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SZW - Sydney Zone Wrestling (CVerse 2020)

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So sad about Golden Grapplers' loss. This was the match of the night by a wide margin and and really strong match to kick off your first TV show. The tag-team division is still going strong, I like that you have many interesting teams. I really doubt at this point that the Golden Grapplers have a chance to dethrone The Devoted Souls, too many things are against them. Golden Grapplers were my favorites and my favorite tag team as well, but now I think Lifeline are your choice. To me if Lifeline were to win the championships their time was in the Triple Threat at Final Chapter, so we'll see if they are the chosen ones or not.

Johnathan Wesker couldn't keep up with Adgee, but at least it was another defence in Adgee's record and he got to Main Event the first Eclipse episode.

Jesse Tasman still has a lot more work to do to climb in the rankings but I hope this will be a breakthrough year for him. I think he should become one of your stars in the future.

Armando didn't show up in your first episode, which I didn't expect because I believe his character is made for TV, but I guess you keep that weapon to full fit any episode. I don't know if you're planning a TV championship but I'd consider Armando for that belt.

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Welcome back. And back with a bang with the roster and competitor rundown and the first show of 2023. The roster is looking stacked, showing how far you've come, but to your credit, the first Eclipse episode didn't feel cluttered. Everything had space to breathe. I enjoyed the Gareth Case reveal and his interesting dynamic with Lone Rider. That was a big win for Lifeline with an out for the GGs, while the Sydney Championship scene looks as hot as ever with Dizzy G lining up behind Blackwell Bush. Apologies if it was covered before and I've forgotten, but where abouts are you currently in the company hierarchy. Has the streaming deal and weekly model pushed you past the likes of DIW?

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The transition from event booking to weekly TV is always tough, and one aspect of it is how you handle the "first" show - do you stack the card, or do you treat it more as a soft introduction to your roster? I think it was a pretty ambitious first show. you put a lot of pressure on either new singles competitors or young unproven guys to try and put their best foot forward and unfortunately most of them didn't make the most of their minutes.

Putting Jonathan Wesker in the main event of your first TV show is one of those things that'll be a trivia question a couple years down the line. Funny enough, in my TEW2016 I tossed him in developmental and he turned into a really great worker... but he needs a LOT of work to get there.

Gareth Case is an awesome pick, IMO he's pretty equivalent in skill and skill set to Adrian McGhee so with the rocket strapped to him, he could easily slot into that "Top 8" if he has a strong year.

Vortex has made the Sydney belt more of a special attraction, but I personally feel like Vortex is more the attraction than the belt itself. Part of me hopes he drops it sooner rather than later and you could get a midcard workhorse belt carrying your TV shows separate from Vortex.

It's wild to think about where it started, but it feels like your tag division is hotter than ever right now, while the singles titles feel like they are in a holding pattern - Adgee's got a date with Warmonger in the future so anyone he interacts with who isn't tied to that feels like filler, and Vortex's character prevents him from being a constant TV fixture.

Custard and Jelly are awesome. You've added a ton of "big" guys (on top of the two rookies, Diesel Dan, Warmonger, Sulphur, and even Gareth Case to an extent, Maelstrom to an extent) so I'm excited to see your first big "clash of the titans" when it does happen - I can see Diesel Dan being a big scalp for Warmonger on his way to a shot at Adgee down the road.

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Rusty Mills ~ Armando Guerrero ~ Dizzy G ~ Paul

Armando and Dizzy G were creating a great backstage environment and Paul pulled up Rusty who was late to the show which saw a positive impact on Rusty. All an all a great vibe backstage tonight.


