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GNW: Hardcore goes National

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"Fade to Black! It's over! One... Two... Three! He did it!"





"That music... Wait! It's State of Destruction! What are they doing here?"




"They're attacking the champion! They're attacking Greg Black!"


[record scratch]

You're probably wondering how we got here...




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January 2020

Inspired by the success of Reverie, WrestleWorld announces it will be launching in March of this year. With rather low requirements in terms of popularity and production values, the service is designed to give fans access to shows from a wide variety of independent companies across America and Canada. Public opinion is sharply divided, with some seeing it as the start of a revolution that will give the independents some much needed exposure and allow fans to see their favourite small time promotions without having to travel, while others decry it as the "death of independent wrestling" due to the way it will force the companies carried by the platform to alter the presentation of their product.


February 2020


Gil Thomas, co-founder and owner of Invincible Pro Wrestling, is shot dead in Los Angeles on Valentine's Day while leaving a restaurant to get his car and pick up his wife. Reports say the killers used AR15 automatic rifles and hollow point bullets. Few days later, Brother Grimm appears on Phil Vibert's podcast 'Vibert’s Voice' within the next few days and is asked who he thinks the assassins could be. After calmly asking the host if he's implying that Grimm had anything to do with it, he adds the following:

"If ya look at the hardware, these were pros, no doubt. Now we all know Gil had some shady dealings back in the 80s with the whole wool wars thing, but I doubt some competitor made a move fourty years later. Word on the street is, Nemesis left more than just a vacuum in creative, if y'know what I mean. I ain't saying he was still shooting after he retired, but in my time with IPW he was approached by more than one hustler looking to launder money through wrestling. We never did that, of course, not while I was around at least. No clue if that changed after I left. But ARs and hollows? This sounds like a cartel cleanup to me."

Grimm's comments cause online backlash for being cheap and disrespectful towards both deceased men. Also, it is noticed that Grimm never openly denies involvement. Given his statement about money laundering and as a former associate turned enemy, he comes under investigation as a suspect. By the end of the month IPW fold, while Grimm and his booker CJ Weston decide to lean into this and work it into an angle. Several IPW alumni threaten on social media to invade GSW's show seeking revenge for the murder that left them without a job. This causes a new wave of online heat and soon enough, the FBI get involved in the investigation.

Edited by DarK_RaideR
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March 2020

WrestleWorld launches without GSW content on the platform. The invasion angle that Grimm thought would make his company the hottest thing on the new broadcaster turns out it's made the company too hot to touch and WrestleWorld wants nothing to do with it. Grimm won his war against IPW but lost a major broadcast deal and has to settle for a spot on the less reputable (and less far reaching) La Red De La Lucha, targeting the Mexican audience that isn’t as familiar with all the controversy. To everyone’s surprise though, event attendance spikes up on that month’s show and a huge gathered crowd is left outside the venue, nearly causing a riot. A mix of protesters, disappointed fans who were expecting to watch GSW on WrestleWorld, curious people wanting to see what the controversy is all about and social media personalities capitalizing on the buzz gather outside the venue where Beneath the City is taking place. Despite the trouble, GSW announces a larger venue for next month’s show and tickets for it sell out at record speed.


Beneath the City

- Brother Grimm and Big Magic open the show and address the current situation of things.

- Top Dolla defeats Magwitch and Noah Nadir in a stunt-filled hardcore match with a Dinero Driver.

- Tavon Blake Jr defeats Max Mayhem by pinfall.

- State Of Destruction defeat Long Beach Crew to win the GSW Tag Team titles.

- Los Guerrilleros (Mexico's Finest, LatiNoFear and MexiCain) defeat Papa Swoll and The Lone Star Crew as LatiNoFear pins Hard-1 after a Ghetto Kick.

- Fro Sure says he wants to challenge the winner of tonight's main event for the GSW American title.

- Deaf Touch defeats Busta Capp by pinfall with a Crooked Moonsault to retain the GSW American title.

- The invasion begins as Hustle Muvva, Frantic Ali, Lil Henry and the Mexican Hardcore Killers attack Busta Capp and Deaf Touch.

Edited by DarK_RaideR
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April 2020

Despite losing the broadcast deal with WrestleWorld, GSW are making waves across the nation. Still under investigation for the murder of Gil Thomas, Brother Grimm decides to step down until things cool off. He still owns and funds GSW, but CJ Weston is promoted from booker to CEO. For all his increased power however, Weston is still in essence a strawman figure, as Grimm continues to run things from the shadows, capitalizing on all the attention without having to remain front and center. The sold out show expends to go on for 2 hours instead of its usual 90’ run time and by all accounts, is a resounding success. Meanwhile, CZCW continues to rapidly grow and with the buffer of IPW removed, begins to dominate the West Coast.


 A Matter of Respect

- GSW's Commissioner of Violence Big Magic starts the show and announces he has set up matches for the GSW wrestlers against the IPW guys.

- PsychoMike defeats Max Mayhem with a Cannonball Senton.

- Lug Phelan defeats Devyn Retribution with a Gutwrench Backbreaker.

- Lug Phelan says he wants a shot at the GSW West Coast title. This brings out champion E-Soteric. PsychoMike shows up to support his IPW ally, which leads to Raheem Stash and Kandii making an appearance for the GSW team.

- In his return match from injury, Omar defeats Shooting Star Perez with a High Velocity Headbutt.

- In a wild deathmatch, Magwitch defeats Noah Nadir with a Stump Piledriver.

- Coulrophobia make an appearance to attack both Magwitch and Noah Nadir. Magwitch never stops cackling as he gets beaten down, which makes for a creepy scene.

- State Of Destruction defeat Brown Pride to make their first defence of the GSW Tag Team titles.

- Mexican Hardcore Killers run in after the match to attack LatiNoFear and MexiCain. Mexico's Finest runs out to chase them off.

-  Team GSW (Busta Capp, Deaf Touch and Fro Sure) defeat the IPW Invaders (Frantic Ali, Hustle Muvva and Lil Henry) when Fro Sure pins Hustle Muvva after a Sure Thing piledriver.

- A six man brawl breaks out after the match as the IPW trio turns out to be sore losers. Aces High and Cali Slick rush out to help the GSW wrestlers.

