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Non-Title Contest: Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Grant Taypen vs Lone Wolf

Grace of Fire (Bali Daljit & Welsh Dragon) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

??? vs Padraig O'Hearne

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Diabolic' Damian Dastardly

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode 45

Wednesday W2 September 2021

Show Rating: 70


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling, on the back of a huge night of action at Battle of Britain! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! As you say, a huge night of action at Battle of Britain. Landon Mallory came up short in his effort to earn a rematch for the British Heavyweight Championship, and instead it will be Darin Flynn who challenges Edison Silva for the title!”

Jackie Goldstein: “You’re brushing over a few details there Melanie… namely that JK Lee re-entered the ring after being eliminated from the match to eliminate Landon! Landon Mallory will face Damian Dastardly in tonights blockbuster Main Event, but before that The Springbok will join Rachel Dearheart in the interview zone to discuss what happened at Battle of Britain!”

Melanie Florence: “But before all of that, we kick off tonight’s show with the British Tag Team champions in non-title action. After defeating Akihiro Hisato & Naozane Goto at Battle of Britain, The Northern Lights are in action against the Black Country Boys!”



Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) VS The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

If The Northern Lights were expecting an easy match here, they were sorely mistaken – as Vicious and Jordan’s high impact offence was matched blow for blow by Vedmore and Robson. The two teams Worked The Crowd over the course of an incredibly even ten minute hard-hitting opening contest. Mickey Robson looked to have won it for the Black Country Boys, when he hit Alton Vicious with his devastating Package Piledriver! Robson made the cover, but the count was broken up at two-and-a-half as Riddick Jordan came flying off the top rope with his spectacular Diving Headbutt. Jordan crawled into the cover, and referee Roy Worrall counted the three – but both of the Tag Team champions looked in a bad way as they were handed their belts after the bell.

Winners: The Northern Lights (Alton Vicious & Riddick Jordan)

Rating: 52


There was a celebratory mood in the air, as we cut to the offices of Moore’s Sports Agency.


Moore could be seen pouring champagne for his star clients - Darin Flynn had successfully outlasted nineteen other men to be crowned the number one contender for the British Heavyweight Championship, and The Foundation had successfully overcome former British Tag Team champions Future X to also be named number one contenders.

Moore proposed a toast to the new number one contenders, but warned his clients that while Battle for Britain had been a great night for the agency – the real work started now! This time next month he wanted to be toasting to three new champions!

Rating: 45



Grant Taypen VS Lone Wolf

We returned to find Grant Taypen already waiting in the ring… which is never a good sign! The lights in the arena momentarily cut out, and when they came back on Lone Wolf was stood menacingly in the middle of the ring.

Grant Taypen threw everything he had at Lone Wolf, but the British Banger couldn’t make any inroads against his 290lb opponent. Lone Wolf fought back with powerful punches that rocked Taypen, before delivering his big Full Nelson Slam for the finish.

Winner: Lone Wolf

Rating: 46


We cut backstage to find Padraig O’Hearne – the man who had eliminated Lone Wolf from the Battle Royal this past Sunday. The Irishman was walking alone down the corridor, until he was stopped in his tracks by The Force.


Jase Cole: “Impressed we were, with your performance at the Battle Royal. Your link to the force, strong it is. Train with us, you should…”

Padraig O’Hearne: “Look, I appreciate the help on Sunday lads… but this is all just a bit out there for me. Ya’ know?”

With that O’Hearne quickly made his way out of shot, as Jase Cole turned to Christopher Lister.

Jase Cole: “Back, he will be… ponder our next move, we must.”

Rating: 43



Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) VS School Of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

The Professor once again gave his young charges a lengthy lecture before the opening bell, and for once his students seemed to take heed of his advice as they saw reasonable success in the early stages of the match. However, this quickly changed when Welsh Dragon tagged into the match with his lucha-libre inspired offence. Perhaps the first time Toxic and Gibson had encountered this style of wrestling, the students had no answers to their opponents’ mix of Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and more Arm Drags! The Professor tried to get his students back on track from ringside, but there was nothing he could do to prevent Welsh Dragon from connecting with his Dragon Kick (Spinning Thrust Kick from the top rope), and tagging in Bali Daljit to hit his spectacular Shooting Star Press – a move he executes with rare grace – to secure the victory.

Winners: Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit)

Rating: 44


There was a warm reaction as the music of Chuck Frisby played over the speakers, and the personal trainer made his way to the ring accompanied by his clients Iggy Riot and Dwayne Dark.



Chuck Frisby: “While last months Deadlift contest may officially go down as a tie - I think it was clear for all to see that my client Iggy Riot was a lot closer to hitting the 320kg lift. You can tell just by looking at my clients bulging biceps, chiseled chest and glistening abs…”

Iggy Riot gave Chuck Frisby a quizzical look, causing the personal trainer to trail off. Chuck chuckled nervously, before jumping back into his speech.

Chuck Frisby: “My point is… that even just by looking at my client it is clear that HE is the stronger man than Stuart Wilson… and we are willing to prove it! Iggy Riot will be entering the Olympia lifting meet for September, but as we are so confident of taking ANY of Stuart Wilson’s records – we’re even going to allow him to choose the event!”

The segment ended with Iggy Riot flexing his muscles, with Chuck looking on admiringly. Dwayne Dark shook his head exasperated, and just left the pair of them to it.

Rating: 52


The camera cut backstage to find Byron in the middle of an argument with his son, Bret Heartbreak, with Bret’s girlfriend Holly Leves leant lazily against the wall in the background.


