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WWF: The Monday Night Wars

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3 hours ago, Bigelow Cartwheel said:


Monday Week 2.  February 1998.

Iowa City, IO.


Bret Hart defeated Steve McMichael

Cruiserweight: Eddie Guerrero (c) defeated Psychosis by DQ

Kevin Nash defeated Lodi

United States: Saturn (c) defeated Hugh Morrus by DQ

Roddy Piper went to a no contest with Curt Hennig





Ah, WCW. 3 non-standard finishes on a 5 match card.

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Special Guest Referee: Mr McMahon

D-Generation X vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock and The Legion Of Doom

Stipulation: if Austin is pinned or made to submit he will lose his Wrestlemania title shot


Cage match

The Undertaker vs Goldust


Mankind vs Owen Hart


Losing Faction Must Disband

Six Man Tag

Nation Of Domination vs Disciples Of Apocalypse


Vader vs Jeff Jarrett


Bob Holly vs Bart Gunn


WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

Flash Funk (c) vs TAKA Michinoku


Droz and Prince Albert vs Edge and Christian


Handicap match

Los Boricuas vs New Blackjacks



Edited by Bigelow Cartwheel
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Special Guest Referee: Mr McMahon

D-Generation X vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock and The Legion Of Doom

Stipulation: if Austin is pinned or made to submit he will lose his Wrestlemania title shot


Cage match

The Undertaker vs Goldust


Mankind vs Owen Hart


Losing Faction Must Disband

Six Man Tag

Nation Of Domination vs Disciples Of Apocalypse


Vader vs Jeff Jarrett


Bob Holly vs Bart Gunn


WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

Flash Funk (c) vs TAKA Michinoku


Droz and Prince Albert vs Edge and Christian


Handicap match

Los Boricuas vs New Blackjacks



Edited by Old School Fan
Forgot to include Austin's teammates
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Special Guest Referee: Mr McMahon

D-Generation X vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock and The Legion Of Doom

Stipulation: if Austin is pinned or made to submit he will lose his Wrestlemania title shot


Cage match

The Undertaker vs Goldust


Mankind vs Owen Hart


Losing Faction Must Disband

Six Man Tag

Nation Of Domination vs Disciples Of Apocalypse


Vader vs Jeff Jarrett


Bob Holly vs Bart Gunn


WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

Flash Funk (c) vs TAKA Michinoku


Droz and Prince Albert vs Edge and Christian


Handicap match

Los Boricuas vs New Blackjacks

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Special Guest Referee: Mr McMahon

D-Generation X vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock and The Legion Of Doom

Stipulation: if Austin is pinned or made to submit he will lose his Wrestlemania title shot


Cage match

The Undertaker vs Goldust


Mankind vs Owen Hart


Losing Faction Must Disband

Six Man Tag

Nation Of Domination vs Disciples Of Apocalypse


Vader vs Jeff Jarrett


Bob Holly vs Bart Gunn


WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

Flash Funk (c) vs TAKA Michinoku


Droz and Prince Albert vs Edge and Christian


Handicap match

Los Boricuas vs New Blackjacks

Edited by KyTeran
Forgot my prediction for Los Boricuas vs New Blackjacks
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Special Guest Referee: Mr McMahon

D-Generation X vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock and The Legion Of Doom

Stipulation: if Austin is pinned or made to submit he will lose his Wrestlemania title shot


Cage match

The Undertaker vs Goldust


Mankind vs Owen Hart


Losing Faction Must Disband

Six Man Tag

Nation Of Domination vs Disciples Of Apocalypse


Vader vs Jeff Jarrett


Bob Holly vs Bart Gunn


WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

Flash Funk (c) vs TAKA Michinoku


Droz and Prince Albert vs Edge and Christian


Handicap match

Los Boricuas vs New Blackjacks

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Sunday Week 2.  February 1998.

New York, NY.


