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21CW: The Land Of Second Chances

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‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ The Booth

Seems pretty obvious

‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] Lone Wolf

Coin flip. I do like Ricky Storm

Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley [vs] Nightmare & Ruin

Better team

‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic w/ Badberry & Silva

Think it's only right that Bdlam wins

Jeremy Allen w/ Kevin Jones [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

If it was Jones wrestling here, I'd go the other way

Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Leigh Burton & Landon Mallory

Cornell needs to beat the backups to be a threat to Wade

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On 3/17/2024 at 11:41 AM, DAVEFAN95 said:

Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley [vs] Nightmare & Ruin

Better team

 Really interested by this buddy. What makes you like Nightmare and Ruin as the better team?

On 3/16/2024 at 9:12 PM, The Blonde Bomber said:

‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ The Booth

‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] Lone Wolf

Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley [vs] Nightmare & Ruin

‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic w/ Badberry & Silva

Jeremy Allen w/ Kevin Jones [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Leigh Burton & Landon Mallory

Welcome along dude, thanks for reading / predicting. I offer (pretty average, but sometimes decent) prizes at the end of each month, and for the top scorer at each pay-per-view - normally it's a booking decision of some kind, so keep predicting ;) 

On 3/17/2024 at 9:24 AM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 24, Week 3, July 2020 

‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ The Booth

Dangermouth has more going on right now with The Booth


You justified everything brilliantly here my friend. 6/6 for this show for you, and there's now 2 points separating the top four in the prediction contest... Very tight at the top...


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21CW Presents:

21CW Alt Logo.jpg 21CW Kingdom.jpg

Episode 24

Wednesday, Week 3, July 2020


Steve Smith.jpgDane Rawley.jpg

Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley


Overall Rating: 71




With just 3 nights until WICKED, we opened the show with ‘Jilted’ Loxley Robbins… who was looking for answers…


Robbins was left at the alter by Vicki Company a number of weeks ago… and she’s since been revealed to be with his BEST MAN, Blake Belushi now… and he was here to call Blake out, to settle their blood feud… However, what he got instead, was another man who wanted revenge on Belushi… former National Champion Daniel Black Francis…


Daniel Black Francis: “Loxley… An enemy, of my enemy… is my friend… right, mon…?! So I say… We go after Belushi togedda…!!”

Loxley Robbins: “Daniel… You’re not my friend… Ya dig…?? I know you hate Belushi… but you don’t hate him on the same level I do… He took your Title… He took a month of your career… but he took EVERYTHING from me… So stay the heck outta my way…!!”

Daniel Black Francis: “Fine… I’ll admit… You hate Belushi more than me… but… it’s not a competition… You want answers… I want answers… So I say this… We go to WICKED… We go to the ring… and we BOTH call Belushi out… If he doesn’t come… we BOTH go looking for him… and we work together to take out The Brat Pack… and we BOTH beat the answers we want out of him… Once we’re done… me and you can always continue our beef another time…”

‘D-B-F’ outstretched a hand… but Loxley refused it… instead leaving the ring and heading to the back… The crowd like both men right now, but there’s a lot of tension between them…




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‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ The Booth

A strange first few weeks for Nate Manchester on Kingdom, has seen him turn his fortunes around and pick up 2 wins in his last 2 matches. However, tonight, Dangermouth had a lot of help from DJ Reason and co, and picked up a win with his ‘Flatliner’ (F5).





In the Men’s locker room, Gorilla Lee was shown picking up a note left in his bag… which he read to himself…


Gorilla Lee: “Okay... "Hey... big... man… Come to the roof… We’re having a BBQ…!!" Oohhhhhh baby…!!”

Gorilla threw the note down… his mouth watering… and he jogged to the staircase… The camera man followed him up two flights of stairs, and he was out on the roof… a little out of breath… He shouted “Gimme them burgers…!!” but suddenly, the door to the roof slammed behind him… He suddenly realised he’d been LOCKED up on the roof… and worse than that… there was NO BBQ…!! He felt around in his pockets for his phone, but the camera cut away to reveal he’d left it next to his bag, and the note that was left for him… Just then, a hand reached down and grabbed the phone and the note… destroying the evidence, and stealing Gorilla’s phone…!!




Next up, the long awaited return to in-ring action of ‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm…!!


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‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] Lone Wolf

Over a month on the shelf, but back just in time for him and Sifu’s Tag Team Title shot this coming Saturday at WICKED. Lone Wolf was the perfect warm-up for his Title shot, because although he hit hard and had Storm in trouble a couple of times, the tag team specialist was largely able to have his way with the youngster – eventually winning it with his ‘Storm Bringer’ German Suplex.





Next up, we got a video package, showing the win/loss record of ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle…


Merle has a very impressive singles match record of 6 and 2 since returning to 21CW… He may have lost to ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson last week… but Orson’s the 21CW World Heavyweight Champion for a reason…!! Merle has been extremely impressive since coming ‘home’… and he’ll be back in action next week, after WICKED…




In the back, a panicked JK Lee and Andrew Lee ran in to see Buff Martinez, who was getting some treatment on his shoulder…!!

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Andrew Lee: “Buff… Buff… We just got a bunch of calls from Gorilla (Lee), and a text message… He and Auntie Kathy (Kathleen Lee) were in a car accident…!!”

Buff tried to scramble to his feet, but the Lees told him to stay put… He has a big match to prepare for tonight, where he has to prove he’s capable of competing at WICKED for the World Heavyweight Title…!! They said they’d head off in a car now, and keep him updated…!! He thanked them, and sent them on their way… before returning to his treatment, with tears in his eyes hoping Gorilla, and more importantly his manager: Kathleen Lee, were okay…

The TV audience knew though… that Gorilla was trapped on the roof of the building…

Someone was up to something…




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Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley [vs] Nightmare & Ruin

Fun match here, and a complete clash of styles. Nightmare and Ruin like to bludgeon their opponents, and while it worked on the technical wizard, who likes to get in close, Aurelian Bradley – they couldn’t catch the wild and fast Welsh Dragon and get close enough to him to hurt him. In the end, Bradley got plenty of rest, and Dragon made Nightmare blow up. Exhausted, Nightmare allowed ‘The Master of the Old School’ to come back in, and make Nightmare tap to his Figure Four!



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The announce team reminded us that Welsh Dragon and Aurelian Bradley’s win means they’ll join The Lee FamiLee… The Underdogs… and The Booth in a Fatal-4-Way Tag Team Match at WICKED this coming Saturday… The winners will be the next in line for a Title shot against either Ricky Storm and Sifu… or the current Champs: Landon Mallory and Leigh Burton… who will also square off at WICKED…




On the way to the ring after a commercial break, Kelvin Badberry and Phil Harmonic were arguing… and Edison Silva was staying out of it… When the group got to the ring, Harmonic grabbed a microphone…

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Phil Harmonic: “So you’re sayin’… War Machine came and spoke to ya… and asked you to be his ‘Poison’ against BEDLAM… and there was no way for you to say no…!? Fine… But even if I believe that… WHICH I DON’T… Why didn’t you beat BEDLAM…?!”

Kelvin Badberry: “Well… He’s ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’…”

Harmonic got in Badberry’s face at this point… and raised his voice…

Phil Harmonic: “I’M THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN BRITAIN…!! You’re 6’ 5”… 325lbs… Where’s your b******s…?! I’d have beaten BEDLAM… You need to step up… because I can’t keep carrying this entire unit…”

Before he could finish… BEDLAM’s music hit… and ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ headed onto the stage… He soaked in the cheers from the fans, and then strolled to the ring with a microphone…


BEDLAM: “If you think beatin’ me is so easy, BOY… why don’t you do it…?!”