Bret Heartbreak: “What the hell dad… I thought we were meant to be working together? ‘The only alliance that will stay together is yours and mine’, that’s what you said last week!”

Byron: “Look Bret, it was a Battle Royal not a tag team match…”

Bret Heartbreak: “But I was just about to eliminate Dangermouth! We could have worked together and got to the end… I just don’t get it!”

Byron: “It was nothing personal Bret, it was just… business. But nothing like that will happen again. It’s you and me from here on out, I promise…”

Byron slapped his son on the shoulder and walked out of shot, leaving a conflicted looking Bret Heartbreak staring after him. Over Bret’s shoulder you could see Holly Leves playing on her phone still leant up against the wall behind him.

Rating: 50



Local Talent VS Padraig O’Hearne

Padraig O’Hearne put in another strong performance here, as the Irishman was able to duck, weave and dodge any offence that his local opponent was able to muster – almost as is O’Hearne could sense what was coming. As his opponent grew more and more frustrated, this created more openings for O’Hearne to go on the offence and the Irishman hit his Crowning Glory (Swinging Fishermans Neckbreaker) just before the six minute mark to secure a routine victory.

Winner: Padraig O’Hearne

Rating: 33


We cut backstage to find the British Heavyweight champion Edison Silva walking down a corridor, deep in conversation with his legal advisor Mo Adebola.


Mo Adebola: “Our insurance policy did his job on Sunday, and Landon Mallory won’t be a problem. Now we’ve just got to focus on Flynn…”

Mo Adebola was stopped in his track, as the pair found themselves face to face with Frank Finkleton and The Network. Adebola looked annoyed at having bumped into Finkleton, but his client had a big grin on his face.

Edison Silva (to Big Mac): “Too bad about Sunday big man… I can’t imagine your boss was too happy that you missed an open goal like that.”

Silva and Adebola pushed past The Network and walked out of shot laughing, leaving a furious Australian in their wake. Big Mac made a move to go after them, but Frank Finkleton placed a hand on his shoulder.


Frank Finkleton: “Not yet Nathan… you’ll have your chance. One way or another, I promise you we’ll find a way to get you a shot at that title!”

Rating: 68


We cut away to the interview zone for the first time this evening, where Landon Mallory was waiting to talk to Rachel Dearheart ahead of tonights Main Event.


Rachel Dearheart: “Landon, the question on everyone lips – JK Lee once again cost you in Sunday’s Battle Royal. Re-entering the match having already been eliminated to cost you your chance at earning a shot at the British Heavyweight Championship. How are you feeling?”

Landon Mallory: “How am I feeling Rachel? If I’m honest, I’m not feeling great. But how I’m feeling tonight will be nothing compared to how JK Lee will be feeling once I am through with him. JK Lee has just made the biggest mistake of his life, and he’s about to learn that you never cross the path of The Springbok! Yebo!

Rating: 73



‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory VS ‘The Diabolic’ Damian Dastardly

Damain Dastardly continued the strong start to his NWF career with a fantastic Main Event match here. The Kiwi used every trick in the book to stay on top of his larger, more powerful opponent. An eye poke, followed by a cheeky stamp on the foot of his blinded opponent earned Dastardly a rebuke from referee Roy Worrall. Never one to miss an opportunity, Dastardly got in the referees face to argue the call – and took advantage of the lack of sight line to deliver a mule kick low blow to a recovering Landon Mallory, before immediately following up with a Dastardly Cunning (Cross Rhodes) to his stooped opponent. Dastardly immediately went for the cover, 1… 2… NO! The crowd erupted as The Springbok got his shoulder up at the last moment.

Dastardly was back in referee Roy Worrall’s face, this time arguing that the kick out had been too late and Worrall should have counted the three. Unfortunately for the Kiwi he got so caught up in the argument, that he missed Landon Mallory getting back to his feet off the canvas behind him. The Springbok riled up the crowd as he beat his chest, before exploding into a Springbok Ram (Gore) as Dastaradly turned back to the ring… and nobody kicks out of that!

Winner: ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory

Rating: 73


Jackie Goldstein: “What a match! I may not like his tactics, but Damian Dastardly pushed The Springbok all the way tonight!”

Melanie Florence: “Landon Mallory looked fired up out there… I wouldn’t want to be in JK Lee’s shoes right now!”

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Great Main Event! Landon Mallory vs Damian Dastardly is a explosive combination. 70 is also a fantastic rating for a TV show, congratulations.

I don't think this is what you were trying to do, but after telling The Force to get lost I have a better opinion towards O'Hearne.

If that segment was the start (or continuation should I say?) of a feud between The Network and Silva/Adebola it'll be fantastic. I don't know how you plan to do it since they're both heels and that unfortunately gets bad ratings. I personally think that sometimes heel vs heel makes sense and if they are big stars for you it makes even more sense because in some way they'd fighting for the top heel spot.

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12 hours ago, newbiezness said:

Great Main Event! Landon Mallory vs Damian Dastardly is a explosive combination. 70 is also a fantastic rating for a TV show, congratulations.

I don't think this is what you were trying to do, but after telling The Force to get lost I have a better opinion towards O'Hearne.

If that segment was the start (or continuation should I say?) of a feud between The Network and Silva/Adebola it'll be fantastic. I don't know how you plan to do it since they're both heels and that unfortunately gets bad ratings. I personally think that sometimes heel vs heel makes sense and if they are big stars for you it makes even more sense because in some way they'd fighting for the top heel spot.