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May 2020

Brother Grimm is released of all charges and the case is closed as the killers are not found. GSW sues Vibert’s Voice and several other media outlets for defamation and requests compensation for damages caused by the loss of a broadcast deal with WrestleWorld. The fanbase is split between those who denounce Grimm for trying to make money out of the situation and those who believe he has legitimate grievances. Grimm causes further controversy when he claims this wasn't his decision as he's no longer running GSW. Not only does he point to the man currently in charge of GSW, CJ Weston, he backs up his claim by pointing out the fact that although he could have, he never sued anyone individually for his own account, it's only the company's name on all the lawsuits. Weston gets a mixed reaction of criticism and support, but GSW receives a huge financial boost when the cases end up getting settled outside the courts. The month’s show is another huge success.


Block Party

- Big Magic opens the show with a speech.

- IPW Invaders (Hustle Muvva, Lug Phelan and PsychoMike) defeat Team GSW (E-Soteric, Raheem Stash and Busta Capp) when Hustle Muvva flattens Busta Capp with a Hustler's Headbutt.

- Dead Men Walking defeat Omar and Top Dolla with The Execution.

- Aldous Blackfriar and Deacon Darkhold show up and challenge State of Destruction for the GSW Tag Team titles. Seeing the long time rivals in IPW now team up together gets a great reaction.

- State Of Destruction defeat Aldous Blackfriar and Deacon Darkhold to retain the GSW Tag Team titles.

- Mexican Hardcore Killers defeat Brown Pride when Sanchez Villano hits LatiNoFear with his pimp stick and knocks him out for the pin.

- Hellech and Pierrot attack LatiNoFear and MexiCain after the match. Mexico's Finest runs out for the save again, but is attacked on his way to the ring by Magwitch, who appears to have aligned himself with Coulrophobia.

- Frantic Ali and Lil Henry defeat Long Beach Crew when Lil Henry pins Aces High after an impressive Double-Handed Choke Bomb.

- Fro Sure defeats Deaf Touch to win the GSW American title.

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June 2020

GSW immediately put the money to use and their next show reveals a huge upgrade in production quality, to the point of rivalling RIPW.  Meanwhile, Brother Grimm appears on WEISS TV's wrestling-related documentary series and his "Dark Side of the Grimm" episode ends up being the highest watched of the entire series by a wide margin, since it relates to hot recent events and not stuff from decades past. He also sparks controversy yet again, when he claims there was racial bias involved in the way he was treated following the death of Gil Thomas. "If it was me who got shot, no one would point a f***ing finger at dem white boys, Gil and Nemesis. Hell, d'you think they'd call in the feds like they did on me? Nah, they'd just call it a hood thing and wrap up the case while my body was still bleeding on the f***ing concrete" he says.



- Fro Sure delivers a victory speech for his title win.

- Public Enemy #1 defeats Devyn Retribution with a Tombstone Piledriver.

- Hard-1 defeats Shooting Star Perez with a Mafia Kick.

- Dead Men Walking defeat Max Mayhem and Noah Nadir with The Execution.

- Tavon Blake Jr defeats Omar by pinfall.

- Now a three clown team, Coulrophobia (Magwitch, Hellech and Pierrot) defeat Los Guerrilleros (Mexico's Finest, LatiNoFear and MexiCain) in a grudge match after Pierrot hits Mexico's Finest with a Doom Spiral.

- Lug Phelan defeats E-Soteric after smashing his face with the GSW West Coast title belt and becomes the new champion.

- Mexican Hardcore Killers defeat State Of Destruction with a Curb Stomp to win the GSW Tag Team titles.

- Team GSW (Deaf Touch, Busta Capp and Long Beach Crew) defeat the IPW Invaders (Frantic Ali, Hustle Muvva, Lil Henry and PsychoMike). Raheem Stash shows near the end of the match to powerslam PsychoMike, setting him up for the Dead Man's Hand and the pin from Aces High, while Stash keeps Lil Henry away as the two big men slug it out.

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July 2020

Seeing the success of GSW, MySelect USA jump in to grab broadcasting rights for the States, replacing Los Deporte Hoy. Surprisingly enough, GSW has gained a small but rabid enough fanbase in Mexico by this point, which leads TV-Mex making a move to sign a deal that allows them to broadcast GSW shows south of the border. Meanwhile, NetStream purchase the rights to the short lived but much beloved "Underground Lucha" TV show. Viewership looks good, so they decide gritty modern wrestling is the way to go up against the cartoony 80s patriotism of USPW and Reverie. GSW secretly receives an offer to produce a single season of televised episodes for NetStream’s platform.



- Papa Swoll cuts a promo but is interrupted by Big Magic.

- In another crazy stunt show, Top Dolla defeats Max Mayhem and Noah Nadir.

- Omar defeats Shooting Star Perez with a High Velocity Headbutt.

- Tavon Blake Jr. gets to voice his thoughts and ambitions on the mic.

- Dead Men Walking defeat Hard-1 and Public Enemy #1 with The Execution.

- In a much awaited clash of the big men, Raheem Stash defeats BB Colossus thanks to an assist from Kandii. The sight of Stash powerslamming BB goes viral online.

- Boneyard comes out after the match and has a staredown with Stash. It seems like Stash is headed to clash with BB's teammate soon.

- Mexican Hardcore Killers defeat Coulrophobia when Sanchez Villano pins Hellech with a Curb Stomp following botched interference by Magwitch. Mexican Hardcore Killers retain the GSW Tag Team titles.

- Los Guerilleros run out to the ring and lay waste to everyone: the champions and all three clowns.

- The invasion reaches its peak and to settle things once and for all, a five man elimination match is held. Team GSW (Cali Slick, Deaf Touch, Fro Sure, Busta Capp and Aces High) defeat the IPW Invaders (Frantic Ali, Hustle Muvva, Lil Henry, Lug Phelan and PsychoMike). PsychoMike is eliminated first, then Aces High, then Hustle Muvva, then Lil Henry, then Lug Phelan, then Busta Capp, and finally Frantic Ali as Fro, Slick and Capp stand tall.

- Shady K and Knuckles, the team known as Death Row in SWF, make a shocking appearance as the show fades to black.

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August 2020

GSW's roster are up in arms and NetStream's offer soon gets leaked online. To seal the deal, "the content must remain gritty but subtly shift towards morality storytelling highlighting stories such as wrestling keeping a wrestler off drugs or out of jail". Grimm is also to stay out of this entire project and asked to hand over full control to Weston, for real.






- Frantic Ali, Hustle Muvva and Lil Henry announce they have a plan to bounce back.

- IPW Invaders (Frantic Ali, Hustle Muvva and Lil Henry) defeat Papa Swoll, Tavon Blake Jr and Public Enemy #1 when Frantic Ali pinned Public Enemy #1 with a Death Valley Driver.