Handicap match – Two vs Three

New Blackjacks vs Los Boricuas - The Blackjacks hold their own despite the numeric disadvantage. Bradshaw appears to be enjoying himself with some particularly heavy clotheslines but one goes astray and takes out the referee. The eyes roll back in his head and the official is out. Kurrgan then comes down to assist Los Boricuas and the numbers become too much for the Texans. When the ref eventually comes to he sees Savio hit a bloodied Bradshaw with a wheel kick and makes the three count.


All three members of Los Boricuas, and now with their new ally Kurrgan, beat down on the New Blackjacks. Out comes TAKA Michinoku to make the save but he gets beaten down pretty quickly. The giant Kurrgan picks him up with one hand and Chokeslams him to the mat.


Droz and Albert (w/ Ivory) vs Edge and Christian (w/ Gangrel) – This one won’t be a remembered as a classic but it may be recalled for each team’s first appearance on pay per view. There are clear signs one team will be remembered more than the other. Christian puts away Droz with the Unprettier.


WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

Flash Funk (c) vs TAKA Michinoku – TAKA is clearly not at one hundred percent after his beating at the hands of Los Boricuas and Kurrgan. Flash must be aware of this as he tries to end the match quickly grounding TAKA before pulling out some fantastic aerial offence. Michinoku hangs on long enough for Flash to make one misstep and he rolls the champ with an inside cradle for the three count.


Bob Holly comes out with a startling new look. Gone are his long blond locks, instead Holly sports a buzz-cut, bleached almost white.


Bob Holly: “My name is Bob Holly but as of now you people and everyone watching around the world will call me ‘Hardcore Holly.’ I am sick of losing matches, I am sick of playing by the rules and I am sick of that pathetic Bart Gunn. So Bart, if you can hear me in that thick skull of yours, come out here and fight me in a hardcore match right now!”


Out comes Bart Gunn and the match is on!


Hardcore match

Hardcore Holly vs Bart Gunn – Former partners, now bitter enemies. Holly and Gunn waste no time in hitting each other with trash cans, baking trays and all manner of paraphernalia found under the ring. Bart takes enjoyment in putting a trash can over Holly’s head and beating it with a kendo stick. Holly responds with a dropkick and slams Gunn on to the trash can. The two eventually find themselves up on the top rope and Hardcore superplexes Bart back into the ring and through a table for the three.


Vader vs Jeff Jarrett (w/ Jim Cornette) – Vader throws Jarrett around the ring taking him into the corner and hammering him with heavy blows. He takes his time savouring each slam and clothesline. Jim Cornette gets on the apron in an attempt to distract the ref but Vader sees him and chases him round the ring. The referee gets into an argument with Cornette at ringside and Jarrett takes advantage smashing his guitar over Vader’s head. The Mastadon crumples to the mat and the ref turns and counts the pinfall.


Michael Cole is backstage with Mr McMahon. McMahon has a sleeveless referee’s shirt about two sizes too small and oiled up frankly astonishingly muscular arms. Vince is ripped. Cole attempts to pose a question but McMahon talks over him.


Mr McMahon: “Austin, as you know, I will be the referee in your match tonight. I have always prided myself on being a fair and impartial boss and I see no reason why this won’t be a fair and impartial contest. That said, I did neglect to mention a stipulation last Monday on RAW. And that is... if you lose to DX tonight, if you are pinned or made to submit, then you will lose your title shot at Wrestlemania. And if you lay a hand on me, I will tear up your contract and you’ll never work in the World Wrestling Federation again! Fair and impartial, Austin. Fair and impartial.”


Jim Ross: “Bah gawd, Mr McMahon’s gone mad with power!”


Six Man Tag

Losing Faction Must Split

Nation Of Domination (Faarooq, The Rock and Kama) vs Disciples Of Apocalypse – This is a wild brawl from the off. Fought under Tornado rules (all six men legal) the Nation take early control. The action spills to the outside and into the crowd. The Nation look to have the match won as Faarooq hits Chainz with an enormous Dominator… only for The Rock to hit Faarooq with a Rock Bottom and drag Chainz on top of the NOD leader for the three count.