Thanks @newbiezness! It wasn't exactly what I was going for, but I'll take it haha!

In regards to The Network/Silva & Adebola - the rivalry is definitely still there, and I won't say to much but this segment was definitely the first step towards... something. Hopefully all will become clear over the next few weeks of shows!

On 4/22/2024 at 8:20 PM, scapegoat said:

Loved the Battle Royal! Was good to see Stuart Wilson get the most eliminations, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens between the Heartbreaks.

Thanks @scapegoat, great to have you on board! Glad you enjoyed the Battle Royal, it was a lot of fun to write!

On 4/23/2024 at 3:50 AM, KyTeran said:

Grace of Fire (Bali Daljit & Welsh Dragon) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

School of Wrestling is going to learn that if you play with Fire you are going to get burned.

A+ pun, far better than what I came up with in the write up! The School of Wrestling are still very green, but I have some fun ideas for them once they've learned to work a bit.

On 4/23/2024 at 3:50 AM, KyTeran said:

'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Diabolic' Damian Dastardly

Like Damian's new nickname, but even though he is without a doubt cheating he still won't beat Landon.

'The Diabolic' is actually just Dastardly's nickname in game, I've just not been very consistent in using it. I see Dastardly as a big played in the NWF going forwards, so I'll try and be more consistent with using it!

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Thank you to everybody who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show - it really is appreciated! It was a bumper set of predictions, with nine predictors for the first episode of the new predictions contest. As this round will lead into the one year anniversary for the diary, I will be giving out prizes to the top three predictors! Hope to see everybody back for the next round!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 45

@smw88 5/5

@scapegoat 5/5

@newbiezness 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@alliegolem 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@lieon02 5/5

@StanMiguel 4/5

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 46

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs The Assassins Guild (Stefan Raynor & Louie Peyton)

Dangermouth vs Lenny Mochin

The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

Welsh Dragon vs Ultra Violence

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Padraig O'Hearne

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The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs The Assassins Guild (Stefan Raynor & Louie Peyton)

The Foundation for NWF Tag Team champions 2021, I'm starting the campaign

Dangermouth vs Lenny Mochin

I think Lenny Mochin is a jobber in this moment

The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

The only question here is if The British Bangers can put on a banger vs School of Wrestling

Welsh Dragon vs Ultra Violence

Nice matchup

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Padraig O'Hearne

Moore's guys are #1 contenders and they won't fail in a TV show

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The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs The Assassins Guild (Stefan Raynor & Louie Peyton)

Dangermouth vs Lenny Mochin

The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

Welsh Dragon vs Ultra Violence

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Padraig O'Hearne

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Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 46

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore 


The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen)

Welsh Dragon

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore

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The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs The Assassins Guild (Stefan Raynor & Louie Peyton)

Looks like Sharp and Heath are building the foundation for their title match.

Dangermouth vs Lenny Mochin

So, for Lenny's last few matches in NWF he was beaten by Landon twice and tricked by Damian Dastardly in a battle royal to let his guard down and be eliminated.  I feel that Dangermouth is higher up on the pecking order at the moment, so I believe Lenny is taking the L again.

The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

The Professor's students are now going to get a lesson on how to put on a Banger, by getting their heads banged into the mat.

Welsh Dragon vs Ultra Violence

I feel like this can go either way and build a feud between State of Mind and Grace of Fire, but if this leads to a match between Brilliant White and Bali, I would say that White would get the win so I am going to pick Welsh Dragon to win this one, but I can see it going the other way.

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Padraig O'Hearne

Darin's got a title match against Silva, so I doubt he is losing to Padraig here.

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The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs The Assassins Guild (Stefan Raynor & Louie Peyton)

Dangermouth vs Lenny Mochin

The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

Welsh Dragon vs Ultra Violence

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Padraig O'Hearne

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The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs The Assassins Guild (Stefan Raynor & Louie Peyton)

Dangermouth vs Lenny Mochin

The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

Welsh Dragon vs Ultra Violence

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Padraig O'Hearne

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode 46

Wednesday W3 September 2021

Show Rating: 68


JackieGoldstein.jpg.8940effdc6ecfaad0b4cde94980140d3.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.a5ecbc12eb22144e6b59d10c58a4d49d.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling! Thank you for joining us on this Wednesday evening – my name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have a huge show in store tonight. ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn looks to build some momentum heading into his British Heavyweight Championship match, as he faces Padraig O’Hearne in tonights Main Event!”

Jackie Goldstein: “And we’re promised a big announcement from Cruiserweight champion Leighton Buzzard, who will be in action later tonight as The British Bangers face School of Wrestling.”

Melanie Florence: “But we kick off tonights show with the number one contenders for the British Tag Team titles – as The Foundation face The Assassins Guild.”



The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore VS The Assassins Guilds (Stefan Raynor & Louie Peyton)

Frank Finkleton’s hired guns were back, as the network executive looked to hand the new number one contenders a loss prior to their title match with The Northern Lights. The Assassins Guild are a long established team, having teamed together since 2006 – and the pair were able to successfully isolate Martin Heath in their corner as both teams Worked The Crowd.

The Assassins Guild looked to press home their advantage as Louie Peyton whipped Martin Heath into the corner, but Heath continued with the momentum to climb the turnbuckle and deliver his Hot New Move – Rocking The Foundations (Whisper In The Wind). This riled up the crowd, who erupted as Heath dove across the ring to make the hot tag! Peyton was also able to make the tag to Stefan Raynor, but Jon Michael Sharp hit the ring like a house on fire! Clothesline to Raynor… Dropkick to Peyton… another Dropkick to Raynor. Sharp grabbed Peyton and threw him over the top rope, before returning to deliver the Disarmer to Stefan Raynor and secure a momentum boosting win for the number one contenders.