- PsychoMike defeats Raheem Stash in 9:31 by pinfall with a Cannonball Senton after a distraction from BB Colossus.

- E-Soteric defeats Hard-1 by pinfall with a Double Arm DDT in a hard hitting crazy brawl all over the Warehouse.

- Lug Phelan defeats Top Dolla with a Gutwrench Backbreaker to retain the GSW West Coast title.

- Dead Men Walking defeat Deaf Touch and Busta Capp with The Execution.

- Remmy Skye gets a huge reaction, revealing himself as the surprise third teammate of Mexican Hardcore Killers for the next match.

- Los Guerrilleros (Mexico's Finest, LatiNoFear and MexiCain) defeat Coulrophobia (Magwitch, Hellech and Pierrot) and Mexican Hardcore Killers with Remmy Skye.

- Fro Sure defeats Boneyard for his first defence of the GSW American title.

- Death Row defeat Long Beach Crew when Knuckles pinned Aces High by holding onto the ropes.

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September 2020

Brother Grimm once again causes waves when he passes full ownership of GSW to Fro Sure, then announces his retirement from the wrestling business. In one fell swoop, he's moved out of the picture, he's tied down one of GSW's biggest stars from getting signed to exclusive deals by the bigger companies, he's installed a black man in charge and left all the critics with no arguments against the newly formed situation. The roster applaud the idea of Fro running the show and Weston confirms he'll follow Fro's creative vision. NetStream's main argument of picking Weston because he was "the only person in GSW with the business acumen to replace Grimm" according to their earlier statement, now has to measure up against Fro's proven popularity and success, both as a wrestler and a hip hop artist. Fro also announces that the first show under him, King of California, will also be the final under the GSW name. The company will then be rebranded as Grimm National Wrestling (despite not being around, Grimm’s name still carries value and GSW isn't willing to forsake its past under him). Fro Sure also announces that he will run this month's King of California tournament as planned and starting next month, will lead the company to a new direction, toning down the sex, extreme violence and shock factor in favour of a more realistic approach that addresses real issues of modern African Americans, Latinos and other non-white groups.


King of California

- Fro Sure and Big Magic open the show, addressing the new state of the company.

- Quarterfinal: Aces High defeats PsychoMike with a Dead Man's Hand following interference from Raheem Stash.

- Quarterfinal: Cali Slick defeats E-Soteric by pinfall with a Slick-Back.

- Quarterfinal: Frantic Ali defeats Tavon Blake Jr by pinfall with a Death Valley Driver.

- Quarterfinal: Deaf Touch proves he is the slayer of giants when he defeats Lil Henry by pinfall with a Crooked Moonsault.

- Semifinal: Deaf Touch defeats Frantic Ali.

- Semifinal: In a clash of teammates, Cali Slick defeats Aces High.

- Final: Cali Slick defeats Deaf Touch to win the GSW King Of California tournament.

- Fro Sure awards the trophy to Cali Slick and the world is shocked as Kurt Laramee shows up to interrupt the proceedings. 

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October 2020

With King of California hailed as a resounding success and no excuses left, NetStream make their final desperate move, an offer to broadcast GNW’s remaining events for the rest of the year, presenting it as a “test run” of sorts. Fro agrees, but only as long as the deal also includes the committment of pulling the trigger on the promised series if the shows hit certain metrics. After the shock debut of former SWF star Kurt Laramee, GNW show they mean business when they make moves to sign some big names. CZCW, already pressured financially by the production value arms race, go above and beyond to keep Pablo Rodriguez from being snatched when they offer him the first ever exclusive written contract in their company's history. Valiant and Rogue, both sitting idle for months by now after they were released by SWF, receive GNW contract offers, which suddenly sparks a bidding war as the other major American companies and even EILL come up with counter offers in an attempt to hold back the sudden growth of GNW. USPW ends up winning both bidding wars, the real winners however are the two workers, who were by now unemployed and forgotten, especially Rogue who even lands a contract with a creative control clause.


Urban Warfare

- Cali Slick demands a title match after his tournament win. Fro Sure comes out with Big Magic and accepts, making it official.

- In another surprise debut, Madman Boone defeats Magwitch, PsychoMike, Public Enemy #1 and Top Dolla. Boone almost wins the match by pinning Magwitch, but Coulrophobia appear to save their stablemate and extend the match, which Boone ultimately wins by pinning Top Dolla. It is later revealed that Boone broke his back during the match but still wrestled till the end. His momentum is stalled, but his determination at his age causes a groundswell of support as the veteran is sidelined for a few months.

- More huge arrivals as former TCW star Human Arsenal appears in GNW. Now calling himself "Mr. Anderson", the man proclaims himself to be 'a true wrestler' and takes a seat at the announce table to watch the next match.

- Tavon Blake Jr defeats Aces High with Mr. Anderson talking crap on commentary throughout the entire match.

- State Of Destruction squash Max Mayhem and Shooting Star Perez.

- After the match, Savage Fury make an appearance. State Of Destruction stare down Java and Tribal Warrior while fans cheer at the prospect of a match between them.

- Lug Phelan defeats Omar to retain the GSW West Coast title.

- Frantic Ali and Hustle Muvva cut a scathing shoot promo, in which they bury Ash Campbell. The duo reveals that Campbell was supposed to come and lead the IPW faction, but instead opted to remain in Pittsburgh. The promo causes another online uproar, considering Grimm's relation with Campbell's father and the comments he made about him after the assassination of Gil Thomas.

- Death Row defeat Brown Pride with a Death Sentence.

- Dead Men Walking defeat Mexican Hardcore Killers to win the GNW World Tag Team titles.

- Kurt Laramee makes his in-ring GNW debut, defeating Mexico's Finest by pinfall with a Switchblade Powerslam.

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November 2020

GSW makes an offer to Running Wolf, creative clause included, but eventually he re-signs with USPW. Given last month's experience of several failed bids but also many big name debuts, hype for Gangsta's Paradise has GNW fans guessing who will show up this month.


Gangsta’s Paradise

- Fro Sure opens the show and welcomes Greg Black to GNW.

- Greg Black immediately gets to work and defeats Top Dolla with a Fade To Black.

- Kurt Laramee defeats Public Enemy #1 with a Switchblade Powerslam.

- After the match, Laramee grabs the mic and demands to wrestle for a proper world championshipo, saying he's too good for the GNW American title. Cali Slick comes out with the King of California trophy and runs down Laramee for his words. Fans are in full support of Slick.

