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GCW: The Road To National

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QF1: East West Express vs Bang Bros

QF2: Wasted Youth vs Unguided

QF3: La Rebellion vs Brahman Brothers

QF4: VeloCities vs Arrows of Hungary

Tony Deppen vs Myron Reed

SF1:  East West Express (QF1 Winner) vs Wasted Youth (QF2 Winner)

SF2: La Rebellion (QF3 Winner) vs Arrows of Hungary (QF4 Winner)

GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Masha Slamovich

Final: East West Express (SF1 Winner) vs La Rebellion (SF2 Winner)

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QF1: East West Express vs Bang Bros

QF2: Wasted Youth vs Unguided

QF3: La Rebellion vs Brahman Brothers

QF4: VeloCities vs Arrows of Hungary

Tony Deppen vs Myron Reed

SF1:  QF1 Winner vs QF2 Winner

SF2: QF3 Winner vs QF4 Winner

GCW Extreme Championship: Joey Janela (c) vs Masha Slamovich

Final: East West Express vs. La Rebellion

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Live from GILT Nightclub, Orlando

Attendance: 484

Battlebowl Quarter Final

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East West Express vs Bang Bros

Bang and Wayne started and shook hands. Matthews and Oliver entered afterwards and traded some quick moves, ending in a standoff. Bang hit a slingshot senton on Wayne, and Bang Bros worked over him in the corner.

Wayne made the hot tag and Oliver came in and hit a series of kicks on Matthews before they hit a team flip slam on Bang for a nearfall. Bang came back and hit a Canadian Destroyer. He then hit a moonsault to the floor as August leapt through the ropes onto an opponent.

Both Wayne and Oliver hit a Clout Cutter but could not get the pinfall and after some more exchanges, finally hit the stereo top-rope 450 Splashes for double pins. Crowd gave a warm reception to the Bang Bros. It seems that we have got a new fan favorite team in the ranks.


Winner: East West Express

Grade: 39


Battlebowl Quarter Final

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Wasted Youth vs Unguided


In the battle of two young teams, it was Tremont's proteges who came away with the win after Mathers hit the Bozo Buster on Matt Vandagriff. Tremont cheering from ringside had the crowd rooting for them and they were right in rooting for the winning team.


Winner: Wasted Youth

Grade: 22



Battlebowl Quarter Final

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La Rebellion vs Brahman Brothers


Brahman Brothers attacks La Rebellion before the bell rings. Bodyslam Party. Assisted Death Valley Driver for a two count. Bestia counters with heavy bodyshots on Shu before he throws him into the turnbuckles. Shu counters and then tags in Kei who hits back with clubbing uppercuts. Bestia throws a Haymaker/Uppercut Exchange. 

Wolf comes in and ducks a clothesline from Kei before hitting a flying forearm smash. He follows that with a Step Up Enzuigiri and a basement dropkick. Brahman Brothers goes into tandem mode as they hit a double Superplex from the top rope before they bite Wolf's forehead. After enough bickering amongst the four and a further attempt at a tandem SuperPlex, Bestia foils it, throwing Kei on the ladder lying below before hitting the La Valagueza on Shu to win this.


Winner: La Rebellion

Grade: 36


Battlebowl Quarter Final

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VeloCities vs Arrows of Hungary


Jude and Icarus started. They all started hitting flips and kicks in the ring. Paris worked over Dover's left arm. Jude hit a standing moonsault on Icarus. Dover hit a powerbomb on Paris for a nearfall, and they traded chops. 

Dover punches out Paris before hitting the Saito Suplex before hitting a backbreaker and a chin lock. Finally, Paris hits Dover with a Shooting Star Press to take this match and the interest from crowd.

Winner: VeloCities

Grade: 28


Singles Match


Myron Reed vs Tony Deppen


Deppen grabs a front facelock, but he powers to the outside when that didn’t yield much. Back inside, Reed goes to ground to avoid an armbar as the pair looks for an advantage leading to Deppen trying to dump Reed off the apron with an Exploder. That’s elbowed away as Reed instead had to defend from a deadlift German suplex, before he ran into a Fireman’s carry on the outside. He elbows free, but runs into a rana into a dropkick from Deppen on the floor instead. They trade shots on the outside, before they found their way onto some tables in the corner of the room. Deppen scoops up Reed and tombstones him onto the plastic table, which did not give.

Reed’s back with a Stundog Millionaire, then a poison ‘rana, taking Deppen outside as a flip senton over the ring post found its mark. A head kick and a Tiger suplex gets Deppen a near-fall after that before a tope into a cutter caught Reed on the floor. In the end though, a pumphandle driver is countered into a small package, with Reed escaping with the win.

Winner: Myron Reed

Grade: 48


Battlebowl Semi Final

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East West Express vs Wasted Youth


Oliver and Wayne were brimming with confidence as they took on McKay and Mathers who had come out with Tremont in their corner. After the initial exchanges, Oliver took the upper hand as he hit the brainbuster on turnbuckles to McKay and while Mathers tried his best to overturn their fortunes, in the end it was Oliver who hit the Clout Cutter to win and proceed to final.


