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WCW 2001: 'Bout Time I Elevated To Claim My Own Throne!

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Friday Night Panic! Episode 11: 

Friday 12 October 2001

Live late-night on FX

5,875 crowd from Burlington, Vermont

Announcers: Joey Styles, Scott Hudson & Stevie Ray


Show opens up with Sum 41's 'Fat Lip'

Fat Lip - YouTube

Joey Styles kicks the show off by welcoming fans to WCW Friday Night Panic! live from BURLINGTON, VERMNOT!

Scott Hudson says we welcome back to the desk after a fortnight absence the main man himself, Stevie Ray! 

Stevie Ray is smiling and says thank you, thank you Scott I'm back and I'm better than ever and boy let me tell you the fans are in for a treat tonight as we have in our Main Event the WCW United States Champion, Sabu, defending that title against former champion, Hugh Morrus, plus we also got the long-awaited in-ring debut of Chyna as she takes on Stacy Keibler! 

Joey Styles says we'll also see The Steve Corino Open Challenge, but first, opening the show tonight we have the final Quarter Final match of the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001, it will be Tajiri vs The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea!


Match 1: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Quarter Final Match - Tajiri vs The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea 

Tajiri's 2001 v1 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Imperial City" Theme [HD] - YouTube

Tajiri coming out tonight representing Fit's Fight Club, a big opportunity for the young man from Japan to really cement himself as a big time player in WCW's Cruiserweight division tonight says Joey Styles

WCW The Artist 1st Theme Song - "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince Iaukea" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea comes out, Hudson reminds fans he's a 2 time WCW Cruiserweight Champion and he knocked out another former champion, albeit an injured one, in Chavo Guerrero Jr in the Round of 16.

This match is a fast-paced high-flying technical bout to start the show. It gets just under 5 minutes with both men getting in a fairly even amount of offence, but as the match goes on Tajiri's strikes are relentless. He wears down The Artist and eventually manages to get a brutal Buzzsaw Kick in which knocks Iaukea for six or in this case a 3 count as Tajiri gets the win and advances.

Tajiri wins via pinfall - (4.33) - (46 rated) 

After the match we see Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor come out to congratulate and celebrate with Tajiri



Scott Hudson says that's our Semi Finals booked in, next week will see Psychosis take on Tajiri and 'Sexy' Brian Lawler face off with Billy Kidman for a spot in the final at Halloween Havoc!


Booker T cuts a pre-recorded promo where he says on Nitro the world will find out the 4 men that he will take with him to Texas for the Tornado Match. Booker says Alfonso, Bagwell, the Extreme Alliance, O'Haire and Palumbo, they all think that they can take me down... but they got another thing comin'! In Houston we end this s*** for real! 

We see Bill Alfonso cutting a pre-recorded promo alongside Buff Bagwell. Alfonso says the only thing that unites Alfonso and Bagwell is a shared hatred of Booker T and everything he represents in WCW. At Halloween Havoc, we become your nightmare, Booker!

Freestyle segment with Booker T, Bill Alfonso and Buff Bagwell - (83 rated) 


ECW Steve Corino Custom Titantron (youtube.com)

We see Steve Corino come out with the WCW FXtreme Television Championship, with his manager Don Callis walking just behind him. Corino is holding the chain he used last week to get the win against Johnny Stamboli.

"Excuse me, Burlington, my client has something he'd like to say" Don Callis says, as the fans boo.

Steve Corino once in the ring says last week he choked out Johnny Stamboli with this chain. He says that if his buddy Big Vito hadn't saved him he could have ended Stamboli's career, or even his life, but he wouldn't do that, he's not that bad of a guy really.

Corino says he's sure there's nobody left in the locker-room who's brave enough to challenge him after that display last week, so he doesn't mind if-

(WCW UNRELEASED) The Mamalukes Theme (Full Version) (youtube.com)

We see Big Vito at the top of the entrance ramp with a furious look on his face and what looks like Brass Knuckles.

Steve Corino looks a bit concerned, as does Don Callis.

I think Big Vito's come for some revenge on this cat! says Stevie Ray

Joey Styles says Big Vito, also a former WCW World Hardcore Champion, so this match will be a No-Disqualification match!


Match 2: 

The Steve Corino Open Challenge: Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Big Vito for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship - No-Disqualification Match

Big Vito marches to the ring with his brass knuckles looking intent on revenge for what Corino did to Stamboli last week. The match kicks off with Corino trying to attack Vito with the chain and Vito trying to get a shot in with the brass knuckles.

Corino manages to get a punch on Vito with the chain, but just as he does this Vito gets a dig in with the knuckles. The two fight like drunks in a bar until after a minute or so we see Steve Corino has been busted open in his fore-head which drips between his bleached blonde hair.

Don Callis is looking nervous! His boy is bleeding! exclaims Stevie Ray excitedly.

As the match goes on both men drop the weapons and more of a wrestling match emerges. 

The match comes to an end when Big Vito tries to go for a big knock-out punch with his brass knuckles, but Corino dodges it then counters by putting Vito in a Cobra Clutch assisted by the chain. Vito puts up a big fight but he eventually fades away and passes out. 

Steve Corino wins via submission - (5.01) - (53 rated) 


After the match Corino keeps the hold on, the ref tries to get him off but can't.

Finlay's 2006 v2 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Lambeg v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

We see Fit Finlay, with Tajiri and Dave Taylor, rush out to make the save as Corino scurries away with Don Callis looking furious at Finlay's involvement.

Freestyle segment with Fit's Fight Club and Steve Corino - (53 rated)


Before the next match we see a pre-recorded promo segment showing Chyna's announcement as a signing in WCW, then the drama that has gone down in recent weeks that prevented her from making her in-ring debut due to choke-slamming Bischoff through the table and knocking out James Mitchell.

Chyna says tonight she finally makes the statement to show she is the future of women's wrestling in WCW. 

Freestyle segment with Chyna - (49 rated) 


Match 3: 

Chyna vs Stacy Keibler

Stacy Keibler WWE Theme - Legs (youtube.com)

We see Stacy Keibler coming out looking up for the match but also clearly a bit nervous. 

Stacy has been going through some work related problems with her client Shawn Stasiak in recent weeks, says Scott Hudson, as he questions whether her mind is in the right place for this match. Stevie Ray says the biggest work related problem that girl's got is coming right out the entrance way in two seconds, says Stevie Ray.

TNA Chyna Theme Hell On Heels (youtube.com)

Chyna comes out to a decent pop as fans are excited to see her first action in a WCW ring. 

This match gets off to a slow start with Stacy Keibler perhaps wisely trying to dodge going toe to toe with Chyna in strikes or grappling. Stacy tries to use her long legs to get in some kicks and she does manage to get a few kicks in on Chyna's lower body, with Chyna looking a bit ring rusty, not quite able to grab Stacy and counter. 

Scott Hudson questions whether the suspensions have given Chyna a bit of ring-rust and maybe Keibler can pull off an upset win here.

But after a third kick Chyna manages to grab Stacy, counter, and hit her with a huge lariat that takes Keibler down. 

Chyna gets into the match after this point and whilst it's not a complete domination, Keibler is clearly on the back-foot and struggling to combat Chyna's super size and strength. 

The match comes to a close when Stacy Keibler is whipped against the rope and when she comes back to Chyna, Chyna hits her with an Elbow Strike which completely flattens her. 

OH MY GOD!!! exclaims Joey Styles, as Keibler lays in a heap seemingly knocked out on the floor. 

Chyna pins her and gets the win.

Chyna wins via pinfall - (5.06) - (44 rated) 

After the match the ref calls for a medic to come and help Keibler as Chyna stands in the ring victorious.


We see a pre-recorded segment where Rob Van Dam is undergoing injury rehab.

Van Dam promises fans that after Halloween Havoc and the Fall 1 week break in programming he will be back on Nitro and ready to show the world why the best wrestler in the world today is ROB...VAN....DAM!!!! 

Freestyle segment with Rob Van Dam - (94 rated) 


April Hunter interview with DDP

We see April Hunter with DDP backstage. 

April says fans will be wondering and hoping to see you join Booker T's Texas Tornado team at Halloween Havoc. Has Booker asked you to be on his side next Sunday in Houston?

DDP laughs a little and says, look April, the fans have seen me fight on Booker's side in the last few months. We've had our differences going for the Big Gold Belt, but I always got that guy's back and respect. 

Then DDP looks a bit more serious and he says that he's already confirmed to Booker that he won't take part in that match at Halloween Havoc. DDP says at Halloween Havoc there is only one match that he wants...

DDP says Tommy Dreamer... you think you can go toe to toe with DDP... you want to prove to the world what a big star you are? That you can go to the next level in WCW on national television. You think you're better than ME?!?! 

Well here's the challenge... you want me to make you famous... well here's your chance big man... Halloween Havoc... DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE... 1 on 1... with TOMMY DREAMER... Show up... or SHUT UP!! BANG!!!!

Freestyle segment with April Hunter and DDP - (100 rated) 


Match 4 / Main Event: 

Sabu (c) vs Hugh Morrus for the WCW United States Championship 

WCW Chris Kanyon 2nd Theme (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Joey Styles, big news there as DDP puts out the challenge to Tommy Dreamer at Halloween Havoc and I got to say I think that's a big mistake from DDP. I think Dreamer will put him down for the world to see! 

Stevie Ray says he knows Page and he knows Page will have Dreamer's number in Texas! 

Scott Hudson says right now though we've got former WCW United States Champion, Hugh Morrus taking on the champion Sabu for the title, and we've got the man who will face whoever is WCW United States Champion for that title at Halloween Havoc joining us commentary, please welcome... Kanyon! 

Kanyon says Who Better Than Kanyon?! to join you boys on commentary for this match. 

Hugh Morrus WCW Theme "Xtra Large" (youtube.com)

Hugh Morrus comes out, stares down Kanyon angrily before making his way to the ring.

What's his problem?! mutters Kanyon, before saying that guy's almost got as much of a chip on his shoulder than I do! 

Sabu - Huka Blues | Custom ECW Titantron (youtube.com)

Sabu comes out with the WCW United States Championship, he raises it up, as he faces Kanyon, before going down to the ring.

Sabu of course, says Stevie Ray, still without that coward he calls a manager, Bill Alfonso, he don't want to get anywhere near a WCW arena, he knows what's gonna happen to him!

The match between Sabu and Hugh Morrus is a close affair with Hugh Morrus taking out a lot of pent up frustration and aggression in this match. Sabu seems smart enough to use Morrus' anger against him as Morrus makes lots of mistakes which gives Sabu opportunities to exploit and injure him. 

Nevertheless, Morrus hangs on in the match and when Sabu makes a dive onto Morrus on the outside, Morrus manages to turn it into a body-slam on Sabu which moves the match in Morrus favour.

Morrus than spears Sabu through a barricade on the outside leaving Sabu in a bad place.

Morrus manages to get Sabu back in the ring before the 10 count from the referee and then Morrus climbs the top of the top with Sabu prone on the ground. 

I think he's going for a Moonsault here! says Scott Hudson. WE COULD HAVE A NEW CHAMPION! exclaims Hudson, as Kanyon watches on. 

But just as Morrus looks ready to go for a Moonsault, he sees Disco Inferno at the top of the ramp come running down to distract him. Hugh Morrus is furious. Disco Inferno gets onto the side of the ring and starts shouting at Morrus for what he did to Chavo Guerrero Jr last week. 

Before Morrus can do any more Sabu manages to knock Morrus down from the top rope, the middle of his legs hitting the turnbuckle and he falls down in a heap in the ring holding his grain in pain. 

Sabu then puts the Camel Clutch on and despite Morrus fighting against it, after about a minute of agony Morrus taps out! 

Sabu retains via submission - (5.48) - (61 rated) 


Sabu holds up the WCW United States Championship, with Scott Hudson keen to point out he seemed to get an inadvertent assist from Disco Inferno there. 

Sabu leaves the ring and as he gets to the top of the entrance ramp he stares down both Kanyon and Stevie Ray.

Suddenly, a truck pulls up at the side of the stage, and out steps Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V, Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten, with Bill Alfonso seemingly driving the vehicle. 

The 4 men join Sabu at the top of the entrance ramp and look like they're ready to start a fight with Kanyon and Stevie Ray, when suddenly:

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

We see Booker T come out with DDP, Curt Hennig, Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda, who chase them off back to the car. There isn't room for everyone in the car and Axl Rotten is the unlucky man who doesn't get a seat in the car. 

Axl Rotten begins fighting but he clearly can't win and we see Mike Rotunda ultimately throw Rotten off the side of the stage and go crashing down onto a table below to end the show.

Freestyle segment with Sabu, Kanyon, Harlem Heat, Expressly American, The Extreme Alliance, Buff Enuff, DDP and Curt Hennig - (81 rated)


Show Rating: 78
0.91 TV rating (685K viewers)

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We now know the main event and several of the other matches that WCW will have as part of their October 2001 PPV, Halloween Havoc, that will be live from Houston, Texas next week. 

The card so far looks like this:

  • Scott Hall (c) vs 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in an 'I Quit' Match
  • WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 Final - TBC, however it will be Billy Kidman/'Sexy' Brian Lawler vs Tajiri/Psychosis 
  • Kanyon vs the WCW United States Champion - TBC, however the champion is currently Sabu
  • Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) (c) vs The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog) for the WCW World Tag Team Championship
  • Akira Hokuto (c) vs 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria for the WCW World Women's Championship
  • Team Booker T vs Team Bill Alfonso - 5 vs 5 Texas Tornado Match - TBC, teams to be announced this week on Nitro.


It is thought that several more matches will be announced on Nitro/Panic! this week prior to the PPV, with a singles match between DDP an Tommy Dreamer at the very least looking on the cards after DDP's promo this Friday on Panic!

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Just a reminder that Rey Mysterio looked like your little cousin's CAW  during WCW's last leg. : r/SquaredCircle


Rey Mysterio Jr is now the hottest free agent in wrestling

Rey Mysterio Jr's TimeWarner contract expired today meaning he is now free to sign with any wrestling company in the world - and it is thought that he will not be short of offers. 

WCW was where Rey Mysterio Jr called home for 5 years between 1996-2001, where he won the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship 5 times, as well as the short lived WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship and the WCW World Tag Team Championship on 3 separate occasions with 3 separate partners. But questionable booking and usage of Mysterio in the last few years of his run there, including the removal of his mask which was something he was opposed to, could mean he opts to look elsewhere. It is certainly thought by people close to Mysterio that if he was to return to WCW he would do so only under the condition he was allowed to come back under the mask.

WWF could be the chance for a fresh start for Rey and based on ratings and live attendances they're clearly the much bigger company at this moment time as WCW is still under transition under Shane McMahon's stewardship. Mysterio Jr would certainly be a big addition to the WWF's Light Heavyweight division, although some believe that Vince McMahon already sees this as an afterthought and would not particularly go out of his way to sign guys just to strengthen that division. Many others in WWF, including a lot of talent, are really hot on Rey with many backstage keen to work with him due to how good he is in the ring and making others look good too. 

If he did sign for WWF this would represent the first "top" talent that they've taken out of WCW's hands, as so far since Shane McMahon took over the company he has managed to sign basically everyone he would have wanted, including names like Scott Hall, Rob Van Dam and the current WCW United States Champion, Sabu. Vince McMahon would surely like to get one over on WCW and his son who he feels has betrayed him in keeping WCW alive. 

But since WCW came back on air they have put emphasis on the Cruiserweight division, with the WCW Cruiserweight Classic, the debuting annual tournament that will reach it's climax at Halloween Havoc next Sunday a clear example of this. Rey still has many friends in the locker-room in WCW, so if he was convinced he would get a better push in WCW than in WWF that could also swing his decision.

We should also not dismiss the possibility that Rey decides to use his new freedom to not return to wrestling in the U.S straight away. He could feasibly have a run in Japan for NJPW or AJPW, or perhaps he'd like a stint in Mexico with AAA or CMLL.

Only time will tell.


