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NWF: Disrupting The Market

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Awesome show! Congrats on the great rating.

The Holly leves betrayal was unexpected and I'm really excited to see that feud continue. The no limits match was great, and I'm excited to see Dastardly as champion. Is Stuart Wilson turning face?! I thought if anyone in that feud would turn it would be chuck

Edited by scapegoat
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On 5/11/2024 at 6:40 AM, scapegoat said:

Awesome show! Congrats on the great rating.

The Holly leves betrayal was unexpected and I'm really excited to see that feud continue. The no limits match was great, and I'm excited to see Dastardly as champion. Is Stuart Wilson turning face?! I thought if anyone in that feud would turn it would be chuck

Thanks @scapegoat! I was really happy with how the show turned out. Silva vs Flynn was always going to rate well in the Main Event, but I was surprised nobody predicted Mallory/Lee as best match of the night - The Springbok has been involved in all of the top 9 matches in NWF history (the Main Event from No Limits is #10).

Glad you mentioned Dastardly's title win! I have some fun ideas for his character with the belt, so hopefully you'll enjoy!

As to whether Stuart Wilson is turning face, you'll have to wait and see... :)

19 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

No way Byron did that to his son! LMAOOO 😂

Awesome PPV Enigma!

Thanks @Wrestling Machine! Byron has never been particularly friendly towards his son, but this was a new low! I've been waiting to start this feud (the game said it was too soon to turn Bret until the start of September), and I'm really looking forward to getting into it!

Just now, lieon02 said:

I liked the Byron twist . I thought that betrayal would happen.

It was hinted in the bar scene a few shows ago,

Thanks @lieon02! I've been hinting at both Byron and Holly's turn for a few months now, so I'm glad you picked up on it!

There was a line a few shows ago from Byron about keeping your enemies where you can see them, and I've tried to put Holly behind Bret in every segment from that point - then of course the betrayal was a low blow from behind. It may be a bit subtle in written format, but I like to put little hints in there for anyone who likes to pick apart the detail!


I'm currently working on the annual round up, but it's turned out to be a big post. I'll try to trim it down and post in the next couple of days :)

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NWF Year One Overview

Size – Small (28th in The World)

Popularity (Southern England) 30 -> 44


A successful first year for the NWF, gaining 14 points of popularity in our home region on Southern England. However, running our weekly TV show has been expensive and the promotion has lost money every month. This is reducing though, we lost ~42k in month one down to only ~16k in September. The aim is to be running at break even by the end of year two. We still have ~618k of our initial 1M balance remaining, so money is not an issue in the short term.


Roster Summary

World Title Scene

Landon Mallory has been the undoubted MVP of the diary so far. He’s been involved in 9 of the top 10 matches in our first year, and has gone from a complete unknown to a major star. His rivalry with Edison Silva/Mo Adebola will continue to carry the company into year two, with Mallory undoubtedly the face of the NWF.

Despite Mallory undoubtedly being the MVP, Edison Silva is a 2x NWF British Heavyweight Champion and has held the top title for 8 months of our first year. His alliance with his legal advisor Mo Adebola has been so easy to write, and I feel that he is now positioned as the ultimate Heel. Silva/Adebola got Leo Price fired from his role as commissioner, Landon Mallory suspended and then betrayed England after winning the Cruiserweight World Cup and changing to the flag of Brazil! Silva was by far the most popular member of my initial roster, but adding Adebola as his manager was what made the character work in my head and was probably my best decision in the diary so far.

 ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn has been Silva’s other big threat. Similar to Silva, Flynn’s alliance with Mark Moore helped flesh out his character in my head. Flynn is probably my best in-ring guy, but his poor entertainment skills have stopped me from putting the belt on him so far.

Stuart Wilson and ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie have been the two other top performers. McKenzie has had a similar trajectory to Mallory, coming in as an unknown and working his way up the card. The Australian debuted strongly by taking out Nate Manchester during a TV Main Event, and cemented his spot at the top of the card as leader of The Network. I’ve been happy with the Australian’s performances, and will be looking for him to kick on as a Main Event player in year two. I’ll talk about Wilson later in the summary.

