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21CW: The Land Of Second Chances

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| Mark Adonis, Doomsday, Luke Cool, Rolling Johnny Stones & ???? |

‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov (c) 

Aldous Blackfriar & Jonathan Faust

‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge 

 Kenobi High

Apollo Prince (c) 


1). Who will be the Mystery Partner on Mark Adonis’ Fight To End All Fights Team…?: _____Edward Cornell______________

2). Who are the Mystery Tag Team making a one-off appearance on their retirement tour…?: _____Maximum Damage______________

3). How many Championships will change hands out of a possible three…?: _______1____________

4). What will the Overall Rating of the show be (within 5 gets one point, spot on gets two points…?: _______79____________

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Predictions for FIGHT NIGHT, Week 4, June 2020

 The Fight To End All Fights:
| Joss Thompson, Roly Muckletruck, Beast Bantom & Absolutely Flawless |
| Mark Adonis, Doomsday, Luke Cool, Rolling Johnny Stones & ???? |

I feel like this is setting up for a coup, with Adonis going after Cornell's position as leader.

21CW UK Championship Match:
‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov (c) [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis

Antithesis has had the best of the feud so far, so expecting Beskov to get the win on PPV

One-Off Appearance:
???? [vs] Aldous Blackfriar & Jonathan Faust

I can't think of any big name teams it could be, so going with Aldous/Faust

Grudge Match:
‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge [vs] Grave Digger w/ The Black Hats

Matravers is the bigger name, but could see this going the other way

21CW United Tag Team Title Match:
Clifford Wilson & UK Dragon (c) [vs] Kenobi High

Bit of a punt, but I could see a short fun run as champs for Kenobi High before moving the title back to one of your bigger name teams

21CW World Championship Match:
Apollo Prince (c) [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper

The Apollo experiment is still in it's infancy, and it feels to early to switch


1). Who will be the Mystery Partner on Mark Adonis’ Fight To End All Fights Team…?: ________Mass Hulk___________

2). Who are the Mystery Tag Team making a one-off appearance on their retirement tour…?: _______No idea, Maximum Damage?____________

3). How many Championships will change hands out of a possible three…?: ________1___________

4). What will the Overall Rating of the show be (within 5 gets one point, spot on gets two points…?: _________76__________

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The Fight To End All Fights:
| Joss Thompson, Roly Muckletruck, Beast Bantom & Absolutely Flawless |
| Mark Adonis, Doomsday, Luke Cool, Rolling Johnny Stones & ???? |

21CW UK Championship Match:
‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov (c) [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis

One-Off Appearance:
???? [vs] Aldous Blackfriar & Jonathan Faust

Grudge Match:
‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge [vs] Grave Digger w/ The Black Hats

21CW United Tag Team Title Match:
Clifford Wilson & UK Dragon (c) [vs] Kenobi High

21CW World Championship Match:
Apollo Prince (c) [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper


1). Who will be the Mystery Partner on Mark Adonis’ Fight To End All Fights Team…?: Edward Cornell

2). Who are the Mystery Tag Team making a one-off appearance on their retirement tour…?: The Party Animals

3). How many Championships will change hands out of a possible three…?: 1

4). What will the Overall Rating of the show be (within 5 gets one point, spot on gets two points…?: 77

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Des Greeves.jpgMartin Bloydell.jpgJeff Nova.jpg

Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova


Overall Rating: 76




We opened FIGHT NIGHT with a video package, showing the opening contest, and marquee match on the card… The FIGHT TO END ALL FIGHTS… 5 on 5 match…!!

Joss Thompson returned to 21CW after a five year absence, and cost Edward Cornell his World Championship… He said he is back, to make Mark Adonis and co. pay for running his best friend Leo Price down with a CAR…!! Adonis also cost Lance and Kelly Martin their 21CW United Tag Team Titles… while Roly and Beast were screwed out of a Title shot against Cornell in recent months…!!

At Fight Night… the Five On Five Fight To End All Fights… will be contested between two teams… On Joss Thompson’s team, Roly, Beast and the Martin Twins… and on Cornell’s team, it’s Adonis, Doomsday, Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones… However, Cornell is a major doubt for the match… Adonis has said he may have a replacement already lined up…

The rules are simple… The ten participants will start in the ring… However… Falls will count ANYWHERE… and the match will be contested under IRON MAN rules… For 30 minutes, the two teams will batter and bludgeon each other, making pins and submissions, and racking up points… The team with the most points will WIN… The losing team… will be SUSPENDED from 21CW for one month…!! Allowing the winners to grow in the next four weeks, without the other team in their way… With the ‘London Calling’ Pay-Per-View six weeks away, it could be a game changer…



