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21CW: The Land Of Second Chances

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 Match IV in the Best Of VII Series:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM (I) [vs] ‘The Giant Client’ War Machine w/ Cliff King (II)

I can see War Machine going 3-1 up, Cliff King getting cocky and then Bedlam launching a comback to 3-3 to set up a decider.

Welsh Dragon w/ Aurelian Bradley [vs] ‘The Immovable Object’ Brickhouse Balder

Snitches get stitches

‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] ????

It will either be a local talent or a big new debut, I'm guessing a squash here

‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] Lone Wolf

The Lee FamiLee have been a key part of Kingdom in this diary, Lone Wolf has not

Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Landon Mallory & Leigh Burton

Burton to screw over Mallory somehow to set up a PPV match

‘DBF’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson

Orson is awesome


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On 11/23/2023 at 1:02 PM, The Lloyd said:

You've got to predict quicker brother. I'm renowned for posting fast, and I've been working a lot on the diary over the past few weeks so am a fair bit ahead now :D

Interesting that Roly is a 100% babyface, but Beast isn't... Would love for you to dig deeper into this.

From where the diary started, you have Beast coming off a disappearance after feuding with Roly - their partnership has felt like Roly does the bulk of the mic and character work while he has been the silent ally. I guess I haven't really seen him do or say anything "babyface" by himself without being swept along with Roly, if that makes sense?

Match IV in the Best Of VII Series:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM (I) [vs] ‘The Giant Client’ War Machine w/ Cliff King (II)

I think War Machine (and Cliff King) go up 3-1 before Bedlam starts to fight back for the 7th match in the series

Welsh Dragon w/ Aurelian Bradley [vs] ‘The Immovable Object’ Brickhouse Balder

Welshmen are being groomed for the midcard while I don't think Balder has won since his whistleblowing and I don't expect a win any time soon for him

‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] ????

Seems like a squash win set up to me

‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf is at the very bottom of the card, while the Lees are a fun babyface group that you can just send out for a quick midcard match win to get the crowd pumped (I think of them like babyface Dark Order with Buff playing the Hangman role)

Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Landon Mallory & Leigh Burton

Could  go the other way if the odd couple are able to coexist

‘DBF’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson

Poor DBF having to do the job as the midcard champ to the #1 contender. Should be a good match, and hopefully Wade doesn't win too cleanly

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 Match IV in the Best Of VII Series:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM (I) [vs] ‘The Giant Client’ War Machine w/ Cliff King (II)

Welsh Dragon w/ Aurelian Bradley [vs] ‘The Immovable Object’ Brickhouse Balder

‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ Alfons D’Angelo [vs] ????

‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] Lone Wolf

Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Landon Mallory & Leigh Burton

‘DBF’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson

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21CW Presents:

21CW Alt Logo.jpg 21CW Kingdom.jpg

Episode 16

Wednesday, Week 3, May 2020


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Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley


Overall Rating: 66




We opened the show with ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell heading to the ring to a huge ovation…


Tommy Cornell: “OZZIE INVASION…!! I know you’re watchin’ Loxley… So I’m gonna give you ONE WEEK to respond to my challenge… I want you… 1 on 1… at War Drums… and if I don’t hear from ya… I’m gonna take out your little friends… one… by one…”

Cornell said he was coming after Blake Belushi… Thurston Darcy III… and Artemis Eyre-Rochester…!! And it won't hurt a bit... It'll hurt a LOT...!!




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‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM (I) [vs] ‘The Giant Client’ War Machine w/ Cliff King (II)

The fourth match in the seven match series between these two violent men. BEDLAM is War Machine’s toughest opponent to date; he’s not only defeated the ‘Giant Client’, but he’s made him pass out in a fight in the ring, and has had his number a handful of other times. Tonight though, there was something in War Machine’s eyes. He wanted to end this series 4-1, and he made sure he got his 3rd win right here. Machine won it with his ‘Choke Bomb’ (Batista Bomb) after a great back and forth fight. After the match was over, we learned that the 5th (and potentially final) battle between the two, would take place at War Drums!!





