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GCW: The Road To National

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1.  4 Way Scramble: Cole Radrick vs CPA vs Janai Kai vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  Blake Christian vs Lio Rush

3. GCW Tag Team Championship: BUSSY (c) vs Dark Sheik/Sadika

4.  Chris Sabin vs Brian Myers

5.  InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver/Calvin Tankman) vs Gringo Loco/Los Mazisos

6.  Rejects (Reed Bentley/John Wayne Murdoch) vs Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner/Matthew Justice)

7. Jonathan Gresham vs Mike Bailey

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.  4 Way Scramble: Cole Radrick vs CPA vs Janai Kai vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  Blake Christian vs Lio Rush

3. GCW Tag Team Championship: BUSSY (c) vs Dark Sheik/Sadika

4.  Chris Sabin vs Brian Myers

5.  InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver/Calvin Tankman) vs Gringo Loco/Los Mazisos

6.  Rejects (Reed Bentley/John Wayne Murdoch) vs Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner/Matthew Justice)

7. Jonathan Gresham vs Mike Bailey

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Live from Manhattan Center, New York

Attendance: 751

 Scramble Match

Janai Kai vs Cole Radrick vs CPA vs Jack Cartwheel

It was Cole Radrick who came away with the win this time as he dodged the head kick of Kai and then pinned her with the cutter.

Winner: Cole Radrick

Grade: 39


Singles Match

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Blake Christian vs Lio Rush

Lio Rush had been on a downslide for the last couple of months here while Blake Christian has always been seen as one of the rising star of the promotion. Christian offered a handshake but Rush just slapped it and then hit a missile dropkick. Christian shot back just as fast, hitting a twisting gutbuster in the ring for a two count.

Some heavy chops in the corner would catch Rush, before catching him into a crucifix style submission. Rush tried to make a comeback, nailing a big spear for a two count. A kick to the head rocked Christian, before a falcon arrow for a two count. Christian was able to come back and set up a ripcord Spanish Fly. Rush held on but failed to hit Rush Hour, and took a dropkick to the head. Rush was frustrated and he went for another Rush Hour after a backbreaker and this time he was successful. As he was going in for the three count, suddenly a masked man rushes in and hits slingshot suplex before a legdrop knocked Rush out. He draped Christian over Rush and got the three count.


Winner: Blake Christian

Grade: 33


With Christian in shock, Rush angry while exiting and crowd booing, the man removes his mask and 







Alex Zayne!!!! The old time tag team partner turned rival turned ally of Blake Christian. Everybody was in shock. Zayne had not been seen in a while ever since he started wrestling in NJPW and Christian was very happy as they hugged out and crowd was firmly behind them.


GCW Tag Team Title Match

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BUSSY (c) vs Dark Sheik/Sadika

The oddball pairing of Sheik and Sadika caused too many problems for BUSSY as they matched them in weirdness at every step. Sadika broke a light tube on her skull before she cuts Allie's forehead with the broken tube. 

But in the end, while Sheik was busy smoking puffs with the audience, Allie took advantage with two Rainmaker Headbutts on Sadika to grab another defense.

Winner: BUSSY (defense #3)

Grade: 38


Singles Match


Chris Sabin vs Brian Myers

Last month, it was Shelley and Cardona facing off with Cardona getting the last laugh. This time it was the turn of their tag team partners. Myers pulled every dirty trick in the book to cheat his way to victory just like Cardona last month but the resilience of Myers was outstanding as he always found ways to foil the plan or kick out.

With Myers geeting desperate, he went for a Roster Cut but Sabin countered into an implant DDT before hitting the Cradle Shock to win making the series equal. 

Winner: Chris Sabin

Grade: 47




Mick Foley, the CEO of GCW arrives on stage to a rousing reception from crowd. He greets them first before dropping a huge bombshell with regards to the tag team titles.

Since the series between MCMG and Major Players ended in a draw, at Cage of Survival, it will be a triple threat cage match between BUSSY and MCMG and Major Players for the tag titles!!!

Before leaving, he also had some choice words for Lauderdale and his group of Invaders as he mentioned that he will not tolerate any kind of propaganda on his show so Lauderdale, better beware and have a nice day!!!


Trios Match

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InJustice vs Gringo Loco/Los Mazisos

Myron Reed joined his Injustice team-mates and we got a hard hitting match with Reed shining the most with his flying moves. While Ciclope and Miedo indulged with Tankman trying to tame the Heavyweight but Jordan Oliver risked all for a balcony dive and crashed and burned with the Mazisos and Tankman on tow. 

Reed saw and opening and countered the piledriver attempt with a brutal roundhouse kick and followed up with a Skywalker to pick up his 1st GCW win of 2023.

Winner: InJustice

Grade: 46


Tag Deathmatch

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Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner/Matthew Justice) vs Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch/AKIRA)

Rejects were out here for blood. They wanted to hurt their opponents too bad. Mance Warner was making his long awaited return after getting sidelined with injuries for over six months and he was fired up. A cookie tray shot to JWM's ears could be heard echoing throughout the arena and John started bleeding from ears. 

But AKIRA was equal to the task. A Death Valley Driver on Justice on chair and a superplex on Warner through a glass pane broke all the momentum that SGC had and thereafter, it was a blood bath as all four men literally bled buckets.