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WWF No Mercy 2001 results

'Stone Cold' Steve Austin (c) defeated Kane and Triple H in a Triple Threat match to retain the WWF World Heavyweight title - (97 rated) 

The Rock & Test defeated Triple H & The Undertaker - (98 rated) 

Rhyno (c) defeated Hardcore Holly to retain the WWF Intercontinental title - (81 rated) 

Trish Stratus defeated Terri Runnels to retain the WWF Women's title - (62 rated) 

Big Show & The APA defeated Tazz & The Dudley Boyz - (78 rated) 

William Regal defeated Spike Dudley - (81 rated) 

Billy Gunn (c) defeated Haku to retain the WWF Hardcore title - (69 rated) 

Rikishi (c) defeated Steve Blackman to retain the WWF European title - (67 rated) 

Steven Richards defeated Al Snow - (71 rated) 

Scotty 2 Hotty (c) defeated Crash Holly in a Ladder match for the WWF Light Heavyweight title - (68 rated) 


Molly Holly defeated Ivory - (63 rated) 

Raven defeated K-Kwik - (67 rated) 


90 rated

55,871 live attendance in the Great Lakes region

5.25 rating (2.86 million viewers)


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Nitro Episode 25 of the Shane McMahon Era (Nitro Episode 313 including pre-Shane)

Wednesday 17 October 2001

Live late-night on FX

6,700 crowd from Portland, Oregon 

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Arn Anderson


Show opens up with Linkin Park's 'Runaway' 

Runaway - Linkin Park (Hybrid Theory) (youtube.com)

Tony Schiavone on commentary says it's Wednesday night folks and you know what that means! It's WCW Nitro, LIVE from PORTLAND!!!

Jerry Lawler excitedly says we're here in The Rose City and with just under 1 week to go until Halloween Havoc in Houston, Texas this Sunday night live on PPV, we've got one hell of a show for you! We've got a contract signing for Scott Hall and Dustin Rhodes' big 'I Quit' match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, plus we've got WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 Semi Final action with Billy Kidman taking on 'Sexy' Brian Lawler with the winner getting a spot in the final at Halloween Havoc! 

I assume you'll be routing for your boy tonight, King? says Arn Anderson

Lawler doesn't respond and Tony Schiavone says but that's not all folks! WCW World Women's Champion, Akira Hokuto will be in action, plus Tommy Dreamer will face off against Norman Smiley and we've got WCW United States Champion, Sabu, defending his WCW United States Championship in our Main Event against Mike Rotunda... and we will hear from both Team Booker T and Team Bill Alfonso to announce who will be on their respective 5 vs 5 TEXAS TORNADO TAG teams ahead of their big show-down at Halloween Havoc... and it's that man, Booker T, who opens the show, as we've got HARLEM HEAT taking on the team of El Dandy & La Parka and that is RIGHT NOW!!!


Match 1: 

La Parka & El Dandy vs Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray) (with Sharmell) 

WCW La Parka 1st Theme Song - "Parental Advisory: Explicit Acts" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

We see La Parka and El Dandy come out first. 

Harlem Heat WCW Theme (youtube.com)

Booker T and Stevie Ray come out to a big pop with Sharmell following behind them

This match kicks the show off in great fashion. Stevie Ray puts on a good showing, as does La Parka and El Dandy who both look good in the ring, but the star of the show is Booker T who carries the match with his in-ring work and the crowd hanging on his every move. La Parka and El Dandy get a decent showing with the match going over 8 minutes.

The match ends with Booker T hitting a Scissor Kick on El Dandy to get the win. 

Harlem Heat wins via pinfall - (8.11) - (72 rated) 


After the match Booker T grabs a mic and he says this Sunday at Halloween Havoc, TEXAS TORNADO in HOUSTON... it is 5 vs 5... well I know you all been wanting to know who's on Team Booker T, huh? 




Oh wow! exclaims Tony Schiavone. That's Team Booker confirmed. Booker T, Stevie Ray, Curt Henning, Barry Windham and Mike Rotunda! 

That's a hell of a team, says Arn Anderson.

But who will face them?! asks Tony Schiavone.

Suddenly, the tron screen lights up with a big image of Bill Alfonso, who has Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V, Sabu, Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo and Balls Mahoney behind him.

Bill Alfonso says at Halloween Havoc his team will right a wrong. For weeks now he has been unable to attend WCW shows due to fear of his life from Booker T. But this Sunday in Texas, his team will put an end to that terror by putting Booker T out of action for a very long time.

As I'm sure you're aware Booker, says Alfonso, my good friend Sabu will be defending his WCW United States Championship against Kanyon once he beats Mike Rotunda tonight. Speaking of Mike Rotunda, that bastard put Axel Rotten out of action last week when he threw him off the stage... so my five guys for Halloween Havoc are... Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V, Balls Mahoney, Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo!

Buff Bagwell then steps in and says Booker! I never liked you! I'm more talented than you, better looking than you, you became the face of the new era of WCW in the last few years when that should have been ME! 

Later tonight, I'm teaming up with O'Haire and Palumbo so you boys can get a preview of how our working relationship and shared dislike of you and your boys will be your undoing this Sunday!

Freestyle segment with Harlem Heat, Bill Alfonso and Buff Bagwell - (87 rated) 

Big news there, says Tony, just to confirm that means at WCW Halloween Havoc it will be: 

Team Booker T (Booker T, Stevie Ray, Curt Hennig, Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) vs Team Alfonso (Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V, Balls Mahoney, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo)


We see Shane McMahon cutting a promo looking all business

Shane McMahon says this Sunday see PPV number 6 of the Shane McMahon era of WCW. Shane says it's a big milestone for both him and WCW and he's really excited as the card for WCW Halloween Havoc 2001, including the inaugural WCW Cruiserweight Classic Final, is shaping up to be a real good one. 

Shane says but many people have been looking forward to our November PPV offering, which will come live from Las Vegas, Nevada. 

House of Cards is a new event in the WCW PPV schedule and therefore it is understandable that fans and of course the members of the WCW roster have some questions about it. 

Well let me tell you that at House of Cards, we will have ourselves the first ever House of Cards match. 

Prior to the PPV the Top Ranked WCW stars based on match wins throughout the Shane McMahon era of 2001 will have the chance to earn 1 of 18 free spots in the 20 man over the top rope Battle Royale. 

Each of the 18 men will then be allocated a Playing Card. 2 unlucky men will draw a #2 Card. These 2 men will start the match.

16 other men will draw a Jack, Queen, King or Ace. The Jacks will enter first individually by random order, then the Queens, Kings and the Aces. A new entrant will join the match every 2 minutes until all 20 men have entered the match. 

Now you folks might be saying, hey Shane, you can't do maths. That's only 18 guys. 

Well folks, that's because in this match there will be 2 unannounced wild-card Jokers. The first Joker will enter the match as the 3rd entrant, before the Jacks, and the second Joker will be the last entrant of the match, after all other 19 men have entered. 

The winner of this match will earn themselves a World Heavyweight Championship match, against whoever is the champion, in the MAIN EVENT of the biggest show in WCW's calendar...STARRCADE!!

That's right, the inaugural winner of the WCW House of Cards Match will headline Starrcade 2001 challenging for the Big Gold Belt!

Oh boy, says Tony Schiavone. Wow! says Jerry Lawler, I can't wait to see this!

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon - (96 rated) 


Match 2: 

The Underworld ('The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels & The Hounds of Hades - Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) (with 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria) vs Terry Funk and Air Raid (AJ Styles & Air Paris) 

Hades - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of the Underworld - Ancient Gods (youtube.com)

Well folks, says Tony Schiavone, we're back with some wrestling for you and this 6 man tag team match comes courtesy of an ongoing feud between Terry Funk and his former protégé Christopher Daniels. The young rookies AJ Styles and Air Paris came to the WCW Hall of Famer's aid last week and tonight we will hopefully see The Underworld get their comeuppance! 

Terry Funk's Titantron Entrance Video feat. ''Road To Texas'' Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Funk comes out looking pumped with the young and eager to impress Air Raid guys following behind him. 

This match sees AJ Styles and Air Raid get good showings and take most of the punishment from Daniels, Parisi and Daemon, with Funk unable to get the hot tag for most the match.

When Funk eventually does get in, Daniels avoids him, and Funk battles out mostly with Saemon Daemon. Funk gets worn down and eventually has to tag in Air Paris who tags in enthusiastically but it's not long before he gets worn down.

Daniels gets tagged in after Styles and Funk get knocked off the apron, Daniels hits a Winged Angel on Paris to get the win. 

The Underworld wins via pinfall - (4.48) - (45 rated) 


After the match we see Daniels, Parisi and Daemon start stomping on Paris. Styles and Funk manage to get back in the ring and make the save though, helped by Funk picking up a chair and he manages to nail Daemon with it.

Daniels dodges it and the 3 Underworld guys make a run for the entrance ramp. 

Funk manages to get a mic somehow and before The Underworld can escape the entrance ramp he shouts "DANIELS!! I ain't done with you yet, boy! You want to get famous off of messing with Terry Funk?! Well there ain't no better place to do it than in Texas! This Sunday... Halloween Havoc... Terry Funk vs Christopher Daniels! 

Daniels looks a bit concerned about this development but then Dawn-Macaria whispers something in his ear and he nods and seems to suggest he has accepted Funk's challenge! 

Freestyle segment with The Underworld and Terry Funk - (36 rated) 


JJ Dillon is in the Parking Lot. 

Dillon says he's just seen Scott Hall arrive at the venue. JJ Dillon rushes over to Scott Hall's Bentley and sees that Scott Hall is driving himself! 

JJ asks Scott Hall how he is preparing for tonight's contract signing with 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes and the 'I Quit' match this Sunday at Halloween. Do you buy into Dustin Rhodes' idea that he's so desperate to win that WCW World Heavyweight Championship that he will never say 'I Quit' especially in his home-state of Texas?

Scott Hall shrugs and says JJ, you just asked me like 3 different questions. A real journalist would at least ask 1 at a time. But let me answer them for you anyway. I'm in great preparation. Jimmy quit on me, sure, but I don't need Jimmy, if Jimmy wants to be on TV around here, he needs me, and Jimmy if you're watching this and want to come back to help feed your family rather than rely on government welfare, I'm open to it, brother. 

The 'I Quit' match at Halloween Havoc? I'm not scared JJ, you know why? This is the biggest match of Dustin Rhodes career, in his home state, all his family and whatever friends he has  will be there. For me? I've been the Champ round here for a good while, for me, it's just Sunday...

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Scott Hall - (83 rated) 


We see 'Sexy' Brian Lawler with The Sons of the South (Erik Watts and David Flair) 

Lawler bursts into a locker-room area and we see Vampiro with mOrE-bId! and rAgE? yEs!

Lawler excitedly shouts "We found the freaks, boys!" 

Vampiro looks around at him dubiously

Brian Lawler says "Vampy! Hey man, we been looking for you Goths all over the place. Glad to have found you. Boy do we got some plans to talk about!" 

Vampiro replies in a confrontational tone "We're Juggalos not Goths!" 

"Same difference, no?" pipes in Erik Watts, to which Vampiro looks at him in disgust.

Vampiro then asks "What plans might these be anyway?" 

Brian Lawler says "Vampy, my guy. I've got a big Cruiserweight Classic Semi Final tonight against Kidman. It ain't not secret you guys don't get on with him. You guys like your interference in his matches, right? Well here's my idea, let's work together to make sure I win and Kidman loses, that way everybody wins... except Kidman!" 

Vampiro says "If I had been planning to interfere it would only be for my own interests... not yours."

Lawler says "Well here Vampy the enemy of enemy is my friend. You know, we're bad guys, you're bad guys, we gotta work together for the greater good here!" 

Vampiro then gets very angry and says "We're not bad guys. We're freaks! And we don't work with nobody but ourselves! You want my help to beat Kidman? Well here's what I say to that... GET BENT!!!" 

rAgE? yEs! and mOrE-bId! then both get very animated and start shouting at The Sons of the South to leave. Lawler and his crew are shocked but walk out in outrage

Freestyle segment with The Sons of the South and fReEk-sHoW - (58 rated) 


Match 3: 

Akira Hokuto (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell) vs Lacey (local talent)

Lacey is already in the ring 

Akira Hokuto 4th - Pacific Zone (WCW Official Theme) (youtube.com)

We see Akira Hokuto come out with 'Sinister' James Mitchell who is still wearing a neck brace after being "knocked out" by Chyna  few weeks ago.

This match is a squash match for Akira Hokuto to look as dominant as possible. She spends the first few minutes toying with young Lacey, with some vicious strikes and putting her in holds until eventually Akira Hokuto puts Lacey in a Chokehold and within seconds the young rookie has tapped out before being choked out.

Akira Hokuto wins via submission - (3.02) - (29 rated) 


After the match we see 'Sinister' James Mitchell enter the ring with a microphone as he gives Akira Hokuto her WCW World Women's Championship. 

Akira Hokuto speaks in Japanese for a little bit excitedly.

Mitchell translates and says at Halloween Havoc, Akira Hokuto will show the world why she's the Past, the Present and The Future of the WCW Women's Division. There's been a lot of hype for the debut last week of another woman, but she is NOTHING compared to Akira Hokuto. 

Akira Hokuto then speaks some more Japanese.

Mitchell says and onto 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria. You know Dawn, the fans might not like Akira Hokuto, but as the best women's wrestler in the world today they do RESPECT her. You want the World Women's Championship? You're just an over-hyped Diva. You want to try your trick of turning the lights out and scaring your opponent on Akira Hokuto? Well it won't work, because before you get the chance, Akira Hokuto is going to choke you out, Bitch! 

The lights immediately go out. 

Hades - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of the Underworld - Ancient Gods (youtube.com)

The lights come back on and we see 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria at the top of the ramp.

Dawn-Macaria says at Halloween Havoc, Akira Hokuto will face her fear. I know all your fears, Akira. I know where you grew up as a little girl in Saitama, Japan, you and all the other little boys and girls in your village grew up in fear of the Yama-uba, The Forest Witch...

I know more than anything else you fear losing that WCW World Women's Championship, as without it, you are nothing. 

At Halloween Havoc, I will make you face your fear...

Freestyle segment with Akira Hokuto, 'Sinister' James Mitchell and 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria - (41 rated) 


JJ Dillon interview with The Nu Road Warriors

JJ Dillon is in the back interviewing The Nu Road Warriors

He asks Road Warrior Animal about what kind of momentum they have going into this match. Road Warrior Dog has been in fine form, winning the Battle Royale to get this shot and beating Lance Storm, whilst Animal was the first man eliminated from that Battle Royale and he lost to Mike Awesome.

Road Warrior Animal says look this Sunday, we win together, we lose together, I've not been in great form but my boy here BG James he's been putting in the work and I'm proud of what he's done. We're gonna give it all at Halloween Havoc to get back those titles!

Road Warrior Dog... AND IF YOU AIN'T DOWN WITH THAT...

Animal says "Tell 'em Dog..."

"CANADA SUCKS!!!" shouts Road Warrior Dog, to some decent cheers from the crowd

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and The Nu Road Warriors - (50 rated) 


Match 4: 

Buff Bagwell, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo (with Buff Daddy V & Balls Mahoney) vs The FBI (Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke & Johnny 'The Bull' Stamboli)

Full Blooded ltalians (FBI) 2nd Titantron (with 2nd Theme) (youtube.com)

The FBI come out first looking up for this 6 man match

Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo theme

We see O'Haire & Palumbo come out, as they wait at the entrance ramp for their tag team partner

WWE: Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire Theme "Freestyle Hombre" Download (youtube.com)

Buff Bagwell then comes out with Buff Daddy V

WCW Buff Bagwell 4th Theme Song - "Buff Daddy" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

Schiavone mentions how these guys are part of Team Alfonso at Halloween Havoc but Alfonso is too much of a coward to show up tonight!

The FBI put in a decent performance in this match. Anderson mentions on commentary how Stamboli especially as history with Bagwell and so is motivated to try and get some payback on him.

The end of the match comes when Bagwell hits Tony Mamaluke with a Buff Blockbuster to get the win.

Buff Bagwell, O'Haire & Palumbo win via pinfall - (4.55) - (47 rated) 

At the end of the match all 5 men stand in the ring triumphantly and raise their hands.

Perhaps this a preview of what's to come for Team Booker at Halloween Havoc?! gasps Tony Schiavone.


We see Billy Kidman backstage preparing alone. 

Juventud Guerrera pops up. He says to Kidman, hey Kidman, I hope Torrie is doing okay.

Kidman says she's beat up but will be back soon. 

Juvi says where's your pal The Hurricane? Kidman says he's not heard from him today.

Juvi says well he knows him and Kidman haven't been the best of friends in recent times, or any times baby, but tonight, you're taking on that bastard Brian Lawler. Juvi says he doesn't know what The Sons of the South have got planned, but I just want you to know that if they try anything, me and my boys will come right out... there's no way I'm letting that guy cheat his way into the final of this tournament! 

Kidman thanks Juvi and shakes his hand.

Freestyle segment with Billy Kidman and Juventud Guerrera - (52 rated) 


Match 5: 

Norman Smiley vs Tommy Dreamer

WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com)

Well folks says Tony, we've got a treat for you ahead of this match as joining us on commentary for this bout is the one and only D-D-P!! 

DDP sits down and says he's all business tonight. He's watching Dreamer, putting the pressure on him and he says if Dreamer has anything about him he'll accept his challenge for a 1 on 1 match at Halloween Havoc.