Jim Ross: “Bah gawd! The Rock… bah gawd!”


The Rock is shouting down at a beaten Faarooq as Kama and now D’Lo join him in the ring. They stand beside Rock and the Intercontinental champion finds a microphone.


The Rock: You see Faarooq? They stand with The Rock! Rock was always leader of the Nation, always in charge, always your better. And now the Nation is dead, consigned to the history books all because you couldn’t see what was right in front of your fat, stupid face. This ends when I say it ends...”


The Rock becomes aware that D’Lo and Kama are no longer stood beside him and have in fact turned to face him. Faarooq is on his feet and all three look furious with The Rock. Rocky backs away.


The Rock: “Now wait! Wait, wait, wait. You candy-ass jabronis, just- ”


Kama lands the first blow sending Rock reeling and D’Lo hits the Intercontinental champion with a sidekick knocking him through the ropes to the outside. The remnants of the now deceased Nation follow him to the outside and Rocky jumps the guard rail and flees.


Jim Ross: “It always looked like there would come a time, bah gawd, that the rest of the Nation Of Domination would grow sick of The Rock. I think we’ve now seen their limit!”


Jerry Lawler: “Everyone has a limit, JR.”


Jim Ross: “Ain’t that the truth.”


Mankind vs Owen Hart (w/ Jim Cornette) – it’s a back and forth matchup with both attempting their signature manoeuvres early. Mankind must be wary with Jim Cornette on the outside constantly trying to get in the referee’s ear. With the match locked in a stalemate Cornette is back up on the apron arguing with the referee. This is the cue for Jeff Jarrett to run interference and he slides into the ring and swings his guitar at Mankind… who ducks... and Owen takes the full blast knocking him unconscious. Mankind pins the King of Harts amongst the wreckage.


Cage match

The Undertaker v Goldust (w/ Marlena) – Goldust attempts to brawl with The Undertaker but Taker overpowers him. ‘The Bizarre One’ attempts to escape but Undertaker drags him back down and throws him all over the ring. The tides change as Kane makes his way down to the ring and rips the cage door off it’s hinges. Kane teams up with Goldust to beat The Deadman down. Paul Bearer hands Kane a chair and the Big Red Machine brutalises his brother with it. Kane lands the Tombstone and Goldust crawls through the open exit for the win by escape.


Eight Man Tag

Special Guest Referee – Mr McMahon

[Stipulation: if Austin is pinned or made to submit he will lose his Wrestlemania title shot. Also if Austin touches McMahon he will be fired.]

D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, w/ Chyna) vs ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, Ken Shamrock and Legion of Doom (w/ Sunny) – Austin and Michaels begin the match as the legal men in a lengthy staredown.


Jim Ross: “This is big match atmosphere folks with potentially huge ramifications for the main event of Wrestlemania… and the WWF champion tags out to Billy Gunn before the first punch has even been thrown.”


Michaels looks to avoid Austin wherever possible and the 8 man tag rolls through various combinations before DX gang up on Hawk of the Legion of Doom. Mr McMahon lets a few indiscretions go DX’s way and he reminds ‘Stone Cold’ more than once of the WWF logo on his tight, tight referee’s shirt.


Jim Ross: “Austin has to keep his cool here. If he lays a finger on Mr McMahon he won’t just kiss goodbye to Wrestlemania, he’ll be out of a job.”


HBK cuts off Hawk with a blatant low blow in front of McMahon and the WWF owner pretends not to have seen it. This ignites a huge brawl with every man charging into the ring. In the chaos Austin is able to tag himself in and nails Michaels with the Stunner… but McMahon refuses to make the count. Austin’s temper boils over and he turns to McMahon only for Ken Shamrock to flatten ‘Stone Cold’ with a roundhouse kick.


Jim Ross: “Bah gawd, Shamrock! What have you done?! Bah gawd!”


Shamrock delivers some ground and pound to Austin as McMahon looks on with glee. Hawk and Animal are brawling outside the ring with Triple H and the New Age Outlaws as Michaels slides into the ring with a steel chair. Shamrock drags Austin to his feet and, in full view of Mr McMahon, Michaels takes out ‘Stone Cold’ with the chair and Vince counts three.


