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May 2001 Real World Data - Here Comes The Money

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Here Comes The Money - 2001


It's May 2001, and a McMahon has purchased WCW. Shane McMahon! This mod was made to try and best simulate the most realistic, but still fantasy scenario of a "What if..." for WCW in 2001.

Shane McMahon now owns WCW. But there is no fantasy-based familial strife between Vince & Shane. Shane simply wanted the opportunity to build his own legacy and has purchased WCW with his father's blessing to help achieve it. The other catch is the WCW that Shane acquires is very much based on the Invasion angle and what wrestlers were in it, so its a very thin star-lacking roster. The mod is built and intended for you to play as Shane himself and do whatever you think Shane could or would have done to make WCW successful again.

The data is meant to be as realistic as possible. WCW exists, but only the stars that WWF had available are there. So no Hogan, Flair, Goldberg, Nash, Steiner, Jarrett and many other big names. Booker T, DDP & Bagwell are your big names. Lance Storm, Kanyon, Hugh Morrus, Mike Awesome & Shawn Stasiak are really your core behind them. Who is availible on the free agent market? There's a lot of up-and-coming indy stars who are not quite ready. Scott Hall is in Japan, but brings baggage. A few other WCW and WWF guys like BG James, Glenn Gilbertti, Konnan, The Road Warriors, Juventud Guerrera, Psicosis, La Parka & Crowbar, are available. And there's some ECW refugees left in Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Steve Corino and the no-brainer Rob Van Dam. Or maybe you'll find that diamond in the rough.

Maybe you disagree with some choices. Using the basic principle of the realistic handcuffs WWF had, I can assure you most of my choices are right. However, I do agree someone like Jeff Jarrett would have accepted a buyout to keep working, but his heat with the McMahon family prevents it in this scenario. But feel free to use the editor yourself. The other big one is Rey Mysterio Jr. He was actually going to take a contract buy out as well, but Jim Ross convinced him to sit out the contract and heal up, and WWF would come knocking at a much better time for him. Jim Ross was right. But he's another guy who would in a realistic scenario maybe be with the new WCW right away.

Active Companies (37):

USA (20):  All Pro Wrestling - Combat Zone Wrestling - Heartland Wrestling Association - International Wrestling Association - IPW Hardcore Wrestling - IWA Mid-South - Jersey All Pro Wrestling - Memphis Championship Wrestling - NWA Florida - NWA Wildside - Ohio Valley Wrestling - Premier Wrestling Federation - Steel Domain Wrestling - Turnbuckle Championship Wrestling - Ultimate Pro Wrestling - USA Pro Wrestling - World Championship Wrestling - World Wrestling Council - World Wrestling Federation - Xtreme Pro Wrestling

Canada (3): Border City Wrestling - Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling - Stampede Wrestling

Mexico (3): AAA - Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre - Toryumon Mexico

British Isles (1): Frontier Wrestling Alliance

Japan (11): All Japan Pro Wrestling - All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling - Big Japan Pro Wrestling - Dramatic Dream Team - Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling - Michinoku Pro Wrestling - New Japan Pro-Wrestling - Osaka Pro Wrestling - Pro Wrestling NOAH - Pro Wrestling ZERO-ONE - Toryumon Japan

To Open Companies (27): Absolute Intense Wrestling - CHIKARA Pro - CPW International - Deep South Wrestling - Dragon Gate Pro-Wrestling - Fighting Of World Japan Pro-Wrestling - Full Impact Pro - House Of Glory - House Of Hardcore - IMPACT Wrestling - IPW United Kingdom - IWA East Coast - Major League Wrestling - NWA Europe - Pro Wrestling Guerrilla - Pro Wrestling IRON - Pro Wrestling Unplugged - Pro Wrestling WORLD-1 - Pro-Pain Pro Wrestling - Pure Wrestling Association - Revolution Pro Wrestling - Ring Of Honor - Sendai Girls Pro-Wrestling - SHIMMER Women Athletes - World Wrestling All-Stars - Wrestle-1 - Wrestling Marvelous Future

Active Workers: 1245

To Debut Workers: 121

These are the final releases for TEW 2020. Enjoy.