WCW Norman Smiley 2nd Theme Song - "Yadda Yadda" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

The crowd pops a bit as we see Normal Smiley come to the entrance ramp for his return to Nitro! Norman Smiley at the top of the entrance ramp starts doing the Big Wiggle to a great crowd reaction when OH NO!!! shouts Tony

Norman Smiley is clattered from behind by Tommy Dreamer with a Baseball Bat. Norman Smiley takes the first blow to his back which takes the wind out of him, then Dreamer hits him more or less straight to the head and Norman Smiley hits the deck

THAT BASTARD! shouts an angered DDP, as he throws down his headset and stands up ready to get involved.

Well folks this match not yet started, but already things are heating up round here

The referee comes running down, he warns DDP off of Dreamer and then tells Dreamer he has to get in the ring and this match needs to start. Dreamer drags Smiley to his feet and guides him to the ring. 

Dreamer throws Smiley into the ring, then gets in the ring himself, discarding the baseball bat before the referee rings the bell.

Dreamer immediately lifts Smiley up from his feet and goes for a DDT.

Dreamer looking to put Smiley away in record time here! says Jerry Lawler, but Big Wiggle manages to wiggle his way out of it, pushes Dreamer to the ropes and when Dreamer comes back towards him Smiley hits him with a Sunset Flip! 

This clearly takes a lot out of Smiley who holds his back a lot before he gets the cover and he barely gets more than a 1 count.

Dreamer after this is more cautious and methodical in wearing Smiley down. Smiley puts in a  solid performance, but he struggles to recover from the Baseball bat blows he suffered to the back and head at the start of the match. 

The end of the match comes when Dreamer goes for another DDT, but Smiley again reverses the same way, this time when he goes for a Sunset Flip though Dreamer manages to counter and hit a Pile Driver of his own as Smiley's back was hurting too much to do his own move.

DDP is not happy on commentary. 

Dreamer pins Smiley and gets the 1-2-3. 

Tommy Dreamer wins via pinfall - (5.21) - (48 rated) 


After the match we see DDP staring down Dreamer at the top of the entrance ramp.

Dreamer gets a mic and says "You want a match with me at Halloween Havoc, Page? You want me to show the world that your time as a main event talent is over? Well here's your answer!"  

The referee has helped Norman Smiley to his feet and he's about ready to leave the ring. But Tommy Dreamer hits him with a Diamond Cutter! 

Smiley clatters onto the canvas as Dreamer gets up and laughs. 

DDP runs down ready to get his hands on Dreamer, but Dreamer legs it and jumps into the crowd to get away from Page.

Freestyle segment with Tommy Dreamer, DDP and Norman Smiley - (85 rated) 


We see Dusty Rhodes and Dustin Rhodes signing autographs before the show to excited fans as the announcers plug the WCW World Heavyweight Championship contract signing later tonight between Dustin Rhodes and Scott Hall

Freestyle segment with Dustin Rhodes and Dusty Rhodes - (78 rated) 


There is then a pre-recorded promo where we see Eric Bischoff with the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 bracket where he hypes up tonight's next match which will see 'Sexy' Brian Lawler take on Billy Kidman in the first Semi Final match

'Sexy' Brian Lawler says at Halloween Havoc he will prove to the world, his father and most of all, himself, that he's the future of this business. Lawler says throughout his career he's been a comedy character or laughed at - well who's laughing now?! 

Billy Kidman says he feels like he has nothing left to prove in WCW. He knows for himself that he's one of, if not the best Cruiserweight wrestler that WCW has ever had. But at Halloween Havoc he has a chance to put his name in the history books as the first ever WCW Cruiserweight Classic winner which he will use as a springboard for his career to once again get back to the top in this company!

Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff, 'Sexy' Brian Lawler and Billy Kidman - (57 rated) 


Match 6: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Semi Final Match - Billy Kidman vs 'Sexy' Brian Lawler

WCW Billy Kidman 4th Theme (1998-2000) (youtube.com)

Kidman comes out first to a decent pop from the crowd

I`m Too Sexy (The Original) - Right Said Fred (youtube.com)

Then out comes 'Sexy' Brian Lawler to a fair few boos.

Schiavone says he hope this disgusting individual, no offence Jerry, after spitting on Juventud Guerrera last week will not make the final of this new prestigious tournament

Arn Anderson said did you teach him that King?

Lawler doesn't seem impressed

This match sees both guys going all out to impress and book themselves a spot in the Final at Halloween Havoc.

Brian Lawler puts in a good performance but it's clear that Kidman is the better competitor in the match as Lawler can't get on top of him.

Towards the end of the match we see Erik Watts and David Flair come out, but Juventud and Super Crazy come running out to greet them and they begin brawling back through guerrilla.

Kidman and Lawler were both distracted by this and Lawler tries to take advantage of it with a quick roll-up on Kidman, but Kidman kicks out. Lawler then goes on the offence but Kidman hits him with a big drop-kick to the turnbuckle which causes Lawler to crumble to the mat in pain.

Billy Kidman then goes up for the Shooting Star Press and nails Lawler with it to get the win.

Billy Kidman wins via pinfall - (7.51) - (59 rated) 

Kidman wins! Kidman wins! says Schiavone excitedly, as Kidman, alone in the ring celebrates making the final.



JJ Dillon interview with Team Canada

JJ Dillon is standing by with the WCW World Tag Team Champions, Lance Storm and Mike Awesome, with Carl Ouellet behind them.

JJ asks them if they think they can keep hold of the titles at Halloween Havoc

Lance Storm says well first, if I can be serious for a minute JJ, earlier tonight our opponents said something very offensive about Canada. They said Canada sucks. But let me inform you, the current WCW World Tag Team Champions are Canadians, not Americans.

JJ Dillon says well some would say Mike Awesome is not exactly a native citizen of-

Mike Awesome says I LOVE CANADA!!! to boos from the crowd.

Lance Storm then goes onto say that The Nu Road Warriors aren't a team. They're two guys thrown together because neither are good enough by themselves. The difference is me and Mike are a team and we could both be top stars by ourselves, especially me, but right now we're putting Canada on the map as the best Team in the company. Storm says that The Nu Road Warriors have already broken up once and got back together, he says they're more on and off than Ross and Rachel... Carl did I get that reference to American television correct?

Carl Ouellet says Course you did, Lance, whilst we Canadians hate all things American, even we make an exception for Friends.  


Lance Storm agrees and says of course Mike, of course. But JJ, the bottom-line is this, at Halloween Havoc we will end The Nu Road Warriors experiment once and for all. And if you're not down that, we've got two words for you...

Mike Awesome and Carl Ouellet then shout "OHHHHHH..... CANADA...…"

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Team Canada - (54 rated) 


Match 7: 

Vampiro (with lYnCh) vs Kid Romeo (with Elix Skipper) 

Well folks says Tony, next up we've got Vampiro in 1 on 1 action, Kid Romeo already in the ring, he recently signed a new contract extension with WCW for 12 months, he could really show Shane McMahon why he deserves more TV time if he pulled of a win here

Twiztid - We Don't Die (Official Music video) (youtube.com)

Vampiro comes out with his valet.

What I wanna know is where are those other two freaks? asks Arn Anderson, as Jerry Lawler says I hope they're not under our desk! 

Kid Romeo puts in a decent amount of offence at the start of this match, but he gets distracted when lYnCh! gets on the top of the apron. Despite her rather strange appearance, Kid Romeo tries to chat her up and gets fooled by her obvious deception.

She ends up slapping him, then he turns round and gets hit with a Nail in the Coffin for Vampiro to get the win.

Vampiro wins via pinfall - (3.34) - (42 rated) 


After the match Vampiro manages to grab a mic 

Vampiro says last week... The Hurricane and his devious new side-BITCH decided to get in the way of my business... We wasn't finished with converting Torrie Wilson to the Juggalo ways of life, but I'm thinking now... maybe we can convert your new friend The Gale instead! 

So The Hurricane... The Gale... fReEK-shOw! puts out the challenge to you... Halloween Havoc... Vampiro and lYnCh! vs The Hurricane and The Gale! 

The Hurricane's 2003 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Eye of the Hurricane v2" Theme [HD] - YouTube

We see The Hurricane and The Gale on the tron video. It's not clear where they are. 

The Hurricane says Vampiro is an Agent of Evil around all of WCW and he's done with bullies taking liberties. He says Vampiro put a good man in Shane Helms out of action for a long time, lYnCh! beat up an honest woman in Torrie Wilson... well I'm gonna make sure that you can't hurt anybody else around here! So I ACCEPT you challenge! 

The Gale then says Vampiro won't be converting her to anything at Halloween Havoc... The Gale says this Sunday... you and lYnCh! won't be drinking Faygo… you will EAT DEFEAT!!!

Vampiro looks surprised and annoyed by this as the segment ends.

Freestyle segment with Vampiro, lYnCh, The Hurricane and The Gale - (57 rated) 


After we come back from break we see a contract table in the middle of the ring with Shane McMahon standing in the ring. 

Shane says next up will be the contract signing for this Sunday's huge 'I Quit' main event match at Halloween Havoc. 

First up the challenger...


Dustin Rhodes comes out with his father Dusty just behind him, but after shaking his hand Dusty sends Dustin out for this moment alone.

'The Natural' then goes to the ring to a decent pop and shakes Shane's hand

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link - YouTube

We see Scott Hall walk out with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, his driver, The Sandman is nowhere to be seen.

The Bad Guy gets booed and then enters the ring

Shane asks for Dustin to sign the contract first

Scott Hall has a mic and says Hey yo, wait up Shane.

Scott Hall says "Dustin, before you sign this contract I want you to know what you're getting in for... I want you to know that I'm going to make you say I Quit in front of your Father, your Mother, your Brother and all the rest of your family and everyone else you hold dear to you in Texas... I'm going to make you say I Quit in front of all the boys in the back and everyone watching around the world and let me tell you something Dustin, when you say those 3 words at Halloween Havoc... it's not just this match you will be quitting on... you will be quitting on any chance Dustin Rhodes ever has to be a World Champion or a Main Event guy!" 

Dustin grabs the mic from Scott Hall and says "Scott! You forget that I chose this match because I know without a shadow of a doubt that I WILL NOT say I QUIT at Halloween Havoc. I've worked my ass of to get to the point... people have written me off for years and said I didn't have what it takes... I didn't have the right gimmick... the right look... the personality to make it at the very top of this business... well this Sunday I prove all of the doubters wrong... and best of all Scott... I get to wipe that smile off your face that you been wearing ever since you came back to WCW!" 

Dustin Rhodes then signs the contract.

Shane says it's time for Scott Hall to sign

Scott Hall signs it. 

Dustin Rhodes and Scott Hall then go face to face mouthing off at each other. Scott Hall is smirking whilst Dustin looks real serious. Scott Hall says why don't you do something about it, Dustin?! pushing him so hard that Dustin falls onto and then over and off the table round the other side.

Suddenly the big screen cuts to the parking lot where we see Scott Hall's Bentley.

The Sandman with his Kendo stick drinking a beer is chuckling. 

Scott Hall turns round and looks confused.

The Sandman says "Scott! You weren't the best boss I ever had... but let's be fair, you weren't the worst either, at least your checks came on time that's more than I can say for Paul-E! But Scott! You never respected me... and that's fine... I never respected you neither... but you made this personal by keep mentioning my family... so just to put this whole sorry episode to bed and to confirm that at Halloween Havoc there won't be no run in from The Sandman to save Scott Hall and his title... 

The Sandman finishes his beer, smashes it against his head, then with the Kendo Stick he starts absolutely smashing up Scott Hall's Bentley.

Scott Hall looks on in absolute horror, whilst Shane starts awkwardly laughing. Scott Hall starts shouting at Shane McMahon to do something... to fire him... Shane McMahon says he never hired him to begin with, he was your driver... 

Scott Hall gets real mad... but then... Dustin Rhodes is back on his feet and he takes Scott Hall by surprise with a Final Cut! 

The segment ends with The Sandman having smashed up Scott Hall's Bentley and Scott Hall in a mess on the floor of the ring having been taken down by 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes.

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon, Scott Hall, The Sandman and Dustin Rhodes - (84 rated) 


Match 8 / Main Event: 

Sabu (c) vs Mike Rotunda for the WCW United States Championship 

WCW Chris Kanyon 2nd Theme (youtube.com)

Well once again folks we've got who better than Kanyon?! on commentary with us, says Tony... Kanyon, you will face one of these men this Sunday at Halloween Havoc for that WCW United States Championship... do you have any preference on who you face

Kanyon says he's focused on winning that belt and it doesn't matter who it is to him.

WWF US Express "Born In the USA" Theme (youtube.com)

Rotunda comes out to a decent pop. Arn Anderson says Rotunda out her without his tag team partner with guys from both sides banned from ringside for this match. 

Sabu - Huka Blues | Custom ECW Titantron (youtube.com)

Sabu comes out with the WCW United States Championship looking to make his 4th defence in as many weeks.

This match goes almost 10 minutes with both guys wrestling a sort of old school, more psychology based match with Sabu not putting in as many big high-action moves, with the announcers speculating he could be saving himself for Sunday. Kanyon says he would be dumb to do that given he could lose the title tonight.

The end of the match comes when Mike Rotunda goes for a Lariat on Sabu, but Sabu ducks and then drop-kicks Rotunda. Sabu then starts stomping Rotunda's back before putting him into the Camel Clutch.

Rotunda puts up a tough fight and he doesn't tap out but after about 30 seconds the referee calls for the bell as Rotunda has passed out. 

Sabu retains via submission - (9:12) - (71 rated) 


After the match Sabu continues to stomp on Mike Rotunda, seeming to try and entice Kanyon down the ring.

Kanyon cleared to compete at Halloween Havoc, but is he cleared to compete now?! Kanyon goes charging down to the and starts brawling with Sabu.

We then see Curt Hennig and Barry Windham come flying down the aisle, but then O'Haire and Palumbo come out and start brawling with them.

We then see Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V and Balls Mahoney come out to join the party, after which Booker T and Stevie Ray come flying out to.

Tommy Dreamer is then seen jumping through the crowd trying to get involved, but then DDP comes running out to confront him.

The show goes off air in pure chaos

Freestyle segment with - Sabu, Kanyon, DDP, Tommy Dreamer, plus Team Booker and Team Alfonso - (83 rated)


Show Rating: 82
0.93 TV rating (703K viewers)


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Ken Shamrock keen on return to wrestling

"The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock, who left the WWF in 1999 to pursue his martial arts career on a full-time-basis, is said to be interested in returning to the wrestling world alongside his mixed martial arts (MMA) career.

Shamrock is a former 1 time WWF Intercontinental Champion, 1998 WWF King of the Ring winner and he was previously WWF World Tag Team Champion with Big Bossman. Vince McMahon is not thought to be keen on bringing Shamrock back into the company unless he is willing to commit to wrestling full-time. A source close to Vince McMahon said "Vince doesn't want to bring a guy in, run a program with him, build him up as a decent star, then he goes off for an MMA fight and breaks an arm or a leg or something and then through no fault of your own you've lost this guy from your Wrestlemania or SummerSlam card. With Vince, you're either in, or your out." 

It is thought that WCW owner and CEO, Shane McMahon, has similar concerns to his father, but he does have a lot of time for Ken Shamrock, he likes and gets MMA more than Vince and he thinks Ken is someone who could come into WCW and contribute even if he was going off now and then for MMA fights. I think with Shane it is more that if he brought Shamrock in it would have to be in the right way. Shane wouldn't want to bring Ken in to be just another guy on the roster who wrestles every week and with Shamrock wanting to continue fighting in MMA that wouldn't work for him either. 

A source close to WCW said "never say never on Ken Shamrock. I think Shane does have ideas for potential matches or programs for him.  He does like him. I think Shane's people have touched base with Shamrock on what sort of deal he'd be interested in, but his situation is quite unusual with the MMA stuff so I think any deal is taking a while to be agreed." 


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Shane McMahon releases more information about upcoming new WCW pay-per-view 'House of Cards'

On Nitro this past week, WCW owner and CEO, Shane McMahon gave more information about the upcoming Vegas themed WCW pay-per-view event, 'House of Cards' which will feature the first ever 'House of Cards Match'.

Shane McMahon seemed to confirm rumours that match appears to be WCW's answer to the Royal Rumble, but it will feature 20 men instead of 30, with the winner getting a shot against the WCW World Heavyweight Champion at the following PPV and biggest show of the year for WCW, Starrcade. 

Shane McMahon stated in the build-up to the PPV the top ranked WCW stars based on match wins since WCW came back under his leadership, with 18 spots available to be won in the Nitro and Panic! shows before the PPV. 