Cruiserweight Title Scene

The Cruiserweight Title scene has been one of the most interesting to book, and has been the source of a number of unexpected pushes and great matches. Welsh Dragon was always going to be my choice as initial champion, and while his initial title run was okay… things started to go wrong after he dropped the belt. I discovered great tag chemistry with Bali Daljit and had a fun run with Red Dragon, but after botching a move in a tag match against State of Mind, Welsh Dragon’s morale dropped and never recovered. Since the morale dropped he has complained about losing a number of times, most recently in the ‘No Limits’ match which Damian Dastardly won, and his morale is now ‘very angry’. Now a negative influence backstage, I’ll need to try and turn his attitude around as I see him as a big player in both the Cruiserweight and tag divisions next year.

The next champion was JK Lee. Originally brought in as a Heel tag team, in which I saw Padraig O’Hearne as the star – Lee put in great performances in the ring, to the point I couldn’t ignore him and had him be the man to dethrone Welsh Dragon. Lee was repositioned as the star of his tag team, before dropping O’Hearne altogether and allying with Mo Adebola as the ‘Insurance Policy’ for the British Heavyweight Champion. Lee has been involved in the 3rd and 4th best matches of year one, and is now firmly established as a singles threat.

JK Lee did a great job as champion in the ring, but I decided that I wanted a champion who could talk… and found one in an unexpected place, as Leighton Buzzard was crowned the next champion. Buzzard was being used as a tag team jobber, until @newbiezness requested a team name of the British Bangers. This saw a rebirth of Buzzard as a character, giving his tag team direction and building some momentum heading into his title win. His ‘Weekly Bangers’ as champion saw his popularity explode, as he racked up the most successful title defences of any champion in the diary so far.

Our new champion is Damian Dastardly. Another worker who arrived with zero pop, Dastardly has quickly worked his way up the card and I’m hoping his Cruiserweight title reign will propel him up to the Main Event. Dastardly can do it all – wrestle, talk, and he’s got a ‘Hot New Catchphrase’. He’s also fun to write as an ‘evil for the sake of being evil’ type Heel.

Tag Team

In the early stages of the diary, the Tag Team division really held up the TV shows in terms of match quality as I worked on establishing my upper card. Future X, Buzzard & Taypen, Lee & O’Hearne, Heath & Sharp and The Northern Lights formed a fantastic early division, that has continued to grow in strength.

Future X were crowned as the initial champions in a tag team tournament – although this was a late change after planned winners Byron & Bret had awful chemistry. Future X were solid in the ring, turning out good matches – but I never really connected with them as characters (and still haven’t). My recent plans to push Petey Barnes in a feud with Dastardly have also fallen down due to bad chemistry. The pair will remain as jobbers, until I can work out something to do with them.

The title was moved from Future X onto The Northern Lights to further The Network storyline. Vicious & Jordan did a good job in the ring, but I felt their role in The Network took away from working as many matches as they had been and they became background characters in the story.

This led me to planning to move the titles onto The Foundation. Martin Heath got the ‘Hot New Move’ note a week before the title switch, which was perfect timing – and I worked that into the match as to why The Foundation were able to finally get their win against The Northern Lights.

I have big hopes for the tag division in year two, with The Foundation on top and a number of new (ish) teams helping to flesh out the division. State of Mind have been a great addition to the division, High Society are fun to write, and the Black Country Boys have been rejuvenated since joining up with Leo Price. Add to that new blood in the School of Wrestling, and the division looks in good hands.


Chuck Frisby was (imo) the star of the diary in the early months – his short lived program trying to make weight with Bret Heartbreak, and his initial alliance/break up with Stuart Wilson were real highlights. However, I had only planned Chuck out to the Wilson split and I think that showed as the pair got stuck in a proxy feud with no pay off as I didn’t want to run Heel vs Heel. This was mostly down to the game not letting me turn either Chuck or Wilson (it was too soon), and was probably my biggest miss during year one - something I hope to correct over the next few months in game. I still think the group have a role to play going forwards – Wilson has developed well, and Frisby and Dark have great chemistry – but it needs a shake up.

