blow

(11:03) Onoo hit a Kick To Thigh

(11:10) Onoo hit a Strong Charging Forearm



Tori Montgomery:  Not sure I agree with this, guys.  Jun needs to press the advantage, he should not be allowing Anarchy any time to recover.

Frankie Garnett:  Yeah, he needs to take this fight to the floor.  Really liven this drab place up a bit!

Tori Montgomery:  …really, Frankie?

Frankie Garnett:  What’s wrong with having a little excitement?

Bob Sinclair:  Can we please focus on the match, you two, as Anarchy finally rolls back into the ring at the count of six?




(11:48) Jun Onoo is trying to squeeze the life out of J. Anarchy by way of Lasting Agony....

(12:01) Onoo got a near submission

(12:05) J. Anarchy blocked a Standing Spinebuster

(12:09) J. Anarchy slipped out the front of a Stump Piledriver

(12:19) Onoo countered a Final Step with a Sidewalk Slam

(12:29) Onoo picked up J. Anarchy

(12:32) J. Anarchy countered an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop with a Kick To Gut

(12:36) J. Anarchy hit an Eye Poke

(12:40) Onoo broke an Inverted Atomic Drop

(12:43) J. Anarchy countered a Hammerlock Powerbomb with a Bell Clap

(12:57) J. Anarchy hit a Running Knee Strike

(13:05) J. Anarchy picked up Onoo

(13:12) Onoo countered a Final Step with a Running Forearm Blow


(13:16) Onoo hit a Running Knee Drop

(13:26) Onoo picked up J. Anarchy

(13:33) J. Anarchy broke a Strong Gut Buster by falling on top of Onoo

(13:37) J. Anarchy got a two count

(13:41) Onoo broke a DDT

(13:57) Onoo hit a Stump Piledriver

(14:01) J. Anarchy fought back against being picked up

(14:05) J. Anarchy hit an Eye Poke

(14:13) J. Anarchy applied a Hammerlock

(14:20) J. Anarchy hit a Cheating Roll Up

(14:24) J. Anarchy got a two count

(14:30) J. Anarchy hit a Low Blow

(14:37) J. Anarchy picked up Onoo

(14:43) Onoo countered a Spinning Elbow Blow with a Strong Open Handed Chop

(14:50) Onoo picked up J. Anarchy

(15:06) Onoo hit an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

(15:11) Onoo got a two count

(15:18) Onoo hit a DDT

(15:25) Onoo picked up J. Anarchy

(15:29) J. Anarchy countered an Over Shoulder Backbreaker Rush with an Eye Poke

(15:33) J. Anarchy hit a Face Rake

(15:37) J. Anarchy hit an Eye Poke

(15:47) Jimmy Anarchy is looking to Purge Onoo here, as the spinning elbow connects!


(15:47) Onoo started to bleed


(15:51) J. Anarchy hit a Running Knee Drop

(15:51) Onoo began bleeding quite heavily


(16:03) J. Anarchy hit Mounted Elbow Smashes

(16:03) Onoo began bleeding very heavily



Frankie Garnett:  And now it gets really interesting!

Tori Montgomery:  While I don’t share Frankie’s bloodlust, he’s got a point.  If Anarchy keeps this pressure up, the ref is going to have to call the match out of concern for Onoo’s safety and health.

Bob Sinclair:  Indeed, Tori.  If Jun Onoo has a comeback in him, now’s the time to pull it out!





(16:13) J. Anarchy picked up Onoo

(16:20) Onoo avoided a Final Step after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.


(16:23) Onoo hit a Forearm Blow

(16:30) Onoo hit a Running Forearm Blow

(16:34) Onoo hit a Measured Knee Drop

(16:38) Onoo hit a Leaping Elbow Drop

(16:43) J. Anarchy stopped a Stalk Grounded Enemy by rushing Onoo

(16:51) Onoo avoided an Any Means Necessary after both wrestlers failed in their attacks.


(17:08) Jimmy Anarchy's insides have to be quivering after that IMPACT Driver!


Tori Montgomery:  Onoo hangs on for the cover!  One…two…three! That huge powerslam suplex is enough!