In what appears to be a throwback to the first Nitro under his leadership, the match will have a Poker/card game style theme. Each of the 18 men will randomly draw a Playing Card, with 2 of the unlucky men getting a #2 card which will see them start the match. The other 16 men will draw a Jack, Queen, King or Ace. The Jacks will enter first in a random order, with a new man entering every 2 minutes, until we then see the Queens, Kings and the Aces enter

2 other spots will be saved for wildcard "Jokers" who will be surprise entrants left unannounced before the match. The first Joker will enter after the first 2 men and before any of the Jacks come out, with the final Joker also netting the final 20th spot in the match who will come out after everyone else has entered. 

There is wild speculation online and among fans as to who the 2 surprise "wildcard" Jokers could be. Mark Henry is rumoured to be in talks with WCW and there is speculation that his WWF contract will expire before the House of Cards PPV. Ken Shamrock has recently indicated that he is looking to get involved in wrestling again and Shane McMahon is thought to hold him in high regard. Rey Mysterio Jr is currently in contract talks with both WCW and WWF. Jeff Jarrett recently became a free agent and although rumours indicated he wouldn't return to WCW before the end of the year, that could well have been WCW sources trying to mislead fans to avoid spoiling any surprise return in this match. 

Other fans have speculated that WCW could bring back an iconic figure from it's past as Shane McMahon looks to lean into WCW's legacy to bring back older fans, with the upcoming January 2002 PPV, WCW Legacy, thought to be an event which will showcase WCW's past and bring back the WCW Hall of Fame. This could potentially see a wildcard entrant come back ahead of a Hall of Fame induction, with fans speculating online we could see a surprise return from Ted DiBiase, Paul Orndorff or even 'The Nature Boy' and living WCW legend Ric Flair himself.

Some fans even believe Shane could continue the theme of using international stars from Mexico and Japan like he did in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic. There has been talk of Blue Demon Jr, Mil Mascaras or Ultimo Dragon making surprise appearances. 

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Friday Night Panic! Episode 12: 

Friday 19 October 2001

Live late-night on FX

5,875 crowd from Boise, Idaho

Announcers: Joey Styles, Scott Hudson & Stevie Ray


Show opens up with Sum 41's 'Fat Lip'

Fat Lip (youtube.com)

Joey Styles kicks the show by welcoming fans to WCW Friday Night Panic! LIVE from Boise, Idaho! 

What a show we've got for you tonight says Scott Hudson, Chyna is in action once again tonight this time against a fledging young woman who has been apart of our announce team in the last few months whilst carrying an injury, April Hunter goes 1 on 1 with Chyna in her return match later tonight, plus in our main event we've got DDP taking on Balls Mahoney ahead of his Halloween Havoc match with another member of 'The Extreme Alliance', Tommy Dreamer. 

Stevie Ray then says and if Bill Alfonso, Buff Bagwell, Tommy Dreamer or any of those goons wanna try and get involved in that main event tonight well trust me we ain't play' with you boys anymore! Booker, Curt, Expressly American, they all back there tonight and we're ready to fight before Texas boys! 

Joey Styles says that's good to know Stevie but next up opening our show tonight we have the second Semi Final in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001, with the winner heading to Texas to face Billy Kidman in the Final! 


Match 1: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - Semi Final Match - Psychosis vs Tajiri 

WCW Psychosis 1st Theme Song - "Get Beck" (With Tron) (youtube.com)

We see Psychosis enter first. Scott Hudson hypes up Psychosis being a 2 time former WCW World Cruiserweight Champion, does that give him the experience needed to get the job done tonight?

Tajiri's 2001 v1 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Imperial City" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Tajiri comes out next. Scott Hudson says Tajiri is the bright new prospect in this division in WCW. He's been training with Fit Finlay and Dave Taylor, two very experienced men in this business, have they passe on enough wisdom to help him get to the top of the Cruiserweight division? 

Joey Styles says these two men have met once before at ECW Blood and Guts just over a year ago and on that night it was Tajiri who took home down the win. Can Psychosis avenge that loss tonight?! 

This match starts the show with some high-flying action but some technical mat based wrestling too, with both guys struggling to get the better of the other. Tajiri perhaps looks better on the night, but both guys put in a great performance to get the crowd excited. 

The end of the match comes when Tajiri goes for a Buzzsaw Kick on Psychosis, but Psychosis dodges it and goes for a Psycho Stunner, however Tajiri himself counters this and finally nails his opponent with that trademark Buzzsaw Kick to get the win.

Tajiri wins via pinfall - (5.39) - (58 rated) 

Tajiri shakes Psychosis' hand after the match as the announcers hype up the Final at Halloween Havoc this Sunday.

We see Fit Finlay rush out to celebrate with Tajiri.

The Final of the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 will see Billy Kidman take on Tajiri.



Dustin Rhodes / Scott Hall pre-recorded promo

We see a pre-recorded promo from Dustin Rhodes and WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Hall, hyping up their "I Quit" match for the title this Sunday in Texas at Halloween Havoc.

Scott Hall is angry and says that Dustin Rhodes humiliated him in front of the world this week on Nitro. Hall says his revenge will be humiliating Dustin Rhodes in-front of his world this Sunday, as makes him say "I Quit" to his title ambitions with his family and friends in the front row. 

Dustin Rhodes says Scott Hall calls himself "The Bad Guy" and he's proved that since he came back to WCW. He's got no friends here anymore among the boys or in the office. Even his own driver, The Sandman, has turned on him now. Dustin says it's time for "The Natural" to finally win the big won and he feels like going into this match in Texas he can't lose as he will never say "I Quit!" 

Freestyle segment with Scott Hall and Dustin Rhodes - (80 rated) 


Match 2: 

April Hunter vs Chyna

TNA April Hunter and Lorelei 1st theme (youtube.com)

Scott Hudson hypes up April Hunter, his broadcast colleague in the last few months, he says she's got hopes of being the future of the WCW Women's division, she suffered an injury setback but she refused to sit at home getting paid to do nothing, she opted to take on responsibility as an interviewer backstage but now she's stepping back into the ring tonight! 

TNA Chyna Theme Hell On Heels (youtube.com)

Joey Styles says she's stepping into the ring with perhaps the biggest threat in Women's wrestling across the world today. Chyna 1 and 0 in WCW after her win against Stacy Keibler, she knocked Stacy Keibler out who I'm told was not cleared to even be at TV this week... if you're April Hunter tonight, Stevie, how do you prepare for this match? 

Stevie Ray laughs a bit and says I think my girl April she's got a BIG task on her hand to get anything from this match. It's a true David vs Goliath one tonight folks! 

The match begins with April Hunter offering a handshake to Chyna. Chyna is all business but she shakes April's hand and almost offers a smile out of pity.

Chyna has the upper-hand almost immediately and Hunter takes a bit of a beating early on. Hunter grows into the match though, as under pressure she begins to fight back desperately against Chyna to prove herself in the ring. 

April Hunter makes the mistake of trying to go to the top rope though. She goes for a cross-body onto Chyna, but Chyna catches her and hits a Body-Slam to the mat which very nearly gets Chyna the win, with Hunter just kicking out before 3.

As Chyna pulls Hunter back to her feet, Hunter pushes Chyna from out of nowhere, then goes for a roll-up and April almost pulls off a shock victory as she gets a 2 count herself.

This angers Chyna though and after this near pinfall attempt it's the beginning of the end of Hunter's chances in the match. Chyna goes on a ruthless onslaught of slaps, chops and punches, before the referee separates them to check on Hunter, he waves Hunter away as okay but she's on the backfoot and Chyna hits her with an Elbow Strike.

Hunter falls backwards into the nearest turnbuckle corner and then falls on the floor looking knocked out. The referee checks on her before Chyna can attempt to pin her and the referee calls for the bell as April Hunter is knocked out!

Chyna wins via Referee Stoppage - (4.27) - (54 rated) 

After the match Chyna raises her arm as members of the medical team rush in to check on April Hunter.


After we come back from break we see Juventud Guerrera in the ring with Super Crazy and Psychosis who lost earlier in the show.

Juventud says the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship won't be defended at Halloween Havoc as the emphasis is on the WCW Cruiserweight Classic Final. Juvi says he's cool with that and he's disappointed he couldn't make the final as WCW World Cruiserweight Champion himself. He says whoever wins he know will be coming after him in the next few weeks and months and he wishes both Kidman and Tajiri the best of luck in the final. 

But the reason why I didn't make the final is because of you Brian! You spit in my face like the scum-bag you are! You call yourself 'Sexy' Brian Lawler here, but let me tell you something man, you ain't 'Sexy' at all! You're one ugly ass dude and you and your goons, The Sons of the South, you're just a bunch of losers with inferiority complexes! 

I`m Too Sexy (The Original) - Right Said Fred (youtube.com)

We see 'Sexy' Brian Lawler come out to the entrance ramp with David Flair and Erik Watts. 

Lawler says the only person with an inferiority complex is you, Juvi. You can't stand the fact that I eliminated you from this tournament and you talk about whoever wins this tournament being next in line to face you for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship... well Juvi, I'm the only one with a pinfall victory against the champion in recent times so I'll have something to say about that! 

Juvi then says Brian! If you want a chance to show the world who's the better man... well at Halloween Havoc... The MexiCruisers vs The Sons of the South... in a 6 Man Tag Team match... what do you say, Ese?! 

Lawler seems caught off guard but after a brief discussion with Watts and Flair he says WE ACCEPT!!! See you in Texas, Amigos!!! Lawler says before teasing the possibility of the Sons of the South storming the ring, The MexiCruisers seem up for it but Lawler leads his boys to the back.

Freestyle segment with The MexiCruisers and The Sons of the South - (56 rated) 


ECW Steve Corino Custom Titantron (youtube.com)

We see Steve Corino come out with the WCW FXtreme Television Championship, with his manager Don Callis walking just behind him. Corino is holding the chain he used 2 weeks ago to get the win against Johnny Stamboli and last week against Big Vito.

"Excuse me, Boise, my client has something he'd like to say" Don Callis says, as the fans boo.

Steve Corino gets on the mic and says in the past few weeks he's used this chain to choke guys out who think they can step up to him. The bottom line is nobody is on his level in a No-Disqualification match, so maybe he needs to back to straight up wrestling matches to give some of these losers in the back a chance to beat me.

We got any former WCW World Television Champions in the house tonight back there? No? Well I guess I'm more than happy to take the night off, Idaho. So in that case 

WCW The Artist Theme (youtube.com)

The Artist! exclaims Scott Hudson. The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea, recently made the Quarter Final stage of the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 as a Rest of the World Wildcard, he got a win against Chavo Guerrero Jr in that tournament, he's also a former WCW World Television Champion and it looks like he's answered Corino's challenge tonight! 


Match 3: 

The Steve Corino Open Challenge: Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea 

Iaukea comes flying out the blocks with the local fans behind him hoping to seen an upset against Steve Corino. This match has a lot mat based wrestling with Corino putting Iaukea in holds that he fights to stay out of and counter. 

Towards the end of the match Prince Iaukea against the run of play almost manages to nail Steve Corino with a Jumping DDT, but Corino manages to counter this by pushing Iaukea away from him but Iaukea instead smashes into the referee in mistake.

The referee goes down and Iaukea is trying to revive him, but as he does this Don Callis passes the Chain to Steve Corino. Corino waits for Iaukea to turn around and when he does Iaukea gets nailed by the chain in the face. Corino dashes the chain out of the ring, the referee is revived again and he counts for the 1-2-3! 

Steve Corino retains via pinfall - (6.23) - (55 rated) 


After the match Corino begins to choke Iaukea with the chain which Callis has passed to him again. The referee tries to stop him but Callis starts shouting at the referee.

Suddenly we see Fit Finlay come out with Tajiri and Dave Taylor. Taylor and Tajiri run down to the ring which scares off Corino and Callis from the ring.

Fit Finlay at the top of the entrance ramp says "CORINO!! You think you're a tough guy, huh? You like using that chain so much? Well I've spoken to Shane McMahon and he's made it official... Halloween Havoc, it will be a very special edition of the Steve Corino Open Challenge...

Steve Corino and Don Callis look incredibly angry and are questioning what he's on about.

Fit Finlay continues "It will be Steve Corino defending the WCW FXtreme Television Championship in a Chain Match against... ME!!!!" 

The fans pop, Tajiri and Dave Taylor smile at ringside as Steve Corino and Don Callis protest furiously! 

Freestyle segment with Steve Corino, Don Callis, Prince Iaukea and Fit's Fight Club - (57 rated) 


We see Disco Inferno in the training room backstage

Chavo Guerrero Jr comes in to find him

Disco says Oh Hey Chavo, I'm glad to see you back, man!

Chavo thanks him. Chavo says he respects what Disco did last week to stop Hugh Morrus winning the WCW United States Championship after he screwed Chavo out of a chance in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001.

Chavo says he's thought about what Disco said about starting a tag-team. Chavo says the doctor has given him the all clear to wrestle after Halloween Havoc. How about we give this thing a shot, Ese? 

Disco Inferno is really excited. He says All-right, Chavo! My dawg! Do I have some Tag Team names for you, man? 

Chavo plays it down a bit and says hey Disco I don't think we need to think about names just yet, we gotta see if we can make it work first, man.

Disco says I hear you I hear you! But how about LIE, CHEAT, DISCO! 

I don't think so, Ese, says Chavo.

Disco says Okay okay… how about LOS DISCOS! 

I hate it, says Chavo.

Disco says what about... LATINO INFERNO!!

Freestyle segment with Chavo Guerrero Jr and Disco Inferno - (50 rated) 


Pre-recorded promo 

We see a pre-recorded promo hyping up DDP vs Tommy Dreamer at Halloween Havoc, but also focusing on Sabu vs Kanyon for the WCW United States Championship and the 5 on 5 Texas Tornado match between Harlem Heat, Curt Hennig & Expressly American vs Buff Enuff, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo & Balls Mahoney

Booker T, Buff Bagwell, DDP, Tommy Dreamer, Kanyon and Sabu are featured heavily in it.

Freestyle segment hyping up 3 matches at Halloween Havoc - (89 rated) 


Match 4 / Main Event: 

Balls Mahoney vs DDP

Balls Mahoney 1st Titantron (youtube.com)

And now for our MAAAAAIN event says Joey Styles. Scott Hudson says Shane McMahon has instructed that all members involved in either the Texas Tornado Match, Sabu vs Kanyon and Tommy Dreamer and DDP's match are banned from ringside, aside from the two guys in this match and I'm afraid that this even included our broadcast colleague Stevie Ray who Bill Alfonso personally argued must also be banned from ringside for this match.

How will we cope with such a loss? sighs Joey Styles

WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com)

DDP comes out to a big pop 

This match is more of a wild brawl than a match with DDP taking out pent out frustration on Balls Mahoney - and Balls Mahoney, not a man you want to go toe to toe with in a fist fight giving it just as good as he gets. 

As the match goes in more wrestling becomes involved in the match and once DDP hears the fans behind him it gets him hyped up and he starts showing why he's one of the top stars in WCW today. 

Mahoney manages to get some hard punches in and tries to get some momentum, but from out of nowhere DDP hits a Diamond Cutter to put Balls out for the count and the 1-2-3.

DDP wins via pinfall - (6.26) - (74 rated) 


After the match DDP gets a mic and says at Halloween Havoc - Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Bill Alfonso and all you other bastards, Buff Bagwell, Sean O'Haire, Chuck Palumbo, your little insurrection is at an end! 

Just as he's saying this we cut to the back where it seems like all members involved in the match are in a brawl backstage! 

Harlem Heat are going toe to toe with Buff Enuff. We see O'Haire and Palumbo battling Expressly American. Curt Hennig is trading blows with Tommy Dreamer. Sabu and Kanyon are going out at it!

This is out of hand here! sighs Scott Hudson, as we see the rest of the locker-room and a bunch of referees and security trying to break it all up.

We'll see you at Halloween Havoc this Sunday folks, although I think it's already Havoc here tonight! signs off Joey Styles. 


Show Rating: 76
0.91 TV rating (689K viewers)

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WCW Halloween Havoc 2001 Full Card





Scott Hall (c) vs 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in an 'I Quit' Match



Sabu (c) vs Kanyon for the WCW United States Championship 



Billy Kidman vs Tajiri in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 Final 



Team Booker T: Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray), Curt Hennig & Expressly American (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) vs Team Bill Alfonso: Buff Enuff (Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V), Balls Mahoney, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo in a Texas Tornado 5 on 5 Tag Team Match



Akira Hokuto (c) (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell) vs 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria for the WCW World Women's Championship 



Team Canada (c) (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) vs The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog) for the WCW World Tag Team Championship 



Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Fit Finlay for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship in a Chain Match



Diamond Dallas Page vs Tommy Dreamer 



The MexiCruisers (Juventud Guerrera, Psychosis & Super Crazy) vs The Sons of the South ('Sexy' Brian Lawler, David Flair & Erik Watts) 



'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs Terry Funk 



The Hurricane & The Gale vs Vampiro & lYnCh!