@newbiezness - I definitely can see what you mean about Lifeline winning the triple threat would be a much bigger payoff than perhaps The Devoted Souls holding the titles for 3+ years. It would have been one of those "Moments" in company history. At the same time, bookers gunna book themselves. A record setting 3 year reign for the initial tag-team champions in a company is a career defining achievement for Peril and Adrian McGhee. Thinking back on it now, it was the hardest choice I had to make at Final Chapter. I also agree I probably should have had Armando be there for the first episode, and had a little fun segment. Again, looking back it would make sense to have one of the more fun and zany characters to draw fans in who decided to watch the first episode of a new promotion. I guess Peril needs to work on his booking... and wrestling... and mic skills...  I could see there being value in a third belt, but I also don't want to rely on a crux of a third belt for story reasons. I also never like the TV Belt concept because I feel it devalues itself by needing to be defended regularly on the smaller events, that and it makes championship matches that do appear on the regular shows all the more hyped and uncommon. 


@619 Thank you for the warm welcome. Now that I have outlined the roster clearer to you guys and in my own head it certainly feels like I have some depth and value across the board of the company. I feel like this show is a big representation of that fact as certain stars weren't on it, yet it didn't skip a beat at all. All the "highlighted" promo's tonight I am quite proud of (Highlighted as in, it wasn't just small story beats about what happened.)


We are ahead of ZEN and YEPW. While APW and DIW are both ahead of us still by a little margin. APW (on their 73rd show), and recently ZEN have all started TV shows. Most likely due to APW having $1.4m in the bank and ZEN having $500k. While DIW had been losing money for the last 9+ months dipping down to $49k but seem to have turned things around the last two months. DIW also bought in Will Beaumont this week so if profit margins continue they could eventually have a show. 


@John Lions I am hoping the break helps with that transition. I definitely ended up in that middle ground for the first show, but as I mentioned episode 2 speaks a lot more of the depth we have and uses less of the unknown guys. I definitely need to find some middle ground. Looking back at this show, before I post it. One thing I don't like is the champion didn't make an appearance on what is the "go home" show before New Year Riot. I agree with you in that a lot of the guys who got their "shot" did not grab it in Eclipse #1. Wesker needs a "ton" of development but I plan to let him do that. It isn't the first time I have used Gareth Case as he was a big pick up in my second? diary I believe. I haven't used him in TEW2020 from memory so I am keen to see how he is developed now in 2023. 


I agree entirely with your sentiments. Some people don't need belts. In the real world, Brock Lesnar doesn't need a belt, Undertaker doesn't need a belt. Vortex doesn't need a belt. I do see what you mean by the singles division being a holding pattern but I feel like this show helps with that a little. At least it develops the singles side of things to highlight all the key players leading into New Year Riot. While I am loving the tag-team division. There is like two teams (Trifle & The Frankies) that I believe couldn't hold the belts right now. The rest of them I wouldn't be upset about. Even Groovy Tokers. I am hoping for some eventual big men fights.





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Episode 2





Warmonger came out to leave an impression. We were just two days out for New Year Riot. The intimidating painted up muscle man was like a caged animal as he paced back and forth in the ring holding a microphone while looking out at the crowd.

“Your reign ends in two days Adgee Cross. It ends by my hands, by my strength, by my power.”

The monster flexed showing off just how physically imposing he was.

“Adgee Cross, to survive means to never go to war. New Year Riot is in two days. We go to war, and you will not survive.”

It was a very short segment by the number one contender before Warmonger left the ring.


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Austin Tahere vs The Kipper

The Kipper was in control for the majority of this match. One of the stronger performances from him in terms of dominating inside the ring. Austin Tahere was here to make The Kipper look good. Heading into it I knew it wouldn’t be a blockbuster affair, and it didn’t help Austin was off his game but it was a decent performance.

Winner: The Kipper

Rating: 36


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The Kipper ~ Jake D’Angelo ~ Rusty Mills ~ Nathan Rigger ~ Sulphur

The Kipper got on the microphone after the match to talk up his time in SZW and touched on his first match in the company. His first match was in the New Year Riot! He wanted to have his next match in the New Year Riot, officially declaring himself as the first entrant in the New Year Riot Rumble!