Bob Sinclair: A little longer than you thought, Tori, but you were right in the end.

Frankie Garnett:  So was I!

Tori Montgomery:  Yours doesn’t count, Frankie.

Frankie Garnett:  Says you.  The people watching this at home know I’m right!

Bob Sinclair:  Be that as it may, Jun Onoo leaves the opening week with his first notch in the win column for the season!



Jun Onoo (1-0) def. Jimmy Anarchy (0-1) via Pinfall (IMPACT Driver) in 17:13.  Rating: ****


Changes for Jun Onoo:  OVR + 6.43, XP + 770.09, moderate damage to head

Changes for Jimmy Anarchy:  OVR + 2.16, XP + 278.77, minor damage to head and body

This was the Match of the Night (1 [1st this season] for Jun Onoo, 1 [1st this season] for Jimmy Anarchy)



0rDaDU8.jpg Diamond (0-0, OVR 400) vs. El Tornado (0-0, OVR 400) LTFF6jR.jpg




This one seemed like it had just gotten started when, just as suddenly, it was over.  This was fast-paced throughout, and once again Diamond seems to have a weakness against springboard legdrops, as that was what El Tornado utilized to put Diamond down in the fastest match of the week so far.  Barely eight minutes in, and Tornado notches the win and an impressive start to his season, all but assuring himself the Gamma Division lead via tie-breaker after the first week.

El Tornado (1-0) def. Diamond (0-1) via Pinfall (Springboard Guillotina) in 8:04.  Rating: ***


Changes for El Tornado:  OVR + 4.54, XP + 602.82, no notable damage

Changes for Diamond:  OVR + 1.15, XP + 150.71, no notable damage



giFlbJV.jpg Yoshii Nakamatsu (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Diego Rodriguez (0-0, OVR 400) 9wxABJw.jpg




For the first six minutes of this match, it looked to be a runaway victory for Nakamatsu.  Diego weathered the storm, though, even after eating a DEVASTATION Knee.  Rodriguez would get his share of offense in, but Nakamatsu was never in danger of being caught with either of Rodriguez’s finishing submission holds and in the end Yoshii picked up the win after hitting the Emperor’s Fall.  A good, solid match that was a MOTN contender.

Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0) def. Diego Rodriguez (0-1) via Pinfall (Emperor’s Fall) in 14:43.  Rating: ***


Changes for Yoshii Nakamatsu:  OVR + 4.98, XP + 606.80, no notable damage

Changes for Diego Rodriguez:  OVR + 1.26, XP + 151.70, moderate damage to head



limej5G.jpgxd5Rq8a.jpg Erick Gibson (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Blood River (0-0, OVR 400) T127n44.jpgdTs8j7q.jpg




A bit of a letdown after the previous match, this was still close at the end despite Gibson dominating the first half of the match.  River would attempt a comeback, but Gibson would manipulate River’s mask just enough so the occultist didn’t see either a spinning backfist of the Terminable Offense that followed.  Gibson cheats his way to a victory, to the delight of Karen McClure at ringside.

Erick Gibson (1-0) def. Blood River (0-1) via Pinfall (Terminable Offense) in 13:19.  Rating: **


Changes for Erick Gibson:  OVR + 3.67, XP + 559.35, minor damage to head

Changes for Blood River:  OVR + 0.42, XP + 139.84, minor damage to head


N0Y594C.jpg Markus Clay (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Mel O'Hallister (0-0, OVR 400) e8cytyP.jpg




This match could be divided into three acts. In the first act (four minutes), Markus Clay held dominance, barely letting his opponent get any offense.  In the second act (minutes five to seven), O’Hallister stormed back, battering Clay with numerous blows and strikes.  In the climax (the last four minutes), Clay busted open O’Hallister with a knee drop, only for O’Hallister to return the favor not even thirty seconds later with a series of trapping headbutts.  The headbutts stunned Clay long enough for O’Hallister to deliver his reverse DDT finisher and emerge from week one relatively unscathed and with a victory.