Winner: East West Express

Grade: 22


Battlebowl Semi Final

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La Rebellion vs VeloCities


VeloCities luck ran out as they met with the dangerous La Rebellion. After a lot of flips and aerial offense, Wolf and Bestia took matters in their own hands as they started inflicting pain and Bestia hits his second La Valagueza of the night to earn a place in the final.


Winner: La Rebellion

Grade: 33


GCW Extreme Title

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Joey Janela (c) vs Masha Slamovich


Masha had been the GCW World Champion just 4 months ago and now she was battling it out for the Extreme title on JCW's debut show. This fall in her stock made Masha completely mad and she totally killed Janela, ignoring ref's instructions and kept badgering Janela with chair shots.

Even when Janela made a comeback and tried to finish the match with the Moonsault Foot Stomp, two figures ran down and threw Janela off the ropes straight into the guard rail.







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It was the Kirks!!. They were here which means that Rejects were running strong even in JCW. While Masha looked unimpressed when the husband wife duo took Janela and slammed him into the entrance structure multiple times, ref had no choice but to disqualify and award the match to Janela.

Winner: Joey Janela (by DQ) (defense #10)

Grade: 29



Battlebowl Final & JCW Tag Team Championship

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La Rebellion vs East West Express


After wrestling two gruelling matches each, the finals were set between La Rebellion and East West Express. Both teams had contrasting fight styles and while Oliver and Wayne hadn't quite come across a team like La Rebellion in this tournament, Bestia and Wolf had already wrestled VeloCities in the semi-final whose style were similar to the Express and they used this advantage to negotiate the aerial tandem moves. 

Bestia unloads with heavy bodyshots while Wolf hits successive Deadlift German on Wayne. As it was looking like Rebellion would take this easily when Wolf kicked out of the Clout Cutter from Oliver and then Bestia hit the La Valagueza on him, Oliver took the ref down with him and it was the right moment for an interference.........






And indeed it was!!! Myron Reed came down with a baseball bat in his hand and slammed the sh*t out of both the members. He hit the Sky Walker on Wolf and then smacks Wayne and the ref to senses. Wayne hits the Clout Cutter and they had done it.!!!!! The final shot was of the three men of InJustice celebrating with the crowd still in doubt whether to boo or cheer them.


Battlebowl Winner and New JCW Tag Team Champions!! : East West Express

Grade: 33

   Show Rating: 31

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Mick Foley announced that all the American tag teams which participated in the Battlebowl like Bang Bros, Unguided and Wasted Youth have impressed and have been signed to PPA deals, and will be part of the JCW tag team division.


JCW held a follow-up event the next night from the same location known as Fully Loaded which established the brand a bit more.





Live from GILT Nightclub, Orlando

Attendance: 450

1. Myron Reed followed up on his massive win over Tony Deppen with another impressive victory with a Sky Walker over Titus Alexander who was making his JCW debut. The other participant was Starboy Charlie. 


2. Yet another new team debuted on this night as Billie Starkz teamed up with her tag partner from the indies, Alice Crowley to reform the Stupid Youth Project as they defeated Sawyer Wreck and Janai Kai after a miscommunication saw Starkz hitting the reverse bulldog off the ropes on Wreck. 


3. Matt Tremont led his proteges, Wasted Youth to a victory over Bang Bros in a short fast-paced match which got raucous reception from the crowd.


Masha Slamovich angrily stormed inside the ring and then proclaimed that being relegated to this filthy place has literally lit a fuse under her and she will not rest until she has sent all the original members of the company to the hospital. Joey Janela was only the beginning and since she is already out here, she challenges anybody to come out and get a measure of the Russian Dynamite.

4. Her challenge was answered by CZW and IWA: MS Hall of Famer and former WWE referee Drake Younger and although initially, he got a few licks, Masha absolutely annihilated him and finished the match with two successive Snow Ploughs over the glass panel to win the match.


5. The deathmatch segment continued with Jimmy Lloyd defeating Charles Mason over a highly bloody and competitive battle with Lloyd hitting the Tombstone Piledriver over a bed of thumbtacks. 

He gets on the mic and says that it's unfortunate that Janela has been reduced to a piece of crap but if ever he is able to return, Jimmy will be the first in line to challenge him and he is ready to go to any length in order to get another shot at the title.


6.  Jordan Oliver got his first defense of the JCW Championship out of the way against Gringo Loco and Alec Price as he pinned Price with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb off the top rope. Gringo Loco performed well but was taken out with a missile dropkick from Price which sent him crashing on the guardrail. (Defense #1 of JCW Championship)


After the match though, Tony Deppen runs out and attacks Oliver with a chair but Myron Reed rushes in with a baseball bat to save his InJustice teammate from further beatdown. Reed then looks at the title and with a smile asks Oliver to consider him for a title shot as he has saved his ass too many times now but Oliver just shrugs off the suggestion and laughs before both make an exit.