With Edward Cornell out of action, we started this match with all nine men in the ring. The four members of the House of Business stood on one side of the ring, and Joss Thompson’s five stood on the other. Mark Adonis grabbed a microphone, and confirmed that he HAD found a partner to join his team and once again referred to him as a 'Hulk' of a man. He turned everyone’s attention to the stage, but then all the lights went out!! When they came back on, BEAST BANTOM had moved across the ring, and was stood alongside Adonis, Doomsday, Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones! Everyone on Joss’s team were stunned, especially Beast’s tag team partner Roly Muckletruck!! There was a moment where it seemed he was going to attack Adonis from the side. But he didn’t, he watched as the four men on each side ran at each other, and fought in the opening all-out brawl. Things opened up, and it left Roly and Beast as the only two men in the ring. Roly was asking Beast ‘why’ as they circled each other, but Beast gave no answer. Instead, he flew at his tag team partner, putting it beyond doubt that he was Team House of Business.

The middle portion of the match saw Beast become the difference maker for his team. Absolutely Flawless and Cool and Stones pair off, while Adonis fought Thompson, and they all had Doomsday for back-up. But when Beast came around to find Lance and Kelly Martin on the stage, he hit a double spear on both of them. He then powerbombed them individually, before pinning them both one at a time, to go 2-0 up for his team. In the ring, Joss Thompson hit his ‘Clean Cutter’ (RKO) on Adonis, and despite being at a man disadvantage, managed to pull one back for his team. Roly Muckletruck went on a rampage too, knocking Doomsday out with a stiff lariat, and following it up with his Full Nelson around 10 rows deep in the crowd. One of the many referees were on hand to watch Doomsday tap out to make it 2-2. Bantom continued his reign of terror though, and he soon put Roly down on the ramp with his ‘Savage Pounce’ finisher, and then piled Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones on top of his former tag team partner, and there was no way he’d be able to kick out.

3-2 to the House of Business, and as the match wore on, the various pairings brawled all over the arena. Doomsday and Roly found themselves surrounded by fans, up by the souvenir stands. After a brief brawl, the two Scots went through a table together. We cut to the two tag teams, where Absolutely Flawless gained control over Cool and Stones in the locker room! They managed to score a pin on Cool, when Lance hit his ‘Body Rocker’ Flying European Uppercut. Now 3-3, but in the ring was where things changed. Adonis was in trouble against Joss Thompson, who was valiantly fighting despite the numbers advantage. Joss got into position, and hit his ‘Clean Cutter’ once again. However, Beast Bantom slid into the ring from behind Joss and locked in the ‘Beast Bear Hug’. The crowd chanted loudly, as the clock began to tick down with just two minutes to go, and the scored tied. Absolutely Flawless slowly crawled down the ramp towards the ring to try and save Joss from the brutal hold. They were cut off by Doomsday, Cool and Stones though. Roly Muckletruck made his way through the crowd, but as he got to the guard rail, Mark Adonis clocked him in the face with his Tire Thumper!! Joss had been in the Bear Hug for a long time, but he refused to tap out!! Adonis climbed into the ring, and hit Joss in the kidneys, over and over again, until ‘The Complete Package’ HAD to tap!!

The House of Business made it 4-3 with seconds to spare!! And now Joss Thompson, Lance and Kelly Martin and Roly Muckletruck will be SUSPENDED from 21CW for one month!!





After the wild Fight To End All Fights, we cut backstage, to where Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn caught up with BW Eddie – who owes them a lot of money…!!

Beau Boulder 2.jpgDarin Flynn 2.jpg BW Eddie 2.jpg

He tried to run, but they decked him… and dragged him out to the parking lot…!! They began to stuff him in the boot of their car, when a siren came on an unmarked police car, which had just pulled alongside them…!! Out stepped the very attractive Police Constable from United… who tutted at the two ‘detectives’…


She opened her rear passenger door, and out stepped the 21CW UK Champion: Viktor Beskov… and she told him to “go get him”… referring to Antithesis…!!


It was for the best that Beskov didn’t see who was in Boulder and Flynn’s boot, so the Police Constable waited for Beskov to march towards the ring before instructing them to let BW Eddie out… Eddie shoved Boulder into Flynn, and then attempted to flee the scene… the Police Constable delivered a timely hip toss… locking a handcuff on to Eddie’s wrist as he landed…!!

Attractive Police Constable: “So… I hear this chap owes you money…?!”