BEDLAM slammed the microphone down, and Phil Harmonic… to his immense credit… gladly accepted the challenge…!!


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‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic w/ Badberry & SIlva

Harmonic was fired up for this one, until he ran head first into a lariat from BEDLAM to kick the match off. From that moment on, ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ never fully regained his balance, and hit very little offense. Late on in the match, BEDLAM suffered a bruised pectoral muscle, following a dropkick from Harmonic. The bruise came out instantly, and BEDLAM was clearly hurt by it. It didn’t stop him locking in his ‘Mind Strangler’ (seated choke) and winning this one comfortably though.





Buff Martinez was doing some stretches and checking his phone constantly, backstage next… when up walked Kathleen Lee…!!!!

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Buff, excited to see his manager up and absolutely fine following her car crash, embraced her as if he didn’t think he’d ever see her again… The relief swept across his face… but she was extremely confused… She asked why Buff was so happy… and sad… to see her…

Buff Martinez: “Becoss, choo and Gorilla, were in a car accident, no…?!”

Kathleen Lee: “Whatt…?! No…?! What are you talking about…?!”

Buff Martinez: “JK and Andrew got the call… well… the text… to say that choo… and Gorilla… and… they left already to come an’ find you…!!”

Kathleen and Buff realised in that moment, that someone was playing them… JK and Andrew never actually spoke to Gorilla… but nobody has seen him in the building tonight… They began to question things… before agreeing that they need to find the big man… and Cousin Konrad… immediately…!!




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Jeremy Allen w/ Kevin Jones [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

Short but hard-hitting match here. Allen moves slowly, but hits like a rhino, and Buck Winchester did well to avoid that for the most part. He hit a number of lariats, as he always does, one in particular spun Allen all the way around (like Rikishi sold them sometimes). ‘Cowboy’ won it with his neckbreaker onto knee at around 5 minutes.





In the men’s locker room, Cousin Konrad was on the phone…


He told whoever he was talking to (Kathleen Lee or Buff Martinez] that he was fine… in the building… and ready to accompany Buff in tonight’s Tag Team Main Event…

Cousin Konrad: “No, I haven’t seen Gorilla at all… His bags are here though, so he must be somewhere… Listen… I’ll keep trying JK… you try Andrew… and… hey… I’ll call you back…”

Konrad hung up… because he was confronted by Buff’s opponents in the next match and Main Event… Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory…!!

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‘The Stone Cold Killer’ is yet to debut in the ring in 21CW… he kicks off his career this Saturday at WICKED… but despite this, it’s clear he’s a dangerous man, who doesn’t back down from anyone… He probably should have backed down here… but despite being down 2 to 1… he didn’t make it easy for Burton and Mallory… They kicked his mid-section over and over again when they finally got him down, before Wade Orson arrived on the scene…


Wade Orson: “We gotta go, guys…!! We gotta get you to the ring… HEY… Konrad… Enjoy your lay down, cuzz…!! Hahahaaaa…!!”

Orson instructed Burton to lock the door… and they locked Konrad in the room… lying on the floor, holding his ribs…!!




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Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Leigh Burton & Landon Mallory

All four members of The Lee FamiLee were taken out of the equation tonight, and none of them made it to ringside for the match! It’s unclear if any of them would have been out there anyway, apart from Cousin Konrad who said he would be, but was then attacked and locked in a room! This left Buff Martinez, injured shoulder and all, with Kathleen Lee for back-up, and Tommy Cornell – one of his opponents at WICKED this weekend, as his partner! They gelled well in the end, having a common enemy in Wade Orson and his two sadistic friends Burton and Mallory. For the finish though, there was a small amount of tension. Cornell hit his ‘Guilt Trip’ Russian Leg Sweep on Mallory, but Buff tagged himself in! Cornell allowed it, and Buff hit his ‘El K.O’ spinning back fist to win the match – even thought Cornell’s finish wins 99.9% of matches anyway!



Cornell and Buff didn’t get time to have any serious beef though, because at the conclusion of the match, Wade Orson slid into the ring, and clocked Buff in the shoulder with his 21CW World Heavyweight Championship Belt…!!

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Leigh Burton and Orson then jumped Cornell… as Buff writhed in pain… This was clearly the type of attack the Lee FamiLee would normally have come and gotten in front of… but the two fan favourites seemingly had no one… Until…


COUSIN KONRAD’s music hit… ‘The Stone Cold Killer’ stumbled out from the back, holding his ribs and carrying a steel chair… He pointed at Burton and Orson… and told them he was going to kick their teeth in… Orson reacted by sending Burton out to meet him on the ramp…

Konrad was ready for Burton… He kicked him in the gut, and then smashed the chair over his back… Landon Mallory was recovering from the ‘Guilt Trip’ and the ‘El K.O’ on the outside of the ring, and Konrad slammed into him… sending the South African flying into the ring steps… Konrad then stepped onto the apron and pointed at Orson…

The ‘Awesome’ World Heavyweight Champion waited for the perfect moment to slither out of the ring… leaving a fired up, but clearly hurt, Cousin Konrad to pick up two more hurt competitors in Tommy Cornell and Buff Martinez…

The show ended with Konrad and co. with the higher ground… and the weapon… as Orson and his friends regrouped on the safety of the ramp…



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45 minutes ago, The Lloyd said:

 Really interested by this buddy. What makes you like Nightmare and Ruin as the better team?

Saying that they are the "better team" is the wrong way to word it. I feel Nightmare and Ruin fit each other better. One of the things I dislike in wrestling are two guys just put together as a team without an actual tag team gimmick or dynamic. I get that Welsh Dragon and Aurelian Bradley are Welsh and thats the gimmick and that works but they are so different, it's hard for me to see them as an actual tag team while Nightmare and Ruin seem like a more natural paring in their portrayal. It's probably Dragon's lucha mask thats the reason. 

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23 hours ago, DAVEFAN95 said:

Saying that they are the "better team" is the wrong way to word it. I feel Nightmare and Ruin fit each other better. One of the things I dislike in wrestling are two guys just put together as a team without an actual tag team gimmick or dynamic. I get that Welsh Dragon and Aurelian Bradley are Welsh and thats the gimmick and that works but they are so different, it's hard for me to see them as an actual tag team while Nightmare and Ruin seem like a more natural paring in their portrayal. It's probably Dragon's lucha mask thats the reason. 

That's interesting, and hadn't thought of that before. I always felt Nightmare and Ruin were thrown together because they're the same size, and their names are one word... :D Haha!

The Welsh duo's story is that they are friends, and yeah, they took different paths, learnt different skills, but ultimately they've been friends for a while and they trust each other. I probably could have / could dig deeper into this though and explain it more deeply.

I do like an 'odd couple' pairing though, especially in TEW. If you do a comparison of their skills, they can teach each other a thing or two. Dragon isn't a brawler... Bradley doesn't have aerial or flashiness skills... They kind of, complement each other well.

If it's just aesthetics, I'd consider a mask for Bradley for sure. Design me something ;) 

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Predictions for United, Episode 24, Week 3, July 2020 

Evan Alpass [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis

Jonathan Faust & Aldous Blackfriar [vs] BW Eddie & Vinny Vigilante

‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] ???