Just when we thought that Justice had wrapped this up with a thunderous superkick on JWM, AKIRA made it to the ring and locked the chickenwing crossface on Justice for the submission win.

Winner: Rejects

Grade: 46


Soon, Bentley and Manders rushed in to join their respective teams and the fight spilled all over the arena. Rejects had the last laugh as they dropped Manders, Justice and Warner through a stack of barbed wire doors.



Brett Lauderdale emerges from the back and bask in the glory of the carnage. He mentioned how they are here to systematically dismantle the entire fabric of GCW and it starts with the burying of the SGC, the original pillars of GCW.






Alex Colon comes rushing from the back, pulling his Mega Bastards tag team partner, JWM and slapping him. With all of Rejects looking to kill Colon for this stunt, JWM stops them and then with a wry smile, threw a Rejects t-shirt on Colon's face and asks him to accept his destiny and join them or face the same repercussions.



Singles Match


Jonathan Gresham vs Mike Bailey

Both men shared a handshake, which Bailey made tense. They both had a rapid fire chain wrestling sequence with Gresham managing to get the upper hand with a head-scissors. Bailey tried to use a handstand to escape, but Gresham re-locked in the head-scissors. 

Gresham and Bailey continued to be at a stalemate, going move for move. Gresham suplexed Bailey on his left arm and both men traded armdrags. Gresham hyperextended Bailey’s left arm. Bailey came back with a missile dropkick and then a Tae Kwon Do kick combo. He went for an armbar, but Gresham blocked it. Both men traded rollup pins. Bailey hit Gresham with a standing Ultima Weapon but could only get two count.

Gresham worked on Bailey with quick rollup variations for several nearfalls before Bailey rocked Gresham with a pump kick. Gresham dodged a second Ultima Weapon attempt before rolling through and put Bailey in an Octopus hold which brought him his win.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham

Grade: 60


   Show Rating: 45

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Rejects have always been part of GCW and the American deathmatch scene with John Wayne Murdoch, arguably the leader of Rejects being their most decorated member. His GCW laurels speak for itself, having won the GCW tag titles twice, once with Reed Bentley and once with Alex Colon as one half of the Mega Bastards tag team. With previous reign as the GCW Ultraviolent Champion and the current winner of the Nick Gage Invitational, JWM is arguably the biggest star.

So, when the ex-owner of GCW, Lauderdale brought in this group of invaders, everybody took notice because it was being led by JWM. He had expanded his faction from only a two-person tag team (along with Reed Bentley) to a full-fledged growing cult. 

With a steady stream of wrestlers from the other promotion that he holds dear to his heart, ICW NHB, we have witnessed some bright stars of deathmatch scene trickling in to GCW and none brighter than the Kirks, Brandon Kirk and Kasey Kirk, the last two winners of the ICW American Deathmatch title and in fact, the match between this husband and wife duo forced people to make notice and mentioned the levels of psycho-ness in these two as they went extra mile to hurt each other. I mean which normal couple does that!!!!

The other member which completes this group is the protege of Danny Demanto, AKIRA who had travelled across the world and participated in deathmatches including wXw, ICW NHB, BJW and now has made GCW his home. Time will tell whether this motley group of invaders succeed or not but they have shaken GCW, that's for sure.


GCW Honours

1 x GCW Tag Team - Reed Bentley

2 x GCW Tag Team - John Wayne Murdoch

1 x GCW Ultraviolent Champion - John Wayne Murdoch

1 x Nick Gage Invitational - John Wayne Murdoch


Edited by kanegan
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Vandal - 13/16 + 4/7 - 17/23

Blodyxe - 12/16 + 4/7 - 16/23

CGN91 - 11/15 + 4/7 - 15/22

SonofSharknado - 8/15

mateitudu - 4/7


We are back with the biggest event of the current season, Cage of Survival where we will have four cage matches

~ Cage of Survival ~

1.  4 Way Scramble: Billie Starkz vs Nick Wayne vs Slade vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Blake Christian

3. GCW Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Cage of Survival Match : BUSSY (c) vs Motor City Machine Guns vs Major Players

4.  Stable Warfare Triple Threat Cage of Survival Match : Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner/Matthew Justice/1 Called Manders) vs Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch/Reed Bentley/AKIRA) vs InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver/Calvin Tankman)

5.   Kushida vs Mike Bailey

6.  GCW Ultraviolent Championship Four Corners Cage of Death Match: Rina Yamashita (c) vs Alex Colon vs Masha Slamovich vs Matt Tremont

7. GCW World Championship Cage of Survival Match: Nick Gage (c) vs Kota Ibushi

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~ Cage of Survival ~

1.  4 Way Scramble: Billie Starkz vs Nick Wayne vs Slade vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Blake Christian

3. GCW Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Cage of Survival Match : BUSSY (c) vs Motor City Machine Guns vs Major Players

4.  Stable Warfare Triple Threat Cage of Survival Match : Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner/Matthew Justice/1 Called Manders) vs Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch/Reed Bentley/AKIRA) vs InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver/Calvin Tankman)

5.   Kushida vs Mike Bailey

6.  GCW Ultraviolent Championship Four Corners Cage of Death Match: Rina Yamashita (c) vs Alex Colon vs Masha Slamovich vs Matt Tremont

