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The Outlaw Mudshow Or Peter Valentine's Redemption...

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Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano



Martyr VS Local Chump (I mean local talent)



World Tag Team Tournament Round 1

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs



Hardcore Rules Match

Animal Harker VS Waylon Walls



The Canadian Blondes VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey



World Title Tournament Round 1

The Texas Hangman VS Deacon Darkhold



World Title Tournament Round 1

Primetime Jack Pryde VS Conner Threepwood


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Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano



Martyr VS Local Chump (I mean local talent)



World Tag Team Tournament Round 1

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs



Hardcore Rules Match

Animal Harker VS Waylon Walls



The Canadian Blondes VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey



World Title Tournament Round 1

The Texas Hangman VS Deacon Darkhold



World Title Tournament Round 1

Primetime Jack Pryde VS Conner Threepwood


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January Week One Pick’em


Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano



Martyr VS Local Chump (I mean local talent)



World Tag Team Tournament Round 1

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs



Hardcore Rules Match

Animal Harker VS Waylon Walls



The Canadian Blondes VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey



World Title Tournament Round 1

The Texas Hangman VS Deacon Darkhold



World Title Tournament Round 1

Primetime Jack Pryde VS Conner Threepwood


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Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano

Comments: Chess Maniac is more established than Dragon Americano and also better


Martyr VS Local Chump (I mean local talent)

Comments: Martyr is actually a pretty entertaining wrestler


World Tag Team Tournament Round 1

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs

Comments: War Chiefs have more potential overall


Hardcore Rules Match

Animal Harker VS Waylon Walls

Comments: Harker is probably more over and could be a main event star down the road


The Canadian Blondes VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey

Comments: Ben Williams & Bob Casey are local chumps on handshake agreements


World Title Tournament Round 1

The Texas Hangman VS Deacon Darkhold

Comments: Darkhold isn't very good, Hangman is 


World Title Tournament Round 1

Primetime Jack Pryde VS Conner Threepwood

Comments: Pryde will be a way bigger star in five years than Threepwood was


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Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano



Martyr VS Local Chump (I mean local talent)



World Tag Team Tournament Round 1

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs



Hardcore Rules Match

Animal Harker VS Waylon Walls



The Canadian Blondes VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey



World Title Tournament Round 1

The Texas Hangman VS Deacon Darkhold



World Title Tournament Round 1

Primetime Jack Pryde VS Conner Threepwood


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January Week One Pick’em


Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano

Comments: Both are talented, but not really well known in the US. Chess Maniac seems a step ahead though.


Martyr VS Local Chump (I mean local talent)

Comments: Martyr is an interesting prospect, so I doubt you'd chump him out week 1.


World Tag Team Tournament Round 1

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs

Comments: In a way both teams kind of feel like throwbacks, but War Cheifs seem to be the one more likely to be featured early on.


Hardcore Rules Match

Animal Harker VS Waylon Walls

Comments:  Animal is better, but Walls isn't that far behind and I could see the hardcore rules letting him get one over here.


The Canadian Blondes VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey

Comments:: Hard to pick the only two guys not to get a logo or entrance music.


World Title Tournament Round 1

The Texas Hangman VS Deacon Darkhold

Comments: He has Texas in his name, he has to win.


World Title Tournament Round 1

Primetime Jack Pryde VS Conner Threepwood

Comments: Pryde has a lot of potential, but needs a lot more seasoning and exposure before he's ready.


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Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano

Comments: Chess Maniac is one of the better free workers available at the start of the game, he's got great star quality and there just seems to be more about him than his opponent. I see more being built around him than Dragon Americano.


Martyr VS Local Chump (I mean local talent)

Comments: Anything other than a Martyr win is just trolling us - this one could be under a minute you look to build God's Favourite into a violent, psychopathic monster.


World Tag Team Tournament Round 1

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs

Comments: The hardest to predict so far, as both teams feature one rookie so it depends who you're looking at more favourably as both men develop. There's a lot I like about Patterson as a prospect, but Jules Night being so bland and Roger Monteiro being one of the most under-appreciated workers in the American independent market gives the edge to The War Chiefs. 


