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NWF: Disrupting The Market

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The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Bret Heartbreak vs Lenny Mochin

Hisato & Goto vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness (Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot) w/ Chuck Frisby

??? vs Byron

Leighton Buzzard vs JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

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The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

The Force has an easy win against Ward and Owen.

Bret Heartbreak vs Lenny Mochin

Sorry Lenny looks like you are just going to be a steppingstone for Bret tonight.

Hisato & Goto vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness (Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot) w/ Chuck Frisby

It's Sumo Slamming Time.

??? vs Byron

Byron beats up jobber, more at 11.

Leighton Buzzard vs JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Considering that Mo is stirring up the hornet's nest known as the Network he may want to invest in some more insurance.

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he Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Bret Heartbreak vs Lenny Mochin

Hisato & Goto vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness (Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot) w/ Chuck Frisby

??? vs Byron

Leighton Buzzard vs JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

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The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) vs Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

Bret Heartbreak vs Lenny Mochin

Hisato & Goto vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness (Dwayne Dark & Iggy Riot) w/ Chuck Frisby

??? vs Byron

Leighton Buzzard vs JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


NWF National Wrestling

Episode 52

Wednesday W1 November 2021

Show Rating: 68


JackieGoldstein.jpg.430c2a02c3d4cd845dd54cd51b25aa4b.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.444d5bd5f46a9a1400d423675a955ba2.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Hello and welcome to National Wrestling! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence.”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have a huge night of action in store – as only four days ahead of the British Heavyweight Title match at Locked & Loaded, Mo Adebola will be hoping his ‘Insurance Policy’ covers Bangers… As JK Lee faces number one contender Leighton Buzzard in tonight’s Main Event!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Last week on National Wrestling Bret Heartbreak told his father that if he wanted Bret out of the NWF, he would have to force him out! Both father and son are in action tonight…”

Melanie Florence: “Bret Heartbreak is nothing but a spoiled brat. His father put him on the path to greatness, but Bret’s attitude has held him back every step of the way. Byron has already proved he’s out of Bret’s league…”



The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister) VS Glen Ward & Gavin Owen

The show opened with the return of The Force to National Wrestling for the first time since July. Padraig O’Hearne was at ringside for this one, carefully watching Cole & Lister in action. Glen Ward & Gavin Owen looked to use their Judo training, but had little success against the skills of Jase Cole & Christopher Lister. The Force always seemed a step ahead of their opponents, and were able to hit the Sky High just after the eight minute mark to secure a routine victory. Padraig O’Hearne looked suitably impressed at ringside.

Winners: The Force (Jase Cole & Christopher Lister)

Rating: 51


The crowd erupted as the camera cut backstage to show ‘The Springbok’ Landon Mallory stood by in the interview zone alongside Rachel Dearheart.


Rachel Dearheart: “Landon, a frustrating month for you. How do you feel knowing you won’t be involved at Locked & Loaded on Sunday?”

Landon Mallory: “How do you think I feel Rachel? This Sunday I should be putting MY British Heavyweight Championship belt back around MY waist… but instead I will be preparing for another farcical hearing with the NWF board.”

Rachel Dearheart: “Are you feeling confident heading into the hearing?”

Landon Mallory: “I should be because I did nothing wrong… but Mo Adebola has a way of twisting things… I just hope that come National Wrestling on Wednesday night I will be back in that squared circle!”

Rachel Dearheart (over a cheering crowd): “I think we all do… do you have a message for Leighton Buzzard ahead of his title match this Sunday.”

Landon Mallory (grinning): “Good luck kid… I hope you teach Silva a lesson. Keep my belt warm for me, and once my appeal in overturned… you and I can put on a Banger! Yebo!”

Rating: 85



Bret Heartbreak VS Lenny Mochin

Bret Heartbreak’s winning streak continued in this one – marking three wins on the bounce since losing to his father at No Limits. Lenny Mochin provided a sterner test than the past two opponents, but Bret was able to break through Mochin’s tricky submissions to deliver European Uppercuts and German Suplexes learnt during his time in Europe. With Mochin on the ropes, Bret went high risk to deliver his Heart Attack (Diving Top Rope Clothesline) and secure an impressive victory.

Winner: Bret Heartbreak

Rating: 51


We cut backstage to the interview zone for the second time this evening, where we found Leo Price and his Young Lions alongside Rachel Dearheart..


Leo Price told us that over his long career, he’d come across dozens of men like Frank Finkleton. Men who wanted to hold down young talent, and horde all of the power for themselves. Price had fought against men like this entire career… but he was too old now. Luckily his Young Lions were ready to take his place, fighting the good fight!

Dangermouth took over, claiming that The Young Lions were the future of the NWF… and that they were here to take down The Network! Dangermouth then issued a challenge directly to The Network – this Sunday at Locked & Loaded. The Young Lions vs The Network in a six man tag team match!

Rating: 57



We cut to a pre-recorded video, shot in what looked like a University lecture theatre. At the front of the classroom, we could see The Professor talking to star student Aurelian Bradley. The door of the lecture theatre swung open and School of Wrestling (Toxic and Ron Gibson) entered the room.