Winners: The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath)

Rating: 57



We cut backstage to find the Black Country Boys, who had just finished watching the opening contest. Presumably brushing up on their competition in the thriving NWF tag team division.


There was a knock at the door, and Leo Price entered along with his protégé Dangermouth. Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson looked a little star struck at the sight of the former four-time 21st Century Tag Team Champion.

Leo Price: “I saw your match last weeks. You boys stood toe to toe with The Northern Lights and gave them a real fright. You’ve got potential… you just need someone to help you along. How would you like to join up with myself and Dangermouth here?”

The Black Country Boys looked like they couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

Gazz Vedmore: “Are you kidding? Of course we would! You’re a tag team legend!”

Leo Price (chuckling): “I don’t know about that, but welcome aboard boys. Put that tele back on, we can watch Dangermouth’s match from here…”

Jackie Goldstein highlighted Leo Price’s tag team history on commentary, before hyping the new alliance.

Rating: 47



Dangermouth VS Lenny Mochin

This match really showcased how far Dangermouth had come as Leo Price’s protégé. Lenny Mochin is a master technician, and dominated the early stages of this match up. However Dangermouth was patient and eventually got his chance, as the grime star exploded into life. Dangermouth delivered Flying Shoulder Tackle after Flying Shoulder Tackle, before dropping Mochin with a Running Bulldog. Mochin struggled back to his feet, but Dangermouth immediately pulled him in for his Flatline (Reverse STO) to secure an impressive victory!

Jackie Goldstein hyped the grime stars development under Leo Price’s mentorship, and commented that if the Black Country Boys followed Price’s teachings they could go far!

Rating: 51


We cut backstage to find Bret Heartbreak talking to his girlfriend Holly Leves.


Bret Heartbreak: “He said it was just business… and he’s right it wasn’t a tag match, so we were kind of opponents I guess.”

Holly Leves (exasperated): “Look Bret, I know he’s you dad but he’s using you… you can see that right? You can’t trust him.”

Bret Heartbreak: “Look Holly, I don’t think dad would…”

Voice from off-screen: “You don’t think dad would what?”


Byron walked into shot with a big grin on his face. Holly cautiously retreated behind Bret Heartbreak.

Byron: “Never mind that, I’ve got good news Bret! I’ve sorted us a match for next week, and it’s a tag team match. Father and son, teaming together once again!”

Bret gave Holly a nervous look, before forcing a smile and replying: “Sounds great dad!”

Byron grinned and slapped his son on the back, before turning to walk away when Bret called him back. Bret told his dad that he hated that the two most important people in his life didn’t get on, and that if Byron & Holly spent some time together they could sort things out pretty quickly. Neither Byron nor Holly could hide the surprise on their faces, before both agreed to give it a try… “For Bret”.

Rating: 51


The roof of the building nearly exploded as the The Springbok’s music blared over the speakers. A Groundswell of Support amongst the NWF fanbase over the past few months has seen the South African propelled up the card to become a Major Star in the company.


Landon Mallory: “The past couple of months haven’t exactly gone the way I had hoped. First I lost my British Heavyweight Championship at Victory, and then two weeks ago I was the penultimate elimination in the 20-man Battle Royal at Battle of Britain… and both times it was down to one man putting his nose where it didn’t belong.”

The crowd booed, knowing EXACTLY who Landon Mallory was referring to – JK Lee.

Landon Mallory: “I don’t know what Mo Adebola has promised you for keeping me away from Silva, but I promise you it won’t be worth it when I get my hands on you. I hope you’ve got a good ‘Insurance Policy’ JK Lee, because nobody can withstand the Springbok Ram. Yebo!” 

Rating: 85



The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) VS School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

Whatever The Professor told his students in their usual pre-match lecture went straight out of the window at the opening bell, as the only lesson The British Bangers were teaching their young opponents was in the art of putting on a Banger! School of Wrestling battled hard, but they struggled to make much of an impact against their more experienced opponents. Buzzard & Taypen finished the match with their Bang! Bang! Dropkicks (Dual Flying Missile Dropkicks).

Winners: The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen)

Rating: 47


After the match, an excited Leighton Buzzard grabbed his title and a microphone from ringside to address the crowd. Surprisingly, network executive Frank Finkleton made his way down to the ring to join the Cruiserweight champion to announce a brand new match type for the NWF…

LeightonBuzzard.jpg.bd25850c4c10f664dd30019bd74a8864.jpg FinkFinkleton.jpg.188dfad69b69032fa05075296a8b2fee.jpg

Frank Finkleton: “In three weeks time at ‘No Limits’, the Cruiserweight Title will be suspended over four metres above this ring as four men compete to be the first to retrieve the title and win the match…”

Leighton Buzzard (Excitedly): “But get this… no Ladders!”

Frank Finkleton (annoyed): “As Leighton correctly points out – unlike in other retrieval matches, this match will have no ladders. Instead the title will be suspended between two cables running diagonally across the ring. The competitors will have to climb the scaffolding, cross the ropes and be the first to retrieve the title to win the match. This new structure should play right into the events theme of ‘No Limits’…”

Leighton Buzzard (sagely): “No Limits and No Ladders!”

Frank Finkleton (sighing): “We will be holding qualification matches over the next three weeks to determine which three men will face Leighton Buzzard for the title. The first of which, is right now!”