Backstage, The Lee FamiLee were hanging out… with Auntie Kathy (Kathleen Lee) and the 21CW World Heavyweight Champion Buff Martinez…

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Andrew Lee was on the phone, and laughing about some kind of recent event… the rest of the group were waiting patiently for their cousin to finish… Martinez whispered to Gorilla Lee and asked who it was, and he didn’t know… Just then, Andrew said his goodbyes, before addressing the group…

Andrew Lee: “You guys… You’re not gonna believe it… Remember Cousin Konrad…?! Well… He’s MOVING TO THE UK…!! THIS IS HUGE…!!”

The group were so excited, but Kathleen Lee and Buff Martinez were confused about who ‘Konrad’ was… Andrew explained that Cousin Konrad was a distant Cousin, and had been wrestling for around 9 years in Europe… It sounded like he was coming to 21CW… but nobody knew when…!!




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Welsh Dragon w/ Aurelian Bradley [vs] Brickhouse Balder

Quick match, which would turn out to be Brickhouse Balder’s last in 21CW. He’s been making a lot of enemies in the company behind the scenes, and it was time for him to move on. Dragon won it with a beautiful Moonsault on 3 minutes.





Backstage, Kevin Jones was talking with his friend – the recently debuting Jeremy Allen… a man he has a LOT of history with, dating back to their time in MOSC…

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Kevin Jones: “I know what you’re trying to do, Jeremy… and it won’t work… There will be no… ‘Shane Hannigans’… No glasses… No moustache… No ‘Tom Foolery’… WEEE… me and you… Jones and Allen… Could be Tag Team Champions here, but we NEED to get serious…!! Surely, you can see that…!!”

Jeremy Allen: “Oh I can see that… but… don’t call me Shirley…”

Jones shook his head and walked away… Allen was confused, but also seemed sorry…

Jeremy Allen: “Looks like I picked the wrong week to give up drinking…”




Buff Martinez had been busy tonight, and we saw him again next, as he was set to be interviewed by Mo Adebola…

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Mo Adebola: “I am joined by… 21CW World Heavyweight Champion… ‘Thee Barcelona Bull’… Buff Martinez… and Buff… Give me some comments about your War Drums opponent: Wade Orson…”

Buff Martinez: “Well… We all know Wade Orson is a talented guy… and he has a BRIGHT future here… But NOT at my expense… He can be the next challenger for my Title… but he won’t take it from me…”

Buff said he’ll be watching the Main Event tonight, extremely closely… because Orson is in action against another Champion… as he takes on 21CW National Champion: Daniel Black Francis in a non-Title Match…




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‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester [vs] Local Talent

Buck was in rare form tonight, and hit multiple vicious Lariats. He hit his neckbreaker onto the knee to win it against the local guy.



After the match, Buck was jumped by Dangermouth and DJ Reason…!!

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It didn’t take long for Buck’s friend Alfonso D’Angelo to run to the ring for the save…


DJ grabbed Dangermouth, and the group known as ‘The Booth’ left the ring… DJ grabbed a microphone as Alfonso crouched over Cowboy, and helped him to sit up…

DJ Reason: “Yu know Alfonso… We’re just introducing you to a number of lessons… You need to LEARN… Around here… having a group can help a LOT… so the offer stands, kid… JOIN us…!!”

D’Angelo shook his head… but DJ wasn’t phased…

DJ Reason: “I’m confident we can change your mind… In faaaaact… at War Drums, Grandmaster Phunk will be BACK… so it’ll be the two of you… against Dangermouth and Phunk…!!”




Backstage, Phil Harmonic and his group: Edison Silva and Kelvin Badberry were stood, ready for a promo…

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Phil Harmoninc: “Merle O’Curle… This message is for YOU… I’m the NEXT… BIG… THING…!! I’m already the ‘King of the Cruiserweights’… But the next time we get in the ring… I’m going to be the King of YOU…!!”

Harmonic told O’Curle he could beat him in a SUBMISSION ONLY match… and once he does… O’Curle will BOW DOWN to him…!!