Viktor Beskov was arrested on United this past week, for destroying Fire Extinguishers. He did that because a few weeks ago, Antithesis stuffed one in his face and set it off while he was sleeping (while getting his beard trimmed), causing him to miss weeks of action. While he was out recovering, Antithesis destroyed Beskov’s best friend Yuri Iliakov’s leg, and he’s now out for months. So Beskov was here to not only defend his Championship, but also to get revenge on Antithesis. It was a back and forth brawl, but one which both men relished. For the finish, the referee caught a stray elbow from Antithesis, and struggled to see. He had to get a bit of treatment at ringside, and Antithesis saw his chance. He slid out of the ring, and pulled out a Fire Extinguisher, before spraying it in Viktor Beskov’s face as he leant out through the ropes!! As the dust cleared though, Beskov revealed he was wearing a GAS MASK, and was completely unaffected by the spray! He locked in his ‘Red Devil Lock’ (Lifted Arm Hook), and Antithesis tapped furiously (as best he could!)





Another wild match in the bag… and the next one promised to be just as wild as the first two… Aldous Blackfriar and Jonathan Faust on the SAME SIDE… teaming against a Mystery Tag Team… Described by 21CW Owner Jeff Nova as HUGE stars from the United States Tag Team scene… coming to 21CW as a favour to him, as part of their Retirement Tour…!!

And that Mystery Team was revealed as…






Incredible to see Java and Tribal Warrior on these shores, and they didn’t disappoint. The 47 year olds looked like they hadn’t missed a step, as they ran around the ring, and slammed into their thrown together opponents. Aldous and Faust actually showed good chemistry out there though (OOC Note: they got the “good chemistry when teaming” note in game!! So that might be something I explore further...). Their timing was impeccable, and the speed they performed at was hard for the two big men to keep up with. Their combined age is 94, and their combined weight is nearly 700lbs, so they couldn’t cope once Aldous picked up the pace. He ended up passing Java to Faust to hit the ‘Devil’s Drop’ Inverted DDT to pick up a massive win, against two of the greats.



The crowd gave Java and Tribal Warrior a standing ovation, and they even stayed around to shake the hands of, and endorse, Aldous Blackfriar and Jonathan Faust…




Backstage, Melanie Florence was walking and looking for a scoop… when Leo Price came around the corner…

Melanie Florence 3.jpg Leo Price.jpg

Florence asked Price the question on everyone’s mind… With Joss Thompson, Absolutely Flawless and Roly Muckletruck suspended for the next month… where does this leave Price…?!

Leo Price: “I don’t know what to say to you right now, Melanie… Beast Bantom is a TRAITOR…!! I should… I shoulda seen it coming…!!”

Price blamed himself, but there was nothing he could do… All of his friends are not going to be around for a month… which makes him extremely vulnerable…





The shortest match of the night saw Adam Matravers stand up for the little man. He stood across the ring from the biggest, baddest, man on the United roster, and didn’t flinch. When the fighting started, Matravers used all of his quickness and experience to hop around the ring, and stay out of Grave Digger’s clutches. However, it was only a matter of time before Grave Digger got his hands on his prey – particularly with The Black Hats all lurking at ringside. The three big men wore their hats, and masks, and paraded around the ring – never stopping moving. Matravers took his eye off Grave Digger for a split second, and the giant was on him. From then on, ‘Mile High’ could barely breathe. He was tossed around the ring like timber, and eventually put away with the ‘R.I.P’ Piledriver in Grave Digger’s biggest victory to date – by far!



Everyone was a little bit in shock after seeing Adam Matravers lose like that… Grave Digger stood victorious over the fallen hero, as his Black Hats stood beside him as perhaps the most dominant faction 21CW has ever seen…!! But worryingly for the United Roster... they're just getting started...

Grave Digger 2.jpgCompton 3.jpgBlackheart 3.jpgLangton 3.jpg




Up next, we learned of a special match scheduled for United this week…

Sebastian Koller 2.jpg Joey Beauchamp Suit.jpg

Two mega stars of European Wrestling over the past decade: ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller… and ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp will do battle for the first time in 21CW… Should be an instant classic between two of the most talented performers on the roster…





Four legendary competitors doing battle here, so as expected the pace was slow and deliberate. Wilson and Dragon started well, keeping Jase Cole and Christopher Lister separate, and isolating Cole in their corner. The highly-decorated Australian was up against two of the best English wrestlers of their generation, and the crowd were fully behind them both. But when Cole started to fight back into it, the crowd got behind him too. Somehow, he made It to Lister, who came in like a steam train. Lister and Dragon’s section here was the fastest of the match as they battled back and forth with kicks and springboards, and they both ducked and dodged each other’s offence. Lister was able to catch Dragon right under the jaw with a superkick though, and from then on, the masked flier couldn’t get out the blocks. Cole and Lister did a number on Clifford Wilson, not allowing the legend to get in, and in the end they double-drop kicked him off the apron, before Lister hit his ‘A-Lister’ (Skull Crushing Finale) and Kenobi High scored a historic victory!!



With tears in their eyes, Jase Cole and Christopher Lister were handed the Championships by the referee…!!