   Show Rating: 33

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GCW is officially on the road to Tournament of Survival and this year's event will be co-branded which means that participants from both JCW and GCW will take part. Before we reach though, there are a number of events that will be building blocks to the TOS.

Two events will mark the end of the month where the main talking point is Nick Gage taking on Kushida for the GCW Championship and the continuing war between Rejects and SGC. Jonathan Gresham will try to prove his worth as he wrestles in scramble matches.



 ~ Dead on Arrival ~

1.  Scramble Match: Jonathan Gresham vs Dark Sheik vs Slade vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  LOP Open Challenge: Legion of Pain vs ???

3. SGC vs Rejects Tag Deathmatch: Rejects (Reed Bentley/John Wayne Murdoch) vs SGC (Mance Warner/Matthew Justice)

4.  GCW Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match: Major Players vs Motor City Machine Guns

5. Mike Bailey vs Kota Ibushi

6. GCW World Championship: Nick Gage vs KUSHIDA





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~ Dead on Arrival ~

1.  Scramble Match: Jonathan Gresham vs Dark Sheik vs Slade vs Jack Cartwheel

2.  LOP Open Challenge: Legion of Pain vs ???

3. SGC vs Rejects Tag Deathmatch: Rejects (Reed Bentley/John Wayne Murdoch) vs SGC (Mance Warner/Matthew Justice)

4.  GCW Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match: Major Players vs Motor City Machine Guns

5. Mike Bailey vs Kota Ibushi

6. GCW World Championship: Nick Gage vs KUSHIDA

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Thank you to everyone who voted for me in the showcase for June DOTM. It is my first ever Event of the Month so i feel truly ecstatic. I have some big surprises lined up for all the viewers of this diary including one in the next event, Dead on Arrival.

This post also serves up as a reminder for anyone who wishes to predict on this one. The show will be posted in 24 hours.

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Live from Roxy Theatre, New York

Attendance: 500

Scramble Match

Jonathan Gresham vs Slade vs Dark Sheik vs Jack Cartwheel

The resurgence of Gresham starts here. He mentioned that he is willing to go through the grinds to prove himself and it started with his debut in the scramble match and a win here as he made Slade tap out to the Octopus Stretch.


Winner: Jonathan Gresham

Grade: 43


Open Challenge


Legion of Pain W/ "Blackheart" Lio Rush vs IronBeast


In a third straight open challenge, Legion of Pain overcame the dangerous IronBeast pretty easily. Shane Mercer showed his body strength though when he bodyslammed Selmani but in the end, the stereo chokeslams did the job again.


Winner: Legion of Pain

Grade: 37



Before the next match, we get a rare backstage segment where we see Reed Bentley lying down on a pool of his blood and we see Manders smiling as he appreciates his handiwork as he checks out the barbed wire-wrapped chair. This feud has gone too far now and JWM is without a partner for his next match. What will happen??



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Second Gear Crew vs Mega Bastards


Alex Colon replaces Bentley and joins JWM as they reunite their Mega Bastards tag team. Another bloody chapter gets added to this violent saga as all four men literally murder each other.

Matthew Justice hits two Justice Drivers to both JWM and Colon but both of them kick out much to the shock of SGC and the audience. Colon then gets a sledgehammer and wraps it up with barbed wire as he smashes the guts and chest of Warner and Justice before he hits the Piledriver on a glass pane to get the victory


Winner: Mega Bastards

Grade: 42


Colon gets on the mic and says that SGC has gone too far. They have already talked with Foley and as a result of this win, Mega Bastards have a tag title shot and they fully plan to utilize that by winning the tag titles.


Tag Match

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Motor City Machine Guns vs Major Players


The grudge match. Both had failed to win the tag titles and the hatred between these two teams had gone up in recent times. The match started with Myers and Sabin and the two of them had a pretty stiff exchange of strikes and chops before it all broke down.

Cardona and Myers hit stereo powerbombs but that brought a two-count. Shelley hit the Sliced Bread on Myers but Cardona saved the day. Cardona hits the Radio Silence on Sabin but Shelley foils the pinfall attempt just in time.

An attempt at the Border City Stretch from Shelley doesn't land properly as he gets nailed with a brainbuster from Cardona. Sabin and Myers soon join the action but it is Sabin who is unable to lift Myers for his Cradle Shock as his back gave away so Myers took advantage and hit the Roster Cut for the 1..2...3. It means that Major Players would always get a title shot earlier than MCMG.

Winner: Major Players

Grade: 49


Singles Match

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Mike Bailey vs Kota Ibushi


The two wrestlers start with a technical hold exchange until Bailey takes Ibushi’s arm. More technical exchanges and Bailey goes back to the arm, but this time Ibushi counters and attacks Bailey’s arm instead. A complicated counter routine ensues with flips, head scissors, and avoided kicks. Each wrestler gets a two-count on a quick pin and another stalemate ensues.