Hardcore Rules Match

Animal Harker VS Waylon Walls

Comments: This looks to be the wild brawl match of the card. Walls is a tag team wrestler and this is a singles match, so I'm expecting Harker to overcome Walls and likely some interference from Walls' partner Bullseye too.


The Canadian Blondes VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey

Comments: Sure, I mean Williams and Casey could win this match, much like I could be president one day. I just don't see either happening.


World Title Tournament Round 1

The Texas Hangman VS Deacon Darkhold

Comments: I'm intrigued to see how you sell the homegrown behemoth with 'Texas' literally in his name as a heel to what I imagine is going to be a fiercely patriotic, rowdy, good ol' southern audience. 


World Title Tournament Round 1

Primetime Jack Pryde VS Conner Threepwood

Comments: A lot of time for Pryde, but Threepwood (much like Chess Maniac) is one of the better unsigned workers at the start of the game. Plus he has huge popularity (for a new company) to boot.

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Mid South Mayhem

Texarkana, TX

Episode 1

Monday, Week 1

January 2020



The show opens cold backstage where Travis Century and The Texas Hangman are ready to make a statement…




Century: “Monday Night is the new night of Mayhem and tonight the Hangman’s gonna take another soul on that long, lonely walk to the gallows. Deacon Darkhold, you consider yourself some kind of dark prophet. Well even prophets can’t escape the swift cold hand of death!


‘For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed; And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!’”


Hangman: “Deacon Darkhold, tonight you will know my hand, like my others who came before you.  They too tried to extinguish me with their darkness, and just like them, you will soon find yourself on the wrong end of my noose!”



The camera quickly switches to another area backstage where Deacon Darkhold flanked by The Dark Covenant is ready to speak:






Darkhold: “Bwahahahahahaha, Hangman, you silly little boy you. You really think you can extinguish my darkness? Every day, as new followers arise my power grows stronger! Eventually even you will succumb to the darkness for I am the leviathan, the father of lies, lord of the flies and the ruler of the bottomless pit.”



The show opens with avideo package and opening theme song...


Opening Theme: Flirtin' with Disaster



Jim Lou Freebush and Peter Valentine then greet us at ringside:



Freebush: “Welcome everyone watching on WrestleWorld and everyone here live. It’s the beginning of a new era, the era of the outlaw! OCW is here and we are in for a hell of a show tonight!”

Peter: “That’s right Jim and boy am I excited to kick this thing off right. Let’s stop wasting time and get to the ring for some action!”





Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano



  • Both men lock up to start things off, progressing through a series of holds and counters with neither man gaining an edge

  • The action picks up as both men perform several exciting aerial maneuvers with very little pause to the action

  • Americano tosses Chess Manica out of the ring and to the floor and goes for a suicide dive. Chess Maniac moves out of the way and Americano crashes into the guardrail.

  • Chess Maniac takes control whipping Americano into the stairs

  • Chess Maniac finishes Americano off with the Check Mate (Canadian Destroyer)


Chess Maniac defeats Dragon Americano by pinfall



Freebush: “Well Peter, that was certainly an exciting, fast paced matchup. I guess the self proclaimed ‘Evil Genius’ Chess Maniac turned out to be the better man tonight.”

Peter: “He’s the better man every night Jim, because he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win. Americano better learn soon enough that if you try to compete the so-called ‘right way’ then you're gonna come up short more often than not. Of course I wouldn’t expect a vanilla snowflake like yourself to understand that, you’ve never been in the ring.”

Freebush: “Tell me again how many actual wrestling maneuvers you know Peter? I’m not sure you should count yourself as an actual in-ring competitor.”

Peter: “Watch your tone Jim, you're talking to a former National Heavyweight Champion here.”

Freebush: “How many of Sam Strong’s bags did you have to carry to get that title reign?


Anyway, I think we’ve heard enough from you. Let’s head to the back and hear some words from Catalan Enterprises.”