HCTM Final TEW 2020 Release

HCTM Final TEW 2020 Pictures & Graphics

Also, same rules apply to my data(s) that always do. Please for the love of god, use them as a base to modify your own data and release it. More brains, more people, more data for all is a good thing. My only rule is if you do use my data to make your own thing and release it, let people modify it and release their own version of your data. Share-train.

If you disagree with my data. Fantastic. See the note above. While I do appreciate constructive criticism, dont think I will change stuff to suit your wants/desires/opinions. Ultimately this data is my wants/desires/opinions. This is why I emphasize the above point so much. We all have access to the same editor and same internet for research, if you dont like mods, you can improve them!

Want to help? I could ALWAYS use help with graphics. I am useless with them. I dont understand how the gif graphics work, I dont know any of that stuff. If you think you can help make better graphics or worker pictures please make me some! I only ask for worker pictures that the pictures be as accurate to the year/age as possible. I'd rather have blurry pictures that are correct for the year/age then pristine pictures that are 3-5-10 years in the future from the actual year it should be.

Edited by Big Roguey
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Thoughts & FAQs

Real History Info Dump - Why WCW Ended The Way It Did & Why The Invasion Was Always Going To Suck No Matter How You Want To Fantasy Book:

Despite everyone thinking they could have done the Invasion better or thinking WWF should have kept WCW alive, the ultimate truth is how it played out was really the only way it could have played out. At least from a talent POV. First and foremost, WWF could and would have never been able to bring in Hogan, Nash, Flair & Goldberg to name a few, but even some other stars. They had guaranteed contracts with Time Warner. How WWF actually acquired the talent it did acquire was 1 of 2 ways. The obvious one was simply telling Time Warner to give them the contract and they would honour everything in it. From what I can tell, that was not the case with many talent based on listening to many interviews.. Way 2, the talent accepts a release from their Time Warner contract, effectively walking away from it mutually, and WWF signs them to a new deal. This is how WWF actually acquired the 30-some odd wrestlers they did. Booker T, DDP & Bagwell were notable examples of talent who would have made very good, if not better, money sitting on their asses, but accepted buy outs to instead go to WWF. Pretty much all the big names were unwilling to do that. Hogan was plenty comfortable sitting on his ass and getting millions of dollars. Its arguable in two cases I came across of talent that would have maybe taken the buyout, but otherwise didnt. Jeff Jarrett & Rey Mysterio. Jarrett simply wasnt wanted. So why would he walk away from the deal. Mysterio was going to, but Jim Ross told him to stay home and heal, and that it would be better for his career. "But WWF should have just taken on the big contracts of Hogan, Goldberg, ect, because it would have been so cool and made the invasion better." Okay... You are Steve Austin getting 1.5 million a year. Now Hulk Hogan walks into YOUR locker room making 3.5 million a year with creative control and every other clause in his deal. No house shows, better event bonuses. What would Steve Austin do? Undertaker? Rock? Every single loyal WWF employee would be slapped in the face by Hogan, Nash & Goldberg not to mention others walking in and not only now making a LOT more then them, but now WWF has their incentive-laden contracts to deal with.

"WWF should have just waited for the deals to expire since most guys showed up by 2002 anyway." There is an argument to be made for that. But then you are also effectively putting WCW "on-ice" for a year or more. Its dangerous. And further, what ended up happening is most of the big talent often named actually had many years on their contract. What ended up happening in 2002, is TimeWarner went to those stars on a contract-by-contract basis and negotiated their own buyout. So instead of before where talent had to simply walk away and not make a time, TimeWarner went to each star and negotiated a buy out. A made up example, they go to Hogan who has 3-years at 3.5 million a year left on his deal. They offer to pay him 7 million right now to kill the contract immediately, thus saving them money in the long run, but instantly giving Hogan 7 million dollars while then also allowing him to pursue certain things he couldnt while under a deal. Like signing with WWE. So he takes the 7, then signs with WWF for 2 million a year for 3-years. Hogan would have been able to say "no thanks" too, but didnt. I dont know who ended up doing what, but that's just an example. WWE had no idea when these things would happen so its not like Flair or Hogan becoming available when they did was a guarantee they could build towards.