Leighton Buzzard: “Whoever qualifies, at ‘No Limits’ it will be a guaranteed Banger!”

Rating: 49



Welsh Dragon VS Ultra Violence

The first two men with a chance to qualify were former Cruiserweight Champion Welsh Dragon, and State of Mind member Ultra Violence. Would the new match type suit Welsh Dragon’s lucha-libre inspired style, or would Ultra Violence’s deathmatch tendencies flourish on this new stage?

Ultra Violence tried to turn this match into a brawl from the bell, but quickly ran into problems with the power of his gym-rat opponent. Welsh Dragon quickly took control with his lucha-inspred moveset, hitting Ultra Violence with Arm Drags, Drop Toe Holds, Hurricanranas, and more Arm Drags! Ultra Violence looked in real trouble, until a ref bump just after the nine minute mark allowed him to get his trusty cane involved in the match. Ultra Violence looked much more comfortable with cane in hand, but Welsh Dragon showed off his martial arts background as a lightning-quick kick knocked the cane from Ultra Violence’s hands before he saw it coming. A second kick followed, before Welsh Dragon headed to the top rope for his Dragon Kick (Spinning Thrust Kick from the top rope) to secure his spot in the upcoming Cruiserweight Title match.

Winner: Welsh Dragon

Rating: 49




We cut to a pre-recorded video from the Olympia Strength & Conditioning gym, where we found Chuck Frisby and Iggy Riot admiring the newly updated whiteboard on the gym wall. Chuck Frisby commented that it was good to see another name up there before announcing that Stuart Wilson had chosen the lift they would be entering next week – the Bench Press!

Iggy Riot grinned, clearly happy with Stuart Wilson’s choice. A fellow gym member warned Chuck that the Bench Press was Wilson’s favourite lift– but the personal trainer simply smiled and replied that thanks to the progressive overload built into every Frisby Foundation for Fitness training plan (available for the low, low price of £9.99 a month), they could beat him!

Rating: 51



‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore VS Padraig O’Hearne

Darin Flynn had been very vocal about his desire to wrestle regularly heading into Battle of Britain, and it would appear ‘The Prodigy’ was taking the same approach heading into his British Heavyweight Title match at ‘No Limits’ – as we are informed that Mark Moore had arranged this match at the request of his client. Padraig O’Hearne had been on an uptick over the past couple of months, with the Irishman victorious in four of his past five matches – with the other being an impressive performance in the 20-man Battle Royal at Battle of Britain.

In those victories O’Hearne had shown an almost supernatural ability to dodge, duck and weave any incoming offence, but that ability seemed to evade the Irishman here as he walked into an early right hand from ‘The Prodigy’. O’Hearne was able to shake off this early mistake and put in a competitive performance, but it seemed as soon as he built any momentum another mistake would derail it – he would duck when he should weave, or weave instead of dodge. ‘The Prodigy’ didn’t need a second invitation and seized on his opponents error to lock in his Prodigal Pressure and secure the victory.

Winner: ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn

Rating: 66


Jackie Goldstein: “An impressive victory for Darin Flynn as he moves towards ‘No Limits’ and his match with Edison Silva.”

Melanie Florence: “Padraig O’Hearne looked off the pace tonight after being so impressive over the past few months…”

Jackie Goldstein: “Perhaps he should have taken up the offer to train with The Force last week…”

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Major Changes on the Coastal Zone

The Coastal Zone has expansion in mind! On Monday it was announced that CZCW, for so long the Indy darling of the US scene, had grown to Medium size – becoming the first promotion outside of the traditional ‘Big 3’ to achieve this feat in the USA. The Californian company have been preparing for this moment over the past few months, with the transition of their product to a ‘Guerilla Warfare’ style – which they hope will preserve their fast paced in ring style, while allowing their wrestlers do develop their characters more to appeal to a wider, national audience. Whether ‘the Zone’ can survive the transition to a national player remains to be seen, but having been written off for almost the entirety of their 30 year existence, I wouldn’t bet against them!

It remains to be seen what this means for the future of the COTT, with the board said to be meeting next week to discuss CZCW’s rise.


Latest Viberts Voice episode sets new Wrestling Podcast download record!

A special episode of Vibert’s Voice – the #1 Wrestling Podcast in the world – broke download records earlier this week, as the host Phil Vibert announced his return to wrestling, as he had signed for CZCW! It is unclear what Vibert’s role in the Californian company will be, but the IWC is buzzing with the news of his return from hiatus.

The host was joined by surprise guests Coastal Zone Champion Pablo Rodriguez and new signings Fro Sure and former 3-time USPW Womens Champion Tiffany Jade! The four did a great job of promoting CZCW and what made the promotion unique – fast paced in ring action and treating men and women as equals in the ring. Observers noted that the signings of Fro Sure and Tiffany Jade represented exactly what the ‘new CZCW’ would be all about – big characters who could still go in the ring.

Tiffany Jade in particular stole headlines as she put Pablo Rodriguez on notice, saying she had come to ‘the Zone’ for one reason – to become the first Women to hold a main title in a major US promotion!


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On 4/26/2024 at 1:31 PM, newbiezness said:

The Foundation (Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath) w/ Mark Moore vs The Assassins Guild (Stefan Raynor & Louie Peyton)

The Foundation for NWF Tag Team champions 2021, I'm starting the campaign

The Foundation are riding a good wave of momentum atm, they're #1 contenders and Martin Heath has just got the 'Hot New Move' attribute. I'm expecting a good grade out of their match with The Northern Lights!