Kenobi High’s proteges [vs] Boulder & Flynn w/ KT Devonshire

‘A Chance Against Chuck’:
??? [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

World Title Number One Contendership Triple Threat Match:
??? [vs] ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper


Sorry about all the question marks :D 

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Evan Alpass

Jonathan Faust & Aldous Blackfriar 

‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle

Boulder & Flynn w/ KT Devonshire

The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

World Title Number One Contendership Triple Threat Match:

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Predictions for United, Episode 24, Week 3, July 2020 

Evan Alpass [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis

Antithesis has had much more screen time in the diary so far

Jonathan Faust & Aldous Blackfriar [vs] BW Eddie & Vinny Vigilante

Faust and Blackfriar got the honour of being put over by Savage Fury, so can't see them losing to Eddie/Vinny

‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] ???

Mini-push for Cain?

Kenobi High’s proteges [vs] Boulder & Flynn w/ KT Devonshire

I feel the proteges story will be one of learning and growing, so they need to start at the bottom

‘A Chance Against Chuck’:
??? [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

Chuck continues his winning streak!

World Title Number One Contendership Triple Threat Match:
??? [vs] ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper

To debut (or redebut) in a Number One Contenders match, I feel it has to be a big name.


Sorry about all the question marks :D 

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Evan Alpass [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis

Jonathan Faust & Aldous Blackfriar [vs] BW Eddie & Vinny Vigilante

‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] ???

Kenobi High’s proteges [vs] Boulder & Flynn w/ KT Devonshire

‘A Chance Against Chuck’:
??? [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

World Title Number One Contendership Triple Threat Match:
??? [vs] ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper

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On 3/21/2024 at 10:15 PM, The Lloyd said:

That's interesting, and hadn't thought of that before. I always felt Nightmare and Ruin were thrown together because they're the same size, and their names are one word... :D Haha!

The Welsh duo's story is that they are friends, and yeah, they took different paths, learnt different skills, but ultimately they've been friends for a while and they trust each other. I probably could have / could dig deeper into this though and explain it more deeply.

I do like an 'odd couple' pairing though, especially in TEW. If you do a comparison of their skills, they can teach each other a thing or two. Dragon isn't a brawler... Bradley doesn't have aerial or flashiness skills... They kind of, complement each other well.

If it's just aesthetics, I'd consider a mask for Bradley for sure. Design me something ;) 

Hmm, I do guess Dragon and Bradley compliment each other better and the friends angle works. I just like the aesthetic of Nightmare and Ruin. 


I am not the right guy to design anything. 😅 


Evan Alpass [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis

Yeah, I'll take one of my favourites in the dynasty

Jonathan Faust & Aldous Blackfriar [vs] BW Eddie & Vinny Vigilante

Vinny is the non factor here, if Eddie had someone else I'd consider them more

‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] ???

I'd like for Cain to get some friends, Captain Crash is a class nickname and I could see a friend given it to him after Cain sacrifices his body to save them from an attack

Kenobi High’s proteges [vs] Boulder & Flynn w/ KT Devonshire

This is destined to be a "proteges" to "betrayers" storyline

‘A Chance Against Chuck’:
??? [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

Chuck wins again. 

World Title Number One Contendership Triple Threat Match:
??? [vs] ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper

At this point, as long as Cooper moves onto someone else, I'll be happy. 😂

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21CW Presents:

21CW Alt Logo.jpg 21CW United.jpg

Episode 24

Wednesday, Week 3, July 2020


Des Greeves.jpgMartin Bloydell.jpgJeff Nova.jpg

Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova


Overall Rating: 72




We opened the show with 21CW World Champion Apollo Prince in the ring, with a microphone…


Apollo Prince: “Hey, Jeff… (Nova)… Last week, a LOT went down… Edward Cornell and The House of Business tried to take me out… Grave Digger and The Black Hats tried to take Jonathan Faust and Aldous Blackfriar out… These are two dangerous groups… and I speak for the rest of the locker room when I say: something needs to be done about them… The first thing we think should happen is this… Since Clifford Wilson SAVED me from the attack by Cornell… Wilson should be added to the Main Event tonight, and get a chance to win a World Title shot…!!”

Nova stood up from the announce desk, and said “Done”… He said Wilson deserves it for working hard for 30+ years anyway… but sticking up for the ‘little guy’ is something he can relate to…

Apollo Prince: “With Joss Thompson, Absolutely Flawless and Roly Muckletruck suspended… These two groups have been able to do whatever they want… So… The second thing we want to see… Is the identity of The Black Hats, revealed… Once we know who or what we’re fighting… We can make plans…!!”

Nova said this would be more difficult, as nobody has been able to get close to them… but he’ll see what he can come up with… Prince left the ring in a positive mood… Passing Antithesis on the ramp as ‘The Anarchist’ came out for his match…


A moment of tension between the World Champion and the former UK Champion…


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Evan Alpass [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis

Decent opener here, and Evan Alpass was on rare form. However, he was up against a vicious, wild, fighter in Antithesis. For the finish, despite his dominance, Antithesis used his fire extinguisher behind the referee’s back – clocking Alpass over the back of the head with it. He then locked in his ‘Full Metal Jacket’ (Crossface Chickenwing) and Alpass tapped out.





We cut to a pre-taped video next, showing Chuck Frisby and Gulliver’s visit to the developmental territory of 21CW this past week…

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Later tonight, Frisby will open up his ‘Chance Against Chuck’ to someone from the developmental company… so a few days ago, he and his muscle visited… In the video, we saw youngsters: Gazz Vedmore and Jermaine Granger practicing in the ring… Dylan Drama was shown posing in a mirror…

Chuck Frisby: “Niiiiice place you bums have got here… I’ll see one of you… on United… I have an OPEN challenge to any one of you…”

The pair turned to leave, and Kalu Owusu stepped up…!! The big man from the Ivory Coast got in Gulliver’s face…l! Kalu was a match for Gulliver, in size… but the veteran is a little bit more menacing… Chuck and Gulliver waited, until Owusu stepped aside…




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Jonathan Faust & Aldous Blackfriar [vs] BW Eddie & Vinny Vigilante

Eddie and Vinny did well here, despite being a makeshift duo. Faust and Aldous have teamed together a few times now, and they grew into this one after Aldous was isolated in their corner. Both Faust and Aldous were struggling with minor injuries from the beatdown last week by The Black Hats, but they came through this one in the end when Aldous locked Vinny in his ‘Gloomweaver Clutch’ (Tazmission).



After the match, Faust and Aldous grabbed microphones…

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Jonathan Faust: “I am ‘The God’ Jonathan Faust… and this is ‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar… and we would like to PUBLICLY thank UK Dragon for his assistance in our… ‘matter’ last week…”

Aldous Blackfriar: “If I were Dragon… I’d be going after Grave Digger and The Black Hats… Just like WE are…!! At London Calling… We want The Black Hats… in a match… and we will unmask them…!!”




Backstage, Emmett Askey, Mark Misery and Smiling John Smithie were talking about the way the fans had been treating them…

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Mark Misery: “Ughhh… The fans against The Bern Boys… They cheered us…”

Smiling John Smithie: “I know… Why…? I mean… What have we done to deserve, that…?”

Misery shrugged, and looked bored…

Mark Misery: “I dunno… I just hope they don’t do it again… Emmett… Who have we got next week?!”