Mya: “OCW, take notice. What I’ve assembled here is the greatest group of wrestlers this dump of a town has ever seen. With my business mindset and their God given talent, Catalan Enterprises will soar like an Eagle. You see people, we are the present and future of professional wrestling and all of you watching are damn fortunate to be able to witness our meteoric rise.”

Zip: “What we have here is a shift in the landscape. You see wrestling will no longer be known as a competitive sport, not when we are in the ring. This era of wrestling will now be known as the era that Catalan Enterprises dominated!


And it starts tonight with The Canadian Blondes beating the hell out of a couple old patsies in Bob Casey and Ben Williams!”



Freebush: “Rather confident remarks from Catalan Enterprises there. Now let’s get back to the ring for some more action.”





Martyr VS Local Competitor




  • Martyr dominated this match straight from the bell

  • After pummeling his opponent with vicious forearms in the corner Martyr picks him up and tosses him outside onto the floor

  • Martyr drives his opponent into the ringpost and powerbombs him on the apron

  • Martyr hits him with a Vengeance Drive to finish him off for good


Martyr defeats a local competitor by pinfall




After the bell Martyr continues beating his opponent. He pulls a pizza cutter out of his pants and slices up the local competitor’s forehead.


He grabs a table from under the ring, powerbombs his opponent through the table and leaves him laying in the center of the ring covered in his own blood.




Freebush: “Well that was certainly a one sided affair. Not so sure the beatdown after the match was necessary. Clearly that poor soul was already down and out.”

Peter: “Well, well, well Jim, of course you would say that. Martyr came here to send a message and the rest of the locker room better listen up unless they want to end up like that stupid bastard laying in the middle of the ring!”

Freebush: “Eloquent as always Peter. Now let’s keep this show rolling and get back to the ring. Every wrestling promotion has their champions and like the rest so shall OCW. Our governing body is the Global Wrestling Coalition and all our titles are sanctioned by them. Let’s head to the first matchup in the GWC World Tag Team Championship tournament.”






GWC World Tag Team Tournament Round 1




The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs




  • The Wrecking Crew take control early with quick tags and double team moves, isolating Eagle Monteiro’s leg and keeping him in their corner

  • Eventually Monteiro manages to knock down Patterson with a wicked enziguri

  • Monteiro makes the hot tag and Stallion comes in like a house of fire taking out both men with clotheslines 

  • Stallion drops Patterson on his head with a German Suplex

  • Stallion tags in Monteiro and they nail Patterson with the Trail Of Tears (3D)

  • Stallion subdues Night while Monteiro pins Patterson for the three count


The War Chiefs defeat The Wrecking Crew via pinfall


Freebush: “And with that The War Chiefs are the first team to advance in the World Tag Team Tournament. Let’s take a look at the brackets…”




Peter: “And what a loaded tournament it is Jim. The War Chiefs may have won tonight but they have a hard road ahead if they want to be the first team to wear the gold.”

Jim: “And now it’s time for something a little more violent. Fasten your seatbelts folks, it’s time to get Hardcore!”


Hardcore Rules Match



Animal Harker VS Waylon Walls




  • The action picks up right at the entrance ramp as Walls jumps Harker on his way to the ring

  • The two men brawl all over the building with Harker slamming walls onto a hot dog cart

  • Wall grabs a chair and nails Harker over the head, busting him open. He then sling shots off the ropes and nails Harker with a tornado DDT right on the chair

  • Walls goes for his finisher the Hoodslam (Hammer-lock DDT) but Harker reverses it into a Stump-puller Piledriver

  • Harker grabs a bag of thumbtacks from under the ring and pours them all over the ring mat

  • He nails Walls with a belly-to-belly suplex right onto the tacks

  • Harker bounces off the ropes and almost decapitates Walls with the Southern Psycho Sickle for the win


Harker defeats Walls via pinfall




After the match Harker grabs a microphone and addresses the crowd…



“Well, well, well, I damn sure ain’t in New York City anymore! The Big Apple, the concrete jungle where dreams are supposed to come true, right? But you see, I've had enough of those flashing lights and crowded streets. I've had my fill of the chaos and madness that that city brings. So what did I do? I guess it’s obvious – I packed my bags, hopped on the first plane, and came back home to the heart of it all – TEXAS!”