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‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ Gorilla Lee and JK Lee [vs] Lone Wolf

One-sided match here, with Andrew Lee dominating young Lone Wolf. Wolf hit some solid punches early on, as is his usual strategy, but Lee was too quick, and had too much support from both the fans, and his Cousins at ringside. He won it with his ‘Stone Age Kick’ (flying back kick), and Lone Wolf couldn’t get up afterwards.





We saw a video package next, showing the hard-working fan favourite duo: The Underdogs…

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The video showed them in training for their big return to Television next week, after over a month out… and their opponents will be Mark Misery and Smiling John Smithie…




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Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Landon Mallory & Leigh Burton

Mallory and Burton could not get along in this one, at all! They fought, they argued, and they took their eyes off the prize, leaving the door wide open for Storm and Sifu. Luckily for the makeshift, randomly drawn, Number One Contenders for the Kingdom Tag Titles, Storm and Sifu were too focused on destroying Leigh Burton – who they hate! A late 2 on 1 assault allowed Mallory time to rest up, and since the South African was the legal man, his return to the ring changed things. He hit his ‘Springbok Ram’ on both of his opponents, and then pinned Sifu to complete the comeback!





After a commercial break, 21CW World Heavyweight Champion Buff Martinez joined the announce team ahead of the Main Event…


He was there to take a closer look at his War Drums challenger for his Title: ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson…


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‘D-B-F’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson

Not the best Main Event, but a solid outing for both men here. ‘D-B-F’ started strongly, but was soon on the back foot. The fans were behind the 21CW National Champion, but he couldn’t string two offensive moves together, as Orson cheated at every opportunity! Eventually, Francis fought back into it. He hit a nice super kick, followed by a flying springboard cross body that had Orson rattled. A thumb to the eye was enough for Orson to gain enough of an unfair advantage again. With ‘D-B-F’ getting treatment outside the ring, Orson slammed into him with his ‘Bounce Back’ Pounce!! The move sent Francis flying into Buff Martinez on commentary!! As Orson celebrated his actions, and slid into the ring, Martinez followed him, and took him down with a tackle!! The 21CW World Heavyweight Champion wailed on Orson with fists and elbows, until the referee called for the bell, and pulled him away. Orson was seen laughing as he rolled out of the ring, satisfied with his DQ win.



The show went off the air there… with Orson smiling as he strolled up the ramp, but holding his face – clearly in a little pain…



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On 11/27/2023 at 10:41 PM, DAVEFAN95 said:

‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] Lone Wolf

Andrew Lee has the potential to be a mega star with the right feud

I've never been that sold on Andrew Lee... Can't remember what even happened to him in my first 21CW diary, and in a long-term save in between, I teamed him with Gorilla and they were jobbers... The Lee FamiLee have caught on better than I had hoped though, and the addition of 'Cousin Konrad' should be an interesting wrinkle in their story. I see him as the Sami Zayn of the Bloodline... but the complete opposite, if that makes sense? You'll see when he arrives. Could be the making of Andrew though. JK is just a good wrestler. Gorilla is not good enough, really, but he's young and could improve. Andrew is for sure the star of the Family in its current form. 

On 11/28/2023 at 9:09 AM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

 Match IV in the Best Of VII Series:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM (I) [vs] ‘The Giant Client’ War Machine w/ Cliff King (II)

I can see War Machine going 3-1 up, Cliff King getting cocky and then Bedlam launching a comback to 3-3 to set up a decider.

Would be a big twist if I didn't take it to the decider though wouldn't it...? If I went 1-4 for example ;) 

19 hours ago, John Lions said:

From where the diary started, you have Beast coming off a disappearance after feuding with Roly - their partnership has felt like Roly does the bulk of the mic and character work while he has been the silent ally. I guess I haven't really seen him do or say anything "babyface" by himself without being swept along with Roly, if that makes sense?

Exactly my plan to this point... I see Beast as the strong, dominant, silent type. He kicks ass, so people like him. but Roly is the charismatic one of the two - with a love for IRN BRU.