Byron has been another fun character to book. My initial plan of crowing Byron and Bret as initial tag champs went out of the window when they had awful chemistry, so I pivoted into forming High Society with Joey Beauchamp and Dylan Drama. While never a central group, they were involved in a number of fun lower card feuds – most notably an ongoing feud with Dangermouth. However this was always just filling time as we built to the end goal – father vs son. Byron and Bret Heartbreak’s relationship has been shaky throughout this diary, driven primarily by Byron and Holly Leves not getting on. We have ended year one with Holly turning on Bret to align with Byron, and I’m looking forward to continuing this feud heading into year two.




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On 5/8/2024 at 5:56 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

'No Limits' Match for the Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly vs Petey Barnes vs Brilliant White
Buzzard is def a diary favourite, but I could see Dastardly walks out with the crown .

On 5/8/2024 at 8:47 PM, KyTeran said:

'No Limits' Match for the Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly vs Petey Barnes vs Brilliant White

This one is tough as I can convince myself that any of these guys could win, but I believe that the chaos of this match may be in Damian's favor.

On 5/9/2024 at 6:06 PM, newbiezness said:

'No Limits' Match for the Cruiserweight Title: (C) Leighton Buzzard vs Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly vs Petey Barnes vs Brilliant White

I think a Four-Way it's a perfect opportunity for Damian Dastardly to win the title

@newbiezness It was actually a five-way match, but your logic stood! I'm glad a lot of people went for Dastardly, as I have big plans for him! The match definitely fitted his character, and hopefully this title reign will help him shoot up the card!

On 5/8/2024 at 5:56 PM, Wrestling Machine said:

Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves vs Byron
Assuming it ain't going to be a one-shot, daddy could take this one.

On 5/8/2024 at 8:47 PM, KyTeran said:

Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves vs Byron

Bret needs this win in my opinion.

On 5/9/2024 at 6:06 PM, newbiezness said:

Bret Heartbreak w/ Holly Leves vs Byron

Pass the torch match???

With that ending it's definitely not a one shot @Wrestling Machine! I had the betrayal planned in my head from the start of the diary, and I'm happy to be getting into it. @KyTeran hopefully by the end of the feud you'll agree this loss was worth it!

On 5/8/2024 at 8:47 PM, KyTeran said:

Any other comments on diary/requests for the annual overview: You continue to impress for how you build up matches for your major events and I feel that there was at least one memorable moment to set up each match on the show.  For your annual review is it possible to see who the best and worst performers for NWF's first year.

I think this was kind of covered with the table for the average ratings and highest match scores, but if there's anything specific you wanted to know let me know and I will post it :)



Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show! I was really happy with how No Limits turned out, and I'm glad some of you enjoyed the show as well! 

Thank you for another great turnout for the predictions contest, I really do appreciate it! @KyTeran held off a close challenge from @newbiezness for the top spot to win by just one point. We also had a tie for third, with both @Wrestling Machine and @lieon02 scoring 4/5 for No Limits. Since it was a tie, the top four will now receive a prize. Keep an eye on your inbox over the next couple of days for details. :)


Prediction Results for No Limits

@KyTeran 4/5 + 3 Bonus

@newbiezness 4/5 + 3 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@lieon02 4/5

@alliegolem 3/5 + 1 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 3/5

@StanMiguel 2/5

@scapegoat 2/5

@Herrbear 1/5 + 1 Bonus

@smw88 1/5


Combined Prediction Results

@KyTeran 23/25 + 4 Bonus

@newbiezness 22/25 + 4 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 22/25 + 1 Bonus

@lieon02 22/25 + 1 Bonus

@scapegoat 20/25 + 1 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 19/25 + 1 Bonus

@smw88 17/25 + 1 Bonus

@alliegolem 12/15 + 1 Bonus

@StanMiguel 11/15

@Herrbear 5/10 + 1 Bonus


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 49

Akihiro Hisato vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs The Northern Lights

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Byron w/ Holly Leves

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) 

Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

 School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore 

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I loved the one year recap. So many good moments in this diary so far. It's true that Frisby's story is a bit stalled but it's something that happens to many hot acts at some point. Now it'll be interesting if you can turn around the situation. I'm sure Damian Dastardly is going to be a star in year 2. Also I know that State Of Mind aren't as good in-ring as other tag-teams but I think they've become one of the fan favorites in this diary, so I hope they'll have their moment to shine in year 2.