"WWF should have gotten a new WCW TV show or turned one of their shows into a WCW show to keep it going and build new stars until the old ones could come back or something" They tried! First, networks didnt want it for a price that would make it affordable with large contracts that would be needed to support it. Second, in America, WWE had an exclusive deal with Viacom who didnt want any new wrestling programming, let alone WCW. The network wouldn't let them turn RAW, SmackDown!, or Heat into WCW. Viacom DID throw WWF a bone and offer them a Saturday night slot, from 11PM to 1AM and for a time WWF did consider doing it. Whether it was the Bagwell vs. Booker disaster that ultimately killed it or not, is to be argued. I would contend, the most realistic way ever that WCW would have gone on is if WWF had put it on TNN at that time slot, but who knows what would have happened to it then. The timeslot later became Velocity for 1-hour and Confidential (that Mean Gene hosted insider kind of show) for 1-hour.

Besides the Invasion happening as it did, what is the most realistic way WCW could have gone?

Just my opinion, though I have outside this data really tried to research this point in wrestling history a lot.

The ultimate most realistic way May 2001-on could have played out, without it being what actually happened, is if WWF kept WCW alive as a sub-brand with that 11PM-1AM time slot on TNN. How WWF would or could have made it a viable brand, is way to hard to say. Either way the WCW roster would have needed to been boosted and/or expanded. Booker, DDP, Bagwell and to a lesser extent Lance Storm could not headline a brand. Whether that came through an ECW invasion of WCW. Guys like RVD/Dreamer/Sabu/Tajiri/Corino/Super Crazy/Sandman/Roadkill/Doring just being signed to be WCW without an invasion. Developmental guys being brought up early (I still think most were too green). WWF stars being moved over.  Or something else. I do think a WCW brand would have needed a handful of names to join it from WWF. All the Radicalz, Jericho or Big Show are obvious choices because they are still "WCW-ish." I also believe there is a chance had WWF kept WCW as a brand, Rey would have come in sooner for sure.

So an interesting diary for someone to make could be playing as WWF with WCW as a sub-brand and then holding off on an invasion for a year and a bit until the "big names" can show up. Or after a year of turning WCW around, then pretending Viacom would have allowed RAW or SmackDown to be turned into a WCW show. Part of my own head cannon about WCW at this time is guys like D'Lo Brown, Mark Henry, Chaz, Some pieces of the Right to Censor, would all have been semi-obvious candidates to move to WCW had this happened.

Hayabusa Isnt Hurt Yet!

I just like to point out Hayabusa is not yet hurt in May 2001. His career ending injury happened in October 2001. Its just a nice thing I like to point out as Hayabusa is/was amazing and still only 32 in 2001 so could be a very important worker.

There's no user characters?

I dont like user characters. Most people tend to just make themselves dont they? And I wasnt going to put myself in a data I released. And I was 14 in 2001. Feel free to add your own. If you read my many walls of text, you'll see I actually made this data intending people play as Shane McMahon himself. But you could play as anyone or make yourself. Fun fact: when doing sims to just see how the data is behaving (simulating anywhere from 1-month to 20-years) I usually would pick David Arquette as a user character and thats half the reason he's in the data. And for some reason when I dont pick Arquette I pick Larry Sharpe. I dont know why.

Chris Benoit & Other Pitiful Workers

I feel its worth mentioning. I always end up setting Benoit to deceased in my games, usually through the in-game editor. I cant stand what he did despite being such a fan of his wrestling career. The sad truth is there are a lot of wrestlers who have done some really rotten things, but Benoit takes the cake. I am often conflicted about how to include, or even if I should include certain workers in data. For example, Rob Feinstein will not be in the data since he really isnt that important.