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Predictions for United, Episode 16, Week 3, MAY 2020

 Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys (Schwarz & Piccard) w/ The Professor

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] BW Eddie

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Vinny Vigilante

Evan Alpass [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby

Yuri Iliakov w/ Viktor Beskov [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell

21CW World Title Number One Contenders Match:
Apollo Prince [vs] Adam Matravers [vs] Phillip Cooper [vs] J-B Cash

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Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys (Schwarz & Piccard) w/ The Professor

The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] BW Eddie

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Vinny Vigilante

Evan Alpass [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby

Yuri Iliakov w/ Viktor Beskov [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell

21CW World Title Number One Contenders Match:
Apollo Prince [vs] Adam Matravers [vs] Phillip Cooper [vs] J-B Cash

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 Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys (Schwarz & Piccard) w/ The Professor
Excited to see who Scwarz and Piccard's first real challenge is

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] BW Eddie
I think Eddie's got more juice to squeeze with this

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Vinny Vigilante

Evan Alpass [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby

Yuri Iliakov w/ Viktor Beskov [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell
Doomsday is still the pin eater for the Business

21CW World Title Number One Contenders Match:
Apollo Prince [vs] Adam Matravers [vs] Phillip Cooper [vs] J-B Cash
My heart says Apollo Prince, but head says Matravers

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 Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys (Schwarz & Piccard) w/ The Professor

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] BW Eddie

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Vinny Vigilante

Evan Alpass [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby

Yuri Iliakov w/ Viktor Beskov [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell

21CW World Title Number One Contenders Match:
Apollo Prince [vs] Adam Matravers [vs] Phillip Cooper [vs] J-B Cash

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 Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys (Schwarz & Piccard) w/ The Professor

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] BW Eddie

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Vinny Vigilante

Evan Alpass [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby

Yuri Iliakov w/ Viktor Beskov [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell

21CW World Title Number One Contenders Match:
Apollo Prince [vs] Adam Matravers [vs] Phillip Cooper [vs] J-B Cash

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 Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys (Schwarz & Piccard) w/ The Professor

Need to keep building the new team up.

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] BW Eddie

Tough one, and will depend whether Beauchamp is declining, but I'm banking on the fact "The Breeze" is your user character and you have plans for him.

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Vinny Vigilante

Koller has a lot of upside, and has the potential to be a much bigger player than he has been so far.

Evan Alpass [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby

Go Chuck!

Yuri Iliakov w/ Viktor Beskov [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell

Could go either way, but the House of Business seems to be imploding, and a loss for Doomsday here could solidify that.

21CW World Title Number One Contenders Match:
Apollo Prince [vs] Adam Matravers [vs] Phillip Cooper [vs] J-B Cash

Matravers is super talented, Cash has underperformed in the diary to date, and Prince/Cooper could take one another out of this one.

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 Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys (Schwarz & Piccard) w/ The Professor

Jobby job

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] BW Eddie

Eddie probably wins but Joey's ma boy

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Vinny Vigilante

Koller is a star

Evan Alpass [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby

Yeah, sorry Evan. Jobby Job 2: Electric Bugaloo

Yuri Iliakov w/ Viktor Beskov [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell

Yeah, Beskov should win this

21CW World Title Number One Contenders Match:
Apollo Prince [vs] Adam Matravers [vs] Phillip Cooper [vs] J-B Cash

Matravers is probably the better choice, but why not give Prince a go. He'll have to get some big wins over the next while to build to the PPV, but he can get there. Regardless, nobody of this group should beat Eddie for the belt. 