The Professor: “Thank you for joining us. After watching Aurelian’s performance last week, I think we can all agree you still have much to learn. So can you please join Aurelian at the front of the class?”

Toxic and Ron Gibson looked at each other for a moment, as Aurelian Bradley took a seat in the front row. The pair hovered, before finally conceding and shuffling forward to the front of the room.

The Professor (smiling): “Excellent. Then, finally, it’s time to teach.

Rating: 26



Akihiro Hisato & Naozane Goto VS Frisby’s Foundation For Fitness (Iggy Riot & Dwayne Dark) w/ Chuck Frisby

Following Iggy Riot sensationally slamming the 380lb Goto last week, the Japanese pair requested this match to reclaim some honour. Chuck Frisby excitedly cheered on his clients from ringside, occasionally taking time out to berate some of the more rotund members of the front row and demand they join him in sets of star jumps.

Back in the ring, the 380lb Goto looked to go toe-to-toe with ‘The Human Tank’ Iggy Riot… but once again, the Dubliner was able to show off his incredible strength as he Body Slammed the former Sumo Wrestler. With Goto losing the power contest, he had no choice but to tag out to Akihiro Hisato. The Japenese Lightweight looked to use his speed to stay out of the clutches of Iggy Riot, but eventually the Dubliner was able to get hold of Hisato and deliver another Body Slam. With the damage done, Riot tagged Dwayne Dark into the match to deliver his Darkness Falls (Batista Bomb) to secure an impressive victory for the pair.

Winners: Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness (Iggy Riot & Dwayne Dark)

Rating: 51


As his clients celebrated their victory, a delighted Chuck Frisby hopped into the ring with a microphone in hand.


Chuck Frisby: “You have just witnessed the true power of the Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness training program. Nothing gives me more joy as a coach than seeing two athletes primed both physically and mentally to produce a world class performance…”

Chuck Frisby would have gone on, but he was interrupted by the music of the British Tag Team Champions. The Foundation walked out from behind the curtain, joined by their agent Mark Moore.


Mark Moore: “World class performance? Don’t get me wrong Chuck, you’ve got two strong boys there… but to call your lads world class after only one match is a bit much!”

Chuck Frisby: “Too much? If anything it isn’t far enough! I’d go as far as to say that that was the single greatest performance by any tag team in NWF history!”

Mark Moore (chuckling): “Is that so… well why don’t you put your money where your mouth is? If your lads are ‘World Class’, then why don’t they get in the ring with the real ‘Foundation’ of the NWF tag team division? A team with over a decades experience teaming together… a team that has won gold everywhere they have wrestled… your British Tag Team Champions ‘The Foundation’?”

Chuck Frisby (looking Heath & Sharp up and down): “You want my clients to face those two pipsqueaks? You’re on!”

Riot and Dark towered over the champions, and the two teams shared a tense staredown.The Foundation held their titles high in the air, as Iggy Riot and Dwayne Dark flexed to show off their impressive muscles.

Rating: 39



Local Worker VS Byron w/ Holly Leves

Every wrestler dreams of their televised debut, but for Byron’s young opponent this quickly turned into a nightmare – as the veteran went out of his way to embarrass the local worker, while Holly Leves berated the youngster constantly from ringside. The only positive for the youngster was that the match didn’t last too long, as Byron connected with his Upper Class (European Uppercut) to secure the victory.

Winner: Byron

Rating: 35


After the match, Holly Leves handed a microphone to the insufferably smug Byron.


Byron: “You know, over the past week I’ve been thinking… perhaps I’ve been too harsh on Bret. I always thought of him as weak… untalented… lazy. And he is! But looking at the rest of his generation… it appears to be contagious!”

The crowd booed, and Holly Leves immediately berated the crowd to be quiet and listen to the wisdom of a former 10-time World Champion. This only served to make the boos louder… until Bret Heartbreak’s theme blasted over the speakers. Byron did not look happy to see his son, as the crowds boos turned into cheers for the young babyface.


Bret Heartbreak: “An old man bitching about how lazy the younger generation is… how original! I keep hearing you talking about how weak I am, how disappointing I am… so if that’s the case how about you face me right here in this ring this Sunday night at Locked & Loaded?”

The crowd roared their approval at the suggestion, but Byron did not look impressed.

Byron: “I’ve already beaten you clean in the middle of the ring. I don’t have anything else to prove…”

Bret Heartbreak: “Clean? Don’t make me laugh! You only won because I went into our last match naively thinking I could trust the two people closest to me in this business. I won’t be making that mistake again… I’m on a roll dad! I’ve won three matches in a row, and last time I checked that’s something you haven’t achieved in this company!”

Byron (angry): “You think a couple of wins makes you better than me? I am a TEN-TIME World Champion! Okay, you want a match… you’ve got one! BUT if I win… you have to leave the NWF FOREVER!”

Bret Heartbreak took a moment to consider, before telling Byron that he was on!