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Should clarify I could not get any good quality render style picture of Cynthia Lynch so yes that is technically Lacey von Erich but it's meant to be Cynthia Lynch in game 😅

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Get your predictions in for Halloween Havoc 2001

(Easy to copy and paste version)

Scott Hall (c) vs 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in an 'I Quit' Match

Sabu (c) vs Kanyon for the WCW United States Championship

Billy Kidman vs Tajiri in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 Final

Team Booker T: Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray), Curt Hennig & Expressly American (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) vs Team Bill Alfonso: Buff Enuff (Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V), Balls Mahoney, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo in a Texas Tornado 5 on 5 Tag Team Match

Akira Hokuto (c) (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell) vs 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria for the WCW World Women's Championship

Team Canada (c) (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) vs The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog) for the WCW World Tag Team Championship

Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Fit Finlay for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship in a Chain Match

Diamond Dallas Page vs Tommy Dreamer

The MexiCruisers (Juventud Guerrera, Psychosis & Super Crazy) vs The Sons of the South ('Sexy' Brian Lawler, David Flair & Erik Watts)

'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs Terry Funk 

The Hurricane & The Gale vs Vampiro & lYnCh!

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Scott Hall (c) vs 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in an 'I Quit' Match

Sabu (c) vs Kanyon for the WCW United States Championship

Billy Kidman vs Tajiri in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 Final

Team Booker T: Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray), Curt Hennig & Expressly American (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) vs Team Bill Alfonso: Buff Enuff (Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V), Balls Mahoney, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo in a Texas Tornado 5 on 5 Tag Team Match

Akira Hokuto (c) (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell) vs 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria for the WCW World Women's Championship

Team Canada (c) (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) vs The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog) for the WCW World Tag Team Championship

Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Fit Finlay for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship in a Chain Match

Diamond Dallas Page vs Tommy Dreamer

The MexiCruisers (Juventud Guerrera, Psychosis & Super Crazy) vs The Sons of the South ('Sexy' Brian Lawler, David Flair & Erik Watts)

'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs Terry Funk 

The Hurricane & The Gale vs Vampiro & lYnCh!

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WCW Halloween Havoc 2001 sponsored by Buffy the Vampire Slayer on FX

21 October 2001

42,000 crowd in Houston, Texas

Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Jerry 'The King' Lawler & Joey Styles


Show opens up with Sonne by Rammstein

Rammstein - Sonne (Official Video) (youtube.com)

Tony, Jerry and Joey welcome fans to Halloween Havoc LIVE FROM HOUSTON, TEXAS!!

Tony Schiavone says we hope you're feeling spooky here in Texas 'cause have we got a HELL of a show for you tonight?! A quick shout-out to our sponsor for tonight Buffy the Vampire Slayer on FX and here at ringside we've got some famous faces from the show itself. 

The camera pans to a shot of Seth Green, Nicholas Brendon. Charisma Carpenter and Alyson Hannigan in the front row. 

Jerry Lawler asks where's Buffy?! and Tony Schiavone says oh she's probably busy fighting off Vampires tonight.

Well we are in Texas! says Joey Styles. 

Tony Schiavone says in the 6th pay per view event of Shane McMahon's Era of WCW we've got a stacked card for you folks, in our main event tonight, Texas' own Dustin Rhodes takes on Scott Hall in an I Quit Match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, plus Houston's own Booker T looks to finally settle a score with Bill Alfonso for running him over with a car as Team Booker T takes on Team Alfonso in a 5 on 5 Texas Tornado Match, we have one of Texas' famous sons from one of their most famous families in action, as Terry Funk takes on 'The Fallen Angel' his former protégé Christopher Daniels.

Joey Styles then says plus we've got the Final of the WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 with Billy Kidman taking on Tajiri for the most prestigious tournament of it's kind in the world today, plus the HOMICIDAL, SUICIDAL, GENOCIDAL, DEATH-DEFYING MANIAC...SABU!!! puts his hard earned WCW United States Championship on the line against Kanyon, Steve Corino takes on Fit Finlay in a Chain match for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship and Tommy Dreamer takes on DDP in a match I'm sure will prove ECW had better talent than WCW!

Well I don't know about that, says Tony, but we'll also have the WCW World Women's Championship on the line with Akira Hokuto defending against 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria, the WCW World Tag Team Championship on the line as Team Canada defend against the team they won the titles from in The Nu Road Warriors, but opening our show tonight in a match is coming up RIGHT now we've got The MexiCruisers taking on The Sons of the South!



Match 1: 

The MexiCruisers (Juventud Guerrera, Psychosis & Super Crazy) vs The Sons of the South ('Sexy' Brian Lawler, Erik Watts & David Flair)

We see a quick promo showing the ongoing rivalry which included the debut of 'Sexy' Brian Lawler' his loss to Juventud for the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship, then his win against him in the WCW Cruiserweight Classic a few weeks ago where he spat in his face to get the win. 

Mexicools - theme and Titantron Video (youtube.com)

The MexiCruisers come out to a decent reaction with it seeming like the Texas locals are behind them tonight

I`m Too Sexy (The Original) - Right Said Fred (youtube.com)

The Sons of the South come out next to a smattering of boos as they make their way to the ring. 

This 6 man tag team match kicks the show off to a decent start, with lots of high flying action throughout from Juventud, Psychosis and Super Crazy. The Sons of the South operate more on the mat and with strikes, especially from the biggest and most powerful man in the match, Erik Watts.

'Sexy' Brian Lawler almost gets a pin on Psychosis late on in the match, but Juventud manages to break up that pinfall attempt.

The end of the match comes when Super Crazy manages to take Erik Watts out of proceedings with a Moonsault from the top rope to the outside, as Psychosis hurricanrana's 'Sexy' Brian Lawler out of the ring.

That leaves the legal men David Flair and Juventud Guerrera, with Juventud getting the win thanks to a Juvi Driver. 

The MexiCruisers win via pinfall - (7.10) - (53 rated) 


We see JJ Dillon standing by with Scott Hall 

JJ says Scott, this Friday on Panic!, we saw your challenger Dustin Rhodes say that he feels that he "can't lose" tonight as there is no scenario in which he will say I Quit in-front of his family, his friends, his home-state here in Texas. What do you say to that?

Scott Hall says look JJ, Dustin is talking a lot before this match, I think maybe he's trying to convince himself of that more than me. He thinks tonight he's just avoiding saying I Quit so he can win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, but the reality is JJ, you step in the ring with The Bad Guy in a match like this, Dustin is about to find out that he might have to say I Quit or have his career ended. 

JJ then says a lot has been made of your broken relationship with your former driver The Sandman. We actually saw him smash up your Bentley this week on Nitro, do you have any update for that or words for The Sandman tonight? 

Scott Hall sighs and then says Jimmy decided he wasn't cut out for the job anymore, so I fired him. He was lucky I took pity on him in the first place, I just wanted to help feed an honest man's family since Shane McMahon wouldn't hire the guy. He messed up my Bentley and look JJ, Jimmy will be dealt with, I got insurance, and trust me you don't wanna mess with these insurance people, if they have to take Jimmy's home and everything he owns for him to pay that back then I'm sure that's what they'll do.

JJ then asks his final question, stating that Dustin said you've got no friends among the boys in the back or in the office... you can't say that you haven't had some help through interference, especially from The Sandman in some of your title defences and big moments here in WCW, how does that impact tonight's match?

Scott Hall says he got where he is today through hard work, nothing else. Scott Hall says he might not have any friends in the back in WCW these days, but anyone with a brain cell in that locker-room knows that Scott Hall coming back here to WCW is one of the reasons why Shane McMahon has been able to put on 6 PPVs, get an extra TV show and make a profit. The boys might not like me, but JJ, they damn well have to respect me because I'm the reason half of them have jobs! 

JJ thanks Scott for his time as the WCW World Heavyweight Champion walks off in a huff

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Scott Hall - (89 rated) 


We see Bill Alfonso in the Parking Lot in a Van with Team Bill Alfonso. He's got Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V, Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo there, alongside his Extreme Alliance boys in Sabu, Tommy Dreamer who both have big singles matches against Kanyon and DDP later tonight, plus Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten are there too.

The Sandman is seen smoking, with his Singapore Cane walking towards the Arena.

Tommy Dreamer shouts "well I'll be damned, Sandman, what the hell are you doing here?"

The Sandman looks at him annoyed. "Picking up my last pay-check. Scott outsourced my fees through Shane due to a clause in his contract to allow for a driver. So I gotta see a man about my last check." 

Tommy Dreamer says "Ha, looks like you picked the wrong side! If you'd stuck with your brothers in The Extreme Alliance, you'd be a member of the WCW roster just like the rest of us. Our careers are just about to sky-rocket to the top, whilst you're gonna have to go get a real job, HA! 

The Sandman finishes his cigarette, puts it out and says to Dreamer, Alfonso and the rest of them that any side with them on is the wrong one for him. The Sandman says if you've got a problem with me Tommy, or any of you other guys want to go... any place... any time... just make sure you got medical insurance..."

The Sandman then walks off. 

"What a loser" Bill Alfonso says as everyone laughs

Freestyle segment with The Sandman, Team Alfonso and The Extreme Alliance - (51 rated)



Match 2: 

Steve Corino (c) (with Don Callis) vs Fit Finlay for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship in a Chain Match

We see a promo showing the simmering tensions between Steve Corino and Fit Finlay in the last few weeks. We see Steve Corino using that Chain to get wins over the likes of Johnny Stamboli, Big Vito and The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea as Tony Schiavone explains the rules of the Chain Match.

Finlay's 2006 v2 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Lambeg v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Fit Finlay comes out looking well up for a fight.

ECW Steve Corino Custom Titantron (youtube.com)

Steve Corino comes out with the WCW FXtreme Television Championship and Don Callis by his side. 

Corino gets into the ring and the referee produces the chain. The referee chains Corino and Fit Finlay to each other by their wrists as Schiavone explains the Chain is of course legal as a weapon in this match. 

This match is a violent, bloody match with both Steve Corino and Fit Finlay treating it like a wild-brawl, with both men fighting each other, using the chain to bash and choke each other as a lot of mat-wrestling also comes into play given they spend most of the match in close combat. 

Steve Corino is busted open quite bad quite early on and blood covers his face and bleached blonde hair as he battles to hold onto his title. 

The end of the match comes when Steve Corino manages to wrap the chain around Finlay's neck and uses it as part of a Sleeper Hold. Fit Finlay fights valiantly but after 30 seconds or so on the mat with Corino choking him the referee rings the bell as Finlay is out cold.

Steve Corino retains via submission - (7.52) - (62 rated) 

After the match the referee removes the chain and a bloodied and battered Steve Corino celebrates retaining the title with his smug manager Don Callis


In the back we see Eric Bischoff speaking to 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels

Bischoff says he doesn't want to see any weird or "spooky shit" in his match with Terry Funk tonight. Eric says Terry Funk in Texas is a big draw in these parts, they don't want to see your witch summoning demons or whatever crap she's got planned. Tell her to save that stuff for her match for the Women's Title, she can do what she wants in that match I don't care, but not in yours! 

Christopher Daniels doesn't look impressed as Bischoff storms off in a huff

Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff and "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels - (58 rated) 



Match 3: 

The Hurricane and The Gale vs Vampiro & lYnCh! 

Before the match we see a promo showing the ongoing feud between Vampiro and fReEk-sHoW! with The Hurricane, Billy Kidman and Shane Helms.

We see the recent debut of The Gale which prevented Vampiro and lYnCh! from doing too much damage to Torrie Wilson. 

The Hurricane's 2003 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Eye of the Hurricane v2" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

We see The Hurricane and The Gale come out. Tony Schiavone mentions in this mixed tag-team match we will see the debut of  The Gale, highly rated young women's wrestler and it's not often you see a talent making a debut at a PPV! 

Jerry Lawler says that will play into Vampiro's hands. The Gale can pretend to be a superhero or a superhero side-kick however much she wants, the bottom line is she hasn't wrestled on a stage this big before, that's a lot of pressure that I'm not sure she can handle. 

Twiztid - We Don't Die (Official Music video) (youtube.com)

We see Vampiro come out with lYnCh!, the announcers mention that there is no sign of rAgE? yEs! and mOrE-bId!, will they have something to say about the outcome of this match? 

This mixed tag match gets both the men and women involved a fair bit. The Gale is clearly a bit inexperienced but she looks fairly decent in the match and certainly seems to have more experience than lYnCh! her opponent with the younger wrestler carrying the female on female sections of the match.

The end of the match comes when The Gale is the legal competitor with lYnCh! on the ropes, Vampiro enters the match to try and get involved, both The Hurricane and the referee try to stop him and Vampiro sneakily cause The Hurricane to take out the ref!

We see rAgE? yEs! and mOrE-bId! appear at the entrance ramp when The Hurricane and The Gale are on top and look like they could be about to win the match.

The Hurricane and The Gale are both distracted and look towards the entrance ramp trying to work out what to do with the two extra men about to get involved with the referee now down.

But then suddenly, we hear a Chainsaw! From the side of the entrance ramp we see a masked Leatherface holding a Chainsaw and walking towards rAgE? yEs! and mOrE-bId!


The two young Juggalos look terrified and run for their lives! 

What the hell's going on here asks a scared Tony Schiavone

It's Leatherface! says Joey Styles. It looks like we could have a Texas Chainsaw Massacre of our own here at Halloween Havoc tonight! 

Vampiro gets out of the ring and slowly walks up the entrance ramp looking on in shock as his plan has been destroyed. Leatherface stops the Chainsaw and places it down on the ground.

Leatherface then slowly removes his mask and... IT'S TORRIE WILSON! 

Vampiro looks on stunned and angry.

Torrie Wilson has got her revenge on Vampiro and lYnCh! here tonight! says Tony Schiavone, oh wait, the camera cuts to the ring where The Gale hits an Eat Defeat on lYnCh! 

Vampiro starts running towards the ring, but The Hurricane flies out the middle rope and takes him down! 

The referee crawls over and slowly counts 1...2...3!!! 

The Hurricane and The Gale win via pinfall - (6.48) - (53 rated) 

Vampiro in a crumpled mess on the outside looks desolate, as Torrie Wilson celebrates in the ring with The Hurricane and The Gale after their victory.


Dusty Rhodes interview with JJ Dillon

We see Dusty Rhodes at ringside in the front row with what appears to be his wife, family and Dustin's family and friends. 

JJ Dillon says Dusty, you're here tonight firstly as a father, but secondly as a fan, you're not in the back, you're not managing your son 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes in the main event of tonight's show. 

Dusty Rhodes says that's right JJ, baby, tonight is an 'I Quit Match', that's not the kind of match you want a manager at ringside for, JJ. I wrestled Missouri Mauler in an 'I Quit Match' way back in October 1976, let me tell you something JJ, these matches are very personal. And I know it's gotten personal between my boy Dustin and 'The Bad Guy' Scott Hall, baby. 

Dustin wants to win that WCW World Heavyweight Championship but let's not forget he picked this match! He wanted an 'I Quit' match right here in his home state Texas (fans cheer) and these good people here have paid their money to see Dustin take home that title (fans cheer more) so tonight I believe is the night that Dustin shows the world that he's his own man, many people have said he'd never win the big one, but I always believed baby! I always believed and I believe that night is coming right here tonight! 

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Dusty Rhodes - (81 rated) 



Match 4: 

DDP vs Tommy Dreamer

We see a promo package showing the ongoing rivalry between these two men. It mainly stemmed from the Anarchy in the Arena match where it certainly appeared like Tommy Dreamer was about to get a win over DDP. Dreamer has been reminding DDP of that and DDP just can't seem to accept that the former ECW icon might have beaten him. 

WCW DDP Theme Song Self High Five (youtube.com)

DDP comes out to a pretty good pop and he looks focused, if a bit angrier than usual in a match that many fans would've been looking forward to for years whilst Dreamer and DDP were tearing it up in their respective companies.

Tommy Dreamer Classic Theme - "Man In The Box" (youtube.com)

Tommy Dreamer comes out looking focused and up for the match himself. As he gets into the ring he starts trash talking and trying to wind DDP up, DDP laughs but he looks like he has been hooked in by Dreamer's bait as it seems to rile him up quite a bit.

This match gets a good amount of time, well over 10 minutes, with both men up for the match and keen to deliver a decisive win to boost their standings in the company. It's a very even match, both men get in a good amount of offence and they both will come out of the match looking strong regardless of the result due to the beating both men took from each other. 