Crowd erupts in cheers and "Texas! Texas!" chants



You see, in Texas, we know a thing or two about grit. We know about wide-open spaces, where a man can breathe, where a man can think, and where a man can FIGHT! And that's exactly what I intend to do. I left behind those skyscrapers that touch the sky but never touch the soul. I left behind the noise that drowned out the sound of my own heartbeat. But I didn't just come back to Texas for the barbecues and the rodeos. No, no, no! I came back to claim what's rightfully mine – that World Championship belt! I've seen the best this industry has to offer, and I've left a trail of chaos in my wake. From the towering heights of New York to dingiest God Damn dives you couldn’t imagine, nobody can match my intensity, my madness, my unrelenting thirst to inflict punishment!


They say everything's bigger in Texas, and that includes my hunger for victory! So, mark my words, all you so called contenders out there – prepare yourselves for a reckoning like no other. I'm here to take that championship home with me – right here in the land of warriors and wild hearts!



New York City, you were just a chapter in my story. Now, it's time to write the next chapter, right here, in the heart of Texas. So to all the challengers, to all the doubters, and to anyone who thinks they can stand in my way – I've got a message for you: Y'all better knuckle up, 'cause the Southern Psychopath is back into town, and I ain't leavin' without that God Damn belt!"



Freebush: “You better get ready, wrestling world, for a storm of madness and mayhem. The battleground is set, and the Southern Psycho on the warpath! And he’s come home on a quest for gold!”

Peter: “Yeah, yeah, yeah, Harker wants some gold. Blah, blah, blah, he better be careful his mouth doesn’t write a check his body can’t cash!”

Freebush: “Always a positive influence Peter. I’m sure Harker thanks you for the words of inspiration. I’m sure Harker thanks you for the words of inspiration. Let’s get back to the action!”




Williams & Casey VS The Canadian Blondes




  • In an utter squash The Canadian Blondes easily beat the team of Williams & Casey from the start

  • The Blondes beat down the team for a few moments then hit Blonde Ambition (Total Elimination) on Casey to pick up the win


The Canadian Blondes defeat Williams & Casey via pinfall


Freebush: “Up next we have a double main event for you fine folks this evening. Not one but two first round matchups in the GWC World Heavyweight Championship tournament.


Before we head to the ring let’s take a quick look at the bracket…”






Theme Music: Marilyn Manson - Man That You Fear - Antichrist Superstar (16/16) [HQ]






Darkhold makes his way to the ring with his Dark Covenant brethren…


Theme Music: #epicmusic The Immortalist ( Secession Studios, Greg Dombrowski )





Lightning effects flash across the entrance ramp area as purple smoke fills the aisles. Flocked by Travis Century, The Texas Hangman slowly walks to the ring…




GWC World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1



Texas Hangman VS Deacon Darkhold



  • Hangman uses his superior strength and power to throw Darkhold around the ring

  • Darkhold turns the tables by luring Hangman outside where Moroi distracts the referee while Sinner and Babau help beat Hangman down

  • Darkhold piledrives Hangman through the announce table by ringside

  • Hangman reverses The Call Of Cthulhu (Reverse DDT) into a piledriver of his own

  • Hangman manages to fight off attempted interference from Darkholds allies

  • Hangman almost decapitates Darkhold with a vicious clothesline

  • Darkhold kneels in the center of the ring begging Hangman to finish him off, laughing maniacally

  • Hangman hits Darkhold with not one but two Last Ride Powerbombs to pick up the win


Texas Hangman defeats Deacon Darkhold via pinfall






After the match the other Dark Covenant members jump Hangman, beating him down in the center of the ring. Darkhold grabs a kendo stick from under the ring and pummels Hangman with it while his minions hold him down as Darkhold screams: “Do you think I care about some shiny gold belt! I want your soul Hangman!”