- Death Row defeat Coulrophobia with a Death Sentence.

- Dead Men Walking run out to initiate a brawl with Death Row.

- Mr. Anderson gets in the ring against GNW's finest technical wrestler in Tavon Blake Jr. It takes about twelve minutes, but he is able to hit the Ammo Dump and start his GNW run with a victory.

- After the match, Anderson gets on the mic and says if this was the best GNW had to offer, the best just wasn't enough; he wants competition. Without a word, Deaf Touch comes out and gets in his ring to accept the challenge.

- Savage Fury defeat State Of Destruction with a Greetings From The Island.

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December 2020


Game of Death

- Big Magic reveals the brand new GNW World title and announces Greg Black versus Kurt Laramee in the main event to crown the first champion.

- In a battle of the veterans, Busta Capp defeats Mexico's Finest with a Mafia Kick.

- Title rematch as Lug Phelan defeats E-Soteric, clean this time, to make defence number three of the GSW West Coast title.

- Savage Fury defeat Brown Pride with a Head Hunter Special.

-In a violent street fight, Dead Men Walking defeat Death Row with The Execution.

- In the making since September, GNW King of California Cali Slick defeats Fro Sure to win the GNW American title. The Internet Wrestling Community hails this, praising Fro for sticking with the storyline he was handed and taking the title off himself.

- Deaf Touch surprises the world when he once again proves he's the Unbreakable big time fighter of GNW, defeating Mr. Anderson.

- Greg Black defeats Kurt Laramee by pinfall with a Fade To Black to become the first ever GNW World champion.

- State of Destruction appear to beat down Greg Black.

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And with that, welcome to 2021 and the debut of GNW's brand new episodic series on NetStream!

Big thanks to @willr0ck for turning my crazy "what if GSW made it past the West Coast" scenario into a logo, banner and title belts, which in turn inspired me to really come up with a scenario of how this could take place and work it into a diary. I had a vague idea of "Gil Thomas gets gunned down, IPW close, Grimm turns suspicion into attention" when I pitched the idea to him, but in typing it out and working it through the game (with a bit of editor magic to simulate the online uproar) some really nice things happened to flesh out the story.

Thanks go out as well to @Historian and @Sco xY2Jx. Our USPW/SWF/TCW multiplayer game fell victim to real life and the forum transfer, but it made me not hate SWF (I don't love it, I just no longer hate it) and I wanted to play once more as a large company instead of the small time indies I usually run. Upgrading GSW to that size played well into the whole GNW scenario, hopefully I'll soon be in the position to have a child company and dojo/Performance Center soon.

As always, thanks to @Voeltzwagon for selling me on GSW back in the TEW16 days.

I think there has been no shortage of Lucha Underground inspired diaries, but I'd be lying if I said GNW's episodic series won't be at all reminiscent of LU. I'm still not sure about posting a roster of who's currently with GNW at the start of the new year, let me know if you'd like that or if you prefer to figure that out as the series goes on air. Also, feel free to ask any questions.

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Roster, end of 2020

[Champions in bold]


Aces High, BB Colossus, Boneyard, "The OG" Busta Capp, Cali Slick, "The Unbreakable" Deaf Touch, Eric Mir, "Golden Gloves" E-Soteric, E-Z, Frantic Ali



Fro Sure, Gravedigga, Greg Black, "Texas Tough" Hard-1, Hellech, Hustle Muvva, "The Bulldozer" Java, "Sargeant of Arms" Knuckles, "King of the Streets" Kurt Laramee, LatiNoFear



Lil Henry, "The Irish Warrior" Lug Phelan, "The Hardcore Legend" Madman Boone, Magwitch, Max Mayhem, MexiCain, Mexico's Finest, Mobstar, "Black Superman" Omar, "Big" Papa Swoll



Pierrot, PsychoMike, Public Enemy #1, Raheem Stash, "Slick" Sanchez Villano, Shady K, Shooting Star Perez, Tavon Blake Jr, Top Dolla, "The Headhunter" Tribal Warrior


Non Wrestling Staff


Big Magic (Commissioner), Cindy (Manages Hustle Muvva), CJ Weston, Clifford Caves (Announcer), Dwight Kumas, Kandii (Manages Raheem Stash), MC Motormouth (Colour), Moore Vincent, R.K. Hayes, Rumble Roper

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GNW Underground Wrestling


Episode 1: Greed

Fro Sure is here to award the King of California cup to the tournament winner, Cali Slick. These two are bound to clash sooner or later over Fro's American title... It's Kurt Laramee! The King of the Streets Kurt Laramee has come to GNW!... Madman Boone with the dive through the table, OH MY GOD!... You're a weak piece of sh*t, Ash, just like your daddy was and where did that get him in the end?... American title don't mean a thing to me, you better bust out a real world title worthy of a world champion like the King of the Streets... Savage Fury just demolished BB Colossus and Boneyard, is there anything that can stop their path of rampage?...  THE WINNER OF THIS MATCH, AND NEW GRIMM NATIONAL WRESTLING WORLD CHAMPION, GREG BLACK!... State of Destruction are attacking the champion! They're attacking Greg Black!


The episode begins with a montage of GNW's latest developments prior to the launch of this episodic series, introducing new fans to the main figures and recent past so they can keep up. The camera pans through the outside of The Club, the new venue that GNW has established as its home to replace Brother Grimm's Warehouse club, then we switch to the inside. Clifford Caves and MC Motormouth are barely audible over the noise of the rabid fans in the audience.


Caves: Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, fans of hardcore wrestling around the world, welcome to GNW Underground Wrestling live from The Club in Los Angeles, California! I'm Clifford Caves, here to call the action alongside the one and only, MC Motormouth!

Motormouth: Whaddup, fam? We here keepin' it real, bringing you the best hardcore wrestling action you can find in this damn country so kick back, light up a fat one and enjoy the action.

Caves: You can't solicit drug use on air!

Motormouth: Don't matter if I do or not, folks gonna do what folks gonna do regardless.

Caves: Well I'm here to say don't do drugs and especially not the kind that brings you down because we have two action packed hours for you and you won't want to miss a second. Some of the wrestlers here in GNW are so fast, high flying, death defying, blink and you'll miss it!

Motormouth: And those that ain't are some tough sons of b***es. No room for weak ass wrestlers up in this joint.

Caves: It takes toughness to be a part of the GNW roster and it takes an even tougher man to keep them in line so without further ado, let's take it to the ring and GNW's Commissioner of Violence, the man himself, Big Magic!