Jake D’Angelo came out to declare himself as the second and eventual winner of the rumble. Jake took a moment to insult Kipper and his age. He pointed out he has been in some of the best matches in SZW history going toe to toe with Vortex and Rusty Mills.

Rusty Mills came out at the mention of his name, deciding if everyone else wanted to announce themselves for the match he should as well. He had a small quip reminding Jake D’Angelo he had beaten him already. It led to a new face in Nathan Rigger making his appearance and climbing in the ring. He played up to the fans but didn’t get a chance to speak as before he could another new wrestler made their entrance. A behemoth of a man who the commentary team referred to as Sulphur made his entrance. The moment he climbed in the ring he started delivering right hands to everyone inside clearing the ring out. Leaving him to be the only one standing.


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Groovy Tokers vs Trifle

Groovy Tokers were in tag-team action and they got a match against a debuting mass of man in Trifle. The duo of Custard and Jelly were just mass, and definitely showed that the two men were still incredibly green in the ring and downright not great. It did show that both Lerone and Toasty had developed into a nice tag-team together and their performances carried the match, in what would be their first tag-team victory. They were able to perform what commentary called “The Blaze Drop” a synchronised leg drop from opposite turnbuckles on to Custard.

Winners: Groovy Tokers

Rating: 39


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Paul ~ Gareth Case

This was a short backstage segment with Paul talking to one of the newest signings in Gareth Case. Case was pressing on having his debut match be the New Year Riot Rumble so he can go on and challenge whoever is Australian Champion at the next premium event. Paul redirected his attention stating that his son Lone Rider will be the man winning that match. Case was going to face off against a former DIW wrestler for his debut match at New Year Riot. Case relented and said he will be making an impact at New Year Riot.


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Blackwell Bush vs Lance Lott

This was going to be a technical masterpiece in my head at least. I rate both guys highly in the ring and Blackwell needed a strong win here heading into New Year Riot where he would face off against Vortex. Now this wasn’t as good a match as I thought it would be. I put that down to Lance Lott not being well known and being on debut. It was still a great match and performance by Blackwell Bush.

Winner: Blackwell Bush

Rating: 46


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Vortex ~ Blackwell Bush

As Blackwell Bush celebrated victory inside the ring, smoke rose around it shrouding the entire ringside area and was almost nipping at the boots of Blackwell Bush as Vortex voice could be heard.

“Destiny defines us, the cosmic forces define destiny. I interact with those cosmic forces to see the outcomes and prospects of the future. Blackwell Bush you now find yourself in that same cosmic storm I have made my home in.”

Blackwell looks around the ring, up at the titantron and out at the crowd looking for Vortex, his opponent in just two days.

“Can you feel it consuming you, telling you the outcome of our match together. The cosmic forces now connect us. You and I meld as one. We both see it. You will not leave with my title in two days’ time. Our destinies are going to crash into one another. We both know it now, neither one of us will be left standing at the end. Yet I… I will be champion.”

Vortex slid under the ropes having been obscured by the smoke created at ringside. His slide made the smoke whirl up around him as he stood. Blackwell was able to notice and turned around. Both men face to face staring at one another as Vortex gestured to the smoke connecting the two men.

The lights shut out suddenly and when turned back on only Blackwell Bush was left in the ring.



Reed Buckfield

As Blackwell Bush goes to make his leave what appears to be a fan jumps the barricade with a large container attempting to scoop up the smoke that lingered in the ringside area. Security personnel made their way out and confronted what appeared to be a deranged fan before he grabbed a microphone.

“Wait! Stop! You’re messing it up, it is the cosmic energy from Vortex. It is the cosmic force. I need it! I need its power! Do you know what it does? It is a power source. That is why the lights went out. Too much power, and then Vortex leaves and boom! They are back! I need it!!!”