The crowd chants for Ibushi as he rushes towards Bailey in a corner who sends him onto the apron but Ibushi hits back with a springboard dropkick. Ibushi follows with a triangle moonsault but Bailey dodges, which causes Ibushi to wipe out on the floor. Bailey follows with his own suicide senton dive to the floor.

Bailey's rapid body kicks keep Ibushi down but the running shooting star press misses it's mark as Ibushi moves and then hits a standing shooting star press of his own before a Kamigoye finishes things off.

Winner: Kota Ibushi

Grade: 42


GCW World Championship


Nick Gage (c) vs KUSHIDA


KUSHIDA jumps onto him with a Hoverboard Lock (kimura). Gage rushes to the ropes to break the hold. They go to the mat trading holds as KUSHIDA shows some excellent mat wrestling skills as he transitions from one hold to another and Gage can’t do anything about it. Gage finally manages some stiff back elbows to break free. 

KUSHIDA throws a kick but is met with a flurry of punches and a dropkick that sends him tumbling to the floor. He tries to use his quickness to evade Gage but Gage catches him and plants him with a back elbow followed by a twisting senton elbow from the second rope. Gage goes to the apron where KUSHIDA catches him with a sick enzuigiri followed by a moonsault that shifts the momentum into the challenger’s favor. KUSHIDA takes out a chair and starts to drive Gage’s head into the chair and light him up with a series of chops and then goes for a running start for a senton but Gage moves out of the way which causes KUSHIDA to crash and burn on the chair.

With KUSHIDA weakened, Gage retrieves a door from under the ring and places it in the corner of the ring, and then spikes him with a DDT. KUSHIDA gets back up to his feet and spears Gage through the door but was unable to pin the champion. He then uses a piece of the broken door and smashed it over Gage’s head, Gage invites him to hit him some more which KUSHIDA obliges but then gets caught with a big spinebuster from Gage.

Gage follows that up with a forearm and the boot scrape for a two count; Gage grabs a couple more chairs from underneath the ring and props one up in between the top and second rope on either side of the ring. Gage then proceeds to smash KUSHIDA’s head into both of the chairs before he hits the choke breaker to retain.


Winner: Nick Gage (defense #4)

Grade: 49


After the match, KUSHIDA and Gage hug out before Gage is left to bask in the glory of another successful defense but after some time, we get some unusual musi😄

and then a name crops up on the screen:


before we finally see the face to that name:


It's the man with the multiple names, the Mayor of Slamtown, it's Johnny Hennigan now known as Johnny Gamechanger!!! and he has arrived in GCW!!

   Show Rating: 42

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Live from Waukesha County Expo Center, Wisconsin

Attendance: 250

Scramble Match

Jonathan Gresham vs CPA vs Mike Bailey vs Jack Cartwheel


Gresham makes it two in a row as his Octopus Stretch this time claims CPA as a victim. With two scramble victories back to back, Gresham gets much-needed confidence for the future.


Winner: Jonathan Gresham

Grade: 53


Open Challenge

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Legion of Pain W/ "Blackheart" Lio Rush vs Kingsglaive


Another day, another victim. This time the unfortunate duo was former Chikara Wrestlefactory graduates, Travis Huckabee and Matt Makowski who currently team in the indies as Kingsglaive. They put up some minuscule offense but was sent to the dead realm via the stereo chokeslam from Dhinsa and Selmani.


Winner: Legion of Pain

Grade: 50



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Gringo Loco & Los Mazisos vs Rejects


In a follow-up match after their tremendous win over Justice and Warner, AKIRA joined Mega Bastards as they picked up another good win over the gatekeepers of the tag division, Los Mazisos who were teaming with Gringo Loco. It was Alex Colon who picked up the pin again with the Piledriver over a bed of thumbtacks to Gringo Loco


Winner: Rejects

Grade: 37


GCW Tag Team Championship

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BUSSY (c) vs Major Players


The major chance for Major Players. MCMG couldn't defeat BUSSY but could Major Players do it??

Cardona and Myers start very strong as they up their power game against the champions with power slams, running boots, lariats, and several power moves earning several near falls.

A Rainbow Headbutt from Allie almost brought a win for BUSSY but Cardona kicked out frustrating the champs. But after a long back and forth, it was Effy who did the damage as he ducked the Roster Cut attempt from Myers before a kick to the face followed by DDT took the steam out of him. A Fire Thunder Piledriver followed and BUSSY had retained.


Winner: BUSSY (defense #6)

Grade: 55


Singles Match

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Johnny Gamechanger vs Kota Ibushi


Johnny Gamechanger made a shocking debut at the last show and his debut match was a very challenging one as he had to overcome Ibushi. Johnny got the short advantage by eye-poking Ibushi and running his eyes across the ropes. Johnny hit a swinging neck breaker followed by an attempted Starship Pain but Kota rolled out of the way and Johnny landed on his feet.