Akihiro Hisato vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs The Northern Lights

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Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 49

Akihiro Hisato

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson

Welsh Dragon

School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore 

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Akihiro Hisato vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs The Northern Lights

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Akihiro Hisato vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs The Northern Lights


Loved seeing the 1 year recap, thanks for taking the time to do that. Hopefully I'll pop in often enough to have a chance for one of these prediction contests!

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Akihiro Hisato vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Akihiro still needs to establish himself and Byron needs to take advantage of now having Holly in his corner.

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Trance and Rave are partying in the loser's section again.

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

I know you mentioned that Welsh was not happy losing to Damian, but seeing that Nathan is a bigger star I don't believe that Welsh should complain about losing to him.

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

Considering what you mentioned about Future X makes me think that School of Wrestling actually stands a chance tonight.  Maybe Toxic and Ron will finally learn how to win a match tonight.

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs The Northern Lights

I don't believe that The Foundation is going to lose the titles on their first defense.


The recap for year 1 was great, it was interesting to see how certain storylines and title scenes ended up changing and the growth of some of your stars' popularity.  The double digit jumps for multiple stars that started out with either 1 or 0 popularity I find very impressive.  I do have a question for your first year with NWF.  Who do you think was your most disappointing star in NWF's first year and which star surprised you the most in a good way?

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Akihiro Hisato vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs The Northern Lights

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Akihiro Hisato vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs The Northern Lights

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Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 49

Akihiro Hisato vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) vs The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

Welsh Dragon vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie

Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) vs School of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs The Northern Lights

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode 49

Wednesday W2 October 2021

Show Rating: 67


JackieGoldstein.jpg.7661383e1ed2dd67423264885c9bb3d5.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.4683f2cee1914c3d8628c97a2eb96660.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to a special anniversary episode of National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “That’s right Jackie, it was exactly one year ago today the very first episode of National Wrestling was broadcast on WrestleWorld GB – and tonight we celebrate everything we’ve achieved in the past twelve months!”

Jackie Goldstein: “And what better way to celebrate the end of NWF’s first year, than a blockbuster Main Event! Network executive Frank Finkleton has announced that The Northern Lights will be receiving an immediate rematch for the British Tag Team Titles they lost on Sunday. Tonight’s Main Event sees The Foundation take on The Northern Lights!”

Melanie Florence: “If it’s half as good as their match on Sunday, we’re in for a treat… and speaking of treats, what better what to kick off the show than with the talk of the NWF – Byron!”


Akihiro Hisato VS Byron w/ Holly Leves

Byron and Holly Leves drew the ire of the NWF crowd, while on commentary Jackie Goldstein berated the pair for what they did to Bret Heartbreak on Sunday – saying he had never seen a betrayal like it between father and son! Melanie Florence of course disagreed, stating that Bret Heartbreak had dragged his family name through the mud for long enough… he had forced Byron to take action. A ten-time World Champion does not deserve that kind of disrespect!

In the ring, the pair Worked The Crowd – but Byron was always in control of this one. Despite this, Holly Leves unnecessarily inserted herself into the action at regular intervals to draw boos from the crowd. A distraction from Holly Leves around the nine minute mark gave Byron the opening he needed to hit his Upper Class (European Uppercut) to seal the victory – much to the distaste of the NWF audience.

Winner: Byron w/ Holly Leves

Rating: 46


The crowd booing intensified as Holly Leves slid into the ring, and engaged in a spot of tonsil tennis with Byron - a man old enough to be her father.


The crowds booing seemed to upset the young blonde, as she grabbed a microphone and yelled at the crowd to SHUT THEIR MOUTHS! Holly told the crowd they were just jealous because they had never been able to staisfy a woman in their pathetic lives – just like Bret Heartbreak. Holly said she couldn’t believe she waited so long before ditching that child and getting with a REAL man! Holly then said that without her by his side, Bret Heartbreak’s wrestling career was as good as over! The segment finished with one more round of tonsil tennis, which was met with another round of boos.

Rating: 47



Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore & Mickey Robson) VS The Party Animals (Rave & Trance)

The Party Animals attempted to get the Black Country Boys to dance with them to their entrance music prior to the match, but the 90’s electronic music Rave & Trance enjoy hasn’t been popular since before their opponents were born. The Black Country Boys continued their recent winning streak, as Gazz Vedmore hit his Rolling DDT to secure a third consecutive victory since the team joined Leo Price’s ‘Young Lions’.