7. GCW World Championship Cage of Survival Match: Nick Gage (c) vs Kota Ibushi

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~ Cage of Survival ~

1.  4 Way Scramble: Billie Starkz vs Nick Wayne vs Slade vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Blake Christian

3. GCW Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Cage of Survival Match : BUSSY (c) vs Motor City Machine Guns vs Major Players

4.  Stable Warfare Triple Threat Cage of Survival Match : Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner/Matthew Justice/1 Called Manders) vs Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch/Reed Bentley/AKIRA) vs InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver/Calvin Tankman)

5.   Kushida vs Mike Bailey

6.  GCW Ultraviolent Championship Four Corners Cage of Death Match: Rina Yamashita (c) vs Alex Colon vs Masha Slamovich vs Matt Tremont

7. GCW World Championship Cage of Survival Match: Nick Gage (c) vs Kota Ibushi

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1.  4 Way Scramble: Billie Starkz vs Nick Wayne vs Slade vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Blake Christian

3. GCW Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Cage of Survival Match : BUSSY (c) vs Motor City Machine Guns vs Major Players

4.  Stable Warfare Triple Threat Cage of Survival Match : Second Gear Crew (Mance Warner/Matthew Justice/1 Called Manders) vs Rejects (John Wayne Murdoch/Reed Bentley/AKIRA) vs InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver/Calvin Tankman)

5.   Kushida vs Mike Bailey

6.  GCW Ultraviolent Championship Four Corners Cage of Death Match: Rina Yamashita (c) vs Alex Colon vs Masha Slamovich vs Matt Tremont

7. GCW World Championship Cage of Survival Match: Nick Gage (c) vs Kota Ibushi

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Live from Esports Arena, Santa Ana, California

Attendance: 571

 Scramble Match

Nick Wayne vs Billie Starkz vs Slade vs Jack Cartwheel

It was Jack Cartwheel who finally won his 1st scramble as he submitted Billie Starkz with the Boston crab. 

Winner: Jack Cartwheel

Grade: 35


GCW Extreme Championship 

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Joey Janela (c) vs Blake Christian w/Alex Zayne

Joey Janela had held the belt since the start of the year and had already had 7 defenses so he was pretty confident from the start. Blake Christian's momentum was on upswing though as in the last show his long time partner Alex Zayne had returned and he was in ringside supporting his friend.

A springboard missile dropkick from Christian gave him the early swing of the match as he followed it up with a Falcon Arrow to get an early two count. They both exchanged arm kicks but Janela got the better of the exchange as he hit a massive lariat twice to get a near fall but Zayne kept interfering at crucial moments to give Christian the edge but the tenacity of Janela kept the two at bay.

While Janela went for his Triple Jump Moonsault, Christian moved and as he was going for Elia, two huge masked men entered the ring and delivered a powerful chokeslam/russian leg sweep combo on both Christian and Zayne. Janela capitalized and pinned Christian for yet another defense.


Winner: Joey Janela (defense #8)

Grade: 54


With Christian and Zayne both coming to senses, they see









Lio Rush comes out but wait!!!! It's not Lio Rush, the black mascara, the black heart painted on his body, it's Blackheart, the extremist alter ego of Lio Rush as he laughs maniacally on the stage. Just then, the two masked men delivers another pair of chokeslam to Blake Christian and Alex Zayne and then the two revealed themselves....










Legion of Pain, f.k.a Authors of Pain, the former NXT and WWE RAW Tag Team Champions. They were here in GCW and causing carnage. 

Lio Rush then starts a verbal tirade as he mentioned how getting looked down upon in the last few months made him realize that being a goody two shoes will not take you anywhere so he brought back the one thing that he hated the most, his inner demon, the Blackheart. And he has found two like-minded individuals who share his ideas. Blackheart and Legion of Pain, they will not be oppressed anymore because the era of Black Legion starts now.


Singles Match


KUSHIDA vs Mike Bailey

It didn’t take long for the action to spill outside the ring where Bailey inadvertently kicked the steel ring post. This allowed KUSHIDA to gain control as he targeted the leg of Bailey. Back in the ring, Bailey fought through the pain, taking KUSHIDA off his feet with a series of body kicks. Bailey then drove his knees into KUSHIDA’s chest before locking in an armbar. Bailey looked to finish off the match with Ultima Weapon but KUSHIDA evaded the attack.

He then unleashed a flurry of stiff kicks across Bailey's chest as crowd chanted "We Want More". KUSHIDA kept hitting Bailey's chest relentlessly with a series of chops until there was nothing left in Bailey's body. He then secured a heel lock submission, forcing Bailey to tap out. Crowd went nuts in greeting both the wrestlers and pleaded them to come back and fight again.


Grade: 54


GCW Tag Team Championship Cage of Survival Triple Threat

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BUSSY (c)  vs Motor City Machine Guns vs Major Players

These three teams have been feuding for the better part of the last two months and while BUSSY's title reign had remained unscathed through this, tonight was perhaps the biggest test of their career as they had to deal with not one but two hungry and in-form teams in the unforgiving cage.