Emmett Askey: “It’s the Champs… Uhh… Kenobi High…?!”

Mark Misery: “Oh great, those two Star Trek p***s… If the fans cheer again, it’ll be ‘illogical’…”

Smiling John Smithie: “Damn it, Mark…!!”




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‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] Local Talent

Cain Carlisle continues to win. This victory made it 3 in his last 5 encounters now, and he again won it with his ‘Mark of Cain’ Coffin Drop.



After the match was over, The Black Hats hit the ring, and Cain Carlisle got out of there as quickly as he could… Grave Digger then made his entrance…

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Grave Digger: “UK Dragon… You have spoiled my plans… I wanted to END ‘The God’ and ‘The Satanic Majesty’ last week… Now… I will make sure you breathe your last breath…”

Before Digger could finish, he was interrupted by the music of Edward Cornell…!! Who lead the ‘House of Business’ to the ring…!!

Edward Cornell Suit 2.pngMark Adonis Suit.jpgRolling Johnny Stones Suit.jpgLuke Cool Suit.jpgDoomsday Suit.jpg

Edward Cornell: “Mr. Digger… May I say… You’ve assembled quite the army… I myself, know a thing or two about putting a group together, to watch my back…”

Cornell climbed in to the ring with his group… not flinching one bit at the prospect of standing face to face with the 6’ 11”, 380lb monster, and his group of scary 300lbers…

Edward Cornell: “I come to you tonight… concerned… UK Dragon foiled your plans… Clifford Wilson foiled mine… and it seems… like Jeff Nova, and our 21CW World Champion, want RID of us… They think… Our groups are becoming too powerful to stop… and I agree… However… I also think, we could be even more powerful… If we joined forces…!!”

Grave Digger was unsure… and he looked like he was about ready to choke Cornell out and drop him on his head…!!

Edward Cornell: “Think about it… Think about it… The House of Business… and Hell Bound… COMBINING… We would be unstoppable… and we would be able to END every, veteran that has stood in your way… Dragon… Wilson… Matravers… Faust…”

Cornell hopefully, but confidently, outstretched a hand to the giant… putting his other hand behind his back as if to show he wasn’t going to attack (which would have been foolish)… Grave Digger took a look at him, and decided to shake it… and form the unholiest of unholy alliances…!! The announce team didn’t know what to say… Jeff Nova, on comms, couldn’t believe what was happening…!!




Backstage, UK Champion Viktor Beskov was shown watching his former group (The House of Business) align with Grave Digger and The Black Hats… and he shook his head in disbelief… When ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp walked up…

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Joey Beauchamp: “Hey, listen… ‘Bear’… I saw that too… But I wanted to tell you, that while I’ve been impressed by you lately… and I know we should all stick together back here right now… I’m still coming for THAT Title… And I’ll do whatever it takes to get it… Understand me?!”

Viktor Beskov: “I underztand perfectly…”

Joey Beauchamp: “Good, good… See you soon ‘Bear’…”




Next up, it was time for Kenobi High to introduce their proteges… Christopher Lister brought out Padraig O’Hearne… and Jase Cole introduced his fellow Australian: Kian Owens…

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Padraig O'Hearne.pngKian Owens 5.jpg

The 21CW United Tag Team Champions introduced the pair as ‘Pad’ O’Hearne… and ‘Pad’ Owens… For some reason… Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn made their way out next… the detective duo were accompanied by KT Devonshire…


Padraig O'Hearne.pngKian Owens 5.jpg w/ Christopher Lister Champ.jpgJase Cole Champ.jpg21CW U vs.jpgBeau Boulder 2.jpgDarin Flynn 2.jpg w/ KT Devonshire.png

Padraig O’Hearne & Kian Owens w/ Kenobi High [vs] Beau Boulder & Darin Flynn w/ KT Devonshire

Fun match here, with all four men showing off their skills. (Pad) O’Hearne and (Pad) Owens were in control for a while, but a breakdown in communication lead to the technically proficient Darin Flynn taking advantage. He shoved Owens into O’Hearne, and knocked him off the apron – before locking the young Australian in his ‘Prodigal Pressure’ (Standing Surfboard Stretch) and making him give up!



After the match, Lister and Cole helped their proteges to their feet… and congratulated them on a good performance despite the loss…




After a commercial break, Beast Bantom stomped to the ring… looking for trouble…


Last week, Roly Muckletruck’s music hit during Beast’s match against World Champion Apollo Prince… Roly is suspended until August, (thanks to Beast), so there was no way he would have come out when his music hit… However… Despite knowing this, the distracting would still prove costly for Beast, and cause him to lose what was a huge match for him…

Beast Bantom: “ROLY…!! I know you’re HERE, ROLY…!! I know you were here last week… ROLY… GET OUT HERE, ROLY…!!”

Beast was beside himself… but he knew Roly wasn’t actually here… The crowd began chanting ‘YOU – FEAR – RO - LY” over and over again… and Beast had to leave before he went insane…!!

Martin Bloydell: “Lord help anyone who comes across him backstage…!!”




Next it was time for ‘Chance Against Chuck’… and ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby headed out, full of all the confidence of a prize fighter…

Chuck Frisby ager.jpgGulliver.jpg

Chuck Frisby: “ALRIGHT… It’s time… I’ve beaten legends…well… I mean old people… Tonight, I give an opportunity to one lucky kid from developmental… If they beat me… They EARN a 21CW contract… So who’s it gonna be…?!”

Chuck waited… and hopped around in the ring to warm up… When this man arrived…












The Dutch 31-year old who has won Championships all over Europe for the last 10 years… He arrived to a hero’s welcome… and strolled to the ring looking like a mega star… Chuck Frisby didn’t know what to make of him… He looks like a World Title level competitor, and carries himself like a Champion already…


Walker Van Cleer.jpg21CW U vs.jpgChuck Frisby ager.jpg w/ Gulliver.jpg

Walker Van Cleer [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver

Great debut from Walker Van Cleer here – who showed how good he is in the ring. He combined brawling, technical prowess, and a flashiness perfectly, and Chuck didn’t know what had hit him. Van Cleer flew from the top rope to hit his ‘High Elevation Cross Body’ to win it, and thus earn a 21CW contract!!



Frisby and Gulliver were completely shocked, as Walker Van Cleer climbed into the crowd to celebrate with the live fans...!!




The Main Event was a World Title Triple Threat Match… Clifford Wilson was added to the match TONIGHT, following his actions last week… and the veteran former Road Agent looked extremely pleased to even be out there… let alone be cheered by the fans for his every move…


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Clifford Wilson [vs] ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper

The fans didn’t mind who won this Number One Contenders Match – as long as it wasn’t Phillip Cooper! Having said that, another Apollo Prince/’Cooper Man’ fight wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing – they’ve had a number of classics in 2020 already. Sebastian Koller looked the most likely to win here though, hitting a number of high-flying, high-impact strikes from all angles, and leaving his opponents not knowing where to look! For the finish though, the unlikely happened. Edward Cornell headed to the ring, and pulled Cooper’s leg as he was looking for his ‘Cooper Fly Splash’!! Cooper fell to the apron and then the floor. Cornell then clocked Koller with a right hand, and followed it up with the ‘Black Lightning Bomb’ (Blue Lightning Bomb). He then slid out of the ring, and watched as Clifford Wilson picked up the pieces and hit his ‘Descent Into Hell’ (Angel’s Wings)!!