Byron (grinning): “You’ll live to regret that. First I took you girl, and this Sunday I’ll take your career!”

Rating: 48



Leighton Buzzard VS ‘The Insurance Policy’ JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Just four days out from the biggest match of his career, Leighton Buzzard was forced to face Mo Adebola’s ‘Insurance Policy’ JK Lee. It was clear from the opening bell that Lee had been given the instruction to weaken Buzzard as much as possible ahead of the title match on Sunday, as ‘The Insurance Policy’ continually targeted Buzzard’s lower back.

Lee did a good job of controlling the pace of the match in the early stages, managing to shut down any flashes of offence Buzzard was able to raise before the babyface could build any real momentum. This continued until around the ten minute mark, when Buzzard was finally able to mount his comeback. Buzzard was able to force a rope break to break a hold, before ducking an attempted clothesline from Lee and… Bang! Picture Perfect Dropkick! Bang! Another! The second Dropkick sent JK Lee staggering backwards… right into referee Roy Worrall, who had been positioned too close to the action. The clash of heads sent both men to the mat…


With the referee down, the British Heavyweight Champion made an appearance. Edison Silva hit the ring and sent Buzzard to the mat with a running Knee Lift. The champion picked up his fallen title belt from the mat, and stalked Leighton Buzzard – looking to do some real damage to the number one contender ahead of Locked & Loaded. Buzzard staggered to his feet and Silva looked for a shot to the head with the title belt… but Leighton Buzzard ducked underneath! Bang! Picture Perfect Dropkick to the champion!

Not wasting a moment, Leighton Buzzard hopped to the second rope as Lee & Silva slowly rose to their feet together. Buzzard dove off the top rope and hit a double Buzz Off (Diving Second Rope Tornado DDT) to both men! The impact sent Silva rolling out of the ring, as Buzzard made the cover on JK Lee. The referee recovered at the perfect time to crawl into position and make the three count, handing Leighton Buzzard a huge momentum boosting victory going into Locked & Loaded!

Winner: Leighton Buzzard

Rating: 63


Roy Worrall raised Leighton Buzzard’s hand in victory, but the number one contender was on the ground almost immediately as Edison Silva landed a shot with his title belt to the back of Buzzard. Silva stirred JK Lee, and the pair began a 2-on-1 beatdown on the number one contender…


The crowd were on their feet as Landon Mallory came sprinting out from the back! JK Lee noticed The Springbok hit the ring first, but ‘The Insurance Policy’ was immediately flattened by a Springbok Ram (Gore)! It took a few moments for Edison Silva to notice what had happened to JK Lee, before the British Heavyweight Champion suffered the same fate! Mo Adebola helped pull both of his clients from the ring, and the three men were forced into a sheepish retreat back up the ramp.

Back in the ring, Landon Mallory helped Leighton Buzzard back to his feet as the Number One Contender signaled for a microphone.


Leighton Buzzard: “I know you thought you’d got yourself an easy fight this Sunday by facing me rather than Landon… but you’ve underestimated me Silva! I may not be as strong as Landon, or as technical as your ‘Insurance Policy’… but I can promise you one thing this Sunday – I’m not going down without a fight!”

With Landon Mallory’s encouragement, the crowd roared their approval at Leighton Buzzard… but The British Banger had one final message for Edison Silva.

Leighton Buzzard: “Oh and one more thing… win, lose or draw. This Sunday is guaranteed to be a Certified Banger!”

With that, Leighton Buzzard dropped his microphone and the final shot of the episode saw Landon Mallory raise the Number One Contenders arm high in the air.

Rating: 64


Jackie Goldstein: “Leighton Buzzard has this crowd fired up! Mo Adebola has got to be regretting choosing Leighton Buzzard as the man to face Edison Silva!”

Melanie Florence: “Beating JK Lee is no joke… but he’ll find Edison Silva a step up in class this Sunday!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Underestimate Leighton Buzzard at your peril! He hasn’t lost a singles match since June! Seven successful Cruiserweight title defences in three months… only losing that belt in a 5-man No Limits match! Sunday’s Main Event promises to be a Banger!”

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Youre back on form this show!


Really excited for the Byron vs Bret match, and Chucks team vs moores team is interesting to me


I know you said that you had to change your plans, but im excited for locked and loaded

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On 6/8/2024 at 7:24 AM, scapegoat said:

Youre back on form this show!


Really excited for the Byron vs Bret match, and Chucks team vs moores team is interesting to me


I know you said that you had to change your plans, but im excited for locked and loaded

Thanks @scapegoat! Glad to hear you're excited for Locked & Loaded! Byron vs Bret is probably the storyline I'm enjoying writing most right now, so hopefully they can put on a show at the PLE.


Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to the latest episode. I really to appreciate it! Heading into the final round of the prediction contest, there is a three way tie for the lead - and only one point separating the top six! Hope to see everyone back for Locked & Loaded!