Winner: Black Country Boys

Rating: 36



We cut to the locker room of Moore’s Sports Agency, where Mark Moore told his clients that the champagne was on ice until after tonight’s rematch. Moore told The Foundation that they knew they were up against unfair odds with The Network, but if they repeated their performance from Sunday they would be fine!

Speaking of unfair odds, Darin Flynn blamed JK Lee’s interference for his loss in Sunday’s Main Event and told Mark Moore that as his agent he wanted him to secure a match with JK Lee so that ‘The Prodigy’ could exact his revenge.

Rating: 65



Welsh Dragon VS ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

Despite being one of the most muscular Cruiserweights in the division, Welsh Dragon’s power paled in comparison to his big Australian opponents. The Welshman looked to take control with his lucha-inspired moveset, but an attempted Hurricanrana was reversed into a Powerbomb. Welsh Dragon immediately felt for his back, and the Cruiserweight’s movement looked limited for the remainder of the contest. ‘Big Mac’ dominated from this point on, scooping Welsh Dragon onto his shoulder to deliver a Snake Eyes to the corner turnbuckle, before bouncing off the far ropes to deliver a Spear that turned his opponent inside out.

Winner: ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie

Rating: 44


We cut backstage to the locker room of the Black Country Boys, where Leo Price and Dangermouth were congratulating the pair on their victory earlier in the evening.


Leo Price told his Young Lions not to be intimidated by the Network… but just as ‘The Lion’ was getting into his speech, the locker room door opened.


The Network walked into the room, with ‘Big Mac’ leading The Northern Lights and Frank Finkleton. Finkleton addressed the Black Country Boys, warning the youngsters that they should think long and hard before aligning themselves with Price. The network executive pointed out that he had the power to hand The Northern Lights an immediate rematch tonight… would Price be able to do that for them? The Black Country Boys didn’t respond, and Finkleton told them to “think about it” before leading The Network out of the locker room.

Rating: 52



Future X (Petey Barnes & Eric Future) VS School Of Wrestling (Toxic & Ron Gibson) w/ The Professor

School of Wrestling were looking to put into action the ‘actionable insights’ from The Professor’s lecture on last weeks epsiode of National Wrestling. Things looked to be going well for the pair, as they showed good teamwork in the early stages of the match… before Toxic got carried away and (despite The Professor frantically trying to stop him) missed an attempted diving Senton from the second turnbuckle to ringside. This gave Future X the opening they needed, and the pair hit their Future Shock DDT (Aided Double Arm DDT) on Toxic for a hard fought victory. The Professor once again had his head in his hands at ringside, as it appeared his students still had much to learn.

Winners: Future X

Rating: 46


We cut to a pre-recorded video and found Chuck Frisby & Iggy Riot stood below the Gym Record Whiteboard hung on the wall of Olympia Strength & Conditioning Gym.



Stuart Wilson walked through the gym, and Chuck made a point of calling the Gym owner over to admire the whiteboard with him. Frisby commented that it must really hurt Wilson to see someone else’s name on the board, and offered to coach Wilson and help him get the record back… for the low, low fee of £9.99 a month! Frisby and Iggy Riot laughed, before Wilson reminded Frisby that HE was currently paying Wilson £300 a month for Frisby’s groups memberships at Olympia Gym… so who was the real winner in all of this? This shut Frisby up (a rare occurance), and the personal trainer looked furious as Stuart Wilson walked out of shot chuckling.

Rating: 52


We cut to the interview zone for the first time this evening, and the crowd popped as it was was revealed that Landon Mallory was waiting to speak to Rachel Dearheart.


The Springbok told Rachel Dearheart that after Mo Adebola’s ‘Insurance Policy’ had failed to pay out on Sunday, there was nobody left to stand in the way of his rematch with Edison Silva…


At the mention of his name, the British Heavyweight Champion walked into shot – accompanied, as always, by his legal advisor Mo Adebola. Adebola told Mallory that he shouldn’t count his chickens before they hatch, as the lawyer had just come from a meeting with the NWF board where he had submitted an official complaint against the South African for interfering in his clients match at ‘No Limits’! Mallory scoffed, pointing out that JK Lee had interfered in the match first… However, Adebola simply grinned.