Big Magic is standing in the middle of the ring with a mic in hand


Magic: Welcome to GNW Underground Wrestling! I'm the Commissioner of Violence, Big Magic and I'm here to make sure you fans get exactly what you came here to see, the absolute best hardcore wrestling! Tonight...


Magic's words get cut out by some static on the speaker system. He pauses, checking the mic, but then the screen above the entrance flickers to life

"Greed, for lack of a better word... is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of evolutionary spirit."


The short clip is followed by pompous, triumphant music and out comes...




Caves: That's John Greed! John Greed is in GNW! What a way to make an entrance!

Motormouth: Ain't he into that sports entertainment sh*t? What's he doing here?


John Greed struts to the ring like he owns the place. Fan reaction is split between cheers and boos, but there's no denying they react to his presence.


Greed: So you hoodlums have made it out of the ghetto and onto national airwaves, huh?


This time, the boos are universal.


Greed: Yeah, boo me all you want. I don't care what you think of me, it's not like you could recognize talent even if it hit you in the face. All you want is your blackitty black wrestlers punching each other till one of them bleeds to death. And you have the nerve to call that wrestling? But let's get one thing straight... I'm not here to defend my craft or any of that BS. I'm here to make money. I'm here to take down your heroes and get handsomely paid for doing it. Yeah, go ahead boo me, my paycheck for tonight alone is more than all of you will ever make in your miserable lives, combined. You are in the presence of a true star and as such, I demand to be featured in the main event tonight. Give me the best you've got GNW, I'll beat 'em with a smile on my face and then take the money you paid to come here tonight with an even bigger smile.

Magic: Hold up... This ain't New England and I ain't some rich white sugar daddy handing you an allowance. This is Grimm National Wrestling and just like everyone else, you want something, you gotta fight for it. So if it's a fight you're looking for, I'mma give you a fight alright. Round here, you gotta earn your paycheck. So tonight, in the main event, it's gonna be John Greed... versus the heart and soul of GNW, the original OG, Busta Capp!


The crowd pops at the announcement and Greed's music plays again, as he nods in agreement with a nasty shark smile.


Caves: Talk about a huge match, Greed's gonna be taking on the man this company was built on from day one!

Motormouth: He don't know what he's in for, Capp's as real as it gets and in GNW, every match is a hardcore match. No countouts, no disqualification, anything goes! Dunno bout you Cliff, I can't wait to see this punk ass bleed like a pig.




Long Beach Crew (Aces High & Cali Slick) vs Lil Henry & PsychoMike

The first ever match shown on GNW Underground Wrestling features the reigning American champion Cali Slick and as things get underway, Caves and Motormouth take the time to talk about his King of California tournament victory and subsequent title win over Fro Sure. From there, they introduce his long time partner Aces High and their opponents, a duo of big men that joined the company after IPW's collapse. Meanwhile, Henry and Mike manage to isolate the smaller Aces High in their corner, cutting the ring in half to work him over. It's tag team wrestling 101, garnering heat for the team and sympathy for Aces as it builds up to the hot tag. Slick eventually gets it, the fans pop and he cleans house, leading to the LBC's tag team finisher, the High and Low, that takes out PsychoMike for the pin.

Winners: Long Beach Crew in 11:52 by pinfall (Rating: 54)



Fro Sure's upbeat music signals his arrival and fans give him a warm welcome. 


Fro: WASSUP GN-DUB? Aw man, feels good to be out here again with all of you, steppin' to my beat. And judging from the numbers on Spotify, you fam seem to like that beat too, nah?




Hustle Muvva comes out of the entrance with a mic in hand, his wife and manager by his side

Muvva: This some vanity project, dawg? You come out here and waste TV time to flex ya Spotify listeners or sumthin?

Fro: It's called cross-promotion. No wonder you never heard of it, 'cause last time I checked you weren't droppin' bars anywhere near a mic.

Muvva: I don't need to do any of that sh*t, Fro. This ain't about the rap game. This is wrestling. So unless you're here to wrestle...

Fro: Bruh, I'm all about the wrestling and I sure ain't gonna let you step into MY house and disrespect me like that. Yo, get a ref out here, let's do this right here, right now!



Fro Sure vs Hustle Muvva (with Cindy)

Soon as the bell rings, Fro charges but Muvva rolls out of the ring, finger on his temple as he tells the camera he's too smart to get caught up in all this. There's a fair bit of stalling on Muvva's part, which frustrates fans and his sparkplug brawler of an opponent, but once he gets backed into a corner, Fro gives a clean break and immediately rushes back to unload a ton of strikes at his cornered opponent, which gets cheered by the audience. Muvva creates some space with one of his signature headbutts and proceeds to fight back. This ups the pace and the brawl between the two keeps getting wilder, eventually spilling out of the ring. Just as Fro seems to be getting the upper hand, Cindy whacks him in the head from behind with her purse. The blow staggers Fro and it's beyond clear that it ain't lipstick inside that purse. Muvva drops Fro with a DDT to the floor and with the help of Cindy, rolls him back into the ring where he hits the Hustler's Headbutt for the dirty pin.

Winner: Hustle Muvva in 7:48 by pinfall after Cindy interfered (Rating: 57)




The camera feed cuts to a corridor backstage, where Papa Swoll's massive figure fills the frame.


Swoll: Yo this is Big Papa Swoll right here, with a message for everyone watching. You seen some big bad dudes like Lil Henry and PsychoMike tonight, and there's more of them on the GNW roster, but there ain't no man to combine their size with the skill and charisma of BP Swoll. I'm the total package baby and if you don't believe it, just wait till next week's episode when you'll see me in action inside that ring.





Deaf Touch vs Tavon Blake Jr

The broadcast duo explains to viewers that these are two of the best pure technical wrestlers in GNW and the match sure showcases that: there's no crazy brawling or weapons spots, just good ol' fashioned lock ups and hold-for-hold chain wrestling to get this started. Once that foundation is established though, TBJ quickly saves things from getting boring with a sick release german suplex that sends Deaf Touch flying against the corner buckles. DT staggers back up and Blake switches into boxer mode with some slick jabs, only for Touch to forcibly create some space with a straight kick that uses the sole of his boot. Blake rushes to close the distance but Touch drops to the mat and trips him with a drop toe hold. DT then pulls his opponent back up and whips him to the ropes, catching the rebound with a Mafia Kick for a two count. Blake pulls out the big guns to deliver a bodyslam followed by a gutwrench powerbomb, but it's not enough to hold down The Unbreakable one. Frustrated, TBJ throws a few more flicked jabs and closes in for what seems like a rushed Death Valley Driver, but DT climbs off the shoulders in time, skitters down and explodes back up to lift his opponent on the shoulders for the electric chair drop. Blake ends up reeling on the corner and Deaf Touch signals it's time to end this. Up on the top rope, Crooked Moonsault, 1-2-3.