Mel O'Hallister (1-0) def. Markus Clay (0-1) via Pinfall (Dream of the Emerald Isle) in 10:54.  Rating: **


Changes for Mel O'Hallister:  OVR + 3.55, XP + 630.80, no notable damage


Changes for Markus Clay:  OVR + 0.40, XP + 157.70, minor damage to head


ayWv1C3.jpg Billy Norris (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Indigo Rose (0-0, OVR 400) 2X2r9qf.jpg




This went similar to the previous Beta Division match—Rose controlled the first part, Norris the second—but the third part was back-and-forth over the closing six minutes.  Norris missed a Down Under Disaster, Rose was unable to land Blood From a Rose to set up Norris for the Vite d’Indaco, and the Australian did not miss a second attempt at the Down Under Disaster.  A fairly good match, all told, as Norris picks up the duke.

Billy Norris (1-0) def. Indigo Rose (0-1) via Pinfall (Down Under Disaster) in 12:53.  Rating: ***


Changes for Billy Norris:  OVR + 4.86, XP + 684.71, minor damage to head

Changes for Indigo Rose:  OVR + 1.23, XP + 171.18, minor damage to head


ha8RmaF.jpg Daniel Simmons (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Terrance Stevens (0-0, OVR 400) ginc2gw.jpg




A fairly even match throughout, this one had several convincing near-falls after the nine-minute point.  Both men were busted open (Stevens via knee drop, Simmons via stump piledriver), but blood loss was never an issue in this contest.  The end came about when Simmons countered a Maple Leaf Meltdown attempt with a right-handed roundhouse to the body and then hit his Blue Collar Driver to put down Stevens for three.

Daniel Simmons (1-0) def. Terrance Stevens (0-1) via Pinfall (Blue Collar Driver) in 13:46.  Rating: ***


Changes for Daniel Simmons:  OVR + 5.41, XP + 685.31

Changes for Terrance Stevens:  OVR + 0.75, XP + 171.33


AAdEYyr.jpgZThYhej.jpg Jean-Paul Ouilette (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Angela Wassermann (0-0, OVR 400) ZCYwviV.jpg




The final match of Beta Division action tonight was a slight let-down from the last two.  Despite being billed as an entertainer more so than a wrestler, Ouilette seemed to have his working face on tonight against the former MMA champion.  This was back and forth, though more in Ouilette’s favor throughout, that ended after Ouilette surprised Wassermann with his entertainment fist drop, Le Petit Mort.  Some would call this an upset and they’d have a valid argument, as Ouilette emerges victorious.

Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-0) def. Angela Wassermann (0-1) via Pinfall (Le Petit Mort) in 13:15.  Rating: **


Changes for Jean-Paul Ouilette:  OVR + 4.15, XP + 632.27, no notable damage

Changes for Angela Wassermann:  OVR -0.07, XP + 158.07, minor damage to head


OOiJTFx.jpg Big Scott Weathers (0-0, OVR 400) vs. The Mastodon (0-0, OVR 400) iLs7NYn.jpg




If you’d left the living room to go get a snack before the Alpha Division matches started, you’d have caught only the tail end of this one.  There was no strategy here—Mastodon wanted to use his size, Weathers just wanted to beat the hell out of his opponent—and in this instance size won.  Mastodon surprised Weathers with a powerbomb that held on to for the pin, and earned the first Alpha Division win at just under nine minutes into the contest.

The Mastodon (1-0) def. Big Scott Weathers (0-1) via Pinfall (Powerbomb Pin) in 8:57.  Rating: **


Changes for The Mastodon:  OVR + 3.91, XP + 726.44, no notable damage

Changes for Big Scott Weathers:  OVR -0.07, XP + 181.61, no notable damage


p54rf5F.jpg De'siree Mitchell (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-0, OVR 400) IgD64Oj.jpg




This match made up for its immediate predecessor.  Mitchell had Gross in trouble early, but the Right Reverend was able to claw his way back into the match (almost literally—eye rakes and eye pokes were the foundation of his comeback).  It would be Gross who’d attempt a finisher first, trying to apply Come to Jesus on Mitchell after a powerbomb landed.  Mitchell would find the ropes, though, and Gross did not get a second attempt at it.  It took two more minutes for Mitchell to stun Gross enough that an All Out Blitz did the trick, and the former indoor football star notches her first win in the Alpha Division in a Match of the Night contender.