Where is Darby Allin or *insert other worker who only became relevant in the last 5-years*?

Let's all be honest. Most of us play games for a handful of years tops and then restart or try something else. I was not, and am not, going to spend 100's of hours making wrestlers who debut or became relevant only very recently into the data. For now, I'm using the soft rule of 2005 debuts or earlier as people I'm interested in adding. Since that will arguably keep the data more then populated for people who do wish to play 20-year saves. It is worth mentioning the data now can last that long since retirements never seem to happen enough. I'm not sure why that is. but people just dont retire as often as they do in real wrestling. So many indy guys give up have 3-6 years of not going anywhere. But guys just love holding on in this one. I personally always get annoyed at the Mean Street Posse having such long illustrious careers usually.

List Of Wrestlers In The Data You May Not Notice If You Are Not A Historian
Afa Jr. (Manu)
American Dragon (Bryan Danielson)
Angel Williams (Angelina Love)
Apocalypse (Viktor of the Ascension)
Astro Boy (Mistico / Sin Cara)
Bobby Rude (Bobby Roode)
Brad Bradley (Jay Bradley/Aiden O'Shea/Ryan Braddock)
Carly Colon (Carlito)
Chaz (Headbanger Mosh)
Cliff Compton (Domino)
Cody Steele (Cody Deaner/Deaner)
Cyrus (Don Callis)
Dalip Singh (Great Khali)
Devon Storm (Crowbar)
Dos Caras Jr. (Alberto Del Rio)
Double C (Claudio Castagnoli)
Eddie Colon (Primo)
Ekmo (Jamal/Umaga)
Eric Alexander (Eric Escobar)
Gene Snisky (Snitsky)
Glenn Gilberti (Disco Inferno/Disqo)
Hardkore Kidd (Jesus/Aaron Aguilera)
Harry Smith (David Hart Smith/Davey Boy Smith Jr.)
Horshu (Luther Reigns)
Hotstuff Hernandez (Hernandez)
Joey Matthews (Joey Mercury)
Johnny Curtis (Fandango/Dirty Dango)
Jon Heidenreich (Heidenreich)
Keiji Sakoda (Sakoda)
Ken Anderson (Ken Kennedy/Mr. Kennedy/Mr. Anderson)
Kenn Phoenix (Kenn Doane/Kenny/Kenny Dykstra)
Kenta Kobyashi (KENTA)
Kid Kruel (Mike Kruel)
Kimo (Rosey)
LA Par-K (La Parka)
Mafia (Dan Maff)
Magnus Maximus (Bam Neely)
MATT (Matt Sydal/Evan Bourne)
Michael Shane (Matt Bentley)
Nelson Knight (Mabel/Viscera/Big Daddy V)
Nicho el Millonario (Psicosis)
Nick Dinsmore (Eugene)
Nova (Simon Dean)
Nuevo Gran Apolo (Apolo/El Leon)
Pepper Parks (Braxton Sutter/The Blade)
Pierre Carl Ouellet (PCO)
Pinoy Boy (Puma/TJ Perkins/TJP)
Prince Justice (Abyss)
Ray Gordy (Jesse)
Redd Dogg (Rodney Mack)
Ricky Banderas (El Mesias/Mil Muertes)
Seven (Mordecai/Kevin Thorn)
Shadow (Dallas/Lance Hoyt/Vance Archer/Lance Archer)
Solo Snuka (Deuce)
Spanky (Brian Kendrick)
Sterling James Keenan (Corey Graves)
The Prototype (John Cena)
Todd Hanson (Handsome Johnny/Hanson/Ivar)
Trevor Rhodes (Trevor Murdoch)
Vinne Valentino (Gunnar Scott/Brent Albright)