The deranged man continues to yell as security scoop him up and knock over his container spilling whatever “cosmic energy” he was able to collect inside of it. Further angering the man who was promptly dragged away.


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Dizzy G vs Diesel Dan

After all the in-ring shenanigans occurred the fans were bought back to the seriousness that is wrestling when Dizzy G and Diesel Dan made their way out and kicked off a match. This was going to be a short affair between the two men, but they set out to make it memorable. With Diesel looking to get the upper hand in the match before Maelstrom, the personal security of Dizzy G made an impact taking Diesel out while the referee was distracted.

Winner: Dizzy G

Rating: 43


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Armando Guerrero ~ Jesse Tasman

Backstage it was the loveable Armando Guerrero consulting his aloof natured friend Jesse Tasman. The moment the camera was turned on fans in the arena shouted “Olé, Olé, Olé”. The two men were talking about the fact they would both be in the New Year Riot Rumble. Armando saying, they both needed to look after each other, pointing out the size of the man that cleared out the ring earlier tonight. While Jesse was more concerned what would happen if they were the final two.

Armando reminded the fans and Jesse that he was the last person eliminated last year. That he was on the cusp of victory. He wants nothing more than to go that one step further and win the match, but if he were to lose. He would be honoured if it was Jesse Tasman who beat him. Jesse offered a handshake for good luck before Armando replied “Nosotros abrazamos a mi amigo.” and the two men hugged each other.


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The Devoted Souls vs Smokers & Suplexes

This was going to be a good match. A match I thought would have been more common and fought over gold, but a part of me had liked the way things had changed. It was a chance for S&S to prove me wrong and that they belonged in the championship discussion. Another interesting caveat occurred, and that is I noticed Adrian McGhee’s smoking was catching up with him, not able to put in as long of a match. It didn’t stop him from delivering a crushing Loaded Glove however to Fuzzy Freeman to pick up the victory and delivered match of the night.

Winners: Adrian McGhee

Rating: 47


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Smokers & Suplexes ~ Golden Grapplers

After the match it wasn’t myself and Adrian McGhee delivering a beat down to another tag-team instead it was the pair of Lee Bawes & Christian Blithe taking out the already beaten S&S. After laying waste to them in the ring and hitting the Oscarplex on Fuzzy Freeman. They took in the boos from the crowd, while Brown Snake helped his partner who had rolled out of the ring. The two men being helped up the entrance ramp as their attackers’ grabbed microphones. Christian Blithe starting them off.

“Shut up PEASANTS!!!!”

He addressed the crowd to a chorus of boos, one for their actions and two for his voice.

“I would like to nominate tonight’s performance to the 2023 Writers Guild of America strike. Because without all you people writing your 57th superhero movie, it has allowed the fans to find new entertainment. In the form of true talent who doesn’t need hand written lines like myself.”

Lee Bawes proceeded to take over after the short introduction from his tag-team partner.

“Last week Fuzzy you cost us a shot at the tag-team championship when we lost to Lifeline. OUR NAME WOULD HAVE BEEN THERE, WE WOULD BE CHAMPIONS!”

Christian went to his tag-team partners side and calmed him down, before a more focused Lee Bawes looked down the entrance ramp at the recovering S&S.”

“At Christmas Clash I said I would show you all what a great suplex looks like. Tonight, you got to experience how damn powerful my suplex is. Now you know the saying “You only live once, so do everything twice.” Don’t you?”

“Well we are going to do it again to you both. At New Year Riot, I will suplex you both until your spines are mangled and Fuzzy. The only thing that will be Fuzzy will be your brain after I scramble it on the mat in front of poor little Taniko Jo!”

Lee Bawes threw his microphone to the ground as he delivered the threat.