Prediction Results for Episode 52

@scapegoat 5/5

@KyTeran 5/5

@alliegolem 5/5

@lieon02 5/5

@smw88 4/5

@newbiezness 4/5

@SomeLazyMagic 4/5

@Wrestling Machine 4/5


Combined Prediction Results

@alliegolem 18/19

@lieon02 18/19

@scapegoat 18/19

@smw88 17/19

@newbiezness 17/19

@KyTeran 17/19

@Wrestling Machine 15/19

@SomeLazyMagic 14/19

@StanMiguel 9/14

@Herrbear 6/9

@CGN91 4/5



Predictions for Locked & Loaded

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness w/ Chuck Frisby

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs 'The Insurance Policy' JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly (C)

If Bret Heartbreak Loses He Leaves The NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Young Lions (Dangermouth & Black Country Boys) vs The Network ('Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie & The Northern Lights)

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3)

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating?


Any comments or questions on the diary:

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness w/ Chuck Frisby
-I don't see Frisby's Foundation needing the belts, but I also could see them getting the win here.

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs 'The Insurance Policy' JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola
-Tough one to pick, but I feel like Flynn hasn't gotten any big wins recently and could use one.

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly (C)
-Current champ retains, gets some extra popularity from the win probably.

If Bret Heartbreak Loses He Leaves The NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves
-Going to this stipulation so early has me worried that Bret got signed elsewhere.

Young Lions (Dangermouth & Black Country Boys) vs The Network ('Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie & The Northern Lights)
-Another tough one to pick, but The Network have been very strong for a while.

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola
-Landon Mallory vs Silva is the money matchup, so Buzzard loses here unfortunately.


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) None

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 66

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Buzzard vs Silva

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 Frisby's Foundation for Fitness w/ Chuck Frisby

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore 

Damian Dastardly (C)

Byron w/ Holly Leves

The Network ('Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie & The Northern Lights)

Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 1

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 67

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Silva main event

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness w/ Chuck Frisby

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs 'The Insurance Policy' JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly (C)

If Bret Heartbreak Loses He Leaves The NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Young Lions (Dangermouth & Black Country Boys) vs The Network ('Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie & The Northern Lights)

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) I honestly can't see anyone losing a title this time.

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 68

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? I'm putting my money on the technical showcase of Lee vs Flynn


Any comments or questions on the diary:

I did a rereading over this the other day, and it's been really fun seeing everyone's growth in both character and skill. Your characterization is still without a doubt my favorite part of this diary though, and I love how everyone feels like a working piece of the NWF, no matter how small their role or story is. KUTGW!

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness w/ Chuck Frisby

I think Frisby's bad luck continues somehow

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs 'The Insurance Policy' JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

Moore's guys at least win one

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly (C)

We won't see much more from Welsh Dragon

If Bret Heartbreak Loses He Leaves The NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Young Lions (Dangermouth & Black Country Boys) vs The Network ('Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie & The Northern Lights)

I can't see anyone taking the pin in The Network

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

Should be great!


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 0

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side)  72

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Main Event

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness w/ Chuck Frisby

May be too soon for Chuck's boys to dethrone The Foundation.

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs 'The Insurance Policy' JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

I think that Darin is simply higher up on the card and we need one of the top babyfaces winning tonight.

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly (C)

Damian is going to cheat the Dragon out of his treasure.

If Bret Heartbreak Loses He Leaves The NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Unless Bret has left, I don't see him losing this rematch.

Young Lions (Dangermouth & Black Country Boys) vs The Network ('Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie & The Northern Lights)

The Network needs a big win to stay relevant, plus the Young Lions have youth to bounce back with.

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

I don't think that Leighton is going to beat Silva, but at least it will be a Banger.


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 0

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 70

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Leighton Buzzard vs Edison Silva

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness w/ Chuck Frisby
Frisby's FFF aint' championship material imo

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs 'The Insurance Policy' JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola
Prodigy slightly favourite proably

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly (C)
A nice defence could solidify DD's reign

If Bret Heartbreak Loses He Leaves The NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves
I could see Bret leaving NWF kayfabe-wise, but let's go with the most logic choice. Also Beauchamp, Drama could show up?

Young Lions (Dangermouth & Black Country Boys) vs The Network ('Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie & The Northern Lights)

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? 0

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? 73

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Main Event

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NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore vs Frisby's Foundation for Fitness w/ Chuck Frisby

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore vs 'The Insurance Policy' JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly (C)

If Bret Heartbreak Loses He Leaves The NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves

Young Lions (Dangermouth & Black Country Boys) vs The Network ('Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie & The Northern Lights)

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard vs Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? 0

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? 71

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Flynn vs Lee


Any comments or questions on the diary:

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Predictions for Locked & Loaded

NWF British Tag Team Titles: (C) The Foundation w/ Mark Moore

'The Prodigy' Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon

If Bret Heartbreak Loses He Leaves The NWF: Bret Heartbreak

The Network ('Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie & The Northern Lights)

NWF British Heavyweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard


Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) 2

Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side)  72

Bonus 3: Which match will achieve the highest rating? Main event

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WrestleWorld GB & NWF Present:


Locked & Loaded

Sunday W1 November 2021

Attendance: 1,815

Show Rating: 69


JackieGoldstein.jpg.9d5b8ceb225869f6a68cdbcf7e93a560.jpg MelanieFlorence.jpg.16e33d70ab4ddfb20b205ae9fd5dc112.jpg

Your Announce Team: Jackie Goldstein & Melanie Florence


Jackie Goldstein: “Welcome to ‘Locked & Loaded’! My name is Jackie Goldstein, and joining me at ringside is Melanie Florence!”