On 4/26/2024 at 6:12 PM, KyTeran said:

Welsh Dragon vs Ultra Violence

I feel like this can go either way and build a feud between State of Mind and Grace of Fire, but if this leads to a match between Brilliant White and Bali, I would say that White would get the win so I am going to pick Welsh Dragon to win this one, but I can see it going the other way.

Not the way I am going this time, but a Grace of Fire vs State of Mind feud could be fun! Might be one to look at down the line...


Thank you to everyone who predicted and reacted to the latest episode, I really do appreciate it! Another great turnout for predictions, with the top 3 after 'No Limits' receiving a prize. Congratulations to @newbiezness, @StanMiguel, @KyTeran, @scapegoat, @lieon02 and @Wrestling Machine for perfect scores this episode! Hope to see everyone back next episode.

In case the write up didn't make it clear, the Cruiserweight title match at 'No Limits' will be my take on TNA's Ultimate X match - which was a prediction prize for @kanegan to pick a match type to add to the NWF!


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 46

@newbiezness 5/5

@StanMiguel 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@scapegoat 5/5

@lieon02 5/5

@Wrestling Machine 5/5

@smw88 4/5

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5


Combined Prediction Results

@scapegoat 10/10

@newbiezness 10/10

@KyTeran 10/10

@Wrestling Machine 10/10

@lieon02 10/10

@smw88 9/10

@StanMiguel 9/10

@SomeLazyMagic 8/10

@alliegolem 5/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 47

Bali Daljit vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Hisato & Goto vs Byron & Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

'No Limits' Qualifier: Petey Barnes vs Damian Dastardly


Bonus 1: Will a new Olympia Gym Bench Press record be set at the monthly lifting meet? (Wilson's current record 190kg)

Bonus 2: Who will win the Bench Press competition? (Stuart Wilson/Iggy Riot/Dwayne Dark)

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Bali Daljit vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Hisato & Goto vs Byron & Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

'No Limits' Qualifier: Petey Barnes vs Damian Dastardly


Bonus 1: Will a new Olympia Gym Bench Press record be set at the monthly lifting meet? Yes!

Bonus 2: Who will win the Bench Press competition? Dwayne Dark

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Bali Daljit vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Hisato & Goto vs Byron & Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

'No Limits' Qualifier: Petey Barnes vs Damian Dastardly


Bonus 1: Will a new Olympia Gym Bench Press record be set at the monthly lifting meet? (Wilson's current record 190kg) YES

Bonus 2: Who will win the Bench Press competition? (Stuart Wilson/Iggy Riot/Dwayne Dark) Stuart Wilson

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Bali Daljit vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Hisato & Goto vs Byron & Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

'No Limits' Qualifier: Petey Barnes vs Damian Dastardly


Bonus 1: Will a new Olympia Gym Bench Press record be set at the monthly lifting meet? (Wilson's current record 190kg) Yes

Bonus 2: Who will win the Bench Press competition? (Stuart Wilson/Iggy Riot/Dwayne Dark) Dwayne's become a favorite for me lately, so he's my guy

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Bali Daljit vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Hisato & Goto vs Byron & Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

'No Limits' Qualifier: Petey Barnes vs Damian Dastardly


Bonus 1: Will a new Olympia Gym Bench Press record be set at the monthly lifting meet? (Wilson's current record 190kg)Yes

Bonus 2: Who will win the Bench Press competition? (Stuart Wilson/Iggy Riot/Dwayne Dark) Stuart Wilson

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 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

 Byron & Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) 

'No Limits' Qualifier:  Damian Dastardly


Bonus 1: Will a new Olympia Gym Bench Press record be set at the monthly lifting meet? (Wilson's current record 190kg) yes

Bonus 2: Who will win the Bench Press competition? (Stuart Wilson

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Bali Daljit vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Bali is able to hit a shooting star press with grace, but tonight he is going to lose with grace.

Hisato & Goto vs Byron & Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

I remember a while back that you mentioned that Byron and Bret have bad chemistry while teaming which I can see playing out in this match and could help lead to an eventual clash between father and son.

The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Rave and Trance will be partying in the loser's section tonight.

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

Black Country Boys aligning with Leo Price and Dangermouth sounds interesting and I am intrigued on the potential alliance between them.

'No Limits' Qualifier: Petey Barnes vs Damian Dastardly

Damian cheats to win and wins to cheat.


Bonus 1: Will a new Olympia Gym Bench Press record be set at the monthly lifting meet? (Wilson's current record 190kg) Yes

Bonus 2: Who will win the Bench Press competition? (Stuart Wilson/Iggy Riot/Dwayne Dark) Dwayne Dark is the dark horse pick for me.

Edited by KyTeran
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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode 47

Wednesday W4 September 2021

Show Rating: 54


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Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence!”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie, we have a huge show in store tonight as we head to Olympia Gym for their monthly Bench Press meet. Will former Olympian Stuart Wilson defend his gym record in his favourite lift, or will Chuck Frisby have the last laugh as his clients Iggy Riot and Dwayne Dark try to take down ‘The Celtic Warrior’!”

Jackie Goldstein: “And after allying themselves with Leo Price last week, the Black Country Boys are in action against the School of Wrestling. Will their new alliance inspire the Black Country Boys to a first win in the NWF, or will The Professor’s teachings lead his students to their first victory?”

Melanie Florence: “We have a ‘No Limits’ qualifier in tonights Main Event, as Petey Barnes faces Damian Dastardly in what promises to be a high flying affair! But before all of that, ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie opens the show against Bali Daljit!”