Jim Ross: “Dammit, Shamrock! You low down son of a gun! ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin has been robbed tonight! This is nothing but a vile mugging! Bah gawd! Vince McMahon may be the devil himself! Lord have mercy on us.”


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Wow, the road to WrestleMania just got a lot more unpredictable, and what a star-making night for Shamrock, Goldust and TAKA in particular.

I was pleased with the continuity of TAKA getting involved after the opener, and how the beating he took there made him an even bigger hero for winning his match later in the night.

The Nation booking was Attitude Era perfection: a left-right combo of misdirections. The Nation picking their strongest team made me think they were winning (I thought perhaps Faarooq would sideline The Rock and that would cost them or vice-versa). Then it was a nice twist to have the other Nation members stick with Faarooq when it looked like they were going to favour The Rock.

I never saw the main event ending coming even with the stipulations stacked against Austin: I expected either someone else to take the fall or the Over The Edge 1998 finish of an unconscious McMahon having his hand dropped on the mat three times. Brilliantly executed, especially Shamrock turning to make it happen, and it gives you so much to play with in the final month of Mania build. Excited to see what follows.

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What an awesome write-up!  Thank you.

I love TAKA and his friendship with the Blackjacks was only going to be a throwaway thing but I'm having fun with it so I think it's going to last a little longer.  The plans for the Nation was a bit of a headache as I needed to get Rocky out but keep him heel.  I'm happy with the way it's turned out.  And Austin McMahon is just starting.  Really enjoying it.  Thanks for your support!

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Old School Fan: 12

Blodyxe: 11

MidKnightDreary: 9

Dawn: 9

KyTeran: 6

Lord Byron: 6

dstephe4: 6

Pipers Pit: 5

DinoKea: 2


Thank you to everyone who has posted their predictions, left a comment or a like or even just skimmed through.

It's appreciated.


* * *


NOTE:  I put the stip that Austin would lose his Wrestlemania title shot if he was pinned or made to submit as part of the match card post promoting the event.  Vince only revealed this in an angle on the event itself.  Sorry, that was a pretty dumb mistake.

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4 hours ago, Bigelow Cartwheel said:

NOTE:  I put the stip that Austin would lose his Wrestlemania title shot if he was pinned or made to submit as part of the match card post promoting the event.  Vince only revealed this in an angle on the event itself.  Sorry, that was a pretty dumb mistake.

That's okay, mistakes get made from time to time - but when you think about it, viewing it in-universe from the fans' POV, Vince pulling something like this (only making the revelation about the match stip in an angle during the card before the match itself) comes across as a very Vince McMahon thing to do, which adds to the realism of the event (given how McMahon operated as a promoter IRL during that time - or, heck, at any point post-Montreal screwjob, when he no longer had to pretend to be just the fan-friendly announcer and could then let loose his Mr. McMahon character as the extension of the real-life behind-the-scenes business persona he's had since he first bought the then-WWF in 1982).  😎

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  • 2 weeks later...


Monday Week 3.  February 1998.

Nampa, ID.


Ahmed Johnson vs Chainz – Johnson wins with an enormous Spinebuster!


Steve Austin comes to the ring and says he’s not leaving until someone gives him an explanation to what happened last night at No Way Out. He gets a chair from ringside and seats himself in the centre of the squared circle. Austin continues saying he knows what happened but he wants to hear it so he knows whose ass he needs to kick. Mr McMahon comes out but stays far back on the stage. He tells Austin he needs to leave the ring immediately but Stone Cold ignores him. McMahon waves to the back and out come Patterson and Brisco. The stooges try to usher Austin from the ring but are met with Stunners and kicked out. An exasperated McMahon announces that $10,000 dollars is available to whoever removes Stone Cold from the ring. Prince Albert, Droz, Val Venis and Scott Taylor all fail before McMahon gives up and has Austin arrested by the attending police officers.