Darkhold continues to laugh maniacally and scream while beating on Hangman when…




Suddenly a video of candles appears on the jumbotron and the lights go out.


When the lights come back on Texas Hangman and Travis Century have disappeared and The Dark Covenant are left in the ring confused as to what just happened.




Freebush: “Honestly folks I’m speechless. That was one of the strangest things I have ever witnessed. It’s almost as if The Hangman has some kind of supernatural powers.”

Peter: “More like we hired a good production team and a good lighting guy. Get real Jim!”

Freebush: “Hey, you believe what you want to believe Peter. Perhaps you can go try to find Hangman and get a word from him about what just transpired.”

Peter: “That’s a hard pass Jim.”

Freebush: “I thought so. Well folks, it’s time for our second main event of the night, let’s head to the ring!”




Theme Music: Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole



Primetime Jack Pryde makes his way to the ring, antagonizing the crowd the entire way…



Theme Music: Metallica: The Memory Remains (Official Music Video)



“The Ironman” Conner Threepwood makes his way to the ring high fiving the fans along the way. He’s accompanied by his valet, Sweet Tabitha…




GWC World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1




“The Ironman” Conner Threepwood VS Primetime Jack Pryde




  • Both men start off trying to one up each other with chain wrestling

  • Conner takes control on the mat, schooling the young Pryde with some smooth transitions

  • Pryde quickly resorts to brawling to halt Conner’s momentum

  • Pryde takes Conner outside and whips him hard into the barricade followed by a hard irish whip right into the steel stairs

  • Pryde continues to pummel Conner in the ring with stiff strikes

  • Conner dodges a clothesline and hits Pryde with several clotheslines of his own

  • Conner hoists Pryde up and hits My Iron Lung-blower (Lungblower Powerbomb) and gets the win


Conner Threepwood defeats Primetime Jack Pryde via pinfall





After the match Conner Threepwood stands tall in the ring, celebrating his win while Sweet Tabitha cheers him on as the show closes…


Freebush: “Well that’s it for tonight folks. I hope you enjoyed the show! On behalf of my colleague Peter Valentine, we’ll see you next week for more Mid South Mayhem!”



Edited by willr0ck
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Congratulations on a hot first show. I think the Animal Harker promo was the highlight as you can just imagine that crowd eating it up, but everything around Texas Hangman and Deacon Darkhold was great too from the scene-setter at the start of the show to the post-match segment that everyone came out of looking pretty strong.

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On 8/31/2023 at 4:11 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

Top notch presentation for Ep.1, unfortunately I missed the predictions this time!

Keep up the good work will (and also push the Blondes to the moon lol)

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! No worries about predictions, there will be more opportunites for sure. Oh and I'll see what I can do about the Blondes.

On 8/31/2023 at 6:12 PM, 619 said:

Congratulations on a hot first show. I think the Animal Harker promo was the highlight as you can just imagine that crowd eating it up, but everything around Texas Hangman and Deacon Darkhold was great too from the scene-setter at the start of the show to the post-match segment that everyone came out of looking pretty strong.

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed the opening promos., I totally ripped that off from Collision, which in turn was directly ripped off from Saturday Night's Main Event of course. Pro Wrestling, the land of new and totally original ideas.


I'm glad you enjoyed the Harker promo as well. I am huge mark for Animal Harker so you'll find I tend to push him like crazy when ever I do a diary.

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Here are the week 1 predictions results:


The Blonde Bomber
6 out of 7

7 out of 7

7 out of 7

6 out of 7

6 out of 7

6 out of 7

7 out of 7



Everyone did phenomenal! Of course it's early, just give me time and my booking choices will start to go straight down the toilet.

I guess I should do a prize to the winner at the end of the month of some sort, like I'll write up a narrative on one of the workers or I can put Peter Valentine in some sort of horrible situation (other than having to live in Texarkana), you know something like that. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.


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On 9/2/2023 at 6:00 PM, Herrbear said:

Loved the show.

Thank you!