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New Year Riot 2023 Match Card



New Year Riot Rumble

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Armando Guerrero vs Jake D’Angelo vs Jesse Tasman vs Lance Lott vs Lone Rider vs Nathan Rigger vs Reed Buckfield vs Rusty Mills vs Sulphur vs The Kipper


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Smokers & Suplexes vs Golden Grapplers



Gareth Case vs Former DIW Wrestler


Sydney Championship Match

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Blackwell Bush vs Vortex ©


Tag-Team Championship Match

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The Runway vs Lifeline vs The Devoted Souls ©


Australian Championship Match

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Warmonger vs Adgee Cross ©



Quick Picks:


New Year Riot Rumble
Armando Guerrero, Jake D’Angelo, Jesse Tasman, Lance Lott, Lone Rider, Nathan Rigger, Reed Buckfield, Rusty Mills, Sulphur, The Kipper

Smokers & Suplexes vs Golden Grapplers

Gareth Case vs -----

Sydney Championship Match
Blackwell Bush vs Vortex ©

Tag-Team Championship Match
The Runway vs Lifeline vs The Devoted Souls ©

Australian Championship Match
Warmonger vs Adgee Cross ©


(Tie Breakers)

Promo of the night - 

Top 3 matches - 








Edited by HiPlus
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New Year Riot Rumble
Armando Guerrero, Jake D’Angelo, Jesse Tasman, Lance Lott, Lone Rider, Nathan Rigger, Reed Buckfield, Rusty Mills, Sulphur, The Kipper

I had Tasman winning this but missed that both Rusty and Rider are here. Rusty will take it then

Smokers & Suplexes vs Golden Grapplers

I like Grapplers more. Though, I don't know what this win would do for them. Think it's a better booking decision for S&S to win, maybe Blithe and Bawes could feud then but I'll take Grapplers anyway

Gareth Case vs -----

Case is being pushed, needs to win if that is to continue

Sydney Championship Match
Blackwell Bush vs Vortex ©

I don;t know if Bush can carry the Sydney title like Vortex and Dizzy have. The get a lot of promo time, something Bush is terrible at.

Tag-Team Championship Match
The Runway vs Lifeline vs The Devoted Souls ©

Yeah, you'll prob drop it to Lifeline if anybody deserves to win the belts but I say TDS retain. McGhee does need to throw Peril to the wolves though, he's better than a tag champ and having already won the big belt, dunno why he wouldn't try and get it again. 

Australian Championship Match
Warmonger vs Adgee Cross ©

I don't know if Warmonger is end game for Cross.

(Tie Breakers)

Promo of the night - It's usually Vortex or Dizzy G but I'll actually go left field and say Stephanie Drucker. Think she'll get some time on the mic and deliver. 

Top 3 matches - . Hmm, I'll take two of the best workers in the company for one. Two, I'll put a lot on the Champs shoulders as I don't know how good Warmonger is gonna be. And three... surely the tag match will perform. 

1.  Vortex v Bush

2.  Cross v Warmonger

3.   GG v S&S


Edited by DAVEFAN95
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New Year Riot Rumble

Armando Guerrero, Jake D’Angelo, Jesse Tasman, Lance Lott, Lone Rider, Nathan Rigger, Reed Buckfield, Rusty Mills, Sulphur, The Kipper

I'm not sure he's the one who makes sense the most but I'm going to rely on The Top 8 thing.

Smokers & Suplexes vs Golden Grapplers

I still haven't given up on Golden Grapplers and if they want to be champions some day they need wins like this.

Gareth Case vs -----

I think a loss here would hurt him.

Sydney Championship Match
Blackwell Bush vs Vortex ©

Vortex is too much Vortex

Tag-Team Championship Match
The Runway vs Lifeline vs The Devoted Souls ©

Wow... So difficult. I'm going to sat the champions retain again.

Australian Championship Match
Warmonger vs Adgee Cross ©

Maybe it's too early for Warmonger but he is a real threat. I'm 50-50 in this one, but I can see the title changing hands so I'll pick the challenger.