D’Lo Brown vs Gangrel – D’Lo comes out without any of his former Nation Of Domination brethren and takes it to the vampiric Gangrel. In a back and forth match D’Lo hits the Sky High for the win.


The New Blackjacks and TAKA Michinoku are backstage playing cards when there’s a knock on the door and in walks Blackjack Lanza. Bradshaw and Windham embrace him in turn and TAKA bows with respect. Bradshaw takes the lead and tells Lanza, “It’s time.”


Hardcore Match

Hardcore Holly vs Mosh – Holly wins in a trash-laden brawl.


Michael Cole is interviewing Jeff Jarrett and Jim Cornette when Owen Hart storms in and complains about Jarrett breaking a guitar over his head in his match with Mankind. Jarrett argues that Owen was “out of position” and the two nearly come to blows before Cornette gets in the middle of them. Corny tells them to sort it out as they have a match tonight against DOA and a World Tag title shot next week against the Legion of Doom.


Bradshaw and Windham (w/ TAKA Michinoku) vs Brian Christopher and Marc Mero – gone are the handlebar moustaches, leather chaps and “New Blackjacks” moniker. Bradshaw and Windham come out to fight in jeans, cowboy boots and black stetsons looking every inch the Texan cowboys they are. In a rough brawl Bradshaw pins Christopher after a hellacious clothesline.


Michael Cole takes a deep breath and pushes open the door to Ken Shamrock’s dressing room. He confronts the European champion and asks what made him attack ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. Cole wilts under Shamrock’s glare.


Ken Shamrock: “Steve Austin has always said ‘DTA: Don’t Trust Anybody.’ He should’ve taken his own advice!"


Cole attempts to press Shamrock for more answers but it looks like continuing would be hazardous to his health. Instead he mentions Shamrock’s European title defence against ‘The Lethal Weapon’ Steve Blackman.


Ken Shamrock: “The time for talk is over.”


Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett (w/ Jim Cornette) vs Disciples Of Apocalypse (Skull and 8-Ball) – Hart and Jarrett are technically sound but the big, bad bikers have come to brawl. In a surprisingly even bout Jarrett pins Skull with a roll up.


D-Generation X are relaxing in their private lounge rewatching a video tape of Steve Austin being arrested. There is much whooping and hollering. Triple H asks Shawn Michaels what his plans are for Wrestlemania now that there’s no WWF Championship match.


Shawn Michaels: “Well, you know there can’t be a Wrestlemania without the Heartbreak Kid. And you know Ol’ Vinnie Mac will try and come up with something. Maybe I’ll tell him we’re keeping the title in DX – HBK vs HHH."


Triple H: “Three second match?”


Shawn Michaels: “One, two, three, baby.”


DX all laugh at their suggested match fixing when there’s a knock at the door. Mankind is stood there but before he can speak DX begin mocking his shabby brown attire. They scrunch their faces and hold their noses calling for him to leave their lounge. Finally - after further mockery suggesting that Mankind uses his mask as a sex aid because any partner would find him too ugly to look at - they slam the door in his face and all laugh at their abuse. Moments later a note is pushed under the door. In messy scribbling it reads:


“Dear Triple H, the agents said they couldn’t find you but you have a match tonight against The Undertaker. Have a nice day.”


DX continue to replay the video of Austin’s arrest.


Goldust (w/ Marlena) vs Flash Funk – Goldust dominates in a one-sided affair, finishing Flash with a Curtain Call.


Michael Hayes is outside a police station with a camera crew. He is reporting to Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler back at the RAW commentary desk. Hayes states that he has just seen ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin being taken into the station but was not able to get any comment from the arresting officers.


Michael Hayes: “JR, it may be too early to say but I think ‘Stone Cold’ could be looking at a night in the cells. Is this the end of Steve Austin in the World Wrestling Federation?”


WWF European Championship

Ken Shamrock (c) vs Steve Blackman – Shamrock makes his first European title defence and in a hard-hitting bout beats Blackman by submission with the ankle lock.