Alexis Laree (Mickie James)
Kyra (Melina)
La Felina (Gail Kim)
Nattie Neidhart (Natalya)
Nikita (Katie Lea Burchill/Winter)

Wrestlers Who Debut Who You May Not Notice If You Are Not A Historian
Antonio Banks (Montel Vontavious Porter/MVP)
Big Van Walter (WALTER/Gunther)
Britani Knight (Paige/Saraya)
Chad Allegra (Karl Anderson)
Chas Betts (Chad Gable)
Chris Mordetzky (Chris Masters/Chris Adonis)
Da Beast (Shad Gaspard)
Deuce (Shaun Ricker/Eli Drake/LA Knight)
Drew Galloway (Drew McIntyre)
Drew Gulak (Soldier Ant)
El Generico (Sami Zayn)
Fergal Devitt (Prince Devitt/Finn Balor)
Heath Miller (Heath Slater)
Jerk Jackson (Bobby Fish)
Joe Riot (Martin Stone/Danny Burch)
Johnny Geo Basco (Santino Marella)
Johnny Onyx (Johnny Nitro/John Morrison/Johnny Everything)
Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose)
Mark Magnus (Muhammad Hassan)
Mike Mizanin (The Miz)
Moralez (Dave Mastiff)
Naofumi Yamamoto (Yoshi Tatsu)
Nick Nemeth (Nicky/Dolph Ziggler)
Nikki (Sara Del Rey)
Rebecca Knox (Becky Lynch)
Rex Steiner (Bron Breakker)
Shawn Spears (Tye Dillinger)
Sheamus O'Shaunessy (Sheamus)
Spud (Drake Maverick)
Tommy End (Aleister Black/Malakai Black)
Uhaa Nation (Apollo Crews)

Barbie Blank (Kelly Kelly)
Victoria Crawford (Alicia Fox)

Edited by MrCanada
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  • MrCanada changed the title to May 2001 Real World Data - Here Comes The Money

Really excited to play this, but disagree with Scott Steiner having a start injury and absence. The injury keeps him out for 3 years, and his contract with Time Warner expired in November 2001 and he wrestled for WWA shortly after that. 

Edited by Jaysin
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7 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Really excited to play this, but disagree with Scott Steiner having a start injury and absence. The injury keeps him out for 3 years, and his contract with Time Warner expired in November 2001 and he wrestled for WWA shortly after that. 

Its an injury that can be worked through and is the injury that he had that (arguably) helped lead to his lackluster WWE run.

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WWF has two versions of each PPV excluding Royal Rumble. For example : WWF WrestleMania and WWE WrestleMania. 
NJPW has two finales on the same day : WrestleKingdom & Wrestling World.

CMLL has 3 finales : Sin Piedad, Juicio Final & Leyenda de Plata.

ZERO-ONE has 2 finales : Chu Festival & Epicenter Final.

USA Pro has 2 finales : Anniversary Show & Now or Never.

I'm guessing some are legitimate mistakes, and others events are meant to be activated later in the save.

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10 minutes ago, Jugg said:

WWF has two versions of each PPV excluding Royal Rumble. For example : WWF WrestleMania and WWE WrestleMania. 
NJPW has two finales on the same day : WrestleKingdom & Wrestling World.

CMLL has 3 finales : Sin Piedad, Juicio Final & Leyenda de Plata.

ZERO-ONE has 2 finales : Chu Festival & Epicenter Final.

USA Pro has 2 finales : Anniversary Show & Now or Never.

I'm guessing some are legitimate mistakes, and others events are meant to be activated later in the save.

the NJPW and WWE ones are on purpose. WWF events go dormant and are replaced by WWE ones. NJPW, I wanted WrestleKingdom to show up in-name despite by butterfly effect rule so it shows up in 2005 while wrestling world will go dormant then.

The rest are mistakes. Thanks!

Edited by MrCanada
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7 hours ago, MrCanada said:

Its an injury that can be worked through and is the injury that he had that (arguably) helped lead to his lackluster WWE run.

