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[v1.5 Update] The OVER9000verse Revived

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DATA / alternate direct link to the MDB in case the other one is causing errors (just drag and replace)
Pictures: JPG / GIF

I am open to ideas/feedback in terms of further adding to the database. However, don't expect updates to be frequent, as I only have so much free-time on my hands from week to week.

Edited by Taylor2020
Alternate link because the other one was causing problems for some reason
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3 hours ago, Fleisch said:

Good to see this out for 2020. I used to merge it with my Diablo X mod for personal games so will be doing it again! Thanks for all your hard work.

I can already imagine some modifications would need to be done simply because of the two mods having different starting dates.

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Edit: Since I already have ideas. Three promotions that could be made for the future due to their popularity since the debut of the original 9K-Verse would be a Jojo company and an "Idol anime" company(Mostly could be just an Idolmaster vs Love Live promotion but could expand the worker pool with girls from Aikatsu!, BANG Dream!, Zombieland Saga and Show By Rock!). Also a V-Tuber promotion. Don't want to throw too many ideas out there since as you said, your time is very limited, but this sort of mod always gets my brain rattling with concepts.

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12 hours ago, Taylor2020 said:

I can already imagine some modifications would need to be done simply because of the two mods having different starting dates.

Yes it def. does but its worth the effort. The main issue is duplication if there are slight spelling differences. I tend to roll back Diablo X to fit in.

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Hey, so question, I noticed there's a lot of extra pics of characters who aren't free who don't exist in the files yet. Would it be fair to assume that those hint at future plans? or are they nothing anyone should be concerned with?


Because if so, then one of the things I asked for looks like is already happening

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2 hours ago, Chikbot said:

Hey, so question, I noticed there's a lot of extra pics of characters who aren't free who don't exist in the files yet. Would it be fair to assume that those hint at future plans? or are they nothing anyone should be concerned with?


Because if so, then one of the things I asked for looks like is already happening

All I can say is, I have a lot of ideas roaming in my brain that may eventually show up in future updates ;)

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UPDATE: Currently doing some fixes for a v1.1 update, mainly to clean up a few issues that were still lingering (IE: how the Experience stat was incorporated in the mod's original conversion, odd things with worker roles / workers with the 'Never Wrestles' style being considered an 'active wrestler', etc.)

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Weird thing I noticed that I wanted to bring up.

Chang Koehan is set as a freelancer while his Permanent Unit partner, Choi Bounge is not. This probably isn't the best setup for AI purposes since the AI likes to sign Permanent Units together. Also CFC's/MDC2's massive stables also probably aren't really good from an AI perspective anymore due to the differences in how stables work in 2020 compared to 2010, but I figure that's more of a later fix than a "now" fix.

Edited by Chikbot
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12 hours ago, Chikbot said:

Weird thing I noticed that I wanted to bring up.

Chang Koehan is set as a freelancer while his Permanent Unit partner, Choi Bounge is not. This probably isn't the best setup for AI purposes since the AI likes to sign Permanent Units together. Also CFC's/MDC2's massive stables also probably aren't really good from an AI perspective anymore due to the differences in how stables work in 2020 compared to 2010, but I figure that's more of a later fix than a "now" fix.

Fixed the Choi thing. Dunno how that happened, but it's worth noting that a lot of the fighting-game characters I added into the game came from a fictional mod that I was making from scratch that I eventually cancelled so that I could just build on the 9000verse. Made sure to credit you for catching the mistake, because I appreciate the feedback, and I imagine it won't be the only error that I've overlooked.

Also yeah, I imagine I'm gonna need to really retool how CFC and MDC2 will work; most likely scenario is to eventually split them into even more companies (ie: Nintendo becomes its own company, Marvel and DC become separate companies), but that probably won't be until most of everything from the original conversion of the mod has been touched up.

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3 hours ago, Taylor2020 said:

Fixed the Choi thing. Dunno how that happened, but it's worth noting that a lot of the fighting-game characters I added into the game came from a fictional mod that I was making from scratch that I eventually cancelled so that I could just build on the 9000verse. Made sure to credit you for catching the mistake, because I appreciate the feedback, and I imagine it won't be the only error that I've overlooked.

Also yeah, I imagine I'm gonna need to really retool how CFC and MDC2 will work; most likely scenario is to eventually split them into even more companies (ie: Nintendo becomes its own company, Marvel and DC become separate companies), but that probably won't be until most of everything from the original conversion of the mod has been touched up.

I very much like the sound of and support this idea.
Also good to know about that, I'll troll through and see if there's anything else that's weird like that and report back to you. I love the 9000K verse and was saddened by it's abandonment, I'm not a modmaker by any means but I'm definitely willing to put my QA background to work and find little funny things like that if I see them.
In the meantime for my CFC game, I just decided to destroy all of the big stables(only keeping the Nintendo Face and Heel stables,BATB Unit and RED/BLU because I felt they made more sense than any others) and made a few smaller groups. Ignore the last stable obviously as the RE characters aren't in CFC at the start


Edit: Also on the subject of the SNK characters that have been added, Vice and Mature have no tag experience and neither does anyone within Team CYS, you'd figure these would be two /three/four teams already set already.  Also speaking of Vice, her relationships are set to the wrong Vice, since there's two Vices in the data, all of her relationships are set for the other Vice and not her.