Wilson couldn’t believe he’d won… and celebrated with tears in his eyes…!!

Clifford Wilson_alt.jpg Sebastian Koller 2.jpg Phillip Cooper.jpg image.png

He didn’t see Cornell’s interference… he was just delighted to have won… and now he’ll get a 21CW World Title Match against Apollo Prince… Speaking of the young Champion… Prince made his way onto the stage at the conclusion of the match…


Cornell grabbed a microphone as the two men stared each other down from a distance…

Edward Cornell: “Hahaha ha haaaaa…!! I knew it… Wilson… You’re not back to ‘help out the little guy’… You’re back to be Champion again…!! Admit it…!! Now… at London Calling… The youngest 21CW World Champion of all time… will face the man who could become the oldest… and will put his foot on the heads of the current and future generations…”

The show ended with Wilson telling Cornell to get into the ring and say it to his face… but he wouldn’t… London Calling’s Main Event is set… Apollo Prince versus Clifford Wilson…!! Title on the line…!! Next week, Clifford Wilson will be a guest on Cash Reacts… with J-B Cash to discuss his ‘Indian Summer’…!!




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Predictions for WICKED, Week 3, July 2020

Winners Get a Tag Team Title Match:
The Lee FamiLee [vs] The Underdogs [vs] The Booth [vs] Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley

Final Match in the Best of Seven Series:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [3] [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King [3]

Cousin Konrad’s 21CW Debut:
‘The Stone Cold Killer’ Cousin Konrad [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

21CW Kingdom Tag Team Title Match:
Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Landon Mallory & Leigh Burton (c)

Grudge Match:
‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

21CW World Heavyweight Title Match:
‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson (c)


1). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible two)…? _____________________

2). What will the Overall Rating of the show be (within 5 gets one point, spot on gets two points)…? _____________________

3). Who will get their hands on Blake Belushi (Loxley Robbins, Daniel Black Francis, or no-one)…? _____________________

4). Which match will be the Match Of The Night…? _____________________

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Winners Get a Tag Team Title Match:
The Lee FamiLee [vs] The Underdogs [vs] The Booth [vs] Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley

Final Match in the Best of Seven Series:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [3] [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King [3]

Cousin Konrad’s 21CW Debut:
‘The Stone Cold Killer’ Cousin Konrad [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

21CW Kingdom Tag Team Title Match:
Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Landon Mallory & Leigh Burton (c)

Grudge Match:
‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

21CW World Heavyweight Title Match:
‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez [vs] Awesome’ Wade Orson (c)


1). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible two)…? 0

2). What will the Overall Rating of the show be (within 5 gets one point, spot on gets two points)…? 78

3). Who will get their hands on Blake Belushi (Loxley Robbins, Daniel Black Francis, or no-one)…? Loxley Robbins

4). Which match will be the Match Of The Night…? Tommy Cornell vs Buff Martinez vs Wade Orson

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Winners Get a Tag Team Title Match:
The Lee FamiLee

Final Match in the Best of Seven Series:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [3]
‘The Stone Cold Killer’ Cousin Konrad

Landon Mallory & Leigh Burton (c)

Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

Awesome’ Wade Orson (c)


1). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible two)…? ____________1_________

2). What will the Overall Rating of the show be (within 5 gets one point, spot on gets two points)…? ___________79__________

3). Who will get their hands on Blake Belushi (Loxley Robbins, Daniel Black Francis, or no-one)…? ________loxley_____________

4). Which match will be the Match Of The Night…? __________main event___________

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Predictions for WICKED, Week 3, July 2020

Winners Get a Tag Team Title Match:
The Lee FamiLee [vs] The Underdogs [vs] The Booth [vs] Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley

The Lee FamiLee have gone a bit quiet since Buff's injury, so this could give them the boost they need

Final Match in the Best of Seven Series:
‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [3] [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King [3]

The story suggests Heel takes an early lead, babyface valiantly fights back only to be beaten at the last

Cousin Konrad’s 21CW Debut:
‘The Stone Cold Killer’ Cousin Konrad [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat

Big debut win for Cousin Konrad

21CW Kingdom Tag Team Title Match:
Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Landon Mallory & Leigh Burton (c)

Some underhand chicanery here

Grudge Match:
‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth

The Booth will be the deciding factor here

21CW World Heavyweight Title Match:
‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson (c)

The obvious choice is to put the strap on Tommy here, but I feel you made this a triple threat so Tommy didn't have to take the pin. I think Tommy will be the guy to beat Orson, but I think he'll do it one-on-one... and it won't hurt a little, it wil hurt a lot


1). How many Championships will change hands (out of a possible two)…? 0

2). What will the Overall Rating of the show be (within 5 gets one point, spot on gets two points)…? 80

3). Who will get their hands on Blake Belushi (Loxley Robbins, Daniel Black Francis, or no-one)…? No-one as the pair get in each others way

4). Which match will be the Match Of The Night…? Main Event

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Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley


Overall Rating: 74




We opened the show with a video package, showing the build for tonight’s Main Event… Buff Martinez… Tommy Cornell… and Wade Orson, in a Triple Threat Match for the 21CW World Heavyweight Title…

Buff Martinez 3.jpg Tommy Cornell.jpg image.png

Buff picked up a shoulder injury a number of weeks ago… and has been struggling to get fit in time for this match… He had to prove his fitness in a tag team match on Kingdom this past week, and teamed with Tommy Cornell to beat Wade Orson’s friends Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory – despite Orson, Burton and Mallory hatching a plan to get rid of the Lee FamiLee for the night…

And speaking of The Lee FamiLee… JK and Gorilla were the first team to enter the arena for the opening match…





JK Lee was the star of this one, using his technical skills to stretch everyone else out there. Nobody could handle Gorilla’s size either, and he put Dangermouth and Grandmaster Phunk down with a big splash in the corner late on, but was then rushed by The Underdogs and Welsh Dragon, who sent him through the ropes to the floor. Dragon hopped up onto the top rope, but was shoved off by Joe Simpson and Michael X! The two Underdogs then hit a flying double suicide dive to Gorilla on the outside, sending him crashing into the barrier, and taking them all out of the match. This left Aurelian Bradley and JK Lee as the legal men, and the last two standing. Aurelien probably looks up to JK from a technical wrestling standpoint. They say never meet your heroes, and if JK is Aurelian’s hero, he proved that saying true by making the 18 year old tap out to a ‘Crossface’.





After a short advertisement, Loxley Robbins headed to the ring… scheduled to call out his former stablemate Blake Belushi for ‘answers’… However, Loxley isn’t alone in wanting a piece of Belushi… Daniel Black Francis came out soon after Loxley did…

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Loxley Robbins: “Francis…? You can wait yer bloody turn, alright…?! BELUSHI… WHY…?! Why’dya do it to me, ey…?! You an’ Vick (Company)… You screwed me over…? You ruined ma loife…!! I… Wanna know…”

Francis stayed silent… He respectfully allowed Loxley to pour his emotions out, and waited his turn…

Loxley Robbins: “Yu know what… Get out here NOW… and we can settle this like men…!!”

The two fan favourites waited, but nobody came… Loxley was pacing, ‘D-B-F’ told him there’s only one thing they can do about this…

Daniel Black Francis: “We know he’s ‘ere, monn…!! Let’s just go to de back, and find heem…!! I’ll help you take out the Brat Pack… an’ then you can have the fist punch on Belushi…!!”