Jase Cole Champ.jpgChristopher Lister Champ.jpg

Lister dropped down to his knees, and clutched the Belt closely, while Cole stood over his best friend and cried into his… Wilson and Dragon regained their composure, and there was a nice embrace, handshake, and show of mutual respect between the four of them… A really wholesome moment for the fans, and everyone that has supported British, European and Tag Team wrestling over the last 20 years… But ultimately… United has NEW United Tag Team Champions…!!




In something of a less than wholesome moment… former 21CW World Champion Edward Cornell made his way onto the stage in his suit… as the crowd booed him out of the building… There were a few cheers early on, until he started doing his usual arrogant act, and ignored young fans… even ripping up a sign from one couple in the front row that read ‘Cornell Fears Muckletruck’…!!


Cornell motioned that he was going to join the announce team, so Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell, and to a lesser extent – Jeff Nova, moved up and made some space… Des even grabbed an extra desk chair for him… But once they were ready, he turned his back on them… Instead pulling out a ticket from his pocket… and revealing that he was going to be sitting right in the corner, in the front row…!!


Martin Bloydell: “Man I hate that guy…!!”

Jeff Nova: “Aiii ah know, Marty… Bo’ as moch as ah hate ta’ admit et… He’s good for business… People wanna see him get his arse kicked… and they’ll pay ta see it…!!”


As the announce team spoke about the situation, Phillip Cooper made his entrance for our Main Event…!!



Four and a half months ago, Apollo Prince and Phillip Cooper lost a tag team match against then Champions: Absolutely Flawless. The following week on United, they brawled, and it lead to Cooper ripping Prince’s shirt. Prince retaliated, by stealing one of Cooper’s hats, and flushing it down the toilet!! Since then, they’ve hated each other. Cooper WON 51% of Prince’s Shampoo business: ‘Shampollo’, only for Prince to reveal that the company donates it’s profits to charity, and that ‘Cooper Man’ would be worth nothing as majority owner. At Partners In Crime, the two had an epic Fight At The Factory Match, in which Prince walked out victorious and won his company back! This match almost ended early for Cooper, as Prince HIT his ‘Apollogy’ Inverted Bulldog, and Cooper somehow squirmed his shoulder out from under him, and up to the sky!! That move had put Cooper away a handful of times this year, but not this soon into a BIG Main Event. Cooper was embarrassed to have been caught out so early on, but he soon gained the upper hand with some well-placed knees to Prince’s gut.

The match took a dark turn soon after Cooper’s dominance began to take its toll on Prince. The two men brawled to the outside of the ring, and Cooper flew at his rival, while he was stood against the corner post, aiming to crush his back on the post. However, Prince not only side-stepped him, but he also swiped Cooper forward, and he hit his face on the post! ‘Cooper Man’ sprayed a lot of blood from a deep wound above his eyebrow, and the people in the front row of that corner – including Edward Cornell got a disgusting up close and personal look at the crimson mask that Cooper began to wear. From then on there was no way back for Cooper. Prince hit some high-impact moves, including an awesome swinging DDT. However, his high-flying moves were the real highlight, and difference makers. The true difference maker of course, was Cooper’s blood loss. He took a few sips of the referee’s bottle of water as the match wore on, but in the end, Apollo hit his ‘Apollogy’ Inverted Bulldog one more time, and this time Cooper couldn’t kick out!



Edward Cornell was almost the first man to his feet when Prince’s finishing move saw off Phillip Cooper… but not to give Prince a standing ovation, but to leave the ringside area… he’d seen enough… That didn’t bother Prince though, he was elated to once again overcome his greatest rival to date: Cooper…!!

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The blood on Cooper was ridiculous… and Prince knew his rival had been through a war… He decided to wait for ‘Cooper Man’ to rise to his feet, and then offer a handshake as a show of respect… Cooper took an age to accept it, but then finally reached out and slapped Prince’s hand in more of a ‘high five’ kind of way… He nodded a nod of respect to the Champ, and then exited the ring… clapping the fans as he left…

Prince meanwhile, stood on the second rope in the corner, lifting his Championship high into the air and pointing out to the fans who love him…!! Great feel good way to end the show… The last two matches certainly sent the fans home happy, and made up for Adam Matravers getting crushed by Grave Digger, and Beast Bantom turning his back on Roly Muckletruck and his team…!!




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Fell behind on a few shows there (think it was only 2), but I'm back again, ready to give my usual PPV in depth analysis. 


Firstly, I loved the graphics. Thought they were one of your best, really loved them. Like 21CW has a really weird naming system for their shows (London Calling, Partners in Crime, The Online Onslaught) but this worked well. 


Okay, Beast Bantom as a heel I can get behind. This match opened him up for a really fun feud with Joss, which I actually love the idea of. I like the way you booked the match, HOB take control and the faces fight from underneath. Thought a lot of dudes came out looking great from this match. Beast, Joss, Adonis. Great job. It did suffer a little from no Eddie, but at the same time, it kinda worked, the head honcho hiding behind (although a legit one) injury, letting the lackey's deal with them and deal they did. 


