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The Third Game: A Cautious Road to Glory

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We are putting on some third-class shows, and the industry IS A TWO.


And by "third-class" I mean not the grand epics of the larger companies, and not their best efforts, but akin to SWF on an eh day.  We're pulling some 80-plus rated shows, and the industry IS A TWO

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btw, due to my botch in choosing the tag champs, my second world title reign is still the defendingest one (my first is tied for second).

Also, friggin Sterling Whitlock keeps losing popularity; it sucks that he's not particularly entertaining.

Alsoalso, Jack Jackson's stamina is plummeting even though he's no longer a smoker since I hired him (already drug-tested; still clean).

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  • Get "Small" coverage in India for popularity purposes.
  • Get "Very Small" coverage in Japan for WINNOW.
  • Have a second TV show, exacerbating morale issues for the commentators.
  • Aadesh did not gain popularity from this past show ._.
  • Written deals appear to be financially worth it for, say, Sterling Johannsen (it's Whitlock, but I forgot his surname just now) right now (well, no.  If I were to hire him now, it would be).  For non-wrestlers, it isn't.  For wrestlers...anywhere from 6-15 appearances.
  • House shows yooooo aw not Medium.
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Purple Mosquito is pulling like a 50 match rating almost.  He's trash, but I guess he's got crazy-high in-ring skills?  We can get more popular than 52, but it's slow going (also have the Small coverage now!).


MWGP, btw, can't get above low-60s shows, so they're stuck at their current size forever.  Again, third in the world, so


We are actually duelling with ACPW, to be honest, in show ratings.

Edited by Eidenhoek
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Hottest Thing In The Industry - Produce an Event Card of 90

20. “You Can Dance If You Wanna” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 to your Safety skill

It's "want to" by the way.

12. "Fists and Feet of Fury" Heavy bag, speed bag, heavy bag, speed bag…you’ve been working hard, +10 to your Brawling, Puroresu or Hardcore skill


20. “You Can Dance If You Wanna” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 to your Safety skill

squints rlly hard at google rng

7. “That Loving Feeling…” Your love life has something happen. Move along the scale from left to right, starting a new relationship with someone appropriate (according to their own preferences) on your roster. Dating->Engaged->Married->Separated->Dating->… (use your own discretion if you need to work out if they are the parent of any children you may have. IF you are separated you may choose to start dating someone else, or start over again with them)

Dang it, I wanted more tech or star quality.  That said, I'm engaged to Mellow!  Who is filming a cameo role on TV for over three months are you kidding me.

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And the first written contract is to Sterling Whitlock, 10 years, for $19,800 a month.  He wanted it that high to account for no pay raises.  At his contract of $2,000something, it's still a bargain.  Non-Exclusive, as he's working GSW and I'd like him to continue to develop.

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As increasing coverage to Small has done nothing for helping me grow faster, I've decided to do a brand split.  Now, I know what you're thinking: How are those two points related?


I'm not sure if I'm going to do the cheese draft strategy where I'd put everyone on one brand, then make events only for the other brand, and laugh at morale, OR MAYBE I MAKE A THIRD TV SHOW, HAVE EVENTS UNBRANDED, ONE TV UNBRANDED, AND TWO BRAND-SPECIFIC TV SHOWS YESH.

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Yes, as he can pull mid-40s.  I think Mainstream Hernandez is aroundabout that much, too.


Oh, right, it was just for one show to say that I





Surgery did not go well

Edited by Eidenhoek
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