De'siree Mitchell (1-0) def. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1) via Pinfall (All Out Blitz) in 16:44.  Rating: ***


Changes for De'siree Mitchell:  OVR + 5.63, XP + 793.05, no notable damage

Changes for Reverend Johnny Gross:  OVR + 0.78, XP + 198.26, moderate damage to head


TxXkh5U.jpg Brandy McDonald (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Pulsar (0-0, OVR 400) VfA2MW8.jpg




If someone had “a glorified squash match in the Alpha Division” on their bingo card this week, I’d like to see it.  Pulsar simply got next to no offense going, while Brandy seemed to control the pace at will.  A Hang Over right into a Brandy with a Twist, a combination she hardly ever seems to land in a match, was enough for McDonald to put away the luchador with ease and likely assure herself the initial Alpha Division lead.

Brandy McDonald (1-0) def. Pulsar (0-1) via Pinfall (Brandy with a Twist) in 8:08.  Rating: *


Changes for Brandy McDonald:  OVR + 2.73, XP + 665.37, no notable damage

Changes for Pulsar:  OVR -0.83, XP + 166.34, minor damage to head


hlph25Q.jpg George Mastachas (0-0, OVR 400) vs. Nuclear Templeton (0-0, OVR 400) FqeSGy6.jpg




Main event time for the opening week of The League. This promised to be a slugfest, with Mastachas’s brawling and strength against the smashmouth style of Nuclear.  It was not very entertaining unless you simply wanted an all-out fight, in which case you got an almost one-sided one.  Mastachas had some offense here and there, but never enough to threaten Nuclear.  It was at ringside, a powerbomb through a half-set-up table, that gave Nuclear the win in convincing fashion to end the opening week of Season Eight.

Nuclear Templeton (1-0) def. George Mastachas (0-1) via Table Break (Powerbomb) in 10:43.  Rating: *


Changes for Nuclear Templeton:  OVR + 2.83, XP + 667.07, no notable damage

Changes for George Mastachas:  OVR -0.86, XP + 166.77, no notable damage







  1. Brandy McDonald:  1-0, ATV 8:08, (AMR 1.000), OVR 402.73
  2. The Mastodon:  1-0, ATV 8:57, (AMR 2.000), OVR 403.91
  3. Nuclear Templeton:  1-0, ATV 10:43, (AMR 1.000), OVR 402.83
  4. De'siree Mitchell:  1-0, ATV 16:44, (AMR 3.000), OVR 405.63
  5. Reverend Johnny Gross:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 3.000), OVR 400.78
  6. Big Scott Weathers:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.000), OVR 399.93
  7. George Mastachas:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.000), OVR 399.14
  8. Pulsar:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 1.000), OVR 399.17




  1. Mel O'Hallister:  1-0, ATV 10:54 (AMR 2.000), OVR 403.55
  2. Billy Norris:  1-0, ATV 12:53 (AMR 3.000), OVR 404.86
  3. Jean-Paul Ouilette:  1-0, ATV 13:15 (AMR 2.000), OVR 404.15
  4. Daniel Simmons:  1-0, ATV 13:46 (AMR 3.000), OVR 405.41
  5. Terrance Stevens:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 3.000), OVR 400.75
  6. Indigo Rose:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 3.000), OVR 401.23
  7. Markus Clay:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 400.40
  8. Angela Wassermann:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 399.93




  1. El Tornado:  1-0, ATV 8:04, (AMR 3.000), OVR 404.54
  2. Erick Gibson:  1-0, ATV 13:19, (AMR 2.000), OVR 403.67
  3. Yoshii Nakamatsu:  1-0, ATV 14:43, (AMR 3.000), OVR 404.98
  4. Jun Onoo:  1-0, ATV 17:13, (AMR 4.000), OVR 406.43
  5. Jimmy Anarchy:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 4.000), OVR 402.16
  6. Diamond:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 3.000), OVR 401.15
  7. Diego Rodriguez:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 3.000), OVR 401.26
  8. Blood River:  0-1, ATV 0:00, (AMR 2.000), OVR 400.42