Melanie Florence: “Thanks Jackie! We have a huge night of wrestling action in store – as we get the opportunity to watch Byron boot his son out of the company! Last month Byron stole his girl, and tonight he ends his son’s career!”

Jackie Goldstein: “You don’t have to sound so excited about it…We also have all three titles on the line tonight! Edison Silva defends his NWF British Heavyweight Championship against former Cruiserweight champion Leighton Buzzard! Mo Adebola went out of his way to secure this match up for his client, but after Buzzard defeated Adebola’s ‘Insurance Policy’ this past Wednesday night will the lawyer regret putting this match in place?”

Melanie Florence: “With Leighton Buzzard stepping up to challenge for the British Heavyweight Championship, another former champion is cashing in their rematch clause – as Welsh Dragon challenges Damian Dastardly for the Cruiserweight Title!”

Jackie Goldstein: “But before all of that, Chuck Frisby claims that his Foundation for Fitness are the best tag team in the NWF… something that British Tag Team Champions ‘The Foundation’ have taken exception to. Which Foundation will walk away with the gold in our opening contest?”




The Foundation w/ Mark Moore VS Frisby’s Foundation for Fitness w/ Chuck Frisby

NWF British Tag Team Titles

While Martin Heath & Jon Michael Sharp are The Foundation of the NWF tag team division, the tag team champions had their work cut out in this one – as they gave up a huge size and strength advantage to their opponents. Chuck Frisby was as vocal as ever at ringside, yelling demented exercise instructions at Mark Moore (who Frisby promised he could turn into Mark Less). This greatly annoyed Moore, who pushed Chuck Frisby away as the trainer tried to instigate a set of Push Ups. This seemed to upset Iggy Riot, who immediately got in the sports agents face to intimidate Moore… but Riot missed Martin Heath come flying over the top rope with a Plancha to take out ‘The Human Tank’.

Later in the contest, Jon Michael Sharp attempted a Clothesline on Iggy Riot – but bounced right off ‘The Human Tank’. Riot lifted Sharp high above his head for a Military Press, before throwing Sharp over the top rope… right into Mark Moore at ringside. With Sharp & Moore both down, Chuck Frisby immediately slid into the ring to lead both of his clients in a Front Double Biceps bodybuilder pose for the crowd. Iggy Riot and Dwayne Dark’s poses looked impressive (Chuck’s did not), but none of them saw a recovered Martin Heath climbing to the top rope to hit his hot new move – Rocking The Foundations (Whisper In The Wind)! With Frisby having grouped his clients up nicely, the move connected with all three men at once – sending Frisby and Dark sprawling to the outside! The crowd were on their feet as Heath made the cover, and Iggy Riot was unable to get his massive shoulders off the mat before the three count.

Winners: The Foundation – Title Defence #2

Rating: 61


We cut to a polished, pre-recorded video hyping the Olympia Strength and Conditioning gym.


Stuart Wilson: “Olympia is more than just a name… all of our trainers have reached the very peak of their chosen field. Whether that’s the Olympics, or the World Championships… our trainers have been there and achieved it. Unlike certain other trainers, at Olympia we know that kind of experience isn’t something you can learn in a classroom… or from an online course… and it’s certainly not something you can leech from other people. So if you want to achieve your goals, Olympia is the only place you need to go.”

Rating: 64



‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn w/ Mark Moore VS ‘The Insurance Policy’ JK Lee w/ Mo Adebola

This match came about after JK Lee interfered in Darin Flynn’s title match last month at ‘No Limits’. Two of the best technicians in the NWF, the pair showed good chemistry as opponents as they put on a Technical Masterclass for the crowd. A match dominated by chain wrestling, holds and counterholds, the pair successfully retained the crowds interest throughout the fifteen minutes this match was given. Despite a number of near falls, it was Darin Flynn who was able to lock in his Prodigal Pressure to secure an important victory. After the match, JK Lee looked frustrated in the ring as Mo Adebola abandoned his client to head backstage to prepare for the Main Event.

Winner: ‘The Prodigy’ Darin Flynn

Rating: 68


Next up were the entrances for the Cruiserweight Championship match. Welsh Dragon was out first as the challenger. The former champion looked fired up as he tried to get the crowd behind him, before Damian Dastardly walked out from the back with a pair of scales in hand.