Loxley agreed… and the two looked on the same page as they stomped up the ramp…!!




On deck next, the final match in the Best Of Seven Series… between ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM… and Cliff King’s ‘Giant Client’… War Machine… The scores are tied at 3 each… BEDLAM shocking the world and picking up 3 victories over the 6‘ 5“, 465lb monster… However… He heads into this decider with a bruised pectoral muscle… courtesy of a Phil Harmonic dropkick… The bruise was huge… and War Machine now had a target to aim for…



Carrying an injury into a match with War Machine was always going to make this one difficult for BEDLAM. But carrying such a visible bruised area meant that the strongest, largest, and most menacing member of the 21CW roster had a target he could focus all of his attacks on. BEDLAM screamed in pain a number of times. However, he’s not known as the ‘Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ for nothing. BEDLAM still had his moments. Late on, he even got War Machine in position for his ‘Mind Strangler’ (seated choke). With his injured pec, BEDLAM couldn’t use his left arm properly to hook the hold in fully. War Machine delivered a well-placed elbow, and BEDLAM had to release the hold. Moments later, Cliff King’s ‘Giant Client’ hit his ‘Choke Bomb’ (Batista Bomb) and took the Best of Seven Series 4-3!



The Medical Team tried to get into the ring once the bell rang – but War Machine scared them off… He stood over the fallen warrior, even treading on his injured pec and raising his hands in victory… Once he and Cliff King were satisfied, they left BEDLAM writhing in pain, and presumable requiring some time off to heal up…!!




The next match also saw a competitor head to the ring with a visible injury / target on his body… Cousin Konrad headed out for his 21CW debut… with his ribs taped up following the attack from Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory this past week on Kingdom…!!



Much like the previous match, Cousin Konrad could have done without the injury he carried into this one – particularly against a dangerous and experienced competitor like Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat. The former 2-time Champion in 21CW knew what he was doing out there, and every time Konrad gained the upper hand, he delivered a stiff kick to the mid-section, and was back in control. However, Konrad is a fighter. He knew he could fight through the pain barrier, and he grew into the match – even blocking a couple of kick attempts! He then locked in his ‘Swedish Grapevine’ (Kirifuda Clutch), and Stoat had to tap out! Huge win on his debut for the Lee FamiLee member!





Backstage, Loxley Robbins and Daniel Black Francis had caught up to 21CW National Champion: Blake Belushi…!! They had him cornered in a narrow corridor… However, standing between them and the man they want to kill… was The Brat Pack…

Loxley Robbins.png Daniel Francis 2.jpg Blake Belushi.jpgArtemnose.pngThurston Darcy III.jpg

Artemis Eyre-Rochester didn’t want to fight… because he still has his nose guard on to protect the broken part of his face…!! Thurston Darcy III knew it was a fight they couldn’t win… so both Brat Pack members backed away a little… However… Fortunately for them, their ‘security team’ arrived behind Robbins and Francis…!!

Alton Vicious Suit.jpgRiddick Jordan Suit.jpg

The two intimidating, suited men, began by shoving ‘D-B-F’ into Loxley, and then knocking him down and stomping on him… This allowed Thurston and Artemis to jump Loxley… making it 4 on 2… The fight didn’t last long… Loxley and Francis were left gasping for breath, as both were hit with high-impact moves on the concrete floor…!! Belushi stepped over the both of them, as the group left the scene…





The hatred for Leigh Burton coming from Sifu, and in particular, Ricky Storm, was clear for everyone to see. The former Champs wanted to destroy ‘The British Lion’, and take his Championships from him. However, Burton had the dangerous Landon Mallory on his side of the ring. Mallory is a rock solid man. Pure muscle, and not an ounce of fat. Every time Storm or Sifu hit him with a kick or strike, it must have taken a little out of them too. For the finish of this one, Ricky Storm actually BROKE Leigh Burton’s nose!! The second nose break on the Kingdom brand in recent weeks! Burton had to get medical help, and there was a lot of blood. The distraction and commotion allowed Mallory to hit Storm in the face with a chair!! Behind the referee’s back!! The South African delivered a shot to Sifu’s gut too, before throwing the chair out under the ropes, and hitting his ‘Springbok Ram’ Spear on Sifu’s weakened mid-section!!



Mallory and Burton celebrated the win… Although Burton found it hard to raise a smile – the bottom half of his face covered in a crimson mask that resembled a horror movie…

Landon Mallory Champ.jpgLeigh Burton Champ.jpg

The celebrations were soon cut short too… by the arrival of COUSIN KONRAD from the Lee FamiLee…!!


Konrad went MMA on Landon Mallory… chopping him down with low kicks, before delivering punches in bunches to his face…!! Leigh Burton shoved Ricky Storm into Konrad, before sliding out of the ring, and grabbing Mallory on the way out… An angry Ricky Storm argued with Konrad… but the ‘Stone Cold Killer’ remained calm as he stared down the men that jumped him on Kingdom…





The joint second best match on the card, showed how hard Alfonso D’Angelo is working right now. The rookie stepped in there with a man who’s been around, and knows what it’s like to work for a major company – ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester. Cowboy hit multiple lariats, as is his way, and Alfonso didn’t have an answer for them. In the end though, it was the young Portuguese star who looked like he was going to win it. He tried to lock in his ‘Anaconda Vice’ (Head Scissors Camel Clutch) – but The Booth, who know him well, all climbed onto the apron to get involved! Not for the first time in the match, Alfonso lashed out. He threw a punch at Grandmaster Phunk, who dropped down and avoided it. He connected with a knee to Dangermouth – which sent him flying into the guard rail. Before grabbing DJ Reason, who begged and pleaded not to be hurt. The referee was remonstrating with the former 21CW World Champion. This allowed Buck Winchester to hit a Neckbreaker Onto knee, and score the win over his former friend.





Mo Adebola was stood with JK Lee and Gorilla Lee of the Lee FamiLee next… who won their Number One Contenders Match earlier tonight, and will now face Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory for the 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Titles…

Mo Adebola 3.jpg JK Lee.jpgGorilla Lee.jpg

Mo Adebola: “I am joined by… JK Lee and Gorilla Lee… and Lees… Big win tonight… But I wanna talk about the actions of Cousin Konrad… Lee…?! He attacked your future opponents tonight… and seemed to have a falling out with Ricky Storm and Sifu too… Are you worried that he is making a lot of enemies for you and your Family – considering how new he is around here…?!”

                  Gorilla Lee: “I don’t blame Konrad at all… He is his own man, and is entitled to do what he wants…”

JK Lee: “Yeah and if I were in his shoes… I’d wanna make Landon Mallory tap, nap or snap…!! WE are the Number One Contenders now… All three of us won tonight… Buff (Martinez) to make it four to complete the set… Then we’ll see if we can get Andrew (Lee) a win on Kingdom…!!”





Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory accompanied Wade Orson to the ring for this one, but they were both promptly sent to the back by the referee! In the interest of fairness, Kathleen Lee was told in no uncertain terms by the match official that if she got involved, she too would be sent to the back. Orson and co. were furious that she was allowed to remain out there supporting Buff Martinez, but Buff had a word in her ear, and seemed to suggest that her getting involved wasn’t worth it. The veteran Tommy Cornell wasn’t phased by any of this. He just wanted the match to start, because he knew, like all Tommy Cornell matches, he was the favourite to win it. Orson did everything in his power to make sure ‘Rough Justice’ didn’t capture his World Heavyweight Title, but he focused too much on Buff Martinez and Kathleen Lee’s situation – allowing himself to get consumed by getting Lee thrown out of the match like his back-up were! He wound Kathleen up constantly, and got in her face, forcing her to almost snap, and slap him across his pretty face. But she remained in control of her emotions, and remained at ringside throughout – causing Orson, in his first ever World Championship defence to become frustrated.