The two stared at each other in the ring. Kota got the advantage as he hit a running dropkick before hitting the Lawn Dirt. He continued with stiff forearms and then went to town on Johnny’s fingers and neck. Both men grounded each other with stereo forearms before Ibushi hits the Golden Star Powerbomb and then went for Kamigoye but Johnny caught hold of the knee before hitting the Dragon Screw Whip and then a standing shooting star press before hitting the Starship Pain for his first-ever GCW victory.

Winner: Johnny Gamechanger

Grade: 48


   Show Rating: 45

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Live from Melbourne Auditorium, Florida

Attendance: 260

1. Gringo Loco made his debut for JCW as he triumphed over Latigo and Cole Radrick with a 450 Splash over Latigo.


2. Just like last time, Alice Crowley and Billie Starkz, Stupid Youth Project got another big win as they defeated Unguided when she hit the Boat Driver on Damian Drake.


3. Titus Alexander challenged Myron Reed to a singles match this time after getting pinned last time around and this time also the result was the same, Myron Reed pinned Alexander with a Sky Walker.


4. Joey Janela defended his Extreme Championship for the first time in JCW, as Sawyer Wreck tried to take down the champion but in the end, a Moonsault Foot Stomp and Janela had made a successful start to his JCW life. (Defense #11 of GCW Extreme Championship)

Masha Slamovich runs in and attacks Janela, stating her intentions clearly about the championship.


5. While Janela escaped unscathed, Jimmy Lloyd had no such luck as Masha Slamovich annihilated Lloyd with a super Snow Plough from the top rope through a barbed wire table. 


6.  East-West Express held an open challenge for their tag titles and were pleasantly surprised when Madman Fulton and Angelo Dawkins, who had recently been let go from IMPACT and WWE, showed up as a tag team.  It was a great match but in the end, a couple of Clout Cutters from Oliver got the big man Dawkins down and out. Reed was a very decisive factor as he interfered in crucial moments. (Defense #1 of JCW Tag Team Championship)


After the match, The Kirks came running in to attack and did the same until Reed rescued them. Another Instance of Reed saving his team-mates ass.


   Show Rating: 38

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The last leg of TOS is officially here as GCW and JCW selects their participants for the hallowed deathmatch tournament. A number of other important matches makes up the double card. Johnny Gamechanger, who arrived in GCW last month and already holds a win over Ibushi gets challenged by another ex-challenger to the world title, Calvin Tankman. Can Johnny beat him and push himself straight towards the top of the line?

After being on the winning end on numerous occasions, the invading group, Rejects gets an opportunity of a lifetime as they gets a shot at the GCW Tag Team Championships. Can JWM and Alex Colon, the Mega Bastards repeat their success from last year and become 2X champion? 

Gringo Loco gets his first opportunity at a major title courtesy of winning the triple threat match at After Hours 2 as he challenges Oliver for the JCW Championship. But the question still remains, can Oliver for once win a title match without Reed's aid? Also, LOP gets their biggest challenge when they come face to face with MCMG.

The qualifiers take place on both the shows as we close in on the TOS participants.


 ~ GCW Back 2 The Bay ~

1.  Tournament of Survival Qualifier Triple Threat: Jonathan Gresham vs Mike Bailey vs "Blackheart" Lio Rush

2.  Tournament of Survival Qualifier Triple Threat: Homicide vs Dark Sheik vs El Hijo del Vikingo

3. Triple Threat Tag Match (winning team gets a representative on the TOS) : Major Players vs IronBeast vs Los Mazisos

4.  GCW Tag Team Championship: BUSSY (c) vs Mega Bastards (John Wayne Murdoch/Alex Colon)

5.  Legion of Pain vs Motor City Machine Guns

6. Johnny Gamechanger vs Calvin Tankman


 ~ JCW Fully Loaded~

1.  Tournament of Survival Qualifier Triple Threat: Matt Tremont vs Sawyer Wreck vs Jimmy Lloyd

2.  Tournament of Survival Qualifier Triple Threat: Masha Slamovich vs Charles Mason vs Alec Price

3. Wasted Youth vs Unguided

4. Bang Bros vs ???

5. Myron Reed vs Janai Kai

6.  JCW Championship: Jordan Oliver (c) vs Gringo Loco

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Live from Florentine Gardens, New Jersey

Attendance: 400

1. Lio Rush won the first TOS qualifier becoming the 1st participant to take part in the Tournament of Survival as he no sold an Ultima Weapon from Mike Bailey shocking him as well as the audience. A Rush Hour followed to get the three count.


2. Homicide became the second wrestler to take book his place in the TOS as he fended off the challenge of Dark Sheik and Vikingo and hit a Gringo Killa on Sheik for the win.