(Tie Breakers)

Promo of the night - Golden Grapplers

Top 3 matches - 

1. Vortex vs Blackwell Bush

2. Adgee Cross vs Warmonger

3. The Golden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes

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I loved the introduction to Reed Buckfield trying to capture Vortex's cosmic energy. You're really good at writing the more eccentric characters, so I have high hopes for him. Great work too capitalising on reaching 2023 for crossover between The Golden Grapplers and the writers strike. Your first big card of 2023 looks great: three title matches with credible challengers and a nice blend of top contenders and strong personalities left over to make the rumble as big an attraction as ever. Thanks too for the breakdown of what your competitors are up too.

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New Year Riot Rumble
Armando Guerrero, Jake D’Angelo, Jesse Tasman, Lance Lott, Lone Rider, Nathan Rigger, Reed Buckfield, Rusty Mills, Sulphur, The Kipper

Smokers & Suplexes vs Golden Grapplers

Gareth Case vs -----

Sydney Championship Match
Blackwell Bush vs Vortex ©

Tag-Team Championship Match
The Runway vs Lifeline vs The Devoted Souls ©

Australian Championship Match
Warmonger vs Adgee Cross ©


(Tie Breakers)

Promo of the night - Vortex

Top 3 matches - 

1.  Blackwell Bush vs Vortex

2.  The Runway vs Lifeline vs The Devoted Souls

3.  Warmonger vs Adgee Cross

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New Year Riot Rumble
Armando Guerrero, Jake D’Angelo, Jesse Tasman, Lance Lott, Lone Rider, Nathan Rigger, Reed Buckfield, Rusty Mills, Sulphur, The Kipper

Smokers & Suplexes vs Golden Grapplers

Gareth Case vs -----

Sydney Championship Match
Blackwell Bush vs Vortex ©

Tag-Team Championship Match
The Runway vs Lifeline vs The Devoted Souls ©

Australian Championship Match
Warmonger vs Adgee Cross ©


(Tie Breakers)

Promo of the night - Vortex

Top 3 matches - 

1. Vortex vs Bush

2. Goden Grapplers vs Smokers & Suplexes

3. Warmonger vs Cross

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New Year Riot 2023 Predictions

New Year Riot Rumble

Lone Rider def. Armando Guerrero, Jake D’Angelo, Jesse Tasman, Lance Lott, Nathan Rigger, Reed Buckfield, Rusty Mills, Sulphur & The Kipper

I feel like it will likely be either Rider or Mills. Personally I'm backing Rider as I feel he might be the sensible pick but we'll see.


Golden Grapplers def. Smokers & Suplexes

I just feel like this makes sense


Gareth Case def. -----

Firstly, he's making his in ring debut and feels like someone who has been getting built up, so I don't see a loss being a good idea. Secondly, I get weirdly caught up in his tattoos whenever he pops up. Started because I kept his one-eyed bat demon was a bow tie at first glances, but also now worked out his shoulder tattoo appears to be a blood hound puppy giving a fox a kiss on the forehead?


Sydney Championship Match

Vortex © def. Blackwell Bush

This doesn't feel like the end of Vortex's reign


Tag-Team Championship Match

Lifeline def. The Runway vs The Devoted Souls ©

I don't know why, it just feels like it might be nearing a point to make the switch and Lifeline feel like the right pick


Australian Championship Match

Adgee Cross © def. Warmonger

Kind of just a feeling that you won't be ending Cross's run yet and that Warmonger still has more to do.


(Tie Breakers)

Promo of the night - Vortex

Top 3 matches - 

1. Bush vs. Vortex

2. Cross vs. Warmonger

3. Golden Grapplers vs. Smokers & Suplexes

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New Year Riot Rumble
Armando Guerrero, Jake D’Angelo, Jesse Tasman, Lance Lott, Lone Rider, Nathan Rigger, Reed Buckfield, Rusty Mills, Sulphur, The Kipper
Rusty just won the first ever Cage match against a former Australian champion and decisively won that singles feud. Time for him to go after some gold.