Bali Daljit VS ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

Bali Daljit had seen some good success in recent months in the tag team division alongside partner Welsh Dragon, but the Indian cruiserweight was outmatched here against the big Australian Muscular Heavyweight. The leader of The Network bullied his opponent here, almost taking his opponents head off at one stage with a Big Boot! Scooping Daljit onto his shoulder, ‘Big Mac’ delivered a Snake Eyes to the corner – before bouncing off the far ropes to deliver a big Spear to secure the win.

Winner: ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

Rating: 60


We cut backstage to find Mo Adebola and JK Lee stood by in the interview zone with Rachel Dearheart.

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Mo Adebola addressed Landon Mallory, telling The Springbok that he had heard him last week. He said the South African was under the false impression that JK Lee was trying to avoid him. On the contrary, his ‘Insurance Policy’ had specifically asked the lawyer to get him a match with Mallory! So if The Springbok wants to test Adebola’s ‘Insurance Policy’… all he has to do is ask!

Rating: 60



Akihiro Hisato & Naozane Goto VS Byron & Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves

Byron & Bret Heartbreak’s game plan in this match was clear, keep Akihiro Hisato isolated in their corner and prevent the tag to Naozane Goto. The father and son duo did a good job of this in the early stages of the match, before their poor chemistry as partners led to a miscommunication that allowed Hisato to dive for his corner and tag in the 380lb Naozane Goto.

In fairness to Bret Heartbreak he didn’t back down from the former Sumo Wrestler, but Bret’s strikes made little impact on the 380 pounder – who rocked the youngster with a single right hand. Bret was immediately pushed onto the back foot, but was able to create some separation with a European Uppercut (a technique he learned from his father) and immediately crawled for the tag. Byron’s hand was outstretched and Bret was only inches away when… Byron withdrew his hand and dropped down from the apron! Bret couldn’t believe what he was seeing, as Byron stared at his son through the ropes. Bret pulled himself up using the turnbuckle and shouted down at his dad, asking what he was doing… when Naozane Goto came in like a steam train and squashed Bret with a High Velocity Reverse Avalanche! The 380lb hauled Bret to his feet, as whipped him into the far corner to deliver another. Holly Leves screamed at ringside for Byron to get back in the ring, but the veteran watched on impassively as Goto lifted Bret for a Goto Slam (Big Front Slam) which shook the ring and earned the Japanese team the victory.

Winners: Akihiro Hisato & Naozane Goto

Rating: 50


After the bell, a furious Holly Leves slid into the ring to check on Bret Heartbreak and slowly helped him back to his feet. Meanwhile, Byron grabbed a microphone from ringside and slowly made his way up the ring steps to address his son. Holly Leves moved behind Bret, as Byron took over to support his son. Byron seemed to consider Bret for a moment, before slapping his son and sending him slumping back to the mat! Holly Leves could be seen with her hand over her mouth in the background.


Byron (angrily): “Look at you Bret! What happened to you?”

Down on the mat, Bret looked more shell-shocked at being slapped than injured as he spluttered: “We were a team… where did you go?”

Byron (annoyed): “It’s always an excuse with you! Tonight… the Battle Royal… do you think I relied on my old man to win matches on my way to becoming a ten-time World Champion?”

Bret Heartbreak: “But grandpa was a school teacher…”

Byron: “There it is again… that attitude! That’s been your problem ever since you started hanging out with this ring rat!”

Byron pointed at Holly Leves, who looked furious. Bret was back up to his knees and shook his head, telling Byron it wasn’t Holly…

Byron: “If it’s not her, then what is it Bret? You were meant to be a World Champion… but you’ve got lazy…”

Bret told his father he was still the same wrestler, but Byron shook his head.

Byron: “If you’re still a Heartbreak, then prove it! If you want to earn my respect back, then you’ll have to face me in the ring at ‘No Limits’!”

Byron threw the microphone to the ground, leaving a furious Holly Leves and a confused Bret Heartbreak in his wake. Would Bret accept the challenge and face his father at ‘No Limits’? 

Rating: 54



The Party Animals (Rave & Trance) VS State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

State of Mind made their spectacular entrance, appearing in a flash of (brilliant) white light. The white light reflected off the Phantom of the Opera inspired mask of Brilliant White, while Ultra Violence posed with his trusty cane slung over his right shoulder. Their opponents Rave & Trance also seemed right at home, with the strobe lighting presumably reminding them of the Liverpool underground club scene.

Unfortunately for Rave & Trance, their dancing during State of Mind’s entrance was the high point of their night. Brilliant White was able to distract referee Roy Worrall long enough for Ultra Violence to get his trusty cane involved, before Brilliant White headed to the top rope for his White Out (Swanton Bomb) finisher.

Winners: State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Rating: 46


We cut to Olympia Strength & Conditioning Gym for the business end of the monthly Bench Press competition. The weight was at 190kg, and the only three men left in the competition were Dwayne Dark, Iggy Riot and Stuart Wilson. Hitting this lift would tie Stuart Wilson’s current Gym record, and Dwayne Dark was up first.


Dark settled himself under the bar, as half of the gym gathered around the bench to offer a spot for the monstrous weight. Dark took a deep breath and, with a huge effort, lifted the bar back off his chest to complete the lift! Dark let out a roar as he celebrated equaling the gym record and progressing to the next round.