Damian Dastardly: “I’m glad to see you’re fired up tonight Dragon, and I promise you nobody is more excited than I am to get started with our match… but before we kick off there are a few pieces of admin we need to check off first…”

The crowd booed as Dastardly stepped into the ring, and placed the set of scales on the mat.

Damian Dastardly: “According to rule 3b, subsection 7 – at the request of either competitor, a formal weigh in must take place to ensure that both men have met weight at the time of the fight. As champion, I am requesting that we have a weigh in, right here right now!”

Welsh Dragon seemed furious at this, but referee Roy Worrall checked his rulebook (that he carried at all times in the pocket of his ref shirt) and it did indeed state that this was a little used rule. Dastardly grinned as both he and Welsh Dragon were weighed, and both men came in just under the 230lb limit. With that completed, Roy Worrall began the customary foreign object check on both competitors… before Damian Dastardly cut in again.

Damian Dastardly: “Hang on a minute! Why aren’t you checking under that mask? If he wanted to smuggle a weapon into the match, that would be the most obvious place to hide it!”

Welsh Dragon was furious, and the crowd booed loudly. Roy Worrall tried to reason with Dastardly, but the champion wasn’t having any of it – saying there would be no match until Worrall had done the check under Welsh Dragon’s mask. After a few minutes debate, a series of modesty screens were brought out so that the referee could check under Welsh Dragon’s mask without the audience seeing his face. With this final check done, we were finally ready to start…

Rating: 50




Welsh Dragon VS ‘The Diabolic’ Damian Dastardly (C)

NWF Cruiserweight Title

After all of the pre-match shenanigans, Welsh Dragon was absolutely fuming as the bell rang to start the match up. Unfortunately for the Welshman, his anger made him wild and sloppy – allowing his Kiwi opponent to pick him apart with precise and calculated shots. The Welshmans struggles only served to wind the former champion up further, starting a negative spiral that saw Dastardly gain more and more control of the contest – before finally connecting with his Dastardly Cunning (Cross-Rhodes) to secure what turned out to be a routine title defence.

After the match, Dastardly tapped his temple as he was handed his title belt – telling the crowd he had planned this all along. On commentary, Melanie Florence commented she had never seen a wrestler win a match so convincingly before the opening bell had even sounded…

Winner: Damian Dastardly – Title Defence #1

Rating: 52


We cut away to a pre-recorded video package recapping the lead up to Landon Mallory’s upcoming disciplinary hearing.


The video began with footage of Landon Mallory preventing JK Lee from interfering in the Main Event at ‘No Limits’. Having beaten Lee earlier in the night, The Springbok was able to prevent the Insurance Policy from attacking Darin Flynn – but Edison Silva was still ultimately able to retain his title.

Next we cut to the following episode of Nation Wrestling, where Mo Adebola announced that Mallory had been suspended for 90 days.

We cut to the following week with Landon Mallory announcing that he would appeal the decision and challenge Edison Silva at Locked & Loaded… before Marbella informed The Springbok that the appeals process took 30 days, which would take the South African past Locked & Loaded!

With the South African’s hearing only days away, will Mallory be re-instated or will the disciplinary committee uphold his original suspension? We will find out this Wednesday on National Wrestling!

Rating: 78



Bret Heartbreak VS Byron w/ Holly Leves

A lot was riding on this match – if Byron was able to defeat his son, then Bret would have to leave the NWF forever!

A fired up Bret Heartbreak started the match hot. He battered his father with right hands, before showing Byron a few of the tricks he had picked up during his time in Europe – a beautiful European Uppercut was followed by a German Suplex that earned Bret a two. This seemed to shock Byron into action, as the verteran hit back with a German Suplex of his own before ditching the subtleties and using hard right hands to cut his son open. Bleeding heavily, Bret could do nothing to block an Upper Class from Byron that sent Bret slumping to the mat.


The crowd booed as Holly Leves slid into the ring to yell in Bret’s face that he was NOTHING compared to his father. Holly then stood over Bret’s fallen body and pulled Byron in for another of the sloppy, exaggerated make out sessions. This one went on even longer than normal… uncomfortably long in fact… until Bret Heartbreak shocked Byron with a flash roll up from behind! Referee Roy Worrall leapt into action and made a quick three count to hand Bret a shock victory over his father and keep his job in the company!

Immediately after the bell, both Holly & Byron got in the referee’s face and screamed that it was clearly a quick count and that Byron had been screwed out of the match! Melanie Florence screamed bloody murder on commentary, but Jackie pointed out that Roy Worrall had probably seen enough of Holly & Byron kissing and just wanted the match to end…

Winner: Bret Heartbreak

Rating: 44


We cut backstage to the locker room of Leo Price & his Young Lions.


Leo Price told his Young Lions that he had encountered people like Frank Finkleton throughout his career – people who wanted to horde power at the expense of everyone else on the roster. Price told the Young Lions he wished to could step into the ring with them to fight against the power of The Network… but he was too old. Price has done his fighting, and now it’s time for the next generation to step up to the plate! Price wished his young charges luck, and told them it was time to show The Network that they can’t have everything their own way!