I didn't even know it was a real injury. I've never even heard of drop foot. Google answered what it was. 

I knew he was banged up, but somehow never knew he was dealing with an injury like that. 

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On 7/21/2023 at 2:51 PM, Johnny Fenoli said:

Thanks for the work you did, I'm about to fire up a game now!


I noticed Right to Censor wasn't set, should it be? I googled to double check and see they disband one month into the game. Was it a creative decision on your part?

RTC is basically broken up at this point. But you are right they did not officially disband until the end of May. They had walked away from Stevie, but weirdly kept the gimmick despite Stevie then disappearing from TV. I feel like when that happened is really when RTC ended, but technically I guess they didnt. For pure realism, I guess they should still be in, but without Stevie. I had made the choice to just have them broken up since they basically were.


In the first post you will see I have added what I call the "fast forward" data. Oddly, one of the reasons I tried to make this data as accurate as possible is SO many datas, if not all, from this time period tend to do a lot of "fast forwarding" I disagree with. The most obvious example is Memphis Championship Wrestling is often already gone as a developmental territory and HWA is in its place. But many also have lots of WWF stars released that really shouldnt be on top of others things. The ironic part is, I find certain fast forwards do make the game more enjoyable, to me at least. So I have released a special sub-data which I call the Fast Forward.

Things Fast Forwarded Off The Top Of My Head:
1. MCW is closed.
-American Dragon, Spanky, Joey Matthews, Christian York, Joey Abs & Rodrageous are all released. Dragon & Spanky have contracts with some indy companies, Abs & Rodrageous are out of the business. Victoria is moved to the main WWF roster. The rest are moved to HWA.
2. IWA is no longer a developmental territory to WWF
-D'Lo is in HWA. Chaz is released. Tiger Ali Singh & Russ McCullough have left the business. Gangrel is still with IWA, but not under a dev-deal. Pete Gas is a free agent, but still active (as he is the only MSP member to stay active initially after the release, and I personally LOVE hiring him since he's Shane's IRL friend to use as a jobber)
3. HWA is a developmental company for WWF.
-They have most MCW leftovers, D'Lo Brown, Val Venis & Stevie Richards.
4. Right To Censor are fully broken up.
Venis & Stevie are in HWA, Buchanan OVW. Ivory is still on the main roster. Goodfather is back to Godfather and on hiatus.
5. AJPW Pro-Wrestling Love is live!
-Keiji Muto is in AJPW and their CEO & Booker. Baba is out of the business. Kojima & Kashin have jumped to AJPW. All three still have 6-month loaner deals with NJPW, but will expire in 6-months. Choshu is no longer booker of NJPW. I mate Fujinami the booker, I cant 100% figure out who took over the book once Choshu was ousted for being blamed for Muto & Friends jumping to AJPW.

So feel free to try it if you want. It is worth saying, to be kind of a prick. I do not care about input on what I have or have not fast forwarded. I literally just do this because its how I enjoy playing longer-time-commitment saves. This is actually the best example of what I mean when I tell people to modify my data and play a version they like, as this is basically what this is for me. And since I do this, I might as well release it. So you modify my data... might as well release it.

Edited by MrCanada
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On 7/21/2023 at 1:59 PM, MrCanada said:

the NJPW and WWE ones are on purpose. WWF events go dormant and are replaced by WWE ones. NJPW, I wanted WrestleKingdom to show up in-name despite by butterfly effect rule so it shows up in 2005 while wrestling world will go dormant then.

The rest are mistakes. Thanks!

I just wanted to clarify this in case I wasn't clear enough or there was a misunderstanding somewhere.
NJPW's WrestleKingdom & the WWE events are already active in the game (not set as dormant until revived in their respective years) and overlap with NJPW's Wrestling World & the WWF events. 
See the screenshot below.


Normally setting them to dormant in the editor should fix the whole thing.
(If you could also add a WWE Royal Rumble I would not be against it!)
My apologies if I misinterpreted your message in any way!