The action was restricted to in-ring in the early parts of the match with cheat tags mainly executed by Cardona and Myers whenever they saw an opportunity for a win. While Cardona hit the Radio Silence on Allie, MCMG stole right from their playbook when Alex tagged himself in and delivered a Bulldog to Cardona before trying to pin Allie but the time she got between getting hit and being pinned was enough for her to kick out. This broke down the rules as everybody jumped into the ring at the same time. Myers hit a belly to belly to Effy and he in turn got hit by a springboard reverse bulldog from Sabin. Cardona and Allie exchanged slaps with Cardona's final slap forcing Allie to go down.

Crowd was disappointed that the cage walls were not used till now but that changed when Allie in a fit of rage, slammed Myers head repeatedly drawing blood. She turns around, it's Alex Shelley, superkick and then Shell Shock!!!! Shelley covers....1......2......he gets pulled out....Cardona.... Radio Silence....1......2....no!!!! Effy pulls Cardona out.... BUSSY Driver!!!! 1.......2.......3!!. That's it. BUSSY has come unscathed through this.

Winner: BUSSY (defense #4)

Grade: 45


Stable Warfare Triple Threat Cage of Death

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InJustice  vs Second Gear Crew vs Rejects

Finally we come to the match that everyone is waiting for. It was evident that InJustice would be playing second fiddle to the war between SGC and Rejects that had gained enormous steam in the last few weeks. Although InJustice had one big advantage, the Heavyweight Hustle, Calvin Tankman and he unloaded big time. Justice got thrown like a dart towards the cage wall, AKIRA and Bentley both went down to a double clothesline and JWM and Manders suffered a ring shattering spine buster from Tankman.

Warner though turned things around when he got hold of a baseball bat that he had carried on his entrance and beat the shit out of Tankman. Soon, everyone ganged up on Tankman and despite Reed and Oliver's best attempt, Tankman suffered a hell of a beating, it was 6-1 on him. With that business taken care of, it was time for the Rejects-SGC face-off and we witnessed a full blown assault. Reed and Oliver tried to chime in at time with their offenses but tonight nobody would come in the way of the other six as they were swatted away like flies.

The ending came when JWM and Bentley having already lost too much blood and were feeling groggy tried to hit Warner with their finishing move but Justice and Manders arrive in nick of time and after a few gruesome exchanges, Justice won this for his team with a Death Valley Driver on a barbed wire glass pane to Bentley.

Winner: Second Gear Crew

Grade: 46


GCW Ultraviolent Championship Four Corners Cage of Death

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Rina Yamashita (c)  vs Masha Slamovich vs Matt Tremont vs Alex Colon

We got a contrast of styles in this match where on one hand Tremont and Colon used the slow methodical approach to deathmatch wrestling with sleeper holds and traps in the beginning before they could move onto weapons while Masha and Rina were much more lethal, going all out. Masha hit the Snow Plough on both Colon and Rina but failed to do so against Tremont as Tremont hits a humongous chokeslam to level things out.

Weapons came into play soon as Rina used a staple gun to staple Colon's every body part while Masha was lethal with the barbed wire bat as she slammed Tremont multiple times on his back.

A time came when Colon and Masha came face to face and with crowd expecting a furious altercation, both moved to within an inch of each other's face bit then smile crept up on both the faces as they both tore the shirts they were wearing and inside it was..................The Rejects jersey!!!!!!............ Holy shit!!!! Both Alex Colon and Masha Slamovich were now part of Rejects.... this was huge.

Both of them teamed to take out Tremont but couldn't do much as Tremont delivered a double chokeslam on barbed wire door to knock them out but couldn't avoid the Splash Mountain from Yamashita as Rina defended her title successfully once more


Winner: Rina Yamashita (defense #8)

Grade: 38


   GCW World Championship Cage of Survival

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Nick Gage (c) vs Kota Ibushi 

Ibushi wanted to make this one memorable as he worked extra stiff with Gage. Some stiff knee strikes and a Triangle Moonsault later, Ibushi went for his first cover but Gage kicked out. Gage took the fight towards the extreme as he slammed Kota's head on the cage wall and it bounced off like a football. Then, he wrapped a barbed wire on Ibushi's head but he got out of it before hitting the Golden Bom for a close two count.

He went for another springboard crossbody but Gage caught him and planted him with a spinebuster. A belly-to-belly followed and Gage covered for his first pin of the night for a two count. The match continued  with Ibushi getting the most offense and he almost got the ending as he hit a Kamigoye on Gage but the thrust forced the cage wall which was already very weak from the previous matches to come off forcing Gage to crash on the floor. Ibushi followed him but he unfortunately didn't see the weakened cage wall which tumbled on Ibushi as he was knocked out. With rules allowing pinfall to occur anywhere in this match, Gage some how managed to hit the Chokebreaker on the lifeless body of Ibushi and covered him for the three count.


Winner: Nick Gage (defense #3)

Grade: 64

   Show Rating: 50

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Blodyxe - 16/23 + 3/7 - 19/30

Vandal - 17/23 + 1/7 - 18/30

CGN91 - 15/22

SonofSharknado - 8/15

mateitudu - 4/7 + 2/7 - 6/7

So, @Blodyxe wins the first prediction contest courtesy of his three right predictions in the last event which was surprisingly tough to predict. Sending you a PM right now for your prize.

The next big event for GCW will be Tournament of Survival and the next prediction contest will run till then. Also, two more shows until we officially start the brand split.