The Undertaker vs Triple H (w/ Chyna) – Triple H’s music plays through twice before he appears. JR remarks that the DX member clearly hadn’t seen Mankind’s note. An impatient Undertaker doesn’t wait for Hunter to reach the ring though and the two brawl in the aisle and into the crowd.


Jim Ross: “The bell hasn’t rung yet! Bah gawd! Will somebody start the damn match!”


Triple H arrived to this match at the last moment so can’t have had any time to prepare. The Undertaker looks to take full advantage of this. The two continue to brawl and finally find themselves at ringside and into the ring. Triple H is bleeding and Undertaker signals for the Tombstone. He gets him up but from out of nowhere the New Age Outlaws slide into the ring and attack The Phenom. The referee calls for the bell awarding the match to Taker via disqualification.


The Outlaws continue their attack on The Undertaker and Triple H gathers himself to make it three on one.


Jim Ross: “Bah gawd, this is a damn mugging. The Outlaws have no business being out here.”


Jerry Lawler: “Wait… it’s Kane!!!”


Kane comes down to the ring with Paul Bearer trying to impede him. Bearer begs The Big Red Machine not to get involved but he pushes past him and drops the DX members with heavy rights and lefts. Kane and Undertaker stand tall inside the ring with DX scattered to the outside.


Jim Ross:  "What the hell is going on here? Kane and The Undertaker standing side by side against D-Generation X! It doesn't make any sense! Bah gawd!"


Edited by Bigelow Cartwheel
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  • 1 month later...


Sunday Week 3.  February 1998.

Washington, DC.


Riggs defeated Johnny Grunge

Goldberg defeated Hammer, Rocco Rock and Mortis

Scott Norton defeated La Parka, Lodi and Dean Malenko

Ernest Miller defeated Evan Karagias by DQ

Psychosis went to a time limit draw with Prince Iaukea

Eddie Guerrero defeated Billy Kidman by count out

World Television: Saturn (c) defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr

United States: Rick Steiner defeated Curt Hennig (c) and Raven

Randy Savage defeated Konnan

World Heavyweight: Hollywood Hogan (c) defeated Sting

Edited by Bigelow Cartwheel
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Monday Week 4.  February 1998.

Columbia, SC.


D-Generation X are in the ring laughing and joking, saying that they are bigger than the WWF and bigger than Wrestlemania.


Shawn Michaels: “Listen up. Wrestlemania is cancelled this year becau-”


He doesn’t get to complete the sentence because out comes Mankind.


Mankind: “Last week D-Generation X you were cruel and dismissive when I came to speak with you. You didn’t want to listen to me and I took your insults to heart. I am a monster in the eyes of many but I didn’t deserve mockery from a pack of bullies. Everyone knows deep down that bullies are cowards and the way to beat cowards is to stand up to them. So tonight I’m standing up to you DX. I’ve come here to fight.”


Jim Ross: “DX don’t look to be taking Mankind too seriously.”


Jerry Lawler: “Were they even listening to him, JR?”


Shawn Michaels (stifling a yawn): “Ugh, make Billy do it.”


Triple H: “Billy, you’ve got Mankind tonight. Play nicely.”


DX all laugh and throw out a few crotch chops towards Mankind.


Brian Christopher vs Skull – Christopher wins with a Top Rope Leg Drop


Hardcore match

Hardcore Holly vs Sho Funaki – Hardcore wins with a kendo stick shot.


Michael Cole interviews Hawk, Animal and Sunny on LOD’s World Tag Team Championship defence tonight against Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett. Hawk calls them “two punks who don’t know when to keep their mouths shut and stay in their lane.”


Animal: “We’re the Legion of Doom - L.O.D. - and that spells bad news for other teams! Tell ‘em, Hawk!”


Hawk: “Urrrrrrrrgh! It’s a bad night for you Owen and Jarrett! And a bad night for Jim Cornette! Boys, the Legion of Doom are here to bring pain! Urrrgh, what a rushhhhh!”


Headbangers vs Los Boricuas – Mosh pins Perez after a Mosh Pit.