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 Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys (Schwarz & Piccard) w/ The Professor

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] BW Eddie

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Vinny Vigilante

Evan Alpass [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby

Yuri Iliakov w/ Viktor Beskov [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell

21CW World Title Number One Contenders Match:
Apollo Prince [vs] Adam Matravers [vs] Phillip Cooper [vs] J-B Cash

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 Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys (Schwarz & Piccard) w/ The Professor

‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] BW Eddie

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Vinny Vigilante

Evan Alpass [vs] Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby

Yuri Iliakov w/ Viktor Beskov [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell

21CW World Title Number One Contenders Match:
Apollo Prince [vs] Adam Matravers [vs] Phillip Cooper [vs] J-B Cash

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21CW Presents:

21CW Alt Logo.jpg 21CW United.jpg

Episode 16

Wednesday, Week 3, MAY 2020


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Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova


Overall Rating: 70




United kicked off with the Talk Show ‘Cash Reacts’, and J-B Cash welcomed a HUGE guest – literally – in Grave Digger…

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Cash thanked Digger for teaming up with him at Partners In Crime… but Digger said he didn’t have a choice… which was true… The teams were randomly drawn…

J-B Cash: “That’s true… That is… But… You helped me in my fight with Adam Matravers, AFTER our match… and you did NOT have to do that, Geeza… So… I’ll say it again… Thank you for being my…”

Before he could finish… a strange music hit… and most of the lights went down…

When they came back up…

THIS MAN, was stood behind Grave Digger…


Jonathan Faust had RETURNED to 21CW… causing J-B Cash to cut tail and run…!! Faust and Grave Digger glared at each other, but there was no smile, or welcome back… The intensity was crazy…!! Digger decided to leave… and Faust stood his ground as the crowd cheered ‘The God’ for his return…




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Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor

Fabian Schwarz and Hans Piccard continue to impress, and won another match here, against a local masked duo. Piccard’s ‘Slingshot Suplex’ won it for them in the end.





We recapped the last few weeks of the tag team Absolutely Flawless next…

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Their manager Leo Price was run down by a CAR by Mark Adonis… as an act of revenge for him injuring Mass Hulk… Adonis would then go on to cost The Martin Twins their 21CW United Tag Team Titles… as they lost to two veterans in Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon… From his hospital bed, Leo Price mentioned ‘Take Over’ last week… The announce team struggled to understand what it meant (although it might have been a little Easter Egg from a previous tag team/stable of his)…

We may find out some more information later… because Mark Adonis will be here LIVE tonight, after the Main Event…!!




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‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] BW Eddie

Beauchamp is on a roll right now, and made it four singles wins in a row on United. BW Eddie has a lot going on in his professional life, ever since leaving The House of Business. He was suitably distracted by Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn, and it allowed a quick small package pin for the veteran Beauchamp to win it.



After the match, Boulder and Flynn, strolled out and announced that they were out there to collect their money from BW Eddie… The money he owed them and never paid for their ‘services’… Beauchamp was all too happy to help when Eddie tried to run past him on the ramp and get away…

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Boulder zip-tied Eddie’s hands out in front of him… and they led him to the back… He struggled, but he was badly outnumbered…




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‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Vinny Vigilante

Koller’s entrance and in-ring act is like a rock concert at times. He’s the greatest front-man in 21CW, and he played a tune on poor Vinny’s head tonight. For the finish especially, with his ‘Hamburg Rock City’ Curb Stomp to win it!





Sebastian Koller’s friends, the tag team: ‘Kenobi High’, were shown watching the German win on a monitor, before turning to Melanie Florence, for her scheduled interview…

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Melanie Florence: “Kenobi High… Rumours of a SPLIT for you two, have been getting louder and louder… So… Tell me… Is a split on the cards…?! And what goals do you have, going forward…?!”

Lister allowed Cole to answer… The veteran tag team have won five tag team Titles throughout Europe, but the 21CW Tag Titles have so far evaded them…

Jase Cole: “I won’t lie, Mel… We’ve talked about it a bit, ey...? We enjoyed going singles at Partners In Crime… and we don’t have long left together… but next week, there’s a little Tag Team Fatal-Four-Way Match… for a shot at Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon…!! And we’re IN…!!”

Christopher Lister: “Yeah we’re makin’ one more run for the Titles… And who better…?! Melanie… Thank you… May the Force be with you…!!”