~ You Wouldn't Understand  ~ 

1.  5 Way Scramble: Alec Price vs Latigo vs 2 Cold Scorpio vs Janai Kai vs Dark Sheik

2.  Legion of Pain vs ???

3. Trios Match: Homicide/Gringo Loco/El Hijo del Vikingo vs Nick Wayne/Sawyer Wreck/Billie Starkz

4.  Triple Threat Tag Match : Los Mazisos vs IronBeast vs Kirks

5.   Trios Match: Time Machine (Kushida/Motor City Machine Guns) vs InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver/Calvin Tankman)

6.  GCW Extreme Championship Open Challenge : Joey Janela (c) vs ???

7. GCW Ultraviolent Championship 1000 Light Tubes Match: Rina Yamashita (c) vs Alex Colon



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1.  5 Way Scramble: Alec Price vs Latigo vs 2 Cold Scorpio vs Janai Kai vs Dark Sheik

2.  Legion of Pain vs ???

3. Trios Match: Homicide/Gringo Loco/El Hijo del Vikingo vs Nick Wayne/Sawyer Wreck/Billie Starkz

4.  Triple Threat Tag Match : Los Mazisos vs IronBeast vs Kirks

5.   Trios Match: Time Machine (Kushida/Motor City Machine Guns) vs InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver/Calvin Tankman)

6.  GCW Extreme Championship Open Challenge : Joey Janela (c) vs ???

7. GCW Ultraviolent Championship 1000 Light Tubes Match: Rina Yamashita (c) vs Alex Colon



So, @Blodyxe wins the first prediction contest courtesy of his three right predictions in the last event which was surprisingly tough to predict. Sending you a PM right now for your prize.

The next big event for GCW will be Tournament of Survival and the next prediction contest will run till then. Also, two more shows until we officially start the brand split.


Got lucky there, but I'll take it!

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~ You Wouldn't Understand  ~ 

1.  5 Way Scramble: Alec Price vs Latigo vs 2 Cold Scorpio vs Janai Kai vs Dark Sheik

2.  Legion of Pain vs ???

3. Trios Match: Homicide/Gringo Loco/El Hijo del Vikingo vs Nick Wayne/Sawyer Wreck/Billie Starkz

4.  Triple Threat Tag Match : Los Mazisos vs IronBeast vs Kirks

5.   Trios Match: Time Machine (Kushida/Motor City Machine Guns) vs InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver/Calvin Tankman)

6.  GCW Extreme Championship Open Challenge : Joey Janela (c) vs ???

7. GCW Ultraviolent Championship 1000 Light Tubes Match: Rina Yamashita (c) vs Alex Colon


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Live from Oceanview Pavilion, California

Attendance: 400

 Scramble Match

Alec Price vs Latigo vs 2 Cold Scorpio vs Janai Kai vs Dark Sheik

Alec Price took this one with a flying crossbody on Latigo while Janai Kai came close with a massive head kick to Scorpio but couldn't pin him in time.

Winner: Alec Price

Grade: 42



Black Legion makes their way to the ring with Lio Rush in his Blackheart persona flanked by Legion of Pain.

Lio Rush then invites anyone who has the balls to come face off with the monsters and try fending off the black flames that will engulf their career once the L.O.P is done with them.





Tag Team Match


Legion of Pain w/ "Blackheart" Lio Rush vs Reno S.C.U.M


The open challenge was answered by former Impact talents, Luster the Legend and Adam Thornstowe, collectively known as Reno S.C.U.M. They tried hard in initial phases to show their offense but L.O.P was unfazed and a single punch from both Akam and Rezar knocked the teeth out of their opponents.

A chokeslam thereafter finished this squash match in less than 8 minutes.


Winner: Legion of Pain

Grade: 41


Trios Match

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Gringo Loco/Vikingo/Homicide vs Nick Wayne/Billie Starkz/Sawyer Wreck


This was a stark contrasting match. While five of the competitors took part in fast-paced high flying offense, Homicide was the odd one out as he just wanted to inflict punishment. We got a light tube duel between Sawyer and Homicide which Homicide won before he ended this match with a Gringo Killa on Wreck. Wayne and Starkz performed well.

Winner: Gringo Loco/Vikingo/Homicide

Grade: 48


Triple Threat Tag Match

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Los Mazisos vs The Kirks vs IronBeast


An exhibition of the tag team division in GCW with Mazisos testing themselves against the returning teams of IronBeast and Kirks. Shane Mercer once again showed his body strength as he vertical suplexed Brandon Kirk after stalling him for 15 count and then straight up throwed Ciclope outside the ring through a table.

KTB had no such luck though as he was subjected to some innovative offense from Extremo including one where he was handcuffed to the ropes and a barbed wire chair aided Coast to Coast destroyed his hand as blood flowed freely from the deep cut with the wire.

Kasey Kirk tried inlficting the same punishment to Extremo but he dodged it and then a crossface with the barbed wire where the wire was cutting through her face was enough to make Kasey tap fervently to stop the madness.

Winner: Los Mazisos

Grade: 37


Trios Match

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Time Machine vs InJustice


Both of the teams were coming into these match with varying success. While Time Machine had won both their previous trios contest, InJustice had arrive in style winning their 1st one against Second Gear Crew although with a bit of help from Rejects but then failed to win in the Cage of Survival Triple Threat Trios Match.