3. Major Players recovered from their failure to win the tag titles as they dominated their opponents with Matt Cardona getting the winning pin via a Heat Stroke to Ciclope. Cardona becomes the third person to book their place in the TOS as he played to the crowd with Myers congratulating him. 


4. Huge title change!!!! Finally the BUSSY train is stopped as Rejects notch up their 1st titles ever since they invaded and Brett Lauderdale was grinning from ear to ear. Alex Colon became the game changer as he unloaded like a house on fire and after a bloody duel with Allie Katch which saw both wrestlers lose a lot of blood, Colon hit the Piledriver to get the victory. Even Justice and Warner's interference didn't work as they were chased down by AKIRA and the debuting Satu Jinn. (Mega Bastards win the GCW Tag Team titles)

A huge argument broke down between the members of SGC and BUSSY as they were still overcoming the shock of losing the title.


5. Legion of Pain faced a big team for the first time as MCMG ran circles around the fearsome duo but once they understood the game, there was no looking back as Sunny Dhinsa hit Chris Sabin with the Last Chapter (Last Ride). Legion of Pain is now 5-0 in tag matches.


6.  Johnny Gamechanger in his second match took on another of the previous title contenders, the Heavyweight Hustle Calvin Tankman. Tankman made Johnny toil hard as he displayed his full power game and The Tankman Driver was hit in full force but Johnny kicked out at 2.9 getting loud gasps from the crowd. Thereafter, Tankman's momentum went into full toss as he became angry and started making mistakes which was exactly what Johnny needed as he brought Tankman down to his own game and then dominated, finally finishing off with the Starship Pain.


After the match, Nick Gage came out and we witnessed an intense face-off where nobody was budging as the show closed on that note.


   Show Rating: 52

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~ JCW Fully Loaded~

1.  Tournament of Survival Qualifier Triple Threat: Matt Tremont vs Sawyer Wreck vs Jimmy Lloyd

2.  Tournament of Survival Qualifier Triple Threat: Masha Slamovich vs Charles Mason vs Alec Price

3. Wasted Youth vs Unguided

4. Bang Bros vs ???

5. Myron Reed vs Janai Kai

6.  JCW Championship: Jordan Oliver (c) vs Gringo Loco

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Live from Commerce Casino & Hotel, Los Angeles

Attendance: 540

1. Wasted Youth picked up their second win on the trot as they defeated Unguided with Mathers picking up the win with a Bonzo Buster over Vandagriff.


Bang Bros cut a promo that they have been a little down ever since they arrived here but they want to change that. They want to fight for titles and not languish at the bottom of the food chain, so they are challenging any tag team to come out.

2. The tag team to come out was Gangsta Party, B-Boy and Lil'Cholo who were teaming up after a long time. Bang Bros finally got a win as August Matthews pinned Lil'Cholo with a Shooting Star.


3. Matt Tremont became the 1st JCW star to book his place in the TOS when he got the better of Sawyer Wreck and Jimmy Lloyd in a bloody match as Sawyer got hit by the Uranage.


4. Masha Slamovich is back in the big leagues!!!. A Snow Plough to Charles Mason was enough to send the Russian Dynamite to TOS. Alec Price was the other competitor in fray.


5. Myron Reed picked up yet another victory as he got the better of the Headkick Demon Janai Kai. He avoided the dangerous head kicks of Kai before hitting his own offense and the Sky Walker finisher.


6.  Jordan Oliver took Loco off of his feet with a series of hip tosses, Loco went to the second rope and propelled himself into a head scissors,He continued to beat down Oliver around ringside bouncing his head off the ring post, and went for a rolling maneuver but Oliver caught him with his side slam on the apron followed by a brainbuster on the floor. But Loco overpowered and hit two brainbusters of his own and almost got a three count but it was Reed who distracted the ref saving Oliver. Gringo Loco was furious as he went after Reed but Oliver took control as he hit a couple of Clout Cutters before he hit the Orange Crush to retain.  (defense #3 of JCW title)


Reed joined Oliver in the ring and while he tried raising his hands, Oliver yanked him off as he held the belt high up in the air. Reed was furious at Oliver's actions and he finally retaliated, hitting a roundhouse kick to Oliver.

He then grabbed a mic and dissed out some choice words about how he was always there for Oliver whenever he needed it and how without his support, Oliver wouldn't have been dual champion without his support and his interferences but today he has thrown out their friendship in an instance so Jordan Oliver, start counting your days now because you will lose both your titles and the future GOAT, Myron Reed will make sure of it !!!!!!


   Show Rating: 34

Edited by kanegan
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To be held at Manhattan Center

TOS season is upon us. The second tournament of the year and one of the most prestigious deathmatch trophies in USA is just in a week and after some gruelling qualifiers, we have finally got our field of 12 for the seventh edition. This night promises to be one filled with bloodbaths, surprises and even title matches. So, without waiting too long, it's time to reveal our participants:


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Matthew Justice (representing SGC/GCW) : In the war between SGC and Rejects which was been ongoing in the last few months, Justice has seen more downs than ups. But this time, he has got a chance to make amends as he looks to win his first TOS.