As the match wore on, Tommy Cornell looked to be an even safer bet to win it. He kept Orson at arm’s length, and was able to control and dominate Buff Martinez with a technical masterclass. Nobody in 21CW is as proficient in holds and counter holds as ‘Rough Justice’, and he was out to make it hurt ‘a lot’ for Martinez out there. Cornell believed he could make the Spanish star tap out, if he focused on the previously injured shoulder. He came close a few times, but ‘The Barcelona Bull’ fought through the pain barrier, and refused to quit. The match headed into its final stages, with all three men colliding with a number of running strikes and altercations. Cornell ended up with a cut above his eyebrow, which swelled up significantly, but didn’t cause much blood loss. He used the injury to fuel his rage, and he landed his ’Guilt Trip’ on Buff, as the crowd sensed a Title change. However, Orson appeared from out of nowhere, and hit the ‘Bounce Back’ Pounce, which sent the veteran out through the bottom and middle rope to the floor! He fell at Kathleen Lee’s feet, and she could only watch as Orson crawled into the cover on her fallen client, Buff Martinez! Using Cornell’s own finisher, Orson won the match, and retained the Gold!



Orson celebrated on the stage, as Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory joined him with their Tag Team Championships…

Tommy Cornell.jpg Buff Martinez 3.jpgKathleen Lee.jpg Wade Orson Champ 2.pngLandon Mallory Champ.jpgLeigh Burton Champ.jpg

Cornell, Martinez and Kathleen Lee looked on with envious eyes… as the show came to a close… Orson won and retained, but he used Cornell’s finisher, and ‘Rough Justice’ did the work for him…




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On 3/28/2024 at 8:39 AM, Charasmatic Enigma said:

Winners Get a Tag Team Title Match:
The Lee FamiLee [vs] The Underdogs [vs] The Booth [vs] Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley

The Lee FamiLee have gone a bit quiet since Buff's injury, so this could give them the boost they need





21CW World Heavyweight Title Match:
‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson (c)

The obvious choice is to put the strap on Tommy here, but I feel you made this a triple threat so Tommy didn't have to take the pin. I think Tommy will be the guy to beat Orson, but I think he'll do it one-on-one... and it won't hurt a little, it wil hurt a lot


Called it ;) and your score of 9/11 was the highest for Wicked - so expect your prize in your inbox in the next couple of days.

Glad to see Cornell's new catchphrase is catching on too! :D 

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God damn I missed the predictions. I was sure I put them in. 


Anyway, going back to the previous show, Cliff Wilson needs to bring the face paint out for the big match up. I'd mark out. Apollo v Angel I'm here for it. 


Anyway, Wicked analysis, let's go.

I loved the graphics a lot. Really nice job on that. 

The Lee's versus Burton/Mallory should be a very good match. I like the feud that's beginning between the FamiLee and all the champs, more on that later.

The fact Bedlam brought War Machine to seven in this series is a pretty big deal. War Machine is like one of the best dudes to push to the top and Bedlam took him the distance. Maybe Bedlam could be just below that main event level, though I never saw him get there. Obviously the injury made the difference so maybe you see him as Machine's equal.

Stoat was always gonna put Konrad over. Wonder how both men performed a 62 is better than I expected. Where Konrad goes, I'm not sure but it seems he's gonna help his FamiLee members in their pursuit of...

Mallory and Burton winning makes sense. Little bit underwhelming performance from the match but hey. There's a real rivalry going with the three champs and the FamiLee. I like that. The issue, the champs are lacking in numbers. I still dig it.

Buck winning in the grudge match was not what I expected. Alfonso is quite excellent from the beginning. He needs experience but he's really good. Buck is a blow in and I get The Booth are a big deal, as they should be but Alfonso is a guy I could see be a poor man's Adam Matravers, which sounds like an insult but is such a huge compliment. Excellent all rounder, able to have feuds with the stars and have a run or two with the big belt for transition periods. Buck and The Booth could move up another bit now. Who's next for them? I don't know. I think they should separate from Alfonso now and do something else. 

Little disappointed that Tommy didn't win the belt. He's probably the most interesting guy on Kingdom. Buff is kind of hurt by Tommy. Orson and his crew are good but Tommy is Tommy and I'd feel it'd be better if he wasn't here. I've talked about this before but the brand split really shows 21CW's lack of mega stars. Tommy, Eddie and Matravers but Matravers has done nothing in a bit. Tommy is vying for the world title on Kingdom and Eddie is a big part of United and is vying for the belt over there. You give us updates on the roster but I'd love to see the perception each guy is at, just to see. Like outside of Tommy (and maybe Buff, depending on your stance on him) who's there to challenge Orson. I had Landon Mallory down originally but he's by his side now. Robbins maybe but he's busy. I'm looking forward to seeing it because it is so open, but Buff needs to move onto somebody else (The Booth maybe). Tommy needs to either win the belt (which I think would be the best as there are so many great heels ready to challenge a face champ) or move onto someone else as well. 


Exciting times ahead.

Edited by DAVEFAN95
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5 hours ago, DAVEFAN95 said:

God damn I missed the predictions. I was sure I put them in. 


Anyway, going back to the previous show, Cliff Wilson needs to bring the face paint out for the big match up. I'd mark out. Apollo v Angel I'm here for it. 


Anyway, Wicked analysis, let's go.

I loved the graphics a lot. Really nice job on that. 

The Lee's versus Burton/Mallory should be a very good match. I like the feud that's beginning between the FamiLee and all the champs, more on that later.

The fact Bedlam brought War Machine to seven in this series is a pretty big deal. War Machine is like one of the best dudes to push to the top and Bedlam took him the distance. Maybe Bedlam could be just below that main event level, though I never saw him get there. Obviously the injury made the difference so maybe you see him as Machine's equal.

Stoat was always gonna put Konrad over. Wonder how both men performed a 62 is better than I expected. Where Konrad goes, I'm not sure but it seems he's gonna help his FamiLee members in their pursuit of...

Mallory and Burton winning makes sense. Little bit underwhelming performance from the match but hey. There's a real rivalry going with the three champs and the FamiLee. I like that. The issue, the champs are lacking in numbers. I still dig it.

Buck winning in the grudge match was not what I expected. Alfonso is quite excellent from the beginning. He needs experience but he's really good. Buck is a blow in and I get The Booth are a big deal, as they should be but Alfonso is a guy I could see be a poor man's Adam Matravers, which sounds like an insult but is such a huge compliment. Excellent all rounder, able to have feuds with the stars and have a run or two with the big belt for transition periods. Buck and The Booth could move up another bit now. Who's next for them? I don't know. I think they should separate from Alfonso now and do something else. 