Edited by Jugg
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5 hours ago, Jugg said:

I just wanted to clarify this in case I wasn't clear enough or there was a misunderstanding somewhere.
NJPW's WrestleKingdom & the WWE events are already active in the game (not set as dormant until revived in their respective years) and overlap with NJPW's Wrestling World & the WWF events. 
See the screenshot below.


Normally setting them to dormant in the editor should fix the whole thing.
(If you could also add a WWE Royal Rumble I would not be against it!)
My apologies if I misinterpreted your message in any way!

Oh, I see. Somehow completely missed that. I wont do the Royal Rumble because then the Royal Rumble title isnt set to defend there. Same is said of King of the Ring.

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9 minutes ago, MrCanada said:

Oh, I see. Somehow completely missed that. I wont do the Royal Rumble because then the Royal Rumble title isnt set to defend there. Same is said of King of the Ring.

Understandable, thanks a lot for your work!

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Updated a 1.1 data up with the events fixed and some other (very few) small changes.

Dont expect any updates soon as I just want to play the game for a bit.

I will likely throw together a proper "Historical" version of the mod, meaning a non-scenario/fantasy completely "real" data. Which basically just throws all the WCW guys into the WWF.

Edited by MrCanada
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On 7/22/2023 at 1:06 PM, MrCanada said:

5. AJPW Pro-Wrestling Love is live!

-Keiji Muto is in AJPW and their CEO & Booker. Baba is out of the business. Kojima & Kashin have jumped to AJPW. All three still have 6-month loaner deals with NJPW, but will expire in 6-months. Choshu is no longer booker of NJPW. I mate Fujinami the booker, I cant 100% figure out who took over the book once Choshu was ousted for being blamed for Muto & Friends jumping to AJPW.

I know you said you weren't looking for input, but this is an area of expertise for me so I hope it might be a bit different. New Japan's company structure around this time was insane, but the official state of things was that Masahiro Chono was made matchmaker after Choshu was gone. Fujinami had the role of president, but Inoki was in the process of phasing out most of the power he held due to the AJPW departures and low ticket sales.

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I love a mod where the modmaker says "Here's how I like to play, but if you want it to be different, go nuts!" 


I'm all about taking WCW back to the promised land, so I made a couple of tweaks to give it a fighting chance and I'm off to the races. Loving it so far. Thanks for putting this together! 

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Like you the new release sounds more like what I want to play with. I'm loving the previous data so I can't wait to try out the fast forward data. Thank you again for doing this. I know you got a real life and this is just for fun but the quickness and quality of your releases the last few months have been fun. Thanks again. 

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Spotted a couple of minor issues: Simon Diamond's default heel gimmick is misspelled as "Aroogant" and Tracy Smothers is set to be poor in comedy matches and unable to play Comedy or Swagger gimmicks (his default gimmick is a swagger based one and he defintely could work comedy gimmicks and matches)

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On 7/27/2023 at 12:24 PM, kinqconnor said:

On the Fast Forward Data is Tajiri supposed to be signed with WWF? I am not moaning I just noticed and wanted to make sure you meant it to be that way!

just a choice I made. Tajiri did sign with WWF sometime in May of 2001. Like I've said a few times I'm a glutten for punishment, specifically when playing as WCW. Having Tajiri in WWF is just another obvious signing off the block forcing me to look to different options.

That said, I have been modding the data some, lots of small changes. I also added Steve Corino's Premier Wrestling Federation. I toyed with adding the Internet Wrestling Syndicate, but the information just isnt there to give it an acceptable starting roster.

My next big plan I decided is to go through the data and re-balance all the reputation & experience ratings since I did not 100% understand how they worked until recently.

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Updated Data & Graphics posted. Some minor changes I didnt track (I may start tracking stuff going forward).

The big change is I completely redid/re-balanced the Experience & Reputation stats of every single worker.


I've also updated the Fast Forward Data.

Edited by MrCanada
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