Mo Adebola: “But unlike my ‘Insurance Policy’ YOU have previously been suspended for misconduct, and company policy dictates that any worker with a strike on their record is automatically suspended from in-ring action for 30 days pending appeal!”

Landon Mallory was furious, telling Mo Adebola that he would appeal the decision! The grin didn’t drop from Adebola’s face, as he told The Springbok that he would “see him in court”!

Rating: 79




(C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore VS The Northern Lights w/ Frank Finkleton

These two teams put on the best tag team match in company history this past Sunday at ‘No Limits’, and if anything the rematch surpassed the original. The Northern Lights had been caught out on Sunday by Martin Heath’s Hot New Move, but the former champions had it scouted now – and Heath crashed and burned as he went for his Rocking The Foundations (Whisper In The Wind).

This gave The Northern Lights the advantage, which they held until a late rally from Jon Michael Sharp brought the champions back into the match. However, just when it looked like Sharp might get the champions over the line Frank Finkleton grabbed Sharp’s foot to provide the distraction. This earned Finkleton a reprimand from the referee, causing the network executive to hop onto the apron and threaten to fire Roy Worrall as referee if he spoke to Finkleton like that again! Whether it was Finkleton’s plan all along, this gave Alton Vicious an opening to slide a chair into the ring to his partner. Riddick Jordan stalked Jon Michael Sharp, waiting for the perfect moment to strike…



However just as Jordan was ready to swing, the chair was snatched from behind him as Evan Alpass made his return to the NWF! Riddick Jordan had been the man who broke Alpass’ arm nearly three months ago, and Alpass got a dose of revenge as he cracked the chair over Jordan’s head – before taking Alton Vicious out at ringside with a dive from the apron. A recovered Jon Michael Sharp slowly crawled into the cover and referee Roy Worrall, visibly still annoyed from the confrontation with Frank Finkleton, saw the pin and leapt into action to make the three count!

Frank Finkleton slid into the ring to continue his argument with Roy Worrall, as The Foundation celebrated with their titles as the show went off the air.

Winners & STILL Champions: The Foundation – Title Defence #1

Rating: 66


Jackie Goldstein: “Frank Finkleton does not look happy as his clients come up short for the second time in four days!”

Melanie Florence:  “He’s furious Jackie! Roy Worrall wants to be careful, Finkleton has the power to make his life very difficult…”

Jackie Goldstein: “Forget about Finkleton for now because… with a little help from a returning Evan Alpass, our new British Tag Team champions have proved once and for all that they are The Foundation of the tag division!”

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Great moment to return for Alpass. I didn't know he was so popular in UK before your recap. I hope he can show this time that he is an interesting member of the roster. Holly Leves' character has been good in this diary but I think Marbella has the potential to be even better.

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Welsh Dragon Rumours

Rumours coming out of the NWF indicate that Welsh Dragon handed in his notice before last night’s episode of National Wrestling due to the Welshman being unhappy at the promotion. The former 21CW starlet was said to be annoyed at being blamed backstage for a botch on Brilliant White at Clash of Champions back in April, and it’s believed that relations between the pair haven’t improved since then.

The Welshman is also said to be upset with some of his booking since losing the NWF Cruiserweight Title, with his loss at ‘No Limits’ in the titular match – which saw Damian Dastardly win the Cruiserweight Title from Leighton Buzzard – being the final straw. If true, the Welshman will be out of the promotion in 28 days. NWF are yet to comment on the situation.

Further Update: It is reported that Welsh Dragon suffered a Bruised Tail Bone in his match with ‘Big Mac’ Nathan McKenzie following a Powerbomb spot.


Edison Silva to crack America?

After successfully defending his title at ‘No Limits’, it appears NWF British Heavyweight Champion has ambitious plans. Looking to take advantage of the MMA boom in the US, last night Silva announced on his Instagram feed that he would now be accepting bookings stateside. It is not believed that Silva has secured any bookings at this stage, or that his new US venture will affect his position in the NWF – but Silva clearly believes there is money to be made on the other side of the Atlantic.


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On 5/17/2024 at 11:35 PM, newbiezness said:

Great moment to return for Alpass. I didn't know he was so popular in UK before your recap. I hope he can show this time that he is an interesting member of the roster. Holly Leves' character has been good in this diary but I think Marbella has the potential to be even better.