We got another highly entertaining match with the pattern following the same as the previous matches involving InJustice, with everyone trying to take Tankman out. Reed and Oliver were subjected to an exhibition in tag team wrestling as MCMG performed their signature moves with ease but Tankman couldn't be held down for long as he bounced back with a double clothesline on Shelley and Sabin and then hit the sit down powerbomb on Sabin for a two count. With Kushida being subjected to an enormous suicide dive from Tankman previously, he recovered and came back and took his revenge as he managed to slap the Kushida Lock on Tankman, getting the submission win.

Winner: Time Machine

Grade: 54



KUSHIDA picks up the mic and then mentions that he has seen  the war that Ibushi-san went through with Nick Gage and he is yearning to experience the same thrill so he challenges Kota Ibushi to a match.








Nick Gage comes out to a rousing reception. He mentions how he was lucky in his title defense against Ibushi with the cage wall coming down but he is the realest motherf**er in this company and he will not bear witness to any talks about him being lucky. So, he has got permission from GCW management and at the next event, Red Means Green it will be KUSHIDA vs Kota Ibushi and the winner will challenge him for the GCW World Title at next month's Gateway to Death!!!!


GCW Extreme Championship

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Joey Janela (c) vs Rob Van Dam


The surprise challenger for Joey Janela turned out to be the Whole F'N Show, Rob Van Dam. The former ECW, WWE and Impact wrestling legend turned out to some rapturous pop from the crowd, marking his debut here in GCW. He was just a shadow of his former self now but Janela carried him to a serviceable match allowing him to hit all his signature spots including the Rolling Thunder, the Roundhouse Kick and Coast to Coast. 

But in the end, the result was expected as Janela hit the Moonsualt Foot Stomp to take another defense. 

Winner: Joey Janela (defense #9)

Grade: 48


GCW Ultraviolent Championship 1000 Light Tubes Deathmatch

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Rina Yamashita (c) vs Alex Colon


Alex Colon was getting this title shot after his shocking betrayal at Cage of Survival where he revealed himself to be part of the Rejects. The crowd booed him throughout the match. It was essentially the sequel to their 1st meeting when Rina Yamashita defeated Alex to start her Ultraviolent Championship reign last year.

As was expected, we got plenty of blood and broken glass. Things started off hot with a light tube duel with Colon winning the exchange before he planted Yamashita with a Styles Clash over a bed of broken glass but it earned only a two count.  He attempted a light tube-aided suicide dive on Yamashita who had rolled out to catch her breath but she saw the incoming Colon and smashed him with a light tube of her own.

She hunts for something underneath the ring and then comes out with a mouse trap and then gets Colon's finger inside and stomps it repeatedly. Colon cries out from the enormous pain but Yamashita was relentless and she was extra fierce and punished Colon for joining Rejects. Several more mouse traps came into play as Alex's both hands and his legs were trapped. Yamashita goes up on top and hits the Splash Mountain for another successful defense. She was now 2-0 against Colon.


Winner: Rina Yamashita (defense #9)

Grade: 44



   Show Rating: 44

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Blodyxe - 5/7

Vandal - 5/7


~ Red Means Green  ~ 

1.  3 Way Scramble: Mike Bailey vs Dark Sheik vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  LOP Open Challenge: Legion of Pain vs ???

3.  SGC vs Rejects Deathmatch: Matthew Justice vs John Wayne Murdoch

4.  SGC vs Rejects Deathmatch: Mance Warner vs AKIRA

5.  GCW Tag Team Championship :  BUSSY (c) vs InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver)

6.  KUSHIDA vs Kota Ibushi


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1.  3 Way Scramble: Mike Bailey vs Dark Sheik vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  LOP Open Challenge: Legion of Pain vs ???

3.  SGC vs Rejects Deathmatch: Matthew Justice vs John Wayne Murdoch

4.  SGC vs Rejects Deathmatch: Mance Warner vs AKIRA

5.  GCW Tag Team Championship :  BUSSY (c) vs InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver)

6.  KUSHIDA vs Kota Ibushi

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1. 3 Way Scramble: Mike Bailey vs Dark Sheik vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  LOP Open Challenge: Legion of Pain vs ???

3.  SGC vs Rejects Deathmatch: Matthew Justice vs John Wayne Murdoch

4.  SGC vs Rejects Deathmatch: Mance Warner vs AKIRA

5.  GCW Tag Team Championship :  BUSSY (c) vs InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver)

6.  KUSHIDA vs Kota Ibushi

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1.  3 Way Scramble: Mike Bailey vs Dark Sheik vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  LOP Open Challenge: Legion of Pain vs ???

3.  SGC vs Rejects Deathmatch: Matthew Justice vs John Wayne Murdoch

4.  SGC vs Rejects Deathmatch: Mance Warner vs AKIRA

5.  GCW Tag Team Championship BUSSY (c) vs InJustice (Myron Reed/Jordan Oliver)

6.  KUSHIDA vs Kota Ibushi

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Live from Showboat Atlantic City, New Jersey

Attendance: 400

 Triple Threat Match


Mike Bailey vs Dark Sheik vs Jack Cartwheel

Instead of the traditional opening scramble match, we opened with a triple threat match on our return to our spiritual home. Showboat Atlantic City and it featured three wrestlers who were on the downslide. especially Mike Bailey. But Bailey returned to the win column in an emphatic fashion as he hit the Ultima Weapon on Cartwheel from the top of the guardrail to win.