Winner: Deaf Touch in 12:08 by pinfall (Rating: 66)



We go back to The Club's parking lot. Knuckles is sitting on his impressive custom made chopper, Shady K is swinging at invisible baseballs with a 2x4 and Kurt Laramee addresses the camera.


Laramee: People in here, they think they know gangsta. They think they know street. They think they know hardcore wrestling. Most o' them were still in diapers when me, Kurt mufuggin Laramee, was changing the game in Danger and Violence Extreme. Most of you marks didn't have a clue about hardcore wrestling until me and Death Row here brought some street knowledge to Supreme TV. These GNW wrestlers, they're original pranksters, but they ain't original gangsters. I've been the King of the Streets since day one. And I got my boys here with me now. We the East Coast Crew and we're here to take over!

Knuckles dismounts as he and Shady K go back into the building. The feed switches back to the interior of The Club, where Hard-1 and Public Enemy#1 are making their entrance.




Lone Star Crew vs Death Row

Shady K has brought his 2x4 and Knuckles comes out swinging a chain, which sets the tone for the match. Weapons galore, frantic brawling and gratuitous bleeding from all participants. Hard-1 almost has it in the bag at one point when he covers Shady K, but Knuckles grabs the chain around his throat and pulls him away for the save. Public Enemy #1 rushes into the ring and unloads a ton of punches on Knuckles, but Shady K grabs him from behind, puts his head under his armpit and drops him with an inverted brainbuster. Death Row then proceed to pull off the Death Sentence, their tag finisher, on a reeling Hard-1 and secure the win.

Winners: Death Row in 11:46 by pinfall (Rating: 43)




Coulrophobia vs Savage Fury

Coulrophobia, being the demented clowns they are, show absolutely no fear against their opponents. Hellech uses his speed and agility to tire out the veterans who are pushing 50, but whenever Java or Tribal Warrior manage to land a move, it's devastating. Pierrot his his signature dropkick with a huge amount of elevation, but it's only delaying the inevitable and once Tribal Warrior manages to connect with a Head Hunter Special on Hellech, it's all over.

Winners: Savage Fury in 11:59 by pinfall (Rating: 46)




Greg Black & Omar vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

Greg Black comes to the ring with the GNW World title around his waist, but is nothing like the happy go lucky characters most fans have known him as. Tonight he's all business, he's flying around like he's still in his 20s and Omar proves more than able to keep up with his style. Long time fans from the GSW days might notice that the audience is no longer heckling Omar either. E-Z responds in kind with his own brand of high flying and when Sanchez Villano grounds things a bit, Greg Black sticks to the mat to outgrapple him. It looks like the high flying duo are on the fastlane to victory, but a sneaky shot on Greg Black with Villano's pimp stick turns the tables for the Killers. Omar complains to the referee only to be told that there's no DQs here and E-Z rolls him up from behind as Villano grabs his feet from the outside to ensure there won't be a kickout.

Winners: Mexican Hardcore Killers in 11:44 by pinfall with some added leverage (Rating: 54)




Busta Capp vs John Greed

It is finally time for the main event and John Greed hasn't lost any of his swagger as he reappears. Fans pop when Busta Capp's music hits, it's clear they're firmly behind the Compton native tonight. Capp taunts his opponent, urging him to do his worst and bring it, to which Greed replies by knocking the taste out of his mouth with a resounding slap. The start of the match sees Greed dominate with basic locks, but he makes the most out of them by using the moment to antagonize the crowd and mock Busta. Capp fights back and gains enough control to safely leave the ring and set up a table at ringside, but Greed recovers and grabs him, using the ropes for a choke. He then leaves the ring and grabs some camera cables to further choke Capp, before reaching under the apron for a chair. Capp gets a burst of energy and hits a desperate Mafia Kick that sends the chair right into Greed's face, but he's exhausted from the chokes and can't make a cover on the ringside floor. Greed gets back up and whips Capp against the table, then recovers the chair for a few shots on his fallen opponent. For anyone who's known Greed through his SWF run, it's uncanny how he's taken to hardcore wrestling like a fish to water and he even shows that by lifting the table and tossing it onto a fallen Capp. Greed pulls his opponent up and whips him to the ring steps, then catches a groggy Capp to roll him back inside the ring. Greed recovers the chair and connects with a sickening unprotected chair shot to Busta's head, then follows it up with his Crash Diet finisher to score the pin.

Winner: John Greed in 11:40 by pinfall (Rating: 56)



John Greed's triumphant music hits the speaker system as the man demands to have his hand raised in victory


Caves: This is disgusting... So disrespectful, he wants to add insult to injury

Motormouth: Can't stand to see him gloat like that and neither can the fans, there's gonna be a riot in here!



BB Colossus and Boneyard make their way to the ring


Caves: It's State of Destruction!

Motormouth: White boy bout to get an asswhoopin'


State of Destruction enter the ring and flank John Greed with a gleam in their eye...


...then each grabs one of his hands and raises them in victory!


Caves: What in the world?

Motormouth: They sold out! BB and Boneyard sold out!


John Greed's smile gets even wider, if that was ever possible


Greed: Like I said... Greed is good. I am the messiah of Greed


BB Colossus and Boneyard go down to a knee


Caves: This is disgusting


Greed: And these are my disciples... I am what this company so desperately needs. Soon enough, you too will see the truth. You will all worship me just like these men do. All hail the Disciples of Greed!



[Fade to black]


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  • 2 weeks later...

GNW Underground Wrestling


Episode 2: Hijack


Greed is right. Greed works…That's John Greed! John Greed is in GNW!... I'm here to make money. I'm here to take down your heroes and get handsomely paid for doing it….Tonight, in the main event, it's gonna be John Greed versus the heart and soul of GNW, the original OG, Busta Capp!... I sure ain't gonna let you step into MY house and disrespect me like that… There ain't no man to combine their size with the skill and charisma of BP Swoll… I've been the King of the Streets since day one. And I got my boys here with me now. We the East Coast Crew and we're here to take over!...They sold out! BB and Boneyard sold out!...All hail the Disciples of Greed!