Yeah, Beskov was never losing this and Antithesis needs to move on. Fun match with the gas mask and so on but Beskov needs a real feud to make him (Cooper might work) and Antithesis could have more interesting stuff going on, without the belt. 


Savage Fury in the UK. Cool, but the right men won. I'd like a Faust/Aldous/Antithesis stable. They'd make a great dynamic. However, nice to see Java and Warrior and a good win for the two lads. 


Of all the guys to job, Matravers wouldn't be my choice. Sure, he's passed his sell by date but what a worker. I get it though, Grave Digger is the future (New Generation something something) but still I'd boo. 


KENOBI HIGH ARE TAG CHAMPS!!!!!!!! That is all.... Nah, they're great, seriously underrated talents that could have been singles stars if the European scene wasn't an absolute mess. 


Thought it was weird you went with Cooper given the feud they had but they put on a very solid main event and if these two lads keep going the way they have been, they'll be stars for years for 21CW. 


Overall, a fun show. Fun to see who will be next for Prince. Where Matravers goes from here and the HOB. Good times upcoming. 




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3 hours ago, DAVEFAN95 said:

Firstly, I loved the graphics. Thought they were one of your best, really loved them. Like 21CW has a really weird naming system for their shows (London Calling, Partners in Crime, The Online Onslaught) but this worked well. 


Okay, Beast Bantom as a heel I can get behind. This match opened him up for a really fun feud with Joss, which I actually love the idea of. I like the way you booked the match, HOB take control and the faces fight from underneath. Thought a lot of dudes came out looking great from this match. Beast, Joss, Adonis. Great job. It did suffer a little from no Eddie, but at the same time, it kinda worked, the head honcho hiding behind (although a legit one) injury, letting the lackey's deal with them and deal they did. 


Yeah, Beskov was never losing this and Antithesis needs to move on. Fun match with the gas mask and so on but Beskov needs a real feud to make him (Cooper might work) and Antithesis could have more interesting stuff going on, without the belt. 


Savage Fury in the UK. Cool, but the right men won. I'd like a Faust/Aldous/Antithesis stable. They'd make a great dynamic. However, nice to see Java and Warrior and a good win for the two lads. 


Of all the guys to job, Matravers wouldn't be my choice. Sure, he's passed his sell by date but what a worker. I get it though, Grave Digger is the future (New Generation something something) but still I'd boo. 


KENOBI HIGH ARE TAG CHAMPS!!!!!!!! That is all.... Nah, they're great, seriously underrated talents that could have been singles stars if the European scene wasn't an absolute mess. 


Thought it was weird you went with Cooper given the feud they had but they put on a very solid main event and if these two lads keep going the way they have been, they'll be stars for years for 21CW. 


Overall, a fun show. Fun to see who will be next for Prince. Where Matravers goes from here and the HOB. Good times upcoming. 

Thanks man, lots to reply to - which is awesome :) Love feedback like this.

Thanks for the nod on the graphics - I went 'Fight Club' vibes, and named the show Fight Night in honour of Sheamus :)

You're right about it lacking Eddie - but I had to do something unique to cover his injury. I also feel like if it stayed 5 on 5, the heels would lose. Returning Joss, former Tag Champs Absolutely Flawless, Beast and Roly who are huge, and just won the Cornell Cup - it was a strong babyface team on paper.

Antithesis is the kind of heel I can pick up and drop into any programme, at any time. He's a chaos merchant, who loves his fire extinguishers! Right now, he doesn't fit alongside Faust and Aldous - but never say never. Beskov needs a bigger feud for sure - and I like the Cooper idea a lot actually. 

Matravers - I'm sorry dude. Everything you said there is fine with me though :D He's a babyface, you'd boo the heel for squashing him, it's ideal really. That said, I do have plans for him - he's one of my favourites of all time.

Kenobi High are so talented! I always loved their gimmick, and remember them in my first save ever on TEW (maybe 2010 or 2008 or something?) I think you'll like what happens to them next ;)

I think it was kind of a 'final match' between Prince and Cooper, if that makes sense? Cooper's work raised Prince to Main Event level, and lead to his Title win - so Cooper deserved the title shot in a way? As a reward. This was only their second PPV 1 on 1 match - after the Fight At the Factory. They've fought 3 times on United too though.

Overall, thank you for the comments. Much appreciated, and glad to have you back!

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Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 22, Week 1, July 2020

The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare and Ruin

Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

‘The Irish Stretching Machine [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

Gorilla Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] Lone Wolf

Nate Manchester [vs] ????

‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson

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The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare and Ruin

Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

‘The Irish Stretching Machine [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

Gorilla Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] Lone Wolf

Nate Manchester [vs] ????

‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson

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Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 22, Week 1, July 2020

The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare and Ruin

The Underdogs have been on a bit of a losing run, and I expect the match they turn it around in to be a bigger stage than Nightmare & Ruin (no offence meant to Nightmare & Ruin of cousre...)

Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

Sifu has always struck me as a tag guy, whereas Leigh Burton has been up rubbing shoulders with your top guys

‘The Irish Stretching Machine [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

I'm assuming this is Merle O'Curle? Anyhow, you don't seem to rate Stoat, so voting against him.

Gorilla Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf got his first win the other week, but I don't expect him to add to it here

Nate Manchester [vs] ????

I was very tempted by ??? here, but I feel like you've had a lot of debuts recently so I'm playing it safe

‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson

Wade Orson is one of your top guys, whereas Andrew Lee is a project. You could well strap the rocket to Lee, but I feel Orson is more valuable to you right now

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Glad you enjoyed the review. Life has been kicking my ass lately and I've struggled to make it onto the boards, especially mid week but here I am back predicting.

Nightmare and Ruin

The Squash


Think he needs to win, has been a jobber tothe stars lately

Merle O Curle

Yeah Stoat has been a guy to build other dudes, even if Merle is older

Gorilla Lee

Always pick the Familee


I'll go squiggles. I think this is a big debut to mix up the main event scene. 


As much as I rate Andrew Lee, he shouldn't win this one. Not clean anyway, I could see some shenanigans like a dq or draw, but I'll give Orson the W

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The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare and Ruin

Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

‘The Irish Stretching Machine [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

Gorilla Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] Lone Wolf

Nate Manchester [vs] ????

‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson

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11 hours ago, DAVEFAN95 said:

Glad you enjoyed the review. Life has been kicking my ass lately and I've struggled to make it onto the boards, especially mid week but here I am back predicting.

Sorry to hear that buddy. Always around if you need a DM chat. 2024 has so far been hard for us too - could do with a bunch of money just landing in my lap out of nowhere to be honest. And my sons to both stop picking up bugs / illnesses etc.

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14 hours ago, The Lloyd said:

Sorry to hear that buddy. Always around if you need a DM chat. 2024 has so far been hard for us too - could do with a bunch of money just landing in my lap out of nowhere to be honest. And my sons to both stop picking up bugs / illnesses etc.

Thanks for that, same here for you. It's not all bad in that I'm getting some good opportunites as well but it's just overwhelmed with everything at the moment. Sucks about the bugs/illnesses, has one back in esrly January myself, it's awful. I'm sure things will turn good for both us down the road. 👍

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On 2/25/2024 at 8:35 PM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

‘The Irish Stretching Machine [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

I'm assuming this is Merle O'Curle? Anyhow, you don't seem to rate Stoat, so voting against him.

I did indeed mean Merle :D Not sure how I made that error, but you all got the idea :D 

I actually do rate Stoat... but he's a solid 44 year old mid-carder with some previous cred and strong popularity in the UK, rather than anything special. He was a no-brainer of a signing when I began this, for my 'sand box' style... in cannon, he quit because Pitbull Brown was booking him to lose all the time... awwwkwaaaard...

On 2/27/2024 at 8:35 AM, DAVEFAN95 said:


As much as I rate Andrew Lee, he shouldn't win this one. Not clean anyway, I could see some shenanigans like a dq or draw, but I'll give Orson the W

Agreed. I really like Andrew (and the Lee FamiLee), but Andrew in particular has a strong character and good skills. He's 26, he doesn't need to be Main Eventing just yet though. Plenty of time on that one, and his stable is helping him improve really nicely. My aim is to have the four of them (all under 29) be so beloved, that when one turns on the other three, you'll all HATE him... Right now, I'm so into booking them as a 'family unit' that I haven't decided which will turn, or when, so it's a long-term stable for now ;) 

Just realised, Apollo Prince is only 24... so Andrew isn't 'that' young... but Prince is a special case in my books.

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On 2/28/2024 at 11:30 AM, DAVEFAN95 said:

Thanks for that, same here for you. It's not all bad in that I'm getting some good opportunites as well but it's just overwhelmed with everything at the moment. Sucks about the bugs/illnesses, has one back in esrly January myself, it's awful. I'm sure things will turn good for both us down the road. 👍

I hear you mate. Good stuff can be overwhelming / time consuming / tiring too. I have a great tip for anyone who's feeling down in the dumps if anyone ever needs it... I call it 'THE LIST THING'... It's a working title... :D

I heard there's a 100-Day Cough bug thing... I think I've had it 7 times in a row or so... Feel like I've been ill for about 2 years now.