7 hours ago, The Blonde Bomber said:

Good write up man! I cannot get the image of Martyr having a Pizza Cutter in his trunks :D. Mentioning putting Peter Valentine in a scenario, made me wonder what a trip to Mexico would look like. Would he have a mexican flag waving in the background?

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I envision that Martyr wears baggy pants of some kind or a prison jumpsuit type of thing. I just don't see Martyr wearing trunks and a hockey mask. As far as Peter Valentine taking a trip to Mexico. That sounds like fun though I doubt his dumbass would have a Mexican flag in the background, that idiot would probably have a Taco Bell logo.

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Texarkana, TX

Wednesday, January 8th 2020


The Sunny View Motel







Peter: “Welcome back friends! I hope you all enjoyed our first show. (Well technically when this gets released hopefully you’ve seen several shows and we are still open)...


So back to our first show, I’ve been getting mainly positive reviews about it. Heck, thanks to the marketing geniuses at WrestleWorld I was told that at least 17 new fans streamed the show. Okay so that was a bit of sarcasm, obviously more than 17 people watched us. I’m sure WrestleWorld has at least 30 subscribers. 

Along with growing our fanbase, which is obviously imperative for any new company, I also wanted the positive momentum from  our first show to start to rehabilitate my reputation a bit. I mean let’s be honest, the guys in the back freaking love me! I’m like a general leading his armies into battle with a legion  of loyal soldiers backing me up, ready to give their life for me!”



At this the producers took the liberty of interviewing a few of the wrestlers currently working for Peter Valentine to get their honest feelings about him:






Animal Harker: “Peter Valentine…. Hmmmmm, doesn’t ring a bell. I thought I worked for Shane Sneer.”



Martyr: “.................................................................................”


Travis Century: “Me and Valentine, we go way back. And by that I mean I’ve hated that a$$hole for years! Why are you asking me about Peter Valentine anyway? I work for Shane Sneer…


Shane, yeah he’s the best man. That dude has a great mind for the business. I mean his storylines are top notch man, top freaking notch. I’m so happy to be working for Shane Sneer.”


Astro: “No tengo ni idea de lo que está diciendo el señor. ¿Quieres arreglar mi aire acondicionado?


Sweet Tabitha: “OMG, this is like my first job ever! I can’t believe I’m finally like getting a steady paycheck and stuff. Like, it’s like crazy, lol. Like, hashtag see ya’ later indies, lol!...


Wait, I never heard of Peter Valentine before I worked here. Like, he’s old enough to like be my like dad or something.”


Playboy Jake Sawyer: “I mean Peter Valentine’s a selfish, self serving kiss ass who works his way up the ladder simply because he was friends with the right people. That guy is a real piece of sh%t!...


What’s that? Oh, well I don’t know the guy personally. Never met him honestly. That’s just what people always told me about the guy.


Not that that is an issue anyway, Shane Sneer’s my boss and that guy is the greatest. Plus I’m so happy to be getting a steady paycheck again! 2008 was so long ago!”


(Tears well up in Sawyers eyes as he turns away from the camera)


“Wait, turn the camera off! I said turn that God damned camera off!!!!”






Peter: “See what I mean, these guys are loyal and ready to bust their asses to make this place a big deal! Man oh man, it’s like I was born to be a leader, and it's times like these when a true leader is needed to lead his troops!”





Shane Sneer: “I didn’t have the heart to tell Peter everyone thinks they work for me, so well, let’s just keep that our little secret.”






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Card for January, Week 2





and here's a quick Pick'em Sheet for those that want to do predictions


World Televison Championship Qualifier #1

"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS Flash Savage w/Mya Catalan



World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1

The Night Terrors VS Lightning Express



World Television Championsip Qualifier #2

"Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Zip Deverell w/Mya Catalan



World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1

The Hot Taggs w/February Malaise  VS Harbingers Of Doom w/Playboy Jake Sawyer



"Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield VS Ben Williams



Word Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Warren Technique VS Phillippe LaGranier w/Clare South



World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Original Sinner VS "The Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker




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World Televison Championship Qualifier #1