Rating: 56


The Young Lions
The Network

While advertised as a traditional six-man tag, this quickly descended into a Wild Brawl as referee Roy Worrall lost all control of proceedings. The action spilled out of the ring to ringside, and who the “legal man” was for either team was anyone’s guess.

The turning point of the match came as The Northern Lights were able to gain the advantage in their brawl with the Black Country Boys, before dumping Mickey Robson through a table at ringside with a Double Spinebuster to take ‘Mighty Meaty’ out of the match.

Back in the ring, Dangermouth had gained the advantage against Big Mac – rocking the big Australian with heavy right hands before nailing his Flatliner (STO)! The referee counted to two, before Riddick Jordan came flying from the top rope to hit a spectacular Diving Headbutt to break up the count! Pulling the Australian on top of Dangermouth, Jordan added his weight to the pinfall to make sure Dangermouth didn’t kick out. Once again The Network had proved their power in numbers…

Winners: The Network (Big Mac & The Northern Lights)

Rating: 59




Leighton Buzzard VS Edison Silva (C) w/ Mo Adebola

NWF British Heavyweight Championship

It was Main Event time, and Leighton Buzzard came out to huge cheers from the crowd – with the NWF faithful desperate to see the British Banger walk away with the big one tonight. Edison Silva and his legal advisor walked out to a chorus of boos, as Mo Adebola carried the British Heavyweight Championship for his client as Silva held a Brazilian flag high above his head – which wound up the crowd even more.

Once the bell rung, Buzzard and Silva showed great chemistry together in the ring in a contest full of changes in momentum that kept the fans on the edge of their seats. Silva thought he had the match won after a hard elbow to the temple looked to have knocked Buzzard out, but the Banger somehow got his shoulder up at two! Silva immediately got into referee Roy Worrall’s face – demanding to know how he hadn’t counted three! This gave Buzzard enough time to recover, and Silva turned back to the ring straight into a picture perfect Dropkick! Bang! And Another!

Leighton Buzzard was pumping now and ducked under a wild Clothesline from the champion, before hitting a spectacular springboard Buzz Off (Diving Tornado DDT) from the middle rope! The crowd were on their feet as Roy Worrall made the count… 1… 2… NO! Edison Silva got his shoulder up from the mat at the last possible moment! The crowd couldn’t believe it, and Mo Adebola looked might relieved at ringside.

With his client in trouble, Mo Adebola surreptitiously slid the British Heavyweight Championship belt into the ring, before hopping onto the apron to get Leighton Buzzard’s attention. The lawyer’s ruse worked, as both the challenger and referee got in Adebola’s face telling him to get down from the apron. Behind them Edison Silva was back to his feet and had the title belt in hand. Mo Adeola grabbed hold of referee Roy Worrall, as Edison Silva hit Leighton Buzzard hard over the head with the title belt! By the time Adebola had released the referee and hopped down from the apron, the title belt was nowhere to be seen and Roy Worrall had no choice but to make the three count and give Edison Silva the win.

Winner: Edison Silva – Title Defence #2

Rating: 69


Jackie Goldstein: “Mo Adebola does it again! His client was on the ropes and looked to be losing his title, only for Adebola to get involved and turn the tides…”

Melanie Florence: “Whatever Edison Silva pays this man it’s not enough! Pay that man double… triple even!”

Jackie Goldstein: “Silva may have got through tonight, but with the results of Landon Mallory’s appeal due before National Wrestling this Wednesday night… the British Heavyweight Champion may not be smiling for long!”

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On 6/9/2024 at 7:01 PM, SomeLazyMagic said:

Any comments or questions on the diary:

I did a rereading over this the other day, and it's been really fun seeing everyone's growth in both character and skill. Your characterization is still without a doubt my favorite part of this diary though, and I love how everyone feels like a working piece of the NWF, no matter how small their role or story is. KUTGW!

Thanks @SomeLazyMagic! I've really focused on the 'TV Show' element of the product throughout the diary, so I'm glad the stories all feel interlinked. After a weird month, some exciting changes are coming - with a roster shake up from the last round of predictions, as well as some new faces. I'm really excited for 2022!

On 6/16/2024 at 2:48 PM, KyTeran said:

Damian's antics before his match with Welsh Dragon was something I didn't see coming but makes complete sense for Damian's character and gave me a good laugh to boot.

Thanks @KyTeran! I think Dastardly's character can lend itself well to silly stuff (like this) and also more serious stuff if he moves to the top of the card. Like Frisby early on in the diary, he's probably the character I have the most ideas for atm.

On 6/16/2024 at 4:29 PM, scapegoat said:

Great show. I also laughed at Damian Dastardlys pre match antics, and I'm glad Bret isn't leaving!

Thanks @scapegoat! The Bret stipulation seemed to throw a few people off. The logic behind it was that Byron would need a reason to give Bret another shot, and the opportunity to take his NWF job away from him after Bret 'abandoned' the EWF to work exclusively in Britain was too much for Byron to pass up. Obviously they now stand 1-1, so expect a rubber match down the line...