Little disappointed that Tommy didn't win the belt. He's probably the most interesting guy on United. Buff is kind of hurt by Tommy. Orson and his crew are good but Tommy is Tommy and I'd feel it'd be better if he wasn't here. I've talked about this before but the brand split really shows 21CW's lack of mega stars. Tommy, Eddie and Matravers but Matravers has done nothing in a bit. Tommy is vying for the world title on United and Eddie is a big part of Kingdom and is vying for the belt over there. You give us updates on the roster but I'd love to see the perception each guy is at, just to see. Like outside of Tommy (and maybe Buff, depending on your stance on him) who's there to challenge Orson. I had Landon Mallory down originally but he's by his side now. Robbins maybe but he's busy. I'm looking forward to seeing it because it is so open, but Buff needs to move onto somebody else (The Booth maybe). Tommy needs to either win the belt (which I think would be the best as there are so many great heels ready to challenge a face champ) or move onto someone else as well. 


Exciting times ahead.

Lots to unpack here, and I always, always appreciate your feedback and comments... I'll take it step by step, but FIRST...



I made this a while ago... And on Smackdown, I heard the Bloodline say 'By Orders of the Tribal Chief'...!! I INVENTED THIS (stole it from Peaky Blinders) but still. WWE once again have stolen my idea!


Now, onto your feedback...


Cliff Wilson - interesting case. I was so excited when he, along with Leo Price and UK Dragon, agreed to come out of retirement... The problem is, he's nowhere near his previous level. A 1 on 1 feud at the very top is not in his wheelhouse anymore unfortunately. The facepaint WILL return one day... but you'll have to wait. He's sticking around and I have a cool role for him.


Graphics - thanks man. I actually think these are my least favourite graphics of the diary so far :D so great to hear you still liked them. The next two are 'London Calling' and 'We Will Rock You' - which are both songs by bands I really like - so they got the Jam and Queen treatment. Can't wait for you to see them.

Lee FamiLee and the Champs - Yeah I like this feud. All four Lees can GO in the ring too. They're way below the top in terms of perception/popularity sadly. Konrad is climbing (I've written the next two months). Gorilla has so much charisma for an 19 year old! They're all still young, so time is on their side for sure.

BEDLAM - he's not on War Machine's level, you're right. But taking him to 4-3 and only losing due to an injury means he's now viewed a lot higher by the fans (you guys). The injury is something he can 'work through' but I like to write them off TV when they get small injuries. Makes it more realistic. It may stunt his momentum a little, but as of where you guys are, he and War Machine have the same popularity.

Konrad - his in-ring performances continue to impress me. I didn't know what his role would be, but he's the badass of the Lee FamiLee.

Mallory/Burton - they have ZERO chemistry as partners, which is annoying and explains the low ratings. I originally wrote a very long title reign, but I now have the end in sight for them as a duo. Not sure if the reign ending will end the duo... not sure if the duo ending will end the trio... but all three have huge futures. They're all under 32.

Booth/Alfonso - Trying to get The Booth over to help Dangermouth. Phunk is on the wind-down, and may retire out of nowhere soon. DJ is doing a great job, and has great chemistry with both Dangermouth and Buck. Cowboy has been a revelation. Possibly my best lower card signing and he's had some great wins to get him up the card. Alfonso - you're so right. He's already amazing when he debuts and I didn't quite realise how amazing (Lone Wolf is really good too by the way!) Alfonso is 21, so again, I don't have to rush him. I tried to separate him from the Booth, but he still hates Buck, so their feud has one more big match in it, and that is where I'll pull the trigger on D'Angelo.

Cornell etc. - You asked, so here's a run down of the top of the card... Lots of 'Major Stars', but that doesn't necessarily mean ready to challenge Orson. Loxley is so over, he's had some big wins, but had terrible chemistry with Cornell, so I had to turn him face to avoid them having a major feud. They pulled a 64 in their two matches so far which is very poor.


This is taken straight from my spreadsheet, with one spoiler/turn removed and also one babyface debut on Kingdom removed... He's kind of a big deal.

They're the 'Major Stars' on each brand, so you see I have plenty to choose from. Lox/Blake's feud will run for a while... but there's options there for both Buff and Tommy.

On United, Roly/Beast are tied together... Faust is teaming with Aldous which is helping them both massively, Adam is out injured too, so he's due back soon. Edward, Adonis and Grave Digger are all in the new 'HOUSE OF HELL' stable, but there's plenty of stories to tell there too.


I've just written September Week 1 (Wicked was July week 3), so I'm quite far ahead... I'm planning a 'draft' at the end of September to shake things up too...



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Note: These last couple of roster updates have been really small, so the next couple I've tweaked... Thought I'd post all the new 'dividers' I've made here too, to give you a bit of a 'deeper' look at each roster...


21CW KD Banner.jpg

DIV Wade.jpg

DIV Tommy.jpg

DIV Lox.jpg

DIV War Machine.jpg

DIV Buff.jpg

DIV Burton.jpg

DIV Mallory.jpg

DIV Storm Sifu.jpg

DIV Lee FamiLee.jpg


DIV Booth.jpg

DIV Merle.jpg

DIV Belushi.jpg



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On 4/1/2024 at 8:20 PM, The Lloyd said:

Cornell etc. - You asked, so here's a run down of the top of the card... Lots of 'Major Stars', but that doesn't necessarily mean ready to challenge Orson. Loxley is so over, he's had some big wins, but had terrible chemistry with Cornell, so I had to turn him face to avoid them having a major feud. They pulled a 64 in their two matches so far which is very poor.


This is taken straight from my spreadsheet, with one spoiler/turn removed and also one babyface debut on Kingdom removed... He's kind of a big deal.

They're the 'Major Stars' on each brand, so you see I have plenty to choose from. Lox/Blake's feud will run for a while... but there's options there for both Buff and Tommy.

On United, Roly/Beast are tied together... Faust is teaming with Aldous which is helping them both massively, Adam is out injured too, so he's due back soon. Edward, Adonis and Grave Digger are all in the new 'HOUSE OF HELL' stable, but there's plenty of stories to tell there too.


I've just written September Week 1 (Wicked was July week 3), so I'm quite far ahead... I'm planning a 'draft' at the end of September to shake things up too...



I think this proves my stance that United is a stronger brand. I think Roly and Koller (and maybe Beskov) switching brands could really help them become bigger deals. Cooper heading over there as well makes sense just to mix up the main event scene. Koller v Orson sounds really fun. Roly v War Machine, that just sound like a beefy brawl for the ages. So glad to see a draft is in the works. I do think there should be protected workers on both brands (workers that can't be poached via the draft.)

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1 hour ago, DAVEFAN95 said:

I think this proves my stance that United is a stronger brand. I think Roly and Koller (and maybe Beskov) switching brands could really help them become bigger deals. Cooper heading over there as well makes sense just to mix up the main event scene. Koller v Orson sounds really fun. Roly v War Machine, that just sound like a beefy brawl for the ages. So glad to see a draft is in the works. I do think there should be protected workers on both brands (workers that can't be poached via the draft.)

Yeah on paper, absolutely. Having said that, where I'm at now, three of United's Major Stars are in tag teams... three of the others are then in the same stable... and Kingdom have a new big babyface to even things up a little.

I like the moves you suggested there... I've actually 'done' the draft on paper... and only ONE of those four moves happen currently... but spaces will open up for Roly, Koller, Beskov and Cooper to move into ;)  Roly vs War Machine does sound epic!!

Protected workers, absolutely! For example, IRL, the 'Raw' tag champs moving to Smackdown makes ZERO sense!! That will not be happening here. If I plan to move Champions across, then they will lose the Belts beforehand. Newcomers like [BLANK]. [BLANKY BLANK] and [BLANK BLANKLE]... will stay on the brands they arrived on or recently moved to.

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