Masha Slamovich (representing Rejects/JCW) : Just four months ago, Masha was the GCW World Champion. How the stocks have fallen for her. But she is firmly set in the JCW brand now and having become the only woman to qualify for the tournament, she looks forward to win it to regain the lost momentum.

Session Moth Martina (representing TNT) : One of the three guest stars and a pick by our 1st prediction contest winner @Blodyxe, this psychotic Irish lady has wrestled all over the world, whether it be her hardcore wars in ICW and TNT, or as part of the Oedo Tai stable in STARDOM in Japan or becoming the Female Wrestler of the Year in ROH. She debuts in GCW with a lot of expectations on her shoulder.


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Alex Colon (representing Rejects/GCW) : One half of the current GCW Tag Team champions, Alex Colon has seen his stock rise in recent times to unbelievable levels. As the three time back to back winner, Alex Colon is one of the most experienced wrestler of this tournament and has to be considered the tournament favourite. Can he notch up a historic 4th trophy in his name?

Axel Tischer (representing wXw) : One of the mainstays of wXw, Axel Tischer had been making waves during his run in USA, whether as the psychotic member of Sanity in NXT or as one fourth of the Imperium quartet in NXT and NXT UK. Currently back to his home promotion where he notched up his third Unified World Wrestling title reign, Tischer is always a dangerous opponent. But how he fares in deathmatches is the question everyone has?

Jun Kasai (representing FREEDOMS) : What can we say about the Crazy Monkey that hasn't been said already? The second and the last pick from our contest winner @Blodyxe, Jun Kasai is a deathmatch legend in Japan and USA. The only wrestler to wrestle five times in a Razor Deathmatch, where boards are fitted with razors, Kasai is the ultimate boss level when it comes to deathmatches. Having become the Grand Slam champion in both CZW in the States and in FREEDOMS in Japan, the legend looks to add another feather in his bloody skull!!


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AKIRA (representing Rejects/GCW) : AKIRA, the deathmatch samurai, has been a menace ever since he sided with Rejects during their initial attack. Now he looks to make his name as the new rising star of the deathmatch world.

Mance Warner (representing SGC/GCW) : It's time for Mance to make the comeback. Having been injured since the start of the SGC Rejects war, he returned last month and is looking for retribution, especially against AKIRA who was the one injuring him in first place. 

Matt Tremont (representing Tremont Club/JCW) One of the most respected names in the deathmatch scene, Tremont nowadays is busy guiding his proteges in JCW. But come the big events of the promotion, Tremont is always a force to reckon with.


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"Blackheart" Lio Rush (representing Black Legion/GCW) : Lio Rush or Blackheart has been a revelation ever since he brought back this persona and formed the Black Legion. With his eyes revealing a cold dark human inside, he could well be the black horse of the tournament.

Matt Cardona (representing Major Players/GCW) : The self proclaimed Deathmatch King, it has been long since Matt Cardona graced the deathmatch scene with his presence. Everyone still remember his match with Nick Gage where he became the GCW World Champion and brought the entire audience to riot. Who knows what sort of hell will break if he manages to win the TOS 7??

Homicide (representing GCW) One of the most respected figures in indies, Homicide gets a chance to show the world that he has what it takes to shine in deathmatch.



TOS QF1 Barbed Wire Massacre Deathmatch : Matthew Justice vs Masha Slamovich vs Session Moth Martina

TOS QF2 Cage of Glass Deathmatch : Alex Colon vs Axel Tischer vs Jun Kasai

TOS QF3 1000 Light tubes Deathmatch: AKIRA vs Mance Warner vs Matt Tremont

TOS QF4 Log Cabin Deathmatch: Lio Rush vs Matt Cardona vs Homicide

LOP Open Challenge: LOP vs ???

TOS SF1 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch:  QF1 Winner vs QF2 Winner

TOS SF2 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch:  QF3 Winner vs QF4 Winner

JCW Tag Team Championship: East West Express (c) vs Bang Bros vs Wasted Youth

GCW World Championship: Nick Gage (c) vs Johnny Gamechanger

Tournament of Survival 7 Final Heavy Metal Anarchy Deathmatch : SF1 winner vs SF2 winner



Edited by kanegan
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Very cool that New York is allowing deathmatches!

TOS QF1 Barbed Wire Massacre Deathmatch : Matthew Justice vs Masha Slamovich vs Session Moth Martina

TOS QF2 Cage of Glass Deathmatch : Alex Colon vs Axel Tischer vs Jun Kasai

TOS QF3 1000 Light tubes Deathmatch: AKIRA vs Mance Warner vs Matt Tremont

TOS QF4 Log Cabin Deathmatch: Lio Rush vs Matt Cardona vs Homicide

LOP Open Challenge: LOP vs ???