We cut backstage to Aldous Blackfriar… ‘His Satanic Majesty’ had a lot on his mind…


Aldous Blackfriar: “This is NOT a drill… This is the Apocalypse… Please exit the arena, in an orderly fashion…!”

Aldous’ catchphrase always elicits a great response from the crowd… The young American then addressed the return of ‘The God’ Jonathan Faust…

Aldous Blackfriar: “Maybe this is not the Apocalypse...?! ‘The God’ has returned…?! Guess that means I should watch my back…?! He should probably watch his… Not because of me… Because of Grave Digger… That big man can NOT be trusted…!! He digs graves… I put people IN them… I’m ‘His Satanic Majesty’… and me versus ‘The God’… is inevitable…”




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Evan Alpass [vs] ‘The Icelandic Body’ Gulliver w/ Chuck Frisby

Poor match, but at least it was quick. Gulliver is extremely strong, and he threw Alpass around the ring for 4 minutes before ending it with the ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ Code Breaker as Chuck Frisby looked on in admiration.





Backstage, Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon were stood proudly holding their 21CW United Tag Team Titles…

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Clifford Wilson: “Listen, this is all a bit surreal… I don’t know how we did it… but we did… WE’RE the Tag Team Champions…!!”

UK Dragon: “Yeah, and a quick message for the former Champs: Absolutely Flawless… We didn’t know it at the time, but you were SCREWED by Mark Adonis… So any time you want a re-match… You’re ON…!!”

Clifford Wilson: “Actually Dragon… They’re in the Four-Way Number One Contenders match next week… They gotta earn their shot… We need to be careful, because we’ve got BIG targets on our backs now…”

Dragon agreed… They’ll take on all comers, but they can’t just hand out Title Shots… especially to a team the calibre of Lance and Kelly Martin…!!




We cut to Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn dragging BW Eddie to his bag of gear… Joey Beauchamp was with them… telling Boulder and Flynn he was there to ensure they got their money…

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Eddie asked to be untied, but Boulder and Flynn were too smart for that… He told them he would grab some cash from his bag, and then have to go into town with them to draw some more out… They allowed him to go through his bag, and he found a shoe… and THREW it at two big, imposing men, with their backs to the group…!! As they turned around, Eddie showed them his hands were tied, and motioned towards Joey Beauchamp... Eddie then sprinted out of there as fast as he could...

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Compton Valence and Langton Herring approached the group slowly… as Boulder, Flynn and Beauchamp contemplated running after Eddie… They had to fight The Demolishers though… a big 2 on 3 brawl, with the 3 winning by slamming their rivals’ heads into lockers…!!




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Yuri Iliakov w/ Viktor Beskov [vs] Doomsday w/ Edward Cornell

Yuri Iliakov is a dominant fighter, and despite Doomsday being the same size as the big Russian, he was no match for the Red Devil. Iliakov locked in his ‘Kiev Krush’ Bear Hug to win it, after multiple suplexes and throws. Iliakov and his partner Viktor Beskov look like different animals since leaving the House of Business.



After the match, Beskov raised his partner’s hand in victory, and then asked for a microphone…

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Viktor Beskov: “Together… we are strong… and we will ALWAYS be together… Next week, I am defending MY 21CW UK Title… in a re-match against Antithesis…!!”

Antithesis was shown up in the stands… holding his trusty Fire Extinguisher… He began dusting his weapon off, and looked happy to be getting the re-match so soon after losing his Title…




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Number One Contenders Match for the 21CW World Title:
Apollo Prince [vs] Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge [vs] Phillip Cooper [vs] J-B Cash

Great Main Event, featuring four of United’s top talents all hungry, and all vying for a 21CW World Title Match against Edward Cornell. Adam Matravers struggled in this one, due to his seemingly injured throat. Grave Digger attacked him at Partners In Crime, and J-B Cash knew all about it. He targeted Matravers’ neck and instructed Phillip Cooper to do the same. For the finish though, Matravers was instrumental in making sure Cash didn’t win! He took out his rival with a High Cross Body from the top rope, to the outside of the ring! His actions left the door open for Apollo Prince to hit his ‘Apollogy’ Inverted Bulldog on Phillip Cooper to win it!! Prince is now going to take on Edward Cornell for the 21CW World Title – in two weeks on United!