Smokers & Suplexes vs Golden Grapplers
S&S felt inches away from being the next tag champs, and they are still in my eyes your #2 babyface team. Blithe and Bawes are your #2 heel team, but they can afford a loss in this match I think.

Gareth Case vs -----
Case closed

Sydney Championship Match
Blackwell Bush vs Vortex ©
Could go either way, but I'm banking on Bush beating Vortex so the Sydney title can become the TV workhorse midcard title that SZW really needs right now.

Tag-Team Championship Match
The Runway vs Lifeline vs The Devoted Souls ©
0% chance the champs lose this triple threat if they won the Final Chapter one (IMO). You said it yourself - The Devoted Souls have a historic 3 year and counting title reign. When they lose, it should be definitively in a 2v2 match.

Australian Championship Match
Warmonger vs Adgee Cross ©
The money is always in the chase. Adgee's your #1 babyface and he has never really had that career defining feud or rival or villain. With how Warmonger debuted destroying Adgee in the closing moments of your biggest season finale ever, I have a hard time seeing him NOT winning here.


(Tie Breakers)

Promo of the night - 

This is really tough, as I feel like there isn't really any stand out go-to workers on the mic other than Vortex and Bruce The Giant. I'll guess and say Rusty Mills, I think he wins the rumble and calls out both men in the main event before the main event happens.

Top 3 matches - 

1. Warmonger vs Adgee Cross

Adgee's had a lot of less-skilled opponents, but Warmonger is a great hand and I think both men's strengths work for this match up. Warmonger gets to bash Adgee, who gets to play underdog for the first time in a while.

2. Blackwell Bush vs Vortex

Two of my favorite workers, I can see this being the best match of the night

3. Smokers & Suplexes vs Golden Grapplers

I think this match edges out the tag title match - the worst worker in this one is Fuzzy, who is over like rover, while the tag title match has Peril (no offense), Lance, and XS who are all the clear weak link in their teams.

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New Year Riot Rumble
Armando Guerrero, Jake D’Angelo, Jesse Tasman, Lance Lott, Lone Rider, Nathan Rigger, Reed Buckfield, Rusty Mills, Sulphur, The Kipper

(I think that Rusty's the one that has the most to gain here, and I think a win in the Rumble can springboard him into his next big storyline.)

Smokers & Suplexes vs Golden Grapplers

(Smokers & Suplexes are great, but I don't think that this is their time yet. I think that Golden Grapplers are coming for their next title shot.)

Gareth Case vs -----

(Am I the only one who thinks that the former DIW star might be Diesel Dan? Either way, I think that this is going to be a showcase for Gareth's power and vicious style, so he's not losing here.)

Sydney Championship Match
Blackwell Bush vs Vortex ©

(Bush is a star in the making, but I don't think it's time for Vortex to let go of the belt yet.)

Tag-Team Championship Match
The Runway vs Lifeline vs The Devoted Souls ©

(I think that it's finally Lifeline's time. The big bad champions have to lose sometime, and Lifeline might be in the perfect spot to be the beneficiaries.)

Australian Championship Match
Warmonger vs Adgee Cross ©

(Adgee still has plenty to give as champion, so I'll say that Warmonger gives him a heck of a fight, but he endures thanks to the heart of a champion.)


(Tie Breakers)

Promo of the night - I have to give it to my man Delbert Degeorge. If he gets on the mic, he'll knock it out of the park.

Top 3 matches - 

1. Blackwell Bush vs. Vortex (Both of them are phenomenal, so this seems like an easy pick.)

2. Adgee Cross vs. Warmonger (Adgee's one of SZW's top guys, and Warmonger should be skilled and popular enough to make it a great main event.)

3. Smokers & Suplexes vs. Golden Grapplers (I see three great workers and one guy whose popularity should make up for his middling skillset. Sounds like a good formula to me.)


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