Next up was Iggy Riot, with Chuck Frisby in his face pumping the Irishman up. In the background Stuart Wilson could be seen talking to an impassive Dwayne Dark, asking why Frisby didn’t do any of this for him. Iggy Riot powered the bar off his chest with ease to progress to the next round, before Chuck Frisby immediately ran for his water bottle and spray. Stuart Wilson understatedly completed the lift at 190kg, while Frisby made a fuss out of spraying Iggy Riot’s chest, arms and back to cool him down ahead of the next round.

All three competitors made it through 195kg (a new gym record) – some more easily than others, before the bar was loaded at 200kg! The bar bent under the extreme weight, as Dwayne Dark settled himself underneath. Dark lowered the bar, but it got stuck halfway up – and the crowd of spotters immediately jumped into life to help the former boxer re-rack the bar. Dark looked furious at being out of the competition, a mood that wasn’t helped by the theatrics of Iggy Riot & Frisby – as the personal trainer yelled in his clients face to pump him up. Iggy Riot had a little wobble, but hit the lift – as did Stuart Wilson, meaning both men progressed to 205kg!

With Dwayne Dark out of the competition, Iggy Riot was up first. With Chuck Frisby stood over him yelling encouragement, Riot’s arms shook uncontrollably as he tried to drive the immense weight off his chest. The spotters looked like they were about to jump into action until Frisby yelled at them to stay back! After what felt like an eternity, Riot was able to finally get the weight up and re-rack to complete the lift! Frisby immediately grabbed the spray bottle, but looked worried as he began to spray down his clients muscles.

Stuart Wilson looked confident as he stepped up to the bar. He lowered it down, and the bar looked to be moving up steadily… until it wasn’t! Wilson went from looking like he would hit the lift with ease, to dropping the bar almost instantly. The army of spotters dove in to pull the bar from the Scotsman’s chest, but Wilson was out of the contest and Iggy Riot was declared the winner!

Wilson immediately got in Chuck Frisby’s face, and seemed to be accusing the personal trainer of something. We never got to hear what was said, as Iggy Riot stepped between the pair and Stuart Wilson stormed off. Iggy Riot was declared the winner, and Chuck Frisby proclaimed loudly that his client had defeated Stuart Wilson – a former Olympian, after being on Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness’ training plan for only six weeks! Imagine what it could do for you – for only the low, low price of £9.99 per month!

Rating: 43



Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) VS School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

This match represented a huge opportunity for two young teams, as both teams looked to register their first win in the NWF. The Professor prepared his students as best as he could with a pre-match lecture, but it was the Black Country Boys who impressed after securing an alliance with Leo Price last week. Vedmore & Robson once again showed off the high impact style that troubled the British Tag Team champions a couple of weeks ago, before Mickey Robson hit his devastating Package Piledriver to secure a first victory.

Winners: Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson)

Rating: 30


The camera cut backstage to show Leo Price alongside his protégé Dangermouth, as both men had just finished watching the previous match. Leo Price looked happy with the performances of the Black Country Boys.

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Leo Price (to Dangermouth): “I told you those two had something about them. If we’re going to go after The Network, they will be good men to have by our side…”

Dangermouth (grinning): “It’s time The Network was taken down… for good!”

Rating: 62


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We cut backstage to find Darin Flynn and Mark Moore in the interview zone with Rachel Dearheart. Fresh from his victory in last weeks Main Event, Mark Moore states that his client is looking for another match next week to keep his skills sharp!

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The sports agent was interrupted as British Heavyweight Champion Edison Silva and his legal advisor Mo Adebola walked into shot. For the first time since Darin Flynn had won the Battle Royal at ‘Battle of Britain, the number one contender and the British Heavyweight champion were face to face!

Mo Adebola told Moore that if Flynn was looking for a match next week, he could face his ‘Insurance Policy’ JK Lee - as a warm up for Landon Mallory! Moore accepted, telling Adebola that ‘The Prodigy’ would make short work of his ‘Insurance Policy’.

Rating: 50



Petey Barnes VS ‘The Diabolic’ Damian Dastardly

‘No Rules’ Qualification Match

Tonight’s Main Event served as a qualification match for the upcoming Cruiserweight Title match at ‘No Limits’. While on paper this should have been a great match, unfortunately Barnes and Dastardly had awful chemistry. There were a number of botches and mistimed spots that really took the crowd out of the match.

For the finish, Damian Dastardly was looking to get a steel chair involved in the match – however the Kiwi noticed that referee Roy Worrall was coming round, so rather than hitting his opponent with the chair he instead threw the chair at Barnes and collapsed to the mat. A confused Barnes caught the chair just in time for Roy Worrall to recover consciousness, and see Barnes holding the chair standing above a ‘knocked out’ Damian Dastardly. Barnes immediately dropped the chair and protested his innocence, but it was to no avail as Roy Worrall threw out the match and declared Dastardly the winner by disqualification!

Winner: Damian Dastardly by DQ

Rating: 51


Jackie Goldstein: “I have never seen anything like that before… Damian Dastardly has stolen one here!”

Melanie Florence: “That was genius! I would expect nothing less from the diabolical mind of Damian Dastardly!”

Jackie Goldstein: “I’m not sure genius is the word I would use… but does that mean Dastardly has qualified for the match at ‘No Limits’?”

Melanie Florence: “He must do… he won the match! Look at Petey Barnes – no class. He’s still arguing with the referee!”

Jackie Goldstein: “I’d be annoyed too if I’d been screwed out of a match like that…”

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Wasn't expecting Byron to split from Bret so quickly! Interested to see where that goes next

The bench press was interesting. Did chuck cheat, or is Wilson making excuses lol

Shame about the main event I thought that would rate better

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