For the closing segment of the show, Mark Adonis headed out to the ring… He didn’t get a chance to speak, before Absolutely Flawless and their manager Leo Price joined them…

Lance Martin.jpgKelly Martin.jpgLeo Price.jpg Mark Adonis Suit.jpg

Adonis urged the group to let him say his piece… and Price convinced The Martin Twins to allow the youngster to talk… but someone else didn’t want them to do that… Roly Muckletruck and Beast Bantom came stomping out…

Roly Muckletruck.jpgBeast Bantom 2.jpg

Roly Muckletruck: “Aiii… Martin Twins… You wanna stop Adonis, GET IN LAINE…!! Because he scrrewed uss… one of USS should be Weld Champion jus’ now…!!”

Roly and Beast got in The Martin Twins’ faces, as all four of them wanted to get their hands on Adonis… but ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ wasn’t alone for long… because his new friends Edward Cornell and Doomsday joined him in the ring…


With Cornell and Doomsday climbing into the ring behind Adonis, the five fan favourites were suitably distracted… They didn’t see two men in balaclavas arrive through the crowd… and they pulled Price out under the bottom rope…!! The two masked men beat Price down 2 on 1, until Absolutely Flawless went out and tried to save Price…!! In the ring, it left a 3 on 2 situation, and Adonis had come prepared… He pulled out a ‘Tire Whacker’, and clobbered Beast Bantom over the head with it… Repeatedly…!!

This left Roly Muckletruck 3 on 1, and he stood no chance… Doomsday slid out of the ring once they were finished, and he went after Lance Martin, allowing the two masked men to finish off Kelly… Soon, Edward Cornell’s crew won the fight… and they all climbed back into the ring… The two masked men removed their face coverings… and revealed their identity…

Luke Cool Suit.jpgRolling Johnny Stones Suit.jpg


The announce team didn’t know what this mean, but we ended the show with Edward Cornell seemingly… with a new ‘House of Business’…!!



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Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 17, Week 4, May 2020

Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

Alfonso D’Angelo w/ Buck Winchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason

The Underdogs [vs] Mark Misery & Smiling John Smithie w/ Emmett Askey

‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic

‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack

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Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

Alfonso D’Angelo w/ Buck Winchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason

The Underdogs [vs] Mark Misery & Smiling John Smithie w/ Emmett Askey

‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic

‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack

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Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

Alfonso D’Angelo w/ Buck Winchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason

The Underdogs [vs] Mark Misery & Smiling John Smithie w/ Emmett Askey

‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic

‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack

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Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

Alfonso D’Angelo w/ Buck Winchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason

The Underdogs [vs] Mark Misery & Smiling John Smithie w/ Emmett Askey

‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic

‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack

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Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

Alfonso D’Angelo w/ Buck Winchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason

The Underdogs [vs] Mark Misery & Smiling John Smithie w/ Emmett Askey

‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic

‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack

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Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 17, Week 4, May 2020

Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

Jones & Allen have been fun so far, but The Brat Pack have been feuding with Tommy Cornell so this is a step down for them

Alfonso D’Angelo w/ Buck Winchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason

Could see this going either way, but I think Dangermouth probably has slightly more upside

The Underdogs [vs] Mark Misery & Smiling John Smithie w/ Emmett Askey

The Underdogs have been promoted pretty heavily on Kingdom recently, so this is a strong win on their return

‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

Storm is a tag guy, so expect Burton to win here

‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic

Again could see Harmonic win here, but Merle has been booked strongly so far

‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack

It's Tommy Cornell... 'nuff said

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Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi

Alfonso D’Angelo w/ Buck Winchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ DJ Reason

The Underdogs [vs] Mark Misery & Smiling John Smithie w/ Emmett Askey

‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic

‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack

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