Winner: Mike Bailey

Grade: 57




Just like last time, Black Legion makes their way to the ring with Lio Rush in his Blackheart persona flanked by Legion of Pain.

Again Blackheart screams at the audience and at the entryway to face the LOP and embrace the Legion or face consequences.


Tag Team Match

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Legion of Pain w/ "Blackheart" Lio Rush vs Los Mazisos


This time, the open challenge was answered by the former 3 times GCW Tag Team Champions, Los Mazisos. Crowd popped hard and expected Mazisos to present a tougher challenge than last time but to everyone's shock, LOP dominated and didn't allow Mazisos to build any offense except for a hit or two.

A stereo Last Ride (called Last Chapter) from Dhinsa and Selmani finished this match in 10 minutes.


Winner: Legion of Pain

Grade: 42


SGC vs Rejects Deathmatch

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Matthew Justice vs John Wayne Murdoch


The war between SGC and Rejects started two months back and it is not showing any signs of slowing down. Here, the two leaders of the faction clashed in their first-ever singles meeting and it did not disappoint.

Both of these guys were masters of their craft, but only one could walk away the winner. The pair opened with a bundle collision and started throwing hands. Justice broke another tube on Murdoch and knocked him to the outside with a dropkick. He followed with a tube dive and started carving away with a broken tube he’d smashed on himself. Murdoch was forced to take a seat but got up to stop Justice's run and threw him onto the chair. It was Murdoch’s turn to break tubes and he drove him into the glassy mat with a slingshot flatliner. He carved away at Justice and kept the tube breakages coming, smashing one right through Justice’s gut. 

Justice reversed when he threw in a full box of tubes just to crush them onto Murdoch’s midsection with double knees. Any tubes left were just broken on Murdoch, drawing more blood and cutting even deeper into him. Murdoch set up a chair for his Brainbuster but only got two as the ref took a bit too long getting in. He got ready to hit a second but Justice rolled him up. They both broke more tubes on each other and Justice nailed Murdoch with the Spanish Fly before he tried to hit the Justice Driver but Murdoch was ready as he stopped Justice with a nasty lariat followed with the tube bundle stomp on chest and finally finishing it with another brainbuster to get the three count.

What a war!!! Rejects had just made an emphatic statement as JWM wins in the battle of leaders.!!!

Winner: John Wayne Murdoch

Grade: 49


SGC vs Rejects Deathmatch


Mance Warner vs AKIRA


Warner and AKIRA, presumably the second-in-command of their respective factions had a tough ask, to follow their leader's match which was a fantastic one. But these two over-delivered. They started on a completely different note than the normal deathmatches, with a chair duel with neither man getting an advantage.


Warner grabbed a gusset plate and tried to hit AKIRA with it but the Death Fighter ducked the same before he got hold of a 2x4 and then proceeded to beat the shit out of Warner. But Warner came back in the sickest way possible, with a handful of skewers hammered right in AKIRA's forehead, and he bled buckets. 

Warner hit two Death Valley Drivers and then used a barbed wire-wrapped Singapore cane for a cross-face submission on AKIRA with the cane forcing the skewers to go deeper into AKIRA's flesh and he had no choice but to tap out.

Winner: Mance Warner

Grade: 55


GCW Tag Team Championship

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BUSSY (c) vs InJustice


After two horrifying deathmatches, the crowd needed a break and we got a tag team championship match. InJustice team of Reed and Oliver were getting this shot after they won the tag team scramble match.

Reed and Oliver started in a fast pace, completely flooring their opponents with their aerial attacks but Effy slowed down the pace as he engaged in some old school chain wrestling with Oliver and took the upper hand with his various submission maneuvers.

Reed went for his No Cap Dive over the top rope but Katch moved aside and Reed crashed onto the bare floor outside. He was rolled into the ring where Effy delivered a BUSSY Driver to retain.

Winner: BUSSY (defense #5)

Grade: 50


Singles Match

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KUSHIDA vs Kota Ibushi


KUSHIDA got control of the match after a bit and then worked Ibushi over for a while. Ibushi eventually managed to send KUSHIDA to the floor and then hit his moonsault to the floor. They got back to the ring and traded forearms. Ibushi hit a combination of moves to get the advantage. KUSDHIDA came back with a piledriver for a nearfall. They traded pinning combinations. Ibushi hit a wild bridging German for a nearfall. KUSHIDA hit a massive satellite DDT and then a moonsault: 1…2…NO! 

KUSHIDA then gets hit with a Golden Triangle Bomb and a springboard moonsault but KUSHIDA kicked out at two.  KUSHIDA goes for the Kamigoye but KUSHIDA was aware and he grabbed the knee and twisted it before he transitioned into the Kushida Lock. Ibushi tried hard but ultimately had no choice but to tap as KUSHIDA earned a monumental victory in his career. He had done it and was now the #1 contender for the GCW World title.