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21CW Presents:

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Episode 22

Wednesday, Week 1, July 2020


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Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley


Overall Rating: 67




We opened the show with clips from Loxley Robbins and Vicki Company’s wedding from a couple of weeks ago…

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Nobody has seen or heard from Loxley since he was screwed over by Blake Belushi… who stole his fiancé, on their wedding day, and stabbed him in the back… Artemis and Thurston then put him through a table… his night couldn’t have gone any worse… No news at all on when or if he’ll be back to Kingdom television… But when we came back live, we opened this show with tag team action…





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The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare & Ruin

Fun opener here, as Joe Simpson and Michael X battled two men that were double their size! It was a fairly routine win for Nightmare and Ruin, who crushed The Underdogs and picked up a momentum building victory when Ruin hit his ‘Fold Up Powerbomb’ on Simpson.





In the back, Tommy Cornell and Buff Martinez, who was still in a sling, were arguing inside Colin Chalke’s office…

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Tommy Cornell: “Leapfrogging me to a Title shot, ey…?!”

Buff Martinez: “I’m entitled to a re-match, and choo know it…!!”

Tommy Cornell: “Oh yeah…?! How’s the arm doin’, son…?!”

Buff Martinez: “Maybe ah’ll show choo in tha ring…?!”

Tommy Cornell: “Be my guest… I won’t make it hurt a bit… I’ll make it hurt a LOT…!!”

Buff Martinez: “It’ll hurt a lot… when I BEAT choo…!!”

Colin Chalke had had enough, and he shouted at the arguing pair… he said they both have a legitimate claim for a Title shot… and he could think of only ONE way, that the number one contender was named in a fair way… He told the bickering pair that he would finalise some details, and then see them both in the ring later tonight…!!




Elsewhere backstage, Alfonso D’Angelo was addressing his own comments form last week, where he challenged Buck Winchester to a singles match, after ‘Cowboy’ turned his back on their friendship, and joined The Booth…


Alfonso D’Angelo: “I meant what I said… I want… Buck… Winchester… at WICKED!!”

Alfonso was about to leave the scene, when suddenly he was jumped by The Booth… with Buck Winchester and DJ Reason barking orders…!! While Grandmaster Phunk and Dangermouth laid the boots in, ‘Cowboy’ shouted at his former friend…

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Buck Winchester: “Oh you don’t want NONE o’ this, boyyy…!! But I’ll tell you what, partna… Beat Grandmaster Phunk here, nex’ week on Kingdom… an’ you an’ I can do our lil’ dance… whaddya say…?!”

Buck said he couldn’t hear Alfonso’s reply, and laughed… because the youngster was badly beaten up, and no doubt bruised from the encounter… ‘Cowboy’ said he’d see ‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ next week… when Phunk is going to make an example out of him…




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‘The Quiet One’ Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton

As the old saying goes: It’s always ‘The Quiet Ones’ you need to watch, and tonight was no different. Sifu calmly went about his business early on, and then for the middle portion of the match, was totally dominated, and didn’t have a lick of offence. For the closing moments though, he came alive again, and Burton couldn’t handle the buzzsaw. In the end, Burton’s partner and fellow Tag Team Champion: Landon Mallory hit the ring. His arrival distracted Sifu, and allowed Burton to hit his running knee strike.





In the men’s locker room, Kevin Jones and Jeremy Allen were talking business… specifically… Monkey Business…!!

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Allen said he enjoyed their victory last week, where they returned to their ‘roots’ as a tag team… The ‘Shane Hannigans’, and ‘Tom Foolery’ tactics, seemed to get under the skin of the dangerous Nightmare and Ruin, and they picked up a big win against the big men… Allen suggested they do it more often, and Jones seemed to be on board…!!




Next up, we learned that ‘D-B-F’ Daniel Black Francis, would be returning to Kingdom TV after a few weeks on the shelf…!!


Inexplicably, D-B-F showed up at Loxley Robbins’ Bucks Party (stag doo) in Prague, and tried to get a Championship re-match against the man who took his Title: Best Man, Blake Belushi… Belushi smashed a bottle over his head, and beat him up, before throwing a chair at him… and he was being treated out in Prague for his injuries… Next week though, Francis will address the assault, and confirm that he is one of a long list of Belushi enemies… He may have to get in line to get to the Australian…




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‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

10 years ago, this match would have Main Evented any pay-per-view. 15 years ago, both of these men were winning the Ring Of Fire Championship, and at the top of the company. Right now, both are just a few big wins away from returning to the top – despite their age. O’Curle got one of those big wins here, when he locked in his ‘Celtic Wreath’ (Standing Inverted Cloverleaf) and made Stoat tap out.





Backstage, Phil Harmonic and his group were shown watching their rival: Merle O’Curle win…

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Edison Silva was angry with Harmonic… because last week, in the six man, Harmonic didn’t choose Silva and Kelvin Badberry as his partners…!! And Harmonic was not happy… he SLAPPED Silva… causing the MMA fighter to fall backwards and hold his face…

Phil Harmonic: “How DARE you question me…!! I’ve beaten Merle O’Curle two weeks running… The two I chose was the RIGHT call, because we WON…!!”