The end of the match comes when Dreamer is about to put a DDT on DDP to try and get the win, but DDP counters and pushes Dreamer against the ropes, when he comes back around DDP goes for a Diamond Cutter but Dreamer counters and DDP ends up taking a bump to the mat. 

Tommy Dreamer looks to take advantage of DDP being on the ground by sitting on him and trying to start to ground and pound him, but with Dreamer on top of him DDP manages to grab hold of Dreamer and use his weight to leverage him into a quick roll-up pin with Dreamer's shoulders on the mat at an awkward angle!

The ref counts 1...2...3!!!

DDP gets the win!! exclaims Tony Schiavone on commentary, as Joey Styles is stunned into silence. 

DDP wins via pinfall - (13.12) - (13.02) 

DDP stands victorious at a shell-shocked Tommy Dreamer who can't believe he lost. 

Immediately after the match DDP offers Tommy Dreamer a handshake with a smile, but Tommy Dreamer gives him the middle finger, slaps his hand away and then storms off in a huff.

DDP doesn't look particularly impressed, but then laughs and celebrates as the fans cheer.


We see an advert for the House of Cards PPV live from Las Vegas, Nevada next month


When we come back we see Shane McMahon at the top of the entrance ramp with a microphone

Shane McMahon says he's recently completed the signing of a man who he thinks can have a very bright future in WCW. He says he convinced this man to leave the WWF to come to WCW where the boys play... and he says there ain't many boys bigger than him.

Texas, give it up for your very own... THE WORLD'S STRONGEST MAN... MARK HENRY!!!


Mark Henry - Some Bodies Gonna Get It (Entrance Theme) feat. Three Six Mafia (youtube.com)

Mark Henry comes out to a pretty big Texas pop as fans are surprised at this debut

Mark Henry gets the mic from Shane McMahon

Mark Henry says it's great to be here in Texas (cheers) and it's great to be here in WCW.

Mark says that many guys or gals in his position in the past, jumping ship to WCW or vice versa, they come on out here and they trash talk their old company, their old boss, or whatever. Henry says he's not out here to do that. Mark Henry says he thanks Vince McMahon and the WWF for taking a chance on him and giving him the opportunity to make a name for himself in the wrestling business. 

He says that when he got into this business he had dreams of going to the very top and only I can be responsible for failing to do that in the WWF. Mark says in WCW it will be a fresh start for him and he is coming into WCW with the goal of not just taking part, not just being a comedy side piece that fans chant Sexual Chocolate at (an outbreak of Sexual Chocolate chants starts after this) 

Mark Henry says he's not coming to WCW just to take part, he's coming to take over. Mark then explains that he will not be coming to WCW straight away.

Mark says he's sure a lot of WCW fans, especially a lot of y'all here in Texas, would love nothing more than to see me enter the House of Cards Match as a Wildcard entry next month, win the whole thing and then take the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Starrcade... well, the rest of the boys in the locker-room have got off lightly as I won't be doing that.

Mark Henry explains on the 22 February 2002, in Columbus, Ohio he will be entering the Arnold Strongman Classic, in honour of his Mother who recently passed away, where he plans to officially become the World's Strongest Man. Mark says he will be training for both that and his return to the wrestling ring and after he wins that competition The World's Strongest Man will begin his takeover of WCW.

The fans cheer as Shane McMahon gives it up for Mark Henry one last time.

Freestyle segment with Shane McMahon and Mark Henry - (88 rated) 


Before the match we see a promo package hype up this match including Team Canada first winning the titles from The Nu Road Warriors and the journey the former champions have been on to get back in competition for the belts.

Road Warriors Entrance Video (youtube.com)

We see Road Warrior Animal and Road Warrior Dog come out with Animal on a Motorbike and Dog on a Moped. 

Lance Storm WCW Titantron - "Team Canada" (youtube.com)

Before the match we see Lance Storm and Mike Awesome come out, with Ouellet holding the Canadian flag to big boos.

Lance Storm says if he can be serious for a minute. Lance says he doesn't like much of the U.S, but there's not much of the U.S that he likes less than Texas! 

Fans boo

Lance Storm says tonight they will show the world why Canada is the better country and why they're the better team than The Nu Road Warriors. 

Road Warrior Dog appears to have grabbed a mic though and he interrupts.

Road Warrior Dog says he beat Lance Storm a few weeks ago in singles competition and tonight we'll take those titles back from you right here in TEXAS!!! And if you're not down with that, WE GOT TWO WORDS FOR YA.... CANADA SUCKS!!!

Freestyle segment with Team Canada and The Nu Road Warriors - (57 rated)



Match 5: 

Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome) (c) (with Carl Ouellet) vs The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog) for the WCW World Tag Team Championship 

This match goes just under 10 minutes with the fans in Texas keen to see the American team take the belts off of Team Canada with many chants of U.S.A etc throughout. 

It is an even match with many near falls and it is teased several times that The Nu Road Warriors may well win back their titles. 

The end of the match comes when Road Warrior Dog rolls up Lance Storm and the referee counts 1...2...3---- NO! Storm just kicked out at 3 to avoid the scare of losing twice in a few weeks to BG James.

Storm then quickly tags out for Mike Awesome who gets the hot tag and after Storm hits a Super-Kick onto Animal, Awesome over-powers Road Warrior Dog and hits him with an Awesome Bomb for the win. 

Team Canada win via pinfall - (9.43) - (60 rated) 

After the match Team Canada celebrate with the Canadian fan to lots of boos from the fans.


We see Team Booker T in the back. It's Booker T, Stevie Ray, Curt Hennig and Expressly American (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) 

JJ Dillon asks what their plan is tonight

Booker T sighs and says TELL ME HE DIDN'T JUST SAY THAT

JJ asks what? 

Curt Hennig says JJ, if we tell you our plan tonight, we tell Bill Alfonso and his goons the plan... don't you see, this is a live interview? But JJ I respect you, so we'll give you a scoop, Booker, tell them.


As soon as he finishes his impassioned promo Stevie Ray, Curt Hennig and both guys in Expressly American start going mad and are hyped for their match tonight. 

JJ Dillon says well I think that gives fans a good idea of what's to come later tonight! 

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon and Team Booker T - (87 rated) 



Match 6: 

'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs Terry Funk

Before the match we see a promo package showing how Terry Funk took Christopher Daniels under his wing as a protégé, before Daniels turned on him at Fall Brawl after seemingly being bewitched or put under some kind of spell by 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria

TNA Christopher Daniels Titantron (youtube.com)

Christopher Daniels comes out alone looking up for the fight. The fans in Texas boo him given he's up against a home town boy.

Terry Funk's Titantron Entrance Video feat. ''Road To Texas'' Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

Terry Funk comes out to a big pop from the local fans. 

Funk goes into the match with revenge on his mind and the match begins as a brawl. Daniels struggles to stop the momentum of his former mentor and he's on the backfoot. As the match goes on though Daniels' superior speed and agility comes into play and he seems on top. 

However, just as Daniels goes for a Wings of a Fallen Angel, Funk manages to counter and hit a DDT out of nowhere on Daniels. 

Funk goes for the pin, but Daniels kicks out at 2.9!! 

Funk can't believe that he didn't get the win. 

The fans boo.

Daniels his back on his feet and the momentum shifts in his favour. He hits Funk with a dropkick and Funk hits the deck.

Daniels then goes for a Springboard Moonsault, but Funk has his knees up! Daniels is in pain and then Funk puts him into a Sleeper! Daniels is fighting hard to get out of it but Funk has it locked in real good as the fans cheer him on. He gets Daniels to the mat and.... DANIELS IS OUT!!!

Terry Funk wins via submission - (6.56) - (43 rated) 

Hades - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of the Underworld - Ancient Gods (youtube.com)

The fans boo as we see The Hounds of Hades, Djinni Parisi and Saemon Daemon come out in their Hound masks making their way to the ring towards Terry Funk. Daniels is still down but Parisi and Daemon start fighting Funk.

This isn't a fair fight at all! shouts Tony Schiavone. 

Howard Helm - "He Gave His All" (Dory Funk Jr. & Terry Funk Jr. LOW Theme) (youtube.com)

Wait a minute! says Tony Schiavone


IT'S DORY FUNK JR!! exclaims Jerry Lawler, as we see Dory Funk Jr, Terry Funk's brother come running down with a steel chair in hand. Terry Funk in the ring uses the distraction to clothesline Djinni Parisi over the top rope and out the ring, then Dory Funk Jr comes in the ring and Saemon Daemon and Christopher Daniels get out of there! 

The segment ends with Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr standing tall in Texas!


Kanyon / Sabu Pre-Recorded Promos

Before the next match we see a package hyping up first Sabu's run with the WCW United States Championship which so far has seen him defend the title in multiple companies and multiple times on TV in the last few weeks.

We then see clips of Kanyon's run in WCW. Kanyon says ever since he got to WCW all he's wanted to do was win championship gold and tonight he gets that chance... Kanyon says he won't let that chance slip through his fingers tonight. 

We see a clip of the last match between Kanyon and Sabu, where the winner got a chance to go for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship. Kanyon says last time he got screwed out of that match by forces out of his control, he says tonight nobody is stopping him from achieving his destiny!

Sabu as part of the promo package at the end says that Kanyon is a choke artist... and tonight... I will choke him out! 

Freestyle segment with Kanyon and Sabu - (54 rated) 



Match 7: 

Sabu (c) vs Kanyon for the WCW United States Championship 

Before the entrances we see DDP in the gorilla position and he says "good luck tonight, Chris, you got this, man!" to Kanyon before Kanyon heads out

WCW Chris Kanyon 2nd Theme (youtube.com)

Kanyon comes out looking pumped up for the match but also quite nervous.

Tony Schiavone on commentary says Kanyon in his 6th year in WCW, he's never won championship gold of any kind, but boy will he be looking to set that record straight tonight.

Sabu - Huka Blues | Custom ECW Titantron (youtube.com)

Sabu comes out with the WCW United States Championship looking up for the match. 

The announcers mention how since Bill Alfonso has been running scared from Booker T the champion has had to go it alone without a manager, but so far he's defended the title 4 times in 4 weeks. 

Suddenly we see a big 7 seater type van pull up at the side of the stage. We see what looks like Bill Alfonso driving, then Team Bill Alfonso appears to be in the car and getting out of the vehicle to come to the ring with Sabu to stand on the outside for this match.

This can't be allowed! says Tony Schiavone. Joey Styles says he's sure there just here to make sure there's no funny business.

For the Love of Money (youtube.com)

Shane McMahon comes rushing out with a microphone and he says that any man from either Team Bill Alfonso OR from Team Booker T who tries to interfere in this match will be REMOVED from the 5 on 5 Texas Tornado Match later tonight! 

That's a big call! says Jerry Lawler. 

It's the RIGHT call says Tony Schiavone, as Joey Styles murmurs in disagreement.

The van full of Bill Alfonso and his merry-men reverses up and leaves ringside. 

The match between Sabu and Kanyon goes just over 10 minutes with both men leaving it all on the line in the name of the WCW United States Championship. Sabu is desperate to defend his title, but Kanyon seems even more desperate to try and claim his first ever title in WCW. 

At one point Sabu has the Camel Clutch locked in on Kanyon and we think he might make good on his promise to choke out Kanyon, but Kanyon just about manages to get a finger on the rope to break it up.

The end of the match comes about when we see Kanyon hit a Flatliner on Sabu. Sabu just about manages to roll out of the ring before Kanyon can get a pinfall attempt on him. Kanyon is conscious that Sabu might try to get counted out and retain via count-out like he has before, so Kanyon rolls out to the outside to try and get Sabu back in the ring, but Sabu pokes Kanyon in his eye, then throws him into the steel stairs leaving him in a heap.

Sabu then looks down and smiles. The fans boo as Sabu begins to slowly make his way up the entrance ramp as the referee counts him out.

I think Sabu is trying to get disqualified intentionally to retain his title! says Tony Schiavone. He can't do that!

Joey Styles says it's just smart!

WWE Rob Van Dam 1st Theme "Van Daminator" (HQ) (youtube.com)

Just as Sabu gets to the top of the entrance ramp we see the returning Rob Van Dam with a steel chair in hand!

Oh my goddd! sighs Joey Styles, what's he doing here?! 

Tony Schiavone says it's Rob Van Dam, he's back from his injury suffered trying to take his title back from Sabu at Fall Brawl! 

The referee's count is at 5 but RVD prevents Sabu from going any further and threatening Sabu with the chair, Sabu starts slowly walking back on himself back towards the ring. The referee keeps counting and gets to the count of 7, when we see Kanyon back on his feet! 

Kanyon grabs Sabu, throws him face first into the side of the ring which almost knocks Sabu to the floor, before Kanyon then throws Sabu into the ring to stop the referee's count.

Kanyon sensing the urgency of the moment rolls into the ring and starts eyeing up Sabu. Sabu slowly staggers to his feet and Kanyon nails him with a Flatliner!

The referee counts...1..2..3.!!! KANYON IS CHAMPION! KANYON IS CHAMPION! 

Kanyon wins via pinfall - (10.01) - (67 rated) 

An emotional Kanyon has his arm raised and the WCW United States Championship given to him and the fans cheer as Kanyon falls to his knees in celebration. 

The shot ends with a broken looking Sabu on the mat still, looking angry as he looks up the entrance ramp to a smiling Rob Van Dam.


JJ Dillon is backstage and he knocks on Sable's office door. Sable comes to the door and we see Chyna behind her sat a desk with some sort of contract.

JJ Dillon says, Sable, ahead of tonight's WCW Women's World Championship match, given the recent big money, high profile signing Chyna has started her career in WCW, could we expect to see Chyna take on the winner in the coming weeks on Panic!, or perhaps at WCW House of Cards? 

Sable says that Chyna has proven why Shane McMahon gave her the big bucks. Whilst she's still "banished" to Panic! thanks to jealous men like Eric Bischoff and James Mitchell, Sable says she is sure that Chyna will get an opportunity at that WCW World Women's Championship very soon. 

Freestyle segment with JJ Dillon, Sable and Chyna - (50 rated) 



Match 8: 

Akira Hokuto (c) (with 'Sinister' James Mitchell) vs 'The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria for the WCW World Women's Championship 

Hades - Epic Music Orchestra for the God of the Underworld - Ancient Gods (youtube.com)

We see Dawn-Macaria come out to this match alone, perhaps as a result of the Funk family chasing off Christopher Daniels and her Hounds of Hades out of Texas earlier tonight. 

If she is nervous at all then she doesn't show it, looking all business for her big title opportunity. 

Akira Hokuto 4th - Pacific Zone (WCW Official Theme) (youtube.com)

The WCW Women's World Champion, Akira Hokuto, comes out next with her manager looking up for the match. Akira Hokuto has actually dressed up as Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the match which the commentators point out.

Jerry Lawler says doesn't she know that I'm a Vampire?! Slay me! Slay me!

The main part of the match goes about 6 minutes. It follows a similar pattern to much of Dawn-Macaria's matches, she's not great in the ring yet and has to be carried by her opponent. Akira Hokuto batters her for much of the match, but several times when Hokuto tries to get her in a Chokehold, Dawn-Macaria manages to get out of it through devious tactics like hair pulling or eye-poking.

Towards the end of the match Hokuto puts her in another hold but Dawn-Macaria manages to counter and push Hokuto into he corner. She gets the breather and begins her trademark demonic chanting.

Oh god, says Tony Schiavone. 'The Queen of the Underworld' promised to make Akira Hokuto face her fears. 

The lights go out.

When the lights come back on we see at the top of the entrance ramp a creepy hooded woman.

Well Akira Hokuto spoke of summoning a Forest Witch or a Yama-uba on Nitro this week, says Tony Schiavone, I don't know who or... what.. this woman is but Akira Hokuto looks noticeably on edge in the ring.

It looks a bit like my ex-wife says Jerry Lawler, as Akira Hokuto looks on nervously from the ring. 

'Sinister' James Mitchell walks down to the Forest Witch seemingly to get rid of her, but the witch throws some sort of powder at Mitchell right in his eyes and he falls to the floor grabbing his eyes and begging anyone at ringside for some water to rub his eyes with. 

The Forest Witch begins walking towards the ring. 

Dawn-Macaria uses the distraction to go for a quick roll-up

The referee counts...1..2..3..!! NO! She kicked out at 2.9!! 

Dawn-Macaria can't believe it, on commentary Tony Schiavone says he's sure a lot of fans aren't hugely keen on how Akira Hokuto has conducted herself as champion, but I'm sure nobody wants to see Dawn-Macaria win the title this way.