After the intro, we are transferred to the parking lot of The Club, where the East Coast Crew are hanging out. Knuckles is laid back on the recliner seat of his custom made chopper and enjoying a beer, while Kurt Laramee and Shady K are fooling about and playfully shadowboxing each other when a phone rings. Laramee whips it out of his pocket and answers it, while Shady K spins around and continues to shadowbox on his own.

Laramee: I’m listening… uh huh… mhm… Yeah it’s good, my crew can take on them Mexican Killers. How bout me?

Shady K stops and turns his attention towards Laramee. It is at this time that Knuckles finishes his beer, crushes the can in his hand and tosses it away, barely suppressing a belch.

Laramee: Na uh, ain’t having none o’ that crap… Listen… I don’t care!... Yo, here’s what’s gonna go down. End of the show tonight, Kurt Laramee’s gonna be standing in the middle of that ring. Now you can bust your ass and get someone to wrestle me in the main event, or you can kick back and watch me tell the world about that little secret of yours. Don’t. Test me.

Laramee ends the call, but neither of his men dares ask him what that was all about. Instead, Knuckles looks at Shady K, who shrugs and rolls his eyes.



Caves: Hello and welcome, so glad you join us tonight on another episode of GNW Underground Wrestling!

Motormouth: Hardest hitting action on yo screen, we got the hardcore, we got the extreme, we the real deal and I’m hype to see everyone’s favourite murder grandpa, Madman Boone, do his thing tonight.

Caves: That’s right, we have the confirmed return of Madman Boone from injury but that’s just part of all the excitement packed in the next two hours. The GNW West Coast champion, Lug Phelan will be defending his title tonight against a familiar foe in Hustle Muvva, Death Row and Mexican Hardcore Killers collide in tag team action, there’s plenty more matches scheduled but what everyone’s been talking after our first episode was the surprise appearance of John Greed in GNW.

Motormouth: Yeah it was unexpected, but goes to show anything’s possible in GNW. What upset me tho wasn’t him being around or the things he said, I’m pissed about BB Colossus and Boneyard bending the knee.

Caves: He called them his Disciples of Greed and they will kick off our show tonight in a trios match so let’s go straight to the ring!



Disciples of Greed vs Greg Black, Fro Sure & Omar

Greed comes out flanked by his two massive teammates, who seem to be following him as if hypnotized. Their opponents seem to have common ground in their hairstyle aesthetics, but that’s just the visual part when there’s plenty of talent between the three of them as well. The announce team also point out that Black and Sure are the World and American champion respectively, which shows in the match as they immediately outwrestle Greed, who overconfidently chose to start for his team. Omar gets to hit a high flying frog splash for a near fall and Greed makes the tag to Boneyard. The big man enters the ring and cleans house, while Colossus tosses anything he can find inside the ring to be used as a weapon. The babyface (judging by fan support) team grab a few of the weapons and gang up to bring Boneyard down, to which BB and Greed respond by also rushing the ring to take shots. Any semblance of order is quickly lost and in the chaos…


Wait, he’s not part of the security staff…


Caves: Is that…?

Motormouth: Charlie Thatcher!

The big man blindsides Greg Black and shoves Fro Sure into a chokeslam by Boneyard. BB Colossus then holds Omar, while his teammates and the newcomer set up a table. Thatcher lifts Omar up and puts him through a table with a vicious spinebuster, then Greed places a foot on top of Omar’s chest with a smug smile on his face as the referee counts to three.

Winners: Disciples of Greed, in 8:13 by pinfall after interference from Charlie Thatcher (Rating: 50)


The winners are announced and John Greed motions for a microphone.

Greed: I told you morons last week. Greed is good. Greed works. Money can buy you things and whoever said it can’t buy you happiness, I’m here to tell you they didn’t know where to go shopping. All hail the Disciples of Greed!

All four men raise their hands above their heads, performing some sort of triangular gesture.

Caves: What does that mean?

Motormouth: It means Charlie Thatcher is in GNW and he’s joined the Disciples of Greed!

Caves: No, I mean the hand sign

Motormouth: Beats me. But I can tell you that ain’t no gang sign.



Mexico’s Finest vs Papa Swoll

Swoll is a charismatic, likable big man which makes for a stark contrast against the mean MF that is Mexico’s Finest. The two immediately get to slugging it out and with Swoll getting the best of the exchange, Finest retreats to the outside to catch a break. Swoll makes the mistake of playing to the crowd and waiting for his opponent to come back in, which gives Finest a chance to grab a chair and slide it in the ring. Seeing what’s in store, Swoll makes a desperate rush for an impressive dive to the outside, but he telegraphed it and Finest avoids it with a simple sidestep. Now at ringside, Finest quickly turns the brawl nasty, using the surroundings to inflict as much damage as possible. When Swoll slides back into the ring to escape, Finest follows and pauses to pick up the chair, but that provides Swoll with a window of opportunity to get on one knee, from which he explodes to tackle the chair into Finest with his Pounce finisher, falling on top of him for the three count.

Winner: Papa Swoll, in 7:55 by pinfall (Rating: 44)


Caves: Desperate charge and Papa Swoll wins the match!

Motormouth: Uh oh, here comes the cavalry!


Brown Pride run down to the ring with baseball bats in hand. Joining Mexico’s Finest, the three surround Papa Swoll and deliver a vicious beatdown on the winner, leaving him almost senseless on the mat.

Caves: Some would call that disgusting, in GNW we call it another day at work.

Motormouth: These guys may be sore losers, but they’re a unit and they got each other’s backs. Swoll won the match but with no friends around, he got no one to watch his back and that don’t take you far round here.



E-Soteric vs Frantic Ali

Frantic Ali got his alias due to his fast-paced brawling while E-Soteric is a former boxer, so it’s no surprise this starts out as another slugfest. It also spills outside the ring again, but this time there’s no weapons involved. Instead, the two duke it out past the barricade and into the crowd, with E-Soteric happy to take a shortcut or two whenever he’s able, which earns him the ire of the crowd. The two end up trading blows about two thirds up a set of stairs and after a solid haymaker, E-Soteric is sent tumbling down. Limping from the hits and exhaustion, Frantic Ali stumbles down as well and smacks his opponent’s head on the barricade. He then picks him up on his shoulders and climbs on the apron to deliver a Death Valley Driver. From there, he rolls E-Soteric between the ropes and makes the cover for the win.