After the match Estrada joins Savio and Perez and they look to exact revenge on the Headbangers. This ends quickly though as Bradshaw, Windham and TAKA race out from the back. Los Boricuas escape through the crowd.


Christian vs Al Snow (w/ Head) –


Jim Ross: “Two relative newcomers here. Christian is beginning to make his mark with The Brood and Snow… well…”


Jerry Lawler: “He keeps talking to that mannequin head! This guy is nuts, JR!”


Christian beats Al Snow with an Impaler, an innovative move driving Snow’s face into the mat.


Mr McMahon is in his office when Ken Shamrock appears.


Ken Shamrock: “You asked to see me?”


Mr McMahon: “I want you to know that I’ve not forgotten what you did for me, what you did for the company at No Way Out. Attacking Steve Austin to ensure victory for DX was a smart move and it took guts. Keep in mind what we spoke about and I’ll be in touch.”


Vader vs Droz (w/ Ivory) – Vader wins, crushing Droz with a Vader Bomb.


The Rock is backstage in the locker room, admiring himself in the mirror. He is particularly pleased with his expensive shirt.


The Rock: “The Rock is in a good mood today. He looks good, he smells good and The Rock feels good. The Rock feels good about single handedly ending The Nation of Domination after carrying them for so long. The Rock knows that the Nation were holding him back and now he has consigned them to the history books he can shine up his Intercontinental Championship real nice… and go about his day.”


Mankind vs Billy Gunn –


Jim Ross: “Mankind made clear that he came to fight and we’re seeing exactly that.”


Gunn may have taken this match lightly after laughing with his DX stablemates but he’s now finding out that he’s in a battle. Mankind delivers several big moves and Billy is in trouble. Gunn ducks the clothesline and Mankind inadvertently knocks down the referee. Billy goes for the Fame Asser… but Mankind slaps on the Mandible Claw!


Jim Ross: “Billy Gunn is flailing wildly but he’s sinking fast. This Mandible Claw is on tight! Bah gawd!”


Jerry Lawler: “But there’s no referee, JR!”


Triple H slides into the ring and hits a low blow from behind. He hits the Pedigree and drapes his stablemate across Mankind, exiting the ring just as the referee comes to and counts three.


Jim Ross: “Damnit, Helmsley. Bah gawd.”


Triple H hits Mankind with another Pedigree in the centre of the ring.


Triple H: “That’s for making me late for my match last week. You stand there in your shabby brown clothes and expect to hang with us? D-Generation X, the lewd, crude dudes with attitude. We are the hottest thing in all of professional wrestling. You need to get your ass back to the bingo hall.”


Triple H signals for yet another Pedigree as the fans are chanting for ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin... but out comes The Undertaker! He drops Billy with a right hand and sends Road Dogg packing with a big boot. He points at Triple H who is shaking his head, scared to face the Phenom.


Undertaker: “Triple H, tonight it will be you and me... inside a steel cage.”


Jim Ross: “Bah gawd! A steel cage! Triple H will have nowhere to run, locked in with The Deadman!


Jerry Lawler: “And DX will be locked out, JR!”


WWF World Tag Team Championship

Legion of Doom (c) (w/ Sunny) vs Owen and Jarrett (w/ Jim Cornette) – It’s power versus technique, brute strength versus cunning. In addition to size Owen and Jarrett are giving up a lot of experience in this match. This relatively new team have had a few miscommunications and cracks are already starting to appear. The champions retain as Hawk and Animal put Jarrett away with the Doomsday Device.


Steel Cage match

The Undertaker vs Triple H (w/ Chyna) – A hellacious brawl right from the beginning. Both men taste steel as they are driven face first into the cage. Triple H tries every dirty trick to gain advantage but Undertaker is too strong. Undertaker plants his foe with a Tombstone for the victory.


Jim Ross: “Triple H may wake up tomorrow to find himself a few inches shorter after that move! Bah gawd!  BAH...  gawd!”


Edited by Bigelow Cartwheel
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