TOS SF1 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch: QF1 Winner vs QF2 Winner

TOS SF2 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch: QF3 Winner vs QF4 Winner

JCW Tag Team Championship: East West Express (c) vs Bang Bros vs Wasted Youth

GCW World Championship: Nick Gage (c) vs Johnny Gamechanger

Tournament of Survival 7 Final Heavy Metal Anarchy Deathmatch : SF1 winner vs SF2 winner

Gotta go with Jim Kasai in a death match tourney

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TOS QF1 Barbed Wire Massacre Deathmatch : Matthew Justice vs Masha Slamovich vs Session Moth Martina

TOS QF2 Cage of Glass Deathmatch : Alex Colon vs Axel Tischer vs Jun Kasai

TOS QF3 1000 Light tubes Deathmatch: AKIRA vs Mance Warner vs Matt Tremont

TOS QF4 Log Cabin Deathmatch: Lio Rush vs Matt Cardona vs Homicide

LOP Open Challenge: LOP vs ???

TOS SF1 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch:  QF1 Winner vs QF2 Winner

TOS SF2 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch:  QF3 Winner vs QF4 Winner

JCW Tag Team Championship: East West Express (c) vs Bang Bros vs Wasted Youth

GCW World Championship: Nick Gage (c) vs Johnny Gamechanger

Tournament of Survival 7 Final Heavy Metal Anarchy Deathmatch : SF1 winner vs SF2 winner



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TOS QF1 Barbed Wire Massacre Deathmatch : Matthew Justice vs Masha Slamovich vs Session Moth Martina

TOS QF2 Cage of Glass Deathmatch : Alex Colon vs Axel Tischer vs Jun Kasai

TOS QF3 1000 Light tubes Deathmatch: AKIRA vs Mance Warner vs Matt Tremont

TOS QF4 Log Cabin Deathmatch: Lio Rush vs Matt Cardona vs Homicide

LOP Open Challenge: LOP vs ???

TOS SF1 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch:  QF1 Winner vs QF2 Winner

TOS SF2 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch:  QF3 Winner vs QF4 Winner

JCW Tag Team Championship: East West Express (c) vs Bang Bros vs Wasted Youth

GCW World Championship: Nick Gage (c) vs Johnny Gamechanger

Tournament of Survival 7 Final Heavy Metal Anarchy Deathmatch : SF1 winner vs SF2 winner

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TOS QF1 Barbed Wire Massacre Deathmatch : Matthew Justice vs Masha Slamovich vs Session Moth Martina

TOS QF2 Cage of Glass Deathmatch : Alex Colon vs Axel Tischer vs Jun Kasai

TOS QF3 1000 Light tubes Deathmatch: AKIRA vs Mance Warner vs Matt Tremont

TOS QF4 Log Cabin Deathmatch: Lio Rush vs Matt Cardona vs Homicide

LOP Open Challenge: LOP vs ???

TOS SF1 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch:  QF1 Winner (Masha) vs QF2 Winner (Kasai)

TOS SF2 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch:  QF3 Winner (Mance) vs QF4 Winner (Cardona)

JCW Tag Team Championship: East West Express (c) vs Bang Bros vs Wasted Youth

GCW World Championship: Nick Gage (c) vs Johnny Gamechanger

Tournament of Survival 7 Final Heavy Metal Anarchy Deathmatch : SF1 winner (Masha) vs SF2 winner (Cardona)

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On 8/9/2023 at 1:10 AM, Hollywood said:

Very cool that New York is allowing deathmatches!

The allure and the success of GCW has forced New York to reverse their decision😁 (strictly kayfabe though, as New York is the biggest market in terms of in game levels where we are achieving our highest attendance, so an event of the magnitude of TOS had to be there)

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TOS QF1 Barbed Wire Massacre Deathmatch : Matthew Justice vs Masha Slamovich vs Session Moth Martina

TOS QF2 Cage of Glass Deathmatch : Alex Colon vs Axel Tischer vs Jun Kasai

TOS QF3 1000 Light tubes Deathmatch: AKIRA vs Mance Warner vs Matt Tremont

TOS QF4 Log Cabin Deathmatch: Lio Rush vs Matt Cardona vs Homicide

LOP Open Challenge: LOP vs ???

TOS SF1 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch:  QF1 Winner (Martina) vs QF2 Winner (Kasai)

TOS SF2 Fans Bring The Weapons Deathmatch:  QF3 Winner (Mancer) vs QF4 Winner (Homicide)

JCW Tag Team Championship: East West Express (c) vs Bang Bros vs Wasted Youth

GCW World Championship: Nick Gage (c) vs Johnny Gamechanger

Tournament of Survival 7 Final Heavy Metal Anarchy Deathmatch : SF1 winner (Kasai) vs SF2 winner (Mancer)

Backing my picks to do well! Also hoping good ol' Mancer hits the pay windah three times, big dawg

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