Alpass came over with the popularity from his time on 21CW TV. In pop terms he's actually one of my top babyfaces (particularly with Welsh Dragon having handed in his notice). Unfortunately he got injured before he could really get going in his first run, but I'm looking forward to seeing if he can build into anything now that he's back from injury! His pairing with Marbella is an interesting one, and I'm hoping she will be able to get him over.

On 5/15/2024 at 5:25 PM, newbiezness said:

I loved the one year recap. So many good moments in this diary so far. It's true that Frisby's story is a bit stalled but it's something that happens to many hot acts at some point. Now it'll be interesting if you can turn around the situation. I'm sure Damian Dastardly is going to be a star in year 2. Also I know that State Of Mind aren't as good in-ring as other tag-teams but I think they've become one of the fan favorites in this diary, so I hope they'll have their moment to shine in year 2.

I'm hoping I can turn Frisby's Foundation for Fitness around. I have at least one big feud planned for them in year two, so hopefully that can bring them back into focus! State of Mind are an interesting one, they've taken a back seat while The Northern Lights were champions as they were fellow Heels - but now that a Babyface team have the straps, expect State of Mind to become more relevant.

On 5/16/2024 at 5:18 AM, KyTeran said:

The recap for year 1 was great, it was interesting to see how certain storylines and title scenes ended up changing and the growth of some of your stars' popularity.  The double digit jumps for multiple stars that started out with either 1 or 0 popularity I find very impressive.  I do have a question for your first year with NWF.  Who do you think was your most disappointing star in NWF's first year and which star surprised you the most in a good way?

The most disappointing wrestler in year one was Red Dragon. I brought him in based on his 21CW World Champion history and his debut was meant to be a big moment, but his promos underwhelmed and he was too old to deliver in the ring. Edison Silva dragged him to a decent enough title match, but the rest of his run was subpar. In terms of who surprised me the most - in terms of pop I would say JK Lee. I didn't really do anything with him and he gained 20 points of pop. That earned him his current spot as Mo Adebola's 'Insurance Policy' to see if Mo can make him a Star. In terms of character I'd say Leighton Buzzard. He was a generic high flying babyface in a midcard tag team - talented enough but bland. Then @newbiezness gave me a tag name of 'The British Bangers' as a prediction prize, and it all clicked into place. I definitely wouldn't have him pinned as a year one Cruiserweight champion at the start of the diary. My original three thoughts to dethrone Welsh Dragon were initially Petey Barnes, Martin Heath or Brilliant White - and obviously none of them have held the belt!

On 5/16/2024 at 4:10 AM, alliegolem said:

Loved seeing the 1 year recap, thanks for taking the time to do that. Hopefully I'll pop in often enough to have a chance for one of these prediction contests!

Thanks @alliegolem! If you keep guessing like you did this round, you're in with a great chance!


Thanks to everybody who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest show. I really do appreciate it! We had a great turnout this round, and I hope to see everyone back for the next show! Congratulations to @scapegoat, @newbiezness, @alliegolem and @lieon02 for perfect scores, and welcome to @CGN91 - hope to see you back next show.


Prediction Results for National Wrestling Episode 49

@scapegoat 5/5

@newbiezness 5/5

@alliegolem 5/5

@lieon02 5/5

@smw88 4/5

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5

@KyTeran 4/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5

@CGN91 4/5

@Herrbear 3/5

@StanMiguel 2/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 50

The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Naozane Goto vs Stuart Wilson

Bret Heartbreak vs Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama

Evan Alpass vs Padraig O'Hearne

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Lenny Mochin

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The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Yes, baby! The British Bangers are back

Naozane Goto vs Stuart Wilson

Interesting match. Let's see what Goto can do against Wilson

Bret Heartbreak vs Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama

Bounce back

Evan Alpass vs Padraig O'Hearne

Alpass needs a win more plus O'Hearne has been a tag guy so far

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Lenny Mochin


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The British Bangers (Leighton Buzzard & Grant Taypen) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Naozane Goto vs Stuart Wilson

Bret Heartbreak vs Joey Beauchamp w/ Dylan Drama

Evan Alpass vs Padraig O'Hearne

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs Lenny Mochin

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