  1. Brian Blackfield:  1-0, ATV 10:11 (AMR 2.000), OVR 403.51
  2. Sven Ulafsson:  1-0, ATV 11:34 (AMR 1.000), OVR 402.39
  3. Christian Priest:  1-0, ATV 16:15 (AMR 3.000), OVR 405.08
  4. Monty Dhillon:  1-0, ATV 18:35 (AMR 3.000), OVR 405.24
  5. The Siberian Nightmare:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 3.000), OVR 401.32
  6. Sin:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 3.000), OVR 401.28
  7. Sterling Silver:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 2.000), OVR 400.40
  8. Otto von Schwarz:  0-1, ATV 0:00 (AMR 1.000), OVR 399.61



  1. SeanMcG: 8 points
  2. (tie) Derek B, Croquemitaine:  7 points






Nuclear Templeton (1-0, OVR 403) vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0, OVR 403)

EUROPEAN RULES:  The Mastodon (1-0, OVR 404) vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 401)

Pulsar (0-1, OVR 399) vs. De'siree Mitchell (1-0, OVR 406)

George Mastachas (0-1, OVR 399) vs. Big Scott Weathers (0-1, OVR 400)



Daniel Simmons (1-0, OVR 405) vs. Billy Norris (1-0, OVR 405)

FIRST BLOOD:  Indigo Rose (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Mel O'Hallister (1-0, OVR 404)

Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-0, OVR 404)

Angela Wassermann (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Markus Clay (0-1, OVR 400)



Jun Onoo (1-0, OVR 406) vs. Erick Gibson (1-0, OVR 404)

SUBMSSION:  Jimmy Anarchy (0-1, OVR 402) vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0, OVR 405)

Diego Rodriguez (0-1, OVR 401) vs. El Tornado (1-0, OVR 405)

Blood River (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Diamond (0-1, OVR 401)



CAGE:  Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 405) vs. Otto von Schwarz (0-1, OVR 400)

Christian Priest (1-0, OVR 405) vs. The Siberian Nightmare (0-1, OVR 401)

Sin (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Brian Blackfield (1-0, OVR 404)

Sterling Silver (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Sven Ulafsson (1-0, OVR 402)




Opening posts (Standings, table of contents, character info) have all also been updated.

Edited by ShadowedFlames
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Good to see that all our first week predictions were so skillfully done that we collectively averaged out like we were guessing.... can't imagine how that worked when we're all so naturally good at this! 😛 


Nuclear Templeton (1-0, OVR 403) vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0, OVR 403)

EUROPEAN RULES:  The Mastodon (1-0, OVR 404) vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 401)

Pulsar (0-1, OVR 399) vs. De'siree Mitchell (1-0, OVR 406)

George Mastachas (0-1, OVR 399) vs. Big Scott Weathers (0-1, OVR 400)



Daniel Simmons (1-0, OVR 405) vs. Billy Norris (1-0, OVR 405)

FIRST BLOOD:  Indigo Rose (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Mel O'Hallister (1-0, OVR 404) - (hope this one isn't over in 15 seconds, would be funny though!)

Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-0, OVR 404)

Angela Wassermann (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Markus Clay (0-1, OVR 400)



Jun Onoo (1-0, OVR 406) vs. Erick Gibson (1-0, OVR 404)

SUBMSSION:  Jimmy Anarchy (0-1, OVR 402) vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0, OVR 405)

Diego Rodriguez (0-1, OVR 401) vs. El Tornado (1-0, OVR 405)

Blood River (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Diamond (0-1, OVR 401) (just can't pick the jobber to win :p )



CAGE:  Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 405) vs. Otto von Schwarz (0-1, OVR 400)

Christian Priest (1-0, OVR 405) vs. The Siberian Nightmare (0-1, OVR 401)

Sin (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Brian Blackfield (1-0, OVR 404)

Sterling Silver (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Sven Ulafsson (1-0, OVR 402)




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On 9/29/2022 at 4:29 PM, Derek B said:

At this rate I'm sooooon gonna win this week.  Not even gonna be a close predictions race! :)