We now see the Forest Witch walking up the steel steps and Akira Hokuto despite having just kicked out looks terrified of what the Forest Witch might do to her. She punches Dawn-Macaria, but she's still distracted by the Forest Witch. The Forest Witch aggressively points towards Akira Hokuto, when...

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Theme Song (youtube.com)

WAIT A MINUTE!!! shouts Tony Schiavone. IT CAN'T BE!!!

At the top of the entrance ramp we see Sarah Michelle Gellar in full Buffy the Vampire Slayer costume come out to a big pop.


IT'S BUFFY!!!! shouts Jerry Lawler. But I thought she just killed Vampires, does she do witches too?

Joes Styles mumbles that yeah she takes out Demons and other forces of darkness too. 

Buffy the Vampire Slayer comes jogging down the entrance ramp. The Forest Witch immediately loses focus on Akira Hokuto and walks down the steps heading towards Buffy. 

The Forest Witch throws some dust at Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but Buffy dodges it, then Buffy nails The Forest Witch with a rough punch to the face. The Forest Witch hits the ground and is knocked out. 

Dawn-Macaria looks on in horror and starts shouting at Buffy. Buffy just smiles at her and tells her to turn around.

Akira Hokuto, in Buffy costume, hits Dawn-Macaria with a Spinning Heel Kick, a trademark kick that Buffy uses in the show. Dawn-Macaria hits the deck and the referee counts 1..2...3!!!

Akira Hokotu retains via pinfall - (7.25) - (30 rated) 

After the match we see Akira Hokuto celebrating with the WCW World Heavyweight Champion in the ring with Sarah Michelle Gellar holding up her hand in celebration after getting the assist for her.


'Real Talk with Roddy' 

We see a pre-recorded interview where Roddy Piper is interviewing tonight's challenger in the main event, Dustin Rhodes.

Piper says to Dustin, tonight is the biggest match of your career, in your home state, the chance to cement your own legacy in this business as a World Champion, you say you can't lose tonight, but what if you do, kid?

Dustin says he's there have been doubters his whole career. People who said he would never live up to his father's legacy, people who said he would never be a world champion like him. Dustin says tonight he proves the doubters wrong. 

Piper says when you put on that gold paint, did you ever think you'd be a world champion? 

Dustin says Goldust at the time was a great thing to happen to his career. He made him into a house-hold name and it caused a lot of controversy, made him a lot of money. Dustin says people never thought Dustin Rhodes by himself was interesting or good enough to compete at the top level, but I came back to WCW to prove them wrong. I'm not gonna lie to you Roddy, I could've gone back to the WWF as Goldust and probably made more money... but in WCW I have been given the opportunity to be me and the opportunity to place myself at the top of this business.

Dustin then looks at the hard camera and says tonight, Dustin Rhodes finishes his story! 

Freestyle segment with Roddy Piper and Dustin Rhodes - (72 rated) 



Match 9: 

Team Booker T: Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray), Curt Hennig & Expressly American (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) vs Team Bill Alfonso: Buff Enuff (Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V), Balls Mahoney, Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo in a Texas Tornado 5 on 5 Tag Team Match

Before this match we see a promo video showing the various rivalries that let to this match taking place. We see Bill Alfonso running Booker T down with the car that led to Rob Van Dam winning the US Title. We see Booker T's ongoing issues with The Extreme Alliance. Curt Hennig's rivalry with Buff Bagwell, Stevie Ray getting smashed into the car and injured. O'Haire & Palumbo's rivalry with Expressly American before O'Haire & Palumbo too turned on Booker T

WCW Booker T Theme (youtube.com)

We see Team Booker T come out first, with Booker T, Stevie Ray, Curt Hennig and Expressly American (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda) getting into the ring

Tony Schiavone clarifies that whilst this match is a Texas Tornado Match and will have Falls Count Anywhere rules with no count-outs, it is not the same as an Anarchy in the Arena match, as there will be Disqualifications for the use of any foreign objects. 

We then see the same van from earlier pull up, with Alfonso driving, and his team of 5 men get out of the car and make their way to face their opponents. Axl Rotten, not in the match, stays at the car to guard Bill Alfonso, whilst everyone else heads down to the ring.

We see Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V, Balls Mahoney, Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo all coming down, but Team Booker T doesn't want to wait any longer! 

Booker T, Stevie Ray, Curt Hennig and Expressly American come soaring down to meet their opponents and a massive brawl starts!

The match itself is full of mayhem with the 10 men involved in the match all fighting throughout. 

For over 10 minutes we see pure carnage unfold as everyone tries to settle some scores.

The end of the match comes when Booker T and Stevie Ray make their way towards the car where Axl Rotten and Bill Alfonso are standing by. They're dragging along Balls Mahoney with them who's taken a bit of a beating. The camera cuts to backstage where we see Tommy Dreamer and Sabu have tried to come out through the gorilla position to get involved, but DDP and Kanyon who faced them in singles matches earlier tonight, as well as Rob Van Dam, have stood guard and prevented them from getting involved.

Shane McMahon is heard telling Sabu and Dreamer to be ejected from the building security soon swarm them.

Axl Rotten comes rushing towards Booker T and Stevie Ray, but he gets dropped pretty quickly.

We see Expressly American duking it out with O'Haire and Palumbo in the ring, Buff Bagwell fights Curt Hennig who has already Superplexed Buff Daddy V on the outside taking him out the match. Curt Hennig hits a Perflect Plex on Buff Bagwell but can't quite muster the strength to pin him after. Windham and Rotunda both clothesline O'Haire and Palumbo out of the ring but are too exhausted to follow up on it.

Stevie Ray punches Balls Mahoney in the face, then Booker T hits a Book-End on the steel entrance ramp to Mahoney. 

Booker pins Balls Mahoney to get the win.

Team Booker T wins via pinfall - (12.40) - (68 rated) 

Team Booker have the win, but Harlem Heat still have one thing on their mind... Bill Alfonso.

Alfonso is seen frantically trying to reverse and drive the van away, but it isn't moving anywhere. He gets stuck and can't drive it away.

They come towards the car at the side and manage to goad Alfonso out of the car.

Bill Alfonso stands in-front of Harlem Heat towering over him, he's pleading for mercy, saying he didn't mean it, it wasn't him, he didn't do anything anyway. 

Booker T and Stevie Ray lift Alfonso up and they slam him onto the bonnet of the small van. 

Alfonso is out and is stuck lying in a heap on the front of the bonnet as Booker T turns to the hard camera and says NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT...SUCKA?!??!


We see Eric Bischoff standing by backstage. Eric Bischoff says in our next match tonight we will see the Final of the very first WCW Cruiserweight Classic to determine the winner of this first tournament celebrating the legacy of the past, the present and the future of Cruiserweight wrestling in WCW.

We see a montage clip of various cruiserweights and their matches and championship wins in WCW over the years. We then see clips of the tournament itself showing who went through, who went out etc.

Finally we then see a video package of Billy Kidman and Tajiri, the two finalists, explaining what it would mean to them to win tonight.

Kidman says it would answer his critics and he would use the win to become the breakout star in WCW that everyone always thought he could.

Tajiri, who is interviewed with Fit Finlay, says that if he wins tonight, he will show he is the number 1 Cruiserweight in the world... then next step he will take the WCW World Cruiserweight Championship too!

Freestyle segment with Eric Bischoff, Billy Kidman and Tajiri - (54 rated) 



Match 10: 

WCW Cruiserweight Classic 2001 - The Final - Billy Kidman vs Tajiri 

WCW Billy Kidman 4th Theme (1998-2000) (youtube.com)

We see Billy Kidman come out alone as the announcers advise there is to be nobody else at ringside for the match tonight, so Torrie Wilson will not be managing Kidman and Fit Finlay won't be managing Tajiri, if he was able to after his match tonight anyway.

Tajiri's 2001 v1 Titantron Entrance Video feat. "Imperial City" Theme [HD] (youtube.com)

This match gets plenty of time with the idea to showcase Cruiserweight action on a big stage. Kidman and Tajiri both put on a good show with any Tajiri doubters firmly on side with him by the end of the match. 

There are many near falls in the match with both guys looking like they could get the win. It gets just over 13 minutes and the fans are on the edge of their seats for much of it. 

The end of the match comes when Kidman goes for a Shooting Star Press, but Tajiri counters by rolling out of the way, then when Kidman gets back up Tajiri hits him with the Green Mist! 

Kidman is blinded! 

Tajiri gives Kidman a vicious kick to the leg, Kidman drops to his knees and Tajiri has him lined up for the Buzzsaw Kick. Tajiri swings his foot to go for it, but Kidman manages to duck and roll out of it himself!

Kidman gets to his feet and Tajiri comes forward to attack once more, but Kidman grabs onto him, then lifts him up for a BK Bomb! 

Kidman still his mist in his eyes but he has Tajiri in a pinning position

The referee counts..1.2...3!!! 

Kidman has done it! 

Billy Kidman wins via pinfall - (13.12) - (64 rated) 



After the match the referee hands Kidman a towel who manages to wipe the green mist out of his eyes. 

We see Eric Bischoff come out with Torrie Wilson with the WCW Cruiserweight Classic Trophy. Bischoff presents it to Kidman who celebrates by hoisting up the trophy as some pyro in the ring goes off. 

Tajiri walks towards Kidman, bows to him, then offers him a handshake. Kidman looks very reluctant to shake his hand given he tried to blind him with the poison mist, but in the end he gives him a handshake.



Match 11 / Main Event: 

Scott Hall (c) vs 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes in an "I Quit Match" for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Before the match itself we get a promo package showing how Dustin Rhodes won the opportunity to get a shot at the title, how Scott Hall dismissed him as not worthy and then Dusty Rhodes and The Sandman's involvement in the feud.


Dustin Rhodes comes out to a big pop. The camera shows Dusty Rhodes at ringside, Dustin Rhodes' mother, other family including Fredd Ottman aka The Shockmaster and Dustin's younger brother Cody Rhodes, who Tony points out is 16 years old and wrestles in high school. 

Dustin gets to the ring and he looks focused and ready for the match.

ECW: Ready Or Not (Scott Hall) [Feat Fugees] - Single + Download Link (youtube.com)

Scott Hall comes out, without his trademark Bentley which was destroyed by his former driver, The Sandman earlier in the week. Scott Hall carries the WCW World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder and seems to love that the home-town crowd boo him, there's a pattering of fans cheering for him too although they're drowned out by Dustin fans. 

The two men stand off in the middle of the ring and the referee rings the bell.

As the feud has got heated and personal in recent weeks the two men start the match with more of a brawl than a wrestling match. They take the fight to the outside and Scott Hall manages to throw Dustin Rhodes into the side of a crowd barrier near Dusty and the Rhodes family, which causes Dustin to be winded. Scott Hall then grabs a Steel Chair. 

Dustin comes back ready to fight Scott Hall but gets battered with the Steel Chair. The referee asks him if he wants to Quit, and Dustin says No to a lot of cheers. We see however that Dustin has been busted open from the chair and he's bleeding from his head quite bad.

Scott Hall then pulls out a Table from under the ring. He sets the table up and after pulling Dustin up he looks for a Razor's Edge on Dustin through the table, but Dustin manages to counter to avoid going through the table.

Hall tries to scurry back into the ring but Dustin manages to grab him so they're fighting on the side of the apron. Dustin gets in a big punch and manages to lay out Scott Hall on the table. 

Dustin goes to the top rope and the fans hold their breath. Dustin points to his Elbow, wipes some blood out of his eyes and then he hits a massive Elbow Drop from the top rope sending Scott Hall crashing through the table!

The fans pop as both guys on the floor look in some discomfort. The referee asks Scott Hall if he wants to Quit and Scott Hall says No.

Dustin Rhodes manages get Scott Hall into the ring. Dustin Rhodes hits a Final Cut and Scott Hall looks down long enough that Dustin Rhodes might have got a 3 count, but the referee doesn't count as it's an I Quit Match.

The referee asks Scott Hall if he wants to quit and he say's No.

Dustin Rhodes then retrieves the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from the outside. He looks down at in the ring as Scott Hall struggles to his feet. Dustin's blood drips down onto the Big Gold Belt. He looks at it and he sees his destiny.

Scott Hall gets to his feet and Dustin nails him with his own title belt! 

Scott Hall hits the deck and looks knocked out. 

The referee asks him if he wants to Quit and he says No once again! 

Dustin Rhodes looks down and can't quite believe that Scott Hall hasn't quit, but then he pulls Scott into the middle of the ring and starts stomping on him. 

The referee asks him if wants to Quit but he says no again. 

Dustin looks on in disbelief that Scott Hall is taking this much punishment.

Suddenly, we see The Sandman walking out from the side of the stage with his Singapore Cane and smoking a cigarette! 

The Sandman?! says Tony Schiavone. What's he doing here?? Last time we see him on Nitro he was destroying Scott Hall's Bentley.

Maybe he's seen enough here, says Jerry Lawler. Maybe he thinks if Dustin Rhodes can't make Scott Hall say I Quit, then maybe he can. 

Joey Styles says we saw The Sandman enter the building earlier today... maybe Shane has paid him off! 

The Sandman enters the ring and the Texas crowd believing he's on their side are cheering for him. 

Dustin Rhodes, still bleeding, looks at The Sandman a bit confused. 

Does Dustin want to win this way?! asks Tony Schiavone

Dustin then relents and seems to say to The Sandman if he wants to start destroying his former boss with his Singapore Cane he isn't going to stop him.

The Sandman looks down at Scott Hall with anger. He shouts a few obscenities at his old boss. Scott Hall looks up and is absolutely terrified.

The referee looks like he's about to ask Scott Hall if he wants to quit.

Scott Hall looks very much like he might say yes, when The Sandman nails Dustin Rhodes with the Singapore Cane!!

The crowd are in shock as Dustin recoils in pain, as The Sandman clatters him once more, twice more, then The Sandman hits him with a White Russian Legsweep using the Singapore Cane! 

OH MY GOD!!!! shouts Joey Styles

WHAT?! says Jerry Lawler.

Tony Schiavone says he has no idea what The Sandman has just done.

We see Shane McMahon and members of security and road agents come piling out of the back to grab The Sandman and eject him from the Arena. 

As The Sandman is getting ejected he is laughing manically as he comes face to face with Shane McMahon who he gives a middle finger to and audibly tells him to "SUCK MY DICK!!!!"

Shane McMahon looks furious. 

Dustin Rhodes has managed to roll out to the arena floor to try and recover, but Scott Hall is now back on his feet. 

Scott Hall gets out of the ring and sees Dustin Rhodes laying prone on the outside, once more bleeding quite relentlessly from his face. 

Scott Hall grabs Dustin and whips him into the steel steps and he lands in a heap on the side of the crowd barricades not far from the Rhodes family.

Scott Hall with some difficulty picks up the Steel Steps.

Dustin gets to his feet groggily and Scott Hall rams the Steel Steps right into Dustin square on! 

Dustin immediately falls down looking in a really bad way. 

The fans gasp and we see a close up of a very concerned looking Dusty Rhodes and his family in the crowd that are not far off

Scott Hall looks happy with himself as the referee goes over to ask Dusty if he wants to quit. 

Dustin just about manages to gasp a No

The fans cheer!

Scott Hall then immediately starts stomping aggressively onto Dustin's chest and then his head. Dustin can barely defend himself. Scott Hall stops and then shouts QUIT WHILST YOU'VE STILL GOT A CAREER, DUSTIN!!!

The referee asks Dustin if he wants to quit. Dustin is bleeding even more profusely. We can't even hear what Dustin says as he seems to collapse before he can actually get any words out.

This isn't a good watch guys, says Tony Schiavone. Dustin wants this title, the Texas fans here all want him to win, but I don't think anyone could begrudge him quitting now. This could end his career if it goes on much further.

Jerry Lawler agrees and says sometimes you gotta quit and fight another day.

Dustin Rhodes manages to whisper a "no", some fans cheer, but some fans seem to groan in concern at what more they might witness.

Scott Hall picks up the Steel Steps once more and moves backwards with them. Dustin Rhodes slowly pulls himself up on the crowd barricade, but he collapses onto the floor. He's lost a lot of blood. His face is entirely crimson red and his chest is covered in his blood to. 

We see Dusty Rhodes looking really concerned at ringside, with the rest of the family, including young Cody almost in tears.

Dustin can only manage to get to his knees and even then he looks like a crippled old man who can't stand up. 

Dustin's face has enough blood on that he can't even really see, but he raises his fists in a fighting stance, which some fans cheer on, as Scott Hall looks at him with the Steel Steps. 

This could be too much even for The Bad Guy says Tony Schiavone.

Scott Hall stands ready to absolutely clatter the already broken and defenceless Dustin Rhodes on his knees. Hall shouts at the referee to ask Dustin Rhodes if he wants to quit before he ends his career.