Kelvin Badberry stood behind Harmonic, and Silva backed down… He was apologetic to ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’…




Next up, we found out that the BEDLAM / War Machine rivalry and Best of Seven Series would get it’s next and final instalment at Wicked…!!


Next week… on Kingdom… It’ll be Pick Your Poison, as BEDLAM and War Machine will choose opponents for their rivals…!! With the scores tied at 3-3… their match at Wicked will settle their series… and truly determine who the ‘Most Dangerous Man In Britain’ is…!!




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Gorilla Lee w/ Andrew Lee, JK Lee & Cousin Konrad [vs] Lone Wolf

Gorilla Lee is so much fun to watch. He batters his opponents with vicious power moves and strikes, but has a big smile on his face while he does it. Lone Wolf is 298lbs, but his offence bounced off the 461lb Gorilla Lee. He hit the ‘Mighty Avalanche’, where he stepped on Lone Wolf’s chest, and dropped down into a splash to win it!



The Lee FamiLee, including Cousin Konrad, remained in the ring, as they had an announcement to make…

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Gorilla Lee: “I know you’re all dying to hear from him… and since this announcement pertains to him… I give you… COUSIN… KONRAD…!!”

Cousin Konrad grabbed the microphone… and the crowd cheered the Swedish grappler loudly…!! The intense ‘Stone Cold Killer’ paused and let the crowd cheer and chant his name… before staring directly down the camera, and referencing the staredown he had with BEDLAM last week…!!

Cousin Konrad: “BEDLAM… One of these days… I come for you… But at Wicked… I make my 21CW debut… Watch…!!”




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‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Local Talent

Nate Manchester finally got his 1 on 1 match with a local talent, after trying for a few weeks, and he showed exactly what he’s capable of. He hit his ‘Manc-Sault’ to win it, after a dominant showing.





We saw a promo video next, showing the tag team known as The Welsh Wizards: Welsh Dragon and Aurelian Bradley…

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The video showed how different Dragon and Bradley are as in-ring competitors… Dragon flies around the ring, and makes everything look effortless… His high-flying and flashiness is second to none on the 21CW roster, but he does also possess technical skills… Aurelian Bradley on the other hand believes that one day he’ll be the greatest technical wrestler in the history of the UK… which is a tall task… At 22 and 18 respectively, the sky is the limit for Dragon and Bradley, as they continue their rise on Kingdom…




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‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson

Not the best Main Event ever, but Lee more than held his own out there, despite leaving the rest of the Lee FamiLee in the back. Orson is a recent World Heavyweight Champion, but he carries himself as a star, and wrestles like one too. Lee was beaten with the ‘Bounce Back’ (Pounce) in the end, and Orson stood over his fallen opponent with his arms spread wide as he looked up to the sky and the boos rained down. The boos soon turned to cheers though.



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Tommy Cornell arrived… and waited on the stage as the crowd cheered him loudly… Before Buff Martinez (still with a sling), Kathleen Lee, and Kingdom General Manager: Colin Chalke arrived alongside him…

Colin Chalke: “Orson… I’m out here to reveal your opponent for WICKED…!! Now… Tommy Cornell IS the rightful Number One Contender… However, Buff Martinez DOES have a legitimate claim for a RE-MATCH for his World Heavyweight Title… So here’s what we’re gonna do… At Wicked… If Buff Martinez IS cleared to compete… it’ll be a Triple Threat Match… If Buff is NOT cleared… Tommy Cornell gets his shot… and regardless of the winner, Buff’s re-match remains valid…!!”

Orson complained, but Chalke said he didn’t want to hear it… Cornell smiled and waved at Orson from the stage, while Buff and Kathleen Lee plotted… However, they didn’t see Orson’s friends: Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory arrive…!!

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Burton shoved Tommy Cornell, and he staggered and fell, and rolled down the ramp… Mallory kicked Buff Martinez low, dropping him down to a knee, before kicking his bad shoulder…!! Kathleen Lee was beside herself, and tried to protect Buff… but the damage was done with that one kick to the arm…!! Referees, officials, and Colin Chalke saw Burton and Mallory off, before Cornell could get his hands on them…




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Predictions for United, Episode 22, Week 1, July 2020 

???? [vs] ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ Mark Adonis w/ The House of Business

Evan Alpass & Cain Carlisle [vs] Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones w/ The House of Business

‘A Chance Against Chuck’
???? [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov [vs] J-B Cash

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp

Clifford Wilson [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper

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 ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ Mark Adonis w/ The House of Business

Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones w/ The House of Business

‘‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov 

‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller 

Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper

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