Just finished work, so no chance this week 😛






Nuclear Templeton (1-0, OVR 403) vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0, OVR 403)

- Two fast starters means this could be a sub-5 minute beatdown. Gonna back classic Nuclear form of strong regular season before the playoff collapse ;)

EUROPEAN RULES:  The Mastodon (1-0, OVR 404) vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 401)

Pulsar (0-1, OVR 399) vs. De'siree Mitchell (1-0, OVR 406)

George Mastachas (0-1, OVR 399) vs. Big Scott Weathers (0-1, OVR 400)



Daniel Simmons (1-0, OVR 405) vs. Billy Norris (1-0, OVR 405)

FIRST BLOOD:  Indigo Rose (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Mel O'Hallister (1-0, OVR 404)

Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-0, OVR 404)

Angela Wassermann (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Markus Clay (0-1, OVR 400)



Jun Onoo (1-0, OVR 406) vs. Erick Gibson (1-0, OVR 404)

SUBMSSION:  Jimmy Anarchy (0-1, OVR 402) vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0, OVR 405)

Diego Rodriguez (0-1, OVR 401) vs. El Tornado (1-0, OVR 405)

Blood River (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Diamond (0-1, OVR 401)

- False start last week, Diamond should bounce back here




“I don’t want to hear y’all talking about this ‘workrate’... and moonsaults. I don’t care about any of that. Ya heard? You want a great match? Nah - bump that. I wanna see two big men with big... chests and big muscles, bumping meat. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I watched wrestling as a kid. You want your five star matches? You want your 30 minute classics? Not me. Big meaty men slapping meat. That’s what I want.” - Big E

CAGE:  Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 405) vs. Otto von Schwarz (0-1, OVR 400)

- I would pay money to see Otto try climb out of the cage with all the grace of a top heavy minivan. Actually, does the "Cannot Go Up Top" prevent some cage escapes? Might be a grind then

Christian Priest (1-0, OVR 405) vs. The Siberian Nightmare (0-1, OVR 401)

- Bowling Shoe ugly potential here. A dull brawl awaits

Sin (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Brian Blackfield (1-0, OVR 404)

Sterling Silver (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Sven Ulafsson (1-0, OVR 402)


I'm all for the beefy Delta Division - 2x Big Heavyweight, 2x Super Heavyweights, 1x Giant. Let's see those glorious slogs of a match this season              👍

Edited by SeanMcG
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And now, let's hope my wrestling is better than my predicting...





Nuclear Templeton (1-0, OVR 403) vs. Brandy McDonald (1-0, OVR 403)

EUROPEAN RULES:  The Mastodon (1-0, OVR 404) vs. Reverend Johnny Gross (0-1, OVR 401)

Pulsar (0-1, OVR 399) vs. De'siree Mitchell (1-0, OVR 406)

George Mastachas (0-1, OVR 399) vs. Big Scott Weathers (0-1, OVR 400)



Daniel Simmons (1-0, OVR 405) vs. Billy Norris (1-0, OVR 405)

FIRST BLOOD:  Indigo Rose (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Mel O'Hallister (1-0, OVR 404)

Terrance Stevens (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Jean-Paul Ouilette (1-0, OVR 404)

Angela Wassermann (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Markus Clay (0-1, OVR 400)



Jun Onoo (1-0, OVR 406) vs. Erick Gibson (1-0, OVR 404)

SUBMSSION:  Jimmy Anarchy (0-1, OVR 402) vs. Yoshii Nakamatsu (1-0, OVR 405)

Diego Rodriguez (0-1, OVR 401) vs. El Tornado (1-0, OVR 405)

Blood River (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Diamond (0-1, OVR 401)



CAGE:  Monty Dhillon (1-0, OVR 405) vs. Otto von Schwarz (0-1, OVR 400)

Christian Priest (1-0, OVR 405) vs. The Siberian Nightmare (0-1, OVR 401)

Sin (0-1, OVR 401) vs. Brian Blackfield (1-0, OVR 404)

Sterling Silver (0-1, OVR 400) vs. Sven Ulafsson (1-0, OVR 402)


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