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2 hours ago, Chikbot said:

I very much like the sound of and support this idea.
Also good to know about that, I'll troll through and see if there's anything else that's weird like that and report back to you. I love the 9000K verse and was saddened by it's abandonment, I'm not a modmaker by any means but I'm definitely willing to put my QA background to work and find little funny things like that if I see them.
In the meantime for my CFC game, I just decided to destroy all of the big stables(only keeping the Nintendo Face and Heel stables,BATB Unit and RED/BLU because I felt they made more sense than any others) and made a few smaller groups. Ignore the last stable obviously as the RE characters aren't in CFC at the start


Edit: Also on the subject of the SNK characters that have been added, Vice and Mature have no tag experience and neither does anyone within Team CYS, you'd figure these would be two /three/four teams already set already.  Also speaking of Vice, her relationships are set to the wrong Vice, since there's two Vices in the data, all of her relationships are set for the other Vice and not her.

Yeah them's the breaks when you import over relationships for characters that share a name with another. Other SNK characters like Raiden and Angel wound up with similar issues that I fixed, but somehow I overlooked Vice.

EDIT: Also worth noting that I took inspiration in what you were doing with the CFC stables in your save and made the AVALANCHE/Ninja Gaiden stables separate in the next update, but I kept the Sony and Microsoft teams for now (albeit much smaller due to separating the FF/NG characters into their own teams); again, credits to you in the update notes I put on the editor whiteboard.

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No new additions in terms of workers, companies, pictures and the like - this was focused on just making slight adjustments and fixes that were overlooked on the first release.

Outdated version - refer to first post for an updated version

Mike Haggar now an active wrestler again + more pop in America and Europe
Officer Jessup had no active roles for some reason, now fixed
Fixed a bit more of the stuff going on with the "MMA Fighter" attribute (such as it being on retired/very old workers)
Some workers who 'never wrestle' were oddly set as Active Wrestlers, that's been fixed.
Some 'Active Wrestlers' were given a proper in-ring role that they didn't initially have.
Boosted experience on some of the older workers whose experience was oddly low for their age.
Reduced the amount of workers labeled with "of ____"
More modifications on popularity/regions for some workers (mostly in the European scene)
More attributes
Some of Ryu Ga Gotoku Puro's bigger talents got a slight pop boost (as one test-run showed no Major Stars on its roster)
Pushed up the debut dates of some characters just for the hell of it
Choi Bounge inexplicably wasn't a freelancer, unlike his partner Chang Koehan; this was fixed (thanks Chikbot)
Some chemistry/relationships were connected to the wrong Vice (again thanks Chikbot)
Similarly so with relationships and chemistry being connected to the wrong Raven (as you can tell, bit of a dilemma when it comes to different workers that share the same name)
More tag teams added
De-bloated the PlayStation and Xbox/PC stables in CFC and added a couple more that are themed on specific franchises (based on a screenshot Chikbot posted of their save where they did the same)

More 'roster size' balancing
More utilization of 'Hiring Rules'
Moved Black Lagoon to Southern Mediterranean to not only give another region of Europe a company to hold onto, but also ensure Iberia is where the 'arcade fighters' mainly reside (real difficult to really determine a solid area due there being no European/Asian area in TEW2020 that accomodates Thailand)
Tenshinhan (aka Tien) is no longer a potential 'Preferred' founder of United Front Grappling, I dunno if him being on an exclusive written deal with DBZ would cause problems with UFG's opening (which is set to a random date like all the other 'yet to open' companies). Also why was he listed there to begin with, I'm pretty sure I didn't do that myself.

Edited by Taylor2020
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Just a thought, but if kept, the Kyoto Animation promotion definitely needs an update to reference the modern popular properties that have come out of the studio since the last time any major update to the 9000kverse like K-On!, Dragon Maid, Chuu2, Nichijou, Violet Evergarden and Free

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2 hours ago, Chikbot said:

Just a thought, but if kept, the Kyoto Animation promotion definitely needs an update to reference the modern popular properties that have come out of the studio since the last time any major update to the 9000kverse like K-On!, Dragon Maid, Chuu2, Nichijou, Violet Evergarden and Free

Yeah I've been thinking about that. I'm not super big on anime but I know I'll have to eventually incorporate more modern stuff.

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  • Taylor2020 changed the title to [v1.1 Beta Release] The OVER9000verse Revived

I've been editing the data this past weekend since I have a few days off work, and NGL I'm thinking of eventually just shutting down the developmental companies that the Naruto and Bleach feds have - especially because for some reason the Naruto dev company has a real big problem with going on a hiring spree. On a watcher test-sim, after simming all the way to September, that company hired well over 200 workers, which is probably like multiple times the amount of the main UNS fed even after its few extra signees, and then latter had to fire about half that roster.

Like, look at this.



I don't really know a lot about Naruto so I dunno what Danzou Shimura is about aside from him clearly having a talent-hoarding problem.

As a bonus, in other Naruto-related news within the same watcher save:

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