The referee asks Dustin if he wants to Quit. 

Dustin is barely responsive but he manages to mutter a "I'll never Quit!" 

The camera shows Scott Hall looking really surprised and it looks like even he doesn't want to do this but he has to do it to keep his title, so he sort of shrugs a little and rolls his eyes as if to say "alright, then" 

Scott Hall then takes another few steps back and gets ready to run at and destroy Dustin Rhodes.

"NO!!! Stop the damn match, baby! He quits! He quits!" 

The camera immediately pans to Dusty Rhodes in the crowd, who has thrown a white towel over towards Dustin Rhodes and the referee. 

I think Dusty Rhodes just Quit on his son's behalf! says Joey Styles

Can he do that?! asks Jerry Lawler

The referee looks at the towel, at Dustin, he goes over to ask Dustin if he wants to Quit again, but it seems the pressure of being on his knees in a fighting stance for that long causes Dustin to collapse again.

The referee holds the white towel up in the air and then goes over to talk to the time-keeper.

They ring the bell!

Charles Robinson announces on the microphone that the winner of this match, as a result of Dusty Rhodes quitting on Dustin Rhodes' behalf, and still the WCW World Heavyweight Champion... is Scott Hall!

Scott Hall looks a bit relieved at first, then smirks. He still has the Steel Steps in his hands and looks down at Dustin Rhodes who tries to pull himself to his feet again.

It looks like Scott Hall is tempted to still destroy Dustin with the Steel Steps, but he discards the Steps, no longer bothered and goes to collect his WCW World Heavyweight Championship belt.

Scott Hall retains the title due to Dusty Rhodes Quitting on Dustin Rhodes' behalf - (18.22) - (80 rated) 


The show goes off air with Dusty Rhodes having climbed over the barricade and is using the white towel, now entirely red, to try and help clean up his son. Several medics from the back come rushing out to tend to Dustin Rhodes.

Scott Hall stands triumphant with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship to some real heavy booing and even some chants of "bullshit!"

Well, says Tony, The Bad Guy is still the champion, Dustin Rhodes didn't quit but I sure am glad that his Father quit on his behalf... but before The Sandman got involved in this match it looked like Dustin had it in the bag... the biggest question we all have is, WHY?! Why did The Sandman seemingly take Scott Hall's side again tonight?! 
You'll find out with us on the next Nitro, which just to remind you folks will NOT be this week as we take our Fall 1 week break from live Nitro and Panic!


Show Rating: 79
1.01 buy rate (509K buys)

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Greydogs PPV Prediction League 2001




@DHK1989 and @Nobby_McDonald both get 7 correct each. They end Halloween Havoc joint top for the round so they both got 3 bonus points each. This puts DHK1989 in a great position with 2 PPVs left, whilst Nobby rises to 3rd in the rankings.

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16 hours ago, Nobby_McDonald said:

I notice you're using The FA Cup for the Cruiserweight Classic. :D


Yeah I couldn't find any good blank trophies so I just adapted the classic 😁

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WCW current champions as of end of October 2001 PPV



WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Scott Hall

The reign began on 22 July 2001, Bash at the Beach PPV



WCW United States Champion: Kanyon

The reign began on 21 October 2001, Halloween Havoc PPV



WCW FXtreme Television Champion: Steve Corino

The reign began on 22 July 2001, Bash at the Beach PPV



WCW World Cruiserweight Champion: Juventud Guerrera

The reign began on 24 June 2001, The Great American Bash PPV



WCW World Women's Champion: Akira Hokuto

The reign began on 24 June 2001, The Great American Bash PPV



WCW World Tag Team Champions: Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome)

The reign began on 26 August 2001, Mayhem PPV


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WCW roster as of end of October 2001 PPV




WCW Male Roster:

Air Paris, AJ Styles, Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney, Barry Windham, Billy Kidman, Blueberg, Blue Meanie, Booker T, 'Sexy' Brian Lawler, Buff Bagwell, Buff Daddy V, Carl Ouellet Chavo Guerrero Jr, 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels, Chuck Palumbo, Curt Hennig, Dave Taylor, David Flair, DDP, Disco Inferno, Djinni Parisi, Don Harris, 'The Natural' Dustin Rhodes, Elix Skipper, Erik Watts, Fit Finlay, Hugh Morrus, Jamie Knoble, Jason Jett, Jimmy Yang, Johnny Stamboli, Juventud Guerrera, Kanyon, Kaz Hayashi, Kid Kash, Kid Romeo, La Parker. Lance Storm, Lash LeRoux, Little Guido, Mark Henry, Mark Jindrak, Mike Awesome, Mike Rotunda, Mikey Whipwreck, Mike Sanders, mOrE-bId!, Norman Smiley, Nova, Psychosis, rAgE? yEs!, Reno, Road Warrior Animal, Road Warrior Dog, Rob Van Dam, Ron Harris, Scott Hall, Sean O'Haire, Shane Helms, Shawn Stasiak, 'Dr Death' Steve Williams, Stevie Ray, Super Crazy, Tajiri, Terry Funk, The Hurricane, Tommy Dreamer, Tony Mamaluke & Vampiro

WCW Female Roster:

Akira Hokuto, April Hunter, Chyna, Dawn-Macaria, Francine, La Diabolica, lYnCh!, Malia Hosaka, Meiko Satomura, Sweet Saraya, Sharmell, Stacy Keibler, The Gale, Torrie Wilson, Tylene Buck

WCW Tag Teams: 

3 Count (Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore)
Air Raid (Air Paris & AJ Styles)
b.w.o - (Blue Meanie & Nova)
Buff Enuff (Buff Bagwell & Buff Daddy V)
Chavo Guerrero & Disco Inferno
DDP & Kanyon
Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo
Expressly American (Barry Windham & Mike Rotunda)
Fit Finlay & Dave Taylor
Harlem Heat (Booker T & Stevie Ray)
La Parka & El Dandy
Mark Jindrak & Shawn Stasiak
Sean 0'Haire & Chuck Palumbo
Super Crazy & Psychosis
The F.B.I (Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke)
The Harris Twins (Don Harris & Ron Harris)
The Hounds of Hades (Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon)
The Jung Dragons (Jimmy Yang & Kaz Hayashi)
The Nu Road Warriors (Road Warrior Animal & Road Warrior Dog Dog)
The Sons of the South (Erik Watts & David Flair)
Team Canada (Lance Storm & Mike Awesome)


b.w.o (Blue Meanie, Nova & Blueberg)
Fit's Fight Club (Fit Finlay, Dave Taylor & Tajiri)
fReEk-sHow (Vampiro, rAgE? yEs!, mOrE-bId! & lYnCh)
Team Canada (Lance Storm, Mike Awesome & Carl Oullet)
The F.B.I (Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke & Johnny Stamboli)
The MexiCruisers (Juventud Guerrera, Super Crazy & Psychosis)
The Extreme Alliance (Bill Alfonso, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer, Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney)
The Sons of the South ('Sexy' Brian Lawler, Erik Watts & David Flair)
The Underworld ('The Queen of the Underworld' Dawn-Macaria, 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels and 'The Hounds of Hades' Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon)


Bill Alfonso managing Sabu
Dawn-Macaria managing The Hounds of Hades (Djinni Parisi & Saemon Daemon) and 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels
Don Callis managing Steve Corino
'Sinister' James Mitchell managing Akira Hokuto and Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo
Jimmmy Hart managing 'Dr Death' Steve Williams
Sharmell managing Booker T
Stacy Keibler managing Shawn Stasiak
Terry Taylor managing Malia Hosaka
Torrie Wilson managing Billy Kidman


WCW currently has handshake agreements with a number of workers to appear on WCW TV as enhancement talents on an ad-hoc basis. These workers are currently: 

Barry Horowicz
Bobby Eaton
El Dandy
Lane & Lodi (Lenny Lane & Lodi)
PG-13 (Jamie Dundee & Slash)


Shane McMahon

Head of Talent Relations: 

Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat

WCW Men's General Manager:

Eric Bischoff

WCW Women's General Manager: 


FX Consultant Producer for Panic!: 

Joey Styles


Arn Anderson
Jerry 'The King' Lawler
Tony Schiavone

Joey Styles
Scott Hudson
Stevie Ray

Jerry 'The King' Lawler
Joey Styles
Tony Schiavone


Billy Silverman
Charles Robinson
Mickie Jay
Nick Patrick
Scott Armstrong

Backroom/Road Agents/Interviewers: 

April Hunter
Dave Taylor
Dusty Rhodes
Fit Finlay
JJ Dillon
Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat
Roddy Piper
Terry Funk
Terry Taylor

Talent Trading Arrangements 

WCW currently has talent trading agreements with several other companies. These include: 


NWA Florida - Based in South East
NWA Wildside - Based in South East
TCW (Turnbuckle Championship Wrestling) - Based in South East


Stampede Wrestling - Based in Alberta


AJW (All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling) - Based in Kanto

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Kwee Wee (Allan Funk) gone from WCW, with two other short-term contracts also expiring

WCW announced today that Kwee Wee (Allan Funk) had left the company today with his contract expiring. Despite having issues backstage with Buff Bagwell which led to large portions of the locker-room turning against him, it is thought that the release was nothing personal and Shane McMahon just had no short or long-term plans for Kwee Wee. It wasn't a contract that Shane had signed so he felt obligated to let talent sit out any contracts signed before he got there, but given Kwee Wee has appeared on WCW TV in 9 matches since Shane came in and he lost every match, this release probably won't come as a surprise to many.

It is not thought at this time that there are any plans from WWF to bring Allan Funk in.


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2 wrestlers brought in on short-term contracts for the WCW Cruiserweight Classic also saw their deals end today. The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Iaukea, a former 2 time WCW World Cruiserweight Champion and 1 time WCW World Television Champion, picked up a win against Chavo Guerrero Jr before bowing out of the tournament to eventual runner-up, Tajiri. Iaukea also featured on WCW TV in a losing effort in a Steve Corino Open Challenge match for the WCW FXtreme Television Championship. 

Shane McMahon does rate Prince Iaukea as a worker, but WCW already has a fairly stacked Cruiserweight division and he didn't see the point in keeping Iaukea around when he didn't have concrete short or long-term plans for him. Iaukea is unlikely to be short of work on the Indies or abroad so it is thought he was quite happy with the short return to the company which has put him back in the spotlight a bit.

The young Japanese performer, Gedo, who also came in for the WCW Cruiserweight Classic and lost to Tajiri, also had his contract expire. Gedo worked a few dark matches for WCW after losing to Tajiri. Gedo had no real plans to join WCW on a permanent basis as he sees his short and long-term future in Japan, but Shane was keen to bring him in for the tournament to help give it more of an international feel. 

Edited by PH71
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The Godfather and Jerry Lynn gone from WWF




WWF announced today the release of two members of their roster.

Charles Wright, who in his current WWF run has gone under several gimmicks such as Kama Mustafa, The Godfather and most recently The Goodfather in Right to Censor, is a former WWF Intercontinental Champion, as well as a former WWF World Tag Team Champion in Right to Censor with Bull Buchanon. Wright previously came to fame with the infamous Papa Shango gimmick.

It is thought WWF let him go as at 40 years old they thought his best days were behind him, as well as having little creative plans for him given it is thought that the Right to Censor gimmick will be faded out in the next few months. 

It is not thought that WCW have any immediate plans to sign Charles Wright. Shane McMahon has a lot of respect for him, but there are a lot of question marks about is age and whether he can still perform at the top level in the ring. There is also the issue that his most popular gimmick, The Godfather, is trademarked by WWF so WCW couldn't use that and would have to come up with a new gimmick for him. One source close to Shane McMahon and WCW said they would not be surprised if Charles Wright was brought in at some point in the next 6 months due to his good relationship with Shane, but it is thought if he did come in it would be more as a manager type role to help get over younger talent.




Jerry Lynn, who recently turned 38, is a former WWF Light Heavyweight Champion, but it is thought Vince McMahon who doesn't like small guys anyway sees the future of the Light Heavyweight division being centred around younger and more athletic guys. One source close to WWF said that they will have a new signing debut soon which will show where they think the future lies in that division. 

It is not thought that Shane McMahon has any immediate plans to bring Jerry Lynn into WCW. There are many in WCW's locker-room who rate Jerry Lynn highly, with the likes of Lance Storm, Steve Corino and of course, Rob Van Dam, key figures in the locker-room who have worked with him before and would be more than interested in working with him again. 

One source close to Shane McMahon said "Jerry Lynn is the right guy, at the wrong time". When asked to expand on this the source stated that if Lynn had been released 4-6 weeks ago by the WWF he would've been a perfect guy to bring in and debut during the recent inaugural WCW Cruiserweight Classic Tournament, which was won by Billy Kidman. But as things stand Shane now has the run up to Starrcade in December, which includes November's first ever House of Cards PPV and match in Las Vegas, Nevada entirely pencilled in. 

"It wouldn't make any sense to sign Lynn now," said the source. "With Jerry Lynn, I think it will happen at some point in 2002, there's too many potential feuds/matches in WCW for Shane not to hire him at some point, but he will only bring him in when the timing is right." 

Jerry Lynn is not thought to be short of work and a source close to him believes he will be happy to have a break from the gruelling in-ring and travel schedule that comes with working for the WWF. Rob Feinstein, owner of RF Video, the pro-wrestling video-distribution company, who used to sell ECW tapes, is also said to be very interested in signing Jerry Lynn as a figurehead for a potential new independent wrestling company he is looking to set up. Feinstein is said to be keeping his cards close to his chest though, so we have no further information on what the company could be called or where it might be based.

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Mark Henry - The Official Wrestling Museum

'The World's Strongest Man' Mark Henry signs for WCW

WCW announced that WWF star Mark Henry had signed for the company this past weekend at Halloween Havoc that was hosted in his home state of Texas. 

Mark Henry signs for WCW on a 3 year contract after taking up the option to cancel his WWF contract after 5 years. Mark Henry said in his promo at Halloween Havoc that he is grateful for the opportunities that Vince McMahon and the WWF gave him and that he doesn't leave with any ill-will towards them.

Mark Henry has been lost in the shuffle in WWF in the last few years and relegated to a comedic figure often paired up with Mae Young. Mark has a lot of respect for Mae Young but he has been disappointed at the lack of impact he has made in the company and felt that a fresh start was what he needed to re-launch his career in pro wrestling.

Henry will be training at the WCW PowerPlant for several months alongside training for the February 2002 Arnold Strongman Classic, where he aims to officially become "The World's Strongest Man", after which it is believed he will then debut on the WCW roster full-time. 


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Rey Mysterio Jr debuts for WWF on Smackdown!

WWF fans in attendance of Tuesday's tapings for Smackdown were given a real treat as Rey Mysterio Jr made his return to wrestling. Mysterio, who seems to have dropped the "Jr" part of the name also returned to wrestling wearing a mask, with WWF reportedly seeing the potential in merchandise sales if Mysterio proves to be a popular hit in the company.  

Shane McMahon and WCW are reportedly said to be disappointing with Rey's decision given he could have been a big asset to the company, but it is thought that once WWF were interested Mysterio only had eyes for them. Rey was not happy with his booking in WCW towards the end of his reign and the chance to travel the world and perform on the bigger stage in WWF were too good an opportunity to pass up. 

Shane reportedly even had a potential Starrcade match lined up for Mysterio if he did sign for WCW, but that obviously won't be happening now as Rey Mysterio looks set to get involved in an initial feud with Essa Rios in WWF.



* - I should add I am now booking the WWF. I won't be providing results or going in-depth with the booking of it week to week, my main motivation for booking it is to keep the save kind of realistic and as true to life as possible. WWF didn't even bid for Mysterio initially and I just felt like if I was going to get a free hit at every half decent talent it would get pretty unrealistic pretty quickly. I'll be booking the TV shows kind of formulaically making sure I meet storyline requirements and keep the company performing as well as it was under the AI. 

I'll keep posting the PPV results and will be trying to rebook as close to real life as possible and then for every new free agent or contract renewal I'll look at it on a case by case basis and try and make an unbiased decision in what's the most likely outcome given what spot/money they might make in the other company. 

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Nitro Episode 26 of the Shane McMahon Era (Episode 314 including pre-Shane)
Wednesday 24 October 2001
Recorded show late-night on FX

This is the Fall 1 week Break so we get recorded highlights specifically focusing on the talking points from WCW Halloween Havoc.

The show advertises that next week on Nitro we will see the Qualifiers for the first ever WCW House of Cards match at the November PPV WCW House of Cards in Las Vegas, Nevada.

We will also hear from Scott Hall after the controversial ending to his 'I Quit Match' with Dustin Rhodes. 

Plus, Shane McMahon will have a big announcement for WCW fans in Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Europe.
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