Winner: Frantic Ali, in 12:16 by pinfall (Rating: 57)



GSW West Coast title match


Lug Phelan © vs Hustle Muvva (with Cindy)

Hustle Muvva gets some flak entering, in light of his sneaky win over Fro Sure last week, but that’s not the only reason Lug Phelan gets some cheers when he’s out next; the tough brawler has proven himself time and time again to be more than a stereotype of the fighting Irish, he can take a ton of punishment and deliver just as much in a hardcore environment, which is a sure fire way to get you fans in The Club. Muvva tries to bait in the champion but Phelan doesn’t bite, so the match starts with a snappy exchange of quick strikes, before Phelan pops the fans with a spear variation where he essentially tackle-carries Muvva across the ring to smash him back first onto the corner. From there, Phelan stomps a mudhole on him and Cindy has to pull her man out to catch a break. Phelan leaves the ring to follow up his offensive, but attention is drawn towards the entrance where Fro Sure comes out with Big Magic and directs him to take action. There’s a bit of commotion with shoving and arguing between all parties involved, with the Commissioner of Violence about to send Cindy back to the locker room. She’s not one to take orders though, so when Magic yanks the purse out of her hands, Muvva brings Magic to the ground and mounts him to drop the bombs. Fro has to pull Muvva away and in the commotion, Phelan’s picked up the purse and uses it to smash his opponent’s head. Muvva drops and Phelan opens the purse with a smug smile, revealing a brick to the audience. From there, Phelan picks up Muvva and smashes him back first against the apron, then rolls him in to deliver the finishing Gutwrench Backbreaker and secure the win.

Winner AND STILL GNW West Coast champion: Lug Phelan in 7:58 by pinfall after distraction from Big Magic (Rating: 38)

Phelan is celebrating, while Cindy rushes to assist her man and Fro helps Big Magic back up. Muvva is livid and keeps shouting at the Commissioner about being “Fro’s bitch”, a “bottom” and yelling about “who’s running the show”



Death Row vs Mexican Hardcore Killers

Villano’s slickin’ and pimpin’ doesn’t seem to dazzle his opponents, who immediately get to work on him. As soon as he has the chance, Villano retreats to his corner and tags in E-Z, who kicks the match into the next gear with his athletic offence and daredevil stunts. There’s a reason it’s called high risk offence though, E-Z eventually crashes and burns, which leads to another nasty beatdown by Death Row. Villano is able to momentarily take out Shady K with his pimp stick but Knuckles just tosses E-Z onto his teammate to brute force his way out of a tough spot. It seems this moment together on the ground gives the Killers a chance to get on the same page and they return with some nice tandem offence, but it’s short lived and E-Z ends up taking the Death Sentence to wrap things up.

Winners: Death Row, in 11:42 by pinfall (Rating: 52)


Caves: This can only mean one thing….

Motormouth: You just can’t keep a Madman down, baybay!

Boone comes out rocking to the music like it’s 1995, then the mood changes as Magwitch makes his own entrance. CJ Weston, now pulling ring announcer duty, proclaims this next match will end with one fall, but it’s gonna be a ten count instead of the usual three!

Caves: These guys really want to kill themselves…

Motormouth: Or each other. Either way, we all win


Madman Boone vs Magwitch

There’s no two ways about this, it’s just a bad match. What saves it a little bit is the excitement of having Boone return from injury and once that fades, copious amounts of violence. Absolute mayhem ensues and it’s a string of rapid-fire spots that happen before a brain can process what went down, then the pure shock value of both competitors bleeding to a point that raises legitimate concerns for them passing out due to blood loss. Magwitch takes a piledriver onto the concrete floor of the entrance ramp, but falls don’t count outside the ring and in the time Boone needs to drag him back, the psycho clown is able to muster enough strength and kick out before the count of ten.


Caves: Oh for crying out loud…

Motormouth: One clown is bad enough, but more clowns? Nah uh…

Pierrot gets some impressive elevation in his dropkick and knocks Boone out of the ring. Meanwhile, Hellech slides out a table from underneath the ring, sets it up and Coulrophobia prepare to put Boone through it. Magwitch stops them though. He pulls out a satchel from inside his trunks and pours out its contents, hundreds of thumbtacks onto the table!

Motormouth: D’he have those next to his balls all this time?

But no, that’s not enough for the clowns. Lighter fluid, set the table ablaze and then Boone gets put through it! Fans burst into a chant, Magwitch makes the cover all the way to ten and the medics have to rush in and stretcher Boone out.

Winner: Magwitch, in 9:34 by pinfall (Rating: 45)



The feed cuts to backstage, where Big Magic is pacing around in his office. Cali Slick is comfortably seated on a nearby chair, laid back with his shades on and the title on his shoulder.

Slick: Face it M. No one’s gonna show.

Magic: Oh they will. Any minute now.

Slick: I can hear Laramee’s music playing already. You’re running out of time and quite frankly, I don’t appreciate you disrespecting my man Aces like that.

Magic: Alright, I’ll give him the main event spot but only out of necessity. I don’t like him, I wouldn’t pick him but I have no other choice.

Slick gives a sly, satisfied smile.

Slick: Damn straight you don’t.


Kurt Laramee vs Aces High

Aces knows the odds don’t favour him so he rushes in with a low dropkick aimed at Laramee’s left knee. With the big man down, he pulls off a bunch of quick moves, making good use of his athleticism to turn his body into a weapon and hit Laramee with some high impact moves. It gives him the advantage early on, but the King of the Streets won’t be held down for three just like that. Aces makes the mistake of going for the knee again, this time with a sweeping kick, but Laramee sees it coming and just pump kicks him in the face with the other leg. From there, Laramee executes a good looking fallaway slam and kicks Aces to roll out of the bottom rope. Now on the outside and in control, Laramee whips his opponent onto the barricade and slams his head on the apron; this leaves Aces reeling and he’s hit with some chair shots in the back that drop him. Laramee picks him up for a powerbomb but a quick reversal into a rana buys Aces some time. He rushes back into the ring, goes for a suicide dive between the ropes but Laramee shuts him down by grabbing his head and falling into a cutter to drop him throat first onto the rope. Aces is gasping for breath and that gives Laramee the time to get back in the ring for the Switchblade Powerslam. One, two, three.

Winner: Kurt Laramee, in 12:01 by pinfall (Rating: 52)


Caves: Absolute domination from Kurt Laramee!

Motormouth: Not just in this match, but in how he got himself into it as well. Wonder what kind of pull he’s got over our Commissioner…

Edited by DarK_RaideR
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