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👑 CV77 - That 70s Mod (Hegstrand Edition)

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Early Release v0.1

(99% the full release version and is definitely in a fully playable state - currently just missing custom Intro screens)


This was originally started as a hotfix for the Beta release of the CVerse 1977 "That 70s Mod" by Mr T Jobs to Me, PeterHilton, jtlant and SadisticBlessings which changes to the TEW client caused the mod file to stop working as well as financial instability to promotions in the gameworld.

To that end my main goal of the Hegstrand Edition is to keep the gameworld close to the intention of that original beta release, primarily focusing on bug fixes, rebalancing to address the financial instability and filling in missing data.

The only major changes where i know ive made a conscious personal decision to add to the gameworld outside of those points are:

  1. Updating Promotion Graphics
  2. Added/Edited Broadcasters, Broadcaster Changes and Eras in line with CVerse canon
  3. Minor Cosmetic Promotion Narratives
  4. 80s British Promotion Added (World Of Wrestling - canon from CV97)

Record of Changes are listed below:

Broadcasters > reduced size of some US broadcasters (CANN, East Coast Today etc) to fit with CV97 timeline and given same Broadcast Changes in order to grow in reach as years progress.

Introduced CV97 historical broadcasters so games that run long enough into that time period players will start to see them open, and older stations shut down.

Corrected SWF tv deal to be with Sports America.

Heidi Brooks given grifter personality in line with her description (and 97 personality data)

UKB Digital corrected to not be open in game start and instead open in 2006 in line with Default data.

Fixed Characters missing personalities: Melissa Monroe (lively), Jennifer Payne (Party Animal),

Fixed Characters missing all attributes: Natalie Martell

Kinuko Saromi had 0 stats

Introduced Eras that line up and feed into the CV97 Eras.

Given US older companies' events some prestige as many were set to start at 0% even though they've been in business for 10-17 years. Also set their TV shows to have low prestige as prior they started at None.

CICW: Set specific seasonal schedule with larger breaks so company has more down time to recover funds via sponsorship

CWB and APWF: Changed their broadcasting deal to be with Channel 7 Regional NE (they were set to share Channel Local 10 with APWF which only has 1 company max so APWFs deal would get dropped quickly) - [NOTE this may have been intentional to cleverly force the tv deal loss, sorry if that is the case]

Fixed Feds debuting without popularity: GSW, IPW, UKPro, PSW, EMLL, SNP,

Added WOW (World of Wrestling) from 97 mod as this is currently the only cverse mod where it exists (canon open June 1979 closes 1987) as a playable promotion.

TTW low funds fix

West Berlin Wrestling added narrative if it still exists in November 1989

Set a lot of promotions canon owners as preferred, fixed some "random debut" promotions appearing before they should (eg MMA promotions appearing before MMA was invented), also fixed some promotions to start when they start historically eg. BCG.

NOTE - APWF, CWB and AAFW will all still struggle financially and are at HIGH risk of closing within the first 1-2 years if played by the AI. All three should hit their close points pretty much in line with canon closing dates of their companies except APWF which will be 6 months late as canon says its meant to be bust within 6 months of gamestart but TEW wont allow a company to go bust in the first year of gameplay. While they are at high risk, all three indvidually do still have slim chances of surviving under the AI if their stars align.

Edited by Kamchatka
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  • Kamchatka changed the title to 👑 CV77 - That 70s Mod (Hegstrand Edition)

Just something for people to note. For some weird reason, the first time I downloaded the file it had everything but the database file in it, but once I redownloaded it using the same link from the "It's too big to virus check" page, the mdb file was there. Look forward to trying it out tonight.

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On 10/21/2022 at 10:45 PM, Midnightnick said:

I've played through a few different saves to get a feel for how the world feels in 2020 and it holds up! 

I'm determined to reach a year in save for a world where Gene Plumelli doesn't drop dead.

Yeahs he's definitely not doing too hot. I have seen him last almost a year and a half i will say.

Almost outlasted the company even. I do suspect the only chance CWB has is a new owner and booker getting to take over as early as possible with a bold enough vision.

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