"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS Flash Savage w/Mya Catalan



World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1

The Night Terrors VS Lightning Express

Comments: Forgot, the Lightning Express is in CWA, this is the fake Lightning Express


World Television Championsip Qualifier #2

"Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Zip Deverell w/Mya Catalan



World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1

The Hot Taggs w/February Malaise  VS Harbingers Of Doom w/Playboy Jake Sawyer



"Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield VS Ben Williams



Word Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Warren Technique VS Phillippe LaGranier w/Clare South



World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Original Sinner VS "The Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker



Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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World Televison Championship Qualifier #1


"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS Flash Savage w/Mya Catalan


Comments: Flash is talented and be a good heel for you.




World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1


The Night Terrors VS Lightning Express


Comments: Big fan of the Night Terrors and hope they are a big factor for you.




World Television Championsip Qualifier #2


"Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Zip Deverell w/Mya Catalan


Comments: could go either way but figure Charlie Corner is a good rival for the group so will lose to a more prestigious member of the group. 




World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1


The Hot Taggs w/February Malaise VS Harbingers Of Doom w/Playboy Jake Sawyer


Comments: The Taggs have a bright future but it's not their time yet.




"Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield VS Ben Williams


Comments: Williams does what he does beat and makes Harvey look good in defeat. 




Word Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1


Warren Technique VS Phillippe LaGranier w/Clare South


Comments: LaGranier has all the tools to be a top level guy.




World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1


Original Sinner VS "The Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker


Comments: I'm all for seeing what Harker can do as I've not used him much in my games.

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World Televison Championship Qualifier #1

"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS Flash Savage w/Mya Catalan

Comments: Normally I wouldn't pick a tag team specialist in a singles tournament, but I think Flash will make it out of the first round here.


World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1

The Night Terrors VS Lightning Express

Comments: I'm a big fan of the night terrors, and the Lighting Express seem like they need a bit more seasoning before they're proper title contenders.


World Television Championsip Qualifier #2

"Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Zip Deverell w/Mya Catalan

Comments: Corner and Zippy are almost mirror images as charismatic rookies who could be big stars in a few years, and this could be an interesting long term rivalry if they can both develop properly. Since I had Mya Catlan's client winning the last one I think Corner gets the win here.


World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1

The Hot Taggs w/February Malaise  VS Harbingers Of Doom w/Playboy Jake Sawyer

Comments: Both teams have potential, but the Harbringers of Doom feel like they have the much higher ceiling.


"Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield VS Ben Williams

Comments: Unless you're planning on swerving us with a Ben Williams push this is a clear showcase match for Robbinfield.


Word Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Warren Technique VS Phillippe LaGranier w/Clare South

Comments: Another match between two guys with very similar backgrounds, as both are veterans of the Canadian scene. Either one could win, but Warren seems more like a midcard workhorse style of wrestler while Phillippe could actually be a proper star.


World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Original Sinner VS "The Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker

Comments: I'm not going to make the mistake of picking against Animal Harker a second time.

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World Televison Championship Qualifier #1

"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS Flash Savage w/Mya Catalan


World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1

The Night Terrors VS Lightning Express


World Television Championsip Qualifier #2

"Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Zip Deverell w/Mya Catalan


World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1

The Hot Taggs w/February Malaise VS Harbingers Of Doom w/Playboy Jake Sawyer


"Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield VS Ben Williams


Word Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Warren Technique VS Phillippe LaGranier w/Clare South


World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Original Sinner VS "The Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker


unfortunately no comments from me this week as I'm quickly browsing while on my phone 


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World Televison Championship Qualifier #1

"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS Flash Savage w/Mya Catalan



World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1

The Night Terrors VS Lightning Express



World Television Championsip Qualifier #2

"Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Zip Deverell w/Mya Catalan



World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1

The Hot Taggs w/February Malaise  VS Harbingers Of Doom w/Playboy Jake Sawyer



"Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield VS Ben Williams



Word Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Warren Technique VS Phillippe LaGranier w/Clare South



World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1

Original Sinner VS "The Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker


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