Grade: 60


   Show Rating: 51

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In a press conference that Mick Foley was conducting after two successful months here, he addressed the brand split that was announced some time back. The main talking points were:

- GCW and JCW will function as two separate brands with their own separate titles. JCW will be home to the Extreme title which will be JCW's equivalent to the GCW Ultraviolent title. 

- Apart from JCW Champion Jordan Oliver and Extreme Champion Joey Janela, other talents like Myron Reed, Nick Wayne, The Kirks, Masha Slamovich and many others will now move to JCW

- The first event of the newly born JCW will be Batllebowl which will be an annual event. The first Battlebowl will crown the new JCW Tag Team Champions.


When asked about the participants of the initial Battlebowl, Mick Foley broke another important news........ GCW has created a new alliance.


World of Wrestling, a new alliance that transcends borders and consists of the following promotions:




The first piece of action that this alliance will see is in the Battlebowl where guest teams from other promotions in the alliance will make their debut and the details will be revealed soon.

The press conference came to an end with that news and the social media started buzzing.


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The re-birth of JCW is upon us and it all starts with the Battlebowl where we crown the first-ever JCW Tag Team Champions and the participants have been chosen across the WOW alliance.



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~ Bang Bros ~

Davey Bang and August Matthews form the Bang Bros, the mainstay of Black Label Pro promotion where they have been wrestling since 2019.  The current BLP Tag Team champions since the last 6 months, they are now ready to show the crowd in GCW their brand of high-flying offense.



Current BLP Tag Team Champions



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~ Wasted Youth ~

Matt Tremont has brought his entourage to JCW. Marcus Mathers and Dyln McKay, the protege of Matt Tremont, better known as Wasted Youth has re-united again and this time they are in for the long haul.





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~ Brahman Brothers ~ (FREEDOMS/BJW)

The mainstay of FREEDOMS, BJW, UWA and countless other Japanese indie promotions throughout their career, the brothers Kei and Shu Sato, better known as Brahman Brothers have been wrestling for the last 3 decades. With multiple title reigns in multiple promotions, the now 45 year olds will make their GCW debut, ready to bring to America, their brand of deathmatch insanity.



1 x BJW Tag Team

2 x King of FREEDOM World Tag Team

2 x UWA World Trios

1 x KO-D 6 Man Tag Team

1 x Yokohama Shopping Street Six Man




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~ La Rebellion ~ (TNT)

One of the most famous Latino tag team who have made their mark throughout the world, La Rebellion has to be considered one of the favorites. Wrestling in Puerto Rico, USA, Mexico, Canada, Germany and now England, they have been on fire with their performances wherever they wrestle.



Current TNT Tag Team Champion 

1 x IWRG Intercontinental Trios

2 x NWA World Tag Team

3 x The Crash Tag Team



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~ Unguided ~ 

Damian Drake and Matt Vandagriff, proteges of D'Lo Brown, make up the Unguided, who have been wowing the West Coast indies since 2017. They have previously appeared in singles action in GCW and both of them have individually appeared in mainstream promotions like Impact, AEW, AAA but this will be the first time that they will appear as a tag team.



1 x FSW Tag Team Champion 

1 x WCWC Tag Team Champion



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~ VeloCities ~ (PWA)

Jude London and Paris De Silva, the VeloCities are part of the new breed of Australian wrestlers who have been making their impact worldwide. Getting trained by Madison Eagles, they have already appeared in the US and UK for PWG and RevPro. Looking to be the next breakout team from Australia after Aussie Open and TMDK, they will surely try to make a mark in their GCW debut.



Current MCW Tag Team Champion 

3 x PWA Tag Team Champion



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~ Arrows of Hungary ~ (wXw)

The first and the most famous tag team to come out from Hungary, Icarus and Dover have been honing their craft in Germany under the moniker of Arrows of Hungary with wXw and GWF and have won both the promotion's tag team titles. With their hard European brawling style, they fit right in GCW style and would look to impress the American crowd.



Current GWF Tag Team Champion 

2 x wXw Tag Team Champion




~ East West Express ~ 

The former GCW Tag Team Champions, Jordan Oliver and Nick Wayne have been drafted to JCW and they are ready to show everyone why they are considered the absolute favorite to win this. With Jordan Oliver already the JCW World Champion, he would be looking to add the tag title and make InJustice the strongest unit of JCW.



1 x GCW Tag Team Champion



JCW Battlebowl

QF1: East West Express vs Bang Bros

QF2: Wasted Youth vs Unguided

QF3: La Rebellion vs Brahman Brothers

QF4: VeloCities vs Arrows of Hungary

Tony Deppen vs Myron Reed

SF1:  QF1 Winner vs QF2 Winner

SF2: QF3 Winner vs QF4 Winner

GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Masha Slamovich

Final: SF1 Winner vs SF2 Winner

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On 7/7/2023 at 12:26 PM, kanegan said:

QF1: East West Express vs Bang Bros

QF2: Wasted Youth vs Unguided

QF3: La Rebellion vs Brahman Brothers

QF4: VeloCities vs Arrows of Hungary

Tony Deppen vs Myron Reed

SF1:  QF1 Winner vs QF2 Winner

SF2: QF3 Winner vs QF4 Winner

GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Masha Slamovich

Final: SF1 Winner vs SF2 Winner


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