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Historic Night at Halloween Horror Show

History was made last night at 21CW’s Halloween Horror Show– as, for the first time in company history, all three title belts changed hands in one night. The first title match of the evening saw Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu defeat defending champions Red Devils and Absolutely Flawless to claim their 5th Tag Team Titles. Then in the Semi-Main Event, Mark Adonis claimed a big victory to upset Jonathan Faust to claim the United Kingdom Title. Finally in the Main Event, Wade Orson defeated Adam Matravers in a Match Of The Year contender to become a 2-Time World Champion and round out a historic show.



SNP Swoop for Mass Hulk & Lone Wolf

After recent negative press following the walk outs of Kitty Katz and Lynton Minehead, SNP owner Mark Carnie looked to change the narrative around the Scottish promotion as he announced two Heavyweight signings. First he announced the addition of Lone Wolf, a National School of Wrestling graduate who spent a year at 21CW before moving the the NWF. The young brawler will now split his time between the NWF and the SNP.  However the marquee signing was the announcement of Mass Hulk. The former 3-time 21CW Tag Team champion will instantly slot in as a Major Star in Scotland, and fans are said to be salivating over a potential feud with current King Of Scotland Edison Silva


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On 6/9/2024 at 4:41 PM, alliegolem said:

If Bret Heartbreak Loses He Leaves The NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves
-Going to this stipulation so early has me worried that Bret got signed elsewhere.

On 6/10/2024 at 10:09 AM, Wrestling Machine said:

If Bret Heartbreak Loses He Leaves The NWF: Bret Heartbreak vs Byron w/ Holly Leves
I could see Bret leaving NWF kayfabe-wise, but let's go with the most logic choice. Also Beauchamp, Drama could show up?

I can see the logic as to why you thought Bret may have left, but as I said above I wanted to give Byron a reason to give Bret another match - as I felt he would have hidden behind his tainted win without added motivation. I've been very surprised by the lack of poaching so far in the save. I'd have expected 21CW to steal a couple of my top guys by now, but nothing as of yet. I was actually looking if I could force the AI to brand split to force a few signings to shake things up but I don't think that's possible.

On 6/9/2024 at 11:16 PM, newbiezness said:

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly (C)

We won't see much more from Welsh Dragon

On 6/10/2024 at 5:21 AM, KyTeran said:

NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Welsh Dragon vs Damian Dastardly (C)

Damian is going to cheat the Dragon out of his treasure.

@KyTeran called it! Expect to see more hi-jinks from Dastardly during his reign as champ! @newbiezness is correct, Welsh Dragon has one more show before he walks out.


Thank you to everyone who commented, predicted and reacted to Locked & Loaded! A perfect score from @KyTeran saw him jump up the leaderboard and finish in a tie for 1st with @newbiezness, with @Wrestling Machine and @lieon02 only one point behind. I'll have to think up a second prize, but KyTeran and newbiezness keep an eye on your inbox over the next few days for your reward.

Thank you to everyone who predicted in this round, and I hope to see you all back for the final round of predictions for 2021!


Prediction Results for Locked & Loaded

@KyTeran 6/6 + 3 Bonus

@newbiezness 6/6 + 2 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 6/6 + 2 Bonus

@lieon02 6/6 + 2 Bonus

@alliegolem 5/6 + 2 Bonus

@smw88 4/6 + 2 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 4/6 + 2 Bonus

@StanMiguel 4/6 + 1 Bonus


Combined Prediction Results

@KyTeran 23/25 + 3 Bonus

@lieon02 24/25 + 2 Bonus

@alliegolem 23/25 + 2 Bonus

@newbiezness 23/25 + 2 Bonus

@smw88 21/25 + 2 Bonus

@Wrestling Machine 21/25 + 2 Bonus

@SomeLazyMagic 18/25 + 2 Bonus

@scapegoat 18/19

@StanMiguel 13/20 + 1 Bonus

@Herrbear 6/9

@CGN91 4/5


Predictions for National Wrestling Episode 53

Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

??? vs Stuart Wilson

The British Bangers (Buzzard & Taypen) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

The Merseyside Party Animals (Rave, Trance & Jaunt) vs School of Wrestling (Aurelian Bradley, Toxic & Ron Gibson)

Landon Mallory vs Padraig O'Hearne


Note: Jaunt is the ring name of Jaunty Rhodes from the default C-Verse


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Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs State of Mind (Brilliant White & Ultra Violence)

Welsh Dragon eats the pin and puts State Of Mind over. Good booking!

??? vs Stuart Wilson

I can't think of someone to defeat Stuart Wilson plus he might be a local talent

The British Bangers (Buzzard & Taypen) vs Judokas (Glen Ward & Gavin Owen)

The British Bangers destroy Ward and Owen

The Merseyside Party Animals (Rave, Trance & Jaunt) vs School of Wrestling (Aurelian Bradley, Toxic & Ron Gibson)

You'll Never Walk Alone would be their entrance if it was my diary LOL

Landon Mallory vs Padraig O'Hearne

No need further explanation

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